religious symbols

Strength Symbols Good Luck Sy Alchemy Signs, Symbols, Meaning, & Interpretation Signs, Ciphers & Symbols Sign and symbol are important concepts to understand in discussing literature. Even experts define and use them in different ways. I will provide you with some definitions that we can use in this class. A sign is anything that stands for something else. A sign represents something—an idea, an experience, a feeling, an object, etc. Words as ordinarily used are signs in this sense. The object referred to by a sign does not need to be present for the meaning of the sign to be understood. Context helps define the specific meaning of a sign. (Dictionaries list only general meanings). The word tree generally stands for a large class of plants; if I say, "Look at that tree," I am designating a specific meaning for the word. As I have defined it, a sign has literal meaning; that is, its meaning is simple and straightforward, a matter of conventional agreement among people who use that particular sign. A symbol has complex meaning; it has not only "literal" meaning, but also additional meaning(s) beyond the literal. Sometimes the literal meaning of a symbol is absurd, so that the symbolic meaning over-rides and cancels out the literal meaning. A symbol may have more than one meaning. In fact, the most significant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings. . Symbols with fairly fixed meanings can be used as ciphers; that is, the symbols can be arranged to encode a

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Page 1: Religious Symbols

 Strength Symbols Good Luck Sy Alchemy

Signs, Symbols, Meaning, & Interpretation

Signs, Ciphers & SymbolsSign and symbol are important concepts to understand in discussing literature. Even experts define and use them in different ways. I will provide you with some definitions that we can use in this class.

A sign is anything that stands for something else. A sign represents something—an idea, an experience, a feeling, an object, etc. Words as ordinarily used are signs in this sense. The object referred to by a sign does not need to be present for the meaning of the sign to be understood. Context helps define the specific meaning of a sign. (Dictionaries list only general meanings). The word tree generally stands for a large class of plants; if I say, "Look at that tree," I am designating a specific meaning for the word.

As I have defined it, a sign has literal meaning; that is, its meaning is simple and straightforward, a matter of conventional agreement among people who use that particular sign.

A symbol has complex meaning; it has not only "literal" meaning, but also additional meaning(s) beyond the literal. Sometimes the literal meaning of a symbol is absurd, so that the symbolic meaning over-rides and cancels out the literal meaning. A symbol may have more than one meaning. In fact, the most significant symbols do convey an indefinite range of meanings.


Symbols with fairly fixed meanings can be used as ciphers; that is, the symbols can be arranged to encode a meaning that only someone who understands the cipher system can decode. (Symbols used in this way are not really signs because the literal meaning is not intended; the reader is supposed to decipher the symbolic meaning). In using symbols in this manner, the author has a clear "story" (set of ideas) already in mind; the author simply transposes that pre-existing story item by item into a symbolic system, matching each element in the story with an appropriate cipher. The reader then decodes the cipher by transposing back into the original meaning.

A symbol is different from a metaphor in that a symbol is used more consistently and widely than a metaphor. Also, a metaphor is a statement (even if implied), whereas a symbol need not be a statement. The common element in symbols and metaphors is that the literal, conventional meaning is exceeded or negated by a nonliteral meaning.

Symbols may have very narrow or quite wide ranges of meaning. The range may be limited to an individual, or perhaps to a small group. People other than the individual

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or group will not understand that meaning of the symbol. A symbol's range may be cultural, meaning that it is known by members of cultural groups: ethnic groups, religious groups, national groups, and so on.

Archetypes include more than symbols—they also include character types, basic plots (cf. the Monomyth), scenes, and so on. Essentially, archetypes are universally meaningful, nonliteral elements in the arts and culture.


Definitions of Symboln.

1. A visible sign or representation of an idea; anything which suggests an idea or quality, or another thing, as by resemblance or by convention; an emblem; a representation; a type; a figure; as, the lion is the symbol of courage; the lamb is the symbol of meekness or patience.

2. (Math.) Any character used to represent a quantity, an operation, a relation, or an abbreviation.

3. (Theol.) An abstract or compendium of faith or doctrine; a creed, or a summary of the articles of religion.

4. That which is thrown into a common fund; hence, an appointed or accustomed duty.

5. Share; allotment.6. (Chem.) An abbreviation standing for the name of an element and consisting

of the initial letter of the Latin or New Latin name, or sometimes of the initial letter with a following one; as, C for carbon, Na for sodium (Natrium), Fe for iron (Ferrum), Sn for tin (Stannum), Sb for antimony (Stibium), etc. See the list of names and symbols under Element.

In crystallography, the symbol of a plane is the numerical expression which defines its position relatively to the assumed axes.

In pure and organic chemistry there are symbols not only for the elements, but also for their grouping in formulas, radicals, or residues, as evidenced by their composition, reactions, synthesis, etc. See the diagram of Benzene nucleus, under Benzene.v. t.

sign on the Web:

a perceptible indication of something not immediately apparent (as a visible clue that something has happened); "he showed signs of strain"; "they ...

a public display of a (usually written) message; "he posted signs in all the shop windows" signal: any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped" signboard: structure displaying a board on which advertisements can be posted; "the highway

was lined with signboards" mark with one's signature; write one's name (on); "She signed the letter and sent it off";

"Please sign here" approve and express assent, responsibility, or obligation; "All parties ratified the peace treaty";

"Have you signed your contract yet?" sign of the zodiac: (astrology) one of 12 equal areas into which the zodiac is divided

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(medicine) any objective evidence of the presence of a disorder or disease; "there were no signs of asphyxiation"

be engaged by a written agreement; "He signed to play the casino on Dec. 18"; "The soprano signed to sing the new opera"

polarity: having an indicated pole (as the distinction between positive and negative electric charges); "he got the polarity of the battery reversed"; "charges of opposite sign"

engage by written agreement; "They signed two new pitchers for the next season" augury: an event that is experienced as indicating important things to come; "he hoped it was

an augury"; "it was a sign from God" communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a

dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu" a gesture that is part of a sign language place signs, as along a road; "sign an intersection"; "This road has been signed" a fundamental linguistic unit linking a signifier to that which is signified; "The bond between

the signifier and the signified is arbitrary"--de Saussure communicate in sign language; "I don't know how to sign, so I could not communicate with

my deaf cousin" a character indicating a relation between quantities; "don't forget the minus sign" bless: make the sign of the cross over someone in order to call on God for protection;



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Antimony-The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature, and it was often

symbolized by the wolf.

Arsenic was widely used by early alchemists and was also sometimes represented by the

image of a swan.

Bismuth-Although mentioned in alchemical texts it is uncertain what role Bismuth played in

alchemical processes.

Copper is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin).

Gold is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). For the

Iron is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol

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alchemist, it represented the perfection of all matter on any level, including that of the mind, spirit, and soul. The symbol for gold could also be used to represent the sun in astrology.

for iron could also be used to represent the planet Mars in astrology.

Lead is the first and oldest of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron &

tin). The symbol for lead was also used to represent the planet Saturn in astrology.

Magnesium- Alchemists used 'Magnesia alba' (literally "white magnesia") which was

magnesium carbonate (MgCO3), also known as 'mild magnesian earth.'

Mercury, called quicksilver by the ancients was used to make red mercuric oxide by heating the

element in a solution of nitric acid. The reaction of quicksilver in nitric acid is striking as a thick red vapor hovers over the surface and bright red crystals precipitate to the bottom. Alchemists were convinced that mercury transcended both the solid and liquid states, both earth and heaven, both life and death.Mercury is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol for mercury could also be used to represent the planet of the same name in astrology. The metal is often also represented by a serpent or snake.

Phosphorus-Alchemists often used light as a symbol of the spirit, therefore they were especially

interested in light that seemed to be trapped in matter such as phosphorus.

Platiunum-Alchemists believed platinum to be an amalgamation of gold and silver.

Potash (potassium carbonate) was widely used in alchemical processes.

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Silver is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol

for silver is also associated wth the moon in astrology.

Sulfur is one of the three heavenly substances (sulfur, mercury & salt). It was widely used in

alchemical pratice.

Tin is one of the seven metals of alchemy (gold, silver, mercury, copper, lead, iron & tin). The symbol for tin

could also be used to represent the planet Jupiter in astrology.

Zinc-Philosophers' wool, or nix alba (white snow) was zinc oxide made by burning zinc in air.

Four Leaf Clover-is a renown symbol that means good luck to the person who finds one. What do the leaves symbolize?

One leaf is for FAITH...The second for HOPE... The third for LOVE... And the fourth for LUCK! In Irish tradition the Shamrock or Three-leaf Clover represents the Holy Trinity: one leaf for the Father, one for the Son and one for the Holy Spirit. When a Shamrock is found with the fourth leaf, it represents God's Grace.

Horseshoe-The horseshoe is considered very lucky and used to be hung in many homes to protect and attract good fortune for the family

residing inside. Horseshoes were also considered lucky because they were made by blacksmiths, which is also considered a very lucky trade. Because they worked with elemental fire and magical iron, they were thought to have special powers.

Lucky Rabbit's foot- Rabbits and hares were considered very lucky animals as they were associated with

spring and the return of flowers and other plants. Spring was also a time of fertility and so rabbits were considered good luck to be seen running through the fields. To see a rabbit running through your yard meant that it would be a good year to have children or that your garden would be especially fertile this year.

Lucky Penny-Lots of superstitions center around money. Almost all forms of currency have at least one superstition

associated with them. The most common superstition heard today, with respect to the penny, is the rhyming verse: "Find a penny, pick it up, and all day long you'll have good luck."

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The manner in which rabbits run gave birth to the superstition about rabbit's feet. Apparently their unusual stride makes the back feet touch the ground ahead of their front feet and so the back feet were considered especially lucky.

Wishbones have become a common tradition at Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners. The general rule is that the wishbone is saved from

the turkey or chicken dinner and dried overnight. The next day, two people snap it while making a wish. Each person uses their pinky finger to pull on an end. After the bone has broken, the one with the larger bit is granted their wish.

Fu - Blessing, Good Fortune, Good LuckFu is one of the most popular Chinese characters used in

Chinese New Year. It is often posted upside down on the front door of a house or an apartment. The upside down fu means good luck came since the character for upsite down in Chinese sounds the same as the character for came.

Lu - ProsperityIt used to mean official's salary in feudal China. Fengshui is believed to be

the Chinese way to health, wealth and happiness. If you are interested in Fengshui, you may check out the book 'The Feng Shui Kit.'

Shou - LongevityShou also means life, age or birthday.

Cai - wealth, moneyChinese often say money can make a ghost turn a millstone. It is to say

money really can do a lot of things.

Ji - lucky, auspicious, propitiousHope all is well.

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Page 7: Religious Symbols

The Bear-An ancient Heraldic symbol which signifies Strength. The Bull- Symbolized strenght in

Egypt and other countries.

Tabono - the 'paddles'. Ancient African Symbol- Symbol represents strength and perseverence.

Japanese Kanji Symbol for Strength

Celtic Boar symbol for StrengthChinese Symbol for Strength


 Peace Symbols

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Modern Day Peace Symbol Dove Peace Symbol

Page 8: Religious Symbols

Hand Peace SymbolAncient Asian Peace Symbol

Rainbow Ribbon Peace SymbolChinese Peace Symbol

Hebrew Peace Symbol Islamic Peace Symbol

Peace SymbolOlive Branch Peace Symbol


 Religious Symbols

Page 9: Religious Symbols

Bahai Symbol Christianity Cross Symbol

Buddhism Symbol Shinto Symbol

Egyptian Ankh Religious SymbolSikhism Symbol

Jewish Religious Symbol Islamic Religious Symbol

Upright Pentacle- Upright pentacles and pentagrams are among the most widely used religious symbols. They have been used in many eras and by

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many cultures and religions of the world: by ancient Pagans, ancient Israelites, Christians, magicians,

Wiccans and others.