reform movements the temperance movement was an attempt to alter immoral actions by - a.providing...

Reform Movements The Temperance Movement was an attempt to alter immoral actions by - A. Providing women the opportunity to vote B. Banning the consumption of alcohol C. Outlawing the use of child labor D. Providing tax relief for immigrants

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Reform Movements

The Temperance Movement was an

attempt to alter immoral actions by -

A. Providing women the opportunity to vote

B. Banning the consumption of alcohol

C. Outlawing the use of child labor

D. Providing tax relief for immigrants

ImmigrationIn the late 1800’s, the increase for

tenement building was a direct result

of ____?A. Changing roles for women during war

B. Rapid growth of cities due to immigrants

C. Westward expansion by Americans

D. Young children working in factories

ImmigrationWhich of the following BEST describes

a tenement?

A. Cramped quarters on a ship

B. Place to go for food and shelter

C. A run-down apartment building

D. A suburb of the city

ImmigrationHull House, a famous settlement house

in Chicago, was founded by which of

the following?

A. Jane Addams

B. Susan B. Anthony

C. Bessie Smith

D. Eleanor Roosevelt

ImmigrationDuring the 1800’s/ early 1900’s,

working conditions were _____?

A. Good, with an 8-hour day, good wages, and safe


B. Okay, with high wages, and fairly safe conditions.

C. Poor, with long hours, low wages, and unsafe conditions.

D. Poor, with short hours, low wages, and safe conditions.

ImmigrationWhere did most of the post Civil War

immigrants come from?A. Eastern China

B. South Africa

C. Northern and Western Asia

D. Southern and Eastern Europe

ImmigrationThe Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882

prevented Chinese from?

A. Leaving Ellis Island

B. Immigrating to America

C. Leaving America

D. Emigrating from China


This picture most

likely represents


A. Westward expansion

B. Immigration

C. Labor Union

D. Homestead strike

ImmigrationAmerica’s first attempt to limit the number of

immigrants entering the United States began

in 1882 with the inception of?

A. Restriction on Russian immigrants

B. The Chinese Exclusion Act

C. The Japanese Exclusion Act

D. Standard Quota for formula system

ImmigrationWhat product was most responsible for

the growth of the major industrial area

in Detroit, Michigan?

A. Oil industry

B. Textile industry

C. Automobile industry

D. Steel industry

ImmigrationAfter the Civil War, what city became

the center of the meat packing


A. Sacramento

B. Kansas City

C. Pittsburgh

D. Chicago

ImmigrationWhich of the following is NOT a reason

immigrants came to the United States

following the Civil War?

A. For a new adventure

B. To begin an oppressive government

C. Hope for a better opportunity

D. Religious freedom


Alexander Graham Bell invented the -

A. Cotton gin

B. Telephone

C. Light bulb

D. Steam boat


Which is the correct combination?

A. Cotton gin - Carnegie

B. Telephone - Rockefeller

C. Lighting and Electricity - Edison

D. Railroads - Bell


Which was NOT a result of affordable


A. Growth of cities

B. Greater mobility

C. Creation of jobs

D. Suburban developments

IndustrializationWhich statement is evidence that labor unions

were more powerful after World War II?A. More workers were injured in factory


B. Workers worked more hours for less money.

C. Fewer workers wanted to join the union.

D. Workers got new benefits and higher salaries.


Andrew Carnegie is most associated

with -

A. Railroads

B. Steel

C. Mining

D. Oil


John D. Rockefeller formed a

monopoly in -

A. Steel

B. Railroads

C. Oil

D. Cattle

IndustrializationAll of the following are matched

correctly EXCEPT?

A. John D. Rockefeller – oil

B. Andrew Carnegie – steel

C. Henry Ford – automobile

D. David Sarnoff - railroads


The assembly line increased?

A. The need for skilled workers

B. The quality of products while increasing costs

C. The quantity of products while decreasing costs

D. Worker safety on the job

IndustrializationAs a result of new technologies in the

1920’s, Americans had -

A. More chores to complete

B. Extra leisure time

C. Less time to play sports

D. An increase income

IndustrializationLabor unions formed to -

A. Help workers work longer hours for lower pay

B. Fight for child labor laws, shorter working hours and better pay

C. Encourage the use of more child labor

D. Stop government interference in the workplace

IndustrializationWhen labor union workers protested

low pay or working conditions, they

used -A. Monopolies

B. Child labor laws

C. Strikes

D. Trusts

IndustrializationThe Homestead Strike of 1892

involved-A. Standard Oil employees

B. Workers from McCormick

C. Carnegie’s steel workers

D. Pullman’s railway employees

Industrialization Which of the following workers could

have been a member of the American

Federation of Labor?

A. Factory worker

B. Farmer

C. Slave

D. Doctor

Industrialization One of the most important

improvements in transportation in the

early twentieth century was the -

A. Railroad

B. Automobile

C. Ships

D. Steam engine

Industrialization Which of the following was mostresponsible for the decrease in the useof railroads for transporting goods?

A. Internet

B. Satellites

C. Interstate highways

D. telecommunications

IndustrializationJohn needs to research information about

diabetes. Which modern technology

would be the most useful?

A. Cell phone

B. Pager

C. Telegraph

D. Internet

IndustrializationWhich of the following was

accomplished by the space program in


A. Put a man on the moon

B. Create a city on the moon

C. Travel to the sun

D. Put a man on Mars

Progressive EraWhat is Jane Addams mainly known for?

A. The creation of the American Federation of Labor

B. The work of Hull House

C. Her work in the women’s suffrage movement

D. Writing a history of the Standard Oil Company


Why did Henry Ford use the assembly line?

A. To increase the number of cars and decrease the price

B. To decrease the number of cars and increase the price

C. To create a wider variety of cars

D. To pay his employees less

IndustrializationThe creation of stocks, corporations,

and trusts are most closely connected with -

A. Rise of big business

B. Development of the factory system

C. Formation of labor unions

D. Invention of the automobile


Who used the assembly line in the

automobile industry?

A. John D. Rockefeller

B. Andrew Carnegie

C. Henry Ford

D. J.P. Morgan

IndustrializationGuglielmo Marconi was the first to sent

messages using -

A. Radio waves

B. Telegraph

C. Telephone

D. Television

Progressive EraWhich is the best summary of the aims

of the Progressive Movement?

A. Cleaning up the world’s cities

B. Eliminating abuses like crime and alcohol

C. Helping new immigrants find homes

D. Solving the problems created by Industrialization