reformed p resbyterian church of bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently...

Reformed resbyterian P Church of Bowie LORDS DAY AUGUST 23, 2020 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA 2807 Church Road, Bowie, MD 20721 | P.O. Box 1251, Bowie, MD 20718 301.262.2280 | S.A. Fix, Pastor | Michael L. Coleman, Assistant Pastor | [email protected]

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Page 1: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who

Reformed resbyterian P Church of Bowie



2807 Church Road, Bowie, MD 20721 | P.O. Box 1251, Bowie, MD 20718 301.262.2280 |

S.A. Fix, Pastor | Michael L. Coleman, Assistant Pastor | [email protected]

Page 2: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who


Our Lord’s Day Schedule MORNING ACTIVITIES 10:00 AM Join Zoom Videoconference for Worship 11:45 AM Sermon Discussion Videoconference

(Zoom Video / Phone Conference ID: 301 262 2280 @, password 20721 or dial 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 301 262 2280 and password 20721)


6:00 PM Join Zoom Videoconference for: The Parables of Jesus: Parable of the Unforgiving Servant—RC Sproul Lecture

6:30 PM Discipleship Discussion Videoconference

(Zoom Video / Phone Conference ID: 301 262 2280 @, password 20721 or dial 301-715-8592 and enter Meeting ID 301 262 2280 and password 20721)

* PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Pre-worship Outdoor Sing on 8/23, but we plan to resume these on 8/30.

Page 3: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who


Welcome to In-Person Worship Welcome to our “hybrid” worship service, simultaneously in-person as well as over Zoom. Thank you for putting up with the additional technological components throughout our meeting room. Here are the details regarding requirements and protocols for in-person worship that we are currently observing. Singing / Hymns - Due to safety concerns, we will not be singing together for the in-person gathering, but instead encourage quiet humming along with the music as we meditate on the truth of the words. Limited In-Person Gathering and Signup - In-person gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who Should Come - We are encouraging seniors and those who may be immunocompromised to stay home and worship with us via Zoom for the next several weeks. Also, if you feel ill, please stay home. Masks / Social Distancing - Masks are required for entry into the building and must be worn while inside (except for those leading worship from the front and children under 3). Of course masks can be temporarily removed for partaking of the elements of the Lord’s Supper, but are required at all other times inside the building. We ask that you maintain good social distancing practices (families and individuals who are quarantining together staying 6 feet apart from other families/individuals) at all times within the building. Restrooms - Restroom use is being limited to one family at a time. Please be as expedient as possible out of courtesy to others. Nursery / Childcare - No nursery care is being offered, but selected classrooms will be open, limited to one family per classroom, to take their youngest children there if needed during the service (bring a device to stream service there via Zoom).

Service Length / Lord’s Supper - Our abbreviated worship service is scheduled to be about 75-minutes, and will include the Lord’s Supper. For the Lord’s Supper, we have prepackaged, sealed individual servings (grape juice and wheat wafer) as well as carefully prepared individual servings (wine or grape juice and gluten-free bread). Rows will be dismissed by officers for those partaking to come forward and both elements will be received together, as they are prepackaged together. Once receiving the elements, please return to your seats so that we can all partake at the same time. Corporate Confessions / Prayers - Corporate confessions and prayers will be the same as what we are doing now. Please use a normal, or even somewhat subdued, speaking voice, rather than raised volume. Offering - For the offering, a bin/basket is by the exits. Please drop in your offering on your way out (the online option is also still available). Discipleship (Zoom Only) - There will be no in-person morning discipleship. There will be a remote Zoom discussion for everybody, beginning 30 minutes after the end of worship. That should be enough time for those who are at the building to drive home to participate. Evening Activities - At present we will continue to meet for evening discipleship via Zoom as we have been.


• 60 person limit

• No singing indoors

• Masks required inside building

• Maintain social distance

• Worship only in-person (other activities online)

Page 4: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who


Call to Worship ............................................................................... Tom Ramsey Prayer of Adoration and Confession ................................................. Tom Ramsey

Our Father Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil; For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon .................................................................. Jeremiah 24:6–7 Hymn for Reflection, #141 ................................... God, in the Gospel of His Son

God, in the gospel of his Son, makes his eternal counsels known; where love in all its glory shines, and truth is drawn in fairest lines.

O grant us grace, almighty Lord,

to read and mark your holy Word; its truths with meekness to receive,

and by its holy precepts live.

New Testament Reading ............................................................... 1 Peter 2:1–12 Old Testament Reading ............................................................................. Ezra 3 Sermon .................................................................... Laying a Foundation in Zion Pastor Fix

Order of Worship

(All muted except for leader)

(All muted except for leader, but praying along at the appropriate time)

(Use this time for quiet meditation on the truths we’ve just encountered and those expressed in

the words of the hymn; those at home may sing


(All muted except for




Page 5: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who


Order of Worship (cont.) Hymn for Reflection, #347 ................................... The Church's One Foundation

The church's one foundation is Jesus Christ, her Lord; she is his new creation

by water and the Word: from heav'n he came and sought her

to be his holy bride; with his own blood he bought her,

and for her life he died.

'Mid toil and tribulation, and tumult of her war,

she waits the consummation of peace forevermore;

till with the vision glorious her longing eyes are blest,

and the great church victorious shall be the church at rest.

Confession of Faith ................................. Luther’s Small Catechism, Part II, Art. 2

I believe that Jesus Christ, true God, begotten of the Father from eternity, and also true man, born of the Virgin Mary, is my Lord; Who has redeemed me, a lost and condemned person, secured and delivered me even from all sins, from death, and from the power of the devil, not with gold or silver, but with His holy, precious blood, and with His inno-cent sufferings and death; in order that I might be His own, live under Him in His Kingdom, and serve Him in everlasting righteousness, inno-cence, and blessedness, even as He is risen from the dead, and lives and reigns forever. This is most certainly true.

Lord’s Supper ............................................................................. Pastor Coleman

(Due to the current pandemic we are using prepackaged elements with a wafer and grape juice today. Please come forward by row beginning with the front rows to pick up the elements and return to your seats. Please hold the elements until all have received them, so that we can partake together.)

(Use this time for quiet meditation on the truths we’ve just encountered and those expressed in

the words of the hymn; those at home may sing


(All muted except for leader)

Page 6: Reformed P resbyterian Church of Bowie€¦ · gathering at the church building is currently limited to 60 persons, with the remainder of our church family gathering via Zoom. Who


Order of Worship (cont.) (Those at home sing along

as individuals/families to video of Cripes singing,

while those in-person hum quietly to them-


Hymn, #94 (sung during Lord’s Supper) .......................... How Firm a Foundation

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Order of Worship (cont.)

(All muted except for leader)

Prayer of Thanksgiving and Intercession .............................................. Ken Styles Benediction .......................................................................................... Pastor Fix

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Next Two Weeks at a Glance

NEXT WEEK 8/23 – 8/29 SUNDAY 8/23 Zoom Videoconference for Worship, 10:00

Sermon Discussion / Ministry Report Videoconference, 11:45 AM Zoom Videoconference for Streaming of Lecture, 6:00 PM Discipleship Discussion Videoconference, 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY 8/26 Prayer Meeting Videoconference, 7:30 PM FRIDAY 8/28 Men’s Study Videoconference, 7:00 AM NEXT WEEK 8/30 – 9/5 SUNDAY 8/30 Zoom Videoconference for Worship, 10:00

Sermon Discussion / Ministry Report Videoconference, 11:45 AM Zoom Videoconference for Streaming of Lecture, 6:00 PM Discipleship Discussion Videoconference, 6:30 PM WEDNESDAY 9/2 Prayer Meeting Videoconference, 7:30 PM FRIDAY 9/4 Men’s Study Videoconference, 7:00 AM SATURDAY 9/5 Men’s Study Videoconference, 8:30 AM

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FRIDAY AM MEN’S STUDY The Friday morning men’s group will be meeting via Zoom videoconference to discuss Francis Schaeffer’s book, The God Who Is There, on Friday, August 28, beginning at 7:00 AM. All men are welcome! SATURDAY AM MEN’S STUDY

Join us Saturday, September 5, at 8:30 AM via Zoom videoconference to discuss the book, Living in God’s Two Kingdoms by David VanDrunen. Please read through chapter 7 to prepare.

Upcoming Events

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Preparation for Next Lord’s Day


SERMON TEXT: Ezra 4 PREACHER: Pastor Fix MONDAY Ezra 4 Why do God’s people face opposition, and what does it look like?

Where do we face adversaries like this in the church today? TUESDAY 2 Kings 17 How does the history of the adversaries to the returnees (Ezra 4:2) help

explain the leaders’ response (Ezra 4:3)? WEDNESDAY John 15:18–16:33 Why does Jesus say we will face adversaries in this life? How might

that help us respond well to such opponents? THURSDAY Acts 25–26 How does Paul model a Christian response to adversity from worldly

powers? Apply this. FRIDAY Psalm 72 How does opposition from this world’s rulers help stoke our longing

for a perfect King? What does such a king look like? Who is it? SATURDAY Romans 1:16; 1 John 4:1–12; 5:1–5 Where does our hope and confidence lie as God’s people today? How

ought that give us courage in the face of powerful forces in the world that oppose the church? Application?

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Prayer Requests For ministries we support: Steve Hollidge, praise that he passed his exam on

doctrine, pray for him as he prepares for and takes the final exam

Abraham Nuquay and the Waldorf church plant, pray for God to gather more of his people to the plant, both from churched and unchurched backgrounds; also for Paul Lankford, as he begins pursuing pastoral ministry

Pastor Fix, pray for all the details to come together for a successful thesis defense on September 30

Christ Reformed in Laurel as they consider Pastor Dusenbury’s resignation

For those in service: For protection, safety, wisdom, and health for those

who are serving in the medical field, our elected officials, police, and emergency personnel, including Luke and Marcy Podiyan, Pam Wallace, Ernest and Julie Ambe, Agnes Kaje, Andrew Stough (and his girlfriend Vanessa), Gabriel Styles (Ken and Angie’s daughter), Stephanie Harris (Adrienne’s sister), Katelyn (Tony Strines’ niece), Sophie Bernitt (Rod and Kathy’s daughter-in-law), Ify Nsi and Nnenna Nsi (Apollonia’s daughters-in-law), Abraham Nuquay, Galen and Sarah Curtis (Bill and Barbara’s son and daughter-in-law), Terry Everhart (Tim and Barbie Jones’ son-in-law)

For military service personnel: Ian and Jesse Constable, Chris Corbett, Glenn Gresham, Andrew, Bill, and Elias Gunther, Matt Hackett, Jonathan Melzer, Isaac Roland, Scott Tonko, and Jay Wallen

For those with health concerns: Bill Fawcett (John Fix’s brother-in-law who is a

pastor / missionary in Brazil), praise for his great improvement, and pray for his kidney function to recover so he can get dismissed from the hospital

Sue Staines, praise that her second cataract surgery went well, and pray for her recovery

Ruth Sentz, praise that the medication seems to be effective, and for wisdom in ongoing treatment of osteoporosis

Tricia Bloomberg, pray for relief from increasing fatigue, and wisdom, peace, and flexibility as she continues to mourn and adjust to the loss of Neil

Chuck and Cindy Eller, pray for them as Chuck continues to progress through Supranuclear Palsy

Sue Stough, pray for healing from a ruptured tendon

in her left foot Libby Chen’s mother in China, as she battles

discouragement with the slow recovery process from her stroke

Sid Wheeler, praise for the recovery so far and pray for his continued strengthening and recovery

Jerry Griffin (friend of the Styles), who has been diagnosed with cancer; pray for the right treatment and for physical and spiritual healing

Pat Gravatt, Andy’s mother, praise that she continues to improve, pray for continued improvement with swallowing

For provision: Praise for the wedding of Craig and Wendy

yesterday, pray for God to bless them as they begin married life together

Teachers and students as they prepare for a new school year, especially given the many changes

Patty Seaton, praise that remote science lessons have been approved and there is a plan for this year; pray that the needed renovations on the planetarium would go forward, and for patience and grace for Patty dealing with her boss

Isaac and Jamila Roland (former members), pray for them as Isaac transitions out of the Navy and they move to Greensboro, NC

Pray for Ken Lee’s case to be resolved so he can move back to his house with Anita, and for resolution of the new legal motions by Ken’s ex-wife, especially that Ken would be able to move into his house and be able to see his kids

Chris McCrea (Pastor Fix’s brother-in-law), Sunah Ramsey, and Amanda Trusen, pray for them to find jobs

Praise for the engagement of Duane Einfeld and Kathleen Barbee, and pray for them as they prepare for their wedding on November 28

Stephanie-Rose Briggs and Tom and Lois Schonthaler, pray for them to be able to sell their houses soon

Theo Fusi and Libby Chen and their family, pray for their asylum request to be granted

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Church Staff and Officers CHURCH STAFF S. A. Fix, Pastor ...................................................................................... [email protected] Michael L. Coleman, Assistant Pastor ................................................. [email protected] Abraham Nuquay, Assistant Pastor for Church Planting [email protected] Irma Cripe, Choir Director ................................................................ [email protected] Ellen Wallen, Administrative Assistant .............................................. [email protected] Max Cripe, Treasurer ................................................................... [email protected]

RULING ELDERS ([email protected]) Bruce Buchanan Steve Hollidge Tim Jones Tom Ramsey Scott Schollenberger Tom Schonthaler Ken Styles Mark Wallace

DEACONS ([email protected]) Max Cripe Paul Evans Duncan Salada Greg Sinsley Charlie Staines (emeritus) Chip Wallen
