regional leader directory by staff


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Page 2: Regional Leader Directory by Staff



Regional leaders, known as Rotary coordinators (RCs), Rotary public image coordinators (RPICs), regional Rotary Foundation coordinators (RRFCs), and endowment/major gifts advisers (E/MGAs), work together to use their Rotary expertise and knowledge to connect district leaders and club officers with resources. Coordinators and advisers serve as trainers and facilitators at Rotary institutes, governors-elect training seminars (GETS), regional meetings, and district seminars.

An RI director has been assigned to each of the 41 regional leader groups to coordinate and support their work. Directors are encouraged to conduct planning meetings for the regional leaders, at least once a year, and to include one or more of The Rotary Foundation Trustees in their planning meetings as coaches and counselors.

Appointed by the RI president or the Foundation trustee chair, regional leaders are a critical component in realizing the goals of the Board of Directors and the Trustees. Regional leaders serve a three-year assignment, subject to annual renewal.

ROTARY COORDINATORSRCs offer expertise and provide support to help create membership growth, retention, and engagement. They work with district leaders to create and implement strategic plans, address membership challenges, and promote programs and service activities. RCs can help you identify strategies to develop strong and dynamic clubs and districts, and encourage innovative best practices supporting your membership goals.

REGIONAL ROTARY FOUNDATION COORDINATORSRRFCs are a key resource for all Rotary Foundation topics including grants and grants management, fundraising, and programs such as PolioPlus and Rotary Peace Centers. They can help to teach Rotarians about the Foundation including its giving opportunities and Rotary Grants, as well as set and achieve program, grant, and giving goals. RRFCs conduct regional Rotary Foundation seminars to help educate Rotarians about the Foundation and encourage continued support of PolioPlus.

ROTARY PUBLIC IMAGE COORDINATORSRPICs work to enhance Rotary’s public image by increasing awareness of the organization and its humanitarian efforts among members and the general public. They can help you share Rotary’s successes with the community and media, local civic and government leaders, and similar entities. RPICs also promote and provide training on Rotary’s voice and visual identity.

ENDOWMENT/MAJOR GIFTS ADVISERSE/MGAs are a key resource for major gift and Endowment Fund matters in all regions. They work closely with RRFCs, Trustees, the Fund Development committee, and district leaders to develop personalized plans for identifying, cultivating, and soliciting major gifts. E/MGAs also promote and educate volunteers and prospects on major giving and Rotary Foundation initiatives.

Page 3: Regional Leader Directory by Staff


Los líderes regionales, es decir, los coordinadores de Rotary (CR), los coordinadores regionales de La Fundación Rotaria (CRFR), los coordinadores de la imagen pública de Rotary (CIPR) y los asesores del Fondo de Dotación y Donaciones Extraordinarias (AFD/DE), trabajan en equipo y utilizan su experiencia y conocimientos sobre Rotary para conectar a los líderes distritales y los funcionarios de los clubes con los recursos disponibles. A cada uno de los 41 grupos de líderes regionales se le asignó un director de RI, el cual se encargará de coordinar y apoyar su labor. Se recomienda a los directores que celebren, al menos una vez al año, una reunión de planificación con los integrantes de estos equipos y que inviten, además, a uno o más de los fiduciarios de La Fundación Rotaria para que se desempeñen como asesores y consejeros.El presidente de RI y el presidente del Consejo de Fiduciarios de la Fundación nombran a los líderes regionales, los cuales constituyen un elemento esencial para el logro de las metas establecidas por la Directiva de RI y los fiduciarios de LFR. Los líderes regionales ocupan sus cargos por un período de tres años, sujeto a un proceso de renovación anual.Los coordinadores y asesores fungen de instructores y facilitadores en los Institutos Rotarios, Seminarios de capacitación para gobernadores electos (GETS), reuniones regionales y seminarios distritales.

COORDINADORES DE ROTARYLos CR brindan su experiencia y ofrecen su apoyo para fomentar el desarrollo de la membresía, así como la conservación y el involucramiento de los socios actuales. En cooperación con los líderes distritales, los CR diseñan e implementan planes estratégicos, hacen frente a los obstáculos que dificultan el crecimiento de la membresía y promueven los programas y actividades de servicio de Rotary. Los CR lo ayudarán a identificar estrategias para fortalecer a los clubes y distritos, y alentarán a los rotarios a poner en práctica iniciativas innovadoras para contribuir al logro de las metas de membresía.

COORDINADORES REGIONALES DE LA FUNDACIÓN ROTARIA Los CRFR son un recurso clave en todos los temas relacionados con La Fundación Rotaria, incluidas las subvenciones y su gestión, la captación de fondos, y programas como PolioPlus y los Centros de Rotary pro Paz. Ellos lo ayudarán a informar a los rotarios sobre la Fundación, las oportunidades de realizar contribuciones y las subvenciones de Rotary, así como a lograr las metas de los programas y contribuciones. Los CRFR realizan seminarios regionales de La Fundación Rotaria para impartir capacitación a los rotarios sobre la Fundación, y fomentan el apoyo constante a PolioPlus.

COORDINADORES PARA LA IMAGEN PÚBLICA DE ROTARYLos CIPR trabajan para mejorar la imagen pública de Rotary, ampliando el reconocimiento de la organización y su labor humanitaria entre los rotarios y el público general. Estos coordinadores lo ayudarán a difundir los logros de Rotary en la comunidad y entre los medios periodísticos, funcionarios gubernamentales, líderes cívicos y entidades similares. Los CIPR se encargan, además, de promover y brindar capacitación sobre la voz y la identidad visual de Rotary.

ASESORES DEL FONDO DE DOTACIÓN Y DONACIONES EXTRAORDINARIASLos AFD/DE son el principal recurso para las donaciones extraordinarias y el Fondo de Dotación en la región. Trabajan en estrecha relación con los CRFR, fiduciarios, el Comité de Captación de Fondos y los líderes distritales, para elaborar planes personalizados a fin de identificar, cultivar y solicitar donaciones extraordinarias. Los AFD/DE también promueven e informan tanto a los rotarios como a los donantes potenciales sobre las iniciativas de la Fundación relacionadas con las donaciones extraordinarias.


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Les coordinateurs et les conseillers régionaux, plus précisément les coordinateurs du Rotary (RC), les coordinateurs Image publique du Rotary (RPIC), les coordinateurs régionaux de la Fondation Rotary (RRFC) et les conseillers Dons majeurs / Fonds de dotation (EMGA), travaillent de concert pour mettre leur expertise et leurs connaissances du Rotary au service des dirigeants de clubs et de districts, et les diriger vers des ressources les mieux adaptées à leurs besoins .Ils assurent les rôles de formateurs et de facilitateurs lors des Institutes du Rotary, les séminaires de formation des gouverneurs élus (SFGE), les réunions régionales et les séminaires de district.

Chacun des 41 groupes de conseillers régionaux compte un administrateur du Rotary dont le rôle est d’en coordonner et soutenir le travail. Ce dernier est encouragé à organiser des réunions avec ses coordinateurs et son conseiller régional au moins une fois par an, et à inviter, lors des réunions de planification, un ou plusieurs administrateurs de la Fondation Rotary en capacité de coach ou de conseiller.

Nommés par le président du Rotary ou le président du conseil d’administration de la Fondation Rotary, les coordinateurs et conseillers régionaux sont des rouages essentiels qui aident les clubs et les districts à atteindre les objectifs définis par les conseils d’administration du Rotary et de la Fondation. Leur mandat est de trois ans renouvelable.

COORDINATEURS DU ROTARY Les coordinateurs du Rotary mettent leurs compétences au service de la croissance de l’effectif, de la fidélisation et de l’implication des membres. Ils travaillent avec les dirigeants de district pour élaborer et mettre en œuvre des plans stratégiques, renforcer les clubs, et promouvoir les programmes et activités du Rotary. Enfin, ils aident à identifier des stratégies innovantes pour atteindre les objectifs Effectif.

COORDINATEURS RÉGIONAUX DE LA FONDATION ROTARYLes coordinateurs régionaux de la Fondation Rotary répondent aux questions sur la Fondation (subventions, collectes de fonds et programmes tels que PolioPlus ou les Centres du Rotary pour la paix). Ils assurent la promotion des possibilités de dons et de subventions. Enfin, ils organisent des séminaires régionaux dans le but d’informer et d’éduquer les Rotariens sur tous les aspects de la Fondation.

COORDINATEURS IMAGE PUBLIQUE DU ROTARYLes coordinateurs Image publique du Rotary travaillent à l’amélioration de l’image publique du Rotary en sensibilisant les Rotariens et le public à son action humanitaire. Ils aident les districts et les clubs à promouvoir leurs actions auprès des médias, des autorités locales et du milieu associatif. Ils assurent également la promotion de la nouvelle identité visuelle du Rotary sur laquelle ils proposent des formations.

CONSEILLERS FONDS DE DOTATION/ DONS MAJEURSLes conseillers Fonds de dotation/Dons majeurs travaillent étroitement avec les coordinateurs régionaux de la Fondation, les administrateurs de la Fondation, la commission Recherche de fonds et les dirigeants de district pour démarcher des dons majeurs. Ils informent et éduquent également les Rotariens et les prospects sur les dons majeurs et les principales initiatives de la Fondation.


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I leader regionali, noti come Coordinatori Rotary (RC), Coordinatori Immagine Pubblica del Rotary (RPIC), Coordinatori Regionali Fondazione Rotary (RRFC) e Consulenti Fondi di dotazione/Grandi donazioni (E/MGA), collaborano tra di loro facendo leva sulle loro competenze e conoscenze per connettere i dirigenti di club e distretto alle risorse disponibili.

Questi leader regionali fungono da istruttori e facilitatori durante gli Istituti Rotary, SIGE (Seminari d’Istruzione dei Governatori Eletti), riunioni regionali e seminari distrettuali.

Ad ognuno dei 41 gruppi di leader regionali viene assegnato un Consigliere RI per coordinare e sostenere le loro attività. I Consiglieri sono incoraggiati a svolgere riunioni programmatiche per i leader regionali, almeno una volta l’anno, e ad includere uno o più Amministratori della Fondazione Rotary in queste riunioni in funzione di mentori e consulenti.

I leader regionali sono nominati dal Presidente del RI o dal Presidente della Fondazione e rappresentano una componente essenziale per la realizzazione degli obiettivi del Consiglio centrale del RI e degli Amministratori della Fondazione. Essi restano in carica per tre anni, e il loro mandato può essere rinnovato a cadenza annuale.

COORDINATORI ROTARY Gli RC offrono competenze e supporto per la crescita e il coinvolgimento dell’effettivo; collaborano con i dirigenti distrettuali per creare e implementare i piani strategici, affrontare le sfide riguardanti l’effettivo e promuovere programmi e attività di servizio. Gli RC possono aiutare a identificare strategie per sviluppare club e distretti forti e dinamici, ed incoraggiare migliori prassi innovative a sostegno degli obiettivi per l’effettivo.

COORDINATORI IMMAGINE PUBBLICA DEL ROTARY Gli RPIC si impegnano per migliorare l’immagine pubblica del Rotary, incrementando la consapevolezza dell’organizzazione e dei suoi impegni umanitari, sia tra i soci che il pubblico esterno. Inoltre, gli RPIC possono aiutare a condividere i successi del Rotary con la comunità e i media, gli amministratori locali e l’intera società e promuovono e offrono la formazione sull’identità visuale e verbale del Rotary.

COORDINATORI REGIONALI FONDAZIONE ROTARYGli RRFC sono una risorsa chiave per tutti gli argomenti relativi alla Fondazione Rotary, incluse sovvenzioni e gestione delle sovvenzioni, raccolte fondi e programmi, quali PolioPlus e Centri della pace del Rotary. Inoltre, gli RRFC possono aiutare a informare i Rotariani sulla Fondazione e opportunità di finanziamento, sulle sovvenzioni Rotary e su come sviluppare e realizzare i programmi, le sovvenzioni e gli obiettivi per le donazioni. I Coordinatori Regionali Fondazione Rotary conducono seminari sulla Fondazione per aiutare a informare i Rotariani sulla Fondazione e incoraggiare il continuo supporto a PolioPlus.

CONSULENTI FONDI DI DOTAZIONE/GRANDI DONAZIONIGli E/MGA rappresentano una risorsa chiave per i fondi di dotazione e le Grandi donazioni a livello regionale. I consulenti lavorano da vicino con gli RRFC, Amministratori, la commissione Sviluppo fondi e i dirigenti distrettuali per sviluppare piani personalizzati per identificare, coltivare e sollecitare Grandi donazioni. Inoltre, gli E/MGA promuovono e istruiscono i volontari e potenziali donatori sulle donazioni e sulle iniziative della Fondazione Rotary.


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地域リーダーには、ロータリーコーディネーター(RC)、ロータリー公共イメージコーディネーターRPIC)、ロータリー財団地域コーディネーター(RRFC)、恒久基金/大口寄付アドバイザー EMGA)の4つのグループがあります。それぞれの専門知識を生かして、地区とクラブのリーダーがリソースを効果的に活用できるよう情報と支援を提供し、ロータリー研究会、ガバナーエレクト研修セミナー(GETS)、各種地域セミナー、地区セミナーで研修者や進行役としての役割を担います。








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로타리 코디네이터(RC), 로타리 공공 이미지 코디네이터(RPIC), 로타리재단 지역 코디네이터(RRFC), 인다우먼트/고액기부 어드바이저(E/MGA)로 이루어진 지역리더 팀은 자신들의 로타리 지식과 경험을 활용하여 지구 리더와 클럽 임원들을 연결하고 자원을 소개한다. 코디네이터와 어드바이저는 로타리 연수회, 지구총재 연수회(GETS), 지역 회합, 지구 세미나 등에서 트레이너 및 진행자로 봉사한다.

RI 이사들이 41개 지역리더 팀 중 해당 지역의 팀을 맡아 활동을 조정하고 지원을 제공한다. 이사들은 적어도 1년에 한 번 지역리더들을 위한 예비회합을 실시하고, 이 회합에 로타리재단 이사를 조언자로 포함시킬 것이 권장된다.

RI 회장과 재단 이사장이 임명하는 지역리더들은 이사회와 재단 이사회의 목표를 실현하는 데 결정적으로 중요한 인력이다. 지역리더들의 임기는 3년이며, 매년 재임명된다.

로타리 코디네이터로타리 코디네이터(RC)는 클럽들의 회원증강과 유지, 활동강화를 위해 전문적인 조언과 지원을 제공한다. RC는 지구 리더들과 협력하여 지구 전략 계획이 실행될 수 있도록 하며, 회원증강을 위한 도전과제를 해결하고, 프로그램 및 봉사활동을 증진한다. RC들은 강력하고 역동적인 클럽과 지구를 위한 전략을 파악하며, 혁신적인 모범 관행을 통해 회원증강 목표가 달성될 수 있도록 지원한다.

로타리재단 지역 코디네이터로타리재단 지역 코디네이터(RRFC)는 보조금과 보조금 관리, 기금 모금, 폴리오플러스 및 로타리 평화 센터를 포함한 프로그램 등 재단과 관련된 모든 업무에 지원을 제공하는 주요 인적 자원이다. RRFC는 기부 기회와 로타리 보조금에 대한 교육을 로타리인들에게 제공하여 프로그램, 보조금, 기부 등 각 분야의 목표를 설정하고 이를 달성할 수 있도록 지원한다. 또한, 로타리재단 지역 세미나를 주관하여 로타리안들에게 재단에 대한 교육을 실시하고 폴리오플러스에 대한 지속적인 지원을 장려한다.

로타리 공공 이미지 코디네이터로타리 공공 이미지 코디네이터(RPIC)는 로타리안과 비로타리안들에 로타리의 인도주의 노력에 대한 인식을 확대시킴으로써 로타리의 공공 이미지를 고양시킨다. RPIC는 로타리의 성공적인 봉사 활동이 지역사회와 미디어, 시민 단체 및 정부 지도자 등과 공유될 수 있도록 지원한다. 또한 로타리의 보이스 및 비주얼 아이덴티티 사용에 대한 교육을 실시, 홍보한다.

인다우먼트/고액기부 어드바이저 인다우먼트/고액기부 어드바이저(E/MGA)는 지역에서 고액기부와 인다우먼트 기금 증진을 위해 봉사하는 주요 인적 자원이다. E/MGA는 RRFC, 로타리재단 이사, 기금 개발 위원회, 그리고 지구 지도자들과 협력하여 고액기부자들을 파악하고 이들과의 관계를 강화하며 기부를 요청하기 위한 개별화된 계획을 수립한다. 또한, E/MGA는 자원봉사자 및 예상 봉사자들에게 고액기부 및 로타리재단 이니셔티브에 대한 교육을 실시하고 홍보한다.


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Nossos líderes regionais, conhecidos como coordenadores do Rotary (CRs), coordenadores regionais da Fundação Rotária (CRFRs), coordenadores da imagem pública do Rotary (CIPRs) e consultores de doações extraordinárias/Fundo de Dotação (E/MGAs), usam sua experiência e conhecimentos rotários para colocar administradores distritais e dirigentes de clube em contato com os recursos de que precisam.

Os coordenadores e consultores servem de instrutores e facilitadores em Institutos Rotary, GETS, eventos regionais e seminários distritais.

Os 41 grupos de líderes regionais atuam em colaboração com os respectivos diretores do RI, que são responsáveis por coordenar e apoiar seu trabalho. Os diretores são incentivados a fazer reuniões de planejamento para os líderes regionais e, pelo menos uma vez por ano, convidar um ou mais curadores para servirem de orientadores e conselheiros.

Indicados pelo presidente do RI ou chair da Fundação Rotária, os líderes regionais são essenciais para alcançarmos as metas da nossa organização. Eles têm mandato de três anos, sujeito à renovação anual.

COORDENADORES DO ROTARYOs CRs dão suporte para o crescimento, retenção e engajamento do quadro associativo. Eles trabalham com os líderes distritais para criar e implementar planos estratégicos, solucionar desafios do quadro associativo e promover nossos programas e serviços. Conte com seu CR para identificar estratégias que fortaleçam e dinamizem seu clube e distrito, e para estabelecer novas práticas que realmente façam a diferença em seu quadro associativo.

COORDENADORES REGIONAIS DA FUNDAÇÃO ROTÁRIAOs CRFRs são especialistas em Fundação Rotária, sendo um recurso essencial nas áreas de subsídios, doações, Pólio Plus, entre outras. Conte com este rotariano sempre que tiver alguma dúvida ou ideia que envolva a Fundação. Aliás, o CRFR realiza o Seminário Regional da Fundação Rotária para informar e incentivar maior envolvimento com a nossa Fundação.

COORDENADORES DA IMAGEM PÚBLICA DO ROTARYOs CIPRs ajudam a projetar a imagem pública do Rotary, divulgando nosso trabalho a rotarianos e ao público em geral. Eles podem ajudá-lo a comunicar histórias de sucesso para a comunidade, mídia, líderes cívicos e governamentais, e entidades similares. Os CIPRs também promovem a nossa nova voz e identidade visual, e dão treinamentos sobre o assunto.

CONSULTORES DE DOAÇÕES EXTRAORDINÁRIAS/ FUNDO DE DOTAÇÃOOs consultores são um excelente recurso para aumentar doações extraordinárias e contribuições ao Fundo de Dotação em sua região. Eles colaboram com os CRFRs, curadores da Fundação, Comissão de Captação de Recursos e líderes distritais para desenvolver planos personalizados de identificação, cultivo e solicitação de contribuições. Além disso, eles informam voluntários e possíveis doadores sobre doações extraordinárias e iniciativas da Fundação Rotária.


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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


REGIONAL LEADERSZONE 1 – Districts 2500, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2540, 2550, 2560, 2570, 2770, 2790, 2800, 2820, 2830, 2840

RC 2nd yearKoichi Yokoyama / Koichi1126 KO NakamachiNumata CityGunma 378-0053Japan

Phone: +81 278 240 1624Email: [email protected]

Director Takanori Sugitani

RRFC 3rd yearHitoshi Iwabuchi / Hitoshi3-36-20 MinamiurawaMinami-KuSaitama City, Saitama 336-0017Japan

Phone: +81 48 827 0022 +81 48 885 0612

Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearToshihiko Watanabe / Toshihiko3-1-46 Yoneyama, Chuo-kuNiigata City, Niigata 950-0916Japan

Phone: +81 25 255 5533 +81 25 229 1348

Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearTokubei Tanaka / Tokuc/o Central Group1-11-2 SuehiroKawaguchi 332-0006 Japan

Phone: +81 48 222 1477Email: [email protected]

ZONE 2 – Districts 2580, 2590, 2600, 2610, 2620, 2630, 2750, 2760, 2780RC 3rd yearMakoto Kanasugi / Makoto1-2-37 FujizukaKohoku-kuYokohama, Kanagawa 222-0012Japan

Phone: +81 454 023 733Email: [email protected]

RRFC 1st yearKenju Takekoshi / Kenju Nishikawate 9-62Gifu City, Gifu 500-8258 Japan

Phone: +81 58 2407 711Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearMagozaemon Takano / MagoKichijiya Co., LTD4-5-29 ChuoKofu, Yamanashi 400-0032Japan

Phone: +81 55 232 3111Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 1st yearMitsuharu Aizawa / AiRotary Governor’s OfficeAizawa Bldg. 5F 22-7-501 Minamifujisawa Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0055 Japan

Phone: +81 466 26 7100Email: [email protected]

Director Takanori Sugitani

Page 10: Regional Leader Directory by Staff

RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 3 – Districts 2640, 2650, 2660, 2670, 2680, 2690, 2700, 2710, 2720, 2730, 2740RC 2nd yearYoshiaki Ama / Yoshiaki187 Asahi-machiKajiki-choAira-gun, Kagoshima 899-5213Japan

Phone: +81 995 622 054Email: [email protected]

RRFC 1st yearYuji Murakami / Yuji 2-14-35 KamiyashikiTanabe, Wakayama 646-0036Japan

Phone: +81 0739 246 0111Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearNobuaki Iwanaga / Nobu26-13 Hirano-MachiNagasaki-City, Nagasaki 852-8117Japan

Phone: +81 95 849 0999Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearSigeru Torii / Sigeru4-4-18 SanyoAkaiwa 709-0827 Japan

Phone: +81 869 55 3816Email: [email protected]

ZONES 4 & 6A – Districts 3011, 3012, 3030, 3040, 3051, 3052, 3053, 3060, 3070, 3080, 3090, 3100, 3110, 3120, 3131, 3132, 3140, 3240, 3250, 3261, 3262, 3291, 3292

RC 2nd yearVijay Jalan / Vijay1801/2- C wing, Oberoi SpringsOff New Link Road, opp CitimallAndheri West Mumbai 400058India

Phone: +91 982 005 8881Email: [email protected]

RRFC 3rd yearMadhu Rughwani / Madhu1st Flr. CPL ComplexOpp. SFS ChurchKamptee Rd.Nagpur N. Maharashtra 440001India

Phone: +91 982 246 7958Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearKamal Sanghvi / KamalVirji & Co Pvt. Ltd.Sanghvi VillaMain Road JhariaDhanbad Jharkhand 828111India

Phone: +91 326 236 0436Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearAsoke Ghosh / AsokePHI Learning Private LimitedRimjhim House, 111, Patparganj Indl. EstateNew Delhi 110092 India

Phone: +91 11 4303 1100Email: [email protected]

Director Takanori Sugitani

Director Manoj D. Desai

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ZONE 5 – Districts 2981, 2982, 3000, 3020, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3190, 3201, 3202, 3211, 3212, 3220, 3230RC 3rd yearChockalingam Basker / BaskerV.N.C. Electrodes 3, Industrial Estate Karur 639004 Tamil NaduIndia

Phone: +91 4324 242074 +91 4324 240895

Email: [email protected]

Director Manoj D. Desai

RRFC 2nd yearVenkatasamy Seenivasan / RajaY-149, III St. 6th Main Road. Anna Nagar Chennai 600040 Tamil Nadu India

Phone: +91 984 002 4466Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearSambasiva Rao Patibandla / SamPlot No. 397 Rd. No. 22BJubilee HillsHyderabad 500033 And. Pr.India

Phone: +91 40 23412391Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearRavi Vadlamani / RaviUmamaheswara Rao & Co.Samatha 6th Ln. Main Rd.Guntur 522002 India

Phone: +91 984 8132 565Email: [email protected]

ZONE 6B – Districts 3271, 3272, 3281, 3282, 3300, 3310, 3330, 3340, 3350, 3360

RC 2nd yearSalim Reza / SalimM. A. Wahab & Sons54, Motijheel C/AElite House, 3rd Flr.Dhaka 1000Bangladesh

Phone: +880 17 11 563 111Email: [email protected]

Director Saowalak Rattanavich

RRFC 2nd yearRafiq Ahmed Siddique / RafiqHouse # 13, Road # 7 Gulshan-1 Dhaka 1212Bangladesh

Phone: +880 1711 650 299Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearRajindar Singh / Rajindar20F Jalan Changkat JongTeluk Intan, Perak 36000Malaysia

Phone: +60 125181095 Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearNoraseth Pathmanand / Norasethc/o Sinovest4/F Lake Rajada Off. Complex192/23 Rajadabhisek Rd. Klong ToeyBangkok 10110 Thailand

Phone: +66 2 264 0251Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 7A – Districts 3410, 3420, 3770, 3780, 3790, 3800, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3850, 3860, 3870RC 1st yearErnesto Choa / Ernie Access Agricare Inc. 747-A Quirino Highway, San Bartolome Novaliches 1116 Quezon City Metro Manila Philippines

Phone: +63 917 819 9111Email: [email protected]

Director Guiller E. Tumangan

RRFC 3rd yearMarcos Hermoso / Mac#25 Coconut St.Valle Verde IV,1600 Pasig CityPhilippines

Phone: +63 240 319 49 Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearEduardo Alvarez / EdOrix Metro Leasing & Fin. Corp. 21/F GT Tower Intl.Ayala Ave. cor. H.V dela Costa St.Makati City 1227Philippines

Phone: +63 2 8588833Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearRafael Garcia III / RaffyMEGA-RMG3 Bldg.667 Sgt. Bumatay St.1530 Mandaluyong City Philippines

Phone: +63 25 323 061Email: [email protected]

ZONES 7B & PART OF 8 – Districts 9675, 9685, 9700, 9710, 9780, 9790, 9800, 9810, 9820, 9830, 9910, 9920, 9930, 9940, 9970, 9980RC 3rd yearJessie Harman / Jessie127 Moola St.Ballarat Victoria 3550Australia

Phone: +61 03 5332 3203 +61 03 5327 9640

Email: [email protected]

Director Guiller E. Tumangan

RRFC 1st yearJohn Barnes / John 5A York St. Glen Waverly, Vic. 3150 Australia

Phone: +61 3 98028007Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearLeanne Jaggs / Leanne413 Union RdMauku R.D.3PukekohePukekohe Auckland 2678New Zealand

Phone: +64 21 908644Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearWilliam J. Studebaker / JimPO Box 602Balwyn Victoria 3103 Australia

Phone: +61 398 406 494Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 8 (PART OF) – Districts 9455, 9465, 9500, 9520, 9550, 9570, 9600, 9630, 9640, 9650, 9670

RC 2nd yearMalcolm D. Lindquist / Malcolm24 Fraser St.Lower Mitcham S.A. 5062Australia

Phone: +61 8 82769380Email: [email protected]

Director Guiller E. Tumangan

RRFC 3rd yearJoanne Schilling / JoanneP.O. Box 42428 Casuarina, N.T. 0811Australia

Phone: +61 889 480 230Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearWendy Gaborit / Wendy 9 Ellendale Ave. Murray Bridge, S.A. 5253 Australia

Phone: +61 8532 2872Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearRoss Forgione / Ross148 Algester Rd.Algester Qld. 4115Australia

Phone: +61 418 724 946Email: [email protected]

ZONES 9 & 10A – Districts 3590, 3600, 3610, 3620, 3630, 3640, 3650, 3661, 3662, 3670, 3680, 3690, 3700, 3710, 3720, 3730, 3740, 3750

RC 2nd yearJae Yoon Lee / Duk Young511 Gukchaebosang-ro, Jung-guDukyoung Dental Hospital Daegu Daegu 700-252Korea (Rep.)

Phone: +82 53 256 2145 +82 53 782 2852

Email: [email protected]

Director Hsiu-Ming Lin

RRFC 2nd yearWon-Pyo Kim / You CheongGyeongju Yeonhap Dental Clinic267, Wonhwa-ro Gyeongju-Si Gyeongsangbuk-Do 780-946Korea (Rep.)

Phone: +82 54 773 5045Email: [email protected]


E/MGA 3rd yearYong-Chae Kim / Yong-Chae739-25 Ancheong-dongGwangsan-gu Gwangju 506-258Korea (Rep.)

Phone: +82 62 954 0020 +82 10 3646 7150

Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 10B – Districts 3450, 3460, 3470, 3480, 3490, 3500, 3510, 3520RC 2nd yearChi-Jea Yao / Kega12F, No. 53, Minchuan W. Rd.Taipei 10452Taiwan

Phone: +886 225 980 905Email: [email protected]

Director Hsiu-Ming Lin

RRFC 2nd yearHung-Ming Chang / Tony71, Jhi-Ping Rd.Hsinchu 30067 Taiwan

Phone: +886 933 160 426Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearDevidas Harilela / DavidRoom 201-205, 2/FKowloon Centre, 29-39 Ashley RoadTsimShaTsui, Kowloon 120Hong Kong

Phone: +852 23762999Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 1st year Henry Chang / Henry7F, No 33, Sec 2,Zhongshan N Rd. Zhongshan Dist Taipei 10450 Taiwan

Phone: +886 937130913Email: [email protected]

ZONES 11 & PART OF 20B – Districts 1510, 1520, 1640, 1650, 1660, 1670, 1680, 1690, 1700, 1710, 1720, 1730, 1740, 1750, 1760, 1770, 1780, 1790, 9010

RC 1st yearJacques-Edmond Allorant / Jacques 6 allée Georges Pequin 78120 Rambouillet France

Phone: +33 134 833 613Email: [email protected]

Director Guiseppe Viale

RRFC 2nd yearGeorge Hardy / George6 Ave. Marie94500 Champigny sur MarneFrance

Phone: +33 1 48806755Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearFrédéric Moline / Frédéric1040 Avenue Docteur Fleming30900 NimesFrance

Phone: +33 466362236Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearMichel Monteau / Michel96 Bis rue Ponsardin51100 Reims France

Phone: +33 611 692 650Email: [email protected]

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ZONES 12, 13B & PART OF 19 – Districts 1960, 1970, 2031, 2032, 2041, 2042, 2050, 2060, 2071, 2072, 2080, 2090, 2100, 2110, 2120, 2201, 2202, 2203

RC 3rd yearAndrea Oddi / AndreaLargo del Promontorio 1Trieste 34123Italy

Phone: +39 348 308 0612 +39 2 878938

Email: [email protected]

Director Guiseppe VialeRRFC 1st year

Silvio Piccioni / Silvio Via Pontinia 5004100 LatinaItaly

Phone: +39 339 8909098Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearMarco Milanesi / Marcoc/o Matherson Via Olimpia, 2Presezzo, BG 24030 Italy

Phone: +39 335337162Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearGiovanni Jandolo / GianniPiazza Morbegno 520127 Milano Italy

Phone: +39 329 223 1812Email: [email protected]

ZONES 13A, 13C & 18B – Districts 1550, 1560, 1570, 1580, 1590, 1600, 1610, 1620, 1630, 1980, 1990, 2170RC 3rd yearPaul Gelders / PaulKennedylaan 1Herentals 2200Belgium

Phone: +32 475 782 493 +32 1423 1519

Email: [email protected]

Director Eduardo San Martin Carreño

RRFC 2nd yearCarol Govers / Carol Randweg 276662 DC Elst Netherlands

Phone: +31 653 131857Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearPeter Ottiger / PeterOttiger & Partner BSW AGRothenring 226015 LuzernSwitzerland

Phone: +41 41 269 51 51Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearUrs Herzog / UrsRingweg 94105 Biel-Benken BL Switzerland

Phone: +41 61 721 51 92Email: [email protected]

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ZONES 14 & PART OF 19 – Districts 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 1841, 1842, 1850, 1860, 1870, 1880, 1890, 1900, 1930, 1940, 1950RC 3rd yearPeter Iblher / PeterSteilstr. 7Zirndorf -Weiherhof 90513Germany

Phone: +49 911 960 2020 Email: [email protected]

Director Eduardo San Martin Carreño

RRFC 3rd yearRüdiger Götz / RudigerNeumühlenweg 1491438 Bad WindsheimGermany

Phone: +49 984 165 525Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st year Thomas Meier-Vehring / Thomas Am Barenbach 859174 KamenGermany

Phone: +49 2307 9835273Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearEkkehart Pandel / EkkehartMarienstrasse 1031675 Buekeburg Germany

Phone: +49 5722 890 917Email: [email protected]

ZONE 15 – Districts 1380, 1390, 1400, 1410, 1420, 1430, 2220, 2320, 2330, 2340, 2350, 2370, 2380, 2400, 2410RC 1st yearVeli-Matti Heinijoki / Veli Palomäentie 6 B 14 33200 Tampere Finland

Phone: +358 40 510 1826Email: [email protected]

Director Per Høyen

RRFC 2nd yearVirpi Honkala / VirpiKlupukatu 392100 Raahe Finland

Phone: +358 822 0306 +358 444 394 800

Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearLena Lagestam / LenaKoppslahyttan 195S-78198 BorlängeSweden

Phone: +46 70 5900 380Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearMatti Honkala / MattiKlupukatu 392100 Raahe Finland

Phone: +358 822 0306 +358 400 605 766

Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 16 – Districts 1360, 1440, 1450, 1461, 1462, 1470, 1480, 2230, 2250, 2260, 2275, 2290, 2305, 2310, 2360, 2390RC 2nd yearJens-Erik Rasmussen / Jens-ErikOlsbækdal 182670 GreveDenmark

Phone: +45 4369 8466Email: [email protected]: familien.abildgaard.rasmussen

Director Per Høyen

RRFC 2nd yearIngrid Grandum Berget / Ingrid GrandumUlstrupsvei 73960 StathelleNorway

Phone: +47 35960869Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearInger-Britt Zeiner / Inger-BrittDukenvn. 63133 DukenNorway

Phone: +47 33385603Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearÓlafur Kjartansson / ÓliBirkivellir 26800 Selfoss Iceland

Phone: +354 892 3391Email: [email protected]

ZONE 17 – Districts 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1060, 1070, 1150, 1160, 1180, 1190, 1210, 1220, 1230, 1270, 1285RC 1st yearKeith G. Best / Keith Ard na Ghyll Old Minnigaff, WigtownshireNewton Stewart DG8 6SJScotland

Phone: +44 01671 403464Email: [email protected]

Director Peter L. Offer

RRFC 2nd yearAllan Maclaughlan / AllanHartwood MainsHarburn West CalderEdinburgh EH55 8LEScotland

Phone: +44 01506 872544Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearPhillip Beggs / Phillip 4 Dalton DriveComberNewtownards Co. Down BT23 5HF Northern Ireland

Phone: +44 028 9187 2065Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearMaurice Halliday / Maurice15 St. Mary St.KirkcudbrightDG6 4AA Scotland

Phone: +44 15 5733 0982Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 18A – Districts 1080, 1090, 1100, 1110, 1120, 1130, 1145, 1175, 1200, 1240, 1260RC 2nd yearGeorge Brown / RobinPincombe House, WoodhillStoke St. GregoryTaunton Somerset TA3 6EWEngland

Phone: +44 01823 490151Email: [email protected]

Director Peter L. Offer

RRFC 1st yearJohn Dunkley / John Mercers FarmFingleshamDeal Kent CT14 0NG England

Phone: +44 07710 255704Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearMichael Thorn / Mike 70 Osier Way Banstead Surrey SM7 1LL England

Phone: +44 1737 212720Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearReginald Ling / Reg19 Bere CloseWinchester Hants. SO22 5HY England

Phone: +44 19 6285 3611Email: [email protected]

ZONE 19 (PART OF) – Districts 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1920, 2000, 2240, 2241, 2490RC 1st yearGünter Ertler / Günter Pertlstein 1 Fehring, Styria Austria 8350

Phone: +43 644 202 9179Email: [email protected]

Director Şafak Alpay

RRFC 1st yearHerbert Ederer / Herbert Siegfried-Esterl-Gasse 40 8160 Weiz Austria

Phone: +43 676 7188111Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearAlexandru Val Condurache / AlexandruBd. Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfant nr. 4Bl. A1, Sc. A6th Flr. Ap. 29700124 IasiRomania

Phone: +40 232214544Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearDavid Neumann / David9, Moshe Kol Street9371515 Jerusalem Israel

Phone: +972 2 6785321Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 20A (ENGLISH-SPEAKING) – Districts 9101 & 9102, 9110, 9125, 9140, 9211, 9212 (English-speaking)RC 1st yearGeeta Manek / Geeta P.O. Box 11582 Nairobi 00400 Kenya

Phone: +254 733 699 990Email: [email protected]

Director Şafak Alpay

RRFC 3rd yearOlayinka Babalola / Yinka5 Liberty Dr.Off Ada George Rd. Rumuokwuta P.O. Box 8457 Port Harcourt 500001Nigeria

Phone: +234 803-3095790Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearNdukwe Chukwu / Ndukwe Central Bank of Nigeria Maryam Babangida Way Asaba Nigeria

Phone: +234 8025018715Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearBenson Aghazu / BenUdealo Nest, 8 Avenue of Light, Akaboezem Uruagu Nnewi 400001 Nigeria

Phone: +234 803 323 0002Email: [email protected]

ZONE 20A (FRENCH-SPEAKING) – Districts 9101 & 9102, 9150, 9220 (French-speaking)RC 2nd yearMahomed Baboo / MamedMabco Business Ctr.16 Leoville l’Homme St.Port Louis Mauritius

Phone: +230 5256 6100Email: [email protected]

Director Şafak Alpay

RRFC 1st yearYaovi Tigoé / Yaovi BP 2689Quartier Hauts de GuéguéLibrevilleGabon

Phone: +241 06 25 82 17Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearDinesh Gajeelee / DineshImpasse Perdrix Morc. SwanPereybereMauritius

Phone: +230 52576363Email: [email protected]: dgajeelee

E/MGA 3rd yearJoseph Owondault-Berre / JosephB.P. 13370Libreville Gabon

Phone: +241 072 94734Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 20A SOUTH – Districts 9210, 9350, 9370, 9400RC 3rd yearNithianandan Moodley / NattyP.O. Box 56587Chatsworth, DurbanKwazulu Natal 4030South Africa

Phone: +27 31 409 5125Email: [email protected]

Director Şafak Alpay

RRFC 3rd yearAnne Botha / AnneP.O. Box 6482Flamwood 2572South Africa

Phone: +27 82 927 6626Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearShirley Downie / ShirleyThe Guinea Fowl Valley Est.2/210 Trichardt Cres.President Park, Midrand Gauteng 1685South Africa

Phone: +27 83 308 0042Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearTrevor Long / Trevor3 WaterfordMitchell St. S. EndPort Elizabeth East Cape 6001 South Africa

Phone: +27 41 586 4620Email: [email protected]

ZONE 20B – Districts 2420, 2430, 2440, 2451, 2452, 2470, 2482, 2483, 2484RC 3rd yearDoros Jeropoulos / DorosP. O. Box 50278Limassol 3062Cyprus

Phone: +357 9930 1304Email: [email protected]

Director Şafak Alpay

RRFC 2nd yearUsama Barghouthi / UsamaP.O. Box 925400Amman 11190Jordan

Phone: +962 6 567 3582Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearGünes Ertas / GünesErtek Ltd., 1004 SokakNo. 1 P02 Insaat Is Merkezi35110 Izmir/YenisehirTurkey

Phone: +90 232 469 4353Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 1st yearSuleyman Girit / Suleyman 1 Karaoglanoglu Cad. No: 25Etem Zengin Is mrz. K4 Seyrantepe 34418 Istanbul Turkey

Phone: +90 532 214 4139Email: [email protected]

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ZONE 21A – Districts 4060, 4100, 4110, 4130, 4150, 4160, 4170, 4185, 4195, 4240, 4250, 4271, 4281, 4370, 4380RC 1st yearSalvador Rizzo-Tavares / Rizzo Ave. Roble N. 300-1101Fracc. Valle del Campestre 66265 San Pedro Garza Garcia, N.L. Mexico

Phone: +521 818 605 6267Email: [email protected]

Director Greg E. Podd

RRFC 3rd yearCarlos Alberto Saavedra Vallejo / Carlos AlbertoCalle 20 Nte. No. 5-AN-44Of. 302, Edif. Versalles PlazaSantiago de Cali V. del C. Colombia

Phone: +57 2667 1227Email: [email protected] [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearLeticia Parra Toledo / LeticiaCampiña # 30Lomas de Bellavista52994 AtizapánMexico

Phone: +52 55 539 344 55Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearCarlos Sandoval / CarlosAv. Vasconcelos 390 Pte.Col. Del Valle66230 San Pedro Graza Garcia Mexico

Phone: +52 81 1257 2040Email: [email protected]

ZONES 21B & PART OF 27 – Districts 5730, 5750, 5770, 5790, 5810, 5840, 5870, 5890, 5910, 5930RC 3rd yearDavid B. Norris / David1004 Crockett St.Amarillo, TX 79102USA

Phone: +1 806 367 6822Email: [email protected]

Director Greg E. Podd

RRFC 1st yearSuzi Howe / Suzi 1214 Merriewood Friendswood, TX 77546USA

Phone: +1 713 408 0145Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearLisa Herring / Lisa 1000 Diamond Dr. #202 Boerne, TX 78006USA

Phone: +1 210 882 9815Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearDonald Mebus / Don1711 Norwood LaneArlington, TX 76013 USA

Phone: +1 817 261 5571Email: [email protected]

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ZONES 22A & 23A – Districts 4310, 4420, 4430, 4440, 4470, 4480, 4510, 4540, 4590, 4600, 4610, 4620, 4630, 4640, 4650, 4651, 4660, 4670, 4680, 4700, 4710, 4730, 4740, 4770, 4780

RC 1st yearJosé Luiz Fonseca / FonsecaR. Babilônia 98Granja Vianna 06712-205 Cotia S.P Brazil

Phone: +55 11 3048 0140Email: [email protected]

Districts 4310, 4420, 4430, 4440, 4480, 4510, 4540, 4590, 4600, 4610, 4620, 4770

Director José Ubiracy Silva

RC 1st yearCésar Luis Scherer / CésarR. Sete de Setembro 877Cond. Itacorá Comercial cj 601/604 A6, Centro 85960-000 Marechal Cândido Rondon Pr. Brazil

Phone: +55 45 32544477Email: [email protected]

Districts 4470, 4630, 4640, 4650, 4651, 4660, 4670, 4680, 4700, 4710, 4730, 4740, 4780

RRFC 2nd yearPaulo Augusto Zanardi / ZanardiR. Lindolfo Pessoa 180Apt. 50180240-330 Curitiba Pr.Brazil

Phone: +55 41 30157654Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearErnoe Eger / ErnoeAlameda Rio Branco, 805 – apto 130389010-300 Blumenau S.C.Brazil

Phone: +55 47 33224490Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearRoberto Luiz Barroso Filho / Roberto LuizEnd. Av. Ana Costa n.471 cj. 718Bairro - Gonzaga11060-003 Santos S.P. Brazil

Phone: +55 13 981 331 313 +55 13 3284 4222 +55 13 3271 1815

Email: [email protected]

ZONE 22B – Districts 4390, 4410, 4490, 4500, 4520, 4530, 4550, 4560, 4570, 4580, 4720, 4750, 4760RC 3rd yearAntonio Henrique Vasconcelos / HenriqueR. Teatrólogo Silvano Serra 351 Casa. 6Dumas Fortaleza Ce. 60181-530Brazil

Phone: +55 85 99250447Email: [email protected]

Director José Ubiracy Silva

RRFC 1st yearHugo da Cruz Dorea / Hugo Rua Osvaldo Cruz,324 Centro 44001-288 Feira de Santana BA Brazil

Phone: +55 75 32218400Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearVera Bertagnoli / VeraAv. 16 de Novembro 691/201Belém Pa. 66023-220Brazil

Phone: +55 91 3223 0070, +55 91 8879 0593Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearAltimar Augusto Fernandes / AltimarAv. Presidente Wilson 112Apto 12111065-200 Santos, S.P. Brazil

Phone: +55 13 3253738Email: [email protected]

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ZONES 23B & C – Districts 4320, 4340, 4355, 4400, 4455, 4465, 4690, 4815, 4845, 4849, 4855, 4895, 4915, 4920, 4930, 4945, 4970, 4980

RC 3rd yearDaniel Elicetche / DanielHerib Campos Cervera 1218Casilla de Correro 13010Asunción 1749Paraguay

Phone: +595 21 661557Email: [email protected]

Director José Ubiracy Silva

RRFC 1st yearJosé Miguel Oportus / José Miguel Av. Presidente Riesco 5157Depto. 245, Las Condes 6512895 Santiago Chile

Phone: +56 2 22221360Email: [email protected]; [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearJulio César Silva Santisteban Ojeda / Julio CésarCalle Las Flores 410Dpto. 303San Isidro, Lima 27Peru

Phone: +54 11 4641 2521Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearMiguel Angel Martinez Pereyra / Miguel AngelJaramillo 29601429 Buenos Aires C.F. Argentina

Phone: +54 11470 19255Email: [email protected]

ZONE 24 EAST – Districts 6330, 7010, 7040, 7070, 7080, 7090, 7790, 7810, 7820

RC 2nd yearLynda Ryder / Lynda221 Berry Rd.Toronto, ON M8Y 1X5Canada

Phone: +1 416 252 3623Email: [email protected]

Director Julia D. Phelps

RRFC 1st yearDuncan Conrad / Duncan 2 Julie Ct.Charlottetown, PE C1E 2K7 Canada

Phone: +1 902 626 6404Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearTanya Wolff / Tanya1550 Venetian Blvd.Ste. 311Point Edward, ON N7T 0A4Canada

Phone: +1 519 384 1740Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearWilliam Gray / Bill1289 Channelview Rd.Kingston, ON K7L 4V1 Canada

Phone: +1 613 542 5371Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 24 WEST – Districts 2225, 5010, 5040, 5050, 5060, 5360, 5370, 5550RC 1st year Jacqueline J. Hobal / Jackie P.O. Box 927 Athabasca, AB T9S 2A7Canada

Phone: +1 780 675 3808Email: [email protected]

Director Julia D. Phelps

RRFC 1st yearBetty Screpnek / Betty#13-55 Clarkdale Dr.Sherwood Park, AB T8H 2J1Canada

Phone: +1 780 449 1223Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearSean Hogan / Sean #200-8120-128th St. Surrey, BC V3W 1R1 Canada

Phone: +1 604 635 3000 Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearChris Offer / Chris17-5300 Admiral WayDelta, BC V4K 5G6 Canada

Phone: +1 604 940 9365Email: [email protected]

ZONE 25 – Districts 5020, 5030, 5080, 5100, 5110, 5130, 5150, 5160, 5180, 5190RC 1st yearStephen J. Lemmon / Steve 500 Calvados Ave Sacramento, CA 96815 USA

Phone: +1 916 925 2787 (ext. 24)Email: [email protected]

Director Bradford R. Howard

RRFC 2nd yearWyn Spiller / Wyn14011 Gochine Dr.Nevada City, CA 95959USA

Phone: +1 530 265 6470 (ext. 201)Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearJ. Tim Bewley / Tim1983 Crestview DriveAshland, OR 97520USA

Phone: +1 541 482 5110Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearJerry Hall / Jerry10 Suda WayReno, NV 89509 USA

Phone: +1 775 323 7610Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 26 – Districts 5000, 5170, 5220, 5230, 5240, 5280, 5300, 5320, 5330, 5340, 5490, 5500, 5510 RC 3rd yearRodney Belton / Rod12820 Corte CordilleraSalinas, CA 93908USA

Phone: +1 831 484 1268Email: [email protected]

Director Bradford R. Howard

RRFC 3rd yearPamela Russell / Pam11460 Eastridge Pl.San Diego, CA 92131USA

Phone: +1 619 723 3651Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearLawrence Sundram / Larry1402 Vista de LomasBonsall, CA 92003USA

Phone: +1 760 940 6362Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearBrenda Cressey / Brenda580 Venice Rd.Templeton, CA 93465 USA

Phone: +1 805 238 4264Email: [email protected]

ZONE 27 (PART OF) – Districts 5390, 5400, 5420, 5440, 5450, 5470, 5520, 5610, 5630, 5670, 5690, 5710 RC 3rd yearRichard Jones / Dick2527 Calle DelfinoSanta Fe, NM 87505USA

Phone: +1 505 471 8389Email: [email protected]

Director Greg E. Podd

RRFC 2nd yearLawrence Dimmitt / Larry1420 SW Westover RoadTopeka, KS 66604USA

Phone: +1 785 232 9933Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearTerrance Michael Forney / Mike 41155 Game Trails Ct. Steamboat Springs, CO 80487 USA

Phone: +1 970 871 6009Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 1st yearMartin Limbird / Martin 812 Whalers Way Fort Collins, CO 80525 USA

Phone: +1 970 672 8356Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 28 – Districts 5580, 5650, 5950, 5960, 5970, 6000, 6220, 6250, 6270, 6420, 6440, 6450 RC 3rd yearTamara Koop / TamieN4 W22714 Lexington Dr.Waukesha, WI 53186USA

Phone: +1 262 542 4471Email: [email protected]

Director Jennifer E. Jones

RRFC 1st yearNewell Krogmann / Newell 159 N. Morningside Dr.Le Sueur, MN 56058 USA

Phone: +1 507 665 3198Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearDebbie Stacey / Debbie2403 Lake AvenueWilmette, IL 60091USA

Phone: +1 847 602 9981Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearFrank N. Goldberg / Frank13031 Marinda St.Omaha, NE 68144 USA

Phone: +1 402 598 8144Email: [email protected]

ZONE 29 – Districts 6290, 6310, 6360, 6380, 6400, 6600, 6630, 6650, 7120, 7150, 7170, 7190, 7280, 7300, 7330, 7360 RC 1st yearChristine Etienne / Chris 860 Evergreen Court Petoskey, MI 49770 USA

Phone: +1 231 838 2031Email: [email protected]

Director Jennifer E. Jones

RRFC 3rd yearNeil McBeth / Neil8871 Con. 8 RR 3Cottam, ON N0R 1B0Canada

Phone: +1 519 776 5905Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearGeorgene Hildebrand / Georgene195 Bear Point Rd.Alpena, MI 49707USA

Phone: +1 989 657 2428Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 2nd yearKaren Heim Teichman / KarenP.O. Box 65Sunbury, PA 17801 USA

Phone: +1 570 490 0261Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 30 – Districts 6540, 6560, 6580, 6670, 6690, 6710, 6740, 6760, 6780, 6800, 6860, 6880RC 3rd yearGlen Vanderford / Glen182 Saddlebrook Dr.Jackson, TN 38305-6605USA

Phone: +1 731 668 9851Email: [email protected]

Director Karen K. Wentz

RRFC 3rd yearFloyd Lancia / Floyd5315 Tunbridge CrossingFt. Wayne, IN 46815USA

Phone: +1 260 410 3121Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearGregory J. Maciolek / Greg 215 Center Park Dr. Ste. 1600 Knoxville, TN 37922USA

Phone: +865 675 5901 (230)Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearFrank Rothermel / Frank1635 Western Ave.Knoxville, TN 37921 USA

Phone: +1 865 637 1925Email: [email protected]

ZONE 31 – Districts 5830, 6040, 6060, 6080, 6110, 6150, 6170, 6190, 6200, 6460, 6490, 6510, 6820, 6840 RC 1st year Edwin Hardesty / Ed P.O. Box 54292 Tulsa, OK 74155 USA

Phone: +1 918 706 5730Email: [email protected]

Director Karen K. Wentz

RRFC 3rd yearTodd Lindley / Todd9553 Lackland Rd., Ste. 4Overland, MO 63114USA

Phone: +1 314 440 5607Email: [email protected]

RPIC 1st yearGregory L. Landry / Greg 106 Touraine Circle Lafayette, LA 70501 USA

Phone: +1 337 237 4320 1111Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearCarl Chinnery / Carl19 B St.Lake Lotawana, MO 64086 USA

Phone: +1 816 525 2050Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 32 – Districts 7210, 7230, 7255, 7390, 7410, 7430, 7450, 7470, 7490, 7500, 7510, 7640, 7780, 7850, 7870, 7890, 7910, 7930, 7950, 7980

RC 2nd yearKarien Ziegler / Karien21 Hutton Ave. # 2West Orange, NJ 07052USA

Phone: +1 973 731 1971Email: [email protected]

Director Julia D. Phelps

RRFC 1st yearRonald Smith / Ron 811 W. Fifth St. Unit #2Landsdale, PA 19446USA

Phone: +1 215 631 7111Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearDavid Clifton / Dave4 Lamplighter Ln.So. Easton, MA 02375USA

Phone: +1 781 690 3476 Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearJohn Leask / Mac765 Post RoadFairfield, CT 06824 USA

Phone: +1 203 520 1274Email: [email protected]

ZONE 33 – Districts 7530, 7550, 7570, 7600, 7610, 7620, 7630, 7670, 7680, 7690, 7710, 7720, 7730, 7750, 7770 RC 3rd yearPaula Matthews / Paula132 Woodshore CourtColumbia, SC 29223USA

Phone: +1 803 736 0588Email: [email protected]

Director Robert L. Hall

RRFC 1st yearKay Oldhouser Davis / Kay 60 Shem Cove St. Sumter, SC 29150 USA

Phone: +1 803 469 0960Email: [email protected]

RPIC 3rd yearSue Harper Poss / SueP.O. Box 25461Greenville, SC 29616USA

Phone: +1 864 934 6112Email: [email protected]

E/MGA 3rd yearFiroz Peera / Firoz8707 Oakthorpe Dr.Charlotte, NC 28277 USA

Phone: +1 704 341 8407Email: [email protected]

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


ZONE 34 – Districts 6890, 6900, 6910, 6920, 6930, 6940, 6950, 6960, 6970, 6980, 6990, 7000, 7020, 7030RC 1st yearArthur MacQueen / Art 19 Cedar Ct. Palm Coast, FL 32137 USA

Phone: +1 386 295 1620Email: [email protected]

Director Robert L. Hall

RRFC 1st yearDavid Stovall / StovallP.O. Box 1710Cornelia, GA 30531USA

Phone: +1 770 595 0702Email: [email protected]

RPIC 2nd yearFrances Owen / Betsy2150 S. Ocean Blvd.4EDelray Beach, FL 33483USA

Phone: +1 561 276 4717Email: [email protected]:

E/MGA 1st yearCarl Treleaven / CarlWestlake Ventures, Inc.970 Lake Carillon Dr. Ste. 300 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 USA

Phone: +1 727 388 3511 Email: [email protected]: carl.treleaven/727.498.0474

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser



K.R. RavindranColombo, Sri LankaPresident

John F. GermChattanooga, Tennessee, USAPresident-elect

Şafak AlpayIstanbul-Sisli, Istanbul, Turkey Zones 15, 16

Manoj D. DesaiBaroda Metro, Gujarat, India Zones 4, 5, 6

Robert L. HallDunwoody, Georgia, USA Zones 33, 34

Bradford R. HowardOakland-Sunrise, California, USA Zones 25, 26

Per HøyenAarup, Denmark Zones 15, 16

Jennifer E. JonesWindsor-Roseland, Ontario, Zones 28, 29

Hsiu-Ming LinTaipei Tungteh, Taiwan Zones 9, 10

Peter L. OfferCoventry Jubilee, West Midlands, England Zones 17, 18A

Julia D. PhelpsMalden, Massachusetts, USA Zones 24, 32

Greg E. PoddEvergreen, Colorado, USA Zones 21, 27

Saowalak RattanavichBangrak, Thailand Zones 4, 5, 6

Eduardo San Martin CarreñoMajadahonda, Spain Zones 13A & 13C, 14, 18B and German-speaking 19

Takanori SugitaniTamana, Kumamoto, Japan Zones 1, 2, 3

Guiller E. TumanganMakati West, Philippines Zones 7, 8

José Ubiracy SilvaRecife, Pernambuco, Brazil Zones 22, 23

Giuseppe VialeGenova, Italy Zones 11, 12, 13B, and D-2060

Karen K. WentzMaryville-Alcoa, Tennessee, USA Zones 30, 31

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RC: Rotary Coordinator RRFC: Regional Rotary Foundation Coordinator RPIC: Rotary Public Image Coordinator E/MGA: Endowment/Major Gifts Adviser


Ray KlinginsmithKirksville, Missouri, USAChair Zone 31

Ron D. BurtonNorman, Oklahoma, USAZone 27

Mário César de CamargoSanto André, BrazilZone 22

Paul A. NetzelLos Angeles, California, USA Zone 26

Julio SorjúsBarcelona Condal, Spain Zone 13

Sushil GuptaDelhi Midwest, Delhi, India Zone 4

Michael K. McGovernSouth Portland-Cape Elizabeth, Maine, USA Zone 32

Samuel F. OworiKampala, Uganda Zone 20

Kalyan BanerjeeVapi, Gujarat, IndiaChair-elect Zone 4

Noel A. BajatAbbeville, Louisiana, USA Zone 31

Örsçelik BalkanIstanbul-Karökoy, TurkeyZone 20B


Bryn StylesBarrie-Huronia, Ontario, CanadaZone 24

Sakuji TanakaYashio, Saitama, Japan Zone 1

Thomas M. ThorfinnsonEden Prairie, Minnesota, USAZone 28

Young Suk YoonSeoul Hoehyon, Seoul, Korea Zone 9

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One Rotary Center 1560 Sherman Avenue Evanston, IL 60201-3698 USA EN—(215)