reliability and maintainability analysis for...

COURSE INTRODUCTION Reliability and Maintainability Analysis for REPAIRABLE SYSTEMS 20 - 24 June 2016 (Mon - Fri) Course Code: 10003399 The course provides an overview of the ways in which reliability engineering concepts and methods can be applied for repairable system analysis and maintenance planning. Topics include life data analysis, recurrent event data analysis, reliability block diagrams (RBDs) and reliability centered maintenance. ReliaSoſt’s Weibull++, RGA, BlockSim and RCM++ soſtware are used for hands-on praccal examples. COURSE OBJECTIVES The course could help your organizaon: Understand the array of methodologies that can be applied for repairable systems analysis Determine the approaches that will be most effecve for the data you have and the objecves you wish to achieve Idenfy crical components and their failure modes Determine the most effecve ways to improve system performance through design improvements and/or maintenance planning Use simulaon to obtain esmated performance metrics that can facilitate decision-making in a variety of areas Evaluate potenal maintenance strategies and calculate opmum Prevenve Maintenance (PM) intervals and/ or overhaul mes WHO SHOULD ATTEND This Course, with the unique blend of theory, praccal examples and soſtware applicaon, is enormously effecve for enhancing the knowledge and skill set praccing engineer in operaon and maintenance services and management personnel who wish to understand the tenets and tools of Repairable Systems Maintenance. The course is useful to new reliability engineers also, which is able to quickly bring them up to speed on current best pracces and cung- edge soſtware tools. ABOUT THE SPEAKER Mr. Hongan Lin, currently serves as the Director of ReliaSoſt Asia, based in Singapore, where he has been championing and enabling the use of proper reliability pracces in the Asia Pacific region. He has also been involved in the development of ReliaSoſt’s soſtware and training courses. Before joining ReliaSoſt, Mr. Lin worked at the Defense Science Organizaon of Singapore as a Defense Engineer, and subsequently as a Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnics in Singapore. He holds a B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering. He is a Cerfied Reliability Professional (CRP). Failure Behaviours Spare & Crew Policies Maintenance Policies Cost of Operation system Availability Throughput Optimum Overhual Time System Modeling Organizer Co-Organizer Supporng organizon

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Reliability and Maintainability Analysis for

REPAIRABLESYSTEMS20 - 24 June 2016 (Mon - Fri)

Course Code: 10003399

The course provides an overview of the ways in which reliability engineering concepts and methods can be applied for repairable system analysis and maintenance planning. Topics include life data analysis, recurrent event data analysis, reliability block diagrams (RBDs) and reliability centered maintenance. ReliaSoft’s Weibull++, RGA, BlockSim and RCM++ software are used for hands-on practical examples.

COURSE OBJECTIVESThe course could help your organization:

� Understand the array of methodologies that can be applied for repairable systems analysis � Determine the approaches that will be most effective for the data you have and the objectives you wish to

achieve � Identify critical components and their failure modes � Determine the most effective ways to improve system performance through design improvements and/or

maintenance planning � Use simulation to obtain estimated performance metrics that can facilitate decision-making in a variety of areas � Evaluate potential maintenance strategies and calculate optimum Preventive Maintenance (PM) intervals and/

or overhaul times

WHO SHOULD ATTENDThis Course, with the unique blend of theory, practical examples and software application, is enormously effective for enhancing the knowledge and skill set practicing engineer in operation and maintenance services and management personnel who wish to understand the tenets and tools of Repairable Systems Maintenance. The course is useful to new reliability engineers also, which is able to quickly bring them up to speed on current best practices and cutting-edge software tools.

ABOUT THE SPEAKER Mr. Hongan Lin, currently serves as the Director of ReliaSoft Asia, based in Singapore, where he has been championing and enabling the use of proper reliability practices in the Asia Pacific region. He has also been involved in the development of ReliaSoft’s software and training courses. Before joining ReliaSoft, Mr. Lin worked at the Defense Science Organization of Singapore as a Defense Engineer, and subsequently as a Lecturer at Temasek Polytechnics in Singapore. He holds a B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering. He is a Certified Reliability Professional (CRP).

Failure Behaviours

Spare & Crew Policies

Maintenance Policies

Cost of Operation system



Optimum Overhual Time

System Modeling

Organizer Co-Organizer Supporting organiztion

Introduction to ReliabilityEngineering & Maintenance1

2 Life Data Analysis

3 Recurrent Event Data Analysis Approach for Repairable Systems

4 Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM): Introduction and Overview

Statistical Theory Background, and Applications �Basic definitions and concepts �The most commonly used distributions for product life and their

applications � 1, 2 and 3-parameter Weibull, mixed Weibull, 1 and 2-parameter

exponential, lognormal, normal �The most applicable distribution for your data �Product life data types, presented and defined

� Complete data, right censored/suspended data, left censored data, interval censored data, grouped data

�Parameter estimation methods and theory � Probability plotting, rank regression analysis, maximum likelihood

estimation (MLE) �Confidence bounds

� Fisher matrix, likelihood ratio and beta-binomial bounds

Applying Life Data Analysis �Tracking an item’s reliability and guiding corrective actions through

the use of field data �Predicting number of returns/failures �Reliability specifications �Optimum replacement time determination �Spare parts determination �Reliability goals (specifications), setting and meeting them �Supplier reliability issues �Failure behavior assessment and failure mode detection �Warranty time determination �Analysis of different failure modes �Reliability bathtub curves �Comparing designs, suppliers and data sets �Competing failure mode analysis �Degradation analysis �Event Log analysis �Contour plots and their application �Tests of Comparison

Weibull++ Software Familiarization �This hands-on workshop will be based on ReliaSoft’s Weibull++

Training Guide. The training guide is specifically designed to guide you step-by-step from simple to advanced concepts, allowing you to proceed at your own pace.

�What is reliability, why reliability? �Reliability concepts �The changing world of maintenance �The different disciplines involved in repairable systems analysis


�Renewal process �The non-homogeneous Poisson process approach

� Power law Poisson process � Concept of minimal repair � Laplace trend test Cramér-von Mises test � Reliability metrics• Expected number of failures• Mission reliability• Optimum overhaul• Failure intensity/mean-time-between-failures

�General Renewal Process (GRP) model approach � Applications and interpretations of the model � Type I and type II GRP models � The effectiveness factor

�Non-parametric recurrent data analysis approach � Mean Cumulative Function (MCF) and its application

�Weibull++ RDA tool and RGA software familiarization

� Introduction and overview � History � Applications and benefits � Published guidelines

�Prepare for the analysis �Select the equipment to be analyzed

� Published equipment selection questions � Criticality factors

� Identify the functions � Identify the functional failures � Identify and evaluate (categorize) the effects of failure

� Published logic diagrams � Identify the causes of failure (failure modes) �Select maintenance tasks

� Published task selection questions � Comparing maintenance strategies based on cost

and availability• Run-to-failure• Repair/replacement• Service tasks• Failure-finding inspections• On-condition inspections• One-time tasks

� Calculating optimum maintenance interval �RCM++ software familiarization

System Analysis: Introduction and Overview �Defining a system �Viewing a system as a collection of components and/or component

failure modes

Elementary RBD Constructs and their Analytic Quantification

�Using RBDs to represent the reliability model of a system �Series configurations �Simple parallel configurations �K-out-of-n configurations �Complex configurations

� Complex configurations for failure modes, networks and mechanical systems

� Introduction to time dependency � Inclusion of “used” components in modeling �System reliability metrics:

� Obtaining a system pdf � Derivation of functions of interest: system failure rate function,

system MTTF, etc.

Advanced RBD Constructs and their Analytic Quantification

�Modeling standby redundancy: � Energized and quiescent failure distributions � “Hot,” “Warm” and “Cold” standby definitions � Switching (perfect or imperfect switching, with delays, retries

and switch quiescent failure probabilities) � k-out-of-n-plus-M standby configurations

�Additional RBD constructs: � Nodes � Containers � Block encapsulation (sub-diagram blocks) � Block multiplicity

Reliability Importance � Identify importance of components and subsystems (and/or modes)

and their overall impact on system reliability

Fundamentals of Maintainability and Availability �Repair and downtime distributions and metrics � Introduction to renewal theory � Introduction to maintainability � Imperfect repairs (restoration factors) �Availability definitions:

� Instantaneous (point) availability � Mean availability � Steady state availability � Inherent availability � Achieved availability � Operational availability

Preventive Maintenance (PM) Principles �When does “preventive maintenance” make sense? �The fallacy of “constant failure rate” and “preventive replacement” �Quantifying preventive vs. corrective replacement strategies �Determining optimum PM intervals �Modeling effects of PM actions

Advanced Simulation Options: Using Policies, Pools and Resources

�Adding crews to the analysis � Probabilistic elements � Crew costs � Crew utilization metrics and bottlenecks

�Adding spare part pools (depots) to the analysis � Probabilistic elements � Spare part inventory management, costs � Spare utilization metrics and bottlenecks � Standard, on-condition and upon emergency

spare part provisioning with associated costs and probabilistic delays

�Utilizing “corrective,” “preventive” and “inspection” actions with associated policies

� Corrective actions, “immediate” or “upon inspection” (hidden/discovery)

� Inspections based on system time, component age and/or other system events (e.g., similar component failure elsewhere in the system)

� PM actions based on system time, component age and/or other system events (e.g., similar component failure elsewhere in the system)

Visualizing and Improving System Availability � Looking at common metrics (MTBF, MTBDE, MTBE, AX,

etc.) and charts �Additional (new) metrics for identifying opportunities in

repairable systems: � RS-FCI (ReliaSoft’s Failure Criticality Index) � RS-DECI (ReliaSoft’s Downing Event Criticality Index)

�FRED (Failure Report Evaluation Diagram) reports

Throughput Analysis �Throughput metrics and terminology

� System throughput � Component throughput � System and component utilization metrics

�Bottlenecks identification �Backlog processing

Including Costs in the Analysis, Introduction to Life Cycle Cost Analysis

�Determination of the probabilistic costs associated with system operation

�Sample financial analysis

Introduction to Phase DiagramsRBD vs. NHPP

� Advantages and disadvantages of each approach

BlockSim Software FamiliarizationHands-on Workshop and Group Case Studies

� Individually work through detailed examples with step-by-step instructions to complete sample analyses that combine many of the concepts covered in the course.

� Using realistic cases (described in an objective statement), determine how to set up and analyze each case in a team environment. The case studies combine select topics covered in the course.

5 Repairable System Analysis with Reliability Block Diagrams (RBDs)

COURSE INFORMATIONDate 20 - 24 June 2016 (Monday - Friday)

Time 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Course FeeHK$18,500 (Normal)HK$16,650 (Enroll on or before 20 May 2016 or More than 2 enrolments from the same company)HK$15,725 (Members of supporting organization)

Venue 1/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. (Kowloon Tong MTR Station Exit C)

Medium of Instruction

English (with English handouts)

Certification A Certificate of Completion will be issued to delegates who have completed the programme.

How to enroll

To enrol, please complete the attached enrolment form and send it together with the appropriate fee to

Hong Kong Productivity Council, 4/F, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Attention: Miss Phoebe CHOW (AED)

[All cheques should be crossed and made payable to the Hong Kong Productivity Council.]Participants are advised to make enrollment on or before 20 May 2016.

Enquiries Miss Phoebe CHOW | E-mail: [email protected] | Tel: 2788 5794 | Fax: 2788 5405 | Web:

Computers are used in this course so please make sure to bring your laptop. We will install the appropriate software as needed.

PTI104 (07/2013)

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- at least 15 working days before the course commencement for training program run by overseas speaker

A handling charge of HK$200 will be levied. For payment made by credit card, an additional bank charge of 3% of the enrolment fee will be imposed.

5. You may, subject to the prior approval of HKPC, nominate a person to attend the course on your behalf. Course switching request will not be accepted.

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7. HKPC reserves the right to replace the speaker and/or change the contents, venue and/or time as may be necessary.

8. Classes in the morning, afternoon or evening will be cancelled if typhoon signal No. 8 or above OR black rainstorm warning remains hoisted after (or is announced by the Hong Kong Observatory to be hoisted at/after) 6:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. respectively. You will be notified of the re-scheduling arrangement as soon as possible.

9. These terms and conditions are subject to revisions as may be set out in the course pamphlets and the latest updates in the Institute’s website.

Typewritten Text
Certificate in M440 Reliability and Maintainability Analysis for Repairable Systems