repliset brochure english 11111111

RepliSet An advanced replica technique for the inspection of critical surfaces The most versatile replicating system For non-destructive testing and eld applications For engineering inspection and forensic investigation Replicate in the eld – examine in the laboratory - High resolution: down to 0.1 micron - Virtually no shrinkage: dimensionally accurate for measurement purposes - Optimized for either optical microscopy o r comparator macroscopy - Other inspection techniques include S EM, laser metrology and interferometry - Extensive operator experience is not necessary - Replicas of any size and shape can be produced - Flexible high strength replicas can be taken from inaccessible surfaces and can be removed from moderately re-entrant geometry - Short curing time - Can replicate surfaces over a wide range of temperature

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RepliSetAn advanced

replica technique

for the inspection ofcritical surfaces

The most versatile replicating system

Fr -destructve testg ad fed appcatsFr egeerg spect ad resc vestgat

Repcate the fed – exame the abratry

- High resolution: down to 0.1 micron- Virtually no shrinkage: dimensionally accurate or measurement purposes- Optimized or either optical microscopy or comparator macroscopy- Other inspection techniques include SEM, laser metrology and

intererometry- Extensive operator experience is not necessary- Replicas o any size and shape can be produced- Flexible high strength replicas can be taken rom inaccessible suraces and

can be removed rom moderately re-entrant geometry

- Short curing time- Can replicate suraces over a wide range o temperature

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Medium C-steel. Sample etched with Nital 3%.Magnifcation x100 

Pure copper.Sample 

etched with cupric 

chloride and 


Magnif- cation x100 

Sample Replica 

An operator dispenses RepliSet onto a sample 

Sample Replica 

An operator peels o the cured replica 

RepSet is a complete system or repli-cating materials. It is designed to trans-er the structure o a solid surace to aexible, highly accurate and stable repli-ca. The result is an exact 3D copy o thesurace, allowing microscopic examina-tion and precise measurements.RepliSet is an accepted replicating sys-tem or ASTM standard E 1351 “Stand-ard Practice or Production and Evalua-

tion o Field Metallographic Replicas”.

RepSet is a specially ormulated, astcuring, two-part silicone rubber. Thecompounds are supplied in cartridgesand are applied using dispensing guns.The cartridges contain both polymer andcuring agent, which are automaticallymixed in a disposable static-mixing noz-zle during application to the surace.Various, reusable nozzle tips are availa-ble or spreading the compound on a at

surace or or conducting the compoundinto holes and cavities.

RepFx is a less advanced parallel toRepliSet. RepliFix and RepliSet are de-signed to bond together. The two com-ponents are mixed and applied by hand.RepliFix is used as support or RepliSetor as a stand alone product or mould-

ing o surace shape or low tech appli-cations.A backing slide bonds to the RepliSet orRepliFix replica. The backing slide serves tomaintain the original profle and ensures aat back to the replica.

A specially-designed backing paper,which bonds to the replica, is option-al but it acilitates the handling, labellingand protection o the replica. The backing

paper also allows thin replicas o curvedsuraces to be taped at on glass slidesor microscopic examination.

Repcatg has ever bee s easyWith the easy-to-operate dispensing gun,everybody can produce perect replicasfrst time. Extensive operator experienceis unnecessary and you can be sure toreturn to the lab with good replicas.

In routine inspection situations, repli-cas produced by a person present in thefeld can be evaluated at specialist labo-ratories.With the best possible success rate,RepliSet saves you time and consuma-bles.

Ay type ad ay shapeMost common solid materials such asmetals, ceramics, plastics and glass can

be replicated. It works even on rough re-entrant suraces.

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Overheated steel with corrosion layer.Etched with Nital 3%.

Magnifcation x100 

Sample using Bright Field Replica using DIC 

Kevlar fbre. RepliSet shows better image than original due to fbres’ 

translucent behaviour.Magnifcation x 200 

Laser measurement of pitting 

Replica le 

Depth o pitting Width o pitting  

Replica o pitting 

There are no size or thickness limita-tions. The compound can be dispensedon any surace shape allowing inspectionat remote locations where access is di-fcult, such as inside pipes or machinery.As the RepliSet replicas have a high tearstrength and exibility they can easily beremoved rom moderately re-entrant ge-ometry without damage or distortion.Upon release, the material returns to itsoriginal shape.

A positive replica o a 3D surace can beproduced by replicating the original rep-lica with the compound itsel or with anepoxy resin.

Uder a cdtsThe compound is available in versionswith a range o viscosities and curingtimes tailored or application under di-erent working conditions and on hor-izontal as well as vertical or overhead

suraces.Generally, the weather is no problem. Be-ing water-repellent, RepliSet can provide

replicas under humid conditions. It willcure on suraces in a temperature rangerom -10°C to +180°C allowing rapid in-spection and minimizing possible ma-chinery downtime.

Hgh resut ad rm stabtyRepliSet oers a very high resolutiondown to 0.1 micron.RepliSet has no shrinkage, and is there-ore suitable or high accuracy metrology

measurements.Replicas can be transported without anyproblems and can be stored indefnitelyor uture reerence.

RepSet s saeRepliSet compounds are solvent ree andcleared or all normal modes o transpor-tation, including air.During work the operator is not exposedto any unhealthy umes.

The compounds are approved or useon stainless steel in nuclear plants. The

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Replica o pitting. Examined by SEM 

materials are designed specifcally to becompatible with stainless steels and oth-er engineering alloys and not to compro-mise uture corrosion behavior ater rep-lication.

A varety examat methdsThe black coloured RepliSet-F and –Ttypes are optimized or optical micros-copy using reected light. The replicas

will reect light like a metal. This makesthem very well-suited or microstructuralexamination at magnifcations up to x500using Bright Field, Dark Field or DIC.White light intererometry can be usedor precise surace measurements in-cluding determination o surace fnish.Replicas can oten give better resultsthan the original surace, because o theuniormity o their reection.

The grey coloured RepliSet-GF and -GT

types have been ormulated or macros-copy. The replica will give a high imagecontrast, when the surace is examinedin a stereomicroscope with oblique il-lumination. This is particularly advanta-geous or monitoring o surace degrada-tion, racture suraces, damage or wear.The products also have great potentialor many metrology applications and ororensic examination o tool marks bycomparator macroscopy.

The grey types are not suitable or opticalmicroscopy using reected light.

All replicas are suitable or 3D examina-tion at high magnifcations by SEM eitherdirectly, using low values o column volt-age, or ater metallic coating.

3D examination can be carried out usingnon-contact metrology methods such asintererometry, laser scanning and shad-owgraph projection.

Macrophoto o RepliSet-GF1 replica o cracking and pitting in heat eected zone in stainless steel 

The marks rom previous use o the tool are identical 

SEM micrograph o RepliSet replica o atigue crack 

Egeerg spect appcatsTypical applications are on-site non-de-structive testing in connection with qual-ity control, inspection, maintenance, re-conditioning and ailure analysis, typi-cally within high tech engineering indus-tries including power generation (ossiluel or nuclear), aerospace, oshore in-dustry, etc.

The use o high-resolution RepliSet repli-cas allows otherwise inaccessible surac-es and irregularities in critical machineryin service to be examined and measuredunder laboratory conditions.

Typca tasks are:- detection and monitoring o pitting,

corrosion, cracking, creep,deormation and wear

- assessment o change in micro-structure

- inspection o internal suraces suchas bolt hole threads and root weldsin small bore tubes

- quality control o edges, heights,angles, surace fnish, thread pro-fles and other dimensions

Fresc vestgatIn the course o orensic investigationscomparator macroscopy / microscopy isused to identiy whether fne scratch de-

tails ound in tool-marks can be relatedto eatures on the original tool.

RepSet-G is employed or replicat-ing tool marks in the feld. Comparisonmarks produced on lead using a suspecttool are similarly replicated and the repli-

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The 50 ml system 

The 265 ml system 

cas may be compared by comparator mi-croscopy.

Case r RepSetThe RepliSet Case is designed or trans-portation and use o the 50 ml RepliSetsystem. It is made o aluminium and is atthe same time elegant and sturdy. It canbe carried as hand luggage by air and iscompact and sturdy to such an extent,

that it can be taken to locations with nar-row or difcult access.The contents is either fxed by strapsin the lid or placed in compartments inthe two detachable oam rubber inserts.Each item has its fxed position. The userhas access to all that is needed to per-orm a regular replication by just open-ing the lid o the RepliSet Case. The low-er insert carries a small stock o con-sumables.

RepliSet is an accepted replicating system or ASTM standard E 1351

“Standard Practice or Production and 

Evaluation o Field Metallographic 


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Struers A/SPederstrupvej 84DK-2750 Ballerup, DenmarkPhone +45 44 600 800Fax +45 44 600 [email protected]

Struers’ products are subject to constant product development.

Thereore, we reserve the right to introduce changes in our products without notice.

12.2008 / 62170000  Printed in Denmark by Rosendahls Bogtryk - 54


Viscosity o uncured compound Very low (F-types) HighLow (T-types)

Detail reproduction Down to 0.1 µm Down to 5 µm

Shrinkage Negligible Negligible

Tear strength 15-20 kN/m2 Low

Hardness 30 Shore A 76 Shore A

Temperature range or the surace -10°C to + 180°C (14°F to + 356°F) 0°C to + 150°C (32°F to + 302°F)to be examined

Lie span o the fnished replica Practically indefnite Practically indefnite

RepSet Replication system or non-destructive testing o amicrostructure or a 3D structure. Fast curing two-part silicon rubber compound or exible high-resolution 3D replicas. For the 50 ml system, thehand-operated dispensing gun (40900066) and thestatic mixing nozzles (40900088) are used incombination with the 50 ml cartridges.For the 265 ml system, the hand-operateddispensing gun (40900065) and the static-mixing nozzles (40900056) are used incombination with the 265 ml cartridges.

RepSet-F1 Particularly useul or replicating horizontal or slopingsuraces in low temperature conditionsor where rapid results are required. Fluid rapid curingcompound with working lie o 0.5-1 min.

and curing time o 4 min. at 25°C (77°F).1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000695 cartridges o 50 ml 409000472 cartridges o 265 ml 40900051

RepSet-F5 General-purpose material. Particularly useul orreplicating horizontal or sloping suraces in normalor high temperature conditions. Fluid ast curingcompound with working lie o 5 min. and curingtime o 18 min. at 25°C (77°F).1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000685 cartridges o 50 ml 409000462 cartridges o 265 ml 40900050

RepSet-T1 Particularly useul or replicating vertical or overheadsuraces in low temperature conditions or whererapid results are required. Thixotropic rapid curingcompound with working lie o 0.5 - 1 min. and

curing time o 4 min. at 25°C (77°F).1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000715 cartridges o 50 ml 409000492 cartridges o 265 ml 40900053

RepSet-T3 General-purpose material. Particularly useul orreplicating vertical or overhead suraces in normalor high temperature conditions. Thixotropic astcuring compound with working lie o 3 min. andcuring time o 10 min. at 25°C (77°F).1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000705 cartridges o 50 ml 409000482 cartridges o 265 ml 40900052

RepSet-GF1 Replication system especially or comparatormacroscopy and metrology. Particularly useul orreplicating horizontal or sloping suraces and fllingholes. Fluid rapid curing compound with working

lie o 0.5-1 min. and curing time o 4 min. at25°C (77°F).1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000785 cartridges o 50 ml 40900076

RepSet-GT1 Replication system especially or comparatormacroscopy and metrology. Particularly useul orreplicating vertical or overhead suraces. Thixotropicrapid curing compound with working lie o0.5-1 min. and curing time o 4 min. at 25°C (77°F)1 cartridge o 50 ml 409000795 cartridges o 50 ml 40900077

RepFx Specially ormulated hand mixed ast curing two-part silicone rubber. Bonds to RepliSet. Particularlyuseul in combination with RepliSet or producing arigid backing. It can be used directly or moulding osurace shape or profle measurement.

RepFx-2 For low temperature conditions or where rapidresults are required. Working lie o 2-3 min. andcuring time o 10 min. at 25°C (77°F).500 g 40900084

RepFx-20 For high temperature conditions or or takingreplicas o complicated geometry or large areas.Working lie o 20 min. and curing time o 60 25°C (77°F).500 g 40900086


Dspesg Gu Hand-operated dispensing gun.For 50 ml cartridges 40900066For 265 ml cartridges 40900065

Statc-mxg nzzes For RepliSet replication compound in50 ml cartridges, 35 pcs. 40900088265 ml cartridges, 10 pcs. 40900056

nzze Tps For replicating at suraces. Fishtail spreaders,10 mm width. To be mounted on 50 ml static-mixing nozzle (40900088).30 pcs. 40900089

For replicating small holes. Luer needle,1 mm dia., 30 mm long. To be mounted on 50 ml

static-mixing nozzle (40900088).10 pcs. 40900060

For replicating larger holes. Flexible hose,6 mm dia., 100 mm long. To be mounted on 50 mlstatic-mixing nozzle (40900088)10 pcs. 40900061

Backg Sdes A exible plastic slide, which bonds to the replicaand ensures a at back to the replica. For levellingo replicas to assist microscopic examination, asdimensional support or metrology and or well-ordered labelling, transport and storage oRepliSet replicas.26 x 76 x 1 mm. 50 pcs. 40900087

Backg Paper Bonds to the replica and acilitates labelling,handling and the levelling o replicas to assist

microscopic examination.60 x 70 mm. 100 pcs. 40900062A4 (210 x 297 mm). 10 pcs. 40900063

Case r RepSet 50 m System Aluminium carrying case with room or allnecessities or feld applications.The content is ordered separately.L x d x h = 445 x 155 x 330 mm 40900067

SPECiFiCATionS Cat.n. Cat.n.

BElGiQUE (Wae)Struers S.A.S.370, rue du Marché RollayF- 94507 Champignysur Marne CedexTéléphone +33 1 5509 1430Télécopie +33 1 5509 [email protected]

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JAPAnMarumt Struers K.K.Takara 3rd Building18-6, Higashi Ueno 1-chomeTaito-ku, Tokyo 110-0015Phone +81 3 5688 2914Fax +81 3 5688 [email protected]

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