references - springer978-3-662-21647-7/1.pdf · references basmajian jv, lovejoy jf ... platzer w...

References Basmajian JV, Lovejoy JF (1971) Functions of the popliteus muscle in man. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 53 A, 3: 557-562 Basmajian JV (1975) Grant's method of anatomy. 9th edn. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore Bojsen-M011er F, Flagstad KE (1976) Plantar aponeurosis and internal architecture of the ball of the foot. J Anat 121, 3:599-611 Brantigan OC, Voshell AF (1943) The tibial collateral liga- ment: its function, its bursae and its relation to the medial meniscus. J Bone Joint Surg 25, 1: 121-131 Cailliet R (1976) L'epaule. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan Cailliet R (1976) Le genou. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan Cailliet R (1976) Le pied. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan Cailliet R (1978) La main. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan Castaing J, Soutoul JH (1967) Atlas de coupes anatomiques. Tome I: Membre superieur. Maloine, Paris Castaing J, Soutoul JH (1967) Tome II: Membre inferieur. Maloine, Paris Cleland FRS (1878) On the cutaneous ligaments of the phalan- ges. J Anat Physiol 12: 526-527 De La Caffiniere JY (1970) L'articulation trapezo-metacar- pienne. Approche biomecanique et appareil ligamentaire. Arch Anat Pathol 18, 4: 277-284 Dujarier CH (1905) Anatomie des membres. Steinheil, Paris Eaton RG, Littler JW (1969) A study of the basal joint of the thumb. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 51 A, 4:661-668 Fischer LP, Guyot J, Gonon GP, Carret JP, Courcelles P, Dahhan P (1978) Du role des muscles et des ligaments dans Ie controle de la stabilite du genou. Anat Clin 1, 1 :43-53 Hastings DE (1978) The knee: ligament and articular cartilage injuries. Progress in orthopaedic surgery, Vol 3. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York Henke W (1884) Topographische Anatomie des Menschen in Abbildung und Beschreibung. Hirschwald, Berlin Hughston JC, Eilers AF (1973) The role of the posterior ob- lique ligament in repairs of acute medial (collateral) liga- ment tears of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 55 A, 5: 923- 940 Kahle W, Leonhardt H, Platzer W (1978) Anatomie. Tome 1 : Appareil locomoteur. Flammarion, Paris Kapandji IA (1970) Physiologie articulaire. Membre inferieur. Maloine, Paris Kapandji IA (1971) Physiologie articulaire. Membre superieur. Maloine, Paris Kapandji IA (1988) Biomecanique du carpe et du poignet. Sem. Hop. Paris, 64(3): 187-209 Kuczynsli K (1978) The proximal interphalangeal joint. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 50 B, 3: 656-663 Landsmeer JMF (1949) Anatomy of the dorsal aponeurosis of the human finger, and its functional significance. Anat Rec 104:35-45 Lanz T von, Wachsmuth W (1959) Praktische Anatomie. 2. Aufl, Bd 1/3: Arm. Springer, Berlin G6ttingen Heidelberg Lanz T von, Wachsmuth W (1972) Praktische Anatomie. 2. Aufl, Bd 1/4: Bein und Statik. Springer, Berlin G6ttingen Heidelberg Lewis OJ, Hamshere RJ, Bucknill TM (1970) The anatomy of the wrist joint. J Anat 106, 3: 539-552 Marshall JL, Girgis FG, Zelko RR (1972) The biceps femoris tendon and its functional significance. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 54A, 7: 1444-1450 Mayfield JK, Johnson RP, Kilcoyne RF (1976) The ligaments of the human wrist and their functional significance. Anat Rec 186, 3: 417-428 Mc Minn RMH, Hutchings RT (1977) A colour atlas of human anatomy. Wolfe Medical, London, p 352 Paturet G (1951) Traite d'anatomie humaine. Tome II: Membres superieur et inferieur. Masson, Paris Poirier P, Charpy A (1899) Traite d'anatomie humaine. Tome 1, deuxieme edition. Masson, Paris Rabischong P (1971) Les problemes fondamentaux du reta- blissement de la prehension. Ann Chir 25, 19/20: 927- 933 Sick H, Burguet JL (1988) Atlas de coupes seriees de la region du genou. Bergmann, Miinchen Slocum DB, Larson RL (1968) Rotatory instability of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]50A, 2:211-225 Sobotta J (1977) Atlas d'anatomie humaine. In: Gouaze A, Baumann JA, Dhem A (eds) Tome 1: Regions, osteologie, ligaments et articulations, myologie. Maloine, Paris Sobotta J (1977) Atlas d'anatomie humaine. In: Gouaze A, Baumann JA, Dhem A (eds) Tome 4: Nomenclature anato- mique franc;aise redigee par Barone R. Maloine, Paris Stoller DW (1989) Magnetic resonance imaging in orthopaedics and rheumatology. J.B. Lippincott Comp., Philadelphia Townley CO (1950) The capsular mechanism in recurrent dislo- cation of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 33 A, 2: 370- 380 Trillat A, Leclerc-Chalvet F (1973) Luxation recidivante de l'epaule. Masson, Paris Verdan CL (1976) Chirurgie des tendons de la main. Monogra- phies du groupe d'etude de la main 8. Expansion scienti- fique franc;aise, Paris 247

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Basmajian JV, Lovejoy JF (1971) Functions of the popliteus muscle in man. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 53 A, 3: 557-562

Basmajian JV (1975) Grant's method of anatomy. 9th edn. Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore

Bojsen-M011er F, Flagstad KE (1976) Plantar aponeurosis and internal architecture of the ball of the foot. J Anat 121, 3:599-611

Brantigan OC, Voshell AF (1943) The tibial collateral liga­ment: its function, its bursae and its relation to the medial meniscus. J Bone Joint Surg 25, 1: 121-131

Cailliet R (1976) L'epaule. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan

Cailliet R (1976) Le genou. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan

Cailliet R (1976) Le pied. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan

Cailliet R (1978) La main. Masson, Paris New York Barcelone Milan

Castaing J, Soutoul JH (1967) Atlas de coupes anatomiques. Tome I: Membre superieur. Maloine, Paris

Castaing J, Soutoul JH (1967) Tome II: Membre inferieur. Maloine, Paris

Cleland FRS (1878) On the cutaneous ligaments of the phalan­ges. J Anat Physiol 12: 526-527

De La Caffiniere JY (1970) L'articulation trapezo-metacar­pienne. Approche biomecanique et appareil ligamentaire. Arch Anat Pathol 18, 4: 277-284

Dujarier CH (1905) Anatomie des membres. Steinheil, Paris Eaton RG, Littler JW (1969) A study of the basal joint of

the thumb. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 51 A, 4:661-668 Fischer LP, Guyot J, Gonon GP, Carret JP, Courcelles P,

Dahhan P (1978) Du role des muscles et des ligaments dans Ie controle de la stabilite du genou. Anat Clin 1, 1 :43-53

Hastings DE (1978) The knee: ligament and articular cartilage injuries. Progress in orthopaedic surgery, Vol 3. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg New York

Henke W (1884) Topographische Anatomie des Menschen in Abbildung und Beschreibung. Hirschwald, Berlin

Hughston JC, Eilers AF (1973) The role of the posterior ob­lique ligament in repairs of acute medial (collateral) liga­ment tears of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 55 A, 5: 923-940

Kahle W, Leonhardt H, Platzer W (1978) Anatomie. Tome 1 : Appareil locomoteur. Flammarion, Paris

Kapandji IA (1970) Physiologie articulaire. Membre inferieur. Maloine, Paris

Kapandji IA (1971) Physiologie articulaire. Membre superieur. Maloine, Paris

Kapandji IA (1988) Biomecanique du carpe et du poignet. Sem. Hop. Paris, 64(3): 187-209

Kuczynsli K (1978) The proximal interphalangeal joint. J Bone Joint Surg [Br] 50 B, 3: 656-663

Landsmeer JMF (1949) Anatomy of the dorsal aponeurosis of the human finger, and its functional significance. Anat Rec 104:35-45

Lanz T von, Wachsmuth W (1959) Praktische Anatomie. 2. Aufl, Bd 1/3: Arm. Springer, Berlin G6ttingen Heidelberg

Lanz T von, Wachsmuth W (1972) Praktische Anatomie. 2. Aufl, Bd 1/4: Bein und Statik. Springer, Berlin G6ttingen Heidelberg

Lewis OJ, Hamshere RJ, Bucknill TM (1970) The anatomy of the wrist joint. J Anat 106, 3: 539-552

Marshall JL, Girgis FG, Zelko RR (1972) The biceps femoris tendon and its functional significance. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 54A, 7: 1444-1450

Mayfield JK, Johnson RP, Kilcoyne RF (1976) The ligaments of the human wrist and their functional significance. Anat Rec 186, 3: 417-428

Mc Minn RMH, Hutchings RT (1977) A colour atlas of human anatomy. Wolfe Medical, London, p 352

Paturet G (1951) Traite d'anatomie humaine. Tome II: Membres superieur et inferieur. Masson, Paris

Poirier P, Charpy A (1899) Traite d'anatomie humaine. Tome 1, deuxieme edition. Masson, Paris

Rabischong P (1971) Les problemes fondamentaux du reta­blissement de la prehension. Ann Chir 25, 19/20: 927-933

Sick H, Burguet JL (1988) Atlas de coupes seriees de la region du genou. Bergmann, Miinchen

Slocum DB, Larson RL (1968) Rotatory instability of the knee. J Bone Joint Surg [Am]50A, 2:211-225

Sobotta J (1977) Atlas d'anatomie humaine. In: Gouaze A, Baumann JA, Dhem A (eds) Tome 1: Regions, osteologie, ligaments et articulations, myologie. Maloine, Paris

Sobotta J (1977) Atlas d'anatomie humaine. In: Gouaze A, Baumann JA, Dhem A (eds) Tome 4: Nomenclature anato­mique franc;aise redigee par Barone R. Maloine, Paris

Stoller DW (1989) Magnetic resonance imaging in orthopaedics and rheumatology. J.B. Lippincott Comp., Philadelphia

Townley CO (1950) The capsular mechanism in recurrent dislo­cation of the shoulder. J Bone Joint Surg [Am] 33 A, 2: 370-380

Trillat A, Leclerc-Chalvet F (1973) Luxation recidivante de l'epaule. Masson, Paris

Verdan CL (1976) Chirurgie des tendons de la main. Monogra­phies du groupe d'etude de la main n° 8. Expansion scienti­fique franc;aise, Paris


Vilain R (1971) Traumatismes osteo-articulaires de la main. Monographies du groupe d'etude de la main n° 4. Expan­sion scientifique franc;aise, Paris

Warwick R (1977) Nomina Anatomica. 4th edn. Excerpta me­dica, Amsterdam Oxford

Warwick R, Williams PL (1973) Gray's anatomy. 35th edn. Longman, London Edinburgh

Winckler G (1964) Manuel d'anatomie topographique et fonc­tionnelle. Masson, Paris


Woerdeman MW (1948) Atlas of human anatomy. Vol I: Lo­comotor apparatus. Wetenschappelijke Uitgeverij, Amster­dam

Woodburne RT (1978) Essentials of human anatomy. 6th edn. Oxford University Press, New York London Toronto

Zuckerman CB (1963) A new system of anatomy. Oxford Uni­versity Press, London New Yark Toronto

International Anatomical Nomenclature

Acetabulum (acetabulum) Acromion (acromion) Aponeurosis extensoris dorsalis digiti (interosseous hood or

dorsal digital expansion of finger) Aponeurosis musculi bicipitis brachii (bicipital aponeurosis) - palmaris (palmar aponeurosis) - plantaris (plantar aponeurosis) Area intercondylaris anterior tibiae (anterior intercondylar

area of tibia) - - posterior tibiae (posterior intercondylar area of tibia) Arteria brachialis (brachial artery) - digitalis palmaris propria (palmar digital artery) - femoralis (femoral artery) - genu inferior lateralis (lateral inferior genicular artery) - poplitea (popliteal artery) - radialis (radial artery) - radialis indicis (radialis indicis artery) - ulnaris (ulnar artery) Articulatio (joint) - acromioclavicularis (acromioclavicular joint) - calcaneocuboidea (calcaneocuboid joint) - carpometacarpea (carpometacarpal joint) - - pollicis (carpometacarpal joint of the thumb) - coxae (hip joint) - cubiti (elbow joint) - genus (knee joint) - humeri (shoulder joint) - humeroradialis (humeroradial joint) - humero-ulnaris (humero-ulnar joint) - intercarpeae (intercarpal joint) - intermetatarsea (intermetatarsaljoint) - interphalangea manus (interphalangeal joint of fingers) - - pedis (interphalangeal joint of toes) - intertarseae (tarsal joints) - mediocarpea (midcarpal joint) - metacarpophalangea (metacarpophalangeal joint) - metatarsophalangea (metatarsophalangeal joint) - radiocarpea (radiocarpal joint) - radio-ulnaris distalis (distal radio-ulnar joint) - - proximalis (proximal radio-ulnar joint) - scapulothoracica (scapulothoracic joint) - sternoclavicularis (sternoclavicular joint) - sternocostalis (sternocostal joint) - subtalaris (subtalar joint) - talocalcanea (talocalcanean joint or subtalar joint) - talocalcaneonavicularis (talocalcaneonavicular joint) - talocruralis (ankle joint or talocrural joint) - tarsi transversa (transverse tarsal joint) - tarsometatarseae (tarsometatarsal joints) - tibiofibularis distal is (distal tibiofibular joint) - tibiofibularis proximalis (proximal tibiofibular joint)

Bursa iliopectinea (iliac bursa) - infrapatellaris profunda (infrapatellar deep bursa) - metatarsophalangea (metatarsal bursa) - subcutanea olecrani (olecranon bursa) - subdeltoidea (subdeltoid bursa) - subtendinea musculi subscapularis (subscapularis bursa) - suprapatellaris (suprapatellar bursa) - tendinis calcanei (bursa of tendo calcaneus)

Calcaneus (calcaneus) Canalis carpi (carpal tunnel) Capitulum humeri (capitulum) Capsula (capsule) Caput (head) - ossis femoris (head of femur) - humeri (head of humerus) - radii (head of radius) Cartilago costae ( costal cartilage) Cavitas glenoidalis (glenoid cavity) Chorda obliqua (oblique cord) Circumferentia articularis radii (articular circumference of ra-

dius) Clavicula (clavicle) Collum ossis femoris (neck of femur) - radii (neck of radius) Condylus lateralis ossis femoris (lateral condyle of femur) - medialis ossis femoris (medial condyle of femur) Conexus intertendinei (intertendinous connections) Corpus adiposum infrapatellare (infrapatellar pad of fat) Corpus adiposum subachilleum (Pre-Achilles fat pad) Crista intertrochanteric a (intertrochanteric crest)

Discus articularis articulationis acromioclavicularis (articular disc of acromioclavicular joint)

- - - radio-ulnaris distalis (articular disc of distal radio-ul­nar joint)

- - - sternoclavicularis (articular disc of sternoclavicular joint)

Eminentia iliopubica (iliopubic eminence) - intercondylaris tibiae (intercondylar eminence of tibia) Epicondylus lateralis humeri (lateral epicondyle of humerus) - medialis humeri (medial epicondyle of humerus) - lateralis ossis femoris (lateral epicondyle of femur) - medialis ossis femoris (medial epicondyle of femur)

Facies lunata ossis coxae (lunate surface of hip bone) - patellaris (patellar surface) - poplitea ossis femoris (popliteal surface of femur) Fascia antebrachii (antebrachial fascia) - cruris (fascia cruris)


Fibrocartilago palmaris (palmar plate) - plantaris (plantar plate) Fibula (fibula) Fossa acetabuli (acetabular fossa) - coronoidea (coronoid fossa) - intercondylaris ossis femoris (intercondylar notch of femur) - olecrani ( olecranon fossa) - radialis (radial fossa) - subscapularis (subscapular fossa) Fovea capitis ossis femoris (fovea capitis of femur) - capitis radii (radial notch of ulna)

Hamulus ossis hamati (hook of hamate bone)

Labrum acetabulare (acetabular labrum) - glenoidale (glenoid labrum) Ligamentum (ligament) - acromioclaviculare (acromioclavicular ligament) - anulare radii (annular ligament of radius) - bifurcatum (bifurcated ligament) -- - pars calcaneona vicularis (calcaneona vicular part) - - pars calcaneocuboidea (calcaneocuboid part) - calcaneocuboideum dorsale (dorsal calcaneocuboid liga-

ment) - - plantare (plantar calcaneocuboid ligament or short plan-

tar ligament) - calcaneofibulare (calcaneofibular ligament) - calcaneometatarsale (calcaneometatarsal ligament) - calcaneonaviculare dorsale (dorsal calcaneonavicular liga-

ment) - - plantare (plantar calcaneonavicular ligament) - capitis femoris (ligament of head of femur) - - fibulae anterius (anterior ligament of head of fibula) - - - posterius (posterior ligament of head of fibula) - carpi radiatum (radiate carpal ligament or palmar intercar-

pal ligament) - carpometacarpea dorsalia (dorsal ligaments of carpometa­

carpal joints) - carpometacarpeum dorsale pollicis (dorsal ligament of the

carpometacarpal joint of the thumb) - - latera Ie pollicis (lateral ligament of the carpometacarpal

joint of the thumb) - - palmare pollicis (palmar ligament of the carpometacar­

pal joint of the thumb) - collaterale carpi radiale (radial collateral ligament of radio­

carpal joint) - - - ulnare (ulnar collateral ligament of radiocarpal joint) - - fibulare articulationis genus (fibular collateral ligament

of knee joint) - - tibiale articulationis genus (tibial collateral ligament of

knee joint) - - radiale articulationis cubiti (radial collateral ligament of

elbow joint) - - ulnare articulationis cubiti (ulnar collateral ligament of

elbow joint) - - radiale articulationis intercarpeae (radial collateral liga­

ment of midcarpal joint) - - ulnare articulationis intercarpeae (ulnar collateralliga­

ment of midcarpal joint) - - radiale articulationis interphalangeae digitorum manus

(radial collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of fin­gers)


Ligamentum collaterale ulnare articulationis interphalangeae digitorum manus (ulnar collateral ligament of inter­phalangeal joint of fingers)

- - radiale articulationis metacarpophalangeae digitorum manus (radial collateral ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of fingers)

- - ulnare articulationis metacarpophalangeae digitorum manus (collateral ulnar ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint of fingers)

- collateralia articulationis interphalangeae digitorum pedis (collateral ligaments of interphalangeal joint of toes)

- - articulationis metatarsophalangeae (collateral ligaments of metatarsophalangeal joint)

- conoideum (conoid ligament) - coraco-acromiale (coraco-acromialligament) - coracocla vi cui are ( coracoclavicular ligament) - coracohumerale (coracohumeral ligament) - coronarium (coronary ligament) - costoclaviculare (costoclavicular ligament) - - anterior lamina (anterior lamina) - - posterior lamina (posterior lamina) - cruciatum anterius (anterior cruciate ligament) - - posterius (posterior cruciate ligament) - cuboid eo naviculare dorsale (dorsal cuboideonavicular

ligament) - cuboideonaviculare plantare (plantar cuboideonavicular

ligament) - cuneocuboideum dorsale (dorsal cuneocuboid ligament) - - plantare (plantar cuneocuboid ligament) - cuneometatarsea plantaria (plantar cuneometatarsal liga-

ments) - cuneonaviculare dorsale (dorsal cuneonavicular ligament) - - plantare (plantar cuneonavicular ligament) - deltoideum (deltoid ligament) - - pars tibiocalcanea (tibiocalcanean part) - - pars tibionavicularis (tibionavicular part) - - pars tibiotalaris posterior (posterior tibiotalar part) - glenohumeralia (glenohumeral ligaments) - iliofemorale (iliofemoral ligament) - - pars lateralis (lateral band) - - pars medialis (medial band) - iliolumbale (iliolumbar ligament) - intercarpea dorsalia (dorsal ligaments of midcarpal joint) - - interossea (interosseous ligaments of carpus) - interclaviculare (interclavicular ligament) - intercuneiformia dorsalia (intercuneiform dorsal ligaments) - ischiofemorale (ischiofemoral ligament) - longitudinale anterius (anterior longitudinal ligament) - meniscofemorale anterius (anterior meniscofemoral liga-

ment) - - posterius (posterior meniscofemoral ligament) - metacarpea dorsalia (dorsal intermetacarpalligaments) - - interossea (interosseous ligaments of metacarpus) - - palma ria (palmar intermetacarpalligaments) - metacarpeum transversum profundum (deep transverse me-

tacarpal ligament) - - - superficiale (superficial transverse metacarpal liga-

ment) - meta tar sea dorsalia (dorsal intermetatarsalligaments) - - interossea (interosseous intermetatarsalligaments) - - plantaria (plantar intermetatarsalligaments) - mucosum (infra patellar fold)

Ligamentum patellae (patellar ligament) - pisohamatum (pisohamate ligament) - pisometacarpeum (pisometacarpalligament) - plantare longum (long plantar ligament) - popliteum arcuatum (arcuate popliteal ligament) - - obliquum (oblique popliteal ligament) - pubofemorale (pubofemoral ligament) - quadratum (quadrate ligament) - radiocarpeum dorsale (dorsal radiocarpal ligament) - - palmare (palmar radiocarpal ligament) - sacro-iliacum dorsale (dorsal sacro-iliac ligament) - - - ventrale (ventral sacro-iliac ligament) - sacrospinale (sacrospinous ligament) - sacrotuberale (sacrotuberous ligament) - sternoclaviculare anterius (anterior sternoclavicular liga-

ment) - talocalcaneum interosseum (interosseous talocalcanean

ligament) - - laterale (lateral talocalcanean ligament) - talofibulare anterius (anterior talofibular ligament) - - posterius (posterior talofibular ligament) - talonaviculare (talonavicular ligament) - tarsometatarsale dorsale (dorsal tarsometatarsal ligament) - tibiofibulare anterius (anterior tibiofibular ligament) - - posterius (posterior tibiofibular ligament) - transversum acetabuli (transverse ligament of acetabulum) - - humeri (transverse humeral ligament) - - genus (transverse ligament of knee joint) - - scapulae inferius (inferior transverse scapular ligament) - - - superius (superior transverse scapular ligament) - trapezoideum (trapezoid ligament) - ulnocarpeum palmare (palmar ulnocarpal ligament)

Manubrium (manubrium) Membrana interossea antebrachii (interosseous membrane, of

forearm) - - cruris (interosseous membrane, of leg) - obturatoria (obturator membrane) Meniscus lateralis (lateral meniscus, of knee) - medialis (medial meniscus, of knee) Musculus (muscle) - abductor digiti minimi manus (abductor digiti minimi

muscle, of hand) - - - - pedis (abductor digiti minimi muscle, of foot) - - hallucis (abductor hallucis muscle) - - pollicis brevis (abductor pollicis brevis muscle) - - - longus (abductor pollicis longus musle) - adductor hallucis (adductor hallucis muscle) - - - caput obliquum (oblique part) - - brevis (adductor brevis muscle) - - magnus (adductor magnus muscle) - - pollicis (adductor pollicis muscle) - - - caput obliquum (oblique part) - - - caput transversum (transverse part) - anconeus (anconeus muscle) - biceps brachii (biceps brachii muscle) - - - caput longum (long head) - biceps femoris (biceps femoris muscle) - brachialis (brachialis muscle) - brachioradialis (brachioradialis muscle) - coracobrachialis (coracobrachialis muscle) - deltoideus ( deltoid muscle)

Musculus extensor carpi radialis brevis (extensor carpi radialis brevis muscle)

- - - - longus (extensor carpi radialis longus muscle) - - ulnaris (extensor carpi ulnaris muscle) - - digiti minimi (extensor digiti minimi muscle) - - digitorum (extensor digitorum muscle) - - - brevis (extensor digitorum brevis muscle) - - - longus (extensor digitorum longus muscle) - - hallucis brevis (extensor hallucis brevis muscle) - - - longus (extensor hallucis longus muscle) - - indicis (extensor indicis muscle) - - pollicis brevis (extensor pollicis brevis muscle) - - - longus (extensor pollicis longus muscle) - flexor carpi radialis (flexor carpi radialis muscle) - - - ulnaris (flexor carpi ulnaris muscle) - - digiti minimi manus (flexor digiti minimi muscle, of

hand) - - digitorum brevis (flexor digitorum brevis muscle) - - - longus (flexor digitorum longus muscle) - - - profundus (flexor digitorum profundus muscle) - - - superficial is (flexor digitorum superficialis muscle) - - hallucis brevis (flexor hallucis brevis muscle) - - - longus (flexor hallucis longus muscle) - - pollicis brevis (flexor pollicis brevis muscle) - - - longus (flexor pollicis longus muscle) - gastrocnemius (gastrocnemius muscle) - - caput latera Ie (lateral head) - - caput mediale (medial head) - gluteus maximus (gluteus maximus muscle) - - medius (gluteus medius muscle) - - minimus (gluteus minimus muscle) - gracilis (gracilis muscle) - iliacus (iliacus muscle) - infraspinatus (infraspinatus muscle) - interossei dorsales manus (dorsal interossei muscles, of

hand) - latissimus dorsi (latissimus dorsi muscle) - lumbricales manus (lumbricales muscles, of hand) - obturator externus (obturator externus muscle) - - internus (obturator internus muscle) - opponens digiti minimi manus (opponens digiti minimi

muscle, of hand) - - pollicis (opponens pollicis muscle) - palmaris brevis (palmaris brevis muscle) - - longus (palmaris longus muscle) - pectineus (pectineus muscle) - pectoralis major (pectoralis major muscle) - - minor (pectoralis minor muscle) - peroneus brevis (peroneus brevis muscle) - - longus (peroneus longus muscle) - piriformis (piriformis muscle) - plantaris (plantaris muscle) - popliteus (popliteus muscle) - pronator quadratus (pronator quadratus muscle) - - teres (pronator teres muscle) - psoas major (psoas major muscle) - quadriceps femoris (quadriceps femoris muscle) - rectus femoris (rectus femoris muscle) - rhomboideus (rhomboideus muscle) - sartorius (sartorius muscle) - semimembranosus (semimembranosus muscle) - semitendinosus (semitendinosus muscle)


Musculus serratus anterior (serratus anterior muscle) - soleus (soleus muscle) - sternocleidomastoideus (sternocleidomastoid muscle) - subclavius (subclavius muscle) - subscapularis (subscapularis muscle) - supinator (supinator muscle) - supraspinatus (supraspinatus muscle) - tensor fasciae latae (tensor fasciae latae muscle) - teres major (teres major muscle) - - minor (teres minor muscle) - tibialis anterior (tibialis anterior muscle) - - posterior (tibialis posterior muscle) - trapezius (trapezius muscle) - triceps brachii (triceps brachii muscle) - - caput laterale (lateral head) - - caput longum (long head) - vastus lateralis (vastus lateralis muscle) - - medialis (vastus medialis muscle)

Nervus (nerve) - digitalis palmaris proprius (palmar digital nerve) - ischiadicus (sciatic nerve) - medianus (median nerve) - peroneus communis (common peroneal nerve) - radialis (radial nerve) - - ramus profundus nervi radialis (deep branch, of radial

nerve) - suprascapularis (suprascapular nerve) - tibialis (tibial nerve) - ulnaris ( ulnar nerve) - - ramus profundus nervi ulnaris (deep branch, of ulnar


Olecranon (olecranon) Os (bone) - capitatum (capitate bone) - carpi ( carpus) - coccygis (coccyx) - coxae (hip bone) - cuboideum (cuboid bone) - cuneiforme intermedium (intermediate cuneiform bone) - - latera Ie (lateral cuneiform bone) - - mediale (medial cuneiform bone) - femoris (femur) - hamatum (hamate bone) - ilium (ilium) - ischii (ischium) - lunatum (lunate bone) - metacarpalia (metacarpal bones) - metatarsalia (metatarsal bones) - naviculare (navicular bone) - pisiforme (pisiform bone) - pubis (pubis) - sacrum (sacrum) - scaphoideum (scaphoid bone) - sesamoideum (sesamoid bone) - trapezium (trapezium bone) - trapezoideum (trapezoid bone) - triquetrum (triquetral bone)


Patella (patella) Pes anserinus superficialis (pes anserinus superficialis) - - profundus (pes anserinus profundus) Phalanges manus (phalanges, of fingers) - pedis (phalanges, of toes) Plexus brachialis (brachial plexus) Plica alaris (alar fold of knee joint) - synovia lis infrapatellaris (infra patellar fold) Processus coracoideus (coracoid process) - coronoideus (coronoid process) - styloideus radii (styloid process, of radius) - - ulnae (styloid process of ulna) Pulvinar acetabuli (pulvinar acetabuli)

Radius (radius) Recessus sacciformis articulationis cubiti (sacciform recess, of

elbow joint) - - - radio-ulnaris distalis (sacciform recess, of distal radio-

ulnar joint) Retinaculum - extensorum (extensor retinaculum) - flexorum (flexor retinaculum) - - lamina profunda (deep lamina) - - lamina superficialis (superficial lamina) - musculi extenso rum inferius (inferior extensor retinaculum) - - - superius (superior extensor retinaculum) - - flexorum (flexor retinaculum of ankle) - - peroneorum inferius (inferior peroneal retinaculum) - - - superius (superior peroneal retinaculum) - - poplitei (retinaculum of the popliteus muscle) - patellae longitudinale laterale (lateral longitudinal patellar

retinaculum) - - - mediale (medial longitudinal patellar retinaculum) - tendinis musculi flexoris hallucis longi (flexor hallucis lon-

gus tendon retinaculum)

Scapula (scapula) Sinus tarsi (tarsal sinus) Spa tium in terserratosca pulare (interserra tosca pular space) - interserratothoracicum (interserratothoracic space) Spina ischiadica (ischial spine) - scapulae (spine of scapula) Sternum (sternum) Sulcus intertubercularis (intertubercular sulcus) Symphysis pubica (pubic symphysis) - sterni (manubriosternal joint) Syndesmosis tibiofibularis (distal tibiofibular joint)

Talus (talus) Tendo calcaneus (tendo calcaneus) - musculi extensoris digitorum (extensor tendon of fingers) - - tractus lateralis aponeurosis dorsalis extensoris (lateral

band, of extensor tendon) - - - medialis aponeurosis dorsalis extensoris (medial band,

of extensor tendon) - - recti femoris (rectus femoris tendon) - - - tendo rectus (straight tendon) - - - tendo reflectus (reflected tendon) - - semimembranosi (pes anserinus profundus) (semimem-

branosus tendon) - - - tendo tibialis (tibial tendon)

Tibia (tibia) Tractus iliotibialis (iliotibial tract) Trochanter major (greater trochanter) - minor (lesser trochanter) Trochlea humeri (trochlea of humerus) Tuber calcanei (tuber calcanei) Tuberculum tractus iliotibialis (tubercle of Gerdy) - humeri major (greater tubercle, of humerus) - - minor (lesser tubercle, of humerus) Tuber ischiadicum (ischial tuberosity) Tuberositas tibiae (tuberosity of tibia)

Ulna (ulna)

Vagina fibrosa digitorum manus (digital fibrous sheath, of hand)

- - pars anularis (annular part) - pars cruciformis (cruciate part) - pars obliquus (oblique part) - - - pedis (fibrous digital sheath of foot) - synovialis digitorum manus (digital synovial sheath, of

hand) - - tendinis musculi hallucis longi (fibrous sheath, of flexor

hallucis longus tendon) Vasa axillares (axillary vessels) - tibiales posteriores (posterior tibial vessels) Vena femoralis (femoral vein) - poplitea (popliteal vein) Vinculum breve (vinculum breve)

Zona orbicularis (zona orbicularis)


Subject Index

Acetabulum 1, 19 Acromion 113-117,119,125,131-135 Aponeurosis, bicipital 143 -, palmar 193, 201 -, plantar 58,81,97,99, 107 Arch, longitudinal, lateral, of foot 58,

99 -, -, medial, of foot 58, 97 Area, intercondylar, anterior, of tibia

21,45 - - posterior, of tibia 21, 45 Artery, brachial 163,165,169,171 -, digital, palmar 233 -, femoral 17, 33 -, lateral inferior genicular 37 -, popliteal 53-57 -, radial 217 -, radialis indicis 233 -, ulnar 193, 199 Attachment of popliteus tendon to lateral

meniscus, see retinaculum musculi poplitei.

Bursa, iliac 1, 9 -, infrapatellar, deep 53, 55 -, metatarsal 107 -, olecranon 165 -, subdeltoid 137, 139 -, subscapularis 108, 129 -, suprapatellar 53, 55 -, of tendo calcaneus 79

Calcaneus 58-65, 69-77, 83-89, 93-99

Capitate bone 173,175,179-183,187, 189, 199, 203, 205

Capitulum 140, 141, 145, 161, 163, 167, 171

Capsule - of acromioclavicular joint 117, 119 - of carpometacarpal joint of thumb

203,205 - of elbow joint 140, 145-155, 161-167 - of hip joint 1, 15 - of interphalangeal joints of fingers

229 - of knee joint 25-29, 35, 43, 55 - of metacarpophalangeal joints 213,


- of shoulder joint 108,121,123, 127-131, 135, 137

Carpal tunnel 199 Carpus 173, 175, 190 Cartilage, costal 111, 113 Cavity, glenoid 108, 119, 127, 139 Circumference, articular, of radius 141 Clavicle 109-115,117,119,131,133,

137 Coccyx 11 Condyle, lateral, of femur 20, 23, 35-41,

43, 47, 51, 57 -, medial, of femur 20-23,47,51,57 Connections, intertendinous 177 Cord, oblique 141, 149 Crest, intertrochanteric 11, 13 Cuboid bone 58, 63-67, 75, 77, 83-99 Cuff, rotator, of shoulder joint 108, 133 Cuneiform bone, intermediate 58, 63,

65, 75, 77, 83-97 - -, lateral 58, 63, 65, 75, 77, 83-99 - -, medial 58, 67, 69, 75, 83-95

Disc, articular, of acromioclavicular joint 109,117,119,131

-, -, of distal radio-ulnar joint 141, 173, 183, 187,217

-, -, of sternoclavicular joint 111, 113

Eminence, iliopubic 9 -, intercondylar, of tibia 47 Epicondyle, lateral, of femur 39 -, -, of humerus 140, 143-151, 157, 159,

163 -, medial, of femur 29-33 -, -, of humerus 140, 143-147, 151, 155,

163 Expansion, dorsal digital, of finger 221,


Fascia, antebrachial 193 -, of Cleland 237 -, cruris 23, 35, 37 Fat pad, of elbow joint 165-167 - -, infrapatellar 39, 53-57 - -, Pre-Achilles 93 Femur 5,7,17, 19,53,55 Fibula 25, 39-43, 49, 51, 61-65, 71-77,

85, 87, 93 Fold, alar, of knee joint 53

-, infrapatellar, see ligamentum mucosum Fossa, acetabular 15, 17 -, coronoid 145 -, olecranon 151 -, radial 145 -, subscapular 127, 131 Fovea capitis 15

Groove, bicipital 139 -, for flexor tendons of fingers 227, 229

Hamate bone 173,175,179-183,187, 199

Head, of femur 1, 15 -,of humerus 108,109,121,123,131,

139 -, of radius 140, 141, 161, 167, 169 Hip bone 5 Hood, interosseous 221 Hook of hamate 187, 197

Ilium 7, 11, 13 Ischium 7

Joint -, acromioclavicular 108, 109, 113-119,

131 -, ankle (talocrural) 59-73 -, calcaneocuboid 59 -, carpometacarpal 175,179-183,191 -, - (or basal), of thumb 181, 183, 191,

203-207 -, elbow 140, 143-165 -, glenohumeral (scapulohumeral) 108,

109 -, hip 1, 19 -, humeroradial 140, 167 -, humero-ulnar 140,163, 165 -, intercarpal 181, 183, 190 -, intermetatarsal 91 -, interphalangeal, of fingers 190, 191,

209-215,223,225,231 -,-,of toes 5~ 103, 105 -, intertarsal 95 -, knee 20, 57 -, manubriosternal 111 -, metacarpophalangeal 190, 191,

209-215, 223, 225, 229 -, metatarsophalangeal 58, 59, 103


Joint -, midcarpal 173,181,187 -, radiocarpal 173, 185, 187 -, radio-ulnar, distal (inferior) 141,217 -, -, middle 141

-, -, proximal (superior) 140,141,169, 171

-, scapulothoracic 108 -, shoulder 108,119,121,125-139 -, sternoclavicular 108-113 --, sternocostal 111 -, subtalar (posterior talocalcanean) 59,

79 -, talocalcanean, anterior 59 -, -, posterior, see subtalar joint -, talocalcaneonavicular 59, 79 -, talocrural, see ankle joint -, talonavicular 59 -, tarsal 63, 65, 69 -, -, transverse 89 -, tarsometatarsal 59, 65, 89-95 -, tibiofibular, distal (inferior) 59, 71 -, --, proximal (superior) 59, 71 -, wrist 173-179,185,189,197,199,


Labrum, acetabular 1,9, 15-19 - glenoid 108, 119, 127, 137, 139 Ligament -, acetabular, transverse 1, 13 -, acromioclavicular 115-119 -, annular, of radius 140--149, 159, 161,

167-171 -, bifurcated 63, 65, 75, 77, 97 -, -, calcaneocuboid part 97 -, -, calcaneonavicular part 79, 93-99 -, calcaneocuboid, dorsal 63, 65, 77 -, -, plantar 58 -, calcaneofibular 63, 65, 71, 73, 77 -, ca1caneometatarsal 77, 81 -, ca1caneonavicular, dorsal 65, 89 -,-, plantar (spring ligament) 58, 69, 79,

83-87, 93, 95 -, collateral, of elbow joint, radial 140,

143, 147-151, 157, 159 -, -, -, ulnar 140, 143-155 -, collateral, of interphalangeal joint of

fingers 209-215,223,225 -, collateral, of knee joint, fibular 21-25,

37, 39-43, 47-51 -, -, -, tibial 20,23,27-33,47,57 --, collateral, of metacarpophalangeal

joint, fingers 191,209,215,221-225 -,-,-,thumb 211,215 -, collateral, of metatarsophalangeal joint

of great toe 75 -, collateral, of midcarpal joint, radial

175,181,183,205 -, -, -, ulnar 183, 203 -, collateral, of radiocarpal joint, radial

173,175,179,181,183,205 -, ,-, ulnar 175,179,183


-,conoid 109,115,131 -, coraco-acromial 117, 131 -, coracoclavicular 108, 109, 125, 127,

131 -, coracohumeral 108,125-219, 135, 137 -, coronary 20, 47 -, costoclavicular 109-113 -, -, anterior lamina 111 -, -, posterior lamina 111 -, cruciate, anterior 21,45-53, 57 -, -, posterior 21,45-51,55,57 -, cuboideonavicular, dorsal 65, 89 -, -, plantar 83, 87 -, cuneocuboid, dorsal 63, 75, 77 -, -, plantar 91 -, cuneometatarsal, plantar 87 -, cuneonavicular, dorsal 63, 67, 69, 75,

77,89 --, -, plantar 83 -, deltoid 67, 69, 73, 79, 83-87 -, -, posterior tibiotalar part 69, 71 -, -, tibiocalcanean part 69 -, -, tibionavicular part 75 -, dorsal, of carpometacarpal joint of

thumb 179, 205 -, dorsal, of carpometacarpal joints 179,

205 -, dorsal, of distal row of carpal bones

179, 181, 183 -, dorsal, of metacarpal bones 181, 183 -, dorsal, of proximal row of carpal

bones 179,183,205 -, glenohumeral 127, 129 -, of head of femur 1,15,17,19 -, of head of fibula, anterior 39, 41 -, -, posterior 51 -, iliofemoral 1, 9 -, -, lateral band 7 -, -, medial band 7 --, iliolumbar 5 -, intercarpal, palmar, see radiate carpal

ligament --, interclavicular 111 -, intercuneiform, dorsal 75, 77, 89 -, intermetacarpal, dorsal 181 -, -, palmar 175, 203 -, intermetatarsal, dorsal 75, 89 -, -, plantar 85, 87, 91 --, interosseous, of carpus 187,190 -, -, of cuneometatarsal joint 91 --, -, of metacarpus 201 -, -, of metatarsus 58, 59, 95, 97 -, -, of talocalcanean joint 99 -, -, of tibiofibular joint 71 -, ischiofemoral 1, 11, 13 -, lateral, of carpometacarpal joint of

thumb 207 --, link, see retinacular ligament -, longitudinal, anterior 5 -, meniscofemoral, anterior 51 -, -, posterior 45, 49, 55 -, mooring ligament 81

-, palmar, of carpometacarpal joint of thumb 207

-, patellar 20, 23, 27, 29, 33-47, 53, 55 -, pisohamate 175, 197 -, pisometacarpal 175, 197, 200 -, plantar, long 63, 65, 69, 83-87, 97 -,-,short 83-87,97 -, popliteal, arcuate 20, 21, 25 -, -, oblique 20, 21, 25 -, posterior, oblique, of knee 21, 25,

29-33 -, pubofemoral 1, 7, 9 -, quadrate 141,161 -, radiate carpal (intercarpal, palmar

ligament) 175, 179, 203 -, radiocarpal, dorsal 179 -, -, palmar 175, 179, 203 -, retinacular (link ligament) 191, 221,

239 -, sacro-iliac, dorsal 11 -, -, ventral 5 -, sacrospinous 11 -, sacrotuberous 11, 13 -, scapular, transverse, inferior 135 -, -, -, superior 125-129, 135 -, spring, see ligament, calcaneonavicular,

plantar -, sternoclavicular, anterior 111 -, talocalcanean, interosseous 63, 79 -, -, lateral 61, 63, 65 -, talofibular, anterior 61-65, 79, 81 -, -, posterior 71 -, talonavicular 63, 65, 69, 75, 77 -, tarsometatarsal, dorsal 65, 69, 77 -, tibiocalcanean, see deltoid ligament -, tibiofibular, anterior 59-65, 75, 77 -, -, posterior 59, 71, 85 -, tibionavicular, see deltoid ligament -, tibiotalar posterior, see deltoid liga-

ment -, transverse, of acetabulum 1, 15, 19 -, -, humeral 108, 123, 127, 129 -, -, of knee joint 45, 47 -, -, metacarpal, deep 190, 195, 227, 229 -, -, superficial 193 -, trapezoid 109,117,119,131 -, ulnocarpal, palmar 175 Ligamentum mucosum (infrapatellar

fold) 53,54 Lunate bone 175,179,183,187,189,

203, 217

Manubrium 111, 113 Membrane, interosseous, of forearm

141, 179 -, -, of leg 75 -, obturator 9 Meniscus, of knee, lateral 20, 23, 39-53 -, -, medial 20--23,45-51, 55 -, of wrist joint 187 Metacarpal bones 175,179-183,


Metatarsal bones 58, 59, 63-69, 75, 77, 83,85,89-107

Muscles -, abductor digiti minimi, of foot 58, 61,

77, 81, 99 -, - - -, of hand 195,201 -, abductor hallucis 58,67,81,83 -, abductor pollicis brevis 195, 199, 201,

213,215,227 -, - - longus 175,177,181-185,193,

197,203-207 -, adductor hallucis 83 -, - -, oblique part 83 -, adductor brevis 19 -, adductor magnus 20, 25-33, 49 -, adductor pollicis 189, 195,201,207,

225 -, - - oblique part 209 -, - - transverse part 209, 227 -, anconeus 140,157,163,167,169,171 -, biceps brachii 143, 145-149, 153, 155,

159, 163, 165-171 -, - -, long head 108,119-123,127-131,

137, 139 -, biceps femoris 21, 25, 35-43, 45, 47,

49, 57 -, brachialis 140, 143-149, 157, 161-171 -, brachioradialis 157,161,163,

167-171,187 -, coracobrachialis 139 -, deltoid 113, 133, 137 -, extensor carpi radialis brevis 140, 141,

157,163,169,171,177,181-185,190, 205

-, - -- - longus 157,163,169,171,177, 181-185, 190,205

-, extensor carpi ulnaris 157, 181-185, 197, 199

-, extensor digiti minimi 183, 185 -, - digitorum 165,177,181-185,199,

201 -, - digitorum brevis 61, 79, 93, 101,

103 -, - digitorum longus 39,61,79,101,

103 -, - - indicis 177, 181-185 -, - hallucis brevis 75, 105 -, - hallucis longus 61, 75, 79, 95, 105 -, - pollicis brevis 177, 183, 185,

195-201,206,211,215 -, - pollicis longus 177, 183, 185, 195,

199,201,209-217 -, flexor carpi radialis 175, 190, 193,

197, 199,203,207,217 -, - ulnaris 161,169,171,175,193,197 -, flexor digiti minimi brevis, of hand

177, 195, 201 -, - digitorum brevis 58, 73, 97-103 -, - digitorum longus 67, 73, 79, 95,

101-105 -, - digitorum profundus 161,221-225,

229-233, 237-245

-, - digitorum superficialis 193, 195, 207, 223, 225, 229, 231, 237, 243, 245

-, flexor hallucis brevis 59, 83, 97 -, - hallucis longus 59, 67, 73, 79, 83,

95,97 -, - pollicis brevis 201, 207, 213-217,

227 -, - pollicis longus 199,201,207-217 -, gastrocnemius 20 -,- lateral head 20, 25, 35-41, 55, 57 -, - medial head 20,25,27,31,33,49,

57 -, gluteus maximus 17 -, - medius 17 -, - minimus 17 -, gracilis 27, 57 -, hypothenar 187, 193, 199 -, iliacus 19 -, infraspinatus 108, 121, 125, 133, 135 -, interossei dorsales, of hand 177,179,

183,201,205,209,221,229 -, latissimus dorsi 121,123, 127-131,

137 -, lumbricales, of hand 195, 207, 229 -, obturator extern us 1, 11, 13, 17, 19 -, - internus 17, 19 -, opponens digiti minimi, of hand 195,

197,201 -, opponens pollicis 197, 201 -, palmaris brevis 193, 199, 201 -, - longus 193 -, pectineus 17 -, pectoralis major 121, 123, 127-131,

139 -, - minor 108, 139 -, peroneus brevis 58, 61, 65, 73-79,

85-95 -, - longus 39, 58, 61, 63, 65, 73, 77, 79,

83-87, 95-99 -, piriformis 5, 7, 11, 13 -, plantaris 25, 57 -, popliteus 21,25,31,39,43,45,49,57 -, pronator, quadratus 175, 183, 187 -, -, teres 163, 165 -, psoas major 1,5,7,11-19 -, quadriceps femoris 21, 53, 55, 57 -, rectus femoris 11, 15, 17 -, rhomboideus 169 -, sartorius 17, 27, 57 -, semimembranosus 21,25,31,41-45,

49,51-57 -, semitendinosus 27, 57 -, serratus anterior 109,137,139 -, soleus 25, 29, 41, 43, 49 -, sternocleidomastoid 113 -, subclavius 109, 113 -, subscapularis 108, 121, 123, 127-131,

137, 139 -, supinator 140, 141, 157, 161, 167 -, supraspinatus 108, 115, 117, 121-127,

131-139 -, tensor fasciae latae 17, 21

-, teres major 121, 123, 127, 135 -, teres minor 108, 121, 133, 135 -, thenar 187-193 -, tibialis, anterior 39,41, 58, 67, 69, 73,

75, 79, 85, 89, 97 -, -, posterior 58, 67, 69, 73, 79, 85, 87,

95 -, trapezius 109, 113, 137, 139 -, triceps brachii 140, 151-159, 163-167 -, - -, lateral head 121, 133 -,- -, long head 119,127-135 -, vastus intermedius 19 -, - lateralis 25, 35-41 -, - medialis 20, 23-31

Navicular bone 58, 59, 63-69, 75, 77, 83-99

Neck, of femur 1, 15 -, of radius 147 Nerve -, digital, palmar 233 -, median 163,169,171, 190, 193, 199,

201, 227 -, peroneal, common 35,37,41,57 -,radial 163,169,171 -, -, deep branch 157 -, sciatic 17, 33, 53 -, suprascapular 125, 127 -, tibial, posterior 67, 79, 93 -, ulnar 161-165,169,171,193,199 -,-, deep branch 227 Notch, intercondylar 21 -,radial,ofulna 141,169,171 -, suprascapular 129 -, trochlear 140

Olecranon 140--157, 163, 165

Patella 20,23,35,37,41,53-57 Pes anserinus, superficialis 21, 27, 31 -, profundus, see tendon of semimem-

branosus muscle Phalanges, of fingers 189,209-225,231,

237-245 -, of toes 101-105 Pisiform bone 173, 175, 187, 197,217 Plate, palmar 189,191,211-217,

223-231, 241, 243 -, plantar 59, 101-107 Plexus, brachial 137 Process, coracoid 115-119,125-137 -, coronoid 140, 147,153, 155, 161, 165 -, styloid, of radius 173, 175, 179 -, -, of ulna 173, 175, 179, 185, 187,

217 Pubis 13 Pulley, see tunnel of fibrous digital

sheath Pulvinar acetabuli 15

Radius 140-145, 153, 155, 159, 181-189, 197,203,205,217


Recess, prestyloid, of radiocarpal joint 185, 187

-, sacciform, of elbow joint 159 -, -, of distal radio-ulnar joint 217 Retinaculum -, extensor, of ankle, inferior 61,67,97 -, -, -, superior 67

-, extensor, of wrist 177,181,183,189, 201

-, flexor, of ankle 67, 73 -, -, of wrist 189, 190, 193-199,207 -,-, -, deep lamina 199 -, -, -, superficial lamina 199 -, flexor hallucis longus tendon 69,71,

87 -, musculi poplitei 45, 49 -, patellar, longitudinal, lateral 20, 35,

37,41 -, -, -, medial 20,23,27-33 -, peroneal, inferior 61, 73, 77 -, -, superior 61

Sacrum 5-13 Scaphoid bone 173, 175, 179-183, 187,

203, 205, 217 Scapula 109,117 Sesamoid bone, of foot 59, 105, 107 - -,ofhand 191,215,217,223,225,

229 Sheath, fibrous, of flexor hallucis longus

tendon 213, 217


-, -, of foot 101-105 -, -, of hand 209, 221-239, 243, 245 -, -, -, annular part 225, 229, 233 -, -, -, cruciate part 225, 229, 233 -, -, -, oblique part 233, 235 -, synovial, of hand 235 Sinus, tarsal 59, 63, 77, 93, 97 Space, interserratoscapular 109,

120 -, interserratothoracic 109, 119 -, of Poirier 175 Spine, ischial 11 -, of scapula 115 Sulcus, intertubercular 123 Surface, lunate, of hip bone 15 -, patellar 20, 47 -, popliteal, of femur 25, 49, 51 Sustentaculum tali 69, 85 Symphysis, pubic 7

Talus 58, 61-77, 83-87, 93, 97, 99 Tendo calcaneus 61,65-71,77-81,85,

93, 95-99 - rectus femoris 5 - - -, straight tendon 7 - - -, reflected tendon 7, 13 - semimembranosus (pes anserinus pro-

fundus) - -, tibial tendon 27,29, 33 Tibia 39,43,47-55,61-77,83-87,97,99 Tract, iliotibial 21, 35, 37, 39, 43, 47

Trapezium bone 173, 175, 179-183, 187, 191,199,203-207,217

Trapezoid bone 173,175,179-183,199, 203,205

Triquetral bone 173, 175, 179-183, 187

Trochanter, greater 9, 11, 15, 17 -, lesser 9, 11 Trochlea, of humerus 140, 145, 161,

163, 165 Tuber calcanei 81 Tubercle, of Gerdy (impression for ilioti-

bial tract) 35, 37, 41 -, of humerus, greater 123, 129 -, -, lesser 123, 129 Tuberosity, ischial 9, 11-15 -, of tibia 27, 29 Tunnel, carpal 187, 190, 197 -, of fibrous digital sheath (pulley)

229-233, 237

Ulna 140-145,159, 181, 183, 197

Vein, femoral 17, 33 -, popliteal 57, 61 Vessels, axillary 137 -, tibial, posterior 67, 79, 93 Vinculum breve 225, 231, 243,


Zona orbicularis 1, 13, 17, 19

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong

M. Martini, Algiers, Algeria (Ed.)

Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints Foreword by D. L. Griffiths

1988. XII, 219 pp. 110 figs. Hardcover ISBN 3-540-18166-0

Bone and joint tuberculosis is common in developing countries, and surgeons in these countries are often faced with the dual problem of diagnosing and treating this disease. However, bone and joint tuberculosis has not yet completely disappeared from industrialized countries, either. There­fore, this book is also intended for orthopedic surgeons in industrialized countries, who, faced with the rare but characteristic problems posed by bone and joint tuberculosis, are searching for reliable solutions. The last comprehensive textbook on this subject appeared more than 20 years ago, and that was a third edition of a pre-war work. Advances in chemotherapy had made this edition out-of-date even before it was published. The need for a definite up-to-date textbook has therefore been acute. The present book has been written to fill that need, and is based not only upon 20 years' experience with 700 cases, but also upon the results of clinical, bacteriologic, pathologic, and therapeutic research.

French Edition: M. Martini (Ed.), La tuberculose osteo-articulaire. 1988. ISBN 3-540-17825-2

Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy Editor-in-Chief: 1. P. Chevrel, Paris

Editorial Board: M. W. Donner, Baltimore; G. T. Ho, Beijing; P. Lasjaunias, Paris; R. Louis, Marseille; 1. Pegington, London

International Advisory Board: 1. Y. Barbin, G. Bastide, 1. Best, 1. Borrelly, B. Brogdon, C. Cabrol, M. Caix, 1. Caplan, L. 1. A. DiDio, H. Duvernoy, 1. B. Flament, P. Franchebois, A. Gouaze, P. F. Harris, R. S. Harris, D. Hartman, R. E. Heitzman, 1. M. Holland, S.luskiewenski, L. G. Kempe, B. Kendall, 1. Kirklin, Y. Kuru, K. Lackner, 1. Lang, E. Letournel, D. Mayor, H. Meire, A. Morin, M. Moscovici, M. E. Miiller, H. Nahum, S. Nazarian, C. V. Penteado, M. Sam ii, T. Sato, M. Viamonte, A. Wackenheim, E. A. Zerhouni, H. Z. Zhang, S. Z. Zhong

Editorial Assistant: 1. F. Tovar

Anatomy is a fundamental science of paramount importance in clinical medicine. In both training and research, the study of anatomy must therefore be well adapted to current medical practice. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy is designed to provide clinicians, whether general practitioners, or specialists, surgeons or radiologists, with information to keep them up to date in this field and to open up a pathway to the best possible applications in their particular specialty. To meet this goal, each issue contains articles on the anatomical basis of medical, radiological and surgical techniques, papers on original research, commentary, and book reviews. Particular attention is paid to the illustrations, which must be of a high quality so as to be a real contribution to a better understanding of anatomical problems. Editions with complete French translations available.

Abstracted/Indexed in: Current Contents, Excerpta Medica, Zentralblatt-System SPRINGER

ISSN 0930-1038 Title No. 276 ISSN 0930-312X (with French translations) Title No. 286

Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong

B.N. Tilimann, University ofKiel

Slides in Human Arthrology 1985. 36 pp. 207 slides (legends in English). The slides will be supplied in a ring binder. ISBN 3-8070-0350-9

This ring binder contains 207 colored slides of diarthroses of the extremities and trunk. First, figures of the bony parts of the joints and the cartilage-covered articular surfaces are presented, followed by the capsular ligaments, intra-articular structures, and prepared sections of joints. In addition to normal findings, frequently occurring structural anoma­lies are also shown. Each of the three divisions also contains figures of typical degenera­tive changes in the joints. The slides are accompanied by a booklet with explanatory text identifying visible struc­tures in each slide. Simplified labeled drawings aid identification where deemed necessary. This set of slides is intended for teaching purposes and further education, and in indivi­dual cases can also be used with academic lectures. It has been prepared for orthopedic and emergency surgeons, anatomists, pathologists, sports scientists, and schools of physiotherapy and nursing.

J. Wolff

The Law of Bone Remodelling Translated from the German by P. Maquet, R. Furlong

1986. XII, 126 pp. 95 figs. Hardcover ISBN 3-540-16281-X

Julius W olfrs book is mentioned in about every work dealing with bone structure. His name is familiar to every anatomist and orthopaedic surgeon. Very few, however, have actually read his book, written in the flowery scientific German of the tum of the century. A translation into English was thus needed to make the work available to a larger audience interested in the problems of bone structure. Julius Wolff, studying thin slices of bone at the end of the last century, observed the pattern formed by the cancellous trabeculae and continuing into the cortices. He noticed changes in this pattern after malunited fractures or in otherwise deformed bones and attributed these modifications to the change in mechanical stressing which resulted from the bone deformation. He attempted to relate the patterns he observed in the trajectories of compressive and tensile stresses to the then recent theories of Culmann on resistance of materials and elasticity. He thereby started a hundred-year discussion about the trajec­to rial structure of bone which was only concluded in 1973 by Pauwels. This book is the basis on which different theses were elaborated by the greatest anatomists of the last hundred years.