reforming engineering education

Reforming Engineering Education Oguz Hanoglu

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Post on 06-May-2015




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  • 1.ReformingEngineeringEducationOguz Hanoglu

2. Orientation Welcome to the module! For navigation in this module, you will usebuttons below, instead of arrows in yourkeyboard. 3. Objectives Question:Which is not the objective of this module?a) Informing you about reforming the engineeringeducationb) Given a case in an engineering education setting,helping you come up with at least twotechniques to respond to it as a lecturer.c) To bombard you with lots of boring information 4. MotivationDo you think that a carpenter takestraining for learning his job?YES NO 5. MotivationWhat about a medical doctor??YES NO 6. What about a policeman, a lawyer, a banker,a high school teacher, an engineer, a firefighter,a garbage man, a nurse, a radiologic technologist,a delivery truck driver, a telemarketer, a restaurantcook ?YES NOMotivation 7. What about a professor who teaches in a class?Does a professor take any professional training likeandragogy before she starts to teach?YES NOMotivation 8. MotivationWe can learn how to reformengineering education !Click on the characters to make them talkWe can teach engineeringmuch better ! 9. InformationNo, no, no !I dont need tochange.Im already the best.WARNING!This module is not forthe best professorsOK!Give me some ideas 10. InformationYou can start by understanding your audience.For this purpose, you can refer to adult learning theories inthe literature.For education, please read this well-known study onengineering education. 11. InformationPlease analyze this table to get more information on the differencesbetween pedagogy and andragogy(adult learning)Source 12. ApplicationGet the attention of undergrad:In telecommunications and computer networking, acommunication channel, or channel, refers either to aphysical transmission medium such as a wire, or to a logicalconnection over a multiplexed medium such as a radiochannel. A channel is used to convey an information signal,for example a digital bit stream, from one or several senders(or transmitters) to one or several receivers. A channel has acertain capacity for transmitting information, often measuredby its bandwidth in Hz or its data rate in bits perExplain the Topic Make Quiz What else? Hey buddy, iPhone 6 isreleased !!!!!!!!! Are you kidding, man? ! Of course nooooot Incrediiiiiiible! Where are u? I am in class COME ON!YOU HAVENTTAUGHT ANYTHINGYET 13. InformationTechnology distracts the attention of ourstudents; but cant we usethe same technology to do get their attentionback 14. InformationHere are some suggestions:Use clicker !Get instant feedbackfrom your studentsUse Web 2.0 applications!Enrich your course material!like 15. Pose questions on the screen duringlecture. Students answer using your i>clickerremote. Class results are tallied. Then display a graph with the classresults on the screen. Discuss the questions and answers. You can get points (for participatingand/or answering correctly)! These canbe recorded (e.g., for quizzes andattendance).ClickerSources 1 2 16. GlogsterSources 1 17. PreziSources 1 Prezi is like Powerpoint but it hassome differences. You are like movingon a paper and slides are laid on thepaper. Since it is different, it mayattract the attention of students andthis is desired in engineeringeducation. After some time, it may lose itefficiency since students will get usedto it. However, the efficiency wouldbe increased if instead of a monotonepresentation, an interactive way ofmoving through the slides can besatisfied. Like giving the big picturefirst and zooming in to details by thequestions of students. 18. ToondooSources 1The image here, technology coming tothe classroom , is designed by toondoo.It is a simple way of creating cartoons.That is great. We need this inengineering education. We can makefunny cartoons related to electronicsand use those at the boring stages ofclass. If used correctly, this wouldcertainly increase the efficiency of alecture. 19. Help Left arrow takes you to theprevious slide Right arrow takes you to thenext slide If no button appears, pleasecheck the slide. It may bethat a question is asked andyou are expected to answerthat question before movingto next slide.