reld word cards unit 2 sections 1-5

RELD Word Cards Unit 2 Sections 1-5 ROGERS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 1st Grade

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Rogers Public Schools. RELD Word Cards Unit 2 Sections 1-5. 1st Grade. Unit 2 Section 1 Word Cards. 1 st Grade. Unit 2 Section 2 Word Cards. 1 st Grade. Unit 2 Section 3 Word Cards. Kindergarten. Unit 2 Section 4 Word Cards. 1 st Grade. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: RELD     Word Cards Unit  2      Sections  1-5

RELD Word Cards

Unit 2 Sections 1-5


1st Grade

Page 2: RELD     Word Cards Unit  2      Sections  1-5

Unit 2 Section 1Word Cards

1st Grade

Page 3: RELD     Word Cards Unit  2      Sections  1-5

car boat train

airplane bus bike

scooter rocket ship

motorcycle skateboard jet

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helicopter motorboat do

does trolley transportation

travel automobile rowboat

kayak truck subway

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vehicle have haven’t

moved flew sailed

floated rolled shot

sped lifted-off cruised

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darted travelled proceeded

propelled ran followed

splashed powered carried

helped collected bought

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ferry attributes characteristics

wheels wings propeller

hull paddles oars

sails steering wheels peddles

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airbags lifejackets air

land water move

go fly sail

float roll shoot

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speed lift-off cruises

does moves goes

flies sails floats

rolls shoots speeds

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lifts-off cruises ships

helicopters kayaks cars

boats trains airplanes

buses bikes scooters

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rockets motorcycles skateboards

jets motorboats trolleys

rowboats trucks vehicles

spaceships isn’t aren’t

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doesn’t grouped sorted

clustered organized going

flying sailing moving

floating rolling shooting

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speeding lifting-off cruising

was were what

went helped wasn’t

weren’t both however

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he she they

didn’t neither nor

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Unit 2 Section 2Word Cards

1st Grade

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watching the eating drinking

looking at the

walking to the

listening to the

feeding the zoo entrance

exit restrooms restaurant

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hot dogs ice cream popcorn

soda animals monkeys

giraffes bears tigers

hippos lions elephants

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zebras zebra elephant

bear monkey flamingo

hippo badger tortoise

drinking sleeping spraying

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running kicking scratching

looking jumping ate

slept drank ran

galloped scratched sprayed

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kicked looked screeched

shivered hollered chewed

devoured sloth orangutan

meerkat koala jaguar

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toucan panda bobcat

warthog otter hungry

restless sleepy thirsty

hot full tired

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cold wet itchy

hurt frisky injured

famished starving exhausted

were we since

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sleeping playing fighting

kicking spraying splashing

running walking first

then when hid

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hugged looked screamed

jumped so next

so therefore

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Unit 2 Section 3Word Cards


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walk run swim

fly move jump

eat drink hop

hunt climb roar

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howl growl tigers

bats gorillas flamingos

deer camels zebras

peacocks tortoises owls

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monkeys giraffes hippos

lions elephants bears

skunks squirrels foxes

raccoons crawl slither

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splash spray roll

squawk talk lizards

snakes birds bats

eagles penguins sea turtles

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whales jellyfish octopus

elephants hippos glide

hop gallop trot

lope float leap

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drive sting strike

bite spray head-butt

claw move both

slowly quickly fast

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smoothly high quietly

loudly reptiles birds

fish gracefully swiftly

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but however what

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Unit 2 Section 4Word Cards

1st Grade

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ocean beaches seaweed

sand shells waves

water sea animals fish

birds dolphins whales

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crabs people rocks

sharks jellyfish lobster

seals lifeguards sea creatures

kelp seagulls does

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doesn’t have swam eaten

flew crawled stung

leapt clam stingray

hermit crab when green

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brown blue big

small tall short

long large tiny

little hot cold

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pretty was were

swimming looking searching

playing fighting crashing

moving swaying since

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swimming running eating

sleeping walking playing

floating gliding resting

jumping splashing digging

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making hiding there wasn’t

there weren’t therefore since

as a result near beside

next to below above

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next to below above

near but consequently

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Unit 2 Section 5Word Cards

1st Grade

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shirt pants dress

shorts jacket sweater

shoes swimsuit hat

scarf t-shirt jeans

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sweatshirt socks boots

sandals flip flops tennis shoes

coat cap rain boots

tank top blouse sun dress

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wind breaker

wool sweater thick socks

rain boots beanie wear

put on long sleeved shirt

short sleeved shirts

hooded sweatshirt wool coat corduroy


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raincoat cardigan overalls

baseball cap suit vest

gloves turtle sweater cold

hot rainy often

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have gray beige

red blue yellow

green black white

big little small

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thick thin warm

fuzzy striped checkered

sort hood pockets

buttons brim rubber soles

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sleeves light material

heavy material

spaghetti straps zippers seasons

thick lightweight heavy

sleeveless long sleeved

short sleeved

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strapless spaghetti strapped colorful

dark generally buckles

Velcro brim shoelaces

buttons stripes both

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categorize how thick

thin fuzzy light

waterproof rarely newer

older smaller taller

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higher lower warmer thicker

softer fuzzier what

because once in a while

once in a blue moon

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