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Most of you reading this, are probably familiar with the show

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Post on 19-Jul-2015



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Most of you reading this,are probably familiar with

the show …

Some of you may read the books

If so, you may be wondering,who in seven hells

is this guy’s mother?

For those who KNOW NOTHING, let’s catch you

up to speed...

This is Jon Snow.


Jon Snow is the bastard child of Lord EddardStark, honorable Warden of the North.

You can call him Ned.

Before he left for King’s Landing, he told Jon Snow…

Then this happened

(Rest in Peace, Ned Stark)

Leaving Jon Snow’s parentage up in the air

So for thousands of years, readers have awaited the sequel to A Dance with

Dragons and pondered the question:Who is Jon Snow’s mother?

Some claim she was a fisherman’s daughter….

Others swear it’s AsharaDayne...

…And some whisper tales of a low-born woman named ‘Wylla’

One thing’s for sure…

"She must have been a rare wench to make Lord EddardStark forget his honor.”– Robert Baratheon (RIP)

Which begs the question: would Ned Stark really abandon his honor and

cheat on his wife?

Well, he was away from her for a year, fighting a war

And Jon does poss many characteristic of a Stark

HonorLoyaltyWargResting Bitch faceGreat hair

But what’s up with all this “Promise me, Ned” stuff?

In book 1, before his tragic execution, Ned Stark recalls his sister, Lyanna’s death, and final words to him half a dozen times

throughout his point of view chapters..

The phrase “Promise me, Ned” is repeated throughout the first book, leaving readers to wonder, what was this great promise Ned made to his

sister before she died?

His sister, Lyanna, was betrothed to Robert Baratheon, but loved by many…

Including Rhaegar Targaryen, noble Prince and heir to the Iron Throne


Well, I propose...(drum roll please)

That Ned is not Jon’s father at all. The

mother of Jon Snow is Lyanna Stark, and his

father is RheagerTargaryen.

Let’s look at the facts. Rheageropenly loved and admired

Lyanna, so Robert Baratheonwaged a war because, among other things, he insisted that

Rhager had “captured” Lyanna

But let’s be serious. Would you rather?


Rhaeger was the man. He was loved by all for his charm, swordsmanship,

compassion and undeniable good looks, and with that, came jealous


So it’s possible that Lyannasecretly loved Rhaeger, as much as he loved her, but their affair was kept secret because of her

betrothal to Robert and her loyalty to her family

And that the “promise” Ned made to her at the Tower of Joy was to keep R+L’s

child, later named JON SNOW, safe from harm

So why didn’t Ned just tell everybody that?

Well, because his best friend and newly appointed King,

Robert, had a bit of a temper, and was already on a

Targaryen-slaughtering spree that year

So he would have killed the baby had he known:

1. He was half Targ2. He was the son of his

worst enemy and the woman he loved

Lyanna knew this, so she made Ned promise her that he

wouldn’t tell anyone who the true parents of the baby were

So let’s recap:Ned=honorable. His cheating just doesn’t match the rest of

what we know about him

Lyanna + Rhaeger =

Oh yeah. And...

It’s very unlikely that GRRM would put such a strong emphasis on the mystery

surrounding Snow’s mother, if he isn’t going to

eventually reveal who she is

So, to answer the age old question once and

for all...

the mother of Jon Snow is Lyanna Stark.