remote request api and integration - guide · remote request api and integration - guide this...

Confidential HandicapMaster ® Software Remote Request API and Integration - Guide This document provides advice to developers wishing to use the Remote Request API to integrate HandicapMaster ® with their Systems Author: Stephen Jack Last Updated: 4 May, 2018 Version: Issue 16 (for version 9.2 software) © HandicapMaster Ltd 2017

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HandicapMaster® Software

Remote Request API and Integration - Guide

This document provides advice to developers wishing to use the Remote Request API to integrate HandicapMaster® with their Systems

Author: Stephen Jack Last Updated: 4 May, 2018 Version: Issue 16 (for version 9.2 software) © HandicapMaster Ltd 2017

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HandicapMaster® Integration Remote Request API

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Contents Contents ................................................................................. 2

Introduction ............................................................................ 4

Document Conventions ................................................................ 4

Per User data location .............................................................. 4

Document History ...................................................................... 5

The Remote Request API ............................................................. 7

What is the Remote Request API? ................................................. 7

Overview of the Remote Request API ............................................ 7

Available Remote Request Facilities ............................................. 8

Insert Member .................................................................... 8

Delete Member ................................................................... 8

Status of queued request ....................................................... 8

Using the Remote Request DLL File .............................................. 9

Software requirements for running the Remote Request API DLL ......... 9

Databases Supported by the Remote Request API DLL .................... 10

Installation ...................................................................... 11

Configuring Remote Request DLL ............................................ 11

Example of calling DLL from Visual Basic ................................... 12

Using the Remote Request API Stored Procedures ........................... 13

Databases Supported by the Remote Request API Stored Procedures .. 13

Example of running the Stored Procedures ................................. 13

Request Format ................................................................... 14

XML Element Tags .............................................................. 14

JET 4.0 Database Message format examples ............................... 17

SQL SERVER Database Message format examples .......................... 19

Return Values ...................................................................... 20

Format of messages returned (API DLL only) ................................. 21

Values for the RETURNCODE value ............................................. 21

Housekeeping of requests queue. .............................................. 22

Logging ............................................................................. 22

HandicapMaster Log ............................................................ 23

DLL logs .......................................................................... 23

Message Processing ............................................................... 23

Reading messages .............................................................. 23

Message Housekeeping ......................................................... 24

Stored procedures ................................................................... 25

Remote Request API Procedures ................................................ 25

PROCEDURE: RemoteRequest_1 ............................................ 25

PROCEDURE: RemoteRequestStatus_1 ..................................... 27

Managing Membership Records .................................................. 28

PROCEDURE: GetRecentMembers_1 ........................................ 28

PROCEDURE: SetMemberContactID_1 ...................................... 31

PROCEDURE: GetNationalNumber_1 ....................................... 32

Player Handicap Records ......................................................... 33

PROCEDURE: GetShortHcapRecord_1 ...................................... 33

PROCEDURE: GetHandicap_1 ................................................ 34

Player Handicap Certificate ..................................................... 36

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PROCEDURE: GetHandicapCertificate_2 ................................... 36

Managing Competition Fees ..................................................... 38

PROCEDURE: GetCompFeesPayable_1 ..................................... 38

PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesAllPaid_1 ....................................... 39

PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesPaid_1 .......................................... 40

PROCEDURE: GetCompFeesRefundable_1 ................................. 41

PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesAllRefunded_1 ................................ 42

PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesRefunded_1 .................................... 43

Managing Competitions ........................................................... 44

PROCEDURE: GetCompetitionList_1 ........................................ 44

SQL Database Security Requirements .......................................... 45

Example configuration of Login in SQL Server ............................. 45

APPENDIX 1 ........................................................................... 46

Deprecated Message formats .................................................... 46

JET 4.0 Database Message format examples .................................. 46

INSERT request (Jet 4.0 Database) .......................................... 46

DELETE request (Jet 4.0 Database) .......................................... 46

STATUS request (Jet 4.0 Database) .......................................... 47

SQL SERVER Database Message format examples ............................. 47

INSERT request (SQL Server Database) ...................................... 47

DELETE request (SQL Server Database) ........................................ 48

STATUS request (SQL Server Database) ........................................ 48

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Introduction This document is intended to provide information to customers with technical information to enable them to develop software within their applications to integrate with the facilities of HandicapMaster. HandicapMaster reserve the right to update and modify the integration interface at any time. This document contains an overview of the integration interface. This is followed by more technical content which is aimed at a technical audience including applications development staff.

Document Conventions

Per User data location

Within this document the location of per user files is indicated by the use of “{UserDataDir}” For Windows Vista, Windows 7 please read this to be C:\Users\{User}\AppData\Roaming

For Windows 2000 and XP please read this to be the Application Data path on Windows 2000/XP which is normally: C:\Documents and Settings\{User}\Application Data

On Windows 98/ME, this path is usually C:\WINDOWS\Application Data

Within this document the location of application program files is indicated by the use of

“{ProgDir}” For Windows default location please read this to be C:\Program Files\HandicapMaster7

All trademarks acknowledged.

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Document History Issue 1 This is the initial version for integration with HandicapMaster 7.2. Includes new tag for ‘National Number’, for EGU Central Database of Handicaps. Issue 2 Added EMAILADDRESS tag to allow external system to set member’s e-mail address in HandicapMaster. Issue 3 Updated comments for NATIONALNUMBER tag with respect to English National system. Added ‘GetNationalNumber_1’ stored procedure. Issue 4 Added column COMP_UNIQUE_ID to ‘GetCompFeesPayable_1’ and ‘GetCompFeesRefundable_1’ stored procedures.

Issue 5 Added ‘SetCompFeesPaid_1’ and ‘SetCompFeesRefunded_1’ stored procedures.

Issue 6 Correct wording for return codes for ‘RemoteRequest_1’ stored procedure. Issue 7 Updated heading page for version 8.1 of HandicapMaster. No technical changes. Issue 8 Updated heading page for version 8.2 of HandicapMaster. IMPORTANT: Added ‘GetHandicapCertificate_2’ stored procedure as replacement for ‘GetHandicapCertificate_1’ which is obsolete due to CONGU 2012-2015 regulation changes.

Issue 9 IMPORTANT: ‘GetHandicap_1’ stored procedure has been modified to return details as per CONGU 2012-2015 regulation changes. The interface parameters remain, but the IS_STARRED parameter has a new meaning.

Issue 10

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Update to GetHandicap_1 description text (no interface change) to reflect replacement of “Active/Inactive” handicap status with “Competition/Non-Competition” handicap status for England. Issue 11 Update to reflect that SQL Server Express 2012 is a supported version of the SQL Server software. Issue 12 Update with suggestion to check integration account and password expiry setting. Issue 13 Update to reflect that SQL Server Express 2014 is a supported version of the SQL Server software. Add Stored Procedure ‘GetCompetitionLIst_1’. Issue 14 Clarified which TELEPHONE fields populate which fields in Edit Member screen. Issue 15 Added Parameter "ParmOID" to Stored Procedures. Issue 16 Indicate Competition status also used in Ireland Update to reflect that SQL Server Express 2016 is a supported version of the SQL Server software. IS_DISABILITY_HANDICAP removed from GetHandicap_1 procedure

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The Remote Request API

What is the Remote Request API?

The Remote Request API (Application Programme Interface) allows an external system to update details in HandicapMaster. This document describes Version 2 of the Remote Request API. The facilities provided are limited to the insertion and deletion of membership details. It is intended that future releases will support additional requests. This interface has a number of advantages. These include:

No manual intervention for its operation after the initial configuration

Incremental changes to membership details instead of a “bulk load”

(as implemented by the CSV method within HandicapMaster). Thus, it will provide a seamless means of integrating HandicapMaster with your existing applications. In addition to the Remote Request API a number of stored procedures have been implemented to allow 3rd party applications to extract information from the HandicapMaster database.

Overview of the Remote Request API

The Remote Request API is a pre-programmed option in HandicapMaster and includes methods for your application to communicate with HandicapMaster. There are two methods by which your application may communicate with HandicapMaster:

a) An ActiveX DLL called “HM7RemoteRequest.DLL”, or b) Using Database Stored Procedures.

Your application may use the ActiveX DLL interface or the Stored Procedures to queue requests to HandicapMaster. These are then periodically processed by HandicapMaster. As such the interface is asynchronous. Multiple requests may be placed in the queue, and they will be processed in a First In, First Out (FIFO) manner. A timer and queue limit is used to prevent a large number of requests being processed at the expense of the interactive use of HandicapMaster. For further details please see the section titled ‘Message Processing’

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Available Remote Request Facilities

The following types of request will be processed by the Remote Request API. Insert an “object” in to the HandicapMaster database Delete an “object” from the HandicapMaster database Status of a request previous queued. Currently the only “object” supported is a “MEMBER”

Insert Member

This will either add a new member into the HandicapMaster database, or amend an existing member’s details.

Delete Member

This option will move a member to the Past Member’s list. This removes them from future competitions etc, but retains their historical data for handicapping purposes. Note: It is a CONGU requirement that the handicap history be retained for the current season and the previous 2 seasons. So, the records are not deleted but placed in the “Past Members” list.

Status of queued request

This allows the 3rd Party application to determine the status of a successfully queued request. If a request cannot be queued, the calling application will be immediately aware of this through the values returned from the call to the ActiveX DLL. The 3rd Party application does not need to check the status of a previously queued request, but it may wish to do so to enhance the user experience. Note: As the queuing and processing of requests is asynchronous there may be a delay between a request being queued, it being processed and the status of the queued request being updated. An immediate status check is not recommended as this will probably just indicate the request placed in the queue is still to be processed.

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Using the Remote Request DLL File

If using the Remote Request DLL file, this must be installed alongside the 3rd Party applications on the Client’s system. This system must have access to the HandicapMaster database, either located on the same system, or for Jet 4.0 (Access 2003) via Network shares in a Windows network environment, or via the network for SQL Server databases. To provide this database access the “HM7Database.DLL” is required. The “HM7RemoteRequest.DLL” may be optionally configured via an “INI” file. Details are provided below. When a request is received by the Remote Request DLL, some initial validation is performed. If the request syntax is valid then it is placed in a queue for processing by HandicapMaster. The 3rd Party application is then passed back the result of the attempt to queue the request. This is either the ID of the request in the queue, if the request syntax is valid, or error information if the request syntax is invalid. The request ID can be used by the 3rd Party application to request status information. However, this is not a requirement to using the interface. The following diagram illustrates a typical installation:

Software requirements for running the Remote Request API DLL

The 3rd Party application will need to be able to make calls to the ActiveX DLL “HM7RemoteRequest.DLL”. In addition, the requests must be encoded in an XML format. Details of the message format are provided below.

3rd Party application with HM7RemoteRequest.DLL and HM7Database.DLL



HandicapMaster Database

Application Database

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The Remote Access DLL makes reference to the following HandicapMaster and Microsoft components, which MUST be available on the client computer: HandicapMaster HM7Database DLL Default file when HandicapMaster installed is C:\Program Files\HandicapMaster7 \HM7Database.dll It is suggested that 3rd Party application package this with their application in addition to the “HM7RemoteRequest.DLL”. Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.0 Library (file \Program Files\Common Files\system\ado\msado20.tlb) Microsoft XML, version 3.0 (file \Windows\System32\msxml3.dll) (file \Windows\System\msxml3.dll for Windows 98 with I.E. 6 or better)

Databases Supported by the Remote Request API DLL

HandicapMaster (version 7 or greater) supports 2 different database engines, Jet 4.0 (Access 2002 / 2003) and SQL Server 2005, 2008, 2012, 2014. This remote request facility can use either of these databases, however due to differences in the way these operate the configuration of the facility will be different.

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The Remote Request facility (when using the API DLL file) requires the addition of the “HM7RemoteRequest.DLL” and “Hm7Database.DLL” into a folder where it can be accessed by the 3rd Party application. If an INI file is to be used for configuration, then it MUST be located in the “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7” folder.

Configuring Remote Request DLL

The following entries may be included in the “HMRemoteRequest.INI” INI file section “[HMRemoteRequest]”: Key Details Jet Default Value SQL Server Default


Catalog If Jet 4.0 location of .mdb database file If SQL Server the Database Catalogue

Full path and filename of HandicapMaster database file. Note: this can be a network share.

Same value as used in DBconfig.ini file on system running HandicapMaster

DataSource If Jet 4.0 location of .mdw security file If SQL Server the name of the database

Full path and filename of HandicapMaster database security file. Note: this can be a network share.

Same value as used in Dbconfig.ini file on system running HandicapMaster



Trace Indicates whether debug trace mode is activated. Any value (other than “”) will set this. So by default the key should be missing. If enabled a log file called Rrtrace.txt will be created in the folder “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7” This should only be enabled if requested by HandicapMaster Support as it will reduce performance.

(no default)

(no default)

ReportAll Indicates whether successful Requests are reported in the log. Any value (other than “”) will set this. So by default the key is missing. The log file is located in the folder “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7” and is called “HMRemoteRequest.log” Errors and warnings are always reported

(no default) (no default)

Log Full path and filename of log file used to report Errors and Warnings. If this key is not set then the log file is defaulted to {UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7\

(no default) (no default)

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The INI file is not required to use the Remote Request API. In this case the DBDatabaseName and DBServer (or deprecated: Catalog and DataSource) values MUST be contained in the request sent from the 3rd Party application. Details of this are provided below.

The XML tags DBDatabaseName and DBServer have NO equivalent in

the INI file. An example of an HMRemoteRequest INI file for a Jet 4.0 database with full logging enabled: (Windows XP) [HMRemoteRequest]

Catalog= “C:\Documents and Settings\{user}\Application Data\HandicapMaster7\Database1\handicap.mdb”

DataSource= “C:\Program Files\HandicapMaster7\handicap.mdw” Trace=True



An example of an HMRemoteRequest INI file for a SQL Server database with full logging enabled: [HMRemoteRequest]

Catalog=\SQLEXPRESS DataSource= handicap Trace=True



Example of calling DLL from Visual Basic

The following simplified code snippet may assist programmers with calling the DLL Public Sub LaunchRemoteAccessProgram(ByVal strMessage As String)

‘ strMessage contains the previously formatted XML request

Dim objPE As Object

Dim strRetText As String

Set objPE = CreateObject("HM7RemoteRequest.clsRR_Main")

objPE.MESSAGE_DATA = strMessage

objPE.Main ‘ call dll

‘ get results and process them

strRetText = objPE.RETURN_TEXT

End sub

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Using the Remote Request API Stored Procedures

As an alternative to the ActiveX DLL method to communicate with HandicapMaster, your application may also communicate by calling Stored Procedures in the Database. These are detailed in the Stored Procedures section below.

Databases Supported by the Remote Request API Stored Procedures

The Stored Procedures are only available when HandicapMaster is running using an SQL Server database. This option is NOT available for HandicapMaster Premier Edition.

Example of running the Stored Procedures

The following example shows how the RemoteRequest_1 procedure could be called to allow a request to be posted to HandicapMaster: declare @Err int;

declare @RequestID int;

declare @Request xml;

SET @Request = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>









Exec @Err = RemoteRequest_1 4, @Request, @RequestID OUTPUT;


To check the status of this request, use RemoteRequestStatus_1 procedure: declare @Err int;

declare @RequestID int;

declare @Status int;

declare @ErrText nvarchar(255);

-- Refer to Request 10

SET @RequestID = 10;

-- Get Status of Request

EXEC @Err = RemoteRequestStatus_1 4, @RequestID, @Status OUTPUT,

@ErrText OUTPUT;

-- Show Result


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Request Format

Requests MUST be encoded using XML. Each message consists of a XML root element and a number of child data elements. Each data element has a tag associated with it. For general details of XML see the following: NOTE: element tags are CASE sensitive. The data elements are case insensitive. In the messages a start tag is <tag> and closing tag is </tag> for clarity the <> will be omitted from these tables. Not all child elements are required in every request type.

XML Element Tags

The following tags are used in all request types unless stated otherwise.

Element Tag Description Example value

HMRemoteRequest XML root entity REQUIRED


RequestType Type of request REQUIRED


Object Object the request is processing.

MEMBER is currently the only supported value This is a required value except for STATUS RequestType.

REQUESTID the id of a previously issued request

Number > 0 ONLY required for STATUS RequestType messages

ACCOUNTID The account ID or contact ID of the member

REQUIRED for INSERT or DELETE Generated by the 3rd Party software. MUST be unique for each member Text up to 50 chars

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The following tags are required when using the API DLL (if the details are not included in the INI file) but are not required when using the API Stored Procedures.

Element Tag Description Example value

DBDatabaseName REQUIRED unless using INI file SQL Server: Database Instance Name Jet 4.0: Database file

SQL Server: handicap Jet 4.0 {UserDataDir}\ HandicapMaster7\Database1 \handicap.mdb

DBServer REQUIRED unless using INI file SQL Server: Database Server Jet 4.0: Database workgroup access file

SQL Server:\SQLEXPRESS Jet 4.0 {ProgDir}\ HandicapMaster7\handicap.mdw

The following tags are supported, but are deprecated and retained for backwards compatibility only. Both of these are REQUIRED if using the API DLL (and details not included in the INI file). Not required if using the Stored Procedures.

Catalog SQL Server:

Database catalog Jet 4.0:

Database file file


Jet 4.0

{UserDataDir}\ HandicapMaster7\Database1 \handicap.mdb


SQL Server:

Database Instance Name Jet 4.0:

Database Security file

SQL Server:


Jet 4.0

{ProgDir}\ HandicapMaster7\handicap.mdw

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The following Tags are ONLY used for the INSERT RequestType

Element Tag Description Example value and format details

FIRSTNAME First name of member REQUIRED

Text up to 20 chars

SURNAME Surname of member REQUIRED

Text up to 20 chars

MIDDLEINITIALS Middle initials of member

Text up to 10 chars

TITLE Title of Member

Text up to 6 chars

GENDER Gender of member

“M” for male or “F” for female are the only supported values. Defaults to male gender if not supplied

DATEOFBIRTH The member’s date of birth

Date format using locale

CATEGORY Category of membership

Text up to 40 chars

CARDNUMBER Member’s card number

Text up to 16 chars

MEMBERNUMBER Members membership number

Text up to 10 chars

ADDRESS1 Line 1 of member’s address

Text up to 40 chars

ADDRESS2 Line 2 of member’s address

Text up to 40 chars

ADDRESS3 Line 3 of member’s address

Text up to 40 chars

ADDRESS4 Line 4 of member’s address

Text up to 40 chars

ADDRESS5 Postcode or Line 5 of member’s address

Text up to 10 chars

PHONE1 Member’s 1st phone number

Text up to 20 chars

PHONE2 Member’s 2nd phone number

Text up to 20 chars

PHONE3 Member’s 3rd phone number

Text up to 20 chars

LOCKERNO Member’s Locker Number

Text up to 10 chars

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PIN Member’s PIN Number

Text up to 6 chars


Ireland GOLFnet card Number, or EGU CDH Lifetime Number

Always 8 digits for Ireland clubs. Always 10 digits for England clubs. NOTE: this value will be ignored for English Clubs as HandicapMaster is expected to interrogate the English national system and obtain a number for a member.

EMAILADDRESS Email address of member

Text up to 50 characters. Validation of the e-mail address format is made, if the validation fails the e-mail address will not be updated. A warning message is logged if validation fails.

Note if data exceeds the length of the field it will be truncated to the maximum length. There are currently 3 RequestType messages supported INSERT DELETE STATUS All message types MUST either contain the <DataSource> <Catalog> tags OR suitable values MUST be placed in the INI file if using the API DLL. Values for these tags in the request ALWAYS override any settings in the INI file. These 2 data elements are used by the HM7RemoteRequest DLL to access the database. The examples below illustrate sample messages for Jet 4.0 Databases and then SQL Server databases

JET 4.0 Database Message format examples

These are using default locations which may be different in your configuration. See Appendix 1 for examples of messages that contain the deprecated XML tags <DataSource> and <Catalog>

INSERT request (Jet 4.0 Database using API DLL) <HMRemoteRequest>



</DBServer >



</DBDatabaseName >



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And so on etc …. </HMRemoteRequest>

DELETE request (Jet 4.0 Database using API DLL) Only the ACCOUNTID is required to delete a member <HMRemoteRequest>

















STATUS request (Jet 4.0 Database using API DLL) <HMRemoteRequest>














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SQL SERVER Database Message format examples

INSERT request (SQL Server Database using Stored Procedures) <HMRemoteRequest>
















And so on etc …. </HMRemoteRequest>

DELETE request (SQL Server Database using Stored Procedures) Only the ACCOUNTID is required to delete a member <HMRemoteRequest>











STATUS request (SQL Server Database using API DLL) <HMRemoteRequest>













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Return Values

The Remote Access DLL returns to the caller the result of trying to place the request in the queue. It is strongly recommended that the calling application check this return information. Note: this return information is DIFFERENT from a status request for a previously queued request. Return information is encoded using XML. Each message consists of a XML root element and a number of child data elements. Each data element has a tag associated with it. There are 3 message formats for the data being returned from the DLL. The following XML tags are supported:

Element Tag Description Example value

HMRemoteRequest XML root entity ALWAYS returned


RETURNCODE 16 bit (signed integer) numeric encoded as text, indicates the status of the request ALWAYS returned

< 0 if an error trying to queue the request 0 If INSERT or DELETE request queued successfully. > 0 FOR STATUS request, the status of a request in the queue (see table below for possible values)

REQUESTID The ID of the request placed in the queue. 32 bit (long) Numeric encoded as string

> 0 ONLY returned if an INSERT or DELETE request successfully queued

ERRORTEXT Error message if request not queued

Only returned if RETURNCODE < 0 i.e. error processing request

STATUSTEXT Status message Text message containing status of request, only for STATUS requests Is “” (null) if no error

To summarise

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RETURN_CODE = 0 If request queued successfully unless a status request when > 0 < 0 if an error trying to process the request > 0 the status of a request in the staging table (only if you have issued a STATUS request)

Format of messages returned (API DLL only)

Error trying to queue the request i.e. RETURNCODE < 0 <HMRemoteRequest>


<ERRORTEXT>processing error message text</ERRORTEXT>


Request queued successfully i.e. RETURNCODE = 0 <HMRemoteRequest>


<REQUESTID>request id number</REQUESTID>


Result of STATUS request i.e. RETURNCODE > 0 <HMRemoteRequest>

<RETURNCODE>status code of the request</RETURNCODE>

<STATUSTEXT>status message text<STATUSTEXT>


Values for the RETURNCODE value

The following table describes the value of the RETURNCODE data element when the STATUS of the request in the queue is requested.

RETURNCODE Value Description

1 Request in queue waiting to be processed

2 Request being actioned

3 Request successfully processed (no error) STATUSTEXT is “”

4 Error Processing request. Detail in STATUSTEXT

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Housekeeping of requests queue.

HandicapMaster (when it is running) will periodically housekeep the Remote Request queue. It will delete any requests that are more than 7 days old in the queue, regardless of their status. Note on starting up HandicapMaster will process any outstanding requests, even if they have been queued more than 7 days.


There are a number of logs produced by this API and HandicapMaster. These logs are in general of little interest, they only become relevant when investigating possible issues with the interface. One of the logs may be turned on at the request of HandicapMaster support. Another log can be configured to only display errors and warnings.

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HandicapMaster Log

HMRRImport.log Located in folder “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7”, this log file contains details of the Remote requests processed by HandicapMaster. No configuration of this log is possible. This log file will contain details of any insertion and deletion of members. This is probably the first log to examine to determine if a specific user has been processed successfully. The log file is rotated, once it reaches a size of 512KBytes the original file is moved to a file with .old as the extension. i.e. HMRRImport.log.old If the “.old” file is present it is removed prior to the rotation of the log file.

DLL logs

HMRemoteRequest.log Located in folder “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7”, this log file contains errors or warnings that are produced as the DLL processes requests. It is also possible to turn on informational messages that will log details of successfully processed remote requests. To change the location and name of this log file using an INI key value. The log file is rotated, once it reaches a size of 512KBytes the original file is moved to a file with .old as the extension. i.e. HMRemoteRequest.log.old If the “.old” file is present it is removed prior to the rotation of the log file.

RRtrace.txt Located in “{UserDataDir}\HandicapMaster7” this is only created/appended to if the appropriate INI file key is set. This log file will only be of use to the developers of the DLL. This log file is always appended to, there is NO housekeeping. Only turn this on if requested to by HandicapMaster support.

Message Processing

Reading messages

This section describes the manner in which message requests are processed to prevent large number of messages impacting the user’s experience of using HandicapMaster interactively.

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Messages received by the ActiveX DLL interface queues requests within a table within the HandicapMaster database. A timer is activated every 30 seconds to process any requests that are queued. At this point up to 5 messages are processed by HandicapMaster and the appropriate status is set. This process is repeated every 30 seconds. There are 2 exceptions to the processing of messages in the queue. 1. When HandicapMaster is started. On the computer that is configured to run the Remote Request interface when HandicapMaster is started all the messages in the queue that have not yet been processed will be read and processed. This is useful when initially setting up the interface as a significant number of messages may have been queued. Note: ALL messages that were queued at some time in the past are processed before any housekeeping is performed. After the initial run the timer activation and queue processing continues. 2. User manually activates the queue processing. When the ‘Load Membership Records’ On the PLAYERS menu in HandicapMaster is selected then a maximum of 5 messages are immediately processed.

Message Housekeeping

When messages in the queue are older than 7 days they are removed from the queue regardless of the success or failure of the message to be processed. Prior to this time the 3rd part application may request the status of a queued request. This housekeeping is activated once every 30 minutes within HandicapMaster.

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Stored procedures This section of the document describes the stored procedures that have been implemented to complement the Remote Request facility.

Remote Request API Procedures

PROCEDURE: RemoteRequest_1

Parameters: ParamVersion INT, ParamMessage XML, ParamRequestID INT ParamOID INT = 0

IN The Version of the interface being used. Must be value 4 when

following this edition of the manual. IN The request formatted in XML format as previously described. OUT The allocated Request ID for the request submitted IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.14 of HandicapMaster onwards

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Enable ‘Remote Requests’ to be delivered to HandicapMaster.

Output In addition to “ParamRequestID” parameter described above, this procedure will return an Error Code:

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Error Code Description

0 No Error

-5 REQUEST TYPE not recognised in request

-8 The version number passed in the request was greater than the version supported by the installed copy of HandicapMaster and requests from this version cannot be processed.

-9 The version number passed in the request was less than the version supported by the installed copy of HandicapMaster and requests from this version cannot be processed.

-102 OBJECT not recognised in request

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PROCEDURE: RemoteRequestStatus_1

Parameters: ParamVersion INT, ParamRequestID INT, ParamStatus INT, ParamErrorText NVARCHAR(255) ParamOID INT = 0

IN The Version of the interface being used. Must be value 4 when

following this edition of the manual. IN The Request ID for the request being queried OUT The Status of the request OUT Text returned from any Error encountered by HandicapMaster

processing the request. IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.14 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: To query the status of any request previously posted to HandicapMaster.

Output In addition to “ParamStatus” and “ParamErrorText” parameters described above, this procedure will return an Error Code.

Error Code Description

0 No Error

-8 The version number passed in the request was greater than the version supported by the installed copy of HandicapMaster and requests from this version cannot be processed.

-9 The version number passed in the request was less than the version supported by the installed copy of HandicapMaster and requests from this version cannot be processed.

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Managing Membership Records

PROCEDURE: GetRecentMembers_1

Parameters: ParamLastAmendmentDT datetime

ParamOID INT = 0 IN a date value indicating the data and time after which changes to

member details are required IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the database. Use

only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.0.28 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014, 2016)

Expected Use: This query is typically used when the membership details are managed from within HandicapMaster. 3rd party application to periodically query the HandicapMaster database. 3rd party application to note the time of query, and then at a later time query any changes that are after the previous query time and use the information to maintain list of members.

Output The following table will help to interpret some of the values in the fields. The important one is HANDICAP STATUS as this will allow you to decide if a member has been deleted, i.e. the value = 0 (handicap deleted). This is set when a member is set to a past member within HandicapMaster.

FIELD Description Type Size

LAST_AMENDMENT_DT The date and time this member’s record was last updated


SURNAME Member’s surname string/char 20

CHRISTIAN NAME Members first name string/char 20

MIDDLE INITIALS Member’s initials string/char 10

TITLE Member’s title string/char 6

MEMBER ID HandicapMaster internal member ID. This can be reused so cannot be relied to be Unique!


IS HOME CLUB Flag to indicate if HOME player FALSE if AWAY player


HANDICAP STATUS The status of the Members Integer

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handicap: 0 = Handicap deleted 1 = Valid Handicap 2 = suspended Handicap 3 = lapsed Handicap 5 = no handicap (social member)


The exact handicap for member single


The playing handicap integer

GENTLEMAN True if Male, False if female Boolean

TELEPHONE Member’s telephone number (Telephone)

string/char 20


Club membership Number string/char 10

ADDRESS_1 1st line of address string/char 40

ADDRESS_2 2nd line of address string/char 40

ADDRESS_3 3rd line of address string/char 40

ADDRESS_4 4th line of address string/char 40

POST_CODE Post code string/char 10

DATE_JOINED Date the member joined, may be null


DATE_RENEWED Date the Member’s subscription was renewed if there are any subscriptions for the member


DATE_EXPIRES Date the Member’s subscription will(or has) expired


TELEPHONE2 2nd Telephone number (Mobile) string/char 20

TELEPHONE3 3rd Telephone number (Other Tel)

string/char 20

EMAIL_ADDR email address string/char 50

NATIONAL_ID_HOLDER True for GOLFnet card holders (Ireland only) Currently False for all other regions.


NATIONAL_NUMBER GOLFnet number (Ireland only)


Date a subscription payment has been made. Note there may be multiple payments over the year so this can change though the year.


PIN_NUMBER Player’s HandicapMaster PIN number


PLAYER_HOLDS_CARD TRUE if member has a card number. Can be TRUE even if GOLFnet card when using magnetic swipe reader instead of smart card reader.


CARD_NUMBER Member card number string/char 16

DATE_OF_BIRTH The Member’s Date of Birth date

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(may be null)

AGE_GROUP The age group the member is in. Valid values are Adult = 1 Junior = 2 (age 18 or less) Senior = 4 (age 65 or over by default, but can be changed by user) Other1 = 8 Other2 = 16 Other1 and Other2 are user defined age group names.


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PROCEDURE: SetMemberContactID_1

Parameters: ParamContactID text ParamMemberID integer ParamOID INT = 0

IN The CONTACT_ID in the external system that is used to identify

a member IN The MEMBER_ID in the HandicapMaster system that is used to

identify a member IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.0.28 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: This stored procedure allows a 3rd party to set the CONTACT_ID of MEMBER record. This may be required when a new member is added within HandicapMaster and 3rd party is getting its list of members from HandicapMaster using stored procedure GetRecentMembers_1. Using this stored procedure will allows 3rd party applications to set the CONTACT_ID which initially will be 0 and this can then be used by the 3rd Party application in the next call to stored procedure GetRecentMembers_1 to identify if the record has been already added into its database. NOTE: Although in HandicapMaster the [MEMBER ID] can be ‘potentially’ reused, if this stored procedure is used immediately after GetRecentMembers_1 then there is almost no chance of this happening.

Output The CONTACT_ID of the member with the supplied MEMBER_ID will be updated.

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PROCEDURE: GetNationalNumber_1

Parameters: ParamContact_ID NVARCHAR(50)

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The CONTACT_ID in the external system that is used to identify

a member IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.2.15 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Provide 3rd party application with current National Number (GOLFnet number in Ireland, EGU number in England, etc) for the specified player.

Output This procedure will return a Status Code as an Integer:

Status Code Description

0 No Error, valid handicap information returned

-2 CONTACT_ID not found, no information available.

-3 This player does not currently have a valid membership record (is a past member or visitor).

In addition the following 2 items are returned as part of the Stored Procedure:

FIELD Description Type Size

STATUS_TEXT Text message indicating status of request



NATIONAL_NUMBER Member’s National Number INTEGER

NOTE if the Status Code is less than 0 then the values returned are NULL as no information is available. The STATUS_TEXT may be one of the following


Player holds a National Number 0

Player does not hold a National Number 0

CONTACT_ID not found, no information available. -2

This player is not a current player. -3

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Player Handicap Records

PROCEDURE: GetShortHcapRecord_1

Parameters: ParamContact_ID NVARCHAR(50)

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The CONTACT_ID in the external system that is used to identify

a member IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.0.28 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Provide 3rd party application with short form of handicap record.

Output The following table will help to interpret some of the values in the fields.

FIELD Description Type Size

DATE The date and time this item was added to the member’s handicap record


COMPETITION description of the item in the handicap record includes such items as ‘Handicap Brought Forward’ etc.

string/char 40

GROSS SCORE The member’s Gross Score Integer


The member’s Stableford or Par Score



Handicap nett differential integer


Amount the handicap has been adjusted



New playing handicap single

MEMBER_ID HandicapMaster member ID Integer

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PROCEDURE: GetHandicap_1

Parameters: ParamContact_ID NVARCHAR(50)

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The CONTACT_ID in the external system that is used to identify

a member IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.31 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Provide 3rd party application with current Playing and Exact handicap of member for use in internal reporting and managing membership. NOTE: Will NOT return values for Visitors, if a request is made for a Visitor’s handicap the Status code -3 will be returned NOTE: in version 8.2 of HandicapMaster modified to meet the CONGU 2012-2015 regulations. If used from 2012 onwards then please note the change to the IS_STARRED return values. The interface has not changed.

Output This procedure will return a Status Code as an Integer:

Status Code Description

0 No Error, valid handicap information returned

-1 Handicap Not Available from this Edition of HandicapMaster

-2 CONTACT_ID not found, no handicap information available.

-3 This player does not currently have a Handicap Award.

In addition the following 6 items are returned as part of the Stored Procedure:

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FIELD Description Type Size

STATUS_TEXT Text message indicating status of request




EXACT_HANDICAP Members Exact Handicap SINGLE

IS_HOME_PLAYER =1 if Player is Home Player, =0 if Player is Away Player.


IS_STARRED =1 if ‘Non-competition’ handicap =0 if ‘Competition’ handicap Applicable in England, Scotland Wales and Ireland


IS_DISABILITY_HANDICAP =1 if Handicap is a Disability Handicap, =0 otherwise No longer applicable from 2018.


NOTE if the Status Code is less than 0 then the values returned are NULL as no valid handicaps are available. The STATUS_TEXT may be one of the following






Handicap Not Available from this Edition of HandicapMaster. -1

CONTACT_ID not found, no handicap information available. -2

This player does not currently have a Handicap Award. -3

Conditions of use of this Procedure: This information MUST NOT be used to generate Handicap Certificates or other CONGU® licensed reports. Note: You are not licensed to use this procedure unless the conditions of use above are acknowledged and respected.

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Player Handicap Certificate

PROCEDURE: GetHandicapCertificate_2

Parameters: ParamContact_ID NVARCHAR(50)

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The CONTACT_ID in the external system that is used to identify

a member IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 8.2 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Provide the wording required to produce a CONGU-compliant handicap certificate for the requested player that meets the CONGU 2012 – 2015 Regulations NOTE: returns 11 lines of text compared to the 10 lines of the replaced procedure GetHandicapCertificate_1 which is obsolete.

Output: Fields LINE_1, LINE_2, ... LINE_11 are generated. These are the paragraphs of text that must be placed on any Handicap Certificate that is created for the player.

FIELD Description Type Size

LINE_xx (xx = 1 to 11)

The paragraphs of text that make up the certificate



Conditions of use of this Procedure: It is understood that any system calling this procedure will display the paragraphs of text in the order that they are returned by the procedure (LINE_1 first, LINE_2 second, etc). The text generated by the procedure MUST NOT be amended before being displayed on the Certificate. No additional information may be displayed on the certificate.

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Note: You are not licensed to use this procedure unless the conditions of use above are acknowledged and respected.

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Managing Competition Fees

These Procedures are supplied to help manage competition fees collected by HandicapMaster to be processed by the 3rd Party Application.

PROCEDURE: GetCompFeesPayable_1

Parameters: ParamOID INT = 0

IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.10 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Gets a list of Competition Fees awaiting payment

Output The following table will help to interpret some of the values in the fields.

FIELD Description Type Size

SURNAME Member’s surname string/char 20

CHRISTIAN NAME Members first name string/char 20

MIDDLE INITIALS Member’s initials string/char 10

CONTACT_ID Internal Number string/char

CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER Club membership Number string/char 10

COMP_DATE Date of Competition Date

COMP_NAME Name of Competition string/char 40

FEE_DESCRIPTION Description of Fee payable string/char 25

ACCOUNTING_CODE Accounting Code of Fee string/char 8

FEE_PAYABLE Fee payable Currency

COMP_UNIQUE_ID Unique Number of Competition

Long Integer

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PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesAllPaid_1

Parameters: ParamOID INT = 0

IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.10 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Marks all outstanding Competition Fees as paid.

Output None.

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PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesPaid_1

Parameters: ParamCompetitionID INT

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The COMP_UNIQUE_ID returned from a call to

‘GetCompFeesPayable_1’ IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.2.32 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Marks all outstanding Competition Fees as paid for a specified competition.

Output None.

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PROCEDURE: GetCompFeesRefundable_1

Parameters: ParamOID INT = 0

IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.10 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Gets a list of Competition Fees awaiting refund.

Output The following table will help to interpret some of the values in the fields.

FIELD Description Type Size

SURNAME Member’s surname string/char 20

CHRISTIAN NAME Members first name string/char 20

MIDDLE INITIALS Member’s initials string/char 10

CONTACT_ID Internal Number string/char

CLUB_MEMBER_NUMBER Club membership Number string/char 10

COMP_DATE Date of Competition Date

COMP_NAME Name of Competition string/char 40

FEE_DESCRIPTION Description of Fee payable string/char 25

ACCOUNTING_CODE Accounting Code of Fee string/char 8

FEE_PAYABLE Fee payable Currency

COMP_UNIQUE_ID Unique Number of Competition

Long Integer

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PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesAllRefunded_1

Parameters: ParamOID INT = 0

IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.1.10 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Marks all Competition Fees shown as awaiting refund as refunded.

Output None.

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PROCEDURE: SetCompFeesRefunded_1

Parameters: ParamCompetitionID INT

ParamOID INT = 0 IN The COMP_UNIQUE_ID returned from a call to

‘GetCompFeesPayable_1’ IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 7.2.32 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported Jet 4.0 (Access) SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Marks all Competition Fees shown as awaiting refund as refunded for a specified competition.

Output None.

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Managing Competitions

These Procedures are supplied to help manage competitions processed by HandicapMaster from a 3rd Party Application.

PROCEDURE: GetCompetitionList_1

Parameters: ParamStartDate DATETIME ParamEndDate DATETIME

ParamOID INT = 0 IN A start and end date range to limit the results returned IN (Optional). The Organisation ID for the Customer in the

database. Use only upon the advice of HandicapMaster Support.

Version compatibility Available from Version 9.1.0 of HandicapMaster

Databases supported SQL Server Express (2005, 2008, 2012, 2014,2016)

Expected Use: Obtain list of “opened” and “closed” competitions in HandicapMaster for a chosen date range.

Output The following table will help to interpret some of the values in the fields.

FIELD Description Type Size

COMP_ID Unique Number of Competition

Long Integer


EXTERNAL_ID Unique Identifier of competition from External System

string/char 50

COMP_DATE Date of Competition Date

COMP_NAME Name of Competition string/char 40

IS_CLOSED Whether competition has been completed (closed). 0 = No, 1 = Yes


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SQL Database Security Requirements

To be able to operate the Stored Procedures with an SQL Server Database (HandicapMaster Network edition) it is necessary to set up a suitable login to SQL Server with access to the database.

Example configuration of Login in SQL Server

Creates a Login using SQL Server Authentication:

1. In SQL Server Management Studio, select NEW QUERY from the Toolbar.

2. Enter the following: CREATE LOGIN <UserName> WITH PASSWORD = '<Password>';

USE <DatabaseName>;

CREATE USER <UserName> FOR LOGIN <UserName>;


Where <UserName>, <Password> and <DatabaseName> are choices for your system.

3. Click “! Execute” to apply the User to the SQL Server environment. Example

To add a user called “MyUser” with password “MyPassword” to a database called “HandicapMaster”, enter CREATE LOGIN MyUser WITH PASSWORD = 'MyPassword';

USE HandicapMaster;



This Login will now have sufficient access to run the HandicapMaster stored procedures. It is recommended that you test the login account by trying to login to the HandicapMaster database via SQL Server Management Studio to prevent any password expiry issues. Also check the properties against the account to make sure the password does not expire.

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Deprecated Message formats

This section details examples of messages using the deprecated XML tags DataSource and Catalog

JET 4.0 Database Message format examples

These are using default locations which may be different in your configuration.

INSERT request (Jet 4.0 Database)























And so on etc …. </HMRemoteRequest>

DELETE request (Jet 4.0 Database)

Only the ACCOUNTID is required to delete a member <HMRemoteRequest>








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STATUS request (Jet 4.0 Database)















SQL SERVER Database Message format examples

INSERT request (SQL Server Database)






















And so on etc …. </HMRemoteRequest>

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DELETE request (SQL Server Database)

Only the ACCOUNTID is required to delete a member <HMRemoteRequest>
















STATUS request (SQL Server Database)













