reiki painting my new autumn 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. beat procrastination and live your dreams...

Reiki Painting—My New AUTUMN 2016 Dedicated to a Wonderful Lady Dedicated to a Wonderful Lady Reiki Master Teacher Christine Johnston Reiki Master Teacher Christine Johnston Editor of Resonance Editor of Resonance

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Page 1: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly

Reiki Painting—My New AUTUMN 2016

Dedicated to a Wonderful LadyDedicated to a Wonderful Lady

Reiki Master Teacher Christine JohnstonReiki Master Teacher Christine Johnston

Editor of ResonanceEditor of Resonance

Page 2: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly

UK Reiki Federation Management

Committee CHAIR

Annie Harrington VICE CHAIR

Anne-Marie Carratu TREASURER Wendy Liles


THE UK REIKI FEDERATION Member of the Reiki Council

2, Fitz Gilbert Court, Castledown Business Park, Ludgershall, Wilts SP11 9FA

Email: [email protected] website:

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

Editorial from Annie Harrington—UKRF Chair

Hello everyone! Firstly, I have to say that I am having a fantastic time as Chair and have met so many wonderful people over the last few months. I have a brilliant back up team in the shape of the Management Committee. They are all very supportive and we communicate almost on a daily basis to share ideas or ask advice.

Where has the time gone? Seems like only a few days since my last editorial but we have achieved so much. Our first major task was to replace Doreen Sawyer as the service provider. As you all know, Doreen served the UK Reiki Federation for many years. At the beginning of this year Doreen decided to re-evaluate her life and chose to take a different path. We waved her off in August and greeted Louise Akehurst in September as our new service provider. Many of you will have spoken to Louise on the phone as she has been the Senior Administrator for the last nine years. Louise has quickly settled into her new role and the office appears to have suffered minimal disruption.

Also in September, we (the Management Committee) held an informal meeting at the office for any members interested in joining the MC. The aim of this was to start a dialogue with a variety of people all working to encourage the continued growth of the UKRF. The meeting was very positive. 13 of us sat around the table and discussed where we could develop and how this could be done. We are now planning sub-groups in various area (e.g. Education; Social Media, PR and Events; Animal Reiki and Research.) Each of these sub-groups will have a core team of 2 or 3 people working together and involving others where necessary. Another suggestion that is at an embryotic stage at the moment is a virtual book club. This would serve at least two purposes – to review books and provide a written review for Resonance and also as a means to acquire CPD points.

The second major task was the Festival and AGM. We have been very lucky to book Yarnfield Park Conference Centre in the Midlands. So many members asked for us to move the Festival closer to the centre of the country to make travelling easier. For the first Festival under our new leadership we have decided to have just a one-day event. The reasons for this were varied – to save time, to reduce costs but also to encourage a higher attendance. Take up on the rooms has been amazing. We started off by requesting 12 bedrooms for members on the Friday night, we quickly had to increase this to 25 and they are ‘going like hot cakes’. We also have a good range of speakers – these will be announced closer to the time but I can tell you now that they have not been speakers at the Festival before. I am really looking forward to hearing from these practitioners as they will be talking about various subjects close to all of our hearts.

Finally, you may have seen this but in case you’ve missed it the programme will still be available on iPlayer: The Retreat with Nick Knowles; Extreme Food; Panorama. Nick Knowles embarks on a 28-day retreat that included Reiki, yoga and vegan food. The Retreat aired from Monday 26th – 30th September at 7pm on BBC2

As ever I am always keen to receive feedback on the UKRF, our activities, what else you want from the Fed or me. Please email me at: [email protected] or [email protected] Thank you for reading. Have a lovely colourful Autumn.


May you be filled with loving kindness

May you be well

May you be

peaceful and at ease

May you be


Page 3: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly


Christine Johnston

The Management Committee of the UK Reiki Federation are sad to announce the recent death of Christine Johnston.

Christine was a member of the UK Reiki Federation Management Committee for many years freely giving her time and expertise since joining the Federation in 1999.

Due to her ill health, Christine retired from the MC in April 2016. At this time Christine was still editing Resonance (the magazine of the UKRF), something that she had been involved in for many years.

Sadly, Christine’s health deteriorated rapidly and she was admitted to hospital in July, where Christine stayed until she left us.

She was a much loved and respected member of the UK Reiki Federation. A lady of great dignity and special friend to us all.

The Management Committee

A Tribute to Christine Johnston – known to me as my first source of inner healing, my Reiki Master-

Teacher, a fellow UKRF management committee member and a friend: When at a low-point in my life, I met Christine Johnston who – after just five minutes in a chair – shared with me the golden light of healing which left me knowing – somehow – everything was not just going to be alright, but was as it should /could only be. That one first meeting opened the doorway to Reiki, to my healing – my learning – and the healing/learning now of many others, and brought my unfolding to spirit. I know I was just one of many to whom she brought such light. Blessings on her soul as she ascends to rejoin her higher-self closer to the source of all light. With love and such fond memories, Wayne Noakes.

1. Editorial from Annie Harrington UKRF Chair

2. A Tribute to Christine Johnston

3. A) A Picture to the Voice by Louise Akehurst B) Competition

4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain

5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT

6. A) Dog Friendly Retreats by Wendy Radford B) A Book Review by Jackie Colpitts

7. Reiki Painting—My New Horizon by Sarah Nabarro

8. Sharing our Reiki knowledge and driving new projects by Sue Malcolm Pioneer Co-ordinator

9. Rescue Reiki by Kat Shaw

10. A) Rescue Explained—A poem B) Reiki at GP Surgeries?! by Ken Hill Research Co-ordinator

11. Reiki at the Sutton Cancer Support Centre (CSC) by Toni Lester 12. A) Reiki Healing By Karla Smithies B) The Wonder of Reiki by Nilam Shah

C) A Surprise Visitation at a Treatment By Jill Manley D) Sharing Reiki by Jane Wingfield

13. NCN Report / Area Representatives

14. 2017 Annual Review and Festival

15. UKRF Info and Advertising Rates


Page 4: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

When the tender for the service

provider became available I decided I

would apply for the position and the

rest so they say is history……..and

here I am today!!

I have a very busy, varied and enjoyable

role within the UKRF office and I do

hope I will be able to assist in any

queries I receive from you, the

members. If I am unable to answer

your query I will find out someone

who can!! I’m sure we will be in

contact again soon whether on the

telephone, email or with your renewal.

Look out for any office updates in

future issues of the Resonance and

remember should you contact the

office or send in any correspondence

please quote your membership

number and write your number on the

back of any cheques; with internet

banking or PayPal payments please

quote your membership number and

surname in the reference box, thank


Best Wishes


fact that famous world cup year……..yes

I have just celebrated a big birthday.

I was born in Ludgershall and moved to

a nearby town with my parents at the

age of eight. I moved back to

Ludgershall when I married in 1992 and

my first born arrived in 1995 six weeks

premature and soon after I became a

one parent family.

Jumping ahead a few years I now live

with my partner of eighteen years, my

two sons twenty-one and thirteen with

our six year old Miniature Schnauzer

dog called Millie.

My first job out of college was at

National Westminster Bank then onto

TSB Head Office for 10 years in the

General and then Life Insurance

departments. After a career break for

my first born I then trained as a

Teacher’s Assistant and a Special

Educational Needs Co-Ordinator. Then

after my second break I was given the

opportunity to work for my predecessor

Doreen who was the service provider

for many years. I worked for Doreen

for 9 years providing administrative

duties for the UK Reiki Federation.

A Picture to the Voice Louise Akehurst

H ello to you all, I just thought you

would like to know who’s at the

end of the telephone when you ring the

UKRF administration office.

My name is Louise Akehurst and I am the

new service provider for the UK Reiki

Federation. I provide all the

administration at the office from new

memberships, renewals, everyday

administration tasks, telephone calls,

emails and support for the Management

Committee and Co-oordinators to name

just a few.

I was born in the swinging sixties…….in

For your chance to win one of

the two copies of Rachanaa

Jain’s book “Awake Your

Dreams: Stop Procrastinating!

Start Achieving!” kindly

donated by Rachanaa please

email your answers to the

f o l l o w i n g q u i z t o

[email protected].

Closing date 30.11.16 marking

your email subject clearly

“ C O M P E T I T I O N . ” A l l

correct entries will be entered

into a prize draw. All answers can be found

either on the UKRF website

w w w . r e i k i f e d . c o . u k o r

throughout this edition of


1. Where and when will

the 2017 UKRF Annual

Review and Festival be


2. Who is the Chair of the

UK Reiki Federation?

3. Who is the new Service

Provider for the UK

Reiki Federation?

4. When was the Sutton

Cancer Support centre


5. Who is the UKRF Area

Representative for

L i n c o l n s h i r e , E

Y o r k s h i r e a n d


6. Where is Glendee

Rescue situated?

7. How many steps are

there in Rachanaa

Jain’s Dream System?

8. How many clinical

trials were included in

Ken Hill’s report,

recommending the use

of Reiki at GP


9. Who is the author of

the book “Community



Rachanaa’s book is available

to purchase at

Page 5: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly


Beat Procrastination and Live your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain

I am the Founder of Devine

Messages and author of the

book “Awake Your Dreams: Stop

Procrastinating! Start Achieving!” I

became deeply spiritual when I

came to this country. I was in a new

environment . . . away from family

and friends who were still in India.

At the time, I was studying and my

mother was very ill. I could not

return to be with my mother

because of exams and other

academic requirements. It was

during that time that I began to dig

deeper into the meaning of

spirituality. Since that time, I have

designed my life around what I have

studied, learned, experienced and

mastered. Over the past 7 years, I

have travelled to countless cities

and countries across the world as a

spiritual healer and coach. I have

consulted with and coached

individuals from all walks of life.

When I am coaching a neighbour, a

small business owner, or one of my

celebrity clients, I seek to learn

about each individual’s personal

vision for their lives. More

importantly, I seek to learn about

my client’s personal perceptions of

success and failure.

Through the many conversations I

have had with clients, procrastination

was most often associated with

their perception of failure. It goes

to say, if procrastination is

associated with perceived failure,

not procrastinating should be

associated with success.

To begin, let’s ask ourselves: “What

is procrastination?” According to

t h e O x f o r d D i c t i o n a r y :

“Procrastination is the action of

delaying or postponing something.”

P e r s o n a l l y , I t h i n k o f

procrastination as my way of

avoiding an experience that I

moment you have when you realize

you’ve been working harder, not

smarter. I realized it was actually

more painful for me to go through

the “cram and crash” process every

week than it was for me to actually

study for my History exams. In that

moment, I decided to take control of

my future, and turn the pain of

procrastination on its head. I mastered

procrastination in that specific area

by doing one simple thing: being


I began to draw images of everything

I had to memorize. This made

History more interesting to me.

Suddenly, I was able to remember

everything about History. I started

enjoying and loving the subject, and

eventually passed the exam with

flying colours. Life functions the same

way. We all have to do things we

simply don’t like to do, but if we can

learn creative, unique, helpful and even

fun ways to make a painful

experience a positive experience, we

become empowered.

In my book, I teach you my six-step

DREAMS system.

This proven system will help you:

* Utilize your personal power to

turn your dreams into reality;

* Achieve an effective and healthy

“mind diet”;

* Heal your spirit, body, and mind;


* Learn proven steps to get motivated

about life. Stop procrastinating . . . step

out of your comfort zone and try new


I encourage you to live the life you’ve

always dreamed of. Remember, the

power to achieve your dreams lies

with you! So stop procrastinating

and let me teach you how to start

achieving your dreams today!

perceive to be painful. For example,

a painful experience may be doing

your taxes. We all have to do them,

but the experience of running

numbers, managing receipts, and

itemizing everything from a can of

paint to the ice cream cone you ate 6

months ago can be can be VERY


We’ve all been there. Whether it’s

doing taxes or doing the laundry,

people generally avoid doing things

they perceive to be painful, mundane,

tedious, and basically. . . NOT

FUN. Although these different

experiences are painful, the end

result can be positive and rewarding

for us.

When I was in college, I did not like

the subject of History. It was painful

for me to study History. So, I would

delay studying. Then, days before a

major exam, I would frantically stay-

up all-night reading and cramming

for the exam. I would drink 5 or 6

cups of tea to help maintain the “all-

night” pace. On the day of the exam,

I would throw on sweats, get more

tea, rush to class, barely pass the

History exam, and worry whether

or not I had passed the exam. Then,

after receiving my grade, I would

“kick myself” for procrastinating and

for not studying harder.

Then, one day, I had a light bulb

moment. You know, that “ah-ha”

Page 6: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly

Just BE by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

M y holistic journey started in 2000

when, aged 49, I had the

opportunity to spend a year in South

Korea, during which time I was going to

have nothing to do but enjoy myself -

which I did - because I learned Reiki! It

changed my life! My previous employment

history was in P.A./Administration and

Conveyancing, far removed from life as a


16 years later and now a multi-disciplined

therapist/teacher, Reiki continues to be

the foundation of my work. Throughout

that period I have almost continuously

been studying in some form or another.

Knowledge is power and credibility and I

continually update/increase my skills.

Six years into my business, during which

time I built up a very busy practice, both

with clients and teaching, I developed

health problems which meant I had to cut

back drastically on the amount of work I

was doing. I was not going to give up my

passion because of my health but this

meant I had to consider new ways of

working which took less effort on my part.

This proved much easier than I had

anticipated. I had plenty of skills I could

utilise and I found myself giving more

thought to the benefits of individual

techniques rather than traditional

treatments. My treatments became a

fusion of all that I had learned. My

‘toolbox’ was expansive.

With a lightened workload I found time to

become a volunteer therapist at a local

hospice, which I did for almost 5 years.

It was during this time that I developed

Just BE (Butterfly Experience). Reiki is not

for everyone, often because of

misconceptions about what Reiki is, but an

alternative was needed. I set about

creating a relaxing experience for my

patients, one which allowed them to

remain fully clothed throughout. There

was obviously potential to develop a

course for people who were chronically ill

or in palliative care. I have heard too

many stories where someone was turned

away from treatment because they had

cancer, or an illness. That should never

happen! There is always something you

can do. I wanted to create that

something! Yes, Reiki is safe and is a

wonderful option but we know it’s not

for everyone.

Having created Just BE, I wanted to have

it accredited as an approved short

course and I successfully went through

the accreditation process with the FHT.

A lot of time and effort went into this

but it was worth it. Many people are

benefitting from receiving a ‘Butterfly

Experience’ and feedback has been

amazing. Just BE puts people back in

touch with touch. It reconnects them to

their own bodies, allowing them to Just


The first time I taught Just BE I realised it

was having a profound affect on

students. For some it was their first

foray into therapy work. I knew I was

creating a healing treatment but did not

realise its potential. At the end of the

first weekend it was as if some of the

therapists had been attuned to Reiki as

part of the process of learning Just BE!

What they were feeling and experiencing

throughout training was at times

dramatic and quite a few tears were

shed, some of joy, some just emotional

release. I have no problem using the

term ‘healing’ in my work. My definition

of to ‘heal’ is to Help, Ease And Love! I

encourage students to use the word but

to explain the meaning of it. No one can

argue with that definition.

Many Reiki practitioners realised that

Reiki worked beautifully with Just BE

and now refer to their treatments as

‘Butterfly Reiki’. It is like Reiki with

movement. No standing st i l l .

Encouraging the body to go with the

flow ensures the therapist feels so

much better giving a treatment and the

recipient definitely benefits too.

Just BE puts people back in touch with

compassionate, meaningful and

structured touch. Every technique has

a purpose and can easily be tailored to

suit the individual needs of the

recipient. Although taught as a full

body treatment, it can easily be broken

down to cater for short treatments.

Just BE is proving a hit with everyone,

not just those who are ill. It is

extremely relaxing and we know that

when a body is relaxed it has more

potential to heal itself.

I have never advertised for business in

my years of practice, believing instead

that those who are meant to find me

do so - and I amazed at how they do

find me! However, things are

changing. I have been told I need to be

more visible with Just BE. More

people need to know about it. So, at a

time in my life when I thought I would

be retired, I find myself looking into

having a website. However, what work

I do will be enjoyable and will change

the lives of my students and clients!

What better thing than to offer your

clients time out to Just BE! Touch

delivered with caring hands can work


The only pre-requisite for training is a

Level 3 Anatomy and Physiology

qualification and if you don’t have that

it need not be too expensive to get


Please feel free to contact me.

Alternatively, why not come along to

the UK Reiki Federation Conference

on 1st April 2016 as I will be one of

the guest speakers and will be talking

about and demonstrating Just BE

(Butterfly Experience).

Page 7: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly


Dog Friendly Retreats by Wendy Radford

I run an holistic and spiritual healing

centre in East Sussex and I am also a

Reiki Master Teacher/Practitioner.

Recently I have been asked to take Reiki

to a beautiful Yoga Retreat. This is not

just any retreat, no….this is a retreat

where your dog is as welcome as you


I just had to bring this to all the dog

lovers among you. It is the brain child of

a lovely lady called Julie could find no

retreat that would take her dogs too, so

she decided to set up her own. She now

runs pet-friendly “ Paws for Thought

Retreat”, an all-inclusive vegetarian yoga

retreat set in beautiful East Sussex

offering canine massage and yoga

alongside meditation, aqua yoga, guided

walks, reiki and more.

It is a known fact that animals have been

providing therapeutic support for

people’s emotional welfare for many

years. It has been established that being

around a balanced, undemanding pet that

gives unconditional love brings much

positivity and promotes healing. The idea

is to have a break away from the stresses

of life and whilst you relax, re-energise

and re-balance your dog can be part

of it too. They have a dedicated

Canine Carer at each retreat to

assist you with your pooch’s care

should you wish to attend a class,

activity or treatment. Or if you do

not have a pet yourself…. just go and

enjoy the benefits of other people’s

dogs while destressing!

They have an amazing atmosphere

and I cannot recommend it highly

enough to those who want to

holiday/go on retreat and would like

to take their dogs for a special

ho l iday too . A “w in w in”

situation…..happy you and happy


“This is the must have handbook for all

Reiki Practitioners who want to do more to

heal the world. Readers will combine their

own interests with proven (US) Public

Health methods to take Reiki healing to

new places.

At this point in time, Reiki Practitioners have

merely scratched the surface of what Reiki

can do to heal our planet and all the living

beings that co-exist here. But that is about

to change.”

I was intrigued on first reading this

paragraph on the back cover of this

book which is really well laid out and will

be very easy to dip into, making it a

useful resource to have in your

bookshelves for reference again and

again, which is exactly as the author


The format is quite interactive with

meditations and other exercises

peppered throughout to enable the

reader to formulate their own plans for

taking reiki into their own community

that resonates with their personal path

in life, whether that is as a “lone wolf”

or as a “Reiki Team.” There is a strong

emphasis on journaling so very much a

guide and not a rule book. I thoroughly

enjoyed reading this book from start to

finish and I particularly liked the

chapter on reiki roles where Kay asks

that although by this point we have a

“Reiki Dream,” do we know the specific

role we are intended for?

“Your Reiki Role provides the foundation

for the activities you do to bring Reiki to

the world.” Kay explains.

What you bring back from the guided

meditation will be a very personal

interpretation and again we are

encouraged to journal the experience

and to reflect on how we move

forward. Kay uses her extensive

knowledge and experience as an Usui/

Holy Fire II and Karuna Reiki Master,

Masters of Public Health in Behavioural

Science and Bachelor of Science in

Sociology to deliver a brilliant resource

for Reiki Practitioners everywhere to

get out into their own community. This

book has given me lots of food for

thought that I know will enable me to

further my own reiki journey. I look

forward to the next in the series. THE

REIKI SERIES - is designed specifically

for Reiki Practitioners to increase the

amount of light, love and healing in the

world. Additional books planned for

the series include an exploration of

the many ways Distance Reiki can be

used to improve the health of the

world around us, a training program

to increase the Reiki Practitioners

flow of Ki (universal life energy), and a

daily devotional Distance Reiki to

focus on world healing.

A Book Review by Jackie Colpitts

Community Reiki - The Reiki Practitioner’s Guide to Healing the World

by Kay Adkins

Page 8: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly

P art of the magic of Reiki is the

way that it opens up new

horizons for us... Brings each of us to our

own unique path, and makes a picture out

of all the pieces of the puzzle that have

gone before.

For a long time, I was a painter – and a

part-time Reiki healer. Then Reiki 2

happened, and suddenly that started to

change. I started “Reiki Painting”. At first,

it was a way of self-healing. Then Reiki 3

happened. And I was shown that Reiki

Painting was not just for me – I could use

it with others too.

I started by experimenting with friends,

realising that I needed to be able to

explain what I was doing to others. I had

to start translating personal, intuitive

knowledge into something more

universal. I needed to explain why it

worked, not just know that it did.

Each session with each practice “client”

revealed more to me about the modality,

although it was only once I started

working with the Ascended Masters that

things became clear. Essentially, Reiki

Painting uses Reiki to transform human

emotion into light. Clients are invited to

talk to me about anything. You do not

necessarily have to know in advance what

you want to bring – issues emerge as and

when they need to.

As you speak, I share your emotional

space and witness whatever you choose

to share with me. As you speak, I channel

Reiki into (coloured) water, which I then

use to express that light energy on paper.

In this way, you can release any negative,

or difficult, thoughts and emotions

through having them shared and validated,

and you can then observe their

Page 8

your feelings, you can become aware

of them as separate. Your emotions

are not “You”. The experience can be

particularly powerful because the

painting makes the distance between

you and your feelings physically “real”.

This is very different to the approach

of traditional “Talking Therapies” in

which clients are encouraged to go

into and analyse their thoughts and

emotions. It’s more like mindfulness

on a plate, without years of meditative


What has struck me very powerfully

as I do this work is the impact that

Reiki Painting can have on people from

all backgrounds. As a kind of “Talking

Therapy”, it seems to appeal to people

who might not normally be so open to

energy healing. And because clients

have only to be willing to share their

thoughts and emotions with me, but

do not have to engage with the Reiki

themselves (I do that), the sessions

have a very strong impact, regardless

of the other person’s openness to the

energy. There appears to be a kind of

universality about this healing

modality, such that it can reach those

whom Reiki might not normally reach.

Most important, perhaps, though, is

the fact that, because the sessions

create a distance from and transform

whatever you choose to communicate

to me, you will leave feeling lighter

than you came in… Except for the

painting itself, which you can take

home with you to display, or reflect

on. In one client’s words, it is your

‘map of the moment’ and ‘an object of

light and hope.’

…And I continue to Reiki Paint – for

myself. The images that the water

produces are beautiful and organic,

while the peace and light that it

continues to bring me can be more

powerful than a meditation.

transformation into light.

Reiki Painting relies on the power of

water to absorb energy of all kinds. I

learnt this first from Masaru Emoto and

his extraordinary photographs of water

crystals. Emoto showed that the

molecular structure of water changes

according to the energy it is exposed

to - that water molecules can reflect

extraordinary beauty and purity, or

pollution and violence. And, because we

are largely made up of water, our own

thoughts, feelings and intentions can

affect the water outside of us – it’s quite

literally a ripple effect.

It is also helpful that our bodies are 70%

water, and so our emotions are,

basically, movements (or vibrations) in

the water of our cells. This makes

movement in water a very powerful

language with which to express human

feeling. Because of this, I never use a

paintbrush. Instead, a little like Tai Chi, I

use the movement of my body with the

paper to direct the flow of the water.

The coloured marks that the water

leaves on the paper reflect the

movement (or feelings) of the water in

my own body. When I am working with

your emotions, the water reflects what I

have picked up from you.

Interestingly, I have, in other contexts,

worked with children who, with no

encouragement, choose instinctually to

pour water onto paper to communicate

how they feel inside. It’s as though the

link between water and our emotions is

a very primal and instinctual one.

Reiki Painting is not art therapy, though.

It is an energy healing that allows me to

empathically share and relieve you of

whatever was weighing you down, while

using coloured water to express it and

its transformation into light. In this way,

through the painting, you can witness

your own healing.

There is a mindful aspect to the process,

too. Watching me paint and transform

Reiki Painting—My New Horizon

by Sarah Nabarro

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

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like minded Reiki Practitioners.

If that could be you please get

in touch. Just email me on

[email protected]

The next Resonance will be

January 2017 so although I don't

like to bring Christmas upon us

in October ... I hope you all

have a great festive season

when it arrives and don't forget

to send me a few words to

share how you use Reiki in your

work or hobby so that we can

all learn from you. Thank you

Love and Light

Sue Malcolm

Pioneer Co-ordinator

Sharing our Reiki knowledge and driving new projects

If you can share your experience of using

Reiki to benefit your work or hobby and

offer advice to other members. Please

send an article to me for a future issue -

you might also like to join our group? It's

free - just ask for an application form

(you must at practitioner level though).

As Co-coordinator of our Pioneer Group

I would like to see the group really

become Pioneers, initiating new Reiki

developments and creating positive

progress. I am, as you may be aware, very

passionate about developing animal Reiki

and I will update you on a project that is

just in its very early stages as we start to

see results. However I'm looking for

members with ideas, enthusiasm and a

desire to bring about positive change in

all areas of Reiki to join us - people who

would like to actively drive a project with

W e have over 1300 members in the UK

Reiki Federation and between us we

hold a wealth of Reiki knowledge and

experience. Just think how much we could

gain from each other by sharing our

experiences, knowledge and learnings (from

successes and mistakes) and what simpler way

than writing a couple of paragraphs or more

in our own members magazine.

In this issue Kat Shaw, one of our Animal

Reiki Pioneers has written an article to give

helpful advice about working at a dog

rescue. Kat is a Reiki Master Teacher and

Animal Reiki Practitioner with much

experience of working with cats and dogs

gained from training courses but more

importantly years of practical hands on work

at a dog rescue centre. She has made such a

difference at Glendee Rescue and provides

inspiration that many of us might benefit from.

Thank you Kat.

I ’ve heard it a hundred times over:

“How can you work in a rescue centre – it

must be so sad.” Yes, It can be soul

destroying seeing what the supposed more

evolved species can do to animals.

The realisation of not being able to help

every dog can break you, make you hate

people and feel so hopeless that you just

want to run.

But it can also be the most fulfilling thing

you will ever do. Seeing a broken soul

grow and heal is euphoria. Some days you


I have been lucky enough to have been at

Glendee Rescue in Welham Green, Herts

for over 2 years, and each day is a

rollercoaster of emotions. Elation to

desolation all within 5 minutes. But, I’d not

be without it. I started as a volunteer

giving Reiki to the dogs, and now do all

admin, process applications, home checks,

dog walking, rehabilitation training,

adoption contracts and sort logistics.

But my favourite part of working at

Glendee will always be the Reiki.

Sadly, tens of thousands of dogs are

euthanized in the UK EVERY SINGLE

YEAR, simply due to lack of homes, and

constant irresponsible overbreeding. At

Glendee, our aim is to rescue as

many animals as we can and place

them into loving homes, giving them

a well-deserved second chance for


And I truly believe Reiki helps them

along the way.

By offering Reiki to animals in

rescue, I have been not only given

the luxury of watching them grow

and begin to trust again, but also

unlimited teaching opportunities

from every animal I have had the

pleasure of working with. Lessons

about love, compassion, forgiveness,

trust, patience, resilience and simple


So, for those who tell me they’d be

“too sad” to work in rescue, I tell

them this: Reiki is a wonderful way

to bring hope, healing, relaxation

and stress relief to animals. Many

animals have suffered at the hands

of humans, and to teach that human

touch does not have to be feared is

what pushes me through all of the

sadness and drives the fight for

these animals.

Rescue Reiki by Kat Shaw

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Page 10

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

Animals respond naturally to Reiki

energy, and don’t often take long to trust

again and I have consistently seen animals

who have suffered traumatic pasts,

benefit tremendously from Reiki energy

as well as the association that humans

can be there to care, nurture and love

them. Reiki can seriously transform the

lives of rescue animals. From healing

physical injuries and illnesses to helping

with emotional issues such as

abandonment, depression or behavioural

issues, it can build the bond of trust back

up again and allow the animal to move

forwards into a new home, which would

not have previously been possible.

So, how do you go about volunteering in

a local rescue centre?

Get some background knowledge and

experience of working with your chosen


Google local rescue centres and visit a

few to get a feel of the energy there.

Approach a rescue centre and arrange a

meeting with the manager. Rescue

centres are often run by volunteers, so if

you cannot get an appointment

immediately or the meeting has to be

cancelled – don’t take it to heart. The

dogs and rescue animals come first.

Smaller rescue centres are often easier

to approach, and more able to include

complementary therapies.

Sometimes the rescue centre will have a

volunteer coordinator – they may be

better contacted and more available to

meet with you.

Not everybody will initially understand

or believe in Reiki! Getting a foot in the

door is important, so volunteer in other

ways – walk the dogs or offer other

servicers which will help the rescue

centre. When they know you, they will

be more inclined to give you more


When you meet, be prepared. I always

had a hand out to give so that they

remembered me after I’d left the


Explain Reiki simply and how it can help.

The ultimate aim of a rescue centre is to

rehome abandoned animals, so that is the

kind of thing they will want to hear – not

a huge in-depth explanation. Something

like: “Reiki is a non-invasive traditional

Japanese relaxation technique which has

been shown to remove stress and ease

anxiety or behavioural issues in rescue

dogs. When an animal is calm, they can

respond more effectively to training in

order to get them ready for a new home

quicker. Reiki can help to calm not only

individual animals, but the whole kennel

environment, speeding the healing

process and healing the emotional issues

which could be the root of the

behavioural problems which impede


Being Reiki 2 attuned and not having to

be in contact with the animals will also

go in your favour.

I’ve never asked for payment from a

Rescue centre for Reiki.

There are a few bits of advice I would

give at this point.

* Ensure you ground and protect

yourself. It can be sad, and you can feel

helpless, and even though you may give

24 hours a day to rescue, you still won’t

be able to help every animal.

* Practise self-preservation, knowing

that you are doing your best.

* Set specific times aside to dedicate to

rescue and try not to do any more.

This can sound harsh, but, I know only

too well from experience that you get

so drawn in that you forget yourself.

And your life. You carry the pain and

the hopelessness of the situation, and it

can drag you down and zap your


* Focus on what you have done – not

what you haven’t done. Focus on

what you can do and not what you


Hopefully this has helped you and

inspired some of you to work in

rescue. To see the photos a year on

of a dog in a new, loving home, smiling

with his new family is like gold when

you signed the relinquishing form for

that poor, underweight broken soul.

It may seem daunting, but I can assure

you that the more time you spend

volunteering, the more comfortable

you will become with offering Reiki to

animals and the more confident you

will become in advocating Reiki’s

benefits to heal a wide range of

challenges effectively for rescue


So, in answer to “I don’t know how you

do it”… I think this poem says it


Continued on Page 12

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for and why that matters.

You’ll forget why you matter.

You’ll question what you’re doing. You’ll

wonder if it’s worth it.


When you forget, question, wonder…

All you have to do is look around…

You’ll see them. Their faces. Their smiles.

You’ll feel their love.

In their eyes, you’ll see their journeys…

You’ll remember their beginnings…

You’ll know how far they’ve come…

You’ll remember when they didn’t trust


When they’d given up.

You’ll remember how you loved them…

How they loved you, too.

And you’ll want to move forward… For

them… and because of them.

In your darkest hours, you’ll see the


The neglect changes you. The abuse

hardens you. The ignorance angers you.

The injustice destroys you.

On a daily basis…your faith will be tested.

Your heart will be wounded.... Your soul

will be altered.

On a weekly basis…you’ll question

yourself. You’ll question your strength.

You’ll question the world.

On a monthly basis…you’ll fall down.

You’ll get up. You’ll go on…

On a yearly basis…you’ll look back…

You’ll see faces you couldn’t save. You’ll

mourn, grieve. Sob.

You’ll trust less. Do more. Fight harder.

You’ll hope and pray. You’ll fail. Succeed.


You’ll learn when to hold on. When to

give up. When to let go.

You’ll learn who you are. What you stand

differences made…the hope given…

and the lives saved…

Because you existed.

In those moments, when you look into

their eyes…every doubt will disappear.

Every question will be answered.

Every worry will subside.

Because in each of your hearts you’ll

share the very same thought:

“Every bit of pain was worth it…

for this moment here with you.”

And honestly…no matter what else

happens… Those moments hold all the

strength you need…

To keep going.

Rescue is pain.

Rescue is joy.

Rescue is worth it…

because they are worth it.

Reiki at GP Surgeries?! by Ken Hill Research Co-ordinator

Thank you to the Management

Committee for the card and lovely

f l owe r s s en t f o l l ow i n g my

departure as Business Manager, and

also stepping down as Secretary and

f rom other vo lun tary ro les .

Thank you also to the many

members who have sent personal

messages of acknowledgement and

support for my 15 years with the

UKRF, they are very much

appreciated and will be treasured.

I would like to wish all members very

best wishes for their future,

especially with a new very pro-active

chair leading the way forward.

Doreen Sawyer

I t’s been a goal of mine for two or three

years now to get the GPs of Darlington

to offer Reiki, free of charge, naturally, to

their patients.

At the moment, the only complementary

therapy they can offer is acupuncture.

Those of you who are familiar with the

management structure of the NHS will be

aware of the existence of the bodies known

as Clinical Commissioning Groups. They

replaced the old PCTs (Primary Care

Trusts) a few years ago, and for the first

time gave GPs their own budgets, and the

power to commission services for their


I went to a meeting three years ago here in

Darlington where the local CCG were

telling the good people of the town what

their function is. I asked why they weren’t

offering Reiki to their patients: “Because no

one’s asked us” they replied.

To cut a long story short, I therefore

wrote a report, recommending the use of

Reiki at said GP surgeries. It was 348 pages

in length, and contained 74 clinical trials, in

addition loads more evidence of Reiki being

used already in various parts of health care

throughout the world.

They had the report for over a year before

telling me it wasn’t a priority, and that

therefore…...well, you know the rest.

I tried approaching the three Tyneside

CCGs next, and they also ignored me.

Nobody was prepared to have even the

briefest of meetings with me.

Ok. Time moved on, and last week I saw

an article in our local council’s monthly

newsletter. About the Darlington CCG.

About CCG’s Community Council.

Their website asks -

“Do you want to influence local NHS

decision making? Then why not

become a member of your local

CCG Community Council.

Do you want to improve health

services in your local community?

Do you want to have a voice and get

involved in the way your health

service is run?

Do you want to get involved in

shaping and delivering new and

exciting services?”

Er, yes, I have put my application in,

needless, really, to say. I will keep you

posted as to the result.

And I wondered about you, the reader of

Resonance? You will have a CCG

governing the GP services in your area.

Have they got a similar Community


I bet they have. Why don’t you join

it! Influence the delivery services at

primary care level, and do your bit

to bring NHS Reiki to your fellow



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Reiki at the Sutton Cancer Support Centre

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

T he Sutton Cancer Support Centre

CSC is based in the West Midlands

and was founded in 2000 by a former

nursing sister tutor, Mavis Cunningham.

She based the Sutton centre on many of

the results obtained from work done by

the Bristol Cancer Support Centre which

had opened in 1984. Both Sutton and

Bristol offered support and guidance to

patients and families affected by a diagnosis

of cancer. Both centres were and still

remain Charitable Trusts dependant on

donations as well as grants for their source

of income.

Initially CSC was only able to offer

counselling and meditation, delivered from

a small room based at the local hospital.

Today, the Centre and the local hospice

Day Centre, share a beautiful, purpose-

built building set in over an acre of gardens.

The setting and the wonderful volunteers,

who help run the centre, provide a tranquil

and relaxing environment for both clients

and those who work there.

We are now able to offer a wide range of

complementary therapies, delivered by

therapists experienced in working with

patients with cancer.

We are often referred to as ‘The Hidden

Gem’ in Sutton Coldfield.

My involvement with the CSC started in

2001/2 when Mavis asked me to teach

Reiki to some of the Centre patients

(clients). I accepted Mavis’s request and

have continued to teach Reiki at the

Centre ever since.

Initially I started to teach clients to Reiki

Level 1 in 2002. I then continued to teach

clients and therapists to Level 2 and then

Level 3a & 3b (Masters/Teachers)

Several of these Reiki Masters are now

working either at local hospices, some with

patients with muscular sclerosis (MS) and

others with severely disabled patients at

the local Leonard Cheshire Home.

Several former clients have qualified to

Level 3 and are now working as therapists

at the Centre.

The Centre also supports a regular Reiki

Share every 3rd Sunday morning. A

Distant Healing Time is observed at the

Share so that Healing can be sent to all

who request it, as well as for World Peace

and World Healing.

Our Reiki Masters now number 16 and we

host an Annual Reiki Masters ‘Afternoon-

Tea’ Reunion. This involves a lot of cake

eating, catching up with old friends and

making new friends. We always include a

Reiju Blessing together with any thoughts

or questions that may have arisen from our

work. We have also included a Reiki Quiz,

a ‘Sound Bath’ or Reiki Drum into past


At this time, most therapists working at

the Centre can and do offer Reiki. This

may be as a ‘combined therapy’ such as

Reiki with M-Technique, Auricular Acupuncture with Reiki, Facial Reflexology

with Reiki or Hypnotherapy with Reiki or

simply as Reiki.

Reiki is such a fantastic gift and such a

special one for those whose lives have

been disrupted by the turmoil of any major

illness, especially one such as cancer. It

allows us to access our Inner Self and

either help us change what we need to

change or accept that which we cannot


Today, patients are being treated more

intensely than 15 years ago and are having

to return to work quite soon after their

NHS treatments finish. The Centre is now

seeing about 250 new clients per annum.

It also has about 450 other clients

registered as ‘active’ – these are clients

who are now in the ‘Well Being’ category

or who attend group therapies or who

have returned to work and can only come

to the centre occasionally.

Increases in client numbers coming to the

Centre and the need for the clients to be

able to support themselves when away

from the Centre, meant offering more ‘Self

Help Techniques’ (SHT) to our clients.

These are offered as educational

workshops promoting information,

relaxation & meditation. The workshops

sign post clients to more in depth courses

such as Reiki Level 1 which offers an

excellent means of promoting Self-Healing

whilst introducing people to learning the

‘Relaxation Response.’

Learning Reiki gives clients a means to help

themselves through difficult times. Times

when perhaps they are awake in the

middle of the night, unable to sleep and do

not want to wake their family or friends.

Reiki can then be their ‘Support Blanket.’

It can help them relax and so

reduce pain, it can comfort them

when they are frightened and alone

and it is always available to them

where ever they are.

The Centre Trustees took

ownership of my old Usui Reiki

course and adapted it so that it

could be delivered by any

designated Reiki Master already

working for the Centre. Three

Centre Reiki Masters offered their


We worked as a team to add the

best parts of each of our own

training courses to the existing

Usui Reiki course. We wanted to

be able to produce a course that w o u l d i n c l u d e p e r t i n e n t

meditations, simple and easy for

our clients to use, and which could

assist them improve their own

health and wellbeing. We now have

4 Reiki Master facilitators trained

to deliver this course throughout

the year. Each facilitator will issue

their own certificates and lineage.

Our first Facilitator-lead Reiki

Level 1 course was successfully

delivered over 2 Saturdays in

September 2016 to 9 clients by

Reiki Master Karen Taft. We have

always run the Reiki Level 1 over 2

Saturdays as many of our clients

are too poorly to cope with one

long day. The Centre provided the

premises, the Facilitators Manual

and client manuals for the course,

arranged client bookings and Karen

delivered the course, performed

the Attunements (with me assisting

as there were so many students on

the course) and Karen issued

Certificates and Lineage under her

own name.

The CSC Usui Reiki course now

promotes the use of 4 lovely


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Page 13

Earth Ki for grounding at the

beginning of the day, Heart Ki before

giving Reiki to themselves or others

and Heaven Ki before receiving

Attunements. We close the day with

the Circles Meditation.

Over 150 CSC clients have already

learnt to give themselves Reiki. Some

have progressed onto become Reiki

Masters and now teach other clients

Reiki. The centre still continues to offer

complementary therapies on a one to

one basis to all newly diagnosed clients

and their families but by continuing to


promote and train clients to learn Reiki

it offers them a special means of

supporting themselves throughout

their cancer journey.

Namaste from Reiki Master Toni Lester

I have been a reiki master for a

little while now and I have seen so

many good results but my favourite

one was when a gent came to see me

with bad psoriasis.

He had been to the doctors and had gone down the route of trying all the

creams he could, this seemed to have

no affect on his condition. He was

beginning to feel fed up with trying

different things with nothing seeming

to work.

This gent was recommended to see

me, so I began by carrying out a

thorough consultation in order that I

could understand what might be

causing the psoriasis to flare up.

I decided to take a photograph before

giving him reiki; his head was so sore

and very patchy.

I then treated him with reiki for about

30 mins. All seemed to go well; he

went home and left it at that. The next day his wife took another

photograph showing there was no sign

of psoriasis.

He couldn't believe that after one

session it had cleared up. This was

about 9 months ago and he is still free

of psorias is at the moment.

Just thought I would share this

experience with you.

T his happened two weeks back. I

would like to let everyone know of

this wonderful healing technique called


A very amazing thing happened to a boy

of 16 years of age after he fell from a

height of 5 metres.

He had two fractured ribs. Fortunately they did not puncture the lungs. He also

had a fracture in his left collar bone.

Bruises on the left side of the face and

swelling as well. His mother knows Reiki

so immediately started sending him Reiki

and was with him in the hospital. He was

discharged from hospital after 2 nights.

The mother called me on the 4th day

after his accident. He was walking

completely bent on his right side as he

had pain from the fractured ribs.

I gave him about 15 minutes of Reiki,

hands on. After that he walked a bit

straighter, but still bent. Three days of

hands on Reiki did wonders for him. He

was walking normally and his wounds on

the face healed quickly.

He had to see the doctor eight days

after the fall and the doctor was amazed

at the progress of the healing. The doctor mentioned that it was very

fast healing as this would usually have

taken at least three to four weeks. He is now back to school feeling much


I am a Reiki Master. I was giving a

treatment to a lady in her early 60’s

using crystals along with Reiki.

She was struggling after the death of

her son 12 months previously and also

suffered from a bad chest and gall

bladder pain. I treated her as usual,

cleared her chakras and then when I

was checking that her energy was

flowing properly through the body and

out of her feet, I realised that the

energy was blocked in her left leg

around the calf. I began to clear it,

but ..... it was good and stuck! It just

would not clear no matter what I did.

Just when I was wondering what to do

next, assistance arrived. A male figure

appeared at the end of the treatment

bed and started a pulling motion. It was

though he was pulling a knotted rope

through her leg and out of her foot. I

realised, as he pulled, that the Reiki was

flowing past where it was stuck and out

of her left foot. Then he disappeared.

The Reiki was flowing freely.

I don't know whether it was her son or

her guardian spirit who had come to

help me, but I was mighty surprised!

This is the only time it has happened to

me in 7 years of treating people.

A Surprise Visitation

at a Treatment By Jill Manley

The Wonder of Reiki by Nilam Shah

Reiki Healing By Karla Smithies

I am a Reiki Master teacher and my students have recently qualified as Masters too

and been attuned. We are all very good friends now and meet up regularly for

Reiki Share mornings. We thought it may be a good idea to make the public more aware of Reiki as we

love it so much so the 5 of us rented a hall and advertised a Reiki demonstration

event. We gave free taster sessions out to the public with hopes of getting more people

interested in Reiki. We had a very good afternoon and a brill turn out. We handed out leaflets and

half price vouchers and sold refreshments for charity. We are definitely organising

more. We just wanted to let you know what we've been doing to raise awareness

of the benefits of reiki and to attract people to book for sessions with us.

We are Jane, Leah, Kay, Stacy and Heather. We bought T-shirts with reiki on it as

a sort of uniform.

Sharing Reiki by Jane Wingfield

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Susan-Emma Walsh Surrey

Linda Cowan Fife & Clackmannan, W.Lothian & Falkirk, Stirling

Michael Durant Somerset

Jo Fellows Gloucestershire

Debra Harris Cambridgeshire

Mark Bonney North Yorkshire

Fiona Heath Worcestershire, Here-fordshire

Elaine Hobson Lancs & Gtr Manchester

Marie-Ange Jean-Baptiste London SE

Jacqueline Morant Devon

Wendy Liles Lincolnshire. E Yorkshire Nottinghamshire

Paula McBride Warwickshire

Gail Millington West Midlands

Julie Rennie Co Durham

Victoria Robertson Essex , Gt London E

Lyn Harvey Staffordshire

Janine Wilbraham Powys

Kate Arbuckle Berkshire, Wiltshire

Wayne Noakes Suffolk

Sally Benson West Yorkshire

Thelma Rogers Bristol & South Glos

Marie Parnell Derbyshire

Denise Butler Sunderland & Tyne and Wear

Kat Shaw Hertfordshire

Donna Booth Highland

Silvana Evans South Yorkshire

Lynn Raeside Hampshire


We currently have Area Representatives for 27

areas around the country but there are still several

areas not covered so do check the adjacent list and

if you would like to apply contact Debbie Harris at

[email protected].


O nce again thank you to all our Area Representatives who volunteer their time

and efforts to maintain contact with the Reiki

community. We are extremely grateful for their

continued support.

Please remember that our Area Reps are

unpaid volunteers with a love and enthusiasm

for Reiki and for the UKRF and should be your

first port of call should you have any questions,

suggestions or ideas. They are here to assist

you and I know that they would appreciate your

support. Please take time to acknowledge

emails so that your Area Rep knows that the

information they send out is reaching you.

Thank you

NCN Co-Ordinator

Debbie Harris

Assistant NCN Co-Ordinator

Mike Randall


For members only

Lineage Advertisements only in the “What’s on” section

of the UK Reiki Federation’s website

Only £25 per 30 words Adverts will stay live for one month

Please send details and payment to the UK Reiki Federation office

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

New fortnightly Reiki share event in Billingham,

Stockton on Tees on a Wednesday 7.00 - 8.30pm.

Please contact [email protected] for details

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Come and join us at the 2017 Annual Review

and Festival at the lovely Yarnfield Park

Conference Centre in Stone, Staffordshire

ST15 0NL on Saturday April 1st 2017 and

help us set the record for “The Biggest Reiki

Share in the World!” Find out what has been achieved within the Federation

throughout the year and about our new exciting plans for the

future. Meet UKRF members from all over the UK and make new

Reiki friends and share ideas and experiences.

The day will begin with registration at 8.30 am for a 9.30 am start

finishing at approximately 5.00 pm.



Annual Review and AGM

Record Breaking Reiki Share


Exciting Programme of Talks by New Speakers



Table Top Sales

UKRF Display with Information on UKRF Activities

UKRF Merchandise Sale for Members

Ensuite accommodation is available for anyone wishing to stay

over and we recommend early booking if this is your choice. If

you prefer you can arrange your own accommodation. We have negotiated the following rates for UKRF members only,

there will be an additional charge of £30 for non-members. A non

-refundable deposit of £25.00 per person is required.


Friday evening through to Saturday late afternoon Includes ensuite accommodation on Friday night, breakfast on

Saturday, coffee/tea and biscuits, lunch, tea/coffee and cake,

choice of dinner option on Friday evening.

Use of gym and leisure facilities.


Saturday (excluding accommodation)

Includes coffee/tea and biscuits, lunch, tea/coffee and cake

Booking forms are available on the UKRF Website

or please contact Louise at [email protected]

Page 16: Reiki Painting My New AUTUMN 2016 · 2017. 1. 15. · 4. Beat Procrastination and Live Your Dreams by Rachanaa Jain 5. Just Be by Jaqui Mexson, DIP. IIHHT, FFHT 6. A) Dog Friendly


Please send articles of no more than 700 words, poems, letters and artwork to [email protected] together with your membership number, preferably by email in Word.

Please note: Contributors to Resonance do not necessarily express the opinion of the UK Reiki Federation and the UK Reiki Federation accept no responsibility for views expressed. The UK Reiki Federation does not accept any responsibility for the Independent advertisers or their services featured in this magazine.

The deadline for the next Resonance

Magazine will be January 7, 2017.

All content of the Resonance magazine is © Copyright to UK Reiki Federation. Unless other-wise stated, the design and layout of this magazine and any material published (including text, graphics, logos, images) is the property of the UK Reiki Federation.

We authorise users to copy articles from this magazine only for personal, non-commercial use, clearly acknowledging the source. You must keep the Copyright or other notices contained in the original material on anything that you copy.

Thank you

LEAFLETS The UK Reiki Federation Client /Patient

Leaflets are an ideal way to explain about Reiki to clients and to anyone who would

benefit from receiving information about it. They are available for purchase by


25 leaflets ….…...£ 6.00 50 leaflets ………..£10.00 100 leaflets £……..£16.00 200 leaflets………. £28.00

Prices for Client Patient Leaflets include postage and packing.

Members may also request 25 copies of the

UK Reiki Federation Promotional Leaflet free of charge, with a contribution of £1.50 for postage and packing if being requested

without any other purchase. The UKRF Information leaflets are popular with Teacher members who use them to

advise their students about the Federation.

TO ORDER Please make cheques payable to

‘UK Reiki Federation” and include your membership number on the back, and send

with to details on number of leaflets required, your membership number, full name and address all clearly printed to: ‘Leaflets, UK Reiki Federation, 2d Fitz

Gilbert Court, Castledown Business Park, Ludgershall, Andover SP11 9FA


Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this

edition. Much appreciated!

In order for Resonance to remain interesting, we really do need articles

submitted. It would be great if you could pop your thinking

caps on and send us anything you think would

be of interest to your fellow members—stories, case

studies, photos. We want to hear what

interesting things members are doing. Email to:

[email protected]

Editor : Christine Johnston Assisted by Linda Cowan

RESONANCE—The Magazine of the UK Reiki Federation

UK Reiki Federation Clothing UK Reiki Federation offers for sale the

following items of clothing in various colours,

all sporting the UKRF Logo T-Shirts Polo Shirts, Sweat Shirts, Rugby

Shirts Tabards, Fleeces,. Jackets, Gilets etc.

Available for sale to UKRF members only. If you would like any details, please contact

Wendy direct on [email protected]

Modelled by Mike Randall



BLACK & WHITE—INSIDE MAGAZINE Eighth Page.. ……..£40 Quarter Page……..£80

Half Page ……...£120 Full Page ……....£220

COLOUR—BACK PAGE—Limited Availability Quarter Page……..£160 Half Page …….£250

Full page ………….£450 Courses and Retreats

for members only Lineage maximum 4 lines £15.00

Flyers of one sheet A4 size £150 copies to be supplied by advertiser Weight should not exceed 80 gm

50% Discount for Members only on Display Adverts

for Courses and Retreats

(Discount does not apply to lineage ads)