
faith cultural context

Upload: ariane-beauregard

Post on 14-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Religion

faith cultural context

Page 2: Religion


adolescents | young adults (15-25)

actively practice a religion

- Have strong religious beliefs, are confident about their faith, but still engage and participate in the mass culture that surrounds them.

- Have a conflicted/complex identity in regards to their environment, their family, their community and their friends/collegues.

- Use social media or other components of the contemporary context to express or incorporate their religious rituals.

- Their spirituality is a fundamental part of their self-image and character.

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ethnographic research

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- 14 people. All women, except 1 man.

- Different appearance characteristics (style, clothing, race).

- Little to no social interaction. significantly serious + introspective atmosphere.

- Everyone had a physical display of their religious faith (jewelry).

- Influence/attachement family + community context.

- Emotional + spiritual fulfilment.

- Conflicted identity: confidence vs. exposure.

- Fear of alienating people around.

- Does not know who is religious + fear of being stereotyped.

- Difficulty fitting in as a college student while integrating religion in her everyday life.

- Involvement in a variety of church activities.


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conflicts + intersections

cultural | leisure


professional | educational

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unexpressed needs/desires

1 Difficulty socializing in other contexts.

2 Being open/true about their religious beliefs.

3 Interact/discuss/exchange with people that have other views on religion.

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- What if there was a way to openly communicate about religion without judgement?

- What if there was a way to unify people’s different identities?

- What if there was a way to be open about spirituality and faith?

- What if there was a way to visually express feelings + beliefs in regards to religion?

- What if there was a way to make people feel what it’s like to be prosecuted against?

- What if there was a way to make people experience what religion is and feels liek to you?

- What if there was a way to destigmatize religion?

- What if people could communicate above religious beliefs?

- What if there was a way to question religion?

- What if there was a way to display your faith anonymously? Publicly?

- What if there was a way to have an open discussion/reflection about religion?

- What if there was a way to let those who believe know they are not alone?


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1 Create a dialogue/conversation between atheist and religious people of different beliefs.

2 Enable people to share/express their voice + opinion.

3 Allow for reflections + parallels between a diverse visions/expressions.

4 Offer a contemplative + inclusive social experience.

4 Facilitate coexsitence + unity between young women living in the same context.

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An interactive installation offering an immersive and reflective experience that aims to create a dialogue about religion. The outcome being to facilitate connection and coexistence between young women of religious or atheist beliefs.

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anonymous public

flexible sharing system (direct + indirect) that enables a sense of belonging to the space and allows people to feel comfortable to share their opinion.




