reless eekly - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent australian...

VOLUME 10 RELESS EEKLY Jt,,ei•l,-l'l"tl fl l 1hr U P.O,, Ss,chliiY, f..,r lr.111 "1iii1'illl hy 110,.1 11, A N~w~riaJW'r NUMBER 26

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Page 1: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 1nla.obj-666406778National Library of Australia



Jt,,ei•l,-l'l"tl fl l 1hr U P.O,, Ss,chliiY, f..,r lr.111 "1iii1'i•lll hy 110,.1 11, A N ~w~riaJW'r


Page 2: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 2nla.obj-666406906National Library of Australia

} rlday, 2bt October, 19'l7 WIRELESS WBEltLT

Page 3: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 3nla.obj-666407038National Library of Australia

Friday. 21,t October, 192"/. WIRELESS WEEJO.Y

r ...... ,n .. ,n ........ ,.,.,,,_ ................. l•••• .. ··••••••ouMo,o.::.:._:•1,n-=======-=- kO .. ._. ............ ••••a.a••• ............ " ............ IHOU .. Oo,wH .. u1•l•UUI ... H ........ i

I A Dry Cell Audio Stage I Valve

With the Output of a Storage Battery Valve

RADIOTRON UX 120 Charn.cterist,il!s:-

FOan,tnL Ternunal Volta ..... 8

Filament Consumption , , •. 12U ou1p11:

Plate- VuJt.agc ••• •••••• , , • •• ~. 186


Tho new dry cell Rndlot.1"1111 UX 120 lll for 12.-;('I- exclu~ivPly iu the lu~t ~tagr., u f uudio~a.mpli.flcatioJL

Thti Rndiotron 1IX120 wn11 dc111i1,1,•ncd to give grenter LoudsJlE>Skf•r ch.trity and volwnv without disto1·tfo11.

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Obtainable 3~111 at all Radio It \JI f'l!Vnll1I th•l " r.r ,J or

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Dealers To Inatll'l! s~tunl lles,rodut1llor1. ~~f.ltU, ~n

l.1,pd $f1r1111I, and H11rb I'lu.i,, Vult.a:Ki'-.. Uae th!!; Colr1mbia 4768 "C" &ttor,·.

•11111pt.Ju11 uC l'iu.ll." cul'!'r'"t ;,. ., lfrt'tl' •e lll ..... h.1111,t the t.i~ft lll'n•I n 1111.ltrry n1pi,ll¥.

Columbia 22½ Volt. Bias~ Battery

No.4768 Thi,, l1Al.ur.v be> u11al .... ··c·· 11 l~t{'l'y, 1/1 ... . "'B~ Lsu .... ,. in ponabl@ e-dv. lt t. .-..,,pec:UIJl_y d('t!l ig:n,.,1 r11r llliu w~rk Ir, ('OnJ11i1c:. 111>11 Wl!h J'IJ\vt'I' ,•Alv4c>" L"X-120~ UX-171, ur."1 nth,,1"'1 ProvWl"IJ wit.h !uur 11,er._.w terminal,., 1dvl111f l'll'l'Jl.l.i r-,:- -volta.1!" u' •~~ 1t••~. atul ~:ti•~· Of hnrlu,nttl 1l1reerulnn1. l1 m~a,,,·.trc- 4 1~f6 fot"h~ k•r11r by ! t-HI hil!b~ w ltln and 2"'1 i tttTI\?&' b11:b. 1\'f'i1'"bt.. 1-lh, tt--mi:.

PRJC'E ••·••, ••• , • , ••• , ............ ••, ... .. .. .... •• ••• 1:i:~·fl ~•rb

No. •768

Write To -day for FREE IDustrated Booklet

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PteGJJ,e. (ortDGrd me 11our t,·,e6! lUrutrated Bookfd II Choo,lng and Using the Right Radio Bottet-ln,"

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i Right RADIO Batteries" I ,tddre .. ______ l l •• j ! __ .. ____ ,..,, ............................... ,uo,.._ .......... _._.... ,. ................... _ ... ........................................................... -=l.l

Page 4: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 4nla.obj-666407166National Library of Australia

Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY T•'riday, 21st Otto\ier, 1927 •

.from Harringtons

,varr•n Ben.dphonrit, Ui/ ...

Balkita Trickle Cb.nrger, £3/10/-.

rhili11R' "B"' Battery T,Jlminntor"l.

£8/t:;/ •.

Ralterv Testers (lfydrom~trr•),

From 3/6.

Ach·nnce A.F. 'fr[[tlS• rormf'r!', 17 /6.

Jf the-ro i~ anything at all you rr-quire in Radio, it Is n,o~ than likely you ,..J(I make )'our purchase mollt tnor­nbly lit llarrin~to11s.

For Ra.rrin2'ton• carry the,tes-t as• oorl<d sln,k fn lhe Soulhm Hemi­•phere of the world'• lat e8t and lw,!l lhd10 l"re><hicl•. And being lorge mann[:wc1 urer~ a.od buytr~ thcr ur.• in a position to uft'rr the best value~.

Th4'n Ute or Ilarringtons hA, b.t'n ideof.ified for lblrty.flghl y••r,, with only Quolity Good1, and in Radio. lloality ii< mor~ than UBually imporlant.

And ""• it you huy Crom Jh.rringtonH, yon are buying proOtably, and •ntis• fuctoril).



Ele4:-'rru-To.n.~, £8/19/-.

l'illowphone1' (Emmco), Wit.bout Cover,


Amplh>n "Cablnlllle" S1ieakers, .l'.2/10/-.

Columbia "Layerbilt"' (S Volt "B" Batter:les.

Man' Aerial, 10/6.

"Goodwill Built on Public Confidence since 1889."

Al&o at Katoomb.a Newcastle MelboUl'ne Brisb;ine


386 George Street, Sydney.

Adelaide Wellington,

N.Z. Auckland, N z.

Page 5: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 5nla.obj-666407298National Library of Australia

VOL lt . .S•. U VRJOAY, 2ht OCTOBER. 1111.

The Washington Radio Conference-will it affect Australia?

A \\ ORLD t .,,.rnrotf' is 1ittin1 at ,\.uhinpon dis.tu~•ing J"ndlo kaiJ111lta.• tlon l)to.Ulcm~. lt\\prcs~ntativu of 61

C"ountrit-s ha,~ aJ.-"-Plnblf"d tmdn th~ pre."1• dent) cil thfi ~ciJ-kno-.. n \Ir. Hoo·rer. hf'ad nf the Oepartmrnt Qr Conunrrcc. Au1,,'1.ra• Ila i• represented h)' \lr. II. P . Brown. dirptlOr of lhe po,..lal 11otr~i.ct-a.

'l'h~ t'onfnrnce f1 a ''fry irnp&rt• nt o~t'. and th .. di"'°uuion,, arP fXpttt~ to laat &.ia: ar ti1ht 11,f-tk'i. One ma)' "'·ondtr what Un otcupy the delarotcBI for ;.uch • tons time. and it Lei lnterutlni tn ..,e,r- ho-w •• arct li~•ly to b• alh<t•d hy th• ,onluo...­ckcil1lons,

'rhe CDjtct of the- Conff'rr11cP is to dr:a.,­IIP a <"odP of law• for the re,:ulation nf a.JI kind111, of radio acth itfo" lo •'·•r) countr.>. That i• ao f•r ,,. all touatrih art: con.• rerned. Tht domtl'llic probll'nlfll or indhi 4

dual countrlc,~ wilt not ht! lcKi•lated for at \\"a&hincton. Tt\C,ie pToblem .. " ·ill be lert ror tht' 1.ocal Jeai•lft.turc-i,;.

Uut there are mauy ph1se11 or radfu that ar• intrntaUt>nal in char•eu·r. Th., Ulilt' ur radio b) J.hiP1J and thC" tonditi"ru, und~r which I he &.0.S. lilt"n•I ,hould b• U•«d and o~yt·d1 for instantt. mu,1 La,·t a tommo11 and w,ll l.:no.,. n ha.iii,. in a11 counUiftll. Thu," raptain or a Hhip of ony cmmlr, io e.ny ot"fltn n('ar any h·nitvr~ bow~ lhat the appro\ rd mtan.s or fAllin1r for a•!lfsl• anc, in time or dl1tres11 nr dau,r.-r wiJI mtiel ,..ilh a ready re"'ponsf'.

Thit S.O.S. call pN><'t-dun waf'oi tht \"AUt1,. or the flr111f internlllional radio C!OhtPrtnc, whlch wu hl'1d In lAtuin11 ill l913. Tbal ronfn,rncr dealt 1tith radio in all if,. pha,iet then Jrno,n1, But 1hert 'ff8-"4 nu bro:ldCll!il• ins in tho-.f' daytt.. Thu, th• law,. 11crud to in 1913 ar, tither ob(( tit-It- or inc-o1n • plotlt' for prHent day p1 ad.ire-.

1'1w, importan& ••Pf''' •·ill It•· the appor. Uoniur of w-a,•f-1t"n,cth11 fur broa.dc-a1ttin,r and tor other purpoH11. Dift<'rent 11t-rviet."Jt •uch aa ,hip tram,ml11~idn. airo:raft u-an•• mi'.8111fon1 broadt"a11tin~ '"-f'h·irt,. f'tc., mu'ff

have ('Ulai-n 1' &l"'e:lenst,h, Af't u* ao intf:r!erence wilt nut ~!-!ult. For lniatane-e-. th• "-A\·tlenrth or GOO metres 111 rnerv~ for th«-' u•• or •hipt--it unnat be uMd tor brM:d.rauiiiioir, Thr nece11,lty i• tn1nftt1tt, thttefort. for a rommon lnte.rnational u•• d..-u.,sdinr w the p<rillU.

Tbt:r• ha!!' bN!n 110 undentandinc hlt..htrto Ori the Qbt"ltlon of broadeutin1 ••Yt:• lrn.-tb,,,.. H~11tt thtte ia nothins tu pr~vent 1dJaant coun1tJ~ ,1,.lnr the 11ame wave .. Jttna:lhio, to· th, i:onfuaioa and dUlad-ra.nta&"e uJ th• •tn·icea ln tt~ relptdh·• CtJUntrin. Such 11n and1:1irabh.• state vf affairs has a<tu•lh occurred already bdw~n Canada and th• l'niled !;1at,. ud h\ Euro~.

In Auatr-slia we an in danin nf almllar tonhuion~ unlra thtre ta iOme intvna­tlonal un.duw11nd.i.n1 cm the paint,

"r' have alrrady •ipf'riencf'd Jn~dertnce fn the r~eption of 31.0 Mt.lbournf! by a i-htlon In Japan llijinc a ,,·avele1tic-th nt.irJy the s...1me as that Uflt'd b1 ~LO \telbourne. -\nd thne Is no1hinr tu ptt,.toat !'lf~w Zraland u,ii11K ~·• ,·elen.-tlut similar to or ntarly 1he, ijAnl• ¥11 thon ,u,ed by Aw.trallan 11,tatic,""'·

fhat will oe lhe -ubi•<t Hnt will lnt•rcirt A11atr11llan hrnadet1"t lt.tenus mbilt. Hath In tbt- lo-cal ~tnicu anti in the ,.hort wa\e fntt-rnalfonal bro.dra11tin.i- wHI th..- conffr• '-'"'" df'cision. be of ton5idtrablt> lntert"11t.

ft • ould bf' a serlc•u• 1natttr if our ~•"f'• ll"ntth., wen It> ht- altPrNI, But thert! does nut llPPf'•t 10 bot • ll'.\ danser or any radical "h1nl''"t1_ J•rc,bab11 that 4' one rt~u why fht' llithorltit'ft hu·p not rft .madf' the Yer)· de,Ir• hl~ ch1nres ln ae-paratinir lhe 111 an• l•nstlu <,( 1om.t Matiot1" &ha& •n no•· too cloee to be rl'ally ,111at.ilffactory.

Thru • re m1tny more !llahjttf>l MU1te-rniD1' r-o~•r"f'ial and rxpflri,nc-ntal "'irr]t..,.#11, on "·h1eh •he!' d•rhJon.111 of thti CunltM'nce wilt • fftcl \ustralla. but pr111bably thf" qu••tfon c1f •• u·l•r,«Uu f•r b,...dta.itinl' ia most lntl'rt'~llng.

Page 6: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 6nla.obj-666407425National Library of Australia

Png"e Four • WIREL26·S WEEKLY

Catching Up with the Wireless World,.


THE LATEST ostim:a\<l pols \ho numl>e of Vl.irele-s:-. Jiccnce-ho!der8 in Jnpnn mt 30,000. A monthly fee of awut 2f. IS charged on ~•ch J-et-,,iv~r.

C'NTII, APRLL l of I.hi• year thei·o wcrl' 130,805 radio receiving sets in D<'nmnrk. This figure re11n.•1-wntt:i a.n inci·l~n~e o..C tiO rwr 1:ant. o·v-er t.h(' n um. i><;r or set~ of U10 Ram~ peJiod lost rcnr.

THE B.ll.C. cngin•era nt K""Lon anme ttinc- ago tried an intcrtPtiHg ~xperimllf\L 1'ar ov-ercotning- tht- fading ortrn c.x-perit:'Dt.t'-d with shot L· brondt.!1..~t.K trom A tnl'ricn... Two of these ;;tation,; happening Lo be trarumilting tho same programme on rllfft.'lrent. wavt.-"]ongth.,;;;, wltlch '"~t:r~ 111,th rt..>eeh'b<l by Ke-!llon, u11ited and l'L•trnn.Sm.itkd, \\-;th the ret1utt th.nt. lhc fn.ditlf efl'ecL wa!i almo!4t entirely 11lin1inalcd.

A STORY from Oindnnntl relntM how in the dnys when broadens! st.,­tions wer~ liuhh• iO jam u11c- n.nothf'r, the song of R :=,;tar tenor from New York was intel'mini:("led with t1. piano itolo f1,qm 8 locul :stut.ioTI" )fosic-nl 11high1Jro,~,"" however, BCw

cPJ>t,~d the comhh,ntion gludl)', im.ngln~ Ing th•!. th~ Cincinnati pianist w~s pl:tyi!l-g the ccwrvct a<-comp.R.I1lme11l to the h nnr'.s 11c,nf1, nnd were ra\'i~hed with this ma6l~• I)' example of poly­tonalily,

TTJE FntS'I' OFFICIAL attempt to gpeak by whel~~ telephony !rom Bor­lin to Buenos Aires, a db;t.ance o! abouL 'WOO milet,1,1 Wa!' bRLis-fa.ctodly n""ompli•h•d on Aug"ust 3rd. If llw TC~ult3 or tb(' tef,lts. conlim.1.t sa.tisrn~• tor:,. it i• 111tondfd lo ootffl>Ush a pub­lic s.erYiee a~ soon os the nece:a-~ary ~quipment. !us hoen instnlled at Bueno~ Ait-e.'L

ll rr.ay be of inlere•t to rocaU to our ~-t'aders the full nnd p,ktw:c~que tille of the F•deral capiW of Argen­tinn; Cindod de Sonti•~ima. Trinidll<I y pndo de Nuestrn Senora t.le Buenos Ajres, m~ing "the cily of the mo~t ancred 1'rinjty Md pol't. of Our Lady o( ia.yorablt"

RADIO INSTRUCTJO.'i will be made p;.,rt. ur the regular curriculum in De11mnrk'Pi ~hoo1A through c~,­op,,ration o! tlt" F.'duc.,tion Depnrt­n,~nt nn<l the R~dlo Conti oJ lloonl.

WJTII 'l'HE OPENING of a new beam station at. Loreuco ~Jgrquell, .Potlugal, lhM country now ha~ ~ix ~tntion.s in une l~ha.ln. The five ot.h~J' •totlous ore ut Lilibon, M nddrn, Atores, Cape Vet'<II!- and Lonn.tla.

l•'JIOM a wirdcs• 1,olnt of view, Chicago muy pride ber~lf on being lhe noi:l-iost. place on etu·t.h, The U.S. Ninth Rndio Di~frict., with t;hicngo u i1~ ht'adtiunrtcrs, cont~ins 233 ncti\.·e brondcnsting stal:ton~ 0llt of u t.otal of (194 thl'<>ughont lhe Sl.llte•.

IT lS STATED thnl the musical instl"Urnt'nts Ul!ed by one of the bnnds \\:ho~ dunce mu,.l(' if! broudca,it hy WJZ, New York, lll'C valued nt ll,550 doUars, im·luding nenrly 4000 dollars !01· saXuJihone!I. an<l alli(•rl instrunH~nt..;;, and neatl>· 2000 uollo1" for th~ pm·­cut:sion tnstrurneiuu. '\Ve wonder whethtir the result.ant.. noi~o is 1·eally worth lhis 1.~xt"ra. eJ<pensc.

+•-·--·-"-"_.,_,,_,_.,_,_,_ i l ,


Tll~et:~;-::~: ~~n~t0· I The world h fall Dt 1.111• 11n• 4o,rn•.

(H h.•Pplneu • .nd pnin: T,he Jay,- we 'W'ant the •a.i11 1U 1hhH

It alWA)'II fllN'ffl• ;rafn; D11l, !bough the n.lll In 1.<'rnnl• fall•.

I Ami Ute r. !1all •f WCl11,

! Wt\y. ru11.hJn~ ma.fhTrll.o wl1e4 we lUR41

The ... R:,oto4 boYI" a..nd J.e.

Whq h.Ju not hHril tht!' ... ke-.iaa:n'•'' c:an, t.orne rforil\J{ o'er tl1e air i

()r hurd thfo "fi111l-da11~" up 1hc k~)'II T'o wt-e .. The Animal Vair·!'"

Or ••Cln,me J •at 11, 1.1uJ.,. K1u••­l11 h•lni- r• r tw .. 1ow.--

Wb,111l l-toqt.f11 hit,. )'rut, aNfle, and bin• The- "~,-nt-~y••~nd J-.

Fer ro11, nf hlrbbro'W' t-Ultund taJ!h Whn HOl'ft the jau-mndtt row.... •

And, if flNI li..1tf.ntid t1> .ueh 06.liut. W•uld Wrinkle, •P 19"'1' 'hN"W•:

Tn JIKI, I 4h·,p thi~ 11CtUd •1hitt -Betaulk" YIJQ @ull:ht to k:n•,t·-

V Du'II fltlfi th,. •·," lf 71n1 turi• The "007•••-ac U.0.

+•-·----··-·-··-.. -,------1

Frirui)', 21~t October, 1927.

ALL CJUNESE owning ndio re­ceivint sels rcgiste,· ai.t 1,ne of the ,governme.nt offleeg. in ehu.rge of bl'oodcasting. All sets must be pur­chased al lie<>Ned shop~.

•mE STORY TELLERS of old, whose line still survives in th.e Orient and the nen r, aro hclng trturva­t.ion since their ucuatomer:s" have turned to r~dlo. Th<,y've formed a federation lo defend their intereo,t .again~t their new enomy,

THE FEDERAC. RADIO Commis­sion of U.S.A. has issued an edict ngain,st broadM:Sting of mecha'nicall.v J"'Toduced mu,aie, unle,;11 ft i~ fO a11• nounccd to tho fans, Since few broad­ca,,ters wo11ld reveal this fact, faM may be as.sured of little 5UCh musie.

"WUATI NO PATIENTS?" Und..­th11 Cilpt.fon the uNew York Tim~'' to-dny remui-h on tbe fad tbat for tho first time In yeara a week ba• pa:Sred without the issu~ of a ndlo pntent. This fad, perhaps more than nny o\Mr, i• significant of th& ap­proaching stnbility of the r8'llo t.r..d•. On. the other hnnd there is now .a great nnd ever ... growing ill<'entiv~ to inventol"'R to evolve a set which will not need tho protootion of the R.C.A. patent umbrelliL; our New York cor ... r.espondonti Tecently heard a very Aue .. ces!Uul de.mongtrntion of a set for which thia was claimed.

IN TIIE PAST YEAR people all ovc11 the country have advanced rr-· markably in their ide£s about radio. Tho enll for ~cts that will get dis• tanoe l>ns all but di>,appeored, but the de~ire for ''tone"' has n1ateriAllv In• C1'€Med. So wb-en you purchS.sing e multi-v:dve !!et be care.(uJ to $ee Umt you buy all round•, rather than just distance and s•l••· tlvit, n!Q'l10, One nccivor that you should he~r b~ore buying iA the Atwat.e-r Kent, -a comparativeJy 71ew arrival In lhe Aust,,o.Ilan wir~~• world, but it i• America's most popu­lar t('ceiver. It will be worth your whila to hear lhe ele•~. true tone of these compact little ootg.

Four or more Valve Sets d~and Phileo&.

Page 7: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fmday. 2l•t Odoh,,r, 1!1~7. . WIIIELBSa WBKllLY Paa:e Fin

EMPIRE BROADCASTING Special Statement by Capt. P. P. Eckenley, Chief Engineer of the B.B.C.

I H ,\\ E t,,." in, itNI by the Editor of \\ irtlt>t.S ~l''IUJIIP«'MI Um11NI to rontrlbute soml• vb-,nvation• on

the suhJ~d of J;!irupirt Droadc:a.stlnJt. Tt i• btlicrod by many thU the pat•

tiallr 1urce,dul tt--hrf'l.dcal!tin.- vf AmN,nan and Uutcb 1tatwn~ indkatNI that In a f•" montru,• lime a rcK1,1lar Sl"rvice 1't i1t :lt instituted on a certain gua?"ttt1hrd bt11.!i:iS.

PenionHlly, we in l~orla.nd bellfre lhaL the ,horl wase link, allboojth «iv­

"hiR: ~real potentials of llUtcess i8 not y("t. df~cthe to iruch an •1.tnt that an rnr-inttr can g'i.n~ e:Vfn a minimum gu.aranttt of f.t"ice-. It bu, got to be rcmembcrtd thut ~rc,r(' an enginetr will put a l('l'Vice into bein~, he ha• f o be &,utun-d of aome a mu-ant,, to tho~ 11, hom he 1trns. Th.i§. r th;nk will be adn,111'4 b1 all. A t•l•r~•n• en:Nu1f{e would not bt' t1arted in Mt1-bourm~ it n·cry caU in rae wu 11'1• l'fT"N-i.iv<'. if n<• ,runrRnlN'S toulJ hf' Jt"frcn. ft JoiJH'fch wa11 at time. unlnttl• lil'!ihl~. At other ,tood. On th• •lher hand, ii mi,hl be quite p.,.,.;blt to iMtAII a tf'le9.bonf" :w;rrritt if i1 cuuld h,· .cuar-al'lttt-11 that. on e\'lt)' night lwl'!'lt'('n 9 and 10 o'clock rom­n,unication het.wetin ony two fllUb­aub<ttcti~r, would ~ pcrfe.d.. 'f1Mt •ould lw a rninlmum iu:arant~. Tbo~t rfii,oirinr a ttl~bunP •rrvice mickt 8:-W:ltf', ho•·evrr. that txp~r-imental worL. h,,u1d be undtorlakt-n. They wuuld 1"' quit~ right. l~o>uld tba1 ••• p..-rimiental wnrk:. huwt,·t•r, be eon­remtd in Jn\it.allinic A tt'lrphonft 'fl'l'· Tic<• •ith un KU•·u,nttt! If the- p'fub­Jpm "'hall we say. la) •holl:r in thf' qu~tion of in~t.flllinr :1ultablt cabltt. •rnuld i1 b,, ri~l 1n do the o>:J><rl­ments h,· 1,uttin.- u 1tl,phnne in tWfry­bndy'!I h1>u~r? For a tfol", po!;~dbty 1bc- amu&t<mt>nt or ~rnlli' ablf' to t.alk, or nut, to nn•'!t friend11 naiaht .-he a t.fflain popu)al'if-y Lo 1 ht- a,.-~um, hut l doubt i( an1'irr ""oalcl put an1 large 11um of mune, into R:ut.h a "tn• tore ""ithuut lu~in.r aHji,,urNt or luturt flUCCt•~•

It UI •,;art1y the S&U\C'! •ith Empire Dru:t1d('at1tin,:. No onf' i)f',ih·es more than we dn this dt,·itlopmrnt of 111·irtJ.t. mold com .. ahuu1 in lim,, no one re•liki1'1 more than Wt' do the "nor. m.n111J poh:ntlnl• U1At. undC"clif' Ult' t>stubli"lhm1·nl 1Jf 6-UCh a IIC"Tvice,. 1t i11 th.I! \'f"fY rnnvnitudr nf th,~ eonct'ptlon nndrrlyinl' 1hr HIAhli hment nr a u:ticaf•ctorJ' link bctwttn 'loth.-r l'ountn~ 111d the J)om1nlon,1 and Colon1('S that makea U:! hf'llfitate to do anyth[n~ unlt>88 .som, JCUnranter~ ot su~"ic, ,an l>e givc.•n.

Tb• pruhlf'm,. unfor1nnatrly, lit" -holly in ,. .. ~ption anti 'n,,t i.n tran•• zni.~-..;ion. Tht·rt" is no1hin1 tlta:t t•n hf'

done 10 th• ,,.,,.,..ittor "hkh wlll make the rPttf'f~ broadclUIC ~t ttr, oxeept po .. lb!y by rat.l~K the powor up and up to C!xtruva,-,nt. Umtt., and "tn then it Lt a fooliMh way of •P· proac.hin.r tht prohl~n,. scal4' nceptioa nperim.enta of d.i.ffert"n.t J1orts are bt-iDI' ondertaktn in Rn~l•nd and .A.mHlt• to-day, ~nd dir«tJy ~-totnt­aigru, ur being &hie to 1uat"":1n1tee o •en•ice are forthcO'JU1nr. then, and then on!}. do we feel ounclvoo Ju•fl• fled in tn~·tinl( a W• &ho11ld tben ulur~ll1 tomnu:micate our re..,uJ(1 u lO rec-tptlon to th• Dominion.A and Colonil'H 10 that tn• ~lneer,t thrrt may takf' account of fht work that ha~ bl-en don~. 1t mutrt ht rt-membcr,d lhal in 1923 •e rebroad­casted _\mfrit:an procranuub ih lhi• country. and that tbry were hailed with e.nnrmoutt ,nthuo,;j;,n,m. To-day the standard M!I by •~•l bcondcastin.i: htu1 dimln1Hht-d th• ,•11tu~ ot remoh' and dh;:lnnt itro,:rammt, n~ 1heir eX:• t..,,n in n.o wu· Mmpete with the local. The 01111 fac1or which rt•

rommend" Che o«u,.ioi,al N'lay Crom America •• the ''l'om1oce-" !at'.!tor. but thi11 factor only will n;ot makt" a sa.tii.­factwy ba,1l11 ror a ,'!14!'1\flct. \Y,- ar• workin.c and e.J'perimentfn¢ on the thin&: that matte,-,... and • e- are not b(,h,~ indu"Ni bv popular clamour tn takr a ,::tep • hich in no way cc;mtrf. bu1es 1o future KOtces,11.

The (mly diff'ert'O('(' 1,f'twttn our crilits and nur!<l~ITea wcms to lie in the matter of lt ta • question of the "'tl'ht-n'~ and nt,l tht' ''hnw." We think it brttf't to wait •• h.llf than to "it.a.rt atn.)' ,-.t-rvfcc upun 1he bui.i of minimum guarantt-es.

Jr prnRrt-lQI or the t-.spnlmont could he- furthered by c-rt-cliog a tra10-'illllttin« .talion~ .,..., thould ha,·e done tfti• lone a,ro. tr it rhat our knt>"-fod~e ,...ill ht increatted l)y 1he e.rtchon or a tra.n11mitt11r, it will be done. \\' ~ •We no objtct in riving h•I! •••ult. on the basii< of half m ... • ur~~ Tht probl~m li~ in rKeplion. I.el II.! hop, it •ill PO<IR be oohed.

A,[a,·c11se's Side of the Questio11.

Dl'ftNC ti.a I•~• .. ,t,it aoatli• I "-•• .._.. p~11, -._.,., Cl'leaaiq ••Ill •alW.i• Jt •ht I ff~r te t.,.

'" IM-al ,. .... ,...,.. ... dllld oa1i- for i1Mr1 ••~• ir•n••11ieelon anli rHftUi1111.

A• nrr,-body lfno_.., • f•• -.ot1th• •ir~ thl' ~t11dho¥tU:t. i111t•tlo11 In Ht1ll•nd fl•CJJ) Offlc- nry ffl""'h Int• fh• u .... lll'ht •• • ruult •f a n._bitr of hil'll()t .U(NMf•I dlort-wa•• '""~"" •IIN'h •f're ..... ttlly bn111 la • ...,.... lhtl._t .. 114 ot tk •MIL A•• "IN-• !LO'• "rorr•tn•• ...-u •• ,... eu,rf•ll>' ""-'-TN na --•>'• •.rwl ,..u llurd In nuuiy tt•rt• or 1hr BrltJ•h J1mpl,.., 1h• put.lie IN-raft lo a•k 'Why Jt wa• chal Drlt4.J't•,. ahnad hatl to Nly •tt • 0.tot:h at.all•n. In or1Wr to lwu a,-m ... , ... ,..___.. a,.r.-...ka.,t ., .. t1N (ll4 t;+aat.q

,.... a •~'7 aat•nl t•M1J.t1. t-. la 1:•f'lilf'C9t!rt~e. th• 9.11 ('0 ,..,. il1'•t'CI to "t•I h11111,-" uul •rttt Ii.. ••JJ •hM1• ,.,.,.. ,tl-atf•h (nr th+ ,urvtM iot ~naplrt brcuulra-lJI, Al-a'um~11l ,.,,11,tWcl. atuf In lho11 •all a re.(•••l •• • naw,r O.I• ffmal"d h, a"°~U11f'.• wnh wluc Ut-k&.t•. '-- 1111 .... .- M1•"4 1• '-e •·••· ••nA ...... ,.. ...... ,. ,.,.._i,. ..

II ,1 n• •1 i11•••11~a I• ('rith:lH ltt. D.ft C:• JH!ilky1 ••-• Jt ••h u.,. • h•\·a r•fly, l •ndt,wl• ntl Hlal tha B,D.C::. 11•• d"d•f'H Jui lnltntit'Q of "pl•J'inl' it. rlsillful part In lh• d,-. ~.1u, .... t .t 1-: .... ,.. 11 ...... uatt ........ al'MI lht Cap·taJa ,:-,.t•rtlo an,C kl• a-..ciatc• 111,,-. •.-.l•H • -r.lwa.e wlurh, aJuri.aah h ••1 tll• -• ttae t. a • lar., "'10. 1111• ._.. .. ,. n.nll In • •T•ltl'II M •h•rt-.-.,,. tra11•aihl6n •.n4 rttflttlo,n la C'01'.lnK'tlon 111th Emplni 11,,,.a(t.u.t I nr.

tJ•t H th• pahHr, arit1 ttptti-11, iht 8ri1i•1' ntiG1inj4ri. ,atillr. •ff• \l'u"f• Ual Britain , .... , Nrla • _ ..... .,, Ela.!',1.-. ~ ........ ,_" .. ..,.. ...

.. _.r1a.-1.a'-•iO.Mt fsrtlNr II.ta,. •114 M ••!Mn-au I U•e ••• ,._. , ............ th« 1-t t.-. ,..,. tia-_,. ..,",.,. .... .-... r111. •"' hrth.-r, ~ t ha .. hd H Ol.111111' Nt!U~I rr.,m p.eple uri:1nar "'' !O " Hm•1hh11r" In thr, ••1' ,.t ,hort,.waff brudra•t.-. I baH •t:iPJiNI •• th• r1111t Olllc* , .. r th •DPr.-.1 o/ •£1, wh••• tor nnyf• .. , e.-t•Mfd ,.,. • .._ ,...., ... ln•,h• .t II •"4 2' ~c.rc-..

The. r""""' Ofl\t,t. at~ ••• •"'4 -•r. , ... , coul ... 1alt•n e! .\.hl11 ... M...e h•t-e ,..,,. aht<n ,.II" tlll'lr apprvt •I.

TWO nomu; A D.\ y n,. ac:lwM4'. In hne.;. i• u ,.u ... ,. !

Tbt I lnAt•h f•• r.o h.n11n on • 01 4•7. fH M& ............ Jns I ..... ,. llw ••i" .,.,,.. .... s, ., n ..-n .... -.. , ... •Me.rslu4Jftl' t.ll&.1 I ·• n« lttMir-C. terw.tlt -•• •r •alh·r •f' ,u, .. ,·rt'­tl,Jn~ b.• llU'C,

Of t'DUl'H, 't w11mld hut 1,••n mat'h •a•ie:r tw ~, lu4 tit• D n C' h.,.." wlUlll~ t• Jnl" la with M:r t••I.;, ad bad k tau• aiil•••~ of ._fl,- t!,-,.r to .. ,.. •7 •t••i• I• nl•y ftti ,--,a••'"'~

ft. oet11 ,.uc,n •bie-h •, -to 'lll&i.e th,. .. ~,. wa• ti•"''' ft .. •" 11I-pt.riat1a.ilal p,• lnt •I ,i..w, and 'Whb th• 1,1111111 wl,)Ht of tt11tlur lh• •e.ihi!H7 ~, shin.ft lo lnlflrMlt-d•n•n In t1htant p•rt.t ot Unt l:1111pfr,:. • tut. of tba ltr-.dru-t fan br...,~Nf •> tlv h 11.C:-. In tii.e (U4 (°Nlllf'r

J-'tiq- .,_, IM ...,,__ n•alltr of w,ltc-n••. uhl,... aM J.tien,. wlddt ._,_. lraa th .. •«.-r. 1")' ~N,.c •et trltJt chl1'11•l1111tlt' auppvrf anil hnn.-i;.t~

R&'Jl'ner, II ,. u 1lOt l • ,...,, for th~ ll.B.C • ..,,,... nol acrN&ble- lo m1 1•ri,,o PU"'•'• an• In ~•nu-q11•nir•. J1,.kln,r h•

ull11bontl""· I hoe luul to •tl'al'lr• for •• •w• •tNi• •"• antai.o-11wl at .. httt.""4..

,America's Submarines :i.11 use BurJ;cas.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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P.,.-B!£ -

Dear Sir,-I would like to support the ;dea expre•sed by J\lr. R. F. Headon ("W.W.," 23/9/27) with re• g,1n! to the devoting of a page to the comment. of readei-a on th• set. they hnn constroctc-d from detail• pub• li•bed ill ''Wirelel>S Weekly."

l do NOT, however, advocat<• parti­cularly tbo conversion of the "Safdy Valve" page tor thl; purpc,se. It B<>me get, or relief (and 1lte)' app,,.rently do) !rom ltt use, wcll, by llll means continue It.

But could not a page bo •ct asido f.o.r constructorJt to tell the:Ir experi­ences? Thia I am $ure would prov~ inter~sting and ins.t.,n1eth1e to all readers, paTticuhu·h· to t.hoac who t:on­trmplate buildintf any l'~~ticuln set de•cribed, and would enable them to irauge the real worth of tho set. und~r other condition,.

I would al!!o suggest that there he included ut the foot of the pag, a form to be Ill led ln ,ind fot"•rnrderl with eac-h ~ontrihuti,;,n Ct~itityiug thnt nnly fa.,t., l,nve be,,>1 g vcn. I do not tor one moment tuenn tn ,.n,tgefiil r11,d;u P'?lthusiagtli are Hnn-fnl' fron'1 it; hut I think you wlll r<-adll~· admit that we rnuio "fif"nda,11

~, lum W(> l.,uild our u,i.,n isettt, are, like fi.shtrmeu, pronc- to br• "eerrietl nwny1" nnrl ntOft! often 1 hn 11

n~l. whcm 0 wound u,:i'' in a 1k11crlptio11 o! the 4'wonde:rful set,•• \Vt! u_n\l,,ittingly exagg"'1'a.le.

¥ours foith!u!ly, V:CTOR :"TntP:'iON.

Cooran, 8/10/27.

"ll'' C'LABS RECEt'TIO'f. n~ar ~ir,-Mr. .M,u·ou, 8. Oliver

("WireJc.s, Weekly" 7/ I 0/27) make., ~ome sweeping H-8H•rtitms- utluul lh~ •t&hllity of wsvelc,n(:(hs nntl \he effi­dr,ncy of i.tations. .)1-ayCJe crrt.a.111 "'tutlonP. not t·et•eiv~d well ;11 hlR Joenllt-y, but when h<!- compluins nb<mt tht- wuv~)f!ngth of 2GB 11winving :?.fl <foJc""l't3Pll, ct.c.t ho IJIWiL u~ eithf'el" thu po~sfl:~sor of a rt'mnrkal,lr nerinl or n J't!rnu.rlu.1U!c rPc()iver.

Although situated only abr.ut hulf ft rnilA fro111 4Q.G, I httve no diffimtlly in tuning-in 2GB. ',\'hen 2GB i., tu11e,I in! no 1ul'tlwr o.dju~tment~ of I he :--,,t flrl(;! nP<.•e-1u1ary, the wavel~ul(th r,imain~ inJ? pc>ri'ectlr eo11sta11t. Lis.tenmg to this station, tHJ rr.crnth~ u.a a da,\' ur so

WIRELESS WEEKLY Friday, 21st Octobu, 1927.

The Safety Valve ' Readers art urged lo e:rpress their opiniott on matters per·

tailling ro broadcasti11/!. If J•Otl have some ,lrievance, if you har•e some co11.ttrl1ctit1e critici,m to offer, Jure is :,our chance for txPression-your safety ualve. The editor a.m,mes no re• .<po11sibilityfor statements made by readers and pr1blished on this page, as opinions of correspo11dmts do,.., represent our e(ii­toria/ polides or beliefs. A,.on.w11011s letters ore nor considertd.

ng-Q, the volume and ~lnrity ware ex .. ccJJent, prnetlcally equalling that oi 2FC or 2:BL. A W«ine,day night church ,en1ce. tram 2GB, which I heard s:ome weeks ago, was for clarity, the best I bnYc heard from any atation1 almo~t every- word or both hymns and prn;-ers being easily dl•tingul•hed,

)Ir. Oliver eotnpla!na about 2GB', ~pee,·he,. In the Rndio Section of the Sriebane "Daily 1\1.ail" t.1f October 1st, a paragraph, denling with radio lt>clur••· slates that 2GB received a report irom ll lbtcncr in n Victoz·ian towrl who enjoys 2GB', lectures sl'I much that. h[' t'veu takes notes o.! them!

A few yeau ago, I heurd 2C:I! re­mark, in referring to the roecption of hi• Sunduy night concerts, that provid~d he rocoh·e<I one reliable good repo1•t, h,e kne"- that hia transmjssio11 WR!' not to l,la..rnc for tJ~., indifferent or bad Np~>r1is: funll~hed b;r o!he~. 2CTR its not 31.w!tys up to ~tnndm·a, and I exrerlenre a s;oorl deal of faO• lng, um 1 ju~tillcd m it n:c lhf'I wtirst of the uB'' c1a$~ crowd?

Let tho a,·,arage eastern •tatc $el ,1wuer 1i~I thP stntionS" whjch he ta11 he sure, to receive, ~;th any str~ngth. I am nfrald that tho fallowing will 11ot lie vr,')atlv ndrlcul t,,:-,IQG, 2FC, ~Bl,, 2CIB, 3LO, and 3AR. All the 118'" dasa 1lil.t.loni:i;1 v;ith the PJu•e,pt.lon of 2G B~ are coms1iicuou:s 1,y tb~1r f"1b•eneC>, ,

Honour lo whom honour i::. clue, ii, my opinion. 2GB l'.q .utl5 a.n HA" clas~ ta.Lien. in many 'l"P:1o~ctH, nnU i15 un•

rloubtcrllv tl1e be:,;t "B10 clags 1',l-ution ill Au:,ih'.aHa.

Yourii1 ('te., ROBERT ELLIOTT.


-+ RECF.PTIO:-i' A'l' RO11A.

Dtur S11·,-Mr. P, 'fiL Smilh, o! Roma, Qtlr~n~hmd e'w.,,r.,,, 15/7/27). ~uy11, ht: bu.~ !J tn 8 -..;a_h.~,.. Bet.:i on hancl, "UDd ca:nnot tu11() fo en~u 4Q.O in clny• tigh~ m1 u flyp val\·e. l w~ in Homa Jrnm ,Juno '.JO until ,luly l2, rnii, and 1Lt• following- ti.gum~ ,,1·e cxb·act1-1 r,·om my logging bouk for lhRt period. 'l'he rce<'i1tion w11s on wrhe ]lnll? Two•• /"WW~•• 17/6/27). built 1,y m• before I loft for R"'na, Jt wn. vnly roughly

wired with 22 g~uge cotton-covered­topper wh-o ,,. 1 had only a short time lo build It in. I had no time to make n frame at.rial, l'D I Uta;cd an outdool· aerii<l, about 80 feet of ot'dlnary cop• per ae.dal wire swung fi:om a J'Ole J!i feet high, and led 5traight into the •et.

Two Mullard Valves of the P.M26{,4 voli type, and Burgess Batteries were employed.

Th• fol1owi11g arc th~ extncte of my reception from day to day during my stay in Roma:

iuth June, iBL, Sydney, Good, a!ter dark.

20th June, 2FC, Sydney: Very good after dark.

20th June, 4QG, Brisbane: Good 'phone strength at 4

20th ,lune, 2GB. Sydney; Good after dark,

20th June, ffLO, J\lelbourne: C_9uld not b• picked up at 1111.

21st June, 2BL, 2FC, and 4QG; Vr,ry good (no fa<ling).

21st June, 3LO. Melbourne: Very faint, n!lhough audible.

22nrJ and 28th June: All o.bove stations wer,e recefred ~t good str,•nrth, but static was bad,

Station -1QG, Brisbane, was received e-;bry day ircim 20th Juno to 10th .htly ut •l J'l.m,

~Hth Juno, 2FC: Good: slight fading no·w 3nd then.

29th J1:me, ZBL: Good; no fadin~. 29th Jun•, 3LO, ~QG, 2GB: Very

guod. 30th June to 6th July, 2FC, 281,,

2GB. ~LO, 4QG: Excell~nt, Every ;r.itntion very tlear.

\'th July. 2FC, 4QG, 2GB: Ver; good.

7th July, 2BL and 3L•: Good, but fnding t,mhle.

8th and 9th ,TulyJ 2FC, 2BL, RLO, 2GB: v~r~ guo (with •t.atic).

8th and 9th July, 4QG: Modulation ""Y bad.

JOth tn 12th July, .~ 11 •tationa (ex• eept 2GB) v,,ry 11,'0od. 2GB drop"(le<l out nltogetber,

Hopinir that these exn-ucts will b,, of inLerest to Lhe: respectivo sta.tions M well u, ~ur friend Mr, Smith,

Yours, etc., JIU.STER V. SWANSOX.

South Coo,t Line.

fhllco J3atteriea Save Poanda in a Yea.r.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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It's All in the Air ROYAi, NORTH SltOKf: 1101'1·

P IT .\1.: To augml!tlt the fund., af tM hoJ.p·tal, a t'lf1ru-ert wlll be hf'ld 1n th~ Arcadfa 'Iiwiitre, Chat.-.v,·ocat, on Sun .. day Aftt-rnoon, 23rd Oc;tuher. com• mflr,c111~ at a p.m. Th• Attadfo Th,atre Orch .. tra will p!Jly, lher, "111 ht ~ulo~ ,,n t ht!' \VurliU:e-1· or.:-11r1, ;tnd thd .. ,ociato artl•t. will be F:lsi• P{'flrlNl~ a.nd Janwn. The .-n .. tf't1.rnnment will ~ l;i·oadc1a"t by :!FC.

RYOE RO.IE •·on ISCllff. ABU:S: Th• pruceodlo u! th~ contort to he held In Kl11g'• Hall, on TuC<"uoy ev•rdng, 2iith OctobM, will bfll dl!"votPtl to thl• worth,- objN't. A .. t.ttng- art• i>ta Att Dai•y JUchord•. ~b\>tl Bat<helnr, Lawrenoo Macaulay, Peirt.l' Danbar, Ha,....ld Hick~,, and Wlll'rod fhoma1. 21'<' l>roatlrut. th• func t1on.

·n:1"TIO'.'t, 2FC: U STR.,t:R!I!, Your t>ld favoiite-1 Jack, will ba in lha •tudlo ngatn tm Tum ... day, 21,th O,,u,ber. Wuuld you liko a apl•dnl nqi.;r; t n111nber! Well, a litt.l• l,ird whi•peni tr you ._,k hln. nicely, ~• will dv It for you.

ORGA:S \IUSJC1 On \\ Nl~"1',lay night, 19th October, 2FC h .. r,,-ron~•d to bn>aka•l a reciul r,.,,m lht, PuUOl'• i.oa Ghuneh, 'l1nTY H 111.t, on th• oeca­alon of the fn,q!lation vr the now organ. A very enjo) Hble pro&'nuntila hu booon •rrupd, which will com­lMUOP at. 7.4.~ p.m.

Ml SIC ('l.l'B CO"ICllttTS: Th• <-nt.ertainme· 1. belil "~ the Peace M~ ffl(.•rial Hall. ,Ro..,;e Ba), ondt-1" the t ,U[I• ablo direction of l',f r. Oliver }Ung-1 uu tho third W"""ood&y In each month, offers a d~d<d atlrartion to Sydnry music lo\"eMI. The p?'l)8Tamme on 19th October will, a• 11&ual, lie bro"4-ca.t by 2FC.

WRY.I'- A ttTISTS UN1'r1; , Li•t<>n• ,ro natUl'1'11V pt doublo th, enjoy. menL Shirt.,- Cooke, that 'f!vadoat lrttl• ont..rta, ne,-, and Harry Whyte, priote of novelty p!anl•u, have c,,J. laboratod. and th,, l"M~lt S. a really clever act, tall o! aparlcl• and •pop." Th•Y &re 1>ot.1t rooa,,lar 2FO arU,t.s, :Uld will ap..-r ln the atuJlo on tho eveninc ot 1 ltll.

' 'THE FLAG J,Jgt;TENA:o;T": Tho pTOloa,,• and ncl111tral mualc to th• r •leaa from the Prince Ed­..,ard Th .. tre will be broadr-.allt by 2FC v-n Sat.urday nt,rht1 22nd October. Mr, Albert C&Hbon. the new clin,dor of the orcb---, wrote the mlllic for thio nmarl.abl• pn .~uctlon.

ff'I loN•<i•·• ll(.i.,.; O .. attl Ml' "•r-14·• .\1t.1eo1tt ~, ... 1. tt-.. ,,1,.,...a,: Ue--. INL 1a,tt-u 11 ... fllll•nid int• ott1ple:1-. . ,. r•ni:,41-,i,nit wilh (),(' ,JJ~ ( tfulluu,, 111 HPDb a tl""-1tr1pti"'"" J all the l'..-.Dta fer ihe "•r14 • t t..••""..adp 1\U• la ..... w. 1,tn..

Auatn.Uan• ,. • ..., h\1u1•,1ff ,nipc,r• H n111U:w-, bbl In lh. Oly-•1pJ• (iamb Atl'I• l•Lu fffle all ..,..,. A.ualla •ID .. &eet.J..a uwt, aeUI• a1 o,.n llli •ll·• -L

Ct-1Antr, LM'OPfo ,.,Ill bt • bl• f• sft In t l,• •r hl"m .. aml I .. HI\ le 1.JtrilU"C' •• •11Yl-- riPI, ,,.... Ui.. ..... ., ... ...... JJII ... '- .. Nl'lf TUat...1..- In h • ,ni-ir.,rW In 1ha pnJ«lln bn1lt• n•t. of U•• 1928 Oll'mi,k ••"'•-. •lilrll will t,,,. hfloi thi• ,-u •t- H.U.1ul.

:IU!\':WJ\'I'S IlA \YAU.\X BA!l'O: S 11:nor Ores~ .llanioni came to Att&­tr.ha after tourlnit the world {or &nrni, tin,~ nnd ora""nnlt.rd what hall! M\,· hecomi P,•.>pulnrly known aa Man~ ~1ml1

, H1wa1ian B~d--- an excellent romL1n:ition Qf 111usicfprJt. SJ\l'noi l1.1nzonl nnd hifl hnnd .arc­ing ,1. ilh ton~1dera.bte aucceas frc;,,m 81.0, Molboume. Tb<, band b parti­cularly well h>.IAnred for hroadcutlnir, a,irl the rh•m• or th• 1C1tltar and other 11otffl innrumenUI appeali to li,t,..nfT~ in that Ca~nating -•Y recullru- to the haunting Jtawa.H.nn niu.dc.

"WIZAR!> OP T HE llASDOl,IN": Sltnlqr M.anzoni. h m1.e.Jf t1 a n-u11ndu­llnlot ur w»rlot-wlde repute, buvlnrt pwyod with outst,ondin;c IU<CCU on the concert plal!orm for many )'•ar,. lh ,-l!U from that- inJ1.frumc,,nt, won­tlnr!u I melodi•• which hold hla aud.t• m,-u sp,llbolilld ,..;th 1urpr1... ll• dou not atop at playing the u1IHLI rotmd of populA.r ntrmht1·JJ, but ea,.ay-~ th.11J lnterprc,hit1on of dauical workll ,.hkh are thou,:ht by moat poople to be quite to the maadolin. H h1 no wond<:1'1 th1)r<."fore, that rrltics refor lo hi1n u ''the wiurd ot th-e 11111ndolin. •

RF.COl!Jl f'OUNTltY DRIHO. (',\ !ITS1 October 1,rom!ff1 to It. a r,. cord moath far rountry and inter-1tatl': broKdc-aatinC' by :lLO, Melbourn<.1,

'\\·• rraclmkhttal,, Rtlllarat, Jltndlll'O, Geelanir, Edloca, Shcppar­ton, BP..nalla. Col:lc, WarrnamLi,uT. Port !•'airy, Catnprrdown and Ryrlney h•v• had tithel" con~rts. s~Mhes, rac••• sport,,, elertlons, or d<!S<7lptlon• of evont, broadr.ut. and 1on1" of th«HJe nntru will have been Jlllt on t.h~ nit, eo to •peak, tor the world to b<Jlr u many u four tim", and It b ponlblo that othtr t'Otntt..rv \1rnR1!rJ111h wllJ h• «rran,red h~fare the end or tb1' m•m1 h~ VtrilJ' 3LO, Mell>ovm•, 1a llvin,: or to Its policy of rlece11trall,olion oi operations A& •s pr;lctlca.ble,

Ci11ning Features In tl,e BroadcD$ling Programs

II 1:;.-.;1 ls\" IIP.GATl'.A: Normon McCauce fa ,:oLir to dcaa )e for b1·uadc.a..111Ung hy !I r.o, MolboµrrH", thti 11reat li•nley Jt•ptta on llulurday Afternoon, Oaobcr 22nd.

llOO~1-:E YAtLR\" CUI' : 'fhh •lanfo event will be ~Oi•d by ".Mu>kct" nnd broadcast by 3LO, Mel,. bciunu•, aL •, on Snturd11.y, Oct\r Lor 2:."i1J,

TUE OllDJ:\'.A~CE OP BAPTISM: A f!Jl'Cia) .,.rvlce Kt th@ CoUins Street Bopt!Jt Church will be broad• taat b1 8LO, Melbourn•. on Sunday ov~nit>II', Octobor 2.3rd. l\ladatno Elfa King,tun is to be the

,ntrn; AR)I\' TP.NOB: S•nyn Sho•tako,·, the oololst .r tho trunon, Don C:0..,.cka' Chair. t, to aln: at 3LO, Mrlbournc, on Scmd.y ennini:, Uctobcr 23rd.

R08£S: A talk of apocial lnt..-e.<t on Ro,<2 wfll t,o d•llnred at ~LO. J l•lh<>urn,1 hr Mr. T, A. Stewart, Prr­•idont ot fhe National :R01e Sodet1, on Monday •nnlng, ~ber 24th.

ATHI.F.TIC TAI.Kl': )Ir. C. lla,:­mcla. lhddh, l>htaJM:• Profculonal !'h•mpion R11nnC!l' of the World, wnl open a nries o! apoclal Wka on Ath letica at 3LO, Melbourn.,_ oo Monday evan!ni', !lctobu 24th, at 8 o'cloclt.

lt'-GLA:-.:n .A:SD At'STRALI.\: nr. l!prtngthorpe, •ho bu re,entfJ' TC'turr,ed from Englsi.nd, will give a moat lntoreolinii 1alk al 8I..O. M,1. boU?'IM', on Monday, October 24th, at 9.4 p.m.

WAROF. ~!ORGAN: Mr. Warde Moriran, lately or "Fn9qulta" Com• 11Any1 t11 M commt>nc.~ a. ,wries of fl,,Mt~ rteltab at 3LO, M.clbo\tJ"lle, on ltua• ,lay nenlng, Octobu 24th,

SlFFL[t'SE: One of th• wlnn•ro In the SLO. Mclboarn•, Wb!oU,ng I :c,mpotltiC>n-llia.. l>iipllnO Wbiu,• .. l',• ad-i11 to a:l\'e a dt-mohltraUon of hor art for lttoadc~ ,tinr en W ..-dnes­•lay e,enlng, October 19th.

J:DllCATIO:'(AL SBSSIOY: Th• Rev. Kmneth lltnd(non will condu,t tho Wc:d,ly EJ.uu,livuot Seulun on Thur,duy, Oclober 201h, commencinr al 8 p.m. Oth,r epeak..,, are lllr. Frit, Ilart and :Rev. D. G. Glyn Jone,,, ll.A.

_ ~'.h1 Blame Stallc? Buy a Philco!

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Page Eight

J'-'M,l(,ilf SA111it/1, fht Hll"ll l,r/(1w1i CfJut,olfo, 1d1Q ,1/1.-,,,. tt 1111C!ttlfK•

Jul ttecuwu at :JI.JU 1,i l.,r(1,1cl• 1·11slt/i11 ftrmt Zl·'C.

KENNETIT TMPETI, tire (l<lpulnr YC>Llil!! N°L'W Zl"n.l.Al11..i baritOUC'1 Whl> h&f-; be~u u. popuhtr vocalisit with !JLO )lfolb11un,e, intend, Lo lo,nv. to,· ltuly in the n~"al· future Lu atudy voice pro­duct.ion. li.r. lmpett. it1 a ~oung nurn \\-hO!H- voice "'howi; grC?Dt. promi~ti. n1:d in Miliu, he will study umJ...,. the bost to.a.c-hl-'lr~. 811fore hi5 d~p:.,rllU'Cl he will give n ,wi-jp~ of ru.ri.-::w~II l't:dlul.i theough 3LO Jlfolbounw.

A\IATF.lflt BOXING .~ N ll WIWS'l'l.lNCl l'HAllPlONSHTPS: :?Fr havt- a..1Tm1ITT--"1I l.u dl'~t:tille W::it.­cYenr~ fr1>m Lhe 8tndium tLt, Rush• ruttr·i-1

~ Buy, un J~th October, and ugoln 011 'rhursday, 20Lh lklob,•r. Tho interest in th~~{• ~pcrrt, fa univN·r::~11, und our r,outh1->111 11hd er State ha-i L.&Kt•U arlvanbge li! 1 llce tJpfl<,J tunfty ol" n:laylag Urn ,l~~~t1pt1c,ms. Music will he aul)Jlli<-,1 in lh•· int•rludos loy the Bomll Beach Concert Ba.rul nnd N.S,W. TrnmwRy Bnn<l rt•,pcdivcly.

ELf!CTlllC N!Gllr: On Fddny nighL, ~1st Oclolwr, 1111 lhe hrMil­enscing stntiuns a..rn devoting special nt.trmtion to the wcmdC!.ra- of cJ!'.:'clridty, t.1.nd 2FG ha,·tt n1-mngL'IC} thl•ir pt'o­srrnmme cu:cordingly. ]fr. )rls-~n1. Chio! Ele<;tri~ttl NngiTHicr, N.~.w. Government Rail wuy~ ltnd T1-n,nw11,v~. will give sn ruldt·,,,..s~. nnrl ~roct Al('x­n.nde.r ha.EL wtiLtL n a de.n!:" ;;:kf"Lt:h ,uitul>lo for tht: !JCC-8.!l,on.

VAcCLt.:SE HOUSE: :\Ir. T. M. Shakl'3pe:<re, Pre,;idcnt of tbe Vaudusc Hou:sc Tn,st. will giv~ n talk on th" historic home of Willinm (;ha.rle.. WPntworth, from 21"C studio. on tho esrenlng o! 2lsi October. TI,p b<>autiful old re,,.idenct>, trnm;forme.l In sel\SOn into a. veritable folryfand wii.h '"i:llt.&.iia~ is a n.e,•er-!a..iling :;;nuree of' 1ntc-:r'est t.o ~sidrnts and vl:!-itors alike .


_\. t U)H',!~ KI ~It.

A 1fai11t~• sml,1t.uuH. Httll· Indy he '.\T1~P. 'J'ui Blnrk, thci winn~r ot' tht t~· ,·1·nt lal,lt:1 '1'a.Jk. .. \ Cu,w·d;...· Aclress. l'ompd1tion, ~nu Jlro~µ~·t'l1·\·~ t,t ar of the- Ausltaliuu stl,\P'!.!. who H:: ~u llrun<lc:t1st r,.,,111 StuJlu :1LO. M,•1-bourm~•, for ~1 r hvl'l ;o,;l•rit1~ of l1Ui(t.lg-t• nit:inf.-:.

DisM.Jss;mg hf't aucce!:lp. in lhe 1.:ora­potitiou, l\lii,5 llhlcl, said thnt sht re~ ci;:iv1.•fl ·1:1, l•nr,,ura.gcuv.:•nt 1ru1u h,•r fnruHy iu llie first µlace- in (Ul't, thf!y Lrt:>ott!<l tho matte~ as n big jok~i l,'lt wlam lhey found ,:;he ,.,.ii~ tnf•luJl-d in

. th~ st•mi-•ti.nn~, and IH!!tlY in th~ 6:nal,,;- bt,gu.u tu i'ive •l bit of !ltlontion lo the Ul..ltter. and W('nl both 1.J.r,Jjghte<l tmd ~ur1,ri1:1ed whL1I 1•nr­i·ict.l off tir~t hc.inuur~.

Although IJLtltl ~liss Black's strong point. -.set:'ms to l>H drt•1t1nci~ t·c,citation. tth~ lt1tl'ndH to det"ote nto~t of hf:r timf\ tu musical comcd)', and has taken ror h~r pnttf'rn th~ dainty ,·lv~dou:-s i;tJnie­tli~nne, 1,li!:>~ Elt,i~ P•·iucc, \vho~i: WuJ:k ~really aprcal"fl; to her by re~l..son or it~ .. ,,oturulnci-.s."

TIIE SPOKEN WORII: If U1ere is om~ Wt>11l thtlt 4.:-Q\.I.S,f~ H bruudcastiug mill.luger•~ hc:ut. tu MJnk, it is "~loeu­tmnis.t.'' This nn.i!u:;pectin¥" iudivi.dunl, whn tWtll{!S inlo the :i1Udiu, anli 1,1'­fcra to J.dVf! ,n f'C'Citu.t.k,n on die nil'. little knvw:, whnt i,xtremely thll1 ke <m which he1 in hb iJ?· uf tht tcdmicalili-es of t'lt<liu

1 blundel"Sl. The

nit: :-itill ham it.1- 1irn1tntiv~ dcJpltt: the mmru·k..ibln st.ri<l~a whit~h hnw~ ~e" ?nadc\ and the lwmhle recit.-1.tfrrn is the lenA nil-t·ncti'l'C of the llllndred und 0110 d-frt-..NiLh'f> 11fferod. '\Vl:t.'n Wt' bavo t~levi,~ion, thh; will bo overcome t,1 :i. ,rery lu.rj.,re t~x.Lent.., hut, thRP. fa !still. tbu rliffie.ulty or\.,1\at i~ known a~ "fn,,qnmidos" in the hum;;m vrJfoe ,o 1•onter1d with. Th,• rise u.nd fall M ot•4fimiry l'linverAAtmn is a.!C rtaturoJ as it hJ. n~~tty; '\\'11hont it, tho mon(1trmy wo-uld bt' lnt.oJt-rHl,le, Aud thi~ is t1tf' !\'locutionnit's tluwnfttll. rm tl1e Hi~ lhlrT><!l"S cannnt see him, tt.nd et1~qut'nLly t.h~ r<>n:-e nf action iK 10: I:, HU' ha~, lhe1efore, to obtain <•ffoot tl1rough the inJJ~xion In his voict:, anti du~ i!l drnrtlcully· CUJ'Lailed. It take-!1 an t\tlifJt. or m.010 than or• dinnry nLility to l'l~e pnrnmouut ~huvc all \hos~ dillicult.ree, l,uf Selwyn &•ym<mt" l\$1.s r,rovc,J himi;c-lf .efJ.111\1 to tho task. !Tis ,1,ereh. "Blintl," whid1 wns rupei1.ted by l!J>ecial requ~~l of n,any 2Fr. Jis.t,cmerg: at the 1'1tudio on l 1'riii.ay ln..'lt, l!! un ont.!rt.tmdhig- ex• nmplt: ot ••mil~rovh.or.e ~nge.'~ whic11 in his wisdom he ha1' cultivlited io n n nur,rL'ciahl!\ cJ.egrN', and his wnrk in h Mont-e Carlo,'' to be: ~ive,n on '\\" ed­nesdlly, l\lLh October, should prove cqrutlly atl.l'1lcUve.

Fltl~U W .\ .I\ r~l"; Uni:'f ,1f Uie luti;: .... t wh.J11.1011r1 tu dJ~ p1u:,,-_ro11une oi :::Hudiu ~ LU 1;1 8,11._ r r~d \V alk~1. Lht:- pv:.;:.r :4ul oJ' a 1,,k~ mg- l ldtonc vuicb whkJi hk w:.~-; 41 ,1,1r-nt .:idva11li:lg~ in cvncert wul'h, 1Lnd ,~·hic.h Is wt1ll known hUth i11 UIU't'>u.~.t!.I 1..:1rde.3 tu-ound 1\folbourne, also in lhe L:01wtry tr,wn~ ot Victori~1 ~nu 1'i •w ~<>uth Wak•s. In fact. ll wu.s<!HU~t:o he hi- :.o wt!ll k nowu in th,,:., <·o1rutr~~, am! JJCoplc J1u.d ~o oi't-4!1l a~~~ hlw .ut. the dost! o( ~ concert. "wheu they we,·e ~oi1~'{ to ht-A• Mm trum 3LO,'' tlld he tLlrowd his ll1v11~,1t.::5 in the u,1t1t.tuor1 of the wJrc• less.

TIME: Time, wnil:,;. fa1· no uan. anJ i\Ir, H. F:. 1'... Lamµc. oi "Uiuntoud l'alk" fnmo; :.1 t. llir,~ li'Fiencr:! lo !tLO, l\JC'1Lourn~, hr,w it 1 ;1:,, alwtlY:i- b~tm ruoo.:;w·ed, from tht· cltsy or the ct1VP n1an when bis l)rimitiVt:! tinwkce.pL•r com~i~t.Ld ur •~ tnM,uld~1-inK s.ti-nnU ,.,f km ... tietl rti~ht.--.--ea<":h knot i·cg-istcrii1g a duy--right down to the presenl Ja,v 1.J r j~wAl'.td time pie.::e" w ruut,d>t, wlt;l DXquis.itc Uenuty.

'l'h~rt- ii; -som~thing VPl'Y romnnt1c and alluring Ir, tlw £1tudy of old duclc~ nnJ thne~kecp!'rs, E·veryonp rc-nrnm• hcl'H with rntrl' ur lcs.6 mi.xt'd .l'e~hngfl or joy er s<>rrow some incid~11l or other ln whith lhe rell-tul1· rlo,•k Ila> ti:~;ur~d J11",1111lnP11tly. Giudere-lln Jost ni: the :;tI-'.k.luM" uf the ,nidni~ht hour her shurt-livt"rl ~l()ry rtf. wPll nfll! her sJipJ•t1r, irnd 111·.1,:y lh·!'s. anti hopes nn<l ftrttrl':". h:tve: hung il\ ibe Lalance as th~ cl,wk "tick-locl<eu" th~ appl'Oach or d,H)nl or life and Joy,

'Whnt a wo1·1rl cd' rmnnnre l\fr .. Lnmpc has !ton, which t() garnc:,r hi!l talks. J,i,.;+cnflrs wi1l look forwanl to chem '.\1th feelings or delight. especi­ally nfter the ~uts.t.anding, !:tucces!! at his. talk,'} 01_1,_DJumunda.

Hd:t1-i-11g bnt ?·t~t"n.tly '1'f!'furnr-d from th(lir Trw,· o.f lndia cmd thtJ F-a,,. FJa:Jt, Si11m>r Ubalbn mul Mis• hyruJ.a Brad­Jm·d aro sh,wlly tu lrroadoasl fnm, 3LO, t<lhuo th<ir Op,rntfo Duet, 011d Sofo• ar• si<r,, to bt f1T•atl11 enioy,d.

... l>biJcos are ,Aristocrat!! among ijatteries.

Page 11: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 2il.l OrtobeJ·, lri~i. WIRELESS WEEKLY Pasro Nlne

Entertaining an Empire Statesman WF!BN tho Duk,ct York wn• horo,

on• o( the bert bits of direct broadca$tinx that tram the

Queen'~ Hall at Fed.era.l l'ttrliament Hous.ti, when lhe Duke w,a!( enter­lainf'd by Federal mernbct'S st. dinner.

Tho same historic hall will be lh• ~cene of a Parliam<mtary dinner to lfr. Amery, the Secretary ror Lh0 Dominions, on October ~1-;.t, n;A :lLO, l\telbourneJ iij ma.kin it :.11 :..n 1ft.n1ent.$ to broadcast the speeche.i,. The• ,ion should be full of interest, for .Mr. ,Amery is a man of g-reat influcmce and insight, and who\ he •••"' about migration on that occasion wm rea Uy be the utterance of the Briti!.h Cabinet.

ll i• posslblo, too, thot SLO wlll ho able to inducr.' tho .stntesmnn to de­liver a special n1e~.S8J,Ca ov~r the -Kit from t.he e.tudlo.

Personally I rt-gard these e:vonts as nmgng the.. nio,t inrpor~nt entrusted to a brondcn..stiug studio. Music and !long and story are all very well, but thny or tf,elr oqoiealent• rnay ~• ruid Rt, any toneert and in any country. The VU!ir.a of emhtent -people like l\lr. Amery are rare ond or peeullar ::sigof­ficance, The abU1ty to Jet tho hun­Jreds of thou•11nd. unablo to hear sue.h men epeak in bnll1; makes for .,,.eater understandin!t· I have h••rd meu Ttwilo tnc great, on general prin .. rlples, e,;iing th~ll- words when they h,ave hod tho vriv!fogo of soeing and hearing lheni pe.rson11,lly, The rndio provides this 11crsonal touth 0.1 no olhe.r agency can.

* * .. .. .. ,. L()NG-RAXGE SHOW OPENING. Last week l had occasion to tell how

81..0, Melbourne, was niz.:ranging- t.O b1·oadcast from count.rY ~hows ~e­scriJrtions of ~ents and -personalities, similar to the b~oadcastini that ,,. .. ptoved so popular in c<1nnection with the .Melbolll'Ile Slww.

Just o. few days the Vllloe of wireleos in this collneellon was demoru,traW admirably. Lord Somers, the Governor, who is pnrlfo:a~ lti;rly keen on rattle and counby pro­ducts, wu~ to hove crpened the 6-how nt Bonalla-121 ml!es $W,,Y !rnni ~foJ. bourne. Somf'thing interfered, and it was found that he •onld not attend In pc~on.. '111.e?'e was great disol-'J)oiut­ment in the district. !And jt seemed u.~ If the show would he shorn of an attro.ction, 3LO, Xelbolll'ne, to tlm t-t'.!1-cue arnd 3rra11S4·ed that the G,overno1 should carry out his original "Jntemtion and open the 9how l)y wire­, ... from Melbourne. The erowd be­fore " loud •Peaker heard his v<>ic• and Jlstoned to bis opeeeh. Tho

Including News and Notes from 3LO

By H. ELLO Uovcrnt.iT M-at comiorlahly In hl.s study at. Govt-n1me.nt House the while..

3LO, Melbourne, ia Vel'Y pleas~d ,dth the'! public r@COKDition of its work w connection with bron.dcasL country nbowo and will eltteod lhe prinoi?I• as it a:.n, ........

"J.'RASQUJ'rA" ACTOR: Fl'osh trom his triumpht$ Jn ."Fr.a.squ1tn" r'1)mes. Mr. Wvrd }forgan lo .Studio :ir,o, whero his volco will be heard r,7cit· LhC' uir .in R gr~a.t range .of vocal ~:em,, .from hg-bt tomody ~o grmld opera. There iR little_ to ~ay Tl!:g1u·ri­iug. l!r. Morgan's voico_fn the~ p11g~ -the majol'iiy of 1.11' h11\~P. seen him in the many ~UCC(.?!<-.s!ul hlusiC!al corn~les ,.nd liACht O]>el'M In whieh he bru! por­truyed leading Tole.s.-and tlie. ftl'rtl· patbcUc quality and Httistic thQt -accompani~ all hit11 worl.; is now familif,r to us. Listen~rb wJU be glarJ to know thnt he is daily g.rowing :,,,irongc.r wlth Lbe aid of tnl:UH1age and oxcrciS.Cfl-after his terrible acciJcnL in Sydn(ly, anrl the nervous i:tt,-air1 thnt e,nsut."tJ, and it is plea~ing to know dl6t in ~.rite ol' everything,_ he is'llg .. ing bettcrr thnn C:VM".

* * * " ... Ym'TY r.ANDAU'S CDILDI!EN:

There nre. few broadeasting t1tations in the ::ioa.thet·n Hcmispher'e where 1he likes aud di~likf~ of the young peoplo are titudied more than nt Studio 3LO, No efl'ort is •pnrcd to make their programme ispeclully at­tr.activc nrith &ong, ~tory nth.I faity playlot~,1>eoiully lhe l•Uer whioh appeals tn children of all ages. T6 •redn!Jy ror lhi~ class of <mtcr­tainment. comes :Miss Ye-tty J~mdnu with the be,-y of clc-ver children whith sh41 has trfilnfld, au.d who are, h~, t.hiR thr1t>, quit{' nccu~t-0meJ to t.he voga1•iflis or the nrlcr~pl1onl-". Sb(! is to broadcast .nn•ther of her dcli~htful Fairy Pl~ylt,r,s on Octo\.l~r, 27th, a·nd her young arti~ts will toll the wonclel'­fut stvt11 uf ''Once UpQn A Time" by S:Oni;t and 1'1tory. Although no ffll!lll­her or the <.!ompany ha.i;. reached the e1ee !\f t.welvC'. !'r•veral of th~ chl1dr~n hnvc a few y~ars' stnJte exverjenN• to U1tlr C1'-{t,dit, trnd giv~ vromfa(" of b(.lfng vcrry V-IL'"l'6nt.Uc Iittlf" artial.~.

* • * * * * 3lADAlrn ELLA KJJll(lSTOK One of lhc lntcst s1Jditions to the

programme nt Sludio ::iLO, rthlbvurne, iB Madame Ella King-sl•.m, whu is wt'!ll

known to JmndrC!d~ of Ustenl'.'tS, fOr ~he is th• conductor of tbe Lndies' Or­pheus Choir, atld musicul J.lrc.c.treu •t the Collins Stroot BaptLst Church. Sbo hna ,tJ)('Ht many r.ears. in Mcl-1,ourne, dcrin~ which time ht:r vucal activities huve been ch.ietly in cliorol ul)d church ,vr trk, nnd, ag, many pE>O-pl~ will kctow. sl.e was- for fifteen years lhQ: prind_pal e::>11mno vo-cnli,;t at, Col­lins Street BapLi•t Church.

lla<la:01e Kingston's early life was ~p~1'1t. In Louth, Li11c-oln:1hire, and her college ts.terr begun et the early age ol eleven. Hol' nrnsical t81e.nt shuweJ its-elf at an early age, and, in o.dditlo,1 l(> exc.cllin,: both in violin playinst and singing, she wo• found carr}•lng otr th.e honours for pinnofo.rte plnying in t.b~ County of !Ietl!ord5hlr<'. Her suece~ gavo ZHt to her Rtuqie~, and ·whcrtiv('lr the young performer Vi aa heard, notablt- pcoplo in th@ music world gnve ,rreat hope~ for a brilliunt future. When •he wa, bul fifteen, her rendering of ,ltAngels ever bright i:tnd !air'' so imprm.sed cm~ o( tho Je...'1.ding tcno'Y",i. of J<~n~hrnd Lhat he J>rorlh:~e:d B great !uture. for her a& ,n voeaUst, whilst hfr brilliant piano­forte and violin pJ,..ying frequently called forth tha remark that •h• wQuld clhnb to .tame by either of lnslruments.

Th, opportunity wa• provided for her tu £tody at the Royal Academy ol lfusic under J.!adame. Larkcom, dur­in~ whle-:1 time :--be \pµIeJ lwrse1f dill­~ontly to study, which was foUowf;!d by splendid tiut:ccl!aes both in r ... orafon and the provinces.

Since tho bcginnirig of her ca1,c1:r, Marulme Jin:; her .. s.C'!lf almost cxclu!\ively l.o Rucred "VOl'k, and in it bas founrl hc,r nieh!:!' io tht­world of mush~. Ji<l.\f!.ners "t\~lll be glad to htw.1: h~t' rend.ering or s<,tne of our beautiful •aererl nt<lodies over the nh·, f<>r her exqui:-ite tt-ndering wUl nu t·eJy lend n. H<'W beauty nnd mcauing to the words.

• • • • • • TIii! MELBOUUNR tTP.

."i mong the PVent.s for r}1t' end nt Oc!ohot• ~nd Lho b!'!yin ni11g of ~ ov~m. her nrc ~-Oll'IE" imr,cirtant itt-m'-, 'fhPre ts, 1 am informed by n fri:end CJ( inlne wbt1 i"I .ct ~p, ,dlt,1r, ~ big race b+'l1~1 run on thl:1' n r~t. 'fucsdoy in November at 1:1 p;aro m.i.!r-d V'W.rning• to,,. Ji U. known a-: lht' ~folhout·ne Cu_p. lt i..:; the big b1·oadC:\Rting or,­portunlly of thi.> yettr, !or {'Vl'.'ry ow11~ oi n set tlrn.t am piclc up :lTJO, Mc-1-botJrn..-. on Lhnt day it trying to tune in. ShiµR Jtt !£-ti, foreign staltun~, :,II try unc.J I.isl en .in t1:1 t-ht wjnner'• name.

j'he World's Flyers carried ;Burge911,,

Page 12: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 12nla.obj-666408209National Library of Australia

WIBl!:LESS WEEKLY Friday, 21 ,t Oetober, 1927.

;_=·· ·•· I•••••···••·•·• •II I I •II•••·•• . I I •• I I •• I .................... .. •• I·••••••· I I•••· II•••• • I I • --l • lel I I• ·•· t • •II I I•••• 01 It I I I• 1,1• 1•• :I

Send us a Trial Order And be Convinced for All Time.


Quality Accessories Wlttl'f'l&ll t:onE> 1'l>e'11'"'• ••·,... 11/.­Pu rotnn UUntl. 8J1eak~!'.II • • • 1 • ••• 8'/ .. Amplion A.R. 115 llpff\e.,, • , .Cl /il/­

Am1,?1!1n A.JI.. 1 tl ~pon;lJ..eni •• £3/JOl•

l,.2t1j,li111\ "".lt TU Sp('!llktff • • 6.3/16/•

f'Ap St,lN'tlve Browninr Dn-ke K!t• . ..... u -• •• !O/t!i

t,jfo111~9U .!i-lJMtwa\:'e Plu.:-in C<t,1U .h;Ju • •• • • • • ••· • £!'/16/·

Kr1u1 C,.rnif~:akn, • O<IO~ • • • • .. • • 84/1> 'Ks1-u Cotulealllh, ,1)4oa~ • ••.. . 3:'1/G

Iru11.1 l·.;q-..ia, JW:o • • C H/lli/d EeonntrOll Olli.tttoF Valve, 1004, lll/1

Hur.-e1111 B U•t~u .. , , • , • , ••• , • 7G.!• S, Wlt'lt Jllat,,ir., l:11.hlfls , ••••••• , , I/ff

t1111hon-..11 lf1•~Jpl1onrt; • ••••••• 12-4 Cl.rll,mu, Jr,-..iufnhm1t•11 • , •• • •••• , • 21/­

~m:.ut!'Wl UV20l.A Y5h•• , •• , :i/9

, ............................ l .......................... ... i A One-Valve Reftex Set I j G• du.f!r lbcd. lo l hl• laau • i i a. d. !

11 l Rodlon Panr<I, 12 X 7" 3-16 7 0 !

l J~ao Cr•nU••l"lJnn Condenter, ! i .0005 ......... . ... , .• lO Oj i 2 ~In. P lain Engrn vod IJia:i.., i •1. 21a • . . . •••• , • • . . • • . • , e 1

1 G, & $. l'une! Typo, Ad- : j ju..qu,hle P,·t<><to..- •• . • , • 8 3 ! , I Ce1tiflocl ~0 phn1. One Hole I j Fid11g Rhoo~tllt . . . • . . • . 2 0 I j l ,rr.,.cenl. 6 lo I Audio • I ;,fonl1e-r •·•• · · ·• · • 13 15" ! 1 Phllmore ~0lA typ1> \'~Iva i j 8nl"k"1, . .. • . .. . . . . •• .• . l G ! , 1 Wo1ie.s .002 Miea Con- : I 1fM1.i;:.1r • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • 6 j

11 WetlPIIA ,OU! Mirn Con- :

d,~,,,,, . •.. , . • . • . . . . . • . I O i i )•lb. 21) D.C.C. \'{lro ... . ., . 2 0 ! , l 9in. longth, 1 Eronoid R~<l 1 0 ! , 1 Pie,e R<14i<>n, , "1 x a-16 o 1 ! j 1 Termlru<I llMnl • , • . . . . . 2 ff i i l doz !lq, Bllllwlr• . . . • . • 0 10 i l Price £2/16/8 Set j 1 ................... •,•--• •··· · .. •••• ............................. ..

Quality Parts 11!,-o StnulJu ('-ond•n.aer. •. O~•. IO/

Emnu:u ISt.mbl!l~ Oc,,111:l~n•"l'I, .ooo-s • • • • • I o o o o o,,, o o , •, o, • • 11,/f

Actv.-nca S.t..ll'. Omularu1.ttl'.,, 0001, 10/4 AlfvMe11 Ceti-•li•.11 OoJtdeMr!I,

,001>/i . .............. , . ....... 1,1& Conti1ietiU,J 5.L.JI'. CondenMQ"-.

llnns .... , •••••••••..•••••••• 9/8 Cel'Uf"i11d S.L.F, C-o~, ,00i1"S, f/j RiPJt1Jlt S.L.~·., w.itb Y•rnls'° Dial,

.0005 •••• , .... . , ••••••••••••• !$/51 B.M.S. V~rn1rr l}{dll , • ·•,. . ..... 7 /9 Piloc. LlL~ \'"""" Dial• ..... ... n/. 1'.mmeo Vtrnlff Bak. n~. H""" "1/6 C-ertiJ1e.1J One--hol• n.nooat"ta • • • • • 2/· Jti:ltqrd Antfphllrl.l~ :i-Qi!lo'4• . .. .. . 3/· Aj"u. 201;\ $~kc-ta ........ ., ... , 1/G MµltfPQint .Del..HLO:t'•, G. arid j.,

SHlic l»M . . ,.,, •• , •• ,, ..... . . . JS/I GIIISa EnclOliled Det~,.. , •• , • •• , !/G :!Git. Rpeak"°l' ~ ... . ......... ,v, itr. N1JUY.u Cqrd, .......... , .... t/·

[conolron Valves 201A, 6 Y<>it . • o/ff 'rl4 Au<l!o, ti "· . , . 6/6 Rnstato r.11\lpJ,,r, 0 v.

l'i·ie~ ......... 1113 21111A Jl,•t.t,<:tor • . 15/9 ux "'" uv mo, 4 v. ,oG

Prjcc •.. , • • •••• l-./~ .A "~lvu frJr eve-ry


Crescent T raosformers ~lad~ in llillloo.

6 to I for ht ::it.ages.

36 to 1 for 2nd l\cag,,o.

Prlc.<>, 13/8.

ECO Straight line Separation Condensers Wiclt hollow· spindlo, fur «-•ni:r mountin1r,

Fresh Batteries Our Speciality,

We do not ""= h=.vy 11:o<!ks of B•~•s, and thua can be relied upi,n to alwaY11 l!llpl)l y fre&b Guar,uucc-d for Twelve

Montlm Ilum­out.

.00-03;; .0005

Prk-e, !0i- e;<eh, ones.

C OVNllY CUENTS I '111 '" wii11• t• ,n o.!m 11( 10t'• ud IYU, tlt tpl II Sotalf'n:, CaW•t·IJ, B.u,oi., ,.. Y,1 .. fay.W, p..J r,n:eJr.

T ERMS: wi1b Oritr II Calli ••

Dtli,u,. NO OISOOUIITS 10 A!ffO~E J A

U. GOODS ABE GUAILOOUI> TO YOU. ij 111 ,.,., •• , ,.,.,. •••• ia ~- '"" ,riths 101,y, ,r rt<, ipt -~ VI ,rill rtfuif plrdias, l'ri<• ll Ml


THE ECONOMIC RADIO STORES . Cor. Macquarie •nd Churdi Sta, 25 NEW ROY AL ARCA.DE, 569 Bank, St. Weat. :


'Pho1111: UW 9601. '.Plumo: M 80. 9. '1'ho11e: N...,, 1122. •

····••·······················••· .. ·················· ... ··········· .. -· .... ····• .................. _..,,. ...... ,..._. ... .,,

Page 13: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 13nla.obj-666408332National Library of Australia

Frida,, 2ht Oc:ohr, 1927. WlllBU!!SS WBE~LT -

A Single Valve Reflex Receiver THE man to-day Is al•

way• trying to aret the most ou< of • • Ingle valve ,ct. Many nn,J

.. ,i•d ar• th" meant put forth hy 1kilful writ•rw, but 1oir.ehow or other ~uln,i: la the m"<lt ~pahlr method In ula~nt• ID-day, \ lrtualfy epe&k• ing, N'.ftexin,t a receiver It verr :aoc:• c••afal provided th• •~ .. t~m adopt•d I• one which lends Itself to fool-proof tenden•fOA. Jnvadably too, a cry,tal la employed •• a mean, ot recUfl••· tlon. and mony conl!tractora contend !,~!,.h';;~_;!~ a weak poln, in ewry

Thil I• not tra, In every ••11.1• of the word, although •• a mntter of ~t in rnany instanrea there -ie a ttrtain an1ount of rca,on for lht8.­a ... -:-ertions. But the ovenoming of thi• dlffloulty h not lnsurmountablo and the rf"Ceivcr propo11cd to bo descrihod ia on, whlrh lo very etablc indeed. and will therefor• make its appc11l to thol<! many rcadCTs who arP anxious to it'tt load :, to .. eeption u1dnc only one va!Ye.

In alrno1t every YPfltx ('i.rcnit tt Iii trnual to hn\?C the, ttr>'atn.l rcctifl,~r ln ibe plat~ circuit of t.ho valve. Thia tilllff'd C!0n...11lderable datnJ\ing •nd na. turally l't'sulla in broad tuning, tht a:rc..b tntmy o[ wittlftll• re<"('lvtl'I nwn<>d by city peopla. A glan<e ot the c·ir<'uit diagram o( thie r,~ceh•tr •hows thnt the Cl'Yl1.ol detoelor I• connected to the ••mTe tum of tM ,rrid cod, thereby •nablln,: th• mdlo f'"'C-qG~J" eun-ent. induud In tllc «rid «ill by the aperiodic aerial <oil to roacl\ th• lf?'d of th~ nlw: b- th"• are •lirhtlv amplliled and fed back through th~ reaction eoll io the rrtn

colt ag,ain; hne ie -whttrc a ,creat in• creue in 11t:1L1itivity i• uLtained.

A! hai, betn mentfon•d over anti

~t";..:f,~ ~!l'v':. ~:~!\!i~•~~~ aelecti'rity at the u:penoe o! the senaJ. trvity.. Now this is qulto wrong1 b•· cnuae thore ia no re,.on ln lifo why

Parts Rtquirtd A/Jl..,.l U1• ,.._.-t_. fur~• Wov a1'1-d ..... t!OtMd tJlif'v,ali\allf tA• .u,., crN t}~04- ,u/fHJJw l!Hd l,11 ... h• '"· rt~i...,,,. ~rtP>tJ. It w111~t /1,t pvll',lf'tl •~t <~t U \al ""' 0,b,1,J~t,-t11 a1r11t!C,1 t"-•t (Arf/ be naid1• edA.rflli e.. Ot-Mr ,:,erl• •I ,-nor .-lit» •"" kdl\lNf ..Z1ou aic:n1W f•~f'-- qw,:, Mt~J• io .....

1 Dill'<'to, ..RatHon ur Hnrd R11bb1.1r Ps:11el. 12 x 7 x :1-lff.

l .0-0(15 rnrct. Pilot C~ntl'uline Condenser,

2 4in. r>iab. 1 llarlfo 0.tector. l 30 ohni•. Rheonat. 1 .Adv.rrco 6-1 A.f'. Tr'111A-

Iormt'l', l Vnh·• Socket. l .002 W ttl .. • Con<lm.,er. l .001 W•tle .. Cond•-• (Op­

lionaH, • th. ;,; ... ~o D.C.C. Wire. 9in. r,r I o.r ~In. UJamrter

Dilecto or Rudion ttod. 1 Srnall Piece ot PMelling, 4

x l x :l-16. l. Tt:nuiual SD1p, with 8 'f'ff ..

mlnals, ~ndrlttt, SrN'\\'411, Wirin,r, ete. 1 Bosoboard, 11 x 9 x 7,

the eombinaU011 ot ,eltttivity ad ••n•itivity ahould not be malntain..i throughout. An effort h111 been made ln lhls r«aiver to produce thl• e1l'eet, aud juat bow tar it is produced "ill be by those ,rho ecDltnlcte4.

llany ownen of stand:lrd 8 coll re­,r~nerative S'in,le v.alvtt 1'ft:Piven wi11 welcome th'8 reflex r~~ivr-r, and it i.!I only n•C<!•••rr to proct= ~ fixed conde~r, an r;udio t.ra.n1fonne?', ud a crynaJ detertar to con-.,,rt thrir pl'M8nt rece!= Into thb mod•! witb a<!v-ant.a,reoua ,...nit.a. The ll'nsitivlty of tj,e receiver will not b,, irMT!er<'d with in any way, roth1•r will tho volume bo ltm,A.,d to a v,ry high .iandanl. lndJentally, too, th,· purity ot rec,,ptlon will bo •"hanoed i,n. meMCly, 111 thP.rc is no qt:eation of the fact that lt ii an ertr,mel:; dill\­t'Ult matlt"r to g-et bethr 11urity than I, oh\Ained by moan• uf cry1tnl 1·cctl­ftcation.

The bei:lnn•r is aure to ••k Just what pgrpooe the ~alv• ltoelr per­form~ to e-nli.rhttn tbfm on this matter. Thl" tuore tXl)eru"nctd re.d,-r will porhap, pnrdon the writer for inflPrting tt,a ntlx:t pnrflKr&ph. T~ valv~ l>"T'fonns n duAl J)urpo!e. It does not detoct, this bolni: tl,e rl1tht 6f the tt:rru 1, but it ampllllM the Incoming ,n,rgy first!:, at radio fr•• quene!y, And in thiJ:1 ffll\tn'lflT booPUnsr op lho monnrr or tbe untun•d oeell• lntion.s, thf!n t1ftcr th,1 c::e nr, detcciM~ !hoy are f•rl bnck to th• volvo u;a!n to bt!i amplift~ at audio frMUtncv. Tbna thert• 11 a combination of ndin fN01lot,ey ampllllcatlnn dttoct!on and audio frequono:, a111~1lllroilon, three dftrtinct purpn,o, and only on• ,·ah•• requlrod to do th!o,

ut Yoar Battery Save Yow- PII.IW: Philco..

Page 14: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 14nla.obj-666408465National Library of Australia

Pare Twelve

J:t-erc 1s s sav1ng ·tn the cost nf up­kef'p and he'rr l• a ,nco.113 c,( Jit:1bntng in on a loud speaker to the local dotions, and only mt: v·alve usE!!d.

But bclore proce,dir.g any Iurtlfer, too rnueh strc~• cannot be lnid on tho necessity p! mnki~g use of only a bigh grad£! cry-stat detedor, and thia llnit i• the m11ln ,r,ring of Lhe who!• l'eeeiw~r. A 1.11tca.:p ot·dinary crystal detector Is le:s!\ than 111clcss, so it is inct.mbent upon the c.onsuuct-Ol' to employ only a high gnde crystal det~ctor. Jt.nying- thf::: e-nd m view the writr.r htt!4 specifitid in th~ li~t of rf'lmponent 1,arls ne,•t'~~--~· a. Tfnrlie dt•tt!ct.01·, hut. t,thflr g(\od qu111ity 1..hf• tectors mny I><' used; sll<'.h •• one or the well-known Lion family 01· a Car­borundum, also a well-known pr(lduc:t.

For the ~uke nr neatness a1ld np• Jlt!a:ranco t.he frcmt panel only hiu; two tlial11, ()ne ft.1~· the coademsoc. and one for the resr~ion contr~,l nnd 1.hP trystal <lele<:tor \\~th the. rheost,d.


To wind t.hes:c colla a auJtable. forme1· mast fir~tly .he propared. Pro .. cure. .a piece of timber of any thfoJc. .. ne», but "~ least 5in. $qW\re. De­scribe •1l cfrcle on thb1 timbet• 4in. in diameter. The circumferer1ce of this tlrcle must be divided into 0 equal diviRioni;;. Sne.i1d a little titn<.! tna.rking out lho.:c~ dh-i!"ions, reasonably nc­cw·atoly. Thc!n using ordinar3,T nails, approx. •lin. lol\Jl', drive I.hem into the honl'rl une ot eat.h divfadon. Drive thorn far enough in •o that they are secun.•, 1md. ns nMr to upright as l!J possible. Now commence winding the c.:oils. St:1lce:ting cmo nail, it dnc3n't. mnHer which one, twisl the b~gin .. nin~ l•f 1,.hH wh·e arnunJ. this nAil for a couplt' of turm1, then wind the con­tinuation of the "'·ire by -going oub;ide on, nl'il, ln~ide I.he noxt., out,ide the third, in,ida the fourth. outsid" tho Jlft!,, and so on, in and out of the nailH, until 8 complete turns arc

Friday, 21st Octob,r, 1927,

wound on.. Dotrow -aome cotton, ant1 bind thei;e turns toi:ether. Next wind the reaction eoll and •ecuring u be­fore at the bo1l'inning, wind on 35 turn.'J in u aimila.r n1JJ.nner, in and out of the nails. Bind thi• coil now, seporafo from U e rrimary coils. Re­move the nails altogether, and take both coil• off, leavini: them carefully on the one side.

Drive the nail• back into th,ir reHpe.cth·e position!!!, and wind the. secondary or grid toil. This eonsistS­of 40 turns ss previously mentioned, but at the 20th turn, a tapping shoula be taken in the usual orthodox lasbion of n1aking a small loop, and continue the winding until 40 turns are woun.d on. Bind with cotton as before, :re­move the roails from the boarJ:I, and slip Lhe coil off. This complete• the coil winding.

Next mark out and drill the panel m uecordance with the panol dr!lllng dlagrarn accQmpan;y;ing tbia article. Lay the panel on a flat ~urlace, mark out with ,.. centre punch, t hen drill, N evt"r forget it is always a whlo policy when drilling standard panel materi"l to use only a light presou .. , buL a high speed. No vetnier clials are n~e.!36ary in tbiij re.cciver, so the constructor can forget about the catch screw , vhfoh is usually nee:es­eny with the vernier dial, but attcn• tion •hould bo paid to the fixing holes nece.s!uu·y for the flxin~ screws for Ute variable conderu:er. Also bear in mind that the panel ha• to be screwed to tho basfboard •o ttuat i t i• necee­•llrv to i,rovide a hples at the bottom of t.ho panel for \hfa pm,pose.

On the panel mount the, condenser, and the theo~Lat, also the crystal de­tector, Prepare the panel by trim­ming off tbe edces and treatlnir it to a coat ol ahellac varni.ab, Now screw

nPee~Rary are mounteri on ;\ t~nrilnal 1:J..'' strip nt the back of th• bnscbonr<I, I'i, mounted b~low. All tho termjnal• r cvon the tenninnl, for fop loud ~5" . .._ ___ __,1: .~._., ____ _,~

1 spcak~r or bc1tdpl1~nos aro there. ThiB ~-----1.18~i ,( ~'"8- ) gives nn cx<"ee-rlingly nN,t npr,eo.ranee besit.les f')t,.,""lding a me,~s or eon• ~ ,, struetin,r short leacl.,;- whieh nre so ~ ne-cei:.,-ru-y in every ~fficfor1t wirf'ks~

7 J,

re~:cr;oils for this reflex set may 3'•'--)~~ll>f'(------'t'='------•)o~3" be- wound ut home-. F'nr t.hi.11 ptrrpoQe , '' there i• r~quireu l1alf • lh. or No. ltl 20 gauge D.C.C. v,ir',, Tho primary or the aperiodic con <.-.on~h1t!I of 8 turn .. the se<>ondary coil of •IO turns, j and th" reru:Uon coil ~f ~G turns, o! this gauge wire. Esl'ly 1·adio men 2" will 1·emembm- the ha.aket wound et,;le of low losa coil so popular in sliort wavo receivers of 2 or ~ years :,,go. Thi• is tho method ado1>ted for thr toils required for this receiver. ~---------1~~•----------~l

Page 15: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Fritlq,; 2Ht October, 1927

'n .the pun.el into post!fon on the bnso­boa-rd_

At !hi~ •Wlge it ls wl•e to mount Lhc• reaction coiJ in ik. positfon, pick Ult the dHc.ctn ur Tadion roJ which ~hould ba dt-illed Alt each -end


in such n fa•hion tlwt" siJurtJength of 3/lOin. b,•s,s, rod may be fitted ;nlo eac~ ~nd., 1n jUCh ft mtrrmer, tbat the rod 1~, 1ncrea~ecJ. in length by menn.s o! thi~ brc1.-:.a.rod hy approx. tin., that f1J, n bra.s. rod should nro\lud,! J,h1. from each end ol' the rod.

- Next IJinJ the reaction coll to tlio rod, using again Oto J'amilv cotton . . B!n<l this securely so tbal it' does not •hp. On the small piece of dilecto the. ~~ze nf wh'irh rs ,:a~ previo1,ady rnent1on(od, 4 x 1 x 3-lGin., drill a bole tho sntn~ dinm.t1Ler a.a the bPass rod, ,~hich _prOtrudes from the dileeto 01" radjou 1·od. Motmt th-iti emu.II pie-Ct" of dilecto •I. the back of the hase­·bonl'd _ln ~o~h a_ manner that the ra­RC'tion <"~11 111ount~d oo thls rod ~hoaJd sprln,r thr()ugh it:s own axis, There shmild be attention bPtwt:1en the front 11unel an~·· this !';mall bttck supporting panel, "" that the roaction coil does not tlop all over the ]'face, .but will remain in 1:1ny position accl'trclin~ to the turn{ng of the dial on the front pancl, "hich CQnlrols the angle or this reaction eoiL

Next mmmt in po::1ition the second nl'y, c<,11, and tho aerial con. The ,i;et"Und;uy coil should bP.: mounte<l <•lose to lhc re.n.C!tfou coil -so Lhat: the ,reacCon coil may »wing towar,ts the i:e-condary, thcrotorC, iL would be wrf!e t11 rnount this seconda.rv coil on thf> ean1e lcvt:l as thC" rt•HL-tion coil. The ne:ria.l coil is :titted to th!' grid en.d of the Jo1eComj"nry t•oif. thnt Is, the: ttppo~ite s.idf:k to the rR11etion roil. The aerial eoil,. sl1ould be, apprOll:, ¼ o.r j an ineh away from th(t spcondary coil, and Ina)· be, htifd in po!iticn by means or 9 matches. ll iR ab!lolutely- neces­sary tn nMe that all three roil, nre so mounted lhat tho winding• run in the tiame dll'cction.

!\'"ow luy out tho r(l:ft of U\fl ba~a­hoard nppDl'ntu~, this consisl3 only ijf a f!orket und a trnnaformer, across the.\ secondary of wJ1ieh j~ mountcn tho .002 1ix•d eonden.~r. Fit the ter­ boa'td into po~ition now. thi,; terminal board ,hould ha,-e 8 ter• minal-,, on(' fur scrinl, on(! for tho­i'.At'th, on~ for tho A battt~rr pos.ilivrt, 0th~ for A battery ne~.ntive, one t'or B negative-, on3 for n l)013itive, and two !or the loud B})etlkcr or earphnncs.

If tho conatructor profe111 tn makc hf, own terminal board, a h11ndy Apoc­incc for these terminnh i11 iin. npa:rt. V,'bc-11 moUntin~ 1he Lflrmim,111 on the tt<rt11itu:.1 i,trft,, ('(.\nl'Jid0-"'flblc tirn<:- nnd lrotible will be! saved U -:-ht, construc­t",or fr.rte" m,Jd ... lring- hrj?'S to. ooch ter­n.,i-nRl; fr,irn I hef!P luP's ca,, the con• nections be t1.kf'n to the ,.-arious com­ponents at th~ rru::oivl:!r,

WIRELESS WEEltLT Page Tblrtoon

The, wiri11,:t ean be pr~_!.eded with at th1s st&lft', the choice of wltinar ·wire i@ left to the cons:troetol" him­~Plf. Sorn.t;:. 2refcr neat looking square. bu,bar with Tl!l'ht angle bed, while others dh;pluy a strong partiality for tho soft point to point insulat~d "-"·ir­ing. Commence the wiring b:r c.on­rrn-cting the aerial terminal of the ler. mlnkl board to the begh1ning of the aerial coll, the end oI wWch ioin direct to. t.he enrlh ter:::tlnals. Now run n connection .(1•om one side of the rheostat, to one F termlnal of the valve aocktL Oonnee:t ll'.e othe.r F term.inn! of the valve socket to the. A po.aiUve termihaJ on tl1e board. Now the rcmn.inh•g side of tho rheo•t•t should be jol!led to the A nogative terminal, and ti ,c B nega. tPlP t.t-irtninal. '\\'bile on the terminal board, join the B -p•,sitiv.e to thP. nParest loud speakl!r tettnlnaJ, the re­JnBining loud .&!Hrnker terminal con­nect to onei .Elfdc of tho rcactto.n coil, th, otl,,r side of which join Lo the P nC the valve socket.

Run a wire rrom G or the audio trnn,(o1•n1er lo G of Ille valve ~0ckft, Now connect l' of the audfo tran,[ormor to \he fixed pinto• of the vnriahlt1 C'()ndeniSer, nnd to the begin­n1n~ of the grid (>r n-econdnry coil. Th{I beginnin,t of this coil ii:i t"hat ~ide nea:rcr- the. aerial coH. Now Join the end nt this grid e()il t() the movln~ plnte of the vnrialile condenser, and to the P tc1·minal of tho nudio ttun,­fornwr, slt10 to the t\ ne.a-a.liv<! nnd B ne~ative terminals. on the torrnfm:ll b()ar,rL Front the B tel"minal of the ,Kudio transiormcr Ttln .n connection lo one side of the trystnl defoctor-. the other side of whith to tJ,o centre tap of llro i<rld coil. Nnturally, ln mllkine: this connection, thE: insulation ehould

bo octaped from the v. lre, and 4 drop of solder npj)ll•d.

The other day tho writer had aub­mitted to him; a sine:10 valve rl'.!'.ceh .. ~ for t"~i: purpo~e.s. 'l"hi~ re<:~lvc .. · hnd been made by n rnw b~ginncr1 nnd not one jq_int waa ac,ldered; the con. st:ructor had similtlrly twisted his connections, hnpjng to make a good contact. Naturally he: didn't, be.c.i.use the los~ei, s~t up were ~u great,,. very pool' sign~l stren~th tPeultcd, nnd what did come th1uUgh "a11 very scratchy and uoi-a:1. a Sut't:- lnd1cuHou that the ("Q.Use of the. o-ouhle lny in bad and looso e:onnectiobY. A tvw minutes with the ~oldering iron t-et these. matteN .t'ight1 and tJJi~ pttrn.• graph wa11 l11Kert.Jd to iru~u-·ee-s the bo. ,rinncr that inlermedintC> J<)~nb should be sold.rel!. A few hints in sold•r1ng were srivcn in '4WircleAs. \\'eckly" of the 7th itH3t., and tholSc reader!:!' who nre not conver11a nt with this aide of the construction 11.l'"e. refcn-ed back to this is~u.e.

Wh•I) •vcrythlng ha• been wir.d rorrectly, test the. t·eceiver. '{,~iri;t of nll m~kr. cortain thnt the B h•tl.el'Y tormimt.1.s- a.nd CoMectione. ar@ nOt mixed up with the A hstterles, he­csusc if by any cha11('e this doP.!11 hnl)­pcn, and the B hntteries arc conriec:tt-d to the A J,atlery terminal,, or if by any chnrce thtt 8 ho.t.' .. ery make, eon-­tact wit' th<, A battfry wirin~. when the r-eceh·er is connected \JP, the vnlve will be rendered \. .. les~ by being burnt out.,

A"¥o1d Uli~ posslb_;1ty- at the verv be1?innin~. inse-rt the vnl~ rn its ~<>elrf't1 and conne-et -the A bttHt•rt­it!lelf, to tho. B batt.c:rv trrminnt;. Turn Oil tbs "Rheo,tat, nnd if th• ,·alve ligh~ up you can &~Sure! you:r~e-1( that

~ , e~ .W.enl ov!ll" the ~ole witll J!>'r!!-

Page 16: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 16nla.obj-666408724National Library of Australia

Pace Fourteen

th&'-' ia a. wi·ong connecticm :some­where, check ov.,,- all your work in the wiring before proccedinq rurthcr, and rectify this errQr. If on th• oth•r hand the V--dlv~ does not light up, then connect the A bottory to its proper t<'rminal•, which sl,ould give the re­sult of li,ibting the valve wht-n tho rheosiat is ta:rned on.

Now th<- choice ol n V<1lve i~ of im­portance jn t'\:er)f reflex n.1:t-iver. Uu actual test it wxs found t.hnt n power vnlve sailed best, valve u•ed beiJ1g a Coseor, Stcntor Six., which 1•equlreo u aix volt A buttery, and about IU0 volts B battery. Itadiokts and Radio. tron 201A vah·"" both gan very qood roaults, but it i• alwn)".< neees­"'l'Y that the V!ihes should b~ workod 011 that JX>rtlon ,,f the eurvc where it dves not recti!y. TbL, Is noM by suitably ndJµ~in1t the potcntia I on the plate and the filoruent current. H in doubt "" to lhe valve to use, ask your dealer to l9how yuu th~ c-urves of dift'erent valvea. and sclf'Ct one whose cha'tnct-Oriatic cun"e ba11t n. g.ood slr.nlgbt portion. To-day, th~re will be foun, l a wlde choke u! va h·es to sui~ all purJ)Oseij, and at various


priees to suit the µocket, •o it should not L~ u hu.l"ri rnatt~r for the con .. at1·ucto1· to pick a suitable v;ilve. Follow out the dh~ccti0n11 enclo:=.ed in the valve packet, for A and .B bat­tel•ie,s ~upply, nnd for gooUn~.i;~• sake remember not to li,X)'Cct tho bc•t re­sult• fton> this rece,~r with only 4r, Y<•lts plate botlory. At least, bave BO to 90t morp is preferable.

);'nw hook on lh~ aeriBI and earth to thE:ir re-Hpecth•e terminnl~. Th(I aerial ~hould not exceed 80 feet over,-11 in leu~ th. 1u1d the earth •hould he Oirect to a dean water pipe or to u tiht~t ul copper 01· il'on buried iu tlu~ r,rou11d 111 some moist plaee. TJ,e earthlead should b~ as short us pos­sible and fairly •tout, certainly no thinner thun the wire nsed for the Ut"tbJ. Xow connect U1ci headphones to their respecLh·e termlnalij. Light up tho valve and Lune in. 1.'he locl\l flt~ition~ wjll very quick])~ be heard, Lut iree of interferE'!l~e. one from the othet, excepting under adver&c ctr• c1JJIULtancesl such II.!' 11 location in the shadow of a high-powered broadcast­Ing atnt.ion.

Frida:r, 21st October, 1927.

Adjust tl,e react.ion coll by bringiur !t closer lo or further away from t.he grid coil Find a iOOd point on tho crystal detector, try two or three dif, ferent placos on the crystal. A d<>­cided increaso in voluml' w111 be found when n good spot is located. Retune with each different ezystal adjust• Us~ your rheostat to advan­lnge, There wm be fo\llld on~ posi­tion which i~•ldJ beat result... Ad· ju$t th• B battery voltage.B. Finully, i! reaction ia difficult to obtain, re­verse the cannec.tions on the reactU>n coil. This will adjust it satisfao• torily.

This i, a :really eood little rerelver, and will find many friend,; avery­wllere. Don't )le afraid of a reflex ri,. cciver, wonderfql will be the result, obtained, provided the coustructor fol­low, the instruction• carefully. The remnrka concerning the c.rystal should not be overlooked, nor should \he quesiion of B battery voltage be treate<:I casuully. Granted everythlllg is correct, tho,,e who make up tbia re• cdver should get the earoe :results a& did tbe writer, The writer'• home .is


Page 17: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 17nla.obj-666408853National Library of Australia

Frid~:,-. 2lot October, 1n27,

At ll!arl'ickvill•, in a Mah Jlo,ttlnn 3.!i mi!f!i:; nirlin·, Iron~ 2BL, and 17 miles airllno from 2FC. All lbe )QCllt ~~tion~ were he.a rd Vt!.l")' nic~ly on th~ loud 8JJ{'.ake.r1 not 4roougb volume to doat~n you, ot c"u•••• but sulllcient to fill tho <1v.,.~i" Jiz• room IYltb cl••r IWtot ll!llo!e. Anrl lb• Announciera' vc.ikcs. W()n v~ry nntnrnl.

A. eemin ?.:mount of cmre i, r('a

11uirtu In u•ir-~ the r•~•'tlon coil, thi. bol"lf a feotur• worlh whll& from the point ot view of be~rfn,: long cliot,lnco ,tations ~ the •11r1>hone. The ~raker uo•-d wa, a Brandes T.ihl~ctm• which, beoldo looldnc vtr~• ntlr4ctiva on top of tho c•binet, io put•licu)nrly &01tt1i­tivo, at1 tho !llllgnot of the unil ls or generoW1- proPortions. All who heard this receiver expressOO eurprfae nt wltut could b~ nchle\·•d wi\h a ai111ple ,ei Jikq thi•. :f'or local r•o•Jl• tion it will pe fou11d ideal, 1mp CC/11· 1id•ri1,g that th• life or the A ud B b11tttrle, d•pondo weatly 011 tho num­btr of valveo uaed, It i• &v>dcnt that the11e c,.cct.norle!'I Fihotdd Ja~t s ton­aidcr•bl• timo. Hero 11 a s4vinll' to the pc><:llot.

Fin111Jr, it will Ii• found ndvl•abl• to shunt the loud •poak•r t,,rmln<ll• with • ftxed conden••r of ,001 ca~~city. 'l'hls will allow ani· radio h-~qutncy enoru pr,:sent !n thl• )'OT· tlon of \h.o clr~ult to bo by-pa~s./d ln­~~4d ot /lowing throua-h the wiiuline:• of tli, 111e.aker or 'Phonea •s th• c"~• may be. Try il with and wit.bout.

r.rns. II. R. HAl\lMER'S BORZOI DOG "A UTOC)!.AT O~•


Io connection with the broadcnst of tbu heart-b••h of un• of the largest doj\'a In the wnrld, by 5CL reecntly, some in~r~tlng fllc."ts we-re gjvcn bY the lecturer bdOTo tlie hro~~••t.

The bouol or Ru••l•n wolf hound ls used In Ruaola fo1 huntinir wolves. They al'e very fa13t. and have rr(lat. st11mipa "'llnd c,..n cha$e ll1e woJves for Yory Jon11 dtat,,nee~, Th• wolv•• •re ('Qursed ,.,rith n brace at borz.uis in the same, Wt\Y :.l~ lh<' hnrc ill- rourr1ed in Au•tralia Wi\h I> pair of greyhoul!da. l'lomethn•• • or bouoi• I• usfd on o pack of wolv••• tho hun\<fil riding llflrr them Qn fleet hol"O$,

Tlll• bnrr.ol 11 ~frs. H. R. Hammer'~ w•ll-lcnown "Auto,nt or RoMkll)'&." anrl WWI Imported by that l11dy la• t Aprll /ror,,. F:n1rland. Ile .,.. pro­cort'II in J!lni:lnnd by 3{~. If. Thomp••"• of BnMor<I, who I• a -well-known t,,,r~oi breed61' ~nd Judge, That g;n­tl,man atat~d that tn Iii~ oriitfon "Autocnt" WM the .e..eeorid best bO?'z.oi 1ft F.nlfland.


Vacuum Tubes for Every Purpose

When is the Vacuum Tube Worn Ont?

0 ~, ,·arnum tu.bes there- are many kinds for many purpo,o,. Tub .. ore prlma~ily dividotl Into tran5-

mittluJr and l'(!colvhcg tub•~. 1110 main dUTe1·anrt1 b~lng ajzo ttlld tMtu1.cil)', Iha huic d•~lgn rcmuininc tho ••ria.

U'or rt'!co1>Uc1n, thtre ara two 1>rlmnry cl•l!lliftcotlons, nam•ly, rt­oeiv!ng tub•B )'roper nnd auxiliary ~l.'•Q!ql lub••· 'l'~ld~IJ up rcco!vin,i i;ubea, w~ hov• general utlllLy tube• Qp.er11ting on ritbcr ztoru.te battAry or dry battery, kt'(!Ordlng to rr,.ireiren~,. Formerly, and unttl the a.dVEtnt of dry .. h•ll:<,ry poWltr 1.lrhH, onn wua virtually C(ln1 pollod to cmpl~y •tOTago-haHury lubes. fqr powerful 1nud~iJltmkP-r :re• eultw, ']•c,~al", Mwwvt1r, 1.hero I~ nQ l1,,1nH'er th~ wid.e tlil!-rtcpancy hPtWt(•n dry-bntt,,ry and storage h•Ueri• op•r­aUcm, General 11tfllty tuhH n,ay be •mJ'loyrd "" d•tectora rodlo fr•­,w.,n,y amµllfl•u. uud/o trc~uency nmpll!lor•, and small os~!llntore.

Then tiu,ro an, lh• special purpo•• tub~s1 di"lided into .suneuen,itive- d"'· iN•toH nod hi1th-,·olumc output smp!I. fterw. or the former, th'lte ure two typea of rredscly t.he samo chin-ac­l••i~ti~ bq~ with dijfcrent ba•••· Of the !~tier, there are 1hrro 'YP••• nnmoly UX-120 for tho las! ~t•ge of o. dry-llaU,ccy umpli!ler, OX-112 tor slorngo-battery amplifior, nnd llX-210 for u~e ,.;th cloet>ir-lhd1t-•upJJIY )'ower amplitlo1••· So mueh, for re­••eivtni; luues prof'<••· llwitchlng ovnr to amulia1•y spr'-t!in.1 tuhc-s, w~ hnv~ t..he regulator tub .. tor battery climina­Loni. There is UX-SU, wbi,,h cun· trots tho "B" volto11e ~pl)lied to the r~eiving ~et- by n baLtC'ry elimlm1tor, "" well no UX-876 which control• tho ultornath1~ rurrent Hne. currPn~ g-nlng, ittto the battory ('IHrninrt.tur. 'Iher1• is 1,rot&tlv~ tube, UV-877, ,.,bJoh pro• l,ed.1 t.hP tulle fllnme-nt.a of a ~roiver ugain,;t pot,sii.JlP "R" b,iitt.iry potcmtirtl d!Ja to fauJt.y eonne.ctlan or ,.hnrt..-dr• cult. Then tlu:Yl'f Al'E" lhe rectifying tube!. (:)I'" rcc-trnM, UX.·2111-B and ex .. !!ta U:5t'd in batt(lry etlminat.ont.

You will not.le, thn\ I hRVe rrlcrre,l herQ to Arnerl~an. typft t.uhes~ ~.1 th"i;-r, Ure- mOrc 1,!'e'ncrutly known t~ thl! .HYPr­DJ:''3 lL~l'ler, but it must he under1-,Lnod t het th..,-c are mm,y m•k•• r.11 wii.h 1.he,lr ow•n denomh1atkin1t ~uch as thl' 13400, PM11, St•nwr O, nlld rountl••• oth•ri, that Jt would take houra tu ,~oumf!I"&.te,

VACUU:11 tubes, Uko living things,

ro:;w ::d t~1:1m~~rs~o;~1:. taF~~ merly, whun vacuum tube, had •olid tunlf•t•n fil--=nt., a tube was usefol u11til tho filam"'1\.8 would µo lon,:er lit{ht. T,i-duy, boffl!Vff, ~«1nnn1laal tubes employ special rua .. 1H"nts whiC'h r.outtnuP. to light evl"n after tl,e tube has hoco1ni, }ll"n<'ticnlly u•ole••· So a lighted \ubo l~ nu proof thot the tube i., litill l(ood.

l'rogreu!vo ro~lo dealers hav• tcbe le•t~1-. wilh which u, det,rmlne the •hot11tl.eriatlc1 0£ i11bes. Wbon pos­•lblo, Lh, n11lic1 cnthu•l••t thoulrl have doul>ltul tubo• t'-"'t•,J t"" hi• radio <lsl\ler, .ond, ~• ofttn ,.. not, thoa• ,arne tube~. J,trovidecJ they bo gc,nuine ru1llottan.s wit)l Lho X-L or tho1·t~ted­tun~t,m filam~nt., can be rejuvenated or reacliVAttJ a• it j,c cnll,d, so us to ddiv~r Bt~v'eral huutl1 l"d h<.1urs of nddi­lionfll aervi(",,. To the rn,tio Untt'•ner tn rural pnrl• '1,hrru " locul rndio <h.•.l\ler i• 8 1'arlty, the:re itt o. alrnp1e hnmr-n,ade m£'1tn1 for hn1ling thf! PITTti,;ncy a! tulJt11'1. This fovohres ll(J•

thi,ug 11H1J'e, f.hNn mlfl'R t'<1h1T1nrfsan bc­twee11 " tube or hiKhest efficiency nnd lbe tnh• in Lbo l'l!C•ivinl( aet.. l'ir,t of 11111 th~ 'radlo l'nthmsi-:i~t 11hould "-ecurr a new tube frrJrn ~ reliable dealer. 'l'bu tuhe f • now •ubirtltutrd for 0110 tµl)~ •rt~r J.ho •oth.r in the r~efvlr,g- llel, notins.; the ditftrenc-r! in ~iynul litren#th Hnd tonal ti;unJity. In thf~ mllllJ\Ar tho ra.1Hn ent.husfnst nr listtmoP' C'Sln tell whkh tubeti 11.l"e ~~t .. t.i.,1g- we-uk1 cnuHing fi lo•a. in signnt . .. tl'4.m[flh and t1vtn th.A toual quality, hy direct COUlNlri~on.

Roli~hle vacuum tubes hove a !if& WflJl in t•:rCP<"\11 oI :i th<1u,-s.t11i !en .. iee honrs. li'urth,:rmQre, while r.fflcfont tul,•~ should be ,•mplnyecl for the uudtn nmpllfier •ocl<el•. lho oldor tubes ran h~ nsed wlth griod reimlt.R­fnr the rndia fret11J.e.ncy Ynd ddeclol" .1c,tkets.

CRTCKET: ,r,. Rod. McC1TCg'OT toinntt'!n(.'e3 bis talk, on Crickc;t n'\ 1'hul"Rrfoy f'V(.•nlng,'l' 20lh.

D.lNC!l ~1 l'SIC: 'rhuro,!ay ni~l11, Octobf'r :l-Oth, beiing "Dane',~ ?i,;irht" at :lLO, MelLour1w. ,lNI iwd hfs Symph,1nl.Bts will' 11ome nCff numlmtA.

For Purait Alusic tlae Only Phil~

Page 18: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 18nla.obj-666408984National Library of Australia

Page Sixteen WIRELESS WEEK.LY Fi-i,lny, 21st October, 1927.

A Section for the Trade WlnllLESS OX AIR "PLANI,;S, Ta e-n&blfl · hf'.tn ttJ pic-k up n+:W:l and

,v("atht-r- t<'J)Orl.s <""TI rout~. the C nitt•U St.u.tes. Air Mail 'Plun~ 1'-l'e 11tta<l ,-.ith lff-8iYN~. In tll.US pict\rr~ is ahovm ut. left Billy Brock, .fa.mou.;

t,.,rn,..Atlnn~ic µil,;,t, wl1n ha• made many records. :1~ nir rrtidl pilot ~mu i-.tunt fUcr. ·with him i.; Mr Soui htl', ChirQ/l'n oo.le-1omJ1n fol' lhe All-Amct:i­rnn ltadio Corporation, wh1> !'tttcd nn a.H-Amer k:.1.m r't.'Ccivt'r tu LhP 'pillll<-". 'l'he- set hn..,_ ghieJd,:,d c-oih. and wlH•11 car,·ioo on lhe lir,;t. llir mail flight fmn, to '.\Unmi!tpl-,,11.s picked. UJ1 ~tatiorn:- right a.long the 1·outc.. ----THE AIRZONE MASTEIW1NE KIT.

Thi~ Klt. which has tecenlly 1,e~n t!l.tUnined by ~s. 1-.1till t'~ one stnge or Radio (requertc~ ond di/l'cr~ from the

0 .. ~--~ ~~ usual design In lhol It employs n loo.., coupl•d primnry in :he R.F. Coil, 'l'bl~ foature reduces- tbo tenrte-ucy t~• 08~1'­lute, :., point. Lhul. ttiun1lrl n.prk•al to th~ a1uateur uot ,,cr:;cd it1 che nrt of neutralising, and ;Jl@o Illllk~.:. (~11

&Tt:atcr st.'lccti-vit;r.

Cupacily l"C•n<:tfon i!:I aho a feature of thi~ kit, and this method of 1·0. g-ene1·.;rtlon, which p1·ovidc,i 1:tJch de­lightful control, makeii th,; 111,:,:mir or distant stations u compuratively ~ai.y matttr-,

'l'),e, cwils :tre wound with green !!ilk wire on teUu1oid fo~:mers; all end!I ar,1 tar-en tll fl .ildPring lugs clearly lettered, w hJch reduce~ th,• cha.nee of faulty wiring L.! a minimwn.

Th<- kit is of robust construction nnd gn()d tlnif'h. an,, one we can thorough!} l't!<:Olllllleml to the novice.

---...------.-THE PIIASATROL.

The lat~~L 11E\tl'Lrad'' P1·o<lt1cl to rt.•a,:h lh~ Australian m:u•ket is lhe 11PHAS."'T'ROL/' n t1·11e balan<"'i1tg- dt'­ViC'll for HnrJiu-frequency Amplifiet·~. IL i~ initnble for any <.~i1Tuit which em­ploy., ltadio-fr,,qutncy Amplification -wh,•thn tu•r .. id. 11ntu11Pd or rt1flPX. On~ "f)Jw.s~t.rot mu~l be t1seJ for ea(•h i..tulte of P..:idin-frE<'lUt-ncy .amplific-H­tion nmf, when ('orrectly in,;t.Rlled nn.rl n~ju.,tr•d, T'hns«trol• will absolutely ~lim.inatP any l.fl-nd~rir•y tn '!'Rdia-fr(!o­,1uen,•:v O!-tcillntfon or tlbtortion. 'They .sh011J,I pro_,e e•pecially useJ'ul Lo the n\Hn \\ho build8 his own ~wt, O_!:'I ,i meAJl,t of bal.u·ncing and contt'olllng th,r,, rntlio-tre\{ur-,w~· amplification. 'PhP prinQ:ip1e of thdr opetatio11 h1 hn~etl upor1 thfl :fad; tlmt w}1(ln 1.he actutll imJ1Ul$~ upon lhe _g1•W ahoW!:I a

Square GJass Cells with each Philco.

phast! difren•m.-e approaching ninety degrees with the ol'ig·inn.l di•...turl>anef'-, no oseillations. ·would he Created, be­cau~e wlth i:;uch o differonce Lhere is no cottlinuuui:s Teinforcement oi the original irurulse.

l•'ull particular• of in•tallalion, 01,erat.ion nnd is-uppli-e~ we1•.e teceived fron, MesoJ"o, A111algarnawd Wlrcloao (Australasia), Ltd., o( 47 Ynrk Street, Sydney, who nre tho whole•ale du,tri­buLors In A u•tralia for F.leotratl Ccr­tHie<l .Radfo Products:

CLYDE SP.ARKS. We havo reC<"ived from the Clyde

Battery Service a copy o.f their ex­tcllent huuse org-nn cntUJed "Clydo Sparks." Although primarily iutended foJ' Service Stations and Radio Dcal•n, tlri3 chatty little volume c.ontajns a heap of matter which is of intereat to anybody ln­tei-e:1ted in batteries.

'rhe i.uu~ under review is printed throughout on ~trt pap<'r, and the front cover d~ign in two color3 obQwa a picture of a huge blue-gum tree, ttidt.! by aide with n motor car. lt is somewhat difficult to link these two thine• t<>gether until one opens the book, aTid t\ruh, a neatly worded parn~raph which drawlll nn irnalogy between the handiwork of nature and that of man, and introduce9 a neat little climax hy pointing out that it i• frotn matured trees such ns that

F--hown on the covPr that the. wooden ~epnru:tott- used in Clyde bnttorje_s are tlbtainP.d.

W. R. Green, Production MatlA~er ,,f tho Bntto1-y Department of the Clyde Company, conttlbule~ an article doaliti,:- .vilh the progr.,.. of the m11nufactur~ of Clyde Ba!terie•, and nnP )P1-rn::s from this that whilst. in 1n2G the production of bntteries by thi, firm wns appro1<imst.cly 40 per ,lay, lo-day no le"" than 260 batteries nre t.urned out every day, Truly, big figures, and re1\ectling grMt credit

Page 19: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 19nla.obj-666409117National Library of Australia

J.• rid«y,1 October, 1!127.

upon hoth lhe product and Lho method ,.ll' in..-rch.anrii~it11,c it. lncidentnlly this rurtieulnr articlC gi1rot:t 1wme fi.:-ure;i; reg:u·diug the big ·IUIW batt.ery phmt whir.h is now beinll tn1n.alled by the Clyde C:omp;iny. Thi,s a conc:re,te ftoor ~pace of ow!r U0,000 squa1·e fe~·t. A double. page spread neatly h1id out Hluatrates thC! variuus lyp~ o! lih:ra•, pamphlet., ~lotuera, •how curd.,, etc., ¼'hiC'h are produced from tirue lo timo by the CJ;-d~ C<1m1,any, ~nd irupplied fr~e to Service StuLions. There is a detaiJcd de,scription of the ll('W Clyde Radio uA'~ Po~r Ualt.., nnd VaJ"ious illust.raUons ot Servlce St1:t­\ion• anrl other items r<lated to iho battery h,dustry.

A number uf s:1111-ppy pats and news; items stali~red tfiroughont the book compll!t:e the volume, nnd mnke it most interesting .rea.dini;t. A. R. Al1<1n, tho Edito1·, is to he courralulNled upon bi11 p1·0Uuclion.


.ELUUNATOR. Arnon,s-~i the many new 1htcs now

riroduccd by, Emmco mutit. h~ nwu­tioncd The. Enuuco .Sutw:r l'vwfJ ·•M" Eliminator, which i~ constructed· par­tie11larly to.r HUpplying higb tension current .tor multi ,•alve set~. We tested this super power eliminator on a Xine Valve Rrcl>lvcr o.[it!t'8.Ling from a loop a(!:r!DI, tind found no traco whstt ... e\·er of hnm, but vastly inc-r,~sod v-olume. It deliver$ 85 milliampi:t on 180/200 volts, and i• •npplied with a Rayth,on JJ.II. Tube. IL is adaptable for all 1,ype:s of valves.

The instrument is PnclQ:;:etl in: a neat meta.J ea~e witb .Bakelite t.,1p nnd alaminium has~, Lho whole mea5uring 10¼ x 9f x 6J,, weighing 2-3 lb,. It ha~ five termiMl•. <•n• •:ii M-h. one B-, ono Detector+, adjustable by n knob for voltage~ a! frnm 20 tn 45, nne Radio.+, adjust.a.hie up lo 180 volt~, and ono Audio+ Lor lhe full 180 voll•.

Jf a le"l~P.r vriltn~11 ht deP.i?'~ in nt1P. or more of ib.e Audio vaJves1 they may bf? connected to the Rn.din tarminAl~ and sdju•te,I to ,uit. Tl>o volt.nj>ie• may be. altered by th~ knob!'; while th~ Eliminntor iJt in USf'.

With eaoh Sul"'r Powec Elilllinatmc • fully explAnatory pamphlet i• sup­pli"'1 •o that the operation entaib


JJo difficully what"Y~r. FTorn prne­tical tM:t, nnd from an appearance poinl, o( dew, tl:e Emmcn $npl'r Powu EJiminntor 1110.rc than mec-ts modern rcquirt'm.ent.s, nnrl w~ prc<lil•t a ,.-,n·y Jarg1.1 sale for it in the future.

---• ·roo .\1UCH BRAND[;?

Two ycttra ago the '.1a111e 1 'Brnndel"-•• wu known to a fow peQplo who ju ... t h.sqrpcne-<l to bu>• & pair r,C •·Brande-fl.'• pfwhca. 'Wb.en we consi<lflr it to-daj', thi_;;; @<'E!m~ rcmorkable. n.,i Ilrnnd~~ hnv(\ heen uconstil,!1l.l rorn11on('ut ,JP­eigrHl&:15 und m11n11fnc:tU.r\!.l·li &incc UI08.

Whnt 11. difftorencc th,r,1·,:, iii! Lo-da}·. };yen here in .Austrn.lJA., tha.t Wl?n<fer reproducer .. Th~ Elli_pticoa<",'' ,..,·hkh receucly v,·ou the f10Jla11ct .r'-cousticn.1 Mcdill n)'.("allwt u!l eomers, has heeti board and >1pploudcd by thoUMnd,, whifol fl5 smuU confrere, "'l'he Tahl~. ro1u."," Jlllt.urnUy appeals to tho~e of more modcralc .tn.e~.

Bt'andes. have not ttmfined lhcm• s.el1,·es to their world kno,va c:ipc:nkcn: -Th<> Table 'l'alker, Th• Brand<>I•, The 'tablecone, an<l Tl1e lsl!ipiicon~. but ho.vo rt!cently hral"\~bed cut nnd canfod theU' master t-T-:J.ftamam1hip to candrnllrrs and ::wt.s~

Aft an cxn.mpJp, of lhe way Brnridc-e: good~ al'e- _being r~ccivt'd in A 11sf.raiia, tho photog:rnph shn•,1,.·-s A rather rc­marknble thint:. It haprcn::i to bo one of aix trurks c.'\rr'Jing goodli fm· •hipnt•nt lo Aw,lralio. The weight. p.robllbly v.-ith the nsrn~e nnd liizr of the shipmetnt wer~ tan much for the trul!:lc, eo it gave- up th<- gbo'5;t.

---.---A lffW Rl'RGgS~ BATTERY. l\ew Syft.em TE>hiphonl!fl. Pty,1

announce the .e.a.rly arrival of a new and much big!;'er type Qf Burg;..,.

Hullcq,, Lo he known •• lhe No. 21Jll8, or thP Surier ''il." The Bur"C"',f!.s No. 21:108 weighs about 1G-1h• .. or only 2•lluio. 1nort• Lhall Lheir w1•ll•Jrnown Nu. 10:W~. 1'hu, slighL •dtlitiunal weight. anil sllghOy lurg'er dfmcnKivaa u111kt1-s it pot'aiblo ior thi~ SuPf!>J' "Ir' to bav.u 2Fi ver 11cmt. gr~tt•r (·it.y. The Balt<!I'y is i!.RJl~r.inll~- de8tgnctl Lo give t:lfo'il·ul 3t1t·vke nn h,1nvy t:11Trl'ttt~, hO I.hat. ..,uh rcquirin,(.( heavy i:urrl-utg­thnt fa, dt11lll'I whkli (!X.Ceed 20 miJli .. mntlc>t'('S, will f'peralc cfficiontly and L'Ct::1t'Jt1tuic-1tlly on Utt.' Sup~r "Ii" gt?l'\'ic-P.

Cyliudrkal cells pro,·cd lhrougb

ye;t\rs: of 11Sl!1 coul-tdn on imprnvE-'1 mix. Tlw pfu•le electtu1yt..1 Jl\i;lkl'S 1·ecupr -aliou rapirl nnd ll1e in!1ultt.dnn hotwn!n ~elecled Cf]fa is of the very l,tttt. Tho nuter hox is lhoronghly pQrtLtr.ned n.ud I he posts equipped with ln,rniatcd nUl'I.

It l, •ullklenL to "'.7 \hat t.he Su11er 1'B" .omlrndies all of tho quali. tiL~a which h.M·e worked t'lr Yt!Ur~ t,o-.

wards tho success which Uurgt--lili ha• e.stnblfr.hed, nnd benefits through the new de~ign snd r""••rch of the Hut·~& enginecr3.

T!lere is no "just-as•good" af! Burgees.

Page 20: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 20nla.obj-666409241National Library of Australia

WlaBLBII 'WJ:EKL'I' Friday, 2ht October, l&i7,

... ___________ , __________ _...._.. .......... -.. ·-· ······--······················· GUARANTEED

In QUALITY--SERVICE--PRICE The "EMPIRI:.'" Audio Frequency Amplifitation Traru!former ie made from the best of material, and is designed to give uniform amplicatlon over the whole band of Ul!eful fre­quencies used in Loud Speaker repruduction,


Small JD Size. Big in Performance.

10/6 10/6 . Earh. Earh

The Price is RighL Guaranteed J2 J\lontbs. The Article is Ri1k l\fade in One Sue onJr-4 to 1 Rntio.

Radio Accessories. We carry complete stocks of well-known brands of quality Radio Accessories, such as Menominee, Eromco, Radiokes, Grodan, Jg-r:rnic, Airzone, Mute1·, Pilot, Admnce ncccR~ories. Balkite. Philip's. and Tungnr Chargers, Philips', Rad10-tron, Mullard, Cossor and De Fore:;t Valves, Amplion, Brown, Tefait and <~rossley Loud Speakers, EYer-Readr, C'olumbia, Uurgess anrl Philco Batleries, C.A. V., Clycle, Eicide and \\.'illard Accumulatoni, etc .. etc.

AU Goods Sold with Our Guarantee.

We pa;- carriage throuirhout ,°'\.S.W. on Radio Good", other than Batteries. Speakers, Valves, Cabinets. Receivers, and Valuo Payable Post.


Our .Mail Order Department is under !he ~upervi~ion of a l'llnil Order Z.;xpert, which ensure~ prompt despatch nnd careful attention to packing.

WILES' WONDERFUL WIRELESS .............. and ELECTRICAL STORES ............. .

nRANCII: 2.1 1'1'1'1.' ST. NNr 0«-.1.&r Qu1.


BRANCH: 384 PflT ST.

o. ........ _.




-•-•••••v•••••••••• •• ... •••-••••..-• .. -•-•••••••••• ...... ----••••----~---,..••------••

Page 21: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 21nla.obj-666409370National Library of Australia

Friday, 21.t OetobeT, 1927.

Friday, Oct. 21 2FC, SYDNEY.

F11rmer's Broadcasting Sel'Vice. W avo Le1U1:th, 44.2 lietrcs.. l!JJlLY l,COUNINO SESBIO>I.

7 .. m. tQ !I a.m.>II>IG StSSIOJ:1.

IO a.m.-"'Bls U,ea·• an4 co.cmnount!ti.ta. 10,S L.m.--Sw.d!o mu1I~

10~~..m..-"Sfdr.Q" ldornll\l' .RuaJ4" nei.•

lD,80 a.m.-Stu@ mWlie..

10.itl(ll.a-A~ J 0.d a.m.-Stlldio 11&.u1Le. lt.~-;;:.:.e!~" b(arcblns nn,alt ror

lLi &.UL-.A....E.A. and B.wttt'• cll.blo •~ ...... 11.10 a.m..-Stndfo tz:1qUQ. 11,H a.m.--.A Wk aq hocu• c.oo'kfnr and to­

c:i.DN by :r.n-. tlnth ln:11".t. a.m.--Oloiie d.o\lfTl.

.mDD A.Y SF.$810N.

12 noon.--'"Blir Ben" •nd an~aimcarinita.. 12.:.! p.m..-Staek Exehans,. fint cau. 11.I iJ.m..--Gffl.111W --.thrr forttHt, ralat&ll. 1!.5 p.J:Q.--..4.;ti,dfo mo.aJc. 1!,lO p.m.-S1nmna17 of "8Fd011J' Mornlnc­

DnnJd" new.1. RTYfCf. RUPY wire]... D .....

J !:.25 D,m.----.Studfo Dllulr., 1!.SO o...m..-lh ,rchlns h l llllic fOr Rbool cb!I-

•=· n.•O p.~-.""'9 MorrUI, aotira.?lo. JS.~ lMI\.-THE OAK RALL INSTRtlM.EN-

TAL TRIO, 12.M lMn,-StlldlD muala. 1 -p.m..- ''BJc ~.. WuLher 1.n~llia:wmct'. 1.a _p.m-"Sn.nln.l' N'e-w," midd1n· "'"""• , .. r.

-.i ...

1.ti;ro:,i~~:n~~~EN. TAL TRIO.

1.%8 p.m.---St.ock E.zchuste. ,econd cad, 1..111 s,,m-Mattht~ 1111U11o fot teh'XN chil•

4.Nrt, lAO J).11'1,-Mah!lm(Jl'e Korrie. IGl\:t&l'IO. 1 • .(G -p,.-..-Studii, nm1i:W.. Loll p.m-THE OAK RA.LL INSTRUlUiJt,.;.

'.MU TRIO. t p.m.-"'H~ Dem... 010M dffll'TI.

I Ji..l!l!l.- ''Bfc &n'' a.nd •nriC1Vot.-m"nt&. I.I p.m..-The FNtiiYe Ca:ro11'""• tlueot.. J.7 p.m..-.P¢0ulu rtt-0rda from tM Stutl,u:,. ~tti p.m.-A., 1.t, ».m.-Neua lt.i.Jlar kei,, l'llffta I.SIi 1).m-M.~lrut mtt•lo Ctn• 111rbaal f!hll­

rt~ti. 1,-40 p.M.- P usla Rutt'"", M'tJ,ratt,(t Hrfft'fl 1"11,..

mn·• O&Jt Hall), 1,, 6 p.m.---TBJC DAX: HALL .INS'I'BUXEN­

TAL TRIO, 3.M J).m,-WtU ~f1', hll• .. , p.m.- Pnnk Bt,tb1l'ft. tt&rltfffte ftrem Pat­

DU!,t"a Tea. Room•> 1 '"A Olnder Coa.rt;s)liD'' 'C~te.),

t ,IS p.m.-TllE OAK HALL TNST!lUJ.1£.i.'l .. T AL. 'ffltO,


4,15 1' m. Nn Il•H'°tt, toU]Jretu-1 " WbJlt dPbo. ii, M11lt.U'°1 i&t:.llaJ.

C..:i!G p.m.-P~rda, u.,;ir 11no (ft'Olll Fu, 1111!-l-'1 Oak HallJ,

j·!;At·~~~IC OAK BALL INSTRtJMl.?,;-

• ,ll:'i 1",l'P,--N~ta M.ul11U'k.-:,, ru~ .. ua, .,O&nf1Y• Bw" ( W11nU11,lt!1',,

,t. ttl p.m,-Pn.ul. &l Juun, l.mrii.ooe • ''113..-.Allltn?'" (''l: .11.yh,.1r),

•-'-Ii p.n1.-Sl ock ~:i..t"ha.aglf'. thirtl ealL ,.47 N~ Jl..UOll'tt-, •vubrlfl.te1

•·necu·,~ r L:tve Yo1.1i" lBllf'Uu1, •UiQ p.m. w,11 B919'fcr. bee><0. Ui4 p.m..- S-W:dlo mu[(!. li p.m.-''Bie tll!ft." <.11..- <lown.

:t:.t.H,L.'.!.' t:VF.NTNG 8ESS10N, i-4'0 i,.m.-ifhe chirnt':tl <•t 3FC, 5.-1:\ P Ilk '1''3-• ·11.-1111 14.ui'' lallw ~ U1c

c:-:hil(lN"tl, G.8-0 11,1n.. -Stor)" Lh,1e fvt Lbe- f'()'J»S:: t(}lk. r..1u l\-m.. -S:<l.•Jio w.u.l~ G.M)• le r.M,:lu,v 1n!orm.allun by tM

~Ye can:unWl~n~ . 7 r,.m.-"\U,c: lk.n." .0.1"11,•QI''• rnark•t. t •

JH'l'h twnnl, WhC"llt. 111J l!it.acli.1. ' S p.m.~ ll'nit an4 YC'1JC'Ulble ni1t:d .. -.:-~ 7.11) Jl.rn.,- Wcistli~r 11111d &hfl'l1in1 n'""'"· 7. tG 1).m. r..t• "EvenJnc Nn.a' IU!W• Hf'•

.. -re ... r,;rr.1-11· s1,:s.::.1crn.

'i.JO p.m.- r-r(ltni.mmf' 11.nntJQnfl'!ft'lf'Tlt~­

·, .3~ p.m A talk on Vn:..,elu~ Tion1i:o 1.4~ p.111. •Alici, Pn,'ll'>1t-, l'nnrr• lt,r... 7,G: p,1;0, IC,i"n • net J•c-k.•1~•r)·ou, (>ti•

ti?.rt.a-inen: ••s~•• • Lill my ba by" (Ra•k.lti••LILU.l , '"l'wo-Llme Uan ....

6 p,m.-"l:lli,; flm,.." FTom t110 Lf1!~ Thria.t.ri-, Plft Stl"l"r,t, Sytlmry. Otch.e!-u•al ttrm-..

fl.Ji r,.m. litr,.m tl\cl Sh11.lio: N0ye Thi• njgh~ bu bee1\ ~t a.sid.e bT

vw.rlowi broollcaatln, ttat:01,• for t f1-.t ('Qr­

poe.e of' pa.yins: trihut..~ 10 t.htt ~rm~er• r.r •l~kh.J', a1ut f!'! aeai~ill.til'fn with tlln bdl(J JJr ;,1!.(ka.1c. Uurrau • f~cial 'ph)o C-T• m me hAJ1 be-en 1.rniAv~l

Ancou•tW11 t'll:f~Wllt'll.

:-;-2vr SOtfTtr W ALES "A .. A.Nl) "1.r CLAS~ RROAOC~TISG S1AH0~S.

::t"C.-Farmer "• Ur aad.c.ullns f;la1 tnn. ;!~~~s::~r~;;~:f'lia.n4th ti:! uiet ru,

:BL.-BrHdc· ... tn •· Ltd .. Syan,y, way~. J111t,•th 3SS mf!t rl"''i. po·..-er 0,(1(10 ••nl le.

20JJ.-ThH410l)'Alcal Br.aaduulnR tUa.t[on, Lolll., S}dn•,-, w,iurleni;tb. !Ut -m('tr.--!. ;o(l'1'1l1' lj()tll) w.1-tc.ti

,u,a•.--rr• dn • nil 1,• bot (;1111n,;il, 81d• ne), wa·uMln1th :l~u n1otr~1. ~er 1500 ,vatl•.•

!UW.--OU• Sandal, fbd.r1n:r, ""'""lcrns:t'.b. i,?ti7 ual rr,. po'"·•" t,O'l wa.tta

2llK.- }i( Bres,. Ddhu.ra1,. ~•II'~• 1-.'f.,rth !75 mrtN!ll. Tl,.,,,.:- 20.0 .,.,att~

!IUS~;~tr~:~l~c!~nl~• j:;PP~l~: f''-'"'"'" ilO w.a,ta,

C:n&.-81:u-,in •:lrttric C:o., S;,d11.-,, ,n,nl•nl'tb 81t rud-l"el., 160 "CYart••

UJU.-H. A. beta1tla1. N°15w,anle. w.-.-.,_, :!!i.$ IMttta,. 111,l) ..-at(.I.

Ask for t.he New 83X Philco Battery,

4 ~j~hu',~:~--.~~~•· ''" to he tl'!8i"• tra.,a ti.!!:! p.m. &\Cttt Al~Dd-.!J;- "1itl prc:~n~ an

or"i@dn&l e-1.-c:tric ~l.to4e, ob.titled ••-ry Birth w' thci }~J.,,.-Lrte La.m;p."

11~!:'.w':ri~::'L ror thla oce&al OD br, S.S'i t1.n'l.-!d11.bel Bt.tchefor. •Upr.imo:

''T,mUt•t 1"fll'b" tDttllirucli.J. JI 40 pm - A •horL mt'n•qe. tf,.fl Il-m- a. A. tl.11.rt.ll"ttl,,U\.•:

"Thou UL f'lM!h, my ~tov~·· (Ta.JIQr). F.~J P,Ul -S~ot~ l\lt:U;nd(';t 1,t~la Rll <art&,..

ina~ hd!U 1d 1f:v-, 911-UUed ... fb« Eledzl• Brr-UIE"-." intr~dudni: IU'l 11:Metrk giant>., 1•lt'IC'"h-it1 IT&nlO.fJhOm•, ~iJ. ol~cu-16 r:uHn n-­"' 1vn. UurlJ'a: th" cm;.r.;e o! tlwi EW'ffllO.

l,Iiea l,tJiJJ,d'.'hrlnr, 11®.ra:no, WUI IIQR, ~ tol;I 1\,Iil.--A •.hnrt oUdtC':'lli. e JJ,tn.-"HiK Jim." La~ " fol'icNt.. ~ 1 lJ.m.-lt, ,\. llll-rtlemkii, b&rilon•1

"Chum.lrigh F a ir'• (lwllldey). 0.-~ p.rn. Frr,n, the L>1.:l'1.1i1'J Thr:ri.ttt, Plt&t

:-ilru, ... -r., S"'J'. On:'1t'":Lhll ftrma,. g_ !~~o. From ibti !H11•Uoo Alke Prow•

9 I~ p.Cd.-tyrtl l'ltrrnl. . violll111t.! "'Fat1~~,~ frl.a.ridAl;io'' (~. l.lw,k)

51.~w, J).tta.--l'JJ~•'I. and Jack La u:Jc.r,t~u, c-ot.a. t.11.lcer.-:

::~~:11t"'~1 •:.:,1fu;~~-">'~~~a011), t•-' WM..---~•~I t)a.1rh ,-.Jn,-, <iOpf.'ll;DOl

"C'n.rry 1•11c lMu:k tu oh1 Vlrs:1.nt1:,." "0, ht'.J111' tidlstlUJJ" j)foUcw,.

9.-1-0 p.m.-H.a.rrJ,-.lll White. blUlio M-1 ..... !:l.-l6 p.m. -- · ll, A, lla,rtlt•man. bat:lu,cc:

"l'llf"t o' m,a.qy ahJ~" tl<"""ll . ''Tinu: tn- to" (9a-ttl·I'_, rl/,

~$2 p.rn. - Cyril J, .,fo,li.~i•L; "Socp rru, h10tl11:ll' !.A'~J.:"ht Bl~·· I 01'flora1'-.

" "'· K.riialer). Bla11onlc 1J,11,11el!'' fDvllt'"a.\-. ~. Kn!Jslrr},

l 1I a:1':: 11-t-:n. •• F!dfn amt Ja04 J.J111dt•r:,1l11, t"rlll'M-Jlfriffll:

l•la nu , ml ,biuJJo oov~dts.. 10,':' 11 m, -'D.'!' Lyt'e>.1m ibll'5ltre- Of',

~;;~t;.he Li•~< Th.e:.atn-, Pill su-~ t..,

111.~~ 11.111.-itarn•tm Wltitro, 11-rnljo -.oli,4. J(J.80 u.m - f.RloP WNl'hrr tortoeut.. 10,:n p.rn, Pnncit m11u~ ... Jn,r.'t p.ffl.-Lat• ru!w, •n.11 .,-,.nc,untanumLI,, 11 p.11,_. -''8h: Ren.•• 0-1n.-11 fflUfe. I 1.31'1 Jl,lit.--NM.lnuil A nthf!tJl

new ckn-.-:i

2BL, SYDNEY. Broadcaster'J! Lt.d,

W..&ve Len£th; 3fJ:J Mf'tre.s.


EARJ, "i MOn~Nf'i tU'.,!-'.~IUK,- i to 8 LIi\.

M.OR.NlNQ S~'-llllON.

10.,0 a .m.--G,P.O. Clocli: &hd (;.lifmff. r.tu.1r>1 I r,i-n,r"'n,-,,... from Stud!o.

10 Jfc-i-.:-nn:-~Ne_.a1 trrm thtt '"'0..11 >· Tt1tr_....._pb

111:~it Mn!-~l br-ot;nlrl'IQl" frr;im the

11 run,- G.J• .. (>. C~I: •nd Chlmu. Annu1111.L~~eirl1.

tL~ a.m. ?-hi•~ p~ fr'GTII St.udie.,

Page 22: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 22nla.obj-666409502National Library of Australia

rngo l'wenty.

U.J..'i 11.--m.-Ta]k on "Cffl<IOrl.'• by M.fe.- Gwf!n Varl'7', IlrD&d~utrr11' Wom@n'a SpprL. Autbuuty.

b1H"i•I No:e11: R.r,11he. to ca.rreflt!WU\llt1nt., by Mn. J, J~,1u1.

U T~~u•.1~.~:~. ~r:-k ':i~j"~;~:.-· <bbortit:• Ht....;laJ Oi:t'aJ\ .Forl?t.Li1, amt We,uhtnt Rf'l!Or't..

12.ll -.Jlru.ruwick 1-'atl:atroEft Y.Q.1.kJIII lte,­rt<,.J

l:l,J.'i v.m. --l1.fHl'mMt•11n: Mul6,. Slu)ttilns, a:n-d rorL DJJ'ff't.nry.

12,l X iuu.-!,,qi,a Ln all hv "°'fr.,.lr~11. ll?...'I) 11 rn .... -J+'ruit Mar.-('t Jt,-port, l:?...!:! 11.m VEu:ete.ble Mar¼rt llep()l't, 12.::4 11.m. Lon~11 Mfit,i,I \.larkeit .Rt-\W"rf. 12~4 p.JD, DU1'1' and 1',1rm P.rodure Miu.k.,t

11.,\,ort. ' 1:.!,:Jn u.m..--G.1•.o. Clotk anti Cblro~.

Forai,:11 M.11,kl:.'t RttJ>Orl U .82 11.111.- f"ii'j"h Marlu-t Rt'J""rL l~.,1 u n,, -lL-4.LbiL Mar-lu·t ~tt11ort. 12.36 ri..m -~1.tJ('l.. J.!llrh1trtl[O Report. H:.a8 p.rn -Ne~, fn,m the ·•sun." l!...t.:i p.m.-Hillb•r'11 1nl!trumenial Q11arl,et;

DiN"C:11011, CuryJ CastJin~ 1.27 11 lll--Muek £nh.1Uh;.- IQOJK!rt. 1 Jill 11,m. --G.P.0. Cl0t-k .nnd Cbiml!'1

folk t.o Childttll a.nil :-l1'lofllflal Enl.erU1ltu'Jtm~ for Childr-e.n ,n H••rllr ... 1.

t p.m. (,, 1~_;.). (;)1.t'J.. and t:bimea. l.,lt1;,II' d(IWII.

R11r1h:,;:; itifol" l'lllfi•1Jl braad~:1t. Jni'"('lj11ttl!'IY •·1 .. r i',1!:h: Hact:, by eogrUay ut th• "San,"

f 1•.m -G.1'.0. CIQC'k and C.himn Now& from the "'Sutt."

I.Hi p,m.-Crvll &rvicir- f:lurf'!I' 'fno: D~on •I""' Cm1n"c.'r B"'mer­

•.i',10 p.m.-C.P 0. ()lurk and Chlmee St<..,,. rrvni 1h .. "Sun."

l.• tl ti.m -C"untr,· Wt•l'l'll'l'l',t S•1>11l11t1 i Its Oh1cMe, by )1lml Wilki~n.

a.tu ri.m. Ne;,,,; Crom. the '!Su1l " t p.m. G,r.o. Clock an,J Chit11~

Cfv1l ~"ire .Stol"I.'&' Trio. 4.ti o.m. -f:"e-d.1:I Storr. 4Jj;;i 1,.1n.-i\t,rMiei.1 pr1~n.1,mqH! fron1 S1.1.uH(l, 4.f>rJ p.m.-1'1~11,r• fnm, the, "Su.n." 4,5-ri 11.m -R•"""'" ti( niaht~e ttt'ulj'r•rnai". ,tS7 r.rn.-Lri"-F' f'CfURJ(' •;,fl ri 1n, -S.[1N'1r. l (lci,:-an Porecut i p.m.- 0.f',0. Clvclt and ChhnM.

(;!"'ff: rlown.

f,1.\Rl,Y J,'Vt:NING ~F,S~IOtr,., fi,,Hi p.m.- ~(;,P.O. t.:lrl(.I,; 11-nd Chime,

(ltllrh-0:,'11 ~r.JCln. ti,:SO p.m Mu,;it'.nl pro~n.1t1n1111 rro,n 11:H- St•Jdlo.

SP} .. t'UL COUNTRY sr:.ss1os~ '2 p_m, O.P .0. Cluck •nd Chtmee.

Ji u~tra.lum Mcn:-antile, Land a..nrl Ji ln111.nM tu.'a Rewrt.

WNlt.lwr f;tac,1Jti 1tn11 J,'ol"Cl\11t, by coartea-y o! lrO,·ernmrt.L M..-i.-urnl..,g-Ul,t.

I'rodtu·t•nc• U.lstrJIJUUnY, &l("i(lly'• Fruit. •nLI Ve~'dlAhil' Mn rkC11, R,ar,c,i,rt.

l:$1()C'k f:icd1anl,(.- Jf.t•11vrt.o1, O"'Jn nnJ J:,'qd~.r jl.epon t''Sun."J. Dairy Pr-xl.uet' ne,port ("'RUn")#

i.1li g.m..--Country News fro-tn th~ '"8ua~" 'i.20 p.w..-T•Ik by Mr. t°:fT'tt""'l'J', of t.hl'

N.R..M.A, 7...3tl p-.rn.-1'alk, nn ''01udrnini:• t,y

M,r. Cuu11C!r, .rark Su11erill~nd.e.nt, OH.y Owncll.

1-lVF.NrNC St-:$SJO!<. ltkt:lio T}JlnOl'I .Ni.ght in aht of the lund• ,,t 1ho Llmh:-.i Soldiu~· AquNtle AnooUltlan. You an,"d t.o arransrii:'. • Dance In )'1Xlr homt', inTite YOU?' friends. tuzie-lri to 2fll.. u1.d Dance M~io. played b,- A~ lh.m­rr.J.l!tt an.d hia DSl\ee Bar.d, h~CAA!!I- from t.h.- R11f1Nt1m1 af I.hie Atn1,-sllftdnr-. A •US:• ll''"tl,10 Ml "1-1\'ck, i.bfft , ·ou l"r•IJ.-nt a -!.mall aum rrum "11t'h ~'""''• llDd forwa.rd the •mount r«clved to tbe lion, 6oc-ial Orrttni.i6ff", Lim.b­fot1s Soldien1' Auoc.iaU:on. hd Floor, Vi-'1n­i;::eilo Home. .A..rur~ Plae:1!, Sydney. p.m_-G.P.O. (:ln(:!,:. 11in•l ChUl\t!t, th1radc-.11"'t>n,,' TopirAI Ch•ino,.

8,3 p.m- -fJroadc-.ut..-~• Trio. 8,13 11,rn.- lll'Nldcutera• All..Sl}Qrta- Ex))rr-1. ,..nJ

t.:.l.k. on A:.:!S p.m.-Broodcutua' Trfa. a.xK 1>.Gl.-Thr,, ,SportJr-._g' :t;cftt<>r ot the 'fiun•~


..,m t.[lt '-ln uroe~t,r, ~r &tuMav'a Ra.~1r1•. !-:.Ii;>! :t1,m,-Wca,l1u.·r- ~u.rt and J,'or.eCMt, l1y

ll(>UCUI,)' c,f .Mr, 0. ), .Marei;, GD\'U1unont M1"t4'0rul041&d.,

, r,.m.-G,P.o: CJoc:k 11..nd Chim<f-111. 0.1 tU:t1.-0a~ mwiie. !I.I 1 p.m.- Mr. P hil M.ount.ait1 fn.1mcdi.a.n). 0,13 11.m. ll1mc!l' mu.Jrt. ij,t5 p.m .. ML:.a Our-r-~• Wu,J (f'O.Pr• no,, (L29 r-m, -D&rh'" n-..,.lC'. 1un1 _p,m.-Mr. Rear, Uvrrilon ktwJiedUl.nJ. 9 . .C3 OJft..- mw:il:. tl.~11 p.~.-.Mr. Phil .Mounutin ((!ObJ.cdian), fl.r)7 p.111. Ulol-ll~O DIUidi.C. 10.7 p.rr,. MlH Durrle- W11rd. lU~ll p.m. -Dant:~ m~le_ p,tn.-Mr. &~. liar,•i.~oa, 10,25 p.m.-Da11t;t• mf1•dc. 1(1,35 v.m-Mr. Phil Mounl•in. lO.JJ"G t!.m,-Uanl."'I' m1l"iit', tO.d p,m.-MJl'<"I O"r-tifl' Ward' lG..OS p.rn.· Danee- mot~. 11.8 r,.rn. .,tr. RPt::. H a t-rl4tm, 11.7 p.m. Daoce mu.{(' \4ntll nudni•'.ht.. 11 mirinia-ht,-G,r.o. Clnc:k and Chimu,

Nat.foaal AfttbM:O-

2GB, SYDNEY Theosophical Eroadcasting Service.

wa,·o Length, 316 Jllotre.a.

Friday. MOR!lfl.?JO Sl..SSJON.

1J Lnt_ -Mmic. o.o -Cb~Tin T • llc. t,Hi a..m MtJ~ic ,i.114) a,m,-P.llyrboleoiPtAl C!ssi.. D.-&n ,1,.m,.--llu1k. t).Ut He.a.JJ.b a.nri nit"t. 10 &,m. -Cl!Me down.

AFTERNOON .st:ssroN. a.M ,-...m.- Mu•ir 1.3A U,llL--Mdrnia. 3.4'/" p.m.-M.O::ilc.. 3.R:! r,.m.-Ad~resa. ' p.,n. !1':u.ic.. 4,2::i!: p_m. Actd~ t,30 ti.m.--Mw;.le

'1-:Vt-;NING SESSION, 7 p.b1.-M1.1• lr. 7.6 p.p...-Add~111. 7,U D,D1.-l!iu:le. 7.SO p.m.- A.dt:(rl"'!M


ILO..-JJ.r•uftu lUI.I' Otm.oaa~ o( Aa ... lta Ha. Ltd.,. M.clbounH. w• Hili11t1v l..b a.u lllf'U'Q, puwv 6000 watm.

J.Alt.-Auodated k • dio Ca., Ltd., Mc!­bourtll:i, w11v~i.o:i-uit.h 516 m~t,rca, PQwer GOOII w•l.-t.t.

41Q:G,-Qa.u.n&Jancl. Radio Se.rwlco, Bria­bant-, w• tA MC. t1c1.etN11, PO'llfer l!IOOU ,t"Attlll,

i (;L.,-C•ntraJ Broadu.ttu• • Ltd.., Aftct.idtt, ,n 'l'e-l~(Ctb l'.lio mekea. w•u· 6000 watt.• •

IWY.-W•J1tr:-aUall 1o·ar.l'lu~n,,, Pert)I, • afflu1Sl,b 1260 metrea, s,uwu 6D0il wa t.U.

Tzt..-Tu m•n1a:n Bn&d"u111t.e~. LhL. HoblLM, w•n--eimtsth GlS nu.•U'rll, 3U00 • att•.

#DD-'tbe JOB'.aalln,r Co. pty., L td.. C.pitol 8011.,., ~elboarue, w•\'('lr-nartb 265 M-t!ll'c,., S><>wu &Ou w•tt...

J U.Z..-0 • .J. 1'11.en 6 Ce., M..ibo14rnit, .,.,Tet~nctft Ut met.tie, po-,,er JIH ... u. ••

, cR--Gold Radii, EIC'Cttlc SerTice, r""' """'b&. l1ureCJ111an4, 111avtl•ni:tb 29-4. IMU'U, p•We.t J.Ot watla.

l~•t1 Jl a il I o Br• 8ht,.1Gn, A.,dela fdf', ....-anlen.ctJa Ht ~et.r-. pow~t lOOff W-at.b.

SbN.---iJJ.S P tJ',, J .. td ... ~ idald.t-,. wa-... ~ Jll mttr-e•. 1,u ••da.

Friday, 21st October, lD27.

'i .. a& :r,.ftl,-.Ml.l.!liG'~ 'i.'1 11.m,.-Ad'dr~ .. 7.5& 1,1.m.,-A11n•11mc:emu1t.

'i-5~u~i~f.:t;~:j:~J;r~'.o·}!=~ ti.if u,n1.-J\Jl'1Jr~& by I'.rur~vr l·.r-n~t Wood1, li.20 v.m.-$4)11¥'& by .M.o.o.l&ni W ridr1to.'I 1•,m.-Au hadr h,n1r (Ir Cham.Uf'r- .M1.i.t1lt:...

Du1 ~<:i,Jly, Mori[l!II. H,u-JC"I'", '.lil.tincl1e- L.a.oir,

•· ~.':lAi~1··t11K nr~~'1.1. It 9.J.'i p:m ........ So,~ lJ,.- L.-;., .1.ublmkl ~n 11,111. -b')ll(ill by }1111'.1.11ru Weirfe!o. (',31 11.m. --'t:~Ilo • olo, r,, .Un•

l "Thais'" 4Mllllsr1,rtl. {U0 1'1-m, -Sont:• by Loi• lntliwllti.


2 UW, SYDNEY Sandel Radio, Lt~!.

Wav~ Len&1;b, 267 Mctr"8. Friday.

? 11,,a Nrw~. s.bipplr,g. m1t1.t.. l~m.1. t,,io a.m. Wtltm-1 ·• 8ew.a100 !Uill a1_an. Kt um6 c,f forward ~-'"•'!'IP'a.m.m.. HI a,.w. -Cllll:!<l:I uu .... 11, :.: p,m.-..1•ltu,llo 1.L,•mit. :?.~U 1,1.ui.--.R-11mt1 ut. foi-wa..'d. itnma. fl 111n.--lla11, ..... and 1nurumcJ1laJ Jtnn. fram

M1111[11. , 6.ij~ v,m.-Rbf:uml! o( for,,.ard "roeeiun1U, l, l, do"-'11, '1 run. Whl"ro to Cu. O 10 p.m- - .Dance and l.u:slnm;,n" item.,. i,30 p.m.-CoJ. firl.a' Clt,·hr::•t.:-a:

fit!l(J('.tlo!1. 7,JU ''·"'· Sl.udin &elt:ctfon.. 7.~li p.m. OoJ. F&l'i11t' Ol"l)b{'l\lra;

~•l«Lfmte1, S p.m.-Sono1a 11el<-et.t11n,1. o.10 -(;l'li, ,fan,' 0~:

Hrfr.-tlOnl!I, ~.30 p.m.-Studii:, h...-1"1\1. 8,<!5 11.m.--{tet.ir5:r. .I". ~lAnuel, l.tet11;1r;

"I'll Sit11t 'rlu-(1 :i\t~ 'pf" (''Good..­lien")

~.nit Jr.m, -GD1. Far~ Orcluat.n.; ,'5-elMUon.t.

0 i,.m.-Gl!:01"¥C ~•nurl. tl!nar: ~)•h-t-lln.."

IUi JI'-'"· Mhi11 Jeant'-tLl!I,:c,n: PiaMforlt> aa!o. Stl!~!!.t".'d.

D. HI p.m,-Gkli'J!:(' }". Manuel, t~(,r: (a) ·•My M-11,11.rr." (b, '"lhAnk lil•d rar .a fl:trdt"a.••

¥.17 ,, ni.- 11,Jil-8 ,lf-".&oetU- P1o.t\rn,.nn, l'lan.ofo.-rte .c-Jo. r\eJerotc,d..

!t.2:2 ,1.111..-Geo~~ F'. M11m,ic>J. t.l!t1Q-T. "Al O:t.wnln;:·• (Co.fma.n),

1u:1 p.m....--Itt;«u"'o' t:,{ forwud i:rrosramma. lil,!1 Jr.Jb.-c:Jc.e down.

3LO, MELBOURNE Broadca1<ting CQ. of Anst.

Wave Length, 371 Metres. F riday.

lt n"9n.-Jlclbournl! Ob&rtntor, Tur,,. Sf,-.. naJ. M•·t•I l)l'iC:~ l'l-'(!l!l~ed by toe­lla.n Mhte11 aad \!el.alll' AMlrJrl11tioo, from

~hfl11Jb1~;~1J~~rr1.!-C:!:t! rn!i-.R11!~: Rctl.l l..u'~ . .1.nd 'l'h• Ar~nralian. 'F'-rE1111 AA11QCUL• Uun cabl6L '"Af¥i.j,." ceW!I •"rvict".1

11,.!0 p.m.;.-!.$nJl)tO Q.UA.R.1'UTE: Va~. "The- M,tgi(: of Lovto" {Vanb-),

12.~G p.m.-Officlal Openhlat" qf thll linbrant Acr'icult.u?:1.1. Show, U'ftllllt11,itted fhU:n lhe K:tahu.m Show Gron1at.11.

l i,.nt.- lltlboarl:ie 0.h•,, ' Sitnal. .Oo &o:m.l'tlttr.g tor .611m,.h(wJ3'"-ld.l.,. nf!1a 1, th,a . Nu?'Stil ol Nn!l&htil'IJ:1'.:I.

1.1 p.m.- STU])IO QlJARTETTf:: •·~1-".hc-no F&lMl&Jl.#0•• (M.acq_uanc),


'.f_Jiere'a the ri&"ht ;B_urgess {or ever;y set.

Page 23: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 23nla.obj-666409638National Library of Australia

Fridoy, 21st October, 1927. WIRELESS WEEKLY

Your Choice of Articles WH,\1 110 \(JI; i,:,011 about hrvadcast ~;-T Has It ,truck ;ou that lhPre are

b. thou;ai,._n,1 .b...Dd one- th1np goma,:- an m the l,,rlko~tmi:: \',ii.lrld. or '"tuch )tJU ani rwt Hwuro untfl tiomc-1,r.)dy Lelis you tthol•l thrm. wrekll aflt>r thr y lu1ve ha.Ji

JUHlril? F oa: lo"lanu, do y1)U undentand how vitul Ia lh;,.o 1.)lh't1t.ion ot 1-:mpirc Brn11.d .. l>o you know what J!'.-l h~ing Jone about Jt. when • lg h~cl)' t.o o«, and "'htth .. r you -Y.i!J ~ abl<' to llsten•in to Lon.-JQ:i? Do )o ... lr ow \\"hat the broadeastcr1 • re doin~ to fl\& us bettf:r broadl":ast1nc, or \\hethu 1t IS f'Oltifb!e: to eff«t imprQ\e• DJCnla 1n the , ,dl!-ting ~hc.•m~ of broadc1:1:stlng!

THt-;Sb: AIU~ SUBJJ~(•rg whic·h uro of djl'Nl impot•lrtn<·n f t ) tivel'Y' hroadi•u,.l. llstl'ner, a.nd lt i• a,. welJ lo kn,lw whut ,,~,,IJ-kntl\\ 11 irnthoriti" h11v1• to ay upon thc,n.

THE OCTOURR ISSIIH of "RADIO dcat.. will t.heso mallru, an,J with dozeM of olbtr subjttl.a, t.atb Ol'JP of which prl".sent aom~ new llng1c of broad<"&: t ng or •tt. building. art' s~n1e of th ... Arhclt.~ •111,earing i11 Urn Odo1,er "'nA,Dl0'1

MAJOR W. T. CONllllR. !Jlrettor of :H Cl, contrlh11i,, on arllr lo <m PRO r.RAl\il\[ES. in "'·hich he J1Upplie:!t a <"OtnpktE> o.nsw•r to tbn rr1t rs whoJ rompbun 1thout broadc.astin,:. Major C'.on-,~,.r b an aathorit. n<' anyone reading this article will 1atn an tnlir th· nev. impl'f' ~on of bro G<'a.:stimr.

SUPER POWER. RU. A Y STA rJCH,S, Oil ROTH ? J Gan,ck l· i•••nh..r~. an oftkial of thl'I Ra.dio Corp,rn''ftlion ()f A mf'rica a nd Co-rmcrl~ nf thl' r: •nrrnl Eleclr1c Company nod United Kavy, h "" imp,ut1~l rritk 11( the Au ·lralian Hr,,ad caiting s.ituatu'ln. As an •n,nnttr or 11 .. L..,. he di uuu lb~ l«·hnk•I advanta;re,s of e:fftain :i.u.:«e tions. As • practical et,mmerc.ial man hr "ums up &.he po slble r"'5Uhl of hi• l)ropoaal•• Aa •n cnthu~i•fltk Radio f,m hi" \\ ntes <llrec:Uy to thr bro•dca. t JiJ,t.,ner, 3nd places b~lore- him a conc-rr•e 1u·ticle LhRt evct)"otH.,, can undn1ttand aod &fl predate.

WHAT lH MIKE J·RIGIIT? hit Kn ,u:ut" a•tack nf nrnnu11n!!-n Vih•n first Iaclnr: lh~ lfiaophflne, nr it it • r:U"tkular ,ti.s~hilit) sffH"tiog ti ose of a tem()flr1t.mPntul i dure? :,;u<"h well-kno,_._,, P4"'0Ple .as :-;cott Aloxandtr~ . .\lfrrd Cunnin~ham. Georg (;ff,. ,~, give you their impre~sion1 upon this absorbin~ isubJN"t,

EMPIRt; BROADC~S'rIN(,. J. f:. Grah•m, "" Au•lr•lian in 1.on.o!on. vi,lts Cfornld MarcUl'lfl 1 the- f1unr,us .Eng1ft1h nmatcu.r, who h1 ra1·rylng nu1 f1relimlmi1.ry ~SJ)flrhneota in Empirf' 0ro:1dca~tinJ", and te:lla us JU::-L what llUlhnll!'r of rnan lS Man:u~, and what he ia doing.

FOR TBJ,; HOME 8ET Constl'\lt t ,r r •t1ere t, a \· nt-· >~ t.klt..$ wh1rh f:tnw•t fail to appttl.

1'HH SOLODYNM~ f••uJl ~on .. tr1H•tlona.l d1,t.1tll!l of th!~ fH rnnu!I \n11v rlistance. Ttceivtr, which has alrt11dy provr-11 c pop1.1lar In Ausr-f"nl•"· Thi)", arllr1~ t•re-1ent1 1ome flntittly ngw and advantad ft: · W'(; •

THE SDIPLICITY ()?st, VAL\·t. RECEI\I::ll TUE CUAMrlON SI\. Th~ comhinalion c,f 1,,en.!itiv1t\! , elect1:\o,ty and pur t.)-'

11 th~ featurti of thia Rfc4.•iver. Tramcformer r,luit 1•fl1:1istant·1• coupkd it,udio frcquN,1·y clvts purlt)'. A ~,eparat.r ngencratnt· \"a.h·e i!iUVf!lirs tht- r••:1c-:tion <morl!') Jtn inl(>r .. t"atlnc departure 1rom (hr, ordinary. Full ~onl'tn1dional d1•ta·l1.

TH& DESIGN A,:,/D CONSTRl't0·110~ m· !-~I \I.I. l'OWlm TRA'..\~}ORMt:IIS ANl> FILTER CflOh.~. hr J . G. ~rd.

CRYSTAi, CONTROL AND ZEl-'I' AERI.\I.<;. h)· W ~-. ~oxon. Tn oddltion to bftinr the Tt"ehnkal Director of 6WF, ~fr. Coxo11 h1 •n cuthwlinstfo c,qi"rimcnt"1' of hlrh Nputt, and hi• arlfcl,. cov•rs th• que.tion or this t,r• of nnrlnl t ,ornughly.

THE TRREE YALVE REL"iARTZ REC~:l\ ER. An in,xneJW,-o thon wa\l r«dver. de:., et:.



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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 24nla.obj-666409760National Library of Australia

1.10 p.m..-Metewvlodcal f.nform.a.tlo-n, w~athe.r • ror Vl~Wri&. T••msnla. Suut.b. Awr,t:OIU.. 11nd Nttw SOut.h WaJd: Oo:t!an f<l~l. IU-.,u ft',Orta fo-r Vlctorl&, 'tat,mania, 801,alb lualrall¥., ar.d N@w Soulb w.i ...

1,U p.m.-LJLY BURNA~D AND Atl.nroa SLATE'R., En~alnerr.:

",hta:t a Su11.- 11.t Twilli:tbt .... .. The Wb~t.!ins Uow,ery Ow."

1·2 .. ~~~~=;~1,T~:eZ!!i,; C?uuJ,-Jf!lllhn).

l.3~,JAlUE LAW,'0?-i, wIIJ cmtttrtal11 7tlll with $olll"Ct.ions lrorn ber- r .. s,.rtoir-e.

1.46 p.m.-STUDIO QUlt..RTETTE: "Strltur Quartet" (J>v(IMLlr:).

L..60 p..m.-KEGl.NALD IJl<ADLEY. Violin: '"ll'lna..i~ MendelasohfA (;ouct•rto, ••

: p.m.--CU.o down.

~~~~:!ft;~~~ ti:=~-Stiort.t will be

Al'T.&RNOON SESSION. I p.m.-Melbu11J'llo ObNn•tory Time S11rna-J. 1,1 Jl,m.-~'fUDlO Ql.JAR'fE't'T£:

"In .Ua,a" ('IroblLWJ"kl. 1.1.0 so..m,-MIBB FR.A.NCE$ }~BA~P:R:

''Hff<a::=s in ;t,',ction-Robfn Uood." &,4::i pm.· TASMA Tlf.RNAN. 'Otlla:

''Ro'tnian,:e" (Sehwnann.1, 0'Drellmlng'' {8q111re,.

1 . .:u p,m.-Al..M.A f!ORLOCK, Saonano: •·~• S11.1'9.u ~w" (Ardito. '"'011.ff'otlila trum M1 GM•(h:in" (BrranM),

l . .(n v.m.-ST\J'O ,o '-lO'ARTETTl!I ! "The Seine: of th~ M01mtatn" 4EJ~).

3,50 p.m.-DOHOTUY VfoJai • &u-rll3e'' ([)t•f17iM;').

3.11 v.111.~1-': .. M,\SO)o" WOOD, B"ritcm.e: 4'A \llrlhi,ey"' (Cr,w•nl, ••no Lov~Jy l<1•0·· (Qgilf:trt.

,.( p.m. $'1"'1Jnt0 QUARTETTF.t "Strlng Qi;i~rtl't!r"-lu MOVf'l"ll1"nt (J?lllloiJ.

L10 fl,m.-AL..'tlA HORLOCK, SOJ,ranot '"J'h.,r,r l,k'!J tbll!I Wnrmth at Summ•r"

(j_M.11.lll~on). "$r,nv, f)( f"ldia" tRwuk.-,..l[oru:\oo~). Jl.m.-STATIO.N TIUO: "Strinu Quartl!tte"-- .Pan. 2 Otiir11!'1).

4.24. :p.m.-E. ll.f-.\HON' woou. n11n1one: .. The sw~, Flow~r'" n-tawJe7J, "(;.l't"!;n Itilli of 50ll'm"llet.'' (~!..-.).

•. ao p.m.-1\tRS. 1,1. OAI.L,\WA'f MAIIOOD wW tpea_}t r111

''Th~ Al"I 1)r Ut>c;en~tfon ...,''J·frir•l1t'' new, umce-. St~iit E:,-.

chnnJ(,,. !nformaJfi,n,. , Sl,lu,--CI,...,. 1fown.

tJvn,tNG SESSION. 6,-30 p.rti Ana1«0i,; to Lette-n anll BJrlhda.1

Gn-ot1.m~.:1 Ll- .,BU.LY BUNh'Y.'" I 1>.m.-GV.'.£1' HUMFY.EµY, Con.tnlto1

"8lt1eli.Linl,,,' Snnit" (Scott}. "Will G' ~ Wlspl' (Spr-OM\.

1.7 p.rn 'llfifi )I. $.HEPHF.&D h.u IINn• y~y .i.r,u.11,:f' t.hl111..."tt 1-o tell tht1 chil1lh'n,

6.Z2 p.m. (,;L!;It: BRADSHAW: $1'H1.IN .._t I.he. P-tlino.

1.3:$ p.111 HH .. l~Y BUNNY will il'!ll th~ cb.ildro11 abuut

'"th•• AOveotu~ ot UK Treuare $r.r"k-,ro.'" I •0 p.111,-'1llerald'' nci'Yla •ortll"O, Wb.tb111t"

!I.VD• p, ShiPrinrr mavctnentd. fi,47 p..m.-St.oc.ll Enhengf' 1nt""nnl\tlon. ii~ Markal r~0(Jl"U by J . .lt Ber-

rett. LW. Jl&bbit. .Prief'S. G-~~ P+rn,-Riv-H" repn.rt~ ,.is J>.m.-N .. ,-s:-market ShttI' .. aln ~Y th@ ,._11.11.,._

ciate~ SI.Ode a.nd Stat.ion Agentg. Eklv-rb St.rert, Me,JbtJurne. M&rbt n!porbt b:r thi, Vidilrlan Producen' (',o-.aperatit""I!! Co.,, Poultry, Grain, ll&)'. St.raw, Jute, Dafty Jt-roduoe. POJAl«it. At)d Or1fona,

1-1~ .,.m. ~-,~~,f."r'atts.:il;nt. f.l.l p.m. Under- t.he •0,1,pke-:. -Of Ute OepM1.•

mer.l tlf Ap!cultui-r, MJI. U. T. L.tVfCK. Sdrrnca 1i'ir-ld 01\idr,

"1'ho H.,u~ Fl,.•• ,... p.nt.-COLL~owooo OITlu:NS'

OAND, ~t,1n-J.., "~on, f)( Ille Sea.'• Fox trot. •·Jual t.h,- S-ame."

f.40 p.rn,-T.ILY BURNAND and A~THUR $LATER·

Jn .!St•ln:t.lrtn~ frnm thr;:- rr-p,rt1.,;,in.


7,60 p.m. "liR. U. K.. LOVlo., will E~a)t to yl)11 abu~t.,

'"l'bar rd':t!t:t.., '11 ~ri•la on •"lN'Hvity.'" Mr. Love Will be c-tad tQ att.Ohd to, YOUt

wln·le!tB d.i.fflcultiteV, ... ntt we Hk Y'1U t.Q wrllt- to him tm- any advkr t.h,\t ftlll nu,y re,:iulre:,

a ~· m. 'fUE: HEALTH ASS.OOIATION':, .M.ESSi\G-£ J.'O.U TO-DA'i 1:S,

"How lonir >"Ou lh·~ 1U-~01U lAr~II!))' 1'11 how Wf'Jl rou live.·•

~-1 :P,DL- -COL.LINGWOOO CrrI2.Er,Js• B • .,,,NU:

Ovutare. "ft;"gr11nd's Bo-,1," Muoh0 "The .f'laac Ylt-t.rJtJ'.'"

tt.10 p.m.-c.H./1.t)YS LAMPE, contralto, 'fll1•a.dinc" (Eh1;.1tr),

"'LO.e U.. Lti., Da.lllMk R~" (f.lriu), 9.17't ~OLOi

"'Lcwe's Old Snos;• Part. Sonv, "'5woot a.nd Low" (ao), W.

Bhnmond•J• &..2,j p.r11.-Mn. o. J , WII.1LAXS will OCl'P\•

men.t tJ11 .. Tv-.rnorrow'11, $t.adlum ~w-nt ...

t.:ls,,--CQLLlNGWOOD OITIZ.EN'S' BANDt S•v111 Fanwta. "'J'nfalpr," t.46 p.m.-MAtUJC J..AWTON. •ovra:ao:

SPlt!!!ted. !,52 1>,m. MIL J. HOWLb'T'l' ROSS wiU

-.pe1,k on: ''Tho 1JatUa or 'l'rab.lp-r."'

9.1 B DlCJK..'-iO"N. tenor: "Th~ tkiath or Nelm,n" (1'...,hmJ, "llauJ. On lh.o llawlin!'."

9.t;: p..m..,.......cOLt,(~OWOOD CJ'tt:lJIINS' l3A~01

Trw:nbooe rc;:,lo, "'Tha Switchl.,ock" (l!QIQJ1t. A.. '!ht1m).

),'ox trQL, ... rho W.aru?ere.r," Q.~:,, p.m.-Annwnc.-mont. ROYAL A OTO-

MOBILE CLUB OP V1C1'0{UA'B .SAYEi'( l!E.sSO.G.£ FOR TO,t>,W 13,

"On~ mao'a (!tforts t.Gwa1'1.LI -'Jdcty may be .,r1,dl. but ..u t.«!C!tJn:r Wit Uh' Jfl II urttt tlaal."

:0,Zfi p.m.- 'CJ\RDIGA}I;''· Mr. U. A. Wt.ilre, •P011.ln:11; rotlllot" of. the "A.rMu11'' and Lb~ "Atutraluian, wm 111vea'k on to-rnorrvw·• ra~.

t.36 p.m.-OOLT,lr,,:'CWOOD ClTl1.KNS' IIAND,

lnterme;:,cl'), •' An Evening Sunr," 9,4:, O,m.-GLADYS L.\11.P~. eonlralto;

.,Fluter- Btmn" {Prank .BrIJp), "M1 Pr11-yCT"' (Sriub•IH.

S.:'iQ p.m.-Rt.>ael .Notr,a, mDJ>Bed by tho Roy11-J AutomobH11t 011.1b t>f VldorIL Brti.Qlh offici&l wir.;-l\'Jla cc-w• !rOfll .8u~b,1.

l'fEW :l.E • .\LA.'iD STATIONS: (Col'rcc~ L1•t.)

IYA, Autldand, Th Radio Broadca~tin g; <.:o. of New Zealand. Ltd.

Power 600 Watts; Wave­Je-ngth, 833 Metre•. Silent Night; Monday.

2YA. Wellington. The Radio Broadcasting Cu. or .New.

Z•nlnnd, Ltd. Power 3000 Wails; Wave­

leni?th, 420 Metre,. 3Y A, Christchurch. The Radio Broadcasting Co. of New,

Zealand, Ltd. )'OWl:lt" 600 Watts; Wave~

length, 806 Mm-... Sllcnt Night, Thureday. (YA, Dunedin, 'the Radio BroadM1.15tinsr Oo.. of New-Z..aland, Lid.

Power 760 Walt.: Wave­length, 48a- Metros.

Friday, 21st Oclobor, 1027.

9.57 p.rn..-CO[.I,t.NCWOUD ClTlZl::.'fS' HAND:

Gr-.and Sal1.1:ti,m, ··0rtr WildsehuU. 10A p.m..-.MARIE LAWTON. bar_pi•t:

°Sl":l!t.•lbl. 10.J.L p:rn..-"Ari.tu•" r1'-!Yf'• i.erv1~.

1("1,·ai i11foi:m11tio0. lU.1! p . .n1.-COLl.t1H;WOOU ClTlZE.KS'

HA...'fU: Sel~

lf).'33 l).rn,-HORATIO $, urcKSON, tt"MI'. "''T'..:! 0•r," ''l~cw~•a Si>tin~:.un,£' tYlnetmO.


10.10: p,m.-1UL.LlE LOJOlAJNF .. •,oultri:.t.t.o; " non~ eoon~ fWilh uk1.1l-ele,. "tlwffCI. Bawa.i.4n $1toda'" \"' uk,JJrde) ,

10.52 p,m.· JC,E A.HON~ON AND HIS SYNCOPATINO S'tb.U0ll01''1STS.

11 J>,m.-OUR CB.EAT Tl:IOUHUT; w:H.apµll')est! ii inc:reased not by 1-h~ .r:t1•

l.ars(!'J:)lenl o! t.he ~ions, t.ut (If Lhc.­bet.1rt.'" -It.ta.kin.


lt.-to J).m.-clOO tiAVE TH!l K1NG.

4QG, BRISBANE Queensland Radio Service

Wn v~ Lena:th, 886 llletres. 11,riday.

IIIIDDA Y SESl>ION. t tt.1tt..-l(arkt-t W!Pori..t, ,.,Mt.her 1nform"tfon,

"Th, t'lajl>" KaU" aod "Th DA.Uy Stnnd.&rd" Ol'WII,

J.'ROt,I. llOTEL r.AKl'Jl'OY: p;ru~-Lunah hour tnQ&.ic, played by llo~I

C11rh..,n $ym:e>boby On-bfttra. FROli. 'l'Ull 08~1-:RVATORY.

l.U p..aa.-Stancb.rd tin:ie •isnal. , p.m.--<,;1v.c, dowo.

AF'l'li:IINOON SE.~SION. 3.30 p,m..-.A 11ro~mm.e al. l'bU,,f~ from tb~

Stu<Jfo. '-U ".m-"'I"ho To11lqni:ph" nt-'111•. il.40 _p,m.-Ckcr down •

1::.Alt.LY EV;ENING S..E=;SSION 0 p.tn_."DaH:r StliAd•rd" newa, w~1, ift.,

tnnnaUoo, &fl1l.Ottt'lN'1t'ltnt.. CJ.lg p.m.-IActu.ull,~. liJU) n.m-U«ltl:ina Stork:,, by 'The &nd.­

auin,, .. 7 19.m.-Jdarket ~rlM. al.O(lk r¢~rt.. v,m.-Wt:a~r UClWS; a.nnQl.lllOf'll\C.OUl f

'"'.Dl:117 Standard" Del'-1'-. 7,43 P-tn~audard tlnu, sfc-n.aJ. V,".i .P·"'·-IActu~U.t1 "Jo"'um1ns: In :Franecr.

Fltlffle Y...eonomit1 l'b&k'!I:," by Mr, J. ll', li'. t~:n.l~itor, "Q;\iff1'lllan4 ACTlealtu.raJ


a·runI:Nra. Th~ nnt. portion ot to.nft,-l1l'11 prosnunm@­

.... -111 eorer,,l,,,e k lkG'th.1 by tlu!- •ttidents of }1n, I\Dhi!tt fie.ti, M•lllt•4 by Mr • .John tite~J jtr,un· J and >Ir, G. C!Arlt (baritone), Aooon1r,.,nl.1,..-, Min l'hflll11111. .-ROM THJ,; STUDIO,

8 p,m,-M'.,-~.,._.IJpO.ho BO!o. '·H1itleri1y Wing:a,. (.I"hillhie). Mi .. Thelma M&r-ih l &Olit-ana •Oli,,, '"Gk'uluU• "-fld Kind Art, 'Ibou, My Qu;Hri'' (Bi-ahr1111.). )%las Mirl1,1-m lllwnb.:rg;; <:ontr•lt.o M>lo, ''My t>ear Sogl" (Sa.od~r11on), Misa LU. Comloy; baritonf! ,.oJo, '·The Dti• =:• "~~~=~!;,., l~tio!,;.,~,'~~i.:1.f~ Morreaaev: 11u1,r•mo i:;9fo, "L•w• Pi))!!$ or J,ml\" (Oay), Mni. H~ DH\1tllb': var.ul dutc:., "AM J "'"·"t A-.Roan1b1.1f' CB~ 1-Mr. »:h1,u1J,_ 11.nd Mt1. S1,ath•m; .f(lpl' •o1o C•I.J "WH.h Ol.LtTtJ.v Grac•i. (Phillil'fl). (hl "'The Gii:u¢'' (PhillU,s), M".b• 'Ella B.lee: tontralto ec,Jo, '"Vio'hc-n the. ncrwjnr TMtt (.:pp,(a tn•• (81\rnby)., 1\tJ8a SI.rah Iuaa: J,ip~no 141a, "~ub,,rt•• St-r~n11Je'~ (Sch,1-btr-t), lll.ia: E.~r,. llosarty: at,pr&no 11,i,lo. ,;\l(')rnin~• (SPdY), Hlre. Anllol,llJ; leMr MIO. Nlkted, Mr. John ~tet,I: m~ pr11 t10 wolf), ''Rk,epy Uollow" Tune" (Koutibt), Ml.._ Plt.yUll Fol"Y: solo, ''CuC'.kM

~urgess :Went with U.S. Mall Flyer!!, .

Page 25: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 25nla.obj-666409898National Library of Australia

Fridat, 2ht Ot10bcr, lli27 . W1 Jl 1:1.ll I I W"E..a. T

. . . . ... . . . ... . . . ... . .. . .. .. .. . . .... . .. . ... ... .. . . . .. .. ... ... ..... -...................................................... 'f


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RADIOKl!S fa- th;eJdcJ ulllt• !or ,..., SOLODYNE •1td ..U: popula..r circuh1.

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Metropolitan Electric Co. Ltd., 27-29 King St., Sydney And at Melbou.-roe,, Auckl•nd Hobart and Launceaton.

All High-class Dealers Stock Radiokes.


. ...............................................................................................................................

Page 26: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 26nla.obj-666410027National Library of Australia

Pei:e Twenty-Four

C.::alh" lBM1.be1, M1-aa En,l'fn&?h!tm:; ,;ociil tlUl"t, ''From 011e.i1.1u PlH\~Omh11~.Hn.nM:'l Md Gn~t~l" \Huan .. )r,,llncli.), M.hie Ella Blee • u111 1,fi)l!lli r.11 liutnlt-1: lllf'.t:(<I ... Oj)tl'Uln .,,111. "'Lov"·• V• lhzy" (f't'-'lerJ, ~i'"E- ~. E11tbrr­La:nJ; l>tlt/l'ti.Dll 1,,11,1, "91.t:,s: sw~-e.L Bird" HiPnl.i;), Mn-. 1::dwal'tkt; lillllnllr:hl r.•llo, ""&n• hru;a'a S.ona:·' (Trorn .. ('1o•nt1,ri11." ft1111t,it";a.n11·•

'1.-.int1,,..-ni), V!l,.+J l<1.1th J•m·-t.ra.t~; v11i;+.A '1ueol, ''l'lfll't·l'rre f,te,r1w" t"rl'l.rn "Ill Tr1,otlont" CVi<r,111, .Mt• . .R.ibl. Ildl :£.n.,i 14.r, Juh.u

f'Al(T II, j'ro 1•iunnwri•.o:> al ~ 11.m,J, Q~J-;-A.cT 1nn01m. J•l..AY: "'THE liAT ..

TAI.ION RF.(lNJOt-:.'' Wtitt,•11 au,! trrriJ rri-'d 11}' Ml:1111 Tbt<lm•

rtia.m(lm{l. lr1rilr11mt>t:1hd m1ia,k I,~ O·.':! St11,l:o OITh<>,t.rM.. Mech.,u.ic::.l 1,fl'.,-(J• \1,v Mr. lfoh• (,lhhf. "'rhn J!k·.W4'n H.-unfort' lu a lif!'IIU I I-> ·•off t111ty" A!ICI "Hotr'l1..-ward lkund"-lb.ti ,..rte•Dr~ rti~J.Nr Jl].;:y,t whfoh h:;11" bn·n rd, I rr.,111 1Qc Tf1 it h.,- MdH•lltUrt'"d or four JJ1'-'~t't'!I ¥tho hlf't•t iitte.r 1wd11c tt1owh1 lu ~•viliirn o.rn ck-plct,o:.J

S\'NCH'SIS: S('tuu t '',\l I}," Ar,u1: t'l•:b, Br1.,;..nt'L" Sc,·n-i: :?, ·At 'Siuuw)'·•· llmn1•,"

r"-.ST:-.. l'lll't," Mr. •r.,m· M 1ll~r: "Snuwy," "Ir. ltnv llnr<',: "'Rift," lllr. 1111..:h Cilrn:,., "'Lnn1fur1," Mt. ,I. I". Ct1rnwf"il; •·\~•nrn.:• '\Hu 'lh,.lnoi 1·b,,nr,kln, "'lh~ l'nll')'~1:· i\lr. ,;""· w1111, rTH/!tl. lw1t•11.H1,n 1:1ctt11JLin.tanc~. !i~lcf'I':', 1.a,:,ij uti\~r11-. ~u:.., t,y JQ:G arb,tli .t\t1d

)Tl1?tlCAL N1:'~E.rl3 TM mw,1•·•1 I •,nm• MN will 1ricl1ui,r: 01•1rtll"ll, ··,·,,m11u11·• Ill Arms." ''Tho H,.11nrr• \YuvJt": 1h1i"t.1·, '''rhe B,ittlro }~\ ... " .,Rose..i ol l'i.rk11.-d,v'; to),_,, ""·rtte D~•U• ,,l Nt-!.,.11.11,"' ".Ju~t Bt-fal'f' th .,1,tte, M1;1tt1.,r." ··1•,-\,._" ''A C:bh, ot O,e- 01rl lJluek.'' ··r w~ l1n,11,1:'1~1t,"' l'U Bo@- A,1 tb, ~41.m'"", m.1111 lt•,-i:1w11,, •"rcmuuy... '"l'n!uc::h w-r1;": t,.1.1•1.&, "fl, .. h!~i:,," "Olr Rnt-r.aHon. "I' \llf'n, l~1,n1n11lt'rl.o" "1'i1~,1 .. ; C'lhoro:<:M, •·1,'rn h 'Al111,,,;-•n,-.'• .. 8 .... •1'('.l r:<-nC'Vir'V('," ''Wb"" tAI" Su,1111'1 Tarns th~ Oc<'al"!'(; llh1r' l\• G1,1i:t," "hfad!L-. !r1>m AnTI("Tltkr,.,. ... '·Swcrl Adt-Uo ... " '"\Vhcn Moc,.-. "llffl.'C ft 1,itlfi;, JJm•,·• ""1'1,., l-.Nl of -a r1irrlr~t l>.i)'.'"

1<1.!lQ p.m.-'"Th"' Dsilv Mail" new•. wri.lher n1•1,- 01 ... ,. ,Jriv; o.

SCL, ADELAIDE Wave L<ength, ~~5 l>lcLro._ C•·ntral l3roadcaster., Ltd,

Friday lZ noon.-C.P.O. dime., lZ,l v m.-G~.UH'l!J 1nformnl1Qn nmJ "A,h,•r•

li.ter" ne,,1.·5 ..en-Iott: );!.:SO ,,.tu,· Y\111,i it•J,l i1.tam,c llri 1he Sonii.rlL

"·• tL1;.:d), f'ianofoJ'W bOlo b7 l'f'«'Y (-½rning('r.

'''Wbtr.:- my c;int,,tn hil.l' r1-,,t1id"• (U'.tb?}, "1'11 tfo.i:c; t~• Mlhi.t• •Jf .A1aby." Tenor aolrn

I,:, Hu!A-rt ElllddJ. It.Mi 1, m.-M'inkr-· :-cport.-J. lt.fi1 r,.m. Wt'-1,thn· 'N!part. 1 11.r~ Mu:ilc:isl 1tem.>1 on tluo Sooortl.

"IJrtuaty n11'.::ht11 iu Honolulu" (H11mpton). .. Th,.. Tarm.e.r.t tlr~n," pbt\•e,d un J,he Xteel

Guttil.r by , .. nin~ Fnvn,. .. l'o"o No ~1u1ette}• '"WLd .n:iu !oryivt", .. --~•Ire ru.~ i;li-1'' SIItl.JZ:' by Artbu-r Jord.ltn.

1.lli lLIJL~''AdV{'rtiler'" 11,cw, anvkt' . .1.30 ti,ni, .. Ta,~Jc:d Tima,," rlAtflld Ly I.he."

Casb10 01'('hc-•u... 1,,,5, Jf.rJ1.-'•WffdJIC,wer."

··s11a.uls.h Shsw.L .. "Ob Ledf b.• :i.noo,'"

I p.nt,-\',·,e,,n;bl'r tt(l1lTI itncl f'lo:i.11 dnwn

,\PT~llNOON SJ;;$SIOli. $ v.rn. -Cbitr1C1"1, 3.1 p,rn.-Rebt.)· from tbe- Maple J.i:-.a:f Dl.fe­

Un:bl'l:'tnll :1,.Jel"finrl111. 8,tvf"(':tlon, '"KtttJa" (Jtnlt Cilbert\. } w 'l,rt,t. \Vht•n w~ du ~ dance·• (Gu.h•

win}. I111LrUm/\nt.aJ, "'A,i.Qan~·· (Hriuig:al. Pl&ntlforte 11olo. ·•r>.,11ce 1,:t.,tileK" tGodJardl. Suite. "R.:iviCTa ~r..rn('J" C.8.Jtooh).

1.4-5 p.m.-Ftum t.hi! &t.udJu. ~fo• lc• l ftatll:l on th~ Sonora. ''Tl:Jt- Snowy b.ccaawd DCMI."•


''K'llhl,,;>en Ma\·our1't!n:• '1.'rnur suJoo b)' J•'r11nk ~follin11

"Jlon•f liu11rh." ""llf'lfo Aloha.." ..Ort, rro Kono:ia."' "(A.'ve•• oltl aw~t 11m1g,'' O.rriL• Ut'l'w-I.a.

... A1l)l.,M1J4>,

ti 1t,m.-Or-c.hP.ltr.JLl wclt•~\io111J ftum thg AN-.u~hu C'lirr, O\·o:-rtor~•. •·Mt)rnlt1c nul,n &n,1 nli,:;hL"

f.Snvvel, 1,•,,~ trot., •-1~11rk7 ll11.1" tMrirr-•). •·Rani,, 11f ~J1rll1J1:" (f:.hi.dlnl~) ..Bon Viva.nt" (Z,11.wecnlk). ~J•.-e-Uu:n, "TM> JJJue .M11~11tit•" (Leharl. \'1ctlin •oJo. "llrnf'1het11a" {hhi;lu,11,,ie), r:ntrni"te, ;(;11v(•ll~ froni l,H~n,,t1·• 11'hprr111,.).

4..6/i l\,M.. Mt1.rl-i-t rni,ort,~. G p,m.-Chitn•~ alld tloar IW"'--n. G p.m. -0.P.0. ebjmm, A,l r.m. r.>inner ~h1tia fr-oni Lhe t."-nv('lll Uar• 1,,.,, ft-tot<~oranl

$-l.-..'llt111, 'The M~rrr Wldolio." (Lt-h,11,rl, :• QJL Trot, '"M." Cute,,·• Dul?'" (T1lr.ed. c;,;.,n1 l+,, "P,1wd .. r- 1Lnd t'atrhn;" I l"IPkhttr/, J'in!ll.e1 "Su1'r•d:;i lrotn tt,~ ~1 Ol\J ~ll'ulh (fal'rtTU1n),

r..80 ,,,m. JJ.t.rtthnl'.' t,toH"1,P.<; i.1.i p.111.-Mt:tt11n1. K C!. ,v.1rrl :inif C11',,_ St!X'l

EJC.Cha"l~t''nC~ Ma.r:lct,t reporu by Mi'E<81".L A. w, 81.ndford anJ l'·O,, A . i'l, Hnll nnJ Cf! .. flaJ.5tt•·y- •nd Co., I$. ,\, 1•·11.rmer& Cu--nf,l'rllt.lvf'I TI,11,,,,. 'J',ol,'1' Hr, •.• Jtci1c11n (11•nC"t-l"l'I .A,,wdnliron. J .. H, inung'e w1•f'•·lal Tf'l)Ol'l on tho maJ'l,ct lntcr! l·"ruit u,d l'r¢dt;.ce M;{rli..;1. Onmpany Ltd., r.h,w'11 i.:bik M11rke1i Rrpml

':'.1tl ,1.m -Wlnltl,ai.i,:'to lll11;1"6Jui: .. r\.,1}C. 1.::m ri.m..-sr~ciia.l lJro&dcM,

"EU:.CTJUO NJGHT." Toda-,, i3 tb .. nnl' of 1b.- h1nh u1 th" 1,k,c·rl~ Jun;i,p 1t.r:d a wo.-td llri,de cute­brallon .Li U<'lnit helt.l. ln eunn~tlf;)11 with tht> 1·~l+-bratJ<ms. t.btt lta.di,. UroatkMI,. Bllt"ellll a.nd'ln ¥t(\ h10·~ .nrrf'nft<'rf with J\:Cl4 111 tehrn"1Jt";a-,5t. 11 •~cdt1l pro4'rAm~o from FArn1rr,i' !-illldjo, S)'tlnt:;y. Aet1oonoer'o FQ~War.i. A mf!li68.t!e rrom l';dU,o-n. ~'«.t A.k-uu,lrr l)IT.ltt"IHa 11tn ori~n,~ l':Jcc-t• ric: ,r11tl<ndn n~Li~ "''I~ Birlh u! t.h• }~Jt'C'lt.rl~ LemJI." HUU(' Governor·• .mL'E6;q;:e:. Vocal jtcm.

.$ol,)tt AJ0;,1:M1r11for pt('Hl"nl" MIi nrigll'I~ r-:i.dio 1•l.1Q N 1ti-t)("(l "Tht" "Elt"C.LrlC! lfou.t('.'0

lnl.roduclm: "F,k,etrls= rilatw, ell'd,r1c. lt'l"AlllO-­r,bom•. J,;fr-1.'l.ric ri1r.,frt r11CrivM. Arl:d~ b:,, a ic~J,;;t' Jn Lfti:I Ele~u-(~AI ln• du,itry.

8.30 t,.ru.--0,·ertur@. Studio OreMat.n.. 8-.40 p.m.-Coml." Ek"l1•h, Mr. Wm. ltuni::e.


JOCK-Narou Radi1t Bro• dra1.Ung Co., :";acoa:. JAPAN: 3H m-t1tre.a, J.otl w &ttll, (A.n.n.H.Du-,11.nt la tl:n~llllh and ,lap&Jl!Uc).

JOBK-Oab. C~ntra.l Bn.adc.aaUq- Co .• Ouka.. JAPA..,: 3U mdru. I0OI watt&. (An.nHac:un:c:.nt in lb•aliab •nd J11.p•net1-t1,)

JOAK-'Pok)'O BroadcutlnK Co., Tolen, J.&1'AN, tl1i mell'M, lOCUt w• ti.L (A.unauu~h1~nt UI Kna-liAb and, laJ)IUH!ff..'

JFC'.-Bata'Yia,,<ha Radfa Vnc4l.llbi,£inJr. "AtAVJA, JjO lllf'ittA., co

h.ZHM-M.anUa. PHTUPPJSl!l lS-LANDS: 411 ml!:h'"• UIOO watts.. (Ant1.ounctment. tn Euclh1h am( PtuLpplJ01.J

KGU-.,Jlm1ol•ftt A<hict-H1.e-r," ll•1J<>m.l-. HA'WAU, 21'0 m~t:rn. 604! ••t.ta.

KGO-Oakl•nd.. CA t~u·ou~u.: JU.2 ffltlru. SOtll watta.

kf"l-1,ea An~ CALll"OR.~IA. 411' m•lrct. 51110 watt..

~OA-.Den.,.er, CO.LOIi.ADO, .SU,4 1q~ttt1. l!i<IH watt&.

l3uy a Burgess an4 Cut ~att~ Cost,

i:.u p.m.--$rl("t'Li(H1, St,tdfo OrchttirlJ, fl, j.J.UL-0.P.O, C'hltrhj6. ti l o.m,-Wtath.t•r rep<trt. !l.:t r,.trt. 1}4J~~y·• wh~.,1,1. re,,ort • D.4 1,.m.- -Lnin~~ akrt<:h. Mr. W, Ruoce, ll.1! p.m.-7-rnor •olo. Mr Kerth Cl• rk tl,l!l p.m.-S~lcctio», Stud)t, tlrr<ltMtrll 9.30 p,rn, T11i'- vrni.,H.t"l1 h:,· 1 ht!' A11r/culture

!i('{)W--rlffl('!ll Mr. J, JI. Allll8, ··•rb.- llou;;e <·•I"''" (:ilt·alrn Darr, Extiert,.

1u,1 t•.m.-Ttst11,r aulo, M_,-. Keiih Clnrli, 9A~ Jl m, ;it"l<"Cthm, irt111!i() Orehbslr'a, 1t.5il J>,m.,---<.:umt:Cll( ~una;. Mr, "\\'ro. Ruriul!, in t..rn.--G P .·(). ~him~, 10.1 ~-m,-.. Ad,·•~·dil't-1"'' ne,,.:11 "1•'"'1il".- lll'ltf

\\'indbaifl' J0f'itrt.h1;1 ~.,r\"l('l". 11,115 r,m. ~1reH1111. ~r.uJit, Orch....a.tra.. 10,arl ,,.111. Rtlo.,y frrim Gfonelc-The. Male.un

J>.d.nt'i1 Band. U.Ji, o.m.----,t;~h1rdu"15 pf'l)lrT-.mmf! 11n1I wl'~thcr

r~port 11.16 {t,tn.-~Aliunr..1 Anth~•m a.nil e,~ dftwt1,

6WF, PERTH '\\'e· tralian Farmer's.

\Vavt: Lengt.h, 1.25-0 Mcl"tEI.!, Friday. 12.:11, -p,' in.. 12,Bb r,111_ M11-rl...-L•. Nll'I"'"· •11rl liah-l~. 1 p.m. ·nm" "'hrnaf from I'erth Obsuvatory. 1.1 p.m. ~'t"eattle:r Not<!!h gupplted b)'

.Me:t.e0roJocit:al Bureau o! W~ll!tl'l Au111ralia. 1,2' p • .rn.-St1.;1di(, Quintelt.r .. 2 p.n1.· <.ll<r.-,.. ,j;,wn, .1,:10 p.m,-TU.ri.., in. 3.&5 r,.m.-Orpt)rl mui'ir, 'relayed rrom the

Urn"rt 'fhe3trt>, Mtttt:tY. StrttL Voc11I and IWJh:um..t'llilLI JJit.erl•.11~r-, frflffl th~

Studio. ».m..---<:fo"C 4°11'1Wn, 6 . .a!i- ,,.m, Tnnw In. li.M n.m.-M:u .. E\·l'nln.: (or too Kidd1('a. hr

UnclM Henr, nt1rl OuffY~ 7.8(} p.n'l.~~k,o, Matkt't.11.. Nt"-:..11. 'i .an p.m H.Ai1".U111r 'Talk ll,1,· th .. S;H•rtlnr Edi•

tor or 1'Tr:1nh" Nf!~'if,1aP('r Cf)y. 8 i,.m.-Tlm,• tlf{nc.i,I /rnrn P.erth O~lory. !.l Jt.m.-Wr.ttll.-r nf'tl:!ll, au1mllo:J by W

Mctrttrnlnsical .BnTUu <tl W$1.(crn Alutralla, Or.KltATlO KJGHT.

~.j 1,.m Ont"r•tio 1o,·Ulllbuil hy tbto MadriraJ SinlZt'.ra:

~~• ):"l!J.J".f._\!:--~:..n!;~c..c.ll.., .Mlf,11 Z.oo- Le-n~n. ei:,nL:raU,1, ,\.1t, Lind!lay G. DodtJ, baritone. 11.t-Jl'ld by tht· l\fl#"JOE Sul.toll J.,1lq, in ..

Sttu.m"'nta.1 duo, f1o1 th~ s,.a~ lui.l'UQJa. 0 p.Jit. "Gardenint" Nold,'• by- Mr. E.

,1. llUS'bes, n!r,tt;;~tfoi: ll~11n1 • .Dawaon 11.nd Har.rJ11oA:n, J~W,

l(I p..m,-J;.at,:, n~"W.s it.oms, by e,1,:u-t.,,1 of '"l'he f•aily ?iewa" XeW;q.111µrr 0..,:,,

Shfye Within rat1J,,"t· pnnc~m1:r.mG11t;. Wc»tber Rea,un. wr1rl li'urcqnt.

10.30 Jl,M.--Ok•@ down. JOO M.ETRE TRANSM1$S10N,

SimuJtaneOU11 Ill'Ol\d~"'~ on 100 lltt.ree ~, :\ l)!'tl:$1:rAmme 11riven on. 12SO .MetrM, Q()ftUUl"tl((ng ., 8 p.m.

7ZL, HOBART Tasmanian Broadcasters, Ltd.

Wave l'..ongth, 616 Metre,. Friday


H a.m.. to 12 nooo. AFTERNOON S'ESSION.

J p..,m.--0.'P.O. Clock ehimll'S. 3,1 -p.m.-1'une iD ulecdon. 3.15 J>.m.-Rob&rt St.eek Exehan1re <rWQ.t.ionL

Weather inf<:;nnalfo11. lt.em~ of intere&t; A.OttO[lllcemr.ntl.

1.1~~1~.m~ •r.loct..ioD by 'iZL Stad,-

4.151)..m--F.ducational talk. 4.30 p.m.-CJ,... clown.

Page 27: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 27nla.obj-666410151National Library of Australia

li'rida.y, 21st Oe.tqher, 1927. WIRELESS WEEK.LY Pogo Twenty-Flv•

Further Proof of the Dependability of

Airzone Products

, l

. rP ,~ r, . {~-'-· ..J. -:

Au.idHarr, Vad1t 0 RONDON," FILLl!4 UJllh rh• B~l ol Wirsleu Compo1J@nt1.

Airzone Radio Equipment was used on the Trip from Hobart.

This fine auxiliary yacht, which recently arrived here from Hobart, bad a Radio Set specially installed for the ti:ip. The owner and navigator, realising what was depend­ing on reliable reception, purposely chose and insisted that AffiZONE PRODUCTS were to be used. AU weather reports and time sij!na)s were regularly received.



Challis House, Martin Place, SYDXEY. l'hone BW 1328

Page 28: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 28nla.obj-666410283National Library of Australia

JC.A.l?LY liVENUlG SESSION. p.m.--Cblldr.on'• 11rlth th@ ''ha.ldo

lat,,.• ,'1.J.'i JI-~ ehat b7 Mr. G~e

Nii.Uan. Nl(WT l:ll'.SSION.

1..30 p.m.,-1.!ll!llleal &clC'C!tion.. Fruit l>ou]t.J"J' .-nd r= ar::°S:., :;~;t W! COUtl(sy cl 'i.ltS f'.rn.--CU'Ur:nh,i: talk b3' Nr. Gtuts•

N.a::ioh. (JllJQ. J:,lununit'il Ca.~mi...rea 7.r;;o p_m.-'"Mon:tiry" •reehll 'I.umanf.,n. ne•11

i,,en-it~ R• ilwaJ" au1ri1un flrnrfoco 1111•1~ H,,bart Sc,..el f''~cbJi.nQ'" ,,notntto0$,

fl; ti~.J'.O, lU,_..k. cbim~. I.J 11..trL--$~rta Builffl HPPlifld l,7 l-11". TI. W

Newton ot Bohe.rt Sp1:1rt.a D•:tic .. CaWn.a St.. Jlc,he,.r-L..

,,o p.m-.Sn:iWO Cqnll'ert: l0.&1 Euhf Knisrbc (DN!lll',cM,Oprnno}. l\{iaa E. l1mr7 (nlCiC11lii:>r1ist). litiaa B.,.rt.ha ..M111r,ball (aopuno), At;. !tnby Pfo:we- (pip.obit}, )tr. Viclor Pha..rnG.h. (banjo aoka), Mr. 1.;, tt<.•a;-bam (, Air, Hurry FmLt-r- (bad­t.c,oei,

-.i.s., µ.m.-FJp, t:h•t hT "Mid Otr." fU9 p.rn.,-Br-it,,.h ll!H..c.laJ Wire},,.. lle1'•· M.50 p.m.-.. Mflt'Cury"' 8JJ~.i•I lntftr81.11.te. DNYI

aerriC!lo". wJLhia Wi.-cJ,...• ranll;I'!, Tli­fflb.l'/,.iM.h Di ,trkt wi:oat.her trport_.. '9 f1,.m. Wl"at.her fo~ S1.atir,n a.1u..1111.L11ccnu11tJ.. "fl'1','if'Jkr.a .,d11nd inl1,i:rnmt.ion. Nation.11,J Aolbf'ro,

Saturday, Oct. 22 2FC, SYDNEY ~y MORNING S~"lON,

7 &.m.. t0 & •.m.. MOllNnm SESSION.

10 -...m..-"'llhr non·• and Ptoa'r&mnl41 &nnoune-o­tnc-nta.

lU 1YJt.--SNtil'o tnllllla,. 10. llJ L.m..-" !1.omiq &raid.. l:lt''fVI

"""'""· m:wiie. J.l>,36 11...m.-A calk by the ~F"O Com•

mlaionE!"r. l·l.t$ tnu•k l 1 Lm.-!"Bf,r Hen.'' ~tudic, male. tt-m--A..P.A.. and Reu~r•a• Ato"1r .... lt.10 "-m..-St.-udln 1nusie. U.16 e..m.-A talk (lb f';o.nlfflinc- b7 llr. O.

J .. ~ ( .. J-tedauru.") ll.~O ._m.-Clt""Ae du....-n, 1,1100.\Y AND Al"T>:ltNOON IW.SSIONS,

12 ttoon ...... -Jfia Bm" and•nt.a.. 1!.! 11,.~tor.k E:1u:!hantt4,, tint call. 11.11 p,m.,-StnOJo :tn-:.1n1Q. U .20 p,m--,'"S}'dn•.,- lf.orutDa- H.f'1"1tJ•• 11.n-a

urvl~ 12.52 p.m. n.111"7 wfn,lna UWll. 12.4$ p...m.,- -Studio mmtl't.

Nof.ea 01Jri11,. Uitt atte-moon • det!£..rlotlnn r,f th& CaullieiJ. Ci.p wW bl!' l'~l•Ytd tram 3LO M'rlb(11tt'tlt!. &ci.tli: .,,., nt. clirl!et ft11m C1u1trrlntry Park will N ct.rtibed Jn ~ rurmhia by di• 2k0 B1114m# C~mmis-lione-.r.

I p.m.-... lJ1i: Ben."' W~t.hl!r l.t1.t.eW,rtt11N. 1.B 11.ui.,.-.. NP"•" rnldda:y ~a ,e:-...

vice. I .to ,~.J111.-St.11dio mas{a.

Ouri?l2" ncl.n• th.• foltowill.1 r,11u1!,zj will ~ hf!'ard ~ The Plll•• Tbrllt.rr- On-bau. lllltfe-r

tho lui.tmi ot Mr. l l• rl'J' Stvu"· r1ur Am11Jd., :Na•c:lty IJUrnd;. ~id M<itttJC"UI'.\ Ulml.-le, n11mhenJ. ,.:i.• i,.¥Ji-A. CfJOlll\.tct.e nisutne .... r lhct d111'• ,apotUnc- nM'tt•.

i p.m..-"".Bisr Brn...., C.kiu dtrlrn. EA.lll.Y EVlllNJNG Sl.<>SION.

,.4o p.m.-'l'he c1,1.m~ o1 tr,·c. ,.ff p.,na,-".fha "'HdJ1» Man" Talk.• lo Oitt

,J.hi~~~s,m-, 'flmP !01' tho Folk. C.40 p.m.-..~ia -;·o p m.-•'Bts ~w•, W,,pr ln.t.e!IJlunre-. t:.S u..m..--""".bm.inl' Ne.,.•·• I.ate 1i~w1 !:tff.


WIRELBIIS WEEKLY Friday, 2hl Octuber, 1927.

1."2: p.m..-0:qm:a;r ThomMJn, VktJini.t.,

H~J .:i~ri4::·· \ ~~~!-i-Sa;c::~~l~UllVP. Tedt"&co).

1 CiO p.m.-Me.iJ.i.,n.- l:rul!y .MJii:r-k"• SQ1>ta1io, 8.0 v.m.-t'roru ,.h~ ll'lnlX! l:d•ard Th<-11!rt". ~tl"n>111th ~~L, Syd11r..-,; 'Ibn l"r1n~ ~;q.

wara Th~t r1t Otchc~tr-..n., unda- lh• batun or Mr. Albert. Cn,r,a.l,t,n. ltC!Dltl !mm the Ordicstrn.1 Mt'aro • 1111 <;:o(&J

(Jl.'O!Oi:utl to lh(" tllm,

.. BJ,.~· .IIlfR.•· L lrrt?ouuctncy- l.1uu{'. A1bCl1"C. C.:t:tabon s..nd

f'-anN-.rl Orche,,1 '""· :i. I,f'"AUe V, llarvC?y J1. t tM <"'rrh~t,-.) 0t"~.1in

"!\t"Ji,dy ol Lo"",.. from ''C:ip,11)• Lo\·e.'1 ti. TL.rillinl" Arrnrnd th,. Wol'H: A Fo,c

Var!E-tt att1Ut1t(•rl b1 llaJ, n. 1 ,_,..~ton. <411. All,/'!rt Caubon &fld th!!! Prh•.ce

Cen,•,.rt Otehristra. .»layh~ J(IJN"tiab, Ovi;:-t1ir•f' \,I> .,)Hen•J."

b. Johtt ~•r-jo.ra._ wt1U l.n(l'Sffl tr,nor. rertrft'lt'­JCI?

1~1ar o1 n(l1 hleb.Btu."1 iri •t:rnOl!l)hl"ri.c J 're.!Ud!!. ti; .. Ben llu.r.''

IB,litl 11.,t,.-Fl'Qm the Studio: Vietor F.vau.. Ou.ill,nl'.

!.S: p.,n1.-0aemu· Thom110n, Viol infi;t, "Anliaflt.,•• !:rod'I 4 'Synaphony'' (1':JJJi'&l:ubl•

J.klol. , 4 p.m. --La.t"" W-1 . .ai.Lhf'T Forrteal; (lir.rJe.5

~Wh'ni:e, Ent11rujru,,-, "Aftnl' t.he A~cic1ent:• IUff r,.m. ·A l!Cudio Pt<>J.uetio11 nt S4!~n~

r,....m t1,., 41',a, "'The J.h,,lit Thal, l""Ue.1.·• Plny1,u. l).y J-J. W, V&l'll atul Cloll"l,J'l-'lr'IJ', b;v 1Unn1l'ment wi:Lh J. c. Wili1-meon, Lid,

ACT I. CAS'l':

DiL"lt lff'ld"r .......... , • - , • , R. W. Var.LA Tori,~.huw ·•••••••••• ••••••• Perey i\totrUI CfMQIO\:f!'t.L.l • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • u. J. s.. I i,..l' WUtb•d .••• , • ,. •••.••. ••... Arthur :Mllltu ~n • . • .. • •• •• • • • • • • . •• WilJJiirn nnme Mn:. l-t"YnNI .• . .•••• a•_,£ Cotuti.anc,,. P'.mbiyh Itt>J a .. .,,df,d Gid •••••••••• Jrlorer,ee Cluk 1tt'!!et!!! •••••· ·· · · ··••·••··•·••• Leo Ba.rt'J' Al,a.We ............. , , . • •. . • • • t,,1~ Ser•lcc

I ~ff 11..rn.-~lad11.n1t1 J,:ruU:, M.11r-k.~, 5oprauw:

fi:j ::r=:. ~~ :;,~;~1 'tT.ald) I .ti~ p,m,--Clu1.rJf"'$ La~·r,.""'• fntel'tailJ"'I',

(a) "llrid,;yn-,nlQ Orator..)'" (ay R"'11H!llt). D.42 P..trt.-Per.u Peat., Soul1r,.t.t.. 9.M r.m,-At'I- Two '1f ~•TN, l,i.-ht Thllt

Fa/ll"li,'' i 1roJ11«d l)y H. W, Yllr-LA and Com»an:,.

10.!0 p.rn. '\'St"tor- F.\l"AtlJI, Barltanri. lD,2-Z J).m.- -Art Tbn,o trt "Tti. LIIht. 'J'hah

J'ail,-d," llorotf'le!!Ci bJ 11 w. Varna and Co.tn1••'\T·

te.6(1 JJ~.--Len M•'ttr?"•• PGpul•.r .BarJt.aftf'. 10 .. 51 i,,.n1-L11te Yew"' 9:nd An.1101.1nerm@nl& 11.0 p.m.-••~rl' Ilm.'': D.an011 Jt1u.-.fC!, falJ-r.

•puN(f wJth w,ol cbcint~ b,v Lon JJ,U p,Jn.-National Antbtm: CkM. J)q.;on.

Short Wave Broadca.sten S~h.eftle• an.d. Wa'N!fenr-1.M EflibJt1ct

W C'h.,.na•. ltG•1NM, f;enlit M• ru• • Calf-rhul,

1:n•Ja.nd. U and II t.11,,1 (8.B.C. Pr~arnmNI).

JtN,.f'CJJ, .Philipa" f!Qnim1mlal Atai-Ucm., t,;i lknbH~ .Hell.and. 10.3 me1.re11 (U..8.C. ProtrJ':&mm~) ..

NU-IXl\F, GHe-ral £ 1.-.ctrit- C..~ 9rh, .­et-t..dy~ ~--- Yurk State, L.R.A.,

J4~~ih~~t;:!\~r-~i;;~:ri,:ml'b~~: «L&ilT. New York St.ata 14, 26 ud H mdtn ,w.G.\". i'Rfl'a.mtttN),

N~i~~~ll.1'·;=~.h~~~;ew: ~d Hmetz-ea.

~,r .. w1.w. Crul•t Radto C°O"fJIO'b.U~ CJndnnAf-l, Ohio. r.S,A.. G fflf'U't'\I.


2BL, SYDNEY Saturday,

EARl.t M.OR.SLNG M.!-iii!ON.- 1 W S a.m.

WORNL'IO- f,F.S.c:;ra.,"{, 11 111.m.--n.r•,O. C:->etr IIITld Chim~.

M-uai~•l 1)rot:t's.tnt11.,1 !ru.-,1 t.he Studio. ll.H .... ru. --S1.1t:ial Notr,.. L>- 'hi l":I' . Jorda.i.

Tallt .. ,. Slraple Gookina: lor Chlld.ten. t,7 Mni.

AFTERNOON SESStoN. ltR.oine- In 1ormsL1ut1 broa1tciut immedia,tdy

,Ctr-«- ~t:h ltaee~ by c-oul'1li:,,.,.)• of lb(' "Su" ." l:! nqoU.-(f.1'~0, CIO{lk ond Ohimc-e.

~iA.J \ll°!'l'ltn FQr~.i.11. •nd. Wl!'ather R,, tl?.,3 p,nt.-.lJNn&wic:k J.•a.nat.tupe lte•

dUIII, lt.2(1 p.m.-N.-,w,i fr-Qm tJie "Su.ti." 12.26 p..m.--f;portinir .and At hlt!Hc .Finur"'. J2.28 p.J,n.- What'• 1.111 &t "11c l'ic-tu-wia .and.

Tu~au •,t,

12.~I! p..ui.-Muai~I ii-~t;mame lrom tU !--t.utHo,.

Jl:! ... w p.t::r:t..-Nr,"''11 rNit'll t be •·sun:• 1:.!.S(J 11.UL-lbtclni: tnll{m8. 12.r,6 p,.m.· ,Vo.;it:!;i.l p~mm.o from t.h•

St1Jdi~ l p .m.. U.11.0. CJMk 1&11d Chtnwi.

M u•1n! prV8"T11,mruo frtJl\l that .$t11dJtt. 1.rn 11.m.-tittortir.~ T.,)" anJ At.b!<>tle. J.•i~•

tu'ttll tor t h(' W.1,. 1.20 P.11..l -ktl'•1ral pl"tiJ.ramm.,. f?-1im the Studio. 1,ao -p.m.- C.f',O. (Hoek 111,wl Ghj~.

'1'• .i)! [11 C'il.Jldrcil'l •nd S11N:l•I Enter'-lnment. ,,,,. Cb:Odrc,,.rt J11 Botlpil:il.

:? 11.m -G.P.O. 4,,;lotl a.od Cbims., Ser-la.I Swry.

2. 15 p,m.-.\tuaict.l 1m,..7u11mC" !l'Oln Ute Stv:dl0,. 2.25 p.rn.-Rtado&: r1'~Htru:', ~.::CO p.m.--d,P.O. CIOC'.k: aruJ Chime&.

Ni!Wll fr<nn t.hl) ".Sun." Dunntt \ftn A!i-er-nG',11 S;,urtine lnfW'Ulatl,i,n will bt- btoadC!&lll,. br co-ur\.61 ot tho --sun.•• Jnt.t:l!tprt•t'd ..sllb MJ.aak:1111 it.em~ fr-om U\d Sr.udh,.

& f\m,-IJ.P,O. ClocJr: • ijd ChlrnM. Jtlidnir n:,111mti. (.)IOiffl do..-a.

EAI!l,Y )l:VEN!NC SllllS!ON. 6..:($ p,m.--0.P.O. Oloc.k •1\d CAUllc..

CliiidN.n·• SO!'a11ilon &,all 1.1.m..-Mwik.aJ 1u·ds"ra.m1n.(t0lll o.,ata.cUo. 7,16 l)..m.- f:w:eult of l b~ cl41'.1, S_por U"•• 1.3.1, p .tti. .CounJ;ry :N"ewti (rum th e ' 19uft."

IC fl:NING RES8lON. !f p.m ,--G. f• .1J, Clotk and Clt.Jn1-.,

Oroadciul("l'II' Te>plcal thoni«. •.• p.m.-(Jic;i•dcaa.w,J'II' .Li.rht O, Uhlltr

1.1'f11/!~-~; cfi!!~t·w~ll::!! ~1::!"neJ.

l...!A v.m.-Tbt- Aha.d Duo (•t,el n.ltarl\. t ... .n p.m.-Mr. 11a.rry C ..... b (camed1-11). •·•• p.111. -htnu,- .al1nut .. ol .Humou •nil

H umo-J.r, h7 I.Ju. Qululr Al.aJcb. "·•• i,..tll.-hra-dca.11.k,r.-' L 'sht OnhMt.l'L 0 ',fr, Ch1Q:Hmt W HJlamt, 1.11 p.rn. -The A~a4. .nuci. 9. 18 p.rn.-Mr. lla.r17 0.b. l.2!i ft,· Litht. Onbatri.. I.Mr. p,m..-"J"'ht,,r Makh. 9.i'ifi p.m.-Jt.mwne 1,,t lllUciw 1.n,a- tlaJ"a pN­s.....,._

iZ.1~·:~~~~~~l)'t~~~~-1n. 10.U p,m.-Tha AmbaaJiWlon D«.n4!e {l•nd.

htoadcs,.e,t from the R•llroom uf the Atrthu­,,:,don.. Uurini: lnt.C' 'b.;,twel!-1\ lia:ttee11 "Sun" M-• will \to ~"-

lt m.klnJ1h1-0,P,O. C'k>ek And tblml'!I .Natror111l Anthem,

2UW, SYDNEY Sal1trclay.

l"rcJSnmntn), 1 p.ln.-'Nbtore- t.o Go. PO...fR, Johanneah.11r llr•r-uuac

Comp.• 11'1.J, Afrl4!a, "20 and !!II lllf'l,.._..

'7.11"lf)fo~ ~tlona: (•) ··ewn~i" (Dvon.t).

7 a p.m..-(h) ••v• ~ Parhok!!1u~." 'i,Sff i,.m,- 0[']:'an ••~o .. :Prottll,Or C, S&ttur

•'Rhaprl.Qdy'' (C...c.iin(r).

I.I urtey used Jl..urgess l!l N_ew G_!!inea. ......

Page 29: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 29nla.obj-666410419National Library of Australia

Friday, 2ht Octob,rr, 1927. WIRELESS WEEll:LT

The Mullard Master -Valve with the Wonderful P .M. Filament with

English or U.X. Base Remains the Same Price - - 13/6


the following previous types will be sold

HF and LF Bright Filament D SERIFS DFA SERIES ..

at 1·educed prices

2 ./ . each 6/ - each 7; 6 each


Fflame.nt voltage. Filament eun-cnt, ..,,,.._ ..... Anode voltage- • , To ta l emiuion1

wilh £n1liah or U.V. B~


2/. 2 /. 6 / - 6/ -

I 6 ·.

H.F. L.F. D06 I 006 006 H.F. Dat. L.F.

3,2-3.8 3.2-3.8 3.0 2.5-3.0 M 0.6 0.6 .06 .06 .06

30-90 30-90 50-l ?!i 20-100 30-100

5 8.0 I 8.0 Impedance. ohm.a.. Q0,000 30.000 60,000 17,000 17,000

6 / . 6 / -

1'1006 D3 JIF,

J.O 1.6-2.0

0.3 .06 30-100 50-125

8.0 6.0 17.UOO 60,000

m/a . . ..... · 1 S s O I

I Radio. alao Rad~o, als o


R.d,o. oho Purpoae • , •••• , Rc:sia:tani;.e Audio Re•1•lanc:c Detector Audio Audio Rll!ai.atance

~utling Cc,uehnM Coue1i:n1

61- 6 1- 6 • 7 '6 I 7 6 1 1a Type OJ


Fil•m.e:nt volta1e . 1.6--2.0 1.8-2.0 1.8- 2.0 3.5 5.5 5.5-6.0 Filament C.Ul'l'tlnt,

amp• •• , • , , •. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.35 0.2 06 Anod.c Yolt-.J& , • 20-100 30-100 ,0-100 .10-100 $0-100 50-100 T o t • 1 cmiHion,.

,., . ......... 1 8 8.0 s.o 20.0 25 0 1.5 0 lmpeclan.ce, ohm11. 16.000 16,0(10 16,000 7,000 6.300 13.000

P u l'poaa • , , •••• Detector Audio Audio Power Power Audio Ampl.i6tt.T Ampli6l'r

Every Valve is guaranteed lo function perfr.clly


7/ 6 DFA4

5 5

0,2 1.1-11,

I S.0 27,000

Rc-ai1tane.r. CouplinA;

A . L al f'ritrh.ett, Au.t. ( Ltd.). $fdn•Y A. B•a.J Pr;(a1'~lt, A-u•t. ( L td..), Mol.bou:rn• £dear V. Huiilto.n, Brisban.• Wedma Ltd., Adelaide Ciibb., Bright & Co., Pcrl4


Page 30: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 30nla.obj-666410548National Library of Australia

Pa~ Tw~nty-Eight

'l~~-»;~~~l"~c:V~·c.n1ns, .. lb) ··,~ :A.W.ll)' tMln Yoar

1.U JJ,m.·-VJc.t,ut, t..:iltip, ¥ictlln :411.1101 (llJ Hrmg-a.r.ian l),u:.ce- N,:,. &." (b) ''Cr-ti.JI• Song" (Pff:hdbh).

'l.U P•ut-V~• rz'tu'nw. t:rl('AW •OJIY1HKII

T.11~1~~~eia J a c;1'11un. b&rhflfle,

1,ii4 1,1.m. Miu ,IL,y O'lk'lrn. aoprano:

ii: "Y.t:;::.. Pf.O':i11).Jinb'' (from "ll-il'h

JJnklil">· 8-2: 1,.rn.- M•tJ.~ ArHn• Sauer.

!'I,~ ........... ;<,11,,.W.lill\ t.8 p,m.-Ve.ra 'hirnf'f, .tnl!'UO iOlJP,DOI

Selectb'i ti.,tcio, • 8.1,6 iLtti.-Jame. J"uklf.oo, baritone-;

&,l.,.t:h!'!I tolm. a.::.s p.m.-Vfo.tor C&Ux,, viollb •ol~;

(u) Sll-lectr:11, 1b1 "O .$~llr of Eve" (WQ11er).

tul'! fl m -Mia Sonia Saymo-ir, .90p1'11.l'.IO t ~"lt:it'-trll aol011..

ti,49 fl,m,-Bl'ln-y Af'rlidt., ittu. llllrrlol'le. ~.150 p,m.-'MUi• ~,iia St.>Yl'ftOUr, wipr• noJ

Seleet"11 aol0111. 1,68 p m,-01'£'8U iiolo. Jl'trife,;u.or C. Rrau.e.t:

... ,.,.1,.r11" ! ,.~ p.m.-.Bur:v AnHci., Jgu. lntt-rfod't', lt,lti l).m.-.."s-auOtil, •nlo?CLiona. 9.2$ p.m..-~nma or !orwo.rd til'Oil'T8m~.-: t . .'lll 1>,m. ClnH dD'Wn.

3LO, MELBOURNE. Saturday,


11! ARONSON A..'\'"D Bl!-4 ~\'NCO. $YMPH()Sl5TS.

U.JO a.xn.-GLAllYS LA.MPE, eontralto. "0, Wflltnn Wln1I'" ( May Hnho). "Cam' Y..,- Jjy Atb.ol7''- ::kcite-.h.. (Arr. by G. A. li!!l.aofarren I .

l?.17 a,tn.-J"OI•: AltONSON AN'O JJJS

1L~1·~~srrtvHit~J:Nu and ARTHUR ~LA.Tl;&. l-.r1tt-rl11iners: .. l'II 00 your ~w""1)11•11-rt.." "'[,''

11.Si 1t..m.· ,JOE ARONSON AND .IIL.'i SY .NCO-fl.YMT•HON ISTS..

11 .41 a..m.-ldAlUE l,AWTON, 81)S,t;mo And Harpi&t: 6cl1'."t'.trd,


U m ,nn.-MELBOURN)o; OBSl'.:RVATORY 'rU.H! SIGNAL. .Met.Al prle,.• ~eh•e.f. 1,y Lb,,. Au:;l r-aliau Mi~ an,l Mrb•I'• Auoda.tion iron, the T,011on Sioclc Excbanice th~ day. Drit.Llb iiffidal win.'f'E@t new .. fttim Ruscb),. &u~r·• and th~ Au""'-.l.(an Prer.. Auoclation c.abln. Ari.::u.s 11,•w"' i.~rvkr.

12.:u• p .m.-JOJ<l ARONBON AND 1£1~ BYN"C{l-SYMPHONJS'T'J,;

13.Sl) p,m l~I..A.HYS LA MPF.. ~int ~lto: ·My Aia FnJk" (f..n.-qn 1,,-m~r,).

"Wh.-n!- the 8e(' ~n<"k•·• !Arne). 1? . .17 ll,m. --$f.Qrk Exr-han~~ lnfot"mt.lion .. J.2,.U> p tn. •STr:oto QUARTET:

St.rln~ Q111t.r-t,-1.. Nt>. f ,,_Dec-ro (Breth•n•en), 12 . .'.ilJ 11,n.1, Al.MA HORl.C>CK" 1K>Dtant1:

"'M.otnlnl{.'' · •'(.",oqoet:4.o [TurMl'),

1~fvJt;;:..'\t?,~rJt~~:SON AND HrS 1 1Mr1.-.MEJ..BOlTR.N f.'. 00S8.RVATORY

TIME. SIGNAL, The bc-11 .t.rik~ O.S&-it. ::.s lh.i 11li,:m1.1 t.h4r ~1"1tt.1nda & llow mueh rw to ,-,~ .Jone.

11 11,rn,-Of .. ri'l11tion of Uenl~ an tllil!" Yura. by Mr. Norl.l\llo MeC111.n<"0o

l.H p,m - M.:t.eorclos:foad tnlni-Malion, Ship• J'h1g lnte.llJJrent'C!'. Weather rn~~t. fol" Vtt1tnri,.,, 'fMmJn1ia, South A.wltnlla •nit Nnw .S1,1~th WjlJP•, Oct-a n for«..U. Rlv<'r rtoporta. RaintaJJ for Vlolori&,,jar Sooth Australia a11d New SouLh Wah-a.

L.2i i,.m. AL..."IA HORLOCK., aoprano1 "I !\'•w·r K_n.,,.. ... (R:\lll " Poi.''

1.32 P m.-TA::DIA TIERNAN. ·c,.nc, "Cha.nts nli,'lill"-" (S&kl).


1,10 p ,,,,-STUDIO QUARTET: "No • .f &" Ulce~·l!ll).

I.fl p,.so.•~ O.-crlld'fon of- Be.DL;,y 01' tha Yura lu· )Ir.. li~ra:i•.n .MfsCau~l-. •

? 11.m,-,-Dt:1c.rlption ot Mia. J,fi• Jfurdl,:-, two,

~tei.s!':fr,:; ci~~~ ltG~~ by, ''M.u.k•t." of

1-~,l•~;;~t:oat,"?!~r,So~ :~"'J~; A.od 1:J ortbcot,J, at So•t.h Mdboai-lk!.

2.Ji1 p.m.-CJc,e drnvn. J,IO 1u:c,-D .. c.riptio-n o! St. AU-na BaTI1dcap,

:,. t~.~;.t~t 1.~"~r°'~~~t!; :;:~~.v'i:L~~•ca, .. 2.M p,tn,· U~c-tirrt-!011 u! H"nl,.; ()~ ~ Y•rn ~ lib .. Nt1ormp.n M,c;.bcc:, •

!.00 11.m.--C:l~ down.

AfTERNOON SESSION. S l/j~1,ff.{,."f{ll.NE Oll~~l<VATORY

0-l".riprion o! W. f:I, C:trt. l'l&U'-, 9¾ furlonira~ l:11)C:U~H Vall'!Y ltai!!S, b1 "Mu11k'l"t." of "'the Sportl.uit Wo~."

! .~ 11.m. --REGINALn Dn,U>LEY AND IJQROTH\· ROXDl.JnOU, Violin amt V1o1a Duet~

'"Andante M(uU,.HClo" 3.!0 11.m.-D1!S1:.ri.Pl li;iD b;y ltr llod M'-CGn-v:or,

Qf Cri<'-Ju~l mat~h hct~ South 1':rJbcxi.rno arul !•fo?l.h~e..,,. '!6- E:o-.i.tb N.C"lboun,.<=.

1.:10 i,,m.-I>ecu;r-lptior: at Eit Alban•• fia:ndi• <"•P• • 4 ludul'la•. MGOnee VaJJey ~e.,_ . OJ' "llU!!-ktot,"' O.C '"The Sportinz Globe."

3.3l'i i:,.m.-Dceerlvtion or llenler on lhf' \"arna, b}· llr . :\"OJ'man McCantt. J1..m.- STI..""DJO QUARTI:-:'TTE: Selec:it.1011, "TM LiJ.Ue Dutch Girl.''

4 D,O'li.- Or-feripJion ol Mounec-, V11.!lt,- Cn:o, l mUe Hi .furloDi'E, by "M~kct.." of .,Tho SJ>bl"l lr.g- G,Whe."

4-' 'p.m.-STCDIO QU A.R'fETTE r "Orijl'fl~J Bulte" (Jl'nncill> Po1u,u).

,.,u!'.M'rlptl.on ur UrOfl.dmeado,n ~l~"f'pl•. .»,bout 2 milM 8 ch&Jn• . Moonee V u.11.-,- ltacn, by "M ual:et." of •-rho Sport,. h1g Globe."

( .Sil t1.n>,-DeiluTption r,t Hf'nlc,- on the Yun, h;r ."l.r. No.nn1u1 ¥<'C•hf'l".

t.r,(J p.m,-•·U~lcr• nf'Wt1 l>f'rYlce. Slock F.x• rh•llltC! inlor-l!lllt.lQU.

i 'r'.m. tle11cl"tpdou or DuntfnnA'fd Welte:r-, 4 furlm1go1, Moonee \'1111.lle,• kllr.t""", by •·Mw-,. kf't," o! "ThA $i}ortlntt WnN' ...

ti.IO p.m, •Description f,y Mr. l{(ld Mr:Gr~ar. r,( Cr"idceL match, MrUW'l,1rne. .c.nd :-torthc.o~. at. Routh Mf'lhntn•n".

&.2e p.m.-Oloat! dow u,

f:Vr•:NiS"G SESS10N. g ~O p .m.,--..<;punin~ re-1.1lh, ft".40 p.m.-A11.11w~ ht [email protected] a.-nd Blrlh,¾11.­

Crtttlnscic by ".LlTn.£ .MlSR KOOAA· BORRA."

5..JO p.n1. yngoA NORTHCO'J"J,], r:ontralt.n 1 Se:!ed.etl. "LlLle SNJ.,..·n Cnttu.;c:•• fDiC"kl'lon).

6,17 p.m.-"Lll'TLt; MJ..;,s KOOKABURRA" h11-11 &Lor:, tor boy•.

"Th~ R."lfd u( t.hf! Rf"ll fndian11.'' li,!\i p,m.-PR'f!DA N'Olt'f'1H.mtE, contn.tMt:

'·M.i&tu B.;.oar." (G.i.u,1 "1-"alllott Ll,aYe.ii" tS.:bMldtr)

8.,rn p.m. •"Herald." new,i wervl,i-e,. W"'tbe rrr,tirt.•. Shiripini: moveme.nUI

6.i: p.,n.- :Shx•k E,i;t'htt~e- iDfOl'tnAtion. 6.-&? ,,.rn. Markaet N'PQJ't.8-, tU',O JUl'l.· -Rh,.,,- Mporla, &.&:! ri.rn. -.N.-wmarket 8.bH!p &ale!I fly ~ A."

s6Cliltl"d Sl«k and St.o.t.ion 4¢,,.n'UI, RQttl'h at~t. hh:• M.uk4!t .reporla by tb~ Vldoi"lan l 1 C"Wm,,.r?' Co... Ltd.. l>c,u]lt')•. Grahl, S1 raw, ,lut"• Oair)" l'rodv«-, Yotatoa, •nd Onfo~

?.HI r, ni.-~ukl:'t ~~rts of F'1rit l:J' th@ lilrL!'lrian Fruite-nni• Auor:iation..

NlGBT SES$TON. 1.16 p.m,-llr. W. A. STEVENSON. f.lif' ~11•

Zealand t.h.amplon s.e'tlll4!t', will 8Pt!el:. ;,30 p,m.-:t!r. F. CHAPMAN, uf. thf- Natlone,T

M~eum: " The Floe.'= o1 the Ocean."' tJnde.l' thll! aoati,iffe of the ~allb !Vitt>dlll•

tion of A•J1t.r&lHia our REA T/rJ{ HV.S­SAGE !or '1'.'o-duy ia~-

.. Pn,vf"nth-e m~<"-Uie le cO!lettned with th• mind and ari1rit of mall u 111'ttli u. hi• bod:,, witll li.U9 ha.bit. and. muton'NI, Ma work ~nd ncnatlon, u ,N(l u WJ. .. h the

Friday, 21st .O~ober, 1112'1,

httm1nc ol '1w 'Pf!Vlll.e. ~ dl11iQJ',., Jt~-.:K:al n~i.11,•, aod re~t, with fret.h air-,. 1

aunl1s:-ht, the> h.o• m~ -And )oya tJ liW'in.-."'-''Thc Tim8'," 7;,fz1, •

'l'.45- J;l,m- Mr. IJ- f.!. LA.ll.P.l:i I "HhiioTJ" cd Tim~ec:pr,.r.,"

T~f l·:il'...t'l'-;l~•~r:W_11• 3:t• " f.s~cf~ .. tl!'!1t' ~ Q - ~TEl"rEJ ; ''Put1UU' Olo11tt--.:•

1,10 :p.m.-}H:J.IJOURNE CHOltAt.., tn(IU1'o Put Son •• "l,t.t""•" :J. C. l!ridtr11. Svldieff' CbuniH; Fau.s-t (Go•t11QdL

S..1'1' ri.m. REOlliA.LD ltRAOLC:)( •nel AC~E9

'1~~!:'= (Hl>Luyf. ... "Nl'rro Spirlt.ul.l.l" (C, C. Wb•tcl.

8tl!~LIJOt.~"lE: (:l!t)H.AL US'ION': Madr~at.I. "SwNtte Flownr•'' (Wa.lmia.Jeyl, Chl.)MJS, ''"rhanb be Ml C-.oJ, •• ~1lJA.b (Ue,..,,..

delk!lohn) 1.34 JJB.ASli QUARTET,

,''Avwmn.•· ·••v.~Jr.l~r." "Orown Di.11mond& .. (Anl:t"t) ,.,o 11,m.- A .SJ)<!tial Protr~• , baa ~ arhl.h~d. . t

10.16 p.m,• BRUNRWlCR D'R.ASS Qu:'ARTETJ '1111 Fi•H• Del R,ej;iftlf'nt.().. fDonrvof.ti) •

10.2.5 J).tn, OLADYS LA.MrE. eontl'L'lfto: "$..ihanm" (LanEJ, "0, Nllfh'! ot Stars a.11d ::;i,J,-ndor" C'Ihomp.

,mnJ. 1<1,~:Z p.m . ..JOE .ARONSON AN!.l IttS .SYN.

l'0PATING -SYMPHON'lS CS. l0 .. (Q r,.m, -AltT.HUB St.A'X''J::B and LIL.;l

uum~ANT>: 1 '(".-l)O(!.t,)'1', Mfa-ncmette.'• "llello. M• Baby."

HUiO p.m. 1,a~ SNJriJn« ff.',rult.a. t\ p.m, -OUR GREAT TllO'UClfT FOR TO•

NJGHT IS: '"l'M Clnud't1 hnv• -.nwr llntnp, don'\

ltJ"tr,.t.." 111 p.m.-JOE ARONBO>-- Al,.'n 81S SYN•

coi-.ATlt',,"(J s,7AFHONJST$, 1 UD 'P.n,.- ,GOD SA VJ:: THE KING,

4QG, BRISBANE. ' Saturday.

NO MfDDAY T'TtAN'S...""ltSSIOY. AFT£RNQON SE.SSION.,.. i,.m..-.'\ tn.tio.,.. for liLU1111 Jlaton.ta. by "Mia1 War.i.t,1,-."

4,:h, p.m..-OJC'ol! dii•tt.


8,:,,0 p.~Bf!dHtn~ !-ttrn·N!'•, h)' ••'On,efo B'en, .. fritQM. TH£ w1·nmo:

'?,Iii p.m. IlRcin~ l'r11,11..Jt1',

:rii ;:::-~~~•i;N:;:~~~ ~-,. P~Tj~· :N lGHT SES.~ros'

Ta-rif,rhPs PfflC'l'aml'tl" wi:1 "Cll"C.J1ri6e th(I bro1dr-:i.~t!nz o! • 'R.«i1a I tram th" Sludfo ot Mr. I,. A, rart:•. . FROM 1:m ~,nrnw n,... MR. PA1.lf:.~:

l', p .11),-1 11:annrnr~ al)]Q, ' '('..nrmt:r,, G&rdt!.JUI" 1Grait1~r), \ti:i&- ~ttrud'!- I\Tider11nn ; vioJt!I

tJ;!k ••.Jir:~~--~MJ~: ~:i:tJ,-,:;~1hJ;te~7,: S\lnmatl.l'," ~hirfllrnn Bothoni.: violin .l!olci. •clttttd, .M'r.' Tt11nnie- J,~: violin and flute d,u·t, "AHJanl.-. m G"' . (Bui;a;te), MIJU J1114uita Gti!,.'/ •T.•of M.:-, L. J..,:,: ~~!Al

til()Cutton.ny h.r•n. ~To<l 'Hnnp ibN.t '7• S~XlJ>06e~•• Mr rJUllip o.·nrTt"n Hn:i.te a.n..t MJM Lily »~a:tiae..; vlolll\ dW't. "&r­CJ,1,tuf~" COfl'.,"hiiieh) . ~h·. HQl)t, Flrit.-y 1U11j; )tr. L. Pa\"f'!l: "k•hn -aofo., ''Zr:ie:uUleJ-weiaeft" (SerAMteJ., M"i11,• ~h:ri.on Wli;,on J K>l•S(", •·n,o Little Dai~u:c.el." Mhs°"; Tiallr. du~e. 0 &rcnabl" (Bl"U:ill,1. · M:J.M Th<'lma A.ispdon. ,u,d :Mr. L. A t~i,rca; Rl»'ilt. ''l.ibrn" fPiosoti), Prn(M:s-ctr- EHr,. vfol1n ,ol~. ;:::~h ~~j;:_o"<i~.Be~~t).~ fl1/,t~~ Mc:L~an: Haw,ut•A &C.'lf', M,isil J'm1'CMI' }:{11,waii-.n: Bud: lcl'nor eolo, '"t"b., ,Gu:,~u al Yau'(' U,rart.."' Mr. White (Wf'l11h t,,t'i~rl,: ;:~L.d~P6:~" )JJu ~ ••~~na-.••n~

Page 31: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 31nla.obj-666410676National Library of Australia

Friday, 2hi Ct·tober, 19:H.

·································~················································--······· ........................... ,. .... ~ . . . . . . : ~ . . . . I What makes =

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CharJef StTeet. Addaidc

Q'ld, AJtt!nl4 l Cam1dll Cycfe and Motor ,'\Jil?nq• (Q.) Ltd.

Ctf;ek •nd A4 .. •lafd~ Streeta, 8ri11-bane • .................. _._,,, ........................................ ._ ...........................................................•

Page 32: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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SCL, ADELAIDE. 6atllniar, Jl am...----aif-. Jl.t > •~•t lntnrm&Uo,t •a4 .. Adnr-

tl6(,"' a... '"'"1-. U.JIJ v 111,-MD&! itl!lna on tho &Ii.Ora. • "llfattJAl Nomqt.:• 1 -rb-, IIJbdo.'"

.. S'1110a \!Mt CeilaNr. • ;:or:.:. Friar of orden"' S>~ "" ff•rol4 IJ DOOD......(.."k.imat u.d elGN .,_.,,,,

Arr.t;Jl.NDON fl;Y.S,SION. l p III it.lay lttim 1~,ci t;.w~r ftair~<luh,-,.,

..-btr"' a nann.hur 1hec-rlvtU11, rir '""' (iawJ,., .t.11.Jr.1!7 (Hub n.~ fflHftlll!' Will bfo 21 ... n b,­)1r, Ani<ild Tnloat' lrtua;,(:n.-d siUI l!'ltuatar.111 Sport1a~ MWLI 1.D.d llulcal , .... t,-ll>o-

JNKNING SESSIO!<. I pm, ('htfflN, ,.1 s,,.rn nlriner an11lo fmv,, the Co,•tut. ''"f ..

dt!1l Rl!l!t.ur&nt. •·cari.a.ry Catt&a"e-'" ...,..~cl:.LiaJ'7 ot th• h• •rt-"' "°&f'II the aocordi&n 1nara. .. .. J"uPJ'"' .. &o Blu•"

.. IJ•reitloDL• fl.10 P.ftl Bedtlm• 1tnrM11-. 1.20 1>,Dt-Ml!MN- a. l' War,f and r.o.•, fit.oC'II

f.u.hans• lni..lU,..~u. )lari.11: r,,,,,,11,1 by M••,., A. W Sandft,rd ud Co., A. 11. Ha!J • bd l:0-.. Dalpt)' and Co... s.. A. }"&tlMn ~rat.Iv. t:aioa,, Taylor llrw.... a.tan Croun Aaodadoa. J. IL Tod,&• 1pecial rei,orl oa. toau,t.o, -.rkl!t.. lnl.rnita:., •·nit 1t1cl Produe. Markf"I. Com»•l'lY Lld. r+.en•ra.l liporUt11" intonnallon, r1."1.-Reby CrQtQ tl•un.'• Cbu~h. trutry ,_.ln-M, !'ilon,ood.. A ,'\hllfcAl l-'Jay, ''Th• Va•l•h" Amerlciaa,'' OT-,tun,. "Jo•-i¥• l'raYc-t" (C.rea~l. )I,-.

c. Tllnwr. Ilflt, •radian Warrior"• CraW& .. Mlnca K.

Combh and liliDD.N Turau..

~!1:~£.~~jl~t1i!(~t!;~)'6;'°~:t"~•'. J. tft>W1)1'lh~

innr. •'Tt.~ ladinn t,oy,. Calf' (}'Tln1l •n« 8tod,.,o, Mr. Gt!or,• 1'1Rner,

6,.,n.C' .. B,. t!!.. wal•" o! ll:J.nDCtouka'' (J.loftU'aattl, .ll,.. JI I, Vidt,.

l >orl, .. i.o.~•.! Ec!h,,)" tCt'ft:-J), Ma 'M 'rutMr, Kr. W. 1. nawortb,

Chnru,. '"Tb~ Elphin '.At!'' fSkph,n ClDnr,, Mlu"I" Turn~. Ci.1rnf~t1. Hl"rrur-•

DJ'k ... UC(,rfl 'f11rt11•r, ICvrlVll V•Jl. Ettl)'n. T:.arn,.r. All •P'Pffl (Fli!tr:h,,r) )t4kfu~. W•av,ns •onr. llllaa M Turnrr. c.a-. lonr. lJn't'lfll aod )t~ M Twrn". Cbun11t,. -:w~rf'J' UW: MaW:n.:• Tlw Compa1111y

t.10 p.m -By •itid )""'""'"'°" of th, maeaar• mrtit • d-,.iption nf ih• ,rni,=tlir1r •IR tw­.-:h-r11 1mm cf'I~ Exhlliltlon fh;IltJlr,er,

to pm.·· flport.inr "'911lt11. 10.a "'in-R<!-1.ay from 01"Ml1-T1l .. Mal,o"

.O.o.c• Band.

6WF, PERTH. Saturday. la nuon TUM> in, 1:.1 ,~.--Nu.ila.1 rrosramra•. inchldlnl'

r .. ..t@r .. s.l•homi b7 ll• Ettfya Wlll .... A llC.ll

1!.,, p-. lt.rlrta. 1:r•a. ;aind C"•blN, J 1,.m.--'1·,m., •,s~l rrCIQI J'"'nh Ob,,c,,n•ton. ) I 11,"1, Wqthrr Nol•. •uwlii!!d PY th~

N.~\t11r,,i. cu:111 fi•Jroa1.1 of W~t-ern Au-1-t·•llll, 1 2 p.n~ l'Jou dtlWD., L li "'"8l.-'hu,.. Ii-


ffPORtr.ilO fl}.R.t,.IO'N, 3.!'11) J1,n1.--l.lrL.allC'd dl'tlt'tl1nh)u uC tbe 'r~th An•

nlvll'?'i..ily nC lh,t (ormatkln r.t th t Wt,..•'11 A.11.,traHan T\lrf Cl:ab, rrlayfd fr,1Tft lbe A._. Raecoa,_. tif!:mvni.. &•ct: nnuk. Crlcktt ,.,.uJi.,.

,I.JO p.-.-c?o.e dawn, C.t." ,,.,._. Tune In.. ej.6t) p .m 8it1hQ117 IHftlt1c111 ror 1:W K1ilJi•11.

b)- lJucl• ltaa. 7-10 pa• Srioria l'elltll t.. ';,IO Ji,.M Market... f\ .. •• and C".ah~. TU I',. Talk & Ttnw, PS"1l•1 ft0"I r4"11ll C-Wr,-atcir,, 1,1 JI •.-"'"ta.tbe-t- tiot,._ au:,pfoi•d 1,,- t1'e

lbt~roloctt"ttl ll tnu ot W,::·t,c:ra. Afl•tnJia

cnNCEltT Nrmrr. •. , p I'll M!Ukaf ('11'0f'J'arl1ole. iu.Iuthr.r WCl(',I I

aod hmtrarr., a,m'.>en Clrddu--.1 m•~ by HOJ"f"•• :-;r,-n

tluewd IIJ' )!'r R•l'llld l"artinctat> H •fff ltom Ho,,··· l~t Tt~!,.., wmta~ 61rN"t-

Par11:c mqa1c:, by i.,oJ t1 F.1'l,H1 "nd. ht. l••"C:" Orch,.tn. r,. "'"" rroM ti~ Pf"t!I\ l'al111,1a ltOTel Ho· ~,, __ ,

10 D 1n 1 .. te n.nJ• IHm•. l>y f!ffl'rr-h1o, til '"ni., l)a ll' Nr...-. • N-e••P-.Pl'r Coy

K'i'.l-• wilhlb ,..,_. • llnql:llttfR•"-t Wcatvr ~ .at1MI FoN<ut. Sport• r-ultJJ.

JO.In 11 rn CIOH ~u .. ·n

7ZL, HOBART Satarc!a,

NO&!il.SC J;J.:Sl'ION. 11 a.n,. t;.f'.O. C~•d, c=httnft. 11.1 •.m.-'r1111f! in •l!'l••t1m1 ll,ti a.m-Oritfi;h om,•l•I \\'11·,-1 .... f\'t.'W'f, 11,10 • 1ft -'')[~N!ur:," r.•wt -"nJt,.. 11.Jln • m S!llorrfJl, 1ntonnaUcm.. t0'1lp• "'ltt!~11 nttc• • tt.u • m.- )bil r.otieea Gimm-rclaJ 11•..._

t-1orrlcn r•cbann IDilR.N,., Hou.,ewha nt4e.

11.45 ... Ilo~rt Slntk I uhanl'e Q1Ml.atiol'c• 11 r,(I II m.- .Srortin,- a111 Jrl11~1 H,n,. 11.6~ am -Ta. ... m•nl11.n 1htion1 !I -.m. w,-11i.hirr

r•;,ort II noon.- G t•.u. f"tock ctd,n"l'!ll. t·bit down.

Arn:R..'<OON ST.SSION a .c.r.o. Cloc'k uba"', 1.1 p m,-Sf' .-not.a (1T 111ualu.l hem.

ffOl'P thj!- 11u.Jlo. 4.80 0Me d~wn,

InRI,Y EVF...Nn,1; HESSIO~ &.ao r.-. ··l n<"lt P<Pt•n•• bit boar. 1 f".m .. ·11nci. ltf'Ctor" talb t4 Hw dllld­

r•a. l\'1GHT RE.SSlON.

;,st, pm. M1111caJ atJflC\.w,n, O.M fl 111-Tallt \J"du th •!11<ple .. ot lb.,

Hobart Oe\·eloi,mvn\ r,o,:uc. 7.IO p.m. ·•M_.,l'l;Ur:-," 1r.-d1I Ta.m.aJ1la11 ""'•

MfTk<t. Sport.ill'-: ,,.111u We11.1b .. 1' for­ta•~ l!ONrl S\od; P'..seb&n~ Q••atlo ...

I 1>.111. G i'.O 1;$ork dl)mN, ! I p n::a Jlnadeu.t h.,, tfirwt wfTe fNtn

h!:iperlal Ilo:cl 114-tt 0..Me na111Nn 11-, Mr., 81,,-ppar.t.,• 'J'r,o,

U12n rm. Bl'tti~JJ Wtrt"lffl N11w-. Shir,1 Y.•Uhrl'l wir•lto•• ranp. W•alhu ir.turrn,ufon.. ~l.nt t'ln •rtnotnttffl•nu.

1'~a.tfo1111I AMMM-.

Sunday, Oct. 23 2FC, SYDNEY

WOL'-:nlG 8f'.5St0~. 1n 1\\ am Pr,:,:nunn. .. •ftftOUm-t"mrntt 11 • m R.~ Bo-n."' From th~ )\i.l!t>rton

r.,..,,111r11d P""bJV'rl1n (:'huttb. Mflrnlnv ll•1y"I .'lr1r1 h ShN·• H<»o"

J:,l,tJ\ pm J."rona LM Rhdliu Nl!WII S-ulon. U.::Sl'l PJU ~ dv1o·a.

Friday, ~bt Ortob<r, 1~7.

A•TERNOOS u~:~SION', 2.r,.:: t). ft\ l l 'oil;l',t.1JI-II(' anr U!.11\"tUl nb,, a 1• 1n U•at B,-n.'' Frtru ,,1@ .1\rc••tl 1 ·,,, •• i,.._\\lM)II. " ,,roerar.m. PNlle-111, • ..,I

b7 u .. Huvc:~ of -... "I' ...._,re. in Ufol..C.-.• boa "" 1b zn:. ht. • .,. .t ~t. ru!Jdil ~ the

th!•~~ ~~,!'7:~h~tn. Cocdue10,. ,\tr .l•ma Dav1Jia11111

tJr, l1t111tnil ~kct111n!i.. i~kho,ln, Jtohin~; Stlwti.,n1 cm "Wurllt•

,<!-r" OrvA11. Vot"..-1 ~ P~ 1'Mrtlna: IF• art1'1a.

I PJn Rlr ~'l •· fDo,,a d,w,., I ._ t .. -'lfl~,, t,.r,b!i,OS

6 p.111 11'1 aca .. ahd pt'l!ll"ramm'" a1n.ourwi-,o llleftl&.

I.& ? hi A Jl"e1ul hy I h• PuNla t-f ~ r Willlcan1 lb.lli1011. J•,-1,fc1",0cr o1 •h.- N.& W C-0n .. rrv11tn~11,,n et 1tlulil' ihll~1 ' \. ncf:!' di l>onN .• Ponthlf'IIII

)ll3S VUIA l'IIOSON «t..:,: -~~?--7;:ll"t~,.e,;..•••• lM•~1~J. wrss [IQJ,O'J IIY hODI"N

6.2t ,i.r-:-f'on=;.1 0 11ivln-, 1tet~,.,,er" l(,0<1f!•,0JI

'"/1.\r,, M11·i~•• (La.1:rll MlS~ M~IH 1,1(''0:: )IAU~t,..,_

• 11 ""' Xnt:J .,, 11, ffl(Hl.l...tEt7 c,,.,1'-r.• .~::.•t.k1lt~\

JI.R. ,01n:r11 HAG~,-!'\l(~HT F.SSION

6.l4 ,, "' },\ J.;1;\' N C'RIHli A to.Ill l>Pt th.- ft"'co nt 1n11:oik " 11r1

I.M .f,·U>n,~LR,;~,i~l~t.~'r~lLLJE: sn,J (t.tD.t: thiei, ·•" (Sc:}t,brt.Jusun), Solo, "ltb'll•r IBW"W-hl:ht

Hf:&JIAN' WILLlS fi,l}o. "Ta~·• tAlk-flh~


,.u-K-°iW111,:tl'~llf:,': p~~jl,~it.&l J,1 M,. Sm,ru '" ·nuithrt!n° 1N'l'Pf'lham\

ibJ •·rn Que.ta T<tffba .. 1}11'1t"i,hc.,vfllt.J, JUE>S SYLVI}! BEVr .. ". .

::J ::~~m~•r:c!~ !:':1 .. ~~}. Jlts.!l IL\ THLY.f'-'I llc-lRA nt.

(t, 1 "Sh• A.Jon. Cli111r1t1.c.h Ny ~dn-•"' •.Co11nM11.

(hi "Wlr.hio Thi! ..- ftwl'N Bo..-er," (:'d'?1t\rtl,

MR. COWS F'lmRETr. 7 -: p.a -REP..MAJ..: w.u.1s. Yiolta t>Olot

"S!a.,.nlo" (n.--1. 1 .11 "•"'· ~• n111pe. Vlbbn Solos

-&,n,nadw C:u X..ane .. ,v&ld.-sl. -: l<\ ~.,n.-Tff'rma.n WLIN, aN 1~1~11 'Ml...rr,,,

•·~':;~~tlo a.r1.d Alktrnt.t.e."' from '°S>'ffl• r,hrinir Conc.-rU:at~H tAl.a.N!I.

; !'O ,. tit Fartb,ar itcc,u from .the R<lcii.I b U.. J"ul'U. c! lh. WU!~ DalU.O• t

s.. ... , ,a1 .. CHv- to W(.u .. l lh .. (Sct.rt,tU). ~bt "'D•••·• (Curr•1,).

:Ml~$ (:1.1,RA KITNT. '1',!G 0.111.-- JJu••U ''S°{)l,·1u1•n.-•· U,.._"""l 1

Mtall )I' Ma.darn •·id lh I H.1111:n•P• T .2 ... p.rn. Tbr Bella or flt MarlL"L i.10 p.m i>'rca 8! llatll'-. 0.rhac P•l•h

n,,. t .._,nhi~ ~""* ~ h,• Howaf'II Lr.a.

Ii.JO JUII -fak-J"Wal '-·12 1).lfl. ~ Co,o•nalMium t..d.iw' SU-ln.­

Quart"U•: Qu•l't"tt• No. !I f"'SunriN''l ttta7dM.

1 (All..,1111 eunaotrtto, &.,! PJn -Lautt~ Ma.t•'11.-P. barit.c-11• 1

(a\ "Pn,n to On Lad,... lf'onU. O•l "Lit• aDCI :D--ath" (,-.p'°-rJ.

I 41 p,.111_.praclt Jluteh•t:u,. rianoforle Sol4'.•~ fa\ ••x1...t• tn A Flat" (Chaph'll.

::i ,•:~~;:'1: ~ ~~!:;.~ ,~h!~~).(r>,epi11l, £1.2 r.M-Ell..a11 Bord, Coatralto: • I- ,:'.l.,n.-TM, Co!U'ltnamrlum. Ladi..t• f'trl•ir

Qva"""4t.i !. '"Jlui.lto•: "TtnaS." , Qu.n.u.. lf• U

("Sun,-Lt,e-l <H.a,-dnl t.HI p 111 -t..aureMto Jilauuky. B• ritof'• I

''Down Hut .. CBralw). I.ti p.m.- Th4I CoMerv• \nrhun J..adln' 6iU'iftS

Q••artel1e t ,. } ''L6rttlor.deTTY ti Ir" tntl!!nl. lb) •·cnottc"' tPod,oa).

Page 33: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 21,t Oc·lobor, 1927, WIRELESS WEEltLY Thirty.on•

ORMOND'S LATEST TRIUMPH Surpassing all pre-vious recards of Condenser design !

When Ormond produced thPir Standard S.L.F. Condensu lhl'y aUained a triumph that alone was enou11h to ensure the endurance of thetr repulalion. But with the eager•

npgs of enlerpnze they aimed at evc,n grealer achievement. The result transcc-nds any• thing previou•ly accomplished as you will readily admit if you examine the new Ormond ''No. 3" S.L~. Condenser at your dealer's. THE NEW ORMOND "No. 3" 5.LF. CONDENSER is a typical Ormond product -highly finished, h,ghly efficient. It is cheaper in price than any yet, but still peerlc .. in performance. •

Tho No" ORMOND "No. 3" S l,.f, CONDENSER it the ~••ciaion S1rol1h1 Frequ•nc7 condennr with a i:rr•atly triduced t,,rn..- anci highly fin11he-d Bakelite •nd platet.

~pffi.U, Ula~ v•nu atve hi•h mu1mum and lo.,.. ni,nimu:m capacity with TRUt:: S.L F. rcaclir1, thtou1houl lho full 180 defree• aca!e. No bunchint of hall the. wanlcn1ths bt-twHn O and 27 d~re-e.- · all •tatlons arc • evffllJ' the dial Supplit'd -=ilhcr with 4 in. B.k.ehte Pb1in Dial or 4 1n 8a.k.el11c Friction Cc,n1rol Daal 1-:1.:-h IA cngaicd jn 180 •in1le J,:aricCI, 1how1n1t O at the 1horte1f w.eve~n1th1

stations arc •till teft-tred lo 1n MP.tre1-•nd toward!i 180 lot longet" wave­lenath._ E,1•1 to mount-One- hQlc fixin1.

·r.,..nals ..d Scldcrina Tac• lor conncctioN.

wnor.t:l!IALE m~nmttToJtS .roa VICTORIA 1

Jr.,.. G, 11:ull"r u4 "•· Pty,. Ltd-• J~(..ut P • Oit.c. PillClr, M•LMlurH.

Ru-rht•t-. Ltd.. !H Co!liM Mtl._,,.,,,,,-t..

H M I" p,...tfn.fJI~ .ltoacL lktna'• OerNrt I JONUON, 8NGLA t. 0.

Backed by


25 years'

BRITISH Manufacturing


rAet'ORl" UF.P'RfllAE1'''1'ATIVF.t J~ Anl,,J_._ H<Jli. B i'l, Dqra,•t 6'..r~t.

!,I.,- urr ·,

t Ar.TOftll•:S1 \Vhi,.ldn 81, uul ffardwt~ s1. l'tuJ."'u.-,11, u:rnuos, kSCUNI>.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Poi:e Thirty-Two W.RELESS WEE.ltLT 1-'rit!KY, ~I •I Ortober, 1027.

•································ ·································•···················· .. ······· .. ······ ......... _ ......... . . . . . . . . . . .



Built by the makel'l'i of the famous .Matched Tone Head­phones Table Talker and Brandola. This Ellipticone has a mellowness of tone only rivalled by an old violin, a sharpness of speech which it quite naturally renders.

This Cone Speaker is absolutely accurate over the full range of orchestral music and the human voice. Nothing is lost, nothing is blurred or distorted.

It is extremely sensitive and attractive in appearance.

PRICE •• •• £6/10/-All over Awtralia or




i ! i i ................................ ······················································-····················•....-..~,

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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)'riday, 2hl Ot·toher, 192'7, WJJl&LESS WEEltLY

! :

I 1

\bur Pleasure in Your Radio ~II be Greater I

~ii '

That toe• teasing, s t irring rhythm that the big broad• ,astini: dance ur• chestras take , uch care to put on the, a ir-get it a /1,with •, out distortio1\ !


\Viti c;nrr w-u clrac. full: h>ncJ r«:rf'11ion1 fr~ ln,m di-\1racun;: imern,il noi.~t

The or1,:;inal 8 rlgh, Sra.r .. Ba:1i Type-" cell conttru\' .. tion aivH chem 1miu1uJt

p(IW1!r, •ilrnC'~ in op.era rion and Ion, li(r. - anJ thc't' co,.t nn mor.c than or~ dinan t-autrit-1!

c~t Bnah, s,., • r ,-our duler••-rodayf


11..-iu,dl, Ch,~. llL

T;.-::,~: ~~~1:fti::~:r :.~:>~r~= .. ~~t.-~:. .. v:t"'\~.r .. ~~~! ~fV£NTf.J;N \'t·:AR~ 6U I LD1N(; IJUAI I TY BA'I fl R I FS


International Radio Co. Ltd. 229 CASTLEREAGH ST. SYDNEY

Paire Thirt;-thn•

••.....,.-nn•••••• .... n..-.••••••...,..--•u•••••••••••• .. •.••~••••••--•••••~- ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••---••••••••

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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l'qo 'Xhlrt,,-fcur.

1.19 p.m-E11-t1 Btmi. C.r,tralU. t.11 p.m-•·no .Hak.b-. Jl'iaufo-:"la saJ.,

(a) -~..-• (U.t,u,.yt. (bl "hnarvl!e"' fUaolaCI), l•l"lllu-,.- \lk>l,oa071).

I.a: p.m-lAllftnm lbeaula,. Zar,tc11D111 ••v&HI·• (U'ucd~ RWl"at'.U>,

t.15 p..m.-E,leen Hord. C1.Ju1n.ltet1 lt p.m-Tbt- Cot1.:;ervat.orllHQ J.aJlu' Stritia

~llUl.c:ltt-1 (a) "A1}d.,,r;te C4nr.ab11.,•· (Tuhalko.....,1',i). (b) '"Pvlh'" (Gluoandot:),

M lae Alurid Budul11&.Do Vloll&. .115- J~ (:-Ut,..n, ViollD 111.u FJoAOOe- Fonlia•. v~. Mis.I Jloaamand Ccinfotd, 'Cc11o,

lt.11 i,..m -S•tional A,.~.._ C!OH .Jowu.


lllOIL'ffi<G 8£S510:ll. 11.45 a.a~ecial Newa S.rtlot.. U un~ brt-.a.dcut ftom CMI.rn1

.Prwlt,-tutan t hurch. AM'ERNOON SEBSJON,

I p..m.-0,l'.0, C\oc.k a11d Chimu. ChiW~n•.t ~ion.

S..JS •--~ n M.V. c-..os,l..._ U.C.ltal. 2.45 i,.--1:t.onaa:UoQ k~. a p m.-0.P.O. Cloclt aDd Cb_, c--.... p.m-(;.P.O. Clock as:td Ch1mta. 1.11 p.m,-01Pf1: ~W. bl"Nld¢ut from

Cblmirn" 1•,...1:rrcr.rian Chorth. ,.ao p.m.-nlhla Claaa. conductN h Mr. W,. --•c...tru"' )JrodJoy,

1.11 .... --cic.. down. zv=:r.'<O St:S.SION.

l'."'5 >..........a.Odtw"a ~-'i ~"-- broadc&lt fNW, E"t. Ja4c·, Ci,,,tt1" ol E- Budwlck. I.JO p.111.-Mr. Lea~ Bf':l'ford tbu"-e). 1.n p.m-11road~· !lrll\. 8,H p.m.-.MIN C. L. Robut..,oa (•loca.iiont.t), i.11 p.m-Mr. llr')'ce Canel' ('e~Ulac.). 8.2 s,.m,-We111J,r-r R~smrt. 1.3 p.m.-.lltu t;l&rt,.. V•rc,aa (ao,nnt). t.U ...,._.lfl'al,tc..t.cra' Tritt. I.U p.m.-Mr. Lam llfff..._ ..... p.,a,...;ri,, ,_ C. L. .RolM-FUQ. t.45 .P,.111...-iM.r. nr,m, Carwr. 1.114 p.m-T'-.111 of' !oUowb.r 4.q°a 11ro-

•-10 p.m.--G. P.O. Cloelr a-nd Cbiae9. 10J p..._81"0adcut.e.-.• Trio-. 111.11 p . ....-.NaUoul 4.nU...,

• :1 2 OW, SYDNEY .,mda7 .... ~ "'llanel 11-.­_______ ,

...... - (Jralm). ........ .......i1o.-uon.


10,411 a.m,--'"flr,I.,..,, N• ' (H\.,.,.1 ·ilthr") IPlitd1I; .-ho to IO ._.._. orcbff.tra1 ,.1n,.,_, .. .llld:ta~r ~ rbl a Dr•»•"" NtirtQrr..

\lfmdl:l,,,,rolu,), 1918 a.n-...-"'La Calu.nt1la"' ("'ll• rhwN di

Rh•l~ha") {lt:ealnO, Lii• iJ('IJo. J 1.11 .._m.--Cu1llr111, ''l,1h1d. J\~dl7 J,iv},t ''

tMa1,iJon--PurJ,-:,). l 1.8 , rn s::mllc, ,otlr-e-den

n :: : ==-;~~~;l ~~~=·r~~~l~d~~laJ, 90DraDO toJo.

11.21 LM..--8,;,non .. ~, ... aza.-.. M....C P'irant•"'

(MourtJ. ti.hid ecl«tiomi. JUII .un.-'Jo CIOC'IUI t.c,u•ll.11. .. (lh,tt.b<,nt,),

h• N " lu. JUI.It • m. ~SoMu •--•1'•rt1qa tram fHud1e. 1r.,,i A.m.-"Dh•,rlu"n~to llinu•H •nd Trio"

(Mourt), l*n,,j Ni«tl11n. 11.11 a.-.-St.Udh Mi«lion.,. ll.1.-1 ..,:,n.--a..nme ut ,.,.,.ni 9t 11,.,..,. •• 1!.lO p.m--('"Kq dOWll T P m -:-<tu:lio f CJ. 1.20 p.m.-lil'f• lh\.el R,i,...~11'°

\'iolira -1o: .. Cm-oi..si1 Ii" tllu-r«Pttl, 7.1:S p.rc.-lJoqglati J(.-e, tt"»Or:

._..11,• Lani la M:11 Light" (Alllt.Mn). '7.,trl pm,--St111"r• 1,•lf'rtlon~ "t.45 p.m..-Dou.t?u ltu. tenffl':

'"\\' my O....,,a.-•11 h- fc..-..1-.J•• (Lu~•rl '7.10 •.m.-SonoJa lll!'t.lluru from. lH 51 .. to.-• P m "C.olclon JluQ... ,i«t cwtan,

f•l ·•Afaba o .... ••ltL tb) .. Id~ of Gc.ld«'• ttrean,,s." ,..._h.L ,.a p.a-D11u1lu RM. kt'lff!": f•I -rhe Ttm.111o &11•,H tb> 'Len Tii.a• tli• ll,1at." J,m, Jyrlc• W®d!onl"""Flntlt'D), ,.a p m..--Co,L.J,m Uuui, iJtMl l'l.lltar.:

-X..Uca,..•• l.11 p..m.,--9oama •!t-ct1oeli trca Studio,. .--.-.lilm 11.a!wl .laimbothams

Violin Mio. 0.-..-tuN (WK'tdwuJ}. 8.33 p..m.-----Qoldoft Uuo. atffl rultal'l l

•~ear,.tt. !dy Gud, ti> ~ •• I.Ill t1,,11,,-, -,l""'~ri,a,. IUO J'l,m.-MM lW.•l"'t fwmi,.lx1U11un:

VWCln .olo, ''Rmn111n• In D'' IR'tultn•I). J,44 p,m Doustl• Kil•• k'nor:

""Tbe Blind Pl4Mtrhmari,•• (Cl.ulte). ' ,, ...,..~s""'Jo ..i.-. l,,IS P.llt-~OB Doe.., accl a-ai&ana

l•I "M..ii.r.· ~ ·m,,, • .,m lt-• <

I.I p -.-StUdio ••iti.. t..lon11, t.l!I -pm-~ .. ,rt flm"Jlrd ·11tnsni111nw­t,)O p.m--Clo. UO'W'll


.llORNING 8ESs.ION. 10 M • ...,......Bella t.rom 1$1.. Pa2.1'• Cathedral. lD.•~ lk..m.-fl;'l"prn• lfflft intonnath1c.

IJriU1II. Wlnltdlt n.,_,. frND Jtqab7. 11 • m-MORNIN'O SIF.ltVICE J' It OM

CIIURClf 01 ('!!RIST, 60U,:NTUIT, ST, .KJLI>A ROA.D, MELBOUnNE: Vrlomuy (0,.....), "A...,...- (lf-UO,

»-tit.Ian. N~llo), llY1Da,. ~I). II, -rlMt Clrrlstian warrior, -.

Jahn •bmd.· Sarli,Lur.11: IL Tlmot!IT. 4 1.-L k..-adluc;. lte!T, 11 'i--11,

t:•~~~1~r~~rJ~oll~~ ... bJ' p~:~J::rh r-s;; •rdrit.ual 1t1tt>rpu·t11Uot1, tN1r1 JJ4.SO JI .,, Christ1a.n ScH11ee ·r.,s.t Book. "iklrotK-. •nd llo! •Ith K1!7 ta the Sulphn. N

b7 Jbry Baku f:6u. Jl,rzn. No. Jt1: -Oh I C'm.t.: .. p~1t01:. ~

•NI Jo:, a.nd DOW"r .. <'II'- by JobrJ' llabr 1'.ddr.)

A ILfloa:nteNnU.. Solo, ··r lu1" lhat. MY Jttd..,., lh·ilth"

llf&lldcl). Oft'i:-rtory (0~11) 1 H•ndanUno .. (W-Jf'7,

,So,-ellt, ,r,d,tioal. Jlym11 No. 110, '"'Hew flnn a f•nd6Umt.• 11.Ndht~ "l1le Ft-1,,,ntJlle litatea,e:nl al lk>lnc,

tram PH~ 411!1 of lha, C'ltrlat.lan klPDNt Ten Book, and the e-onPl&l"N Sedptutt • a.c,cerdina- to L Jobn. &1 1-1 .

Friday, Zlst Ortoher, 1927,

R,.notdktlon. J,.. P•~rr. 5 10.11. J-"er.Jt14f 1tJrpnJ: '".Ardar:,tiao • (11' n.?.7.

EJJlum t.:-<i•" ~) l!.1~ p "'=--<'k.-ci do.a:11.


M.EAAANI HNDA\" \,-,-.,:RNOON FROM W};:,11,,-:y t::1',NTRAt "11~fHON, LCI!\$· DAJ,K 8'TJlEr:l', .\ffJ,tHll-lt~F:. Ch11.lrm1n1 Jf.e'i', Ur S. J lltt/t/\S'. GoM.l-ltter• ~tr. G. M WH t,J \M.M.

.J P.* Jl.rn1n No. U "Sina- w• lk &foe wbe .., \'.nmh e 10 Rri:,n • Pr.,~r, K&V .. J. IC CAI!\ Of'C'hntral Scfttdo-. ll:rmn :"lii1>. "• ~-o La,.-.- th11t •ill not k:I

sna c• ... :trilut IIU-1 J)O'P.O'l"lJY HlJMl"llltlES. Orcht1~,a Solo MlN L>OROTH)" IIUAll-'IUUf,,,;, 1'otkr~ 0-=t•rt""· Ordwfua A.diirtN; Dr STA~"'Ll:1' AIU.Y' B•

•·w~t ot Our llm~ialar Natloa1I An\oml.. R«n..Jlctlan •

l,10 ,, n1.- t 'I~ d~1wn,

J:V r:NING ~J::,::;tJIO~. &.'11') p.m-A~•" tu 'IAUf'n. an,l lilrt.hda.:,

C.rN.lJDl'IJ to,- IIU.,.Ll UUNNV"' 6 p.m.. -"TH~ PtED l•Jpt.:Jc.S" •UJ riff tht!r

n.• 11.ul p~ of HFJDa. u4 u.---Jhmn. ••Ncn, ti:, H~nn.• Chunn, ••f;1,rlnc,• Si,lo ''Wh.-n, J,1Jy Unmf'waNI," ltymri, "'Tt,11: Mu.o:t<'r"ti: Call," n~uit, ''( W .. h 1 Wt':t.!', • J,1LU«1 Dint.•• Solu, 'The- 1,!~ W1J.f._&o,,,...'" Qu.arkll4', .. Swe..-t abd [,o,ir,,." Cllon•. HLali.hy ... ~••BROTflEll BlLL"" wlU talk to &lie

bGJa aDII s-tri.---N,.,. SonTftM.• ,.,.5 ·p.m.- UrU1 from St. Paul'• Ca:h~raL

NWHT SflS!,;JnS,



P~• a... W. I>. JA('KSO", B.A. OrcanMI Ur. W. C. PRJC& CHOIR DJ.RECTJO~: Jrl.AO..\~IC l:LL4

KINC3TON. ':' p.!ll.-81Mtu.l. Can to Wnr,hip..

lDYl)elltl('ln •nd Lcrrd'• rra7f!'.r. Jl)"mn, 1'tln• tht'tO .Lil abovo •IJ 01h11rra." Serlptur• a...,uns.

.H.1mn. ''Th«r-9 a. • .Fountain'" ~O~U".r.s.. ot"erlstS, CM!ntbry l'nJl'r "Abt&! •hb DM, fat .fa.?'..s tM

""ntidfi" (11-.rnb)'J, Pnl"C!r. Hymb• '°l'iN'H', my Go1I. to TbN' ... ~rmtJ11, ltn. W. r;, Ja1~k~-0u. D.A.. llymn, ''AtuunJ. Th7 Crin, Lt1M Je ua. • THP, OJtDI.NANCE OF BAf''t 1.15lt. H,ma. "'Om htftt. Redffi.rr ... B"~' \'H~r. Fw tnto.-.n.L-ua of tktcne:N ta •ham tlo•

C•rm of the BJ.ptiamaJ (>rdlna11ee ._ 1M ordft" u, u fdlows: A• ~b r"l'l1l .. to.te •PPl'\Wllth• tb~ }l,aptimlal 1''r111l M6daoi4' Ella Kin1J1t.fon alnp one Tllnfl' o! ,.1,, hymn, •·r LH1. M1 l'1ea:rt to 'i1,e"-'" 1.t·ht1 Mtnh:tr-r Lhrn pf'Oftt1Ltnt••11 the 8&1r,1t.larn•I Ji'ormnl& •ad Uw C'"".aqdidavi ia batitb,,t,d ,a U.. PooL Fl,llo.illC' OI• }lw.purn, of' H("b caJ!olU•t• t~ c-balr alas:• • l:ri"l!f TrimnPhaJ Chi.lit.

FROM TffF. 8Tl1n10 --8 SO Daa-'l'tlt; H&ALTH ASSOClA.TlOK.!

M~AOE }'OR TO-D.\Y flt '4 Pt"tl~tl, t1ran 1--oa'JI wlll t1nt ,!N:.a7," u.m.-lH\ITN,-WlC.K C1.TY lJA~O~ Ov.arllJrl', '"The Cf"eai City" toawconl.

P .tQ p,"'.,.. M,'DAMF.. f:'i..1.A kJNGSt'O.N, tloptaftOI

-.Wllh \ •nfu.nt Clad.'" Ariil (l'(AU --ri.. Cre;al»a" flla7dal.

LC.7 p.m,-.unu::-.. \\ .c;K C' rY RANDI ~-. rt.ioa, .,G,,unod' (Rh11Mr).

Page 37: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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FridR-y, 21st Odobru·, 1027, WJRZL~SS WEEKLY Pago Thirty-Fiv1

Page 38: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

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I ....-sLO W•lb-oon,e hu plallSUN (111 Ill• troduailll' tOJ" t.ha 13.r.L dm• In All• ir•lj" I

SE,.',-U.. Sf'OSTIAKOF'J', th• 1.-d.Jns Tuor (If ,i.- 1.aac,,aa "Doo C~kl;· wlao ,.,...ncly a:,blftec.d • 1Dat &eclMfa.l IOClr .t Aw­lftlla aad !>{1w Zn.lan4. a-ta.n StrfflAt• .. Niebt." (Cl nl&u). .. J~a dUbna • :mublJr," from .. n,R',,JeLto."

t .7 p.m.-b6tJNtiW1CK c11·\· BAND1 t,.u.pb.OD.JGID Solo, ''SchhPWIHrtHed" (Van

Brena). -_,, c. w.n. ...

bWTISM-uo. '"A !'ll'q-llt IA JaJH• fBraJihood) t l~p.-..-MADAMB EU.A IUN'GSTON.

~pnno: .. J .M.oul'"ll .. a I)""!!'' (ll•nfldict). ••cod•• O•f1kn"' ((.-11:1be1t 1.

I .II p..m.-lUI.UNSWIC~ Cfrl' llANDt "'UAfinine.l 6y1111,1~ (Bcbub.n.l.

t ..JS p.m-SCNIA !'.J'OSflAltOFT, Tcar1 --SU.ow"' (Varla.moff).

"""When s.h• Elian wen Sb.1tiit'IC'," fr\,lm •·r.a 'rf.111~•."

t.'2 p.m--HHUNSWlOE CfTY Bll"l>1 Hrma. ""R,Jckdak'" (Ownl. .&tr Varla .... N.,.rir:r. Mr Co4. to T....­

(.ll<Loodl. 1..11 p..m., • ~ ~ •rwb-. ADIIAA..,.

menta. 'TlfP: JtOVAr, All'tY)Mn'RTTJ'! CtUII tlP"

\' ICTOKl,\'8 N.,\J,'~:rv .All!:t!.SACS FOR •ro-u~ Y 1111 for

J,VERYUODY ~hU an- HNIL ftlnk £ar«7. tio'w u.. ~ of ttrefnhiiies.. Their lru ta are •ucotN. pnxper-llJ'. •nd h1i:,pln~"

, .n n.m.-(11 1R GREAT TIIOUOHT: "Whll• ll'I• _.,,,1<1 hl\lt ruan, l)eaple w'1o

would .-offer martyrdom ta ~ r-~ nr what thr:7 ~all tnlh. it. Ma frw who wlU

•1re.r ffH A li:Ule bieon•ttkoee. bt Lbal af Jt11tiot and m~ ... Ruola..

10 'Pm -God .. ,·c the Klr.s.

4QG, BRISBANE. 6unday.


'1'b. ccn:npMeta MorJW!IC" ll•r"Y'C'C •UI b+ n­la,-.,d tr-om ISL. Paw·, 1"1Wb11ariari Cnrch. fprin• HW. tl!0:11 ST. PAUL'S,

1 l • -m.-M t1rnln1" SeJ'"'ricL U:,:W i,J11.--<:lntW1 down.

Arrl;JINOON SE5810N.

n:ru:&AL BA.VD. 'Tlle Cnont ti, tae Brab&N FC'm'raJ lt,r,n(I

(cundudor. W. H. Daria) wlU be ,... 1a,..-d (T'nffl U,. Rod.amG ~rde-hL ll'RO.ll Tlif: UOT.A..."-JC C.ARD}.:N$;

1.11 p.m.-Hantl Ocm~L. ,. .ao p.m-cloM ,UUflllrn,.


Pt1.n)l ·n1& nu1110, 1 an 11.rn-Qur'WH4!, .. Gvd ii• Sp.Ir!&.'' (from

th• •ilW~I t: ,i,la.l.a, '"The Wc,Mafl ot H11• ~ri..•·_.,.,IUam 6ternd&J. Benw-ttJ, Alhinn tcaptiat Cll,u·th llixrd Quartette: a,.., 8. ~o {~ad llapU.t U...<i!! KllllllOfl ~ndtml) ~ .. A ~ud R,,;-e""; male.~ "'l1ae ChUffh In t,h .. Wlldwari1t'' (Dr. V,.,, 8 Pitta), Albloa llaptt.t C'hurc-h Malt! Quarwtt.l! P.artr-.

BT l'AUL'S CHURCH. The compl,rt• J,;•cini ns 8effW' ..-111 ti. n-­

la:Jl'd frnm St. l'aal·• rrab7kriaa Chvn::h. 8priac Hid.

' p.m.-Cl,ildtn.. ~ PROM ST, PAUL"S:

f .M DJD-i-,nnt01r Suri.,,.,

BAND CONCUtT. At ,,,,_ ,.nn('balon at ri,., c•arcla Srnlee

.. C-,rt b7 U.. Brlollo9e )lul, .... I ,.._,.. ~nd wllJ loo nla,ed tram Wkk• Nm Pad. n. im.,af'llft'LtM wftl Jne.Judlo ,._ """'11.Jrtlr "'Ui:• {'l"l'c.h•i\,owebl; .,.i.e. lion, .. JI ';J'l'(t't'fll~,n·• (Verdi); ''Il4llc-t 1'.,,n-p,," lLDiici'l'lih -~ ---


JO • .U • m.--Tu:ie lo. 11 "' ~ur,,~ S.r•icc. rc,)a)'f"d f.rom

l'4t£M"um !:itri-el B111ptl1oi .;;hurcb. l'ntb. 12,11 11 m. .Ci~ du""n, 3.80 p m.-Tune ffl.

FRO.. THE IITUDIO, 1.3.S p.a la:111-'ical provrar1me, IDtNllloa Tt110al

aJld.•.n, 4.!10 p.m. -C'lc...~ ,Ju1T'll. 7 Tuue In , 7.6 (.lhlldttn._ l"'-11"'1e liJ~. 'i.30 p,tn i.:vrnlfti: S.rrtt. hl.&7td tram the

l\~.i., Chli.Mb., l'cMt AnU CllUk(.H SEHV lCJ,.

a.o SJ, m. XURCal ,,._~. ,r.cJVOh:• \'oeaJ and h..-lt1irn~ntal numkl'L

lO.i JJ.m.--Chi.,oe down,

7ZL, HOBART Sunda1,

1"ORNll'iG ~ESSION, 11 a..,a Oivme M''111H trocn fit, David•

C.Uwdnl Hobe.n: •11"JOAChJ1Soo of 1,:tr:irc~ wn&ce ao..t bpra. 1!ltor-raatlon, ClaN down.

Al'Tt:RNOON 8F-~ ... 1ox 1.30 r1 m.-PlW.:a.nt Humt•~,Y art1'"1'nOo.1n IIODi:f!rt

trom thP ~h,dloa, , .$1,1 &r,ru.-Cto.~e d'J..-rh

K~RLY EVl:N1NG SESSIOS J..3t .. nr, -Oluldn-n·• Corner WiU.l tJw "8aodQ

Lo~.-NIGJI.T ~1'8SION,

t p.m Ch11:eh wnMC> from Mt"mnrilal Ctmn~ 1ratlona.l Church. 1-h.,t,ert. Pfflth"P .ae.,.

A . ...: .:"frlPtm. At C()Ddu...Jc11 bf Ch,,rcll atr-vfte0 concert '"°"' t.M Staduu M,.._ K,a 1>.rff lllCIPT&nal. Min Joan Dod._ (•lncuticmiltJ. Mn.,. Jacl; Crttn (.•opnlUll. Mi I H-uby Pi.-. (pl,in'tn),, ltn,v :illt.ehlh (('(,r ht!I •ot4"111I. Mr. Tbom:t:111 !;flt,n ,:(11' (huitanl"). Mr Jrnnk Dalton (b.uit.nnc).

,.iO "'Mrn-u,.,.... ~P«~tol JalPntat. n..-. .-rrlc. Bntith (>me!.aT Y.'ln1"' nc•• 811.ti,. whJun wi.rdeh. l"allJ."e.. I p.m, ••ther foreraMA. ~t.tlun • cOOUD.oelllt!fl.11, NatJc:inal Antbau.

Monday, Oct. 24 2FC, SYDNEY. J . .\n.LY VOJt?\C~G S.E.SSIO?ll.

-...-.1o"'"---­M.ORh'TNfl S"&SSJO.N.

11) •.m H•s Hen'• a111l prr,gramm., an11(lo\lD('C!• IUt'RUI.

11'1.5 11..m ..fttutUo ,nu,ilt-~ 10.u,,_•·sJ:dritY M0>rnlas H,n!d"' ~ -· 11..IO mgJe_ JO.U • •-t..u mlaat..., u.,efq ld'ot'lllatinn

by t,h., 21-'C Coaun•lonnr. 10. \.;i • .nl. · Stt11fio m141e. 11 .. m. . ..-•ora Brn," Ab.n:binz m111lc. fc,r

schOQI C'hildf'SI. U.5 a.m.- A.I' .A. al!Mt R,t1.11••'• CebJ,,, Strvk-n. u.u LDL-A r-41n •• 11..30 a.a.-ei... it<,wa.

JilDDAY ll'f'.SSION. n QO,(lln.-'•Dil' IJen0"° .• 11(} f l rqft•""mf' n0t111r~ml'nt.:.

1~.2 p.m..--Hlork l!:xchan..._ liNlt W I 12.3 • m..-Wel..l.hrr tof'N.Mt nir.!aU 1%.5 pto--St:ad1o amle.. tl!: It p.111,, ~ .Jl ""S.ydfM7 )lominz H~• --• NrTt-. 12.u p 111.-Rui.:tw wll'C'lffa ~.

J:.!,30 p,tn M.a:rehmt" mW1Sr to~ 11C't,f)ffl rhUdt'en, n:.40 p.m.-K11tJilew-n fh,t>ller,,1 fflfl'.l'I<" 1:! • .U. phi - THl-: OAK HALL lNSTR'CJ'M~­


The lllir hty 83X Philco is Supreme.

Friday, 2lat October, 1927,

1:lt.H p,m.-Utuohu mUlllc. 1 (l.1r1.-''DS.ii" Wt'• U.1•~ lnWllisen<~. LI t,.n...- "lw•ftiti.111' N..,._., midday 11•--• .. ,.

Y.ft P11MN041ra· 0.1.rilNUo• Meinl"'• n. POrt.

I tu pm. TJ:I t: OAJC 11.A.LL INSTJlUMlPJ• TAL TlllU.

1.2~ p.m.-.~w,:,k J,;xch:.w11f•, wcond c11.II, I ;,;41 11.m.-llhn·hlnK m•JJilk ttjr HbOOI ull4rea, 1.-io Jl.111 -Ka bk...-n. ~toJJ•rY, '""u"'-1 I~ p . .m.. Mudf.o mu.~ I to p.m.-~"Ht. OAK HA.LL ISSTBU.11.F.N-

TAL TR"::>, I 11.m.-"'lhat IJ.r.11:."' l'kJM tkiwn, I p.m.-"lhw bcin" and I n,.-r amm. ann@unc..,

i.t;~C:S~ -A rl,~ by ta.a ari.itlt. or Mn . S~1:1•n Dc:,i,..

I.SO p..111. Jbn:bhut 1'11~-e for tchool duWN"•. :J.•f p,Je.-l'rom , • l'lkn, T• ttoo.a. Fic.,..H•

lira.nt.. au-,,r-ano. I,, p,m.-TH& OAK Jl\LI. ThlO Cllt

Hi.>nt.te K•lllflo, Lc-adcrl. 1,6.\ l).rn.- J, rum The Studh>, a&o.rpre1 Huall,

IOl)r&tb): 'o.&r Bt.rJ ot Wintff .. (O,,

, J• ID >·rva"'• 1·-. ILuctaa, 1-... u.. a-..tary_ cunt"1to: ..Londoll llrl,t..·• (M.ofrOY)

t .5 "P.m.-Tlll-. OAJC HALL JN'STR.UIU:N• TAL Tnto.

1 IS 1'·"'· l'',~m The f;ludlo. Annie. Pa1 nt, m. .... io: w~n • m. .. ny --.*n ••nl•'' (S~Ulv•••·

, ~•J p.m.-t·r.:,m P'ar&er"• T• llooail. ~,rtle'4 Gri1nt. eoprano.

1 2r• s:..~.- TJIY, OAK HALL DlSTRUJU;l,J. TAL TR1O, uu~ ,,.m.-~·r"'m St.ui:tlu. Jb.rpr<,t. H unt. fOU[ll'llfl,p'

·ni.-,a.-·• f0..1 llieEo) •.to p.m.-J.-so.c.i. lloooitr. 061lLnko,. u,...

rumen TN nc.-1. ••sa.1aam•~ ~Land.

t:.41 p.m.-St.Qdc l.nh&nl'•. t.lllr-d ml1. ,.n n.m.-An11Jc- P•ynf.'. ~1,ul "fll•ckbtrd'• li(,ns., (Swtt),

c,:,u p.m. ~tudio muaie • • •· -''Bls lkn.'" CloH 11q.,._

):.ARl,Y EVENING S&.."'610 .N.

~.4n r1.111.-Th• thlmr.a of tlr'C,· 3 u ll..m--Th(l "Hdhl M.11n'' iAllc, Lo th@ th11d-

"" 6 30 p.m.~t-"")' time- for tJae )"OUBS folk. S.tO i,.m......Saadln ••ie. AM p.ra l•t.,,, •~ n,r,..,._ '1 p in.-"B,c lka. .. Dalrt:\7'.t Mu:k@t. l'l"JM'rle

<•out. •-•'- and 9t0dc). 1.11 0,IJ'l.-llt'Ult and venlabJ. :marlt~t•. 'L1~ w ... 1h,rr •nd ahlnpinc n~w•. '1.H p.m..-L&ta "'f:vftilna l'II••••· • ....,.. HI"\'~

::,flGHT SESSJO:'f.

f .IO r,,tn-P~raJDJOe aencouoor941o\a. 7.&6 J•-111.-Martu. Bur krt. t, 1uu1Ult :

•· Btud., In ~ J-'lat" (Bur1cn,tun,. 'j,H p.m,-1!:lll.11 JJriec!'. Eat411.ah.)~r:

""ThP t" .. (At>on). 7.H p.m. Cb&tW O'Mara.. l rt.h• 1

Ca) .. 'the Dwllitr Cut i.-n o-.,.·~ <Calli.,. •on\.

n) "'Jf•GW",. (:Noh• l. "- IU!1..--- lll1t l).,,tt..'' 't1u 11• )'0'\ark~t o ,.,.11e

ON'heetn, und.-r t.he bat.OJ\ of Jllr. S f••dl"I)'

f io0

:-::-l"r."' Tlte S.lud~. fali• :P.-.c., !;11~ \,crt.aiot, : .. A few •horl-&a!l ,.,.. .. CAftOll}.

S ti p.m.-Fnia, the Jkp\ut. JI.._ OJtimot The- S)'"dl'lq Harmo-o~ H«~,,·a Choir. Co• f11H'to'f', W, Hourne.

~., ci p.rtt..-Marcu• B11rk,-U. s,lanisi: From tM E.t,,ulln .•

' I"' 11 a.-FQQ' llqnb• :r, "°"'nlto. OW t!al..--• , 51,.,_ 0'1br-&. tf'tali COMetiu 1

::: :~~l~~o~~;ft!~: <tij,ff)(Caninn), 1f.t p.m.-Late 'llf'e&tber fmeca.t.. If I pm. ~AlfrrJ llu.n.ofna,Mi1'1'1, 1-ritoott

{&) ·•Tru, J\4-U R1nc-e..t" (WaU•ad , (b) "O St.a., o( t:•tf' n;a1 0-•r).

t 10 p,-.-Vac&J AM, froa 1>.e lla.nlarktt Theat.n. Sydo11.1.

1.tfl; I'.,.,., __ •·om. t.h" fiU.idl•. Ena,t An-htor. 1,&-hol": Okl-1.lme- m-emorlN.

11.21 p.m.-EU11 Pric-. l!:.ntarl.Aln-tr t fa) •·ne Ta.I• c,t a • .._,., .. ("'8ool. 01 "Tbo l .... b S.,,,,.,,t -• ( Cllaal,ff\

Page 39: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 39nla.obj-666411714National Library of Australia

Eriday, rt&t October, J.ll27, WlllELESS WESS.LT Paii:e Thirty-Seftll

-~Jusy·-·ARRivED·-1·--······ ·-·····-·············-··-·-1

Another Shipment of the




Tlie lut diree smpment, of the HEGRA CONE

SPEAKERS were sold eat withm I few da7s of their arrival





becauSt ii' s COOD l

BUY NOW and don't be disappointed.

BECAUSE-The HEGRA Cone Speaker incorporate• an adju.iable Loud Speaker unit which " auperior to that oupplied with many Loud Speaker• collin111 two and three hmes 111 much.

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BECAUSE- For greet volum~. clear tone. beautiful aJ)pearance. ,ound en,ineezin~ con1truction, • and low price, the HEGRA Cone Speaker "' in


United Distributors Limited ~ 72 Clarence Street, and 28a Martin Place, SYDNEY

hf• A1u.hwlhtn Dl,drlt,,uton ot ".RAY.O•l'AC,, BA1TERIBS ~43 Queen SL, 27 St.. 28 Qu••• SL, Cr. J• n•b QIIAT 4r H-.n-U St., 61 St

BRISBAN£ AD£LAIDE PEltTH WE.Ll.lNCTON, NZ. LAUNCESTON, Tu. • H-4 aou,ke StTeet, MELaOURNE 109 Collin, Slreot, HOBART •

...... N••-•••-•---.. •111•.i~•a.••· .. ••..-Jl!ll' ..... ___.,_ ..... ~ ..... • -~•911••••---·JI•--•-••--••.,..••••-••--•-•-----

Page 40: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 40nla.obj-666411847National Library of Australia

Pill'~ Thlrty-F.lght

•.t! 1 m. r..-;rr flunt,o.r. cootrt,lto. a.,o p.m.- r,,;.m 1ho u.,.~k:i. ·rll.atre. ti.,vdnQ', 1\, tlerului.:t.or )Ir. ~&anlir,- l'onrr

I 4 p.M,. ho•· tho Ba.plbt Hall. l;lUmo. ,. .... SJd Jlanm, ci fiot ct)'a Cboir, C. ....

\G.l''W Oomno. 204 p,,..m I t(ltn the Ha,rmar"t 'l:b8tra. u,...

rt.ctlf'11l 1t.-mr1, ,t>.10 1,.m .. --A 1(:-U.1 Cunri 11 ,tar<1. U.di.oa._

HnMB Lh~ ' , .. t• l -Dttunlft&' uf Harn•" (a.s.,y) O,r ""

., •• ,u 0,f Rana•"" (r-oan).

HZ p,n, Fn,m th(!:, • ..t, 'I'htw.ttT, Ryd.hQ'. Ord1.n nil

l'),10 u..m--trJ•Jffl lb• Si.\.idt 'TM l1~ n~nce O~hetn In pup~lu rmtrtt,.N, tnMnPtrMJ wilb YO(.IIJ a. by l1tt Maurfee.. Lat<! W'nlhrf" fo~t.

al.JO rm ):•tlo.u.l AoilMm. Clow: dawn.

2BL, SYDNEY Mor.clay.

'l.ARl '\: l(OR".U-.,G 1- lf"S" l I I • Ill

M'OflNING I· • JOS' to JO & n, 1, I' U Clod;; and C'hlc,.H.

N I I froa, tbcl lffllo. 10 .ro Lffl N'•• tram Lo. Ually 11--:nP

Pirt.orial"" I .M am. Nuaical pNCftmm• fron. the

118!.:rl~~{, po \1-xk and rb1mt11.

u11L~•;_j,~ll 11!, prc,rnmm• tram Ill.- Stiltl. 0.

h.lJ am Tu.._ OA Tnnb.' b7 Jtlu G..n Vulcy n~cu:..ra Yicaen·• Spona

~i:?~,1 ftqJief. t.~ e fft:!-J>O!HknW. .,.,.

"h~kn.,, Ja ·t::.~1oU;;.H •111\ Hl!'tilth," by Mr'" J-•

11sPtttaJ tr n •~ ••ndt;.:n~ a,.pem.. U I p.m., UI' 1d. P • tf'Ollow ,llip:Jeal lfA-.

U 16~1.m tr, f(ltmatu~ Maflil, SbiJJpl11c an<t Porl nirf'ftof)' ,

11 U LI a, -ft• •U in cn.U bf' wi~•eu. 11 zo p,lD..-Fru t Mark \ l~ 11-:¥ p m..-Vc.-table- N• It llr;;,ort. JI-U p.a..-L,o,ncbu !JN "•""' kpt..rl. u.n p-. Oa r, u.d Fana PrM oe. M•r'-r.t

lte;,t,rt ll.11\ p .m. C P.O. \tock • 11•1 Chl..O'l"1!,

Jo',.rq-c ,Mad;rl Rc!port.. tl.ll p.m. fl h Mark.rt. Rtc,ort 1! 11 p.m. -Rahhl\ Jlarltd BQ,c;:rt U.IC p.n. Stock E-.scha1tu Re-part. t: I• p.111._.,...,. from thtt n. 00

JS.a$ p.:m.,-lllUK"r'• IMlrni1catal Quri.t: flir~ctlOn. l. uyl C&."1 h\D'•

\,t ,' 11..m--81. >C'k r..ub.:ana• H•;wrt. i.u p..-.-O PO Cioclc. aAd Chune1:.

la1k to Ch. ldrcn. aad f.preta.l En-:ert.alAme=t

I "~~:t~ c.:kli~ ~~la,a. t'Iatt down.

f. 'I t-:RNOON 8R~SIO-S,

J\At'ins Jnf•m•t44tl brad iui hnbM!'dbt.Le?,­•Cter H h 11:aeo'. b1 courtas7 of Ute .. ~11. _.

I plll..--G.1"O l*k ud tb~ Nu,1le:J 1>NII~ (JUII ti»- St;QdJch

1.10 p.ffl..----,,""WII {n;,a:a t.J,t, "&un..• an p.m.-1Muaknl proa;ramnM lromU..~Uldro. I.IQ o.m "N,•n t"-'rU Lh• ·i:1u11:• I ,o p..m U11r11uw11.n O.r1H n:i.M. brr•1kut

!roan W Oun,:'OWlln c'.abarct. • p.m...----0 J> .0. t1eu and C blma..

;N.w• trcm th& ""Sua:• • 10 .....,_&rbl S,0,,-, ( 10 p.JD-. .-1),u,pwan D:.oo- llA'Cli. 4,:,n p.m 4•w. from tile •,sun." 4 u t-..m. f~amo ul II sht • s,.rnsnmmo 4.IT p.m. ll.aoC'ln.- l"Ullffl<"l ,.u p.m.,-----So«LIJ ()cl(-au l"arff!Ut. I p.111 - -G f" 0. Clock and Cbhnea

ciOff- 61'wa. EARl,'\"' EVESlNO SF.SS10N.

1.•1J -p,tt1.-C.f',O. C-locJ, and C-bltuea, Cbiltlron'• 8"11on..

t.l0 p.m.-M teal• ~ \Ml Studio.

WlllELl:88 Wl:l:ICLT

IH-'1-JCIAJ.. cnt.NTlt"t SE:J~il(,)~. < fl.ffl v,tt.O, CIUC!k •nd Cbb::Mtll-.

A~t.ralt.n M•rcaaU~. l.&n4 afN Finat1r• Co.'•~-

W...-Uwr a.,pon aM FCINa..a. "7 couzt.,. of fii9W"ni1P.("llt M~ca-Jst.

I'S'Ullut""'7a' .Lr:st~iL Wllr &clri7"• Frul, .,qil \'1;1sdahle ld.11.rlr.('f. R,•pOft.

M°"'k I: d1.tt1aro 1t .. .,,.,rta. !,rain •u.J Fed,.kr Ile-port ("Sul'\•), Dal,ry Produce H.arktt IkporL ('"8 a"").

1.15 JJ-.• -Coutrt17 !:•..., b'illlll lM --S..a." 1..:5 p • Talk GO "HOl9 t.u lluctaia Yflllr

llc:aJtb:,• h7 Dr Du M11.._ri.,,r. i 40 p.1111 Ta'.J.. 011 'To. M•t.or Car," l•,- Mr-.

llartlf\. ~'};NtllG SESSIO!'I,

! pa. 0 Vo. Clttlr. •ad CbllDIM. RrsMt.LU~~• Topical C!aoru.. Aft Jl,JQ.f''s l'NC-Ratmr, pre.cnk'd l,y Lind(-.

ma0·1 WUlfll !.I p.111 - ·fUd and Jlallr 0-.n •tul Jart

r,,;•1l1enulol.e In • M•1fll"Y -f'f Jan. i I p.,rn.. /!!ta.~ I. ~r- (COI\L,..lto,. 11: M p.M &wel!.ona by tbe Nrwt.owft Ba.'Sd. A C.O tLJ11. A Hamo:roua Suk). by Map .Naa-.....,., &.H p,m Mit61n, Jlrrirf alld Maurice De U.W

CriollPI d1,u.u,. .. h "rn """•tbt'r JVtpt>rt and JI fftf'(" .. t h<r

"'" lr1M7 (l,f M• C. J. ll..u9, (;,Q,i,t11men&. )1.-tnll"tll~t..

,.a p..a. ....AL ,:. ._ •• CruJl,.rJatb. I,~ ,,_ Ille 8aJ roND or u-~ .BG04I Cuino.

1.11 JI m. ~ Oraa,aUc SJ.,U,h. P~ll\ed 'b1 Nelli. reri.irson and WUt.oo Power.

9 . .21! f'.m The t,,,·,-,..~,wJJ Bc.nJ. 11 I! 1' ~ --MIU .Edna LJat,,,.r. 1.51 ~-R9WM ot !ollowlq d.Q' • pr,.>­

•,u,m,. 10 p.a O P~O. C!ar-.k and Cb...._ 10 t pm AL l•d:a Orat'kttJMV. b-rcadcut

rrom th ... "•Ilroom cf 1he Bondi CuiDO, 111.1 r 11,tn,-MiM Milf Neoarruw (ei,,culi-vn•

. •l 10,tt p.lSI..-AL Jad,'o Craciu:rJaclr:, b~

tree Ula RaDroom of \be Uondl D.atao. 11.n ~ Mcun. ::Uen.ri allid Ka~raee 0. ·--JO.II o.m-A.1. J'ad1'1 Cr-adliTJ&.cb.. \Jroadc::ut

fra:n the B-a:lroom of t.he- Bon41 l.:11Uno, 10.41'i,-"Sun" N .. , Se.nloe. 1060 p,.ft' -Al. J'uk·• Cra.ebrJatb- b.--dcut

trom \lie Ballroom ~ tbct llondl c..tmo. U p m.------0..P.O. CJock aad Chtma.

,t..a\ oM.l Aut.!wm..

2GB, SYDNEY ~londa7.

1(0111'/INO SESSION.

I a.m. !d:~k. t." .. m .-<'1-t&tio 'J'alk. 11 ll • t,,.-lluallt. I !I a.m -P•Y<holcc,QJ a..., ,.ao a.m. -»•~-'·"' ...,.._ Ua&Jlh •Mi Diet. 10 a a. -("b,o down..

ArrEKNOON SESSIO).', ,:i ~o Jl u,_ M.wdt'. 1.11 p.ffi,-Addrw11. Prof. 1'- Weod. I..IJ p.m--liiulo.. , i, rn Addffa. ~ M~ Clute. ,.up~ llll.:atc., , Jct p tn Clr>M down,

1'V>cNINC SESSlOII, 7 p.M, :\llrttk. 7.1 P-"' AddJftl. E. Wa,-t, ':'.JI p.a.- Muic 7..!I A.ddn-M 3. 'K'.. Powell r....,. "; II p ... --&elertloOt f~ .Dkit'f'II h7 llr.

Hwth Burdock, f.QI> 1,.,.,,,-.lCu• ic. ';.AL, p.m 4u.r11a1 br JCat.hwn Jl.,a11.

NlQUT llESStON, U p.111-.Addr-... Praf. L Weod_ A!O pm.. -&inrt t.,. Huold Cab .. LU p.m.--lnatrumPDtal Qnn.\,, 1-n ~euni..

Nonfra ffNder, N1.1r1,.11,.. Lll>la', Ada Drook, Ul'I 11111- Piario •o:k,t, .Ada Br11111'

l ••~a,,r-lnsr S11ni:." (llendt-llMlb•I• t. .. U,,MO ~" I llaadefaDhe).

Friday, 21st October, lll!!7.

I p.m luhlr,,u l,y Rev. Jl. D, S. lh,m.m~Od.. ••)1~0di111' 11rul•U Mth "

I IS 11.m.-- -&tin b7 llanal.S l'oll,h. I.U p,Ja.-t ... lnm~ota~ Qrulrt.,t. Daa Sc1ilb,

Nu~ IAnl', Mi>nka JIONH'. AU IJirvuk. I 4i p..-. Sonp 'lr7 !4.1- Jratblceo kyan..

2UW, SYDNEY )lond.ay •

D Lm !Iowa. ablppb:ia:, mell,, .-&uilio tt,.,u, tU5 •·• ft'o11t"n".: &Aton. t.llJj a.m. 1.ta4.,. ot fn.rwu\l »~.-r1un"lfl• JA A .m.-rlt'IH• daJW'"ft. J p..m.--6\ladlo ltaaa. t.P p.ns l\al:llee ot. t'cr•-ard u.m.. a ».-.n .. -eloM 11ow11i. • D m..-DaftM and h•'-l"'~"11f•l 11.-m• r,.,,a

z,;t.udj1, 2i V; 1,"' 1wo11 .. m.~ r,f forward pr01u•mme--• p ~. -tlGM d,,.-n. "i p.m. \If~ 10 Co. 1l~p.m ScMu,ra.i.t-UoeL t 11 •·"'- -Oriran, MJlo, PrPfl"$l'Ot c. r ......

f;fi.-lftfll. f ~1 l'.m, J,_ft1•'f' W, lJOWGlll .. t

• To...-tt Pl•ftfH~r." , 11 p.m MiH Jean t.,J••l-d..t. •pn.JJ"t

6elrled. 1-11 P-M- ,Ilk.I f'~r Nc.Afp~a. COIW'•ltos -1 40 p.m Mt, JtahonU. baa.)o llll«M. j fO p.m. M...._me Liili,an .May, aopnu1(tJ

S,l,,etod. 1.11 p.m. ~Prorenor- C. S,1~t, ""'Un t-<•lo i ............ 1 M"..,,.. L1ffrlDOflt. ba..r.uoae:a

S.r..t.d. 1.1 p m..-l"rvf-"' C, Sao«.tl

Oraa.n HJ.o. 8,'1 p.m.-MI.. AD1¥ "Wtiton, t111cuo aOl)raac,'t

S.)orcitml. 1.u p.m Xka Esther lk.&.lpi-ne,. eocw-aa-.1 ...-. I.ti i,.m.--¥a.dam,e ~S.uer, MptaDOI

1',!rtled. 8,!ll 1, rn-C,e,,,r.,. Ll.-rrm~ ._nta~:

S,,J,ci,,,J, a.17 p.m, KM&am• Lillian U•Y. aopra1u:111

S<le<ted. &.n ~ -Mad,ime ATJIM s..r1

l'MIQO(orl,o Mb Se~ W.17 r.m. .• lhdU"Je H,cld.,.Bauu. •opraao:

llo""""'· I,<? v.m ~- Am:y, meuo ,opruol Selected.

•-•~ ...,_. .J"rClt.-or C. l!aa•r. or-a-a.a ••I• I ... -. I.U p.m..-J'aft Sd..,.:rda. ..,,.not

S.Jo<--.e4. &,U p..112.-T"rN'~ 0 .. .... .-ioJi'l'I -"fol

Sel,cteJ, ••• p..m.-fit'D11ft1 lf'keti-n01. 'J.!~ fl.,m. R,-,u~ at forward Pf'OCl'IUl'll!M • ao p.m.--CIUM down.


Kll>DAY SJ:olllO.-". 11 a.m. &- llln.- Tdt to .,~neiM•

lla'111 ~1-4'-iff fc,r the ltZR 01\,rnpJt r.-m~ ort..-r1bed b:r Mr. W, ll. SlPN'ti11,2

IJ.a A,O!I,. (Jlo,~, down. 1 j n~a. ~t.lhu,trn... Obu-l"fttau-, Tim• t,1rnat.

Rri~h Officb.l W~W!i Nt'W'I fl"1& lUi.lbJ. Jt.uter'a aod i,.h,,e Aus&nhaa Pnm A.acl.a• tioa CUB, ... An: !:a"" ~.,_. Sevlff. p..m.,-,-JOB A&ONSOS AND JUS SYN( o-B'\MPHON1BT81 ''Na Wnnd•·r I'm. lla.vpr" (~ll, "Wben l t.o,,,\- at Yw" (JOllt!II}. "JUl!i!. tlM: km." (~t1• 1d:toll).

11.U p ..... --MAR.fE LAWTO)<. e,cip,.._. "'Jria:11,-," wn.k Harp. •'8oBhw."

12.17 p.m...-8tur:\ F.~dlian,n Jc.rarm11t1t,n, U.•tt p.m.-J0£ AltON.SON .Aloil) JUI

£VNC0-8YMJ•Jt0NISTI1-t .. , Woa'L JtL., You (#r,url-f\lc:bt .. (Tarbr,, --Co WMb •- >.~1.t U ;,oo •au.a •

Page 41: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 41nla.obj-666411974National Library of Australia

Fnda,, ~1., Oclober, 1927. 'Wlll&LESS WE&ltLT Paro Tlllrt7-11LD1

· .. , di 7(,ewlu!ion i,ificepliOll


Until you'~ actually heanl the true to na.S.m-9• Gf (he Clarlt11m yoa'w neftl' hea.rd jl.!$L hew wen your scl can perform. A Cmltone LOt,d Speaker will mrolutionise rour ~ • • brinit the broadrastenl _m,iDrnear _ - trne:te-nalure! 1'he Clarli- ~ Dt models J,. m~, prli:ed. and may be -n 111 IIIOl!t leuinic: radu> supply aton., cat lh.s


SuppU-of' aw,vthi>IV i1t Ra~ and ~t .,,..;pma,t.


6 - ·-

Page 42: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 42nla.obj-666412104National Library of Australia

Page Fort-,

$()m.-tMn~ llitt'' (Terk«l. H /ut! ft,111 J.U~nin.:-iu 'r~nl;:hL. )t~lh"!t

1lNtr!" ~Wi.ll.J.A.uuJ). 12 . .r.o p.m.-Wn h•\·a :much pl~ in 1ntro­

CJ•1oins w rout FRED WALKER. ha~; •·r Did uvi Km>""·'• (H. ·r~n:), ·"1-,aath·' tr. '°"

J p,m,-hl'1,i.l~t1Jl"\14' Ob,,u,Nai.C•t'Y 'time Sit:nsl. now 1.1.ale tl'w. U,d 79" ,..-rltc, I I:) tb.1!' old lolka at hmM Um wn-k1rul T ~n't ,pu.t. it; ntr. Do it now~

1.1 p.m..-.JOE ARONSON AND ms fi:YNL.:0..S\".M.PBC)NlSTS 1 ""rh1.1 Birtl! ot tht! Illu£::a" CHendenon),. "Tha Wind hlow thrane-b Hil Wh\,Ju~or. fu• t

lh11 S:..!M" (Conrad), ''$11-1~1tt, o' M!tl.i!"'" (O'ff.&J(a11).

1..7 p.m.-\Jt-'U'tlmJtJJr;knll lnlvrrn~t.lun. 'l\"'t.,.tJi-,.r f1•J'l'{".a11t (or \'ictor-i&, T-.a1mania~ $,, Au.,. it11lia. and .Now ~i.ith W~lr-. Oceoa-n for~ ,cat. lhvn .ttC,ort.i,. tlztin!all for Victotul.,, S~tb ..A.urnralia •nd Nrw So~'!,D W•JeJ..

J,.l& n...lh.-J'OE la.RONSON ANO UIS RYNCO-SYVPHOfflaTS t •·()t,, WW a Pal w.aa WhllaCil"' (luJln). '"'l,c, llo'll•n .. (RQ,iie). •Ct,""'rln ll«or.i.o Btt, trol'l'l Sunbt lt..-11"

U-,ta). p m.-GJ,A'DYS J,.,\t,fJ'Jt:. crintsrallt1.

'"l'hcrughta Jlavo WS~" t LiXA 1,cbmann) ''A Lav@ Not.c,. (lwpn1).

1.82 n.llL--JOE A IU'.JNSOS' ANO IIIS H'YNCO..flntfHONl.STS: "N""'" (Dennja). "Tis.kt! in the Snn'" (Wood.a). •"Vt'bfpped Otwm," piar10 sali> (La.111t!).

1,4:! p.Jn.-ollARIE LA W'I'ON, th.a rnrl wilh t.h~ voi.OII! and bars,: ""Oh.. 1-b11t we two WM-e M:iy!~ (GaunodJ, "Wake tls:i" (l'hlliliia),

t.M ri.rn.-JOP: ARO~SO:s' U"D ffi:,\ S \"NCO-S'l.'MPH0,;1s1·s: ''Wot.t1e ¥nu hav~ ••Ith Vel'' •'Jliy T1ui,hie..dorn OottA!:e tlf Drt-3au'•

(f..,llo). "Who•• (K=l•

I p.m--clflM dOt'P'TL

AF~OON SESSIO~. a t1.m-s-n:rmo QUARTET;

•·Rmtdo Ca.pp~• \llo! 1.10 p.m,--.ILl!S. r;OROTHY SILB'.:

"H~ft.,.o 1.26 p.m.,,-,TASM'.A 'l"JE"tlNAN', 'ee-U():

"Al~ Ai-.r-~1'1n11,1A" (Saint, fiaen11), a.ii p.m..-Wa hav• mucb rl~lil'e In QCI• ia-

1.l'odudnu to 7ou RUSSO AND Bl!A llJl'ORP. VoeaHata.: OP(!flhtJ CJloru from "1-'.rnJLni"° (V~niil. Soi<> b7 Sl$Cn.or Raeeo, .. 01 J:'101'et1TIL." fro,na

••La T,_....,....,. lY-1). LFnda flrd.ful'd : ~ DuM. ..Ullrt.a.rane.,.. from -ratea ot Moll• m•fl" (OtrM:Jbacb).

t.dS ~.m.- STUOlO QUARTET; .. Feiativa.1 MAnh.'•

a.&i p.m.,-DOJ(.{M1rY 1tnxnrmcrn .... w1a.1 "Cl.tJr-o de- Luna'" (?tft"()i,w-dl).

a.G'i ll-ff'I.-GLAl>,YS .LA.MP&. ('tm.tnlt,,1 "Oh 'thank Me Not'" (Ma.llin•Gn). "C:'1bfln Gald" (Ba.rrt.ock).

4.4 p.m-STATJO~ 'rR]'O: '"Del OrinriU!'' ( I~lltc I.

4.14 p.m.--GLAlJ"YS 1.AM'PF.,,u "Drink t.o Mo! OnlT.'' li.rr. by Quilt.ct'. .._l Ha.ft Tw,,,rJ,..~ 0,cf'"'" fl~hrt Jrf"lAndJ ..

Ul p.111.-STUDlO QUARTET: ''InU'ltl'l\ez-r.o :l'rc:m ••M-id!\lm:n« N11h1.'1

Vros.'m."' 4.1UI p,m.-AI.IS..C!. FLORA l"ELL. lnSNrlM o!

School,: ''t)ttm•Uit ~('fl'•H

L4li p.m..-.. Ile:rald,.. ne-.,,..., ~toe. St..o¢k EX!Cha..Nr~ ln!nnnnUoa..

• »,m.-CIOMI> down,

EYE?'l"lN'G $"ES::IION, 1,311 Jl,!11.-Aece-ot.ancee t.or Wednudu"• ra,::~

at KJ,tletnt1. IUJS i::,.tn.-An,n1r,r,n 1.n ll'L~ and hlr1.h1lay

J:r<! - by '•l,.lTTl,F. )1'1$S K.OOK'.A .. 1HlRRA .. ''

&Ji p.m.-STUIHO QUARTET: ''Ha.llaw~ El'taode',- 0.,ak!!).


6,T0 J•m.-.MlSS G, FLOS GREIG, II J\ LL.B,l .. A Diip In, Yandala.r."

G.tlS 11..m,-PAT M~LEAN ~m tbr rhil,

G_:;~:.i!,!_STJ~~o Dlk~J~'H··nrr: ''DN-wttr. nC Lvui" , l,ltttt.t.

o,,d "-m..,:.;...tiillcia.l "eµ.otl ll'f Ntmrruir.ket atoc;k 4!1'818 by the A&;i,o,cJatl!lll .~iC,l<:k .bnd Sl.ll:1iou A,i:.i-tU.L, &urkl'! i-i~t, M.qll11J11n1t". N~r. nr ilht'r,;1 :t,111~ 4a.t,1.Je,-1tntw1' J,ir wetk1B ~Id.: ,,.m ··u,,rall-1'' 11t'••r11- f'J•r.-ice-. Weuthtl' 11y1J11J11Ji4, Shirtvi•llr ffl(.l,llem11ntA

#.52 p.m..- Sr.uek information. tL5"i p.m, lli"111•r- ti;tJ11'f"OI. ti.6~ i,.m, -Ft111h ~arket repo:i;-t;a by 1. R. Jk,r­

r\!ft UiJ.. ft.ellbit 9rkvt-. 'i -~ p.m,. Mark~ n:porta..- by lhl• V IC-lbri•--.

Pnxft.t-e:J:'6-' Co., l,i.,J. 1•nult.ry, £'t'Atn, ha.y, !ltr.11.w, jntr. da.{.-y N'o,J\lc<', IJota; .. ton and t.tt1!Q.1.ltl. Markf't rt'ft1trUI: <.•f fruit by Ll1.- Vktu:riAu F'r-u!U':~nt• A,eociatlon.. Re-,. tall 11tlc•~ 1-"ru\L llir-k~t rc-ports:. WhoJe­••la pri~i~.


Dt1rinJr th• eqf'nini: Ulf'I P«'C'bct1 In connec,. tlou wiLh Lhc R~("q)Won to, tpo .Rt. llou. L C .,~17, $cc-~t.ary flf 8t.Ji.te fOl' I.ha Dom.b,.)tl--, h1 tbc- Il('ha,m Dor'Ollil':h. Cottu· oil, will 1,.,. b~.Jtt. I~ Uombam.

'l.lli D,m. '.Mlt .. T. A. ST.LWAttT, 1:tt'elildei1t. o1 the N11tJgnaJ non Soc~tJ of ViotQl"Lr.,. will fll}ttk Ill\ ":Ro~." p.m.-:MR. E. C, H, T.AYl,On "School Life .and School Sµot1A."

'1,.4.\ ti,'m..-Um;h!r th~ •~i<:e11 or tJ,e I.>r:z,11rl­tntnf; ot Ai:::r£eult'lll'e. J4.R. A. 0. ltUUG. J•u11li-ey ,Eipiert.; ''}'~tn, toi- l!gg Prod1,.1cti.on."

S p.m.- 'rtH~ Ill';I\I.'rll ASSOCIATlON'S l1U:SSA(a.: for ,1"H:1• 7 I&: "'Wf1,h11uc hr11!1h LlM-r.- i~ nl!itbl'r b:lt'let-li:iu..t~ cl'fi<'IM'tu:,J',', nor lrnirlb c;,t (la.ya.

8.t p.m ,--ltr-, H. J, YA$, in\aernatioMJ MJll'iOWr: "Sprintln~: Anal~ 111.-nd Pffvaratlot\."

8.Hi p.m.-BRUNS'\nCK CTTY BA.ND l Overture. "Gabdanja..''

a.2, S)..m.-.n.usso AND DRA.DPORD, OPf'T&L{a voc:a.lillta; D~et. ~•amt!! Da.nubll!u (Stram,1), J.ynd• Ri-a.dlord. .. ht. 1,.'ll !ttlle-r" (Sbmida1:1)

(il'lt'dhn). 61.g-nnr ku.,n, '"Soli1.11;,""' 5.N, s«n~de

(l·N;a1 l't"Ct°fk). :Oul't. '"C(llu, Vlvra... from "ll Tl'O'\"a.~•

(Venli), 8.~i p.m.-T.ram:mlaum tram '.Brunn,lu. Tl!dl­

niea.J. School: '-Wlt"'ele!l;s Th!iltrfp-thtn ot the .A.ttlvltiftlll ot tha Rtl'u»I," by tl111e Ptt«ldenr, of tlio11 S("l,ool t~oll.neiT, Mr. Rohf'r-t. fi. l>nn, Mr, PC'l'ct J-;,•&1)'e!t.t,. 1'lr. WIii Hnl,hurrt, Mr. Q. S. Sim,p .. .11nn, .Mt-..i, L. Ahu, Atr. 1-l. 0. l!!dwu<b, Jd.t". N. 0. Ca.rm.iicb.a.-1, Mr. J. Swarb, )lr. R. P. !Aibi.r. Mr • .R. Rll,.,y. 11,ud Mr. J, :P, Samuel, who wtll &U dsacribe tho varloua · d.!part,

m.enui under thflr cha.r:re, !),G( ,-,..m.-BRm,l.."\WlCK CITY B.ANDi

Srfcell'd. 0.4 the au~keil of f;hi, n"n!op

Austn.11• U!.Aa'JJts.. DR. "ar'RINOTIJOKPE will ~k on ''}a...o.d a.nd Amtra..tia."

9.Ui p.m.-W~ han muc1' ph!uure- in intro,.!' t('t )'OD: WAIW& 'MORGAN. t..:nor CbJ' ~ml.Minn Qt J. C.. Willi•m11@n, l.ld.): ••~• ltM,pt:ur"'/' "Blae Skiee."

9.!2 p.m..-.88.UNS-WIO~ CITY lJlt.'?ro. T_.rom.hoo,ti 110101 ''The Jl!ly 'Wheel." &JolaL,. J~k; Ka.ncs.

I.!!"{ p.rn.-MAJUl1 .LA°"ilM'ON. th@ slr1 wltl1. t,l1e voleo fltld mt! harp I •·u. ila.11 of Sanir" l Wai:Der). ••.nan~ 1.-&oa•-' (OlivlU'),

i.3&< OT'T'Y BA Nl) 1 Selution, "Mffl1orie,i t•f Jidb1h1.''

~.H p..m.-".Ar-a-11•'" """"" t',ervl""- M~teo.ralo-11!('11.l ioff•l"Jt,ati,9n~ lh·it,i.h Official Witt,11!:ea

,S~·•• t.61.i t1,m.--PAT McLEAN. • !Ml."brl!tt.e1

&tcctto.u• rrom ha ,-~.

Friday, 21st Oct9ber. 1027.

10.:! 11.m.--JOE AR0~$0~~ A! 1} Hll, :-., ~·co-~\•hlf'II01'"r::rrs! •·Y,,11 hm,w I t .. c,~ti "11.N" CM~t . "l''-e!- i.:vt !kim~boJ)t -:,.f;;.v," I VliHin ,11), "HelJ,.., Blia• (Fti~i.d:1.

lOJ!~ t~~~l>~'j,.•~.~~tf;_ tei.o~ 11).lG p.n,. IHtUNS'A lGK crrY BA1'D:

Sr'l'"(lion, -''1\ litln,i.wny- C:d" (Monc-kton}.

JO~~~~~ M~\N! r,.tu,-J~ Ano~SbN ANll Ml$ SYNC"'O,:S'r'.Ml'HONT~"TS I '''Browr. Eyc!!i In Yoor Ori.amp" ('fTnrH•nlj, "One Nl);hl al Lc,'1c in $pa.Ju•· (Ban,;). 'B.i.t-h.artt'" i~ih•1!-r).

u 11.1'Q. -Olm <ml':1\'r •r11or;f;.HT: ",I w11 ••••• .. u11 wl-u1t "I"' :,.ijlDulrl -.11111 eli:h !or

--th,t.t th,_•re &r-E ,110 mnn1 nw r lhlrlitit ...,.,1: n,e,\'t.'r"-Rw.kin.

ll.1 JUtt.-J"OE AR()N301'- AND UIS S~C'O-~Y.MJ•HQ:SJ~TS~ ''Btll·.u.u ... c T l,mt" Y(,1.1"•, •·J•'flP' rr,y !;.Wl"t'lll)rmt-t•· (hr(h\n).

~h .. l),,n't. W11nr.11," tYellrn!. ,...t:hh1-"!I~ Mtl(ln'' (N11n!lbe11rn1 "Pl-• dir.f:"' {J"ooe), "J Woo't Ga lt40:h! 'T'o-n1~bt~ /Gilbe-tt) . "Tha.L ~!1.air.r. Fi!~n::'• (Gu'lll:iwln), " !o~ a Boy" ft:ll'!l'ibwin1. "T'm ~h "1jr .,.,,,, Hnm .. " 41\,..,-fil\) "Hy !hf' OIJ Rt'fl .\Hit'' O>av1,J). .. Wh~,rr- the ~ .. lf,ro Lf',u·" 11)<! Na!"'

rW.-de-1. .. Muddy W11tet" (D~ ROl:ie.), "livrii:ht 11.nd \>rand.'" ttia.11ct solo fBloomJ. "l Didn't KmM' •·swt!L), ''Evet')'t..i:liD~ ill ..Midti tor- Love-'" (Johnion). ''The Pri.!!~:)er"• Brldti" 1l-..$lhfouJ, ''Vrh•t dat-,, it Mnt1.r.r" 1lJ;,rJln,J. '"rhi1111 &. ,funr," (,,ertnorrt) ..

11.40 11,m.--COD SAVE. 'I.lIE KL~G.


MIDDAY SESSION 1 p.m,• ~rk-r~ rE"POrt.6; ,.eathr.r lttform.a.1inr\

111.m11ll,"41 h:v the Commonwe&ltb Weatb,r rtureau : •~~• tk'lrvien 11.up9lied b; ''T'h-t Unily AuU" and "Tbo Dall.v Stand&t'd." FJtO:i.t llOT.bL Ct\RLTON-

1.20 p,tD..-Lunr.h ftl.1t.'lft: ph1;y-ed b7 Uot.-J C,uf. tan Symphor,;y O.rc~tt·-. ,,~ROM. Tff.E OlJSERV.A.TORY-

1.sM!:5(4ndftrd ,lme ltr!Jal. !.! l.lJb...---(:lotir, dr•Wtl.


a.30 r,.m.-A.ft.ern.ooa ~ mu.le 11.lal'etl hr Hct~ Ca.:!i.on S,mpbony OrchMU'L Mt.OM THI'.: S-TODIO-

,.U p.m.-Nows. •c;-viec, • \JppliH b:, "'l'h T.....,..pb:'

4.30 p.m.-Clo.-tt do,,rn. EARLY EYX."<lN<l SESSION.

6 p.m..-lfl!'Wll •4ffleo 1ui,,1iti(d by ~'the DMl, Standa.r-d."

6.!5 _p.m.-Wodd Call Talk; •~.a.pan." ~ ne .... J. H. Stcc.r-.

I.SO'fho children'• MHl.on-----.tor[u l;:,o "The Satulman,"

7 p,m.-Ma:r-ket r-e.porbl; 1,t~k n~rt3, VtO p.m.-\Veathn u~•; "D:1ll), t-tr,ndu«" n..,._ 'i','3 J'l.m.-St,nclltrd timll! !!ll"bl.h. 7.d ;,,m.-The Chlldr-,,~•11 M1.H!iQ Corn~r. Cl•IJ•

duel.Cd b1 uTht, AlO:Slc Man."


! p.m..-FROM TUE STUDIO: lh"esa Quartet.t~;

''T.ft ~:::r~t Q..~:~~T.:~• Party. (lteqn-. J. W. Du..rca.ulftist.,,r, N. Jf&l'Old,

D. Jord• n •.Dd A. Cla.rk.) Cont.~ll& SQU>:

"S"• L,ovo I Rrin; Thoo 1'l"awer•" (J,a.a,. bt-rt), M.iB,B 1~ Elphl1111Wne.

Cornet Duet: ''Wat.chmim, What or the l'IJ~ht'~ (Str.

C:-all.l:1t). Mese:iw. B1u-gcmeir.ter and N. Huold.

,World's Best Rechargeable BaHcry; rhll~o.

Page 43: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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J, rhiay. :!1 l O, tf,ber. l~.!7. WIRELESS WEEKLY rar Fn..ty.OM

Page 44: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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GWF, PERTH. Monda1. 12.30 p 1111...-T\IJM In. 1!.J.S p.m.-M&tkctt.. N""- aad c.awr.. 1 p..11L-'1'1fMi alc»I tn:a. Pirn.b Obwnaterr. J.1 r,,t11-WNU1er Noc.. ll\lr,ohed hr t.he-

Mcworoloek&I Jlu.--u 01 W•lt'J'D Au.Lraila. 1.!l Q1lutdle. 2 ~ dawn. 1-14 p,..,._Jf'ao,e 'lb. a.a P~ IJ'a c.._c,m,, rtlaf'!d­

trora Oarlt.on ear'"• Jlar l;)tl'Mi, VOcal aad. ln1Lr\.ir.t1t1bt•I tnW'rJudu f.rom U..

S&adla. , ao ,....,...cs...._._ '-'& p.-.-1'1:M ta.. 1,..ii,O ~ 10/I lll• )(1ddift. b:, 'Oe~lc,11

Hor, •ad Du.tty, 1.20 p........Stnc.U, Mukai.I. N,.-,.

"-'!t=~~t.a.!: =~=: I -,.....-Tl•• akul lrolll P...U. 0~. 1.1 -,.ra-W$a.Ulllt-r ""'- 11111,olw:>d b1 the

VatHtoloe~ lh.1,_u af W•'D Au1LNl1A.

lllVSIC AliD IIUl'fll. U lt.J9~ ~ llldmlifl&' Toed ... x.--ltem11 bp -....n. C•nnaDl'U aN W'j ...

K'- ZJda Llddt-lL aopn.M. ll&Ju 1-),oJ,.. wui... A.JLc-., plaalt!.<, 0- - i,,, tbo c ...... --~ Ott-ua. coadDdl:d la,- Mr. Val

s.1.1,a. l'l!'}qtid tram Lbe C..raad 'l'hMtN-. Jlatt'a7 Sbwt..

Jt J).flt.-tAt. ne,rl1 1tctDa. b7 eottrta1 .it '"Tho D&ilTN"'" .. J,lCW'l'pQ,ff COY.

5hQla -.kkin ra;ce •~ w-- ...i .......... 10.40 dowll-100 lllL"l'lllll 1'~8Ml.8SION.

Siaal&anoool ~t OD 100 .lfift::NII of llmkaJ ~ clftn n e.t .N4"'.na. ......-::I.Jc al • SJL



llOHNUIQ SE:!'SION, u Lft'I, ... u fl001l.

A>TY.RNOON SE!ISJ.ON, I p,m..---C,11.O, Cf1.1t1k aud shhB-. ~. l ".ia.-Tu11• lo. Nl~tJtrn. I.I ~•-Uoben StodL ~c, •~­

'N•thn,. Item. d latcrM­•n~t..

1.11 p,m....-Ortbtt.tbl N)ffllana l,f ,tr, StuJ10 'frlu,

• 11 11.m,-,F.Mbloa Talk h ,..,ulU Xdaa ... cit llroonoolloUd.H...,._ •.io-a...--.

rn p.m~~JJ,~.N~':;.,~Eli!\?t;\' "Undo ffrlC't.or ...

, pm. -"ll•cle ,,.._... i,.u .....,_

~!CRT ST.SSIOl'. 'T .JO p,.aa • .-Ill Uidc-al Mlet Uon. ";',l\6 {',m.-l'hT,d~al m.1hura IAtk bf l,loatu,aut

&~ln•ld Ma.Jtinock.. f.10 p,a.-•lffTCUFY" ape,da1 TumanU new• ~ Railwa7 auUoa: ""'°'lloN Wn.Lbtt lntunaation. llobu\ ...... k ·~-· c,hl,.11Jr• QllOUatJon,._

18 JJ.trt.-C.P.CJ, C:lnclc and ~bun ..... I.J p..m..--StQdio CODN:TI.

)Ir. )L A. Jacob,oQ (_..r~),. lilr J....,... lllldat h•• 60f""at). 1--.- ,,....,._.. .... Jo,reon'l u.,u,., Trio, llyi:iart.

9 t,t.m.••-Wt!ot•l,tr r.a.llt 1,n Ta11nia11Ulh 84ut1 Spol.4!

C111dl. ltffl'nta1n.• ft7 )(r. E. T EmlDl'tL SUI ~rldtJl o11k1aJ w-ir.-1..,. ftl"ll,L • H r,.,a..-..,.•reu,ry .. •~lal l11tA'f'i.-t.lq n.,.,.

M!N'l.-r, Tum,anlu J111111lrk:.L w,,atlu-r rt• J'"ri.a. n p.J!:1., WNlhtr f<irl!Calta.,. titaUoa liftll(IUDe!ftl~U..

Jli'aLJuaal Anu-a.

Tuesday, Oct. 25 2FC, SYDNEY. EAJlL T llOW.'lNO SESSION,

'I .... lO 8 Lia.


n L.111/-''Bfs a-· aoa ~• .auorme.­,...,._ II.I~-. 10.ll ..._ .. lbdae Monlu 11.nn

Nffl'Tlce., l(l,-91 a.m.-l$l.Qd'lo le.a& p.m..--l.a19 apa-Uns ._..., t,7 the 1'.FC

n(:inc tmntulalaaw. lOAI a.Jn.-8tadJo mule. 11 a . .,.-•1J1s Ulll'Q.'• Mn.rchit11r mn•io fpr

.,-boQf cb.u.Jrn. 11,I &.m..-,\.P.A. at\d R•~• ubt.. lllt........sta4lo_...., 1111 Lm--4 talk an ,._,. cool1n• aU r-..

Cpot by :M'-At R1.11.b Panl., JUIO a.hl-Utwe clown ..

MIDDAY &1'.SSION. U: nMD...-""Bfir JSc_·• •Del pr..-,amae •~• .............. II.I ~&odr ltre.Mn~. flr,,t .rt.. 11 :1 p.m.-Offlclal '«l'Ut.ha- t~c.. Ba.1,._.

f•IL 1U •..m..---c&.dto mueic.

11.10 p- ol - -Ufft.14"' ,..,... ~ 1l,qt,p wt~ D8>.,. 11..1, p---S:ladJu cauf '-J2.H ».m.-MIUT.binc uuiato for 1ehoo1 1hll­

drm. l1.40 P.lll.i- Daniel Barb. N.r"il.ootl

.. Al Da.'lnl.hl... t Cad:ra•• ),. ti.Al p.a.-TIIE OAI< BALL llflml=•

tAL TRI(), 11.H p.m.,-••EH.udtn ma,rc.. 1 PJJLt-.,81« n.n..• Weat.kttr ilddl~ .. 1.1 ~~ N...-r aa.iddu nrw-a- ..,. .,.._

Friday, 21st Octolier, 11127.

l"t'OC!:;.te-J'I "Ddi'b'll,i1t1tll' ~cdet7 Jl,El',ii'I fe Pr-odou-r,11' Uhri riluuiuir 8n(l,,-t)'a r~pflrt.

um JJ.JU. l'HE OAK HAl,L l~STltl-JtHN­·rAl, 'l'RJO.

I J-, p bl,,-$.toel, E.tthanc@', .-:oad aJL ~.m-Manld:ns in,..c tot" ~ t"bi.l. -~ .. l.tlJ p.01 .... l)Jiulrl U•rd:,, ba.rll.tJn•. p,ra.-llludk» m,wc. J.h p.-. TH~ CJAI.: llALL t~:ffRUtJl!.N­

TAt. :rRIO. !' PJD 'Bis llet:a ...

CIW• '14WR, ,U''l'.£.l,ISOON SJ:SSJON,

I""JJ~ Bft• &tMi UDCIQ.MUD~ta. I.I p.a.-.Kitty l'ool•• ,~a

•lilolbltr, l'aa CU1Plti1: b«at. W 70\l .. (ft.ulrJ, l,f ,, ID-'Tbo L,-cewn Tti-tre\ Ottlwil!Ln1 .. , :us »,ID. A t11J1c-··s..n'l!'F and \be Ch 114. .. .1~ Pl-•-~•'7 lhun.w.11., mmot

..A, LIM mid bmr ol dl'ki"" Ul oattt ~.H p,.m. M.udilns mua:M for NOOI dll­

dren. r.m Airn1• MIii,, (frc.iM Jtar-.

niM'"1 Ta a......-,. .!.i5 -p.,. 'l'Jl,g OAI'- RALL Llll(STKl'IIL~•

TAt. 1'1<10, ),H <p.m..--DwU l-1'" coatralto;

•·nrffk, brni.k, lJ~lr." (Cari-,,, , r,.m "Ail!' D.:a:• );ilf'tn J.turtau.. at1prann1

...h,ouhla" c1111ulla.rr117J. , , p.m -'l'HE OAK 1U.LL lNIITRUJlEN•

TAL TIUO. ' l6 P,.ln OU, PPOI•, acm.bNl&r-'

"'.My lrl,h Am•tit'.&n ;R ....... l"rv-,,n}. 4.21) •-In -Arwie lltllot., aua,r•oo. ,e_,:s p JJl.-THE 04JC. JJ..,l..~ Jt-"STltUMl.1'•

TAL TlllO. 4,U Ji.a.-MIU'J" M•utiHll, ma:,;o1

·•so11s11 l si~i;: W you·• ( "UJC'lhy}, C.40 ..... ~n M1,rtJ1.tJ., IIOpr&uu:

•·s.,aact.lmf':a ...-1":'a nicht t. r1t,-h .. (Philll#D)• 4.4.; p.m.-Stod, F.:rcbu~ t.b.1.1'16 ea.JI. 4.-li p.m,~ ~. CODtraltot

""'I'M l,tlat Cho>tcl" f:,;-Q]Jinnl, C.50 p.m,-Thlt l.,,JOIUM Ttt.lnt Orehbtra. I p.tt1.,...."1lllr Boa.''

t,;1-~ 1:AllLT £VEl,<JNG BESION. p •.-Tho "h.bel of. 170. 6.'6 .,..rn.-l'ho ""'J(cllo Mao" Wk• to lh• chi). ...... &.SO 'P.Ol.--&«7 Um. foe- Ute JOQ.DS fell.. ttt p.m.-8tadio ...._ 1.H s, apon.iDS' aew,. 7 !::h~." .. "~:· ~ (Wl>t'!,

" p •• .-.,,vil. c.a4 ffl!et.ul• ma:r..ktot•, 1.H p,.a.-Wnt .... aa4 ,tafppm.• nnra. f H p,~ •}'!ffains N.._.. a-• ae-r•


f,lD J,.m-)~t0• UBGUftt'_,,Olrla. t.U ..,._Du MS Craffll.o .._ Wit.tG~:

..._ RQwr.- ~Coat-.). '·S«net.1111n whf'n J!ilaht. I, ritst.• (PhJllip•)•

',',.(2 p.m.-Win antl Wlndlet, t;uc:Jfllh t-.attiruln­.,._ T.10 p.m,_.J.._WI Shmllh. ('CIObwtAa., frr.a

ILOI -s ..... u.. J;ao,• (Lolu,), ..,._,,. (11,uJ,l,acb),

8 p,1'1'1.-"Uic Men," F.rom tht D1u·linl:1oa Town J-t..U, tlM lletzopt1U&a11 Band i

lla.reh. "-n. n.r,Jy J'lf&r (8&tron1), Sekd.klel. ""The lllblld" (Rullh-..-a•.

1-15 ... .-}'-ram. lha ,E;Lodk\. ,h,ck .r.....,da nie1 1:,onp at th• ~b,nu.

1.2~ p.m..- 'F"Na. lh• O&l'lll'ISl,Oa, Tcnm. JllllL TJae MctropalltAa Jl;a.od I

T_, "Tbo CNSt ...,... (&llmaadln). Sd,edJon, --~ Bord&" (Oonb.&l).

f.,e> p.ui.-F.ram tho Utudlo. Da,1d Cr••m, bu• l1ulton"":

·-n. lull God'• (Jam.•)• I.U s-.m-~ t'ht I>~ T... lWL

'l'llolll-< Walu:. ""IA& Mourt D'Aali-tn11n" (Luld), M--~h. ••rtie CvAt.ttn.Ptfitklil" f AJ!or,J t.

• n p_.._, u,11 SLl.ldlo. J.,... a11a1t.11. ewinlto. !n1ir1 ILO:

~tloa"" (l"raat). •·N- IN\...,......,,.,,_. (

Page 45: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 45nla.obj-666412495National Library of Australia

l-'r!d4y, 21,t Oetober, 1121. WlltELESS Wl!:ElttT Pal!'e Forty.TJ,m

The Master of the Bow Cossor Valves bring out his superb artistry.

A GREAT change has come over Radio. Old standards ,,f quality of reproduction are fo:,t disap­

pearing. New Cossor Valves hAve been evolved. These wonderful new Cos.'lOr Valves, with kalenised filame,i,b;-at last en­ables everyone to hear the music of the studio and of the coueert hall as real and as life-like as if the artistes them­selves were !n the room. All the subtle low notes are there and every varying

n:::t 13/6 6 Volt) Each

Super Power

Valves 15/-UX Bases or English

shade of tone throughout tl1e whole har­monic scale is reproduced with amazing fidelity. I•'rom the 'cello to the Bute every instrument in the orchestra pours forth its mellow notes unspoiled by any mechanical limitations. · But remember that the secret of such true tonal puriLy and absolut.e lack oi microphonic noises lies largely in the Kalenised filament-an exclusive CosMr feature. In your own interests, there­fore, accept no substitute.

WBOLP.8.AI.JI; O:"liil.T: tl:ail.t4 DL.tributon, Ltd., 71 C1JLnnc• Stn.t.t, 8TDNET.

RF.TAIL: 1V. 811ffy WUN. Pin ud t.oafb.l'lt StrHta.

CohlU., Mool"f, WiRtea 8vp,1tllt11,, ftow• Sh-Mt. K•..-h KINI.lo SvpplJ~ •b P•rk StN!ftt,

ErlttlO:mle R11dt<J SopplJ~, RoJ• l A..tead• and P-.n-tunaH.a. P, V, Wallace, L111t -\rr.Ad'._

I I COSSOR 2, 4 & 6 - Volt Valves I ! ,,._,.,J.bt1 .C:,.U:,COl"l"JUl,..ZO.Clorcnell!!!-Sf'Nidt Sa,dnll!'&f• Au.abolron R~r&?Smtallv~. A. C. Cou'°'r Ltd. Plaonr BWG992


L~n Int• i.h• •·cognn Ml.i""SZCAL not1R."

P.•-rl'7 Tueda.,. nJrhi. a JIA, tn t r, ..... from :BL. S,-«M:r.


Page 46: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 46nla.obj-666412629National Library of Australia

Pare Forty-Four

• .,• ... \Iliff 1----. t I p.a..---.1Mk l.Adudalal

£ogp at. tba piano. 1.11 p..m..-Wln and Wic&. Enldl,..h t1t1tl"r•

telh"1'-,. t 15 p m,-t'rdllll tM Xlac'• Kall.. S,4nt'7 I

,...._ rttim the NllUI CG!ICt'rt o! UHt Hoen• ttW lncun~ A ~ nnfW ~ U. fg1J<"":..S !YO

artbtal t'!brJ-. 6~ham. ten-or Lawnmee Mu-auta.,. barit..1ai•. Jlafq RWhllnla. vlolini .... )[abP( Bakbl,lor. ~ru.o. Harr., Tliom.._ on~r. J>.....,. nunbar, cootral&o.

11'.:0 p.m.-Prom ,tie Studfot nolnc~ f'IUtlc • ur,pli-NI hr Uu, 2PC Ott-h.t.ra, t.attt .,-,...u,l"T fM'~..llll!L

Jtl ~n pm. David Craven. ~ barn.on•• 00P!ft'ftblf"'" (O'CoalMW,. ~• (M,J>onnl,II ("7 ....,.,.,..,,

11.U 1t.J1L-Tli• tFC Dance BUHL 11 Ill J)JK.-,NatJou.J A llt.bem.

ClnR' down, S<>f..ll.-'rtwi u .. wu• t,, b~ rl••n fn ,.,,""""•

t.f~ wah th foorffl :fron, th•Ki.f!s;'a Halt, ~n t Ill p..m. att4 U.U p..m... an u r.v-.-M•hPI Baklt.-1".lr, t,tllpt'Qol

•-r1,t, W11fow T'N'e.,. Winm~ Mnnaota,, harttnn,es

"1:'M"& Ji'Cl'\""7'."· • "'lnvtc&,u.., ..

PCffJ' llul!!lkr, e111tttn,Jtlt1 ~ Bl ~ rlClll'&"hm• ft ..

nd.,.- JU,l'1'1a.rda. .-lo! rtfatl "A..,,_11..t."

Mwlrloa Rt.,,r .. ffl•. tentlf'I .,..n.,. Jntt al1Jtlr."


2BL, SYDNEY. Tn!'lday.

T.A.RLY .MOfl?.il~G 8£SstnN-7 to I Lie,.

'lfOR"lNG SESSION. U..16 4.1.f',O. C1od. and l"Jt~.

M~I >mel"a!llJU trcn tbe .Btuchft. lflAO -...m. N1.'IH !r'1tll the .. Haily TrlrsntJ'lb

T'"'1,orial." 11> ,61) ..m..--Mu.,il,sal prnsramm• 1rom IM

116~~-P.O. Cloclt and Gh'-. __ .._

Jl.U •m.--8oc:lal :Note.r B.eirU.. to~­tlent.. h1 ~n. Jord11.n.

•raJk on •m-,1. and Hto1.1Hh;' h1 111..r. AdAm•, /ul.A

U anan.-H.P o Cfoi::k ud Chl!!nm .. SpccW Otui:i Tc•reca& aJtd "•tbtrr' .a.pert.

JS I .. m.-Sri.a..mi•ick Pu.atro" M.aical .,_

u~•~.m..--lAfo11DAUClns .Marta. Sbirplns ud 1'111'\ Dlt01:ii:-tory.

1:Z.l!t ri.m.-H,.-CA in c:aJI ly wltt.a. JI to p.m.-J='ruli ~port. U.ft p.m.-Vesctable lilarkl'I lt~t. ll.U .P~LDntl4'1 Met&! Marut ~rt. U.Ui JUD.~r, and Fann Prod!k~ llatl.-l

u~'!s.-c I' 0. Ctn--i- and Ch1maa. 'f'ot1;:e MIJ'li.4" ft,-l>

12 a:~ 1•..ot.-V•k .Markt't R..-r,t1rt. U U p.a.-r•bbtt Ma:rbt. fkpo,t,. 12 r. p.m..-ttta;-k F.uba.Dn 8,tpart. n :it.'\ p.m.-lw'w• tram 1he- •"tll,an." U fl p.m.-Hflllff•• Iutnunontal Qui.rt,., J

Utr«ticm.. Caryl Cul.!111., 1.::r p..m...---811)(•k L-,d11U1a:~ N•J'IOrt., 1 :SJ Tl ru.----0,J• 0 "'r°"J'"'Ck ar.,t Chlmdl.

T• k ti, ChHd~n anJ E1Jtrrt.a lnm'"'t 1Pr c•fldn11 Is Hc.pttal.

I p.•.........G.P .O. Clod.. and. Clttma. CJau· down.

AF'l'l·:RNOON f'r.SSIDN. R•tlm: lntr rn1ai.fon l>l'OaJciut im'IIINlia1..-IJ

afu-r cuh kau, hy l".t)Qri.n1 nf Wit ·•s-.n" a r-. o 1• o. «.:1,M.Jc •-nd ctilnMil. N..-• ftom U.. '""&an.."" I 1$ p m..-Ch-tl Sen'ltt f;i.ottJ 'l'riP:

Dl~t.!cn. MIN ~ l~req I\N1119r.


I.St J'l.m,,, -C P .0. Clock aflll. Cbbnn :-. .... from th. --eun."

:IUI p.m.. Jhn•ical pn:curnm11 frU111 thr Stutllllo. :l.&"Q p.lU N.-.,.. f"11t1 tha "'Sun.," 4 p.nt. H ~,0, C'l~k anrt CDimn.

tnU Sf't"fic'e 8~ re:-.,. t u r,m.o....&nd 8\.oe'J. .. .u, l'"Cr.-.0 ,~ .... s,~, ... 4't ,ii.a,-t-:-11 1"1ffl l~ !lU')"" • . .U s,.m-~rw of 'llls:ht!s flf"1RT•irt10"· 4-.t:7 rttoum...,. -1.lil ptr1 ...f:,,p,.cial Ocraft J,'t,~cut. I p..m 0.1".0. Cl,:111 bnd Cbime.

~ION ..:.nn. t AkLY' £\ t:"'INti ST.SSJll~

I 4il p et-G.P 0. CWd1 alld l'hhr,._, Chlf•,..n•• lic&ioa,

i,JO p,m M uaic,.J J' wt ram me- tr,,u, 1.hti Studio,

Ell'l-:<:l,\L (.iou~"Tfn' ~SION'. 7 J:' Ill G P.O. Cloc.k aM Clumfo!I ~ "- an. A:UCAinUJ.t. t.•.ad ••d naa.r.ff

• o. ·• Re1)0l't. · w-thu R."?P",..t •nd Jl'ftftta,;.t. br t<1u.rtmr ,,.,

(.iv,trornHt. ld.t'!A!Qrplf11:{11ot. .P1cd1.1r-tr1.' D13trlburlnl' Society•• )l'u1t .,fl,f

v.-ttt..blt> )brk«-, ~on.. 61.0ek J-!lduttc" ~ru.. Grala aQd FOll&rr Rt,pott ('•~•n .. ,. Da ,-, FToliUC'!'" k4:pon ( Stin·•). .. ~.RM.A

':.15 p.,in.-t.n•llltry 1-:rwt from !hf!' •·511.n • EVF.NINCl SEBSIOJ.,r.

K p m.-G.r.o. Clnt'l acd Chknes. a,.,.~~ ToPI al Chor..1.!1.

i I p...rn D~,..• L!c-bt OtthN.•ra, llftd(°r I.Jlp dlr«tfon of Mr J Kn.,c:h• Battttt.

p;_JJ p.rn. ltr ~l.a"~1' R. CatJ.fott o.-nnr/~ J.. HI D,01.-'.'d.J~ fl tlele Blair (v1o.lJ11 11,nlAII), >-.e-, p,tn.-11.ill• lAoMl'a linl.K.b frnlnontura

AOl'.!1"11'"'·• i.U pm,., Mr. H .... n BG.°:,.~ri:h (pl.u1btt. '1 42 ~ w,. Ckmu1. Wll'iAma lha.ntoMJ 8 ,, p....,_ ..UJ. f"...tbel J'rinr1 (C'Olltnbo), p. ra-~um .. o( loU11wi111 d..r':1 Jn"O-#",..ftlQ)l't.

$ .P m.-G 11 .0. Clnc-k •1'1d Chmie1 IL p,n WH.tller Re-poet anl'J Ynl"f'Cll;,t, hJ'

COll.!'in,7 ot lb. C. ~. lla.?'1:111. ~l'Jlmfti&: ll~locU.t.

t.l l"..m. 8Mqeu1.ft'I' 1,lsbt Otthnlnl. 9.1% p.m,- .Mr, St&flk,y H. t...._Llett.. 9.UI JI·"'-- lltsa Du.l~le 0.26 p.rn. &fi111 1..,1111vr• Cot.w:.h. rm-Mr. H11arro JlolflnhiN-rh.. t.-ts p.m- 11.r. ClrmHiT.: ·w1111.a,_, I.SO p a--8,.... .. t,n' LiJ:ht On::bntra. 10 p,,a.--C: P.O. C.oc:k •ad t;t.imft. 10,1 p.m_M .. Eth•J J'rlriid, 10 8 Jl m.-T~.- Ambu.•d(lT• Dar,rt1 B•11d,

broedr.a•l ftoru tb.e Jl.1.ll"rnom at tJu, AmN.a­&arJon. DlrriOI' tnV'r,,111-II betw,w1n dAAC<"I .. Su11 .. MWA "'lrin ~ h~L.

?:! m~I.tat-- C.P.O. Clock anii (11.lmel., NaUonal AaH111t·t9,

2UW, SYDNEY Turoda).

t a.m......,.,." .... eb1pplns, maili-. • tnlO 1~ 9.t~ • rn Wume-n'• &!,lion.•• umo cd rnr• 1to1rr11mmci. l~ dmitlt : p.m, ib-m• 1-'' pm ~ d fonnr,i ;,,ma. I •.m.,, C'1'wt down. I r,.m D• ntt- •Dd lrutnnnC"r.t.d 1Wt11• 'f'rom

S&udi('I. i!!J _p.rr1.-H-N11m .. or tnrwarcl iir-n.-rarnm~ IJ Jl'..m-(·t-• down 'j' l)Jtl, 'litw-~ '° Go. 'i 10 Ji.Jn.---6l'("(' pHe-r•'fll_. by l"rf!l(f'NGr"

C Saa,,,r ar.d K• U-« Ari1n@ Aal"'"• p.m.-ltr. Ctt-ftQ•oPd; Motor T•U,a. 7 ,41 , .m..-J, urthf-r l•~1~nunm• ht J'rafeaHJ'

ltnd Madame Saurr, A r,.m C:l'lti• c,r 0f'(lft ~.-o. J l:

·r.1r,.,nd-1•• (l''J'n..-h.WIH). L,- 4"....,rn F. lW••u1eL

I 11.m..-4tadio k1Mt1 1.%' II-fl\..- R....b~ of fo.-ward Ptoi. r•M""'"· ,.an ii ro.-Cklae d"""·

}'riday, 21st Orlober, 192j,

3LO, MELBOURNE. Tu••day,

)UOUA.\' ~i:;.-..!(.f}N 11 a."" ftea,., 11~ .o flonora hlr L. <'!.

\MERY. :-...-cretary of Sr.a:.,, for U.. IMftlillWU. b7 lM MaTC"r and ('-,nd,Uon ttl llaU.rai. lraftM'll..,ioa h .. 8 • T'"·" ltatJ.

U r.ov,,. }t.,.ll,c111rne Obwi.n,14"10' Lilt!!" at.c11• f )4,•laJ prl1:H ffCtlhetl \,r ltwt Awiuallan Mir.-. and M"'t..l.!1 Aw«latlt,11. lroM t" ~~ ~C::t.:~~:::C• rr1!: :::~Y 8r::!:! trr•• and lblt Ai.-tralia." ,.,...._ Aaaueltitloft l'ablb "'Ars•i .. New• S.rvioe.

t:: II p.m, t"t)MMlJNJT\" tilNr.JNG F'ft.OM 1·nt,; STUDIO, eondut-1..-.d tty Mr. (.i. l, MM.:. KAY, a114'-l~ hy ll,e 6TUUf() QUAllT£T, <!cln<!aetor, Rl'.l.lNALD IIRAOLEY. WARl>!; )IORliiAS. IJ!o-1

.. £~11!'n u a J.,o..·•it FJc••~t. "'OlrE"t"" (,,.,. R\1!--SO ANU RRADJ-IOl'lD, "Ptr•Ue

vocal.WI.II, J.vnJ.,., flr&clfoNI 1 • '-1.ichty la.k • n!'ff.


' (Snlnl, Ow!. "'Ctlfflt! lo ~ f"• Jr.••

1 M Pm. ~~ to tlwt Risht. BN>c,ra~t. L. t!, .AMl:;11.Y ~ or St.a.t,, tor th• nn,.,irio111i,, 1)y t~ M.ayo, and C-ountilll)J't "' C:«-Jvn...-, t.1•ll•LU.i.Ued (Nm th1 'l'o•n UalJ, fi-fon..-.

I to p.m..-M•tll'OfNOia'W"&l hifo~tJon. w ... U.--" fcN'dM!l tM \'ictorl4, Tuman.._ S.,os A•tr&lbi, •ftd H..- 8aJ1h Wa.Jo. Oeitu f'Orf"C.Ut.. R.t""'' N>JKl'rt.1 Rainf•ll for Vk lona, Tum1nl•, SaaU.. Al.{1traHa and Jlo',w bnqth ?o1al,.._

t p.m.,-Cloa~ tfo•n

A f'1En.NOOS ~l!:$&10211',

a "'-.-Jot. ARO.N1U'\:,t AHD "'' t.YN ... ~o-s•; MrHONIS'n' I "'Jn .. n Ori.-nlAI Gard.,.n" Uf.a:,a). •·MH.t ).le In l.htt Moonllsht." (Da.via), "Sti lflo•" co. s,11 ... a ),

3.UI p.n1.-"AII Ji'A-rr"' WiU irf- a .. J,'uhitJn 'f• lk/"

I.U p.m.-Jot: .\RO:i-:.«>:it A1iD N IS !S\"'S"C()...i::vac PHONJSTS 1 • Bhu:- S\.lft" (~rlil:a). 0'01wn of T~ffl'?l'1'0W .. (Crfll'lft~.

''UON. IM" IA•h1, 1115 ,,.m.-,<;LAOYS LAMr>;, eontntto:

r,r.., s~ th,. Crtmaon p,rw•• (Quilt.,,). ~ }'\lrhda T,-·• f~llt-l-

1 42. z., 1111 .,ot; A.ROSSON Ali-'D t.tlS R\"l'iCO-.'C\.t.MrUOSJ.Sn..: "Alnt Sh• S""tlOt'' (Yelf,r,n). ''(:ra~:t Wonh. Cra:sy Tul'le" (YeUenJ. '~'rl!"a 11. T.rkk ln rick.lo: • Chk~ Cblri ..

Cbld.~n- jTohlu). J.12 p.,-. F"Rl'..D WA.LIT.R. bafflltM:

-ro...orrow• (r. K.dbJ. .. fl'it~·• tli'. AJ'l,,._,-d).

,t, 11.m..-.lOl°' ARONSOM AND HIS SYNOO,S,MPRONISTS: '"f.ot"e 14 Ju~t, a Uttl• Htl. ol &',,_.n.n.• •she'• Got JL·' (Davta). ,.Strpptna- t" s«iee-l"' ~t Yft-aa.. T1uit"• WM• fOJCtr).

, 10 p.m.--(';l,ADYll LAM.Pl., roa.D'•lto; ·va1.-·• fJhatl4'1tr.°

"Sh.ltill t.b•t P.11 ... in U.. Njr'h\." (Stt-,hf"ft• ICln),

UT p m.-JO'F: ARONSON A?l;O 1UJ liYNCO-,SYMPHOSIS~1 '"7.,r Z.c," 11:t....., ~ fll~). "C~a <-1-·• t1-.bel. "'Jlh)' Ill Olfl 'tiunl"' tftaU:a.).

•.17 ,,_,_,., MA. TftON M(HtEL.,A.WD will .-II

°" "M:M~nft" ,& J1 p_... JO>: ABO~•,.nN' AN!) 818

8YNCO-SYMPROXJSTS, ._nt.oM: .. Daw a- ff' f .urn.a). •·w.,.r-a.t'IC't11• Jli•rM & ... .-·• f)',

•.Ht tt.ra.· "H.-rald .. N"WJI Sel"YI« .. 81.oek E.ltt"h•nr" inrormatlt."•

7.VENIN<; 8ESSI01'. 1.14 p..m A uw• n to lf.thlft WJ'IWA1

c~Unp hy "".MAR.Y GUMLV.AF ... ., P-"', STGOJO QU_A_rn;T1

'Th.,e Wat"ni ,,f Mltlnrlonla.a.•• (Ll,,"ranou.

Over-sii.e nur,ess for IJeayy Current Drains.

Page 47: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 47nla.obj-666412758National Library of Australia

FrirlRy, 2lst Odnber, 1.0'J7. WIRELESS WEJl:KLT Para Fart:,~


Punch I Power I Snap I The cleaT, steady Row of strong. silent radio house power direct from your light socket into your set: hour after hour, as long aa you care to use it. And at such little cost. When you instal an EMMCO Eliminator, you cut out for all time the constant replacing of expensive dry batt.-nes. Your set 11 always ready to give you full, clear volume. You just

hook it up to your set without making any changes in your wiring,

'l'UE f:MMCO 1<llPf:n POWER "B'' F,Lnl• I'\ \TOR lo c,)o&lruclod p.,1rt1<Ularly for fllJ>­plying h. ~n •e-1· •m rurrent for muUi~vah·o i,;eL.s.. It cfrti,·erP. 85 n,illiamps at. 1~01200 vol~, and is •opplied wiU, " Rnythoou B.H. tube. 1t il!I e1pedally ,uh,pted ft1r lho cW"rtnt and voliJtgtf (,f .r\uoi;t-r~lian fo~~tri<:: A.C. Lhthliog Mains and r,~Ufl~ bath Mlv,a of the A..C. l'yclc. Ad;.puhl~ {or llll val•••· The F,mmco Super Power "B" J•:Jiminat.or hall! a •J>C<'ial output rnntrol for varying A.C. voltage& from l~0/ 2,10 volts.

tt n • ... 1mti«ea.ll7 Md• )Oh. •tol"dil7 built. 1ri B n.&t me:ta.1 ~. ~1Ul U.a\i,.lll• iop, th., whult!! m-e• t1tlt;.C 1(1~ II' t'-~ z C½. 1ft1•ht ts .. Jb. , _...,. tall~ w-tth eord and •l~n& ...... attnrtfff aJa.i. alum--• Nl.~l~ ta9 alld. llftll• tn,. Hla~

Price, £12/ 12/-Kit nr ~•nsfonnor and Cbokes, in ••pante aluminium frame ................. £6/10/~

THE E~DICO "B" BA'ITERT ELD?Th"ATOR Is c,rcclally dc,oia,,od far •upplyin.: bich t.,n. •ion curnnt tn stta employin£ any lJ'pc or ruakf- of valvc.s, 1,p to a maxim\lm ot ftve. Liko tho SuP<r rower }:liminator, It ill Hpeci. ally dosirn•d for Aastnlian Electric A.O. Li1<hlin1t lfaim. and rectillM both halvea of lhe A.C. cycle. ::O:everal thoueand tJf theui Eliminators haw been 11nld and Are in ,nrcosdul opt"ration throughout Australia and N•w Zeal.anrl. Tim }:limrnato,, i• supplied fM both 2301240 and 200/220 Yolto.

It. ade11.U&all7 11111tde 301), •btrdn,, ltuilt~ Ill a ti•t m,pf.a) Ullo, wltJl BaJu!tiW tno. Cornral't, l½•tn. • ~m. 11: 11..i•'-- -S.-ht. .,~.n. .. •ad~ .-ii.It cord allll attack .. ..,., t1h t, lla~l,r lri.W.d r-.H. Bak~IJt• t.,,p. CQDl pw-t., with conf a.nit plur,

Price, £10/10/-Kit. contalnmg Trarurformer and Choke•. hi ono alumlnlwn frame ......... _. •••• £C/10/-

For Sale at All Dealers. Made by ELECTRICITY METER MFG. CO. LTD.

Page 48: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 48nla.obj-666412888National Library of Australia


I.IO s,.m..--x.AllT GUML'EAF"' hu •am• Pom:u.a and St.ord for the littletn oou.

,.2~ QUAR'TF:T t ''F...ute.r Fan:tu.ia,. (l..ab).

&.SO p..rn.-.. Jd.AllY GUJ4LltA.1'- •Ill t.-11 lh• old1Jt eJuld.ttD & 11wry.

C.40 v.m.-O'fflci&J rcyon; ot ~....-roa.rJn:t atriclt •alea. b \J141 "'-:,elated. St.oek and Si•tlon A.Pnbi, Dwrk.41 St.rt!ll!t., ltle.Lboa:m<:>. l-lumlJfr a! a~p drawn for We.'!k'• Wee,.

1.0: p.m..-.. llffl'ald .. flew~ een-iCIL Wea.tiler .,-cac,p.1&. BhJpp~ u:ii,vrlll~1,LII..

$.&a }::x.cha.rtJ'e' hlforrut.lon. 6.67 p..m_.-lU'N,l' N't)ort.JI. 6.150 p.m_.l: •h m.arht. l"e.'»orts by 3. n. Bor•

.nlt. Ltd.. R.nbbl, prlce&. '1.2: ~rt. b7 th~ Vfr:t1)rian

FroduCf!rS' Co-opon.tho Cc,., l,td. Poultry, Gnin, Jla't, St.raw, Jute!. Patry JIJ'odu~.11. P~ and OnioM, Marl.fl rttr,orlll o( httlt, bJ tntl Victorian fTOi~i:rnw,,ris.' A,i,ln• et..tiO!l, ft.tit.ail tJrl~ Frtrit Mullet. ?1:'• »~. Wholesale p-rics. Bsllan.11 •tock matkn rt"PQrta.

h'TCl!T SUSJON. 't.U p.m.-llAD~E SOWARD wffl f'P(!ak: to

Btud"ntal of l'huch "On Nn ("~le." b_y Duma.a, pen.

lf..80 p.m.-\Jnd~, lho au.-.plON at the- trnl• "Extc.wrion Il1;$"M, lttflS. I.. U. JtOS~9BLAUJ4. M.A., will •~k on t 0 A Jla'J in tb1;1 Lilr of 11, Cid Di' .Tan•

Au-=-t¢n'11 ~ ... t.f:5 p.m.-J,tR. K "114 PASCOE will Jp9.k on:

.. Bowls." I p,m.-Ondr-r U\41 ,aulJI~ ot lhe IHlJ\t.Tl-1

ASSOCIATIO:S of A.t1ti'l"JLU.JA., tM Jl,-alt.1' J.fe6!1~e tor to--d.a-,, ii: ··~111.n hu ~ u. nt h-!m.&elf to hia livlns eun,llt.Joos. l;ooo by~M!u M,. th.a.I. ll'Tinc cond1Lf.or1,11 mU'lt bo rltt•'lf 00 UIAL"

1.1 p.m.--S'l'Ut>JO f'Rl-:SF.NTA'l'ION or tho [email protected]. ''LA 1lottF."llt-;,," uWl"r Lho tllrr~ ti.on GI. N.Jl.. J, StJTl'VX CkOW, 1u11d11l""1 lrv tile- AUDUltN' MI::1'HOttts·r OHOffl. anit t.ha STODIO OII.CJ.1.E8TU,\..

CAST. Rttdol!o. J"OBN D, St;LLTVAN, BeMnuard. FRA...~ DAVa:.s. J.tlml. ELITTE DAVIES. -111.-rOlllo, J . Al.EX.ANDER, BROWNE.. Cullin,.. l'HOMAS GEORGE. M~itCthi.. SISCI\ NAVARC-TI'l. Uc-nvlL. Aldrufot•n. SaaeauL ,r,t CUJWII\.,,

COWN NASlt. 1.-au D,rn.-Ancaouoo«rneMt.. ROYAL .\O"rO-

MOD\Ll! OLUJJ OP \IICTOillA'S SAFE'fY IDIB.SAGE far te--dn, tr. fhr

.M.OTO!llSTS: .. $1g"IW.I U,tt man bein,L \\'bfo.n t1lowin,r up, ..,h,·n tut11lall' earn.en,, -,rblm (!r,mins to a at.or. "l"ho ld&Q behind .ht t'lol & .nurul 'l'elldat,"

•. a4 p,m.-STUDlO QlJART&Tt 'Walti, "The mu.a Uanobe'" ($tn.1.W1l~ Waltz, ''Monrin; Joo::rna.hl'' (St,-•Uff),

SDIAtJSS Cr;!'l1'w.NARY, Johann Stnuff "'~ botTI i11 Vir""• iri 1804, At. an early si:o he Jl).a-;J(>d in an orchie.tra •t th.t- '"3-.,erl.'' a. :!avorlte plllcil ,r ,rm~ 1tl"lli ft1 VU!nna. lA.ter ht'! bttil:.1un,. co.ndoie.­t.or, and t1X1"lt; the 'peniil!t by lt.Ql'm. W[lh bin band of 200 pt"riormen1 ho L,ttl"f'd lhrou11:th t,h,:, principal CIJUnltM!lf In 1-;1-1-n:,J)l'I, ll~ rai!M!J dan~ mmie: to a b1a:hrr krffl than 1t tvnr r.•ilt"betl bdon!, and Inv-em.Ni hill rop!(>u.- tnel~ w1t.h 11:ll ~ charm of brfl.., U1u1i it1•t.nun"nta.thm. HI! l'IJU1lt. be :fodaed by • tot.Gil,- di1Ten:nt. nan.d.ard from that oC mere, datico-maalc.- Ria b,est,.lLDOWtl w.ltll ts ' 'The Blu• D&D1J~."

1.4.C p..m...-M.A.RY MACK. ci.,_i11t.ratt11i ""1.,ave -went a-ridina.'' "'l'vc hf.all ltou1ina" (Old Ena.llllb).

l.~l'ICON QUAR:rE"M'E:, .. Aeceluation" (S~. Walt::, ''Thnwuind and Ono Ntc.hb''

lStrauq), JO p.m..-"'.A..ri:uil'' new-a a.,r-ric,o. 1'rM,h om ..

4'"t.i.1 Wl~l(;ea. Spol"'tinc- notn 1J:v '"01yml'!·r'. .. 1n.1n p.m.-W.A.RDE MORGA..'i". ten-or (by JX'r•

m»"lun tit J. C. WTI,LIAMSON, LID.), "'Green B111~1'." ''E'en u a L,gTe}y .Fl1;J·~·"'-:--'' ,Cathirl,

l(l...11 J)JD.,-T.ASldA TIER...v~·. 'eelJo:

"Rotn6.ncc" (Schumann). 10-.Zv .P.JQ.-.ltARY llACK, con,nlto:

··a~J~ian Lo,-• j;oni('' ii>• Cluct}, '"Til"N••• (fJudewon).

l0.3t g.m-S'l'tJJ.>l(J QtJAllT.E:l't Walu, •'Wir, .. , Wam.,n •nd tionc" (Stt•tiu), Mar11li, • £~,n,Liiln. ... ($:ncusl.

lfl,-t:! JJ., Ai,r.·u llR:.A.OFOR.D. OJ:Mlh~ U11 vOCJµl,,i..t DuM, "l~a,1catori" r~t~IIC''l'eh.11 . ~l•n,,r- sru~-0. • T,.-,."ur,._ &ren!ML!.+' 1,yml~ BradftJtfJ. •1L'Ulllma Ca~,;oo~"

tl'°"'LI)~ 10,£>5 p.ln," OTJB GRF..AT TUOOGBT:

•·t.;un"ntat.fCJo h &.he c.u'lt,, muaieia:n t.ha.t &t• way111, II.Ii.~ a ~h-cHlll, alf2"bbl a.nil .-tw u1• the TODr of a.n JUtii''7 man,"~Plut.Jtrob.


4QG, BRISBANE. T11 .. day.

1 ,,.m l't"l)ort:J. \\"~thc-r- rnrormati1111; "'J'ba IJ11.n,- M.lill" .atnl ,.Tbc DnUy St.andArd" new•. HIOM. BO'rF:I. CA.RI.TON

1.3CI p.m.-Lunch DULi-Jc playl'Jd bY Hotf'J Carl,. ton Symphc:roy On-~ttotra.. FRO?iil '1".ll~ OBSERVA'l'l)RY­

Ui8 t1Jn..--'St.:.u\d,an( tlmt! ,ui:n.uL ¥ {, down,

Afi'ElUO'OON SESSIOl)f, I.SO p.m.--A p~rnme ut mwilc tl'OID tb,

Studio. 4-lfi p,n'l,-"The Telr-gr-aplf" nC'WB, ,,,so 1i,m.-Cloae dow.n.

EARLY EVENUJ"(r SESSION. I p.m,-."P.&117 Btand.3.rd." l)ewa: anno11r1c,e-

llif'llt-6.lf, l).m..-~(1rrctt.: Nil. U.'!!b!~~~. cllU1lrrn·• •caa.lcm--,.t.oria br

'l p,..(ll,..-S_pN·J11.I newa •~nrac,; Ua:rht re-portw; Stock rei10Tt,i,..

'i ~O ,,,m -WenUier n,~..,..a: Annwnce:mei:aa. j.lH p.m,-.'it~nd..rd timn al,rnw, 7 . .t6 p..m.-Lt,,cturf'"4!: A talk Or\ Sh11!1:.1p •.nd

WO(Jl by Alr. W. C. llrowa. (!Gt.truc~or In Sil~ andWMJ),

NllllIT Sl'SSIO!<. MR. ERIOlI J()IL~'S j• Altl'Y,

Ti,..nl1ht.'• 1u·01T~ IJ:t& bttn Rrran5:cd hJ' M.t, "Er.Ch Jqb.n and wm bo p-ro-.ided bt h.ia pa.rtr of radto a.r-;ista.


fl p.m.-.-Uoutilit Q.aarktlbt

'"1Jhoc»tn2 ~ Ma,- Qai,u" (MOa&nl. Double Qua.rte~.

DucL: "B.irips, 111 t.hd LowdJ, :Maldtc." M.Ua &Tl <c:ont.ralto), •nd Mr.

.lack Lord (tt;,tt.or). Ttno-r Soloi

"Wtu:n One Dur Emotin-n" (Mcmu1-). ~t. Oc,1'- Witliatru.on..

DoubJ• Quut...LLr: "Chid..rm·• Phw.uret" (Mon-n.)_

DoubJ, llffltom, So1',:

"Slbi11nr &«hva" (f1'1,od~l. X,, a,,, Ck,.,..,

Tenor DtteL: "'l''nu,t in Fri1!11dah:b,'' (n...Ydnl,

.llr. Gr<1.. Willi-.m"SOn and Mr. Jack LMd. Doubljll Qn11.rtetici ~

"G<!ntl~ SMPhf'" cP•r.c:i,lmi). SopT4ll.D Solo: "Dll!wy Va3et." (H~a.tla.tti).

lUc,,1 1t,tAboJ lfaJnut, Male Qua~tLe:

"'Deair~ o-t Sprinif• (l! f'.ttnt.r•lu, Solo;

"The Snlr£t'• Scm:s" (lllJ'dli1. Mts. AlUdrod Bel.L

VC>Clll Duet, '"T,,n Pair Jr.,.™"' (lls.n~Jl. ),Ir, f' .... ~. '\\[Uh~-inMn. (tenM), Mr, 'B~P\

Cloln:c Chritouo). L\ou:blo QuJU't,ett.e:

"'Ihe Hnvcml\ Azr-- Tll!ltinsr•• tRa,dn), I p.m.-M~i,.olita.n w·est:bfll' Fnt"l•t"h.:11.

Friday, Z11t October, 1927.


9.1 p,m.~"TJ\e O.rn!va.l" (Roalni),. Doo,ble Qruut.ctt.e,

·r•uor Sot<i: ··com. to Lha" lh-. Cr!o. WWiam•on.

Uij.3it Solu: ''TLr F'Ju,ral Dane•'' CEall• )1011,), .'4.r. Tom Tom

Duulil1, Q111u·trttR:

v:!1~1;;~~"'-1. :~rt r:~~i~,r:r~n). Mj121 Mab.?l (aopn.n.o), lllr. Goo.

\YilJ.latoeon {terror). Ttinair Solo! "'Tbie C1.rni\'al" (Al.ollo71.

.Jlf.r. Jack L:u'd, Ika•tble Qcuntette:

"'Round ,th., M•YpOH!i Bl:th•lr Tripp1n,s=" tDvtilidll).

Cont.r.alt.o Su)u,:

:bl ::~=~:;:. W~l':1)·.

Mt-. A1td~7 ».ll. V ouJ Duet~ ''V .-nt<lla.n Rentt&.''

.Mr. J ac.k Lot<d .an4 M.t. W.Jter Land (tenora).

St,grano Solo: ll'70'1 to Lo-TO ana Laus"hter.'' MJ~ lfAY!!! llua-hea.

Bau. &lo: "111 (",t'UU Cool.'' Mr. Tom lJ.nn.

Dnuble Qr1&rtr.l~I .. li\n'liniti•F\mieu1a." FROM THE STUDIO

10 1).m.-'"t.he Dally U.U" 'llen: weather ne10. Cws4II cluwu.

6WF, PERTH. l'ue.,day. 1:l.30 J).l:ll..-' In. l'.!..&.i -p.rr .... -'.\llltk"''-". 1-.ew,. anct OnhlM, 1 p,m,--Timo e! from Path O~vatar7. 1.1 Note•, 'iUPpJl"'°d, 11:Y 1.hi!-

),te,tl,!Oro:l:(,l Bo.m..u of, 'Watlcrn AU&tn.lia., l..! p.m..-:j.t.udio lwaJ.wmon,ta.l Tno:

"Ji't,1ur hll!i..u LoT11 L?ri«'• {!'indll!n).. "Lot.u• J-'fowua" (Ohl.tau).

l .3\l PJD..-Cl.:a~ dOW"D. 8.30 Jl.ltl..-Tlloo ln. 1.15 1urt.-Or-r.-n tn\lSio,. rel&~ f.rcm. tl:t•

(},.-.sod TMue, Jd.ans.,- 8Lrft~. V and lnatrumentrrl lnteiiudca tram U.

Si.ndlo. .i.3G P-Ot--<nON d:own. e .JJ D,m.-Tona in. n.il0 i,.m.-St.Dl'is ra:r t.ho ltlddkA. by Unc>a,

DuJt.,-. 'lJ!I} p,.m.-S&t,ckl, Ma,keta.- Ne,wa, '1.,U "Wl.ra.Leas Tioublej!," by Dr.

l"b.Mn, 8 Jll,m..--Tunll! af.,UU from Jl'e:rtll Obaen11t,oc,, B--l i,.m..--WfClther nnt.oa. •u:i.rpJJ@d b1 th9

lltit..:oJ'oilotrk•I Bu:niaa of West.t.n, Au,itrali&., ORCHESTRA NIGHT.

I.S p, m.~ncut,. t.,, OWi"'• .Statk>-n O~­tra.. .eonctud,:,d by 'Mr. ltould E . Mo,Jc,, A.T.C.r,.

Vocal uaistiac- orlilf. 10 p.,m.-L•te 1~ h;el"IUlo bJ' cOQ:rt.ff7 or '"Thai

" )f..-.,_., .. N.,,,.,.aJ)aJlll!J:' Qc,y. ShiPtll with,n nnre •nMGn c>tTnell'l~ Wuthn B@Part aud ~L..

1(1.-90 JLbL-ClOIIO do~n. lOO M.t:rR-E THANSMJSSJON.

Simultll.MOOII Bnadcaat. ~n l on .Metrb of M.uafcal Jl~ d-...:n OD lZliO Mc-',, carnto.endn• at 8 S>,m.

7ZL, HOBART Tuesliay.

.M'ORNlN'"G SF.SSI01',;', 11 to ta llrll!lti-

AFTERNOON sic.<tslnN, a t).ffl.~.P.O, Olnlik aad ch:imn, fl. I in .aelei:t.lni,, 8.U 1,.01--Uobort Stock Euhafl~ f(aOUiLWll't!.

\\"atlu,,.l' fo form11t.lon. ltou ot lnt-CN'ff-annaunMMRta E

a.u t'-n1.--0rch""t.rlll .9e,J~, .,,. 7ZL Studfo Trlo.

4, UI p.m-CoofJta T•II~ 1,y ".lb-su1o." d :1Q i,.m.---Cr<,ee ddWt\.


Canada chose Bm·gess for her outposts.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Frida)', 21st Ootober, 1B!!t7. WIRELESS WEEKLY


41/- 41/-



TRANSFORMER Type OPl-(Ratio l to I) for u,c with ordinary Loud Speakera of the diaphragm ancl cone type. T 7pe OP2-(Ratio 25 to I) for operating Loud Spcak10rs of the coil driven cone t7pe, The use of a FERRANTI Output T ranafonner i• preferable lo a c:hoke lilter unit because (a) the majority of d,okc• are inefficient with a large- plate cUTtent pauing through them, and (b) the blodcini: condenser has to be large if the lower notCl arc to be reproduced properly. The result is that the lag c"used by ch .. r~ng and discharging the condenser "" the eignal varjco, spoil.a muaic involvin1 sharp changes •uch as given by drums, plucked llrinp, the harp and eTcn the piano.

Obtainable from every Radio Dealer in Australia. o.,.Jcro ploue comn>unicau wit.h!-A RE.AL PRITCHETT (AuaL) LTD .. Sydney & Moli,qurne.

WEDMA. LTD., Adelaide •• EDGAR V. HUDSON, 8ri,banc •• GIBBS BRIGHT&.CO., Perth. I

Page 50: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 50nla.obj-666413143National Library of Australia

Pa,:e Fort:r-EichL

U0 p rn.--UC.CM llect.Ctt""' t&llu to th• t'hn,1. ..... T P.--"'CJncl• Pewn· - lt.&lt holu.

NIGHT SCSSIOlf, 1.10 p.m.-ModcaJ ~ 71$ pm-l....iliPnuT 1...a.pMa •114 LlbRIT Lllt.,

llr Mr. W. E. •-.ii.,. T.LO 11.m.--·Jltol"Cur,'°" •rt«"lal 'f11Hn• niaa. nmr•

•PrYioo. ll.,a.iJ.,..ll)' au11100 t>ruduc• H1"• 'IV•ll1tor fot"utatlb.. lf,JUArt lH.oc.i:: llxeh1111w•

«:1,uot.UOU. a J'i,.111-ti.!1.O. Clor-k and t.blme&. I I& b)' dlrttt win tNIII

l•PNi&I Uotd,. Hoban. De.rice hu.mkr'a a., )In, 8twppanla1 'rri~ lni..npe.n.l WJU. iknY f,- I.lie folknrlnS'Z Ol?'l'e Tf"l!man,, (aopruo), Mr. Ct-t,::ae l111ANOU0}. Nr ti'c11 lhraud tbarilon•).

t -Jtadio qnl!lldon C(,mc,r b .. Anod'°.• 6.4(1 ,,.m-ffrlli11b c,nh:.Ial wl...-,lc,,• n"!lwa. t ~• p.m.-"Mercu,.,.-• 11«ta1 T&11nua.nb.n n-•

nrvlc•~ Slti1'1 wil.hla wlttWs rLn1::e.. v.'111l­Lbet ...,,,w. I p.m,. w•tkr fote('ul. s,.,. -·-Nat'°41.a1An~

W ednes., Oct. 26 2FC, SYDNEY =T llOR)llNQ S~ION.

7,0 a.m. 1,u ..... Ill..

11.0B...'lilNG 81: JON. 10.0 &.Jn, •""Uiy &11~ aJMI J•r..,rannntJ ~

n""oe.menta. a.m--S1,1Jdio J.11.l.11.o. 1(1.JI ._...,..._ .. SFci:neJ, .K01al11• HrraJd·• Nn,•

S....tu, JO.SO ----atadto llndo. Ul.l!i .....,_A Rea.dinE. JO.Al .......,_..ebJd..ii) Jiladc. ll • ....,..._. .. H,., :ea.w: Kardtlu ltute for

- Clnld ....... 11.i ..._A.P..A. a.nd RM.tff'• Cah1--ll JO a.m-$tud:io Miul1. 11.U -.....,_A 'Illllr UII JIOffl.• ~ ai,4

Jt«1pm. h,- M.li1i11 Hutb l•'ur1L.. U.10 •..e--clQlil Down,

MlDllA ¥' SESSION. IU noea. -Ul&' ea•• and Aa~ta. JU ~teelr: Exdlans., ens. CIJJ.. ~~1-= ~=~ Poneut.; &alnt&ll.

U~~~;...-~Yi!!i ~~ ~~!~ N..,.-. U.11 p.lll.-StadJo Ma11I~. p.m..-3tatf"hbs• JI tor Bdlool Cluld­...... p._An1de: ~. llcuoa

-Crodlo -•• (l<fflakr), U.CS p.m.-The o.k. Dall l~tal T~

11-4,,, ¥,. - X...). U..ll!Nl LO p.m--.. Dis Bnn .. , Wf'IIUW Jnu111a-•­u p.m-"EYffliDI' .Nwa"" MiddaJ' .Nfwe

S,.,vlr•: ['roducer•• lllalr!bnUn.- Bodeb'• ll-,t.

LIO p.rn-Jrh,r Oa\ lf•II lutnrmmtal Tt'°-. l II p----SlOek E:uhann., MCVftd call. UI ~s Jll- l•r Scboal ChD.S. .... J.AO p.m.-.A..nair 'Sedcn, >ff'DOl

-Wbo'II Bay .IIT ............ ,. (C-U.). us p..a..-lltadlo JllQSk L60 p.m.,-Th• Oak B.a.11 lnatn1111tental 'l'rle. t.O 11.m.-"'lt!,r lktn": CloN 'Oown.

AFTERNOON 8,:SSTON. 1.0 p a-.. nic Ben .. : •l'Ml Aa~~,.. I.I p.a,.....,& VOC'al R.dlal lly \be 1"11:plb of -.Zonn,-

1.10 ,.-. ¥erddac; Jhde tor 8chool Ch.!W--1.40 p..m-8'rlda N.a.mi. .. SoJ!nnoi "'BometimH fn Strnn:ns .. (Bainffl),

8.llf p.m-Tbl Oak Hall Jnatr1mf':llbl T,Stl. l.&!S ~.m.--S&adJo 1'.ulilc:: N• llatintt, Sm, ..

br•l&A-1 .. A t..n• fa Siialn... (J,Nnharoo•.

, o r m.-.. Dts nm .. : £wt Mialbr, C-,cu 1ra!1ft1 "Somot'-s Wbc Nishi i. :,:1<t,·• (l•~W .... )

U p.a.,-Tli« Ou IWI 1-tol Trio.


t.ll J•~ltTr Jkrlord, Sotirari,n "You lo • t:i.inuvb" 1Clu~I

, :tt r.m Hilda :N.Z.Oa. ~opranf' I ""!''at Lilll\' le"°"'°" 1C".c.1t.S.,n;.

4.U p.a,- A• Ouk Hall bi, Tr ... 4.SO JJ,..m,.-Tbrtm.'lll1lo Meua

..IT Pt1l7t':r"' \• Glllh'I• f.l!, p..m.- Nta .HaJkU~ Sou\J'•

-&, Blc~,. 1Jfnulrr.un). 4 Ht 11.m. 1:":1.bel Mutl<!r, l:o,,1rl\lW1

'u ... m~11L, J t.A\•fl lhl!! J,•.orn.1111(" ( WDOil). (,'8 Jt.Jn.,-t-H.oc:k 1'~xch.ianii,,. tlJr,I 11111!. ,.n p.m.-Th•lru• l•11-!!dvw11c, M•.uo:

Cradl• Xv Luw" (llr.ahe,. 'Sa t,.JD....-Slu41o M.u"ie. •• 0 ,.-..-c,,:_,.. lloWIL

F..ARLY t:\'"~~C SESSlO:,r: a n Jt.m.-Thfl Ohhl\al of ~re i 4-S x,.m.-1"h• ""Hello M.•n,. "talk• to Lh•

Cbi1drm, -(l.~11 11.1». .•Hor1 'fini.l"I fur t.h11 \'uLJol( 1ro1k. p.m..-lHuJlo Mu11k. I 50 p.m.~ t..t1;1 61•11r1.fnc: ~'!•a. ;.o p..m. -J.hw Hrn .. : .l>•lp,Q-"• Mulet Re-

,.r::,_~~~tl ~!;~~tt.°'~J;,k~ p.m..-\\ .. UM-l' and Sb·n,tng- s.--... "l".lt i,.m..,- JAIA ~YCmi?\&'. 1't-wa"' N.,., Sn•

V:t~. NICUJT SL.'=;."1lON.

T,3b Op.m ...... l'rost"Mn'lmil AnnonnC1"m~11t1. '; • .3~ r.m. Jft.fr1('.a Honne-lly, 'l'rn11r. 'l-4:l f",tll.,- t;rick•th1• R.nnillUf'"a'nrN I A "t&lk

Pttuveil h:r M.:r )'r• nk HarlWI' and de­lh·~NIII. by Mr I.- t .. V.aL~ , 15 p.m.-EnW D"AffJ', &,prahft. IO p ........... "Ula nn.•. t'Jom thlt Lyric Wln.t..r­

ptdesl 'rJa..ltt. Gn:i~ St~. S7dlll'7• llaU a,, Jlmm.r Elkin.'., Jau Ban•.

I.Iii 1un.· Fro111 th• St'lldio: Ba:,mtJnd Ellll., F.riw:li•h 01,rnLla tt.11.rlt.onr',

l.:Jt J>.m.r-"'l'h.1 W1N.ltHn1t vr ·.1,rn,.,· A !an. uoy"D hy J&t'k Win. In whlrh lbc H.J1tral rh11~r will be plarfCI IQ, "'Mile:• whnole ldati.t~y M• """' IQt.nen ~ tor quit• a >oar l.Ull-,. a.,n,J'r<im the Lirlc Wt.~, 0,MVC &tr""- Sydney. llcnia b)" JlllllDJ' Ell.\D'• Jau Ra.rut.

,8.&0 11,m..-Jr 'J'l"9 Oonnd.J7. Tme1or R,6R t1,m.- I tt'-" W•\hf"r ForKut.. 9.0 ».tu.-''M'.u- H .. n .. ~ .. The Tl\lo V• rahond,.,"•

NOTl'11Y :lllrJ1klAtU1, t .UI J1..?t1.-· li'!Om U.r k:ir,_.-•• B•II I ltenu1 fl"O'l'III,

th.a VSo.lin RectLAI h,- )T.rn,,. Birkitt. p.m.-From u,. Stadlo1 t.nw D'An:r.,

o~-----no ho \'qahalMk.." No-eltJ' Jil.D6:iciuu,.

1-4~ p.m.-~ Ellie.. Open~ Barlt6"e:. !U.O p.m.-.. Hls n.n·•; Fram tlMt'ia

Wlntttra...t .. n 'l'h,r,atff'!, SYdDt1'• 1t..mA b1 Jimmy f:lkttr• J•n Band,

10.115 p.m..,....Jrr-nm tho Studio: Bal Vane and Ria Dan~ Rand

J0.30 1).111.--Lat. w.~ ronieaat.: 1 .... Ma.aric.. 11.vito:n•.

lU!l p.111:t.-Hal VaM'• D.o«• lJan,d, b1tn. ~ wltlil Vcwa.l It.em. by 1...-n .Ma'CIT"k..

11.H p.m.-.NaUooal Anthea; OIMe I>ow-..


&ARLY MOII.NtNC s=oll . 1 a.m., ID I &.IL

MOltNINC SESSION. 11 a..m.-0.P.O. Ootik •rut chlm••

IIMu:al EJl'OIJraza..m. /t'c\m I.he Stocfl<\. l 1.15 ... =.-Tlllk •• .,llo.tori.,JC'.'' k, Mt.•

Gw~o \~atiQ', B~ Wia.a'• $po,V.,a .A.w.hurllJ'. Soei&I Not.. :S.plka c.. ~at.It b,­M,._ Jo,rdan.., Talk no ••o.n1at Hfflt'l"III:.. bf • •em~ of UM, Dow.I 0..-4

AF'r>:ltl'IOON SESSION. ll,i.r-ln.- lnf(llrmation b1')adaM1t lrrimediatelJ, Alter CIM'h ra• by t:ourt.NY or tho ~a.n, ..

U nooa.-G.P.O. ("JQek . .ud ~b1m-t11 . 511«:ial OCIMD toreeut. &DJl -.1.her "'o«t-

1?.I p..n:1.-Brcnsw-lck PanabO'SMI Kaicu 1!=1.&l., pm ,~forn,:•tJon, .... 11,. 6luppltla.. o.nd .r,,ct dirft!Lury •

14:.IIJ v.nt. -..Uoata in can by w11'ti1SL 11.H I'm. Fruic. .marlld ffl'Or&. ti.tip 111. -Vcyc~• auhl re-port. l:l.14- p.a.-1.-doo. Jl~-1 lta,rht "70ft IS.II r..... Ok.11'7 aod J. •• • ~n.dti.c. ll..Mkd

r.tuJf"L. l:.UIU p rn.~.P.U. Cloek aud. ahiS\e&. l'M•i.t

MArkrl ,...iu:,rt, t ·l.:ti 11.n1 f(i,,h Markrt Jtc·11url, 1::.a, &;.JU RabLIL KuUt. rtOOTt. 12.H- -Sto-ck.•rira ppur1. 11.i., '9·"' N....,. fru111 tN "l\uri.."' U-41 ....... -HiUU!ft lut.namumtal Q.,an,-.r-

1 ::=ui~~:1~ ~nke ~dc-aat trnt11 lhe- I ._m.-nt of tho .S)'dtt1'J r-a

2 ~~• ~~i".~~'Ct!'°k ~~d•~·hf.~!:Xi:!'ica.1 or• r.r11111mo ( t.h.- Htudlo.

:ii. Ill 1• 111 ltaeln~ Ruu1lu1. '..!.1/i p.m ~ew!I lrom the .. Surt," UG p,m. Opelllttc ·r• tk. "'rbtr C.tll!IU Coaa,.

POMIII .. 1'7 )tr. ~aulld.ra.. I pm -G P.O. Ckw:k •o4 chimfl•. Talk ..

daUd.rt-D aad •P«iU e11krtalamnt l-0.r Cb W-na, ID ltcap1lal. •

1.1n p.... Talk 4,n "llow ti") maiDUtiD 7nr l,...aUl1" t.1i1 Dr. Du )lla1uic-r,

l.•0 v.m. lh;ingQw•n 1.>anc-r- Band, broadcaat (rum thii l.h.wKO'Wt>l1 t.'.lll~rf't,

4. 11.nt. G.P.O. Cliticlt and ch1md. Nt1""• Crom lho •·~Qn.'·

4." ••• Serl.I .St0'7"• • :ao p.ft'II J>yi,,;:ow• n l>ance Band.. , £O ..... .--n~, .. rrom tbe ""Stllli, .. 4.,U p.n, ltnaffle of n .. ht. I•e. 4.67 '"'"' n~ .Jtreuma. 4Ji9 ti.JU O~tl l-ONCU'-, b p.m. ti.l'.0. C!<lf'k • 0,t f'hlmo, CfOM do...-n.

J.:AJU.'Y "EVENJN'() f.!EA!UOY. 5,,1,J ti.m O J".O. Clock and .-1,Unc,. Clilldrl"n'•,:: M\b.kal prNramm• '"'-- Ula s .......

srECIAL CQl,,.'TIL¥' SESSIO!'I. c,sm-VIRD P croo I c.. r, t&M.WGDnr~ 7 p m •<' )• .0. l"10t'k and d11nu•.

A•J.11lr,11,ll•n a&l-n;anUJ.o Land •nd n-n11-"• Co.'11 r~i,prl. Wt111t.h.r n-port and foNCatt by eoa:rta1 r,f Gtrij\. Jd•t.ton:iiwllli.. Prud11ec-r• Di."trlbul.ln• loc'-tr•• f'n&lt. ~ v..,.~ lbrut. nipurt.. ~k t.,-,.Jaanse ~ <lnla and fodit,,.r nport C .. Su~""') O.Sr, rrod-J.~c- report. ("ka .. ') 'N .JL)t_,\, 'Talk

7.H r,.m.--c".uuouy Nc-W'II from the "S120."' 'i.1111 v,m.-Talk l,y a ml!ml)er of the St. 1~h

Anih11lartl"ltl A••1, S p .• .-4: •. P.O. Cloclr: •1111 thltn,,._

Uroradc:aatan 'toplCM Vllott.11t, LS i,.m.-An Orsan ri,cl,.-l 117- Kr. P•••

ffijabff. broiSaH:!lt froa tbl Cocs.~ CblU'Cb. N"ewto-w11. ,.z:s p.m..---llltaa M.a.r.Jorla S\UI. (•,apnno).

1.h p.-.-.n.. Caat.i.rbury l>iau-iel Rad (Rand'l'l)Mter, Otr. 8'.al.n Niirlwtll• J, Bnodt:&11 fn,1t1 ll• kt1r'• Hall. C1U11t111f"°"•

lUO p.,.._ ... M1', HarTY C:..-h (noMOPdJ•u), li.ti7 p.m-MI". C,-. Petr t'tl\4 Uke.Jc,J.• Tn,abl,,

clbur). I.I p.m-Weatb« ftDOrt •nd farcalt 1,y

r.oaru.1 ot Mr. C. 1 • ... ,.., Gem.. ~ ..... L

t.l .,.m.-11~,- AU Sp,oru Espert •ti talk r,a .. 1'a:nn2". Golf, aa4 l'•'aff'tll. •PDl't1DC ..........

t.%0 P·•· Mr • .\rt.bur .. Ol'lc7 Ca• old. fflt;lr.t of c,,ld 'balla'-111).

9,30 p,m,-The C&n\.ubo17 .Dbltrlat BanL •. JQ p.m..--JIU• M&dori• Skin. o.&a J•• ol toUowint' ..,,. ,,,.. .,,.._ 10 o. C)(wt •!Id ~-10.I p,m..-AI. lat.t'a Craaeriada ti.rcailoMt

lrom et.. ha.lJ,-.M ol t.b• BoD4l Cuiao­JO,lJ o..,_.--Mr. Harry C'.uh. JCUK p.m. Al. Jack'• 0~

1ron1 the ot th• Bontil C.h:io. t0.28 p 1n.-Mr, Cr, P .. ir 10.H p.m-lu. Artblt1' )lnrlP,-. Jo.," p.m. "San•· n inr• •fl"laL 10 IO p ra.-At Jaclt"a Cn&rkef'lacb ltft!l• .rc.t

from U. ba:I.cwtn ot IN JlondJ Cubo. U p.m.-G.P.O. Clock ood <hime. ~--

Perfect Reception Evt17. Day Poalble witk ~~

Page 51: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 51nla.obj-666413275National Library of Australia

Fri<!oy, 21ot Ocl<,ber, 1027.

2GB, SYDNEY Wfduesdny.

MQRNDft~ /-IRBStuh 9 a...m.-Mwk u,S •.rn.-C.b«,rl,, Talk ~.IO 11, 9,ttl a,m.-Pavcholotfca.t Ol!IM 11,S0 U,l'rl.-Y.u:s-le, • 9.46 a,tn.-li•••l lh t1..1 .. t Df•t. lt) a,m,-Clc>k down.

AFTERNU(>N SES~lOI\' ~no p.m.-M!blc., 3.3i p.111,-Addreb. 3. \t p.ia.- Mu•lo. 4 1,.n,,-AJ.d.J-n:o 4.t2 J.l.m. ~1'1-.«:!. CHI v,m.-Ci...t,. dtm"P,

EVF;NTSO SESSION 7 p,m.-)luc,ie. ":'.D µ,m ... ,\<Id~•. 7.1~ P,.I..D.-.\fu•ie. 7 .2U p.m Adrl 1~. 'i ,30 _p.m.--M.u•le. '1,~~ p.m.-Addrli!'IP, ';.UO a,.1.11.-11-l•~ic ud anttutlo"E''"~"l' '1.55 J',R\,-8unn b)' K,·:1 Ca.omit.

1. ·•o ilry th~'' (Jel Ril"IC()). J, "'Wh"1t"'Vet i~ hNit"• (T.ohr,)

1>.'toilT S Ea,..1uoN. 8.6 _p,m~Mdri-&. 8.2(1 \},T.!i.-ll!.Jltt"uD'll!ht9'.l Trio. Dall s~c11y,

Nur..ipll"° Laltl', Ada Brook. S.:l-'i p.rn,-Clemenl Ht111kin~ Qyul:M;,

J. "Rutl.t'tll u11dern:r:-u.t)t the anGW." ~- '"rhe, )t?rl"J' Thiken." :J, "Ir~b fot th«- e-lory." Eilid Jun.E"', 11:Yll. Cl"Ott~ Thomu nan. 4:14:m1e11t, RO!lkin!'.

11.t!t p.m .-Via-lln sol\'19 n111n &-ally. 1. •·Rnnu1.nr1i, In lo.,, .. ('ReEthlJ•fffl). :t "Minuet" (Porpi>.u.),

,i.t:2 p.m..- '\l t~ by ~ mi1y Darke, 9 p_m.-~it.1 1,,. 7iC'll'. lfollth Ru~k and

Mfa!I Al'M!I LoTe. tlomoroa, Sk•Uh, 1.15 r,.m.--$6t11t11 by £Lbe,J J~

J. "1-<Mt T.,ovt.'' %. "A S».rinl' Trlalet" {Ma7 Bralw!\.

1.23 'P,.in..-l.Damlreente.J Trio,, Dan Swlb. "Mnri€'~ r.-nr, Ad• Hrook,

I.Sa o.m,-CWm1$l H'-'lkln~ Quaiut. L "l'he W11y.!1lde 'WC'lt." 2, •~nan. 11omlllnir morn.'' S. ''A!l ihro' W tlltbt.'' ~:;;~nf k:tin!"• Croft, Tbarn..u HAD,

1,45 pc.m..-SOnf:'t ~Y Clffl);l'nl. lrQll.\-in'I', 1 "La.Ju, Isl., ~r Iuna~•• IFhill[p,a Oamp-

:t. ~~ VaJea of En•land"' tf'a1Jl F.adle). Jl.rn,-1'.tk.. lCI ,P,m..--Cl.OM d-lJW'D,

2UW, SYDNEY Wednesday.

~ Jl..11l,-N"11W,11, •luppittll!', maUa. .tudlo lt:eD\JI.. Sl..4i a,m, W'll ~t'll•k.u. ».liD a..m.-1trsutrt~ nr !r.ii-•·atr-J uroa-ramme. 1() ...m.--Cloat1 dOWI\. 2,-StQ.dio Jterru. 2.,~ p.m .... ~Uffl(' of ;t0,w117d J!t('t:Hml'ile. ! o..m,---cl,~ du..,.n. ft p.}n.-UaJlil,1:-. a.nd lnlltrllmll,ntal lWuu from

Srodio. 5.6i lMft,' Re1mm~ of forward lt..-nu. , p.m.--<:I~,. dawTt. 'l ti.m..-Wh""' to Go. 7 .10 V.ul.-~tudll'> 1teima. 7AG 1>,m.--Ja.u icterh.lde, b7 00J'd'1111 .1araH

Ml'Ounnlrl. t\.-l'ilLl'lb!ottr ~ee!t.loru. Liem.el Damfl•-1:

(-.1 ''What _.-re w• wa.ttlne f~T" (b) ''Ukllltole Dni&m Girl.'" fr) .. Blue .Skies." (d > "lt aJI D~nda 011 You.., .. (ft) "Whu.'' l'.roln ''SUllDJ'," ( 0 "Ma?'Y Lou/' fa) ''Mt"11-dOW La.:r.llt.'"" {hJ "'B-Uf)'" FlllCl9.-

9.28 p .m ,-8:M.UDNP ~ torwan$ pr~wtie, t~D 11.ntr--ClOH dowa.


1············ .. •···••• ...................... , .............................................. ., ........ .. GUARANTEED 10 YEARS


Charge Your Own Batteries 90 Per Cent.

of Bad Reception is due to BATTERY TROUBLES.

90 Per Cent. of Battery Troubles is due to FAULTY Charging or Neglect.

COLMOVOX, A. and B. CHARGER. CASH PRICE ••••. tr,/5/­Tube, 2;,/- ~t•a.

Torma: 17/- Depollit, and 14 W••kly Payment, o! 9/~

COLMOVOX A. CHARGER. CARil l'IUCE ........... £4/10/-'l'ube. 201- •xtra.

Terms: lG/- Deposit, and 14 We<kly P"1fflentl of 7/0,

HELLISEN'S BATTERIES The next time you want a battery, try tho HeUi~en. We guaran­tee 1tbsolute eat1sfaetion an,I say that it will compara more than 1avol'Mb]y with 11.ny olber batt<>lCI <!TI the market. You do not pay more, but -you g,et something jnst a littlo bit better.

45Volt,tappod • • - .. . ... IS/6 Type 1000,torcb battery. 1/3 40 Volt, tapped .......... 12/8 6-0 Volt, tapped, Ja.riro 46 Volt, tApped, largo eap, 2ij/- cnp,u:lty ..... ,, •••• , •. S5/-J.5 A Battery • .. .. . . .. • 219 4.6 Volt, tapped, C. J-lat'l.<'cy, l!/-1.5 A Battery, spoc!al . • • 4/- 4.6 Volt. tapped, C Battery, 2/9 60 Volt, tapped ......... 18/6 4.6 Tapped A Battery •.• 12/-

Colville Moore Wireless Supplies Llmited 10 ROWE ST., SYDNEY. (Nm Hotd ~uatr«lia)

Phone B 2 2 81

....... -... -.-.................................. ~--· .. ··-···-------···-· .. ···

Page 52: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 52nla.obj-666413402National Library of Australia

Tough Th• rAAlly up to thtl mfnulft poultry

!nrmer has hl~ on a new 1loQ'&n. J notic:ed it lint on Tom Rrown'a offiee .....U: "The chldcen that nma about too much £eh tough,"

I aok~d Tom i! ho wno trylnc '1uto• suggestion on hla typia.u, I

Tom sar, it'a ~t an ornament-­and that ao far au women &rt" con­rcrnod, mud bath•, bobbed hair and iho "dally doi<en," lllnk& u IIT&nd, tnather look liko a flnpp•r (out of ciuolu1nc).

Alu! poor mtnl Their lut re• msiniug hopa of eternal youth lieJ ta '"Chrorn._"

Ten ;,VII ngo Tom looker! 111 younl!' and h~ppy aa only a thlrtY•Ytlll'-old b.1chdor can look. To~ay he looks as ha.nused And henpecud u Solo­mon with bh !orty wlYta,

I tro_gg~lt•J a COUl'SO Q( "Chrom{'" treatment, lln looked blank, so r h""tenod to explllln,-

•·Chrom,,, ffll" dear old chap, i,i the i:-n.atest Jl"""'rn.tive In tho wwld. )'ou c.on't l1op-1cot<:h • hole In Chrome-prtnt+-rvNI leKth<'r, and ;ou con'. kno<I,: a dint in Ch1-.n,1e,.bum metal w!Lh a newly-wed'• Christmas puddll!r.

"It's "'"•n uaed in the Lest pint. and the II•= • langu.•i• ran't rai,e a blister on Chrome pamL''

1'hc11 I •n•J!PCd out my ar,!

Why. Chrome h the s«ret of the J<>nsr li!o of the !amous Buri:eu • Radio But.-rics. lt opliilna wby ihat llar&Jevll explon,r, Cupt.ain llw•. l•Y. <attird hi• Borgea, Gbrom~ Bat• t•t'!u righl. throua-h tho 1pra~ing eurf, for miles onda thn blaslng tropical l1lll of N- Gulnt!&. and 1.hen ,t h"7 came out in :first..cJAJe ahapa llllwmozrthaotu.u.

NQ~ but Chrome,.btllll batteries tould .ban &toocl 1111eh a test.

In tlle end, Tnm declared that he :folt ten ycara YC>lllllW,

At leas!J, lto uys, hls wlCr won't ~ him an)' more on tho matu,r o! --~ fo~ the wlrdcu.

Neft't'llloni w!lJ he ro:un from the roc,deld~Cbmmal•


3LO, MELBOURNE. \\ rdnl"Sd,:r.

MIDDAY sr.,sror:. 1l a.m.-\\'ult'Gl'l:1\' tu ltiu J,.~, 1tl1, 11,·,. l.OlfD

ROMF.R.S; Gm'1'Tnor or ','11t.,ri•• by 1ht: HONU.rb Oouul"II Ir Shepp,irt.oL

l l H a.-..-~1("'4 -co 0111 I loo. L C. AKER'J·, l«r«ary cl :;1aw tn Ow Po­rn nk-oa. "1 It._ Wumh·p \N M&J"ur. Str· 8T£PHf'.N llO~ •!id l~ndIJor. tof Mr!bcvn:;.e-. Lrarnwim.i•u; fl'Otn )11ib-.lW":oe •r,,wti Hdl.

lt ,,oun,· Mi'lbn,rn• Qbaerv• tr,rr trme •Iv-• pal. Mfi.,J. 11rlcN ~e-1,•c,,I i.,. Uu, A1J:-trii• llan Xhl.• and Mtl'l&II AJa,l,c!• tlon fr11m Ch. London Stork l:~daan lbb Py. Brid,,b .n'acfal wnl .. 11'"'1 rrom Busby Jt.-,.•-n"• •114 dlo Aot1raJ111n r,... AitauC.':iaU • • c-abl• "'.An: •" 11..-,. ttl"n'itJ'

U: I() ».-m.-.JO•l AJLO:iSllS ANO HIN ~"i'Nc.JOl1A'Il~r. $'r''IIO!\JtlTS:

••·1nat.'• Dull," CKahn.J, ''TUN.'• J!lfl'Jt.h.lDS .Nlcv .Altwt. \·w·•

(Pl'1"•). -n. LanatW• LuUalrJ" f~tt-)

~.It P-m.-Omdal o,cplq ut &hc,,Darta• /\r'ricul.l.Dn.l 8'cwt,-.• llto"' l'7 K111, Ravi• Wiley, l.ORll f:!J)tf:.J~, G1,t1•r11ur 1rf Vlc­t.utoR. ltahr.rultkd lh•fl t),Q :-ihi-'l'Jt~rt,•n fU111W (;tn1in1l1.

1z.i1 p -.-St.«Jr J,It;ch.aott't- lflfonnaW11. 11"40 p.m. Jot: AR0Jr<;tt()~ ,\'St.I Hl:l

.SYNCOPATl'XO ~YllPH0;\'1$TS: •winful an-d Ulue" tEtUns' • CQctk a. UoodW, t·m Off My Hood~ My

JS&.l,y', B.vk" (Jntin-.ur1J, •·son¥" 11! ~h•ngl,111"' (f;1rau).

U,IIU r,.rn- RI S&U and lilt-'l>l-'O rtD, 011•r• &l,lo. YOCalUlP I

Du,rt. •·t.ut.a d1 1.amlft~~ (D.,.iiettn. 1..-llb llndford, lmlpa 0- Lkt.•u~ 1,B.

lJ. C"'.arlitl, .Dec. .. .Ah ti"" ltd cr.udd.,-. tN11t II 'In\·•·

t1.-n: ,v.-rd,1 1 p.w.-ltf'"llw,.-ur-ne- Ol,..-"111.-orJ' 1 liM lrirna1,

•·01..,,,-nunlt, ...... h•lr in rrlHIL, hrbmU i11liit la bald i tr yi,u eeJae- l,t-; tov t.h. fc,~lnd; ""-- ll1A1' hold bu. bot. 11 •J1 Ml &o f'KICN". '""' .1oitn 111111...-,t ca.a. a.t.:b bu aesu,.. •­LIO IT NOW.

1.1 11-rn -Jot: AnoxroY Asn ms 6YNCOPA'J1NU SYMl'UCH·dl:iiS·

"Yo,., \\'ml Aw•1 Tnn Fu. 8'Ad Shi.l'f'Ci Aw•Y Tou J~nnV"' (ltri•u1).

''Tbe S~dm;t. J'rlnee Walt ., 'He'• t}w Lal\1. v. .. 1·· o..:111r.A1

J 10 r •-M~rol~ tdonn••'4n. w~ torecut. ,_ \ lcl.oria, T&..m1anla. &cxnb A_. ln.11.1, aad ::l•• 8011t.ll Wa;a. Oenn for,-,. ~ Blv..- N"portA, ll.aiarall '"" Yktori.i. Kt111fh At.UtnliA., Tamnutia • oil Nrw South Wti'.e,.

1,11 r,.fTI.· .JOE Ano~·tmK' A NU JUR ITI<COPA-ro-'Cl 8YMPUOSl~18,

~ ~~~ ~oan;k«,,fn), "l\'hu am W• Wahnitt •-r (l:c.aluw).

J.14 pm,-FRED 'W'Atdi.t:a, t,a,rjri,r:,n A. $plrlt r I~,,,.,,. \Cjj,fftpbell,'l lp;,in).

"A SPrist 1,t llonmia'' (Jo', llull). 1.10 p rn.~ Jt-Otuy Club J.;u1rhf'Q(I, tran ... trtHl~,I

fn,rn .A..• u.n Jhun. Speaklll'I N.OT.AIUAN f,K{), .&. Ell.UlY'. •~- Eu""- rroooduff.• t P.---ci- .......

I.II p.m.· tkttrt,I.Mnl 4Jt' ltudle Rut-. t.-o mile.. )(y11i"tnn t1'Cfll, t,1 .. )1igkt1,," <.if' '~pn; Glllb1!'

1.10 .. d,,wn. :.40 ~t>nalti1l ui ot. N"cnk1t Tiandicap.

ftq tt.: ,.n. ~"""e r ...... 1w '11:akrt,• ol U.. ""SJ)Cll1.ir1 G,..,_.,.

:..16 p..-.-C... ..'L AFT>"R.'lOON Sr.:!SION,

I r•.tn,-Offlctal ()l,Malus u-1 llw Nntfo11•l Ro,,-1-ioclcly's, A11ru111-l Show by th• 1.(11"11 ll:a.rnr (~Ir- Slrphn llure-ltf. lr.trodu.1·111ry ,-..., marb by t.ha p.,..ldent. (~r. 'l, A. Su•w­an}. TnD.DILIMto. from la• Ma.Ollre tt~ ~. N•l!loaniP.

I.JI Jim. 6l't1D10 Qt..;.AKTt.."7 •.Aaoti• l'-' kaMI .. (La.k~J.

P..n'J Gi..AOYS LA"ltrf:._ eo11,0alti:,: EuiA l:H911" 11.qtl>I• IAIPC'nt ,.r hit" (IJiintOC"U

!!.q p.e1-- - u~r1i,,tk10 --..l JC.,.,tt m Jlanik•1•. 011• mil'"'• h>"u~.u11 ntc:1:1, l:oT •·Miu,l~!-,'' .,r lh•1 ".SJ,utUnv (Jlob .. "

3,3\ l•-1:n,-lll~lt't'HA JOaGENflON', .,on.: ·ti"-"'('QlJe"' 1Cu1J,

:1,-13 p.m.-6TATIUN 'l'JUOa lodilln Sam•" &ab .. fl•ll•l•

i.1:s p.m..---1-IU:O WALKt:a, 'krU.p~r C'Ndo,'"' from C>wJ:b (V..,...I), 1'h• HlrU1 1•f Muri," (.P'. LNGIJ,

C p.h1.-?)Ncrhi1~11 fol. LI.I J'4'h11 ntlt-e, tl,re forJon.11 ,1, kyn,,e.t.m .i'a{'!($, t,y "J1h•Jc•t.," ~ the "'.':-l.._, C,J,..t.r,•

-4..I p.m...-- AC;N.-,S FQR1'UH"t"-. !llanot 'Sau and Fanlttll llance-.. fObn),

4.IZ p . .m. WAR()£ ~OlttiAZ.:, l.•n11tr! 'l Lonlr; la.10 \' Uanlftl,•

.. ,_ :F.!var,• •t.10 p.!H. REOrSAL~ 131\ADLl::Y •~n

AUNE.', r'OHTUN!i!, •l~h, 11111; Sur.a.ta. {lllf'P!ho~rm ).

4 10 p..10..-lJ-1Mrti,tloa or Dul.aate H•ulA.JI Tnrt. hhaoP fQrkMt.p,. lrtt•.tWft ncm.a. b ..... f'C. .. e( tbtl '.:is,unln, t-tot,..•

•JI$ i,AD.-'"Ucrald"" nrin wr"._., 4~ tJ-. eh&l\w;a lnfuntlaUC'lll.

1 /~~;.~t!-~t~;nu t~~~t'i,~ 1t:!:e1. •!~ '-"O ,.Syeott.fnc (1111"'9,••

:l:VEJ,11)1(1 ,SESlllCJ:,(. CIIJI.DllEN'S IIOUK.

l.&O -p..._-Anm"' .. Jt1.Uh au Wnt.a, cr«'ttnp by .. MAkY MA&\", ..

I 1,,111.-.S-TUfllO C:UAJ\UT,

I. ;J:~:!~t~~~~;•~•Ai::~.t<"7) • lik.•rk• ud ~ fOf tlu, Jll&lo OQh..

1.::v JllJtL-t•racut!oal ot Wlffiqs I-Pl to &Int Ni.cboLu !Ja7•• H4"1•• Gl.,i,_, t,, St l!W>hP11'0 Jlarr'-"" •-• i,, C:0-G. K. ~tit• 'fnn•IDittN tr9'11 ,..... ff1\141b

4.Z1 p;m-"NA&Y MAKY'1 1 A au,ry tor tN •hl•r thilJ,...n.

ti tit i,.111.-•·Jt , 1·•l4" J14!:"""' .. ,tvlc.. "W&ltl)tt f't"llOl't,t,, lh1ppl1t,1" "'""'IPXl•III•.

LH ~t.oak •;,.t1tur ffPOtu. 1.4:'id mukn ~ ,,_ J. JL

Uorrac.t. LIL lte.~ pP-iot,,. t..U p.lll..- Ki"'1' r-tp(l!r'k. -.U "·"'· re;,oru. o,nc-tat t"ll'Wta

,,c Nfli'l)lirhfl. t1hft"p 111lt!II l,,r the A.wt•l­f\~ed MLork anit Stat.ion Af.,111.f.t B1.1iirkt­i 1•dft, Jlelb®rttat. PoulLr,. Jn..ln, tiu. •traw, Julel. ,t.,lq prod.clN. J'uhtNI ••rd. Olliofta.. Fruil maru\ ~ "ho&ftm - NlCllT !'iY-'$.'~JQlf,

'; ,II p.JIL- lfndn tho • b--.ltaa flt U.. U)_;. PAJ(."DU::;NT Ot' A~RlC-t,;J/l URl!i. Mt, .8, t"HOWF., A4·tlt1i.e Ufrr'('t.or ot AKri~kur.._ "'Ill ~<'M cm; "Jla.rte(-i.t~ M~od-.04

':.lri A. l:. UJ'I'•t, .M..<U,. A .... ,.~ (A..t.). Jfon. Sff. lutltUtii>:1 qt bs:la....-Q of Aw.~b. M.iboGn• l>itirioeJ. -Tho ED.-to-r and tbe Cont111111n1ly, ..

,., p.1n.---<,\,-\P""fAJN C. 11 . .PE'!:i: "'1l,IML. Wl.t, wn4 ()t.h.e1:-w1.-,••

8 Jl.m.-Umfl·r th• ••111J1iirt.'e or 1h.._ 1rNh..b AA­• f-,illttau af ,'u1tra.l.• 11la U1e fft',ALTli w.;ssAt..a: tor to-d"7 Lu "'A 1f!lld c-uat-­ptn:ioll flltl"UI he MIIZSh~ It •!Mt.- t;,, •n-f lr,i-1.. O..alh,--.. 1. Prnll A.ior, a. UW'Ci,,,a. • FW., •t111I.,._ f\lOII. ralnt ynqr cbNka frmn th• •••Wt••

S.1 p,m,.-'·FIDl'.l,l(J'•; An Open, Ir\ two or~. h1 o-.•1hnv•n. IJ, ,t..,, M.UOA f"0:SSE.VAi·On1UM 01'1:B.>. S0C[E1'Y. 3fr. A. c. llAk't'J .. O1.,urs MAU: CROTI& Am> TUE JtO'.tJSOCll!iF~ IYM.PHONY OIIC'IU:s-T"JtA uo .. r '- dirtt­UOO o{ llr, J"81'?Z JIAB.T.

l'ltARACl'l'EIIK. J.f'u11(,r.,. (untl.., t.h.. H&al4 ,r( Ji'1drUoJ,

u;cr.'-; ur,uwN. M~·Ai~::w Hh• .,.u ... ·• d•ushlff), ()JlnA

11oras&a... ( IAclrttft."1 butkN,, 8T A.NI.n' Al.LEN,

Jaqulno (PCH'WI' A! &.- Pr.--)~ .t.ElmOX lt1tOWN,

Page 53: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 53nla.obj-666413538National Library of Australia

Friday, 2.ut Octobor, 1927.

Piarro (00\lo:mvr ut the Pi'lson}, uov.·. ARD ANDI\EW!;.

F"rn.1:ndo ()Untat.C!'f Cl'! Btat.o), & l. M.AM-,1.

f~u. lho .1an1M'), J', liOW A.RD KING. Chol'U• Iii' SuiOJt'n, PrllOll'L'lra and TQ11'fM<> ~._ AC'l'J,

&91'.e • Th• ~•rd (Jf tb• ptiaan. JaqWllo .m..kln.- Jon tG 1j4n•;ii,lnl&o

0\tertuN-. Duet (biA.:rc:rlliu., JaQa:h:io): "'At Lut, Dear,

I f.'iAd Yw Alorw." ArUl (11..a~l!lllm.a): "Oh, DQ" at Jay"

Qnfltlrt (lul'Cf' Ll!O!\Onill , Jaq_u.lno, 1~) : "He Dotll to M• lnd!ne, ...

Aria (Rocoo); "Ll!o& J. Noc.Wne Wh.boot Moa117."'

T~,~n~ .. 1wttl11.n& Rocao}: "'W~

M..-.h. Arla. with ChlilC'U.1 (Piafl'O .-d Chuni11 "-'

~ldi.-r,) i ' ' lh, I Wha.t • p._,- 0 TbiL" Durt, "CosnCt, Ft-Jlow, H•rbln, Thou Muar.

()~ .MtJ." ROC'it.,tffl! a.nd Arla (LNb~) t "Tboo

Mon~t Flentl." Prisontt"• Chon..11 I "Olt, D•Urht." Choru1: ''Farnr..U, Thou ~~arm and S1nm7

.Beam... A<::r IL Soet:ie: TM 1«1ttt prl!SOt't whe. Florffien ts

cotsAned. lf• t. aluue a'Dd ~lee,p, whon nocc:o imd ~ota 4'111.fir.

:UwJbi.tlv~ and ArUl (l'foN-.t...n) t "'T:fn.rtl What OlOOftl J•rofound,." Du:c;; (\,C"onur• a.11d. ~t:t.1. : .. Stay Not Thy


l'l:!~f~.;~~on, ~); ~ fLeoaon. Fl.urc&taa, PJu.rr-a.

lloa,o)' ..,_ »-, • Duo< (i...a..w.. ........... ,,

"Oh. Bu.atul Hour.• .,.,,,..1.n Chon.ttt. -u..n to th" n • ., ... The whole Co;m»llnJ': ''Ward Not TM~

ka.ou.tll ~ -all tbti n.l'turc o! t.h1! x,".""

10.U•Al-cue" 'Dl!'ft. M!r""IH. lfe-!.C10t'6o Jogtc:.J infOMTin.t.ion, .$rltbh oMclaJ ._.Jte,b• J'lfl,w. fn,:r, nQ,s:by. • 'lb.- '.nOYAL AUTOlllODILE CLtIB OF

VICTORtA.'8 SA.Yl·:'l"'{ MESSAGJII far t~ day I• ft1r: l"lill.J.l~TRIANS: "'Obey

trafflc Offlec:'1' Ml •11 Ura-. H• t. t.his:e to •be ~i. Ale'"' JOQ."

lt'.211 p.1;11.-JO~ AllONSON ANll ms sn/OOPATING Bnll'110KlSTS1

"8001>7 l"'7'' ($tam..,,.). ''SvrfoJmls Alor:111 .. {H...,.). •'TM 1.oor-c Wa.lta0 (.l"a:QlMC.}.

10.U p..m.,--)IA.ft.lZ LAV.'TON, the- cld with the voi~ •ad I.he ban>:

"One Pin• ~• ( "'D~ at DeUrht• fNlcbolb).


-Lonll'b- Au. ta tho w~ (ltu\Won). ••CUritu"-Vk:aM114' 1Willla (RDto), '"HO:MY'" {RIJ-q.t'12rd.).

10.62 p,10.,-WAROl.: M.01LG.A..."f, Wn°"' ''I>irp" (Catb.f("}. •o, 111- w...- (QuU,..).

11 i,.m.~tJ'R. GREAT '1'1IOUGHT: ·•we 11hoolcl. .,.,..._.,. keep opeu &Jld frM a. .t:onu,ir ot ou--r h'!Sd In ...,bltth to 'rn.ak• tOC">ll1 fdl" w oplltk,nt bf UC[r trkn.d.. r.-. Ut,

han Jleart. •f)il h-.d honit\alicy ... -10tt~rt.. l'l .. l p,m.- JOJll AJ\ON80N AND )(IB

SYNCOPA'l'TS'G SYllPl!'.ONJSTS• ._,.wo Litle Dlu.elitr4A" {&'em). "Who'' (K...,), ~1 TnmJalMc,wn. C,ottaalil of nraaa• ~!::1:~01l JhT~ with Ve." •'W1ti~ 0-.m''-'rliuto tole> (I.An&e), "'"Take ia the Stm" (Wood•)• ~1:aa"' (N..,..Y•l (Denni.I:). •~.a.-ril!~t:NaSun,Itah-,•

(L,owl,,). "Lo :o..m· n,o..) • .. Oh.. What .. .Pal w .. ~ (Xa,b). .. 9wntili (;/ lf_l1111f" (<YJJAo,n). ~• Whnt BJ.,.. Tkrousb bill 1VbI&bn

s ... - -·· (Oaon.d), 11.40 p.a.--40D IIAV1il 'm:111 JDNO.

BETTER BATTERIES - they're fresh

Aparl from t.h• adual wvrlnnamhlp, tt.. .. ap" la a fe&t.un Um.I wu..O lie IQ.&N(llily 1:0TU1idned ".beta t,tl)'inc a nid1-'.

The $10J)11lul~ c,uJeyed by E•ffooRe:t4Y bd[a B•UM1~ •mon.£rt ,nt.h11dad11, all oo,u the Conmwnw-altb 1- du.a ~ t.bei.r ~-

Tb.t'y llnl m..-le in Au11tr11,Jia l'Nm qua.lit,- 1r.atctrtal., • pd &1"'11 ao!d ~y Lh• •it soon 11lc..r 111•t111fa.o1.t1r. u p,oilU)lA. 'l1l.f4 ~ «xtra. JU'• and uuubl~tr. arrvlce.

Ta,q;r klllu Ida a tne: to •U )'OH ciurr rt,qW12!11llftt..

• The "Standard" "A"

Radio Battery. rrt'c• .. ........... •••• t/-

n. e;~,....,.. •'81-11,..,,_. .. ..... a.u.:.r,- (a..UJ, ,.1 'tolt. •~1.&U, 411:~•d fo~ eco:o,..kal oi,a::a.Un ol 1, t, or I 'ft.I.,., takf.q ,DI ._..'Pft'•atl....U.. .. •••• witA foor ,or •ON ru ...... th taaat ecqino..,Jc.1 ~ la Ollt..lMd t»-;is c.we "'StaMaftl'• ... ,., Battuiiae e.can,cetd ta »uallcL

The New Ever-Ready No. 126 or A, 8, or C Battery Price~••-------• Z/9

OM o! a group of radio batteries. Useful in wrrole .. , lighting, and amplillcation. Size, 31 ,c 4 ,c U. Most useful for bolls, telephon08, burglar alnrtn11, medkal con., etc. WI~ threo 1-aoa tc.rminala. Volt­ages 1.6, 3 or 4.6 volts. Useful for all wireless purpo•e.a u well as a:eneral utility,

:~~r:,R ~E·:~: ,t5'1'(JIU~ ,1,ijS'fll.l.llA


~~ ,.,_ .. :.: -::.'..~..:.~~·. -., ...,.,,_ ••• tt• ~ l" < ~ 1 "H ... , .,

It n••lalnallle IA<&lly, wrlte f or address of 11.ate•I UlltCe .t •aJPI,- to

The Ever-Ready Co. (Gt. Britain) Ltd. 163 Pitt Street

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!4'.._.... ....................... ._ ........ _.

Here's a Battery

that's specially built for clear long~ distance reception.-

1 ~--­~1'-0,~ i: .BA: RIES




always deliver strong, uniform current be­cause they are always hesh as new.

Cheap dry batteries quickly pass from first freshness to c;racltle and buzz, but a Philco gives perfect service: for years.

The new 83X Philco "B" Battery ia speci­ally designed for powerful sets. Sec: it at your dealer's •

NEW SYSTEM TELEPHONES Pty. Ltd. I f 280 Cutlereaah St. Sydney

.. .-_...•....,VF - a._.,..w••••••J


:4QG, BRISBANE. Wednesd•7-

:u.RL1' b!ORNINO 8E11SION. s:ao,., c.ulLUre ~ioo.. 'l a...m...-CIIJH do-..•n.

~IDDAY Sll.SBlON. 1 p.m.-1,lulet n!J.)Ort.; watl:ier h~o-rmatfon;

'"The Mail" and "~ DaUy St4ndud" uwa,

,J'ROl( HO'tEI,. CAULTO,N-1,30 p.m.-Lunc-h hvttt -mJDic p.1.ay~ by Uoter

Ca{lf;On O:r~~lrn_ FUOl\l, THE OH::U.:R V ATO.R\"­

l.ili p.m.-Stanci,i.N time • iltD&l. 2 p.m..-CJcee- do'\t.'l'l,


8.10 p.01.-.Aftffnouu Te-... !rGl'l'I Lhe ID1tnJr\", pl.a:r~J. by Hotel Carlton Sywphcmy O..i.utra. F.I\OM T.HE STUOI0-

1,16 p,.m,-"Tbll!. 'l'eli,i.:i,;"-pb'' nc,,n. ,.ao P-Ri-.--Clou dow11,

EARLY JW:lilNING SESSIO~. f p.m..-''Dail; Standard" nt:.wa; •nnbunci~

m,nm. 1.lli p.m.-A .8•u.t1 Talk by l)ol'(ltbf!.a Web-

.. t .. ,. p..m.-Tba Cbildran'a Hour-Sto&-a liy

"'LJttJ., 11.,- &4bzr.n~ " 1 11..m.-SP"dal uew• ~i:nico; maz.11:l!t NPOl'tl

•tock npo.r! ... ':.30 p.m.-WHJ.bu tu,...,,,., annOU1Jcem("nta.. 'i.-4.3 _p,m..-Sta.ndard !.lfflfl .1.,,...,1, '1,4i> p..m.,......L&ict.uN.1;~; "Pb)l)licil B&1t. of Jlarc•

d'lt4•T'-t.y Jd..r. 1, B.. A. ~tlllln (FJant J3n,t:uJ1tt, Qu.eea.a.laod A.lfillllt;i.uot.l Hil'h Scllool aad eou. .. 1.


~qoart,e,a r,f an hout'i oJuai..,al m!,1,fJc by Mr. Kric Haynes" pazQ?", • p.rn.-1,·uox TllE STUD10:

l'.io tor Violin, 'Ce..llo and Pia110:

~t[:,~;: ~~~la~ 11188 ot.Wie Otu.ko; J'i&AQ. 1it...iN Cik:iJ,111 Pritchard..

V!Qtiti. SoJo.i;

1:i .. ~ ~:d:!~!!-,T(k:J~:b~!~ ~":°~:t f:Nnn "$c:,eoe• Hu.morliiUquot" (Lc.our-<IJ.

bf.r, Erfo liayD:6. So)OII';

t•I ••A Pa,::e'• Road Sons" tNoffllo). (b) '-x'be: DNi,.ry St,(rpP't" lCrechanb:i,ov),

ldr. Le•, Edy"-.

p~~~:lrcnn Souta No. "i' in D-ltajor (Bec:Uu)Wll).

M.. Oeclk! P.rlt.chard. 'Cella Sala•:

(a.) "Softly ..l.waka Jib llcvt." (S&lot,. Soeo.,).

(b) "llltn.,..... (>loc•rlJ. ?dJu Ottilia Olak~.

llaritooe. &le»: (a) .. The ~t ~el"'' (Wb!1-)-Vioh111

ob1i2' by ilr • .&rio }Jayne. <~> •-n.e u-· tc,,11 Soo«l. lllr. Lu Ed~ Sotos,

1:l .:~~loro1s>: iw. 0.011,.rrllcl>a<I,

V1f!f ••~~: 'W'Ud. Role" (Maeda•til­,

(b) "Sieilla.Jia 6 Wita.ndon" (1''rai)c.oeul'• Juet.Le.r).

Saito 10~ ~fnifn. ~io anti :Piano-(l>aul

G~1o'u!.' Mr. Erlo Jlo,no: "Cello_ M!9" ounr. ClCIUc; Ffa.n~ Mia CK.1'9

.Prlt.clwui!. l'All'l' 11.--l!TllDIO PROCB.AJOl'.E.

1,411 i,.r:n.---Ov.-tw?'I!: ••aro G.r61\de" (lkra:en-

.,!""'.li,.,.,,o OrohMtr.. (Ooodueto,, lu. 8. ~ary.)

JO p..-.-.~'Th• Dau,- llall'' iieW"• 1 wut.b,e7 n •wa. Clae dO'W'A.

Friday, 21-t Odohol\ 1927.

6WF> PERTH. Wednesday. . ,, t:l.'30 n.m.-Tune- IIL , 1 12.;i.5 v.m-M-.i-1:a..-, N,,.,,,., . ._i,.d;, l p.m.--Thtte • l,t1l.l.l ffl<lm 'F.-rtb ObaerNl.tu.r7. l.l J1,D1,-W~t:..,r l'Jo~ aun11Ue~ LJ 1h..,

MtlA!oll' ULJn-au · of W•,o~rn .Atl..l! A Ki,,,:LAYED CONCERT

ll 11.,m.-L1rnrh-hour Concert, arnt~frr<l b7 Ml"S•ro. Mm:isrow'•• Limited, ~l• r('J tror..1 J.1rlc Hot~, M.u..?l-ay S!ret:t..

Lall ».m.-Stadiu Quart Hti. t p.ffl.-l;Jwc1 1lt,wn, 8.30 i,i • .rn.-111.n~ in B.a& p.m.-)tu-"IJCAI prctr:inunt1 frebl the

~1.11dlo, inc:J,uilnc VOC!,1U an:! ll\~tr11.totl1U1.J numben.

OrchHtral nw-.i.o; JJy Jlon,'11 Orl"hraf.nt, ~ la.1,·t=d !i"Om Ho,rt't1 Rennt Tb,·:3.tre, Wll~ um :-,tr,,•t...

Utl'I Ck'&e down, 11.45 p,m, Tcrne ht. ILlO s,,rn..-StorJ,u tor th@ KJ41J~, br A:intl&

Jme. "i.29 p.m.--,.14,Loeb, Markeu, News. "i.,tri p.~.-'Ia.Jk. ti p.m.--.Th·,,e- ai5n1al lrom Prrtb Ob!Jt'r--ntf>?7. ti 1 p,rn-WE,d.he-l" not~ .SIJDPli~f ~ tJ:i.,,

11,ktt:<>['o?Oitll'JLI Bllteau of Wa-c-ern Au,trdi•• YAI JETY NJ01:l'f .

S.:, p.m.-lteh'l4. h the Studf(I, St.tfni: Tl'lo: ML/11: R,·ttlTn WOHa, A.R..C.M .• piano.

111.r. H. n. Jluh11.m, "Cdlu. Mr. lf, '1'. N~wton, vlc,fln.

Da.noa rnu.,ic, 1)y Co!lri ~milh arul hl111 Ou:~ 01"\:ht'll,tra, t'tlay~tl lrmn tbe Pe.rib !>aJJue .Itonl.

1 n p.m.-.Ln.te J'lnw• 101!-m,, by C(Mrtoy ot "'Ihe DaH:v Now.." ~e"'.'SJ>alK',. UrJY,

Sb!D9 Withb, f&nlt'II! •nnuUIJCl!'IIUmt, W1=8.Lhn l{<'port. and tr~t.

10.SO p,m. · C.lo;,e d!)Wn •• 100 llETRJ>. TR&.NSlliH~!;;tnN,

Slm1.&lt.ancou.a Bruadcqt. Ob 100 M.i'tre1 nf M1.111;lr,a.l prQQ:r3.W.ttte •'nn oz, 125~ Mf.~. C'.Ommctnc.ina 1U, a p.m.

Thurs., Oct. 27 2FC, SYDNEY EARLY 111.0BilllNG SAASlOY.

7 a.~ to 8 a.m. MOlt.NlNG SESSION.

10 a,m.-",8,s De.A., and .orownmme a'nti.01r,t11c111.. m~nt...

10.& Ltll,-Sfo.Ult) trUnit", 10.U• ·"SJ'Wl,ey )!on,lnsr Hf!.l'1lld"' IIA••:lce. 10.SO •4m.--Stndlo mmto, l0.3:15 Lln.-Lut mla.uf4!. raelnl?" ln(ormat.[Qh

b)" U)i;, 2.Tr"C Rncfnt' Coblmt•Joner, 10.<li'i Lm.~buliu Dl'liaiQ. 1l •..m..-"Hil' Uen." Kutb.i'lr muali! tor

ac-hool chUdren. Jl.6 &.m-A.P,A. IUHl ~Utt'r'I C&blq, JLll') a..m.-Studlo • 11.U a,m.,-A bLlk nD homo cooli;i.01i &nd ree)p('a

by- Misa ltut.h F'utat.. 11 .SO & dnwn.

MIDDAY SESSION, l2' noon.-"Jlh: Den." al.'fiJ .v.nnou:n.~men~ J 2:.i p.m,--.,' !J;1;b11nC"e, flnt. ~I. U.A 1>,rn.-Offidal wt"Jtt.hor forecast, N.h:ir--.11. ,1 rn. Stutfiq, mut.i~. 12.10 ri.'tn.-Sunun•ry of "S:srdD~ l.(ornin.t

ll'M"ald'• ne1~ unJce. Rut:b:, win1£sa ~"'•· 12.25 p.m.-Ktudlo mu:ric, 12..30 p.m.-lh.rchJnac mt41j.o fa.r •chool' cl!Ud,

""'-12.,0'i1-iT1c,, Jarman1 ac,prui:,1

"A b1>0W11 blrd, •~ng" (BaydJl Wood). u,~J._l_'.·;iuil,HE O HALL IN9'1'RtlMEl/ · 11.~C. nu,.11lt', l p.m. - "Dis• Den." \\.'~aLbtt lnt.dl!~e!l'l('c. 1..3 p.m-"E1>ent~,r }:,.....• miJ!da,r newa t,,et'f'lu.

Prodtic1m1' Olatribui.Iti,« S(ICiel,)·',. fkFnrC. 1.ZD p,m.-·•TID:. 'OAK UALL tNBTRU.D,!ltJ,l.

1' Al, '.rRIO. 1,2S -p.xc.-Stock "•. UQOrld ea1.L: I.SO p.m.-Marcht.tir m.\WC for •choo.l 1:hl]dttn.

Page 55: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 55nla.obj-666413798National Library of Australia

Friday, 21.l October, 1927, p.m.:.:.J.itotn.\ne Juman, eop1'&ruu "1 he.ti! "'°' ata.1U1T' (Co•l~I .

t .U , m. Stvtlio mw.le. l.H •·• - TII& OU; Jl.!\ L.L L,_.STBl.atl!.."f,

1'AL TlllO. J.55 ,p.-. t.u, apqrtf1,.: ,...,.. bJ tile tn~

fl.Kirt&" Cofl'l"'!MiOD-P1". I ''Bl1r U.-11," Clo.. dowo.

A(iTJ<Jft:"<iOON ~•:R~ION, I p.w.-"IHa Ceu," &nd PT0crl'Ullt11cr••


t.J Jt.m.-0...,, · TIie T•• Y•l.u• Carol,.,._ .. (a> • ,..,.., .. ht Motbr'a l(Jn .. l:Sbdrd). C~) "'"SM'"• COl 1,• (GlJb.-ro.

111 11.m l"roa lhr- Ch,111\ Clulrcll. Bt. l.&11ttn .. 1 An Ors•• n~nL.a.t b,. &.tr, Chrlalla11 H~llitmann.

a,itt :,.1111 .MuehiniJ tt1u•I• fur ach~l thtlJn,n, l.tO p.m,- frora F•rm.r'1 T• lkionu. J,t>''-'•

CiQftlpia, aflltn.DU !

S.;~ .. ~~,._~,T~jll Culrdl. I&. La,1"""'"'- '

Orxa.n aut,,. by llr. Ck,•t u • D-1JI "011 li~n;• t·n,- J''arm.r'• '?ca

Room•: Do~tb,- bttnbuw-, cin111.-nlt11: ''The Belli Of Soho" (Dr1inimon.d).

4.A p.-..-Frca Clu wt Chut'U,, £t. ta,u.,llft • Orn.o .._ 1 • Mr. Ckr.iA.U.a lfelka••a.. •.ft P..• t·n111a Fa~r'• T• Roii:Jmt., JU¥~ Clll-"PLe. eopnl'lo 1 ""Sb1p or Mt Jldjsht .. t1"bl\hµ,1J.

t.:U p.m - TUJ; OAK l!AJ..L lNS'l'RUMlli,N .. TAL Tl\10

t.H P•""· -Thit Two Ji"e9tivt C•M"lllll',n. D~~ta, (a) •·Jllll Ono a,.aia" (Don&J41.oai). (l.i ··Uon0ihd11 lioou" U,••ttDu).

,..n p.-.-LthW'lle- Crw-kwU. nnl.rLit.,t '"Tlw Y•fl:ow ~ Olena,u).

,.,• p.m.- Di,rot.J.y cuGU'alta& "1'hll llnc•r" (ONllllffiOAJI.

4,415 P---· -fH.o<:h Exchan•~- Ullr<1 c.a1L

4-~~TJ:=;h~'O.!~~ !l:;~f!Jl'i~C:!~~to• 4,H Jun.-Xa.1-.hle.o, Cracluo.U., COPln.."lol

'"'Di.r a1u,....._ of Lo .. ••• (Oi&Aa;. 4.1,S p_...-lk\l4i.. •w)C. 4.M p1111 - t- Jhakeil NretnlW

... C1111W wb1u •ino th. IIIIOTnh,f (KallhJNa), I p.111.-.. Blr Bt,n.'' Clot• do-.-a.

P.A1U.Y t;Vn,JlNG !'\};S,SlON, 1,0 p,m.-Pmrnm.11111!· annou1H11~Q\mta and Lh•"'• ot nc. I, 4t p.111..-n.. "llRDD Ku .. '-'Jr. t. t1ii.- c:hl)d: • .... I.M,,-~ for tllit ,_., ~-1 U p-a -at.Nto mtuk • .... •-•--L.te 1-PQTLD.ii flf" ....

1 f :!ol.'!~~.r--:,~•~ •=t>''• .a1kct nport. 1.1 P.JD,-- ,.M,tt. •nd ~t'INl~t.t .. mvb-ta, i ,11 s».aa..-Weetbc!r 1.hlppi11• tlf'ff. 'i'.lC J'-"-1..t.t.• ,.£~I 1'•-.•• _.,. M?'Vloa,

NlCilT Sl:SS10N" .. .-.-Pros~ •~11111a~ 1-U •~----~ lt4aa. ,~-1, p.a. - 4 111a.T 11offMlul!ff ai., Scotl..iJr.r.a.iMl,p

Hd wrltt•n It,- Cadl'ifti:tM 8an. I p.,JD..-.. ll'hr lt1.n." .Prom J'JaJJ-n,,'• Oct~nt B...,._ 11- by T.. 81'1.o.,. llu4r!nl

Sociitt,. UI •·•·-rr°"' tN9 Sto41o. Sao&t. Alo.andw

ill a •lillon lb.tu. 1.0 .... __ • ..,_ dla ffdl llr.11. IIYOd' U•l­

winlty. A ffne.-rl ta •14 ol tM &n...­U'lll'f ... k:, u.d •PIIINii b:r the E.retuauul• Clolo. A ,,_ramme .ubmltW h1 I.ha followlns arlilta wlU i.. Ci'iftl:

r:::v=~=t•~ a,_11 IP1'1&l4Nlt tit • Cle~- .~mat. ,,,....,,._, ......... _

Jro- V• " .., Dd, C..nt.t.. -n. Jt.a.,.., ~.. .r,-ffd .,. • • -~ OD thlt -aaakal W•rk br P-rot•qt ,-,dill., Browo.

f.15- p.a-J',._ ti,- Studlo. D1:tri~ U,• la• =---J).a~~hmalt7 .Ball. t,y U.

1..d" p..a._..._. tlae C~t Bui. IJ>ilaJ,,r tlal...,..,,., ~u.. .r t.w c ....... ......,.. .. ~ ... J[-Ch, •.

11.1' .. ~·ram .SLudio., Da-nN• -..RIO U.IO ......

11.10 -..--r.. .. ,,, , ....... t. u .. u ~aMM&l ....... 0.. ......

WIRELESS WEEltLT Pace Fl!t7-'1'11Ne

for A LL reception

A Fi:ve Valve Receiver Farmer's now offer a most handsome decora­tive mot.lei of the new :; Valve Receiver, in _genuine laminated figured American ·walnut, inlaid with Rurr \Valnut. This exclusive modd has a single dial control, and each stage is totally protected wi1h aluminium shields. Supplied with high-grade accessorie~ and loud ~peaker, and erected in any suburban area, free of charge 152/10/·

For Weak Batte:rles Dal.lite Trit-klc Charger, 11 ·4 »air•., prC\'(Dl5 aulphating and buckling and need never be dts­lOnnected, th~ 11.ccumulmor bcmg charged whil•t Of>erating receiver. 'l 'hc operating, is practically nil. Price .. £4; 716

"B" Battery Eliminator

Philip, " B " Batttry Elimin•• tor, does away with "'D O bat• 1erir1, For thoae desirous of an inexhaustible "D" battery ,upply, this ioa1run,ent is in­valuable. a ... roilLampuc OU!•

put of till milliamp,, with ab• •olu~ly no bum. Priac £9/15/ ·

F ARMER ' s BOX -497M, G.P.O.

Page 56: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 56nla.obj-666413926National Library of Australia

l'age Fi!ty•Four

They last twice as long Colombia~ Daty 45 volt "B" Batteries will outlast any light­duty 45 volt "B" Bat­tery two to one, re­gardless of the number and kind of tubes used I Morcove1'-thou g/1 lasting twJ°oea<1/ong, they coat onzy ono• t1urd moJ'8.

Thisi4trueeeonorny. Yoll can makt, no mis­take in buying either thcCoiumbiaNo. 4770 Heavy Duty 45 volt "B" or the even longer lived Columbia Laya-­bil t No. 4486. Insist upon one or the other end you will not only aave money but receive far better reception and crcatcrdiatance as well.

Columbia Radio Batteriett

-theu lu&t longu Facto:ry 'St:or•.ntau..,., GIT

"ILLl8 It Oo. (A .. L) Lt4 1N,4 ~ st. S.da., N.S.W.


2BL, SYDNEY. 'Thurodtty,

£.,\llLY '.\tOltNtNG Sf:C:.$1OS.

'i II-Pl+ to I a,m ..

10,IQ,1•.o. i:ltXJ.: 1111d l·hlmr,. .Mur.ica! pru,e:r&r:r.1rn• f~JH the Studi('.

10.40 a_ni,-:-Cf!\ft fttiM th.I! 'Dafl,v Tel~¥tat.,b" r'IM..,rlnl.

10.I0 u,m. Mn:111:11.I pr01Jnmm• from th• Stnd111.

11 t...lti..---C.P,O dud, und 1.:huu""­J\r11 u1m1•1·m.-n!e-.

11.Ci 11.m. -ldu;ttti.l ii~rhll111ll' tru-.m th• ~l1JJit.1.

11.l& a.m ~~i11.l n,,tc..•,, nep1l~ W ~r~ :.onct,,-:li. by Mu. Jordan.

Ta~ 4-lh '"'F.:1.llndu1c tht:! .LUO llame,. b)' Mr. llrr,wan".

1! D00~.--0.P.O. clodr: and"Ri $p~la.1 Ut"fllt\ IW'tt&d ar.d wuther report.

H.I p.m. U.-u.n,.wk•k p._nll.l.J.•011e- M-11dclll .Rc-­citi.-1

12.H't s:,.m.-Jnlorma.tfon, mails, •hirpir,.tr.'. ll.lld port dirt-("tt.rr.t.

12..U p.m.-.Boris In ~I b7 wirc:le--. 12.:14 p.m.,-:Fr-ult. M&l'"k:et t"t'l)Ort. v.aa.-Vecc-t..a.ble marled, ftport.. 1!,U p.m.--LQndcn ~MAJ marhct ffPGr1;, lt..2i i,~ 1t.11d. .tann {'rod1,1e41 m.uJu!t

11.~.-0.P.O. ctoc;k. ud' @.fmu. Fo.ra;ce a:, revot1..

12.!t p.m-P'l.h xn.o.rket ttPOl't. 12',U p.m..-R&bbll blllf'k~t. 1tt'IIO'r1t 11.H p.m..--S~ Ex:chanp r,.wrL t:l.38 p.i"-fiewa fJ'"UD.'I the ''&lo.•• U.4.6 p.m.-ltniler-'11 Tl'l.1tr--omentsl Quo:rtct­

Dlrl!tthm,, Car,1 Cutlfns. ! ,27 p..n,..-$toc!t: Exeha..nge, rrport. l.80 p.m.-G.l'.0. doc:k a.nd ~htoiM,

Talk lo C!hiJdnm and. gpectal "ntl"rla[ntn.l!r.t tor chlWMtJ tn Wllarcttll.

£'.0. dock a.ud chlmi!!t. Clase dc,wn..


ILadnt: fnfcnn•tlan bft'lad('"o.ttl im.mNlla~ly aft,i!r Mob 'l'llel!', h:, coorW, r,t the: ''Sun ...

I -s,..m.-0.Y.0, tlodt ati.d dum-. :Muaiul procnuruna fl'Otl'I the StD.dlDI.

1.10 1).m...-N"~ f%am th• --Son.•• •. H p,m.-M.utkal proe::n,mm• lrom t:be

Slwilo. ».m.-N~ trom '"Stin." J.ilO p,m -Dun.aowa.n. Dance Dand bM4dc.ut

tnmr. Duneo,,,an. 04Ulant. .C -..1n--C.P.O. dock and dam~.

Nawa from tbo "Suu. • l 15 9.w.--s«rial gt.ow'7, 4-.30 p.m-Dtil'll'OWA.11. Da:nre BuuL LGO p.m..-Nrwa f.rom tb• ··sllll..-, -p,ai..-Rbu..m.e rd ni.i'h~•• »t"OCrammo. Ui 7 n.m..-D.acln-c ,-am._ ,.s.t ~~ial OCOiU. ,~ .. t. IJ;.l'.O. doek a.nd chi--.

(lJooe ..... D


1.U p.m..--0.P.O. clock -.nil f;bim.a ChUdt-l!n'• ftl!llllon,

I p.m •no 1,uplh of M'"w :&ton1d Scully will anvrbd.n 1 ho, li,:ldctid.

Ii.RU 1).-m...--lllUliL::M J,"lr~ from. t.b11 Studlo,,


t p,m.-0.Jl.0, rlodt and ic-blmf!ill. ~u,,tn.tlan M.<ttta.ttLile. Lan.~ llDd

C.o .. '• rll'{)Qt-L Wvatlwr NPQrt and tom:ut. b,- COUl'\,.eq ut

Govarnrne:ut Meteooro1oc1,t. PJ'Od.u~er-a• Dtr.hrtbutl.Ng Socleb'• .tn1it. and ~l• mllrl.l't ntlOl'L

Friday, 2ht October, 1927,

~tock hdu.r1lli"' r•~>ria. Cr.:..Ln and fnddt-r N'PCl-l't ("~\lb"). Do.lTT J.•rod1u·_. ~Jl<:r-t ("~u,i-·, W"°kly tuffle bnlle:tln.

'l'rl~,-Cour.11:ry nl"WJI tro.rn the ' 1,&t.111."'

7,l!Q p.m. ITdpruJ hint.. W 1i,t.c,,1111r11 bJ Hr. /\Ian Bur,,ow,,,

7.H p.2i1.-Talk on "Deii:!lmal Prortt-1 In EnQ"la.11cJ.'' 1>1 Mr. Markham.

t p_m.. -{; P,O. clock and ch1rull.'1t. IlroadeA.J1.Lt.,n" T9ti.,:al Cb.o,u• Aci t1onr"1 prorn,rnen.-'llW by Hum~

Jt~tton.., J,.td,

1.8 p,m.-Th~ SakKlvl• Oan.t"~ Orc-bntra t.JI p..m-}a M11ntao Wrli,rht, t•nol', S,l!0 Jl,at.-1 h Sa.Janolll Ih1"1CI!" Otchf"!:ILr111.

8.81l y.m. )Ir. Oo?1.1ptc.,rt COtJtt1. twr1..Jl• n: t:hild1,d1 atorif"!li.

8.~!J" J)-m Th•• Sa1tumht Danee Ori--M'lltra.

tl.41, p.m...-Tencr 110111:# b-)' Mr. Norman WrlR-hl,

8 . .:>s 11.m. -Thi- ~•lonr,la DanC'.9c Orc:h.ntn. ll.6 p.m.-W1!4tht"1'" :n-l)Ot'I, •"d ft1~AJ1t- lr,

cour\A.'lly uf lla. c.i. J. Mara, C:-ovttrunftlt. ~rtwroJ,,11ht..

iUI f1 m--Bl'("JlaDl'-"-&l.l!"r,s-" Rad{(' PJay"'r,, u11'1."P U1t> dir-ectltlln ot lUu N,Ui,e, Fft'Cti•m:i, will lll'~rJt DoJielcaulL'•lrisb dntJt1a, "Arnh~No­)'osue.•• lnt:idflltal lllUlllc ~.v Dr~• lru.tmrnf-oW Trio und~ the,1:1; of Mr, G. V~ Barnett..

10.4-$ 11.m.-AL Jack'•;J h.roa.clca&t from the hlltoom of \.hi: Bond£ Oadnet.

ll n.m.--0.P.O. docl:t and ohiaea.

3LO, MELBOURNE Th11rsda)•,

]l(ll)JMr SESIDON,

U.I) r,oon.-Mefbourne Otrwrval.or, Tfme Ste­mu: .Mflta.l l'rleel Nai'l'td b, the ~w,... Lntlia11 M lh• and ll.ta!t A.Noola1lon fNlm tho London St.oclc Exch&nfr• thl.! d.ay: ltfl,it.,.r•• and t.he A11,t.rallan "Preu A.Moc-~.

~ i~~i: ~= .. o:::! ~ N~• UJli p.:t11.-Un.Jtt the •0.11'.l'leu of th. Coile~

lltK'1'II &l\.J Ccu1u1nrn.if-, B~rt· AMociatlont CO.MMUNrl'Y $r.,f01NG, tran,-mh.14KI from ,,,., ""'""'bl:r Rali Collina S"""~ Jh~ bourn,

J.fl p.m..---8~ P.lll"cba.nn Ta.torm•Uo-n: Wr.ath."N" l"o~C. (oc- Viaot'"~ 'l'a,.1J1a111a. SosJ.Lh An~ia •trd N".w 8otJtit Wal• r Ooo-ai, rol"M'aat; 'Rlvu Ret,ort. • .R&lntall tor Yietorla. Tum.ania_ Sour.h .6.~tnU.. at\4 N•-w South Walea.

2.0 .P-ffl~laie DOW1L


I.II! v..m.~r o..t: New~ Gh-1.11' Col!ue. ''M.oror.p... o.Jona-. b, a11 Ex:• oe11ena tbe Govwn,m,.,Ge-eraJ,. Lo7'd Stem.& l\a-vn; SPf!llkenu ll"n.o~ H. .S. W. La,non. Prwld•t of the ean_. : JUlfflt a..~ n.:vld 1':W,r-, o.f tbe l'lw.~ C).gr d, o! Vld.Qrla.. Mualcal t!ema by ._ 8-1~1' Cit, lied &:Wt the Schoi,1 Cho tr. Cort.dodo"t: ?dry J. Dawacm. ~io~ fnml Gto­lonit,

U ~=-sTUDlO QUAJ!T£TTE. Sel!'lt't-loo ho-a:1. 1'111:balm-.nt,,

4,10 p,m.-MAlUE LAWTON. ih• ~rl witb th• vofee and th• han,. ''In My WUd Murnt.a!JI va11-,.• "Jllu"" Skfn'' (d'ulin).

4.17 p.m.-$TUDIO QUA RTE'I'TE. Furt ~ .. $oll'Ct£onl!! from Tal!b.IkOWU,,,

.f 24 p.m.--Q.t.Al)VS LAJIJ>E, Co11tn..lta! "l>lvlnltl• du ~tr--" -from A~ (Oh:it:k).

4.:n o-m.--''Be-rald'' N..,,.• s.r.u:e: sc.ocrc Ex.. e.baa.r• lnfonnadoa.

Page 57: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 57nla.obj-666414059National Library of Australia

f'rlday, 21.ot 0l'lubor, 1927.

l'.\'.IQ\1..,"JG llt&ilOX,

~ P-ffi ~~-w.n to J....ttrn att,I B~ ~f'Nlhl•.,. .,JU.Ii~ GlJM.LE,,0,"

r. s. •··"' sTcro-ro QUARTJl:'M'Ea "J.'lrah Nlk'.t.uJ"1M.,'• ll~l, ..... • J. ·--11.1sa \·r,Ty J,ANUAH ,.,...,..J1ta br.1- JuioT l"lrPILI ,a • Ji'ant&cta ., J-l"-l'tlff7 JUana• &..ail --XoT1ft 11, G<)08.X,• 4dqi,lal 0,1 • rra .... ..,. 'P'ra.nk P~ ,

l.'a,al or IJtio.,•ctH:n Oh& Motbtr GOON •• DORO'IRY IJ'&1'UUNE HM' Hc;in. Jaeli, "A ,,1,1,1.rt.-l.ookrna 1011," --Not

,·•r, aood. and QQI. \'•r>' Liu,"

¥-.. (--na± 11•-.11tr11!':;~t;~~= ILla _. of UM a-It •f ._ ft••,.

TN \Vlalu.t 1-f,1,i,.. , ~ .. ~Ot:'l~~t

G~~1'1:~~~'1!~) <:·~w. .n~::-:,~ ·i.,:i~.:A C'hnf'111 of Ch>tinea and Gu.d,.r,,"41 l: !aJ.d,vr vt Jhther <.-OON'• Oou.aa-@,

8ta• t: ~E~~ ~ U,1 latn

:\luetc.! 1-111n..!~L=~ '° ti.ha pJ-.r. • Sr....- t, IJutit: "Cl'Olla Pat~b." Mot.he, -.n,l ~1/.Jrr ow~:::Olal'J' OOCIM7 Candff," Jack and '\b1dktl"~ G.tzonomle.i .. Solos .. r"'- 1e &nwat.r:• TN SQtdn. Tr!~ '"t;li;".!,.,•t ~ 4.Aduc."' Motbn, J&dl:

$wn~ X.

Q~•~;cv-~ho!nflku~~! DOCU"," Moths, U~1u lolcu .. ,Mk. TM&", &, ...

Air: .. WaJJt OIi Tlp,,t,o,g,- .x..._ Pie~; .. :~~___,• 0-..,, Qa,-NI'," Th•,tr Mi1111 Jt~hir M1trhrH. ·rru," nOYAr. At11'01rn1nr.a rum o,

VfCTOKJA'S- SA•'~r\' llESSAOJ:) )'O& l'O­l>A 'r J.S t"OK CJIII.ORt:.~:

--0. 971ft .. ._. hDr .,_ 11N Hrs. -· think a llllk. k1a. •nd J'DU •W •tdi ao aociddt ti,,IQre h 111,thra nu.•

G,.tf) l),M -'"llff'aJ!C" ,...""'J••1 W•thll!' ~rll!J t,Lfl)pJ111 .... , ... ba•D1.4,

S..47 P.M, )>;~~ 1':uha:"'-1111 'ftaporta,

'·~~L~~a~"p~ ltJ J. a. I.I$ , ....... 11- ... .,.!1,J, 6,18 p,ra, ~n.rkN ~,t.. ('Ultdal ftsp11Pr .. ot

?il!WmubL S.tJi.>-,U #•lWII by th• Afilk.lci•t.rd fot~1c anfl E,ult~fll A~. ltutirb Nlr~.

~~t:i~ :.::!!:: J'!::a':!. ~J l.1:.:: : • JJ •--lllarbe ll"POl't. of rr.11 a,p ,u

y·...,,_11 Ji'f'Uitf'•-,.' ~t.UOAI b.-11 T•rir .. : 1-'rul( M•rk•t- fh•porq l -..•~,I~ .rrr('flll.; 0-.Jl•Tai l'hc flh.rkilt. lt.p,11"L by ll• tt-Harat Stock an• 8~n .Aw•ft4.

N10HT a::uroN.

1.11 ··•-MR. A . w. ,.1.cK&OHr ··c;.ut( ..

TI(> If t11,• -Undn- tt,,. O:rtt,ki:'• or 'f'ti .. 'ftoyi-,\ At.11G1no-Ltl.- Club 1)( Vltton.11., )flt. 11. W . ('0-X • ...,.,,_ ... Lo 11'111 .... t.M'

.,,,_.... - l'rMlnu ol 1'<>4"7" 1.n ".t111.-111SS M.AfUt: BU1'~J:, .,,._ l,

rt<tW •rf>f'111nn, in .,b• WhoJI Tuwa•• •u,k-­·intif,H 'ftu-&n. n..,r111I, Ml'lbo"TTI"', wtll 1p,,>all: "° !l"OI.I. ,,... hw rll'~ll-•tOOM, by i,ttu.l­•'-• of J, C. Wllllatlllft ..

a.o P-"'-t1DW!r t~ '11!11 or ,~ Tiealth Abo aod&Lloa of A-in,au,. ,_. Haaltk Jf,,.,. ..... fot' lo-clQ ...

NA r,wt JI.,.• In ~r d''l"lI:..Un k onib Hrlfll tff l.f1• wnk_. and •ld., but aakJnc tl1• flt Mor.''

1.1 ..... --KB.. BOD ll'cQBECOat --


·:·················································· .. ······················••···· . Tbe World's Super ~ Transformer ~-~




Tonal Beauty Lies Deeper The Varnish


Now Only



Duper evtn than the Circuit Diagram­chiefl-, indeed in the Audio Tran,form,r, ...

,..,,. t~ .U.~•"-'·'·'-'"r..: (,'t,il"ffll

f'iirnre I tho,n th• ,altoge ••plifir1tion ot the "Ranland-Lyric• at ,arious fr,<1u..,,I.L It .. m be ant_, tl!at ,,.. aaplilcatioro is nl")' unifonn, up to 3,000 'l des, and IM-1orul thi• point tlw,re I• a Jr4'ntl• Inn•••• nnlll 8,000 <7< es bi ,_h..t. From the ataltdp0lnt of practi<al amplJ&uUon, thio io of ,rrNII. lmpnrtanoe, J\INI loud •-kHII hu• a d..,lded lt"lld..,,7 lo •llKht lh- hlJrher fr•qu,ncie,i, and r<11rc,. duclion fro,n an ampliflftr ha,·lnc 1& true 11trai1hl•liU c-Wattrrlrik, •uuld ho qultt lrtC't!kie-nt. na •tt•e hara.Ja and o'ffflOllflll.. This. el courv, ,oould d1111uoy thP full rou"""" •••lilJ of the otiainal ,nuaic nr ,oict. T~ .. Kaula1Ml,l,rrk" cOftl...,...ta for th~ Joud 11iwaker fffirl~udee by 11upplylnJC C'l.t ra PoWf'r at Jhe hltther fffitucn<I,., • nd fahhl'ullr ropruchu,a tlulM ,wtUU• wlddl db• ti.nguiah. lhe nrio1111 111m:tcal lnatrumrots from one aa.~tr.

l<O~ AGliST:

0. H. O'BRIEN, (Sydney) (IAt.6 O'llr&.a .... Hlth•IJ)

11•JI Plff ff .. &YDN&Y. ISi C'OW~8 81'- ~tJUB. W. a, PttkllJU.N, HI M...:nll St.. a&IQ.A.N1

~ ,,,,,.., .. ._._... __ .... ._... . ._ .............. _________ _

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Par• Filly-Six WIRELESS W E EKLY ~---~~~~---~-----~~~-~~-~~~~--~~~-r-·····-"--- ....... " .. ···- ···-i i Rechargeable I I DRY! I i n~ " •t tht. mean,. Sov~11. ti,11,t,. ! i torl• tor tbo •ri<• ol •••· I ' : 1 i ' : ' :

I I ' ....... :

I I 45 volts, Price 35 /- ea. ! Tb• t~ niadt b7 P.fll.t~wr Lab,v, ot i ! !ilelboa:me UDlvt'tait¥, •J$'flft!d tha t Uie :.;

~&p&dt:, of the 'l'AB Datte1:7 11

! ~~~!~hent1"!'t:r ~d ~U:f!~. dJ~:~ i l ~t~~~• :1:!:,h~ p~~°! U5~ for ~ f .1.USTtiLtAN' AGXNT81 j

I Latimers Wireless Supplies Ltd. / : 151 Ca,tle,,,o.ab Str•• t. S7c!n.-,,. : I 1PbMte1 Ne.. ll'Ul4. ~ L......,.- •,--. .. - M .......... _.,._ • 0•- •--• ,.i

~ ............... ··· · ······. ·············· ~ Manufacturers

Products P ty. Ltd.

IMPORTED SETS Ac""t• for all Styl.. of Radio

Products, including Clyde Batteries

ARMAX BA TIERJES Elec. Meter .Mf,-. Co. " Emmco tf Conden.ecrt, Leak,,


Ainone Con. and Loop.,

BALDWIN SPEAKERS Neiu.tron C1y.tala

Prompt shipment• from Sydney,

Sarplaa Stodal 1old lnteuta.t ..


Clu!U. Howe, Mart!i, Pll>cc, S'l.'DNB'I.'

: TeLt BW Ul:8 :

•••·············· ............... ·········

a.a J)Jn.. J.OE ARONSON AND IlL~ ~\'"N· ('QJ•A'TING /'3,YM..PHONISTSo "CudJlc- Clu$or .. CJlo...,'11td). ''tlndt!rnt!al11 tb~ St.lU"lli Wit\, Voll' 1!itrp1l, "A .l&PJIM!le Sun:i.e-t" fDi!ppen)

8.2.1 .P,m.---GLADYS LAM.PE. t.011Ualt1,1: "'OJ f°llri Yo ~I.'~ C\1qhiona i'"

(Sc~itc:,h, Ur. ,~ J . .K. l ~c{;J!l t ,

f..2:J p.m.- J('U; .\ftO~SON AND HIS $Th'. eOPA'ftSG ~ \'1,\f'PH(lN JStrs: ''S'li:&-tko O' ~lt1.-'' IO'Bapn). •·o 'Whal g Pat WtUi'. Whoo,d11'' ~ K1aht11 "Al SundD'l'P"ll" IDunalmo1\/

8.Si- 'Pm. F1U:O WALKl•:n. Dai·itone. "ln an Old Flir,bli>•tt•rl 1'11'il'l1·• t W H.

SQull'eJ.! r, m JOJ~ .AlWNSOl\r A.!l:D HIS SYN­

fot•A'l'J;o,;r.; !-;Vr,111 rLQNl:O,TS: "'Dt-l(1i11{: til'ld lJrei,,$.'"" (Or>.11)

Ili-DN:, lli-De!e. Good-l,ye 1'lmr•da.>', ttd lo Frid11.:v•• (nrown).

"~lir,pt•r, Jo:Jm·• 1Btrnti'r} 8,1,il 'J)Jn.-\\.'Al(I)}, •. 'G.O!WAN, Ter1,H•:

•·Sonr o! Ctu.tlun' (Wllhllm&J. 8.Ji Jl,111,· .JC)J~ Ak{,N::.O.N Al'-1'0 B l!:i :,.iYN•

q)l1ATING 81':\I.PllOl\lSTH: ~1 Wur111e~ how 1 1,o(,I.. \'d,ein J·m ,A.til-i.;"

(Henrit,i-.~on) . " A Lane ill t;paln .. t.Low!a),

Yrt,.pttt•n" {0'.i::J!lg"'nJ. s.r p nL-RUR~O AND EIRAJWORD, Oi:,er11.~1e.

,.... 1!.tt~; • L "_1Jt1rl,•, M:.r;,.." 11.}. C.pu111).

g,u {l,1.1,--J\ •• :,. . . ...... vtl .-u.o UiS :iY~-l'Ot'A l'JN\ •• -,~ .. ,, l t ONt;:::,.·r~: ••Jf Yao Se~ S.alb" f "-Cih.nJ '"l,ci'a J\fllkf' ~J~v~•· jHNIH) . "lslc•wJn' Ou .:tto.QID" !UatJ•1·

11.2t, p.ti1.· JOtoJ AJLON80~ A.NU HIS SYN'~ COt'AflNO SYMl'HOYl.t,~: ~~~i.:::.,rurt:bfn)~•r l'm bon)'?'" tConleyJ.

' 'Oh, Mia.a J:hnua1.h0

( J+"f!Mt1).

~.Ml p.m..- A ~••w Mitt-a~ C:hat oo t be 'Sa ­l.Lomu Wair .M.81.I.Ok"J.1111,

11,31S p.m.-GLADYS LA!,f{'J!,, Contr.11ILu: 0 1,on th" llurn" \St"Olt:hJ.

t.3~ 1•.m .-JOI£ .\h,O.NSON A.."lD J:tUi SYN ... C01,A1.'1NG SY:\IPlJONIS'fS: ··Wh_tre Do You Worltu., John" 1.t.b,.rl..•J• ''Daby- llim:f' tRu111>J, ' 'Ain't. Thll¢. • Gr&nd an¢ Glot-iou~ FreHnr"

t 1'erk.,·r).

9.49 p.m.-FIIBD WALKER, IJaritono: •·c,;vming Jlume·• (Wili~).

8,~:S p.m. JOJ.:: AllOlil::iON ASO HIS ::;YN• COL1.i,.'l'l~G SYM.l'HONJ.STS: "-l 4JWA)',I :Koe,, J"d .. ir,d You." (Mor.:lt; j . "Chill•~\! l'aLrol'" tP~rry). '"Tb.ere'• • 'Trick in Plclo o' • Chic.k. Chick.

C'hick"n" (Tobia,).

10.S p.m..-" Ateiiiu•'" l\c.•w• Servi,;e: Mer.eor,o.. lot:iC'al ln(ormation; Br!Lbt,h 0.tfh:ia.l Wire­Jeu; Spor tine- N9tel) by ''01Yl11J1W1.'" ltoYAL AOTOMOBJLJ-; 01.l/ll 01' VIC­TU81A'S SAFETY MESSAGE FOR "t~ DAY IS l•'OR CHILJ)R&.,-,: :·.K~ • i1rt1 t(t tn!in your e,-ea and L!:Ln!I, anti thl1,k ... llltlP, ta.,c,, at1d 1V1.1 will cuch a.11 aectdiout bl!lON! it ~kh~ )'IJ'II."

10.IS- 11.m.-JOE ARONSON A N.I) UIS SYN~ C01' ATIXO SY11PHONIST$: "Ol&Y» of Jfr•rt& and Floweu .. (TabanfJ. '"Hrr Jl.-rit Wrnt, Htir H111.v• <km•. Bet Ha,\·•

.. J~L ta~J :;r~~c~r~~(~Jow). 10,tB p .Tn.-M.All.IE LAWTON, th, rirl with

Ou!. vokl!. and the .h.a.r,,, 'Down Va-axhall Way.''

ti;UI~ p.m .. -JOE .ARONSON 4:XD H18 t:IYN­COPATING SYllPRONl$TS: ''SwMt &nd Low Down" 1o~r.11h-.·£n). , "'Whm I.Jo Wo D•D~" (Cttahwin), 'lb " Ja~n..1u•,;o G,:1,rJ("tJ ... (Na~aum),

10.1.2 p,m.-W.AllDl!'! JI.ORGAN, Tenor; S-clt'CUd.

Ju 11 p.m.-JO'B All0~'1,.,CN A)l'J) EIS SYN, COPATINC SYMPHO:NtSTf:i : ",'¼>,t-tn.g Jol".,·('r,"' Plano So.lo .(~rt). ••He.b.\orn Hrl p a on a NJ&ht. Lik•

'l;'h.h" 4I)ubtth1). S id@ b:,- Sid•~• {Wood,),

l0,6fi 11..NO BRADFORD. OPttA:­tlr Vot"alll\lA: Duet: •"f.he World I• Waitlnc tor th• !511n­

rll! .... !&lb::•

l 1.0 v.m.--OUR GREAT THOUt:R1': •· r thl11li; tb• lint V irtue ia 10 tridrnh1

1h11" t.Ortl(ll.t~: lit nru1•0• 1•t-, .. , nr11t""'f:~t. ,~ lhil!' "od" who lut""W how I It-• •t!enL @.Vf"O lhot11f/J h~ r. Ju r', r '«t,t," f'

11.l J>.m.-.f OE .A"RONSON AND HIS SYN, LOPATING SYMPilO~"l.S'TS: "Mine•• lBainJC'J). ''Tb• Wt)l1ll"' W()f'lrl is l.11uvhin¥ 11.t Mc-''

1<.r1111d!!11J ''Tlie Soni" o! th• Wa-n<lerer"' (Mort!tl. •·n,:a c.-,e L ut. ·wonl" tK•hn\. ·(:o, WNh an l:;,l,:,ph;ml if Yhu Wunn• dn

Scimc;thln! Qiw,. ( · J.:erit.ur'k,-- I,ullaht"' fMlH:n), "1"111 TelUn' the Bi'l"d&" (..Brown.l • tnmlete. Drefll'd Girl" (Low). ··sio .... Ril'('f .. /Sthw11b1. "Cor:k II flnadlt"-. T'lll Off Mr N"coOdlii!"

~J1'11in,,011l. "'Por My Su~l"tbeart" (:8evwn\. ,.,._ Sona o( Old Court" LW•tkri;). ''Love 1& Just" ,:i Tiit o! 1Ti,.a11,;--ri" ( Oa.11la.).

11.• 4'1 p.rn. GO() S/\Vl•: 1'J-U-: K lNC.



I r;i,m.-MJ,,rket r~pat-~ t weather lntormaiion: 'Thto Daf}y Mull" •ml ''l'ha Daily StauJ.a.rd•

FRON TBI!: <.:0 NST11'UTJONAI CT.UD- -1.2'1 p ,m,- ·A Lal\Cb H our .-Jdtt~e.

1-'R(JM Tit£ OBSERYA'l'ORY-1,Ji!\ p.m.-Staml•td llmf' J1i;cmd,

! " .111.--0l011e dmva.

SJUI p.rn.· A proc-n,.-:n..ttte o:! 111UJ1-ic by Lb• Studio O reh«~. incllldinl' :•

O,·<' rt\ltO • •·•rhe GnT .Ea.rlc"' l~ rc.'bcbnel'J. \'pl~: ••t,lipn(•' ' { M71:!rli). Cn11lTS1.l l:J) Snlo: :St11ecl.4!d.

.MUl1J IJQrt,1h.y lJro,r,r,. l~vl"rio: "'Un Sonq• b'AmU1i1r"' (Sa.ndi!'n). \'ali;r Chtu1J11011, '"CJutnt D'Amour (DnUa). C<intn.lto $1)1c,: ~ccted.

Mh8 Dor,;rl b.,v" U .. tQ'l'Vn. Eotracte: .. Neka7,-Ji" Wrnenwaldl. S•ranade .EeitaC"bW"': •·r.. l h .-nola "' (E fkG­

ber g). M.a.reb. "Our United Emblem." [B'ffllfll).

•- p ,=.- A C-OcikM7 "Ta"ilc by "tfott:v SlmPIJOn." 4..16 p.m.-''Tbe T•lf'2"r:1J>h" new• . 4 .SO p.t1L-Cl-= 4own,


Cl p.m.•-'"U1~u, .Satulard" l'.)il"'WIII: anoo!.ln­u..e-nt~.

G.ICI JMl'l,-JJ"hr OhJidn,n'• Sewiott"-filorl«'II b '"'I'b.e Sa.ndmii.n~"

7 11,m.- lh.rket nporta; •tDl!k ftparls.

"i.JO 1>.m.-WMth~ Of!'W•; 1utn.O~IH'1,'!"ftf'Otl •·oaIJy St:t.ndatd" nPwa,

1.(3 t11JL-Standal\.l time ~lgttal.

7 • .S p.m.-l,rcW'reLte: A 'l"• lk u11. ~. al'• mne'11 b,Y Md.AOllb.,



A praa-nu11m e by the Sllkst.Gn$ A pi;,Jlg Cl.ulll. DANO£ 1i1.usrc.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 59nla.obj-666414319National Library of Australia

Friday. Zht o .. tohH. 1121 ,;,-- :I

t!Q pai -li·ROll Tli£ Cl·f'll~!\'"JAI H.o\1.L t>a:io.- ~u~. nou Tiff TIIUiO-

)O 11,111 • Ttu l •l'liiV 'd:;,,11 r.i•..-.1, wraelpt!' ,,.,.,,., \.'.lcee do\lo n

Friday, Oct. 28 2FC, SYDNEY.

11.u • .-.---s,pd .. ,. 11,ualac 1~111·• nrR"• M"f""I.

JU.SO ,.,o S111d1" 111u:1k

Hl.:i:t Im .. -A ltr-a1l,t,.:, 10 . .U • 111 <;;tud.KJ m1115,1e.

ll • rn.. - 'Bir Rt>a.11

J.1&.h·hlmr ,-,u.-ta for 11eh,1el •hllJttn

11.L a.111 ·.,\..1' A •"rl lW""'''•'.e H"'rvll"e,. SI.Hi •-tn...-~tu4Jo rn .. ic..

11..15 am. A talk .a Boa. GOMU.t: a11d l&­ei""' h7 ll,'KI Jl-21b Fun\.

11.10 a,m. C'ru:''°' 0.,11c-r11,li-1n1. !\.O'J'~:~ A L t.i,1,1w1, U..80 i..1n.,. fru111 1l1P s ..... 11 .. )' l''Mt'k•t. t,a,IJIMI I (ull lkectlHlt>n ..,.- Ibo cn,r1e4 .Mttth. fyll ... nnua .N 'I.... XI w~lrh tnim b:u ju.,t Nlllr.-i fl'(Jm lb .Ii 1tt•Mful tokl' • r lt.. Oki ,· ..... .u...., Jo


tz noon. -•a,.:- &n .. &.1,J a~IUliUll)Pn-t,a.

l:2.t Ji ni.• · Siod. i-:w.l"hAnct', 11n,t eel I. U.I "'l"ll~r fotN .... t, ral11f11ll_

I.I.I » ra -Swd10 "'u-k:. ll..11 p,.m -61DJUD9tT (,I ~~ llcnr.i11ir

llrr-.ld"' ne,n arrvla.. lt•11,1l,;y wtrrlf'J'• 11~9,•111.

I~ J1.m.,--Stwl1~ trJM•k..

I~ ~ "'f -Mntlli"I 1111~,MI t11t ~wl f'hil• ..... J2,411 11 m.-Mal"r,.t MHt"a-1,t, IM»(a"Ja:

•·Ot,.,tlnatl()f\ .. CC .. pr,rr).

J'.!.4, p • n. O•k lh1!I lnstnmrnu1I Trw.

us~ ,, 111 ~Stalllio mltl)c-. •

l D m 0 '1:Ur 0.,.n..'" W"'th,r tbW'lli~Jtfe. .l.8 Jt 111,.....•·1,:ve-nln1 Nf'..-lli" hi ldduy ,,.-w• f«'l'-

,·lre. J->l'Ollll<lft•" DMt~Uaz- SocMt1'1 .,._,,

l Z- p.m-Tbt O.k Hall TJM. 1.28 p.rn.--8-~lt l.:uhan.-... llffon,t <SIL lJl(I p.1n.-:Mu-thlflr '111J1dc ff'I' r,1,1,h',.,.,,l eh1hln-n, Pffl,-!lla.rE« 1..-cam, •t>

-J z..,,.. 0i: .. M<xm,. Clh1'--ldl

l.d P.1!11-..~1.lldfo "'Ink. LH p.m-Th,it Uak H..aH lnt1ll"llm11mtal Trlo. 2."lJiw- Bl'n," 01Me dc,w:o.

:I p.n.1-•· 111c Ben" anJ anno,unetom•nt,.. S.S p .m.-Prum d,- 8J,dnr7 Cdlkrt C:1'441t,,f r A~~ deacrJvU-cm ol IV Crlekel lhlL'~I :,,; Ii.If. ~nm UM :.~ Zaiaad •Kkft11.• "hltl.l ha.I :t-t hlUm-1 hllCII lU; ~tul t°"n or ,be "Old Cou'n t!'y." nnrtaa: u-W!ket h:H""ak the tuJh,..-Ittr mwit-

-i l1ftD"'t .. w "··l'til~ LJO ••.-lla:rdl.lbc --- m/8 ~ acb-OQ( dill­.....


"D.J. STANDARD 4" for £2/ } 0/ - drp,mt

"D.J. Standard 4 i, very popular. It is powerful enough to receive Interstate Broadcast ing Stations at Loudspeaker strength and the two-dial control is (.-asy to manipulate, The Set is designed and made by David Jones' cxpens, and is fully guaranteed. It is supplied complete: with .ill accessories-speaker, :1ccumulator, bat­teries, aerial equipment, everything ready £25 to instal. Cash Price - - -

A Radio for Everyone Ca11h Pri..:e. JJcpo! 5,1 "ttkly


"D.J, StandarJ 1" [,7/10/- 15/-"D.J. Stamlan1 2" £13/10/- £1/7/-"D.J. Standard 3 " f.,ql•/• r/18/-"D .J. Rt•ndanl • " £25/•/· 2/10/-"D.J, Sundanl 5'' [.30/-!· 3/-/-"O.J, Super-Six" £45/-/· 4/10/•

Call in and test these Seti for yoursrlf al 011r Radio Dept., 22 l'ork Street.


2/10 5/6 7/J 9/6

11/6 17/3

Page 60: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 60nla.obj-666414442National Library of Australia

• It••• ••••• I 111111 I•• 11 • • 11111•11 I t i I II

ERadio Sets Built to! 1any Circuit or Designj • AH Th,noa.-l!J.,- T•~ and lluanu:,~H11 tu· : : On• Y..-, :

:w.,~aW 1-J:T.:i:~EriJCi2k~J~: : : t.TSUAL READY•MA.DE .ll.£Ct.Jv1rn: : : Tb• ¥oat l"opor.r ~ft ,r l b• Y"r:- :

E ;;~"1,~ ~~,?YNE" ·£15/ 10/-: ! CalbJrLCt, Accumulator, Loud SJtf'alrtor, flat-: : LUim, V-.ltea, t1f4 ••,.. S:,11/f,/- ed n •

: TOTAL PRJCJl ........... £26/ 15/-: : lnlltalled. Pre1t, : : S OMETHIJVG GOOD r : : SPElllAL BEI.ECTIVE ,-VALVJ; SET. ; : in Oob!aM ................ £ 5 / 10/-: : .1.ou4 Sp.-.kt".t, Val1'M, A.,r!.11.1, : ! .t.c. ···•••··••• ·········· £6/11/!t/- ext,t-•• : TOTAL Pill"" ............. £ 12/$ /•: : lnstalled FT-t,e tn Cll.7 and S1,1burhe. • • C.ll and bt-o.r- thl.111 ,.,.Oftdert.ul Htl.!t" l""I in : : a~J.on. :N-. obUaat-ran to buy. : : WBT NOT IU.VB YOUR flET : : JlEMODRLLEOf : : You will be IUl'JI;~ ~-M!I! bow Hlll{' lt: :All Renalrlnr Alt.t-rlne- nnd Tl.ewirin1r 1 : falthtttlly CU'Tk-di out at. Tf'al'oOfflbl• ,rall>tl, : ., C.OtIN'l'RY CLIENTS-Mall Ord~r,a •r• • : S,PN"j.JJ1 C:.teN4 for. : ! I.At • • Sitln JladJ.., 'rrl>bll"ttll. : : .. w. a-ra Solodun• E:Xp~Tb" : cra.e On Knowleu~Adrite 1.- li"nEB. 111 C•ll Dr Wrilt t• •

lR. w. PATTERSON, .. wn :~~mE,: • (Jti'q,r Mutln Pl• t(') : .............................. , ........ .



R,,st.tered Traci• Mu t.

F'uLl\ahed b .Arthll.J' l\~UI.Uua Watt. o, ... o\.atorio.," Kirrlhllll. tor the Pf'\)JH~i,nni, Wtl'tit'N Nf-.W•}ltltH!'l', Vrrr.ited. i1 Cu11e~h Str@«, S_yd.ney: &rul pd11tl'd by lihm:.haut 11: Co. Ltd., au Pi.i., i.;~t,, $7dnw.

n. Editor will be rt.a.d lo C'C.uidef' 'teoh-­t11t«l a r,d Tr,_ple,41 Arlie ... "' l nt~n to .A11.1tn .Han B.tt4~r,. All J.t'anwcrlpta a.rid Jtlu•tYatfon, •"' 8E.Ut, ac ~ •"'thn.r'a rilk. end althil'.lllllrK th• Ktf' .... lflt-t OAH ,,1U be l•k~I\ &o trtum UlUUitable malttt (it ~»anil"d b:, t La.Mti•l, lh"' J.:ditor cannut •c~t ruponal• -'ilit7 tor it.a &ale tctt1t11.

Bubf.r..rititina t-1.tM.-T,rfln Mnrith:4 (I! luuN). u.r. "'"''· frtt. .5lx. ln.tmlhll. ,~. h11.uesl. f/1 t,1>!1.I. fr~. S.lnsM uap~ 34. Mt:h. ur- PQlt frc,., .Cd 8.ulll'f'rJpl.loOI aboul4 b""' •ddn-,.'IP(I tQ Wl're,I~ Newa-i,~p•rri Ltd.. IJ Ca.tlu81sh tnrwl.. -Sv4_.n.e:r.

Ad,-c-rti,:lr,~ :-Our ad,..f'.rluiht.- re)INlitDta• tiv• 1,.-~!I in c:lnat tauet,. wltl:,; • d\·~ rlliir,i":n1, a nd b" t, ff11.dJ' at an llmf'.a to •U.VP4' ido.,.. •at.ion. cant"unfns •dvut.l• in•.

A.t-•nt.. \n t.rnl :-Th CoUn1laJ .Teclmkal l'nu, Dudley, Sollt~• a c-oto.rn Strffi. Sira.n.d, W.C.t.

""Wl?"t~ Wet1lr:b•'' la full,. iiri,t~t.d L-7 NJ>:,rlcht, and ru,thlnt OPffrl'I In II 111•:,- be- nrJ>Tlh!NI, wholr,- or irl 11-ut, wlthoa.t .-pecl&I num lll•l11nt. l'h• uae o.t curr a rticll!II a r- q1:1ot.ationt1 flvM t~m tor an:, ru.rpOM WhlllbloeYll!.'.t" !• Ufi\'ff Pl!rallted Wllll:ooC 01[1 ea'ft~ o a.u.thOtit.r.


I.Jfl p.m..-!";nrn 1,._11U.1.•r·· •r{'.a noom•: ,..runk Bof.l11,n1, t,ar:t...i• : "'"Tt•Jnffl)' l.11.11" t:f~fond.tcnJ. "l-'"aql F-:Ynymnn" (~uu.dt-1".11.-.ri). a,~r-oni r -ltrr1r-t>'.1 Tes .l{,;,,,iu,. a.t ! ii.111 iiut

d..·lO P ·'"-1 Ptnlo. llrHt,.,.. t-OJ;.tono: II\) .. t~w.rM l\.[111" fRu.~,.Ml), n,, "rr•cr ,furu;•• H'•r~wJ

D~~"~nit~:~~~ I:~:,;~~ ir.:~~ th~ Sln~ie--. Nett .. ft.luF_4u-I..t)·. 111~1,ni ru) "Aw: M aria" fC1J•111n-1, (!.) ''ltOH In the .Btid" rFor11!.•r! Will nov.-, .. r. LA ... u: lo I "'Gh111n.l.-l1tb .... ,, .. (fl.nll.icl..i.~·, th1 •·1.<w1"lt' ~mite ot Si.,tt-, ti:11111"


L4G p.rrt -S'.(X'};; Exrh• '*"· lhiM! • t7 v.n,.-St11~1(1 n,111>r. 1,,,,.,.1 .... ~ ,nt.b ti:f"o1II,.. J p.m.- ·•n111 li.1'11." CJ~ down


li.~O ii.nt.- 'rho Chime:. ot We. c;.4,r, p.m- The •·Ue-llo :\Ju," ;u1l;o ~~ 111., c.liil•

dll"ttn, r..o(I, p,rn.--S•.o1'y ti.m.e for- th ... yu•nir f11lk,

fi.O n.m.-~!Udlll") 111t1•lf', •

11.'ilt 11.m.-Lat.. •u< nrw,, 'i Jt -rr, -"JU~ R"" •~

DAhctolV'I uiutk"l r,ri,crtt fwot1J, 11-·t,,-11-l :1n,f ,.:.oc:t.J •

'..ti 1•,m,-Fl'lllL anti Vt"gr!J1ble m,u-1-tt~.

'1.10 S).m.-. W~t.b~r- and EbtJl'rln.t" new1. 'j'.lti p,m.-•·•:,·toniric Xrl\'Jo" lat-,;, n .. wa iw-nk..-.

NJGJll' Etr:Efi.lOS.

':',1!10 p.m..-Prt,£'r1Unm-e- a auuuJ-.eo·u01"'!~",

7.~,s )),1'11.-Cy.rtl Monk. vlolrnist.

7,n p.m.-Ad. CrH, S-:otcb C'OU'Utdian: ··~l)t:eh" {Lot1rst.11.tfe).

7.5~ r,.rn.- t.Jn..M'I H31('hf-lflr, Jt11r11'•'" 1a.'1 "/lt>•t1nr,r,; .. (Cn'A'f'tiJ fl-) "On• 6prins- ltlt1rnln1r'' (l'HVhl),

• p.m.--"His- n,.,., ... A 'f}).Btric-.Jil 'J'r-t,11t,mb,iii-,,,.

Q fl.ffl.-.. rn• flrn, H

C>7IJ ), violinllt. ,_10'U fla 1e1ht>l"r, !llctr,r-aru,;

ta\ ui;•.,. .Aw-.,-.·• (I;) ••,Siln.'!" i,a..- Mc t.ho Auld ~<.!<>trb $unt.:"• ...

D".11 Jt.l'r1.-.Ad, f'rr,•, SN,t.rh rfw1rdla'1 : (al "Wlr~ In. my fo111.-•· fl,.ri.{l'lt). (l,} '"l<'•n~)' Url'-,l,o, Rau·• tBt&1r).

t :U -Y,on1 ,,.,_., C'l~•J'V• U>riu,n 1-/.11.II.

11-r~~",';~ th~ 'l""llo n ... i=il.A.l, arri,na:c.d b .Mr-. Ohui'lton~ Jµ-,U

•·s1,,,,. Mm·~c-n: [n.1m CanCf'rto in D" (lla,un).

1'tr. 0:-drfo Albton,

OM f',tn,__..J"l'f'lt1d0 tn O .Mi.nor'" rnac-M. i:t 'C,:,l b ia Unistm witli, nto PiaM •~•('c,ri,•

»,o.nimciota. t .Cli r1.171- f"r1>m! Studio:

Win and 'Windle, Ell&Uab C"nl,.rtalnir,u. 0,ti4 p,m..-Fra.nk lkElllcbnn, h11rl1cnn, 10.2 p.m-Har-f'i,i,!Jll Whitt-. banfo anfo111. 10.8 1'1,tn.-Wh1 ond WJndie, EosrUsh\l"o.

ta1rwrw. ltl,10, r,m..-Fr-11..nlt !.flt'F.•ch<'h"I, baritone-~ 10.U tM'Sl,- H:,.nitl.'"' Wh1((1o, b11&Jo JIOlOL

JO.i,o ;o.m.-Wln •r.d Wlntlll', l!;n1ll!h f!ll t t-r• hdr.<"ra. t~ate we:tth~r ffm"'C"r.r-t,

10.S;,t i,.m.- Thot 2FC Si.atl[o l)an«! lll..Dd wm Y.1'1' until lLJO P-~

ll'.1 . .11 p.m.- L&~l' ne.,. and a.uruiunt"r-tllf'abt.

l1 s,.ra...-'"Di& Ben." 1)1.n<e- mw.u.!. J>..m.-N'•UomLI. Ant::bem~ Olm.a dowu.

Frid•y. 21st October, 1927.



l~ rU)UII Ml'llwu r .. Qb~t>:-VUtl.lry 'Tim" l'lf,-t,,j 11rM.'>.?ll fL(,HVe.f \,:r, the /\Ot11r a JJ~n Mir,,-, u;d. M.i,1.al11 AilllJ('lla.tiOll, rrom. lh~ l.()ri.Joa ~ttt!.. t11.,•h1uryit !hh, Oar Brltl,.h Uft(tlal Wln-W-- n•·w1 icrm, "RGsUf R£>u\.-t#1 11.nd T~ J\q:qln&li4.n rr~u, Anorli.1io11, ,•,llaili'-'i. ' "Arf"1J~" n•'WJI 8i!1·v~"-

I :.t.~0• JtEt;E,!\ T t;1lANO 1:0NcH:RT 0ltO IE.1iTIU. Cu1HJuoeu,r. r:mt.-.i ~ikbt11,. U,\· J1nmil>:'lhn1 H,,yu 'J : .... t.....,.. l ,ttt " lu rrh, • E1 (aJl.lLtlt\'' 1A.ou,-11 ,. Ov·erwre, "Lu.!lU.P,lrl'' I h r l,t~H,-1•),

J~.~ ll,m WA.!l.D.1:1 MO.nUAN t•nnr ; 'In To~·n:· ' 'Br(lU111y,"

1! 39 ,un. -St.wk 1,;,;dt11on~,. i n 'ornu1Ho•1.

1.!.-t.:.! it.m . IU•;(H:..Vr GR.A"!iD CO:St'l':P.'r OUCIIESTRA.:

~it:ive:~;:ll~:11t~~:~ri•;, (WJ>Odl ::ldttl.lun, '"''.\fndc1me Butterfu·" (1'1Jcitrin t),

1:t,Lr, ri m..--SAXUPHO'SP, S,Cll.O, ''Shahmar-" {Kirb r,,11;1).

(~oi<1l,t, Joek llarneY.J l n,m. MELB.01:RUR 111\S F.RVA'rOJlV

"tl?tf"E g{G~AL. Ttm~ flif.~ Why wt..>.tk'iot 1huu ml,.thtrr In 111:y 1·lhrrU'tltt•. uni""" t ltr,u .-11111,r~t 1"f't.u1'n 10 ~U 11ooel'!tt• l

1.1 p.m, FRED. WALJ\~Jl., 8 athVM: ... Ah. Lo\•e bul a D•>·" tb. GUbffte). 'l Paa!fd bJ' \la-ur W lntfow" (¥, Brah•).

1.A "D n:- -)lt•te1m1ICIJl'k• l ln torma~lnn. W~athl'r 11,ttnpi1I~ f(Yr V jd.or-la:, Ttismanbi, Sc,uth Auftt,f'(llla a-od N ew ~th Wal"-, 01•nin f11rl'e1t" Rive,. 1·e»ot i. for \'leu1r la f1um1Ht-i-. South Aue1raltii '-"d N~ ~omb Wales.

1.10 ,~itCHl.f~~T cr.,~ND c_0Nt·1~RT

F'o-c-r.rot, "Sollt1.)' Jk,y" f.E)atl

l 2tl P,11'1.--M:A.JUl. L.A?ITON", 1ll• sn'I wJ01 l h.,. v<olcr n.nd th"' lla rp.

'Mot.b-1", Yt1u t;nff'I\" lle S t.qry" ( Ma...a.r;.c-1111, ·waltr :-::on.- frun Tun1 10!\ei. ... ( .

· .27 J),m.- RJ>~nl.-:"N'I' ORANO CONCT-:R-T Qn.tHY.:~Tfu\:

l' Hnlo, M L:11 C. Ct1llltl'ld.

?.IG p,m.-WART)E MO.IWAN. TMccr-! Se-ledlona f N !ni{'lr e.

'~u"u'i:io 0{~~lflJ0 ~o~;JiMf°;~~ MEETtNG .. by 11'.r. W•ll•-c. Sh.ull"f\d, froat thl' ~.C.G. M.RS. lf. CALLA WAY llAJtOOD wm apent.k

M "The Ari C>t DeconuJon ·· l!l .10 -o.m..-llrallotntatton flt OUP bJ' H J~ EX~

1:r:i.t.,tNOY, LOR D ROM.E.lts, G-o~·rrnor ot Vlcit"ria.

IU?O p.m.-'"Jfffa.Jd" rnrw1 ,yrvl.•"· Rt«k t-1. cluaaH lnt~nnatloa.


r;.sn 1;1.m.-Ar.nrq-ra to Lett.l'N •ad B lri.hd.a, Clrtttlnat Q" "B JLJ~ Y ,BU NlfY.••

G z::,.m.-~'l'lfDIO QUAll~1 ''Chirtlhm',i /o:i1;1 i~-Part J".." (llc-boli8y),

6.10 p .sn.-:dil:iS M. Pitfli:tllERD h.., Mml• J1.t.ra11a:c: dDt:1411 to t,,,U t.N chftdn,11,

G.!li ?).m.-!iTUnlO QUARTJCTTf::s •'CbUlfrctn'1 Su1te-P.arc tt• (~bcwy). P,.M.- "RILLY nUNNY"· wfll t.U C'hOilren 11boLtt •·Tbl! Aih'tnt ut'fll ol tJs• 'r'retl.lttl'lt S•l"kort."

8.,tQ p,cn.- -" l-l@nld " l'IOWI IIMl,..1ee.. 'WiM.Jhe'r •T.O~!'f"lil. SbJ.Ps,lnt- mDWlni t!'ll t ...

(L47 JUQ.-8totk l-!i.cho.ut> t ri forma tJo• .

fl.i!t!.mLW~a~t-;t;;:.Jtta i,,, 1 , n. ••

Page 61: RELESS EEKLY - wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal Page 4 nla.obj-666407166 National Library of Australia Wlll.ELESS WEEKLY

The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

Page 61nla.obj-666414577National Library of Australia

Frlda7, 21st Oclober, 1927.

G.o p l.11 -tuvtt ff'J)C>l'U,

t.&8 p flSr Jl:11:inaaThf. 6best ta!f't hJ tj.,, .u.onaw ifNrll ..... £iaHn Acf'llb,. Hear.._ ~ U.lboulaL 11an.d "'perta b7 U.. Victorian Prod\Ml:!Pn• Co-openlh•• Co., t..W. P0'-1Lry. C.rain. l t.y, Stuw, J\11 .. n.111 Produn. Pot&\OOII a.nJ Onlnn•.

"I.I t 1t.a.-M.-rlt'1. ,wparta of JtndL Reola.II ...iw-.1e-


':'.Ill, )).m.-Undt-r tbfl •u91plc-e1 uf lb~ 0.1,ar1. Dld,l of A irrlcultD~ lilt. C FJlE.."'iCII. l:D\~!,. •tlf "f,eU 09-'-r'fya of W....t J30Nf'I In "nmher.•

'l'.10 p.m..-COLL I~GWOOIJ Ci1'17.ENS' UAND1 .M•rtll. '"t'h• Lord Mayor,'" t'ont.t Soik:t. "'A111trau&.·• &loin J. R.c.Ler~ ....

T.40 p.M..--nu:D WA.J.XUt.. brl!on.t " A Tanto A mQr,'" ff'IXD ''1'uut1ta" tLlonl• M't,.ll1, .. l.!ntU" (W. f!a l'dl"rton).

i.'1 p..-.-JUt. H. K.. LOVE w111 1-Pftk oa­""T)..,.. of tor \k ~-""

T,51 p.1111.-UrHiff t.)14' . .. pl«t or tM 11.-1,t. /\ .. 1.1cU1Unn ot Au• tnt.lfa, ' '-• lU!.ALTU Ml:!ii8A01C foT tnday it,-''Walli. a mik- 'lu,....- wrll Ju.t for the ••• "

':',I! ... -COUJXGWOOD cmzESS" BA'.'1D1 W all.I, ''Char t-In d'Amcur ... F <i:..•trot, ... Aln', tth. SWC<"t..'

!-.! p m..--01,A.TIYS t.AJ,l))E, f•ont.nJto: "(.",....tlon'• HYMa" (s-tl,O\.~). •~1\111•7 .. f8nll""l

.!.JI .,_,._ .\J'R C J. WILLIAMS wi:I ,,,,., on t-0m""'ow'• ltadium •·•n\..

e.25 ,.m-.CO:LLtNOWOOD cmZENS' BAND: ~l..c:tilf'W!, "~ oL. B•ut)' •

!<.16 •.•• -KABn. LAWTON, U. ctrl -.h.•

, ....... · - th. I-An • .. ,..,. Marta lntr.""tw1no"' (IC6c11ril, •-~~1fln1•-. A.,,.k,nin1i" IRfo.od.,r,.tm).

lU. » n,,.-.FRENCH BROK-, Bat)jot..U1 -s.m the, Acdr'J}on MAa..• "II••• ila11 M-flld'"-"

<Ii.If ptn. WAR.I)£ MOBCi\.S', '.hnor (by "8'• we1!it11-loo or J. U. W1ili•.a~" 1,tdl.t ~ IN!tMd.

~ J,; p 1n Al'l:no~no-•nH'"'t&. Tllt: ROV,\Ti{)NOBILJ; CLUB OP \."ICTORJA'8 8.t.Vr.'l'\." )ff".s!.AOK for To-4aF M tq, F.V~:kY90DY-··N.i•rl1 atll .,. .. " .. nt., &l'e eOflUhUll ac.1"ldc111lt

-thto k\ftd U1U h1p pv1' h n1t! 11ftl"r tJtt1,.. If tue&rlY a ll •"C'IClrrttl • r• 4'1:nrtm cin. 1h, rw&IOrll for liwffl aft C4'QltPQar

I •.m -COL.l.INC-..'OOD CJTJZKN:<" BAS1J1 ll•rda. "'H•.!'11N of Uw t1.&s" l.)n,rtiite. ~-Uti.all CtOIII'.'

•.7 11.1n t<.USSO ANO llRADFOJID. Op"r1111ct v.,..u, .... , . llNl, 'Wha1 h dOIU""-Lllu Daftiffl•

1C" C- l~tl, 1.,Rda l;lnl-df,;,N. •Prf,,ffllft,. u;.Nld Oan-l. D\1,I. ••Carmrla" ?,,"9.c,olitan ~ .. -:o.1y (C B

lJ• Ourti•). ti 17,.. MARJE l.A W TOS:

.. Y• Banb a nd f".,. .. r.,..•• .,A,.,.. IIKdGN.ld•

!itt4 .. m.-"{'A.llOICAN"" Uh n. A Wotf'f',. •pO,!'tJIII' fldltltl' ut tM .. Anrll'I .. u.J '"'Aua­,,.u..,ia);I"). lfi l. ~ Ml WfflbJ'r~•,i


9 II, •·"' --COl.LlX'CWOOD cm:r.EN!' IIAMDt Martf!I.. "'llaDNI A•f.k.M.•

t.40 p.M, t-·BED WALll:EB.. Barltuo., ' .. Heitl f'((Uin" tW, &~dffMin). "Fll"'llN'tt.c" ID, ).tc0.oc:h).

t 41 ...,. __ PBEN(J'I': 9RO~ 'lluJoktit. ·•H-• "t.1""7 ........


............................................................................................. : Eventually

You will become intereated in Battery Chtirirera and Eliminatono, and a reputable House offering

quality compon4'n to

Why Not Now ?

KEOGH RADIO SUPPLIES Off'er t"'.CC'flptionul opportuniti"' for Jou tt., hairr , uur own [h.arrn. Llit111tullor, latur, J,olld Srwaken, Seta fOmplet~, Gntma11hnnt!', Etc~, c,n E3!-f ·a..•rm.s. A,&11 } ours~IC ~r this wondorful • t•Port• nlty. !<mall d•JH>Oit and 1mall •·,.kl7 payment,,

Philips' "A" Battery Charger


rnn.~ulL our RngiTIE"M, '"\·Ir, ("hos. \Y. Slnd"- (i,«.•ltnicHl t'ditor 11Dally 'Jelc.graph") about improving )"our prr-ser.t ut. We 1peci8.lhse in rewirinc and alterin; aets "1th cuaninteed re,,wts.

Philips' " 8 " Battery

Eliminator £8/15/-

l ruilal thi:ot r:timinator and alway• h•\ t! a <'On•

1,lant 11.'I'. 11-uppl)'.

~uitnt 1o all tn•"~ of , • tu-~.

\\ • •c,,korn, your Enqolri••·


(BdU,et n ea.11 .... cagh ana J'lfl Strut,)

O.,.n till II p.n,. 1,•, ;aa, ,

• ................... ................. u._._11 .. ••······••u..••······················ .. ·······•

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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l'ac-o Sixt, W1R.ELE9• WSEltLT

MUSIC in a Mom.nt--juat - the lid! Ideal lot

D.l.ncing, Molorin1, Pic:nia, Entertainins and Newa. A Cuuantftd Product cl "umalia .• Laraett Radio Oi,tributan. Euy Terma I

Re the ASTOR FIVE Get a Catatoaue.

Astor 5, Table, £26 Astor 5, Console, £35

Complete £39-5-6 £48-5-6 £56-5-6 £65-5-6

,, Astor 5, All Electric Conlrolled,£50 ,, Console, ,, ,, £59 ,,

Armax "B" Batteries Last Longest Sin'1e Drawn Cells, Guaranteed

45 Volt 25 - H Volt 3,• 22! Volt • • 13 6 4½ Volt "C" • 4 '• 60 Volt 35 -

Diot.ributon to the Trade for Alltor Seta, Porta, Baldwin Speaker•• Neutron and Ar,nax BatterfH.

Manufacturers Products Pty. Ltd. Challis House, Martin Place Sydney

Use Neutron Crystal. THE BEST 2/3 . •··············· .. ·················· ...................................................... .

Friday, .21at Octobtt, 192:.

t.$4 u.m.---<rr.ADYS LAllPJ:,. ~bt.twt' •"TIM, ):It Mab,. (We&). -4111

"'lly Slttpll"" { -tr.A 'P • -COJ.t.lNC11'00U 'lJ'llEEn3': BAND:

Ltat..rin~u.o. th• Dn-•• GI.ti,"· ••A Japaneite Oante.'0

10.10 r,m.-"'At"WlG" r, .. ..,_ ~ &o.d wot. auJJPh•od lq tile N.o,al Au~c Clu of Victoria. lie~ b.ttanna• tlon,

UM!/J p • .n,..-J"Otc ARON~ON' ANO HIS SY.K• COl"A'l'lllG SY'11'110ll!STS:

"l Wot1Cd' Who-'• Whh Yf'I." (D.b:oD). -n,1, .. JllN'" tl.n.nonJ) 0

........ t O..C., l1 )hl.(,t'r'" flJnllal. Jt?.30 P.ffl- WARDE JIIO.RGA.'i, °h'tUWI

Stll·Cllflif. ,o~s7 (•.m.-OoLLJNGwoou crrrzr..,1r

ll.\t•~-.. ,.,.~ •nd lSarJr-h flGI• CopeUa."

ta.,1 ».121,--Anno\l•~u . 111.llil phi JOEi AHONSON ASD ~ SYN-

COJ"A.TING 8YMPtlONI9TS 1 ""Th.,p, frlMtn,e1""1 SrL! .. 0 {lt&lblrul, ••Jo!~ha.t UI Made few 1..rn .. • (J~J.. • 1 hl!R,"t."" (~wift),

11 rim.--Ol;B. GJ<'f.\T TilOT;CHT: •·JJell•r lmi.111 1c .. h0t.tlnKm~ fur 'i.b~ bo1• UD.n

cell"' &:1d .1C"ll>t1ob: !'or •t~ uu.n,.• .. ll.t t> m -JOP ARONSON ANU 1llS 8YN~

CQPA1T•.;c SYMrHONISTS: "'Uorlli'ht •n• .Crafld- Piano Solo (Illa.-) • .. Mndcly Writer .. 1u.., ROIHI "Wbt-r- th.• Lot.-o Bird la.vll6 UM NeoaL ..

(Wa,1ri). "B1 o .. OW P~ llill" (U.nd), •·r1111 on My ·w.,. Horn,o.. • lh-rli• )­""I lw•"-hl• f~• a B"Y"' (01"1al>-..i11), ""Thu C!t-rl11io F""l:n,·• (C.r1'•'tn11rh,) •·t Woti'l G-, ll<un• Tu,.ri,.iht" ,crll,.,..t,l, •·r1.,..,11r11r" (Joa-, . .. Cb,,._. :\loon" (Nat»bau<11). ""Shci O.m'• WH11.11°• o•pu~n) '"Bt>.-.I.IIIP r Lui',.. YOb .. IJl.trU11.). ''P'"r MY" SwN·lht'n~" {llr'uwuJ. ''Barb•ra." (~ih·Pr}. "OM l'oihi:ht lo l.crve T1l S;,cJn.." • Ol'OWII t:,w hi YDtu Dniuu'" (T•IU)fnl). •n('Uo. Hlorblr,.!" {~ndJ. •Tv~ GDt 8<411#hody "-"uw" (WHllam4). "Yf,u Know t l,(l~ta Vl.111,. (Mllt-ot.l.

11.0 11,m.-GOU SA\.'t: THE h:JNC

Saturday, Oct. 29 2FC, SYDNEY. P,.< TlLY MOl<1'TIIQ 61<:S•tON



1!1 • '"- '"Ril' U,n1" aiitl 11r~nt• an n~~ta.

10.6 un..--Stdlo 1&u•.ie.. It.JS •"' -""6,-dJW'J' )i'omicr lf~JI" Ef'Wa

t•M-i<',. I0.30 a m.--8tuJlc> mo"Jc, H.!i a m~A t.allii. Ly the. ll'C ~hil tun•

ari'-tioncf-. 11.U a.rn.--Stadio 11:1:u1c-~ 11 • ...,. "His Btn.'' S"'i.llo mu•lc. U.6 • -m,-A..I•.A, ant! JtMi~r-'• ~•bl1t ,..,..

'""' ll.10 &...._.. --Studt~ muaiic. 11.11 &.m,.-.-\ talk Ml Uardl1l!o.s, b7 )h' G.

J, l.«&1..,. (.,Jtl'lfa-am'"J. u.:,a • "'· --Cllll<~ d11wn.


t2 -''B's' llrii"' •rut .,.,. .. "V'fUDnw •~ ,,,u,· mt"Tlta.

N1""'· -Fro1,, 1 he SyJn•r Cric\:c~ Crt11.u1J. A ' ll •=~~lrllon or li• erfc.lti,t n11.trh. !',;row'l,t Yff11U~ !i,8,\1,,

n.._ :'I'" g~....,.lr:••~ Gnt call. 1! .,. .-~i.-.du> •a~. 12.ze P ffl,-"Sr4ney lto:rnlac Ueta.1.a•• ne.,,


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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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F rida,., 21"t 0ctob,r, 1927

l'Z1l a,.~Jlq:t,,, w1n-l~ .1 ...... 12.H t,.b\ Rtudlo l'fl'•~il".

?liute.-°'-irillp th. aftttlllkib U,i, rGUrt..,­r,f U.O. M•lbourNI, d&hOCi ?FC will f'rl-.y • tl:H&:.rfptloo of u,~ v k.<.::. o....t,,, m u: .. numltia-.

I P ,_.. __ ·llta S.." Wr..!lltl' l..rJflll~n1tt. LI p.-. I:.,~ :S--, •!JdaJ" LhJI t-rr­,1,_, 1.20 r,.m -..'iludto fflUIIU'!,

~o: ... -kuf' f'f'eUlt.- f."l!fll lloort'~t"ld w U ksi_,. a.rtt,t,..,_

Durin• trkk•c •"• n:~ lfttff-Tal,, m,1•k-al 11,;.fr'I• wlU be t"l.,.,.I\ from 11,t at.udlu, lndudh,~ Tota Focs¾LL. zuw~ltr piao"l.

,C..lif p.., A eiomplt'te- ,_....,. ot lhf. da,- • •Portlns n~.t,,,.

6 p m.-"fHw ~-" ilow ..,.,.,


I. 4.0 p.a 'rk dlNaf'W t1f '21-'C. I.U •.m.-Tlae .. lh·). Jba .. La.Illa ta lM ,h,i:.

dr.n., S.SO •. m.. ~tory tl1''11• l'o,- ~ILt ~lftC folk. C: 41 ~ .'4d;IO 11111QMC. 'i p.m.- 'Bir IJei,.. w-11i,._r i."1!1." ~Me

7 .• P.ff\,- l:;v~cin1t N~A" Int• n••• ,itr• ..... ~JCHT &ESSO~.

'l' .Jf p tlL 1•nc::ra,n • al'lnc ,nc~ll'ftt• ·r.s• p,m Wall, ttayn,. olu11P!dia11 'j,4' p,m.--8tudio il-f111&, i.J.f ._..,_r,._ ,._.....,.___ ~prano

"ftu.uty lllt!l!9 .. fArJitt1J, '"r ke Flu~ o! ,, N·nJy" (hm~111,

fi p.a.-"116- lwn."' YNlll\ thr Cl')' •••J•"" ~. Jbda~I Ord!Ntf'a.l mu.le .1"1,t ~ 1..-ue W 'The f;41.,•Uil IT•,-•* C au,lwchot, )It B.-rr,- Sron,.

Ut p_._, l)Nc-ripc.ioNI ftont the ltpet'd•.., Rapal.

I .Ji ..... -rrom th~ Stu41o I St.. Qulnt1b D'1W'.II.M', plan l>COT"ht ..olot

"Ttrwt. lilO"r1'TRflt Sotiat.a ra!.hNtq~...... tDf'f'­......_ ,, ,.., -'"1 -l,

l . .t$ JJ,tn.-F.r.'- p...,lfta, IIOJ!r&Ml "1'h .. Nlirh1inp1"''a Trill'" tnllnllit.

•·D~ ..,.,_ a l F.t'enl~ 1Co•1f'#-. I" P.M,-{."'Jark-. IAWT111! M r.J.!"1• ..-.,u •~ttt,·• • D.. _ .. BJv Bf'll'lo1' w..-.t.ther fot!oehl,

t .1 p.-.-SL Qu \" J.J,;Wnu-, .,i.a.ool<Wloe -· "'Tao.rv''(~h.l, .. 0. Stu ol. &~•• ("Tanob~') (Wair~

•<'f"). ••• ,.-.-nw Jlulo •ft..-..Uen.• ln~o.4 bF ¥,,, J.aDffflff l[a.l""-1; I

01'lftlar f'liionu. t..U p.m.-A .,bkh ... It p,.ra.~"'-rkJ' C--. &!Ml lh.n7 Wllytti b,

Dll.110 and 'local ru,,,•ltqo,1,. t ...llJ p .m.~h&rl.N l.AWl'IIOM. 1"!

.. ,\lWil!Cen,fff'Atloaa."' 1 .,1 p.m.-Ftoe 1.two- lpe,edwa7 ~: hriMT

,J41M:r ipt.loa• n.1111U:-. t d p.m.-~ tlM Stwllcu Laut'fl't1ff )(aJ.

IN-rt....,. ....... 9 4t ,.a- ,\ R-t u,d ba1 cllorve-1ut p.m~btrl~ COOke, • ,ubr,.Uz. !I H p.m.-Jl'rom th.- Spffdw..,- Ro,..i I

'-tri,U-1 «ff 1.M ndnir H o.-.- "alr Bffl .. n,oa U. &~J1• t W&tlt

9"711"-• C'On\ 11.8 ~lAPll )b,1c1rloo. pot,1.1la.r '-• t'lt.ooe JI 11 •a-Han, ,,.,h,Tt~, Dot~:r ,laniat 1011 p.a .-t'luJ riaealta ~ the ~pc,ed•a,

R°"aL 11.!t p.m.-Fr~ .....,. CJ711\.l.l P a li ct "l'bnlrt',

8-• Ore.hetral 1~

11.2.a p.m -FN,m ~ . Sr.udS.1 Wall, Ba,nN, p.a..• r...,. lluri,:-f' popcala1' Nriloli, .. 11 H 111.m.-The U'C lllodi• l)anoe O&ml. U,11 p.m.-1,eo. Xauric-e, ltt.:rltdl'le. t t M p..m.-Tlle tJ'IC D•n• nui.L 11.6i ~ -I.AW ...... alWI •r,DCIOlWIIHHDU.. 11 p.,rnr-.. Bi.s llffl • TM tFO Dana. Baa4

• UI Jlla.y vntll 11,.U J.m, Jl.U p...,_l\~ ,AJIU.nt.

ci.o ......


and end the everlasting expense of New H.T. Dry Batteries

Saves its Cost in 12 Months Unhu ntt ll.T ~T 01 tery, the Oldham ll.T. Attumalalor can be rc\ha.rged eqwtl tone\\' agalfl by any wircle-&-. ct ... ~aler at lbe coat ut a frw •hlllmgo only. W1lb ord,naty can, It will last for :re11n, and with practically no attN1tio11. In th~ aummer time, U' you are nnl uflinc y1JtU· s.-t, it can be }fl-ft atandlnr Idle !or week,; without harm, eo different from a dry battery, which 'l':ill "run do,\n" 1n no llmf, ~,·en i! roa ••·" not Utonr it.

Improves the Tone of any ~ecelver Put an ~nJ to lh• doll, Hf•lou ttprodudton you m• . have been gelluur ""th an lt.'f, dry bOlltery. Invl•.-,t. in w11 Oldham H/f, Accnmula.lor anJ rc-t cl~, cri.sp m.aalc in ampl& volum~ • >:Very Y c•mnir 11et depend, Cor Ila tone, ita volume and Its ,en,itivlty upon IUl adequoto and ronsl.irn~ H.T, Sop11ly, AJ·~r a r, w an7 H.T. dry battery Jos.~ volta~f'~ this cnu.sea di' l'l'iorat1on m ton-=- nn<l a falJing otr in atnsittvit:r. 1'1Stortlon kt.I in, sb\lio111 b,ecome more difficult to pkl( up. F. 'Mt ~<lf" listenN"• n to-day 18 uamtr an U.T. A":c\lmul1rl,trr, o:nd mo , .,r · hem an Oldham, becauao ,t off en 'b .. t vama.

60 Volts

&o Volts


90/ • 100 Volts

£6/•/• 120 Volts

£7 /10/ ­

£9/· /-Obtainable from All Radio Dealers

Write for Pamphlet " W "

Sole .\atnla1

~················ .... ........ , ............ ........ . ...... . 1,a . ........... ... . •-a••·· ....

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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J'aic Sixty-Two

3LO, MELBOURNE. Saturda7,

)IOR!ilNC tlES.510.'.

11 • .._...JOf! AltO:SSON A."lli HIS &rl"Cll­STMPHOYl~h. J!:t iJ°!.o"~'!m~~,oloreilet

•nuwuv Down to U... l ,o·• IR ft$), tl,lU a.1'1'1-Cll..AUYS t..Abll-'F. c:on1r•110:

"E-1rt,, l'tl#11ir1v" (}'«Ii · "1',p,.&.oo .. Ud.olb' (.aNw,

JI 17 am.-rot: AkON ()); AND H~ YNCu-$Y'MPHU:ilSTlla

""bm Us ..a Ar• Lnw ft c..1.....- , Mtrki.). ••t:111'.nu\h \'e11eti:an ~lot•" ll~•LIII, ''\'11h Goona H• Hom., 't,,.nJ1lu'' il)11t.lll),

ll 21 a.rn. I Hl.lJ WALIO k, llarlto : ln.trr N~"' IA. ~

• Valr (.K. R~-M-111 11,I Lm.- JOF. AKO!'IION AND llhi

8YNCO.SYM.f"ll0!'41KTS I • l III T.nJ..Li.' 1!11,J._ Tdlln' th« U1..'t"III'' 1Bru•n>. "'"The- Sp.JI of tbo MooA" tlta.b.o), ..,S&-~Ta• {Kah.a),

Jl..A7 Lm..-.MARIE LAV.TON, P., clr1 •la the •DIN alld ti» harp Oh. LO'l'•4' l'- 11rht. ·•

•·M~ c,r ~,~m ::!11t1t•.,,.., .. U U &Jft.o, .JOI-, AN.O,t,,:!'\ON A}:D JUS

SYNCO-l;Y )IPIIONISTB · ''1"1. H.a1tslna- <illni•iu Ill 0.bftoa" (Carlo) •c...n.ti.e"' tit.hf'),

llob1114ulu Moan" 11..,nrttMd U 11-m.-MF.t l10UR10. OBSF.J\\'ATO.RY

f!ME SIQNAI,, Mrtal r,rh-a Ntt"ek-NI. ~,r tho A"-.•tul •n :Wlnc. ud M'" .ah AMoolat;. fl'lllll tk l..ood.i>n lkock J;.xcb.aap th:a dQ

rtthb omdal wire&Hs M"ni f.._ P..nb,-. Uf!Skr'• •n• th. AQltralln, )"r~ .Auoria­fj(l,II ca\klil. Arc,.,.a heft Mffl~.


lJ.KJ ti•'" -JOF. AUONSO!-l ANU HJ$ tin('U..f.iYM1'1f.O~Ml':3 l, he Thl•a IR.lta-\ ,.Nik • .. i-z ... 7..... aiu,t •alo 8lor.m;;

l!.S0 P.m. RI SSU A!iflJ [!RAnr"l>lU>. (h>~r•• Ur \'0<:AI I A

tll!.!noi- ll11Mv, •·raTf « t Gt-1,l" fr~u ,. tiu.,;t llkwnodl J>, ll't_ .. JlatnP la Ou MOil la~ ftlllll D T'To••torit t\"tt1.M l>ce I "-Hl Yw llduJe Jh V,IDr'ilk-},

lt.tiJ ~1 k F.xcfa•r.:r,. lnfprn,Ol111ti

11 n p,n1.--TA~MA 'fl• k.NAS. ·~•Uat 'Oriim~M'" ,, IJ


W}u,..ou9 l:W~ll Tl,111'• \\lho'' {Ol•~•rl. "'cltof!'l~,Hll)t 111 i::iot'i('ty· tA•utJ, "':-ll1e'a Got 11" (Ua.-~t

1 p m-lfEt.BOUkNE ODSER\'A'TORY TIMt: IC.NAL. On.~ ·ht Cloel 'Yl-llal t.a-. J'~ I~ t"ft what lrCI wr.dolwJ Tla JlrOIPik ru.d~hat d1.1l7 to prrfl)rrn 00 11 NOW.

1.1 p.Jn. u ... r,.111Uun ,,f )laldPb f'hl.!11. OUC' ffliJe, \' _k C •\f'rnn•S(.Qn. by "J,11,1q~• i,;,f '1'11~ Spor'llns G~

1 I p 111.-GLADl's LA!IIPE. h>J\~?t.o1 n s r.r,,i, Detain .. (~hU!TtSh.fl) Hrd,".e lt,.4t1"" {Sch1u1,1•111'1).

I J3 p.m lor1 tci,,roloeical ,nformatJ('lll ~hip-

t-1;!'.o~:!o>rT:!'~~•- ~trA!~:~ :~~ :,a..,. &.,.Ill Wakt. 0...11 foi:-ttuL R!.f'f f'PP'Or11l.. R.911Lf&l2 " r \'6':lor¼a. THmu.14, Svutb Awitra.;u1, ~l"ld N"' South WaJe,1

I 20 p.!11.- l:l'Ilirno QltART": S.Lfc~ •J..t1&c Ti-..•

t.t'J p.a-FRJ!D \\·ALXD 1'u lo!ktS .. 19' an Old ta,h1c-,Jl.~ T"wn•• (W 11. kuiHl, .. J V.'1/1 Aw•H TbM., tR. C. C.lllrtc. .. )

IIJll:ll:llll:I: 1'.IIWI lllll::IIIII, ~


''Wireless Weekly'' Dclh-cred l'OST FRE~: for One Year Cor


110 lhe EdiLur, H\Virole•s \\-cckly," 61 Caslltten.&h St.rtFt, Sydney.

Please forward "Wireks! Weekly" for a pcriou o(

. . • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • • • • • . • • . • . • • • . for whkh I enclose

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free; 6 months (26 issues), 6 6 post free.


f',!tl3y, 2bt Octobu, W27.

It~ 1!'.nL.- JO} AR<,NtWN ANU HIS bV,"llt:fJ•S\. 1,iI'IIVNUit.S

Lu e ~ _,.,_ " 1 h-... DIL ol Jf .. nn" fllnaio. l~re• • Tttt-11 ln P'dln• a Qdda., C"'W,c:i,,,.

(.LC~ ,1 .. tuJ. 'Cr•t:t ,tr ,1r11~. 1 1· "~"' ~ Y<-ll•111

1,tO J.1.11). n,.,·dptio» o" ,-._. ll,) rnu i l'hi.11". G rur., \! ll t;_ .t·.Nuin1tori.. b.t lllua~"" W ·1 lie .Spar 1n« l•~.

l Cl p tn. lilAklE LA\\'TO~ I ft.a Oab III I u:1, VJ rd n • IV/oc.dl t'~ Yw Abr,r," H.illrllU,

I ;'i" JOIC AR,J.h~O!°'l ASV HI::. HV KCO..S.}:1111•1JONIS rH • Ann $M ~--· \ le J.,n). ~1-"'(,\ahl

"'&lam of T;mor~ .. \~tt-t'ft,. 2 µ.,n. Cb,,•• tfuwn. z,., p.m.- u •r-~i1•Ut1n l,y Mr. fte>1I Mt<l,.-rc,r of

,rtc-k.el m•t4h lH,n,re.-11 ~u~b .z,t.,lbuuq, .. a.nJ

t ro;~:.~(~ i:=. Mclk1u·iw.

X H ri.m.-l>c,alfrip:...'on ur )tr-J~nu.• Stale---. 1 1 1 mJlu. \',ltC. l'lrtnlrinon, b) ".MusL .. 1··"r 1·•1• S1111rtl1111 f'iioa,..

I d p . m -C' 1,-.r duwn,


t p.11t.-li1£LDOllll!iE OBS&R\'ATOJtY 1Ut1E f.hJ.NAL ·Nuthins ·¥~1J'J•' ·1,m.-,. "'".VdlE c•Ll Olkk.4" dt1f~t1r-.. r.ava 11,..d, I~ br&V• bi,u wlwn h~ t.,lt,~t'lt Owe twnc.-'

:I I p.ut.-XAkltY SJtlJG\ai Ji. ~'l'l.:JJ,O IIAND, ~kcUor., Cafmlnl'• (U1ut1. Walt&, "'Hons D' A..,ll.iCIM • Mnc:h .,Rt.. )\IML"'

!20 p,m·.-o,.,.crlption by Jlr. Rod 11trCrn:0t vt cric•ket mott'h hwt""'Vtfn So-;rth M.,lb,.,uru1 and l\~hcot• •l So1Hb M&lhu-um~

I U p.lh.-0.eri~Uon ot \•ic:Lorisa. Ot-rt.,. J , "'iet, V .. ILC. Fkmiuton. la1,: .. K.-kttt" of

1 J.~.~:.:Ttit~· auuaa-s sTu010 UAND: FantAaia, "In Bunny Land•" {Launnt) ldJ"II, ''lb Syria111 JUhl" ~R1nun.n),

1.10 p_._ DdfriptJoa b1 Xr. Ro.I. McC~ of ttic'ut malda bel•..,. SovtJa lll1lNo,1rhl! • nd K,u1J.roi. lilt Sou\h ,t,.n,ourn•


4lt.J•;~-;;,_:~i;c~tet~• 6:'iil~1Rod llcGnlttlr Df crick..-: tt;Stth brtwfoMl Roath )._lboerM and Nortbcot. at Sou~ M.aa.J-n•

, to p.m.-0-Crtt,tkM, of c.·•atala J\1•k•. o_. .. u.... V.Jt c Fle:mlDaW•. 1,, •·x\lilkrt• oI

,.21h;_,,;'_~;;~11ht~~'aum;•s sTI1010 u,.~,,_ t;_.J,pcted.

4 O p..m..-U•:wr1ptjQ11 by Mr. Rod KcCr~tO,r, of C'rit':b< mai.,d, bttw"D S-tJ.. M~ ~ and ~,)f1~'- Al 1' llelhournr.

U10 iun.• U,Olll\:' SHUGU'S S:Tt)DIO tsAh'O Sel~C't~

& ~~i~. ~t~ptt~r:f11~!!:·1::, '!.)t:!!t~~-... 1 ~ n. spOrtlq c~

I I J:r-"' -("bu do'lffi.

1:\'l!Nll,O ~>:SlilON.

&.10 i:i.m.•- svoru .. ,. u,,11,lt,,. I 40 p,m..-Ar,.,..,,u._ to ... n~ri, and ~y

h~rss- b7 • LITTl.E Ml.~" KOO~A­BURM"

1,10 v.m.-- $TlfOIO QUA.RTJtT: P·•rad" ot lh• 'ri:i1 S11IJ1tn."

$.20 v.rn. LI rTr,E iUK!i KOOKA'DlllU'tA­H,ury ror rh• Tiny Tvl.l. 'ft.• Gollywg.- ••

,.lrul f•r lb oldtt Oft8 t)a,,,. II a MW krial sutd~ •tn,y: • Th .. PTurll, f'111J"Ol. • TP4ay 70111 •h•II hnr ••The CRJI ,)r tb• Camt,,"

l,:U p.n,, • ..,••l'tlfDIO QUAR'r£T: ' The $111.-t.r 0.:tb«':,.

• CD ,~ m.-ll•raW nm .,.,rlao. 1''ntMr ,... POf1:a. ShJpplnr ~~fllC1t.a...

I U p.m.- S. ork F..uhans• ln1'onnalio11 6<4.i p,rn.-M.,k•t ttpurlll.

~'~i ~.1i::-~-~:~:~~':°hHJ' ,aJra \1 1ti• A,. ,.aawd Swtk ni Slat&ut, Al'.m.ta. lou.rli...­at... ~OIOllr • )(arh-t ~ Q "" Vlaor;.n Proda~~ Co u• .• J)ffllllrJ. llftll wtuw, jut•. d•ff7 s,rod11tt., JK:l'JI"- a.DJ un1011:1.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Friday, 21st Oc!.obu, 1927.

T.11 PAI lb.rk-l uporta; ar trult l.y lhP \'k-,. IO'laft r,· AdcJftalluft Rn:ar s,rir.-.. W~pnces,.

WlaSLEII W&&ltL1'

......... j•·······················································-· ..... ~-,!



Atudo by tho oldot and larcest llattuy Maker• In the WotW. Th• Chlorid• F:Jectrloal Stora.- Co. U4., Enrla4.

<f£xibt "A" BATTERIES IN 2 VOLT UNTI'S, "­Price ••eh

Cell fuJJ7 ebaraed.

~t Capaoity. A •• d. 40 amp. noun lnt•rmitunt .. ~. h - 1 1 o 60 amp. Hours lntennittent .. .,. ,. .... -· 1 5 O RO amp. Hours inteirmjt.te.nt ..... , ...., •• 1 9 G

C.7..3. C.Z.4. c.z.r,. C.7. 8.

• ..•• • 100 • tnp. }fours intermittent ,. ••• 1 ... , ... J 14 0 ....... l:!ll amJL lloura in~rmlUe:Dt .. '"' ,. .. -. _ J lt 0

"A" BATI'ERIES IN 2 VOLT UNITS. Sultabl• !or 01111 Vat .. s. Prk• uch

Coll 1111!7

1/r.a . .. - .. eharced­

Ca~•cit7. £ a. d. :o amp. R•urs lnt.rmitt•nt -. • .. •• .. 0 I 8 45 AmJ>. Uoma iD~t •. • , •• - 0 l& 0 D.F.G. • •••••

"B" BA1TERIES. Price for bat. {ull1 char1r04I.

Typo. W.J. W.H.

Capae!l7. 20 Yolt,., 2,600 tnllllamp. Houu ..•• -. 24 YOlb, 6,000 milliamp. Hours - - ••

it •• d. I 10 0 Z 16 0

.All Ball•lu when dl•eharrNI can lie reeharirflL

U 11,.,.., cell• are -not fully ilschu-sed and ~tt 141•, th•1 will atan4 als montha •illlout aulpha\lns.

:S.S.W. Dl•trllool•r• aaol Exiu SaTI,_ StaU..:

TeL: ll 8080 MA22.tS

GIBSON BAT'll.B & CO., LTD. HID.'T STU:ET, SYllNEY. (Olr Wentwcn:t.h .l,,_)

; ...... ._.,......_........_t.!._••niUA•••oree_-::rv,en tors •

Tel.: City t174


' I

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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Pap Sixt~ Four WIRELESS WEl:ltLT

All Readers' Queries Answered Here . 'ft.J'.R. 1VA~ ii'IJU Cr•" )•1•1r l!'C.1,i.,-,1

h dd'~tiN". .. Ii .. ~Id 1'1"2~ ... , • \'d)'

srad.ul l9ad!l.c all lb, ••f NUnd

fl W. lMUSWELLDRCJvKt fha.1 will o. p'-21,Jl.fhed aMlt'lly.

IUL (lrATliUllST) -:Xco ar"' Ll.1~ ,_... lh\lCk !l'OfO • Uhl ... 1 .... M • .. kA.bIO tu Oct\NN' fO? 11 thl"tt"-tlllo• rn,u r

& ti. (ROZ~LU:.) YH 1

._.:!f!' Ec11~=-';!!-:f> U.Uyn .. V,~~, '~-=

..._,w,,Juy ot lb• (01t ~11 .. _. u•uult,mn"r of lh• rhak•,

W..N. fCO::OOBOLL'i').-t]w a..r.,. 1n tata llooe7Q)mb co1b fer Lb.II •l.a, 0

lt W.S. (¥()~A.NJ. 'fi'9 dl11.m~r • f tM ci;ll &ltould W- twi> lnl'J1M l r llwo NaaCdar,. •n4 lt •boold W woaad wilh 10 tu.rna tJ Na. - D.&C. •lre. •Jill,'-'fld fg,U hUMI ,. tM 'l hat pdma,.,. c-ur:iai. u,1· uf 1-birty tun,• ,.r lJ.tlC, ,..ire,. -•huuld 1,., w1-1w1·,I nc, a. Ll4 iMh dll1"1ff U1'1Dfl' ftt'"-1 imWe the- e«~lft'J" On taia .. .,. fvra,ap •lwa:Jd lte WOIIIMI t'llo No ~• coll cocialsthltr of. zr. tuna fllf• pu11:• ..,,,._ '1111-' :,ilio,1W ~ ••:11wd b11low U,o i,.1-lm&ry,

taf!P~ J~a:r1J!:to ~::.~~•c!L' J~ Tt• MklN"II of H•• pablii.lh r & ,1,1 ii~lh o ... rbun1 1.,., C'h.k1111:u, 111 •• I ~ /\. 'l"hl• _.;'t.-A the 1.4 k.A •••

I C. (l!A..,;[JWJ!'t') Bo J 0,, Clo\,. A.l.~. (TAMWoHTH I. J 111, .. i.t, tJ1,• ""'1''"

Jh1c or ,1 •• tsdd,Hr. m .,llufurm,.r I• not cotr-.1, Kuun..._ Lb.le cantu)ty l~ -1hel dwn ia ;po llr.k•11 c,o,pJ..cbVq • •Jtb,i,r wf (ll., CltCVII ...

T. !I. (ltO%ftl.t.E).-? .,..riuJJ a.·,- :,11•1 l,uUd.. • fLv.TaJ~ .. O•ulfudJfMf or • -o,,lrnt ! r ,eon, t,..1. l~tat.e- on tlw lo..a •Pf'Uu~ 'rlib t.Qo- -.drlu ,11d 4o 1bM

PW. 4Hr.I.Mbf(E'\.-'lhl,i I• t1r1,l,•blf ou" 11t 11W rQltn,. ~A lful a! fh\f' Ul1 ~tm doll 'flf&T4J.', llusfUbf,piablM.11• \I/\\' ttrJ' •hort7.

Ar A. (l.,.tDCOJ1U.rnl~t.14 ra,,er fff ••• 4a:il'rllH-tl In "'W.'W,N "'! t,h1' 1 t Jul,-.

AP,. IBIUSBANJ) Ail thli ma•nlall 71'111 ....:-lfF u• qu...iie c-t,rN'l"I • !Ml s,c-1 f'flb •wita,l,k,,. 1JM tlll!' tlll,Jnzr ,-nia Mv• OD liatid.

R.H. 1DOD"BO\ Your thrff,-nl•• MC ehoa.W ~i" Jt!b •fllUd HffP4 ~.,,,D wlltrw J'Ulil a,.,, lain wby Dot ,.._ka b7 con .. atrnatit:il,l' • sood r. ...• :rneuer. Yi;u wlll Hi~n hsn.•• ph•n!J' or r""'Cn-er P~'Wl"I' Lo n1<"reom" tll• troabte wlikh will he- _.,-_..., durinll' U• 1om..aitt. Thil II U.. IJfft ..,_kilo lut I un sin .ra11o

J.K. ()Ul,J~!.Jt'-S l'OINT) Un" elth<"r J. P.R. (Jl::JULDF.RlF.).-You ar" ,-rtrinc

• .,,., eooJ restdbli u lt "- and U. e. haT11l1' wort,h wbLla la.o,:hffu;;t •*t er,e er two Olht't 1(loc W&T• •lat ioe. w hkh ma, be. br.•nl.

A.ll. fMARRICK\')1.LJ::)--Coe.M!"l llP lh~ r-rld l,laa. Sein the lW• F 1ffmlaal,. .t tM a..tio t:raNtOf'JMff tocet)wr •nll «mnt-et th• ,1..,,Hn 1,i,N111,11J ot th!! C.: hlt.tu.r.r 111 0i1111 wlro.• U,• dTtcul\ by ,kinlnr th• pag1tfff ttomalna1 o:! the- C Nttny t• '"" -\ ...-..U... Yoar uaM.fcrmwn, •tt Q11b• • II r l'bt..

n t.N.A.-TllH• aN nori• •• bHri,J 011,t wlll --TR. (BIUGBT0:-.1rr-8ei1 .. RADIO,. t,- nc .. -·· F K (BAI.Lt.N.A l Your e1r4u1 h ,i ;,,. •·t rl1ht. but lon-r• tMI J!Olltl- an.S u ... ii~

''" 1,i,a4 of ,_, mdm by •mttahrt: h- 1,- • c-1•• (of wMer. Tb11 DnaUff wUI 1:t 111,UC,h IDON aG th.all lh• -paa1dV'f' UN h•o --~

QUERIES Trilt reoJrn ki,1tl/p 1wtr tha.t nlJ

fuhtuc-al qMrri~• 4T# urrrwe-t·r.d thro11gh IA, ro/11mftJ/ of II in/,u fl',,:/,fy. Tiu r~ {( ?to outtsfon ti> tl'ml rit/1r-:r 11,t{Jr,1p,,, ur ad1h.,satd e-,i1 ~fopr-a. T'Ju. OJI t'ond1i10• U, tAct thf' numb~r of qMt'lft ,ou hi' f nuit,•11 to f11,1r. H" ff unj,11¥ c,t't,JJiut deal tl'ith 1,r/tnical q,trrfH btl 1d.-1-h01t• OT bf ptra01tal ,al/rr,.

w:all •.ial llainez:.t. lam..-. Dhlde ••It• h•tu ..-u.iu :.,1d y I wiU I'd llw cbaQ!CH:" r-11l111,

••~Q!UDYSfr• !HAYJ A.JJ Iii., val\·MI )'••U

t:Ci~r:!:t.:ullabk. JjP@Vt!Hd la ..........

('.U. 1MI\CI.ltAN1.-J),s. \• a. r,,u;h,r l!•·<·ul\ar LV Mll rtoJl•k r~t"lw~.

K.S.A C&SSStH,K) 1..-t .. 1 -. Jila.:h,i•• T1i1a,, Yur r,.,.,-

C . .L.N. (110Ml·,llU:m I It "" tt1uidy I. 111 J ..,.,,. u;n1Ml'ell 111 •••me~btf'I!' JUi Ll•• ckt...,t111 , ...

w.o.c. 1li"SS iuun, nu-. .11t,~m •UI br ~Jt \\·h.b 111 lt:!11vLp ll•l")' ,ih ,rllf.

JS. ,t•,\VLJlNll1'0!'-. 1 &-c- •·HAIHO,. for O<tolwr

S.JJt, CPF.'rt.ttSU.\lt) _y..,, "•h"' """' q111i ... •• II rlwh1. Su 1,i U1t" Jt,1uc-CCH1te cpl!.

J.r,r 1CfIA'! WOOD) I i,:u aort)' LO hu U Tf' IJiOOI' .,.,. .. ,- •1111 '1M ll:it,•11,U.1 ar7 Offl'O-',"ah·• P.•!ON'IHf ~ .llv.S, I nus.. 'aa,- that the Nhr:lftfll Nt ,..-rf1Jrm~d a, ".., t"l•lf'II,~ tor It, ,11,rul H11, hu lw••·11 bJrnr uut Ly nu•n>' ,.,.~,a o'f thr. rwa~r wJll) h:.\ .. .,,,.l~ \k 1•,:Jlr,,PHll' app~M:111. 'lltrtt!.:f'P • t1~ • h•oll al tn• •11n-t-Jn.- Ular,t Uu·R la -.. -• v u<JC. qo1tr t1,rrm Jn :,,,11r ~i'"•'• Any • \\'Jttle-,t. I--~ 1 t1rt' worth hit aah "huold bo-'ahlp to tt11111<~ a. 0~ \'"ah• ltflfflUr hn.eUo• MlMt..-toril)'.

u.a (MAllfUCKVU.LEl.-ftia b ",de,od •IM1.11N ,n tornio l"ff.Pt"l\il J ha.1,1p~n iu llvc, in 1h" nme- .,1r«t u voon.11. prk::.tiUIIJ' riaht opr,wit•• arw! c1.m'S. uJlffWn• P .. .........

WG. WICJUtOND, Q1,0.).--U• a.n 1:1rrl11.I ru,t txr..-4ins I•) -I""¼. c,~rr all rv,, bNt. ~ oulto.

G n (ft05Y.''JLLE) t~ t- th• D C.C. wir• • and 11 t' un.-lk>t betne.)'tOl'llb c ... JJ.

A..G.S. ( l<M'SINllTON),-lut&I • -l• CQIIPled -rial aod 4'111"1 art.It •tfll'li.d:

An. 111LER>:°) Tbt: J\111116 h111 ~n fur .. wiu"rlrtl. llt-Dlo\'O h&~ th• fb:"'I and mti'¥1ns plo ......

a.N (STA?--it:OJU:)-1 .,.. .r,.w ""' (T.r J. INF.WCARTJ,)!';J,-Yflt.t MVf' a11 Pf"'"'

rln.•u1, h• \w@ ;,lau&--cJnl u1, th• !!rld r.-•,"'•

r--· ....... ,_ ............ -~ I TRANSFORMERS 8.ri t ui, te a,. ...,. t\u,u,.,. •" d """"r,4, Jani t11ar.lnn irffll t111t "4"1 1ny •tM rro• I ,J or 1. Prif>r-• a11d • • thn11\i,a Oft appli,..

j l"al 11 : O'l>t•'i.._£1 L f,RIJ"VI'( A: f'O .. LTP. I u ,,.. 'u -:,,..., 1,1 o"'-i:v. ' ·r:..iin•• t' , .. , • -111 4 "· ••••• ........................................ ~UU-,H40Hn .... UoOO

..J t.h• lHl n1vE, ••M:i the tJth•r \,) 11ut JQin­tc. Uw ---•lh,;> ;,,. balkrt l-0 U.- .... th..., b bait..r1

t K ICO?"WUH.Dl.-'Mr, t'lltw,, !Uurm, H t:1111tlnd,-ti lit.. ~,,-1 ... ,.

P ff U.. tSIN~LETOX1.-J-Mdrns.tJ' J~ Nn tlM. i'Wl"C'bn~ l.a-r,,,• H.1,111itlt1 B balt(lde-. l,'t-,r;l liruw- inr.tal .. uh~l' 1:1:i,r, .... Or' Vulto..i•""' ca"11dtle.. w E"•r ke&dy l,;,uy~ C.,,5....,ll.1 1J baU...-iff ln~td•Dtalb-. it LI ._U!'U wht'-' ,ui.Ulli~ • (. lu.U..t")' ~ P""'""' "'''"" .. N t\ol q1, .. r.iH 011 bvw lO do th/.,, ---

S.\Lt:S fl()USTP.KS. A1·coru!ng l<> lhtt Man•glng Di"·<tur

o1' n v~ry hu·ge lSntiJh Company, buslntn turnuvn re-.litJ m•inJy upon I lrn autc.;unt and 4.1u.::tlity ut· ndvt"rti~ing. Ht!' u11.s~1·t.~d o.J,1., thtiLL htt wuulrl &'Utlr• n,urtt- double tht: res.alt~ i! h(• had duublt" the advt'rth,int 11pproprialion.

Hnr.riniton~ Ltd. ~1111;0 upparoutly li"li1:vt1 this i1 true. jud,::i~ by a bat,h ut!- and othf'r ht~ratun• W'\ldU<:ed ~Y this Comp•n~·. wb,rh ha• btil·n sent. Lo ut1 !or .a· ... vicw. 0 Jiar­rington~ l!J27/l~!:!~ RaJ1u Catalu~e.'" u volume u! 60 ~Jtt:S, properly in­dl"Jet.•d, 1:1,uutd lw 1n evll.!r,y .Radio en. thualusL • hund•, beeao,e lt f••lure• practic~lly all 1.''l-'C5 o( .Kadi" up­ It i~ a 1 ~ady iuide '" any pull. whid1 tlll' homl, eonstrucwr mirht d~tlrf', anJ for u-ther» thcrt: ar~ fraU1rt'1.l many t7~o1 of utlra-ctht' n,. ('tdv<:rs, luud ,peakl,rs. battery 1,li ,111nator~, etc.

Anoth.r 11ltl'lll:ll,·t pamphlet printed In thre<e culon f•ut:ures the El..--Tru. Tunv, tt·il-kle cbari.rf!l:".s, Amplion J_.oud SpeatterA, t•tc.

OC partlMJlu lnter••t is a larg~ yellow ahc.-t o,·erprintod in black f1:aturin~ ,•.uious advertll,eme11U1 wbkn haXJI b..n inserted in the pre,,1 from timo to time by DarrinKlon!':. Thi~ is a •J}l'ciati,l'd :foi·m or udver. titting, Hince it,. primary objert iR tu attract profl)ectivo dealers to Har. riPctons banner. Thia 'i1 onique in rltti,rn and e.xecutio11, and by H.s very uno1·thodoJ 11re..e,ntatioh, cannut fail to nttract attentior:.

f.llerature such a. this m~•l cer­tainly achieve the result (or wh!ch ft i1 deaignt."rl. thnt h1, hirg(lr busin~ tum<•\•_•r.

\IR. MOSTYN BROWN. of 6CL, i• a11othPr \\ ho will soon be kno-.n:-.. ,,a~ of the st&1 a of the ttha . lie is a IOUnit violinist with a. d,·lieht­ful Louch which produtea wond,rtul t.onc,. Hla clas1IC1I intenrretatiollll ot tho ,rn'llt ma.>tera 'Will prov~ a rnela. lion to the average Ji,ten,r, his trt:lrni~u• i, finwJ..,,, •nd hi• perfect me. tety of the bow mw,t ultima~J, 1 :irr) him tu gn11.t hPights In the f L\Ulttal "'OTld.

The ,World'~ Flyers canied Bu.r1ess.

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The wireless weekly : the hundred per cent Australian radio journal

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WIRELESS WEEKLY Vriday, :ll&t Od.oh" r, 11121.

Every Progressive Radio Dealer

][ an It's


][ (fj Product

Have •


A. W. A. Servicing Set u----------------------------------0 A nnc, compa.ct and euUr portablt! insuunum, ln...-orponnio~ all 1ht nu-essary cudng devices by means of which faults Jn wlrelen rt.nlvcr, can be simply and quickly located.

THE SET INCORPORATES : (a) Tesdng apparatus for mt.Hu.tlni the normal plue

current aod cmi&sfon of \."alvea.

(b} • pparatul for chec-king tht condnulty of drcu1u.

(c) _:r8~

1Li:ttff(;L~bat~~;i~:euud11t t.Gc "uhatt:c of •• A,"

and (d) A ~alibrat«.I modulated oscillator 10 enable rec.elven co be tClced out wirhour relfins on the trammitting 1c,rion,.

Write To - day for FREE Illustrated uaflet.

Me,sr,. Amalgumalod Wlreless(A/•lo) l,td.

41 York Street, St1dnefl

Ple4'e lortoard me uour Free lll1Utrat." Le.a..tld ghtlno luU porticular1 , ol the A ... W.A. S4trufcUlg Se.I.



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Friday-, :n:-;t Octoh~r. l ~27. WllllCLl:88 W.EICltLY

9'he SENIOR DRAGON with Oak flare,'fype AR.65 ·0

The popular "Dragon" shape-at once gra~ful and efficient - with wooden flare of Jacobean oak finish. Improved appearance- pleasing mellow tone. A full size, well duigned, well balanced and exceedingly efficient Loud Speaker, with the Amplion Hall-mark, for five

~~;~-~-~~Ml>[io~-~ UJddc/j StmcdaJ«i ~:food~

Arh,: of Amphon (A.wtnlui• l" Limit.i,d Melbourn• ind Sydney