reitz makes way for institute for diversity

Mei 2008 - 3 Amptelike nuusblad van die personeel van die UV / Official newsletter of the staff of the UFS / Phatlalatso ya Semmuso ya ba Basebetsi ba Yunivesithi ya Freistata T he executive management of the UFS un- animously decided to close the Reitz Resi- dence and to establish an Institute for Diversity on the same premises. Earlier this year the Reitz Residence was in the news with a video in which four female colleagues from the university and a male employee of Prestige Cleaning Service were humiliated and demeaned after they were lured to participate in a mock initiation ceremony. The video was made in resistance to the impact of ongoing transformation initiatives at the university. Acting Rector, Prof. Teuns Verschoor, said: “In an endeavour to make restitution and to offer a lasting contribution to transformation both at the UFS and within the country, the UFS is committed to establish an Institute for Diversity, which will be located at the former Reitz Residence.” The Reitz Residence would be closed as a residence from 20 June 2008. The UFS had ap- pointed a fully representative special committee to assist current residents at Reitz to find alternative accommodation. The Institute for Diversity will be a centre of academic excellence for the study of transforma- tion and diversity in society – “a living laboratory for combating discrimination and enabling and en- hancing reconciliation in societies grappling with issues of racisms, sexism and xenophobia. The university had provided seed capital of R1 million to design and establish the institute. Planning would take place during 2008/09, with the institute being formally opened in the 2010 academic year,” said Prof. Verschoor. He said: “The UFS will transform itself over time into a beacon of hope, combating racism and other forms of discrimination in South Africa and elsewhere in the world.” Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity T he university will persist purposefully on the declared course of quality teaching, learning, research, community service, administrative and operational support. “It must remain the aim of all staff members, faculties and support services to keep the UFS positioned as an institution of excellence and preference,” said Prof. Teuns Verschoor (Vice- Rector: Academic Operations), who is acting as Rector. Prof. Frederick Fourie is on sabbatical leave. Prof. Tienie Crous, Dean of Economic and Management Sciences, acts as Vice-Rector: Academic Operations. ‘We are committed to lead purposefully’ ’n Gedeelte van die konstruksiekontrak van R40 miljoen van die Chemie-gebou op die Hoofkampus is voltooi. Die kontrak behels die grootskaalse modernisering, herinrigting en uitbreiding van dié gebou. By die ingebruikneming van sekere van die nuwe laboratoriums in die Chemie-gebou was, van links, voor: prof. Jannie Swarts, Departement Chemie, Nicolene Cloete en Thato Mtshali, Chemie-studente; agter: prof. Ben Bezuidenhout, Geaffilieerde Professor in die departement, en Eleonor Fourie, student van die departement. Continues on p.2

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Page 1: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity

Mei 2008 - 3 Amptelike nuusblad van die personeel van die UV / Official newsletter of the staff of the UFS / Phatlalatso ya Semmuso ya ba Basebetsi ba Yunivesithi ya Freistata

The executive management of the UFS un-animously decided to close the Reitz Resi-dence and to establish an Institute for

Diversity on the same premises.Earlier this year the Reitz Residence was in the

news with a video in which four female colleaguesfrom the university and a male employee ofPrestige Cleaning Service were humiliated anddemeaned after they were lured to participate in amock initiation ceremony. The video was made inresistance to the impact of ongoing transformationinitiatives at the university.

Acting Rector, Prof. Teuns Verschoor, said: “Inan endeavour to make restitution and to offer alasting contribution to transformation both at theUFS and within the country, the UFS is committedto establish an Institute for Diversity, which will belocated at the former Reitz Residence.”

The Reitz Residence would be closed as aresidence from 20 June 2008. The UFS had ap-pointed a fully representative special committee toassist current residents at Reitz to find alternativeaccommodation.

The Institute for Diversity will be a centre ofacademic excellence for the study of transforma-tion and diversity in society – “a living laboratory forcombating discrimination and enabling and en-hancing reconciliation in societies grappling withissues of racisms, sexism and xenophobia. Theuniversity had provided seed capital of R1 million todesign and establish the institute. Planning wouldtake place during 2008/09, with the institute beingformally opened in the 2010 academic year,” saidProf. Verschoor.

He said: “The UFS will transform itself overtime into a beacon of hope, combating racism andother forms of discrimination in South Africa andelsewhere in the world.”

Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity

The university will persist purposefully on the declaredcourse of quality teaching, learning, research, communityservice, administrative and operational support. “It must

remain the aim of all staff members, faculties and supportservices to keep the UFS positioned as an institution ofexcellence and preference,” said Prof. Teuns Verschoor (Vice-Rector: Academic Operations), who is acting as Rector. Prof.Frederick Fourie is on sabbatical leave.

Prof. Tienie Crous, Dean of Economic and ManagementSciences, acts as Vice-Rector: Academic Operations.

‘We are committed to lead purposefully’

’n Gedeelte van die konstruksiekontrak van R40 miljoen van die Chemie-gebou op dieHoofkampus is voltooi. Die kontrak behels die grootskaalse modernisering, herinrigting enuitbreiding van dié gebou. By die ingebruikneming van sekere van die nuwe laboratoriums in dieChemie-gebou was, van links, voor: prof. Jannie Swarts, Departement Chemie, Nicolene Cloeteen Thato Mtshali, Chemie-studente; agter: prof. Ben Bezuidenhout, Geaffilieerde Professor in diedepartement, en Eleonor Fourie, student van die departement.

Continues on p.2

Page 2: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


A research team from the Department of Microbial, Biochemical and Food Biotechnology has won the prizefor the best exhibition at the finals of the National Innovation Fund competition in Stellenbosch. The sameteam had won the UFS leg of the competition. The exhibition was attended by the Minister of Science andTechnology, Mr Mosibudi Mangena. At the prize-giving ceremony were, from the left: Dr Eugene Lottering,Executive Director: Innovation Fund, Kasweka Kakoma, Jay Lee, Lehlohonolo Mathengtheng, all from theVeterinary Biotechnology team, and Minister Mangena.

UFS team wins NationalInnovation Fund prize

Dr. Sonn het saam met ander prominente Suid-Afrikaners, soos hoofregter Pius Langa en oudaartsbiskopNjongonkulu Ndungane, ’n nasionale orde van pres. Thabo Mbeki ontvang. Dr. Sonn het die toekenningontvang vir sy uitstekende bydrae tot die onderwys en die verloop van regte in Suid-Afrika. Dietoekenningsgeleentheid het in die Unie-gebou in Pretoria plaasgevind.

President vereer kanselier Sonn

The UFS has begun to co-operate with knowledgeable outsideconsultants to provide additionalcapacity. The consultants will assistthe university in identifying thestumbling blocks in implementation ofthe residence-integration policy andwill suggest ways to overcome them.They will also support managementand make recommendations on howto accelerate the transformation andintegration processes. They willfacilitate the strategic marketing andcommunication of the university, andmanage the perception/reputation ofthe university after the damage doneto its public image by the negativeincidents last term.

Edu-Loan het ’n skootreke-naarkompetisie onder stu-dente geloods. Me. M.R.

Metsing was die gelukkige wennervan ’n HP-skootrekenaar van R8 000.

Edu-Loan skenkskootrekenaar

The Centre for Juridical Excel-lence at the Faculty of Lawhosted a symposium on sen-

tencing in South African criminalcourts.

Two guest speakers, Proff.Norman Poythress and Roger HughPeters from the Department of Men-tal Health Law and Policy at theLouis de la Parte Florida MentalHealth Institute at the University ofSouth Florida in the USA, address-ed the audience on sentencing is-sues pertaining to speciality courtsas well as diversion programmes.

Appeal Court Judge Fritz Brandand Judge James Yekiso also ad-dressed the audience on sentenc-ing issues.

Law hostedsymposium on


‘We are committed... from p.1

Page 3: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


The national Department of Agricul-ture (DoA) appointed the Centre forAgricultural Management as the

centre of excellence to roll out the excel-lence model for small, medium and microenterprises (SMME's) for farmers in theFree State.

“The excellence model aims to assistfarmers in identifying gaps in their busi-ness skills,” said Dr Wimpie Nell, Directorof the Centre for Agricultural Manage-ment at the UFS.

Centre will enhance excellence in agriculture

“The UFS, as co-ordinator of theSMME Excellence Model, the DoA, theprivate sector, municipalities, small en-terprise development agencies, and non-governmental organisations are workingtogether to enhance excellence in agri-cultural businesses in the Free State. Wewant emerging farmers to see agricultureas a business and not a survivalistoperation,” said Dr Nell.

Altogether 23 officers from the DoA,NGO's and the private sector have al-

At the launch of the Centre for Excellence were, from the left, front: Ms Lesego Sejosengoe, Manager:Indigenous Food, Mangaung-University Community Partnership Project (MUCPP), and Ms KefuoeMohapeloa, Deputy Director: national Department of Agriculture; back: Mr Garfield Whitebooi, AssistantDirector: national Department of Agriculture, Dr Wimpie Nell, Director: Centre for Agricultural Management,and Mr Petso Mokhatla, Centre for Agricultural Management and Co-ordinator of the excellence model.

ready been trained as facilitators by thecentre.

The facilitator training takes place infour contact sessions, which include farmvisits where facilitators get the opportuni-ty to practically apply what they havelearnt. On completion of the trainingfacilitators use the excellence model toevaluate farming businesses and identifywhich skills the farmers need.

The co-ordinator from the Centre ofExcellence, Mr Petso Mokhatla, will mo-nitor the facilitators by visiting the farmersto establish the effectiveness of the mo-del. Evaluation is an ongoing process,followed up by training and re-evaluationto ensure the successful establishment ofemerging farmers.

According to Ms Kefuoe Mohapeloa,Deputy Director from the national Depart-ment of Agriculture, one of the aims ofgovernment is to redistribute five millionhectare of land (480 settled people permonth) before 2010.

“For the fulfillment of these objectivesit is very important for emerging farmersto get equipped with the necessary busi-ness skills. The UFS was a suitable can-didate for this partnership because of itspresence in the Accelerated and SharedGrowth Initiative of South Africa (ASGI-SA). ASGISA with the Jobs for GrowthProgramme is an important extension tothe centre and plays a major role in theimplementation of the model,” said MsMohapeloa.

Page 4: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


Die UV is saam met die IndustrialDevelopment Corporation (IDC)en die Noord-Kaapse Departe-

ment van Landbou en Grondsake by ’nprojek betrokke om nuwelingboere instoettelers te ontwikkel.

Volgens prof. H.O. de Waal van dieDepartement Vee-, Wild- en Weiding-kunde en ook projekbestuurder, is 43dragtige diere en vyf bulle by dieKalahari-Nguni-klub gekoop met geldwat deur die IDC gegee is. Tot dusveris 153 diere by die projek betrek.

Nuwelingboere word streng gekeurom aan hierdie projek deel te neem.Daar word seker gemaak dat elke boerse plaas weiding en water het en dat ditsiektevry is. Die gekeurde nuweling-boere kry dan elk tien dragtige diere entwee stoetbulle.

Die boere word nie aan hulle eie lotoorgelaat met die diere nie. Volgensprof. De Waal kry hulle voortdurendraad en opleiding. Die opleidingspro-gram is prakties en sluit opleiding inveldbestuur, dieregesondheid, alge-mene registrasie en aspekte van vleis-bestuur in.

Die diere bly vir vyf jaar die eien-dom van ’n trust, maar aanteeluitskotkan met toestemming verkoop word.

Nuwelingboere word opgelei as stoettelers

Dragtige Nguni-stoetbeeste word op Koopmansfontein in die Noord-Kaap afgelaai.

Wanneer die boere na vyf jaar dieopleiding suksesvol deurloop het, kryhulle volle eienaarskap. Hulle moet dantien geregistreerde vroulike diere entwee bulle aan die IDC teruggee sodatdit aan ’n ander nuwelingboer verskafkan word.

Prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, De-kaan van die Fakulteit Natuur- en Land-

bouwetenskappe en trustee van dieprojek, ondersteun die projek. Ds.Kiepie Jaftha, Hoofdirekteur: Same-lewingsdiens en ook ’n trustee van dieprojek, het die belangrike rol wat dieUV as tersiêre instansie moet speel metdie voorsiening van opleiding aanpersone wat by die projek betrokke is,beklemtoon.

At the handover of the research room were, fromthe left: Mr Flip Buys, Director and Portfolio

Manager, Dynamic Wealth Bloemfontein, and DrJesse de Beer, Senior Lecturer in die Department

of Economics.

Economics gets research room from Dynamic Wealth

Postgraduate students from theDepartment of Economics atthe UFS benefited when Dyna-

mic Wealth Pty (Ltd), a provider offinancial services, turned a classroomon the Bloemfontein campus into aresearch room.

During the handover of the re-search room, Dynamic Wealth alsogave Esther van Maltitz, a master'sstudent in the Department of Econo-mics, the opportunity to complete herSAIFM (South African Institute Finan-cial Markets) Registered Personsexams for free because her thesis forher honours degree was the best.

Page 5: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


Education staff from the UFSQwaqwa Campus are participat-ing in a national project to en-

hance the personal and professionalcompetencies of teacher education gra-duates. This project with the title: “Ad-dressing HIV/Aids within teacher edu-cation: Challenges and opportunities”includes support for the identification,

evaluation and dissemination of effec-tive strategies to incorporate HIV/Aids-related education into teacher educa-tion and other curricula.

The project is funded by the Euro-pean Community (EC) under a bilateralpartnership between the EC and SouthAfrica, with the Department of Educa-tion as the beneficiary.

Education staff participate in HIV/Aids project

Staff involved in the project are, from the left: Dr Khazamula Milondzo, Department of Curriculum Studies,Qwaqwa Campus, Dr Christa Beyers, Department of Psychology of Education, Bloemfontein Campus, andDr Dipane Hlalele, Department of Psychology Education, Qwaqwa Campus.

Mediese en nooddienste bekend gestel

Nooddienste op kampus is opgradeer en word nou deur nuwe diensverskaffers, naamlik Bloem-fontein Medi-Clinic en ER24, verskaf. Die UV het `n ooreenkoms met Bloemfontein Medi-Clinic enER24 gesluit waar Medi-Clinic onder meer R180 000 oor `n tydperk van drie jaar bewillig het. By ’ngeleentheid waar die Sportgeneeskunde-kliniek die nuwe mediese en nooddienste bekendgestel hetwas, van links: dr. Louis Holtzhausen, Direkteur: Kovsiegesondheid, mnr. Carl Bührman, bestuurder,Bloemfontein Medi-Clinic, en mnr. Lucas Bezuidenhout, takbestuurder van ER24 in Bloemfontein.

The university recently receiv-ed 200 computers to the va-lue of R2 million from the Dell

Foundation. The computers will beused in the new computer labora-tory, which is being built betweenthe UFS Sasol Library and theGenmin Lectorium.

This building will make ampleprovision for students who have touse a computer in their studies.Altogether 815 computers will be atstudents' disposal in the newlaboratory. On the ground level fourrooms will be furnished withcomputers. Students will be able tohave discussions in two of theserooms, while they can work insilence in the other two rooms.

Provision is also made for 18group rooms, which will be furnish-ed with a computer and big screen.These rooms can accommodateseven persons and will be madeavailable by means of a booking.

Lecture halls will be built on thesecond level, together with thegroup rooms. The largest of thesewill have 184 seats and can also beused as an examination hall.Another hall with 170 seats andthree with 40 seats will be available.Two lecture halls will be furnishedwith laptops on movable desks toenable students to work in groups.

Security cameras will be install-ed all over the building and strictsecurity measures will be enforced.

The laboratory, with a totalproject cost of about R28 million,will be in use next year.

Computer lab receivesdonation from

Dell Foundation

UFS Marketing hosted a Kov-sie open day to learnersfrom the Free State, North-

ern Cape and North West. Facul-ties, support services, residencesand student organisations took partin the day.

Open day held at Kovsies

Page 6: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


Die UV het vanjaar vir die derdekeer die Sanlam-prys vir Afrikaan-se teater by die Klein Karoo Na-

sionale Kunstefees (KKNK) op Oudts-hoorn gewen. Met Die Begrafnis het dieDepartement Drama en Toneelkunde inal vyf afdelings van die Sanlam-prysskoonskip gemaak en daarmee R100 000 gewen.

Prof. Luwes sê: “My trotsbekertjieloop oor met al die Kovsiestudente watso mooi presteer het.” Die Begrafnis isdeur resensente by die KKNK as “pittig”en “ ’n lekker stout produksie, sonder omooit vulgêr te wees” beskryf. “Dit sal ookop vanjaar se Volksblad-kunstefees enAardklopfees te sien wees,” sê hy.

In die Sanlam-kompetisie is die UVse spel as “professioneel” beskryf en diestuk is aangewys as 19de op die alge-mene populariteitslys van die KKNK, watalle kunsvorme ingesluit het. Die anonie-me skrywer van Die Begrafnis is ’n oud-Kovsie wat met die stuk as dramaturggedebuteer het.

Vir die eerste keer sedert syontstaan is die jaarvergade-ring van die Akademiese en

Nie-fiksionele Skrywersverenigingvan Suid-Afrika (Anfasa) op dieHoofkampus gehou.

Volgens prof. Louis Venter, voor-sitter van Anfasa en hoof van dieEenheid vir Retoriese en Akademie-se Skryfontwikkeling (Eras), het dieinstansie tien beurse van R25 000elk aan skrywers van akademieseen nie-fiksionele boeke toegeken.Reëlings in verband met lidmaat-skap van Anfasa en aansoeke virdie beurse is op die Anfasa-web-werf ( beskik-baar. Belangstellendes kan ook metprof. Venter in aanraking kom.

Anfasa werk saam met dieNoorweegse Skrywersverenigingwat hom ruim subsidieer.

Die Bloemfonteintak van Anfasais die eerste streek-organisasie vandie vereniging.

Drama maak weer so by die KKNK

Die wenners van die Sanlam-prys vir Afrikaanse teater by die Klein Karoo Nasionale Kunstefees is, vanlinks: Annalize Nortier, deel silwer-akteurseerbewys, prof. Nico Luwes, Hoof van die Departement Dramaen Toneelkunde, beste regisseur, Carel Nel, deel silwer-akteurseerbewys, en Ilne Fourie, goue eerbewysvir beste akteur.

Vereniging veg virskrywers se regte

Itjoriseng-projek sal dié vaardighede verbeter

Die Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappe het die Itjoriseng-projek bekend gestel. Die hoofdoel is omdie vaardigheid van opvoeders in Wiskunde en Fisiese Wetenskappe vir grade 10-12 te verbeter om soook die gehalte van die leerders te verbeter. “Itjoriseng” is ’n Sotho-woord wat beteken “verskerp jouself”.By die bekendstelling was, van links: mnr. Mzamo Jacobs, Direkteur: Kurrikulumontwikkeling van VerdereOnderrig en Leer, Departement van Onderwys in die Vrystaat, mnr. Johan Kruger, Bestuurder: Onderrig enLeer aan die fakulteit, me. Elna Marais, Hoof-onderwysspesialis: Kurrikulumontwikkeling, Departement vanOnderwys, Vrystaat, en prof. Herman van Schalkwyk, Dekaan: Fakulteit Natuur- en Landbouwetenskappeaan die UV.

Page 7: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


’nGroep van 19 studente van dieDepartement Kommunikasie enInligtingstudie het die Nasionale

Universiteit van Singapoer (NUS)besoek. Dié studente, wat vir die Media-studie-, Korporatiewe Kommunikasie- en

Geïntegreerde Bemarkingskommuni-kasie-programme geregistreer is, is opgrond van hul akademiese prestasiesgekies.

Die besoek is deur personeel vandie departement gekoördineer om die

Nine students were selected for thenewly structured master's coursein Social Work. The two-year

course will include training on advancedmethods of social work and social workresearch.

Mr Carel van Wyk, Lecturer in theDepartment of Social Work, said: “Stu-dents may also select from loss andtrauma; supervision and management; or

the forensic assessment of the abusedchild. During their second year of trainingstudents will do clinical work and com-plete a research paper with one of theelectives as focal point. Students will beable to apply these skills and knowledgewithin government departments andprivate practices to the advantage ofindividuals, families, groups andcommunities.”

Kommunikasie-studente besoek Singapoer

Hier is van die Kommunikasie- en Inligtingstudie-studente wat ’n besoek aan Singapoer gebring het.

Many will benefit from master's in Social Work

Students who enrolled for the newly structured master's course in Social Work and Dr Roelf Reyneke (farright), lecturer in the Department of Social Work.

departement se internasionale betrek-kinge uit te brei en om aan studente ’nbreër wêreldbeskouing te verskaf.

Tydens die besoek het die studenteklasse in hul onderskeie studierigtingsbygewoon. Een van die studente,Gerda-Marié Viviers, het haar tevre-denheid oor vele aspekte van die toeruitgespreek: “Hierdie was ’n geleent-heid om internasionale kontakte op tebou en ook om waardevolle vergely-kings te tref tussen hoe hulle studenteen ons goed aanpak. Dit was ’nondervinding wat ek vir niks in diewêreld sal verruil nie,” sê sy.

Die groep is vergesel deur mee.Rentia du Plessis, Dalmé Mulder enMaresa Lotter, dosente van diedepartement.

Onderhandelings met die NUS isgoed op dreef met die moontlikheid van’n studiebeurs vir ’n nagraadse studentvan dié departement en selfs nog ’nbesoek aan die NUS se Fakulteit Kunsen Sosiale Wetenskappe in die nabyetoekoms.

The Vice-Chancellor and Rec-tor, Prof. Frederick Fourie, isaway on a three-month sab-

batical leave that commenced on 8 May 2008.

According to Judge FaanHancke, Chairman of the UFSBoard, it was important that Prof.Fourie took sabbatical leave in thelight of the long period he has beenat the forefront of very demandingchanges. There are many challen-ges that still lie ahead.

During his leave Prof. Fouriewill be involved with the HigherEducation South Africa (HESA)investigation into diversity andracism on campuses, with researchand a national conference on insti-tutional culture, as well as the As-sociation of Commonwealth Uni-versities (ACU) benchmarking pro-ject and its conference in Australiaat the end of August 2008.

Rector takes threemonths sabbatical


Page 8: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


For the first time in the history ofthe UFS the division ServiceLearning in the Centre for Higher

Education Studies and Development(CHESD) implemented a web-baseddatabase.

Dr Mabel Erasmus, Head of thedivision Community Service Learning,and Ms Celesté Uys, web-liaison officerat Computer Services, who was alsoclosely involved in the development ofthe database, were the presenters of aimplementation session where moduledata was captured.

Prof. Flip Louw, drr. Erna duToit, Jannie Pretorius en me.Colvyn Martin van die De-

partement Kurrikulumstudie het ’nwerkswinkel Navorsing binne skool-verband vir senior personeel van dieDepartement van Onderwys in dieVrystaat aangebied. Die werkswinkelhet aspekte soos navorsingspara-digma, opstel van navorsingsvoor-stelle en die ontwerp van kwan-titatiewe vraelyste ingesluit.

Onderwys leer vannavorsing oor skole

Service-learning implements web-based database

At the session were, from the left, front: Ms Dikgapane Makhetha, in the office of the Chief Director:Community Service, Ms Emmie van Wyk, Department of Drama and Theatre Arts; back: Dr MabelErasmus, Head of the Division Community Service Learning in the Centre for Higher Education Studiesand Development, and Ms Celeste Uys, Computer Services.

Dr Erasmus says the aim of thedatabase is to collect general moduleinformation, information from lecturers,other staff members and service-learn-ing partners, student numbers andbudget information. This information isused to manage Service Learning andalso for reporting purposes.

She says the database is also usedby staff to compile a module portfolio withevidence necessary for performancemanagement, applications for promotion,recognition for excellence in servicelearning and quality management.

One of the aims of the Unit forKhoekhoe and San Studiesin the Department of Anthro-

pology is to raise awareness aboutKhoe-San languages still spoken inSouth Africa and to develop a betterunderstanding about their nature.

As a result the unit hosted aKhoe-San Languages Conventionwith the theme: “Khoe-San lan-guages revitalisation and research inSouth Africa”.

The Khoe-San people from theFree State, North-West and NorthernCape, speak amongst others, Kora-na (!Ora), N/uu, and other betterknown Khoe-San language varietiessuch as !Xun, Khwe and Nama. Ac-cording to Dr Mike Besten, Lecturerat the Department of Anthropology,speakers of language variants thathave not yet been analysed andclassified by linguists also attended.

Dr Besten said: “The conventionalso included social and culturalevents with singing, dancing andpoetry, as well as sessions wherepapers were presented. It alsoserved as a forum for speakers ofKhoe-San languages to engage withgovernment officials, heritageofficials and academics.”

With the convention the Unit forKhoekhoe and San Studies suc-ceeded in promoting research onKhoe-San languages and support forthe teaching and learning of theselanguages. “The latter is an as-piration from within Khoe-San com-munities,” Dr Bensen said.

Khoe-San language usersmeet at convention

Page 9: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


Mnr. Mickey Gordon.

Koppie koffie met...

Die professionalisering van Kov-sieSport, die uitbou en verdereontwikkeling van KovsieSport uit

’n goeie kern mense en die UV wat syregmatige plek as top-sport-universiteitvolstaan. Dit is van die hoofdoelwittewat mnr. Mickey Gordon vir sport by dieUV beplan. Die doelwitte sal binne tweejaar realiseer.

Mnr. Gordon is van 1 Maart 2008aangestel as Hoof: Strategiese Sport enBesigheidsontwikkeling, met anderwoorde die lynhoof vir sport, spesialeprojekte asook die kommersiële sy vanKovsieSport. Voor sy aanstelling het hyvir 22 jaar by die PotchefstroomseUniversiteit vir CHO, nou Noordwes-Universiteit, as sportbestuurder gewerk.

UV-sport noumeer strategies

Mnr. Gordon se taak is om ’n visievir die afdeling te formuleer asook dieleiding en kommersialiseringsaspektevan die kantoor.

Volgens mnr. Gordon het die UVbeperkte fondse en moet sport sy eiebronne ontgin deur aktiwiteite onder dieUV-vaandel aan te pak. Dit sluit in na-sionale en internasionale toernooie,kursusse en skolekursusse. Die UV sekundigheid op sportgebied word hier-deur tentoongestel en die profiel vanKovsieSport word ook gelig.

Mnr. Gordon sê: “Sport het ’n sterkbemarkingswaarde vir die UV.” Deurgenoemde inisiatiewe te loods salwaarde toegevoeg word aan die be-marking van ’n goed gebalanseerde

universiteit, wat gebalanseerde stu-dente sal lewer op grond van sport,kultuur en die akademie.

Groot veranderinge wag op Kovsie-Sport. “My visie is dat sport aan die UV’n nuwe rigting sal inslaan,” sê mnr.Gordon. Vir die volgende ses maandegaan hy saam met die personeel vandié afdeling werk om die nodige kop-skuif aan te help wat hierdie verande-ringe sal akkommodeer.

Een van dié veranderinge is ’n stra-tegie om die sewe sportkodes – hokkie,krieket, rugby, atletiek, netbal, sokkeren tennis – tot medaljewenners vir dieUV te ontwikkel. Vir elk van dié sport-kodes sal ’n missie en visie opgestelword.

Mnr. Gordon beplan ook verande-ringe ten opsigte van sportdeelname endie fasiliteite. Transformasie is ook ’nbelangrike faktor wat hy ingedagte houas hy van verandering praat. Die ma-nier hoe sport bestuur word, sal ookverander. “Ek beplan om saam metmnr. James Letuka, Direkteur:KovsieSport, elke koshuis te besoek omstudente se insette te kry ten opsigtevan die pad vorentoe vir KovsieSport,”sê hy.

Mnr. Gordon is baie positief oor dieveranderinge wat gaan kom. “Dit is ’nfantastiese uitdaging en ek is ook opti-misties oor die samewerking wat reedstussen die sportlui bestaan. In 2009/2010 behoort ons die positiewe omska-keling te kan vergelyk met hoe dingenou staan,” sê hy.

Mnr. Gordon het nie net baie plannein sy kop nie, maar is gebore met sportin sy bloed. Hy het vroeër jare vir dieVrystaat krieket en hokkie gespeel enwas later ’n bekende krieket-admini-strateur. Hy dien vandag nog op dieSA-hokkieraad.

Mnr. Gordon is getroud met Elri.Hulle het drie seuns.

Na ’n lang werksdag is daar min tydvir ontspanning. “Sport is maar my ont-spanning,” sê hy. (Natuurlik skree hy virdie Cheetahs!) Hy boer deeltyds en isook betrokke by sokkerontwikkeling.

“Ek het nou 'huis-toe' gekom,” sêdie vurige sportliefhebber, wat by meeras een geleentheid vir die Vrystaat opdie veld verskyn het.

Prof. Frederick Fourie, Rectorand Vice-Chancellor, has bigdreams in terms of sport com-

mercialisation at the UFS. Earlier thisyear Mr Mickey Gordon was appoint-ed as Head: Strategic Sport andBusiness Development. SportCommercialistion, the Centre forExercise and Sport Science Services,and KovsieSport will report to him.With his business contacts and

Exiting times ahead for sport commercialisation

entrepreneurial expertise he willgenerate more funding and sponsor-ships – so that sport can be liberatedfrom the budgetary constraints that itfaces at an academic institution. Hewill also implement and further devel-op the Sport Commercialisation Plan.

“We are looking forward to anexciting period of growth and develop-ment for sport at the UFS,” said. Prof.Fourie.

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Thirty-nine studentsreceived the postgraduateDiploma in Labour Law. Itwas the first time that thisdiploma was awarded.Here are, from the left: MrShadrack Shamane, MrJaco Deacon, lecturer inLabour Law at theDepartment of MercantileLaw, and Ms SandraSeitshiro. Mr Shamaneand Ms Seitshiro are bothworking at the university'sLabour Relations Division.

Prof. Fanie Snyman van die Departement OuTestament in die Fakulteit Teologie, het op diespesifieke dag toe sy seun en dogter hulonderskeie grade ontvang het diegradeplegtigheid met skriflesing en gebedgeopen. Sy seun, ds. Gawie Snyman (links)van die Hugenoot NG-gemeente inBloemfontein-noord, het sy M.Th.-graad inNuwe Testament behaal en sy dogter, me. RikaSnyman, het haar LL.B.-graad en prys vir diebeste skripsie ontvang.

Elize Fourie (middle), youngest daughter ofProf. Frederick Fourie, Rector and Vice-Chancellor of the UFS, received the degreeB.Sc. Land and Property Development duringthe autumn graduation ceremony of theFaculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences.Here she is with her parents, Prof. Fourieand Ms Anna-Maria Fourie.

Mr Joel Thebe, Faculty Officer in StudentAcademic Services, received his Education

Management Diploma during the autumngraduation ceremony. Mr Thebe's dream is tolecture in the Department of Education at theUFS. He is registered for the B.Ed. Honours.

The UFS awarded 594 diplomas and 2 524 degrees tostudents from the Main and Vista Campuses during thisyear's autumn diploma and graduation ceremony.

Fifty doctorates, one honorary doctorate and one shield ofhonour were awarded. The honorary doctorate was awarded toProf. Daneel Ferreira for his exceptional service, not only to theSouthern African scientific community but also globally. By award-ing him an honorary doctorate, the UFS recognises his significantcontributions to the field of organic chemistry over the years.

Autumn diploma and graAutumn diploma and graThe shield of honour was awarded to Mr Ludo Helsen

for his involvement in a diversity of projects on the relation-ship between language and culture and the consolidation ofa dynamic democratic dispensation. Among these is theMultilingual Information Development Programme (theMIDP), which is aimed at institutionalising a multilingualdispensation within the Free State Provincial Government.This is the first time since 2004 that a shield of honour wasawarded.

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Magdel Beukes, die dogter van me. Hettie en dr. Roelf Beukes het haarmeestersgraad in Voorligtingsielkunde op vanjaar se herfsgrade- endiplomaplegtigheid ontvang. Albei die ouers werk by die UV. Mev. Beukes isdie sekretaresse van die Dekaan van die Fakulteit Geesteswetenskappe en dr.Beukes is ’n senior lektor in die Departement Sielkunde.

Obakeng Moraka, daughter ofDr Ezekiel Moraka, Vice-Rector: Student Affairs,received the B.Com.Accounting degree during theautumn graduation ceremonyof the Faculty of Economicand Management Sciences.Her parents celebrated theoccasion with her. Here are:Dr Moraka, Obakeng, and MsTebogo Moraka.

Prof. Hennie van Coller, Hoof van dieDepartement Afrikaans en Neder-lands, Duits en Frans in die FakulteitGeesteswetenskappe, se twee dog-ters, Karien en Helena van Coller, hetonderskeidelik hulle graad in B.A.Drama en Teater en meestersgraad inRegeerkunde en Politieke Trans-formasie ontvang. Hier is, van links:Karien en prof. Van Coller. Helenawas nie beskikbaar toe die fotogeneem is.

Two students from the Disaster Management Trainingand Education Centre for Africa (DimTec) received theirmaster's degrees in Disaster Management during theautumn graduation ceremony. DimTec is a centre withinthe Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Hereare, from the left: Mzamani Isaac Khoza and MmaphakaEphraim Tau.

Die twee susters, mee. Elsabi Bezuidenhoudt en Isabel Human, hethul meestersgrade in Regeerkunde en Politieke Transformasie opvanjaar se herfsgrade- en diplomaplegtigheid ontvang. Dr. TaniaCoetzee, Direkteur van die Program Regeerkunde en PolitiekeTransformasie, was albei se studieleier. Die onderwerp van me.Bezuidenhoudt se skripsie was “Apartheid and political trans-formation as ideologies: Differences and similarities”. Me. Humanse skripsie was getitel “The role of labour unions in a transforma-tional tertiary environment: A critical analysis of the University ofthe Free State”. Hulle albei werk by die UV in onderskeidelik dieafdeling Vergaderingsadministrasie en die Departement Dierkundeen Entomologie.

raduation ceremony 2008aduation ceremony 2008

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Terloops, is daar nog kollegas wat optwee plekke op kampus werk? Gestel jyhet ’n kantoor in die Landbougebou. Jykry ’n afstandbeheer om daar te parkeer.Twee maande werk jy egter aan dieanderkant van die kampus in ’n labora-torium. Daar mag jy nie parkeer nie, wantjy het al ’n plek by Landbou. Nou wandeljy maar met ’n gesteelde Checkers-trollievol (breekbare) eksperimente heen enweer tussen parkeerplek en werkplek.Hoe jy voel is nie ter sake nie, want DieMagte weet van jou plek by Landbou.Finish en klaar!

Wat dit aan jou produktiwiteit doen isook nie ter sake nie. Daar is reëls! Klink na’n relevante tema vir ’n doktorsgraad. Hoelyk dit prof. Dap? Die impak van die Magtevan Beheer van Remotes op dosentepro-duktiwiteit aan die UV. Bietjie ’n lang titel.14 woorde? Of hoe, prof. Driekie?

Mooi loop en met liefde aan almalop hierdie kampus.

Groete van een (vol) parkeerplek totdie volgende.



Hallo, Jip-ja, Hoezit and all that my Bra...

Bultjie heard that the UN PeaceForce is sending a Special Pieceof Force to the campus to stop

all riots and violence that has become ahindrance to academic work. ThisForce will hit all troublemakers, generalstirrers and writers of nasty letters tonewspapers.

This Piece of Force consists of oneman! Vernon Koekemoer – the manwho makes onions cry, who can build asnowman... out of rain. VernonKoekemoer, who can strangle you witha cordless phone, who can drown afish. Yes! Bullets dodge VernonKoekemoer and he can do a wheelie ona unicycle.

This “wheelie on a unicycle” isbasically what we all have to do on thiscampus to return to our normal busi-ness of teaching, research and com-munity work. Remember? So please,leave us alone so we can do our job orVernon will be your man! And remem-ber… Vernon Koekemoer can kill twostones with one bird.

Bultjie was nogal geïnspireerd deurdie kanselier se toespraak by diegradeplegtigheid. Reguit, op die man(en vrou) af en met balans – daardieding wat ons so gou kan verloor. Kykdie feite in die oë, besef ons almal setekortkominge, maar hy kom dan met ’npositiewe en bemoedigende trant.

Ons sal weer kan voortbou aan onsou Plekkie. Omdat ons wil. Mammie sêmos altyd: “Met ’n man wat alles logiesinsien kan mens nogal vêr stap, maarmet ’n man wat ook sy emosies kanwys, kan mens op ’n landsreis gaan.Want daai man is ten volle toegewyd.”Toevallig hoor ek die kanselier daardieaand vir iemand sê: “Weet jy, ’n menssê altyd – ek het gevoel en toe só ge-dink…” Eerste gevoel en toe gedink!Soms lyk dit vir Bultjie die ou mensspring sommer van voel na praat som-mer om eers te dink. En dis waar diepawpaw altyd die fan slaan.

So mense! Laat ons onthou, ons isalmal maar net mense – met gevoe-lens. Laat ons maar bietjie meer

menslik met al ons (slim?) kritiekomgaan. “Daar sit ’n mens daaragter.”

Dis al weer amper vakansie. Verbeelek my of was die tweede kwartaal net ’nmaand? Hoe op dees aarde die armestudente deur hulle werk gaan kom, weetnugter. Hoe dosente nog tyd kry om sulkeinteressante navorsing met nagraadsestudente te lei, weet ek nog minder.

Geluk aan al die ontvangers vanmagisters en die nuwe doktore! Dis nienet die getalle wat beïndruk nie, maarook die relevante temas. Van ivoor-toringnavorsing is daar min oor.

Onthou julle daai doktorsgraad by ’nander universiteit oor “Die ontwikkelingvan emosionele intelligensie by hans-lammers.” Waar's Vernon?

Ek wonder of Die Magte van Beheervan Remotes ook so streng met diebeheer van valhekke gaan wees tydensdie Volksblad Kunstefees as die publiekinstroom met hulle magtige 4X4's. Julleken ’n boer na ’n dag in die biertuin as hylaatnag wil huis toe gaan. Veral as Mam-mie sy swaarverdiende geld op aller-hande kaggeltwakkies verkwansel het.Lig daai paaltjies betyds mense! Bultjie

UN Piece Force and remotes at the UFS

Political Sciences attends convention in San Francisco

Prof. Constanze Bauer and Prof. Heidi Hudson attended the 49th Annual Convention of theInternational Studies Association (ISA) in San Francisco. Prof. Hudson presented a paper on:“Feminist analysis at the intersection of security studies and peace studies”. Next year theconvention will be held in New York.

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Vice-chancellors of 23 higher edu-cation institutions expressed theirdismay at racist and intolerant in-

cidents that have occurred at higher edu-cation institutions. As result the HigherEducation South Africa Board (HESA)issued a declaration, recognising that it isnot sufficient to only address instances ofracist and other discriminatory behaviour,but that it is important to shift institutionalpractices and institutional culture to alevel that re-installs higher education as abeacon of hope.HESA said in the declaration:• Racism intolerance and discrimination

are societal phenomena that are notrestricted to institutions of higherlearning. Discriminatory practices thathave taken place at our institutions aresymptomatic of a broader socialmalaise, but this does not exoneratehigher education.

• Like other sectors in South Africansociety, we have inherited a discrimi-natory past but are committed to era-dicating all traces of that iniquitousinheritance, especially those mecha-

HESA dismayed by racism, intolerancenisms by which racist and intolerantattitudes are perpetuated and main-tained, and thereby move towards non-racialism.

• Racism is a mutating phenomenon thatis underpinned by competing powerrelations within society. As such racismand discrimination are not beneficial tothe university as a locus for learning,research and pursuit of knowledge.

• Higher education, by its very nature, isan environment of competing ideasand vigorous debate. However, thepurpose of the university is also to pro-vide a conciliatory space which,through frank engagement, interro-gates and seeks to break down dis-criminatory ideologies, prejudices andstereotypes.

• Higher education leadership will worktirelessly to protect human rights andpromote respect and an appreciation ofdiversity and pluralism in higher educa-tion. We thus commit ourselves to lead-ing our institutions in eradicating allforms of discrimination at each and eve-ry one of our campuses, and to build

and promote a culture of respect andtolerance within higher education sothat it can contribute to the achievementof a peaceful and multicultural society.

HESA said that it will establish a high-level task team which will conduct a stu-dy into racism and the promotion of non-racialism and diversity within higher edu-cation to find practical solutions. While itwill identify obstructions to racial and in-ter-personal harmony, its primary con-cern will be to find mechanisms that will:

• Introduce an awareness of the valueof diversity into the curriculum;

• Highlight best practices with regard todiversity within institutions;

• Explore and ameliorate discriminatoryinstitutional cultures and reform socialmechanisms that perpetuate suchcultures. This will especially apply tocases of racist behaviour, but will alsoextend to other forms of discrimi-nation, which include instances ofgender bias, religious or culturalintolerance and xenophobia; and

• Promote and celebrate diversitywithin institutions.

Control Laboratory celebrates ten years

The National Control Laboratory (NCL) for Biological Products in the Faculty of Health Sciencescelebrated its tenth year of existence. The NCL is responsible for quality control of all humanvaccines in South Africa. At the celebration were, from the left: Dr Wilma Vergeer, Director: NCL,Prof. Letticia Moja, Dean: Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof. Gert van Zyl, Head: School of Medicine,and Mr Gerrit Muller, Head Financial Officer of the national Department of Health.

Proses in werking omdeurvloei te verbeter

Om te verseker dat studente die eisevan hul kursus kan hanteer, het dieDepartement Maatskaplike Werk

voornemende eerstejaar- maatskaplike-werkstudente aan ’n keuringsprosesonderwerp. “In die verlede is studenteslegs op grond van hul M-telling tot diekursus toegelaat,” sê mnr. Carel van Wyk,lektor in die Departement MaatskaplikeWerk.

Uit die meer as 300 aansoeke is slegs100 moontlike kandidate (op grond van hulM-telling) vir ’n ekometriese assesseringen ’n onderhoud genooi toe veral gelet isop die studente se belangstellingsveld, hul-le emosionele gebalanseerdheid, kom-munikasie- en probleemoplossingsvermoë,asook gemotiveerdheid.

Op grond van die uitslae is 74 kandi-date vir die kursus gekeur. “Keuring vanstudente is ’n tydrowende proses wat baieadministratiewe eise stel. Tog is dit dieenigste manier om studente te kry wat dieeise van die kursus kan hanteer. Hierdeurword gepoog om die deurvloeikoers vandie kursus te verhoog,” sê mnr. Van Wyk.

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Two UFS academics appointed onthe Land Bank Board

Prof. Herman van Schalkwyk (left), Dean: Faculty of Natural and Agricultural Sciences, and Mr TheoPotgieter from the School of Management were appointed on the Land Bank Board. Prof. van Schalkwyk isappointed as director and deputy chairperson and Mr Potgieter as director of the Board. The appointmentswere made by the Minister of Agriculture and Land Affairs, Ms Lulu Xingwana, and are for a period of fouryears.

The Department of Sesotho on theQwaqwa Campus was invited tothe annual general meeting of

MoabaSesotho, the National SesothoWriters Association.

Association unify Sesotho writers

At the meeting were, from the left: Ms Sibongile Mensele, Ms Mamolupe Dladla, Vice-Secretary ofMoabaSesotho, and Ms Pinky Mohanoe. All three women are from the Department of African Languages onthe Qwaqwa Campus.

The AGM was attended by more thana hundred Sesotho authors from SouthAfrica and Lesotho. Amongst the digni-taries were Prof. Mohlomi Moleleki, Headof the Department of African Languages

Appointments, promotionsand retirements

AppointmentsDr R. du Plessis as Senior Lecturer/Senior Specialist in the Department ofOncotherapyDr M.H. Motingoe as Senior Lecturer/Senior Specialist in the Department ofUrologyDr H. Sommer as Senior Lecturer inthe Department of GeologyDr J.H. Strydom as Senior Lecturer/Senior Specialist in the Department ofAnesthesiology

PromotionsProf. C.D. Gauert to Associate Prof-essor in the Department of GeologyProf. J.H. Meyer to Senior Professorin the Department of Mathematics andApplied Mathematics

RetirementsProf. S.L. Barnard, Professor in theDepartment of HistoryProf. L.L. van der Westhuizen,Programme Director, AssociateProfessor and Chief Family Physicianin the School of Medicine

at the UFS, Dr John Tsebe from theSouth African National Library, MsDikeledi Phokane from the Oxford Uni-versity Press, and Ms Malintja Molahloefrom the Sesotho Literary Museum.

The vision of this association is tounify South African Sesotho writersunder one writers association to revive,improve and develop Sesotho literature,align it with the changes and times, andto encourage scientific research andpublication of Sesotho literature.

Some of the staff members from theDepartment of African Languages at theUFS who attended the meeting ex-pressed the value of an occasion suchas this to the Sesotho language. Ac-cording to Ms Sibongile Mensele asso-ciations of this nature will promoteliteracy and African literature aware-ness. Ms Mamolupe Dladla, lecturer inthe department, said: “Such activitieswill identify new talent, nurture it andpromote contemporary literary mate-rials.” Ms Pinky Mohanoe said: “Withthe help of such associations, Sesothois going far.”

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The UFS School of Manage-ment is one of the 1 000 bestschools of management in the

world. This grading was recentlydone by Eduniversal, an online in-strument that helps students acrossthe world with their choice of schoolof management.

“The 1 000 schools of manage-ment are graded by the heads of se-lected schools of management. Thisis done according to the schools' lo-cal and international influence andtheir ability to make students appoint-able in their own and other countries.The grading is representative ofschools of management in more than150 counties,” says Prof. Helena vanZyl, Director of the School of Man-agement.

The grading was done by askingthe heads of this selected group ofschools the following question:“Which business school(s) would yourecommend to anyone who wants tostudy in your country?”

“It is an exceptional privilege toreceive such an international award.It gives us an indication of how muchnational and international influencewe have and also how visible theSchool of Management is,” saysProf. van Zyl.

School of Managementis among the best

in the world

First-year Social Work studentstook an oath to comply with anethical code that is set for

social workers and Social Workstudents. “Students take the oath intheir first year because from theirsecond academic year onwards theycome into direct contact with thecommunity and clients,” said MrCarel van Wyk, lecturer in theDepartment of Social Work.

The function was attended by MrLethoteng Thomas Tladi, DistrictManager of the Xhariep District of theDepartment of Social Development,and Prof. Gerhardt de Klerk, Dean ofthe Faculty of the Humanities.

Social Work studentstake the oath

Belge doen navorsing by Kurrikulumstudies

Mee. Lieze van Dessel (tweede van links) en An van Uyten, beide Belgiese nagraadse uitruilstudente vandie Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, het vir twee maande by navorsingsprojekte in die DepartementKurrikulumstudie ingeskakel. Me. Van Dessel was saam met prof. Flip Louw (links) en dr. Erna du Toit(beide van die Departement Kurrikulumstudies) by ’n projek oor selfregulerende leer en kritiesedenkvaardighede betrokke. Me. Van Uyten het saam met prof. Fief van der Merwe, mnr. Christo van Wyk(regs) en dr. Michael van Wyk, dosente in Departement Kurrikulumstudies, aan ’n projek oor mentorskap inskole gewerk.

Prof. Sakkie contributes to stem rust research

Dr Rick Ward (right) from Cornell University in the USA and co-ordinator of the Global Project on DurableRust Resistance in Wheat, visited Prof. Sakkie Pretorius from the Department of Plant Sciences. Followingthe detection of new stem rust races in Eastern Africa, which are highly virulent to most of the world'sleading wheat cultivars, this project ultimately aims to combat the disease by breeding resistant varieties.Prof. Pretorius is part of the international team and will focus on tracking the pathogen. He will also beinvolved in critical facility development in Africa. The project is funded by the Bill and Melinda GatesFoundation.

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The Department of Chemistrymoved into the first and secondphases of the southern wing of

the upgraded Moerdyk and annex build-ing in which the department is situated.The wing is part of an extensive projectto upgrade the building and its facilities.

At a total costs of R40 million for theupgrading of the building and R30 mil-lion for the equipment, this is the big-gest project of its kind in the history ofthe UFS.

The upgrading is taking place infour phases, of which the largest part isthe southern wing. Researchers andundergraduate students recently movedinto this part of the building, which con-sists of the first- and second-year labo-ratories. The laboratories consist of,among others, larger and safer ventingand research-focused facilities as wellas enough storage for the department'sequipment. Although one of the water-cooling systems on the roof of thebuilding recently caught fire, all classes,practical and research work are goingahead without any disturbance.

“The implementation of the first twophases is a milestone for the depart-ment. The project is almost half wayand, when it is completed by the middle

to end of 2009, we will boast with someof the best research and undergraduatelaboratories in the country. It will alsoincrease our leadership in advancedtraining on the continent and willstrengthen the UFS's role in the inter-national chemistry arena,” says Prof.André Roodt, head of the department.

According to Prof. Roodt advancedresearch on fuel and nano particles(this is particles as big as one hundredthousandth of a human hair strand) willbe conducted in the completed labora-tories as part of the UFS's research-cluster initiative. Other research suchas anti-cancer remedies, research onvarious chemical processes and re-search on biological pharmacologicalremedies will also be done.

“During the past three years the de-partment has made a significant impacton research in chemistry world-wide.Our academics are publishing in someof the world's foremost chemistry jour-nals and various presentations aremade at international conferences. Theupgraded facilities will ensure that wecontinue building on our high qualityresearch and it will also ensure that ourstudents can compete with the best inthe world,” says Prof. Roodt.

Chemistry moves into world-class facilities

Plantkunde-studente palm medaljes in

Twee Plantkunde-studente in die Departement Plantwetenskappe, Caroli de Waal en Lize Joubert, hetpresteer toe beide die Dekaansmedalje vir die beste prestasie deur ’n honneursstudent in die FakulteitNatuur- en Landbouwetenskappe ontvang het. Dr. Andor Venter, dosent in die DepartementPlantwetenskappe, het vir albei as studieleier opgetree. Hier is, van links: Caroli de Waal, dr. Venter enLize Joubert.

Patenting handbooklaunched

The Innovation Fund's (IF) pa-tenting handbook, “The stateof patenting in South Africa”,

was launched. The IF team, led byDr Eugene Lottering and MrMcLean Sibanda, shared some ofthe interesting findings they havecome across while doing researchfor the handbook. At the launchwere, from the left: Prof. FransSwanepoel, Director: ResearchDevelopment, Mr Sibanda, IF, Prof.Teuns Verschoor, Vice-Rector: Aca-demic Operations, and Ms DineoGaofhiwe, Research DevelopmentDirectorate.

Dr. Daniël Hugo biedgedenklesing aan

Die Fakulteit Geestesweten-skappe het vanjaar die27ste D.F. Malherbe-ge-

denklesing aangebied. Die gas-spreker was dr. Daniel Hugo, skry-wer, bekende vertaler van Engelseen Nederlandse werke en uitvoe-rende direkteur van die Huis derNederlanden in Kaapstad. Die on-derwerp van sy lesing was “Diegeheime werking van literêre in-vloed: D.J. Opperman en D.F.Malherbe”.

Dr. Daniël Hugo.

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'Re ikemiseditse ho etella pele ka matla'

Die Departement Arbeidsterapie het ’ncolloquium ter ere van mnr. JockMurray, voormalige hoof van dieDepartement Arbeidsterapie,aangebied. Hy het self die gastelyssaamgestel wat van die bestearbeidsterapeute in die land bevat, sême. Tania van der Merwe, dosent indie Departement Arbeidsterapie. Dietema van die colloquium was “Sixdecades of occupational therapy inSouth Africa: An elephant a day”.Verskeie nasionale sprekers het by diecolloquium lesings aangebied. By diegeleentheid was, van links: LerineSteyn, vierde-jaar-Arbeidsterapie-student, me. Van der Merwe, mnr.Murray, en me. Corina Botha, Hoofvan die terapeute in die rehabilitasie-eenheid van die Life Pasteur-hospitaalvan die Life Healthcare Group.

Arbeidsterapie leer weer saam met oud-hoof

Yunivesithi e tla tswela pele ka mo-rero wa yona wa boleng bo ho-dimo ba thupello, thuto, dipat-

lisiso, ditshebeletso setjhabeng, le tshe-hetso ya tsamaiso le tshebetso. Morek-toro ya tshwereng mokobobo boemongba moprofesara Frederick Fourie yamatsatsing a phomolo, moprofesaraTeuns Verschoor, o re e tla dula e lesepheo sa basebetsi bohle, makala leditshebeletso tsa tshehetso ho etsa horeUFS e dule e le maemong a yona jwa-loka setsha se hlwahlwa ebile se ratwa.

Prof. Verschoor o tla ba le matlaohle a tsamaellanang le mosebetsi waborektoro ho etella pele yunivesithitshebedisanong mmoho le komiti yaphethahatso ya bolaodi ba phethahatso(Exco), bolaodi ba phethahatso (EM),Senate le makala a mang.

Mookamedi wa lekala la Economicsand Management Services, moprofesa-ra Tienie Crous, o tla tshwara mokobo-bo jwaloka motlatsa morektoro wa Aca-demic Operations ho fihlela mafelong akgwedi ya Phato 2008.

Prof. Verschoor o re yena le balaodiba ikemiseditse ho etella pele UFS kamatla jwaloka setsha sa thuto ya mae-mo a hodimo se hlwahlwa.

Ntle le mesebetsi ya letsatsi le let-satsi, Exco e boetse e simollotse ho se-betsa mmoho le ditsebi ho tswa kantle

ho yunivesithi bakeng sa tshehetso yabolaodi.

Ditsebi tsena di tla thusa yunivesithika ho hlwaya ditshita tse teng ho kenn-gweng tshebetsong ha leano la diphetho-ho dihostele mme di sisinye mekgwa eoditshita tsena di ka tloswang ka teng. Ditla boela di tshehetsa bolaodi le ho etsaditshisinyo mabapi le kamoo leano lenala diphethoho le ka potlakiswang ka teng.

Se seng sa ditsebi se tla boela seshebana le papatso ya yunivesithi. Se-tsibi se seng sona se tla shebana le holaola maikutlo a batho mabapi le yuni-vesithi kamora tshenyo ya lebitso e ba-kilweng ke diketsahalo tse mpe karo-long e sa tswa feta ya selemo.

Ka la 6 Phupjane khansele e tla nkaqeto mabapi le bokamoso ba hosteleya Reitz. Qeto ena e tla kenyeletsa dit-shisinyo tse entsweng ke batho ba tlaangwa ke yona ka ho otloloha, le tsabatho ba bang ba amehang. Bona baakga baithuti ba jwale ba dulang hoste-leng ya Reitz, batswadi ba bona le ba-sebetsi ba hostele eo.

Hajwale bolaodi bo tshwere dipui-sano le bohle ba amehang mme ho nale kgatelopele e entsweng.

Prof Verschoor o kgothaletsa emong le e mong ho se lahle tshepo na-kong ena e boima. Ofisi ya ha e bule-tswe basebetsi bohle.

Wêreld op rand van landbourevolusie

Prof. Frikkie Neser.

’nVeranderende ekonomieseklimaat en nuwe tegnologiegaan die volgende paar jaar

sorg vir interessante veranderingsin die veebedryf. Dit is volgens prof.Frikkie Neser van die DepartementVee-, Wild- en Weidingkunde, watsy intreerede oor die onderwerp“Die strewe na ’n beter dier” aan dieUV gelewer het. Prof. Neser hetgefokus op die toekoms van dierte-ling in die volgende paar dekades.

Page 19: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity


The Division Access Programmesof the Centre for Higher Educa-tion Studies and Development

(CHESD) held its annual training ses-sion for facilitators and co-ordinators ofthe Career Preparation Programme(CPP). More than 100 CPP membersattended the training session.

At the Career Preparation Programme training workshop were, from the left, front: Mr Pule Makae,Programme Director: Career Preparation Programme, Prof. Chrissie Boughey, Dean: Teaching andLearning, Rhodes University, Grahamstown, Prof. Driekie Hay: Vice-Rector: Academic Planning; back: MrFrancois Marais, Director: CHESD, and Mr Edward Sehale, facilitator for Industrial Psychology, GoldfieldsFurther Education and Training (FET) College in Welkom.

The implications of academic support today

Prof. Chrissie Boughey, DeanTeaching and Learning at Rhodes Uni-versity, was the keynote speaker. Shegave a brief history of the develop-ment of academic support at highereducation institutions. In the past thefocus was on a deficit model wherestand-alone skills modules were seen

Agroup of 22 staff members onthe Qwaqwa Campus attendedthe intermediate to professional

Mr Frederick Mudavanhu (left) from Computer Sciences assisting Dr Lekhooe Letsie from the School of Education.

Qwaqwa staff attends Excel workshop

level MS Excel workshop. MrFrederick Mudavanhu, a lecturer inthe Computer Sciences division

presented the workshop. He wasassisted by Mr Fani Radebe and MrTeboho Lesesa, both lecturers in thesame department.

Fifteen of the staff members whoattended the course wrote the com-petency test; 13 passed, with 10 ofthem acquiring distinctions. Certifi-cates of competence were issued tothe successful candidates.

Mr Mudavanhu said: “The coursewas aimed at promoting work efficien-cy in the offices of the targeted staffmembers. Staff members gained cru-cial hands-on skills in working withspreadsheets, gathering and collatingdata, dealing with formulas and graph-ing data in order to produce profes-sional reports.

“We received a great responsefrom the staff members who attendedthe workshop. A MS PowerPoint work-shop will follow in June,” he said.

as an ad-on to students with specificneeds (as a result of social and edu-cational disadvantages). “All initiativeswere focused on the student within an‘academic support’ framework,“ shesaid.

Mr Francois Marais, Director:CHESD, said: “Prof. Boughey posedcritical challenges to higher educationinstitutions regarding academic sup-port based on the assumption that it issimply not a case of students carryingvarious educational deficits with themonto campus because of the socio-economic and political dispensation,but rather a case of the universitiesthemselves being deficient.” She pro-posed that the university as communi-ty of practice should address the uni-versity curriculum so that it can ac-commodate different educationalpractices in different societies/groups.

Dr Arlys van Wyk from the Depart-ment of English also gave a presenta-tion. She focused on facilitating lan-guage practice across the curriculum inthe classroom and provided delegateswith practical examples on how lan-guage can be integrated into the deli-very of the content in a specificdiscipline.

Page 20: Reitz makes way for Institute for Diversity

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PublikasiebesonderhedeDumela word saamgestel deur UV: Strategiese

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As part of a communityservice project first-yearmedical students providedlearners from the SehuneloSecondary School withinformation on needs theyidentified from the learnersduring contact sessions thatwere held at the school. Thestudents presented theinformation to the learners inthe form of an expo.Creative exhibitions by thestudents covered topics onsmoking, abortion, crime,stress and more. At theexhibition were, from the left:Lucky Chalale, LindaNyangintsimbi, YolandaNomathole and Lady BridgetAkuffo.

School children learn about smoking,abortion and crime

The Wellness Committee of theCentre for Higher Education Studiesand Development (CHESD) hosted

a session on the management ofneck and back pain. Ms Elné

Jonker, Physiotherapist from theSports Medicine Clinic presented

the session. She focused onmanaging and preventing neck andback pain. She also gave practicalguidelines to increase flexibility. Atthe session were, from the left: Ms

Arina Otto, Wellness Committeemember, Ms Jonker and Alice

Nyapotse, second-year student inHuman Societal Dynamics.

No more a pain in the neck

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