reflections on resilient living

Inspirational Quotations and Life Lessons on Creating a Life You Love It’s about choosing to take charge of your life. To risk, live and love for all you are worth … Reflections on Resilient Living

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Page 1: Reflections on resilient living

Inspirational Quotations and Life Lessons

on Creating a Life You Love

It’s about choosing to take charge of your life.

To risk, live and love for all you are worth …

Reflections on

Resilient Living

Page 2: Reflections on resilient living

Quotations comfort

us and provide reassurance

when no one else is around.

They are a compass for the

dreamers; breath to the

lovers; hope to the hopeless;

affirmation to the faithful;

a reminder to the

disillusioned; and

a beacon to the


A guide to inspire

you on your journey

to create a life you love ...

Page 3: Reflections on resilient living

Listening to your heart is not

simple. Finding out who you are

is not simple. It takes a lot of

hard work and courage to get to

know who you are and even more

to admit what you want.

But amazing things begin to

happen when you get honest with

yourself and start doing what you

love, what makes you happy.

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Embrace your


perfect self …

You do the world no

favors by keeping your head

down and pretending that

what's inside isn't stupendous.

What the world is delirious for

right now is people like you

living out the realist most

beautifully honest

version of yourself.

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Too many people spend a lifetime searching for clues to

the meaning of life when all the answers you need are

within you if you will take the time to look. Only you can

determine how you want to impact people, your community

and the world.

Ask yourself, what do I

want my legacy to be?

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Challenge yourself. Dare to risk, to grow, to fail and

above all to achieve your full potential. Don't settle for

a life that is mediocre or simply good enough.

Believe with all your heart that you are not

only capable of achieving your dreams, but

that you deserve to.

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Make time for the people

and things that matter …

When you’re clear about your priorities, you can painlessly

discard whatever doesn’t support them, whether it’s outdated

relationships, clutter or commitments on your calendar.

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Call it what you will …

faith, hope, belief,

conviction, or optimism.

Choosing to have a

positive outlook

enables you to

expect that good

things are going to

happen in your life.

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R e s i l i e n c e

People who soar

are those who refuse to

sit back and passively wish

things would change. Rather,

they create a powerful vision

for their success and look for

the opportunities in all their

experiences. They will not

allow circumstances to

hold them back.

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… or risk discomfort and uncertainty to become the person you were always meant to be.

So which will it be? Will you cling to who you’ve always been and

what you’ve always done …

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We are all going to die. We don't get much say over how or when, but we do get to decide how

we're going to live. So, do it now. Decide.

Will you be the passenger

in your life journey or

the driver?

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