release -the caribbean, paradise of the creative tourism

Creative Tourism Network® Page 1 The Caribbean, destination of excellence for the creative tourism. The Caribbean, with its unique landscapes, its rich traditions and its locals’ friendliness, has been inspiring the most outstanding artists and creative people for centuries. It is therefore the best place for creative tourists to discover and experience the local culture while participating in a wide array of authentic activities. From naïve painting classes and Carnival crafts workshops to Creole cooking lessons, passing though aromatherapy workshops or music and dance residencies, the travelers can live the Caribbean culture through a wide array of unique experiences. The demand for this new tourist trend has been growing considerably in the last years, resulting in the emergence of new management models. This was the issue of the workshop on creative tourism presented by Caroline Couret, director of the Creative Tourism Network® within the SOTIC Conference of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, held last October 22d in Curaçao. In her presentation she exposed to Ministers and experts from the Caribbean, the high potential they own to satisfy this new tourist demand and develop new business opportunities for private and public sectors. For most of them, it first deals with being aware of the intangible resources they have, and how they can attract new tourists. It then relies on the capacity for the local entities to work all together in order to create a branding based on creativity. This bottom up approach enables involving the local communities and empowers them through new tourism activities. They are no longer the intermediary between the tourists and the heritage; they ARE the heritage, contributing this way to locals’ self-confidence and increasing interest for their own culture. Thus, the creative tourism offers those destinations the opportunity to diversify their tourist offers without any investment, but just by optimizing existing tangible and intangible resources. The Caribbean is much more than a postcard. It is a mosaic of cultures, languages and people in a paradisiacal environment. Added to the fact that the creative tourism perfectly combines with other segments like the linguistic, culinary, MICE, single, seniors among others, this could be one of its main strategic development for the next years. According to the Ministers, new creative tourism destinations should emerge soon in the Caribbean! Contact: [email protected] Press releases are also available in French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at:

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Lecture on creative tourism give by Caroline Couret, within the SOTIC Conference organized by the Caribbean Tourism Organization in Curaçao, October 22-24th, 2015. + turisme creatiu, creative tourism, turismo creativo, turismo criativo, tourisme créatif, tourisme expérientiel, turismo experiencial, creative tourism network, turismo sostenible, turismo responsable, reponsible tourism. Barcelona.


Page 1: Release -The Caribbean, paradise of the creative tourism

Creative Tourism Network® Page 1

The Caribbean, destination of excellence for the creative tourism.

The Caribbean, with its unique landscapes, its rich traditions and its locals’ friendliness, has been inspiring the most outstanding artists and creative people for centuries.

It is therefore the best place for creative tourists to discover and experience the local culture while participating in a wide array of authentic activities.

From naïve painting classes and Carnival crafts workshops to Creole cooking lessons, passing though aromatherapy workshops or music and dance residencies, the travelers can live the Caribbean culture through a wide array of unique experiences.

The demand for this new tourist trend has been growing considerably in the last years, resulting in the emergence of new management models.

This was the issue of the workshop on creative tourism presented by Caroline Couret, director of the Creative Tourism Network® within the SOTIC Conference of the Caribbean Tourism Organization, held last October 22d in Curaçao.

In her presentation she exposed to Ministers and experts from the Caribbean, the high potential they own to satisfy this new tourist demand and develop new business opportunities for private and public sectors.

For most of them, it first deals with being aware of the intangible resources they have, and how they can attract new tourists.

It then relies on the capacity for the local entities to work all together in order to create a branding based on creativity. This bottom up approach enables involving the local communities and empowers them through new tourism activities. They are no longer the intermediary between the tourists and the heritage; they ARE the heritage, contributing this way to locals’ self-confidence and increasing interest for their own culture.

Thus, the creative tourism offers those destinations the opportunity to diversify their tourist offers without any investment, but just by optimizing existing tangible and intangible resources.

The Caribbean is much more than a postcard. It is a mosaic of cultures, languages and people in a

paradisiacal environment. Added to the fact that the creative tourism perfectly combines with other

segments like the linguistic, culinary, MICE, single, seniors among others, this could be one of its main

strategic development for the next years.

According to the Ministers, new creative tourism destinations should emerge soon in the Caribbean!

Contact: [email protected]

Press releases are also available in French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese at:

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What do we mean by Creative Tourism? .................................... 3

Who are the Creative Tourists? …………….…...........……..…. 4

The creative tourism’s ASSETS …………........................…...... 6

The Creative Tourism Network® ................................................... 7

Conferences, seminars and workshops on Creative Tourism ……. 8

Creative Tourism Awards: call for entries..…….…..................… 9

Cases of creative tourism programs worldwide............................. 10

Creative Tourism Network®

Contact Press, Interviews,

Press Trips [email protected]

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What do we mean by Creative Tourism?

The Creative Tourism is considered a new generation of tourism by involving the tourists themselves

and the locals in the creation of the tourist products (co-creation).

The Creative Tourism concept appeared in the 2000′s, and defined as a:

Blowing glass in Biot (French Riviera), dancing Rumba in Barcelona, baking “croissant” in Paris,

performing a concert in a church in Rome, participating in a cooking class in Bangkok, weaving according to

Mayan Tradition or even producing chill out music in Ibiza, … are some of the many experiences the

creative tourists are eager to live when they travel.

This new way of discovering a foreign culture by experiencing it, has been growing increasingly for the

last decade. Nowadays, the tourists no longer conform themselves in attending a traditional sightseeing

tours, they need to feel involved into the destination’s daily life. They don’t want to be considered as


A new paradigm for the tourism sector

The emancipation of “THE TOURIST”, from a mere holidays‘buyer to a proactive “TRAVELER” who (co-)

creates his own cultural experiences put the tourism industry in front of new challenges.

Indeed, it has to change its Top-down approach (the tourism has been industry imposing its standardized

offers and packages for decades) to a Bottom-up one (in which they have to take into consideration the

tourists’ specific demand).

This leads to the emergence of a new paradigm for the whole tourism sector. The tourist destinations have

now to compete in terms of creativity more than for their general features and assets.

This implies that they have to collaborate with artists, craftsmen, as well as citizens, within a wide array of

singular partners, to design and produce singular and creative proposals.

Instead of competing, the Creative Tourism Network® offers them the opportunity to promote their

specificities through the label “Creative Friendly Destinations“.

‘‘Tourism which offers visitors the opportunity to develop their creative potential through

active participation in courses and learning experiences, which are characteristic of the

holiday destination where they are taken.’

Crispin Raymond and Greg Richards (2000).

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It is difficult to paint a standard portrait of those new tourists who, by definition, want to be “unique”!

- They can be singles, couple, family or a group of travelers.

- They can plan their trip themselves or contract professional services.

- The nature of their creative activities can be educational (courses, workshops), or can even refer to the

creation (art residency, co-creation with local artists) or the representation (performing concert, acting,


Among the great diversity of creative tourists… we could meet:

A single traveler who participates in a cooking class in order to meet the locals or to share experiences

with other foodies.

An amateur choir or orchestra who travel with the purpose of offering concerts in each place they visit.

A group of dancers, sketchers or photograph lovers, whose travel purpose is to practice their hobby.

The families that take part in a mosaic class during their stay, in order to feel themselves “less


General outlines of creative tourists:


Comparing with “conventional tourists” they are:

More skilled – in TICs, languages, humanities, among others.

Polifacetic – they belong to a wide array of social communities

Prosumer: they produce valuable contents and experiences themselves.

They look for more interactivity.

About their expectations:

They want to experience the local culture by participating in artistic and creative activities.

They want to live experiences whereby they can feel themselves as a local.

They do not look for the “monumentality” or the “spectacularity” or “superlative”….

They are prosumers and share their experiences on social medias.

They are exclusive regarding the way they travel: once experienced the creative tourism, they no

longer want to come back to a conventional circuit.

They spend a substantial part of the budget for the fulfilment of these activities / experiences.

They use to combine many types of tourism, during the same journey: creative, culinary, eco-

tourism, slow tourism.

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Evolution of the creative tourist’s profile:

If we consider the reasons that lead the visitor to choose this type of creative journey, we can observe a

recent development. Until five years ago the tourist was a creative person who practiced an artistic activity in

the country of residence and wanted to improve it during the holidays (e.g. painting courses, dance, guitar,

etc.), now there is a new trend, so tourists generally add to their traditional program of visits more creative and

participatory activities, with the aim of living cultural and human experiences.

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The creative tourism’s ASSETS:

The growing demand for creative tourism arouses the interest of the destination managers and local

governments, seduced by the opportunity to attract a high value tourism by simply fostering their intangible

heritage (workshops) and optimizing the use of existing infrastructures (venues rental).

Among the many virtues of the creative tourism, we can mention the following ones:

Diversification of the tourist offers without any investment, just by optimizing existing tangible and

intangible heritage (traditions, crafts, artists,...), as well as infrastructure, cultural centres, monuments, etc..

Positive effects upon the profitability of the cultural infrastructures, thanks to this new demand.

Quality tourism endowed with a high added value and purchasing power.

Authenticity and sustainability as it uses the creativity as mean resource.

Positive effect on the self-confidence of the local people thanks to this new interest for their culture and


Its deseasonalizing character allows a better distribution of the tourist activity along the year.

The geographical outsourcing. The minor interest of creative tourists in traditional "tourist attractions"

contributes to a better spatial distribution within the destination.

Intangible heritage recovery.

"Creative tourism is a projection of a new tourism in which natural, cultural and

personal ressources are not manipulated and exploited but valued and enriched".

(Jelincic and Zuvela, 2012).

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The Creative Tourism Network®

International Network for the Promotion of Creative Tourism

The Creative Tourism Network® is an international organization created with the aim of fostering the

creative tourism around the world.

Among our OBJECTIVES, we can mention:

The promotion of the destinations that have a potential to welcome the creative tourists, through a

wide array of services:

Consultancy for the creation and management of their program of creative tourism.

Tailored communication and press services

Promotion in fairs, congresses, conferences, seminars, etc.

Partnerships with tourism and transports companies, cultural associations, media, etc.

Recognition as “Creative Friendly Destinations”

Organization of the Creative Tourism Network’s events in their destination

The identification of the creative tourists and their specific demands in order to propose them the best

creative experiences and destinations.

The academic and professional training through the organization of tailored seminars, study tours and

workshops on creative tourism, by our group of experts headed by the Professor Greg Richards, originator

of the Creative Tourism concept.

The research around the Best Practices of the Creative Tourism.

The recognition of the Creative Friendly Destinations by the Creative Tourism Awards.

Conferences, seminars and workshops on Creative Tourism:

Creative Tourism Network ® promotes the

“Creative Friendly” destinations.

Creative Tourism Network ® recognises its members as

“Creative Friendly”, to ensure the originality and authenticity of

their offers and their adequacy to the “Best Practices of Creative


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The Creative Tourism Network® regularly organizes and participates in conferences,

seminars and workshops on creative tourism, that can take different forms and focus.

Our members organize some of those events in their destinations.

2010 – International Conference on Creative Tourism – Barcelona 2012 – International Forum on Creative Tourism – Bangkok

2012 – Conférence autour du Tourisme Créatif – Paris 2013 – Séminaire International Tourisme et Patimoine – IPAC – Québec

2013 – Barcelona Expert Meeting – Barcelona

2013 – I Brazilian Conference on Creative Tourism, Porto Alegre, Brazil

2014 – Semana do Turismo do Sistema Fecomércio MG, Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Lectures, training and presentation about creative tourism: IV European Cultural Tourism Network Conference, – ICTN – Barcelona

Conference on Creative Tourism, Santa Fe, (USA)

FITUR – Feria Internacional del Turismo – Madrid

ATLAS Winter University ‘Tourism, Leisure and Creativity’, Barcelona

Màster en gestió d’empreses i institucions culturals, Universitat de Barcelona, UB

Workshop on sustainable tourism – cultural heritage, Croatian Chamber of Economy, Zagreb

Conference “The Cities as creative spaces for tourism”, Univ. of Bogaziçi, Istanbul

EIBTM – Global Meeting Events & Exhibitions, Barcelona

Séminaire, Paris, tourisme et métropolisation, EA, EIREST, Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris

International Conference on Creative Tourism - Barcelone

Culture Europe, Bruxelles

International Conference on Creative Tourism, La Pedrera, Barcelona

Global Tourism Forum – UNWTO – Andorra

Le Monde à Paris, Salon International du Tourisme – Paris – Porte de Versailles

Séminaire: “Économie, Production, Diffusion, Emploi, Formation– Montpellier (France)

European delegation PRACTICS projects, Interarts, Barcelona

Rencontres BMU, Liévin Louvre – Lens (France)

Journée de Travail sur le thème “Le tourisme en banlieue nord”, La Courneuve – Paris

Seminari cooperació cultural CPM, Andorra

INTO – Innovation and Tourism Seminar, Palma de Mallorca

Congresso Internacional de Gastronomia I Vinho do Porto I Norte do Portugal, Oporto

Institut Català de les Empreses Culturals (ICEC) – Govern de Catalunya – París

Master Oficial en Innovación de la Gestión Turística, CETT, Barcelona

Seminar “Heritage and Cultural Policies and Strategies for a Sustainable Tourism Promotion, CHARTS – Barcelona

International Forum on Creative Tourism, Bangkok, Thailand

Màster en gestió d’empreses i institucions culturals, Universitat de Barcelona

Conférence autour du tourisme créatif, Hôtel de Ville de Paris

Présentation officielle du projet Biot Tourisme Créatif, Ville de Biot, France

Présentation officielle et Conférence Ibiza Tourisme Créatif, Ibiza

Expert meeting on Creative Tourism, Barcelona

Taula rodona sobre Ciutats Creatives, Marrakech

Congress on Creative Tourism, Porto Alegre,Brazil

ESADE – Curs sobre Turisme Creatiu , 8 de Novembre, Barcelona

Université La Sorbonne – Paris, 18 de novembre de 2013.

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CASA ASIA – Advancing in Equality: Tourism Opportunities in Spain and Southeast Asia

Lecture on Creative Tourism – University of Monach, Melbourne

Master en Patrimonio Mundial, Proyectos Culturales para el Desarrollo, Univ. de Barcelona / Univ. de Turino.

Palestra sobre Turismo Criativo, in Loulé Criativo, Loulé City Council, Algarve, Portugal

Workshop on creative tourism to Circuitos Turisticos do Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Conference on Creative Tourism in Semana do Turismo, organized by Fécomercio-MG, Brazil

World Travel Market – London, Seminar on Creative Tourism,

Smartravel Conference – Portugal.

FITUR 2015, Madrid. Spain ITB 2015 –UNWTO Seminar Master Cultural Heritage – UNESCO, University of Barcelona, University of Torino, March 12th

Journées du Tourisme, Nantes, France, March 19th


Vê Portugal, Ministerio do Turismo, Aveiro, June 2015

SOTIC Conference, Curaçao, organized by the Caribbean Tourism Organization

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Creative Tourism Awards Call for entries:

Deadline: October 27th Created by the Creative Tourism Network®, the Creative Tourism Awards aim to reward companies, projects and destinations worldwide that foster this new generation of tourism, characterized by the active participation of the tourists in artistic and creative activities. Internationally recognized for its action in favor of a more innovative and sustainable tourism, the Creative Tourism Network® works with a panel of prestigious experts headed by the Professor Greg Richards, co-inventor of the creative tourism concept, in order to determine and guarantee respect of the Best Practices of the Creative Tourism. Thus, the international jury of the Creative Tourism Awards selected five, among a hundred of initiatives and destinations from ten countries, that highlight for their commitment to this emerging sector. They particularly appreciated the authenticity and creativity of the proposals, as well as the promoters’ interest in involving the locals and the tourists in the production of the experiences. Based on the criteria of quality, originality, innovation and sustainability, the prizes were awarded to:

Best Strategy for Creative Tourism Development: Société Marocaine d’Ingénierie Touristique – SMIT -Moroccan Ministry of Tourism

Best Creative Best Destination 2014: Crikvenica Tourist Board (Croatia) Best Creative Travel Agency 2014: Wild at Art (Scotland) Best Creative Residency 2014: Cerdeira Art & Craft (Portugal Best Creative Experience 2014 (ex-aequo): 5 Bogota (Colombia) Best Creative Experience 2014 (ex-aequo): Istra Inspirit (Croatia)

A presentation of the winners is available further.

Besides the recognition, the winners are offered tools and services in terms of promotion and shown as

Best Practices by Creative Tourism Network® in its press and communication campaigns.

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Cases of creative tourism programs worldwide:

Porto Alegre Creative Tourism (Brazil) Porto Alegre Creative Tourism is the first program organized in Brazil which offers its visitors new

and unique learning experiences, covering local content connected to the intangible world of culture,

tradition, arts and the effervescent atmosphere of the metropolis that is the gateway to the gaucho

culture. There are varied options in workshops, short courses and other activities for personal

development and immersion in the immaterial universe of local culture.

“Churrasco”Traditional BBQ session, marquetry training, Gaucha dances and music class, crafts

activities, photographic routes,etc.

Biot Creative Tourism (Provence – France)

Twenty artists open their workshop doors, to allow the discovery of their world in Biot’s unique

creative experience! For an hour, or a day, or a week, to learn their craft, share their daily lives, and

why not take home a unique piece of their own creation, blow a vase, a glass or a sculpture, transform

outdated jewellery, illustrate a children’s story, sculpt metal, trim a bonsai tree…

Creative Tourism Austria

Austria from a unique, creative perspective! Artists pass on their skills and knowledge

during creative courses, enabling visitors to craft their own souvenirs while on holiday! Tailor-

made, individual creative holidays:

Creative holidays, crafts and carving workshops, ceramic and painting classes, cooking course;

wine tasting, traditional dances,

Creative Tourism Thailand

Another way of discovering Thailand, off the beaten track.

Fruit carving, flowers compositions, cooking classes, music classes, traditional dances, Thai

Boxing, Thai Massages workshops, Photographic routes, Sketch tourism, Painting classes,

Ceramic classes, Art crafts and basketry workshops …

Creative Tourism Ibiza The Balearic Island has always been a paradise for artists and creators. This program invite the travelers

and art lovers to share its inspirational atmosphere.

Workshops of: sandals making, sculpture, underwater photography, deejay, chill out music,

Mediterranean cooking, theatre.

Barcelona Creative Tourism

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Created in 2005, Barcelona Creative Tourism was the world’s first creative tourism

platform. It aims to offer the visitors the opportunity to discover the city of Barcelona and its

surroundings in a creative way, to interact with the locals as well as to feel like locals

themselves. Workshop of "Gaudi-style" mosaic, cooking classes, wine tasting, sketching and

photographic routes, Catalan rumba dancing course, possibility to perform yourself a concert

in singular venues, etc..

Le Louvre – Lens (France)

In the heart of Nord-Pas de Calais – France’s Region of Museums – the towns around Louvre-Lens

offer visitors a rich variety of collections. Ancient and modern blend seamlessly together here– proof

that art is alive, well and thriving across the region.

Creative activities linked to the recent inauguration of Louvre-Lens and its area’s traditions. Projects

like an Emotional Guide help to re-create the local’s memory and to share it with the tourist though

creative activities.

Loulé Criativo (Portugal) A charming Portuguese town, ideally situated in the Algarve, between ocean and mountains.

In addition to its awesome landscapes and warm climate, it owns a rich intangible heritage and

authentic experiences to be shared with those new travelers. Also known as the land of the

crafts, Loulé and its precious surroundings, have a strong tradition in printing, pottery,

shoemaking, metalwork, basketry, among others.

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli (Québec)

Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is a very charming town situated in Quebec, on the banks of the

majestic St. Lawrence River. Named Cultural Capital of Canada in 2005 by the Canadian

Heritage, the village of Saint-Jean-Port-Joli is full of artists and artisans from various

artistic fields including woodcarving, contemporary sculpture, stained glass,

contemporary dance , music and singing … Essential tourist town, Saint-Jean-Port-Joli

occupies a distinctive place in the Quebec cultural scene.

Cerdeira Village Art&Craft From the breathtaking valley view to the perfect working and accommodation spaces, the

visitor involve themselves in an inspiring environment of artistic cooperation, where they can

decide whether to do their creative

work in the company of other artists or by themselves. Cerdeira Village Art & Craft has a

residency program in a shared building and also self-catering schist homes here you can come

with your family and friends and enjoy this peaceful and inspiring place!

Creative Tourism Guatemala

Another way of discovering the Mayan culture than participating at a conventional tour is

taking part in creative activities.

Workshops of: coffee and chocolate making, weaving following the Maya tradition.

Creative Tourism Galicia (Spain)

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Other ways to discover the richness of the intangible heritage of Galicia, while enjoying its

awesom landscape and meeting friendly local people.

Opportunity to participate in the rehearsal of a local choir, workshops of making cookies, courses of

basketry, making natural cosmetics, participation in traditional celebrations.

Creative Tourism Sant Feliu de Guíxols Sant Feliu de Guíxols is situated in the heart of the Costa Brava near Barcelona and France.

Thanks to its Mediterranean climate, it boasts a pleasant temperature all year round.

Activities: Cooking clases, Castanets master class, Fishermen’s arts and traditions, Painting

clases, Photographic routes, Shanies song workshop, Creative and cultural activities at the

Espai Carmen Thyssen, Performing a concert at the Sant Feliu de Guíxols Monastery.

Airserve - (Japan) Workshops of adaiko (traditional drum), creation of traditional musical instruments, visit of a

disc manufactory, cooking classes, meeting with local artists and designers, ...

Mundo Hispano Costa Rica

A selection of courses and activities to learn Spanish, participating in festivals, heritage events

and unique experiences living with the locals.

Activities, courses and experiences to discover the region of Frascati, at few minutes from Rome: wine

tourism experiences, cooking classes, painting, photographic routes ..

Province of Namur (Belgium)

Sculpture workshops (wood, stone), creating puppets and plush, weaving, paper making, jewelry,

chocolate making, ...

A wide selection of courses and activities to learn Italian creatively: jewelry course or manufacture of

shoes in Florence, cooking Calabria, Sicily singing...

New destinations are about to be officially presented.

Further details at: