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RELAXATION TECHNIQUES Learn ways to calm your stress Relaxation techniques can reduce negative responses to stress and help you enjoy a better quality of life. Relaxation techniques are a great way to help your quest for stress management. Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear of life's challenges on your mind and body. Whether you have a lot of stress in your life or you've got it under control, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Learning basic relaxation techniques isn't hard. Explore these simple relaxation techniques to get you started on de-stressing your life and improving your health. The benefits of relaxation techniques With so many things to do, relaxation techniques may take a back seat in your life. But that means you may miss out on the health benefits of relaxation. Practicing relaxation techniques can improve how you physically respond to stress by: Slowing your heart rate Lowering blood pressure Slowing your breathing rate Reducing the need for oxygen Increasing blood flow to major muscles Reducing muscle tension

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Learn ways to calm your stress

Relaxation techniques can reduce negative responses to stress and help you enjoy a better quality of life.

Relaxation techniques are a great way to help your quest for stress management. Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear of life's challenges on your mind and body.

Whether you have a lot of stress in your life or you've got it under control, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Learning basic relaxation techniques isn't hard. Explore these simple relaxation techniques to get you started on de-stressing your life and improving your health.

The benefits of relaxation techniques

With so many things to do, relaxation techniques may take a back seat in your life. But that means you may miss out on the health benefits of relaxation. Practicing relaxation techniques can improve how you physically respond to stress by:

Slowing your heart rate Lowering blood pressure Slowing your breathing rate Reducing the need for oxygen Increasing blood flow to major muscles Reducing muscle tension

You may also gain these overall health and lifestyle benefits from relaxation techniques:

Fewer physical symptoms, such as headaches and back pain Fewer emotional responses, such as anger and frustration More energy Improved concentration Greater ability to handle problems More efficiency in daily activities

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Relaxation techniques take practice

As you learn relaxation techniques, you'll become more aware of muscle tension and other physical sensations of stress. Once you know what the stress response feels like, you can make a conscious effort to practice a relaxation technique the moment your muscles start to tense. This can prevent stress from spiraling out of control.

Remember that relaxation techniques are skills. And as with any skill, your ability to relax improves with practice. Be patient with yourself. Stay motivated to reduce the negative impact of stress on your body and to experience a greater sense of calm in your life.


The following guidelines will help you make the most use of relaxation.

Practice at least 20 minutes per day. Two 20-minute periods are preferable. Once a day is mandatory for obtaining generalization effects. (You may want to begin your practice with 30-minute periods. As you gain skill in relaxation technique, you will find that the amount of time you need to experience the relaxation response will decrease.)

Find a quiet location to practice where you won't be distracted. Don't permit the phone to ring while you're practicing. Use a fan or air conditioner to blot out background noise if necessary.

Practice at regular times. On awakening, before retiring, or before meals are generally the best times. A consistent daily relaxation routine will increase the likelihood of generalization effects.

Practice on an empty stomach. Food digestion after meals will tend to disrupt deep relaxation.

Assume a comfortable position

Two ways of supporting your body most completely. (When lying down, you may want to place a pillow beneath your knees for further support.) Sitting up is preferable to lying down if you are feeling tired and sleepy. It's advantageous to experience the full depth of the relaxation response consciously without going to sleep.

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Loosen any tight clothing and take off shoes, watch, glasses, contact lenses, jewelry, and so on.

Make a decision not to worry about anything. Give yourself permission to put aside the concerns of the day. Allow taking care of yourself and having peace of mind to take precedence over any of your worries. (Success with relaxation depends on giving peace of mind high priority in your overall scheme of values.)

Assume a passive, detached attitude. This is probably the most important element. You want to adopt a "let it happen" attitude and be free of any worry about how well you are performing the technique. Do not try to relax. Do not try to control your body. Do not judge your performance.


Here are the relaxation technique suitable for relieving Menstrual Pain:

Easy Pose (Sukhasana) This is one of the classic Meditative Poses and is usually performed after doing the Corpse Pose. The Easy Pose helps in straightening the spine, slowing down metabolism, promoting inner tranquility, and keeping your mind still calm.

Anuloma Viloma Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril. Learn how to do this technique for beginners by following the steps found in this article.

Final Corpse – Savasana for you to appreciate the benefits of relaxation, you should first be familiar on how it is to be tense. This is what happens when you do the Final Corpse. Everything related to that position including suggestions on how to do it is discussed in further detail in this article.

Relaxation Pose - The first step in relaxation practice is to learn how to relax your body and mind. In this section, know why relaxation is essential in practicing Yoga and learn how to do the Corpse Pose and other techniques for physical, mental, as well as spiritual relaxation.

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Easy Pose (Sukhasana)

The Easy Pose or Sukhasana is a relaxation pose intended for Meditation. It promotes inner calm and straightens the spine, opens the hips, and relieves tiredness. As the name suggests, this pose is very easy to do. Learn how to do the Easy Pose.

1. Sit down on the floor or a Yoga Mat.2. Cross your legs, placing your feet below your knees.3. Clasp your hands around your knees.4. Keep your head and body straight.

Beginners can try doing this pose with a thick cushion for added comfort.

Breathing Exercise (Pranayama) - Alternate Nostril (Anuloma Viloma)

Anuloma Viloma is also called the Alternate Nostril Breathing Technique. In this Breathing Technique, you inhale through one nostril, retain the breath, and exhale through the other nostril in a ratio of 2:8:4. The left nostril is the path of the Nadi called Ida and the right nostril is the path of the Nadi called Pingala. If you are really healthy, you will breathe predominantly through the Ida nostril about one hour and fifty minutes, then through the Pingala nostril. But in many people, this natural rhythm is disturbed. Anuloma Viloma restores, equalizes and balances the flow of Prana in the body.

One round of Anuloma Viloma is made up of six steps, as shown below. Start by practicing three rounds and build up slowly to twenty rounds, extending the count within the given ratio.

The Vishnu Mudra

In Anuloma Viloma, you adopt the Vishnu Mudra with your right hand to close your nostrils. Tuck your index and middle finger into your nose. Place the thumb by your right nostril and your ring and little fingers by your left.

One Round of Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)

Inhale through the left nostril, closing the right with the thumb, to the count of four.

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Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.

Exhale through the right nostril, closing the left with the ring and little fingers, to the count of eight.

Inhale through the right nostril, keeping the left nostril closed with the ring and little fingers, to the count of four.

Hold the breath, closing both nostrils, to the count of sixteen.

Exhale through the left nostril, keeping the right closed with the thumb, to the count of eight.

Benefits of Anuloma Viloma

The exercise of the Anuloma Viloma produces optimum function to both sides of the brain: that is optimum creativity and optimum logical verbal activity. This will make both sides of the brain, the left side which is responsible for logical thinking and the right side which is responsible for creative thinking to function properly. This will lead to a balance between a person's creative and logical thinking. The Yogis consider this to be the best technique to calm the mind and the Nervous System.

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Final Corpse

It will help you be more in touch with your body. It gives you the ability to recognize tension and relaxation, thus you'd also be able to bring them under your conscious control. At the end of a session, you should spend at least

ten minutes in Final Relaxation. During this time, you relax each part of your body. But in order to experience Relaxation, you must first experience tension. Working up from the feet, as shown below, you first tense and lift each part, then drop (don't place) it down. Now, let your mind travel throughout the body, commanding each part to relax. Let yourself go. Sink deep into the quiet pool of the mind. To bring your consciousness back to your body, gently move your fingers and toes, take a deep breath and sit up as you exhale.

Doing the Final Corpse Pose

Feet and LegsLift your right foot just an inch off the floor. Tense the leg, hold, then let it drop. Repeat on the other side.

Hands and ArmsRaise your right hand an inch off the floor. Make a fist, tense the arm, then let it drop. Repeat on the other side. Relax.

ButtocksClench your buttocks tightly together, lift the hips a little way off the floor and hold. Relax and drop them downChestTense and lift up the back and chest, keeping your hips and head on the floor. Relax and drop them down.ShouldersLift your shoulders and hunch them up tight around your neck. Let them drop, relaxed. Now pull each arm, in turn, down alongside the body, and relax.

HeadTuck in your chin slightly and roll the head gently from side to side. Find a comfortable position in the center for the head to lie, and then relax.

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Suggestions in Doing the Final Corpse Pose

After practicing the sequence shown, visualize your body in your mind's eye, and repeat this simple formula mentally: "I relax the toes, I relax the toes. The toes are relaxed. I relax the calves, I relax the calves. The calves are relaxed." Continue on up the body, applying the formula to each part along the way - the stomach, lungs, heart, jaw, scalp, brain, and so on. Feel a wave of relaxation rising up your body as you guide your awareness through each part. Each time you inhale, feel a wave of oxygen flowing down to your feet; each time you exhale, feel the tension flowing out of your body, leaving your mind like a deep, still lake, without a ripple. Now dive deep into the center of this lake, deep within yourself, and experience your true nature.

Benefits of regular exercise

Want to feel better, have more energy and perhaps even live longer? Look no further than old-fashioned exercise. The merits of exercise — from preventing chronic health conditions to boosting confidence and self-esteem — are hard to ignore. And the benefits are yours for the taking, regardless of age, sex or physical ability..

1. Exercise improves your mood.

2. Exercise combats chronic diseases.


3. Exercise helps you manage your weight.

4. Exercise strengthens your heart and lungs.

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5. Exercise promotes better sleep.


6. Improve Concentration


What is stress?

Stress is a word used to describe the feelings of "distress" experienced when tensions become unbearably high.

What causes it?

Many things or "life events" can lead to stress. Common causes include:

Pressure to perform at work or being unemployed Family conflicts and relationship breakups Financial worries Health conditions Excessive substance intake including caffeine, alcohol, tobacco Non-ideal living environment such as cramped flat, traffic jams, close to sources

of pollution

What are the common symptoms?

Stress can lead to both physical and mental symptoms. The most noticeable physical symptoms include:

Headaches Stomach ache and indigestion Neck, shoulder or back pain Sleeping difficulties such as insomnia Loss of appetite

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Stress affects the mind with mental symptoms include:

Poor concentration Short-term memory loss Feeling of frustration Irritability or anger Apathy or depression


Healthy Diet

A healthy lifestyle is an essential companion to any stress−reduction program. General health and stress resistance can be enhanced by regular exercise, a diet rich in a variety of whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and by avoiding excessive alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco.


Exercise in combination with stress management techniques is extremely important for many reasons, including the following:

Exercise is an effective distraction from stressful events.

Exercise may directly blunt the harmful effects of stress on blood pressure and the heart. protects

Consider as many relief options as possible. Examples include the following:

Listen to music. Music an effective stress reducer in both healthy individuals and people with health problems.

Take long weekends or, ideally, vacations.\ Make time for recreation.

Discuss Feelings. The concept of communication and “letting your feelings out” has been so excessively promoted and parodied that it has nearly lost its value as good psychologic advice.



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Don't worry - be happy. Though it is not an easy time for girls, it is best to assure it is merely a passing phase which will stay for just a few days in a month.

ExerciseA good exercise regime coupled with a proper diet can also help to relieve the stress. It will energize you and boost your self confidence. Exercises like:

* Deep breathing - Lie on the floor with knees raised. Push stomach out as you inhale. Pull stomach in as you exhale. Repeat it four times keeping the back and arms flat against the floor.

* Sky stretch - Stand on tiptoe. Take a deep breath and stretch both arms towards the sky. Hold. Release and exhale. Repeat.

Regular physical activity will tone muscles and burn off extra pounds, making you to look good and feel good. In addition, you will feel more energetic and will be able to cope with stress with a renewed self-confidence.

Eat healthy be aware and adhere to a healthier diet, which will make

you fit. Make sure that you eats regularly and includes a lot of fresh

juices, particularly carrot, green vegetable and fresh grape juice when

available. When you starts menstruating, a risk of becoming anaemic in

case of a heavy menstrual flow which can lead to tiredness. Hence it is

important for you to eat iron rich foods avoid excessive caffeine in

coffee or tea, because they are thought to aggravate the symptoms. Be

sure you gets your dose of Vitamin B6 found in whole grain, bananas,

meat & fish. Many women swear this wonderful vitamin is the best way

to beat PMS, for it is supposed to relieve fluid retention and consequently the soreness

and tenderness of the breasts. But it is best to speak to your doctor before taking Vitamin

B6 in supplementary form. The nutrition chart below will help you to decide on a good

nutritional balanced diet.


Carbohydrates Grains, pulses, vegetables, cornflakes, yogurt and potatoes.

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Proteins Milk, eggs, nuts, poultry and fish.

Iron Eggs, beans, spinach, potatoes bananas, apple, jaggery, dates,

dark grapes and lean red meat.

Magnesium Nuts, soyabean and dark green leafy vegetables.

Calcium Dairy products, milk, eggs, almonds and soyabean.

Advice for discomfort in the breasts. To decrease the discomfort in the breast:

* To eat less salty food, which will reduce the amount of water the body is storing,

consequently relieving the tenderness and soreness of the breast.

* find a well fitting bra. A cotton bra would be the most suitable, especially in hot,

humid climatic conditions of India.

Looking good during periods. As the skin is a problematic area during menstruation,

because of the increased secretion by the oil glands which are triggered by the hormones,

a few suggestions to you to make you feel and look better

* Drink a lot of water, about 8-10 glasses.

* Regularly wash the face, twice a day with mild soap or facewash to get rid of dead skin cells, sweat and harmful bacteria.

* Use a cleanser morning and evening before returning to bed. Follow it with a toner which unclogs the pores and deep cleanses the skin. The next step is moisturizing. In case of an oily skin, use an oil free moisturizer, which is easily available.

How to keep your self prepared for your periods?

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* Keep a calendar handy to check the regularity of menstrual cycle. This way you can keep yourself prepared with a sanitary pad in your bag around the day when you expects your period.

* If you unprepared at any time not to panic ,roll up a toilet paper tissue for the time being and use it. not to hesitate to approach your teacher, friend or any other lady for help.

* One should try and wear dark coloured clothes when expecting the period, so as to avoid the embarrassment of staining the underwear and clothes. It pays to keep checking one's pad especially when one is at someone else's house, at a party, at college or at a movie.

* During periods, one should keep paper bags or plastic bags handy, so that one can dispose used pads discreetly.


How to calculate the Monthly Menstrual Cycle? Mark with an 'X' or a red dot, the first day of the current menstrual cycle.

* The next month, circle the first day of the new period.

* Count the days between the first day of the last period and the first day of the next one. The number of days between the two dates will be the menstrual cycle duration. If the number is 28 days, the next period will probably follow after 28 days - so if the first day of the last cycle was 5th of April, the next period can start on 2nd or 3rd of May.

Some conditions like those described below, may indicate that a problem with menstruation exists and should be referred to gynaecologists.

* Menstruation has not begun by age 17 - Primary Amenorrhea

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*Menstruation has occurred and stopped briefly like in pregnancy or insome illnesses or conditions of stress - Secondary Amenorrhea

* Abnormal heavy flow - Menorrhagia

* Scanty flow - Oligomenorrhea

* Consistently irregular menstrual periods - Metroragia

* Painful menstruation - Dysmenorrhea

Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhoea) are common among women and can be very debilitating for some, interfering with their everyday lives. Here are some measures you can take to better cope with that time of the month.


Heat.Use heating pads to help relieve the discomfort of your cramps. Two heating pads work great. One on your back and one on your front.

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Exercising may help a good brisk walk may do the trick

Step 2

Medicate. (though these should only be taken on the advice of a doctor)


Step 3

Chocolate.Let yourself indulge in what you want more than anything.

Step 4

Avoid salt.

Avoid salt around the time of your period to help reduce bloating. You can also take a diuretic to help reduce bloating.

Step 5

Massage. Rub your abdomen or someone rub your back to help ease your discomfort. If your cramps are in your lower back, have someone apply pressure

Step 6

Stretch.stretching and gentle excercise increases blood flow to your pelvis, relieving that heavy bloated feeling. Lie on your back and stretch your legs up in the air.


Get into your comfiest clothes, take it easy and watch your favorite movies., and extra sleep.

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