religions and beliefs

G6 Zawiercie group2

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Page 1: Religions and beliefs

G6 Zawiercie group2

Page 2: Religions and beliefs

• Monotheism - philosophical position conveying religious faith over reason and religion over science.

• Polytheism - belief in the existence of many gods.

• Atheism - lack of belief in existence of Gods.• Deism - religious-philosophical trend, which is

common to the belief that you can reasonably justify the existence of only non-personal God

• Panentheism- the theological and philosophical views or religious the identifying God with the world, understood as nature.

Page 3: Religions and beliefs

Animism is a belief in soul and spirits. Consist in imputation a soul to animals, plant and even things.

The word ‘animism’ derive from Latin and means breath, light breeze, soul.

Black- animismPink- ChristianityGreen- BuddhismOrange- IslamBlue- Judaism

Page 4: Religions and beliefs

Babismo is a religious movement. It was arisen by Ali Muhammad from Shiraz. Believers of babismo believed in God who is the Creator, and they assume that the end will be connected with destruction of everything what is human. Number 19 is very important. It was acclaimed by them for sacred. That’s why the year was divided for 19 months and every of them was divided for 19 days.

Page 5: Religions and beliefs

Buddhism is a ethnic-philosophic system or acclaimed by a lot of people as religion. Siddartha Gautamaa (Buddha) was a founder and a creator of Buddhism. He walked and he taught people rules of his own religion. Buddha’s science was written in Kangyur and Tengyur.

Page 6: Religions and beliefs

Christianity is one of the main monotheistic religions. It arose on Near East in Palestine. Christianity relies on Jesus’ science contained in Gospel. This religion has got a few of factions:•Catholicism•Protestantism•Orthodox Church•Anglicanism•And others.There are three the most important personages for Christians:•God the Father•Son of God (Jesus Christ)•Holy Ghost

Page 7: Religions and beliefs

This is the second of the most popular religions in the world after Christianity. Islam is the monotheistic religion articulated by the Qur’an. The birth of Islam are inextricably linked to the rise of the Koran written in 633 - after the death of Muhammad. Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable and the purpose of existence is to worship God. Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through Abraham, Moses and Jesus, whom they consider prophets.

Page 8: Religions and beliefs

Judaism is the oldest monotheistic religion. The founder of the Jewish religion, declaring the one God Yahweh (the name of Yahweh Jews do not pronounce it), it is believed Moses. Its followers are all over the world, now there are many in the United States - 5.6 million, Israel - 4.7 million. Jewish law (halacha) regulates the Jews lives in such detail that it is difficult to separate religion from the teaching profession temporal. It is based on Mosaic Pentateuch (Torah), interpreted in the Talmud, halakhic. The Talmud is divided on the 613 commandments halakhah (mitzvot): 248 orders and 365 prohibitions.

Page 9: Religions and beliefs

There are many Hindu sects, differing in both beliefs about God, and practices. Their followers mainly combines:

1. Respect for the sacred books - Fri 2. Belief in reincarnation 3 .Belief in the law of action and reaction (karma) 4. The quest for liberation, understood differently by different


In Hinduism there is a belief in gods - devas (deities male) and devi (female deity), which are usually treated either as emanations of the one God, or (rarely) as being lower (corresponding to the angels in Abrahamic religions). Their opponents are evil Asuras.

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