release guide 2005

C O N T E N T S MSC.Patran Release Guide 1 MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance Key Highlights for MSC.Patran 2005, 2 Scalar Marker Plots, 2 MSC.Nastran Preference Enhancements, 2 - MSC.Nastran Explicit Nonlinear (SOL 700) Support, 2 - Double Precision Support, 2 - Rigid Element Support, 3 - Direct Results Access, 3 - Multipoint Constraint Numbering, 3 - Preserve MSC.Nastran Names, 4 - External Superelements, 4 - Connector Element Support, 4 - Support for Global Ply Tracking (PCOMPG), 4 MSC.Marc Preference Enhancements, 5 - Results Postprocessing Improvements, 5 - Multipoint Constraint Enhancements, 5 - Material Models, 5 - Loads and Boundary Conditions, 5 - Contact, 5 - Table Support, 5 - Domain Decomposition, 6 - Output Requests, 6 - User Subroutines, 6 MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancement, 6 ABAQUS Preference Enhancement, 6 Additional Features and Upgrades, 7 CAD Access Update, 7 - Pro/ENGINEER Access, 7 - Unigraphics, 8 - Import (Create Groups from Layers), 8 - Export, 8 Results Improvements, 8 - Results Title Editor, 8 - Results Type Naming Consolidation, 9 Supported Platforms, Operating Systems, and CAD Direct Access, 10 Supported Hardware and Software Configurations for MSC.Patran 2005, 10 MSC.Patran Release Guide,

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Page 1: Release Guide 2005

C O N T E N T SMSC.Patran Release Guide MSC.Patran Release Guide,

1MSC.Patran 2005at a Glance

■ Key Highlights for MSC.Patran 2005, 2❑ Scalar Marker Plots, 2❑ MSC.Nastran Preference Enhancements, 2

- MSC.Nastran Explicit Nonlinear (SOL 700) Support, 2- Double Precision Support, 2- Rigid Element Support, 3- Direct Results Access, 3- Multipoint Constraint Numbering, 3- Preserve MSC.Nastran Names, 4- External Superelements, 4- Connector Element Support, 4- Support for Global Ply Tracking (PCOMPG), 4

❑ MSC.Marc Preference Enhancements, 5- Results Postprocessing Improvements, 5- Multipoint Constraint Enhancements, 5- Material Models, 5- Loads and Boundary Conditions, 5- Contact, 5- Table Support, 5- Domain Decomposition, 6- Output Requests, 6- User Subroutines, 6

❑ MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancement, 6❑ ABAQUS Preference Enhancement, 6

■ Additional Features and Upgrades, 7❑ CAD Access Update, 7

- Pro/ENGINEER Access, 7- Unigraphics, 8- Import (Create Groups from Layers), 8- Export, 8

❑ Results Improvements, 8- Results Title Editor, 8- Results Type Naming Consolidation, 9

■ Supported Platforms, Operating Systems, and CAD Direct Access, 10❑ Supported Hardware and Software Configurations for

MSC.Patran 2005, 10

Page 2: Release Guide 2005

❑ CAD Direct Access, 12

■ Future Product Support, 15❑ Patran FEA Solver Support, 15❑ LS-DYNA Results Support, 15❑ Connector Tool Support, 15

■ Technical Support, 16

2File Import/Export and CAD Access Updates

■ CAD Access Support Updates, 20❑ Pro/ENGINEER Support Updates, 20

- Accessing Geometry Using MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER, 20

■ CAD Imports (Create Groups from Layers), 23

■ CAD Exports, 24

■ MSC.Patran Gateway to CATIA V5, 25

3Analysis Preferences

■ MSC.Nastran Preference Enhancements, 28❑ Explicit Nonlinear SOL 700 Support (Pre-release), 28

- Materials, 29- Elements and Properties, 30- Loads and Boundary Conditions, 30- MPCs, 31- Analysis, 31

❑ Connector Element Support, 39❑ Support for MSC.Nastran PCOMPG, 43

- Ply Modeling Requirements, 44- Manual Creation of PCOMPG Data, 45- Automated Modeling of Global Plies, 47

■ MSC.Marc Preference Enhancements, 50❑ Results Postprocessing Improvements, 50❑ Multipoint Constraint Enhancements (MPCs), 51❑ Material Models, 56❑ Loads and Boundary Conditions, 58❑ Contact, 60❑ Table Support, 62❑ Domain Decomposition, 63❑ Output Request, 63❑ User Subroutines, 64

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■ MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancements, 66❑ Overview, 66❑ Supported Entries, 67❑ Limitations, 69❑ Analysis Enhancements, 70

4Updates to Basic Functions

■ Loads/BCs Display Behavior, 78❑ Overview, 78❑ Other LBC Display Behaviors Changes, 79

- Display Cleanup, 80- LBC Application Region Highlighting Control, 80

■ Combined Vector Component Plots, 82

■ Three Gigabyte Memory Support, 83

■ Import/Export Field Data, 84

■ Pre-Release Functionality, 87❑ Advanced Surface Meshing, 87

- Overview, 87- Application Form, 87

INDEX ■ MSC.Patran Release Guide, 113

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MSC.Patran Release Guide


1 MSC.Patran 2005at a Glance

■ Key Highlights for MSC.Patran 2005

■ Additional Features and Upgrades

■ Supported Platforms, Operating Systems, and CAD Direct Access

■ Future Product Support

■ Technical Support

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1.1 Key Highlights for MSC.Patran 2005MSC.Patran 2005 introduces a series of key features that streamline the process and expand the scope of simulation modeling. The highlighted new features for 2005 focus on further analysis integration by supporting many additional capabilities of MSC.Nastran, MSC.Marc, MSC.Dytran, ABAQUS, and other codes. These new features are aimed at making the modeling-analysis process more inclusive and seamless. Some of the key features in MSC.Patran 2005 are:

Scalar Marker PlotsA scalar marker plot tool has been added to MSC.Patran 2005. In addition to producing vector and tensor marker plots, you can now generate scalar marker plots that use nodal or element based scalar data.

The Scalar Marker plot capability is accessed from the Result Application form by setting the Action>Object>Method to Create>Marker>Scalar. Scalar plots may be colored and scaled based on value and may be targeted at various model features such as node, faces and edges of elements, and corners.

For more information on this feature please see Marker Plots (Ch. 6) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 6: Results Postprocessing.

MSC.Nastran Preference Enhancements

MSC.Nastran Explicit Nonlinear (SOL 700) Support

MSC.Nastran version 2005 introduced a new Explicit Nonlinear analysis pre-release capability that complements and extends the existing nonlinear capabilities available with SOL 106, SOL 129, and SOL 600. SOL 700 provides numerical methods and techniques for large displacement analysis of structures, with a wide range of nonlinear material models, and contact modeling of deformable and rigid bodies.

MSC.Patran version 2005 was developed in close coordination with MSC.Nastran 2005 aimed at offering you immediate interfacing to SOL 700. Because of the extensive nature of this implementation, the new SOL 700 support is a pre-release capability for 2005. For details on new interface capabilities for SOL 700, see Explicit Nonlinear SOL 700 Support (Pre-release) (Ch. 3).

Double Precision Support

This enhancement of MSC.Patran is to support double precision for all FEM related data where the accuracy of MSC.Nastran results are highly dependent.

In previous releases all the values of FEM data were represented by single precision in the MSC.Patran database. This enhancement updates MSC.Patran to support double precision in these areas:

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3CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

• Grid coordinates

• MPC coefficients

• Coord coefficient

In the multiple processes of simply importing and exporting FEM related data to and from MSC.Patran during a typical product lift cycle, it is required that MSC.Patran retain all the original numbers of significant digits for the preceding FEM related data.

Rigid Element Support

In MSC.Nastran 2004, a new Lagrange Rigid Element was introduced. MSC.Patran supports the new Lagrange rigid element type, as well as new rigid element bulk data entries that were added in MSC.Nastran 2004.

• Added support for the RIGID case control command via the solution parameters form for solution types 101, 103, 105, 106, 129, and ultimately 400.

• Added support for the Thermal Expansion Coefficient value in the RBAR, RBE1, RBE2, RBE3, RROD, and RTRPLT rigid elements.

• Added support for the new RBAR1, RTRPLT1, and RJOINT rigid elements, the first two of which also include the new Thermal Expansion Coefficient constant.

• Updates to the MSC.Nastran preference MPC definitions, adding the Thermal Expansion Coefficient to applicable existing MPC definitions, and adding new definitions for the RBAR1, RTRPLT1, and RJOINT rigid elements.

• Updates to the Analysis Solution Parameters form to allow the rigid element type to be specified (LINEAR, LAGR, or LGELIM). Additionally, the job control output was updated to include a RIGID_ELEMENT_TYPE parameter that may have one of these three values.

For more information about rigid element support please see, Multi-point Constraints (p. 23) in the MSC.Patran MSC.Nastran Preference Guide, Volume 1: Structural Analysis.

Direct Results Access

Direct Results Access now supports MSC.Nastran solutions 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 129 and 200

Multipoint Constraint Numbering

Multipoint constraint numbering has been changed in MSC.Patran so that the MPCs you create will have the same ID as they will have in the MSC.Nastran input deck. Also, you will be warned if an attempt is made to renumber the MPCs or elements when translated to the MSC.Nastran Input deck.

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Preserve MSC.Nastran Names

A feature has been added that reads and uses the material and element properties names from the MSC.Nastran Bulk Data File when importing the BDF into MSC.Patran. For more information about preserving the MSC.Nastran names, please see Entity Selection Form (p. 410) in the MSC.Patran MSC.Nastran Preference Guide, Volume 1: Structural Analysis.

External Superelements

External Superelements in MSC.Nastran are now supported in MSC.Patran. For more information please see, External Superelement Specifications (p. 204) in the MSC.Patran MSC.Nastran Preference Guide, Volume 1: Structural Analysis.

Connector Element Support

The Connector Element project has added support for connection elements in MSC.Patran. It specifically targets the generation, translation, and results processing of MSC.Nastran Spot Weld (CWELD) and fastener (CFAST) connectors within MSC.Patran. Please see Creating Connectors (p. 122) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 3: Finite Element Modeling.

Support for Global Ply Tracking (PCOMPG)

MSC.Nastran 2004 introduced Global Ply Tracking for composite material analysis. This feature makes it possible to track stresses in individual plies, where there may be ply drop-offs or reversed elements, using the conventional zone description of the layup. The global plies in the composites layup are assigned a global ply ID(GPLYID) that is specified for each layer of a given laminate material. These global ply IDs are input using the PCOMPG bulk data entry. Following an analysis, MSC.Nastran sorts the ply results in the .op2 and .xdb files by global ply ID and enables easy interpretation of results.

MSC.Patran 2005 fully supports the manual generation of PCOMPG input data so that you can benefit from the MSC.Nastran capabilities from within a graphical interface environment. Global Ply Tracking when used with MSC Laminate Modeler provide automatic sorting of results in the analysis code, correct ply orientation of vector and tensor marker plots, and a standard archiving of ply models within MSC.Patran database and MSC.Nastran input file. For more information please see, Support for MSC.Nastran PCOMPG (p. 43).

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5CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

MSC.Marc Preference EnhancementsMSC.Patran 2005 includes numerous enhancements specific to the MSC.Marc Preference and expanded support for a number of MSC/Marc capabilities.

Results Postprocessing Improvements

Animation (Quick Plot) improvements allow you to quickly animate multiple result cases and create MPEG movie clips from within the Quick Plot action. This is especially useful for processing nonlinear incremental data.

In addition access speed to the MSC.Marc results (POST) file has been upgraded.

Multipoint Constraint Enhancements

Full implementation of MSC.Nastran style RBE3 elements is complete and can be accessed under the FEM application for MPC creation.

A new Tying 69 multipoint constraint has been added to this release for use in bolt or rivet pre-tensioning applications. Tying 85, 86, and 87 for heat transfer analysis are also available. These MPCs enable you to tie together temperature degrees of freedom.

Material Models

Version 2005 now supports virtually all MSC.Marc material models including accessibility to activate material subroutines. Tables are supported for all material properties that reference fields.

Loads and Boundary Conditions

Enhancements have been made to the 1D Pressure and CID Distributed Loads capabilities. Tables are also supported for all load and boundary conditions that reference fields.


Improvements for controlling individual contact pairs and support for defining a rigid heat transfer body are new to 2005. In addition, contact properties and motion defined by fields can now be written as tables.

Table Support

Variations of material properties, load values, and other parameters are now definable in MSC.Marc 2005 via the TABLE parameter and option entries. The MSC.Marc Preference supports the new TABLE entry by converting referenced fields in the Materials and Loads/BCs applications directly to this table format.

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Domain Decomposition

Domain decomposition can now be done automatically as part of the analysis process.

Output Requests

The output request forms can now process numerous new element results and nodal results POST codes.

User Subroutines

New user subroutines can be activated via the MSC.Marc preference.

For details on MSC.Marc Preference updates, see MSC.Marc Preference Enhancements (Ch. 3).

MSC.Dytran Preference EnhancementThe ACC Output Request, IMMFILE file management and several parameters were added to the Analysis form of the MSC.Dytran Preference in MSC.Patran 2005. For details on MSC.Dytran Preference updates, see MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancements (Ch. 3).

ABAQUS Preference EnhancementABAQUS Gasket Element Support has been improved in MSC.Patran 2005. The link, axisymmetric, two, and three-dimensional gasket element types were added to the Element Properties of the ABAQUS Analysis Preference in MSC.Patran 2005. Damage and Elastic-Plastic gasket behavior models that vary with displacement and temperature may be assigned to these property sets. Traditional elastic, plastic, viscoelastic and creep material models may also be used. The thickness direction is defined from the gasket element's connectivity. A shareware utility was created to allow the connectivity of Hex elements to be easily rotated. For more information on ABAQUS Preference updates, see ABAQUS Product Information (Ch. 1) in the MSC.Patran ABAQUS Preference Guide.

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7CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

1.2 Additional Features and UpgradesIn addition to the key features for 2005, many more features have been added to MSC.Patran to increase the capabilities, performance, and quality. Important enhancements to MSC.Patran 2005 include:

CAD Access UpdateThe InterOp Translators have been upgraded to InterOp R13 and ACIS R13.

The I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator must be run with I-DEAS 10 NX Series. I-DEAS 9 .mf1 files can be processed by the translator. I-DEAS 10 NX Series must be running in Master Modeler Mode prior to running the I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator xplus_ideasp.exe. When starting up I-DEAS 10 NX in Master Modeler Mode, the following option must be used when running the I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator:

-n OpenBatchDesign

(Example: $IDEASROOT/bin/ideas -n OpenBatchDesign)

In this release of MSC.Patran, support has been added for Step AP203 and AP209 on the HP-UX Itanium platform


Pro/ENGINEER Access has been updated to be compatible with 64-Bit Pro/ENGINEER 2001 and Wildfire versions on SUNS and HP (PA-RISC) platforms.

The Pro/Engineer import will now transfer the following material data from a part:

• Material name (a standard PTC part parameter)

• Material properties (standard PTC part parameters)

• Material Reference (a customized extension, using a user defined parameter)

Each solid will be associated with the proper material property via an element property record. Access of assemblies with multiple parts and instances is now supported creating all necessary material and element property information.

For more information on Pro/ENGINEER Material see File>Import (Ch. 4) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 1: Basic Functions.

Direct Pro/ENGINEER access/mesh technology has been implemented in MSC.Patran 2005 for all Windows and Unix platforms. This has replaced the GS-Mesher option which has been removed.

With this new feature you now have direct access to Pro/ENGINEER Geometry, without the need for a translator. It is no longer necessary to import the geometry model separately. With this new feature it is no longer necessary to clean-up the model data or to heal and stitch the geometry.

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Pro/ENGINEER must be able to be executed from the machine where Patran will be run from in order to access the Pro/ENGINEER .prt files

Your existing ProENGINEER access license will activate this added feature.


Unigraphics access has been updated to support Unigraphics NX2.0.

Additionally, ACIS support has been upgraded to ACIS 13.

See CAD Direct Access (p. 12) for a complete summary for all operating systems and platforms. Please see File Commands (Ch. 4) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 1: Basic Functions.

Import (Create Groups from Layers)

You can now automatically create MSC.Patran Groups from Layers during the file import process. This feature is supported for all CAD Access products and you have the option of specifying a group name or reverting to a default naming convention.


MSC.Patran 2005 has expanded its export capability to enable you to export to the following formats:





• STEP 214

Results Improvements

Results Title Editor

This release of MSC.Patran further expands the postprocessing capabilities with a new Results Title Editor.

Previously, you needed to individually edit a title on each Results Tool Attributes form. For 2005, a separate form is available and accessed from the Attributes forms. The new form provides a user-friendly interface for accessing all of the internal information available for results titles and adding any additional text you might desire. Complete documentation of the new form, can be found in Results Title Editor (Ch. 1) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 6: Results Postprocessing.

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9CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

Results Type Naming Consolidation

Results labeling within MSC.Patran was inconsistent with regard to the source of those results in XDB, DBALL or OP2 files. In MSC.Patran 2005, the functional results labeling in MSC.Patran from all MSC.Nastran sources has been consolidated. For example prior to 2005 release, CBEAM combined stresses were stored under the results label “Bar Stresses, Bending”. This is incorrect since the combined CBEAM stresses include both bending and axial components. When CBAR and CBEAM are used in the same model, two different results types are displayed with the same label.

In MSC.Patran 2005, the following CBEAM results have been renamed:

• Bar Stresses, Bending => Beam Stresses, Combined

• Bar Stresses, Maximum Combined => Beam Stresses, Maximum Combined

• Bar Stresses, Minimum Combined => Beam Stresses, Minimum Combined

• Bar Stresses, Tension Safety Margin => Beam Stresses, Tension Safety Margin

• Bar Stresses, Compression Safety Margin => Beam Stresses, Compression Safety Margin

• Bar Forces, Translational => Beam Forces, Translational

• Bar Forces, Rotational => Beam Forces, Rotational

• Bar Forces, Warping Torque => Beam Forces, Warping Torque

• Bar Strains, Maximum Combined => Beam Strains, Maximum Combined

• Bar Strains, Minimum Combined => Beam Strains, Minimum Combined

• Bar Strains, Tension Safety Margin => Beam Strains, Tension Safety Margin

• Bar Strains, Compression Safety Margin => Beam Strains, Compression Safety Margin

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1.3 Supported Platforms, Operating Systems, and CAD Direct AccessSignificant changes occur with each new release of MSC.Patran in terms of the supported hardware and software components. The following sections define the supported hardware and software for Version 2005.

Supported Hardware and Software Configurations for MSC.Patran 2005MSC.Patran 2005 supports the hardware and software configurations identified in the following table.

Vendor OS Levels Chipset Support HW Support Graphics



HP-UX 11.0HP-UX 11i (11.11)

PA8000 PA8200 PA8500 PA8600PA8700 PA8800

PA8000: C160, C180, J280, J282, PA8200: C200, C240, J2240,PA8500: C360, B1000, B2000, C3000, J5000, J7000PA8600: C3600, J5600, J6000PA8700: C3700, C3750, J6700, J6750PA8800: C8000

Visualize: FX2 Pro, FX4 Pro, FX6 Pro, FXE, FX5 Pro, FX10 Pro, FireGL-UX, FireGL X1, T2

HP (IA-64) HP-UX 11i 1.6 (11.22)HP-UX 11i 2.0 (11.23)

Intel Itanium 2 I2: zx2000, zx6000 ATI FireGL 4, FireGL X1, FireGL Z1

SUN Solaris 8Solaris 9


Ultra 1, 2, 5, 10, 30, 60, 80SunBlade 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500

Creator3D, Elite3D, Expert3D, XVR 500, XVR 600, XVR 1000, XVR 1200

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11CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

For a complete description of these configurations, see Required Hardware & Software Configurations (Ch. 2) in the MSC.Patran Installation and Operations Guide.

Intel Windows 2000 SP3Windows XP

Pentium IIPentium IIIPentium 4Xeon AMD Opteron

Compaq: W4000, W6000, W8000Compaq Laptop: N800c, N800wDell: Work. 410, 610, 220, 420, 620, 330, 340, 350, 360, 450, 470, 530, 650, 670Dell Laptop: M50, M60HP: Visualize NT (p-class, x-class), xw4000/xw5000/xw6000/xw8000, xw3100/xw4100 xw4200/xw6200/xw8200IBM: IntelliStation Z-Pro, M-Pro, E-Pro, A-ProFujitsu/Siemens: Celsius

3DLabs: Wildcat III 6110, Wildcat VP 560, Wildcat VP 870, Wildcat IV 7110, 7210ATI: FireGL 8700/8800, Fire GL E1, X1-128, Z1-128, T2-64, T2-128, X2-256, V3100, Mobility Radeon (N800 Laptops)HP: fx5+, fx10+NVIDIA: Quadro2 EX, Quadro4 700XGL/750XGL/900XGL/980XGL, Quadro4 500/700 GoGL (M50/M60 Laptop), FX330, FX500, FX1000,

FX1100, FX1300, FX3000, FX3400, FX4000

Intel LINUX Red Hat 9.0Red Hat Enterprise 3.0SuSe 9.0

Pentium II Pentium III Pentium 4Xeon

Dell: 220, 420, 620, 330, 340, 350, 360, 450, 530, 650HP: Visualize NT (pL-class, xL-class), x-classIBM: IntelliStation

ATI: FireGL 8700/8800, FireGL X1NVIDIA: GeForce 256, GeForce2 GTS, Quadro2 Pro, Quadro2 EX, Quadro4 700XGL/900XGL


R5000 RM5200 R8000 R10000 R12000R14000

Indigo 2, Indy (R5000), Onyx2, Origin, O2, Octane, Octane 2, Fuel

Solid IMPACT, High IMPACT, CRM, SI, MXI, SE, MXE, V6*, V8*, V10*, V12*


RS 6000 - 3AT, 3BT, 3CT, 37T, 397, 42T, 42W, 43P, 44P, IntelliStation Power 265, 275

GXT800M, GXT800P, GXT2000P, GXT3000P, GXT4500P, GXT6500P

Vendor OS Levels Chipset Support HW Support Graphics


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CAD Direct Access MSC.Patran 2005 supports direct import of many CAD products. MSC.Patran 2005 supports access to the following versions of CAD software:

HP (PA-RISC) HP (IA-64) SGI Sun 2004r2 2005 2004r2 2005 2004r2 2005 2004r2 2005

CADDS 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0 12.0

I-DEAS 9.0 10.0 9.0 10.0 9.0 10.0

CATIA V4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4

CATIA V5 V5R12 V5R13 V5R12 V5R13 V5R12 V5R13

Pro/ENGINEER2 Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0

Unigraphics NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0

Parasolid 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15

ACIS 12.0 13.0 12.0 13.0 12.0 13.0 12.0 13.0

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13CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

Pro/ENGINEER Installations

We recommend upgrading your Pro/ENGINEER installation to Wildfire. If this is not possible, we have provided a temporary work around, by providing previous version executables and associated scripts. To run previous versions, it is necessary for your system installation manager to rename some of the delivered files after MSC.Patran has been installed.

IBM RS/6000 W2K Linux2004r2 2005 2004r2 2005 2004r2 2005


I-DEAS 9.0 10.0 9.0 10.0

CATIA V4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.4 4.2.41 4.2.41

CATIA V5 V5R12 V5R13 V5R12 V5R13

Pro/ENGINEER22001 2001

Wildfire 2.0

Wildfire 2.0 20014 20014

Unigraphics NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0 NX2.0 XMT3 XMT3

Parasolid 15 15 15 15 15 15

ACIS 12.0 13.0 12.0 13.0 12.0 13.0

Note: 1 For MSC.Patran 2005, a CATIA CATXPRES (.cat) file can be imported. The CATIA to Parasolid translator is available. The CATDirect translator which runs CATIA in batch mode is not available.

2 The p3_ProE and p3_ProENGINEER executables are built using Pro/ENGINEER version 2000i and therefore will not work with earlier versions of Pro/ENGINEER.

3 Only Parasolid (transmit file) import is supported in this release. Parasolid transmit files generated on other OS platforms can be imported on LINUX.

4 Pro/ENGINEER Access allows reading of "*.geo" geometry transfer files generated from other OS installs of Pro/ENGINEER Access.

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Set your default directory to your software installation directory, typically linked to $(P3_HOME)/bin/exe, and rename the files as shown below:

For Windows:

• open a MS-DOS prompt window

• cd \msc\patran2001\bin\exe (a typical installation example - set to your

site installation)

• copy

• copy

• copy

• copy


• cd /msc/patran2001/bin/exe (example typical install location- set to

your site installation)

• cp p3_proengineer

• cp p3_proe

• cp p3_proengineer_pre2k p3_proengineer

• cp p3_proe_pre2k p3_proe

†† UG NX 2.0 supports only 64 bit machines for HP and SUN platforms.

Supported CAD System MSC.Patran CAD Access Module

Unigraphics by UGS MSC.Patran Unigraphics

Pro/ENGINEER by Parametric Technology MSC.Patran ProENGINEER

CATIA by Dassault Systemes MSC.Patran CATIA

EUCLID 3 by Matra Datavision MSC.Patran EUCLID 3

CADDS 5 by Computervision MSC.Patran CADDS 5


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15CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

1.4 Future Product Support

Patran FEA Solver SupportThe old Patran FEA Solver feature (Patran FEA - PID 507) has been removed from this release of MSC.Patran. Please contact your MSC.Patran sales representative with any questions.

LS-DYNA Results SupportThe functionality "Read State File / * / Translate" is no longer available in MSC.Patran. Please try to utilize the "Read State File / * / Attach" method. If any functionality is lost between the two methods please call 1-800-732-7284 to report the problem so it can be fixed. If you don't want to see this message again, press 'Yes' and add the following entry to your settings.pcl file.


Connector Tool SupportThe Connector Tool functionality is no longer available in MSC.Patran. With the recent CWELD/CFAST implementation, the Pre-release Connector functionality has been removed from the Tools menu. To activate this utility, you will have to turn on the prerelease_enable_connector environment variable, by adding the following line to the settings.pcl file:

pref_env_set_logical( "prerelease_enable_connector", TRUE )

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1.5 Technical SupportFor help with installing or using an MSC.Software product, contact your local technical support services. Our technical support provides the following services:

• Resolution of installation problems• Advice on specific analysis capabilities• Advice on modeling techniques• Resolution of specific analysis problems (e.g., fatal messages)• Verification of code error.

If you have concerns about an analysis, we suggest that you contact us at an early stage.

You can reach technical support services on the web, by telephone, or e-mail:

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17CHAPTER 1MSC.Patran 2005 at a Glance

Web Go to the MSC.Software website at, and click on Support. Here, you can find a wide variety of support resources including application examples, technical application notes, available training courses, and documentation updates at the MSC.Software Training, Technical Support, and Documentation web page.

Phone and Fax

Email Send a detailed description of the problem to the email address below that corresponds to the product you are using. You should receive an acknowledgement that your message was received, followed by an email from one of our Technical Support Engineers.

United StatesTelephone: (800) 732-7284Fax: (714) 784-4343

Frimley, CamberleySurrey, United KingdomTelephone: (44) (1276) 67 10 00Fax: (44) (1276) 69 11 11

Munich, GermanyTelephone: (49) (89) 43 19 87 0Fax: (49) (89) 43 61 71 6

Tokyo, JapanTelephone: (81) (3) 3505 02 66Fax: (81) (3) 3505 09 14

Rome, ItalyTelephone: (390) (6) 5 91 64 50Fax: (390) (6) 5 91 25 05

Paris, FranceTelephone: (33) (1) 69 36 69 36Fax: (33) (1) 69 36 45 17

Moscow, RussiaTelephone: (7) (095) 236 6177Fax: (7) (095) 236 9762

Gouda, The NetherlandsTelephone: (31) (18) 2543700Fax: (31) (18) 2543707

Madrid, SpainTelephone: (34) (91) 5560919Fax: (34) (91) 5567280

MSC.Patran SupportMSC.Nastran SupportMSC.Nastran for Windows SupportMSC.visualNastran Desktop 2D SupportMSC.visualNastran Desktop 4D SupportMSC.Abaqus SupportMSC.Dytran SupportMSC.Fatigue SupportMSC.Interactive Physics SupportMSC.Marc SupportMSC.Mvision SupportMSC.SuperForge SupportMSC Institute Course Information

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MSC.Patran Release Guide


2 File Import/Export and CAD Access Updates

■ CAD Access Support Updates

■ CAD Imports (Create Groups from Layers)

■ CAD Exports

■ MSC.Patran Gateway to CATIA V5

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2.1 CAD Access Support UpdatesThe InterOp translators have been upgraded to InterOp R13 and ACIS R13.

The I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator must be run with I-DEAS 10 NX Series. I-DEAS 9 .mf1 files can be processed by the translator.

I-DEAS 10 NX Series must be running in Master Modeler Mode prior to running the I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator xplus_ideasp.exe.

When starting up I-DEAS 10 NX in Master Modeler Mode, the following option must be used when running the I-DEAS to MSC.Patran translator: -n OpenBatchDesign

ie., $IDEASROOT/bin/ideas -n OpenBatchDesign

Pro/ENGINEER Support UpdatesPro/ENGINEER Access has been updated to be compatible with 64-Bit Pro/ENGINEER 2001 and Wildfire versions on SUNS and HP (PA-RISC) platforms. The InterOp translators have been upgraded to InterOp R13 and ACIS R13. The Pro/ENGINEER Access product under File>Import has been updated to import Pro/ENGINEER Materials. Unigraphics access has been updated to support Unigraphics NX2.0. Additionally, Acis support has been upgraded to Acis 13.

The Pro/ENGINEER Access product under File>Import has been updated to import Pro/ENGINEER Materials. Please see Importing Direct Mesh Meshes from a Pro/ENGINEER Model (p. 129) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 1: Basic Functions.

Accessing Geometry Using MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER

If MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER is licensed at your site, you can access the geometric entities from an external Pro/ENGINEER part file.

You can execute MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER from MSC.Patran by doing one of the following:

• Executing MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER From MSC.Patran.

• Execute MSC.Patran p3_ProENGINEER from MSC.Patran by using the File/Import... menu and make sure the Pro/ENGINEER button is pressed on the Import form. See Importing Pro/ENGINEER Files (p. 119) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 1: Basic Functions.

Executing MSC.Patran p3_ProE From Pro/ENGINEER

Important: Make sure MSC.Patran p3_ProE has been properly installed by following the instructions in Selecting Products (p. 43) in the MSC.Patran Installation and Operations Guide.

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21CHAPTER 2File Import/Export and CAD Access Updates

Execute MSC.Patran p3_ProE from Pro/ENGINEER by doing the following:

1. Execute Pro/ENGINEER by entering:


p3_proe will ask for the command name to run Pro/ENGINEER. Press <CR> if you want to accept the default command pro.

Enter the command name for running Pro/ENGINEER.

[pro]?: <cr>

2. Open the Pro/ENGINEER assembly file or part file. Then, select the PART menu if a .prt:

or the ASSEMBLY menu if a .asm

You can select any one of the above four options.

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If Filter is selected a menu appears so you can select:

For output to the intermediated .geo file. (Default = no datum entities; output materials).

If Run MSC.Patran is selected:

• A MSC.Patran ProENGINEER intermediate.geo file will be created from the current Pro/ENGINEER object in memory.

• MSC.Patran will automatically be executed and a database will be created and opened.

• The MSC.Patran ProENGINEER intermediate.geo file containing the Pro/ENGINEER geometry will be loaded into the MSC.Patran database, and both Pro/ENGINEER and MSC.Patran will remain executing.

If Create .db is selected:

• A MSC.Patran ProENGINEER intermediate.geo file will be created from the current Pro/ENGINEER object in memory.

• A batch job will be submitted in background mode that will:

• One, execute MSC.Patran and create and open a database.

• Two, load the.geo file into the MSC.Patran database.

• And, three, close the database and exit MSC.Patran.

If Create .geo is selected, a MSC.Patran ProENGINEER intermediate.geo file will be created from the current Pro/ENGINEER object in memory.

For more information on the MSC.Patran ProENGINEER intermediate.geo file, see Executing MSC.Patran ProENGINEER From Pro/ENGINEER (p3_proe) (p. 128) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 1: Basic Functions.

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23CHAPTER 2File Import/Export and CAD Access Updates

2.2 CAD Imports (Create Groups from Layers)Using the File>Import command, you can automatically create MSC.Patran Groups from Layers during the file import process. This import feature is supported when accessing files from:


• Parasolid xmt




• Unigraphics


• Express Neutral

To activate the Layers-to-Group feature:

1. On the Import form, select the Source for Import.

2. Click the Options button to define the import options.

3. On the Import Options subform, click Create Groups form Layers...

4. If you choose to define the Group name, enter a name in the Group Names Prefix textbox.

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2.3 CAD ExportsThe File>Export capability has been updated by adding the following CAD formats available during the file export process:


Selecting a CATIA V4 export generates a .model file compliant with CATIA version 4.1.9. The export translator does not interact with CATIA or the CATIA API and does not require a CATIA installation. Any number of curves, surfaces, or solid may be exported.


The I-DEAS export translator creates a I-DEAS MS9 .mf1 file. The export translator does not interact with I-DEAS Master Modeler and therefore, does not require an I-DEAS MS9 installation. Any number of curves, surfaces, or solid may be exported.


When exporting using the ACIS source, a ACIS save (SAT) file is generated compliant with ACIS version 13.0. Options are provided for exporting selected curves, surfaces, and solids. Scaling is automatically performed to convert from millimeters (ACIS) to meters (Parasolid) units.


Selecting to export to VDA generates a .vda file that is compliant with VDA version 2.0. Options are provided for exporting any number of selected curves, surfaces, and solids.

STEP 214

The previous version of MSC.Patran exported to STEP 203 and 209 formats. Version 2005 adds an export for STEP 214 format that creates a STEP AP214 (.st) output file. Any number of curves, surfaces, or solid may be exported as Class II or Class IV entities.

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25CHAPTER 2File Import/Export and CAD Access Updates

2.4 MSC.Patran Gateway to CATIA V5The 2005 version of MSC.Patran offers an enhanced integration with CATIA V5.

• Layer Import

• Attribute Import. Color/Translucency, Feature name and Publication attributes are now supported.

• Platform Support. CATIA V5 import is now available on the Sun Solaris platform.

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MSC.Patran Release Guide


3 Analysis Preferences

■ MSC.Nastran Preference Enhancements

■ MSC.Marc Preference Enhancements

■ MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancements

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3.1 MSC.Nastran Preference EnhancementsMSC.Patran 2005 represents our ongoing commitment to provide unique end-to-end simulation modeling tools to facilitate the enterprise-wide virtual product development process. The primary focus of the MSC.Nastran Preference enhancements for this release was to streamline the engineering process though discipline integration. Here are some of the key feature enhancements for this release:

Explicit Nonlinear SOL 700 Support (Pre-release)Support for SOL 700 is a pre-release capability for 2005. It is being presented for your feedback on usability and suggestions on the implementation, which will help migrate this to full release status in subsequent MSC.Patran releases.

SOL 700 is the explicit nonlinear solver of MSC.Nastran which uses the MSC.Dytran LS-Dyna module as its solver engine. MSC.Dytran LS-Dyna is a 3D explicit nonlinear analysis code with DMP (Distributed Memory Parallel). The solver, currently limited to the structural analysis, can be used for automotive crash, wheel impact, droptest and component crush.

Explicit Nonlinear SOL 700 is accessed from the Preferences menu of MSC.Patran as shown in the following picture:

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MSC.Nastran SOL 700 supports some of the MSC.Nastran structural materials and all the materials available in the LS-Dyna Preference.

The supported materials are shown in the following table:

Category MSC.Nastran materials MSC.Dytran LS-Dyna materials

Isotropic MAT1, MATS1, MATHP

MATD001, MATD003, MATD005, MATD006, MATD007, MATD012, MATD014, MATD015, MATD019, MATD020, MATD024, MATD027, MATD028, MATD030, MATD031, MATD057, MATD062, MATD063, MATD064, MATD100

2D Orthotropic MAT8 MATD032

3D Orthotropic MAT3 MATD022, MATD026, MATD057

2D Anisotropic MAT2, MATS1 MATD103

3D Anisotropic MAT3, MATS1 MATD103

Same as in the MSC.Nastran preference structural

Same as in the LS-Dyna preference

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Elements and Properties

SOL 700 supports most of the elements and properties available in the Structural type of MSC.Nastran. The following table shows the currently supported entities:

Loads and Boundary Conditions

When the Analysis Type is specified as Explicit Nonlinear, the following Objects are available on the LBCs Application form and supported by the SOL 700.

Dimension Elements Properties








Same as in the MSC.Marc preference

Same as in the MSC.Dytran preference

Same as in the MSC.Nastran preference

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SOL700 supports RBAR, RBE2 and RBE3 multipoint constraints.


The overall layout of the Solution Parameters and Subcase Parameters forms for the MSC.Nastran Preference for Explicit Nonlinear (SOL 700) are similar to those for Implicit Nonlinear (SOL 600). For those users who wish to take advantage of the new capabilities offered in SOL700 without learning this new job set-up paradigm, a SOL 700 Run button has been added to some of the non-SOL700 Solution Parameters forms so users can set up their jobs using the same controls they always have, but still take advantage of the new features offered through SOL700.

Same as in the MSC.Nastran preference structural

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Solution Parameters

Analysis job parameters for SOL700 are grouped under the Solution Parameters form accessible from the Solution Type button of the Analysis application form. All contain default values. If the default value is used the parameter is not stored in the database.

The supported parameters are shown in the following table:

In addition, the Dynamic Relaxation form defines the DAMPGBL entry.

All the above mentioned forms appear after selecting one of the buttons of the following form:

This form is available under the following solutions:

Form Parameters

Execution Control Parameters


General Parameters


Contact Parameters


Binary Output Database File Parameters



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From Explicit Nonlinear:

For MSC.Nastran Explicit Nonlinear, select Analysis->Analyze->Solution Type and follow the steps shown in the picture below.

Opens “Sol700 Parameters and Extra Data” form

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From Other Solutions:

For MSC.Nastran Structural, select Analysis->Analyze->Solution Type and then select one of the following solutions.

• SOL700,101 - Linear Static

• SOL700,106 - NonLinear Static

• SOL700,109 - Direct Transient Response

• SOL700,129 - NonLinear Transient

The following picture shows the procedure for SOL700,101

Opens “Sol700 Parameters and Extra Data” form

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Subcase Parameters, Contact Tables and Output Request are defined under the Subcases form. It is possible to setup multiple analysis subcases in a single job.

Defines BCTABLESame as in MSC.Nastran preference Sol600

Defines TSTEPNLSame as in MSC.Nastran preference Sol129

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Contact Table:

The contact table form is the same as the one available for both MSC.Marc Preference and MSC.Nastran Sol600 Preference except that “Additional Data...” button is included for the Explicit Nonlinear. This form defines the BCTABLE entry.

Only in MSC.Nastran preference Sol700

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Output Requests:

Currently, the Output Requests of Sol700 are the same as in Sol129. After selecting the “Output Requests...” button in the Subcases form the following form appears:

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Access Results

LS-Dyna’s 3dplot .ptf results files can be directly accessed into MSC.Patran by using the “Attach 3dplot” object option available under the “Access Results” option of the Analysis menu. The options “Attach XDB”, “Read Output2” and “Attach MASTER” are also available for MSC.Nastran Explicit Nonlinear.

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39CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Connector Element SupportThe Connector Element project adds support of connection elements in MSC.Patran 2005 for the MSC.Nastran preference. It specifically targets the generation, translation, and results processing of MSC.Nastran Spot Weld (CWELD) and fastener (CFAST) connectors within MSC.Patran. These connectors are added as a new FEM entity type, with seamless integration to the group, graphics/picking, list-processing, and results sub-systems.

This form is used to create connectors within MSC.Patran.

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Method Select from two methods for defining the Spot Weld location:

• Projection Specifies a node or point in space that is to be projected onto the two surface patches of the connector to determine the end points, GA and GB.

• Axis Specifies nodes directly for GA and GB.

Connector ID List Displays the ID of the next connector that will be created

Connector Location The point specified for the Projection method is projected onto each surface patch. Nodes are generated at those locations, and the Pierce Nodes, GA and GB, are assigned the new node IDs.

Nodes specified for the Axis method define the GA and GB piercing nodes directly.


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• Elem to Elem(ELEMID and ALIGN formats)

Designates the top and bottom shell elements defining the surface patches for the weld. If not specified, then both GA and GB are required (ALIGN format); otherwise, one top/bottom element pair per connector is required. Regardless of GA, GB, and the weld diameter, only a single element is connected.

• Patch to Patch(ELPAT format)

Specifies a shell element on each surface defining the connecting surface patches (one pair per connector). Depending on the pierce locations (GA and GB) and the weld diameter, the number of connected elements may expand to up to a 3x3 element patch.

• Prop to Prop(PARTPAT format)

Establishes properties associated with shell elements defining the connectivity of the weld (one pair per connector). Depending on the pierce locations (GA and GB) and the weld diameter, the number of connected elements may range from one element up to a 3x3 element patch.

Multiple connector locations may be specified for a single property pair. The same pair will be used for each connector created.

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For detailed information on Connector Elements Please see Creating Connectors (p. 122), Show Connectors (p. 264), and Modifying Spot Weld Connectors (p. 303) in the MSC.Patran Reference Manual, Part 3: Finite Element Modeling for more information.

• Node to Node(GRIDID format)

Stipulates the nodes (GAi and GBi) defining the connecting surface patches (one list pair per connector). The surface patches are defined as 3/6 node triangle or 4/8 node quad regions, the topology of which is indicated by SPTYP. If Node List B (GBi) is blank, then a point-to-patch connection is created.

Topology of each surface patch: Tri3, Tri6, Quad 4, Quad 8.

Connector Properties Brings up the Spot Weld Properties form (PWELD attributes).

Preview Calculates/displays/verifies the connector (GS, GA, GB, and the connecting patches).

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43CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Support for MSC.Nastran PCOMPGComposite materials are used increasingly for complex primary aerospace structures. A fundamental requirement of composites analysis is to produce accurate models of the complex structure and recover meaningful results data. Where the ply layup incorporates ply drop-offs or reversed elements, it is difficult or impossible to track stresses in individual plies using the conventional zone description of the layup. This increases the cost of certification and makes it difficult to understand the contribution of individual plies in order to improve the design. As a result, global ply tracking was incorporated in MSC.Nastran 2004.

Using this method, the global plies in the composites layup are assigned a global ply ID(GPLYID) that is specified for each layer of a given laminate material. These global ply IDs are input using the PCOMPG bulk data entry, which is otherwise identical to the existing PCOMP entry used to specify laminate materials. The GPLYIDs must be positive and unique within each PCOMPG entry. After solution, MSC.Nastran will sort the ply results in the .op2 and .xdb files by global ply ID to enable easy interpretation of results. Printed results can be written to the .f06 file if the GPRSORT parameter is specified. The relationship between local layer indices and global ply IDs for a typical layup are shown below.

MSC.Patran 2005 contains complete support for the manual generation of PCOMPG input data. This allows ready use of the new MSC.Nastran capabilities from within a useful graphical environment. Furthermore, global ply models can now be generated extremely efficiently using the MSC.Patran Laminate Modeler, allowing the use of global ply tracking in complex components and structures.

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Ply Modeling Requirements

During the composites development process, the details of the composites layup are not considered during initial sizing and so a conventional zone-based composites description is typically used. In fact, for preliminary work the layup on a property region is often smeared (using MSC.Nastran’s SMEAR and SMCORE options) as an aid to rapid design improvement. However, as the design evolves, the ply details must be specified in order to ensure a producible part as shown below.

For the certification of aircraft structures, it is important to understate the detailed stress state of each global ply. For effective visualization, it is important that results are plotted on the basis of global plies. The need for this is clearly illustrated with a simple model of crossing plies shown below. Using a conventional zone description of the layup, the results are difficult to visualize as they do not reflect the arrangement of the structure. Even worse, results from plies that may be of different material, thickness, and orientation are shown together and perhaps interpolated. By contrast, the global ply model allows you to interpret the model effectively. Furthermore, detailed stresses on a ply basis are optionally available in the f06 file for the purposes of certification.

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45CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Manual Creation of PCOMPG Data

MSC.Patran 2005 enables you to create global ply models using its productive and familiar interface. Within the material application, the spreadsheet for defining laminate layer data simply incorporates an additional column where global ply IDs can be defined. Note that it remains possible to define no global ply IDs, which would result in a conventional PCOMP card being generated. If global ply IDs are needed, each layer must have a positive GPLYID that is unique in that laminate material. In order to clearly differentiate between layered and global ply results, it is recommended that GPLYIDs be chosen from a range that will not overlap with layer indices. For example, for typical models that have fewer than several hundred layers, it is good practice to number ply IDs beginning at 1001.

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When writing out the MSC.Nastran input deck, you must specifically request the writing of global ply IDs on the translation parameters form as shown below. This is ON by default. It is also possible to set the GPRSORT parameter in the Case Control Section using direct text input.

Following the analysis, simply access results in xdb or op2 format and select the appropriate global ply ID as shown below. Note that vector or tensor marker plots of sorted global ply results are oriented correctly as MSC.Patran obtains the correct orientation using the global ply ID. If the global ply IDs overlap the layer indices, a warning will be issued to highlight the orientation ambiguity.

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47CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Automated Modeling of Global Plies

The full power of the new global ply modeling capabilities are best shown through the use of the MSC.Patran Laminate Modeler. This tool has allowed advanced users to model on the basis of plies for the past decade. The main advantages of ply modeling are the ability to generate and modify composite analysis models rapidly, and the incorporation of realistic orientation data in the model.

For example, consider a surface with three property regions resulting from a simple ply layup in the model below. If subsequent analysis shows that the structure needs reinforcement, you have to define six property regions manually. So, for realistic models of any complexity, it is essential to use the ply modeling capabilities of the MSC.Laminate Modeler.

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Because MSC.Laminate Modeler established the concept of global ply modeling, the basic tools are already in place and so it is easy to generate an accurate model. Simply create Materials and Plies as usual, then optionally specify a global ply ID associated with a ply instance in the Layup spreadsheet. You have the option of specifying no GPLYIDs, creating sequential GPLYIDS beginning from a particular value, or manually defining GPLYID for full control. By default, sequential ply IDs beginning at 1001 are used.

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Once the global ply ids are specified, simply create the composite analysis model as usual to generate the PCOMPG data.

As can be seen in the figure below, the new PCOMPG capabilities extend and enhance the capabilities of the MSC.Laminate Modeler in a number of important respects. With PCOMPG, ply results are sorted automatically by the analysis code, so that this sorting does not require a discrete process within MSC.Patran. Vector and tensor plots of sorted plies have correct orientation, which was impossible before. Most importantly, the MSC.Patran database and MSC.Nastran input deck contain a global ply model, easing the problems of archiving ply models and allowing organizations to implement global ply modeling as the standard technique for accurate composites modeling.

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3.2 MSC.Marc Preference EnhancementsNumerous enhancements have been made to the Marc Preference for 2005.

Results Postprocessing ImprovementsThe following postprocessing improvements have been implemented:

• Animation (Quick Plot) Improvements

The Results’ application Quick Plot capability has been improved to better suit processing of nonlinear incremental results. This enhancement is not necessarily particular to the MSC.Marc Preference, but will be especially appreciated by those that must process incremental data. It is now possible to quickly animate multiple result cases and create MPEG movie clips from within the Quick Plot action. Specific to the MSC.Marc Preference is that this works with adaptive mesh results.

1. Quick Plot action.

2. Select multiple result cases and the result to plot.

3. Turn ON Animation.

4. Set mode to Animation Options.

5. Set MPEG file generation or other settings.

6. Press Apply.

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51CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

• Result Access Improvements

In addition to the animation improvements, access speed to the MSC.Marc results (POST) file has been significantly sped up. This is most notable when accessing element nodal data such as stress or strain tensors whose results reside at integration points or nodes. This speeds up static plots and animations over the previous release by an order of magnitude in some extreme cases.

Multipoint Constraint Enhancements (MPCs)Available under the FEM application (Finite Elements) for MPC creation, the following multipoint constraints have been enhanced or added:


Although available in the last release, full implementation of MSC.Nastran style RBE3 elements is now complete. To take advantage of large rotation RBE3 formulations, you must use MSC.Marc 2005. RBE3 constraints define motion at a referenced node as the weighted average of the motion at a set of other nodes.

One reference node (tied or dependent term) with degrees of freedom (dof) and an unlimited number of other nodes (retained or independent terms) with dofs are defined. The total number of dofs of the tied node and retained nodes must be the same, although they may be distributed among the different retained nodes. The retained nodes can be broken up into sets with different weighting factors applied to them. In addition to the one reference node, additional dependent terms can be defined consisting of a subset of the retained or independent terms, which define the “UM” set as the tied nodes. This allows the reference node’s dofs not to be eliminated from the system matrices. This is optional and by default the reference node’s dofs are eliminated unless additional dependent terms are defined.

Keep in mind that two dimensional problems such as plane strain/stress and axisymmetric problems use only the UX,UY, and RZ dofs whereas three dimensional problems use all six dofs.

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Weighted, retained nodes and dofs. Same dof set defined here must be defined in reference node, although they may be distributed to the different retained nodes.

Reference node.

Additional tied nodes. These are optional. But, if used, they must be a subset of the retained nodes.


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53CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

• TYING 69

This multipoint constraint is new to MSC.Marc 2005 and, in general, is used for bolt or rivet pre-tensioning. This tying type is called an Overclosure, signifying that you can create a general section constraint between two parts of a model to define a gap or overlap. A gap will create a compressive pre-stress in the two parts whereas an overlap will create a tensile pre-stress.

Each overclosure is defined by selecting all the nodes on one side of the section as the dependent (or tied) nodes; these are the dependent terms. The corresponding nodes on the other side of the section are the independent terms or retained nodes. However each independent term must have two retained nodes, the first being the corresponding node on the other side of the section and the second being a reference node. The reference node must be the same for all independent terms and is the node on which a force or displacement constraint is placed in order to cause the gap or overlap and thus the tension or compression pre-stress.

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Independent terms or retained nodes. Each independent term consists of two nodes, the last being a reference node. The reference node must be the same for all independent terms. The first node is the node on the other side of the section corresponding to its dependent term.

Dependent terms or tied nodes.

Retained nodesTied nodes

Reference node w/ displacement constraint

Overclosure (Tying 69)

Section BSection A

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55CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

• TYING 85, 86, 87 for Heat Transfer

Tying 85, 86, and 87 are now available when the Analysis Type is set to Thermal for a heat transfer analysis. These three tying types enable the user to tie together temperature degrees of freedom between shell and solid element for linear and quadratic formulations and between two shell elements, respectively. These correspond to the Linear Surf-Vol (tying 85), Quadratic Surf-Vol (tying 86), Linear Surf-Surf (tying 87), and Quadratic Surf-Surf (tying 87).

Independent term or retained node. For linear or quadratic shell to shell, only one independent term is required. For linear shell-solid, two are required. And for quadratic shell-solid, three are required.

Dependent term or tied node.

Tying 85, 86, 87

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Material ModelsVirtually all of MSC.Marc’s material models are now supported in this release including accessibility to activate material subroutines. The following list is now supported for isotropic, orthotropic, and anisotropic materials for all pertinent analysis types (structural, thermal, coupled).

• Material User Subroutines

Material user subroutines are accessible to activate in the Materials application for the various constitutive models. These include, but may not be limited to: ANKOND, ORIENT, ANELAS, CRPLW, UFAIL, HYPELA, HYPELA2, ANEXP, UGRAIN, UELASTOMER, TRSFAC, UVOIDN, UELDAM, UDAMAG, UCRACK, UPOWDR.

• Failure Data (FAIL DATA)

Up to three Failure Criteria now available. Before only one failure criterion was allowed. User subroutine access is now available.

• Shape Memory Alloys (SHAPE MEMORY)

Both the Auricchio and the thermo-mechanical model are available. Strain and other postprocessing data specific to shape memory are available on the POST file for postprocessing.

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57CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

• Viscoelastic Model (SHIFT FUNCTION)

The shift function parameter for viscoelastic material groups that exhibit thermo-rheologically simple behavior is now available for the following models: Williams-Landel-Ferry, Power Series, Narayanaswamy, and User Subroutine.


For thermal and coupled analysis, the latent heat versus solidus and liquidus temperatures can be defined via fields.

• Damage Models (DAMAGE)

The Gurson model for elasto-plastic materials, and the elastomeric model for elastomeric models, as well as a simplified damage model are all now available.

• Concrete Cracking (CRACK DATA)

Material properties for concrete cracking including user subroutine.

• Forming Limit Diagram (FORMING LIMIT)

This option defines the variation of forming limit properties with minor principal engineering strain. Three methods for describing the forming limit diagram curves are supported: fitted, predicted, and via a table.

• Grain Size Growth (GRAIN SIZE)

Grain size growth model allows you to predict the grain size based on the process history. The grain size can be placed on the POST file for viewing.

• Soil Material Model (SOIL)

Although full control for soil analysis is not yet fully supported, as a prelude, the soil material model has been added including INITIAL POROSITY, INITIAL VOID RATIO, INITIAL PC, and SPECIFIC WEIGHT as well as control via user subroutine.

• Powder Material Model (POWDER)

The powder model is now available including user subroutine access. Initial relative density (RELATIVE DENSITY) is also definable. Properties that vary with density (DENSITY EFFECTS) can be defined although this capability is still limited.

• Elastic-Plastic Hardening (ISOTROPIC, WORK HARD)

The Kumar and Chaboche hardening rules are now available. Also plastic strain hardening data can be entered as either true stress vs. natural log of plastic strain or as engineering stress/strain. If the first (stress, strain) data pair in the defined field has zero plastic strain, then true stress/strain is

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assumed with the first stress value being the yield stress. If the first data pair has non-zero values for both stress and strain, then engineering stress/strain is assumed and converted to true stress/strain on creation of the MSC.Marc input deck.


The Hill and Barlat yield criteria are now available.

• Table Support (TABLE)

All material properties for any constitutive model that references a field will be written as a table to the MSC.Marc input deck if this capability (new to MSC.Marc 2005) has been turned on. Capability to write tables is accessed under the Job Parameters form in the Analysis application. See Table Support (p. 62).

Loads and Boundary ConditionsThe following enhancements have been made to the Loads/BCs applications:

• 1D Pressures

Support for pressures on 1D elements has been added. These elements must be defined as either Planar Beams or Axisymmetric Shells under the Element Properties application before the pressures can be applied. Below is an illustration of an external pressure applied to a spherical shell modelled with 1D axisymmetric shell elements.

• CID Distributed Loads

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59CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

The capability to apply directional, distributed loads to element edges or faces has been expanded and is also a new feature of MSC.Marc 2005 for some elements. In two dimensional analysis involving plane stress/strain or axisymmetry, elements can now be given a directional pressure (or line load) on the element edges.

For three dimensional analysis, you load faces, not edges. This is valid for Membranes, Thick Shell, and Thin Shells. All 2-D element types will support either a face load or an edge load, but not both. This is dependent on whether the analysis is two or three dimensional. Below shows a 2D solid and a shell implementation:

This capability is also applicable to three dimensional beam elements. In all cases the appropriate load type is assigned to the DIST LOADS option in the MSC.Marc input deck.

Current limitations for this include no support for local coordinate frames (everything has to be set up in the global frame), and no support for 3D Solid elements.

• Table Support (TABLE)

All loads and boundary conditions that reference fields to define time and/or spatial variations will be written as tables to the MSC.Marc input deck if this capability (new to MSC.Marc 2005) has been turned on. Capability to write tables is accessed under the Job Parameters form in the Analysis application. See Table Support (p. 62).

2D Solid

Shell Elements

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ContactThe following improvements have been made to contact in the MSC.Marc Preference:

• Better Control of Individual Contact Pairs

The Contact Table form now allows all body pairs to be given separate property values as required. Select the body pair from the Touching and Touched list boxes as shown below. You may then set all the shown properties in the frame. New to this form are the Contact Detection, and Stress Free Initial Contact, among others, for both Structural and Thermal properties.

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61CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

• Rigid Heat Transfer Body

In the Loads/BCs application and for coupled analysis, the ability to define a deformable body as simply a rigid body but with thermal heat transfer capability is now possible. Of course, when this is done, the body is no longer considered a deformable body, but simply a rigid heat transfer body.

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• Table Support (TABLE)

All contact properties and motion that can vary with time or some other independent variable defined by Patran fields will be written as tables to the MSC.Marc input deck if this capability (new to MSC.Marc 2005) has been turned on. Capability to write tables is accessed under the Job Parameters form in the Analysis application. See below.

Table SupportVariations of material properties, load values, and other parameters are now definable in MSC.Marc 2005 via the TABLE parameter and option entries. The MSC.Marc Preference supports the new TABLE entry by converting referenced fields in the Materials and Loads/BCs applications directly to this table format.

For loads and boundary conditions (including contact), when the new TABLE entry is used, all are written to the Model Definition section of the input deck. A LOAD CASE entry is used to call out the various loads applicable during any particular load case within the MSC.Marc input deck as defined in the History section.

This new functionality is accessible under the Job Parameters form in the Analysis application. You must turn ON, the Use Tables toggle in order for the TABLE and LOAD CASE options to be written. You have control of whether these options are written for Materials, Loads, or Contact as shown below.

To turn TABLE usage ON.

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63CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Domain DecompositionDomain decomposition methods in MSC.Marc have been extended to be done automatically as part of the analysis process.

There are now three methods of defining domains in the MSC.Marc Preference for parallel job submittal. In addition to the Manual method where domains are defined as Patran groups and the Semi-Automatic method where a Metis algorithm automatically creates Patran groups as the defined domains, you can set the Decomposition Method to Automatic. When this is done, no Patran groups are necessary and a single input file is created and submitted to MSC.Marc unlike the other methods where multiple files are generated for each domain. MSC.Marc uses its built-in domain decomposition algorithm to automatically split the model into the necessary domains for the job to run in parallel mode.

Domain decomposition is accessed under the Analysis application when the Object is set to Domains.

Output RequestAdditional POST codes can now be requested via the Output Requests forms. Additions or modifications in this release for element results include:

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• Stress, Interlaminar Normal(501)

• Stress, Interlaminar Shear (511)

• Density, Relative (179)

• Gasket, Pressure (241)

• Gasket, Closure (242)

• Gasket, Plastic Closure (243)

• Parameter, Forming Limit (30)

• Volume, Fraction of Martensite (531)

• Strain, Phase Transform Tensor (541)

• Strain, Equivalent Pahse Transformation (547)

• Strain, Equivalent TWIN (548)

• Strain, Equivalent TRIP (549)

• Strain, Yield Multiphase Aggregate (557)

• Strain, Equivalent Plastic Multiphase Aggregate (651)

• Strain, Equivalent Plastic Austenite (652)

• Strain, Equivalent Plastic Martensite (653)

• Stress, Yield Multiphase Aggregate (657)

• POST Code, No. -11 (Scalar)

• POST Code, No. -21 (Scalar)

• POST Code, No. -31 (Scalar)

For nodal results:

• Pore Pressure (23)

• POST Code (Scalar) (-1)

• POST Code (Vector) (-2)

The negative post codes allow for user subroutines to output results to these POST codes that can then be processed in MSC.Patran.

User SubroutinesAdditional user subroutines are now accessible to activate via the MSC.Marc Preference in addition to those available under the Materials application.

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For any user subroutine to be activated, a user subroutine file must be selected. This is done under the Analysis application in the Job Parameters form. In this form, a User Subroutine File button is accessible. Under this User Subroutine form, you can activate additional user subroutines that are independent of particular input deck options or require their own independent option. These are listed below and shown in the form.









For more information about these improvements, please see the Overview (Ch. 1) in the MSC.Marc Preference Guide

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3.3 MSC.Dytran Preference Enhancements

OverviewThis section lists all currently supported and nonsupported entries for the MSC.Dytran solver in MSC.Patran 2005.

Also provided in this section are the new parameters and output requests supported by the preference including:


• Enhance parameter VELMAX to support mass removal

• Support for the output request ACC

• Support for the file management IMMFILE entry

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67CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Supported EntriesThe following table shows the MSC.Dytran entries supported by the MSC.Dytran preference. The boldface entries are new in version 2005.

Entity Type MSC.Dytran Entries

File Management


Executive Control




Nodes GRID





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Spallation Models


Equation of State


Element Properties


Coordinate Frames


Loads and Boundary Conditions



Analysis & Others


Entity Type MSC.Dytran Entries

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69CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Limitations• Reader for Analysis Form Entries. Entries written from selections on the

Analysis forms (entries before BEGIN BULK) cannot be read back to MSC.Patran.

• Entries not Supported by the Reader. The following entries which can be written by the MSC.Patran writer, are not supported by the reader in the current version:



• Entries not Supported. The following entries of MSC.Dytran v2004 are not supported by the current MSC.Dytran Preference.

Section MSC.Dytran Entries

File Management




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Analysis EnhancementsThis section describes the various enhancements carried out in the execution controls and output requests forms of the analysis menu to support parameters, bulk data and case control entries of the MSC.Dytran solver.

Execution Controls Enhancements

The Executive Controls form shown below highlights the new parameters and bulk data entries supported in Version 2005.

Support for parameters MIXGAS and UGASC

Support for PARAM EXTRAS

Support for PARAM MATRMRG1

Support for parameters BULKTYP, BULKL and BULKQ.


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Numerous changes have been made to the Executive Controls subforms to accommodate new parameters and bulk data entries. These changes are highlighted in the individual forms that follow.

Defines PARAM, MIXGAS. Select Default, Yes or No.

Defines PARAM VELMAX. Select Default, Yes or No.


Defines PARAM BULKTYP. Select Default, Dyna or Dytran



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Defines PARAM HGSHELL. Select Default, F-B Viscous or Dyna.




Defines PARAM HGSOLID. Select Default, F-B Stiffness or Dyna.


Lists Existing Constants. Clicking on an existing name brings up the Constant Name and its Value in the boxes below.

Specifies the name of a new or existing constant.

Defines the value of a new or existing constant.

Select Add, Modify or Delete to create a new constant or modify or delete an existing constant.

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73CHAPTER 3Analysis Preferences

Lists Existing Assemblies. Clicking on an existing name highlights the selected items in the listboxes below.

Lists existing Rigid Materials and Nodal Rigid LBCs. Single selection. The selected item will be the name of the assembly.

Lists existing Rigid Materials and Nodal Rigid LBCs. Multiple selection. The selected items will be merged into a new assembly.

Select Add, Modify or Delete to create a new assembly or modify or delete an existing assembly.

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Output Requests Enhancements

The Output Request forms have been updated to support new case control entries.

Support for ACC entry

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Initiating Calculation Enhancements

New selections and sections on the Initiating Calculation form support the PARAM IMM and IMMFILE entries.

More detailed documentation is available in the MSC.Patran MSC.Dytran Preference User’s Guide.


Defines Case Control CHECK



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MSC.Patran Release Guide


4 Updates to Basic Functions

■ Loads/BCs Display Behavior

■ Combined Vector Component Plots

■ Three Gigabyte Memory Support

■ Import/Export Field Data

■ Pre-Release Functionality

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4.1 Loads/BCs Display Behavior

OverviewIn MSC.Patran 2005, the method by which LBCs are displayed has been enhanced to improve the memory management in the display process. For a model with loads applied to 300,000 elements, memory usage is now reduced by 500 MB.

In previous releases of MSC.Patran, LBC display performance could be slow depending on the model size. For large models, the time to create an LBC on a large number of entities is usually dominated by the creation and rendering of the display data.

Some LBC display behaviors have also been altered so only the requested LBCs will be plotted.


• 4 LBCs are in the current Loadcase

• Only 1 LBC is plotted

• Delete the plotted LBC

In previous releases, MSC.Patran would re-plot the 3 remaining LBCS. In MSC.Patran 2005 the remaining LBCs will not reappear.

In MSC.Patran 2005 nothing is re-plotted.

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Other LBC Display Behaviors ChangesTo further improve LBC display processing times LBC marker data is not created if Display/Load/BC/Elem.Props… Show LBC/El. Prop Vectors toggle is off.

In previous releases, MSC.Patran always created marker data for an LBC when the LBC was created, even if the vector toggle was off and the markers did not display.

In MSC.Patran 2005, if the toggle is off, no marker data is created or displayed. A warning message is given, and you can use LoadsBCs/Plot Markers to display markers at your discretion. For large models, this can greatly speed up the Loads/BCs creation process.

• Show LBC/EL. Prop. Vector OFF

• Apply Pressure to model

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Display Cleanup

The functionality of the broom (display_cleanup() command) icon located on the Main form toolbar has been enhanced. In previous releases of MSC.Patran the broom removed LBC markers from display, but it left marker data on the database that was no longer being used.

In MSC.Patran 2005, the broom erases the memory of what LBCs were plotted. In the previous scenario, only the new LBC would be plotted when created. Any set of LBCs may still be plotted from LoadsBCs/Plot Markers.

The use of the broom before closing a database will result in a smaller database depending on the number of LBCs displayed.

You may notice a longer delay when using the broom if many LBC markers are displayed. However, this time is recovered in the next LBC creation or display.

LBC Application Region Highlighting Control

In previous releases of MSC.Patran when entities were added or removed from the LBC application region select databox to the textbox, the items in the textbox were always highlighted. For large models, this could take a significant amount of time.

In MSC.Patran 2005, a settings.pcl preference can be used to control highlighting. If the number of entities in the textbox exceeds “limit” only the select databox items are highlighted.

• pref_env_set_integer( "lbc_app_reg_hilight_limit", limit )

Setting the “limit” to 0 (zero) will highlight any number of entities.

In MSC.Patran 2005, the PCL command may also be used to set “limit”. This command overrides the settings.pcl preference.

• loadsbcs_selapplreg.set_lbc_app_reg_hilight_lim( limit )

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In previous releases of MSC.Patran the items in the textbox were always highlighted.

In MSC.Patran 2005 with:

pref_env_set_integer( "lbc_app_reg_hilight_limit", 2 )

Highlighted items are controlled.

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4.2 Combined Vector Component PlotsThis enhancement to Results Vector Plots to support plotting sums of vector components in addition to the existing capability to plot the individual components.

This is useful, for example, to plot the resultant shear force in a fastener such as a bushing or spot weld. If the axis of the fastener is the local x direction, then the shear force can be plotted as the sum of the y and z components of the force vector.

Any combination of components or component sums may be plotted. Typically, you might only plot x and y + z, or y and z + x, or z and x + y.

To see the new toggles, just set Show As: to Component on the Results/Create/Marker/Vector/LoadCase form.

The attributes form is also changed and now has additional color selections for the new components.

Old session files producing vector plots still work as they did before this change. Unspecified new vector components are set to not display and their colors are set to default colors.

Existing Results Templates for Vector Plots also work with the enhanced tool. You can use the Tools/Results Templates/Edit form to add the new vector component toggles and colors to existing Vector Templates if you wish to do so.

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83CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

4.3 Three Gigabyte Memory SupportThe 3 GB application memory option has been implemented in MSC.Patran 2005 for HP -UX on both the PA-RISC and Intel Itanium hardware platforms.

This enhancement represents our ongoing commitment to further enhance MSC.Patran's performance and large model handling ability.

This is in addition to 3 Gb application memory support on Windows XP, Windows 2000 Server, Linux, and Solaris that was done in previous releases.

There is no special setup needed on HP-UX with PA-RISC hardware. Extended addressing on HP-UX itanium is available only on OS version 11.23 and higher, and will also require an OS patch to enable the MPAS addressing model to work.

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4.4 Import/Export Field DataAll Fields spreadsheet input forms EXCEPT complex have an "Import/Export..." button in the upper right.

Selecting it gives you a file form and the option to Import or Export CSV (comma separated value) files.

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An options menu allows you to set the separator (comma is default) and whether to read the first line for Import or write column headings for Export.

Import completely replaces what is in the current spreadsheet. Export writes everything in the current spreadsheet.

Some Fields spreadsheets require the spreadsheet to be fully populated. This means there must be a dependent value specified for every combination of independent variables. The Options form from the Fields/Create and Modify forms has a frame for specifying an “Incomplete Data Action”. This tells MSC.Patran what you want it to do if there are missing values in an imported CSV file. “Abort” is the default. If it is set, and a CSV file is imported with any missing values, the import will abort with a

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warning message. “Set to Zero” and “Set to User Specified Value” can also be chosen. If they are, and a CSV file is imported with any missing values, they will be set to the value specified.

For example, if your CSV file looks like this:

X,Y,Value 1.0000000E+000, 1.0000000E+001, 9.1000000E+001 1.0000000E+000, 2.0000000E+001, 9.4000000E+001 2.0000000E+000, 1.0000000E+001, 9.2000000E+001 2.0000000E+000, 2.0000000E+001, 9.5000000E+001 3.0000000E+000, 1.0000000E+001, 9.3000000E+001 3.0000000E+000, 2.0000000E+001, 9.6000000E+001 3.0000000E+000, 4.0000000E+001, 9.8000000E+001

the value for x = 1, y = 40 and x = 2 and y = 40 are missing. They will be set to the value specified on import.

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87CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

4.5 Pre-Release Functionality

Advanced Surface MeshingSignificant changes in the design and functionality of the Advanced Surface Meshing capability have been made for MSC.Patran 2005. Because of the extensive nature of these changes and the commitment to quality standards, the new ASM is a pre-release capability for 2005. It is being presented for your feedback on usability and suggestions on the implementation, which will help migrate this to full release status in subsequent MSC.Patran releases. To access this capability add the following line to your settings.pcl file:

pref_env_set_logical( "asm2_enable", TRUE )


Advanced Surface Meshing (ASM) is a facet geometry based process that allows you to automatically create a mesh for a complex surface model. The geometry can be congruent or noncongruent, and can contain sliver surfaces, tiny edges, gaps and overlaps. The geometry is first converted into tessellated surfaces. Tools are provided for stitching gaps on the model and modifying the tessellated surfaces as required. These modified tessellated surfaces can then be meshed to generate a quality quad-dominant mesh.

There are two kinds of representations of facet geometry in ASM process: pseudo-surface and tessellated surface. Pseudo-surface is a group-based representation and tessellated surface is a geometry-based representation. ASM uses tessellated surface representation mainly, and also uses psuedo-surface representation as an alternative tool to make model congruent. The pseudo-surface operations can be accessed if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is on (default is off).

Tessellated Surface is piecewise planar and primarily generated for ASM process. The surface should not be modified by using the operations in Geometry/Edit/Surface form. And it has limitations on using other geometry operations on these surfaces.

Application Form

To access the ASM Application form, click the Elements Application button to bring up Finite Elements Application form, then select Create>Mesh>Adv Surface as the Action>Object>Method combination. There are 4 groups of tools in ASM process: Create Surfaces, Cleanup, Edit and Final Mesh.

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Create Surfaces




Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

• Create Surfaces

The Create Surfaces icon is selected as the default to begin the ASM process. There is only one tool in Initial Creation: Auto Tessellated Surface.

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Create Surfaces/ Initial Creation/AutoTessellated Surface

AutoTessellated Surface

Converts original surfaces into tessellated surfaces. This process includes three operations: create triangular mesh on the input surfaces; stitch gaps on the triangular mesh; convert the triangular mesh into tessellated surfaces.

Select Surfaces Specifies the surface geometry to be converted into tessellated surfaces.

Automatic Calculation

When Automatic Calculation is turned on, the “Initial Element Size” will be set automatically. Turn the toggle off for manual entry.

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Create Surfaces/ Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Tools

The icons of pseudo-surface tools will be seen only if the toggle in Preferences>Finite Element>Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is ON.

Initial Element Size

The element size used to generate the pseudo surface. This size will define how well the pseudo surface will represent the real surface. A good “Initial Element Size” will be 1/4 the size of the desired final mesh size.

Gap Tolerance The tolerance used to stitch the gaps on the model. Set it to 0.0 to skip the stitch operation.

Pseudo-Surface Tools

Conversion between tessellated surfaces and pseudo-surfaces, and some stitch/edit tools on pseudo-surfaces. These alternative tools are used when creation of some tessellated surface fails, or the stitch tools on tessellated surface are unable to make the model congruent.

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Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Tools/Tessellated to Pseudo

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Stitch All Gaps

Tessellated to Pseudo Convert tessellated surfaces into pseudo-surfaces. After conversion, the display mode will be changed to Group mode. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Surfaces Specifies the tessellated surfaces to be converted into pseudo-surfaces.

Stitch All Gaps Stitch all the gaps with sizes less than the specified tolerance on the selected pseudo surfaces. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Tria(s) On Face(s)

Specifies pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on faces. If one or more tria-elements on a surface are selected, the surface is selected.

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Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Stitch Selected Gaps

Tolerance Gaps with sizes less than this value will be stitched.

Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

Stitch Selected Gaps

Stitches gaps formed by the selected free edges without checking the tolerance. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Element Free Edges

Selects free edges. To cursor select the free edges, use the “Free edge of 2D element “ icon.

Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

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93CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Split Face

Initial Creation/Pseudo-Surface Operation/Pseudo to Tessellated

Split Face Split a pseudo surface along the cutting line connecting two selected boundary nodes. The cutting line should divide the surface into two disconnected parts and should not intersect the face boundary at more than two points. This tool won’t split surfaces that are “fixed”. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Tri(s) on Face(s)

Specify pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on the surfaces. A surface is selected if at least one of its tri elements is picked

Select Nodes for break

Select two boundary nodes on the pseudo surface.

Verify Displays the free element edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

Pseudo to Tessellated

Convert pseudo-surfaces into tessellated surfaces. This icon cannot be seen if the toggle in Preferences/Finite Element/Enable Pseudo Surface ASM is off.

Select Tria(s) On Face(s)

Specifies pseudo surfaces by selecting the guiding tria-elements on faces. If one or more tria-elements on a surface are selected, the surface is selected.

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Enable Pseudo Surface ASM:

If it is checked, The icons of pseudo-surface tools in Finite Elements/Create/Mesh/Adv Surface will be displayed. It includes the tools to convert between tessellated surfaces and pseudo-surfaces, the tools to stitch gaps in souse-surfaces and the editing tools for pseudo surfaces in Advanced Surface Meshing process.

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Stitch/Auto Stitch

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

Cleanup Provides tools to help in stitching gaps between the tessellated surfaces. Both automated and interactive stitching tools are available to make the model congruent.

Auto Stitch Stitch all the gaps with sizes less than the specified tolerance on the selected tessellated surfaces.

Select Surface(s) Specifies the tessellated surfaces.

Automatic Calculation

When Automatic Calculation is turned on, the “Tolerance” will be set automatically. Turn the toggle off for manual entry.

Tolerance Gaps with sizes less than this value will be stitched.

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Cleanup/Selected Gaps

Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

Selected Gaps Stitches gaps formed by the selected free curves.

Select Curves Specifies the curves that are on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.

Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

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97CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Cleanup/Merge Vertices

Merge Vertices Merge the vertices on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.

Select Vertex/Points

Specifies the vertices that are on the free boundaries of tessellated surfaces.

Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

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Cleanup/Pinch Vertex


Choosing the Edit Process Icon provides you with seven tools to edit the tessellated surfaces and prepare them for final meshing.

Pinch Vertex Pinch a vertex on a curve.

Auto Execute If checked, the cursor will automatically be moved to the next data box when the data in the current box is selected.

Select Curve Specifies one curve on the free boundary of a tessellated surface.

Select Vertex Specify one vertex on the free boundary of a tessellated surface.

Verify Displays the free surface boundary edges on the model.

Clear Clears the free edge display.

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

Edit Edit the cleaned up model to create a desired mesh. Tools are available to remove holes, split, delete and merge tessellated surfaces, collapse edges, and insert or delete vertices. Surfaces can be tagged as fixed or free for the editing process.

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Edit/Merge Surfaces

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Merge Surfaces Uses several criteria (4 are exposed to you) to merge the tessellated surfaces. Use the check boxes to activate and deactivate these criteria. During this operation, surfaces with edges smaller than the Edge Size specified can be merged and surfaces with Feature Angles and Fillet Angles less than that specified can also be merged. In the merging process, additional criteria are used to maximize the creation of 3 or 4-sided surfaces and reduce the number of T-sections. Surfaces that are “Fixed” will be ignored during the merging process. Vertex Angle is used to remove the redundant vertices after merging surfaces.

If Feature Angle, Fillet Angle and Edge Size are all off, the operation will merge all the connected tessellated surfaces into one surface without checking criteria.

Select Surface(s) Specify the tessellated surfaces to be merged. Need to pick at least two tessellated surfaces for this operation.

Feature Angle The Feature Angle of a surface edge is defined as the maximum angle between the normals of its two adjacent surfaces along the edge.

Fillet Angle A bent angle of a cross section on a surface is the angle between the normals of the two sides of the cross section. The fillet angle of a surface is the maximal bent angle of all cross sections on the surface.

Edge Size The size of a surface is defined in different ways. The size of a circular surface is its diameter; the size of a ring region is the length of its cross section; and the size of a 3 or 4-sided and other general region is the length of the shortest side.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

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101CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Edit/Fill Hole

Fill Hole Fills the holes on the model. There are two ways to specify the hole to be filled. One is by picking all surrounding surfaces and inputting a radius tolerance. And the other is by picking at least one of boundary curves on the hole. A hole may be bounded by more than one surface.

Fill Hole(s) On Surface

Specify tessellated surfaces. The holes on the surfaces whose radii are less than the specified radius will be filled.

Hole Radius on Surface(s)

The specified hole radius.

Curves on addtl holes

Specify at least one curve on each hole to be filled.

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Edit/Insert Vertex

Create New Surface

If this toggle is checked, then the hole will be filled by a new tessellated surface. If the toggle is not checked and if the hole is inside one tessellated surface, the hole will be removed from the surface. However, if the hole is bounded by multiple tessellated surfaces, then the hole is replaced by a new tessellated surface.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

Insert Vertex Insert a vertex to an edge on a tessellated surface. As a result, the new vertex will break the edge into two shorter edges.

Select Curve Specify an edge on a tessellated surface.

Select Point Specify a point to be inserted. If the point is not on the curve, the program will project to point onto the curve before inserting.

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103CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Edit/Delete Vertex

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

Delete Vertex Delete vertices on tessellated surfaces. As a result, two or more edges will be merged into a longer edge. There are two ways to specify the vertices to be deleted. One is by picking the surfaces and inputting a vertex angle. And the other is by picking the vertices. Only the vertex that is used by two edges can be deleted.

Delete Vertices for Surface

Specify the tessellated surfaces.

Vertex Angle The angle of a vertex is defined as the angle formed by its two adjacent edges.

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Edit/Delete Surface

Manually select vertices

Specify the vertices to be deleted.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

Delete Surface

Delete the selected tessellated surfaces.

Select Surface(s)

Specify the tessellated surfaces to be deleted.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

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105CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Edit/Split Surface

Split Surface Splits a tessellated surface along the cutting line connecting two selected boundary points. The cutting line should divide the surface into two disconnected parts and should not intersect the surface boundary at more than two points. This tool won’t split surfaces that are “fixed.”.

Auto Execute If checked, the cursor will automatically be moved to the next data box when the data in the current box is selected.

Select Surface

Specify the tessellated surface to be split.

Select Initial Point

Select the first boundary point on the surface.

Select End Point

Select the second boundary point on the surface.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

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3.7 Edit/Collapse Curve

Collapse Curve

Collapse a short edge on a tessellated surface.

Select Curve for collapse

Specify edge to be collapsed.

Display Small Entities

Brings up a sub-form to display short edges, free or non-manifold edges, small surfaces and vertices on the model.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

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107CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Final Mesh

Process Icon Specifies the step in the ASM process.

Final Mesh Meshes the edited model to generate a quad-dominant mesh. Mesh sizes can be defined in sub-form Feature Property to generate the desired mesh. Hard nodes and soft/hard bars can be defined in the sub-form Feature Selection. Mesh seeds and controls can be defined in Finite Element/Create/Mesh Seed or Mesh Control forms. And hard curves and hard points can be defined in Geometry/Associate form. These mesh entities will be picked up in the final mesh process.

Select Surface(s)

Specify the tessellated surface to be meshed

Element type Quad4

Create a quad-dominant mesh with quad4 and tria3 elements.

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Element type Tria3

Create a tria mesh with tria3 elements.

Feature Selection

Bring up a sub-form to select hard nodes, soft bars and hard bars on the models. These hard entities will be preserved on the final mesh.

Automatic Calculation

If this toggle is checked, the program will calculate an approximate final element size once the tessellated surfaces are selected

Final Element Size

Specify the element size for the final quad mesh. The size will not override any specified mesh sizes on tessellated surfaces.

Feature Property

Brings up a sub-form to set, modify and show the feature properties of tessellated surfaces, including mesh size and feature state (free or fixed) of a surface.

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109CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Final Mesh/Feature Selection

Defines hard nodes, soft bars and hard bars. The defined hard fem entities will be preserved on the final mesh.

Hard Nodes Select and deselected hard nodes on the model.

Hard Bars Select and deselected hard bars on the model. The hard bar, together with its end nodes, will be preserved on the final mesh.

Soft Bars Select and deselected soft bars on the model. A soft bar is a segment of a feature line on the model. The feature line will be preserved on the final mesh, but its nodes may be deleted or moved along the feature line.

Reset Reset the data select box.

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Display Small Entities

The Small Entities dialog box can be used to display small edges, free edges, non-manifold, small faces and vertices on the tessellated surfaces.

OK Confirm the selection and return to the Final Mesh Form.

Cancel Cancel the selection and return to the Final Mesh Form.

Select Surface(s)

Specify tessellated.

Entity Type This toggle determines what kind of entities will be displayed.

Surfaces: display the tessellated surface whose area are less than min size;

Curves: display the surface edges whose length are less than min size;

Free Edges: display free or non-manifold edges on the model;

Vertices: display all vertices on the tessellated surfaces.

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111CHAPTER 4Updates to Basic Functions

Feature Properties

The “mesh size” and the “feature state” properties of tessellated surfaces can be set, modified, and displayed using this form.

Minimum Size All edges smaller than this length or all surfaces smaller than this area will be identified and displayed. This size will not be used for selecting Edges or Vertices as Entity Type.

Display This will display the small surfaces or edges, free or non-manifold edges, or vertices on the model.

Clear This will clear the display.

Smallest/Largest Size

The smallest and the largest edge or face area will be calculated and displayed here.

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Auto Show If checked, the Mesh Size and Feature State of the selected tessellated surfaces will be displayed in the Command History window.

Select Surface(s)

Specify tessellated surfaces.

Mesh Size Mesh size for the selected tessellated surfaces.

Feature State Toggle to change the Feature State of selected tessellated surfaces.

Modify Modify the mesh sizes or feature states of tessellated surfaces selected.

Show Shows the mesh sizes and feature states of the selected tessellated surfaces in the Command History window.

Default Sets the default values for the mesh sizes (Global value) and the feature states (Free) for the selected tessellated surfaces.

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I N D E XMSC.Patran Release Guide

I N D E XMSC.Patran

Release Guide


ACIS, 12, 13ACIS Export Files, 24AIX

supported OS levels, 11

CCAD File Exports, 24CAD File Imports, 23CAD systems

access, 12supported, 12

CADDS, 12, 13CATIA V4, 12, 13CATIA V4 Export Files, 24CATIA V5, 12, 13, 25combined vector component plots, 82connector element support, 4connector tool support, 15

Ddirect access

CAD systems, 12

Gglobal ply tracking, 4


supported OS levels, 12

HPsupported OS levels, 10


supported OS levels, 11I-DEAS Export Files, 24Intel

supported OS levels, 11IRIX

supported OS levels, 11

LLS-DYNA results support, 15

MMSC.Marc preference, 50MSC.Nastran

connector element support, 39pcompg, 43SOL 700 support, 28

MSC.Nastran preference, 28

Ooperating systems, 10, 11

HP, 10supported, 12

Page 118: Release Guide 2005


PParasolid, 12, 13Patran FEA solver support, 15platforms

supported, 12Pro/ENGINEER, 12, 13

Rrts, 24


supported OS levels, 11STEP 214 Export Files, 24SUN

supported OS levels, 10supported platforms, 10, 12

UUnigraphics, 12, 13

VVDA Export Files, 24