reminders : deddc is the acronym for digital equity for developped and developping countries digital...

Download Reminders : DEDDC is the acronym for Digital Equity for Developped and Developping Countries Digital Equity defined by Digital Divide + e-Participation

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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We will begin to explicit one general observations and actual trends in in our information societies. If we like to promote Digital Equity in developed and developing countries, we should consider from the educational point of view some prerequisites according to various variables (not only technological, but also cultural, linguistic and institutional).The matrix SDGs x WSIS Action lines is certainly a precious tool to elaborate components of Digital Equity (defined as digital divide + e-participation) from the educational point of view with links and bridges for other dimension in the knowledge society. We hope to fix already in an interactive session some first tracks of concrete actions including developed and developing world in a close cooperation within a diversity of bodies and institutions. Of course in a long range vision we need to include some parameters (like disruptive technology, reengineering of educational systems, etc.) in a dynamic way to try to rich a more sustainable education in a world in smart (r) evolution. After Spain, South Korea, United Kingdom, Costa Rica and Japan, now a point of view from the educational aera (not from Switzerland) WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel


Reminders : DEDDC is the acronym for Digital Equity for Developped and Developping Countries Digital Equity defined by Digital Divide + e-Participation How Education systems vs TC3 can contribute to Digital Equity (DEDDC). Are there other aspects that can help too? Raymond MOREL (CH) This presentation can be download from WCC-2015-v6.pptx WCC-2015-v6.pptx WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Already 5 contributions for DEDDC inside WCC 2015 WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel We will begin to explicit one general observations and actual trends in in our information societies. If we like to promote Digital Equity in developed and developing countries, we should consider from the educational point of view some prerequisites according to various variables (not only technological, but also cultural, linguistic and institutional).The matrix SDGs x WSIS Action lines is certainly a precious tool to elaborate components of Digital Equity (defined as digital divide + e-participation) from the educational point of view with links and bridges for other dimension in the knowledge society. We hope to fix already in an interactive session some first tracks of concrete actions including developed and developing world in a close cooperation within a diversity of bodies and institutions. Of course in a long range vision we need to include some parameters (like disruptive technology, reengineering of educational systems, etc.) in a dynamic way to try to rich a more sustainable education in a world in smart (r) evolution. After Spain, South Korea, United Kingdom, Costa Rica and Japan, now a point of view from the educational aera (not from Switzerland) WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 1. Global observation i.e. principles and / or prerequisites and / or subjects you can't avoid 2. MDG -> SDG WSIS IFIP 3. Four nice documents to improve our activities 4. The SDG x WSIS Action lines, a powerfull tool 5. Some activities to put in action 6. A creative inspiration Table of contents WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel - Developped vs Developping countries : it's more and more clear, not to say evident, that you need to tackle the situation in global way. - The reflexions reach very often at the limits of "states" and there is a necessity to think at least with the regional level. WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel - Due to cultural, linguistic and institutional diversitieS we are conduct to act locally, nationally regionally and globally. - Some big companies for example GAFA are happy to play and /or to erase States borders. WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel It is wise to envisage always the three levels in the discussion : - level of individuals / citizens, - level of communities, - level of global entities (states, entreprises, etc.) WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel The ways to think the organisations are moving : - top down organisations - networked organisations - distributed organisations - learning organisations - etc WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel The worlds languages, in 7 maps and charts By Rick Noack and Lazaro Gamio April 23 in the Washington Postnoack-and-lazaro-gamio-april-23-in-the-washington-post WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel The Collapse of Complex Societies - JOSEPH A. TAINTERcollapse-of-complex-societies-joseph-a-tainter WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Did You Know Did You Know Shift happens Did you know Facts about Globalization and the Information Age? If you need to take some distance, view these videos without any delay ykVMjKKU 0ppens WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 6 Scenarios for the Future of Schooling - OECD schooling-oecd-2001 DIGITAL NATIVES : HOW DO THEY LEARN ? HOW TO TEACH THEM ? Digital Pedagogylearn-how-to-teach-them- Static Information World vs Dynamic Information World (paper vs digital, tree vs network / / / ) CHRISTMAS TREE Virtual World - 3D-Printing Augmented reality MOOC Cloud Computing STOP STOP - STOP WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel We can observe in the domain DEDDC the constant way to act NOT in a transversal way in the organisations / locations i.e it is quite natural to treat a problematic inside a componant of a tree structure and NOT in a global / integrated way despite the high level of complexity and interaction. Three examples are symptomatic / caricatural : WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel In the MDG (Millenium Development Goals) process ( ) with eight components, now with 17 components with SDG ( ) - Sustainable Development Goals ; Cf. ch 2 and 3 + an intensive annexsdg_matrix_document.pdf The passage of 8 MDG to 17 SDG is well describe development-goals-all-you-need-to-know-from-the- development-goals-all-you-need-to-know-from-the- guardian WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel In the WSIS (World Summit of the Information Society phase I in 2003 and phase II in 2005 followed by annual WSIS Forums between 2006 and 2015) with its 11 action lines (in fact 18 components) with their numerous facilitators (ITU, UNESCO, UNCTAD,etc) WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel IMPLEMENTING WSIS mplementing-wsis-outcomes- experience-to-date-and- mplementing-wsis-outcomes- experience-to-date-and- prospects-for-the-future WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel In IFIP and outside and between TCs and numerous WGs, there are many cases / topics where it is necessary to proceed by transversal methodologies. The IFIP structure, you know quite wellview&id=185&Itemid=511view&id=185&Itemid=511 Is it generally the majority of cases ? Certainly NOT and its very damageable considering the amount of efforts produced and the impacts and efficiency of the activities deployed. WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel According to DEDDC we should avoid to stay with the politically correct formula due to cultural, linguistic and institutional (religious) diversities, as an entry of a paragraph or in a recommandation to keep a good conscience. So we have to underline in matter of DEDDC at least 4 documents among others which focuse not only on a special aspect of diversities but with a holistic view : WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel The 1st document is a important report EDUCATION FOR ALL : achievements and challengesWCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 2 nd document is a book, which tries to explicit the components of diversities, document elaboreted by the French National Commission for UNESCO (look at least the table of content with more than 60 differents entries)glossaire-critique-c-la-documentation-franaise glossaire-critique-c-la-documentation-franaise-2014 WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 3rd document is a declared strategy from the UNESCO which involved UNESCO Education Strategy strategy WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 4th document is a contribution during the last IFIP TC3 working conference (1-3 July 2015 at Vilnius ) A New Culture of Learning: Computing and Next Generations Digital Equity in Developed and Developing Countries A Unesco Perspective by Mariana Patruin-developed-and-developing-countries-a-unesco- perspective-by-mariana-patru WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel During the last WSIS Forum 2015 in May 2015, a potential powerfull tool was presented :./. Cf graphical representation More information, references and developments are undersustainable-development-goals-matrix-documentwsis-forum-2015-how-will-act-ifip-in-the-future-to-keep-a-role- in-the-information-society- WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Now it would be interesting to know and describe which surfaces from this WSIS x SDG matrix (only one cell, only one line, only one column or more sophisticated territory/ surfaces) are concerned with the big transversal societal problematics (like e-democracy, sustainable education, digital equity, lifelong learning, mobility, code of conduct, security, IT-Professionalism, etc,) They arent dependant of only one factor, one dimension, one componant WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 5. Some activities to put in action My question to the IFIP community is simple : How IFIP TCs and WGs activities, Member Societies will cover the above surface in the future to keep IFIP as a key player ? To facilitate the action, thinking to projects like IP3, ISES, Digital Equity, Codes of conduct, etc, we would propose to fill a short questionnaire around the above projects by the IFIP Member Societies and different key bodies and actors to have a better view and needs on the future for such activities, projects and a adequate feedback between the different actors. For sure, it could be also useful for preparing next events as WITFOR-2016, WCCE-2017, next WCC ?, etc. WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Here is a proposal for people interesting to the project ISES (it can be adapted for other projects or events) ISES Country Overview Questionnaire: Please share success and challenges in your country! DRAFT 5 Q1 : What is your cybersecurity strategy? This question aims to gather information on the strategy itself and rationale behind it (e.g. objectives, main drivers and contextual changes that led to its development, and the meaning or understanding of cybersecurity in this particular context. The international dimension of the strategy and relation to international organisations, main priorities) Q2 : What is being done to implement the strategy? On Policies& Strategies (e.g. Did you modify your strategy or policy late, and why? How policies reflect the strategy, with policies are successfully translated in implementation which are lagging?) Q3 : How does the strategy/policy relate to other areas in government? On Cyber-Security Integration (e.g. What are the needs and demands of economy (growth, innovation, competition) and society? How is the integration into education, research and development, e-government, and fundamental values (e.g. good governance, privacy, free flow of information, etc.?) WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Q4 : Explain processes used to develop, implement and review the strategy and policies Who are the major stakeholders and what are their roles in your country? Do you have international co-operations (e.g. regional or international exercises)? What are main challenges in the process of development, implementation and review of its strategy and policy, as well as in the process for international co-operation. What lessons have been learned? Q5 : Who is the key person to contact in your country? In addition to IFIP Member Societies, there could be many other bodies able to answer (not only TCs and WGs members, but research institutions, government players, entreprises, medias, etc) Country : Fullfil by : Date : Thanks in advance for supporting ISES ! to have a copy of this draft questionnaire re WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel 6. A creative inspiration WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel Thinking Ahead - Essays on Big Data, Digital Revolution, and Participatory Market Society by Dirk Helbing (publishied beginning of 2015) More info :data-digital-revolution-and-participatory-market-society-by-dirk-helbing-beginning-of-2015 A future publication ==> The Automatisation of Society is NEXT - How to survive the digital revolution WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel More info :automatisation-of-society-is-next-how-to-survive-the-digital-revolution Creating A Planetary Nervous System As A Citizen Web - Dirk Helbing More info :nervous-system-as-a-citizen-web-dirk-helbing WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel IMPLEMENTING CHANGE IN A COMPLEX WORLD by Dirk Helbing WCC-2015 Workshop on Digital Equity - Daejeon (South Korea) R.Morel More info :complex-world-by-dirk-helbing-computational-social-science-eth-zurich-switzerland- responding-to-complexity-in-socioeconomic-systems-how-to-build-a-smart-and-resilient- society complex-world-by-dirk-helbing-computational-social-science-eth-zurich-switzerland- responding-to-complexity-in-socioeconomic-systems-how-to-build-a-smart-and-resilient- society