reflection essay final 2010

Page | 1 Kellie Jarvies English 2010 MWF 11-11:50 Reflection Essay This English 2010 class has been interesting and informative. I chose to write all of my assignments on prescription drug abuse. I chose this subject to understand better my personal journey and to learn more about the causes and miss-conceptions surrounding prescription drug abuse. My struggle to effectively present a subject, which was personally charged, was a challenge. The prescription drug abuse papers forced me to learn the art of discussion and evaluation. These skills have proved valuable to my personal growth and to my writing abilities. To present a point of view by stating facts and information instead of emotions and experiences has been very educational. When using solid facts and solid sources, I have discovered a hidden power, which trumps emotion every time. A composure comes when the papers were based on knowledge and good information.

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Final reflection essay


Page 1: Reflection essay final 2010

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Kellie JarviesEnglish 2010MWF 11-11:50

Reflection Essay

This English 2010 class has been interesting and informative. I chose to write all of my

assignments on prescription drug abuse. I chose this subject to understand better my personal

journey and to learn more about the causes and miss-conceptions surrounding prescription

drug abuse. My struggle to effectively present a subject, which was personally charged, was a

challenge. The prescription drug abuse papers forced me to learn the art of discussion and

evaluation. These skills have proved valuable to my personal growth and to my writing abilities.

To present a point of view by stating facts and information instead of emotions and experiences

has been very educational. When using solid facts and solid sources, I have discovered a hidden

power, which trumps emotion every time. A composure comes when the papers were based on

knowledge and good information.

The style and design, for each assignment, were enhanced by the required visual effects;

I would have not included them on my own. I learned visual input can help break up a paper

and give it semblance. It also helped with the flow and made it more interesting.

The multiple genres were interesting also. The report was the most challenging because

of the nature of the paper. It was difficult not inserting my opinions and emotions. The memoir

was easier because I was relaying personal experiences. The memoir was cleansing because of

pouring my personal struggles onto paper and trying to relay it in an interesting and pleasing


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The process of drafting and revising the various documents helped with my

understanding of how my emotions were flowing onto the paper and produced confusing

information. I didn’t enjoy the report as well as the other genres but I got the best grade on

this particular paper, I found that interesting. These different genres forced me to research

critically and analyze the information better. I learned to re-word phrases so the report,

position/proposal, brochure, and even the memoir were appropriately presented. The genres

were similar in the sense that I wanted the information to be correct and not propaganda in


The MLA style for citing sources is still a little unclear to me but I am getting better at

seeing the difference from MLA to APA. The details are a struggle for me.

My peer reviews were helpful. One suggestion from a peer was to use pharmaceutical

company’s logos instead of one of my pictures. This was a good and effective suggestion, so I

changed the picture and input the logos; I wouldn’t have done that on my own. The most

helpful information came from my review with Mr. Cole. He helped me recognize my inability

to see information, which seemed obvious to me, wasn’t well-defined in the papers. This

suggestion helped me the most; I didn’t realize my words were un-clear. My family members

hadn’t seen any unclear language when they had reviewed my paper, which is interesting, but

they were involved personally and obviously couldn’t be unbiased either.

The most interesting course objective was learning to respond critically in a venue that

was emotionally charged. It was important to inform others about the role that pharmaceutical

companies play in their personal lives. My conversation has become aligned with alternative

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lifestyle changes because of the success I have experienced with changing my own lifestyle. I

am 53 and do not take any prescription drugs. I am healthy and don’t go to the doctor very

often. When I go to the doctor, usually for my annual female appointment, the nurses have

commented, “You don’t take any prescription drugs.” they act like I didn’t understand the

question. I have found alternate solutions to pharmaceutical suggestions; my plan is to live a

lifestyle without the crutch of prescription drugs, which change my personality and scare me to

death because of my personal experiences. It is interesting that my siblings have chosen a drug

free lifestyle also.

One of the biggest challenges was collaborating with a partner for the CWP. My plan

was to do everything on my own but Shannon Adair was interested in the subject matter also.

She has had personal experiences, in a co-dependent role also. I enjoyed talking about our

experiences and we worked well together. She had great ideas for the CWP and we presented

differently and better than I would have done on my own. The suggestions she made to my

papers and presentation were successful and I appreciate the assignment and working with her.

Basically I am saying the CWP was better because of working together.

While putting my final portfolio together, I chose the report, position/proposal paper

because they received a higher grade, but added the memoir, which grade was the lowest,

because I feel this paper was my own personal success. The final portfolio helped me realize

how much time, energy, redo’s, research, and thought process happens when you compile all

your work, for one semester, into one folder. I have learned to organize my thoughts and

words onto paper and into a presentation that, hopefully, worked well for everyone involved.