religion great'revival mills grateful y aimof leaders … · the child revived without any...

power and the sources from which It emanates. The speaker also brought out the thought expressed In Dr. Chap- man's afternoon address that It should be. the pleasure of every Christian- to preach the gospel of Christ anywhere. NO PLACE FOR NEW COURT ROOMS ARBOR DAY OBSERVANCE -', LOS ANGELES HERALD:* WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY t, 190$. REV. B. FAY MILLS, WHO THANKS REVIVALISTS FOR PRAYERS GREAT' REVIVAL SPREADS THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE CITY MILLS GRATEFUL FOR PRAYERS "I had some twenty dollars which had been collected for the Blanchard &Venter company, which I was ready to pay. When' I learned that there would be no settlement I notified the audience that there would be no, con- cert, telling them my reason' for such action." Charles Gamble says: "I notified Mr. Venter from San Jose that I would expect a settlement before or during the concert. In the evening I was told the settlement could not be made until the next day. \u25a0 a concert tour under the Blanchard & Venter management. ATTORNEYS PUZZLED AS TO LOCATION Quarters for the Departments Proba- bly Will De Secured in a Build. ing Near the Court . House SWALLOWS CHLOROFORM , The police surgeons are still wonder- ing how the child managed to swallow so large a quantity of the drug without choking to death during the process. A police surgeon hurried to the home and attended the child, the entire dose of chloroform, about a half spoonful being removed from the little one's stomach. The child revived without any severe after effect. The child showed symptoms of drow- siness some time later and the anxious mother discovered * the . empty bottle, which showed the cause of the baby's illness. \u25a0 ... While crawling on the floor of the family home at Eleventh j and South Main streets yesterday morning, the two-year-old baby daughter of Clifton Aztell, . the attorney, found a small phial of chloroform and drank the con- tents. "An lnfemo, »wathed In soft celestial fires; a chaotic underworld, eluding all sense of per- spective or dimension, spectral as a dream. "A stupendous panorama, a labyrinth of huge architectural forms and painted like a dower." Such Is the Grand Canyon of Arizona, to which the Santa. Fe will run special excursions Feb- ruary 11th and 22nd— 525.00 round trip from Soutttern California, and J30.00 from north of Bakersfleld. Ask the acent. , \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i P. S.—New hotel "El Tovar" Is open.' '\u0084 \u25a0';; The Titan of Chasm*. The removal of unused derricks .was discussed and Mrs. Henry Clay, Terrill drew attention to some difficulties ; In the way. It has been discovered that there is no way to force a man to re- move anything from his proprty unless it is endangering life. This same diffi- culty was discovered by Mrs. J.F. Kanst of the billboard ' committee, "and when she made her : report Mrs. Rod- man , promptly . declared ': that there would have to be a new ordinance. J ' ; A" report was given by the garbage com- mittee, and a paper on. the necessity, for protecting birds was read by Mrs, ] McLean. A meeting of the Civic league was held yesterday morning in the assem- blyroom of the chamber of commerce,' and the subject was brought up -by Mrs. Wllloughby Rodman, '" the ' chair- 1 man of the outdoor art section. There was considerable ' discussion as to whather there should be a parade this year, but the final decision was that it should be omitted. Celebration March 17 Decided Upon for Time of The day set for ; the ' celebration of Arbor day Is March 17, and an effort will be made to Interest, the whole of Southern California In the tree plant- ing movement SHOULD USE INFLUENCE Services for children were held again yesterday afternoon at the First Con- gregational church by Rev. C. T. Schaeffer, at which a large number of boys and girls were present. The speaker pointed out the great- ness of this sermon on* the mouut and of the man who delivered It. He scored the tendency of the modern age to wait for churches In which to preach, when Christ was ready to preach wher- ever there was a sky for a roof, a floor for a platform or a single individual for an audience. ' Dr. Chapman preached- a sermon on the text, "And whosoever shall com- pel thee to go a mile, go with him twain." ' '.-\u25a0- '»;;. \u25a0 Old women with white hair stood up and asked that their sons might have the prayers of the congregation, and an aged< father sought „\u25a0 the, v same . for J a wayward boy. One fwoman ;sald . that there were ten : whom she wanted the people to remember. "Some of the men may scoff, but that does not hurt; down In their hearts they have a deeper respect for you. I thank God that he has. made me a Christian and that I can always do anything and be anything with perfect safety." . / ; 7 /' .\u25a0 );"••- ;'.' .'\u25a0\u25a0 \ One woman said she had a son-in- law who was a railroad man and who told her It was impossible- to be a Christian and a railroad man. A young man In the audience stood up and said that he had been a railroad man for the past three years, and mentioned the companies with which he had worked. "I know that a man can be a Christian and engage In that work. It Is the only way that you can do it and be safe. The first special afternoon meeting was held yesterday in the First Metho- dist church under the direction of J. Wilbur Chapman. The song service was conducted by Charles P. Allen and Fred Butler. Following this a tes- timony meeting was held, In which Dr. Chapman asked any one who had done any personal work to tell of It. Afternoon Meeting Attended by Large Congregation The directors have leased rooms 904 and 905 in the Braly building, over- looking Spring street, for the Carlsbad Consolidated Oil company's offices, which willbe occupied tomorrow. Both Mr. Lonergan and Mr. Keller- man assert that the company controls the very best or cream sections of the Gip creek district and that it will be developed later. " V- 1 The company's directors as a result of the conference telegraphed Mr. Wat- lington to operate first in the Loner- gan basin. This section Is much nearer the railroad, and In case a good flow of oil is encountered, the product can be handled much more economically than from the Gip creek district. The original plan was to operate first in the Gip Creek district, where the 'Mounts a few week's ago struck oil at a depth of a little over 200 feet. General Manager Kellerman and Sec- retary Lonergan, together with' other officers of the Carlsbad Consolidated Oil company, were in conference with the company's directors yesterday afternoon, taking action providing for a change of plans for development work In the New Mexico field. The change was all due to Important news received from B. W. Watlington, the company's field superintendent. Mr. Watlington, In his letter, states: "I have Just made an Important discovery in the Lonergan basin. Less than a foot below the line capping In the basin, which is five miles wide and ten miles long, I found a finer grade of oil sand than has been unearthed in any other part of the field. The sand Is saturated with oil, and I believe the basin is the place to put the oil drilling machines." to Railroad Company Offices in'Braly Building Will Begin in Lonergan Basin, Close OIL NEWS FROM CARLSBAD ALTER DRILLING PLANS Attorney Lewis R. Works and Dep- uty District Attorney W. P. James, it is said, are slated for superior judg- shlps, while the remaining appoint- ments will be captured by "dark horses," among whom are \u25a0 Attorneys J. C. Rleves, Charles Monroe, H. C. Goodlng, C. C. Bowen, W. M. Bowen, W. M. Hlatt and Walter Boardwell. Superior Judges Allen and Trask bid fair to receive the appointments as Judges of ,the' new' court of appeals, which it is, understood willhold its ses- sions in the rooms of the supreme court in the Bullard building. It is expected that Governor Pardee will announce his nominations for the various Judgeshlps this week, and the candidates are active In their cam- paigns. ' \u25a0' The proposed sites are for temporary purposes only and will be used merely for the purpose of expediting, litigation, as an addition to the court house will in all probability be. provided for. Other sites situated in the vicinity of the court house are also talked about, , and the arguments of those who favor this idea are likely to pre- vail when the question comes up for hearing before the board of supervisors next month. Many prominent attorneys have sug- gested the Bullard building, and it is apparent that this building is the fa- vorite location among those who dally transact business at the county court house. Some have suggested that sufficient space might be acquired In the new Huntlngton building, but owing to its location this Idea meets with little favor in the legal profession. That the county court house Is far too small to accommodate the require- ments of the Judiciary Is a fact con- ceded by all those Interested in this perplexing question, and many have made suggestions relative, to the fu- ture home of Los Angeles county's courts of record. .. Now that the legislature has passed the bill providing for the establishment" of three additional departments of the superior court, the legal wiseacres of Los Angeles are speculating on the question of their location. " "But for the present, and so far as I know for the future, my work is in this City of the Angels, in our modern land of .promise, with the noblest and best citizens I have ever met, and I desire a league offensive and defensive with every individual and society in this community of my choice and de- votion in all that will help us to be njible, useful, unselfish and Chrlstlike. Let us have a genuine 'union of those who live in the service of those who suffer.' " "During the past year my efforts and message have received hearty .In- dorsement from some' ministers of the various orthodox denominations, and the doors of. many orthodox as well as liberal churches have swung wide open to me. '.Whether they all should' do; so 1b not for me to say. "I hold in affectionate esteem the revival preachers now in the city/ Dr. Chapman is \u25a0 the dearest friend of my youth and my college chum. Messrs. Blederwolf, Ostrom, Elliott HUHs and Maxwell are all old associates who assisted me in my old work, j I am on good brotherly terms with f a,ll of them, and If we cannot .go all the way to- gether I at least wish to go together as far as we can. Friendly With All "I have decided to yield to a popular desire, and next Sunday I will speak at, the regular services of the Fellow- ship in Masonic hall, along these lines: speaking in the morning on 'What Must I Do to Be Saved?' and in the evening on "How and Why I Changed My Religious Opinions.' "In my present work I emphasize principles, not dogmas, and my preach- ing Is appropriate for any congrega- tion of men and women who desire to cultivate the spirit of Jesus. I do not denounce men or doctrines or institu- tions, and am trying 'not to destroy, but to fulfill.' V '\u25a0!\u25a0'\u25a0. '-:\u25a0' In response to the question as to how he differs f rom '"- the" revivalists, or rather, what is his present stand, Rev. Mr. Mills replied: "As John Wesley said: 'I am sick of opinions; I nm' weary to hear them; my soul loathes this frothy food. Give me solid and substantial religion; give me an humble, gentle lover of God and man, a man full of mercy and good faith, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Let my boul be with those Christians, wherever they are and whatsoever opinion they are of.' "; : "I do not place any emphasis on ecclesiastical affiliations. I never with- drew from the orthodox Congregational ministry, because what I have been seeking is an enlarged and not a re- stricted fellowship. My name is also on the Unitarian rolls. Neither of these associations indicates my belief or dis- belief in any dogmas whatever, but simply that I do not wish to decline any high-minded fellowship that is open to me. Objects to Affiliations i "I do not know," he said, "how I differ from all of them In theological opinion. They do not agree with one another In what they regard as essen- tials, and I could not agree with all of them if I tried. Opinion does not seem to me of the first Importance. I place the emphasis on life, conduct, spirit, rather than on technical theological notions, concerning which no man can be sure, and which naturally change with the moral and intellectual "devel- opment of the race. When It was pointed out that the prayers were not so much for these thlnßS as they were expressions on the part of, the revivalists that he again Join their ranks and share their theo- logical beliefs, he only smiled the more. "I sincerely appreciate the kindly spirit of the friends who are praying for me," gald.llev. Mr. Mills last even- Ing. "I desire knowledge, wisdom, purity of heart, graclousness of npirlt, gentleness of manner, courtesy of-ut- terance and power in loving service, and I suppose these are the qualities they ask for me in their prayers." Rev. B. Fay Mills, leader of the Los Angelen Fellowship society, and ex-evangellst. In place of resenting the Inference which might be drawn from the fact that the revivalists now preaching here are praying for him, smiles and expresses his gratitude. Places Little Emphasis on Ecclesias- tical Affiliations and Spends Lit. tie Thought on Technicalities I of Theology EX-EVANGELIST OBJECTS TO DOGMAS OF SECTS \u25a0 GAMBLE COMPANY SPLITS WITH ITS MANAGERS HEAD CONSUL STRICKEN BY DANGEROUS ILLNESS ."William S. Sullivan" A large detective force has 'been en- gaged by the district attorney's office and a thorough Investigation will be made. ;•• ' c - '. "Your' Inquiry of the. 17th instant, concerning A. Groves, received, and in reply will say that on investigation I find that about fourteen years ago he was in some real estate trouble here and left this city. Since then his whereabouts have j been unknown. I will continue the investigation and ad- vise you accordingly. ! Sheriff White yesterday received a letter from the chief of police of Atchison, Kansas, at which point Groves is said to have operated his forged deed swindle many years ago. The letter is as follows: "Sheriff White, Los Angeles, Cal.: -, ."I have discovered the . key to the whole mystery," was all that the dis- trict attorney would say last night, and beyond this he refused to divulge the Information which he asserts has been communlcated'to the district attorney's office. . Startling developments in connection with the gigantic frauds alleged to have been perpetrated by Attorney A. Groves, who' is now confined in the city Jail on the charge ; of forgery, probably will be made public by Dep- uty District Attorney Fleming today. KANSAS OFFICERS MAKE CHARGES AGAINST GROVES THE FASHION ll* sued for her love and ' he eueil for her Mai. Bhe made him the proudeat of men: The honeymoon paved, they thought It was •\u25a0* grand, But a little while later each took a firm atand, A -id— suras what he sued for then. —B E. KUer In the Chicago Rwoord Herald. Mr. Falkenburg, who was 48 years old Monday, founded the order of the Woodmen of the World fifteen years ago, since which time he has been its head. He is also . president of the National Fraternal congress, the high- est office bestowed by the fraternal societies. He was elected to this po- sition at the congress in St. Louis during the world's , fair. Mr. Falken- burg Is well known In Los Angeles, where he ' visited last ' July. ' Recently his health baa gradually, failed. * , Fred A. Falkenburg of Denver, head consul of the Pacific division, Wood- men of the World, Is in Los Angeles, seriously 111. Mr. Falkenburg is Buffer- ing from a complication of diseases, his case being considered dangerous, but hopes are entertained of his re- covery. He is staying with a. friend on West Seventh street. Woodmen of the World, May \u25a0 Not Recover Fred A. Falkenburg, Founder of the \V. A. Venter declares Gamble's ac- tion was unusual He asserts the Gamble company i* Indebted to him for, fees collected in the north during It ended by Mr, Gamble announcing from the platform that . his | company would not give a concert because, the stipulated sum of money had not been paid. Charles Gamble, manager of the con- cert company requested a cash settle- ment before the concert it' is asserted. This Mr. Venter of the lyceum com- pany refused to comply with, saying such was not customary. No recital was given. Owing to a disagreement between the manager of the Ernest Gamble Concert company and Blanchard & Venter as to a financial settlement the large audience ' which assembled In Simpson auditorium last evening was forced to leave disappointed. No Recital Is Given Financial Affairs Cause Trouble Audience Assembles In Auditorium, | The meeting at the Advance Buggy company's building was opened by a Bong service last night in which Mr, 'and Mrs. Pugh both took part. The subject chosen by Dr. Walton was "God's I Method of Solving Difficulties, Doubts < and 'Skepticisms." He de- \u25a0elared he was not at all, Interested in the phase of a man's difficulties, but only .wanted to show that If a man was willing; to turn all difficulties over to God they ' would all be removed. "Men say if'God wants me to be saved why does he not do it.' They forget that God gives faith and repentance the minute a man Is willing to give up •In. "Whether a man's difficulties are Intellectual or physical -God's methods Great Praise Service) Inthe course of his sermon last night the evangelist exhorted people to put more of real worth into their religion. , "We are suffering from cheap relig- ion," he said. "Cheap religion is like a cheap horse; it is lame, it will kick, Itis windbroken, it willbalk. "The Lord knows there are too many windbroken. people in the churches and who has not seen the kickers, or what pastor has not been troubled with the balky? "Do you want young men to take an interest in religion? If you do then offer them more. than an ecclesiastical buttonhole boquet. Call them to some- thing- that costs. If you want life savers at the seaside call and they will come! If you want firemen to rescue the children call and you willget them. If you ' want soldiers to defend the homes, call and they are there. Men take to th&heroic and the call of Christ is a call to the heroic. You may seem to conquer everything but until self is conquered you have conquered nothing:. Conquer self and you practically con- quer everything. An ' old farmer in- terpreted the illustration about the corn or wheat falling into the ground and losing 1 Itself, but coming forth in the harvest, by saying that the starch went out and the sugar came In. . Any- body, knows that if you lose your selfishness the result is , starchlness driven out and sugar come In." More Real Worth The district in which Rev. Henry Ostrom preaches is one which covers a large area, and Immanuel Pres- byterian church is crowded every night. Dr. Ostrom is one of the most spon- taneous of the speakers and it is said of him that it is impossible to tell what he, will do next. His methods of ap- pealing to the people are varied. ' Dr. Elliott's text last night was taken frbnr -First Chronicles, 29-5, and the theme; was practical consecration;' 1 The speaker, defined the difference between the consecration of self and the conse- cration of service. Instead of point- ing out. what service is, he empha- sized what |it is not. "Not ordinary round of church going or church doing, for too often this is only,dress parade, but service, is the doing.that is closely connected with soul' winningand char- acter-building.'. Some people work harder ' to keep from working than they would have to. work if they really gave themselves heartily to it. There are two classes of people, doers and dodgers. ) To which class do you belong?" ' Practical Consecration Wonderful work has been going on in\the fifth, district where the Asbury church has been crowded every night. Last night a testimony meeting -was held in addition to the regular preach- ing service and many beginners in the Christian life took part with others. A ..wonderful hold has been gained on the young people not only by the evan- gallst but also by Charles E. Rykert, the singer who has had more people will- Ing to sing in the chorus than there have been seats for and the number of young \u25a0 men present was greater than 4 at, any other meeting during the campaign. . Services Throughout Day Almost every hour of the day is now taken up with meetings of some kind. In- the morning conferences are held, and today the noonday services will begin. Afternoon meetings have been begun in the central district, evening meetings are held at all the districts, cottage prayer meetings will be held on' Friday and even the midnight hour on ! Friday -will be occupied by what promises to be one of the biggest meet- ings ever held for a religious purpose. Conversions by the dozens are re- ported and there is hardly a church In the city vhloh has not received ap- plications for membership. They begin coming In from the dif- ferent parts of the city where the dis- trict meeting's have been held, and each man who appears has a more glowing picture of success to paint than the others. One of the most eventful periods of the day Is the hour after the evening meetings -when the leaders gather at headquarters in the Alvarado hotel and discuss the happenings of the day. With every succeeding meeting of the evangelistic campaign the enthu- siasm grows and ministers become) more and more convinced that the whole city of Los Angeles will fall into line with the work during the com- ing weeks. of Souls The Spirit of Evangelism Spreading Throughout City, and Minister* Expect Great Harvest PEOPLE EXHORTED TO LEAD HONEST LIVES At the Olivet Congregational church Tilman Hobson preached the third chapter of a sermon' which was, begun Sunday night. The ' theme ' last*night was a continuation -of the subject of The meeting tonight will be held at the Methodist church as usual, but to- morrow night and Friday night they will be held at Temple . auditorium, where the seating capacity will be larger. "Second, pray for them. It is, Indeed, true, that the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, but best live before them a consistent Christian life. There Is no answer to such an argument as tlmti" "First, speak to them. No child of God is free from responsibility until he has spoken to every one over whom he haa an Influence about his personal relation to Christ. "Is is well with thy child? It is not if the child Is away, from Christ. What must we do if we win the lost to him? "Is it well with thy husband? This does not simply mean is it well with the, one who walks by your side in the Journey of life. Itdoes not mean this one alone, but Js it well with whom you have an influence? Is it not a solemn thing that in this world we are divided by the most sacred things? Between many a husband and wife stands the church, the communion table and the cross of Christ. I never could understand how one could close his eyes in sleep if the one who is dear to him is away from Christ. "Third, friends are ready. "Is it well with thee?" asked the speaker. "That 'is personal salvation. Here is a life beset with trials, tempta- tion'is on every side and no man can live as he ought to live until by faith he takes Christ. It is not well with him unless he is a Christian. "First, God is ready. "Second, Christ is ready. "Is It Well With Thee?" This was the topic of a sermon ' preached by Dr. Chapman last night at the meeting of the central district. ' The text was taken from First Kings 4:26. "Is it well with thee? Is it well with thy hus- band? Is it well with thy child? And she answered, 'It is well.'" to Save Others J. Wilbur Chapman Exhorts Leaders TRUE RELIGION AIMOF LEADERS DR. JOHN H. ELLIOTT A large number of young people were present at the meeting. HOLDS SPECIAL SERVICE of meeting the needs of the case are identical." 5 "bad Y bad i ! bad ml Bad blond comes from bad digestion*- bad stomach, bid liver, bad kldn*y.«~st- trnndAd with . bad, foul breath, routed tonf-nei, bad tast*, bad \u25a0 ne*daeh*«, bad appetite and kindred symptoms. Bad a* tn<*>« all are. and serious as are thn dis- eases to which they lead, Dr. PlptcVs CJolden Medical Dlicovwy com** to the \u25a0 relief and cnr« of all th<*a by regulating and Invigorating STOMACH, LIVER, BOWELS and RIDNKYS. and putting all these organs in good order. "Golden Medical Discovery" contains no alcohol, opium or other harmfnl drill's.; neither does Itcontain sugar or syrup, which are Injurious to some stom- ach*. Without any of thane It retains Its pleasant taste and marvelous healing qualities In the moat trying climate. Don't let a nelfish medicine seller cheat you out of your hoalth by giving you a substitute. llo'- only looking out for a-* larger profit, not for your good, fthitn him. Honest, unselfish dealers recom- mend the. "Golden Medical Discovery." "Tha* four remedies am not for th« few. be* tit. Aia many Is trident, for I personal)*' know of many scores of persons In this city who have bevn restored to health ana \u25a0 strength by your medicine*." thus writes Henry Csml-lirft, F,wj , Al<l«rmin In 17th ' Ward. RnlTalq, N. V., of 1204 Jefferson fUreet. "I know thsi Dr. Pierce."* Golden Medlesl Dlsrorery Is most Taluahlo In rases of de- rangement of tha liver, having taken th« mpdiclne some two years aaro when I had a bad attack of liver trouble, and I never used a medicine before that did me so much , srood. I have known I)r, Pierce for twenty* nix years, and do not wonder at bis success,, for he Is a physician and man of sterling qualities. Is possessed of extraordinary skill, and he has In his Sanitarium a corps of Hpe- cialista who are chosen because of their unusual knowledge and professional skill." If suffering from any obstinate, linger- Ing ailment, write to Dr. Pierce and got, free of charge, sound medical advice. He has the counsnl and assistance of a large staff of expert specialists. - -»»^ The People's Common Rente i »JjS t>»w Medical Advisor. by,R. V. Pierce, M. D.,Chief Consult- Pnrug ing Physician to the Inva- *-v ws?c? llaV Hotel and Surgical : t*^ i&»L Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. Y£* —*^ Paper-bound .free on re*i celpt of 21 one-cent stamps > .^. for mailing only; or cloth*;. F^ bound for 31 cents. Address \u25a0 the Author, as above. \u25a0 \u25a0 iEgryjSISEHPIF \ Mnny of the dally woes of woman* u\ hood are due to sick kidneys; but to B rl^i «fifc!w9 f^S many \u25a0women fall to recognize kidney #JT ** **/ trouble when they have it, and kidney Bh. diseases are fatal If neglected too long.' § ,k~>'-&&G?''K Im^sS^ When a woman's back aches from s|p *^^v y\ When she feels worn iUafter every | M C^^S^n?'**^»Stfuijb» blt ot work "ha has to do vk \l fffitu\. \ » lH When she cannot bend or stoop l^UHW^M^yKflfir I -without suffering twinges of pain— V^gjyfljljp^^Sjjjjja/T j / When she has constant headaches, x*V W^ I dizzy &pells, beartng-down pains and wqfj/ If |jBr-l!i' urinary troubles— _ »w»//ll 1 E*?l " When she has any ot all of these \iftq1} r$W ailmssts It is a sure sign that the kld- \u25a0!\u25a0/ )l IliL neys are not do!n & tn e-r duty. Uric 3su 'i BlvV acld and other Poisons that the kid- B$M/A\ »^V. neys should filter out of the blood are w ;^t/\ fu^^V carrying disease into every part of the Via Vi \ Regard this as a danger signal, ywtgrfI Ifm V^ V Rec °E nlz e the kidneys *a the cause of $?K|j| l\ BTk l\ A your many aches and pains, and to Jl y^r cure the kidneys use a kidney modi* «sjfl li V pjSrMPw Down's Kidney Pills cure sick kid- 11/ li vBBp nevs an 3 cure them permanently. Tha ly It kidneys begin to do their work prop- l)( At erly, and pure blood, the greatest sys-' \tyL j, -»-»-Si-r tern regulator, restores the whole body to health and strength. Don't Neglect the Kidneys. At the First Indication of Kidney Trouble . Begin Using Doan's Kidney Pills, a Modern Kidney Specific which has cured Thousands of People Right Here at Home. LOS angeles testimony is because they come on so silently, Mrs. A.L. Miller of 1008 East Ninth and are. therefore, neglected, street says : "I have had ; attacks of When the kidneys are well, they r<-> backache for the past four years. None move from the body every day nearly of them ever laid me up, but some- one ounce of urlo acid and other pol- times they, wore more severe than sonous waste. others, and I cannot describe the pain When the kidneys are sick, this pol-. \u25a0 that I went through. After reading an sou is carried by the blood -to every advertisement about Doan's Kidney part of the body. It causes rheuraa- Pills I came to the conclusion that in- tlsm, gout, neuralgia, sciatica, gravel, •- ' asmuch as they did not claim to cure stone in the kidneys, heart disease. In- •very disease on the calendar they digestion, diabetes and Brlght's Dls- might be some good, so I went to ease. .Dean's drug store and got a box. I Doan's Kidney Pills act promptly.' used It and the pillspositively stopped and give complete relief, because their .< the attack of backache." influence is eierted directly upon the' " diseased tissues.' v This medicine has Kidney diseases cause more deaths been curing sick kidneys for seventy- than any other human affliction. This two years. I DOAN'S-^ j B For Sale by all Penlere. Prltte 60a. Foeter-MUburn Co.. Buffalo. M. Prop. J| Yon Cannot Cure Dandruff Without Uo- »troylnc the \ L'uuse of It. . Many peopla wash their aoalpa Saturday night or Sunday to try to keep the dandruff down for tixt week, but on Monday night the aoalp ha* begun to Itch, and Tuesday morning willfind a food supply of dandruff when the hair Is bruahed. There Is but one real (olentlflo way of curing dandruff; and that la to killthe gorm that causes It, and fallinghair, and finally baldnena. There Is only on* preparation that will destroy the germ, and that Is Newbro'a Herplclde. It Is an entirely new dlncovery and the only hair preparation that Is based on the new •dentine principle. In addition Ileiplcld- U a very refreshing hair dressing for regular toilet use. Sold by leading druggists. \u25a0 Send lOu. in stapips for sample to The Herplclde Co., Detroit. Mlcli. . DKSTROY TUB CAUSE.

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Page 1: RELIGION GREAT'REVIVAL MILLS GRATEFUL Y AIMOF LEADERS … · The child revived without any severe after effect. The child showed symptoms of drow- ... the very best or cream sections

power and the sources from which Itemanates. The speaker also brought

out the thought expressed In Dr.Chap-

man's afternoon address that It shouldbe.the pleasure of every Christian- topreach the gospel of Christ anywhere.





"Ihad some twenty dollars whichhad been collected for the Blanchard&Venter company, which Iwas readyto pay. When' Ilearned that therewould be no settlement Inotified theaudience that there would be no, con-cert, telling them my reason' for suchaction."

Charles Gamble says: "I notifiedMr. Venter from San Jose that Iwouldexpect a settlement before or duringthe concert. In the eveningIwas toldthe settlement could not be made untilthe next day. \u25a0

a concert tour under the Blanchard &Venter management.


Quarters for the Departments Proba-

bly Will De Secured in a Build.

ing Near the Court .House


, The police surgeons are still wonder-ing how the child managed to swallowso large a quantity of the drug withoutchoking to death during the process.

Apolice surgeon hurried to the homeand attended the child, the entire doseof chloroform, about a half spoonful

being removed from the little one's

stomach. The child revived withoutany severe after effect.

The child showed symptoms of drow-siness some time later and the anxiousmother discovered * the . empty bottle,which showed the cause of the baby's

illness. \u25a0• ...

While crawling on the floor of thefamily home at Eleventh jand SouthMain streets yesterday morning, thetwo-year-old baby daughter of CliftonAztell,. the attorney, found a smallphial of chloroform and drank the con-tents.

"An lnfemo, »wathed In soft celestial fires;achaotic underworld, eluding all sense of per-spective or dimension, spectral as a dream.

"A stupendous panorama, a labyrinth of hugearchitectural forms and painted like a dower."Such Is the Grand Canyon of Arizona, to whichthe Santa. Fe willrun special excursions Feb-ruary 11th and 22nd—525.00 round trip fromSoutttern California, and J30.00 from north ofBakersfleld. Ask the acent. , \u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 i

P. S.—New hotel "ElTovar" Is open.' '\u0084 \u25a0';;

The Titan of Chasm*.

The removal of unused derricks .wasdiscussed and Mrs. Henry Clay, Terrilldrew attention to some difficulties ;Inthe way. It has been discovered thatthere is no way to force a man to re-move anything from his proprty unlessit is endangering life. This same diffi-culty was discovered by Mrs. J.F.Kanst of the billboard

'committee, "and

when she made her :report Mrs. Rod-man ,promptly. declared ': that therewould have to be a new ordinance. J';A"report was given by the garbage com-mittee, and a paper on. the necessity,for protecting birds was read by Mrs,]McLean.

A meeting of the Civic league washeld yesterday morning in the assem-blyroom of the chamber of commerce,'

and the subject was brought up -by

Mrs. Wllloughby Rodman,'"



man of the outdoor art section. Therewas considerable

'discussion as to

whather there should be a parade thisyear, but the final decision was that itshould be omitted.

CelebrationMarch 17 Decided Upon for Time of

The day set for;the'celebration of

Arbor day Is March 17, and an effortwillbe made to Interest, the whole ofSouthern California In the tree plant-ingmovement


Services for children were held againyesterday afternoon at the First Con-gregational church by Rev. C. T.Schaeffer, at which a large number ofboys and girls were present.

The speaker pointed out the great-ness of this sermon on* the mouut andof the man who delivered It. He scoredthe tendency of the modern age to

wait for churches In which to preach,when Christ was ready to preach wher-ever there was a sky for a roof, a floorfor a platform or a single individualfor an audience.

'Dr. Chapman preached- a sermon on

the text, "And whosoever shall com-pel thee to go a mile, go with himtwain." ' '.-\u25a0- '»;;. \u25a0

Old women with white hair stood up

and asked that their sons might have

the prayers of the congregation, and anaged< father sought „\u25a0 the,

vsame . forJ awayward boy. One fwoman ;sald .thatthere were ten:whom she wanted thepeople to remember.

"Some of the men may scoff, butthat does not hurt; down Intheir heartsthey have a deeper respect for you. Ithank God that he has. made me aChristian and that Ican always do

anything and be anything with perfectsafety." . /

;7 /' .\u25a0 );"••- ;'.' .'\u25a0\u25a0 \

One woman said she had a son-in-law who was a railroad man and who

told her It was impossible- to be aChristian and a railroad man. A youngman Inthe audience stood up and saidthat he had been a railroad man for thepast three years, and mentioned thecompanies with which he had worked."Iknow that aman can be a Christianand engage In that work. ItIs the onlyway that you can do itand be safe.

The first special afternoon meeting

was held yesterday in the First Metho-dist church under the direction of J.Wilbur Chapman. The song servicewas conducted by Charles P. Allenand Fred Butler. Following this a tes-timonymeeting was held, In which Dr.Chapman asked any one who had doneany personal work to tell of It.

Afternoon Meeting Attended by LargeCongregation

The directors have leased rooms 904and 905 in the Braly building, over-looking Spring street, for the CarlsbadConsolidated Oil company's offices,which willbe occupied tomorrow.

Both Mr. Lonergan and Mr. Keller-man assert that the company controlsthe very best or cream sections of theGip creek district and that it willbedeveloped later. " V-1

The company's directors as a resultof the conference telegraphed Mr. Wat-lington to operate first in the Loner-gan basin. This section Is much nearerthe railroad, and Incase a good flow ofoil is encountered, the product can behandled much more economically thanfrom the Gip creek district.

The original plan was to operate firstin the Gip Creek district, where the'Mounts a few week's ago struck oilat a depth of a little over 200 feet.

General Manager Kellerman and Sec-retary Lonergan, together with' otherofficers of the Carlsbad ConsolidatedOil company, were in conference withthe company's directors yesterdayafternoon, taking action providing fora change of plans for developmentwork In the New Mexico field. Thechange was all due to Important newsreceived from B. W. Watlington, thecompany's field superintendent. Mr.Watlington, In his letter, states: "Ihave Just made an Important discoveryin the Lonergan basin. Less than afoot below the line capping In thebasin, which is five miles wide andten miles long, Ifound a finer grade

of oil sand than has been unearthed inany other part of the field. The sandIs saturated with oil,and Ibelieve thebasin is the place to put the oil drillingmachines."

to Railroad—

Company Officesin'Braly Building

Will Begin in Lonergan Basin, Close


Attorney Lewis R. Works and Dep-uty District Attorney W. P. James, it

is said, are slated for superior judg-shlps, while the remaining appoint-ments will be captured by "darkhorses," among whom are \u25a0 AttorneysJ. C. Rleves, Charles Monroe, H. C.Goodlng, C. C. Bowen, W. M. Bowen,W. M. Hlatt and Walter Boardwell.

Superior Judges Allen and Trask bidfair to receive the appointments asJudges of ,the' new' court of appeals,which it is,understood willhold its ses-sions in the rooms of the supreme courtin the Bullard building.

It is expected that Governor Pardee

will announce his nominations for the

various Judgeshlps this week, and thecandidates are active In their cam-paigns.


The proposed sites are for temporary

purposes only and willbe used merelyfor the purpose of expediting, litigation,as an addition to the court house will

in all probability be. provided for.

Other sites situated in the vicinityof the court house are also talkedabout, ,and the arguments of thosewho favor this idea are likely to pre-

vail when the question comes up forhearing before the board of supervisorsnext month.

Many prominent attorneys have sug-

gested the Bullard building, and it isapparent that this building is the fa-vorite location among those who dally

transact business at the county court


Some have suggested that sufficientspace might be acquired In the newHuntlngton building, but owing to itslocation this Idea meets with littlefavor in the legal profession.

That the county court house Is far

too small to accommodate the require-

ments of the Judiciary Is a fact con-ceded by all those Interested in this

perplexing question, and many havemade suggestions relative, to the fu-ture home of Los Angeles county'scourts of record. ..

Now that the legislature has passed

the billproviding for the establishment"of three additional departments of the

superior court, the legal wiseacres ofLos Angeles are speculating on thequestion of their location. "

"But for the present, and so far asIknow for the future, my work is inthis City of the Angels, in our modernland of .promise, with the noblest andbest citizens Ihave ever met, and Idesire a league offensive and defensivewith every individual and society inthis community of my choice and de-votion in all that will help us to benjible, useful, unselfish and Chrlstlike.Let us have a genuine 'union of thosewho live in the service of those whosuffer.'


"During the past year my effortsand message have received hearty .In-dorsement from some' ministers of thevarious orthodox denominations, andthe doors of. many orthodox as well asliberal churches have swung wide opento me. '.Whether they all should' do; so1b not for me to say.

"Ihold in affectionate esteem the

revival preachers now in the city/ Dr.Chapman is \u25a0 the dearest friend of myyouth and my college chum. Messrs.Blederwolf, Ostrom, Elliott HUHs andMaxwell are all old associates who

assisted me in my old work, jIam ongood brotherly terms withfa,ll of them,

and Ifwe cannot .go all the way to-gether Iat least wish to go together asfar as we can.

Friendly With All

"Ihave decided to yield to a populardesire, and next Sunday Iwill speakat, the regular services of the Fellow-

ship inMasonic hall, along these lines:

speaking in the morning on 'WhatMust IDo to Be Saved?' and in theevening on "How and Why IChanged

My Religious Opinions.'

"In my present work Iemphasizeprinciples, not dogmas, and my preach-ing Is appropriate for any congrega-

tion of men and women who desire tocultivate the spirit of Jesus. Ido not

denounce men or doctrines or institu-tions, and am trying 'not to destroy,but to fulfill.' V '\u25a0!\u25a0'\u25a0. '-:\u25a0'

In response to the question as to how

he differs from '"- the" revivalists, orrather, what is his present stand, Rev.

Mr. Mills replied:

"As John Wesley said: 'Iam sick ofopinions; Inm' weary to hear them;my soul loathes this frothy food. Giveme solid and substantial religion; giveme an humble, gentle lover of God and

man, a man full of mercy and good

faith, without partiality and withouthypocrisy. Let my boul be with those

Christians, wherever they are andwhatsoever opinion they are of.' "; :

"I do not place any emphasis onecclesiastical affiliations. Inever with-drew from the orthodox Congregationalministry, because what Ihave beenseeking is an enlarged and not a re-stricted fellowship. My name is alsoon the Unitarian rolls. Neither of theseassociations indicates my belief or dis-belief in any dogmas whatever, butsimply that Ido not wish to declineany high-minded fellowship • that isopen to me.

Objects to Affiliations i

"Ido not know," he said, "how Idiffer from all of them In theologicalopinion. They do not agree with oneanother In what they regard as essen-tials, and Icould not agree with all ofthem ifItried. Opinion does not seemto me of the first Importance. Iplace

the emphasis on life, conduct, spirit,

rather than on technical theologicalnotions, concerning which no man canbe sure, and which naturally changewith the moral and intellectual "devel-opment of the race.

When It was pointed out that theprayers were not so much for thesethlnßS as they were expressions on thepart of,the revivalists that he again

Join their ranks and share their theo-logical beliefs, he only smiled the more.

"I sincerely appreciate the kindly

spirit of the friends who are prayingfor me," gald.llev.Mr. Mills last even-Ing. "I desire knowledge, wisdom,purity of heart, graclousness of npirlt,gentleness of manner, courtesy of-ut-terance and power in loving service,

and Isuppose these are the qualitiesthey ask for me in their prayers."

Rev. B. Fay Mills, leader of theLos Angelen Fellowship society, andex-evangellst. In place of resenting the

Inference which might be drawn fromthe fact that the revivalists nowpreaching here are praying for him,

smiles and expresses his gratitude.

Places Little Emphasis on Ecclesias-

tical Affiliations and Spends Lit.

tie Thought on Technicalities I

of Theology



BY DANGEROUS ILLNESS."William S. Sullivan"A large detective force has 'been en-

gaged by the district attorney's officeand a thorough Investigation willbemade. ;••'c


"Your' Inquiry of the. 17th instant,concerning A. Groves, received, and inreply will say that on investigation Ifind that about fourteen years ago hewas in some real estate trouble hereand left this city. Since then hiswhereabouts have jbeen unknown. Iwill continue the investigation and ad-vise you accordingly.

!Sheriff White yesterday received aletter from the chief of police ofAtchison, Kansas, at which point

Groves is said to have operated hisforged deed swindle many years ago.

The letter is as follows:"Sheriff White, Los Angeles, Cal.:

-, ."I have discovered the. key to thewhole mystery," was all that • the dis-trict attorney would say last night,and beyond this he refused to divulgethe Information which he assertshas been communlcated'to the districtattorney's office.

. Startling developments in connectionwith the gigantic frauds alleged tohave been perpetrated by AttorneyA. Groves, who' is now confined in thecity Jail on the charge ;of forgery,probably will be made public by Dep-uty District Attorney Fleming today.


THE FASHIONll*sued for her love and

'he eueil for her

Mai.Bhe made him the proudeat of men:

The honeymoon paved, they thought It was—•\u25a0* grand,

But a little while later each took a firm atand,A-id—suras what he sued for then.—B E. KUerIn the Chicago Rwoord Herald.

Mr. Falkenburg, who was 48 yearsold Monday, founded the order of theWoodmen of the World fifteen yearsago, since which time he has been itshead. He is also . president of theNational Fraternal congress, the high-est office bestowed by the fraternalsocieties. He was elected to this po-sition at the congress in St. Louisduring the world's ,fair. Mr. Falken-burg Is well known In Los Angeles,where he

'visited last



his health baa gradually, failed.* ,

Fred A. Falkenburg of Denver, headconsul of the Pacific division, Wood-men of the World, Is in Los Angeles,seriously 111. Mr. Falkenburg is Buffer-ing from a complication of diseases,

his case being considered dangerous,but hopes are entertained of his re-covery. He is staying with a.friendon West Seventh street.

Woodmen of the World, May\u25a0 Not Recover

Fred A. Falkenburg, Founder of the

\V. A. Venter declares Gamble's ac-tion was unusual He asserts theGamble company i* Indebted to himfor,fees collected in the north during

It ended by Mr,Gamble announcingfrom the platform that .his|companywould not give a concert because, thestipulated sum of money had not beenpaid.

Charles Gamble, manager of the con-cert company requested a cash settle-ment before the concert it'is asserted.This Mr. Venter of the lyceum com-pany refused to comply with, sayingsuch was not customary.

No recital was given.

Owing to a disagreement betweenthe manager of the Ernest GambleConcert company and Blanchard &Venter as to a financial settlementthe large audience 'which assembledIn Simpson auditorium last eveningwas forced to leave disappointed.

No Recital Is Given—

FinancialAffairs Cause Trouble

Audience Assembles In Auditorium,

|The meeting at the Advance Buggycompany's building was opened by aBong service last night in which Mr,

'and Mrs. Pugh both took part. Thesubject chosen by Dr. Walton was"God'sIMethod of Solving Difficulties,Doubts <and 'Skepticisms." He de-\u25a0elared he was not at all,Interestedin the phase of a man's difficulties,but only.wanted to show that Ifa manwas willing;to turn all difficulties overto God they

'would all be removed.

"Men say if'God wants me to be savedwhy does he not do it.' They forgetthat God gives faith and repentancethe minute a man Is willingto give up•In. "Whether a man's difficulties areIntellectual or physical -God's methods

Great Praise Service)

Inthe course of his sermon last nightthe evangelist exhorted people to putmore of real worth into their religion.,"We are suffering from cheap relig-

ion," he said. "Cheap religion is likea cheap horse; it is lame, it willkick,Itis windbroken, it willbalk.

"The Lord knows there are too manywindbroken. people in the churchesand who has not seen the kickers, orwhat pastor has not been troubledwith the balky?

•"Do you want young men to take an

interest in religion? Ifyou do thenoffer them more. than an ecclesiasticalbuttonhole boquet. Call them to some-thing- that costs. If you want lifesavers at the seaside call and they willcome! Ifyou want firemen to rescuethe children call and you willget them.If you

'want soldiers to defend the

homes, call and they are there. Mentake to th&heroic and the callof Christis a call to the heroic. You may seemto conquer everything but until self isconquered you have conquered nothing:.Conquer self and you practically con-quer everything. An

'old farmer in-

terpreted the illustration about thecorn or wheat falling into the ground

and losing1 Itself, but coming forth inthe harvest, by saying that the starchwent out and the sugar came In.. Any-body, knows that if you lose your

selfishness the result is , starchlnessdriven out and sugar come In."

More Real Worth

The district in which Rev. Henry

Ostrom preaches is one which coversa large area, and Immanuel Pres-byterian church is crowded every night.Dr. Ostrom is one of the most spon-taneous of the speakers and it is saidof him that itis impossible to tell whathe, will do next. His methods of ap-pealing to the people are varied.

'Dr.Elliott's text last night was taken

frbnr -First • Chronicles, 29-5, and thetheme; was practical consecration;' 1

Thespeaker, defined the difference betweenthe consecration of self and the conse-cration of service. Instead of point-ing out. what service is, he empha-sized what |it is not. "Not ordinary

round of church going or church doing,

for too often this is only,dress parade,but service, is the doing.that is closely

connected with soul' winningand char-acter-building.'. Some people workharder

'to keep from working than

they would have to. work ifthey reallygave themselves heartily to it. Thereare two classes of people, doers anddodgers. ) To which class do youbelong?"


Practical Consecration

Wonderful work has been going onin\the fifth, district where the Asburychurch has been crowded every night.Last night a testimony meeting -washeld in addition to the regular preach-ing service and many beginners in

the Christian life took part with others.A..wonderful hold has been gained onthe young people not only by the evan-gallst but also by Charles E. Rykert,the singer who has had more people will-

Ing to sing in the chorus than therehave been seats for and the numberof young \u25a0 men present was greater

than 4at, any other meeting during the


. Services Throughout DayAlmost every hour of the day is now

taken up with meetings of some kind.In- the morning conferences are held,and today the noonday services willbegin. Afternoon meetings have beenbegun in the central district, eveningmeetings are held at all the districts,cottage prayer meetings will be heldon' Friday and even the midnight houron!Friday -will be occupied by whatpromises to be one of the biggest meet-ings ever held for a religious purpose.

Conversions by the dozens are re-ported and there is hardly a churchInthe city vhloh has not received ap-plications for membership.

They begin coming In from the dif-ferent parts of the city where the dis-trict meeting's have been held, and eachman who appears has a more glowingpicture of success to paint than theothers.

One of the most eventful periods ofthe day Is the hour after the eveningmeetings -when the leaders gather atheadquarters in the Alvarado hoteland discuss the happenings of the day.

With every succeeding meeting ofthe evangelistic campaign the enthu-siasm grows and ministers become)more and more convinced that thewhole city of Los Angeles will fallinto line with the work during the com-ing weeks.

of Souls

The Spirit of Evangelism Spreading

Throughout City, and Minister*

Expect Great Harvest


At the Olivet Congregational churchTilman Hobson preached the thirdchapter of a sermon' which was, begunSunday •night. The

'theme 'last*night

was a continuation -of the subject of

The meeting tonight willbe held atthe Methodist church as usual, but to-morrow night and Friday night theywill be held at Temple . auditorium,where the seating capacity will belarger.

"Second, pray for them. It is, Indeed,true, that the effectual, fervent prayerof a righteous man availeth much, butbest live before them a consistentChristian life. There Is no answer tosuch an argument as tlmti"

"First, speak to them. No child ofGod is free from responsibility untilhe has spoken to every one over whomhe haa an Influence about his personalrelation to Christ.

"Is is well with thy child? It is notifthe child Is away, from Christ. Whatmust we do ifwe win the lost to him?

"Is it well with thy husband? Thisdoes not simply mean is it well withthe, one who walks by your side in theJourney of life. Itdoes not mean thisone alone, but Js it well with whomyou have an influence? Is it not asolemn thing that in this world we aredivided by the most sacred things?Between many a husband and wifestands the church, the communion tableand the cross of Christ. Inever couldunderstand how one could close hiseyes in sleep ifthe one who is dear tohim is away from Christ.

"Third,friends are ready.

"Is it well with thee?" asked thespeaker. "That 'is personal salvation.Here is a life beset with trials, tempta-

tion'is on every side and no man canlive as he ought to live until by faithhe takes Christ. It is not well withhim unless he is a Christian.

"First, God is ready."Second, Christ is ready.

"IsItWell With Thee?" This was thetopic of a sermon

'preached by Dr.

Chapman last night at the meeting ofthe central district.

'The text was

taken from First Kings 4:26. "Is itwell with thee? Is it well with thy hus-band? Is it well with thy child? Andshe answered, 'It is well.'"

to Save OthersJ. Wilbur Chapman Exhorts Leaders



A large number of young peoplewere present at the meeting.


of meeting the needs of the case areidentical."


"badY bad i!bad mlBad blond comes from bad digestion*-

bad stomach, bid liver, bad kldn*y.«~st-trnndAd with. bad, foul breath, routedtonf-nei, bad tast*, bad \u25a0 ne*daeh*«, badappetite and kindred symptoms. Bad a*tn<*>« all are. and serious as are thn dis-eases to which they lead, Dr. PlptcVsCJolden Medical Dlicovwycom** to the \u25a0

relief and cnr« of all th<*a by regulatingand Invigorating STOMACH, LIVER,BOWELS and RIDNKYS. and puttingall these organs in good order.

"Golden Medical Discovery" containsno alcohol, opium or other harmfnldrill's.; neither does Itcontain sugar orsyrup, which are Injurious to some stom-ach*. Without any of thane Itretains Itspleasant taste and marvelous healingqualities In the moat trying climate.Don't let a nelfish medicine seller cheatyou out of your hoalth by giving you asubstitute. llo'- only looking out for a-*larger profit,not for your good, fthitnhim. Honest, unselfish dealers recom-mend the. "Golden Medical Discovery."

"Tha* four remedies am not for th«* tit. Aia many Is trident, forIpersonal)*'know of many scores of persons In this citywho have bevn restored to health ana \u25a0

strength by your medicine*." thus writesHenry Csml-lirft, F,wj, Al<l«rmin In 17th'

Ward. RnlTalq, N. V.,of 1204 Jefferson fUreet."Iknow thsi Dr. Pierce."* Golden MedleslDlsrorery Is most Taluahlo In rases of de-rangement of tha liver, having taken th«mpdiclne some two years aaro when Ihad abad attack ofliver trouble, and Inever useda medicine before that did me so much ,srood. Ihave known I)r,Pierce for twenty*nix years, and do not wonder at bis success,,for he Is a physician and man of sterlingqualities. Is possessed of extraordinary skill,and he has Inhis Sanitarium a corps of Hpe-cialista who are chosen because of theirunusual knowledge and professional skill."

Ifsuffering from any obstinate, linger-Ing ailment, write to Dr.Pierce and got,free of charge, sound medical advice.He has the counsnl and assistance of alarge staff of expert specialists.-

-»»^ The People's Common Rente i»JjS t>»w Medical Advisor. by,R. V.Pierce, M.D.,Chief Consult-

Pnrug ing Physician to the Inva-*-v ws?c? llaV Hotel and Surgical :t*^ i&»L Institute, Buffalo, N. Y.Y£* —*^ Paper-bound .free on re*i

celpt of 21 one-cent stamps>

.^. for mailing only;or cloth*;.

F^ bound for 31 cents. Address \u25a0

the Author, as above. \u25a0

\u25a0 iEgryjSISEHPIF \ Mnny of the dally woes of woman*

u\ hood are due to sick kidneys; but toBrl^i «fifc!w9 f^S many \u25a0women fall to recognize kidney


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—vk \l fffitu\.\»lH When she cannot bend or stoop

l^UHW^M^yKflfirI -without suffering twinges of pain—V^gjyfljljp^^Sjjjjja/Tj / When she has constant headaches,

x*VW^I dizzy &pells, beartng-down pains andwqfj/ If |jBr-l!i' urinary troubles— _»w»//ll1 E*?l " When she has any ot all of these\iftq1} r$W ailmssts It is a sure sign that the kld-

\u25a0!\u25a0/ )l IliL neys are not do!n& tne-r duty. Uric3su 'i BlvV acld and other Poisons that the kid-B$M/A\ »^V. neys should filter out of the blood are

w;^t/\ fu^^V carrying disease into every part of the

Via Vi\ Regard this as a danger signal,

ywtgrfI Ifm V^ V Rec°Enlze the kidneys *a the cause of$?K|j| l\ BTk l\A your many aches and pains, and to

Jl y^r cure the kidneys use a kidney modi*

«sjfl li V pjSrMPw Down's Kidney Pills cure sick kid-

11/ li vBBp nevs an 3 cure them permanently. Thaly It kidneys begin to do their work prop-l)( At erly, and pure blood, the greatest sys-'\tyLj,

-»-»-Si-r tern regulator, restores the whole bodyto health and strength.

Don't Neglect the Kidneys. At the First Indication ofKidney Trouble .BeginUsing Doan's Kidney Pills, a Modern Kidney Specific which

has cured Thousands of People Right Here at Home.LOS angeles testimony is because they come on so silently,

Mrs.A.L. Millerof 1008 East Ninth and are. therefore, neglected,street says : "Ihave had ;attacks of When the kidneys are well, they r<->backache for the past four years. None move from the body every day nearlyof them ever laid me up, but some- one ounce of urlo acid and other pol-times they, wore more severe than sonous waste.others, and Icannot describe the pain When the kidneys are sick, this pol-. \u25a0

that Iwent through. After reading an sou is carried by the blood -to everyadvertisement about Doan's Kidney part of the body. It causes rheuraa-Pills Icame to the conclusion that in- tlsm, gout, neuralgia, sciatica, gravel, •-'asmuch as they did not claim to cure stone in the kidneys, heart disease. In-•very disease on the calendar they digestion, diabetes and Brlght's Dls-might be some good, so Iwent to ease..Dean's drug store and got a box. I Doan's Kidney Pills act promptly.'used Itand the pillspositively stopped and give complete relief, because their .<the attack of backache." influence is eierted directly upon the'" diseased tissues.' v This medicine has •

Kidney diseases cause more deaths been curing sick kidneys for seventy-than any other human affliction. This two years.

IDOAN'S-^ jB For Sale by allPenlere. Prltte 60a. Foeter-MUburn Co.. Buffalo.M.Y« Prop. J|

Yon Cannot Cure Dandruff Without Uo-»troylnc the \ L'uuse of It.. Many peopla wash their aoalpa Saturdaynight or Sunday to try to keep the dandruffdown for tixt week, but on Monday nightthe aoalp ha* begun to Itch, and Tuesdaymorning willfind a food supply of dandruffwhen the hair Is bruahed. There Is but onereal (olentlflo way of curing dandruff; andthat la to killthe gorm that causes It, andfallinghair, and finally baldnena. There Isonly on* preparation that will destroy thegerm, and that Is Newbro'a Herplclde. ItIs an entirely new dlncovery and the onlyhair preparation that Is based on the new•dentine principle. In addition Ileiplcld-U a very refreshing hair dressing for regulartoilet use. Sold by leading druggists. \u25a0 SendlOu. instapips for sample to The HerplcldeCo., Detroit. Mlcli. .