repar-group llc, moscow, russia

Repar-Group LLC, Moscow, Russia

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Page 1: Repar-Group LLC, Moscow, Russia

Repar-Group LLC, Moscow, Russia

Page 2: Repar-Group LLC, Moscow, Russia

Company Repar-Group ltd. was founded in Moscow in 2002 year. In the same year, the development of technology for producing collagen from bovine dermis was completed, which is processed by a special, patented technology to remove all impurities and non-collagen proteins without destroying the structure of the collagen matrix, creating an immunogenic, inert and resistant material.

For the development of this technology Repar-Group ltd. received two diplomas "for the uniqueness of the product" at the exhibitions COSMETIC EXPO in Russia in 2008 and 2011.

This technology made it possible to start further development and production of a line of healing agents based on native collagen type I, unreconstructed, with preserved fibrillar structure. Thus, in 2012, registered a new brand of cosmetic collagen remedy, gel and gel-spray REPARCOL.

In 2017, Repar-Group LLC has carried out to market the first product in line of the brand REPARCOL — healing 7% collagen gel for topical use REPARCOL®GEL, tube 5 ml. In 2018, withdrawn 7% collagen gel for external use REPARCOL®GEL, tube 10 ml and 5% collagen gel-spray REPARCOL®GEL-SPRAY , 20 ml. In 2019 was launched REPARCOL®GEL-FOAM 5% in aerosol can.

In the composition of these products, a second important component is propylene glycol, which has an antiseptic effect and retains moisture in the hearth of the recovery. In 2021-2022 planned an expansion of medical indications and registration of REPARCOL product line as a medical device, as well as the market launch of another 2-3 products (Collagene membrane, vaginal suppositories, rectal suppositories, eye drops).

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• Collagen gel, 7%, tube 5 ml.

• Collagen gel, 7%, tube 10 ml.

• Collagen gel-spray, 5%, bottle, 20 ml.

• Collagen gel-spray, 5%, bottle, 30 ml.

• Collagen gel-foam, 5% aerosol can, 40 ml.



• Collagen vaginal suppositories, 10%, 5 pieces.

• Collagen rectal suppositories, 10%, 5 pieces.

• Collagen postoperative regenerating eye drops, 10 g.


• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating day cream-facial care, 30 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating night cream-facial care, 30 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating day cream-facial care for men, 30 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating day care cream eye contour, 10 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating cream for body skin care, 100 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating cream for feet skin care, 30 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating cream for intimate zone skin care, 30 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating gel for lips, 10 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating gel for eyelashes, 10 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating after epilation/depilation gel, 100 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating after shave gel, 50 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating hair shampoo, 200 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating hair mask, 100 g.

• Collagen + low-molecular hyaluronic acid, regenerating gel-spray after sun skin care, 50 g.

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The principle of operation

Largely rapid healing of the skin due to the positive effect of the so-called "wet environment." This concept stems from experiments conducted by George Winter in 1962 on young piglets. He found that if the experimental wound contain wet under plastic covers, the wound epithelialized in two times faster than that under air. It is proved that in order for the wound heal faster and without the formation of scar, it is necessary to maintain in a state of constant humidity. According to the literature, for successful wound healing requires that cells could move freely and produce the necessary restoration work. The movement of the cells is favored by humid environment and the presence in the wound supporting matrix consisting of a special class of molecules. These molecules are called adhesive, so as to cause adhesion of the cells. The adhesive molecules are collagen, hyaluronic acid, laminin and fibronectin. Cells will not move if it does not receive signal from other cells. Therefore, the wound should be signal molecules such as growth factors, cytokines, etc. The main source of such molecules are macrophages. The response of the organism to the exogenous collagen is the release of large amount of macrophages, cytokines, growth factors, when the presence of a humid environment on the wound surface promotes rapid recovery of damaged tissues.

To cover abrasion wound a wound-healing preparation is to create optimal environment for healing, providing reduction of pain, protection from infection, maintaining a moist damaged area while improving blood

circulation and nutrition of the affected area. Experience in the use of collagen materials in various procedures to restore the tissue has led to the development and implementation of the absorbable implant based on collagen to regenerate skin tissue. It is logical to assume that if we treat the wound site with a product that is related to the body tissue, must occur for successful wound healing.

Given that the active components of the Reparcol gel are collagen (the supporting matrix for the growth tissue stimulator of the immune system, cell adhesion) and propylene glycol – a substance that helps create the moist wound environment, prevents tissue dehydration and cell death, it can be assumed that this gel is the best remedy for healing and reparation of damaged or diseased tissues.

The effectiveness of the Reparcol gel are to the following factors. It is the ability to create a suitable substance for rapid and sustained contact with the wound surface; the presence of the structure, allowing cellular migration, proliferation, growth of new tissue and the formation of extracellular matrix; the absence of toxicity and antigenicity, biological integration; prevent the rapid proliferation of flora on the wound surface; a noticeable decrease in itching, burning, and pain caused by covering exposed nerve endings, reducing the time of rehabilitation.

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PAIN — depends on the location of the wound, damage to nerve structures, the nature of the traumatic agent a psychological state of the organism

BLEEDING — depends on the type of vessels and nature of vascular injury, wound location, status of local and general hemodynamics, state of the blood system.

DEHISCENCE — is determined by the direction of Langer's lines relative to the wounds.

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Related to surgery


• stub or pierced wound — vulnus punctum

• sabre or slash wound — vulnus caesum

• contused wound — vulnus contusum

• crushed wound — vulnus conguassatum

• poisonous wound — vulnus venenatum

• gunshot wound — vulnus sclopetarium

• mixed wound — vulnus mixtum

• bite wound — vulnus morsum

• lacerated wound — vulnus lacerum


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• Aseptic,

• Fresh infected,

• Suppurative.

Classification according to the level of infection:

• Blind,

• Thorough damage,

• Tangential

• Penetrated,

• Not penetrated

• Simplex,

• Comple

• Anatomic area of the body

According to the character of wound canal:

Classification in dependence of the relation to the cavities of the body:

Classification according to the complexity:

According to the zone of damage:

Combinative wounds

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• The condition of nutrition and body mass;

• The presence of secondary infection of the wound;

• The immune status of the organism;

• The condition of blood circulation in zone of damage and organism in general;

• Chronic co-morbidities (diseases of the cardiovascular and

• respiratory systems, diabetes mellitus, malignant tumors, etc.);

• Some kind of therapy (using of anti-inflammatory drugs,

• radiation therapy, etc.)


• Formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis)

• Migration and proliferation of fibroblasts

• Production of extracellular matrix

• Maturation and organization of connective tissue

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Reparation by primary tension (sanatio per primam intentionem) Is the most profitable heal of the wound. In such case thin and strong stitch is created in short time. Primary tension healsaseptic operating wounds and without suturing — superficial wounds of small size with insignificant divergence of edges. is No wound cavity exists between the wound edges and walls in case of such kind of healing. Adjacent to each other wound edges areglued together by fibrin, resulting from the exudate, effused in the narrow gap between them. At the same time the epitheliumis grown from the wound edges – forming the barrier for germ penetration. Healing by primary tension does not cause complications and functional changes are minor

Reparation by secondary tension(sanatio per secundam intentionem) It occurs during the large gaping of the wound, suppuration and formation of excessive granulation tissue. Inflammation phase isexpressed, and on the 2-3 days of the second period of inflammation areas of granulation appear on necrotic areas.

Reparation under the crustThis reparation takes place during the insignificant superficial damages (abrasions, scratches, wear, etc). On the surface of the wound blood, lymph, interstitial fluid clotting occurs. That result in a formation of the dense crust (eschar), which plays the role of protective bandage. The epidermis quickly regenerates under this crust and the scab is torn away

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neutrophils appear on the edges of incision that move to the fibrin clot. The epidermis at the edges of incision thickens as a result of mitotic activity of the basal layer of keratinocytes and fibroblasts, and after 24-48 hours chain of epithelial cells both migrating and growing along the edges of the incision create components of basal membranes. They merge in the middle of the top of the crust forming a continuous, but the thin epithelium layer.

neutrophils are usually replaced by macrophages. Granulate tissue gradually fills the incision space. Collagen fibers exist on the edges of incision but in the beginning they are oriented vertically and do not form bridges through the incision. Proliferation of epithelial cells is continuing and covering layer of epidermis is thickening.

the space of incision is filled by granulate tissue. Vascular neoplasia reaches the highest intensity. Collagen fibrils become more numerous, begin to form bridges through the

After 24 hours

After 3 days

incision. Epidermis reaches normal thickness, and superficial cell differentiation approaches the level of architecture of mature epidermis with superficial keratinization.

of continuing accumulation of collagen and fibroblast proliferation. Leukocyte infiltration and swelling usually disappear. At this time, the process of continuous blanching of scar tissue begins, that is caused by accumulation of collagen in the scar and decreased vascularization.

the scar tissue contains cellular connective tissue, free of inflammatory infiltrate and covered by intact epidermis. Skin appendices, destroyed along the incision, are completely lost. The strength of the wound tension (contraction) increases, but still may take several months to complete healingAfter 5 days

Within 2-nd week

At the end of the 1st month

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• Normotrophic

• Atrophic

• Hypertrophic

• Keloid


• Scar contracture

• Scar ulceration

• Scar papillomatosis

• Malignant transformation of scar tissue (malignancy)

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Currently, 19 different types of collagen are found. Interstitial fibrous collagens of I and III types provide the tension of healing wounds

Collagen – is the main structural protein of the extracellular matrix. It consists of 25 to 33% of the total protein in the body, i.e. 6% of body weight. The name 'collagen' unites the family of fibrous proteins, which are the main protein compound of the skin, bones, tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, teeth.

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• Hydroxylation of proline and lysine residues to form hydroxyproline (Hyp) and hydroxylysine (Hyl);

• Glycosylation of hydroxylysine

• Partial proteolysis — cleavage of 'signal' peptide and the N- and C-terminal propeptides -O;

• The formation of the triple helix.

Synthesis and maturation of the collagen — a complex multi-step process that begins in the cell, and ends in the intercellular matrix. Collagen synthesis of maturation includes a variety of posttranslational modifications

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Proline hydroxylation is necessary for the stabilization of collagen triple helix. The OH groups of hydroxyproline (Hyp) are involved in the formation of hydrogen bonds.

A hydroxylation of lysine is very important for the subsequent formation of covalent bonds between the collagen molecules in the assembly of collagen fibrils

Collagen synthesis is stimulated by growth factors and Cytokines, which secreted by leucocytes and fibroblasts in healing wound. The formation of the collagen network, however, depends not only on the synthesis, but also from the destruction of collagen and other extracellular matrix components

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An assessment of their quality is done bythe following criteria:

• Removal of excess exudate;

• Provision of gas exchange (air exchange);

• Isolation of a wound from an environment;

• Mechanical and microbiological defense of the wound;

• Not traumatic painless replacement of a bandage.

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Collagen, purified neutral, not reconstructed with the conserved biological properties of fibrillary structure. Excipients: propylene glycol, purified water



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• Wounds (fresh wounds, wounds with wet exudate – postoperative, traumatic –accidental)

• Burns

• Decubitus

• Ulcers

• Damages of a vaginal mucous membrane;

• Anal fissures

• Damage to mucous membranes of the nose and oropharynx

• Seborrhea

• Acne

• Stomatitis

• Gingivitis

• Periodontitis

• Mesotherapy

• Dermabrasion

• Peeling

• Hair Removal (different types)

• Wrinkle correction

• Tattoo

• Is applied to damaged areas (fresh wounds, wounds with a wet discharge, on wet ulcers), on the clean wound with thick layer 2–3 times/ day.

• Applications of the gel should be continued until the complete epithelialization and / or formation of elastic scar tissue.

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• Collagen not reconstructed with preserved biological properties of fibroid structures.

• Ensuring the moisture-holding properties with features of wet compress


• A Activation of synthesis and degradation of collagen;

• Activation of the synthesis of the extracellular matrix - providing rapid epithelialization;

• Formation of air-penetrable biocompatible protection of wounds

• Biological and mechanical protection of damaged and new cells and tissues.

• Prevention of formation of hyper granulation, hypertrophic scars and keloids

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For hundreds of years to cover wounds used gauze and cotton, since by nature it is soft, sustainable and absorbent material. Gauze bandage serves as a barrier damaged tissue with the external environment. However, gauze bandage leads to drying of the wound and adhesion to the damaged surface, which slows down wound healing. In addition, when you remove the gauze bandages can be injured of the surface of the newly formed layer of skin. In recent years, created a number of active drugs for the local treatment of wounds of various origins, nature and localization.

The development of biological and synthetic coatings began with the recognition of the fact that wounds need protective barrier that would prevent infection and dehydration would contribute to the filling of the dermis cellular elements for improving healing. The goal of wound dressings is to create an optimal environment for healing by reducing pain, protection from infection, saving the damaged area wet, while improving its blood supply and nutrition.

Currently increasingly used interactive dressings. These are headbands that are able to not only create, but also to provide an optimum wound healing environment by controlling its moisture content, gas composition and pH, as well as to be atraumatic, due to its physical-chemical properties. Such dressings with good reason can be attributed to collagen/sea buckthorn propylene glycol bio- active wound bandage Reparcol . Experience in the use of collagen materia ls in various procedures to restore the fabric has led to the development and implementation of absorbable of the implant based on collagen to regenerate skin tissue. It is logical to assume that the treatment of the wound site with a product that is related to the body tissue, must occur for successful wound healing. The beneficial effects of propylene glycol

associated with the hydration of the stratum corneum of the skin due to the formation in the affected area humid environment and prevent evaporation that leads to the restoration of the water balance in the epidermis. It provides optimal conditions for oxygen permeability and prevents possible tissue hypoxia. These changes normalize the functional activity of fibroblasts and prevent further uncontrolled growth of connective tissue, which can lead to the formation of rough scars.

Bioactive wound dressings Reparcol ™gel-spray is a native absorbable, unreconstructed collagen derived from the dermis of cattle by special technology and is designed to cover:

• postoperative surgical wounds at the end of surgical intervention;

• shallow chronic wounds in the treatment of bedsores, diabetic and venous ulcers, as well as hard-to-heal chronic wounds;

• burns 1-St and 2-nd degree;

• radiation dermatitis;

• fresh, shallow wounds, irritate and abrasions of the skin;

• irritation of the skin after mechanical, chemical or laser dermabrasion;

• donor skin;

• cover the wounds with the purpose of absorption of wound exudate.

The complex treatment of wounds with bioactive wound dressings Reparcol™ gel-spray

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Collagen is the main protein involved in wound healing, creates the physiological conditions for wound healing, provides damaged on the key biological resources that are required for healing damaged tissue. Producing new collagen to fill a wound in the area of damage with the growth of new healthy skin. Under the influence of Reparcol ™gel-spray in the woun-dactivated proliferation of all cellular elements of the tissue and occurs its fast regeneration. In addition to stimulating and hemostatic effects, Reparcol-P™spray, being biocompatible, absorbable tissue matrix contributes to the directed tissue regeneration. Fibroblasts, blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers, from the surrounding healthy tissue, penetrating into collagen matrix, spread strictly through the matrix. Not happening the disorderly growth of granulation tissue as a response of the organism to rapid closure of the exposed tissue, thus eliminating the formation of rough scars.

Reparcol-™gel-spray cosmetically improves the appearance of the postoperative scar, as filling the damaged tissue between the joints, promotes the primary tension, "calm" of the body from the rapid closure of the wound, avoiding the formation of hypertrophic scars. Strengthens joints and maintains the wound after suture removal. Reduces the need for local application of anesthetics and anxiety of patients, associated with injections of anesthetics.

Bioactive wound dressings Reparcol ™spray is a new kind of wound dressing for the treatment of bedsores, diabetic and venous ulcers and difficult-to-heal wounds. Allows you to create the physiological conditions for wound healing by creating the optimal conditions for activation, migration and division of cells involved in tissue regeneration. As a result of increased phagocytic capacity of granulocytes and macrophages, proliferation of fibroblasts and stimulation of angiogenesis makes possible the formation of new tissue, accelerating wound healing. Reparcol ™spray fills the empty space reaches the bed of the wound and activates the proliferation of all cellular elements of granulation tissue, promoting faster healing of chronic wounds due to the strengthening of collagenogenesis.

Methods of rejuvenation, such as chemical skinpeels, mechanical dermabrasion or laser treatment can significantly improve the look wrinkled skin. The essence of these interventions is to create a controlled loss of several outer damaged layers of cells. Thus exposing new, fresh layer of skin with a healthier color and a more smooth structure. A brief flash of intense light energy of laser evaporated the surface layer of skin. After the intervention, the treated areas are initially red, then turn pink within a few months. The skin looks like after a severe sunburn or a burn. During the healing process may experience pain, an intense burning sensation. Coating abrasion wounds bio-active wound bandage Reparcol ™spray for several days after cosmetic dermabrasion is the optimal solution to the damaged skin because covering exposed nerve endings, pain is reduced, the coating accelerates healing, reduces the risk of infection and complications, and reduces the possibility of scarring and functional impairment. To protect fresh, new skin shows the use of a collagen coating Reparcol- P™spray immediately after the intervention.

The purpose of using Reparcol ™gel-spray to cover burns 1st and 2nd degree, fresh, not deep wounds to the skin, radiation dermatitis, irritate and abrasions skin is the creation of an optimal environment for healing. Creating an environment under cover, Reparcol ™gel-spray activates the process of wound healing, helps stop bleeding and reduce pain, keeps the wound moist while improving blood circulation and nutrition of the affected area. Directly contacting with the wound surface, Reparcol ™gel-sprayaccelerates the natural ability of wound healing by supplying the body with collagen to form new tissue. When using Reparcol ™gel-spray el imitates the need to use bandages on the wound, thereby eliminating the possibility of removing the newly formed epithelial layer when removing dressings. Reparcol ™gel-spray also serves as the affected area, most wounds heal quickly and without side effects. a physical barrier against infection of the affected area. Creating such conditions in the affected area most wounds heal quickly and without side effects.

The mechanism of action

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Bioactive wound dressings Reparcol ™gel-spray was designed to activate the body's own natural healing process. The collagen material interacts with the wound at every stage of the reparative process, to reduce pain and activate healing. When a skin injury you should first focus on stopping the bleeding from the wound. By direct contact Reparcol ™gel-spray bleeding there is a rapid aggregation of platelets on the collagen and release coagulation factors that lead to the formation of fibrin and, ultimately, the formation of a blood clot. Inflammation is the second stage of the healing process. Wound treatment at this stage requires control over the drainage of fluids and improve blood supply to damaged area. Reparcol ™gel-spray removes inflammatory fluid and provides the proper environment to begin the healing process. During this stage, it is important to eliminate factors that may impede the healing process, the type of infection. Reparcol ™gel-spray removes bacteria and decay products, as it absorbs wound fluid.

Reparcol™ gel-s pray also forms abarrier, which protects the wound from bacterial invasion, maintaining a moist wound surface. This barrier maintains optimum temperature and humidity, prevents infection of the wound from the external environment. With the elimination of infection and protection of the wound, the injured area begins to recover. Bioactive wound dressings Reparcol ™gel-spray is not only a matrix for the growth of new cells and protein that feeds directly to the wound area. Bioactive wound dressings Reparcol™gel-spray actively affects the final phase of wound healing is maturation. Due to the gradual conversion of collagen, increases the strength of the scar because there is a maturation and consolidation of newly formed tissue. Saturation of the wound cells gradually decreases, as a result, the wound covered by newly formed tissue in place has resolved the collagen material.

The purpose and properties of bioactive wound dressings Reparcol ™gel-spray

• the ability to create a suitable substance for rapid and sustained contact with the wound surface;

• internal surface structure that allows cell migration, proliferation, growth of new tissue and the formation of extracellular matrix; the absence of toxicity and antigenicity;

• biological integration;

• transparency, allowing to judge about the healing process without removal of the coating;

• no need to use bytovyh dressings.

The potential efficacy of bioactive wound dressings Reparcol™ gel-spray boils down to the following factors:

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• visual control of wound healing;

• biological activation of the healing process;

• noticeable reduction of pain caused by covering exposed nerve endings;

• reduce moisture loss;

• reduce wound inflammation;

• prevent surface infections;

• prevent drying of the wound surface;

• prevent the formation of scars;

• promotion of epithelialization;

• stimulation autocatalytical cleansing wounds;

• the lack of effect of tightening of the skin;

• reduction of terms of treatment.

Clinical benefits of bioactive wound dressings Reparcol™ gel-spray :


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The contemporary pharmaceutical industry produces a variety of medicines in the form of suppository. Suppositories, pharmaceutical form, considered to be one of the most effective medicines. Their main feature is the preservation in solid form at room temperature and rapid melting at body temperature.

In gynecological practice suppositories are used in complex therapy of inflammatory and urogenital atrophic disorders of the vagina and cervix; prevent the development of infectious-inflammatory complications in obstetric and gynecological manipulations: before childbirth and abortion before surgical treatment of gynecological diseases, before and after the installation of the IUD before and after cauterization of erosion (laser, radio waves, etc) the cervix prior to intrauterine research. The purpose of vaginal candles helps to eliminate a lot of symptoms. Due to the local impact they eliminate the clinical manifestations of various diseases in the form of itching, discomfort, redness, bleeding and swelling. The main advantage of vaginal plugs is the speed of impact, due to instant absorption of the drug in the mucosa. The drug bypasses the digestive tract without causing harm to the liver and causing allergic reactions.

Erosion is any ulcerative lesions of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, vagina, cervix. In gynecological practice cervical erosion starts after the transferred inflammatory processes, various hormonal disruptions. Like all epithelial tissues react to changes in the natural hormonal environment in a similar way, but none of them can compare to the epithelium of the vaginal vault and cervix at the speed and clarity of response to hormones, primarily on the sex steroids. Thus, the urogenital tract is particularly sensitive to lower levels of estrogen and about half of all postmenopausal women experience symptoms related to urogenital atrophy, affecting sexual function and quality

of life. The clinical picture of urogenital disorders in menopause distinguish the symptoms associated with vaginal atrophy and disorders urination (cystourethrogram atrophy). Unlike vasomotor symptoms, which usually disappear with time, vaginal atrophy symptoms, usually occur in premenopausal women and progressing in the postmenopausal period, resulting in functional and anatomic changes. Atrophy of the mucosa of the vulva and vagina is characterized by thinning of the epithelium, reducing vaginal folding, blanching, presence of petechial hemorrhages, signs of inflammation. 15% of women in premenopausal women and 40-57% of women in postmenopause, the symptoms of vaginal atrophy, such as vaginal dryness 27-55%, burning and itching 18%, dyspareunia 33-41%, and increased susceptibility to infectious diseases of small pelvis organs 6-8%, which significantly impairs the health, negatively affecting General and sexual quality of life. 41% of women aged 50-79 years there is at least one of the symptoms of vaginal atrophy. A significant decrease in the content of the main hormones in the plasma leads naturally to a decrease in the rate of cell division. The result is a different degree of dystrophic processes in the urogenital tract. Reducing the thickness of the water-lipid film, and germ layer leads to increased evaporation of water, reducing the amount of acid mucopolysaccharides in normal holding near a water molecule, which leads to dehydration of the tissue. In elastic and collagen fibers occur degenerative changes. The vascular networks sklerosiruta partially partially expands with the release of plasma elements into the surrounding tissue, leading to edema, hypoxia, disruption of the flow of lymph.

Vaginal collagen Reparcol™ suppositories

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Estrogens are the main regulators of physiological processes in the vagina. As in the stromal cells of the vagina contains receptors to estrogens, collagen, part of connective tissue of the vaginal walls, is an estrogen-sensitive structure whose content decreases with the progression of estrogen deficiency. The decrease in the content of collagen in the vaginal tissue leads to morphological changes in the tissues and a lot of negative functional and physiological changes, such as:

• the smoothing of the vaginal folds;

• vaginal dryness and lack of hydration;

• reduction in vaginal secretion;

The mechanism of action of collagen candles Reparcol™suppositories.

After the introduction of suppositories into the vagina, there is a thinning of the bases of the candles with the release of the collagen matrix, which is having pronounced adhesive properties is firmly fixed to the damaged areas of the vagina. When the implant contacts the wound, connective tissue cells, blood and lymph vessels, nerve fibers from the surrounding healthy tissue, penetrating into collagen lattice, are distributed strictly in it. Creates a transition matrix that stimulates the body's immune system and activation of granulocytes, macrophages, and enhances migration of growth factors released from the cells, enhances the migration and proliferation of epithelial cells. Responsible for the generation of new collagen fibers, filling the cavity in the damaged region, and the exogenous collagen is gradually dissolving, replaced by autotint.

Vaginal collagen candle Reparcol™suppositories, modern and effective means of treatment and prevention of various diseases of female sexual sphere, has a strong regenerating, metabolic effect, helps to restore natural vaginal flora.


Vaginal collagen candle Reparcol™suppositories is indicated in all cases when you need a quick tissue regeneration.


There are practically no contraindications, except for the presence of sensitivity to collagen. As a result, may experience burning and itching in the injection area of the candle. If you notice such symptoms, its use should be discontinued.

Dosing regime

Vaginal collagen candle Reparcol™suppositories inserted vaginally. For the treatment of diseases used 1 candle 1 times a day, at bedtime, for 7-10 days. For the prevention of diseases, 1 suppository a day (after unprotected intercourse – no later than 2 hours, or overnight).