release note srm60_eng_sp01_sp04


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Release 2007

SAP SRM 2007Support Package 04

Release Notes

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Release Notes 31.01.2008

SAP SRM 2007 2


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Release Notes 31.01.2008

SAP SRM 2007 3

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Release Notes Support Package 00................................................................................... 6

User Interface (New) ......................................................................................................6

Workflow Redesign (Changed) .......................................................................................7

SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe (Changed)...................................................................9

Transferring External Requirements with Attachments (New)........................................ 10

Account Assignment (Enhanced).................................................................................. 11

Grouping Backend Contracts out of a GOA (New) ........................................................ 12

Configuration of Delivery Date in Shopping Cart and Confirmation (New)...................... 13

Withdraw RFx Response (New).................................................................................... 14

Calculate Value of RFx Response (New) ...................................................................... 15

Full Quantity Bidding (New) .......................................................................................... 16

Intend to Bid Indication (New)....................................................................................... 17

Allow Multiple Responses per Company (New)............................................................. 18

Questions and Answers Function (New) ....................................................................... 19

Response Comparison (Changed)................................................................................ 20

RFx Response Modifications (New) .............................................................................. 21

Creation of a Temporary Contact Person after OPI Transfer (New)............................... 22

Versioning of RFx Responses (New) ............................................................................ 23

Dutch Auction (New)..................................................................................................... 24

Release Notes Support Package 01................................................................................. 25

User Interface (New) .................................................................................................... 25

Currency on Item Level for Global Outline Agreements (GOA)...................................... 26

Operational Contract Enhancements ............................................................................ 27

Replacement of Free Text Item with Catalog Item (New)............................................... 28

SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced) ........................................................................ 29

Invoice Management System (Enhanced)..................................................................... 30

Payment Terms at Item Level for Contracts: PO Enhancement (New)........................... 31

Integration with SAP Records Management.................................................................. 32

Digital Signatures (New) ............................................................................................... 33

Release Notes Support Package 02................................................................................. 34

User Interface (New) .................................................................................................... 34

SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced) ........................................................................ 36

Display of Contract Hierarchy Discounts in Purchase Order (New)................................ 37

Revision Levels (New).................................................................................................. 38

Currency on Item Level for RFx (New) .......................................................................... 39

Procurement Card (Enhanced) ..................................................................................... 40

Background Processing in Sourcing Cockpit (New)....................................................... 41

Alerting in Sourcing Cockpit (New)................................................................................ 42

Release Notes Support Package 03................................................................................. 43

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SRM Worfklow Framework (Enhanced) ........................................................................ 43

Exchange Rate Thresholds (New) ................................................................................ 45

Change Documents and Version Management for Conditions (New) ............................ 46

Supplier Survey Cockpit (New) ..................................................................................... 47

Release Notes Support Package 04................................................................................. 48

SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced) ........................................................................ 48

IMG Structure for Supplier Relationship Management (Changed) ................................. 49

Business Add-Ins (Changed) ........................................................................................ 54

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Release Notes Support Package 00User Interface (New)See updated version in SP02 section.

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Workflow Redesign (Changed)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, a new workflow function is available.

The architecture, implementation, and use of the function have been simplified. The thoughtbehind the redesign is to:

Rationalize workflow-based processes and provide more visibility by offering oneworkflow instead of a whole set of workflows.

Remove complex coding and discontinue little-used features.

Support complex business objects.

Standardize approval processes.

Provide an easy-to-use tool to better support your completion and approval processes.

Simplify implementation and maintenance.

The following features are supported:

The existing workflow templates have been replaced with a single, non-modifiable template: MainSRM Approval Process Template (WS 40000014). This template contains the sub-workflowtemplates Approval Sub-Workflow (WS 40000016) and Completion Sub-Workflow (WS40000017).

The completion and approval processes have been merged into a single process, alsoknown as combined completion and approval process.

The process related to shopping carts has been redesigned. Shopping carts must nowbe completed before the approval process is started.

Process levels and process level steps help you set up completion and approvalprocesses effectively, regardless of the number of approvals (n-step approval).

The Business Rule Framework (BRF) provides an easy-to-use interface for definingtriggering events and level validation for workflow-based processes.

Business Add-In Determine Agents (/SAPSRM/BD_WF_AGENTS) helps you assignthe relevant user to each level.

The SRM Inbox has been replaced with the Universal Worklist, an Enterprise Portaltechnology.

A more sophisticated approach to decision-making based on decision sets has beenimplemented: the new approval template has been designed as a line item approvalworkflow to address both header (one decision set) and line item approval (multipledecision sets).

For performance reasons, the Java applet-based graphical approval preview has beenreplaced with a preview in tabular form.

Some features available in mySAP Supplier Relationship Management 5.0 have beenremoved:

You are not allowed to copy workflow templates or to delegate BOR objects (that is,add customer-specific methods) anymore.

You cannot change documents any time.

You cannot change approver during the approval phase.

Changing a shopping cart document now depends on the approval level, not on userattributes.

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Other features are currently not supported:

Spending limit approval

Alert-based workflows and notifications for shopping carts

Reviewers for internal or technical revisions

Effects on Existing DataRun report SRM Workflow Conversion (/SAPSRM/PR_WF_MIGRATION_CFG) after theprocess level configuration (as described in the IMG step Define Process Levels) to make allrunning workflows compatible with the new architecture.

Effects on CustomizingTo use the new workflow function, you must make customizing settings in the ImplementationGuide under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow(new). This section contains the activities you have to perform to set up workflows based onthe new concept:

Basis Workflow Settings

SRM Workflow Settings

BRF SettingsDefine business rules that are processed when an event is triggered.

Workflow SettingsActivate the event linkage of the new workflow and configure process levelswithin the completion and approval process.

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SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe (Changed)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can use SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe as an alternative toSmart Forms for your business documents.

Effects on CustomizingTo change the output format, you must perform the following activities in the ImplementationGuide under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Set Output Actions andOutput Format:

Define Actions for Document Output

Condition-Dependent Document Output

The existing documentation has been updated to reflect the technical changes.

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Transferring External Requirements with Attachments (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, external requirements including attachments can be transferred fromexternal systems, such as SAP ERP or non-SAP systems, to the SRM system. Theattachments are added to the corresponding shopping cart items.

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Account Assignment (Enhanced)UseFrom SAP SRM 2007, you can enter more than one G/L account per product category andaccount assignment category in Customizing. You set one G/L account as default accountassignment.

When creating a shopping cart, you can use the search help to help you select the requiredaccount assignment. The system always displays the default account assignment for theparticular account assignment category, even when you change the account assignmentcategory.

Effects on CustomizingYou define G/L accounts in the Implementation Guide (IMG) under Supplier RelationshipManagement -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Account Assignment ->Define G/L Account for Product Category and Account Assignment Category.

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Grouping Backend Contracts out of a GOA (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can create one single contract in the backend system out of aglobal outline agreement (GOA) with multiple items referring to multiple locations of onebackend system.

Items belonging to the same released authorized purchasing organization, but differentlocations, can be grouped together into one backend contract. This grouping logic can only beused if the customer creates a GOA with a 1:1:1 relationship among an item, a releasedauthorized purchasing organization, and a location.

You activate or deactivate the grouping of backend contracts out of a GOA in customizing.

Changes to the User InterfaceIf the grouping logic for locations is activated in customizing, the following changes to the userinterface come into effect:

The header distribution screen is disabled while creating the GOA.

The released organized purchase organization, location, document type, and targetvalues are maintained at item level on the item distribution screen.

The header distribution screen is filled with the values maintained at item level. Thetarget values of all items resulting in one backend contract, are accumulated, anddisplayed, on the header distribution screen.

Effects on CustomizingTo use the Grouping Backend Contracts out of a GOA function, you must make customizingsettings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management ->SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Activate Grouping Logic for Locations inGOA.

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Configuration of Delivery Date in Shopping Cart andConfirmation (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can influence the values of the fields Delivery Date in the shoppingcart and Delivery/Performance Date in the confirmation with the help of a Business Add-In(BAdI).

Previously, the current date was always shown as the delivery date. Now, you can alter thedate to meet your specific needs. For example, you can set the current date plus x days asthe default value.

Effects on CustomizingThe following BAdI is relevant:

SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) -> Default Values for Delivery Date and SelectionCriteria

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Withdraw RFx Response (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, the bidder has the option to withdraw his RFx response prior to thesubmission deadline if the response has not yet been accepted or rejected by the purchaser.He can reactivate a withdrawn RFx response prior to the submission deadline. WithdrawnRFx responses cannot be awarded or rejected. The purchaser can perform the samefunctions if he acts on behalf of the bidder.

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Calculate Value of RFx Response (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can easily view the value per line item of an RFx response. Withsimple prices, the system automatically calculates and displays the total value. With complexprices, the bidder and the purchaser have the option to manually trigger a price calculation todisplay the total value per line item of an RFx response.

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Full Quantity Bidding (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, as a purchaser, you can set an indicator on the basic data tab of theRFx called Bidder can change quantities. The bidders must bid on the full quantity then. Thisis particularly useful when you want to order from one supplier only, or when you do notexpect many bidders to take part in the RFx.

Effects on CustomizingTo have the checkbox Bidder can change quantities selected by default, you must make thefollowing settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier RelationshipManagement -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Define TransactionTypes. Select the RFx entry and double-click on Transaction Types in the tree on the lefthand side of the screen. Double-click on the RFx entry. Under Process Control, select Biddercan change quantities.

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Intend to Bid Indication (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, the bidder in SAP Bidding Engine can indicate his willingness toparticipate in a bidding event at an early stage of the bidding process, that is, after receivingthe RFx. He can choose between yes, tentative, or no in the bid intent buttons. As apurchaser, you can see if a bidder has accepted or declined his participation on theBidder/Responses tab of the RFx detail. There is also a counter for the different responses.You can sort bidders according to their intentions to bid.

The indication to bid or not to bid is not binding for bidders. They can bid in an RFx althoughthey indicated not to have the intent to bid, and the other way around. They can also changetheir choices in the bid intent buttons.

If the checkbox "Allow multiple responses per company" has not been selected incustomizing, all bidder contacts from the same company edit a single intend to bid indication.

For contact persons already invited to the RFx, the bid intent button replaces the registerbutton.

As a purchaser, you can also perform this function on behalf of a bidder.

See alsoRelease Note "Multiple Responses per Company".

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Allow Multiple Responses per Company (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can set an indicator called Allow multiple responses per companyon the basic data tab of the RFx. When the indicator is set, the system behaves as in formerreleases: Different contacts within one company can compete with each other editing differentRFx responses. The new functionality can be used when the indicator is not set: Contacts ofone and the same company handle one and the same RFx response then, and the intent tobid indication is at the company level. Still, all invited contacts of a company get automatic e-mails.

Effects on Existing DataExisting data needs to be migrated. Otherwise, after upgrade to SAP SRM 2007, old RFx'swill be considered as NOT allowing multiple RFx responses per company.

Effects on CustomizingTo have the checkbox Allow multiple responses per company selected by default, you mustmake the following settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier RelationshipManagement -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Define TransactionTypes. Select the RFx entry and double-click on Transaction Types in the tree on the lefthand side of the screen. Double-click on the RFx entry. Under Process Control, select Allowmultiple responses per company.

See alsoRelease Note "Intend to bid indication".

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Questions and Answers Function (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can use questions and answers (Q&A) functionality within SAPBidding Engine. Bidders and the purchaser can create Q&A messages after the RFx hasbeen published up until the RFx moves into a status where no further activities are possible(closed or transaction complete status). The bidder can see his own messages and those ofthe purchaser only; he can see no messages from other bidders. The purchaser can writemessages to one bidder or broadcast them to all bidders. In the upper part of every screen,there is a link to the Q&A answers panel. This allows the panel to be seen by the purchaserand bidder, irrespective of the tab they are processing in the RFx/RFx response.

All Q&A messages are stored with the RFx.

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Response Comparison (Changed)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, as a purchaser you can accept or reject RFx responses in theresponse comparison of an RFx. You can accept or reject on line item level, or accept orreject the whole RFx response. You can also save your choices in the response comparisonby clicking on Save. By clicking on Hold, on the other hand, your choices are saved, too, butbids are not actually accepted or rejected.

If an RFx response modification exists, this is indicated in the item details. As a purchaser,you can access the details of the RFx response modification directly from the responsecomparison. You cannot accept or reject RFx responses including RFx response modificatiosin the response comparison. Neither can you accept or reject quotations in which the bidderhas created a new item.

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RFx Response Modifications (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, as a purchaser you can allow or prevent bidders to apply modificationsin their responses to your RFx. RFx response modifications can be of three different types:alternative, substitute, or supplement items.

An alternative item is an item in which the bidder bids on the original item, but he alsoproposes another item which in general conforms to the purchaser's original specifications.The bidder is therefore responding to the original line item, and is proposing a second,comparable line item that could replace the original line item. If the RFx response is accepted,the purchaser selects either the original line item, or one of the alternatives.

A substitute item is an item in which a supplier offers to deliver goods or services other thanthe goods or services a purchaser has requested, because he cannot deliver the goods orservices originally requested. If the RFx response is accepted, the purchaser selects one ofthe substitutes.

A supplement item is an item in which a supplier offers to deliver goods or services in additionto the goods or services a purchaser has requested. If the RFx response is accepted, thepurchaser selects none, one or several supplements in addition to the original item.

Awarded alternative, substitute and supplement items are transferred to follow-on documents.

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Creation of a Temporary Contact Person after OPI Transfer(New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can directly invite a supplier that has been transferred to SRM viaOPI to participate in an RFx. This is possible due to the fact that a temporary contact personcan be created in SRM when the supplier is transferred via OPI. You activate or deactivatethe creation of temporary contact persons in customizing. The temporary contact person hasthe role mySAP SRM Bidder and is included in the bidder list.

The information for the creation of a temporary contact person is partially derived frombusiness partner master data (language, country, telephone, and so on). Fields that cannotbe filled with business partner information are filled with default values (title, first name, lastname, and so on). You can overrule these default values by activating the BAdI mentionedbelow.

After the supplier has been transferred to SRM via OPI and the contact person has beencreated, the latter receives an e-mail with the link to the RFx and with a temporary user ID. Inaddition, the temporary contact person receives a second e-mail with the password.

Effects on CustomizingTo create a temporary contact person, you must activate the temporary contact personcreation in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management ->SRM Server -> RFx -> Activate Temporary Contact Person Creation.

The following BAdIs are relevant:

< Implementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server ->Business Add-Ins(BADIs)-> Input Values for Temporary Contact Person Creation >

Implement and activate the Business Add-In to customize the default values for the creationof a temporary contact person.

Standard Setting:

In the standard system, the Business Add-In is not active.

The BAdI provides the following method:


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Versioning of RFx Responses (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, RFx responses are versioned so that you can easily track changes thebidders have made to their responses. The version number is displayed on the bidder/bid tabof the RFx. Bidder and purchaser can compare two different versions of an RFx response inthe version history view.

Effects on CustomizingTo enable versioning of RFx responses, you must make the following settings in theImplementation Guide (IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server ->Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Switch On Version Control for Purchasing Documents.You have to set the indicator for the RFx Response.

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Dutch Auction (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can create and process Dutch Auctions within SAP Live AuctionCockpit. A Dutch Auction is a type of reverse (buy-side) auction with one buyer and multiplesuppliers, whereby the auctioneer raises the price from a low starting point until a bidderagrees to sell at that price. The purchaser enters a start price, a time increment and a priceincrement. Bidding begins at the start price. If no supplier is willing to sell at the starting price,the price automatically goes up by the price increment, after the time increment has passed.

Effects on CustomizingTo use Dutch Auctions, you must make customizing settings in the Implementation Guide(IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management -> Supplier Self-Services -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Settings for Documents -> Define Transaction Types.

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Release Notes Support Package 01User Interface (New)See updated version in SP02 section.

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Currency on Item Level for Global Outline Agreements (GOA)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can define the currency for each item within a Global OutlineAgreement (GOA) and not simply at the header level. Most businesses have differentcurrencies for one supplier in the single backend systems.

A Global Outline Agreement is a business document that acts as an umbrella agreement,negotiated by a purchasing organization for an entire corporate group. In most cases, thenegotiated conditions are valid for more than one associated purchasing organization orlocation. For that reason, the Global Outline Agreement as such remains as a bracket withinthe SRM system, whereas the single items are distributed to several backend systems forexecution.

After execution in the backend systems, the released value is transferred back to the GlobalOutline Agreement to collect all values from all backend systems into one document.

This enhanced functionality is valid for the following SRM roles:

Purchaser: SRM user with authorization to create and maintain business objects inSRM.

Supplier: Business partner from whom materials or services can be procured.

Bidder: A contact of a business partner, who can participate in bid invitations and LiveAuctions in SRM.

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Operational Contract EnhancementsUseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP01, you can:

Enter additional contract information in the Shopping Cart

The following additional contract information is displayed in the Source of Supply tab ofthe Create SC process:

Contract line description

Supplier part number

Prioritization in the Supplier List

Enter payment terms (for example, currency) at the item level

The payment term information is available on the line item level.

The payment terms are forwarded automatically to the Purchase Order and Invoicedocument and incorporated into the Invoice.

The payment terms that are maintained in the contract purchase order or invoiceoverrule the settings maintained for the supplier as a business partner in the system.

Receive alerts at the contract level

The thresholds to trigger the alerts for expired contracts and overspend can becustomized at the system level as a default, using the table BBPD_THRESH_CHK.The contract creator can adjust the alert threshold for a single contract. It is possible tohave multiple alert thresholds for a single contract.

Distribute contract items to a catalog

The checkbox Distribute Contract to Catalog has been moved to the line item level. Asa result, the user can select a single line item to be pushed to the catalog staging area.

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Replacement of Free Text Item with Catalog Item (New)As of SAP SRM 2007 SP01, you can replace free text items with catalog items in Sourcing.Replacing such items means that product data like supplier, product number, price, and so onis then immediately available. There is also a function to undo the replacement.

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SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP01, the new SRM workflow framework is available for the followingbusiness objects:

Shopping cart

Purchase order




The archiving objects of the business objects listed above have been enhanced to enable thesystem to archive the approval history. Data related to the new workflow concept, such asprocess levels or decision sets, can now be archived.

The following functions have been migrated to the new SRM workflow framework:

Spending limit approval

Alerts and notifications

Approval process for change versions of business objects

Effects on Existing DataTo migrate your running workflows to the new architecture, follow the instructions given in theImplementation Guide under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAPBusiness Workflow (New) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> Workflow Settings -> ConvertWorkflows.

Effects on CustomizingTo use the new SRM Workflow Framework, you must make settings in the Implementation Guide(IMG) under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow(New) -> SRM Workflow Settings.

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Invoice Management System (Enhanced)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can display additional information in the Invoice Monitor, a toolwithin the Invoice Management System that displays erroneous invoices. This additional datafacilitates work for the invoicing clerk. The following data is displayed:

The person working on the respective exception

How long this person has been responsible for the exception

The invoices that have already been posted (via the Advanced Search)

All available discount levels, for example discount level 1, 3 days: 3%; discount level 2,20 days: net cash, and so on.

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Payment Terms at Item Level for Contracts: PO Enhancement(New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP01, payment terms are available not only on header level but alsoon item level in Global Outline Agreements (GOA) and local contracts.

However, neither the Purchase Orders in the backend system, nor the Purchase Orders inmySAP SRM have the payment terms at the item level; only at the header level.

Therefore, if you search for a Source of Supply, the PO is now enabled such that the paymentterms are taken into account in this search. When searching for a matching contract, you canenter payment terms as a search option. If you do so, the system only displays the contractpositions that have the specified payment term for the position. If you leave the paymentterms search field blank, the system displays all contracts with matching items withoutconsidering the payment terms.

If the Purchase Order (PO) header has no payment terms, the search for sources of supplyconsiders the payment terms at the item level of the contract. If the system finds paymentterms at the item level, this value is transferred to the Purchase Order line Item. If no paymentterms are maintained on the item level of a contract, the source of supply transfers the valuesof the contract header to the Purchase Order header.

If the Purchase Order header contains payment terms, the search for sources of supply iscarried out as follows:

If the PO header payment terms match the contract item payment terms, the systemdisplays the payment terms in the Sources of Supply overview

If the PO header payment terms differ from contract item payment terms, the systemdisplays the payment terms in the Sources of Supply overview and displays a messagewhen the contract is assigned as the Source of Supply

If the PO header payment terms match the contract header payment terms, the systemdisplays the payment terms in the Sources of Supply overview

If the PO header payment terms differ from the contract header payment terms, thesystem displays the payment terms in the Sources of Supply overview and displays amessage when the contract is assigned as the Source of Supply.

When creating backend contracts out of a Global Outline Agreement (GOA), differentpayment terms on item level of the GOA are considered as split criteria. Header levelpayment terms of backend contracts are populated with item level payment terms of the GOAif existing - if not, they are populated with header level payment terms of the GOA. If you haveactivated grouping logic for backend contracts, only line items with identical payment termscan be grouped together.

Effects on Existing DataThe payment terms are forwarded to the Purchase Order document and subsequentlyconsidered in the Invoice. These payment terms overrule the settings that are made in thebusiness partner maintenance for the supplier.

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Integration with SAP Records ManagementUseThe integration of SAP SRM 2007 with SAP Records Management enables you to createrecords for shopping carts, contracts, RFxs, and purchase orders.

The technical infrastructure changes are valid as of SAP SRM 2007; the correspondingscreens have been redesigned and Customizing has been enhanced.

Effects on CustomizingDepending on the underlying technology (either the Internet Transaction Server or theEnterprise Portal), you must perform the following IMG activities to complete the integrationwith SAP Records Management:

Internet Transaction Server

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Activate Integration with SAP RecordsManagement

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Define Paths for Link to Records ManagementSystem

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Create Shortcuts for SRM - RM Integration

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Define Transfer Conditions for RecordsManagement

Enterprise Portal

o SRM Server -> Technical Basic Settings -> Maintain Portal Information

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Activate Integration with SAP RecordsManagement

o SRM Server -> Integration with Other mySAP Components -> Integration withSAP Records Management -> Define Transfer Conditions for Records Management

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Digital Signatures (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, digital signatures have been implemented to allow you to encrypt bidinvitation, contract, and purchase order data in procurement processes.

Digital signatures provide the following capabilities:

Enhanced security

Fraud prevention

Document integrity

Sender identification

More specifically, and from a strictly functional point of view, digital signatures are:

Created on purchase orders sent to vendors

Created on contracts sent to vendors

Received on bids (quotes)

Effects on CustomizingYou must perform the IMG activity Activate Digital Signature under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Digital Signatures.

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Release Notes Support Package 02User Interface (New)UseSAP SRM 2007 applies a new user interface (UI) concept, based on a clear separation oforganizing, planning, and monitoring work on the one hand and executing tasks on the otherhand. Organizing, planning, and monitoring take place in the SAP NetWeaver Portal whiletasks are executed in separate application windows.

As of SAP SRM 2007, application screens are gradually converted to Web Dynpro, the newSAP standard UI technology. With Web Dynpro, navigation within the application isstandardized and therefore provides user experience consistency and ease of use. Moreover,Web Dynpro screens can be personalized, allowing you to set up your work environmentaccording to your business needs. For instance, you can change the layout of tables.

With SP00, Web Dynpro screens are available for the Shopping Cart application.

With SP01, Web Dynpro screens are available for the following applications:

Operational contract

Global outline agreement

Contract mass change

Approved supplier list (formerly known as vendor list)

Quota arrangement

Purchase order

Purchase order response

RFx (formerly known as bid invitation)

Live auction

Sourcing cockpit

Advanced document search for all applications mentioned above

With SP02, Web Dynpro screens are available for the following applications:



Application monitor

Manage internal and external business partners

The SAP NetWeaver Portal with its control center and work centers is the central point ofaccess to your work environment. You can set up a control center as your home area, whichlists your tasks from all work centers assigned to you, across the different roles you mayhave. Work centers, by contrast, are role-based and allow you to start work in a certain area,such as purchasing, sourcing, or invoice processing. Both from a control center and from awork center, you can immediately navigate to where the tasks can be completed, for instanceto a Web Dynpro application.

The following worklists are also provided to help you to organize and monitor your work:

Personal Object Worklist (POWL)

The POWL is a new Web Dynpro application that exists in the work center. It providesa general overview of your work environment and all related business objects. ThePOWL is generated by predefined queries. Own queries can also be defined. Theresults of the queries are represented as clearly organized lists of objects, from which

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you can select items to work on. The number of business objects per operation queueis displayed so that you can assess your workload at a glance.

Universal Worklist (UWL)

The UWL is a list in the work center used for receiving, rejecting, approving, forwarding,and processing workflow work items, alerts, and notifications. It provides quick accessto your critical work items within the context of the work center and allows you tonavigate directly to where the task can be completed.

Effects on CustomizingFor information on Customizing, see the Business Package configuration documentation inSAP Solution Manager.

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SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP02, the new SRM workflow framework is available for the followingbusiness objects:

Shopping cart

Purchase order






Stochastic document check is now realized using the Business Rule Framework (BRF). Youcan define a BRF expression for stochastic document check and use this expression forprocess level configuration. Stochastic document check can now be applied to all businessobjects.

Effects on CustomizingThe following Implementation Guide (IMG) activities are relevant:

SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (New) -> SRMWorkflow Settings -> BRF Settings -> Define Expressions

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Display of Contract Hierarchy Discounts in Purchase Order(New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can display contract hierarchy discounts in a purchase order.

Since SAP SRM 2005, you can

Use contract hierarchies to support and improve your purchasing operations and

Define condition types for discounts, where the scale base is the aggregated releasevalue of all previous releases. In the case of contract hierarchies, the aggregatedrelease value then includes all of the contracts within a particular hierarchy.

As of SAP SRM 2007, aggregated release values which are the basis for discount for thecontract level you are using are visible in the purchase order.

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Revision Levels (New)Use

In discrete production processes, assembly parts are often modified slightly, so that they canbe used in the manufacture of other similar products. In many cases, a company must keepboth the original and modified parts in stock for production purposes. Instead of assigning anew plant number to the modified part, both parts retain the same number, but are assigneddifferent revision levels (for example, original part = revision level A, modified part = revisionlevel B).

As of SAP SRM 2007 SP02, a revision level assigned to a material in SAP ERP is available inSAP SRM if the user has selected a product with the product type Material and if theproduct's master data has been replicated from the SAP ERP back end. This assumes thatthe system landscape is homogeneous, that is, the revision level for the product is the samein all back-end systems. The SAP ERP back end must be SAP ERP 2005 Support Package 9or higher. As a result, documents in SAP SRM (for example, shopping carts, purchase orders,contracts, RFx, RFx responses, global outline agreements) can be based on a material andalso the specific revision level.

In SAP SRM, the revision level is displayed at line item level. A purchaser can change therevision level in SAP SRM. The valid revision levels in the material master record in SAP ERPare offered for selection in SAP SRM. For documents to be created or replicated in SAP ERP(for example, purchase orders, global outline agreements), the revision level in SAP SRMmust be valid. If it is not valid, an error message is displayed in the shopping cart andpurchase order in SAP SRM.

In documents maintained by bidders or suppliers (for example, RFx responses) and in liveauctions, the revision level is displayed only; bidders and suppliers cannot enter or changethe revision level, or check for existing values of the revision level in the SAP ERP back end.

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Currency on Item Level for RFx (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP02, as a purchaser, you can enable bidders in an RFx to choosebetween different currencies on item level, if one of the following situations is given:

The follow-on document of the RFx is a Global Outline Agreement (GOA)

A GOA is in renewal

A GOA is in negotiation

In these cases, the currency is provided on item level of the RFx and RFx response. This itemcurrency is the leading currency for all values maintained on the item level, for example targetvalue, price, and conditions.

If a response has a currency that is different from the header currency, the responsecomparison view has an additional line for response currency per item. Header and item netvalue in the response comparison are nevertheless calculated in the RFx header currency.

Global outline agreement is the follow-on document of an RFx

If the follow-on document of an RFx is specified to be a contract, you can, as a purchaser,define whether currency should be allowed on line item level. If this is the case, only GOA isenabled as follow-on document. In this case, the invited bidders are able to select a currencyon item level in the RFx response. Since there is no preceding GOA, all bidders are allowedto change the currencies proposed by the purchaser when creating their bids.

Global outline agreement is in renewal

As a purchaser you can renew a GOA that has already been released. In this case, a newRFx is created as a copy of the GOA. All header and item currencies of the preceding GOAare transferred to the RFx and its RFx responses.

Only the bidders that you have invited additionally can use currencies different from the one inthe original GOA. The actual supplier in the current GOA is not allowed to change thecurrency in his bid.

Global outline agreement is in negotiation

As a purchaser, you can negotiate a GOA that has not been released yet. In this case, a newRFx is created as a copy of the GOA. All header and item currencies of the preceding GOAare transferred to the RFx and its RFx response.

All suppliers are allowed to change the header or item currency when creating RFxresponses.

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Procurement Card (Enhanced)Use

As of SAP SRM 2007 SP02, you can also use procurement cards for product categoriesenabled for the extended classic scenario. So far, the use of procurement cards has beenlimited to the standalone scenario.

Procurement cards are a payment method ideal for making small payments. A bank or cardinstitute issues a procurement card to a company. The company authorizes selected users topay with this card. Users place orders with a supplier, who requests authorization from thebank. The bank then sends a consolidated statement to the company where the requiredapprovals are then carried out. The account statement is reconciled with purchasing data.The company then issues payment to the bank.

You can select Procurement Card as a payment method on the Basic Data tab of theshopping cart. It is possible to distribute costs, for example split costs across multiple costcenters. Later in the reconciliation process, you can change the account you have assigned inthe shopping cart.

As of SAP SRM 2007, the procurement card number is encrypted wherever it appears, excepton the screen on which you enter or change procurement card master data.

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Background Processing in Sourcing Cockpit (New)Use

As of SAP SRM 2007, you can use background processing in the sourcing cockpit to processthe following documents:

Purchase orders




Background processing improves the performance of the front-end system.

In the Implementation Guide, you can define the number of shopping cart items above whichsourcing cockpit follow-on documents are processed in the background.

Effects on Customizing

The following Implementation Guide (IMG) activities are relevant. You have to enter a numberfor the business transaction category Sourcing Cockpit.Define Threshold Value for Background Processing

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Alerting in Sourcing Cockpit (New)Use

As of SAP SRM 2007 SP02 you can use alerting in the sourcing cockpit. Alerting can beused:

During background processing of documents. If an error occurs during backgroundprocessing, an alert is displayed in the universal worklist (UWL). You can access theshopping cart that caused the problem from this alert message.

After a user has set the status of a shopping cart item to complete with the completeitems pushbutton in the sourcing cockpit. In this case, the user that created theshopping cart receives an alert in the UWL.

For each alert, an e-mail is sent either to the person who started the background processingor to the shopping cart creator. If you want to deactivate e-mail notification, see SAP Note896296.

Effects on CustomizingYou can make customizing settings in the Implementation Guide (IMG) activity SAP WebApplication Server -> Application Server -> Basis Services -> Generic Business Tools -> AlertManagement -> Define Alert Categories.

You can define an expiry time for your alert messages. Choose SRM Alerts under AllClassifications and choose Alert Category SRM_SOCO. Under Properties, you can enter anew expiry time in minutes. The default expiry time is 20,160 minutes, which is two weeks.

You can modify the Message Title of the alert message under Long and Short Text. You canalso modify the description under Properties. The message title and description are definedfor the language in which you are logged on to the system. You should maintain thisinformation for all relevant languages.

Under Long Text (E-Mail, Fax) you can supplement the alert message long text.

See alsoFor more information, see release note Background Processing in Sourcing Cockpit.

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Release Notes Support Package 03SRM Worfklow Framework (Enhanced)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP03, the new workflow framework provides the following features:

Adding reviewers

It is now possible to add reviewers to the approval process. Reviewers can follow theentire approval process for the document. They can display and create attachmentsand notes, and they can insert further reviewers. The following options are available:

The system can add reviewers automatically based on rules that you havedefined using the IMG activity Define Process Levels. The Business Add-In(BAdI) Define Reviewers (/SAPSRM/BD_WF_REVIEWER_RULE) is provided toassign documents to groups of agents for review.

Document creators, approvers, and reviewers can add ad hoc reviewers. TheBAdI Adjust Search Help for Reviewer (/SAPSRM/BD_WF_REVIEWER_F4)allows you to specify who is authorized to add ad hoc reviewers and who can beadded as an ad hoc reviewer.

Offline approval

In approval processes for shopping carts, approvers can now process their work itemsoffline in an e-mail without logging on to the SRM system. The approval decision isthen sent to the SRM system during the next data synchronization. The BAdI CustomerEnhancement of Offline Approval (BBP_OFFLINE_APP_BADI) allows you to extendthe SRM standard functionality for offline approval of work items.

Multiple account assignment

For items with multiple account assignment, the system can now distribute theresponsibility to approve the item among several approvers depending on theaccounting information. Each of the approvers then gets a work item and must decideon the item. As soon as one of the approvers rejects the item, the item receives thestatus rejected.

To use this function, implement the BAdI Define Agents(/SAPSRM/BD_WF_RESP_RESOLVER) according to your specific needs.

Approval history for old workflows

It is now possible to display the approval history of workflows that have been startedusing the old workflow technology.

Effects on CustomizingTo use the reviewer function, you must make Customizing settings in the ImplementationGuide (IMG) activity Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (New) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> WorkflowSettings -> Define Process Levels.

The following BAdIs are relevant:

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ->SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Define Reviewers

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ->SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Adjust Search Help for Reviewer

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ->SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Customer Enhancement of Offline Approval

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Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) ->SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Define Agents

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Exchange Rate Thresholds (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP03, when you create a purchasing contract, you can reduce the riskof exchange rate fluctuations by entering:

Currencies in which a purchase order is likely to be created, and

Lower and upper exchange rate threshold

When you save or release the purchasing contract, or when you create a purchase order fromthis contract, an information message, warning message, or error message is displayed if theexchange rate is not between the lower and upper exchange rate threshold. When you createa purchase order from this contract, an information message, warning message, or errormessage is also displayed if the purchase order currency was not maintained in the contract.

In the case of an information message or warning message, you are asked if you want toupdate the exchange rate threshold in the purchasing contract.

In the case of an error message, you must update the exchange rate threshold in thepurchasing contract before the purchasing contract can be saved or released, or before thepurchase order can be posted.

Effects on System AdministrationSystem administrators can define the message type (information, warning, or error) inCustomizing for Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Message Control -> Influence Message Control. In the standard system,the message type is set to warning.

See alsoOn SAP Help Portal (, see SAP Supplier Relationship Management ->Functions -> Contract Management -> Purchasing Contracts.

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Change Documents and Version Management for Conditions(New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007 SP03, change documents are available for conditions. Changedocuments are already available for all other fields in contract management. As a result, anaudit trail (change history) is available for all fields in contract management.

When you display a purchasing contract or global outline agreement (GOA) in contractmanagement, and choose Tracking, you can now also see:

Which conditions were changed at header level or item level

Old value and new value for the conditions

By whom the conditions were changed

When the conditions were changed

You can also select versions of a purchasing contract or GOA, and compare changes toconditions at header level and item level between these versions. (This requires versioncontrol to be switched on in Customizing for Supplier Relationship Management -> SRMServer -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> Switch On Version Control for PurchasingDocuments).

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Supplier Survey Cockpit (New)UseAs of SAP SRM 2007, you can use the Supplier Survey Cockpit to administrate surveys aboutyour suppliers' performance. It enables you to perform ad-hoc surveys. This new featuresupplements the event-driven surveys offered in the SAP SRM business scenario SupplierEvaluation up to now, where the user is asked to fill out a questionnaire after saving aninvoice or a confirmation.

The Supplier Survey Cockpit enables you to create questionnaires using the SAP WebSurvey tool accessible from SAP NetWeaver Portal. Furthermore, you can assignquestionnaires to surveys, send them out to the survey participants and monitor theresponses.

Monitoring is supported by a survey and questionnaire status management function, as wellas survey statistics. The statistics display the number of days until the survey deadline, thenumber of submitted questionnaires, the number of answers received and the percentage ofreviewed answers. You can group surveys that belong together content-wise, so that youeasily find related survey data.

Once a survey is closed, the survey data is transferred to SAP NetWeaver BusinessIntelligence (SAP BI) for reporting purposes. In SAP BI, you can use a dedicated InfoCubeand DataStore Object to evaluate the data. An indicator tells you, whether participants havemade free text comments to your questions. You can read these free text comments in theSupplier Survey Cockpit.

In the Supplier Survey Cockpit you can manage a database which stores information aboutwhich survey participants are potentially eligible to rate which suppliers (Who Rates Whomdatabase). In this way, you gradually build up an expert database for your surveys.

Effects on CustomizingThe following Implementation Guide (IMG) activities are relevant:

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings ->Number Ranges -> SRM Server Number Ranges -> Define Number Ranges for SurveyPackage

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings ->Number Ranges -> SRM Server Number Ranges -> Define Number Ranges for Survey

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Supplier Evaluation -> EvaluationCategory

Supplier Relationship Management -> SRM Server -> Supplier Evaluation -> Evaluation Area

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Release Notes Support Package 04SRM Workflow Framework (Enhanced)As of SAP SRM 2007 SP04, the new approval process framework provides the followingfeatures:

Business Configuration Sets (BC Sets) for workflow precustomizing

You can now use BC Sets to activate predefined Customizing for certain standardapproval processes. BC Sets are available for processes without approval and forprocesses with one-step manager approval.

For more information, see SAP Solution Manager under Configuration -> SAP SRM2007 -> Basic Settings for SAP SRM -> Cross-Application Settings -> SAP BusinessWorkflow (New) -> Business Configuration Sets for SAP SRM.

New approval process overview

The new approval process overview provides more detailed information about yourapproval processes. For example, you can now see all work items that have beencreated for a process level, and you can see how the responsible agents aredetermined.

You can activate the new approval process overview in Customizing for SupplierRelationship Management under SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings ->SAP Business Workflow (New) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> Workflow Settings ->Activate New Approval Process Overview.

Changing rejected documents

It is now possible to change a document even after all of its items have been rejected inthe final approval process level. In this case, the requester of a shopping cart, forexample, receives a work item after the final approval process level has beenprocessed and can then change the document.

To be able to use this function, you must have configured the system so that a workitem is sent to the requester at the process end. You can do so in Customizing forSupplier Relationship Management under SRM Server -> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> SAP Business Workflow (New) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> WorkflowSettings -> Define Process Levels.

As an alternative, during shopping cart creation, the requester can set the Work Item toRequester at Process End indicator.

Effects on CustomizingThe following Customizing activities are relevant:

SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (New) ->SRM Workflow Settings -> Workflow Settings -> Activate New Approval ProcessOverview

SRM Server -> Cross-Application Basic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (New) ->SRM Workflow Settings -> Workflow Settings -> Define Process Levels

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IMG Structure for Supplier Relationship Management(Changed)UseIn SAP SRM 2007, there have been several changes to the structure of the ImplementationGuide for Supplier Relationship Management.

New IMG activities

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server:

Activate Industry Business Solutions, Scenarios, and Country Versions (SP02)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Technical BasicSettings:

Maintain Portal Information (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Master Data -> CreateUsers:

Activate UME SPML Connector (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Technical BasicSettings -> Settings for Supplier Synchronization:

Notes on Supplier Replication (SP01)

Create Supplier Groups (SP01)

Change Supplier Groups (SP01)

Display Supplier Groups (SP01)

Information on Automatic Download from Marketplace (SP01)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings:

Activate grouping logic for locations in GOA (SP00)

Threshold Value for Background Processing (SP00)

Adjust Layout of POWL (SP03)

Enter Alert Threshold Data for Contracts (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Number Ranges -> SRM Server Number Ranges:

Define Number Ranges for Survey Packages (SP03)

Define Number Ranges for Surveys (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Event and Event Schema for Alert Management:

Define Recipient of Notifications (SP02)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (new):

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Notes on New Workflow Functionality (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (new) -> Basis Workflow Settings:

Maintain Prefix Numbers (SP00)

Maintain Standard Settings for SAP Business Workflow (SP00)

Set Active Plan Version (SP00)

Copy BRF Objects (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (new) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> BRF Settings:

Note on the Following IMG Activities of the BRF (SP00)

Define Events (SP00)

Define Expressions (SP00)

Define Groups (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (new) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> WorkflowSettings:

Activate Workflow (SP00)

Define Filter Values for BAdI 'Define Agents' (SP00)

Define Filter Values for BAdI 'Define Reviewer' (SP03)

Migrate Workflows to BRF (SP01)

Define Process Levels (SP00)

Convert Workflows (SP01)

Object Visualization (SP02)

Activate New Approval Process Overview (SP04)The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization)

Configure Generic Field Display on User Interface (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure CustomerFields

Define Customer Fields on Header Level (SP03)

Define Customer Fields on Item Level (SP03)

Define Customer Display-Only Fields on Header Level (SP03)

Define Customer Display-Only Fields on Item Level (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server-> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Field Control

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Display Standard Metadata Tables for Header Fields (SP03)

Configure Control for Fields on Header Level (SP03)

Display Standard Metadata Tables for Item Fields (SP03)

Configure Control for Fields on Item Level (SP03)

Display Standard Metadata Tables for Substructure Fields (SP03)

Configure Control for Fields of Substructures (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server-> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Define and Assign Actions

Define Actions (SP03)

Assign Actions (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server-> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Control for Actions

Display Standard Metadata Tables for Actions on Header Level (SP03)

Configure Control for Actions on Header Level (SP03)

Display Standard Metadata Tables for Actions on Item Level (SP03)

Configure Control for Actions on Item Level (SP03)

Display Standard Metadata Tables for Actions on Substructure Level (SP03)

Configure Control for Actions on Substructure Level (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server-> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Table Extensions

Define Customer Table Extensions on Header Level (SP03)

Define Customer Table Extensions on Item Level (SP03)

Configure Control of User Interface for Extension Tables (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server-> Cross-Application BasicSettings -> Extensions and Field Control (Personalization) -> Configure Table Extensions ->Control Table Extensions and Their Fields and Actions

Set Visibility of Table Extensions (SP03)

Configure Control for Fields of Table Extensions (SP03)

Configure Control for Add and Delete Buttons (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Integration with Other SAP Components -> Integration with SAP RecordsManagement:

Notes on SAP Records Management (SP01)

Activate Integration with SAP Records Management (SP00)

Define Paths for Link to Records Management System (SP00)

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Create Shortcuts for SRM-RM Integration (SP00)

Define Transport Conditions for Records Management (SP00)

Define Integration Scenarios (SP01)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Digital Signatures:

Activate Digital Signature (SP01)

Select Algorithm for Digital Signature (SP01)

Select Hash Algorithm for Digital Signature (SP01)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Country-SpecificFunctions:

Assign Tax Groups to Tax Classifications (Product) (SP00)

Define Tax Tariff Codes (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> RFx

Activate temporary contact person creation (SP00)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Supplier Evaluation:

Evaluation Category (SP03)

Evaluation Area (SP03)

The following IMG activities were added to the section SRM Server -> Procurement Card:

Define Product Categories for Procurement Card (SP00)

Enhanced IMG activities

The following IMG activities were enhanced in the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings :

Define Transaction Types (SP00)

Switch on Version Control for Purchasing Documents (SP00)

Define Threshold Value for Background Processing (SP02)

The following IMG activities were enhanced in the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> SAP Business Workflow (new) -> SRM Workflow Settings -> WorkflowSettings:

Define Process Levels (SP03)

The following IMG activities were enhanced in the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Set Output Actions and Output Format:

Define Actions for Document Output (SP00)

Condition-Dependent Document Output (SP00)

The following IMG activities were enhanced in the section SRM Server -> Cross-ApplicationBasic Settings -> Account Assignment:

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Define G/L Account for Product Category and Account Assignment Category (SP00)

The following IMG section has been renamed:

Old: SRM Server -> Bid Invitation -> Dynamic Attributes

Define Data Types for Dynamic Attributes

Assign Dynamic Attributes to Groups

Process Dynamic Attributes

New: SRM Server -> RFx -> Questions

Define Data Types for Questions

Assign Questions to Groups

Process Questions

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Release Notes 31.01.2008

SAP SRM 2007 54

Business Add-Ins (Changed)UseThere are new BAdIs in SAP SRM 2007.

To access all of the BAdIs available and their documentation, go to the Implementation Guide(IMG) for Supplier Relationship Management, and choose SRM Server -> Business Add-Ins(BAdIs).

The following new BAdIs are available:

Input Values for Temporary Contact Person Creation (SP00)

Default Values for Delivery Date and Selection Criteria (SP00)

Shopping Carts and Requirement Items -> Shopping Cart Monitor: Object Adaptation(SP02)

Shopping Carts and Requirement Items -> Shopping Cart Monitor: UI ContentAdaptation (SP02)

SAP Business Workflow (New)--> Define Processor (SP00)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Define Deadlines for Events (SP01)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Process Level Configuration (SP01)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Manage Process Restarts (SP01)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Determine Shopping Cart Value for PurchasingBudget Workflow (SP01)

SAP Business Workflow (New)--> Adjust Search Help for Ad Hoc Agent (SP01)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Adjust Search Help for Reviewer (SP03)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Define Reviewers (SP03)

SAP Business Workflow (New) -> Customer Enhancement of Offline Approval (SP03)

Customer Fields -> Configure Customer Fields -> Fill Display Fields on Header Level(SP03)

Customer Fields -> Configure Customer Fields -> Fill Display Fields on Item Level(SP03)

Digital Signatures -> Define Customer-Specific Document Preview (SP01)

The following BAdIs are obsolete:

Customer Fields -> Customer Field Control

Customer Fields -> Customer Fields with Standard Table Control

Interface Configuration -> Input Helps and Search Helps -> Display of Input Helps,Search Helps, and Favorites

Interface Configuration -> Input Helps and Search Helps -> Restrict the Display inInput Helps and Search Helps

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Interface Configuration -> Input Helps and Search Helps -> Internal TemporaryStorage of Favorites for Input/Search Help

Interface Configuration -> Input Helps and Search Helps -> Final Saving of Favoritesfor Input Helps and Search Helps

Interface Configuration -> Determine Screen Variants

Interface Configuration -> Field Control in Purchasing Document