remembrance day - kalinda primary school · 1 newsletter no. 36 - term 4 – week 6 16 november...

1 Newsletter No. 36 - Term 4 Week 6 16 November 2017 Remembrance Day Last Saturday, 11 th November was Remembrance Day. A big thank you to Mason and Mrs Thomas for attending the wreath laying ceremony at the Ringwood Clock Tower on Saturday on behalf of Kalinda Primary School. In the week leading up to Remembrance Day our students spent time in class reading some beautifully written texts and reflecting on why this is a special memorial day. The story below is a response written by two of our Grade 3 students to the focus texts they read last week. The 11 th of the 11 th I’ve been missing for ages now, I was on the run, I came here to fight and thought it would have been fun. My family probably think I’m dead. And I will be if I can’t find food. My best friend Billy got shot in the back, he was the one who told me to sneak out. It’s been a long time since then, I’m older. Just when I was about to give up, a miracle happened. Soldiers came, “come here’ said one of the soldiers. I ran, they were the first people I had seen in months. They took me back to the trenches. We sat around the fire, it felt different, it was calm and I knew something had happened or something was going to happen, as I lay down hoping the next day would be different. The trumpet sounded, the guns shot. I ran down the hill and slid across the mud. A Turkish soldier had approached, I shot my gun for the last time. A bird had come with a letter in its beak. War was over! The war that was supposed to end all wars. Written by Cooper W and Ryan S.

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Page 1: Remembrance Day - Kalinda Primary School · 1 Newsletter No. 36 - Term 4 – Week 6 16 November 2017 Remembrance Day Last Saturday, 11th November was Remembrance Day. A big thank


Newsletter No. 36 - Term 4 – Week 6 16 November 2017

Remembrance Day

Last Saturday, 11th November was Remembrance Day. A big thank you to Mason and Mrs Thomas for attending the wreath laying ceremony at the Ringwood Clock Tower on Saturday on behalf of Kalinda Primary School.

In the week leading up to Remembrance Day our students

spent time in class reading some beautifully written texts and

reflecting on why this is a special memorial day. The story

below is a response written by two of our Grade 3 students to

the focus texts they read last week.

The 11th of the 11th

I’ve been missing for ages now, I was on the run, I came here to fight and thought it would

have been fun. My family probably think I’m dead. And I will be if I can’t find food. My best

friend Billy got shot in the back, he was the one who told me to sneak out. It’s been a long

time since then, I’m older.

Just when I was about to give up, a miracle happened. Soldiers came, “come here’ said one

of the soldiers. I ran, they were the first people I had seen in months. They took me back to

the trenches. We sat around the fire, it felt different, it was calm and I knew something had

happened or something was going to happen, as I lay down hoping the next day would be


The trumpet sounded, the guns shot. I ran down the hill and slid across the mud. A Turkish

soldier had approached, I shot my gun for the last time. A bird had come with a letter in its

beak. War was over! The war that was supposed to end all wars.

Written by Cooper W and Ryan S.

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Events Calendar

Notices sent home to Families - 9 - 13 Nov. 2017 Notice Distributed to: Return by:

2018 Parent Payment Contributions Youngest in Family (via Compass) 5/12/17

Graduation Pack (Year Book & USB) Grade 6s (via Compass) 1/12/17

Graduation Bears Grade 6s (notice home) 30/11/17

Melbourne Aquarium Excursion Grade 12s (via Compass) 17/11/17

Stickybeaks Lunch Bags Eldest ASAP

Karnival – Lucky Jar Day postponed All students n/a

Karnival – Ride Wristbands for sale All students 24/11/17

Grades 1 & 2 News Grdes 1 & 2 n/a

SunSmart is here

A reminder to all families that Term 4 is a SunSmart term and hats are needed to be worn in the playground at all times. Hats are available at RHSports. The direct link is

Please ensure hats are clearly named.


17th - 2018 Transition #3 9:30-11:00

- Grade 3/4 Walking Excursion 20th - Lucky Jar Collection & Free Dress day

- P&F Gen. Mtg. – 9:30am - Stadium 23rd - Graduation Dancing – Gr. 5/6 - MPR 24th - 2018 Foundation #4 9:30-11:00 **NEW**

- Kalinda’s Got Talent - Stadium 25th - Kalinda Karnival - 11am – 4pm 26th - Working Bee (Sunday) – 10am-12noon 27th - Grades 1&2 – Excursion – Melb. Aquarium 30th - Graduation Dancing – Gr.5/6 – MPR December

1st - Gr. 3 Table Tennis Extravaganza 4th - P&F Annual General Mtg – 9:30am Stadium - Foundation 2018 – Information Night 7pm 5th - Orientation Day: – Foundation 2018

- Graduation Mtg. 7th - Graduation Dancing – Gr.5/6 – MPR 8th - Junior Athletics Experience – a.m.

- String Group end of year concert 2:30pm 11th - Parent Helpers Morning Tea – 11am MPR 12th - Orientation Day – Yr. 6/7 - Carols Evening 14th - Graduation Dancing – Gr.5/6 – MPR 15th - Gr. 4 Table Tennis Extravaganza

- Reports distributed 18th - Graduation Dancing – Gr.5/6 – MPR 20th - Grade 6 Graduation 22nd - End of Term 4 – 1:30pm Dismissal


School Photos – Tuesday, 20th March 2018 Grade 5/6 Camp – 30th April – 2nd May 2018 Kalinda Production – 7th & 8th August 2018 Grade 3/4 Camp – 22nd – 24th August 2018 TERM DATES 2018

Term 1 – 29 Jan – 29 March (Students resume 31 January) Term 2 – 16 April – 29 June Term 3 – 16 July – 21 September Term 4 – 8 October – 21 December

CANTEEN ROSTER 22/11 - Helper Needed please 23/11- - Helper Needed please 24/11 - Mandy K. & Helper needed please (12 – 1:30pm)

Countdown to Fete:

Only 8 days to go!

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Due to a clash of events this Friday, the Lucky Jar Collection / Free Dress Day will have to be postponed until Monday, 20th November.

Bring all your jars in on Monday 20th November,

when we will be celebrating with a Free Dress day.

Please remember – you still need to wear a hat at all times when you are outside.

We would love to have as many jars as possible so please feel free

to bring in more than 1 fun-filled jar.

NB: No Nuts or food containing nut products and wrapped lollies only.

Our apologies for any inconvenience caused.

Kalinda Karnival Committee

A little BOOST with your Kalinda Karnival news

Pre-Sale Ride Wristbands

On sale from Monday 20th November at the reduced price of $25 for unlimited rides on:

The Edge, Mega X Treme, Cha Cha, Chair-O-Plane, Pirate Ship and Bubble Soccer (On Karnival Day, wristbands will be available for $30 unlimited and $5 for individual rides)

We will be set up in the foyer area for 1 week.

Monday: 8:30am – 10am (morning only)

Monday: 3pm – 3:45pm

Tuesday: 3pm – 3:45pm

Wednesday: 3pm – 3:45pm

Thursday: 3pm – 3:45pm

Friday: 3pm – 3:45pm

Please bring correct money as there will be no change available. Credit Card/EFTPOS facility will be available at the office.

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F/G Marli C. - For beginning your journey at Kalinda so positively and enthusiastically. Poppy C. - For always working to your personal best! F/H Serene Y. - For always working to your personal best. You’re a Star! Riley D. - For making such wonderful choices in the classroom. F/L Gemma D. - For continuing to be a positive role model and always working to her

personal best! 12A Grace S. - For your excellent use of problem solving strategies in Maths this week. Hamish C. - For your amazing persistence in Maths this week. You found it tricky, you challenged yourself and you got there! 12B Keira E. - For your outstanding efforts with your reading. You are reading with beautiful expression and fluency. Oscar P. - For looking out for your classmates and making sure they feel included.

Great job, Oscar! Kaiya H. - For your sensational Sustainability Super Hero and thinking about how to help

our environment. 12D Reghanne P. - For showing great pride in all you do. Keep up the good work, Reghanne! Zac M. - For showing great pride in all you do, and for being such a responsible member of our class. 12K Jason H. - For creating an excellent Sustainability Super Hero. Jaylen H. - For demonstrating excellent Maths problem solving skills. Well done. 12S Zoe F. - For all your terrific work, designing and creating your shop, and co-operating with others so well. Jacob S. - For a terrific CBL presentation on Sustainability at home and making smarter choices in the playground. Junhyun M. - For his terrific work and illustrations on our focus text this week, ‘Circle’ by J. Baker. Sayane O-H. - For working well in class on calculating money. 34C Cooper W. - For your outstanding piece of writing for Remembrance Day, using the 6+1 Trait – Word Choice, to create pictures in the reader’s mind!

Ryan S. - For your absolutely wonderful piece of wiring for Remembrance Day, you could really hear the 6+1 Trait – Voice, all the way through!

34D Noah B. - For the wonderful effort he is putting into his learning. I am so proud of your progress, Noah! Lachlan B. - For being such a focused learner. It is wonderful to see what you can achieve when you put your mind to it! 34P Blake K. - For writing a very detailed self-reflection for Semester 2. You also set some great goals for next year! Brilliant, Blake! Riley G-E. - For working really hard in your team to create an informative slide show about Australia’s mountain regions. 34R Logan E. - For being such a fine student and always trying hard. Ahyun M. - For your positive attitude in class and lovely smile. Isla Jane J. - For continuing to be a positive role model and always working to her

personal best!

CANTEEN NEWS Order forms for Stickybeaks Lunch Order Bags went home earlier this week. If you did not receive a form, there are spares at the office. This is a good time to update the old bags and buy fresh for next year. Kalinda Pantry – Thank you to everyone who has donated items to our Kalinda Pantry recently. We have had a fabulous response. We are still taking donations right through to the end of the year and these can be dropped off at the office. Toiletries and non-perishables are much appreciated. Goods can also be dropped off on Karnival Day. JUSTINE WATSON CANTEEN MANAGER

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Letter to Santa Kalinda Primary School

If you would like to send a letter to Santa

and receive a response from him, please do the following:

Write your letter to Santa and deposit it in the Green and Red box

on the Library desk

by 2:00pm on Friday, 8th December.

This will ensure that Santa receives your letter

and writes back to you by the end of the school term.

Hoping you and your families

have a lovely Christmas!

MEDICAL ALERT There has been one reported case of Slap Cheek (Parvovirus) in the school this week. Parents, please keep an eye out for symptoms. For information regarding this virus, please click on the link below: If your child has a contagious illness that may be potentially dangerous to people with immune deficiencies, or who may be pregnant, please advise the school office so that we can inform other families through our newsletter. Many childhood illnesses, although common amongst children, can be dangerous to others in our school community.

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Grade 5/6 students have been working on improving our writing, paying particular attention to word choice and the use of similes and metaphors, and other types of figurative language. These are just some snippets of our recent writing efforts. We hope you enjoy them! Tree - by Elwyn Leaves like guards on alert, Trunk wrapped in warfare as plain as a battle field, Branches shooting out like young soldiers going to war, Ants like pilgrims fleeing their broken town after a battle. But no matter how long the war goes for, the trunk still stands tall, Red flowers like head stones marking the earth. The Mirror - by Alana It was a gorgeous mirror that had intricate, crafted designs around the frame of little tiny people. It was laying on the side of the road, along with some other dusty old chairs and broken tables. I suppose he must¹ve had a thing for vintage stuff. I could use a mirror too. I figured it would be better to put in use, than in some dumpster. I walk across the road and dust it off, but I see small fingerprints. I try to use my top and rub it off but nothing happens. I take it into my house to clean up. After a long period of time still nothing changes. I thought that I must have done something wrong but I¹ve done as much as I can, it¹s probably stained on. I make my way to bed as it¹s already turning dark. Read more - If you¹d like to read more of this story or our wonderful writing, please come and visit our publishing wall in Module A. DANI THOMAS GRADE 5/6 TEAM MANAGER

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Boost Juice Eastland $1000 worth of vouchers Priceline Pharmacy Eastland $270 hamper The Firehouse Ringwood 2 x $100 meal vouchers Hunter and Barrel Eastland $100 meal voucher Anh Doh Autographed book and DVD Maroondah Leisure $350 - 3 month individual lifestyle membership Puffing Billy Family return trip Oztenpin Bowling Chirnside Park Bowling pass for 4 people Olivigna $50 voucher Hedgend Maze 10 passes Enchanted Adventure Garden 4 x admission passes Rumor Mill $30 voucher Kmart Eastland Voucher Coles Eastland Voucher David Hodgett MP Sporting pack Bayswater Roller City 2 x family passes Bounce Inc Blackburn North Passes Kmart Chirnside Park Voucher Coles Burnt Bridge Voucher Bunnings Ringwood $50 vouchers Tone and Trim Zone 1 month membership/water bottle Coles Ringwood Square Voucher Just Cuts Eastland Hair cut vouchers Warran Glen Nursery 4 x $25 vouchers and soy candles Yarra Valley Chocolaterie 1kg Milk Mega Bar Wallies Lollies $25 voucher Melbourne Museum 2 x passes Scienceworks 2 x passes The Big Goose, Moorooduc Family pass Collingwood Children’s farm Family day pass Chesterfield Farm Junior passes Ace Space Chirnside park Children’s passes Lollipop’s Playlands Croydon Children’s passes Moonlight Sanctuary Daytime family pass Domino’s Pizza Ringwood Free Pizza Vouchers Masterfoods Sauces Street Dance Studios Free week pass to trial any class

Thank you also to the Kalinda families who have donated prizes/


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OFFICE NEWS Parent Payment Contributions 2018 – These are now open on Compass for processing. Copies have also been sent home through the ‘Youngest in the Family’ for your convenience. If you wish to go on a Payment Plan, please come to the office before 5th December to organise. This will enable you to then pick up Book Packs for your child/ren. If you are eligible for Camps, Sports & Excursions Funding (CSEF), please do not process through Compass, as this will alter the amount owed. Complete your form and bring into the Office for payment. Grade 1/2 Excursion to Melbourne Aquarium – This excursion is now open on Compass for permission and payment. Please complete by 17th November. If you receive CSEF, please print off the form, complete and send in to the office marked, “CSEF”. Grade 6 Graduation Pack (Year Book & USB) – This is now open for payment on Compass, to be finalised by 1st December. Please note: this event is not covered by CSEF. Grade 6 Graduation Sign Bears - Notices are available at the office if you would like to order a Graduation Bear. This is not part of the Grad pack, and is an optional extra. This year, we only have the bears on offer. Students get a chance to sign bears as a memento at the end of the year and it makes a great souvenir. Payments and orders need to be in BEFORE THURSDAY 30th November to ensure correct numbers are ordered and they arrive before end of year. Please see your G6 teacher or the office if you have any questions. Credit Card & BPay payments – Please remember that we cannot accept payments of less than $10 for credit card and less than $30 for BPay. If you are paying by BPay, please also send in a short email or note letting us know the amount, what the payment was for and the BPay Receipt number, to [email protected] If payments of less than $10 are received, we will be returning them home and asking for cash payment. The 2017 Parent Payment Policy and the Kalinda Primary School Hardship Policy is located on our website at - Notices & Forms, for your information. . If you have any queries regarding any of the above, please contact the Office. THERESA JARVIS BUSINESS MANAGER COMPASS – If your child is away due to illness, medical appointments, family holidays, or other reasons, please remember to login to Compass and register their non-attendance through the “Add / Approve Absence” tab on your child’s Home Page in Compass.

STUDENT BANKING Forward your child’s deposit book to the school every Friday morning. The banking is processed on Mondays and will be returned to your child’s class Monday afternoons.


Kalinda Primary School Uniforms are available to purchase offsite at RHSports at Unit 12, 100 New Street, Ringwood. Notices are available at the office or on our website at For your convenience, the RHSports Shop is open every day from 9:00am – 5:00pm, including school holidays. The direct link to RHSports is

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LOST PROPERTY If your child is missing any items of clothing, lunch boxes, etc. please check the Lost Property tubs at the end of the corridor near the office. Smaller items or valuable items (toys, jewellery, etc.) are normally held at the office. Occasionally, uniform items go home with the wrong child. Please check all your child’s clothing at home and, if you have an item with someone else’s name on it, please return it to the school office. Thank you for your co-operation.

PLEASE NAME ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING, LUNCHBOXES, DRINK BOTTLES, TOYS, ETC. We would love to be able to return them to your child, if found.



Chris, our apple man will next be delivering apples and pears on Thursday 30 November. If you would like to order apples, please see Gill or Annie at the office with your order and payment by Wednesday 29 November. Bags are approximately 5-6kg.

Pink Ladies, Royal Galas, Golden Delicious and Granny Smiths are available at $10 per bag. Green & Brown Pears are also available at $8 per bag. Next delivery he will have Strawberries. Small punnets (250g) for $2.50 Large punnets (500g) for $4.00

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See the Community Board in the Foyer for more events and information. The Department of Education & Training (DET) and Kalinda Primary School, do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. DET and Kalinda Primary School accept no responsibility for accuracy of information contained in advertisements or claims made by them.