released westof their flight...

THE WEATHER FORECA: ST. Cloudy and cooler to-da- y; fro wi nignu fair; nottnwest. Delilled weather, mall 'ndfawf, found on p"tgi lo.. , VOL. LXXXII. NO. 57. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1914. Copyright, 1JH, bv the, Sun rritilln,; onel rubUMng Aoriation. PRICE TWO CENTS. CARRANZA WILL RETIRE IF VILLA AND ZAPATA GO First Chief Also Deinands IMrht to tV Ciuwlirtato lor rrcsidoiicy. rin.MATI'M UKKLY TO IMIOVOKK XKW VAlt ' T"PT'.v. Mexico. Oct. 2rt.- - A scheiluleof f.a ir;, demand, upon th ARUascnll- - . ........ .... n mil lloll lirfllril- - I s ' . .. the. Millie to hi mo ' " r.v.'Uttw) "f was tele .iwsi llio win n us . w h ,,., the be oforo ,1,. by of tne i nrifere'heo 1'1"IU2. I" "u A ...1,1. ,1, rr"f. lie- T'i it Hen. Villa fever all connection v" tit, Ciiistltulloimllst army r ; o to I ii v ate life. Tii. G-- n. Zapata turn over the co i.m.ind of bin army to a General I, i, iLitmd be Carranza, It belnR und-r- -t "Ml that all hostilities would cease. That the Plan of Guadalupei the si ttlement of problems be Used as the basis for any p. in of Tim mi action regarding Gen. Car-r- a . a tlrst chief of tho Constltu-t'.i.tnlls- ts shall bo taken by tho ion to l"ir tlen. Carranza from V ..mliig a candidate for election to tli. Presidency at tho tlrst national e.. to be held In tho republic. Th it tho term of tho provisional jv. .i,l,.n..y shall not bo unduly cx-- t. ...I.d, assuming that den. Carranza w'll to retlro from his present . utile position. The communication In con-'- - .ri Unit thesM are tho only terms lino., Carranza will to t a compromise with tho convention and wtf rCjlt moxe Assistant HotrldRn overalls ffti. an aKTcement Carranr.a cindlibite for tho 1'rcslilency, but insistence upon the rull schedule of provocative Most tint Carranza aro i.c' .rd allRtied themaelvcs Yli:i,niXG. aVilllnB ri.iiilllli.ns. rrrtnln the Tres Mexico, according however, prepared hss1 t'.iat left free l.itw for the lVe'ldi-lie- by ..iuaiu- - C.'J boat containltiR .Itlile.M ine iaci um conference cxpwM.-..-"- "- prepared who actl the convention. He not wllllm,', however, pledKQ ni'i-l- f candidate 111 the I'resl-ii-nti.- il elections, and Indications are that the convention him debarred uom such candidacy will rc-l- u Us authority. Villa the by withdrawal. said .'irranza prepaid the with tho stubbornness .b'mui.liiiR Ills withdrawal Hiib-'itii- to in the provisional Villa ono of hla recoRiilzcd from AKuaseallente aro awaited by hero conentlon resumed li. with the of bMleved tho of the chief leadership was up and far that the con- - tii.,, not be Its nr- - liopiful that all inrtlis 111 the cause no surprise; not that .l- -.l iuw; of very by Mimic city yesterday denouncing Juan ripilill, who bus been placed in ra.-i- t. nf Mextenn r,itihasjy llcpnrteil llieenteel. to- - directory ami hue foi- - wounded, STATE BANS FLAG. Supreme t'liluild Inn Forlilel-dlii- sr Vr In I'nrnriVa. HostoN, Oct. 2'!. The constitutionality of the low prnhlhltH the red flap In whs in decision llio In tho cane of John was arrested In Fltchburg In November, for carrying red flag In toclallst parade. Justice. declared that tho Included nil the. domtnatlnK was red, and quoted dic- tionaries the "revolutionary and terroristic" associations historically of the use, of red Mag, that the law bo said to unreas- onably with the citizen." TROOPS TO COLORADO. Wnlrlilul W.nltlnR for llic Washington, 2f,. Pre.-lde- callers the that iho withdrawal of Fudcral troons from C'cilnrailn district irom pom Mexico anil that pro-- I ike'i will and and told Is not contemplated "at BWPh.,l HUitin,t that, w.icn confronting Printed of fMwo mAn th'reoti agrarian ARiiascatientes." run-- v .'.on consent Indicates consent ef-f- s irin-- l Is not of has to this case. on Oct. IB. Th the on the clad In blue smr.s ju. the the of I..R The no ..crm nj wHt ik-r- to abide Us made of i"-- i.rms srn It tho h to use of to t()0 ..rIir 'n A ' i .1,. f.iuww. the ; to-- I GeorRe to It inlRht be In He t to becom- - nz .it would likely bo of ta- - j,o to have Vl"l. CA ItRANZA I llller rrf's Chief, become rs'.rtl .pular .iicton Advl.-e- recciveu .Slither willliiR rttlro Htii-- ars .aieMion utmost l.ritei eiin's y arrival rumti'in every Itself ctioire. result remit would much C.0O0 Villa. lleliil.e-- s I'nrriil bjrder 2,000, fnnrl which y Court 1013, Chief Rurr statute Hags, color which Apply Wll-co- n White to- day s would which Motion known. understood policy "watchful been nppllcd Justices Appear on Bench in Overalls Wear .lumpers and Handker- chiefs Around "Cotton Day." Jackson, Mist.. three Justices Mississippi bench y ri'ii'iiwn been .ncKory ue-ti- that show seven imii tlank smrit Cotton Jumpers u,st emphazlslni; Importance forco hhlllbll Generals South. Attorney-G- r tieral lleslltinllon poslblo I'lnliil) delegates lletlpr likely krenml Interest report Carranza, carrying Supremo Knrnoven waltlns" Seek made oral nrRiimenU befoie the Justices.; Wasiiimiton, Smith. Cook and Heed entered the court room their overalls and smile went the rounds. attorneys In the apartm-'nt- , tin realized why the Justices had ilnnni the som" room cr:ary State l.anslnp department suns sa.lor; would oPpor W siiintiton. Oct. Carran7a Is now yrt, t:. II. mHh tlm llrldc . of to First Is to he ! to a to a! tl .if. IM ife lie ,.s to t n is Is by to k to l a If a t. Is to If it Is ns- - ' It Is s to resist . b It t . ir ,. i , a as s.t i It is ,ie . s. It Is at -- .' t in" to vi i. i .. t ... i a I to at to en a a a of a a of an to of a at Lilt ,11, n lu ,,,,, ..... ti It Is of Ceart When , has has oil - t lI . t :,.n oil .m, .1,. of liiwlttr felt " ......... they , j I ft ill." Miia anu and' Mnl from .itn hire. The Jrom ar,.a An As were once left of inc. be I". are doubtless nwire that In survivor of Titanlo rw there has been nnranl 1th pre1o of W. Daniel and Thu bride- - which arc In proem Titanlo win direct with that Carrania is InRlnnlns ,, Into the llf.i vnt nnlmK Astor ho Is b. jref. another nr"' ntll sur-- : acctpt Rracefuliy such wre, Daniel, wealthy. 'ii j. declare Carraiua recosiiliii Carranza to Kaln in y '.' I'res-Ji- i' .mts. ottlclals that the uuta received has Indlcal.d when evpresies Carranza v. r .iillials action oi.tih ii ciiHldered harmony ri nor.l parades "cannot Interfere I'rrirnl, Wlllllijr iiuthorlta Justices In Junipers a mailt howivcr, y d unusual to u i Dnnlel, Is a j Atsuas- -' (inilth and Mrs. John Jacob as - than himself, ,(n"0 and caused a .lft. a ve lllchmoiiil, va. ins is the daUKhter of CoriKrtssman .lnnia lluntlriRton, W. Va, Tho couple will niako their homo In this city. SON-IN-LA- AT FRONT. lleser I'lulilloit the Arltllrr f iepninn. VT uiANii:, N J. Oct. :!. Tho rea- son for Thomas A. deep Interest In thu present Iluropean became known y when It was learned the husband of his daiiRhter, Major Carl Oeser, Is at the front with the German artillery. Ho has in the army for a number of years and Is in the ordnance department, l'or a time ho was assistant chief of the electrical depart- ment of the German army. Mr. lMlsoii, who with wife and son Chat lew '" vIsltliiK Menry Kurd at homo In Detroit, is expected homo the latter part of this week. Several days uro Mr. IMison received a lcttter from his ilauRhter saylnR that her husband was at the front. Mrs. Oeser Is a of the inventor wife. NEW HAVEN Granil .Iur l ulll .Mo ii it n Ciiiislilereil MtciilRcmit. If the Indictments were voted by the Jury InvestlR.itlnR here announcd 111s resiu- - thfl Ncw. ,,ilvcn PIU0 they will b handed 11 nam as an iiKcnl of thu Carnuua Gov-- , lm ,(( o( tlln juriKes of the nnittr. nutrlet f!ourt nt 30 next Monday It .1.1s admitted ttiat this action mornB which ilrand Jury j. .rilx tne result of repudiation of WUH ,smp8ed yesterday afternoon r.. ml li s brother, ho has ben ('omul In Spevlnl slRnlflcance Is attached to the N w York, llotli are to have moused f a, t tnt tho Grand Jury will meet In '.i lana's Iro :,y declarliiR that they ipornlnR instead of between 2 and 4 1 their alliRlanci) tlrst to tho Aru-is- o'clock In tho afternoon ns usually, bias-- . convention rather than to Car-- 1 ns If It wcro Intended to hear fur-- I 1. ther wltnosses there would be conillct with the rvRUhir routine Grand Jury, VILLA'S which ..its m m- - morni..K. Moreover. It Is remarked that If the lien. Ilerreni Anierlcniis tn Knrnnvcti. IN Oct. Oct. urine erlmltml invest iKatlon had been the jury would most have been Dficic a ooiinito nato. of tho Rrand jurors In p.usHli.R Several .,... T.x. Oct. if.. - ItallvInR his of the Grand Jury room shook hands annv in an unexpected attack, with James W. Osborne, one of the Mi mUo ll.rrera, I.MOil nun, .1 . .1 I'hlliM.ilne, IV ,l.v llOVernmem ci.uiitii .iiiiiuiuk.-- iui l.H.l r. anivals the BAY RED upheld adding liberty WlUon I'ollcy present raiment Hushes Federal Federal dropped special n.ild Geo. llerrera, who re. .1 .Raitist Villa when latter broke HEAVY FROST DUE i .nraiu.i, Is In undisputed " l'! town. Olllelnl Teireenslers A imiiii nee Kail . were executed by Gen. I follow of the Iiik In .ih eirW. dniR I1.IUIIII ii.iciiuer or San t1at,onal weat'.ier seers ...... Te., - a refu.v from ,ul(t ,Knti tlu.r stieeillatlon In- - .,.,.. n ..-- oi i..H(ll the local rnt, that a heavy , I'amil. safl.iR IMward P linker " t0 , ....ishborbood to- - ' ; 1 . 'nlKht. ThW means that temperature . .. . -- i .).." hinin . . ..J may drop close to the freeZiiR pnlnt. and , ."Vreustcni's , . does t , tiut rr.?'" 111 I'.iso ho iio,mI b. soldier of Rfirrlsun of barrliiR the .ml Is srulteinl. Iler- - of STAY In Supreme of II of peisnnal daiiRhter Grand utmmoiieii I" ....... and heavy frost ! morrow may bo fair and cool, with frtsli stronR westerly winus. The coeilest place In the country yes ...,.....( ,..'.' mm n i.n i,.... , - M'i... i...iiin fiiuirht i.ii mercury R'd down to 2S dcRreis. out In . . . ...,i m .nie.i .v ChiciL-- tho temperaturn was Its mini ,. ,i,ii-.- . from Ihelr last ilef. iie. s mum, 30 deiees. The a IlRlit snow ....I ran in all directions. utorm In II i . ,l...,l jH rfl.- ili.ft.f.te.l Ilerreni t.'rl- - - "' " ' eiel "I! T in Ailtrmulnel.' ri.. ,!i';i,K::b!t;n!ie"rrV' z vf.!";; H'w,m hy Tho fall about foices Meueras siuaiis.up ..KofsarlbeRaosliootlUR. a,,.,. Is It ltn wowlnit at 1 1:30 ocl ock In e . I . ,at 300 w.i. l.uud aside from morning and all the ue itemed. BRITISH ORDER THE BRINDILLA TO BE RELEASED Question of Hejristry Trans- fer of Standard Not PLATUltlA 3rAY HE ALLOWED TO PROCEED fptrtal Wirelen Detpalch to The 9cH. Iinpon, Jct. 16. It announced that tho llrltlkh C.o eminent had satisfactory pnif that the ALLIES CHECK FOE'S ADVANCE WESTOF YSER Terribly WRKSTLE TREXCIIES; oeinK ioukih mi me irKinin nc tlnatam of Htatidard tnnk MUp . , j,een on the extrentn west battle- - , from a wireless mesaKo re- - Sandy selzrd off IMndlll... which fro, u,tn Nrth fa tnUen celve, nt hM Gate late lat nlKht IIool; about ten days nKo and tof T1p ,,,,, hoU, flrm, Halifax, was Alexandria, Krypt, and or- - . ...., !, does tlm steamship Saratosn of tho ard dors were theicfoie Issued that the veesrl h l.ltie, out of Havaiui on to - , 1 1 In T. ""l lllipcil iimi III.- - siiuuiii ne tmv. v.. vovace. iiueitlon of the of the text of tho communique Issued at 11 llrlndllla tu Ameilcan relstry, which, I'. .M, was as follows: Tilt: has pointed out, was main point of contention, not formally rnl'i-- by Great Hrltnln reasons which the curiespondtnt been unablo to as- certain, but Is most likely because of a friendly Intention on part of Great ltrltain to Interfere as little as pofcslble with American trade, raisins mlKht Irritate American1 public opinion and jet would In nowise anVet or endanger Knglnnd's ponltlon a belllitetciit. j case of tho steamer riati.rla Is still under Invef tlaatlon. Shu bound A.irhus. Denmark. There Is no j tlon of tho buna tides of her Uistmniion. ...... .,. German ;:,ar,r,r l"""'" Mc J r r Judges wished to they, -- expor: the to did not weaken (.,,.,...i ... iu iittn .1...1I.. llml th OC . leil fiftneu Day." by llnuinc. ami cotton woulil '"" If i found unsatisfactory of, iiti.O ctton cloth-s- " " of Cnpor T, iiatcbes fm AKiiascallentes da. that to i iIm appeared Mlniii. of advices Wet. "C attired at IliinUer. . Mr. pos- - caplnrt Tm ,. vim,. ' the statement of poiltlou of llrltleh Government respecting American shipment of oil, copper and other articles to neutral countries adj.teent to Germanv became available here with the delivery of the olhminR communication and the court (l1 a(.tllB by Mores Dtiy oi ,,eol gI,rI,K.iiice. llritlsh Ambas-mateilal- s. TITANIC SURVIVORS WEDDED. Ro,r Tm of lloliert for .if ID. to cao of tuno were 1 to malio eonie remarks on ' tho treneral question of contraband and attitude of Hrltlsh GovermnenL rilli.Aliri.MitA, Mrs. i:iole -- you the Smith, ,alt w(.Pi,, a th Holurt bankliiR honso "'des as us years, nf r!tv New York. to those countries alto survivor and ' communication belllRer- - II. ate Mrs. to not his tl.t sat imt of A. llilKhes EDISON'S Mnjor Itti IMIson's conillct been mechanical his his by his first INQUIRY ENDING. yesterday ono was ut time the the t, ha., 'litis uiuch 11.2 FORCES ROUTED, 'I'll probably not at with nli.hl InvcfltlRatlon. l'i.. the now "''' nii.rlcnns Iiik hU Temperaliiri. annouiiceil who was ii.i,iiie .nil j,y ta lu, hU the jlsz the the To. to V...I,,., i.'iiii.j l.'n. nt re Syracuse. s continued after-- i inoon, Tanker Raised. was received des the Oil was It sntii.i her as the for the avoided questions that as was for iU-- s- vpssel ri.ii.,.1 the the to-d- for! j,.lr the the the the 20. th. this the out was Whereas the value of Cnlted States exports of the principal nrtleles for that month, aa compaied with September, 1913, has decreased from J 107,"IH,000 to STI.OOO.Onn. or 30 tier cent., the ex port f Rasolene. n phtha. has In- creased from 20,000.0110 to 23,000,0m ruI-ln- s. or 15 per cent, and of fuel oil from 3li.000.no0 to 5s.000.000 R.illons, or 61 prr cent. firent l'- - of Oil In War. "1 need not point out that the course of the present war has shown the Im- mense Importance of the motor, the alrnMp and the submarine, nil ot wnicn are consumers of mineral oil. A law proportion of tho exports of country has been couslRned tn neutral ports, and. acconllriR to evidence In our possession, has been transmitted from them to a belllRcrent country. "As you are aware ttie Supreme Court of the United States In cnsld-ere- d vessels as carrylnR contraband, salllnR from ono neutral port to another. If the Roods concerned were destined to be transported by land or sen from the neutral port of lnndlnR Inti tho enemy's territory. It then decided that the character of the Roods Is determined by their ultimata and not their Immedi- ate destination, and this doctrine was at ii. iimn nniuleseed In by Great ltrltain, thoiiRh her rlltrnla own trailo was mo cnier sufferer. .Neiltrels lo Give finnrnnlees. "On tho other hand the neutral countries concerne.1, who arc anxious. In tho Interests or tneir neuxraiiiy n avoid belnR used as bases for hostilities by either helllRerent, aro now maklnR nrratiRcmentH whloh will Rive sure Rtiar-ante- rs that articles which may be used In war ehall not bo reexponeu, Hut It Is of course essential in ine Interests of nnd undisturbed trnde between neutrals that every security pos- sible should bo provided In order to belllRerents to form a speedy and sum JudRinent as to tho neutral destina tion of rooiIH wnica may on unco inr peaceful or wnrllne? purposes, "In the case or me uocneieuer, which wns bound tor a port In the near nelRh- - llRcretit, the to e.rder, ami tncro was inere'iore no Riiar-ante- o that It would not b forwarded to the enemy. Sli accordliiRly detained jntl' proof was afforded of the destination of her e'arRO and tho Inten- tion the neutral Government to pre- sent reexport. il,lses Cniitlon liy Milppers. ifcoi.1 conslKned to neutrals which, If transshipped to a DflllRi rent, miRiu no for belllRcrenl purposes. "I may observe In conclusion tho Hrltlsh has oaiftofH of In order lo make suro mat they aro really neutia countries, and have retained somo i'ar",oes, such as copper destined for Krupp's they et taken a sIiirIo carpo rilA- -. II. IIKSKS. N'rirr 51 K. Hill rninplM" oltlcn uulfltKr, iff (Jennans Suffer in Six Attacks in Two Days. TX DROWX EACH OTHER fptdnl Cablt T)tpatch la Tne Sts. I'Anw, Oct. 2fi. The Government Indicated that the hardest flRhtlnK of the past twenty-foti- r hours cuusi tho from ami her way New The nrms ivitl, said her., 1S3 that Germans have gained much by crossltiR the Yser. The The transference Sf.v In HelBlum Nleurort ha been violently bombarded. The Germans have continued their attnek nlonK the lino from Nifiiport to Dlx-mu- without liavlnir arrived at any result, accordlnir to tho lntest rejiorts. The entlro front extend-Iii- k from Im Hassee to the Sommo lum nlso been the object of violent nllit attacks, nil of which were re- pulsed. On the remainder of the front there Is nothitiR to report. The report of the afternoon stated overaus ........ advance ,hw that bo of the allies Will and that wearlns overalls same this free, I'nolllclal r. ports Germans have lost heavily In their new offensive were con-llrn- by Gen. .lnlTre. Tho report. Riven out at :B4 1'. M., was as follows: "TliroiiRhniit the day yesterday our battle front u nlonR its lines from Nleti- -. port to DKtiiude. Tho German forces which crossed tho Yser yes- terday between these two towns hnve tint been able to 'moo further. "The battle front al.o runs be- tween Yprcs and Holders, between Arinentleres and I.llle, west of I.a Itassee and I.ens and ohmi of Arras, where It Joins our line to the south. which has already been Indicated in former communications;. In tho tlRhtltiR of thee last few days tho enemy seems to have suffered con- siderable losses. 'Russia- - the west of the Vis- tula and north of the mien the Germans have been driven back on a line ninnlnif from to Ice, east of Itawu. Theso two places were taken by the Hus- sions by bayonet charms. tho south or the IMIIca In the direction of Itadon a stiff IlRlit is RolnR on between th. Uusslans and the Austro-Germa- n forces, have lost many prisoners and Kilns. the south of Sold' the Itusslan troops have crossed the Vistula In Rreat strenRth, hurllnR Imck the Austrlans. "AIoiir the San anil to tho south of l'rzetnysl stubborn tlRhtltiR hns taken place, the result belnR favor- able to tlm Russians. An Austrian column cntultiK from the Car- pathians near Dollna has been routed." MAX)' PHlSONHh'S TA A'VA. London Ileports on lip the IlnUlc I'ront. Lonpon". ( let. 2t', - Tlm oinclnl pre.s bureau Issue. the followltiR stntement at 10:40 this evenlnc: The situation continue" to be satls-f.ictor- The t'RhtliiR Is severe and con- tinuous, but Rround Is belnR Rained nnd many prisoners have In en taken. One of our divisions has captured tw KlltlF. TERRWLE OF WAR (crmniisj Strlte llesprnlel to I'. ire.. I'nss.iKc of Vscr. II y W. II. TIIOM s, Sptriitt coiTt ttvfttut fit Tor Sin the l.onitnn "Daily Mull " Spertnl fahlt VsaifrA fo Tnr. Sv. NoiiTMKiiN 1'nANi'K. Oct. 2H. I am In formed by a mcssiR" from near the shit of the occurrence that a larRO bodv of Germans mane their way ahuiR the ce. ist under the iliiues betweon Middtlkcike and Nleuiiort on Sunday niornlnR. TJiey weio allowed to proceed lo prepared trenches, when the wore hv tho Runs of tho monitor., and virtually wtpo.l This Information comes a source which have always found to be ac curate. All accounts a to the tcrrille nature of the llRhtltiR on tho V Six times within two days one reach was crossed bv the Germans at incredible pontoon . oil - V'."' carried "I ,' ! "':"':,' '. cost. There was timro terrible close tlKlit was neutral of works, havo I from Iiir than bate lieen sien before In this war The defenders felt, they say, as If eonie cosmic force was moiliiR upon then, uK.iliiHt which their little weapins were eiulte Impotent to more than fray the clj,e, but tliey went on aliootlnR In a sort of routine way. This onset was suc- - cee'ded by lire of Rreat Intensity will not atenipt to siiRRi'st the lossi'S Hi. . tu'n Hlilnu The llelel'iiiu ut It Is to be nopen tnai lor llio luiure ll(.av.)yi t,nt their losses were not coin Hdeiiuam precautions: win no in n.,..ah with those of the Germans The order lo show the real .lesiinaiion or ,,,,., olllcets have seldom so forced used al- though Go"crnmrnt ronlrabrand for ammuiiltlon not maintained nils. To To who To and out shrapnel the mass taulle.e. so ilellheratcly illled tho ruih with Niiccesslvo ilrnftH of men. WRESTUW TILL DEAD. .Mile, nnel Gcmmim llrim oed Kneh Oilier In hit Cniinl. Sptclal Cable Peiputch to Tin: Si's Is'i.ns'. net. 21. Anoth'ir filu Mnll i...:h.iut for it. and havo allowed nnriesnomlent In IVnac savs there w ro every carpo really destined for neutral j.r.oo German In tho Vser Canal on countries to proceed to Its destination." ' Sunday murnliur. Many had been drowned I'lesldent Wilson y characterized nll,i others bayoneted. The streets of tbei ni'sotlatlons with Great llrltaln over i)xminle wcro strewn thick w ith tho her recent seizure of American vessels ai vn,t en. rely friendly. 'pi,e ghoulish facts alone will Rive some. MATTIIKW's HI, MOST do Id'si of the savagoness of the lighting, the 7enfnvref on flecnttd Pufff, INVASION OF POLAND BROKEN, GERMANS NEARING FRONTIER IN THEIR FLIGHT FROM WARSAW SEA FIGHT OFF VIRGINIA IS REPORTED BY WIRELESS The Saratoga of Ward Line Hears Heavy Firing Be Clash of British and German Cruisers in Night Battle. Imllcutlonk that n naval battle vnn York. The messnpe stated that henvy llrlnt; was distinctly nutliblo to the passetiRers on the stfiimer, some twenty nhots hav-ln- R been lln'd by Runs of heavy calibre. The messaRo as received at Sen Gate and the various other wireless stations nlntiR tho coast read: "Heavy llrlnR hoard lieRinnliiR at S o'clock about 210 tulles south of tho Scotland llRhtshlp, apparently off the Virginia cimm. SearchllRhts are very prominent. Somo twenty shots from heavy calibre Runs about twenty miles distant toward hore." A subsequent meitsuRo asked the operator at Sea Gate whether he had hwird any news of a naval eiiRaRe nietit. I'pon lieliiR told ithnt no news had reached this city the operator on tho SaratoRa replied that the SaratoRa was belnR headed about In the direction of the llrltiR "to tlnd out what wns roIiir em." The tnesape v the first apparently nuthentl.' word received eif a probable onpaRement b?tween tho German nnd flritish seiuadrons patrollitiR the At- lantic coast. Wild rumors at various times line located battles off the 1'nlte'd States coast from Florida to Maine. Folkestone. prevailed. declaration cruisers The Krnnprlnz been always their Apparently, from outmanieuvrcd expected wiiRed. hnvo sent stations further Information rcgardlnc GERMAN CRUISERS. Tells l,rnliiK Vrrn recently know Just Vera mysterious indicated direction knowji that the Th ji evidently been an order Dresden and Karlsruhe them meet cruisers. These the Atlantic coast. Norwegian MINE IN CHANNEL SINKS LINER WITH 2,500 ABOARD lAmiral Gantcaumc, Bound Havre. Goes Down, but English Ship Saves All but Thirty, Who in Panic. until attempt London. tnemseies' ciiiirhir aUmt i......ei.u...v. ,,n)sinPr8 tumMInr lloat'.HR nun- - their the hno Nearly were. stumbled back the KiiRllsh nines. beloiiRliiR to tho Southeastern Hallway Apparently persons per-ishe- d. only the of the panic followed the explosion. Tin- sur- vivors at correspondent of Mi happened tn be aboard tlm Queen, left HoiiloRiie at o'clock, says tho slRhted the ellstress ri.Riials of tho Ganteaumo nt 4:30. Tin, .'iirresiHiiid Tit says he ninre of f!nn II10 clImblllR tlRclliR. As the ship neared tho wrecked craft hn loud when within 300 saw pus- - enRers Jump overboard. nls,. saw nit iauiiciicii wmi six pawnKcis. Tills boat Immediately capsized of the passeiiRers rirowne'il. rhe Quee alonRSldo with dlltleulty on account of tho IiIrIi sea was runnliiR the two vcfsela met with Tho scene the ellstresscil steamer was pitiable were hudilled toRethor on tho main decls, they scarcely to move. Great children were scroamlnR some lowed I'iiii Also. Tnr. Six 26. from Tlnifn Ger- mans Klblng largo which ha de- tected on boats can employed pontoons tho of war Hsse.x, Suffolk Hid the l'rench cruiser Des Cartes, have been to corner the Germans. Wllhelm, a converted North Lloyd nlso haa ut- - tackltiR merchant craft In the On several occasions: th German cruisers have be'en In of the. foe, but have to heels tho wireless dispatch they linvn been tho Ion Is belnR Later mesaRts been out from tho coast wireless to !o tho SaratoRa. lnqulrlnR for tho battle, l.i.Kllsli nr ouiers 'rnt. Spteinl llttwtck Sus IloitPKAfx, ewt. 2fi. Accordlnit to tho newsiiapiT h'rnnrr the captain of an KtiRllsh vessel at llordeaux nude tho following statement : havn wondered whire Ger- man wero. now have from Mexico, whero six col- liers were nt Cnir. at the same time as my They laden with UP to Hie briilRe. No one seemed to know i tlelr Inatlon. "One laconic wireless nriixnl. It mftrely certain point tn tile by plvliiR cer- tain latitude and lonRltude. left suddenly for the It Is Gsrmnn cruisers wr,.,R the are operat- - tn ti ro to tho IliR off south Since colliers Hew the IbiR." i for Are SI no eif west of of to of to Sis- - who not wait were to Oct. 2(1.- --- Tho Trench ovcrnoaru. ny io Amlral aboard cruisers colliers TOO ' two pusuiiiui nuniiiiiciiu... - - n wlw refuRees rrom 10 ...... over Havre, a ,.cn In tj "To aboard it rescued steamer all crew or riRiu as w.ri, A .1ul who 4 see ( I and I r .i iniien ainl yards several a im nnd n some anil a The had room Women and tn and tryltiR and cato and to .'i 1 I coal day a oce-a- n The th.-- and were couiii were and to l lle,i men, ' no of In of crow of still and that of his sink- - Iiir, said re two luiurs. Govern- ment INDIAN TROOPS ROUT GERMANS, DEAD AND WOUNDED FIELD slnilRhter. N'oiiTilwusTKUN woundeil, computation ilRhliorhiieiil unsuccesful punishment enterprise, upper-troop- s s.M'tiiiinaRc. advantiiRo SUBMARINES TROOPS. GERMANY PROTESTS HAGUE. Copenhagen submarine transportation LOCATES Complains Varmouth Kiiisor's Forco Disldilooil Sokliiilclioff, relroffriid Reports. DKPEATED AKMY SUFFKlfS HKAVI1A" .Scuds Troops L0111-lier- ff. AVliit-I- i Occupied. Ar.STKFAXS TliADI SKVEHALSUCCKSSKS Contimio From Carpathians Pinch, Says Vicuna. slaekenlnR before Information Apparently troops driven position lieen forced continue puraulnR nrmlcs Grand pnshlnff Despatches from aro abandonliiR inunltl'jns cavalry, which movement about almost second Germans expected Invasion I'etroRrad, evucuatliiR seventy-liv- e precipitate) fllRht Ger- mans continues. r'cinl Pttpnlr they arrest steamer itussiau Hen ii'K' ...mii i.iii-i.- , tm, lna,, Hcr.lmWe. nuimirK n)mn m, losses. bound for i.scape. northwest Many been driven approximately iMeen, was tne tne yueen about thirty result which landed which Queen could Women heard wreamitiR Ho three rail which cras'h. passenRers where alarm Special despatch enable, Mrltlsn craft, slRht taken battle nntiiln vessel. messaRo Duloi milts Austrian German source KlRht members there e'onies admission correspondent, with Russian Poland, all statements rope's, rescued clRht tiro watei-- . ono Cant. Andrew tho Aniiral. iiboaid ship was slowly ollkmrs Lrmhrrn, Amsterdam, of Quopo upon report reaches hero that arrival that tire again oo'UpyltiR LemberR In lleved that the Amrtnl struck For a It be.en Iwlloved that explosion took place-- , a Gallclan city cither been cloud of smoko tn captured Austrlans or had been tin hciRlit of ship's masts. aluindoned by Uusslans. refiiRii s' facet", hands and appears that Russian army this I.cmberR that tho because explosion took place In town was never Riven up. Voj-coi- il It all ever sl.ii'ifi .ritunu of Merlin iiotod About seriously Injured. saying that Uusslans Several childri'ii were badly there Indira-Abo- one-ha- lf deaths, Hons are Hussia to keep people Jumping possession at cost, drowned. A majority of The following to London. "lied In y has tele- - iilllclnl press bureau In announ- cing the iicildent does not mention Its nuise', iiddf that tin ltimrd iirg-ntl- appeals, to all to help the distressed people. ON Hi Central Sev. . such Twenty thousand dead Fiianci:, Sunday, il)- - ' half of the nttacklnK cd), The Germiuui the quick- - upm the tn th. t victory of tho war last week in tho of a Hrltlsh staff otllcer. of bills. massevi tie- - our losses did not exceed 2.000. 1,1,1,1 a slluht clevatieiri ponied Into At Yprra attack resulted the. Hrltlsh trenchers In Irresistible tor- - In 3,000 casualties for the Germans. runl l.a Hasseii they apparently doing Cannon, Maxims nnd rapid , better. the ir hUR.i well their ranks, but by r im- - by heavy artillery, at ,i, tut their Iiuro columns reached the present to be advancing slowly trenches nnd our men out The The heavy to tho Germans showing great 'oi- - merman irmiiiti n.u. iu.i. ...,rs mi nil thulr triumph ami went the allies' side. An otllcer who Hew over cheering sIiirIiir In tlnlr elation. (the German lines this morning says the. Then of a sudden they met tb.) Hrltlsh enemy now odvinco to attack sltout-reserv- o forces, who chanced to be Indian ling like dervishes. The Hrltlsh, For li moment there was a wild turbed, wait till they 300 yards away and Ghurkas then Rive them fifteen rounds s Rave the enemv a rounds their over. artillery tire continues to rapid and then them German utmost fervor. hf excellent. U'k the Hrltlsh trenches, through Helfilane. before Riving at the trenches went the pray Yser, Hhoulil Teutons while the Sikh bayonet the t10 Hermans attempt follow up their Ghurka kukri playe-- havoc with their In force they likely disordered ranks, Never been 'an awkward ot It. CARRY TO (ieriiii.os Iliillil .cvr Type for Use n to.ina Cablt Dtipalch KonpoN, Get. to tlm siys tho aro building at Ham- burg a new typo of used for the of The object Is to the troops to shoro without being by tho forces land, The new also be. on the surface. tho llerwlck German Atlantic. VaMt Tnr "1 eiften tho were a Indicated. uo us It aa The Held, an Hlles tlrers main Aunlnsl Hrltlsh Srlrnrr of Hospital Milp. TUB IIAUI'R, Oct 2(1 - The Gorman Minister announced that his Gov- ernment hnd a protest against by Great llrltaln of hospital ship Ophelia as an act In viola- tion of IIhruii convention. Ophelia was captured by a Hritlsa cruiser In ttw North on Ootober 10 taken to Sli. was Hying Germin flag. at Cznr to Is ill lo Hold Lino In. rahlt fitpatch tr Tun Oct. 20. There hns been of the retreat the Ger- man armies from Warsaw, to the best here. tho Kaiser's have been from position after anil have, to th"'r hurried marches toward the frontier without RcttlnR n moment's from tho which tho Nicholas Is forward it top Hpcetl, Indlcnto that tho Germans are now makiiiR for nnd und supplleH In their effort, to rsrapo tho pressItiR nttneks of Iho Itussli'i evnitod tho Hank iir broke German lines. Knllscz Is miles due of Warsaw and on tho Knst Prus- sian frontier. Just Inside Knst I'ru-t-sl- li. m the prepared line de- fence, whero tho are make u stand In their effort to pru-ve'- nt an rosen and official bulletin Issued oy the Itusslan War Oftlco in after statins that the Germans: aro I.eidz, southwest of Warsaw, says: "Tho of tho They tnado an tin- - Cablt Tar would successful the offei- - nsciictl llirew sivo movement lie' snips cum" ui am.ra. ;l however, wcro dislodReil (() heavy struck other tho Germans this aftiriuKui. all injured and sixty- - bv the inc., restore order nnuuiR them. roin anil Cross two a defe-a- t the and the assert-th- e aid the Itic that the opposlnR foyes thero faclnR another remained Imsuo- Is limlccliJeil. !li,' bill the she would main the with from the Itnsslnns In Ilerlln, by way ot Tho e'liptatn the stated tho Russians nt Folkestone lie be- - fores, a mine. tliio had When tho the had rose more than by tho half the the now Tho clothes tho kept a were blackened. They said Riirrlson force In and the tho The and scatte red the ship. Is twenty wore tho have now sent scalded. men nnd that nil the were due that Intends to the overboard nnd any bedng thu statement a came Vienna bee$i but l.ocal and nearly la force, lay according n They and an At are poured There masses, deitli Into sho. supportesl seem diovei ihhm on. nnd the are Tho Slklis nnd nnd It few from ull swung Into The with the II past The way coated tho suffered novel ely. but and to aro to nave has thero time TO I A and will reach aa y lodged the seizure the German the The Sea and the ri'st Knlisi'i! that 12!. Silesia. An Afcnln IVom a his was otllclal German Rraphed hero from Hotterdam: A leleRram dated Sunday noon from tho northea-ster- theatre) of the war says Austrian and strong German forces tivo taken a posi- tion In a nearly uninterrupted lino from tho northern spurs of thu Carpathian Mountains by way of Stnry and Sambor, before the, for- tress of Pryemysl, to the Polish part of the Vistula and to tho district of Plod; against the main army of the HiiKsians, who have been reon-forc- by troops from tho Caucasus. Siberia and Turkestnn. Tho Aus- trian offenslvn across the Car- pathians attracted strong hostile forces. In the middle of Oallcla, where both armies occupy fortllled posi tions, the battle Is stagnant. Northeast of Przemysl and on the lower San tho Austrlans, havo bad several successes. In Itusslan Poland strong forces are fneinR one another. Since yes- terday there has) been lighting north of tho Vistula between Ivangorod and Warsaw. Cnr Compliments Admiral. Hear Admiral GrlRornvlti'li, the Hui-Hln- n Minister of Marine, has sent the) following message to the coinmnnder of the Itusslan fleet In the Haltlc: "The Czar charges me tn express to you and the Heet his gratitude for the activity, this autumn season, In keeping to the him despite the ilanRrrs front mines nnd submarines. With skill ami endurance tho Haltlc fleet has fullllled the task of guarding the littoral and supporting the armies on land. Despitr the enemy's iiiiiuerlcnl superiority and temerity he has nhtnlned no dellnlte mici'csses, The Czar believes that God will bless with ultimate victory tv Russian sailors who are struggling fo-t- he glory of their dear country." A telegram from Home says that the German staff olllcers, twho now htivo exclusive charge) of the war operations) ana defences or yutsim, (to not eon

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Page 1: RELEASED WESTOF THEIR FLIGHT WEATHER FORECA: ST. Cloudy and cooler to-da-y; frowi nignu fair; nottnwest


Cloudy and cooler to-da- y; frowi nignufair; nottnwest.

Delilled weather, mall 'ndfawf,found on p"tgi lo.. ,

VOL. LXXXII. NO. 57. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1914. Copyright, 1JH, bv the, Sun rritilln,; onel rubUMng Aoriation. PRICE TWO CENTS.




First Chief Also Deinands

IMrht to tV Ciuwlirtato

lor rrcsidoiicy.



' T"PT'.v. Mexico. Oct. 2rt.- - A scheiluleof

f.a ir;, demand, upon th ARUascnll- -

. ........ .... n mil lloll lirfllril- -


s ' . .. the. Millieto hi mo '

"r.v.'Uttw) "f was tele

.iwsi llio win n us .w h ,,.,

thebe oforo,1,. by oftne i nrifere'heo 1'1"IU2. I" "u A ...1,1. ,1,

rr"f. lie-

T'i it Hen. Villa fever all connectionv" tit, Ciiistltulloimllst armyr ; o to I ii v ate life.

Tii. G-- n. Zapata turn over theco i.m.ind of bin army to a GeneralI, i, iLitmd be Carranza, It belnRund-r- -t "Ml that all hostilities would

cease.That the Plan of Guadalupei

the si ttlement ofproblems be Used as the basis for any

p. in ofTim mi action regarding Gen. Car-r- a

. a tlrst chief of tho Constltu-t'.i.tnlls- ts

shall bo taken by thoion to l"ir tlen. Carranza from

V ..mliig a candidate for election totli. Presidency at tho tlrst nationale.. to be held In tho republic.

Th it tho term of tho provisionaljv. .i,l,.n..y shall not bo unduly cx-- t.

...I.d, assuming that den. Carranzaw'll to retlro from his present

. utile position.The communication In con-'- -

.ri Unit thesM are tho only termslino., Carranza will to

t a compromise with tho conventionand

wtf rCjlt moxe

AssistantHotrldRn overalls

ffti. an aKTcement Carranr.acindlibite for tho 1'rcslilency, but

insistence upon the rull schedule provocative

Most tint Carranza aro

i.c' .rd allRtied themaelvcs




the TresMexico, according

rfch.ilhowever, prepared

hss1 t'.iat left freel.itw for the lVe'ldi-lie- by

..iuaiu- -C.'J boat containltiR

.Itlile.M ine iaci umconference cxpwM.-..-"- "-

prepared whoactl the convention.

He not wllllm,', however, pledKQ

ni'i-l- f candidate 111 the I'resl-ii-nti.- il

elections, and Indications are thatthe convention him debarred

uom such candidacy will rc-l- u

Us authority.

Villa theby withdrawal. said

.'irranza prepaid thewith tho stubbornness

.b'mui.liiiR Ills withdrawalHiib-'itii- to in the provisionalVilla ono of hla recoRiilzcd

from AKuaseallente aro awaitedby heroconentlon resumed

li. with the bMleved tho

of the chief leadership wasup and

far that the con- -

tii.,, notbe Its

nr- - liopiful thatall inrtlis 111 the

cause no surprise;not that

.l- -.l iuw; of very byMimic city yesterday

denouncingJuan ripilill, who bus been placed in

ra.-i- t. nf Mextenn r,itihasjy

llcpnrteil llieenteel.

to- -

directory amihue foi- -,


Supreme t'liluild Inn Forlilel-dlii- sr

Vr In I'nrnriVa.HostoN, Oct. 2'!. The constitutionality

of the low prnhlhltH thered flap In whs

in decision llio In thocane of John wasarrested In Fltchburg In November,for carrying red flag In toclallstparade.

Justice. declared that thoIncluded nil the. domtnatlnK

was red, and quoted dic-

tionaries the "revolutionary andterroristic" associations historicallyof the use, of red Mag, that thelaw bo said to unreas-onably with the citizen."


Wnlrlilul W.nltlnRfor llic

Washington, 2f,. Pre.-lde-

callers thethat iho withdrawal of Fudcral

troons from C'cilnrailn irom pom




pro-- I






Is not contemplated "at

BWPh.,l HUitin,t that, w.icnconfronting

Printed of fMwomAn



run-- v




consent ef-f- s

irin-- l

Is notof hasto this case.


Oct. IB. Ththe

on the clad In bluesmr.s ju. the the

of I..RTheno ..crm nj wHt

ik-r- to abide Us made of i"--

i.rms srn It thoh to use of to t()0 ..rIir 'n A

' i .1,. f.iuww. the ;to-- I GeorRe to

It inlRht be In Het to becom- -

would likely bo ofta- -

j,o to haveVl"l.

CA ItRANZAI llller



rs'.rtl .pular

.iicton Advl.-e- recciveu

.Slither willliiR rttlroHtii-- ars

.aieMion utmost


eiin's y arrival



resultremit would C.0O0


lleliil.e-- s I'nrriil







Chief Rurrstatute Hags,color which


Wll-co- n

White to-


s would



known. understood policy"watchful been nppllcd

Justices Appear onBench in Overalls

Wear .lumpers and Handker-

chiefs Around"Cotton Day."

Jackson, Mist.. threeJustices Mississippi

bench y



.ncKoryue-ti- that

show seven imiitlanksmrit Cotton

Jumpersu,st emphazlslni; Importance

forco hhlllbllGenerals South.

Attorney-G- r tieral lleslltinllonposlblo I'lnliil)




krenml Interest







made oral nrRiimenU befoie the Justices.; Wasiiimiton,Smith. Cook and Heed

entered the court room theiroveralls and smile went therounds. attorneys In theapartm-'nt- , tin realizedwhy the Justices had ilnnni the

som" room cr:ary State l.anslnpdepartment suns


would oPpor

W siiintiton. Oct. Carran7a Is now yrt, t:. II. mHh tlm llrldc

. of to

First Is tohe ! to a





ife lie,.s to

t nis Is


to l a


t.Is to If

it Is ns- -

' It Iss to resist


b Itt .


,. i , aass.t i

It is

,ie . s. It Isat

-- .' tin"

to vi

i. i

.. t ... i



to at

to en a

aa of

a a

ofan to

of a


Lilt ,11, n lu ,,,,, ..... tiIt Is

of Ceart






-t l I

. t :,.n oil.m, .1,. of liiwlttrfelt " ......... they, j

I ftill." Miia anu

and' Mnl






As wereonce

left ofinc.



are doubtless nwire that Insurvivor of Titanlo rw there has been nnranl

1th pre1oof W. Danieland Thu bride- - which arc In

proem Titanlo win direct withthat Carrania is InRlnnlns ,, Into the llf.i vnt nnlmKAstor ho

Is b.

jref. another nr"' ntll sur-- :acctpt Rracefuliy such wre, Daniel, wealthy.





to Kaln

in y

'.'I'res-Ji- i'


ottlclalsthat the


has Indlcal.d whenevpresies Carranza

v. r .iillials action

oi.tihii ciiHldered




"cannot Interfere





Junipers amailt

howivcr, yd unusual





Is aj

Atsuas- -' (inilth and Mrs. John Jacob as

- than himself, ,(n"0 and caused a.lft.a ve lllchmoiiil, va. ins isthe daUKhter of CoriKrtssman .lnnia

lluntlriRton, W. Va, Tho couplewill niako their homo In this city.


lleser I'lulilloit theArltllrr f iepninn.

VT uiANii:, N J. Oct. :!. Tho rea-

son for Thomas A. deepInterest In thu present Iluropeanbecame known y when It was learnedthe husband of his daiiRhter, Major CarlOeser, Is at the front with the Germanartillery. Ho has in the army for anumber of years and Is in the ordnancedepartment, l'or a time ho was assistantchief of the electrical depart-ment of the German army.

Mr. lMlsoii, who with wife and sonChat lew '" vIsltliiK Menry Kurd athomo In Detroit, is expected homo thelatter part of this week. Several daysuro Mr. IMison received a lcttter from hisilauRhter saylnR that her husband was atthe front. Mrs. Oeser Is a of theinventor wife.


Granil .Iur l ulll.Mo ii it n Ciiiislilereil MtciilRcmit.If the Indictments were voted

by the Jury InvestlR.itlnRhere announcd 111s resiu- -

thfl Ncw. ,,ilvcn PIU0 they will b handed11 nam as an iiKcnl of thu Carnuua Gov-- ,

lm ,(( o( tlln juriKes of thennittr. nutrlet f!ourt nt 30 next MondayIt .1.1s admitted ttiat this action mornB which ilrand Jury

j. .rilx tne result of repudiation of WUH ,smp8ed yesterday afternoonr.. ml li s brother, ho has ben ('omul In Spevlnl slRnlflcance Is attached to theN w York, llotli are to have moused fa, t tnt tho Grand Jury will meet In

'.i lana's Iro :,y declarliiR that they ipornlnR instead of between 2 and 4

1 their alliRlanci) tlrst to tho Aru-is- o'clock In tho afternoon ns usually, bias-- .convention rather than to Car-- 1 ns If It wcro Intended to hear fur-- I

1. ther wltnosses there would be conillctwith the rvRUhir routine Grand Jury,

VILLA'S which ..its m m- - morni..K.Moreover. It Is remarked that If the

lien. IlerreniAnierlcniis







erlmltml invest iKatlon had beenthe jury would most havebeen Dficic a ooiinito nato.

of tho Rrand jurors In p.usHli.RSeveral.,... T.x. Oct. if.. - ItallvInR hisof the Grand Jury room shook handsannv in an unexpected attack,

with James W. Osborne, one of theMi mUo ll.rrera, I.MOil nun,.1 . .1 I'hlliM.ilne, IV ,l.v llOVernmem ci.uiitii .iiiiiuiuk.-- iui l.H.l

r. anivals the













n.ild Geo. llerrera, who re..1 .Raitist Villa when latter broke HEAVY FROST DUE

i .nraiu.i, Is In undisputed" l'! town. Olllelnl Teireenslers A imiiii nee Kail. were executed by Gen.

I follow of the Iiik In .ih eirW.dniR I1.IUIIII ii.iciiuer or San t1at,onal weat'.ier seers...... Te., - a refu.v from ,ul(t ,Knti tlu.r stieeillatlon In- -.,.,.. n ..-- oi i..H(ll the local rnt, that a heavy

, I'amil. safl.iR IMward P linker " t0 , ....ishborbood to- -' ; 1 . 'nlKht. ThW means that temperature

. .. . -- i .).." hinin . . ..J may drop close to the freeZiiR pnlnt. and, ."Vreustcni's , . does t , tiut rr.?'"

111 I'.iso hoiio,mI b. soldier of

Rfirrlsun of barrliiR Is srulteinl. Iler- -












I" and heavy frost! morrow may bo fair and cool, with frtsli

stronR westerly winus.The coeilest place In the country yes

...,.....( ,..'.' mm n i.n i,.... ,

- M'i... i...iiin fiiuirht i.ii mercury R'd down to 2S dcRreis. out In. . . ...,i m .nie.i .v ChiciL-- tho temperaturn was Its mini

,. ,i,ii-.- . from Ihelr last ilef. iie. s mum, 30 deiees. The a IlRlit snow

....I ran in all directions. utorm InII i . ,l...,l jH rfl.- ili.ft.f.te.l Ilerreni t.'rl- -- "' " ' eiel "I! T in Ailtrmulnel.' ri..

,!i';i,K::b!t;n!ie"rrV' z vf.!";; H'w,mhy Tho fall aboutfoicesMeueras siuaiis.up


Is It ltn wowlnit at 1 1:30 oclock Ine . I . ,at 300 w.i. l.uud aside from morning and all the

ue itemed.




Question of Hejristry Trans-

fer of StandardNot



fptrtal Wirelen Detpalch to The 9cH.

Iinpon, Jct. 16. It announcedthat tho llrltlkh C.o eminent had

satisfactory pnif that the






oeinK ioukih mi me irKinin nctlnatam of Htatidard tnnk MUp . , j,een on the extrentn west battle- - ,

from a wireless mesaKo re- -Sandyselzrd offIMndlll... which fro, u,tn Nrth fatnUen celve, nt hM Gate late lat nlKhtIIool; about ten days nKo and tof T1p ,,,,, hoU, flrm,

Halifax, was Alexandria, Krypt, and or-- . ...., !, does tlm steamship Saratosn of tho arddors were theicfoie Issued that the veesrl h l.ltie, out of Havaiui on to

- , 1 1 In T. ""l lllipcil iimi III.- -siiuuiii ne tmv. v..

vovace.iiueitlon of the of the text of tho communique Issued at 11

llrlndllla tu Ameilcan relstry, which, I'. .M, was as follows:Tilt: has pointed out, was mainpoint of contention, not formallyrnl'i-- by Great Hrltnln reasons whichthe curiespondtnt been unablo to as-

certain, but Is most likely because of afriendly Intention on part of Greatltrltain to Interfere as little as pofcslble

with American trade, raisinsmlKht Irritate American1

public opinion and jet would In nowiseanVet or endanger Knglnnd's ponltlona belllitetciit. j

case of tho steamer riati.rla Is

still under Invef tlaatlon. Shu boundA.irhus. Denmark. There Is no j

tlon of tho buna tides of her Uistmniion....... .,. German;:,ar,r,rl"""'" Mc J r rJudges wished to they,

--expor: the to did not weaken(.,,.,...i ... iu iittn .1...1I.. llml th OC . leil fiftneuDay." byllnuinc. ami cotton woulil '""

If i found unsatisfactory of, iiti.Octton cloth-s- ""

of CnporT, iiatcbes fm AKiiascallentesda. that to i iIm appeared Mlniii.



Wet. "C





pos- -





the statement of poiltlou ofllrltleh Government respecting Americanshipment of oil, copper and other articlesto neutral countries adj.teent to Germanvbecame available here with thedelivery of the olhminR communication

and the court (l1 a(.tllB byMores Dtiy oi ,,eol gI,rI,K.iiice. llritlsh Ambas-mateilal- s.






to cao of

tuno were 1 to malio eonie remarks on' tho treneral question of contraband and

attitude of Hrltlsh GovermnenLrilli.Aliri.MitA, Mrs. i:iole -- you the

Smith, ,alt w(.Pi,, a

th Holurt bankliiR honso "'des as us years,

nf r!tv New York. to those countriesalto survivor and ' communication belllRer- -

II. ate Mrs.






imt ofA.



Mnjor Itti





by his first




was ut time thethe

t,ha.,'litis uiuch



'I'll probably notat





Iiik hU Temperaliiri.annouiiceil

who wasii.i,iiie .nil j,y ta

lu, hUthe





V...I,,., i.'iiii.jl.'n.




continued after-- iinoon,



received des

the Oilwas


sntii.i her




avoidedquestions that


wasfor iU-- s-

vpssel ri.ii.,.1

the the



the the

the the20.





Whereas the value of Cnlted Statesexports of the principal nrtleles for thatmonth, aa compaied with September,1913, has decreased from J 107,"IH,000

to STI.OOO.Onn. or 30 tier cent., the ex

port f Rasolene. n phtha. has In-

creased from 20,000.0110 to 23,000,0m ruI-ln- s.

or 15 per cent, and of fuel oil

from 3li.000.no0 to 5s.000.000 R.illons, or61 prr cent.

firent l'- - of Oil In War."1 need not point out that the course

of the present war has shown the Im-

mense Importance of the motor, thealrnMp and the submarine, nil ot wnicnare consumers of mineral oil. A lawproportion of tho exports of countryhas been couslRned tn neutral ports, and.acconllriR to evidence In our possession,has been transmitted from them to abelllRcrent country.

"As you are aware ttie Supreme Courtof the United States In cnsld-ere- d

vessels as carrylnR contraband,salllnR from ono neutral port to

another. If the Roods concerned weredestined to be transported by land orsen from the neutral port of lnndlnR Intitho enemy's territory. It then decided thatthe character of the Roods Is determinedby their ultimata and not their Immedi-ate destination, and this doctrine was atii. iimn nniuleseed In by Great ltrltain,thoiiRh her


own trailo was mo cniersufferer.

.Neiltrels lo Give finnrnnlees."On tho other hand the neutral

countries concerne.1, who arc anxious.In tho Interests or tneir neuxraiiiy navoid belnR used as bases for hostilitiesby either helllRerent, aro now maklnRnrratiRcmentH whloh will Rive sure Rtiar-ante- rs

that articles which may be used Inwar ehall not bo reexponeu,

Hut It Is of course essential in ineInterests of nnd undisturbed trndebetween neutrals that every security pos-

sible should bo provided In order tobelllRerents to form a speedy and

sum JudRinent as to tho neutral destination of rooiIH wnica may on unco inrpeaceful or wnrllne? purposes,

"In the case or me uocneieuer, whichwns bound tor a port In the near nelRh- -

llRcretit, theto e.rder, ami tncro was inere'iore no Riiar-ante- o

that It would not b forwarded tothe enemy. Sli accordliiRly detainedjntl' proof was afforded of thedestination of her e'arRO and tho Inten-tion the neutral Government to pre-

sent reexport.

il,lses Cniitlon liy Milppers.

ifcoi.1 conslKned to neutrals which, Iftransshipped to a DflllRi rent, miRiu no

for belllRcrenl purposes."I may observe In conclusion

tho Hrltlsh hasoaiftofH of In order

lo make suro mat they aro reallyneutia countries, and have

retained somo i'ar",oes, such as copperdestined for Krupp'sthey et taken a sIiirIo carpo

rilA- -. II. IIKSKS.N'rirr 51 K. Hill rninplM" oltlcn uulfltKr,


(Jennans Suffer in

Six Attacks in

Two Days.



fptdnl Cablt T)tpatch la Tne Sts.I'Anw, Oct. 2fi. The Government

Indicated that the hardestflRhtlnK of the past twenty-foti- r hours



amiher way New








Germans havegained much by crossltiR the Yser. The

The transference

Sf.v In HelBlum Nleurort ha beenviolently bombarded. The Germanshave continued their attnek nlonKthe lino from Nifiiport to Dlx-mu-

without liavlnir arrived atany result, accordlnir to tho lntestrejiorts. The entlro front extend-Iii- k

from Im Hassee to the Sommolum nlso been the object of violentnllit attacks, nil of which were re-

pulsed.On the remainder of the front

there Is nothitiR to report.The report of the afternoon stated

overaus ........ advance

,hwthatbo of the allies

Willand that wearlns overalls




I'nolllclal r.ports Germans have lostheavily In their new offensive were con-llrn-

by Gen. .lnlTre. Tho report.Riven out at :B4 1'. M., was as follows:

"TliroiiRhniit the day yesterdayour battle front unlonR its lines from Nleti- -.

port to DKtiiude. Tho Germanforces which crossed tho Yser yes-terday between these two townshnve tint been able to 'moofurther.

"The battle front al.o runs be-tween Yprcs and Holders, betweenArinentleres and I.llle, west of I.aItassee and I.ens and ohmi of Arras,where It Joins our line to the south.which has already been Indicated informer communications;. In thotlRhtltiR of thee last few days thoenemy seems to have suffered con-

siderable losses.'Russia- - the west of the Vis-

tula and north of the mien theGermans have been driven back ona line ninnlnif from to

Ice, east of Itawu. Thesotwo places were taken by the Hus-sions by bayonet charms. thosouth or the IMIIca In the directionof Itadon a stiff IlRlit is RolnR onbetween th. Uusslans and theAustro-Germa- n forces, havelost many prisoners and Kilns.the south of Sold' the Itusslantroops have crossed the Vistula InRreat strenRth, hurllnR Imck theAustrlans.

"AIoiir the San anil to tho southof l'rzetnysl stubborn tlRhtltiR hnstaken place, the result belnR favor-able to tlm Russians. An Austriancolumn cntultiK from the Car-pathians near Dollna has beenrouted."


London Ileports on lip theIlnUlc I'ront.

Lonpon". ( let. 2t', - Tlm oinclnl pre.sbureau Issue. the followltiR stntement at10:40 this evenlnc:

The situation continue" to be satls-f.ictor-

The t'RhtliiR Is severe and con-tinuous, but Rround Is belnR Rained nndmany prisoners have In en taken.

One of our divisions has captured twKlltlF.


(crmniisj Strlte llesprnlel toI'. ire.. I'nss.iKc of Vscr.

II y W. II. TIIOM s,Sptriitt coiTt ttvfttut fit Tor Sin the

l.onitnn "Daily Mull "Spertnl fahlt VsaifrA fo Tnr. Sv.

NoiiTMKiiN 1'nANi'K. Oct. 2H. I am In

formed by a mcssiR" from near the shitof the occurrence that a larRO bodv ofGermans mane their way ahuiR the ce. istunder the iliiues betweon Middtlkcike andNleuiiort on Sunday niornlnR. TJiey weioallowed to proceed lo prepared trenches,when the wore hv tho Runs oftho monitor., and virtually wtpo.lThis Information comes a sourcewhich have always found to be accurate. All accounts a to thetcrrille nature of the llRhtltiR on tho V

Six times within two days one reachwas crossed bv the Germans at incredible

pontoon .


V'."' carried"I ,' ! "':"':,' '. cost. There was timro terrible close tlKlit






Iiir than bate lieen sien before In this warThe defenders felt, they say, as If eoniecosmic force was moiliiR upon then,uK.iliiHt which their little weapins wereeiulte Impotent to more than fray theclj,e, but tliey went on aliootlnR In asort of routine way. This onset was suc- -

cee'ded by lire of Rreat Intensitywill not atenipt to siiRRi'st the lossi'SHi. . tu'n Hlilnu The llelel'iiiu ut

It Is to be nopen tnai lor llio luiure ll(.av.)yi t,nt their losses were not coinHdeiiuam precautions: win no in n.,..ah with those of the Germans Theorder lo show the real .lesiinaiion or ,,,,., olllcets have seldom so forced


though Go"crnmrntronlrabrand











the mass taulle.e. so ilellheratcly illled thoruih with Niiccesslvo ilrnftH of men.


.Mile, nnel Gcmmim llrim oed KnehOilier In hit Cniinl.

Sptclal Cable Peiputch to Tin: Si'sIs'i.ns'. net. 21. Anoth'ir filu Mnll

i...:h.iut for it. and havo allowed nnriesnomlent In IVnac savs there w roevery carpo really destined for neutral j.r.oo German In tho Vser Canal oncountries to proceed to Its destination." ' Sunday murnliur. Many had been drowned

I'lesldent Wilson y characterized nll,i others bayoneted. The streets oftbei ni'sotlatlons with Great llrltaln over i)xminle wcro strewn thick w ith thoher recent seizure of American vessels ai vn,ten. rely friendly. 'pi,e ghoulish facts alone will Rive some.




Id'si of the savagoness of the lighting, the

7enfnvref on flecnttd Pufff,





The Saratoga of Ward Line Hears Heavy FiringBe Clash of British and GermanCruisers in Night Battle.

Imllcutlonk that n naval battle vnn

York.The messnpe stated that henvy llrlnt;

was distinctly nutliblo to the passetiRerson the stfiimer, some twenty nhots hav-ln- R

been lln'd by Runs of heavy calibre.The messaRo as received at Sen Gate

and the various other wireless stationsnlntiR tho coast read:

"Heavy llrlnR hoard lieRinnliiR at S

o'clock about 210 tulles southof tho Scotland llRhtshlp, apparently offthe Virginia cimm. SearchllRhts arevery prominent. Somo twenty shotsfrom heavy calibre Runs about twentymiles distant toward hore."

A subsequent meitsuRo asked theoperator at Sea Gate whether he

had hwird any news of a naval eiiRaRenietit. I'pon lieliiR told ithnt no newshad reached this city the operator ontho SaratoRa replied that the SaratoRawas belnR headed about In the directionof the llrltiR "to tlnd out what wns

roIiir em."

The tnesape v the first apparentlynuthentl.' word received eif a probableonpaRement b?tween tho German nndflritish seiuadrons patrollitiR the At-

lantic coast. Wild rumors at varioustimes line located battles off the 1'nlte'dStates coast from Florida to Maine.






always theirApparently, from

outmanieuvrcdexpected wiiRed.

hnvo sentstations

further Information rcgardlnc


Tellsl,rnliiK Vrrn





directionknowji that the Th ji evidently been an order

Dresden and Karlsruhe them meet cruisers. Thesethe Atlantic coast. Norwegian


lAmiral Gantcaumc, Bound Havre. GoesDown, but English Ship Saves All but Thirty,

Who in Panic.until attempt

London. tnemseies' ciiiirhiraUmti......ei.u...v. ,,n)sinPr8

tumMInrlloat'.HR nun- - their the hno

Nearly were. stumbled backthe KiiRllsh nines.

beloiiRliiR to tho Southeastern Hallway

Apparently persons per-ishe- d.

only the of the panicfollowed the explosion. Tin- sur-

vivors atcorrespondent of Mi

happened tn be aboard tlm Queen,left HoiiloRiie at o'clock, says

tho slRhted the ellstress ri.Riialsof tho Ganteaumo nt 4:30.

Tin, .'iirresiHiiid Tit says heninre of f!nn II10 clImblllR

tlRclliR. As the ship neared tho wreckedcraft hn loudwhen within 300 saw pus- -

enRers Jump overboard. nls,. sawnit iauiiciicii wmi six pawnKcis.

Tills boat Immediately capsizedof the passeiiRers rirowne'il.

rhe Quee alonRSldo withdlltleulty on account of tho IiIrIi sea

was runnliiR the two vcfselamet with

Tho scene the ellstresscilsteamer was pitiablewere hudilled toRethor on tho maindecls, they scarcely tomove. Great

children were scroamlnR some


I'iiii Also.Tnr. Six

26. fromTlnifn Ger-

mans Klblnglargo which



tected onboats can employed


tho of warHsse.x, Suffolk

Hid the l'rench cruiser Des Cartes, havebeen to corner the Germans.

Wllhelm, a converted NorthLloyd nlso haa ut- -

tackltiR merchant craft In theOn several occasions: th German

cruisers have be'en In of the. foe,

but have to heelstho wireless dispatch

they linvn been thoIon Is belnR

Later mesaRts been outfrom tho coast wireless to !o

tho SaratoRa. lnqulrlnR fortho battle,

l.i.Kllsli nr ouiers'rnt.

Spteinl llttwtck Sus

IloitPKAfx, ewt. 2fi. Accordlnit to thonewsiiapiT h'rnnrr the captain of anKtiRllsh vessel at llordeaux nudetho following statement :

havn wondered whire Ger-

man wero. now from Mexico, whero six col-

liers were nt Cnir. at the same timeas my They laden withUP to Hie briilRe. No one seemed to know i

tlelr Inatlon."One laconic wireless

nriixnl. It mftrely

certain point tn tile by plvliiR cer-

tain latitude and lonRltude.left suddenly for the

It Is Gsrmnn cruisers wr,.,Rthe are operat- - tn ti ro to tho

IliR off south Since colliers Hew the IbiR."









to Sis- - who not wait were toOct. 2(1.- ---Tho Trench ovcrnoaru. ny io





TOO ' two pusuiiiui nuniiiiiciiu...- -n wlw

refuRees rrom 10 ...... overHavre, a ,.cn In tj "To

aboard it

rescued steamer all crew or riRiu


w.ri,A .1ul


see( I and





ainlyards several

a im


n some



had roomWomen






cato and



1 I



oce-a- n



and werecouiii



to llle,i men, ' no of In

of crowof

still and thatof

his sink- -

Iiir, said retwo luiurs.



slnilRhter.N'oiiTilwusTKUN woundeil,




upper-troop- s









Kiiisor's Forco Disldilooil

Sokliiilclioff, relroffriidReports.



.Scuds Troops L0111-lier- ff.

AVliit-I- i



Contimio FromCarpathians Pinch,

Says Vicuna.


InformationApparently troops

driven positionlieen forced continue

puraulnR nrmlcs Grandpnshlnff

Despatches from

aro abandonliiR inunltl'jns

cavalry, whichmovement


secondGermans expected



evucuatliiR seventy-liv- e

precipitate) fllRht Ger-mans continues.

r'cinl Pttpnlr they arreststeamer itussiau

Hen ii'K' ...mii i.iii-i.-,

tm, lna,, Hcr.lmWe.nuimirK n)mn m, losses.

bound for i.scape. northwestMany been driven approximately

iMeen, was tne tne yueen

about thirtyresult




heard wreamitiR

















Austrian German sourceKlRht members there e'onies admission

correspondent, with Russian Poland, all statementsrope's, rescued clRht tiro

watei-- . onoCant. Andrew tho Aniiral.

iiboaid ship was slowlyollkmrs Lrmhrrn,

Amsterdam,of Quopo upon report reaches hero that

arrival that tire again oo'UpyltiR LemberR Inlleved that the Amrtnl struck For a It be.en Iwlloved that

explosion took place-- , a Gallclan city cither beencloud of smoko tn captured Austrlans or had beentin hciRlit of ship's masts. aluindoned by Uusslans.refiiRii s' facet", hands and appears that Russian army

this I.cmberR that thobecause explosion took place In town was never Riven up. Voj-coi- il

It all ever sl.ii'ifi .ritunu of Merlin iiotodAbout seriously Injured. saying that Uusslans

Several childri'ii were badly there Indira-Abo-

one-ha- lf deaths, Hons are Hussia to keeppeople Jumping possession at cost,

drowned. A majority of The followingto London. "lied In y has tele- -

iilllclnl press bureau In announ-cing the iicildent does not mention Itsnuise', iiddf that tin

ltimrd iirg-ntl- appeals, to all tohelp the distressed people.

ONHi Central Sev. . such Twenty thousand dead

Fiianci:, Sunday, il)- - ' half of the nttacklnKcd), The Germiuui the quick- - upm the tn th.

t victory of tho war last week in tho of a Hrltlsh staff otllcer.of bills. massevi tie- - our losses did not exceed 2.000.

1,1,1,1 a slluht clevatieiri ponied Into At Yprra attack resultedthe. Hrltlsh trenchers In Irresistible tor- - In 3,000 casualties for the Germans.runl l.a Hasseii they apparently doing

Cannon, Maxims nnd rapid , better. the ir hUR.i welltheir ranks, but by r im- - by heavy artillery, at

,i, tut their Iiuro columns reached the present to be advancing slowlytrenches nnd our men out The The heavy to thoGermans showing great 'oi- - merman irmiiiti n.u. iu.i. ...,rs mi

nil thulr triumph ami went the allies' side. An otllcer who Hew overcheering sIiirIiir In tlnlr elation. (the German lines this morning says the.

Then of a sudden they met tb.) Hrltlsh enemy now odvinco to attack sltout-reserv- o

forces, who chanced to be Indian ling like dervishes. The Hrltlsh,For li moment there was a wild turbed, wait till they 300 yards away

and Ghurkas then Rive them fifteen rounds sRave the enemv a rounds their over.

artillery tire continues torapid and then them Germanutmost fervor. hf excellent.

U'k the Hrltlsh trenches, through Helfilane. before Riving atthe trenches went the pray Yser, Hhoulil

Teutons while the Sikh bayonet the t10 Hermans attempt follow up theirGhurka kukri playe-- havoc with their In force they likelydisordered ranks, Never been 'an awkward ot It.


(ieriiii.os Iliillil .cvr Type for Use n

to.inaCablt Dtipalch

KonpoN, tlm siys tho

aro building at Ham-burg a new typo of

used for the The object Is to thetroops to shoro without being

by tho forces land,The new also be.

on the surface.



VaMt Tnr

"1 eiften tho














Aunlnsl Hrltlsh Srlrnrrof Hospital Milp.

TUB IIAUI'R, Oct 2(1 - The GormanMinister announced that his Gov-

ernment hnd a protest againstby Great llrltaln of

hospital ship Ophelia as an act In viola-

tion of IIhruii convention.Ophelia was captured by a Hritlsa

cruiser In ttw North on Ootober 10

taken to Sli. was HyingGermin flag.


Cznr toIs ill

lo Hold Lino

In. rahlt fitpatch tr TunOct. 20. There hns beenof the retreat the Ger-

man armies from Warsaw,to the best here.

tho Kaiser's havebeen from position afteranil have, to th"'rhurried marches toward the frontierwithout RcttlnR n moment's fromtho which tho

Nicholas Is forward ittop Hpcetl, Indlcnto thattho Germans are now makiiiR for

nndund supplleH In their effort, to rsrapotho pressItiR nttneks of Iho Itussli'i

evnitod tho Hank iirbroke German lines.

Knllscz Is miles due ofWarsaw and on tho Knst Prus-sian frontier. Just Inside Knst I'ru-t-sl-

li. m the prepared line de-

fence, whero tho aremake u stand In their effort to pru-ve'- nt

an rosen andofficial bulletin Issued oy

the Itusslan War Oftlco inafter statins that the Germans: aro


southwest of Warsaw, says:"Tho of tho

They tnado an tin- -

Cablt Tar would successful the offei- -

nsciictl llirew sivo movementlie' snips cum" uiam.ra. ;l however, wcro dislodReil

(() heavystruck other tho Germans

this aftiriuKui. all injured and sixty- -




restore order nnuuiR them. roin anilCross two a defe-a- t

the and the assert-th- e

aid the Itic that the opposlnR foyes therofaclnR another

remained Imsuo- Is limlccliJeil.!li,'

bill the she wouldmain




Itnsslnns InIlerlln, by way ot

Tho e'liptatn the stated tho Russiansnt Folkestone lie be- - fores,

a mine. tliio hadWhen tho the had

rose more than by thohalf the the nowTho clothes tho kept awere blackened. They said Riirrlson force In and

the tho Theand scatte red the ship. Is

twenty wore tho have now sentscalded. men nnd that nil

the were due that Intendsto the overboard nnd anybedng thu statement

a came Vienna bee$i

but l.ocal

and nearlyla force, lay according

n Theyand an


poured There masses,deitli Into sho. supportesl seem


on.nnd the

areTho Slklis nnd nnd It

few from ullswung Into The

with theII past The way

coated tho suffered novel ely. butand to

aro to navehas thero time








lodged theseizure the German







AfcnlnIVom a





Rraphed hero from Hotterdam:A leleRram dated Sunday noon

from tho northea-ster- theatre) ofthe war says Austrian and strongGerman forces tivo taken a posi-tion In a nearly uninterrupted linofrom tho northern spurs of thuCarpathian Mountains by way ofStnry and Sambor, before the, for-tress of Pryemysl, to the Polish partof the Vistula and to tho districtof Plod; against the main army ofthe HiiKsians, who have been reon-forc-

by troops from tho Caucasus.Siberia and Turkestnn. Tho Aus-trian offenslvn across the Car-pathians attracted strong hostileforces.

In the middle of Oallcla, whereboth armies occupy fortllled positions, the battle Is stagnant.

Northeast of Przemysl and on thelower San tho Austrlans, havo badseveral successes.

In Itusslan Poland strong forcesare fneinR one another. Since yes-terday there has) been lighting northof tho Vistula between Ivangorodand Warsaw.

Cnr Compliments Admiral.Hear Admiral GrlRornvlti'li, the Hui-Hln- n

Minister of Marine, has sent the)following message to the coinmnnder ofthe Itusslan fleet In the Haltlc:

"The Czar charges me tn express toyou and the Heet his gratitude for theactivity, this autumn season, In keepingto the him despite the ilanRrrs frontmines nnd submarines. With skill amiendurance tho Haltlc fleet has fullllledthe task of guarding the littoral andsupporting the armies on land. Despitrthe enemy's iiiiiuerlcnl superiority andtemerity he has nhtnlned no dellnltemici'csses, The Czar believes that Godwill bless with ultimate victory tvRussian sailors who are struggling fo-t- he

glory of their dear country."A telegram from Home says that the

German staff olllcers, twho now htivoexclusive charge) of the war operations)ana defences or yutsim, (to not eon