reloading the 50

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  • 8/14/2019 Reloading the 50



    Reloading the .50BMG

    This is standard reloading. Match grade reloading is Here .

    It is assumed that the reader is familiar with the fundamentals of reloading a bottleneckmetallic cartridge. This is not a basic reloading course, it is an intro to reloading the .50 for

    those that are familiar with reloading more typical cartridges. No one assumes any risk foryour actions or their consequences! I cannot be there to look over your shoulder when youreload so I take NO responsibility or liability WHATSOEVER! This information isprovided for entertainment use only. (And all that other good lawyer-like crap...)

    Here's an incomplete quick-index:

    Case cleaningFull Length sizingCase trimmingPrimer pocketsPriming

    Bullet Sizing

    Where to start?

    Reloading the .50 is in many ways identical to reloading smaller cartridges, but different insome. Most of the tools will seem familiar (just bigger). Most of the procedures will seemfamiliar, but there are some new ones.

    I'm going to start with a pictorial description of the process I use for loading 'plinker'rounds. 'Plinker' rounds are those that I make for the most economical shooting - whilethey can achieve respectable accuracy, it is not what can be done with 'match' ammunition.

    Following the section on loading plinking ammo I'll detail the differences in the process Iuse to load 'match' ammo. Match ammo means 'damn the cost - I want the most accurateammo that can be made!' Note that this section will only be covering the differences, I don'twant a bunch of repetition, so make sure you look at the plinker steps too.

    Rather than have a seperate reloading equipment section, I'll briefly discuss gear as we goalong. Someday I plan to make a page identifying reloading equipment and costs fromcheapest to best for the person considering reloading the .50. For those considering
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    reloading the .50, there is one thing that the neophyte and the experienced reloader-of-smaller-calibers has in common: You will need a whole bunch of new equipment. Woefullyfew of the tools used for reloading smaller calibers will work for the .50, so it's like startingfrom scratch.

    Finally, a caveat: This is the way Ireload for the .50. I'm not about to claim that it's thebest or only way, it's just what works for me.

    Let's get started!

    I guess to start we ought to have some brass (empty casings). There are a lot of sources forbrass now, so getting decent brass ought to be fairly easy. A primary source of brass isgovernment surplus. Government surplus is not the highest quality, nicest stuff to workwith but it's often some of the least expensive. Some of the differences between reloadingthe .50 and smaller cartridges are the things we must do to make use of this surplusmaterial. If you get some once fired or 'pull' (pulldown) brass the first thing to do is inspectit. (Pulls are brass or bullets that have been pulled from previously loaded ammo - think ofit as 'used, but never fired')

    Inspection - Part 1

    Inspection is on on-going process. There are several spots when I stop to inspect my brass,but even when I'm not specifically inspecting I am always observing and willing to cull outand destroy any component that appears unsafe. When I inspect brass I look for severalthings:

    Berdan primers.50BMG is one of the few cartridges where you still find brass that is Berdan primed. If youdon't know what a Berdan primer is you shouldn't be reading this - I told you it was forfolks who already understood smaller caliber reloading. Finding a Berdan with yourdecapping pin is aggravating at the least. With the .50 you not only bend the pin, you mayhave trapped your neck-expander ball inside the case. The case is thick, and the so is the

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    decapper, so you may have to disassemble the whole operation and saw the brass apart. Ifthat sounds like fun, you may skip the primer inspection.

    cracks, voids, inclusions, defects

    A surprising percentage of surplus brass has some of these defects. Pulls are further at risk

    as they are sometimes damaged by the machines that disassemble the ammo.

    Incipient splits Those who are experienced reloaders know what this is, if I can find oneand get it to show up in a picture, I'll post it. The size of the .50 makes it a little easier toinspect in this regard and an 'L'-shaped piece of wire (coathanger or similar) can be usedto probe for non-uniformities inside the case.

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    I think a nicely rounded and polished tip

    make this tool most effective.

    We'll pause in the inspection process here, but we're not done!


    Now look inside the case necks. If they're government surplus, especially pulls, odds arethere's an uneven coating of black 'crud'.

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    The case on the right has sealant in the neck.It may look like powder residue, soot, or carbon, but it's sealant that was used to make theoriginal load water proof. It is nasty and hard and will not come out during tumbling (thenext step). If you leave it in, you'll face two major consequences: You'll need a breaker baron your press to pull your round down off the neck-expander ball in your sizing die, andyour seated bullets will have a lot of runout, resulting in poor accuracy. The best way toremove the 'crud' is with a 1/2" steel brush of the kind used to prep copper pipe fittings forsoldering. These can be found at your local hardware store. The brand I usually see is"Oatey" and they have a red handle. Waste no time chopping the handle off so you can put

    the brush in a cordless drill and go to town.

    When the case necks are clean inside, it's time to polish the brass. Polishing is done in atumbler, just like for smaller rounds, and you can use the very same tumbler. A smalltumbler will usually handle about 25 cases. (Yep, that's all.)

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    Surplus brass is usually pretty tarnished and unattractive. It takes some real effort to get itnice and shiny. For this reason I prefer walnut media in the tumbler and for the first run ofa given lot of brass I will throw in a teaspoon or so of Brasso. (Brass polish) Now, Brassocontains ammonia, which can embrittle brass, so some folks stay the heck away from it. Iuse it the first time, and wash the cases in hot soapy water (and rinse) after tumbling.

    A batch of brass going into the tumbler. (I use the small tumbler, because I've addedbrasso to the mix. The larger tumblers are for more general tumbling.) Note the recentlycleaned case neck opening.

    Inspection - Part 2

    Now that the brass are clean and hopefully shiny, I re-inspect. Some defects are easier tosee when the case is dirty, some are easier to see when the case is clean. Repeat theinspection process. (We shouldn't have to check for Berdan primers or neck sealant again,though.)

    Resize and decap

    Some folks like to decap their brass before tumbling, but I find that the tumbler is not veryefficient at cleaning primer pockets, and I'm going to do that in a seperate step anyway, so

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    I wait until now.

    Most people start reloading the .50 with one of the "everything-you-need kit"s from RCBSor Hornady. It is the most economical way to go, short term, but I didn't find the setupvery satisfactory and ended up replacing much of it. If you're happy with standard RCBSdies and a rock chucker for smaller calibers, you may be happy with one of these kits. Ifyou like competition dies, or fancier presses, shell out the dough and setup right the firsttime. If you're buying dies seperately I strongly recommend CH/4D. Their service has beenvery good and I am pleased with their product.

    I set up my .50 full-length sizing die just as I would set up a smaller caliber; I run it downuntil it just kisses the shellholder, then back offexactly one skootch. (I'll cover neck sizingin the match prep section.) The only real difference here is that the shellholder on many .50presses is threaded in, and can be adjusted up and down. It is also prone to coming loose ifnot fastened securely. I run it down as far as possible to avoid loosening it inadvertently. Ido this before adjusting the die.

    Now lube your cases (I like Dillon spray lube, but any case lube should work if appliedproperly.) Make darn sure you lube the inside of your case necks! Sizing proceeds as withsmaller calibers: The shell goes in the shellholder and is pushed up into the die. Thedecapping pin knocks the spent primer (if present) out of the bottom of the case, where itfalls into the catch bin, bounces out, and comes to rest on the floor. The die shrinks the casedown, and during withdrawal expands the neck enough to allow seating of a bullet.
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    A case about to be sized

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    50 sized and cleaned brass

    Case trimming

    The dreaded-est part of loading the big .50. If you hated case trimming before, you'll reallyloathe it now. (But there is a light at the end of the tunnel...) The trim-to length for the .50BMG is something like 3.9". Now, I suppose, is a convenient time to mention anotheraspect of loading this cartridge. At present there are no SAAMI specs for the .50BMG.What this means is that there are no *standards*. So, you may see 3.9" in one book and3.85" in another... I went with the Hodgdon book.

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    The Giraud trimmer in actionNo, I don't trim on the floor, I had to move things to somewhere where the lighting would

    work for the picture.

    There are at least a dozen case trimmers on the market for the .50 BMG - some good, somebad, some awful. If you start with a ready to go kit from RCBS or Hornady, you'll get theawful method: the trim die. A trim die is a miserable apparatus that the sized brass ispressed into. Any material protruding from the top of the die is filed off, flush with the die.Sounds easy, doesn't it? I consider this 'survival reloading'. You will want a better(meaning faster & easier) trimmer. I have tried a few and recommend the K&M (Addresson the links page)for those on a tight budget, and the Giraud Trimmer for those who wantthe most speed and convenience. I'm going to neglect instructions for setting up a trimmer,because every trimmer comes with them.
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    A nicely trimmed case mouth

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    Material removed after trimming 50 cases. (Quantity will vary.)

    Primer pocket preparation

    Primer pocket uniforming is generally considered a 'match prep' step. For smaller calibers,I agree. For the .50, I consider it mandatory. There seems to be more variation in .50 cases,and of course more force is required anyway, so I uniform allmy BMG primer pockets.This avoids smashed or deformed primers, and reduces the number of high primers orother priming defects that you may incur. I use a K&M primer pocket uniformer. I stick itin a cordless drill to expedite things. The Giraud case trimmer is so nice that I now hateprimer pocket uniforming more than any other step.

    If you bought government surplus brass it may have some form of crimp remaining in theprimer pocket. (Many military rounds have the primers crimped, or staked, in.) There are

    a few ways to get rid of the crimp: Some folks use a countersink to chamfer the edge. Thishas the added advantage of making the primer insert more easily, but may result in looseprimers (bad thing) if overdone. Others rely on the primer pocket uniformer to remove thecrimp. This works - most of the time. Finally, you can swage the crimp out with a swagekit. Since I've only mentioned them 12 times, I'm sure you will be surprised to know thatyou can find such tools at CH/4D. (I'm really not affiliated with these guys, it's just thatthey have spotted this void in the reloading world and filled it. If I knew of others I'd post'em.) The perfect method is to avoid crimped brass (even brass that has supposedly had the
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    crimp removed), but barring that I'm presently leaning toward swaging...

    If these were to become 'match' rounds, I'd be uniforming flash holes right now. That'sanother tool, and another step. If you don't do it for your smaller calibers, don't botherwith it here, either.


    At this point I've made some metal shavings. Some are probably still in the cases. (The restare on my clothing, my chair, the floor... Thank God I have an understanding wife.) At thispoint I may throw the cases back in the tumbler for an hour or so. (This time in corn-cobmedia, without Brasso) just to shake any crumbs out. I pick them out of the tumbler one ata time and give 'em a good shake, inspect for remaining debris, and place in my loadingblock. (Incidentally, the MTM 12 gauge boxes that hold 100 12ga shells, neatly hold 50 .50rounds. Just remove the top tray. (The tray becomes your loading block.) The modelnumber is SF-100, check 'em out at MTM. You can probably find these at your localdepartment store in the sporting goods section. UPDATEI have been told by a number ofpeople that the newly made 10ga. MTM box - Sorry, I don't have the model number - workeven better.


    Another place where the .50 is moderately different than its smaller cousins. Priming the .50 can be pretty tedious. Most of the all-in-one kits come with a simple priming system thatscrews in where the shellholder normally resides, and the shellholder is moved to the top ofthe press (with the aid of an adaptor). A primer is placed in a cup on the ram and run upinto the case. CH/4D sells this style apart from the kits. This is the most economical system,and is typically OK. For those desiring a snazzier seater there are two similar seaters madeby Arizona Ammo and M2 Precision. The M2 has the greatest precision potential as the

    shellholder is tightened (for each case) down onto the shell. The M2 is a marvel of precisionmachining. Whether this high degree of precision helps or not is left to the judgement ofthe reader. The Arizona Ammo unit is similar, but with a fixed shellholder. I have notpersonally seen the Arizona Ammo unit, but have been assured by a third party that it isquite pleasant to use.
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    Priming with the M2 tool.


    It's time to dispense powder! I know of only two powder throwers that will throw acomplete .50 load in one toss: Hornady and JDS quick-measure. I use the JDS, and ampleased with it. When I called to order, the fellow I spoke with was very friendly and Ireceived my measure within a week. I throw the powder to within .2 grains, and trickle upto exactly the charge I want. (For plinker, I just throw and go.) I typically combine thisstep with bullet seating, preferring to throw powder, seat bullet, then repeat. So withoutmuch ado:
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    Measuring powder with the JDS Quick-Measure

    Bullet seating!!

    We're finally on the verge of completed ammunition. I use a CH/4Din-line seater and seat

    the bullets to the length I have chosen. Setup is just like with smaller calibers.
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    Using the RCBS standard seater for plinking ammo (bullet not yet seated)

    Plinker bullet prep

    Now, a brief segue: Oddly enough, this is where plinker ammo is more work than matchammo. Match bullets are pristine, made to near-perfection, and ready to go, but...

    I load plinkers with surplus pulled bullets and they can be oversized, out of round, andgenerally mauled by the pulling process. Additionally, they usually arrive heavily tarnishedand caked with powder from the shells from which they were removed. Given all that,

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    there are a few steps before I'm going to allow one of them passage down my preciousbarrel. First I polish them in a tumbler. Again I use walnut media and a teaspoonful ofBrasso. I recommend a rotary (as opposed to vibratory) tumbler for this step, as the weightmay ruin a vibratory tumbler. - ask me how I know.) Once polished the bullets are runthrough a bullet sizing die to insure that they are on size, round, and that any blemisheshave been smoothed back. Some wildcatters will be familiar with bullet sizing, but manyfolks will not.

    The process is simple: A ram is used in lieu of the shellholder

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    and the bullet to be sized is poked through a die with a constricted opening.

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    Because the nominal size for a .50 BMG bullet is 0.510", the sizing die should be 0.5095".CH/4D sells just such a die, and that is what I use. The bullets should be lubed, same ascases, before sizing. After sizing I wash in hot soapy water, rinse and allow to dry. Then thebullets are ready to be seated.
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    The two bullets to the right in the foreground are dirty and unsized. The picture doesn'treally convey the difference before and after. Also note the mutilation from pulling. In caseyou're wondering, the blocks are really from loaded .50AE ammunition. Sorry, I don'tremember that particular brand, a local gun shop gave me the .50AE brass, and theyhappen to be in these great trays. Wish I had more...

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    A batch of plinker ammo in the MTM 12ga. box - Ready for the range!Note: the loaded rounds are actually the same height, the variation is due to imperfect fit in

    the box.

    Match Prep

    Match loading is more advanced, but relies on the same basics. The match loading page isHere .
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