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    This article was downloaded by: [Antonarakis, Alexander S.]On: 13 July 2010Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 924315964]Publisher Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK

    Remote Sensing LettersPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:

    Evaluating forest biometrics obtained from ground lidar in complexriparian forestsAlexander S. Antonarakisaa Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

    First published on: 13 July 2010

    To cite this Article Antonarakis, Alexander S.(2011) 'Evaluating forest biometrics obtained from ground lidar in complexriparian forests', Remote Sensing Letters, 2: 1, 61 — 70, First published on: 13 July 2010 (iFirst)To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2010.493899URL:

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  • Evaluating forest biometrics obtained from ground lidar in complexriparian forests


    Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, Harvard University,

    Cambridge, MA 02138, USA

    (Received 26 March 2010; in final form 13 May 2010)

    Terrestrial laser scanning is a technique that has been used increasingly in extract-

    ing forest biometrics such as trunk diameter and tree heights. Its potential, how-

    ever, has not been fully explored in complex forested ecosystems, especially in

    riparian forests, considered among the most dynamic and complex portions of the

    Earth’s biosphere. In this study, forest inventory data and multiple ground scans

    were obtained in a sparse managed and dense natural riparian forest on the

    immediate banks of the mid-lower portion of the Garonne River in Southern

    France, dominated by black poplar (Populus nigra) and commercial hybrid poplars

    (Populus � euramericana). Overall, the ground-based laser-scanning analysis suc-cessfully estimated trunk diameters, tree heights and crown radii from both man-

    aged and natural riparian forests. However, the ground scanner analysis was not as

    successful in identifying all of the trunks in the dense natural riparian forest, with

    only 141 trunks identified from a total of 234. This also results in allometric scaling

    exponents for ground scanning, which are significantly different from field-derived

    exponents. This study thus shows that there may be a limit to the number of trees

    detected in higher density forests, even with multiple scans.

    1. Introduction

    Terrestrial-based laser scanning is a new technology with the power to generate rapid

    (1–3 kHz) and extremely dense (millimetre) spatial data. This technique is also a

    relatively accurate way of capturing size, shape and form of complex physical realities

    such as forests, from a large amount of point cloud information. Ground scanning

    can potentially be used as a substitute for forest inventory data, as the latter can be

    costly and time consuming.

    Recent research has investigated the use of terrestrial laser scanning to estimate

    trunk and canopy dimensions (Hopkinson et al. 2004, Watt and Donoghue 2005,Henning and Radtke 2006, Tansey et al. 2009) as well as leaf and branch attributes

    (Clawges et al. 2007, Moorthy et al. 2008, Straatsma et al. 2008, Strahler et al. 2008,

    Antonarakis et al. 2009, 2010). The studies considering trunk and canopy dimensions

    have been successful in estimating forest biometrics usually from managed and some

    natural conifer or deciduous forests. Yet, further assessing the ability of ground

    scanning to determine forest biometrics requires a consideration of a broader range

    of forest ecosystems, especially natural forests with different spatial and structural

    attributes. A truly heterogeneous and important ecosystem is that of riparian forests.

    *Email: [email protected]

    Remote Sensing LettersISSN 2150-704X print/ISSN 2150-7058 online # 2011 Taylor & Francis 10.1080/01431161.2010.493899

    Remote Sensing Letters

    Vol. 2, No. 1, March 2011, 61–70

    Downloaded By: [Antonarakis, Alexander S.] At: 17:35 13 July 2010

    mailto:[email protected]://

  • Floodplain forests are dynamic forested ecosystems present alongside the margins of

    river channels and their floodplains. Natural riparian corridors are associated with

    the most diverse, dynamic and complex biophysical habitats on the terrestrial portion

    of Earth (Naiman et al. 1993). The riparian forest itself can be a complex mosaic of

    different forest communities, reflecting the flooding and deposition regime of theriver. In dynamic river systems, forest communities can be made up of vegetation of

    all ages, and of different sizes.

    This study seeks to evaluate the strength of terrestrial laser scanning in determining

    forest metrics in complex riparian forests located on the immediate banks of a lowland

    river system. Trunk diameter at breast height (DBH), individual tree heights and

    crown radii were estimated both in the field and using lidar, as well as by counting the

    number of trunks and trees. This study provides an evaluation of the strengths and

    limitations of applying ground scanning, which may be of interest to forestry, ecology,hydrology and remote-sensing communities.

    2. Study area

    Data sets were obtained for managed (43�4903000N 1�1502500E) and natural(43�5303500N 1�1202200E) riparian forests along the Garonne River (SW France) from6 to 12th June 2006. The managed forests were from 100 to 250 m from the bankfull

    river channel, and the natural forest was within 35 m of the bankfull river channel.

    The Garonne managed floodplain consisted mostly of commercial hybrid poplars (of

    Populus � euramericana) with many clones (same genetic stock) in homogeneousplantations, and the natural woodland consisted of black poplar (Populus nigra) inheterogeneous sized patches (Muller et al. 2002). The managed poplar forest consisted

    of 110 mature trees within an area of 0.5 ha, and 56 younger trees within an area of

    0.15 ha, making the tree density of the managed forest 255 trees/ha. The natural

    poplar forest consisted of 95 trees within an area of 0.1 ha, making the tree density 950

    trees/ha. Each natural poplar crown, though, contained one or more trunks, which

    resulted in a trunk density of 2340 trunks/ha. Trunks greater than 10 cm in circum-

    ference and tall enough to enter the leafy crown and contain leafy elements were

    measured. The planted poplars were almost evenly spaced, whereas the naturalpoplars were randomly spaced (figure 1) as would be expected in an immediate

    riparian zone of natural woodland, with stinging nettles.

    3. Methods

    3.1 Forest inventory collection

    3.1.1 Diameter at breast height. DBH was measured for all trees at breast height(1.4 m), by first measuring the circumference of the trunk with a metre tape. The

    accuracy of the measuring tape was millimetric, but the accuracy of the circumference

    measurement could have been less, as many of the trunks were rough or undulating.

    For all of the planted poplars each crown had a single trunk, yet for many of the

    natural riparian forests, the maximum number of trunks supporting each crown was

    11. In some cases in the natural forest, two or more different crowns belonged to the

    same single tree that had re-sprouted into multiple branches after being buried by a

    flooding event.

    3.1.2 Tree height. The total tree heights of all trees were measured as the difference

    between the apex of the tree canopy and the lowest point of the visible trunk. The

    62 A. S. Antonarakis

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  • measurements were performed with the LaserAce 300 instrument (Measurement

    Devices, Ltd., York, UK). This is a hand-held reflectorless laser measurement system

    that can measure distances and heights of up to 300 m using an integrated digital

    inclinometer. The instrument’s laser has an accuracy of approximately �0.19 m at adistance of 30 m. Each tree height was taken as the average of three measurements.Detecting tree heights in the natural riparian forest was challenging at times, but three

    clear measurements were always sought and achieved.

    3.1.3 Crown radius. The average crown radius was established for each tree from

    four perpendicular radii using the trunk as the centre of the canopy. This created

    horizontal crown radii that were more representative than a simple circular crown

    representation. The lengths were measured using a 30-m tape in four directions from

    the trunk, that is the positive and negative x and y directions. From the ground, the

    termination of each radius was defined by the furthest overhead branch or leaf.

    Figure 1. Side-view photographs (1) of the managed (a) and natural (b) riparian forests adjacentto the Garonne River in Southern France. Bird’s eye views of the mature managed and naturalforest scans (dark shading) are also presented (2), and are underlain by small footprint airbornelidar (light shading). The extent of the ground scanning at the natural site is much larger than thatwhich was considered for tree biometrics. The scanner positions are circled.

    Ground lidar and complex riparian forests 63

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  • 3.2 Terrestrial laser scanning

    A Leica Geosystems High Definition Surveyor (HDS 3000 scanner head, Leica

    Geosystems Ltd., Milton Keynes, UK) was used to collect data. The laser data were

    analysed using Leica Cyclone 5.5 software. This instrument has a distance range of

    0.5–300 m and a field of view of 360� in the horizontal and 270� in the vertical. Theeffective scan distance was approximately 50 m for the managed riparian forest and

    20 m for the natural riparian forest. Further details of the technique can be found in Frei

    et al. (2005).

    At each site chosen, multiple scans were performed to have the maximum three-dimensional representation of the vegetation. This is because one scan can recover data

    from a very large area, but there will be occlusion of both the branches and the leafy

    canopy. Therefore for the scanning of the full forest stands, the instrument was posi-

    tioned at each edge and the centre of the stand (resulting in five scans each). Resolutions

    of 10 cm were chosen for the two managed stands. The natural forest site was chosen to

    have a resolution of 5 cm from each of the five scanning positions. This finer resolution

    was chosen because of the density of trunks and foliage in the planted section, resulting in

    the desire for a better point cloud representation of this forest type. Here, as with the twomanaged stands, five scans were performed and registered in the 0.1-ha area.

    It was necessary to provide accurate registrations of multiple scans. In terrestrial laser

    scanning, this is achieved using special blue targets provided by the instrument. Around

    15–20 targets for each site were placed on stable media from the ground to the bottom

    of the canopy, so as to produce the highest accuracy possible when registering multiple

    scans, and to detect them from multiple positions. The targets were detected using

    inbuilt high-resolution photography and the human eye, and subsequently the registra-

    tion of multiple scans automatically ties in different point clouds according to theautomatically acquired targets with the same name identifiers. The targets were also

    tied into the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinate system through the use

    of global positioning system (GPS) equipment, to best compare individual trees with

    the forest inventory data. These were done with a Leica Total Station instrument at

    three points for each site, calculating a position for up to an hour each to minimize

    location error. The final error of the point clouds in the coordinate domain was only 3.8

    and 4.3 mm for the managed and natural riparian forests, respectively. The final mean

    registration errors (i.e. target position discrepancies) for managed and natural riparianforests were 7.2 and 5.5 mm, respectively. Final registered point clouds are shown in

    figure 1 and overlain on small footprint airborne lidar (not described in this study).

    3.3 Terrestrial lidar data collection

    Individual trees were identified from the UTM coordinates obtained from the forest

    inventory campaign, and each was tagged accordingly. Trunk diameter and tree

    height measurement techniques were similar to Hopkinson et al. (2004).

    3.3.1 Diameter at breast height. Trunks were separated from the full scans, by

    including only the ground returns up to approximately 1.5–2 m. Each individual tree

    trunk was identified, tagged and fitted with a cylinder centred at 1.4 m from the ground.

    This was similar to the cylindrical least squares regression performed by the software in

    Hopkinson et al. (2004). Stems that had too few points for the DBH cylinder regression

    were omitted from the stem selection. This was the case when the tree had less than

    around 20–30 points, and an arc segment coverage of less than a quarter.

    64 A. S. Antonarakis

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  • 3.3.2 Tree height. The horizontal area around each tree trunk was clipped from the

    point cloud. The minimum elevation was the lowest visible portion of the tree trunk.

    The highest elevation was the highest point in the extracted point cloud representing

    the specific tree. If the tree crown was not distinguishable from overhead, in the x–y

    plane (usually a crown having fewer than around 500 points), then no tree heightvalue was recorded.

    3.3.3 Crown radius. Each tree crown that was distinguishable in the x–y plane was

    considered also for recording the crown radius. This was done by taking four radii from

    each tree from the centre of the trunk, or from the centre position of the multiple trunks.The radii was measured in the north, south, east and west from the centre trunks to

    either the furthest crown return or the point of inflection between two crowns.

    4. Results and discussion

    The detection of individual tree attributes depends largely on the density of the

    trunks, and the amount of branch and leafy material present at the site. At the

    managed riparian forest, where there was little undergrowth, all of the 166 treeswere detected with the ground scanner. The natural riparian forest not only contained

    dense nettles in the canopy undergrowth, but the woody vegetation was also signifi-

    cant at these and all levels of the forest canopy. Even with five scans in a 0.1-ha area,

    not all of the trees were detected. In fact, only 81% of the crowns and 60% of the stems

    (considering multiple stems per crown) were detected. This resulted in a stem density

    of 1410 trunks/ha determined from the ground-scanning technique, as opposed to the

    actual 2340 trunks/ha determined in the field. In comparison, Hopkinson et al. (2004)

    reported 95% of trees located in a mature red pine plantation with an original stem densityof 661 stems/ha, and 100% of trees located in a deciduous stand with a stem density of 465

    stems/ha. Watt and Donoghue (2005) reported that 10 out of 12 tree trunks in a 0.02-ha

    plot were clearly visible from two scans placed 30 m away from the plot.

    4.1 Diameter at breast height

    The agreement of the two methods determining DBH, tree height and crown radius

    will be assessed using the method described by Bland and Altman (1986), with

    resulting plots shown in figure 2, and plot statistics in table 1. The results indicatethat there is a very good correspondence between field-measured and lidar-derived

    DBH for both the managed and the natural riparian forests. There is a very small

    positive mean bias shown in figure 2 and table 1, of a few millimetres, and a range of

    2–4 cm. Bias in DBH differences are similar for all size classes (figure 2(a)). It should

    be noted that the gaps between 0.15 and 0.25 show a lack of trees in the intermediate

    size group. Hopkinson et al. (2004) also reported little systematic bias between field-

    and lidar-derived DBH, with a regression slope of 1.01, and an R2 of 0.85 for 128

    trunks. Watt and Donoghue (2005) derived 12 DBH measurements from groundscanning, and reported an average difference of 1.5 cm and an R2 of 0.92. Henning

    and Radtke (2006) derived 28 DBH measurements from ground scanning with a

    reported mean bias of around 5 cm. Tansey et al. (2009) determined DBH from

    Corsican pines in a stand of 1031 stems/ha, with an mean error of 19–37 cm.

    These results show that the semi-automated method of extracting the trunk dia-

    meters from ground scanning is successful from diameters as low as 3 cm. One reason

    why the field- and lidar-derived DBH measurements have such high consistency is

    Ground lidar and complex riparian forests 65

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  • that the scanner was not affected by registration errors that may have plagued otherscanner point collection studies. This was explicitly taken care of by rigorous milli-

    metre precision in acquiring the target positions, resulting in few discontinuities in the

    cylinders of the measured trunks.




















    . in


    & li


    – de



    H (



    . in


    & li


    – de




    ght (



    . in


    & li


    – de



    n ra












    (a1) (a2)

    (b1) (b2)

    (c1) (c2)

    0.1 0.2 0.3

    DBH (m)

    0.4 0.5


    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

    10 20 30

    Tree height (m)

    Crown radius (m)









    . in


    & li


    – de



    n ra




    0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0

    Crown radius (m)












    . in


    & li


    – de




    ght (


    0 5 20 30

    Tree height (m)

    15 20 25



    . in


    & li


    – de



    H (










    0.1 0.2 0.3

    DBH (m)

    0.4 0.5







    Figure 2. Difference plots of field-measured and lidar-derived estimates of DBH (a), treeheights (b) and crown radii (c), for the managed (1) and natural (2) riparian forests. The meanbias is given in the plots (m) as well as the second standard deviation limits (2s).

    Table 1. Statistics of the difference between field- and ground-scanning derived DBH, treeheight (H) and crown radius (CR).

    Mature Natural

    DBH (m) H (m) CR (m) DBH (m) H (m) CR (m)

    Mean 0.004 1.61 0.28 0.003 1.82 0.58Standard error of mean 0.001 0.26 0.05 0.001 0.36 0.05Two standard deviations 0.012 3.93 0.69 0.019 5.35 0.75

    The mean and the standard deviation are graphically represented in figure 2.

    66 A. S. Antonarakis

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  • The basal areas determined for the managed riparian forest were similar for ground

    scanning (26.2 m2/ha) and forest inventory (27 m2/ha) data sets. This is because the

    number of trees detected was the same for both methods, and the correspondence

    between the two was high. Determining the basal area for the natural riparian forest

    was less successful using the ground-scanning method, mainly because of its inabilityto identify all the trunks in the site. This resulted in a basal area of 71.8 m2/ha from the

    ground scanning, as opposed to the true value of 123.2 m2/ha.

    4.2 Tree height

    Resulting tree height differences obtained from forest inventory data and from the

    ground-scanning technique is presented in figure 2(b) and table 1. Here there is also a

    strong correspondence between the methods, but there is also an evident positive bias

    in heights estimated for both the managed and the natural riparian forest, with a

    stronger mean bias in the natural forest (1.82� 0.32 m), and a range in errors of 10 m.This is more likely because of the ground-scanning method underestimating the total

    tree height. There is also a clear evidence of a positive bias for larger trees, especially

    those greater than 20 m in height.

    The variation in the height correspondence may first be attributed to the random

    error in measuring tree heights in the field using the inclinometer. This error may have

    been slightly higher in the natural forest as a result of the increased difficulty in

    determining the tops of the crowns. The tree heights may be underestimated from

    the ground scanner and can be attributed to the nature of the pulse reflection. Becauseof the fact that the scanner is on the ground shooting upwards, there is inevitable

    obstruction from the foliage in the lidar’s field of view. This results in more points

    being returned from the bottom of the canopy, with less making it to the top.

    Therefore, the taller the tree, and the denser the canopy, the less information will be

    returned from the upper canopy, and the lower the probability of determining the

    crown tips. Hopkinson et al. (2004) also reported an underestimation of lidar-derived

    tree heights of around 7–8% using ground scanning.

    4.3 Crown radius

    Crown radius comparisons between field- and lidar-derived values have not been

    explicitly made in previous studies, and are presented in figure 2(c) and table 1. These

    results also show a notable correspondence between the two data collection techni-

    ques, although again with evidence of positive bias, with a mean bias for the managed

    and natural forest of 0.28� 0.5 and 0.58� 0.5 m, respectively. Again there is evidenceof a larger bias for larger crown radii. The ground-scanning method may under-

    estimate crown radii, and this may lie in the difficulty in determining individual crown

    edges, especially when the crowns encroach deep into another crown.

    4.4 Allometric relationships

    Allometric relationships in forestry and ecology are important results from any forest

    inventory data set. Allometric power laws were determined for both field forest

    biometrics and for lidar-derived biometrics, and are shown in table 2. It is clear that

    for the managed riparian forest, the scaling exponents (the slope) as well as the R2

    values are not much different for the field- and lidar-derived regressions. The crown

    radius and tree height power law showed the largest differences for the managed

    Ground lidar and complex riparian forests 67

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  • forest, with a 5% smaller scaling exponent, and 0.04 smaller R2. The scaling exponents

    for the natural forest are significantly different for field- and lidar-derived regressions.

    For the height and DBH power law, the scaling exponent decreases from 0.71 (field)

    to 0.49 (lidar). This means that the lidar-derived allometric relationship no longer

    follows elastic similarity but a constant stress (see McMahon (1973)). Elastic similar

    allometric relationships have a scaling exponent of around 2/3, and are resistant totree buckling. Constant stress is where the scaling exponent reaches around 1/2. The

    crown radius and height power law also shows a significant change in the scaling

    exponent from 0.62 (field) to 0.79 (lidar). The R2 values are also lower for the lidar-

    derived allometries, with decreases of up to 0.27. This difference in the lidar-derived

    allometric regressions and scaling exponents at the natural riparian forest shows the

    inability to accurately develop regressions from lidar data. This may mainly be due to

    the number of trees detected with the scanner, as discussed previously. The study

    by Henning and Radtke (2006) is one of the few to derive tree height and DBHallometries from field and ground-scanning measurements of Liriodendron tulipifera

    and to calculate a difference in slope of 11% between the scan- and field-derived


    5. Conclusion

    Terrestrial laser scanning is a relatively new technique that has seen recent use in

    extracting forest structural parameters such as trunk diameter and tree height. Its

    potential, however, has not been fully explored in forested ecosystems, especially in

    riparian zones. This study has sought to further demonstrate the application of

    ground-scanning techniques, by attempting to extract forest biometrics from thisimportant ecosystem.

    Ground-based laser scanning has been successful at determining trunk diameters,

    tree heights and crown radii from both managed and natural riparian forests on the

    banks of the Garonne River in Southern France. Lidar-determined trunk diameters

    were very close to the forest inventory values, with mean biases of 0.3–0.4 cm and a

    range of 2–3 cm. Lidar-determined tree heights and crown radii were also close to the

    forest inventory values, with some bias most likely on the part of the lidar-derived

    Table 2. Allometric relationships fitted to the field measurements and lidar measurements inthe managed and natural riparian forests, for total tree height (H), diameter at breast height (D)

    and crown radius (CR) (in m).

    Field Lidar

    a b R2 a b R2

    Managed riparian forest H ¼ bDa 0.88 64.12 0.98 0.84 56.83 0.98CR ¼ bDa 0.60 7.81 0.94 0.63 7.55 0.96CR ¼ bHa 0.68 0.46 0.91 0.75 0.36 0.95

    Natural riparian forest H ¼ bDa 0.71 33.88 0.62 0.49 27.93 0.58CR ¼ bDa 0.44 5.12 0.79 0.41 4.22 0.53CR ¼ bHa 0.62 0.58 0.53 0.79 0.30 0.42

    For each allometric regression, the scaling exponent (a) and the intercept (b), as well as R2 areoffered, and are calculated using the reduced major axis regressions (Niklas 2004). All regres-sions have p , 0.0001, except for the two lidar-derived crown radius natural forest allometries,which have p ¼ 0.0005.

    68 A. S. Antonarakis

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  • metrics. This was because of the difficulty in determining the apex of trees from

    upward-looking scans, and the inability to determine the true edge of a crown.

    However, mean biases were less than 2 m for the tree heights, and less than 0.6 m

    for the crown radii. However, the ground scanner has not been as successful in

    detecting all of the trees present on the natural riparian forest site. In fact, onlyaround 60% of the individual trunks were detected, and around 80% of the trees.

    This affects the overall estimate of the forest, such as the stem density and basal area.

    This has also affected the allometric regressions determined from the field and from

    the scanner for the natural riparian forest. More research needs to be done in complex

    forests of high stem densities to determine whether there is a systematic underestima-

    tion of trees captured for a certain scanning resolution.


    This research was supported by the British Society for Geomorphology (BSG) and

    from the William Vaughan Lewis and Phillip Lake Funds. This study was made

    possible by the valuable help of Pr. Keith Richards, Dr. James Brasington and

    Dr. Etienne Muller. This research was also made possible by the use of the Leica

    Geosystems HDS 3000 scanner belonging to the Geography Department of the

    University of Cambridge.


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