reflection for the missionaries of charity

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Post on 12-Oct-2015




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An original essay about my experience while doing apostolate work at the Missionaries of Charity


More than Just an Apostolate: My Experience with the Missionaries of CharityBy: Degee O. Gonzales

Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta is one of my inspirations of becoming a missionary brother serving the poor. I came to know more about her and the great things she had done after I read one of her books Mother Teresa: Come Be my Light: The Revealing Private Writings of the Nobel Peace Prize Winner written by Brian Kolodiejchuk.I have never expected that the Missionaries of Charity is one of the apostolate venues of the Alexian Brothers. I was surprised and thrilled when I learned that we will be having our apostolic work as postulants at the Home of the Sick and Malnourished Children. At first, I saw it as an opportunity to work with the sisters because I was really curious back then of how they do their works. Also, I saw it as an opportunity to do humanitarian and volunteering works for the unfortunate children.

My first day with the children was really exciting. I had so much fun playing with them and assisting the helpers in feeding the children. I had a sense of fulfillment doing it. But as days passed, I felt that what I was doing was very monotonous and routine. I felt that I am one of the nannies of the children. It came to a point that I became disappointed and frustrated because I felt that I am only limited to watching and feeding the children. I want more. So, I asked myself what else I can do. I was not satisfied anymore with what I am doing.

It was then a blessing when Sr. Elma asked me to help their helpers to wash the soiled clothes of the children because their personnel was limited. I said to myself, I will give it a try because I saw it as a scapegoat from the monotonous work I had. After a few days of washing the clothes of the children, I felt something was different. Believe me; every time I do the laundry, I felt the presence of Jesus Christ. Everytime I tried to remove the stains of the white clothes which by the way would need to exert a lot of effort I am always reminded by the sufferings and pains of Christs passion. Aside from that, I am also reminded of how fortunate I am to have parents who nurtured me and took care of me when I was still young. Also by doing laundry, I felt the charism of the congregation to be a healing presence to the poor, the sick and the abandoned. I am constantly reminded by myself that I am doing it for the children to ensure that their clothes are clean so as to avoid any skin rashes or any diseases caused by improperly washed clothes and for Jesus who loves these children.

With these experiences I had while doing the laundry, I realized that I was being taught by Jesus a valuable lesson which was to do small things with great love. Yes, I admit that I felt repugnant and discouraged sometimes but what do I need to do with these feelings? Should I call it quits or should I persevere? Am I consumed by my own weakness, or by Gods strength? The small things that I am talking about are usually the monotonous, routine, dirty and unrewarding. But by doing it with Jesus and for the love of Jesus, I became heroic. I realized that without Jesus, I am nothing.

As days of service went on, I continued to offer to Jesus all the soiled clothes that I am washing, and ask Him to provide the love, patience, and perseverance that I lacked. Everytime I do the laundry at the Missionaries of Charity, I prayed to Him by saying: Jesus, I am doing this because I love You and I want to follow You. I need Your Help, Your grace. I cant do it on my own. And He always answers my prayer. Minute by minute, He gave me the strength and focus to actively choose to love in what I am doing. Maybe this is the reason why it always gives me a profound joy, gladness and satisfaction everytime I am at the Missionaries of Charity and seeing the children smile at me when I hug them and give them a kiss on their forehead before I leave.