religious and moral education questions

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Post on 13-Jul-2015




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SECTION A FOR QUESTIONS 1 , INDICATE WHETHER EACH STATEEMNT IS TRUE OR FALSE 1. moral education can be taught without the use of religion

2. Indoctrination can occur through the intention of the learner 3. Harold Loukes wrote the book entitled we teach them wrong 4. The superego operates on the ideal principle 5. A country without religion cannot have people who are morally good 6. The school is the first agent of Moral Education 7. It is possible for to be morally good without being religious 8. The Apostles creed contains the beliefs of Christians 9. In the African Traditional, ancestors are worshipped 10. Muslims fast during the month of Ramadan 11. Church attendance should be made a pre-requisite for teaching Religious and Moral Education 12. In teaching RME children are to be encouraged to accept everything by faith and not question, explore and challenge issues 13. The bible should not form the basic content of religious education 14. Induction is more positively related to moral development than love withdrawal 15. A person s religious beliefs influence the type of marriage he/she engages in 16. The foundation of moral education for children is laid in the home 17. Indoctrination can occur only in the school but not in the home 18. Richard Ackland wrote the book entitled teenage religion 19. The ego operates on the pleasure principle 20. It is possible to be religious without being moral

21. A good definition of religion should stress only on the what the people believe in and not the ritual dimension 22. Indoctrination and education are inseparable 23. A religious morality is essentially an authoritarian morality 24. The teaching of RME in Ghana should be based on Biblical principles 25. African traditional believers do not accept AIDS is a punishment from the gods 26. The ego is ruled by the pleasure principle 27. The moral education theory which stresses the importance of behaviour is cognitive theory of Piaget 28. According to Richard Ackland, religious education should be focused on human experience rather than on God 29. Inductive discipline is the use of physical punishment to change behaviour 30. Moral education cannot be used to teach religious issues 31. All the major religious in Ghana have common sources of morality 32. The foundation of moral education for children is laid in the home 33. Indoctrination can occur only in the school but not in the home 34. Education opens one s mind whereas indoctrination closes it 35. There can be religion without society 36. Religion and culture are inseparable 37. It is possible to avoid indoctrination totally in the teaching of RME FOR QUESTION 38 , WRITE THE LETTER THAT BEARS THE CORRECT ANSWER 38. In the teaching of Religious and Moral Education, children cannot be indoctrinated through the use of a. Ecclesiastical aims b. Educational aims

c. Moral aims d. Spiritual aims 39. He used a combination of pictures and bible stories for his research on Moral Education? a. Lawrence Kohlberg b. Jean Piaget c. Ronald Goldman d. Sigmund Freud

40. The teaching of Religious must start from the known (i.e. Humankind) to the unknown (i.e. God). This was the view expressed by a. Sigmund Freud b. Harold Loukes c. Richard Ackland d. Ronald Goldman

41. He described God as nothing more than an exalted father a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Max c. Rudolf Otto d. Sigmund Freud

42. Which of the following is not a dimension of religion, according to Ninian Smart? a. Doctrinal b. Experiential c. Mystical d. social

43. Who defined religion as a mystical pact between the worshippers and their totem? a. Robert Smith b. Rudolf Otto c. Sigmund Freud d. William James

44. The teaching of religious and moral educational in Ghana requires the use of a. Ecclesiastical aims c. Educational aims d. Spiritual aims

b. Moral aims

45. At what level of morality would people recognise authority figures like parents and adults as the source of morality? a. Anomy b. Autonomy c. heteronomy d. socionomy

46. Which of the following prayers would be first to be performed by a Muslim in a day? a. Salat-al-Asr b. Salat-al-fajr c. salat-al-Isha d. salat-al-magrib

47. In the teaching of religious and moral education, pupils cannot be indoctrinated through the a. Aims of the subject b. Content of the syllabus c. intention of the teacher d. methods used by the teacher

48. Research on the child s religious development from childhood to adolescence was made by a. Freud b. Goldman c. Kohlberg d. Piaget

49. He described religion as the opinion of the masses a. Emile Durkheim b. Karl Marx c. Sigmund Freud d. Rudolf Otto

50. Which of the following people used game of marbles and storytelling as the basis for determining the moral development of children? a. Feud b. Goldman c. Kohlberg d. Piaget

51. According to the Freudian Theory, the executive branch of the human personality is the a. Conscience b. Ego c. Id d. Superego

52. He used pictures and stories in his research to determine the religious development of children a. Harold Loukes b. Jean Piaget c. Lawrence Kohlberg d. Roland Goldman

53. Which of the following is a religious source of morality? a. Laws b. Conscience c. constitution d. sunnah

54. Which of the dimensions of religion deals with the provision of schools? a. Doctrinal b. Experiential c. ritual d. social

55. This concept primarily promotes psychomotor development a. Brainwashing b. Conditioning c. indoctrination d. training

56. Whose research work revealed that religious education should be given more periods on the school timetable? a. Harold Loukes b. Lawrence Kohlberg c. Richard Ackland d. Ronald Goldman

57. This type of parenting style is associated with children s social competence a. Authoritarian b. Authoritative c. Indulgent d. Neglectful

Section B