rent a home in costa rica


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Post on 12-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Rent a home in costa rica

Rent a home in Costa Rica If you visit Costa Rica you want to have the best time. That however is only best possible when you skip the hotel and choose to live in a Costa Rica Rental establishment. The choice between the hotel and a rental is an easy one to make if you know the difference but few who have not tried it can actually give a really informed answer. The difference must be experienced to truly know just how much you miss out on when you choose to follow the rut that is living in a hotel. Costa Rica Rental properties are plentiful and there is something for every budget, duration and requirement and yet they all share a few things that make them the clear superior to the most expensive hotels. Here are but a few of those things Environment: You are going to find that instead of the aloof coldness of a hotel, a rental accommodation feel like it is your home. There is a feeling of sheer security and homeliness even in the grand and majestic villas that make them a far better choice than the hotels.

The people: the staff at these establishments accord you the highest respect and soon you feel that you are not being cared for by servants but by an adopted family who truly care for you. Compared with the false smiles and blank stares of hotel staff who look at you as nothing else but a cash cow, these are the true representatives of the fables Costa Rican hospitality. The food: nothing compares to fresh food cooked before you by someone who will make it to your exact specifications. This is what you will get at the staffed properties for rent in Costa Rica. The ones without Staff give you the freedom to cook for yourself or savor the myriad delicacies on offer throughout the many eateries the country has to offer

Page 2: Rent a home in costa rica

Security: although this is not often considered during a vacation, recent events have made it quite clear that hotels are an easy target for those who wish to disrupt the peace. Thus a rental is a very safe and secure form of accommodation especially if you are travelling alone.

Privacy: may travelers complain of having been interrupted by intrusive staff and others have even found their possessions have been rifled through in the best of hotels. This sort of unfortunate occurrence finds no place in rental accommodations where the staff are above such behavior and pride themselves on maintaining a guest’s privacy. These and many other reasons can justify why a prudent traveler would opt to live in a Costa Rica rental accommodation and not in a hotel. It is the validation of thousands of travelers who have chosen this less trodden road that has made it now a rather popular and much more practical choice for many who come to this country. It has become so popular in fact that many hotels are now beginning to look into buying such properties so that they do not miss out on the business boom Contact us: Send email: [email protected]

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