religion unit 1 review grade 12 – introduction to christian morality

Religion Unit 1 Religion Unit 1 Review Review Grade 12 – Introduction Grade 12 – Introduction to Christian Morality to Christian Morality

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Religion Unit 1 ReviewReligion Unit 1 Review

Grade 12 – Introduction to Grade 12 – Introduction to Christian MoralityChristian Morality

Jeopardy game rulesJeopardy game rules

Pick which team will begin questions first.Pick which team will begin questions first.

Pick topic, and value. Don’t forget to say Pick topic, and value. Don’t forget to say PLEASE!PLEASE!

Read question carefully and answer in the Read question carefully and answer in the form of a question.form of a question.

Click on purple arrow after question to go Click on purple arrow after question to go back to the question board page.back to the question board page.

Unit 1 Jeopardy

KohlbergKohlberg Mo Money,Mo Money,

Mo Problems Mo Problems Blast from Blast from

the Pastthe Past

The SoloistThe Soloist ??????

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

200 200 200 200 2000

300 300 300 300 3000

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

You think it is right to steal a cell phone because you really

want it

Stage 2

Rosa Parks, Nelson Mandela & Gandhi are at

this stage

Stage 6

You stop at a stop sign because you know cops

are often in that area

Stage 1

You attend a Pro-Life rally

Stage 5

You don’t download DVDsbecause it’s against the law

Stage 4

This is the #1 reasonfor homelessness

Mental illness

The “ism” of being obsessed with buying stuff


State 2 things you learnedfrom “Affluenza”


This is why we should recycleold cell phones

Gorillas, enviro…

True or False:People were happier in the 1950s

than today in North America


Eve made better decisionsas her ______ increased


Adam was ________ to find a wife because

he values family


Eve changed her _______because she developed good

habits & self-esteem


Adam’s parents taught himthe 2 most basic rules of universal morality:

_______ & _________

Respect & Responsibility

At first, Eve’s _____ includeddating good looking men and

having fun. When she met Adam, they changed to family

& self-respect


At first, Nathaniel had the, “There’s nothing I can do”

attitude about being homeless


Steve’s ex-wife saw slow, gradual changes

in his ____


At first, Steve Lopez showed the signs of ______ism similar to stage 2 of moral development


As Steve spends more time helping Nathaniel, his

______ changes


Nathaniel’s choice to play the

violin or the cello


Humans have many bad habits, or ______

including smoking, drinking& making racist comments


Humans make many poor or _______ choices such as

drugs, rape, killing


An important part of moral growth is ____ from our ____

Learning from our mistakes

In the world and especially North America,

there are many competing sets of moral principles.

This is called ____ ____ism

Moral pluralism

People can choose to change their character.

This is called _____
