release rhizobium spp. tropical soils and recovery …

APPLID AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 1981, p. 241-248 0099-2240/81/080241-08$02.00/O Vol. 42, No. 2 Release of Rhizobium spp. from Tropical Soils and Recovery for Immunofluorescence Enumeration MARK T. KINGSLEY AND B. BEN BOHLOOL* Department of Microbiology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822 Received 3 February 1981/Accepted 13 May 1981 Limitations associated with immunofluorescence enumeration of bacteria in soil derive largely from the efficiency with which cells can be separated from soil particles and collected on membrane filters for staining. Many tropical soils fix added bacteria tightly, resulting in low recoveries. Eight soils, representative of three of the major soil orders found in the tropics (oxisols, vertisols, and incepti- sols), were tested for recovery of added Rhizobium strains. All except one Hawaiian andept (Typic Eutrandept) yielded recoveries ranging from <1 to 13%. Recovery from the andept was 100%. In soil-sand mixtures, addition of only a small amount of soil caused a dramatic decrease in recovery of added rhizobia. Increasing the soil content of the mixture from 0% (10 g of sand) to 50% (5 g of soil-5 g of sand) reduced recoveries from >90 to <1%. Varying the ionic strength and pH of the extracting solution did not cause marked increases in recovery. Protein solutions, ethylenediaminetetraacetate, and NaHCO3, on the other hand, improved release of bacteria. We report a modification to the usual membrane filter immunofluorescence procedure which yielded consistently high and repro- ducible recovery (coefficient of variation, 30%) of rhizobia from several tropical soils. In the modified procedure, partially hydrolyzed gelatin, diluted in ammo- nium phosphate, was used to suspend the soil. This caused dispersion of the soil and release of the bacteria from soil flocs. The efficiency of recovery of Rhizobium spp. from several tropical and two temperate soils remained high as the content of these soils in soil-sand mixtures was increased from 0 to 100%. The modified membrane filter immunofluorescence procedure was used to follow the growth of a strain of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Rhizobium in a sterilized oxisol. The results showed a close agreement with viable counts at different stages during the growth cycle. Diluent for the hydrolyzed gelatin also had a marked effect on recovery. The efficiency of release of Rhizobium spp. from an oxisol was in the following order for the diluents used: 0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 > 0.1 M Na2HPO4 = 0.1 M sodium-phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) > 0.2 M NH4Cl > 0.2 KCO > NaCl = LiCl > water. The fluorescent-antibody, or immunofluores- cence (IF), technique provides a highly sensitive technique for simultaneous detection and iden- tification of specific microorganisms directly in the natural sample. Various applications of the technique in microbial ecology were reviewed recently (4). A quantitative membrane filter immunofluo- rescence (MFIF) procedure has been developed for enumerating specific bacteria directly in soil (3, 13). The essential steps in this method in- volve dispersion of a diluted soil sample to re- lease bacteria into suspension, flocculation to remove soil colloids from the supernatant, filtra- tion of a portion of the supernatant through an appropriately pretreated nonfluorescent mem- brane filter, and finally, the microscopic enu- meration of the specific bacteria on the fluores- cent-antibody-stained membrane filter surface. Limitations associated with fluorescent-anti- body quantification of soil organisms derive largely from the efficiency with which cells can be released from soil particles and retained in suspension after flocculation. Recovery of the desired organism varies with the organism and with the soil. Bohlool and Schmidt (3) reported recoveries for Rhizobium japonicum USDA 110 of 25 to 130% relative to viable counts at various growth stages in a sterilized Clarion soil. Recov- ery of Escherichia coli cells from nonsterile soil after 1 and 3 days was reported by Schmidt (13) to be 89 and 64%, respectively, relative to viable counts on selective medium. R. japonicum USDA 123 was recovered from a Waukegan soil 241

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APPLID AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY, Aug. 1981, p. 241-2480099-2240/81/080241-08$02.00/O

Vol. 42, No. 2

Release of Rhizobium spp. from Tropical Soils and Recoveryfor Immunofluorescence Enumeration

MARK T. KINGSLEY AND B. BEN BOHLOOL*Department ofMicrobiology, University ofHawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Received 3 February 1981/Accepted 13 May 1981

Limitations associated with immunofluorescence enumeration of bacteria insoil derive largely from the efficiency with which cells can be separated from soilparticles and collected on membrane filters for staining. Many tropical soils fixadded bacteria tightly, resulting in low recoveries. Eight soils, representative ofthree of the major soil orders found in the tropics (oxisols, vertisols, and incepti-sols), were tested for recovery of added Rhizobium strains. All except oneHawaiian andept (Typic Eutrandept) yielded recoveries ranging from <1 to 13%.Recovery from the andept was 100%. In soil-sand mixtures, addition of only asmall amount of soil caused a dramatic decrease in recovery of added rhizobia.Increasing the soil content of the mixture from 0% (10 g of sand) to 50% (5 g ofsoil-5 g of sand) reduced recoveries from >90 to <1%. Varying the ionic strengthand pH of the extracting solution did not cause marked increases in recovery.Protein solutions, ethylenediaminetetraacetate, and NaHCO3, on the other hand,improved release of bacteria. We report a modification to the usual membranefilter immunofluorescence procedure which yielded consistently high and repro-ducible recovery (coefficient of variation, 30%) of rhizobia from several tropicalsoils. In the modified procedure, partially hydrolyzed gelatin, diluted in ammo-nium phosphate, was used to suspend the soil. This caused dispersion of the soiland release of the bacteria from soil flocs. The efficiency of recovery ofRhizobiumspp. from several tropical and two temperate soils remained high as the contentof these soils in soil-sand mixtures was increased from 0 to 100%. The modifiedmembrane filter immunofluorescence procedure was used to follow the growth ofa strain of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Rhizobium in a sterilized oxisol. Theresults showed a close agreement with viable counts at different stages during thegrowth cycle. Diluent for the hydrolyzed gelatin also had a marked effect onrecovery. The efficiency of release of Rhizobium spp. from an oxisol was in thefollowing order for the diluents used: 0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 > 0.1 M Na2HPO4 = 0.1M sodium-phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.2) > 0.2 M NH4Cl> 0.2 KCO > NaCl= LiCl > water.

The fluorescent-antibody, or immunofluores-cence (IF), technique provides a highly sensitivetechnique for simultaneous detection and iden-tification of specific microorganisms directly inthe natural sample. Various applications of thetechnique in microbial ecology were reviewedrecently (4).A quantitative membrane filter immunofluo-

rescence (MFIF) procedure has been developedfor enumerating specific bacteria directly in soil(3, 13). The essential steps in this method in-volve dispersion of a diluted soil sample to re-lease bacteria into suspension, flocculation toremove soil colloids from the supernatant, filtra-tion of a portion of the supernatant through anappropriately pretreated nonfluorescent mem-brane filter, and finally, the microscopic enu-

meration of the specific bacteria on the fluores-cent-antibody-stained membrane filter surface.

Limitations associated with fluorescent-anti-body quantification of soil organisms derivelargely from the efficiency with which cells canbe released from soil particles and retained insuspension after flocculation. Recovery of thedesired organism varies with the organism andwith the soil. Bohlool and Schmidt (3) reportedrecoveries for Rhizobiumjaponicum USDA 110of 25 to 130% relative to viable counts at variousgrowth stages in a sterilized Clarion soil. Recov-ery of Escherichia coli cells from nonsterile soilafter 1 and 3 days was reported by Schmidt (13)to be 89 and 64%, respectively, relative to viablecounts on selective medium. R. japonicumUSDA 123 was recovered from a Waukegan soil



by Reyes and Schmidt (11), with an estimated30% efficiency. Vidor and Miller (17), using thesame procedure but 1% CaCl2 as flocculant, re-

covered R. japonicum USDA 110 from a Ross-moyne soil with 80% efficiency, but from a

Miami silt loam with only 20% efficiency.New modifications are needed to enhance re-

covery from refractory soils, and of refractoryorganisms, to increase the usefulness of IF as anautecological tool. Woilum and Miller (19) haverecently reported a sucrose density gradient cen-

trifugation procedure as a means to achieve highrecoveries. Their results indicate recovery ratesnear 100% with inoculated soils.We have found that most tropical soils fix

added rhizobia rapidly and irreversibly with re-

spect to the usual recovery procedure for quan-titative MFIF. In this paper we describe modi-fications that yield consistently high and repro-ducible recovery data for Rhizobium spp. fromseveral tropical and a few temperate soils. Theeffectiveness of the procedure is illustrated bycomparing IF and viable counts of rhizobia atdifferent stages of growth in sterilized soils.

MATERIALS AND METHODSSource and maintenance of cultures. Two

strains of Rhizobium spp., TAL-620 (Rhizobium sp.for chickpea, obtained from NifTAL) and Hawaii-5-0(R. leguminosarum, isolated in Hawaii), were used inthese experiments. All strains were maintained onYEMS agar medium (2) and grown for inoculum inbroth of the same composition. Chickpea strainICRISAT 3889 (same serotype as TAL-620), obtainedfrom P. Dart, ICRISAT, Hyderabad, India, was usedin one experiment.Chemical reagents. Reagent-grade chemicals

were used in all experiments. Antifoam C emulsion,

thimerosal (Merthiolate), and Tween 80 were obtainedfrom the Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, Mo.; NonidetP-40 was from Gallard-Schlesinger Chemicals, NewYork, N.Y. and peptone and gelatin were from DifcoLaboratories, Detroit, Mich.

Soils. Surface (0 to 15 cm) samples from eighttropical soils were used in this study. The pH, cation-exchange capacity, percent organic matter, and placeof origin of these samples are given in Table 1. Twotemperate mollisols were obtained through the cour-

tesy of E. L. Schmidt (University of Minnesota, St.Paul): Clarion (Typic Haploboroll, pH 6.9) and Hub-bard (Udorthentic Haploboroll, pH 5.2). All soils wereair dried and sieved through a no. 25 mesh (710,um),and 10-g portions were dispensed in screw-cap tubes(25 by 200 mm). Before inoculation the soils were

moistened to 60% of the water-holding capacity (cor-responding to 0.08 bar of tension). Soil sterilizationwas done by autoclaving for 1.5 h at 121°C beforemoistening.

IF procedures. Fluorescent antibodies were pre-pared by the method of Schmidt et al. (14). Thequantitative MFIF procedure has been described indetail (13). Several modifications to the publishedprocedure should be noted. Polycarbonate membranefilters (Nuclepore Corp., Pleasanton, Calif.) stainedovernight with Irgalan Black (5) were substituted forIndia ink-stained membrane filters (Millipore Corp.,Bedford, Mass.); the gelatin-rhodamine isothiocyanateconjugate (1) was allowed to dry completely on filtersbefore staining; and gelatin-coated filters were storeddry in a desiccator or left in the drying oven (60°C)until staining was done. IF observations were madewith a Zeiss Universal microscope, equipped with in-cident illumination from an HBO-200 (OSRAM) lightsource and a Zeiss fluorescein isothiocyanate filterpack.Demonstration of the sorptive nature of trop-

ical soils. Exponentially growing cultures of rhizobiawere adjusted to 2 x 107 cells per mi with saline(= inoculum). The inoculum size was estimated by

TABLE 1. Recovery ofRhizobium strain TAL-620 from eight tropical soils by using the usual MFIFprocedurea

No./g of soilSoil order/ Soil family OrigfnpH CeO) %e Mean recovery

series SifaiyOin pH (meq) % mAdded Re- (%)b


OxisolWahiawa Tropeptic Eutrustox Hawaii 5.4 23 2.3 4 x 106 8 x 102 <1Molokai Typic Torrox Hawaii 6.5 20 3.7 4 X 106 6 x 104 1.5 (1-2)

VertisolLualualei Typic Chromustert Hawaii 7.1 34 0.7 4 x 106 3 x 104 <1

InceptisolPLPe Hydric Dystrandept Indonesia 4.6 48 5.7 4 x 106 2 x 104 <1Burabad Hydric Dystrandept Philippines 4.8 45 12.9 4 x 106 2 x 104 <1LPHSc Hydric Dystrandept Indonesia 5.7 53 6.4 4 x 106 5 x 105 13 (10-16)Makiki Andic Humitropept Hawaii 6.1 NR NR 4 x 106 5 x 105 13 (10-16)Waimea Typic Eutrandept Hawaii 6.2 50 13 4 x 106 4 x 106 100 (90-110)a Soil physicochemical data were compiled from Ikawa (6) and the Soil Conservation Service (15, 16). CEC,

Cation-exchange capacity; OM, organic matter; NR, not reported.bResults are means of duplicate measurements; the range of each of the datum points is given in parentheses.'Soil code, Benchmark Soils Project/University of Hawaii.



Petroff-Hauser and fluorescent-antibody-membranefilter counts. Each tube, containing 10 g of nonsterilesoil, was inoculated with 2 ml of inoculum (= 4 x 106cells per g of soil). Two tubes containing 10 g of silicasand each served as inoculated nonsoil controls. Afterincubation for 2 h at room temperature, the recoveryof the bacteria was determined by using the MFIFprocedure (13).A soil titration experiment was designed to test the

effect of increasing concentrations of soil on recoveryof rhizobia. Different proportions of soil were mixedwith enough sand to give 10 g. To these mixtures wereadded known numbers of bacteria, and after 2 h eachmixture was extracted by the MFIF method (13).

Testing different extractants for improved re-covery. The Wahiawa oxisol was chosen as the modelproblem soil, for it consistently gave low recoverydata. Soils were distributed in 10-g portions into testtubes. Known numbers of strain TAL-620 were addedto each tube, and their recovery was tested by theMFIF method (13); however, the following extractantswere substituted for water: 1 M KCl, 0.4 M HCl, 0.2 MCuSO4-0.002 M Ag2SO4 (nitrate extractant), 10%ethanol, 100% methanol, 25% Nonidet P40 in water,3 M NaCl, 0.01 and 0.1 M sodium ethylenediaminetet-raacetate, 0.5 and 1.0 M NaHCO3 (phosphorus extrac-tant), 1 and 2% peptone, and 0.1% partially hydrolyzedgelatin in various diluents.

Modified quantitative MFIF procedure. (i) Ex-tractant. A 1% solution of gelatin (Difco) in waterwas adjusted to pH 10.3 and hydrolyzed by autoclaving(1210C, 15 lb/in2) for 10 min. A 1:10 dilution of this in0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 was used as the extractant.

(ii) Extraction. A 10-g portion of the soil sampleand 95 ml of extractant were placed in a 250-ml screw-cap Erlenmeyer flask and shaken for 5 min on a wrist-action shaker (other means of shaking were unsatis-factory). To the soil suspension was added 0.7 g offlocculant [Ca(OH)2-MgCO3, 2:5], and the contentswere mixed and transferred to a 100-ml graduatedcylinder. Samples were taken from the supematantafter the flocculated colloids were allowed to settle for1 h.

(iii) MIF. Appropriate volumes of the supematantwere filtered through Irgalan Black-treated, 0.4-,umNucleopore filters. The filter was transferred to amicroscope slide, and the effective filtering area wascovered with 0.5 ml of gelatin-rhodamine conjugate(1). The filters were dried in an oven at 50 to 600Cand kept there until staining was done. The treatedslides were stained (13) with appropriate dilutions ofthe desired fluorescent antibody.Growth of Rhizobium spp. in sterilized soils.

The effectiveness of the modified MFIF procedure forextracting bacteria from soil was tested by comparingIF counts with viable numbers at different stages ofgrowth in sterilized soils. Ten-gram samples of soil,dispensed in screw-cap tubes (20 by 200 mm), wereautoclaved for 1.5 h at 121°C and 15 lb/in2. Knownnumbers of different Rhizobium cultures were addedto each tube. Tubes were incubated at 280C, and fourreplicates were analyzed at different times for IF andviable counts. Viable counts were done on YEMSmedium (2), using the Miles/Misra drop plate method(18).

Statistical analyses. One-way analysis of variancewas used to compare differences between differentextractants and different diluents for recovery fromthe Wahiawa oxisol.The reproducibility of the MFIF technique is ex-

pressed as the combined coefficient of variation of allof the datum points (four replicates each) for thegrowth rate study.

RESULTSRecovery of Rhizobium strain TAL-620

from eight tropical soils. Table 1 illustratesthe sorptive nature of most tropical soils in anaqueous extractant. Known numbers of a strainof chickpea (Cicer arietinum) Rhizobium, TAL-620, were added to eight soils. The MFIFmethod was used to estimate the recovery ofthese bacteria after 2 h of incubation in eachsoil. All soils except a Hawaiian andept (Wai-mea, Typic Eutrandept) were found to be highlysorptive for the added bacteria: recoveries were<1% in four of the soils, 1.5% in one, and 13% intwo, with the Waimea andept releasing 100% ofthe added cells.Entrapment of the bacteria in the colloidal

flocs is illustrated in Fig. 1A and B, showingstrain TAL-620 embedded in a soil floc from awater-Tween 80 suspension of Wahiawa oxisolbefore (A) and after (B) flocculating withCa(OH)2-MgCO3.The results of the soil titration experiment

(Fig. 2) illustrate that as the amount of soil isincreased relative to a constant number ofaddedbacteria, the recovery of those bacteria is de-creased accordingly.Efficacy of different extractants for re-

covering Rhizobium spp. from soil. Of the 16different extractants, only 5 improved recoverysignificantly (a = 0.05). These are given in Table2. Extractants 1 M KCl, 0.4 M HCl, anion ex-tractant (CuSO4-Ag2SO4, 0.2:0.002 M), 10%ethanol, and 100% methanol, all containing0.02% Tween 80 and antifoam, did not improverecovery above the value obtained with water-Tween 80. Nor did substitution of a nonionicdetergent, a 25% aqueous solution of Nonidet P-40, for Tween 80 yield greater recoveries.

Partially hydrolyzed gelatin in ammo-nium phosphate for extracting Rhizobiumspp. from soils. (i) Added rhizobia. The mod-ified procedure, which uses 0.1% hydrolyzed gel-atin in 0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 as an extractant,yielded consistently high and reproducible re-coveries of added Rhizobium spp. from variousfield soils. Figure 1C shows that very few bac-teria remained on the flocs after treatment withthe gelatin extractants. Bacteria that wereembedded in soil colloids (Fig. 1A and B) wereeffectively released into suspension. The results

VOL. 42, 1981


FIG. 1. Entrapment of Rhizobium strains TAL-620 in flocs of Wahiawa oxisol and their release aftertreatment with partially hydrolyzed gelatin. IF was used to detect the appropriate strain in the soil flocs: (A)strain TAL-620 in unflocculated colloidal particles; (B) in flocculated [Ca(OH)2-MgCO3, 2:5] particles; and(C) particles after treatment with gelatin. Bar, 10 pm. Soil particles fluoresce orange, due to the rhodamine-gelatin background stain (1), whereas the bacteria shine with an apple-green fluorescence.

in Fig. 3 illustrate that increasing the amount ofsoils in a soil-sand mixture did not affect recov-ery of added rhizobia when the modified proce-dure was used, whereas recoveries decreased

with increasing soil content when water-Tween80 was used as an extractant.

(ii) Rhizobia growing in soil. In anotherseries of experiments, the modified procedure




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0:10 .5:95 1:9 2:8-SOIL SAND-PERLITE(gg9- 5:50 5 10 20 PERCENT SOIL 50

FIG. 2. Effect of increasing concentrations ofWahiawa oxisol in a soil-sand mixture on recoveryof ICRISAT 3889. Each datum point is the mean ofduplicate measurements.

was used to recover rhizobia growing in sterilizedsoil. Figure 4 shows the growth curve of TAL-620 in sterilized Wahiawa oxisol. The resultsillustrate the similarity of the growth curvesobtained by the modified MFIF and by viablecounts on plates.

Effect of different diluents of partiallyhydrolyzed gelatin on recovery. Table 3


TABLE 2. Extractants that improve recovery ofTAL-620 from Wahiawa oxisol

No./g'Extractant Tween80 Added Re- % Re-

covered covery

3 M NaCl + 3 x 106 9x 104 3

0.01 M Na-EDTAb + 1 x 107 1.5 x 106 150.1M Na-EDTA + 1 x 106 3 x 104 3

0.5M NaHCO3 - 1 x 107 3 x 106 331.0M NaHCO3' - 1 x 106 8 x 104 8

1% peptone - 1 x 107 3 x 106 332% peptone - 1 x 106 1.5 x 105 15

a Values are means of duplicate measurements.bEDTA, Ethylenediaminetetraacetate.'Phosphorus extractant.

shows that 0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 is the best diluentfor hydrolyzed gelatin in releasing strain TAL-620 from Wahiawa oxisol. In general, phosphateswere better than chlorides, and ammonium wassuperior to potassium, sodium, and lithium forremoving rhizobia from soil colloids.

DISCUSSIONThe predominance of the solid phase is one

major feature that distinguishes soils from othermicrobial habitats. Even in aquatic environ-ments with a large liquid/solid ratio, it is onsurfaces of solids and particulate materialswhere most microbial activity is found (7, 10).

VOL. 42, 1981 245







I3 1 k .>- v \*'|fI,2:10 1:9 2:8 5:5 10:0 0:10 1:9 2:8 5:5 0:

SOIL:SAND (g:g)0 10 20 50 100 0 10 20 50 0

PERCENT SOIL10 20 50 100

FIG. 3. Comparison of hydrolyzed gelatin-ammonium phosphate and water-Tween 80 extractants forrelease and recovery of Rhizobium spp. from soil-sand mixtures. Closed symbols indicate results with MFIF(water extractant); open symbols indicate those with the modified MFIF (gelatin extractant). 1, 1' = TAL-620in Wahiawa; 2, 2' = TAL-620 in Molokai; 3, 3' = Hawaii-5-0 in Wahiawa; 4, 4' = TAL-620 in Burabad; 5, 5'= TAL-620 in Waimea; 6, 6' = TAL-620 in Lualualei; 7, 7' = TAL-620 in Clarion; 8,8' = TAL-620 in Hubbard(refer to Table 1 for details of soils). Each datum point is the mean of duplicate measurements.

In soils, microorganisms attach to clay surfacesprimarily by electrostatic forces (8). Based on

this, Niepold et al. (9) have suggested that de-tachment of bacteria from soil particles mightbe influenced by the chemical properties of theextracting solution. They found that recovery ofeight strains of hydrogen bacteria with differentsizes, morphologies, and slime formation de-pended more on the bacterial strains than on

the type of soil used.Many tropical soils exhibit a variable charge

phenomenon. In these soils clay size mineralsand particles may be coated with an additionallayer of various oxides whose charges are pHdependent (12).Problems associated with the application of

IF for enumeration of specific bacteria from soilstem largely from our inability to release bacte-ria from soil particles and retain them in thesupernatant after flocculation of those particles

(see Fig. 1A and B). This problem is particularlysevere in tropical soils with variable charge char-acteristics.

Eight soils, representative of three of the ma-

jor soil orders found in the tropics, were testedfor recovery of Rhizobium spp. for IF enumera-

tion. All soils, except a Hawaiian andept (TypicEutrandept), yielded unacceptable recoveries(Table 1).In soil-sand mixtures, addition of only a small

amount of a Hawaiian oxisol to the mixturecaused a dramatic decrease in recovery of addedrhizobia. Increasing the soil content of the mix-ture from 0 to 50% reduced recoveries from >90to <1% (Fig. 2).Varying the ionic strength and pH of the

extracting solution did not cause marked in-creases in recovery. Protein solutions, ethylene-diaminetetraacetate, and NaHCO3, on the otherhand, improved release of bacteria (Table 2).












6t// :~~~






0 5 10 15 20 21DAYS

FIG. 4. Growth of TAL-620 in sterilized Wahiawaoxisol: comparison ofresults obtained by the modifiedMFIF and by viable counts. Each datum point is themean offour replicate measurements. The coefficientsof variation are 30% for MFIF and 40% for viablecount data.

TABLE 3. Effect of different diluents ofpartiallyhydrolyzed gelatin (PHG) on recovery of TAL-620

from Wahiawa oxisolaNo./g % Re-

PHG extractant cov-Added Re- erycovered

0.1% PHG-water 7 x 105 7 x 102 <10.1% PHG-0.2 M LiCl 3 x 106 1 X 104 10.1% PHG-0.2 M NaCl 3 x 106 3 x 104 10.1% PHG-0.2 M KCl 3 x 106 6 x 104 20.1% PHG-0.2 M NH4Cl 3 x 106 2 x 105 70.1% PHG-PBSb 7 x 105 2 x 105 280.1% PHG-0.1 M Na2HPO4 7 x 105 2 x 105 280.1% PHG-0.1 M (NH4)2HP04 7 x 105 5 x 105 71

a Values are means of duplicate measurements.bPBS, 0.1 M sodium phosphate-buffered saline (0.9%), pH


A preparation of partially hydrolyzed gelatindiluted in ammonium phosphate was found tobe the best extractant for Rhizobium spp. fromthe soils tested. The efficiency of recovery ofRhizobium spp. from several tropical and twotemperate soils remained high as the concentra-tion of these soils in soil-sand mixtures wasincreased from 0 to 100% (Fig. 3A, B, and C),whereas the efficiencies were greatly reduced bysoil content when water was used as extractant.

The modified gelatin technique was used tofollow the growth of a strain of chickpea (C.arietinum) Rhizobium in a sterilized Wahiawaoxisol. The results (Fig. 4) show a close similaritywith viable counts obtained at different stagesduring the growth cycle. Whereas viable countdata are also affected by adsorption of bacteriato soil particles, they provide a useful basis forcomparison and a necessary check on the floc-culation step, because samples are taken beforethe flocculant is added.The efficiency of recovery of Rhizobium spp.

from an oxisol varied significantly when thediluent for the hydrolyzed gelatin was altered.Results (Table 3) show that the efficiency ofrelease was in the following order: 0.1 M(NH4)2HP04 > 0.1 M Na2HPO4 = phosphate-buffered saline, pH 7.2 > 0.2 M KCI > 0.2 MNaCl > 0.2 M LiCl > water. This indicates thatrelease of these bacteria from the soil is deter-mined by both the cation and the anion com-position of the extracting solution.

In this paper we have described a procedurefor releasing bacteria from soil colloids and re-taining them in suspension for MFIF. The re-sults given in this paper refer for the most partto recovery of the chickpea Rhizobium strainTAL-620 from several tropical soils. We havealso obtained recoveries ranging from 60 to 100%with other fast- and slow-growing rhizobia fromseveral other temperate and tropical soils (datanot shown). Recently, Moawad and Schmidt(Abstr. Annu. Meet. Am. Soc. Microbiol. 1981N68, p. 184) have used hydrolyzed gelatin inammonium phosphate for efficient recovery ofthree serotypes of R. japonicum from the rhi-zosphere of soybeans growing in a Waukegansoil.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported in part by grant 701-15-60 from

the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Science and EducationAdministration/CR-AID and grant DSAN-G-0100 from theAgency for International Development.We thank Gordon Tsuji, Benchmark Soils Project, Univer-

sity of Hawaii, Honolulu, for providing many of the samplesfrom tropical soils, and E. L. Schmidt, University of Minne-sota, St. Paul, for the samples of Clarion and Hubbard soils.

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