release the power of re3 book - part 2 redo - by susan young


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Post on 19-Mar-2017



Self Improvement

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“Do you hold fond memories in your heart which you would like to experience again? Have you made mistakes which you wish you could go back and correct? Has life

turned out differently than you ever planned for or expected? The wonderful thing about Second Chances is that you

get to take what was once created or has already happened and REDO it to make it


“When you yearn to create positive change, stop

focusing on your old stories. If you hope to transform

your life from the inside out and become a new

improved version of your former self, refocus on what you want rather than what

you don’t.”

“Reframing encourages you to say, ‘Let’s look at this another way.’

By changing the frame around a situation, you not only change your perception of it, but its meaning for you as well. If you were to take one

painting and view it in three different frames, each combination would offer a completely different

presentation. Your perceptions work the same way.”

“You have resources and assets simply by virtue of

breathing, being safe, and being alive. In addition to these birthrights, you are

hopefully blessed with time, energy, loved ones,

friendships, health, money, intelligence, and untapped

resources. Are you reinvestingin what matters most?”

“Great leaders understand the importance of assigning the right

people to the right positions. If you put the wrong person in the wrong place, no matter how talented or earnest they are, they will never reach the peak of their potential.

Their strengths will be underutilized and they may never measure up to your expectations. Reassign to get

the best out of others and the situation.”.”

“Sometimes your brand, which was once relevant and effective, becomes

worn out or dated. Companies learned long ago that in order to

successfully grow their market share and maintain their competitive edge,

it is imperative to stay fresh and relevant. Take a step back and decide

which areas of your life could also use a rebranding.”

“You know what it feels like when you are out of alignment ~ physically, spiritually,

emotionally, or mentally. It wears you down, stresses you out, and negatively

impacts your health and well-being. Life becomes more of a struggle, tasks seem harder to achieve, and relationships take

more effort. Once you identify what may be causing misalignment, take deliberate

steps to close the gaps, realign your attitude and actions to feel dynamic and

balanced again.”

“We are engineered for health, vitality, and

resilience, yet we tend to lose a lot as the years go by.

What pleasures have you denied yourself? What

dreams did you once hold dear? What do you want

now? Restore them to their former glory and recapture that which brings you joy.”

“Are you happy with how you’ve chosen to spend

your time? We’ve all got the same 24 hours in a day, yet how you choose to prioritize

it will make or break your outcomes. When you

reprioritize your life by what brings you the most joy and fulfillment, life is rewarding

beyond measure.”

“Be a life-long learner. Whether you are seeking to

achieve peace and harmony, learn a new

technology to do your work faster, or design a strategy to blow your competitors

out of the water, retrainingis a pivotal way to

strengthen your knowledge and realize your goals.”

“Did you once have a grand plan which has become obsolete and no longer serves you? If there are areas in your life which

must change to help you create better results, a

redesign may be in order. Consider going back to the

‘drawing board’ to deconstruct what isn’t

working and start anew.”

“Have you ever experienced a shattering in your own personal

life? Where death, divorce, financial loss, failure, or disaster changed your world to such an

extent that you weren’t sure how to rebuild again? Clearing the debris from the aftermath is a

great first step. It enables you to start with a clean slate so you can

rebuild exactly what you desire. Where can you begin?”

“When you care deeply about someone or something, repairs are worth your

investment of time, energy, effort, heart, and resources.

Whether it is to repair a broken trust or a damaged

relationship, take the initiative to make it right and

make it better.”

“Your ability to readapt in the face of change will instill

confidence, improve agility, foster psychological safety,

and make you more resilient in life and in business. Your

re-adaptability will serve you well to thrive in most any situation or environment.”

“Recovery is the affirmative outcome you’ll enjoy once you

have moved through a setback and arrived on the other side. The sooner you

find ways to achieve solutions for recovery, the faster you

will regain vitality, hope and well-being.”

“The great thing about redirecting is that if you miss the mark and miss your goal,

you can simply change course. When you are

heading down a certain path, and feel like you may be heading the wrong way,

stop, turn back, redirect, or ask for directions.”

“Successfully juggling the demands of your personal and professional life may feel like a daunting and unrealistic task. Employers know all too well that if an employee’s

personal life is suffering, their work life will too. And visa-versa. Even the most self-aware and diligent

person can be challenged. How can you rebalance your life to prevent

burnout and promote well-being?”

“Revise what you need to as changes occur and new information becomes available. Be willing to go

back, look again, and consider where and how you can make adjustments in order to stay in

alignment with your vision, mission, passion, and purpose. Rather than rehashing the past, know that your life is a working draft and you can revise the story you write about it.

Let the revising begin.”

“In the pursuit of trying to be all things to all people or

trying to live up to another person’s expectations, do you find yourself saying ‘Yes’ when

you wish you’d said ‘No?’ When something is not in your best interest or goes

against your values, learn to refuse and graciously reply,


“There will be times in your life when things simply have to be

replaced because they are tired, broken, worn out, harmful,

outdated, or irrelevant. Take an inventory of the things that no

longer serve your best and highest good so you can replace

them with things which do.”

“Is there something which you have lost and miss terribly? Would the quality of your life improve if you regained it? Would it make

you happier or healthier? Would you be more effective, efficient, or productive if it came back? If there is something which once was and you yearn for its return, find ways to regain its presence and place in

your world.”

“When you rearrange, make it meaningful and significant. Don’t

rearrange just for the sake of rearranging. It would be as

“pointless as rearranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic.” In other words, why waste your

time on frivolous activities which could be easily undone or do nothing to contribute to the solution of your problem?”

“When you redefine something, you stretch your perception and open

your mind to new ideas. You discover new meanings and get to see your previous style, behaviors, or beliefs from an expanded vantage point.

Consider new options which would make your life more meaningful,

bring more fulfilment, and encourage you to shine.”

“Reconciling is about cleaning out your psychic closet. Do you have

unresolved issues which are draining your reserves, causing hurt feelings, filling you with regret, or taxing your tenacity? Reconciling

can allow you to move forward with acceptance and surrender, rather than berating yourself for what

cannot be changed. Are you ready to enjoy peace?”

“Dragging around pain and attachments from the past can

jeopardize your health, your relationships, and your happiness. It

can undermine your motivation, discourage your progress, and make everything in life harder. What can

you release to simplify your life, lighten your load and find more joy?

“We continuously make promises and create

agreements with ourselves and others. Some of these agreements are mutually

beneficial. However, when you realize that things you agreed

to in the past are no longer helpful, possible, or relevant,

renegotiate. Be invested enough in your situations or

relationships for renegotiationto take place.“

“There comes a time when you may realize that what once worked brilliantly for you is no longer

effective, relevant, or competitive. And as a result, you set out to do a

make-over, or design new improvements that will make it

better. After your innovations, hard work, and implementation, the

time comes to relaunch, reveal your changes, and reveal the new .”

“Many people associate resolutions with failure because they’ve broken promises

to themselves so many times before. They don’t want to fail again, and as a result, they avoid setting goals. For the

wise people who do set resolutions, research has shown you are ten times more likely to improve your life when you do. What are you willing to do to

make your dreams come true?”

“Are there things in your life that could use a facelift? What

neglected treasures could be given new life by restoring them to their former glory?

When you renovate and restore, you show respect for

what was and bring it back to a state of beauty, usefulness,

value, or vigor.”

Author Susan Young runs the speaking and training firm, Susan Young International. She speaks for organizations who want to leverage the power of change to improve positivity, engagement, and performance.

As a leadership trainer, she designs and delivers game-changing experiences which help people get laser-focused to achieve their goals.

To learn more or to hire Susan Young to speak at your next event, please visit:

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