rehydration and your health


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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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Lack of hydration or “dehydration” is at epidemic levels in society. Water acts as a flushing mechanism in the kidneys. On a system level, without appropriate hydration, a person’s organs are subjected to inordinate stress. Our brain, working around the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. An improperly hydrated nervous system cannot function at optimum performance. In fact water is so important that at birth we are approximately 75% water. What is more intriguing is that by age 70 it is estimated that human water percentage can be as low as 40%! Society is living in a constant state of dehydration.


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Why “re-Hydrate”?

The dangers of Cellular Dehydration and theImportance of “re-Hydrating” at a Cellular level

Lack of hydration or “dehydration” is at epidemic levels in society. Water acts as a flushing mechanism in the kidneys. On a system level, without appropriate hydration, a person’s organs are subjected to inordinate stress. Our brain, working around the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. An improperly hydrated nervous system cannot function at optimum performance. In fact water is so important that at birth we are approximately 75% water. What is more intriguing is that by age 70 it is estimated that human water percentage can be as low as 40%! Society is living in a constant state of dehydration.

According to various researchers and scientists from the United States, Europe, and Japan, cellular dehydration either caused, contributed and/or exacerbated health problems associated with acidic toxins, nutritional deficiencies, poor circulation and poor cell function.

Patients will walk into your office complaining of symptoms that are in reality their bodies’ urgent cry for water. Water acts as a flushing mechanism in the kidneys. On a system level, without appropriate hydration, a person’s organs are subjected to inordinate stress. When your body lacks water on a cellular level and is unable to remove toxins, your body is faced with the consequences of their destructive effects. Chronic disease is always accompanied by dehydration and in many cases caused by cellular dehydration. Infectious agents cannot thrive in a well-hydrated body. Drinking enough of the proper type of liquids, therefore, is one of the most crucial preventive measures a person can take.

Cellular dehydration, aka Body drought, is a major stress of critical importance. When the body has water reserves it initiates a priority water rationing system. Signs of severe water rationing can be seen to cause heart attack, angina, joint and muscle pain and kidney malfunction. Unfortunately, getting water into the cells in is not as simple as consuming water. Water must be pure and charged appropriately to pass through a cell membrane. Essentially, all body function needed for vitality is affected by “Intra-cellular hydration”. Even the slightest declines of cellular hydration can cause negative impact on mental acuity and physical performance and development.

Dehydration can lead to:

Toxicity (water retention which manifest as swollen arms, hands, legs, feet and face)Electrolyte imbalance which can manifest as muscle cramps, fibromyalgia, dementia, malaise,

fatigue, insomniaNutritional deficiency can lead to allergies, disorientation, clinical depression, joint pain, and various

other conditions.

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There is No life Without Water

Water is the most common molecule in the human body.

At birth the body consists of approximately 75% water and 25% solid matter.

Water regulates all functions of the body. Without water the solid matter is absolutely useless.

Muscle tissue is about 50 to 70% water and contains almost ½ the water found in the body.

Blood is up to 80% water.

Brain grey matter is 78 to 85% water.

Even your bones are 20 to 33% water.

Approximately 5/8 of the body’s water is inside the cells and 3/8 is outside, between the cells and in the circulation.

The lymph fluid which transports waste out of the cells and nutrients into cells, has four times more volume than the blood, and it is from the water we consume.

The body uses 40,000 glasses of water every day.

The body recycles all but about 10 of the 40,000 glasses used every day.

5 to 6 glasses of water are lost in the urine, about 2 glasses are exhaled through the lungs as water vapor, a half glass is lost through the bowels and 2 glasses are evaporated through the 2 million sweat glands.

All 10 glasses of water need to be replaced every day. We gain about 3 glasses a day from the food we eat.

We also gain about 1 ½ glasses a day as a by-product of energy metabolism.

That leaves approximately 5 ½ glasses of water that needs to be replaced each day.

Excessive amounts of sugar, salt, or protein in the diet requires more water for processing.

Sickness can increase our need for water by up to 80%.

Dehydration happens at the cellular level. With acute cellular dehydration the cells might lose as much as 28% of their water and will not have adequate fluid balance to expel toxins.

Cellular Dehydration is caused by:

1. Insufficient water intake caused by excessive consumption of the other liquids such as soda, teas, coffee, alcohol and juices. The problem with these substances is that most have diuretic tendencies or contain substances that cause you to lose water.

2. Inability of the cells to uptake water caused by electrolyte imbalance (mineral deficiency), nutritional deficiency (vitamin deficiency), radiation toxicity (primarily heavy metal from Mercury associated to amalgam fillings), drugs (prescription or recreational), fats that interfere with cell membrane (trans fats/ hydrogenated fats associated with fast food) or long term emotional stress.

The BioAllergenix device works by reading the differences of the electrical potential in the body when subjected to antigen frequencies. The accuracy of the BioAllergenix device depends on cellular hydration as this device works by impedance measurements. In the presence of cellular dehydration the cells might lose up to 28% of their water value. This undermines all cellular activities like the elimination of metabolic waste (which has been documented to resemble disease), when in truth it is simply “disturbed water metabolism”.

Re-Hydrating in the cells and the body prior to initiating the test sequence with the BioAllergenix device is of utmost importance. Failure to Re-hydrate patients prior to testing may lead to inconsistent results.

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There is No life Without Water

Water is the most common molecule in the human body.

At birth the body consists of approximately 75% water and 25% solid matter.

Water regulates all functions of the body. Without water the solid matter is absolutely useless.

Muscle tissue is about 50 to 70% water and contains almost ½ the water found in the body.

Blood is up to 80% water.

Brain grey matter is 78 to 85% water.

Even your bones are 20 to 33% water.

Approximately 5/8 of the body’s water is inside the cells and 3/8 is outside, between the cells and in the circulation.

The lymph fluid which transports waste out of the cells and nutrients into cells, has four times more volume than the blood, and it is from the water we consume.

The body uses 40,000 glasses of water every day.

The body recycles all but about 10 of the 40,000 glasses used every day.

5 to 6 glasses of water are lost in the urine, about 2 glasses are exhaled through the lungs as water vapor, a half glass is lost through the bowels and 2 glasses are evaporated through the 2 million sweat glands.

All 10 glasses of water need to be replaced every day. We gain about 3 glasses a day from the food we eat.

We also gain about 1 ½ glasses a day as a by-product of energy metabolism.

That leaves approximately 5 ½ glasses of water that needs to be replaced each day.

Excessive amounts of sugar, salt, or protein in the diet requires more water for processing.

Sickness can increase our need for water by up to 80%.

Dehydration happens at the cellular level. With acute cellular dehydration the cells might lose as much as 28% of their water and will not have adequate fluid balance to expel toxins.

Cellular Dehydration is caused by:

1. Insufficient water intake caused by excessive consumption of the other liquids such as soda, teas, coffee, alcohol and juices. The problem with these substances is that most have diuretic tendencies or contain substances that cause you to lose water.

2. Inability of the cells to uptake water caused by electrolyte imbalance (mineral deficiency), nutritional deficiency (vitamin deficiency), radiation toxicity (primarily heavy metal from Mercury associated to amalgam fillings), drugs (prescription or recreational), fats that interfere with cell membrane (trans fats/ hydrogenated fats associated with fast food) or long term emotional stress.

The BioAllergenix device works by reading the differences of the electrical potential in the body when subjected to antigen frequencies. The accuracy of the BioAllergenix device depends on cellular hydration as this device works by impedance measurements. In the presence of cellular dehydration the cells might lose up to 28% of their water value. This undermines all cellular activities like the elimination of metabolic waste (which has been documented to resemble disease), when in truth it is simply “disturbed water metabolism”.

Re-Hydrating in the cells and the body prior to initiating the test sequence with the BioAllergenix device is of utmost importance. Failure to Re-hydrate patients prior to testing may lead to inconsistent results.

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To summarize, while humans can survive without food for several weeks, we can only survive a few das without water.

Water is the most important nutrient amongst all the nutrients. Our brain, working around the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. Dehydration is in epidemic proportion. It is estimated that by the age of 70, human water percentages can be as low as 40%. Society is living in a constant state of dehydration.

To compound this problem the cumulative effects of the environmental toxins from the food we eat, air we breathe, and even some of the water we drink cause a hardening effect on the cell wall which reduced the ability of the water to pass from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell.

Water like any other nutrient has little benefit unless it can pass through the cell membrane and get into the cell.

Soft drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol steal water from the body. They work like a diuretic by taking more water away from the body than they provide.

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory and trouble with basic math.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

We all know that without water, life ceases.

We are taught from an early age that we can survive for far longer without food than we can without water.

What we are not taught, however, is that simply drinking any liquid containing water is NOT going to provide optimal hydration.

If the body is subjected to ANY level of dehydration then that dehydration can eventually cause many of the “diseases” mankind is now afflicted with.

The best book ever written on this subject is: “The Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Dr. Batmangehelidj.

Here are some of the points made in Dr. Barmangehelidj’s book:

• The body reacts in a survival mode that mimics flight or fright, with a broad range of chemical response involved. The body reacting to dehydration based on survival is the crux of many of the following issues.

• The body will produce more histamine and its subordinates, which is related to inflammatory response as well as tendencies to form allergic reactions, asthma and chemical sensitivity.

• The body will produce more cholesterol and therefore create more plaque in the arteries, which leads to high blood pressure and heart disease.

• There will be greater cardiovascular constriction, which leads to the same health issues cited in number three.

• There will be thinning of the stomach wall, a decreased bicarbonate response from the pancreas and less motility in the entire gut to support healthy digestion and elimination.

• There will be a build up of toxins in the cells as well as a disruption in amino acid formation in the liver, which will increase the likelihood of cell mutation.

• There will be less fluid in the joints, leading to an increased potential for osteoporosis and joint disease in general.

• There will be an increased likelihood for kidney disease based on increased angiotensin that is needed to regulate water supplies in the body.

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To summarize, while humans can survive without food for several weeks, we can only survive a few das without water.

Water is the most important nutrient amongst all the nutrients. Our brain, working around the clock, requires more water than any other part of the body. Dehydration is in epidemic proportion. It is estimated that by the age of 70, human water percentages can be as low as 40%. Society is living in a constant state of dehydration.

To compound this problem the cumulative effects of the environmental toxins from the food we eat, air we breathe, and even some of the water we drink cause a hardening effect on the cell wall which reduced the ability of the water to pass from the outside of the cell to the inside of the cell.

Water like any other nutrient has little benefit unless it can pass through the cell membrane and get into the cell.

Soft drinks, coffee, tea, and alcohol steal water from the body. They work like a diuretic by taking more water away from the body than they provide.

75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Preliminary research indicates that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory and trouble with basic math.

Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

We all know that without water, life ceases.

We are taught from an early age that we can survive for far longer without food than we can without water.

What we are not taught, however, is that simply drinking any liquid containing water is NOT going to provide optimal hydration.

If the body is subjected to ANY level of dehydration then that dehydration can eventually cause many of the “diseases” mankind is now afflicted with.

The best book ever written on this subject is: “The Body’s Many Cries for Water” by Dr. Batmangehelidj.

Here are some of the points made in Dr. Barmangehelidj’s book:

• The body reacts in a survival mode that mimics flight or fright, with a broad range of chemical response involved. The body reacting to dehydration based on survival is the crux of many of the following issues.

• The body will produce more histamine and its subordinates, which is related to inflammatory response as well as tendencies to form allergic reactions, asthma and chemical sensitivity.

• The body will produce more cholesterol and therefore create more plaque in the arteries, which leads to high blood pressure and heart disease.

• There will be greater cardiovascular constriction, which leads to the same health issues cited in number three.

• There will be thinning of the stomach wall, a decreased bicarbonate response from the pancreas and less motility in the entire gut to support healthy digestion and elimination.

• There will be a build up of toxins in the cells as well as a disruption in amino acid formation in the liver, which will increase the likelihood of cell mutation.

• There will be less fluid in the joints, leading to an increased potential for osteoporosis and joint disease in general.

• There will be an increased likelihood for kidney disease based on increased angiotensin that is needed to regulate water supplies in the body.

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• Adult onset diabetes will be more likely because of fundamental imbalances in electrolytes and pancreatic function.

• A greater tendency for those getting older to be overweight because of lower metabolism, less energy and the body tending to store fat instead of building muscle.

• increased likelihood of depression because lack of water reserves in the cells will negatively impact the brain more than any other part of the body, which is related in to a part lack of neurotransmitter production.

All of the above health issues that are exacerbated by any level of cellular dehydration will obviously contribute to accelerated aging.

Some people drink very little water and some people drink a lot of water every day.

It is clear that neither approach guarantees adequate cellular hydration.

A significant mistake people make about drinking water involves not drinking enough or assuming that drinking solutions with water in them is sufficient, which will not guarantee adequate hydration.

Without proper hydration day in and day out the body will go into a defensive survival mode not unlike a flight or fright response.

If there is any degree of dehydration, the body’s resources and biochemical activity will dedicate themselves to survival in order to defend against cellular death.

stop retaining water by drinking more!Women around the world constantly deal with the bloating or retention of water in their bodies. It causes clothes to not fit that should and a general annoyance. So, is there anything natural a woman can do to help offset this hormonal by-product?

It helps to start to understand what causes the body to retain water. Water helps your liver convert fat into usable energy. If you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys are overwhelmed with concentrated fluids, and they make your liver do extra work. Your liver works hard to turn your body fat into energy you use, and if it has to do the kidney’s work, then you hold onto the extra fat that would have been burned if you’d simply had enough water.

And what’s worse is that instead of excreting water and waste products, you reabsorb used water to reuse. This is what causes water retention and bloating. When you don’t get enough water, your body panics and holds on to it selfishly, as though you’re in a famine. The best way to get rid of this water retention is to drink enough of it.

You’ll also feel thirsty more often, and this will start a healthy cycle of thirst leading to hydration. But you have to keep it up because if you stop drinking enough water, all the good things you’ve gained from drinking water (balanced body fluids, weight loss, decreased hunger and thirst) will reverse back to the way they were. In the human body, water lubricates joints and organs. It maintains muscle tone. Water keeps skin soft. Water regulates body temperature, filters out impurities, and keeps the brain working properly. Water transports nutrients to and from cells.

While the human body can store energy as glycogen, fat, and tissue, it cannot “store” water - the body uses its own water supply and expects a constant resupply of fresh water to function. Water is critical in moving nutrients into and out of a cell, an action known as the “ion pump”. When you take in the improper balance of sodium and potassium or do not drink adequate water, your body will increase a hormone and try to “retain” water by keeping your kidneys from filtering it. Ironically, one of the best ways to stop retaining water is to drink more water!

While humans can survive without food for several weeks (documented cases have shown lengths of up to two months), we can only survive a few days without water. Thirst is a signal that your body needs to be re-hydrated, but by the time you are thirsty it’s already too late. Just a fraction of a percentage drop of your body’s water supply can result into huge performance decreases. Even slight dehydration can be critical. In the recent sports season, a few deaths resulted from dehydration.

Contrary to popular belief, “chugging” a gallon of water is not going to provide your body with the water it needs. When too much water floods your system at once, your body will pass most of it on to your bladder, and only absorb a slight amount. Weight in the stomach is a signal for digestive processes to begin, and a number of biological chemicals enter your stomach and change the pH balance. This can result in indigestion and stomach pain.

The best way to take water is to steadily sip it throughout the day. You should also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables - most of the produce you eat is filled with water, and the body can process this water very efficiently. So - how much water? There are a million theories and equations. I’ve heard to drink “eight cups a day,” which is better than nothing, but how can every adult, with so much variety of size, shape, metabolism, exercise habits, etc, require the exact same amount of water? Then there is the complicated equation that involves computing your basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure.

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• Adult onset diabetes will be more likely because of fundamental imbalances in electrolytes and pancreatic function.

• A greater tendency for those getting older to be overweight because of lower metabolism, less energy and the body tending to store fat instead of building muscle.

• increased likelihood of depression because lack of water reserves in the cells will negatively impact the brain more than any other part of the body, which is related in to a part lack of neurotransmitter production.

All of the above health issues that are exacerbated by any level of cellular dehydration will obviously contribute to accelerated aging.

Some people drink very little water and some people drink a lot of water every day.

It is clear that neither approach guarantees adequate cellular hydration.

A significant mistake people make about drinking water involves not drinking enough or assuming that drinking solutions with water in them is sufficient, which will not guarantee adequate hydration.

Without proper hydration day in and day out the body will go into a defensive survival mode not unlike a flight or fright response.

If there is any degree of dehydration, the body’s resources and biochemical activity will dedicate themselves to survival in order to defend against cellular death.

stop retaining water by drinking more!Women around the world constantly deal with the bloating or retention of water in their bodies. It causes clothes to not fit that should and a general annoyance. So, is there anything natural a woman can do to help offset this hormonal by-product?

It helps to start to understand what causes the body to retain water. Water helps your liver convert fat into usable energy. If you don’t drink enough water, your kidneys are overwhelmed with concentrated fluids, and they make your liver do extra work. Your liver works hard to turn your body fat into energy you use, and if it has to do the kidney’s work, then you hold onto the extra fat that would have been burned if you’d simply had enough water.

And what’s worse is that instead of excreting water and waste products, you reabsorb used water to reuse. This is what causes water retention and bloating. When you don’t get enough water, your body panics and holds on to it selfishly, as though you’re in a famine. The best way to get rid of this water retention is to drink enough of it.

You’ll also feel thirsty more often, and this will start a healthy cycle of thirst leading to hydration. But you have to keep it up because if you stop drinking enough water, all the good things you’ve gained from drinking water (balanced body fluids, weight loss, decreased hunger and thirst) will reverse back to the way they were. In the human body, water lubricates joints and organs. It maintains muscle tone. Water keeps skin soft. Water regulates body temperature, filters out impurities, and keeps the brain working properly. Water transports nutrients to and from cells.

While the human body can store energy as glycogen, fat, and tissue, it cannot “store” water - the body uses its own water supply and expects a constant resupply of fresh water to function. Water is critical in moving nutrients into and out of a cell, an action known as the “ion pump”. When you take in the improper balance of sodium and potassium or do not drink adequate water, your body will increase a hormone and try to “retain” water by keeping your kidneys from filtering it. Ironically, one of the best ways to stop retaining water is to drink more water!

While humans can survive without food for several weeks (documented cases have shown lengths of up to two months), we can only survive a few days without water. Thirst is a signal that your body needs to be re-hydrated, but by the time you are thirsty it’s already too late. Just a fraction of a percentage drop of your body’s water supply can result into huge performance decreases. Even slight dehydration can be critical. In the recent sports season, a few deaths resulted from dehydration.

Contrary to popular belief, “chugging” a gallon of water is not going to provide your body with the water it needs. When too much water floods your system at once, your body will pass most of it on to your bladder, and only absorb a slight amount. Weight in the stomach is a signal for digestive processes to begin, and a number of biological chemicals enter your stomach and change the pH balance. This can result in indigestion and stomach pain.

The best way to take water is to steadily sip it throughout the day. You should also eat plenty of fruits and vegetables - most of the produce you eat is filled with water, and the body can process this water very efficiently. So - how much water? There are a million theories and equations. I’ve heard to drink “eight cups a day,” which is better than nothing, but how can every adult, with so much variety of size, shape, metabolism, exercise habits, etc, require the exact same amount of water? Then there is the complicated equation that involves computing your basal metabolic rate and energy expenditure.

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I had to throw that one out, too - who wants to run a computer program every day just to figure out their water needs? I just prefer to drink like a fish and then I’m done with it. Just kidding. What I’ve found is two ways for computing water intake that both work incredibly well. The first is a little too vague for some people to follow, but very effective - it is recommended by nutritionist Will Brink. Will says to drink enough water to have two or three absolutely clear urinations per day. If you do not have these clear urinations, then either you are not drinking enough water, are not eating healthily or have some type of infection or other illness. For a normal, healthy adult, two or three clear urinations are a great “ruler.” If you do not have these, then increase your water intake until it happens.

If that is a little too general or explicit for you, another way is to take your weight and divide it in half. This is a “baseline” amount of ounces to drink every day. For every cup that you drink that is not water, drink a cup that is water. For every bout of exercise, drink a cup before and after, and one extra cup for every hour that you exercised (round up!). That’s it.

Let’s take me as an example. If I weighed in at 200 pounds, 200 / 2 = 100 ounces of water, or about 12 cups. Let’s say I also ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes. One cup before, one cup for the exercise, and one cup after is three cups total. 12 + 3 = 15 cups.

I drank two cups of coffee, so I should have two extra cups of water. 15 + 2 = 17. That’s it - today’s water requirement for me is 17 cups!

And I have no problem getting those in - I have an extra large mason jar that holds about 64 ounces. I fill these up and keep them full all day long. I sip them constantly. I probably end up drinking between one to two gallons today because I love my coffee and my exercise. The type of water to drink is the subject of much debate. I prefer filtered tap water because of the potential for harmful agents in “raw” tap water - although many health gurus recommend tap water due to the fact that they provide plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Top 10 reasons We Need To Drink Water!

1. Water is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!

2. The body is comprised of 80% water. Water makes up nearly 85 percent of your brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your lean muscle. (Because there are a lot of tissues that have less water, the average is about 50 percent.)

3. It is difficult for the body to get water from any other source than water itself. Soft drinks and alcohol steal tremendous amounts of water from the body. Other beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics therefore stealing precious water from the body.

4. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

5. Water is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies.

6. Water is essential for proper circulation in the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available the more fat it will burn for energy without the presence of oxygen the body cannot utilize stored fat for energy efficiently. Not only will the body burn more fat when well hydrated but because there are increased oxygen levels you will also have more energy.

7. Water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

8. Water regulates the body’s cooling system. Sports drinks are useful when consumed after or during vigorous and prolonged exercise in high heat. But most experts agree that water works better than carbohydrates or sugared beverages for moderate exercise. For instance, if you

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I had to throw that one out, too - who wants to run a computer program every day just to figure out their water needs? I just prefer to drink like a fish and then I’m done with it. Just kidding. What I’ve found is two ways for computing water intake that both work incredibly well. The first is a little too vague for some people to follow, but very effective - it is recommended by nutritionist Will Brink. Will says to drink enough water to have two or three absolutely clear urinations per day. If you do not have these clear urinations, then either you are not drinking enough water, are not eating healthily or have some type of infection or other illness. For a normal, healthy adult, two or three clear urinations are a great “ruler.” If you do not have these, then increase your water intake until it happens.

If that is a little too general or explicit for you, another way is to take your weight and divide it in half. This is a “baseline” amount of ounces to drink every day. For every cup that you drink that is not water, drink a cup that is water. For every bout of exercise, drink a cup before and after, and one extra cup for every hour that you exercised (round up!). That’s it.

Let’s take me as an example. If I weighed in at 200 pounds, 200 / 2 = 100 ounces of water, or about 12 cups. Let’s say I also ran on the treadmill for 30 minutes. One cup before, one cup for the exercise, and one cup after is three cups total. 12 + 3 = 15 cups.

I drank two cups of coffee, so I should have two extra cups of water. 15 + 2 = 17. That’s it - today’s water requirement for me is 17 cups!

And I have no problem getting those in - I have an extra large mason jar that holds about 64 ounces. I fill these up and keep them full all day long. I sip them constantly. I probably end up drinking between one to two gallons today because I love my coffee and my exercise. The type of water to drink is the subject of much debate. I prefer filtered tap water because of the potential for harmful agents in “raw” tap water - although many health gurus recommend tap water due to the fact that they provide plenty of vitamins and minerals.

Top 10 reasons We Need To Drink Water!

1. Water is the substance of life. Life can not exist without water. We must constantly be adding fresh water to our body in order to keep it properly hydrated. Water can be a miracle cure for many common ailments such as headaches, fatigue, joint pain, and much more. We can go for weeks without food, but only 3 days without water!

2. The body is comprised of 80% water. Water makes up nearly 85 percent of your brain, about 80 percent of your blood and about 70 percent of your lean muscle. (Because there are a lot of tissues that have less water, the average is about 50 percent.)

3. It is difficult for the body to get water from any other source than water itself. Soft drinks and alcohol steal tremendous amounts of water from the body. Other beverages such as coffee and tea are diuretics therefore stealing precious water from the body.

4. Water plays a vital role in nearly every bodily function. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue. A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory, trouble with basic math, and difficulty focusing on the computer screen or on a printed page.

5. Water is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption and chemical reactions. The carbohydrates and proteins that our bodies use as food are metabolized and transported by water in the bloodstream. No less important is the ability of water to transport waste material out of our bodies.

6. Water is essential for proper circulation in the body. The levels of oxygen in the bloodstream are greater when the body is well hydrated. The more oxygen the body has readily available the more fat it will burn for energy without the presence of oxygen the body cannot utilize stored fat for energy efficiently. Not only will the body burn more fat when well hydrated but because there are increased oxygen levels you will also have more energy.

7. Water helps remove toxins from the body, in particular from the digestive tract. Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits.

In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger. One glass of water shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

8. Water regulates the body’s cooling system. Sports drinks are useful when consumed after or during vigorous and prolonged exercise in high heat. But most experts agree that water works better than carbohydrates or sugared beverages for moderate exercise. For instance, if you

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drink 12 ounces of plain water, your body will absorb 8 ounces of it within 15 minutes.

If you drink 12 ounces of a 10% sugar solution, less than 1 ounce will be absorbed in the same period. The typical soft drink is a 10 to 12% sugar solution.

9. Consistent failure to drink enough water can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. These conditions where the body’s cells are never quite hydrated enough leave them in a weakened state, vulnerable to attack from disease. It weakens the body’s overall immune system and leads to chemical, nutritional and pH imbalances that can cause a host of diseases.

10. Dehydration can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend to eat more.

general rule: Due to the fact that every body is different the rule we often hear about drinking 8-8oz. Of water per day can be misleading. We need to drink half our body weight in ounces of water every day to provide the body with its MINIMUM water replacement requirements. Triple the intake for better results.

Top 10 reasons To Consume Water

instead of soft Drinks!

1. Soft drinks steal water from the body. They work very much like a diuretic which takes away more water than it provides to the body. Just to process the high levels of sugar in soft drinks steals a considerable amount of water from the body.

To replace the water stolen by soft drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of soft drinks that you consume!

2. Soft Drinks never quench your thirst, certainly not your body’s need for water. Constantly denying your body an adequate amount can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration, a condition that weakens your body at the cellular level. This, in turn, can lead to a weakened immune system and a plethora of diseases.

3. The elevated levels of phosphates in soft drinks leach vital minerals from your body. Soft Drinks are made with purified water that also leach vital minerals from your body. A severe lack of minerals can lead to Heart Disease (lack of magnesium), Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) and many other diseases. Most vitamins can not perform their function in the body without the presence of minerals.

4. Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it’s doing to your digestive tract as well as the rest of your body.

5. The high amounts of sugar in Soft Drinks cause your pancreas to produce an abundance of insulin, which leads to a “sugar crash”. Chronic elevation and depletion of sugar and insulin can lead to diabetes and other imbalance related diseases. This is particularly disruptive to growing children which can lead to life-long health problems.

6. Soft Drinks severely interfere with digestion. Caffeine and high amounts of sugar virtually shut down the digestive process. That means your body is essentially taking in NO nutrients from the food you may have just eaten, even that eaten hours earlier. Consumed with french-fries which can take WEEKS to digest, there is arguably nothing worse a person can put in their body.

7. Diet soft drinks contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease and a plethora of other illness. The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints about Aspartame, that’s 80% of all complaints about food additives.

8. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic, so much so that they can eat through the liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on the shelf too long. Alzheimer

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drink 12 ounces of plain water, your body will absorb 8 ounces of it within 15 minutes.

If you drink 12 ounces of a 10% sugar solution, less than 1 ounce will be absorbed in the same period. The typical soft drink is a 10 to 12% sugar solution.

9. Consistent failure to drink enough water can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration. These conditions where the body’s cells are never quite hydrated enough leave them in a weakened state, vulnerable to attack from disease. It weakens the body’s overall immune system and leads to chemical, nutritional and pH imbalances that can cause a host of diseases.

10. Dehydration can occur at any time of the year, not only during the summer months when it is hot. The dryness that occurs during winter can dehydrate the body even quicker than when it is hot. When you are dehydrated you tend to eat more.

general rule: Due to the fact that every body is different the rule we often hear about drinking 8-8oz. Of water per day can be misleading. We need to drink half our body weight in ounces of water every day to provide the body with its MINIMUM water replacement requirements. Triple the intake for better results.

Top 10 reasons To Consume Water

instead of soft Drinks!

1. Soft drinks steal water from the body. They work very much like a diuretic which takes away more water than it provides to the body. Just to process the high levels of sugar in soft drinks steals a considerable amount of water from the body.

To replace the water stolen by soft drinks, you need to drink 8-12 glasses of water for every one glass of soft drinks that you consume!

2. Soft Drinks never quench your thirst, certainly not your body’s need for water. Constantly denying your body an adequate amount can lead to Chronic Cellular Dehydration, a condition that weakens your body at the cellular level. This, in turn, can lead to a weakened immune system and a plethora of diseases.

3. The elevated levels of phosphates in soft drinks leach vital minerals from your body. Soft Drinks are made with purified water that also leach vital minerals from your body. A severe lack of minerals can lead to Heart Disease (lack of magnesium), Osteoporosis (lack of calcium) and many other diseases. Most vitamins can not perform their function in the body without the presence of minerals.

4. Soft Drinks can remove rust from a car bumper or other metal surfaces. Imagine what it’s doing to your digestive tract as well as the rest of your body.

5. The high amounts of sugar in Soft Drinks cause your pancreas to produce an abundance of insulin, which leads to a “sugar crash”. Chronic elevation and depletion of sugar and insulin can lead to diabetes and other imbalance related diseases. This is particularly disruptive to growing children which can lead to life-long health problems.

6. Soft Drinks severely interfere with digestion. Caffeine and high amounts of sugar virtually shut down the digestive process. That means your body is essentially taking in NO nutrients from the food you may have just eaten, even that eaten hours earlier. Consumed with french-fries which can take WEEKS to digest, there is arguably nothing worse a person can put in their body.

7. Diet soft drinks contain Aspartame, which has been linked to depression, insomnia, neurological disease and a plethora of other illness. The FDA has received more than 10,000 consumer complaints about Aspartame, that’s 80% of all complaints about food additives.

8. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic, so much so that they can eat through the liner of an aluminum can and leach aluminum from the can if it sits on the shelf too long. Alzheimer

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patients who have been autopsied ALL have high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can lead to many neurological and other diseases.

9. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic: The human body naturally exists at a pH of about 7.0. Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2.5, which means you are putting something into your body that is hundred of thousands of times more acidic that your body is!

Diseases flourish in an acidic environment. Soft Drinks and other acidic food deposit acid waste in the body which accumulates over time in the joints and around the organs.

For example, the Body pH of cancer or arthritis patients are always low. The sicker the person, the lower the Body pH.

Soft Drinks are the WORSE THING you can possibly put in your body. Don’t even think of taking a sip of a Soft Drink when you are sick with a cold, flu or something worse. It will only make it that much harder for your body to fight the illness.


• 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

• In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

• One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

• Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

• Preliminary research indicates that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

• A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory and trouble with basic math.

• Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

• It is estimated that 20% of the calories in the average American diet

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patients who have been autopsied ALL have high levels of aluminum in their brains. Heavy metals in the body can lead to many neurological and other diseases.

9. Soft Drinks are EXTREMELY acidic: The human body naturally exists at a pH of about 7.0. Soft Drinks have a pH of about 2.5, which means you are putting something into your body that is hundred of thousands of times more acidic that your body is!

Diseases flourish in an acidic environment. Soft Drinks and other acidic food deposit acid waste in the body which accumulates over time in the joints and around the organs.

For example, the Body pH of cancer or arthritis patients are always low. The sicker the person, the lower the Body pH.

Soft Drinks are the WORSE THING you can possibly put in your body. Don’t even think of taking a sip of a Soft Drink when you are sick with a cold, flu or something worse. It will only make it that much harder for your body to fight the illness.


• 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

• In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is mistaken for hunger.

• One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

• Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

• Preliminary research indicates that 8 to 10 glasses of water a day could significantly ease joint pain for up to 80% of sufferers.

• A mere 2% drop in body water can trigger fuzzy short-term memory and trouble with basic math.

• Drinking 5 glasses of water daily decreases the risk of colon cancer by 45%, plus it can slash the risk of breast cancer by 79%, and one is 50% less likely to develop bladder cancer.

• It is estimated that 20% of the calories in the average American diet

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