repojrts of shippin and news of fc>reign · 2017-12-19 · repojr leps sought 1 jfo halt drop...

Repojr leps Sought 1 jfo Halt Drop laPort's Trade ^gion of the Export Rail Rates to Meet Terms of jfefchant Marine Act May prove Aid to Situation ¦." "~ ^position From South ____ .. jjrerston of Tonnage by the SWpPinr? Board Bringsj ¦fliat Section Advantagesj pr.te.ts on the part of representa- _j_j.f the Sodth Atlantic States Asso- ,_!__ and the Mississippi Valley As- ciation against any change in the istiag export rail rates again call tention to the effect of the diver- *s of shipping from the port of New }r_ and the eonsequent loss of much ade here. With » committee comprlsing repre- ^tatit 3 of the Shipping Board and jt Iaterstate Commerce Commission iinj up the question of the appli- ation of preferential rail rates on gtxi. carried in American vessels. as pfeTided for in the merchant marine Ht of 1920, the status of the Port j}l*w¥erk under existing conditions lin important factor in the situation. When the " United States Railroad Viministration took over the roads ex. urt rates lower than the domestic _tes were in general effect on ship- santa in foreign trade. The adminis¬ tration, h»w_ver, canceled these rates H all instances. Differentials Restored Toward the close of the war dif- r'erentials were reestablished for most ti the ports, including those on the __lf, the South Atlantic and the Pa- silic Coast. No special rate, however «s placed on shipments through thc Port of New York. In the case o/ )«ton, Portland Me., and some other i.rth ..tantic port?, a penalizing dif- srential was e.=tab!ished. Ai aafly shipping men vlew the sit-1 iti.n, if the pftablishmpnt of prefer-! atisl rail rares on goods carried in aerican bottoms is made on the pres-1 lt basis of nirferuntials, tiaa freight using througn New York tyrui other; tlantie ports will receive the benefit; f the preferential rates and the re- .it will be a further diversion of hipping from these port? and a greatlv iccentuated shrinkage in the share o'f iorth Atlantic p.rts in the foreign rade of the country. The prote-sts of t'.ie Southern asso- iitions i9 said to be against efforts *.a they attribute to Eastern raii- «a_ to have changes made in the ' export fre.ght rates. This, U associations' r.presentatives con inj'_W0L:(J e!iminate the advant-.ges ijby the majority of American ports ad would prevent the development of « foreign trade routes. New York's Trade Rednced Aj a result of the Shipping Board'j oncy of diverting s_.ippjng from the' Mu of New York, with tiie ivorable export rates heid 'by other »rts, the vroportion of New York'e ?are m tht trade of the country has R-indled marked y and this develop- ent has been accj-mpanied by a pro- .unced lessening of the percentage of mencan trade carried in American iips. What remedy for the existinz situa- on has been suggested by the Eastern inroada has not been announced, nor as any official statement been made stothe method hy which the Shipping ioard and Interstate Commerce Com- lission representatjves would seek to at the policy of preferential rail ates into operation. It is assumed,; owever, that a plan will be sought hereby all goods carried in American ttuit, no matter (rom what port, will '-'cen-e the benefit of the preferential ate. Snipping men are expecting, therc- irt, that a rate will oe made for North itartic ports. Apparently, they say. » Southern representatives fear that re e.tablishm«>nt of these rntcs will eatroy the JitTerentials now favoring »h«r than North Atlantic ports. Southern Ports Gain Ihe ehief development of the Ship- »«_¦ Board's policy of diversion has ¦**n a marked expansion in th'.i ex- *rt8 from Southern and Gu f ports, at ne corregponding expansion in the sports handled througn t.iose ports. «e reauit has been that thc railroads E__j._**8 nau''ng a large vol'ume of «'ght to these ports and carr. ing' wy little in comparison away from rem. ! Shipping Board officials have declared ¦t the port of New York has had a monopoly of the handling of « country's trade and that it was foposed to break up this monopoly. AceordiBg to the govemment's own vnea, however, the percentage of im- ?rts aftd.exporte through the port of jt* York during the fiscal year ended '«« 30 last, were on'y about 2 per W greater than for the nre-war fiscal !«ar, deapite the rr«-rked expansion of *Me during the war. Less than h*lf1 ¦* eoontry't trade pa*sed through .»* York in the last fisca! year and a tne preaent one the proportion hasl .asmiahed. More Veyela Tied Up WASHINGTON, Jan. 18. . Orders; "Wwawing from service thirtv more r_« »ggr«gating 1R0.O00 deaclweight "W w tie-up at Baltimore, New York. .Wotk, Philadelphia and at Gulf ___.-*^_r ^'en 18>UC<* ^v tl10 Ship- M * argest veaael affected ls the 12,- r1 «.» ateamer James Otis, to bc tied ? M Baltimore. Three of the ships, * »8th Rend, Edellyn and Marcla, »_r_;r 12'°°° ^on» &nd will be tied *.* New York. Beginning To-Day LLOYD BRASILEIRO J<Ai» thc other ship- t^t that ^e Announcing »«il- .»$. verj buftin«a» day ia ^Wribf and Travel Guide ts of . Receiver for Shipping Line Troplcnl Steamship Corpora¬ tion Said to Owe $55,000 Cha*_*>fi H W.> wa«, ,».lf..nte(j "eceiTrr in equity for the Tropica. >teamship Corporation, 41 Whitehall Street, by Judge Augustus N. Hand, in the United States District Court vea- tcrday. Bond waa p aced at $5,000. The complainant ia Carroll, Haean & Carroll, who claims $4 500 for water supphed to the company's vessels and ental of Pier 2, North River T * fl, mplaint states that the de- ondnnt is n Delaware corporatiom witb .mtstanding oblipations of $55 000 It *tftte« also that the defendant h*s -.oen operating cortain boats for the hrts threatened to take redelivery. The defendant con«enta to thc receivership. Germany Pushing Steps to Restore Shipping Services New Lines Being Inaugtirat- ed and Vessels Secured in Britain; Sale of Teuton Ships Cause* Opposition Indications that Germany is making every effort toward the speedy restora- *t on of her shipping facilities are given in recent reports from that country The German Levunt Line is reported to be inauguratin-.* a new service from Hamburg to Oraii, Algiers, Fiume, Trieste, Ancona and Bari. A regular direet twice-a-week service between Brernea and North Spanish ports is being established by the Bremen Shipping Company Neptune. German papers state that the company! is considering starting sailings shorcly to south Spanish p< ns, ; A project is on foot for, the creation j of a large Rhine navigati'on company,' with headquarters at Cologne, compns-1 ing' oxclus vely German and Dutch i:i- terests. The new company would re- place the group foimed by the Khenr.h Coal Syndicate a.ul the Thyssen Com- pany. lt is estimated that by July l German industriaHsts will have a river flotilla of about 180,000 tons of bargos on the Rhine. A considerable number of tugs anJ large quantities of mate¬ rial also have been ordered. This fleet would be rcserved for the transport of coal and metals. and would replace the Rhine tonnage delivered and to be de¬ livered to the Allies. The 7,5C0-ton steamer Argentina has heen completed fo* the Seebeck ship- yard of Ueestemur de for the account of the Hamburg-Soiith American Steamship Company, which will use her in the South American trade. The Weser Aktiengesellsehaft, of Rremen, has launched the 9,000-toi. steamship Sturmfels, building for the Hansa Steamship Company. lt is stated that she will n^t have to be turned ove-r to the Allies. The terms of the peace treaty pro- viding for the taking over by the Allies of German tonnage and requiring Ger¬ many to build ships for the Allies at the rate of 200,001} gros* tons a year for five years are not meeting with general approval in British shipping and shipbuilding circles. Criticism is also made of the throwing upon the market in Great Britain of a great volume of seized German tonnage. The 'English shipping wee.dy Fairplay says: "We know that in Germany shlp- wners ore very sore with the Aliies for requiring that the whole of the mercantile marine shou.d be forfeited >;o the victors. On the other hand, S)itie Allied shipowners and shrpbuild- L'rs are .rtot altogether pleaeed" with the decisien to dispose of the boats cn bloc, for the offering of them has seriously affected the value of all ton¬ nage, and the throwing of the vessels on the freight market has so greatly depressed rates that both these and t nnage values have reached such a figure that many shipowners who had contemplated purchasing the ex'-Ger- man vessels have determined to hold back until they have some chance of knowing where they are. "To put it baldly, if German work¬ men work and if sufflcient raw material is forthcomirg, competition with her, so far, anyhow, as we are concerned, will b_ a losing game, and not the less lesing through the fact that, with lhe exchange as it is to-day, she, in cer¬ tain respects, has, aa it were, a run- i ing start " -1 a Marine Reports THE TIDKK High water Low water . . , A.M PM AM 1>M Sandy Hoeh; - 3:01 3:26 U:i8 9-43 Oovernor'a Is.anJ. 3:19 3:43 10:17 10 1. Hell Gate . 4:57 5.32 11:43 11:48 Arrived Ytsterday fi_r Aeolus, Buneos Ayres, Dec 29: Mon¬ tevideo, De-: 29; Santaa, Jnn ¦%: Itfo do Janeiro. .'an 18- »o .'..-«¦ - with pass, malla and mdse; Pler 3, Hoboken. Sir BlKridge, rtaiiitow. Cai¬ cutta, Oct 23; Bombay, NbV 17; Genoa, Dec IS; Barcelona, Deo 29; to Grace S S Llne; with mdse; Pler 33, B'klyn. Str fctavangerfjord (Nor). Christiania, Jan 7; B-rgen and stavanger, Jan 8; to N'orweglan- American Llne; wiffi paas, rnalla an<l mdse; foot 30th st, li klyn. Ktr Hdltflt- <Sw), Leghorn, Dec 11; Naples, Dec 14; Catanla, Deo 18; Mes- stna, Dec 22; Palcrmo, Deo 23; Olbraltar, Dec 23; to Moore A McCormlekk; with mdse; foot 33d st, B'klyn. Str l.ebanon. Rotterdam, Dec 31; Hall¬ fax, Jan 15; to the Cosmopolltan S8 Co, in ballast; tJter .9, N K. Ktr Sutermco, Matanzas. Jan 10; Havana, Jan 12; to the TransiTiarlne Corporation; with sugar; anchored off Staten Island. Str City of Montgomery, Savannah, Jan 15; to Havonnoh Llne; with pass and rndse; Pler 35, N R. Str Bn Vaile, Galv« ston. Jan 13; to Houthern Puclfic Co; with mdse; Pler bi, N R. Htr Cornahc'ne, Jackaonvllle and Charies¬ ton. Jan IS; to Clyde Llno; with paas und mdse; Pier 37. N it. Str Lake FTeeland, Mobile, Jart S, Tatnpa, Jan 12; to Mallory Llne. with mdse; Pier 33 N R. Htr Tomjtira Maru (Jap), Alglers, Dec 27; to Nlppon Yusen Kalsha, with md(.e; Pler 19, Clifton, K I. Btr New Rochelle, Havre, Jan 3: to Bal- tlc J? ft Co, with paa an* rrtdse.; anchored. off Quarantlne. Htr HaiWay. Port Lobos, Jan 10; with ol!; anchored off Quarantlne. Bebr Duatln O Creaay. Havana, Jan 4; to Pallittine Commerce Corpn, tn baliaat; anchored off S I. Berth Chance* Vesiu-l. Trinaferred to Agwlmoon.Pier 0, Bayonne AmolCO..Anchored off Weehawken Bdvldera.Teboc'a Vacht Bftsin, Bklyn! Coming.Mo'h.'m l> l>. Bklyn Durango.^Pler (S, Bayonne y..ih.-, .if,.Robln « D D, Bklyn Bllda Clauaen.I'lor 8fi N Et Hartfiel-......Robins D D. Bklyn; Inca .*.Pler 17, BUIyr. l.ake Karber.Crane'a i> I), Bklyn M'«!< s'u.,.Bustxy's D D, Bklyn Nana rt'uh.Pier 3, Conatablo Hook O*.*.-*.Kt )8(h st. K H Panarna.p|i-r «7, N R Pexr H Crowell. .Pler D. Krie, Weehawken Provlncetov/n.Hhooti-rs Islan<l, B I Pania Terla.Pler «, D I. A \V. Boboken Ktaekholm.,.Plnr »« N n Toi<<io Brldiie.Pt Dik.rnan at, B\lyn Weat Hamatlta., .rietohvr'a D D. Hobokvn Wyaooeh..Pler 2., N lt i ^ tscontso HrKAMHiiips oim To-day Vfc&ee). Bort. Departura. .Jan I Prederlk VJIl. .... .Christiania .Jan Meealll Hallaa. ...Plraeua.Jan I Italla....Napi'-. ,,.jan 4 V:r)U;....IJverpool .Jnn ft Jtee.mnrt."... f'hTbo'irjf .Jan 7 Monitolla., ...Rottardarn .Jan *" ti' ." oaoi. ...... Roit-rrtai.i .JMn B Meyantla....Llvarpr_»| .Jan a Carritlo,., ...Harca Marta.... .Jan 18 %tun*ms.t.Antltla ,...,,.. .Jan 14 ^ ., P-a T«**mor»aw Dar,t» Allahlarl-N»ui«« ,..., Jan f «a*/>nl*.Charoourg .,. Jan i. Shippin JJenle.........Victoria...Dee 17 RosaiirQ.St John.Jan 17 rort Victoria.Bermuda ........ Jan u Due Friday Carneaa.Curacao.Jan lt Arapahoe.Jacksonvllle _Jan 18 LIty of Savannah. ..Savannah.Jmj 18 l)ae Sutuiday Cohcho.Galveston .Jan 17 l>ue sunday . St Mlhiel.Callais .Jan 8 Calamares.Cristobal.Jan 16 Wacouta.Havana .Jan 18 Lonape.JaokBonville.Jan 31 Argentina......... Trieste...Jan 6 OL'TGOINU STEAMSIIirS Sail To-d»y Mail Veesel closes. sails, Adrlatlc, Southampton. 8:80 AM 12:00 M Rlpley Caatla, Cape , Town.12:00 M 3:00 PM Huron, Buenos Ayres., 9:00 AM 1-00 1»\1 I'orto Ili.o, San J'Uan. 8:30 AM 12:00 M* Maracaibo. Curacao.... 9:30 AM 1:00PM Pt Hamllton, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM Apache, Jacksonville.. .- 12:00 M Saft To-mo-Tow Imperator, Southamp¬ ton...... 8:00 AM 12:00 M France, Havre. 8:80 AM 12:00 M La Touraine, Havre... |:30 PM 5:00PM Oothinnd, Dandg-,. 5:30 AM 1:00 PM 1' Matilka, Genoa. >.. .10:30 AM 2:00 PM Rivnrside Brldge, Bur- Sa8--t. 1:30 PM 4:00 PM Santa Loonora, CHsto- .,,bal..'..'». 8:09 AM 12:00 M W M Tupper, St Thomaa. 8:30 AM 12:09 M (uyaba. Rio de Janeiro. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Panarna. Crlstobal.'. ... 12:00 M .:00 PM . , , Sail Friday H Luckenbach, Ham¬ burg .12:00 M 3:00 Pi. Sail Saturday Buenos Ayres, Cadiz.. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Zeeland, Antwerp. 8:00 AM 12:00 M Saxonia, Hamburg;.... 8:Q0 AM 12:00 M Kasterner, Cape Town.. 8:30 A.M 12:00 M Belvedero, Patras.10:00 AM 2:00 PM Stoekholm,Goll.enburg.l0:30 AM 2:00 PM Hawallati, Hamburg... 13:00 M 3:00 PM ft Vlciorla, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AM CJullpue, Guayaqull.... 8:00 AM 12:00 M Saiiust, Para-. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Hubert, Para. 8:00 AM 1:00 PM Glem.evon, Rio de Janeiro, .12:00M 3:00PM <5acapa, Kingston. 7:30 AM jl:0OAM Coamo, San Juaji. 8:30 AM 12:00 M Momerey, Vera Cruz.. 3:80 AM 12:00 M Mnnamar, Antilla..- 12-00 M Comus, New Orleans....- 12-00M Arapahoe, Jacksonville- 12:00 M Megar.tic, St Thomas.. - 12-00 M Toloa, Port Limon. .. ¦ »¦ 12;00 M TRANSPACIF1C MAU.S The conneutli g riiails closo at tho Gcn- eiai Postoffice and City Hall Fostortiee Matlon, New Yonc. at 6 p. m., as follows: Hawaii, Japan, Corea, China, Siberia, trench Indochlna alid Netherlan.ia East Indies (except Sumatt'a), via San Fran- cikco, steamship Korea Maru, January ll). Hawaii, Sanioai. Islands, Australia and New Zealeml, via San Francisco, steam¬ ship Sonoma, January 20. Phillppine Islands, via San Francisco, steamship Creole State, January 21. Hawaii, vlj San Francisco, steamship Maiaon' ..January 21. Japan, Cor.a China, Siberia, French Indo- chlt a aiid Neuierlands East fcidles (ex¬ cept fcumatraj, via Seattle, ateamahlu 1'ushlma Maru, January 22 Japan, Corea, China, Siberia,'French Indo- oaina, Neu.erianus Easi Indies (excepi buii.atraj and Phlilppin* islands via uary 23 S " Alabama Maru, Jan" Reports by Wireless From the U. S. Naval Coramu- nication Station (Dlstance is given in miles. Reports are iated at noon unlees otherwise epecifled.] A^ct?nPi^8,?08 E8B Oa'veston Jan 17. Ancon 6»0 NE Colon Jan 17 Annetta 63 NW Cape .Mais4 Jan 17. Aryan 170 oB Sabino Bar Jan 17 .uiigas :i«o San Pedro 2 PM Jan 17. Atlantic Sun 154 N Jupiter Jan 17. Auiunmlr lat 38 50 long C9 00 Jan 17 .vusable 130 SW flatUras Jan 17 tiariholomew .62 N Kingston Jan 17. fc..atric_ lf5 SW Hatteraa Jan 17. Jjeliidge 55 NE Sand Key Jan 17 uetsy Heil lat 12 09 long 79 00 jin 17. ividwell lat 37 38 long 37 34 Jan 17. ..radtord 80 N Talara 8 PM Jan 17 Vy,'ay,1, HAbJr N Bloak Island Jan 18. cabrille 76 N Jupiter Jan 17 Catonia 393 WSW Tampa Jan 17. oarouhe 800 S Ambtuae Jan 17. Carriiia 63 S Watlings Jan 16. Caronia 1090 Irom Bar Harbor 8 PM Jan 17. Cariand 270 S Cape San Antonio Jan 17. Lecll County 305 N by W Colon Jan 17. Charles i_ Harwobd 270 VV Kartd Kov .an 17. * Chester Kiwania 694 E Cape Henry Jan 17. Chester Sun 40 S Hatteraa Jan 17 uiilcivaaaw .13 B by N Cai«_ w.niy jan 18. city Everutt 75 V? San-l Key Jan 18. i.ommunipaw 68 S Ambrese Jan 18. t-imcho 1.109 8 hcotland Jan 18. Jlatnni?UU BridB0 250 BSB Charleston Cornella 559 S Ambrose Jan 17. Cowan 30 N Cape Hchry Jun 18. Orasterhall 186'irom Honolulu 8 PM Jan 16 Cuba 14 S Jacksonville Jan 17. uarden 243 E Tampico Jun 17. Devolento 30. E Loboa Island Jan 17. iMvigo 58 S Hatteraa Jan 17. Eastern Guide 830 from San Francisco 8 i M Jun 1C. Eastern Temrle R Hattere.s Jan 17. Edlth 353 1'E Ambrose Jan 17. eiuward L Boheny III 128 SW South Pasa Jan 17. El Sud 299 N Juplter Jan 17. Eu;r«>n_ V H Thayer 17 W Port Loboa Jan 13. Forest King 420 8 Seattle 8 PM Jan 16. FrederjCU VIII 130 E Ambroso 2:30 PM Jnn 13. Gedania lat 29 60 Ion 80 60 Jan 17. Cen W C Gorgaa 77 N Cape Haltlen Jan 16. George H Jones 250 SW Hatteras Jan 17. Gladysbe 228 NNE Tampico Jan 17. Gonsiaba 125 SW by 8 South Pasa Jan IT. Gulf of Mexieo 15 N Halten.3 Jari 18. Gulf Oil 234 SE Sabino Jan 17. Gulfcoaat 226 W Sand Key Jan 13. Oulfland 160 SW Hatteras Jan 17. Culfmald 214 8 Hatteras Jan 17. Hadnot 450 SAV Hatteras Jan 17. llahlrn. 14 8 Carysrort Jan 17. l Halo 16 8 American Shoals Jan lt. Hc-ber 613 frorn Colon 8 PM Jan 17. TUpho lat 2fl 14 Ion 68 05 Jan 17. llllton 139 SW by S Hatteras Jan 17. Illslto 65 SW Key West.Tan 17. Houma 164 N Juplter .Tan 17. Hoven 210 BW Nuntucket Jan 18. TTokbar 220 N Juplter Jan 17. ', Hulaco 132 8 Jupiter Jan 17. J A Bostwlck 250 SW Hatteras Jan 17. John t) Rookefeller 108 8 Hatteraa Jan lt. John .Tay 950 E A/nbroae Jan 17. John Worthlngton 481 NE Colon .Tar? IB. Klehacoqulllaa 35 R Hatteras Jan 17. Lake Alvada C16 8 Scotland LV Jan 17. Lake Besha 91 NW Havana Jafi 17. Like Elkwat.r 74 N Juplter Jan 17. Lake Fanbush lat 00 32 Ion 81 00 4 PM Jan 16. Lake Faribrtull pasafd Hnttersa Jan 17. Lake Farlstell 366 SW Hatteras Jan 17. Lake Hfe lat 28 30 Ion 69 56 Jart 17. I.ake Fighting 420 NE Tampico Jan 17. Lake Fisher S13 SW Hatteras Jnn 17. Lake Fondulac 246 S Hatteraa Jan 17. Lake Friilr;hur 230 SW New Orleans Jan 17. Lake Llcoco 138 SW South PaBii Jan 17. Bake Plnkawny 97 8 Oalveston Jan 17. Lehigh 7 SE Hatteras Jan 17. Liberty Mintjuae 135 8 Bolawarc Break- water Jan 18. Ligonier 110 WNW TortUgaa Jan 17. Malderr Creek 110 B Key Wwt Jan 17, Mangofe 20 SE Cape Henry Jan 18. Marlana lat 27 31 Ion 70 30 Jan 17. Matanzan 340 NE Tampico Jan 17. Matsonla 1,558 from Honolulu 8 I'M Jafl 16. Maul 670 from Honolulu 8 PM Jan 16. MeR&ntlo 922 M Ambrose 11:36 AM Jan 16. Mi rldeti 1,6»6 8 San Pcdro Jan 17. Meslcano 200 S Galveston Jan 17. Mexieo 214 8 Hatteras Jan 17. Miller Cour/.ty 21 KtC Cape Cod Jan 18. Mraeola 103 8 Hatteraa Jan 17. Momua 297 N Juplter Jan 17. Montgomery 70 SSE Hatteraa Jan 17. Mnntroso 75 ESE Tortugas .Tan 17. Moosehauelc 70 frorn Cape Henry Jan lt. Nevada 500 from San Francisco 8 PM Jan 16. New Vork 47 H Tortutcas Jan 18. Newton 42 H Flr<- Inland Jan 18. Norman BrldKe 396 W Sand Key Jan 17. Otssa 177 K Ambrose Jnn 18. Otho lat 38 16 ion 65 38 Jan 17. Overbroolt 12 S Five Fathom Jan 18. T'-agnuy 118 M Trlntty Shoals Jan 17. Pairaaset lat 3fi 13 Ion 64 32 Jan 17. Pastona 347 H Havana Jan 16. fopnan. ?64 SHW Ottlvesto:i Jan 17. P'rmH.vlvarita 226 N Tampico Jan 17. Phomlx 158 W Sand KeV Jan 18. Plr.estonf Comity 453 SW Ilntterah Jan 17. Pmce 492 8 Scotland lv Jan 17. I'o-tola Plurnns 63 8 Wlntent'iarter Jan li. Prlneeton 139 K Tampleo J«n 17. Cuoker City 43 E Cape Henry Jan 18. Hnyo 70 W Tortugfta Jan 13. Renper 164 W Sand Key Jan 18. Repupis 60 E Cape Cnnnvi>ral Jari 17. Renublte 110 8 Cape Mnlsl Jan 17. H M Bpauldlng 100 h Nantuaket Jan 17. S*l'-m Couftty 29l N Juplter Jan 17. San Mateo 465 N Colon Jan 16. Hrnr»H Ellha 841 H Pftlbon Jan 16. KantH Viironlc* rn NE Havana Jan 18. SAr»mA*en 310 8 Ambfone Jan 17. fe'ttilnolo 200 EBE HaltcrdH Jan 17. Sharon 120 frorn Cape Henry Jun 17. Kocon.9 8 Jtatterai Jan 17. «t Anthor.y 286 E Cape Cod 3 PM Jan 17. Standard 102 U Lftboa lutarrd Jan 17. fttandurd Arrow 463 from Han Franclaot . PM Jan 16. Btff) Voyager 784 from flan Franclaoo 8 ¥i» Jan If. Sueroaa 284 JO 8at>ln« Jan Sf. Sildbury 8«J from flfcn Pertrn 8 i*K Jan 38. Sun 168 K Sablne Bar Jan 17. krM*i «.gfv.i_. );°»n|ff" *.. Tanoarv;!!* 420 NM Tampico Jan 17. and Trlmountain 90 E by 8 Cape Henry Jaa 18. Turrlalba 3,013 8 Ambrose Jan 17. Vacuum 160 SW Hatteras Jan 17. YPdlc XI8 B Ambrose Jan 17. W B Keene 46 S Cape Herry Jan 17. Wacouta sl W Havana Jan 18. WntertoWn 277 S Ambrose Jan 18. West Annum 2S0 SW Hatteras Jan 17. West Ashawa 345 E Cape Henry Jaa IT. West Camargo 40 from EonoiulJ 8 PM Jan 16. West Canon 783 S Cape Henry Jan 17. West Henshaw 2442 fr6tn San Francisco 8 I'M Jan 16. West Holbrook 675 from 6an Pedro 8 PM Jan 17. West Nlvarla 870 from Portland 8 PM Jan 16. West Notus 1,602 N Balboa Jan 17. Weat Togus 80 N Uverfalls LV Jail 18 Wlc-o 220 8 Hatteras Jan 17. William Grecn 210 E Tampico Jan 17 WHtlam H Doheny 420 W San Key jkn 17 Wii.yah 1.0 S Boston LV Jan 18. A.MKRIC AN rORTS BALTIMORE, Jan 18.Arrived: Stre Corrsort, New York; Aldebaran (SwedL H.rnosand via St Thomas. Sitlled- Htr Wladlmir Sawin (Dan), Copenhager,- schr B R io»ver (Br), Nusaau. BOSTON, Jan 18.Arrived: Stra Arl- zcnan, New Vork; Derby line, Port Loboa- Jonancy. Norfolk; Maruba. Norfolk; Waited p Noyes, Norfolk. ('IJhree latter 17th ) Sailed: btrs Verentla (Br), Liverpool; Ku- merlc (Br), New Vork Terre Huute, Rio P?_.,J,ane«ri°' Sa,'t08' ^u^nos Ayres and La Fiata; G'ou"''*'''''. f'-folK and Philadel¬ phia- City of ,.ugu_..a, Savannah; Newton. t-amben s Foitrt. (.latter 17th.l CYY,-U»< OHAKLESTON, 8 c, Jan ls.Arrived: Strs Lane uiiKwater, Vaiparaiao- Unm. Faribault, Boston; Continental 'Brlaee Bavie, and saneu ior A-ubue.' Balltd; str Aiatloie, texas Clty. GALVESTON Jan 18.Arrived: El Sol, New Yoik, Aiaiianao (lt), xvaples. Sailed1 Musrtogee, Pniuue.phla; B.aount, Stampl- co; Paul R. Harwoou, tampieu. New Tex- as ,i>r), Livevpooi; Immacoi-ata (r). Bor- deaux. JACKSONVILLE, Jan 18.Arrived- Stra Juniata, Baltimore; Pint-ilas, Havana- -euu, Faliuouiu, Leua.._, ,.eW lorit' oalied: Str Aiapahoe, New Vork aiOlIljs, jan is.Arrived. btrs Ensley _lty, i.ewpon i\evvs, liaraia iNor), i'ort Barrlos; Vera (Nor), Beiize; Aioundrla Nortolk; Chapel Hall (Hi,, New orieai a «"ue" lampa. "PiCO' aailed: str L**« Nid.vj.-(_._vi. NEWS. Va, Jan 18.Ar- rlveu: Stra Carolina Maru (Jap), Barry luilamore (Br), New Hork. SaTled.- Stri J. A. ivnuuson (Nor), Buenos AyioS; Hi_. leni iBiy, iiauiourg; Muiu.i.o ui), Buenoa Ayrea; Luteuan .Br),- Cula*,; Kiacaram" 1.1*1), Aiexan ..ria. AO_._ru__._v, .a, Jan 18.Arrived: Str» -uoeisoijiv (ui), &an Francisco; Tullanuuo J'VNlL)V ,VlK; *Jeua' »P'!««".Baiuinure; Aia.oa, ir-ortlanu, Ate; iBr.. Wall- _fl?..UIl. ,»«*yview, Bosiun, tuvt-, un, Bos- .__,,.,. /Y'8, dc, *jamM«11 <.**»'), Aia,.. e._.stei, Ulbria de uairmaga .Br), oal- oH.ieu. Orca air), Havre; lltnnos (iNor), iuaiftellles; Barlera <H_), Hamburg; Mon- vi^o lt), i'____a._elp_.a, yuuiter Clty, j.,v- e.puol, Atonmoutu, _lus_;ow, Colm H Liv- mgstone, Fhiiaueiuiuu., Aiolueiio (it). xJut-nua Ayrea Koaas tror ordura); Portu Uu) tbaiK., Uy.uu, Luteliun ti.r;, Ca- lI'iLi. _? lNot'' ruvno Bia.a; Carolina t-wed), Brciutn, Caprera ut), Genua; k-J"eur d'Aiene, Napiea, EilesbuiBii iBr). .iuenos Ayres Roaua uor otuel*,. tr^ilUAuiiiuftiXAi Jan lo.Amved: Str AHSJ.1.0 v ilij. uenoa, etc, via .New York. oailed: btrs Lake Sunupee, New Yoi-kj nowi.ester, 'lexas City; smnoll, Port Loboa; <-ity ot I'alrbury. Huvre. jjeiaware Brt-aK- waier, uni, Jan L>.c.uil___: Sc.m- u K '"pnn-r '*'»t','.th__w ,y"''-L Newport News. PORT ARTHLR, Jan 18.Arnvcu: Jtuiu- uamuc (Bi), Ruit.ruum, Uuimju.o lam- wco, Quif Star, Galveston; Pennsylvania, New York. Sai'leu: betuair, iamnuo; na- Uioit-ne (tr), Aiaistiins, J M buiity, Gal¬ veston. PliNSACOLA, Fla, Jan 18.Arrived: Str Euterpe iBr) .Naples. Sailed: Str Iddlea- leign tBi) t'alenuo. PORTuAND, Me, Jan IS.Arrived: Str Cornlshittan .Br), Avonmouth. PORT EADS, La, Jan 18.Arrived: Stra Ebros vSp), Europe; Edward L Doheny Hi, Tampico; Coppenitme, fort Barrlos, jonzaba. vera Cruz; Bane Ormoo, Tant- plco: Magieian iBrj, Culcutia; Panoil, Tampico. Sailed: Stra Bavington, Ham¬ burg; Beeci.lcaf .Br), i'ort Aitnur; E.iltn Cavel tBr), Marsellles; Frtwik K Lane. uaivi.ston; O T Waring, Jacksonville. SAVANNAH, Jan 18.Arrived. _>Lr Bal- sam, Aarhuus. Sailed: Strs Clty of Sa¬ vannah, New York; Point Judith, Balti- mur. Nantucket, Philadelphia. TAMPA, Fla, Jan 18.Sailed: Str Clty ut Rayville, Savannah. FOREIGN POIWS. Depurtur a for New York HAMBURG, Jan 2.S S American, LONl.'ON, Jan 17.S 8 Karroo tBr). GLASGOW, Jan 15.8 S Galahad, Ma- comet. .iiARSHILLBS, Jaa 11.S S Brltannla (Fr). NAPLES, Jan 11.S S Lycornlng. AVONMOUTH, Jan 17.S S Kast Chi- cago. BAHIA, Jan 16.8 S Siddons (Br). PORT SAID, Jan 11.S 8 Karlmato (Dutch) (from Padag). IMM1NGHAM, Jan 1C.S 8 Brookvale (Br). ROTTERDAM, Jan 14.S S West Corum: 10th, B< lltmlna. SHANGHAI, Jan 15.8 S Celtlc Prince (Br). ANTWERP, Jan 1B.8 S Idaho (Br). AMSTERDAM, Jan lt.3 8 Maasland (Dutch). LlbBON. Jan 1C.Str Brltannla (Fr). FREMANTI.E, Jan 16.Str City of Ma- lrld .Br) (from Melboume). BILBAO. Jan 12.Str Prusa; 13th, Fort 1'lti Bridge. FAYAL. Jnn 16.Str Wlsla. HALIFAX. N S, Jan 18.8 8 Sa*onia (Br), London. Arrivals From New York BARBADOS, Jan 13.Str Slerra Nevada (Nor), for Montevideo. .nAGASAKI, Jan 13.Str Tatsuno Maru (Jap). HELSINGBORG, Jan 11.Str Immein iBwed/. BERGEN, Jan 12.Str Conrad Mohr iNor). 8YDNBY. N 8 W, Jan 17.Str Port Lyttleton (Br), LIVERPOOL, Jan 17.Str Vauban (Br). SURABAYA, Jan 0.Str Clan Ranald (Br). NAPLES. Jan 10.Str» Pollenzo (It); 17th. Henry R Mallory. VEN1CE. Jan 11.Str Emllia (It). FLUSH1NO, Jan 15.Str Wheatori.. Ui-^AOA, Jnn 12.Str (,'iuseppi Verdi. I'LYMOUTH. Jan 17.Str Ryndam (Dt). for P.ot ii ind p.u...- ..(.u). BREMERHAVEN, Jan 13.Str Susque- ha_...... SOUTHAMPTON, Jan 16.Str Fluor Spa. via Buenos Ayres for Copenhagen. GIBKALTaR, Jart 17.Str Cretfc (Br), Boston for Genoa; Grcecla (Swed), for Le» ho: n, etc. B. ENOS AYRES, Jan 1C.Str Mollere (Br). -MONTEVIDEO. Jan 16.Str M U 8can- lon via Baltimore. RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan 16.Str Meia sona r ( Bi ). PL'LL. Jan 17.Str Marpngo (Br). LEGHORN, Jan 12.Str Wearbrldge (Br). PIRABU8, Jan 13.Str Lord Gullford tBr). " VLONICA, Jan 14.Str River Orotues (Br). .waRSEILLEB, Jan 14.Str Aala (Fr). Buyers Arrived (Contlnuacl from page teventaeii) NEW HAVEN.Thc Edw. Malley Co.; J. O, Mizor pni (ins druga, rlbbons, jewelry: 401 Fourth Avenue. NEW B/vv.J.. ..,. Press Co.; J. Prese, woolen pieoe goods; Park Avenue, NEW ORLEANS.Sam Silversleln; Mra Sllverstein, ludlea' wear; 25 Weat Thtrty- thlrd Street. NBW ORLEANS.Charles Kaufman Ce.; c. M, Kaufman, women's, rrtlssea' and chlldren's ready to wear; Alfred Fantl. 116 Weat Thirty-second Street. NEW ORLEANS Marks, Isaaes C6.; Mr Bernstein, men's furnlshlngs; B. M. Isaaes, millinery; 3150 Broadway. NEW ORLEANS.Sution & Co.; 1. 8u*- ton, notions: McAlpin. NORWIOH. Conn..Porteous & Mitchell; D. La Poe, men's furnlshlngs; 432 Fourth Avenue. OAKLAND, Calif..Taft & Pennoyer; M. Martin, merehnndise nianager; Frank Bush. noveitles. rlbbons, leather goode and jewelry; 220 Fifth. Avenue. OKLAIIUMA CITY, Oklft..Baker-Hanna ft Blake; O. 2ebon!e, ijlilss and waah goods; 395 Broadway. OMahoma City.Baker. Hanna & Blake News Co/ O. Zerboni. dress goods, silks; 395 R oaflwa OMAHA.Gate City Hat Co.; L. Drlshans, hats, caps; Pennsylvania. OMAHA.Burgeaa. Nash Co.; P. Schaye, mlllinery; 200 Flfth Avenue, Room 1.14. PADUCAH, Ky..Uiwenthal & Son.; R. H. Lowenthal. women's garments; Aoer- deen. PEORIA, 111..Peorla Dry Gooda Co.; A. Welntraub, Jobs muslln underwear and petticoats; 37 West Twenty-slxth Street. PEORIA, III;.M, J. Federman & Sons; A. .Welntraub, underwear and petticoats; 37 Weat Twenty-aUth 3treet. Smiiii, ellka; Penn¬ sylvania. PHILADELPHIA.Rothuchild & Co.; B. Rothschild, dresses; Woodward. FH1LADELPH1A ivadi.a Ba.:aar; S GreenberK, women's ready to wear; Marlborough. PHILADELPHIA.Leavltt ft Tress; B. L. Tresa. ladles' and mlssos' spring aulta; 1182 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA.Frank & Seder; R. Levenson, boys' clothing and furnishlngs; H. L. Bernbaum, coats. aulta and aklrts; Misa C. Roaendalef children's wear; Oscar Abel. 16 West Thlrty-sixth Street. PHILADBLPHIA.Sldney Newman. furni¬ ture; Br.slln. PHILADELPHIA . Sacks & Ginsburg; sweaters and hoslery; Annex. PHILADBLPHIA.Strawbrldge ft Clothier; Miss Querner, underwear and aklrts; 230 Flfth An nue. PHILADELPHIA.Stewarfsj Miss Gold¬ man, muslln underwear; Misa B. Koenig, Jobs difsses, care of Alfred Fantl. 116 West Thirtyrsecond Street. PHILADELPHIA.Mendall's; Mr. Kauf- man, Jobs ladles and children's coata nnd dresses; Mendel Hirach, jobs mualin underwear and walstst 37 Wes. Twenty- slxth Street. PHILADELPHIA . Blauner's: Miss R. Phillips. glngham dresses and spring dresses; J. Hfrschl, girls' spring coats; Miss Singer, Jobs small furs and stoles; Alfred Fantl, 110 West Thirty-second Street. PHILADBLPHIA.Young. Smith, Field Co.; B. Glbbs, underwear; 560 Broadway. PHILADELPHIA.Eureka Cloak & Puit Co., manufacturers cloaka and aulta; Imperlal. PHILADELPHIA.L. Dannenbaum Son Co.; L. Dannenbaum, mlllinery; 285 Fourth Avenue. PHILADELPHIA.D. Rosenberg, general mdse.; Gran 1. PHILADELPHIA.The Century Shop; E. Levy, men's furnlahingB; Imperlal. PHILADELPHIA.Empire Wnlst ft Mlddy Co.; B. M. Rothman, niRnufaeturera walsts and mtddies: Alcazar. PIBDMONT, W. Va..William Rosen- bloom: William Rosenbloom, represent- Ing; Breslln. PITTSBURGH.Kaufman & Baer; L. Kim, hats and caps; 404 Fourth Avenue. PITTSBURGH.Rosenbaum Co.; Miss C Altman, dresses; Misa F. Lipsich, dresses; Miss M. O'Neil. basement coats, t-ulta, dresses; Alfred Fantl. 118 West Thfrty- peeond Street. PITTSBURGH.McCreery & Co.; G. M. Price, trunks and bags; Miss M. Wo- Jinake, ribbons; Mrs. G. O'Neil, Jewelry; 25 West Twenty-slxth Street. PITTSBURGH.Roaehbaum Co.; B. Gold- tlnger, furs; Alfred Fantl, 116 West Tliirty-aecond Street. PITTSBURGH William Rosenbloom; William Rosenbloom, representing; Bres¬ lln. PITTSBURGH Arbuthnot, Stephenson Co.; R. H. Houston, dry goods, cotton piece goods; G.!, cotton pieco goods; G. R. Aufderhelde, woolens, silk, laces, cotton piece goods: 43 Leonard st. PITTSBURGH I. Greenberg. women's wear; Pennsylvania. PITTSBURGH.Rosenbaum Co.; Miss M. O'Nelll. coats, euits; 116 West Thirty- second Street. PITTSBURGH.Kaufman A Baer Co.; E. A. Tohey, shoes, trunks, etc; 404 Fourth Avenue. PITiSBURGH.Porter Co.; Miss K. Wells, ."llllnery Imperlal. PITTSBURGH.H. Cohen, furnishings, s I'p;. rmnsylvanla. PITTSBURGH.Kaufman & Baer Co.; W. L. Kim. furnishings; 404 Fourth Avenue. pr-^rRUH-J, J. Sapper, clothing; McAlpin. >tGH.Kotb Bros.; C. A. Kolb, mllllnerv; McAlpin. PITTSBURGH.Kauf mann's Department Store: H. Mates, Joba of muslln under¬ wear, basement; C. Kllne. linen goods; 1261 Broadway. PITTSBU1.GH.Plttsburgh Dry Gooda Co.; Mr. Schroeder, hoslery; 43 Leonard Street. PITTSBURGH.Frank & Seder; A. Am- feld, I'arnishings, trunks, -tc; 10 West Thlrty-slxth Street. PITTSBURGH.Kaufman, Baer ft Co.; L. Ferber, milllnery. 104 Fourth Avenue. PITTSBURGH.Pittsburgh White Gooda Co.; J. Baker, manufecturera Infants' Wear, children's and misses' wear, ladles' muslln underwear; McAlpin. PITTSBURGH.D. Hollander ft Sons; A. Hollander, clothing, furnlslilngra goods: Pennsylvania. PORTLAND, Me..Haskell ft Jones; H. L. Goodrldgo, clothing; Broi-.tell. PROVIDENCE.P. L; Wllmarth & Co.; F. L. Wllmarth. Jewelry; Breslln. PROVIDENCE.Dlm ind Co.; D. A. Robin¬ son, fu-nlture; Hornld S'luare. RICHMOND, Va. Dreyfus Co.; Miss Vaughan, cheap Silk underwear; 212 Fifth Avenue, 13th floor. RICHMOND, Va..Richmond Dry Goods Co.; J. B. Hawcs. notiona; 43 Leonard' Street. RICHMOND, Va..Richmond Dry Goods .^Co.; H. W. Duane, ailks, woolens; 43! Loonnrd Street. ROANOKE, Va..S. H. Heironlmus ft Co.; Miss R. Bell, Womcn'o garments; 1150 Broadway ROANOKE, Va..Hancoek Dry Gooda Co.; 1 Haneock, dry good.i; Annex. ROCHESTER, N. V..Slbloy, Llndsay ft Curr Co.; C. D. Ottman fancy leather goods; W. Barnes. carpets and rugs; wholesale 432 Fourth Avenue. ROCHESTER . Given'n; H. H. Given, coats. aulta, dresses; 7 West Twenty- Slxth Street. ROCHESTER.Sibt.ey, Llndsay ft Curr; C. U. Ottman, leather jgoods; 432 Fourth Avenue. SALT i.AKB CITY.Zlon'a Co-operatlve Mercantlle Inc; W. A. Needham, wom¬ en's ready to wear, dry goods, Miss B. BeWey, milllnery; 60 Worth Street. SAN ANTONIO, Tex..Wolff ft Marx Co.; W. Bird, shoes; 6 West Thlrty-aecond Street. ^ SALT LAKE CITY. Utah.Zlona Co- operatlve .Merchandlalng Co.: J. Nlchol- Bon. men'a furnishings; 60 Worth Street. SAN FRANCISCO.O'Connor ft Moftatt Co.; Miss M. J. Burkn, sweaters. corsets and underwear; M. Murray, rlbbons: Mr. MeKay, art needlework; 432 Fourth Avenuo. SAN FRANCISCO.Hale Bros.; IL B. Shalcs, men's furnishlngs; 60 Union Squaro. SAN FRANCISCO.Emporium; Mr. Marx. basement shoes; 252 Fifth Avenue. SAN FRANCISCO City of Paris Dry Goods Co.: C. Wtlls. shoes; 170 Flfth Avehuo. SAN ANTONIO, Tex..E. Blum Co.; A. M. August, fancy gooda; 48 West Thlrty- flfth Street. <* SAN FRANCISCO.J. Allen. clothing; Flnndera SAN FRANCISCO.Morrla Mercantlle Co.; A. Morris, general mdse.; Flanders. SALEM. Mass..Almy. Bigelow ft Wash- burn: Miss Cortce. dresses: 230 Flfth Avi hue, SAPULPA, Okla..Katz Department Store, L. J. KatZ; dry goods and ready to wear: Pennsvlvanla. SCHENBCTADY, N. Y..II. S. Barney Co.; V. S. Selgler, ready to wear; 404 Fourth Avenue. 3CRANTON, Pa..N. Suravlta & Co.; H. SuravltK, domeatlcs, tlannels, white goods, dress goods. blankets, notlons and dry goods; Pennsylvania. SCRANTON, Pa..Max Karfunkel, dry goods and shoes; Grand. SEATTLE. Waah..Seattle Dry Ooods Co.; J. B. Gray, shoes: 440 Fourth Avenue. SIOUX CITY.Hicks-Puller Co.; G. Miller, men's furnishlngs; 329 Broadway. SOUTH BEND, Ind..Brandon-Durrell Co.; T. TI. Brandon, corsets, knlt goods; Miss 13. Ray, waista. Infants' wear; York. SOUTH BEND, Ind. Brandon-Durrell Co.; Miss E. Relmold. mlllinery; Penn- oylvania; T. H. Brandon, corsets, hosl- ery, furnishlngs goods; Misa E. Ray, waista dnd children's wear; York. SPRINGFIELD Mo..Keet & Roundtree; H. Roundtree, doineslica; G. L. Camp- bell. furnishlng goods; 72 Leonard Street. SPRINGFIELD, Mass..Forbea & Wallace; N. Wallace, Miss Foley, Miss Jackson, ready to wear; 230 Fll'th Avenue. ST. LOUIS.Ferguson & McKinney Co.; J. E. Montague, hoslery; 392 Broadway. ST. LOUIS carlton Dry GOods Co.; L. Lnndwehr, notiona; J. W. Adams prints and glnghn'ns: 32't Broadway. ST. LOUIS. B. Nugent ft Bros.: William Krampr. boys1 clothing; 1373 Broadway, third- floor. ST. LOU1H.Carlcton Dry Goods Co.; R. B. Neal. blankets, oullts, llnens and rib- lions: ?2 Broadway. JOHN L. MERRILL, Prab. KaiaNCahle Offlce, Broad atraa* Telephone Broad 7479 !«.«> Fifth Av*.. Phone VanderbUt MJ4 14 Fifth A»«- 2 __.**... ?*». "S.! J * Frankllrt 8t., " Frankiin AU 29 Spruo* Bt.. " U.-kmin 1711 CHILE In 1919 the total export from the United States to Chilc amounted to $53,- 121,087. ALL AMERICA CABLES is a neeessary link in com¬ mercial development be¬ tween the United States and the sister Republic* of South America< of Fc ST. LOUIS . Rothschild Broa Hat Co. men's hats, caps and gloves: G. B. Fl- fleld representing; Pennsylvania. ST. LOUIS.He!l-r & Livingston; 8. LIt- Ingaton, men's clothing, ladles' ready to wear; 141 West Thirty-thlrd Street. ST. LOUIS Rosenthal-Sloan Milllnery Co.; R f. starkey, millinery; M«Alpin. ST. LOUIS.Ely & Walker; W. B. Roney, furnishings; 56 Worth Street. ST, PAUL.F. Vilendrer, men's furnishlng goods and handkerchlefs; 3 West Twen- ty-nlnth Street. ST. PALL, Minn. . Golden Rule.A. S. Kurta. suits; 8 West Twenty-ntnlh Street. 8T. PAUL.Golden Rule; L. Strauas, mdse. manager; ;i West Twenty-nintn Stn et. ST. PETBRSBURG. Fla..Northrup & Rut- land Co.; J. T. Rutland, women's ready to wear; Milton & Lichensteln. 25 Wes» Thinv-third Street. SYRAC* SE Nea) & Hyde, I? C. 8. Hyde, white goods; D. S. Hyde, muslin underwear; H. D. Stone, farnlahings; 72 L ounrd Street. SYRACUSE Hunter-Tuppen Co.; A. A. Belanger, men'a furnishlng goods. hos- leiy, knlt underwear And umbrellas; Breslln. TAMPA, Fla..Fifth Avenue Shop; 8. Had- dad, ready to wear and milllnery; 25 West Thirty-third Street, Room 85. TAMPA. Fla..Tampa Jobblng Houae; M. Kotter, domestlcs, white goods, blankets. notions, men's furnishlng goods; Broad¬ way Central, TBMPLE, Texas.Madden. Jarrell A Co.; A. J. Jarrell, dry goods; Pennsylvania. TEXARKANA. Texas Schwarz Clothing Co.; Mrs. J. H. Blllngton. clothing. dry goods; 6 West Thlrty-second Stre» t. TOLEDO Meyer-Jonasaon Co.; Misa B. Weaver, millinery: Fifth Avenue. TOLEDO.Reynokls-Munro Co.; A. J. Rey¬ nolds. coats, suits, waists, skirts; 100 West Thlr'v-second Street. TORON1 . >. Can.--S. F. MeKlnnon & 8on; w Clark, millinery; Grand. TROY, N. Y..Gay Co., J. P. Qay, mer¬ chandise manager; A. Van Leuven, dress goods. silks velvets, llnlngs; 6 West Thirty-second Street. TUPPER LAKE. N. Y..J. Tager. ladies' read> to wear; Broa-»way Central. UNIONTOWN, Pa. WHght-Metxier Co.; C. P. McGibbon, general merchandise; 1270 Broadway. UTJCA, N. Y..Alien Schmidt & Co.; G. A. Ailen, clothing, furnishlng goods and hats; Imperial. LT1CA. X. V..Rathbun Co.; Mr. Crowner. hoslery and. underwear; 60 Worth Street. VANCOUVER, B. C.David Spencer, Ltd.; C. A. Aldrich, milllnery; 1164 Broad¬ way. VANCOUVER, B. C.David Spencer, Ltd.; J. T. Plll'n'-s. silks and plece gooda; 1164 Broadway. * WACO, T a. anger Brothers; Miss H. Kemendo, candy; 19 East Twenty-fourth Street- WACO. Tex..G. F. Jackson, men's fur- nlshings; 1!> East Twenty-fourth Street. WASHINGTON, D. C.S. Kann Sons * Co..Mr. Murphy, milllnery; 432 Fourth Avfnne. WASHINGTON, D. C. Woodward * Lothrop; Mrs. C. C. Alien, extra slz? ready to wear; _!34 Fourth Avenue. WASHINGTON.Hecht Co.; E. E. L lrnan, men's furnishings; Mr. Kadden, ladies' knit goods; 110 West Thlrty-second Street, Room 1303. WA4»MtNOTON.J. Nachman; MIsb J. Nachmah, women's ready to wear ana millinery; Annex. WHBSTBR CITY, Iowa.Shlpley & Black; C. A. Cotton, dry goods and domestica; Breslln. WHEELING. W. Va..Stone & Thomas; W. E. Rownd, general merchandise; 1270 Broadway. WlCli.TA Kan..Johnston, Larlmer Co.; J. B. Osborne, women's ready to wear, notions, rlbbons, hoslery; 48 Leonard Street. WILKBSrBARRB, Pa..MacWIIllams Co.; Miss E. Wagner, corsets; 404 Fourth Avi nue. WILKES-BARRE.J. Karboski Co.; B. J. Lewis, clothing, furnishlng goods and shoes; Herald Square Hotel. WILKES-BARRE. Pa..W. P. Mosses & Sons; C. E. Pingree, cotto-n piece goods; Breslln. WILMINGTON, N. C.G. Dannenbaum; O. Dannenbaum, coats and suits; 1261 Broadway. WILMINGTON, Del..Topkls Bros.; A. Topkis, underwear; 350 Broadway. WINNII'EG. Can..A. Hurtlg; A. Hurtig, raw furs; Breslln. WINN1PEG, Can..Hurtlg Fur Mfg. Co.. A. Hurtie-. t"ade up furs, especially fur coats; Breslin. WORCESTER. Mass..Denholm & McKay. Mr. Ten Eyck, ready to wear; MIsb Creeehoh, coats; 230 Fifth Avenue. WORCESTER, Mass-,..John C. Maclnnes Co.; Miss M, Murphy, waists, underwear; 43>__ Fourth Avenue. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohlo.G. Livingston, wom¬ en's rrady to wear; Pennsylvania. YOUNGSTOWN. Ohlo.Strouss Hlrshberg Co.; Miss K. Hutzel, milllnery; 1150 Broadway, YOUNGSTOWN, Ohlo Youngstown Drv Goods Co.; A. C. Smith, notions; 72 Leonard Street. BUYEKS COMING MASON CITY, Iowa.Louis Kllllatt Co.; Miss A. J. Fish, llnens and silks; Jav & Co., 105 Grand Street; expecte 1 January 20. MASON CITY, Iowa.Louis Kllllan Co.; Rc|lre«_e:.ting, Jay & Co., 105 Grand Street; expected January 20. M1SSOULA. Mont..Mlssoula Mercantllr Co.; R. G. Ballly, notions, bag:.. hoslery, gloves. dress goods, silks, llnens and rlbbons; 303 Fiith Avenue, room 1808: expected January 25. PASADENA, falif..H. R. Hertel; L. Bnr- nett, dry goods and ready to wear; 25 West Thirty-thlrd Street; expected January 21. TRAVEL SALL-EXPENSE CRUISES $180 Up include mcals and ata.erco.n accommodalicns for entire trip lo and around Island and return lo New YoiV Sailing* every Satur¬ day tor 16-day cruise and on al- _ern_)te Wednesdays for 20-day cruise. FORTO RICO LINE jj 11 Broadway, New York SPANISH PORTS Vigo.Conana.-Santander Gijon.Bilbao Via Havana S. S. BLACK ARROW Sail* from Pier 13. East River Feb. 5 Big, modern steamer. every facility and convenience. Choice firsl cabin uecommodations. Also Emigrant Passengers. For Reservations Apply to Authorized Ticket Agencies or GKNERAL OFFICES Foot of Wall Street Xew York WARD UNE SOUTH AMERICA NEW YORK.VALPARAISO .Kbra, Jan. 80; Esf.tQ_.H__o. Feb. *6 Cails at Havana. NEW YORK.GUAYAQU iL *l*uilpue, .lan. 33' Qulllota. r.B 17. *Calla ,tt Na sau PACIFIC LINE feANDERSON & SON. Gnl. A__ts.. J_G B'y, N _* UR AN'Y .STEAMSHIP TICKET AGENT. Iforce-ten *..OT. Provldenee direet. gS.24. Ol'TSini. STATEROOM8, fl.fff. Dally, Including Sunday, 6:00 P. M. From Pler 1>. E. R. Phone 2700 Beekman. Tieketa at Pler or CooiMtUdalMl Otlleei. PRNTRAI. HrilMON I.1N1. NewburKli, Poi.ir1_kerp_.te. Kingston. Lv. Mttl., Wed. and Fri.. Fr»nklln Sl. at 3 V. M. >reign Trade TKAVEL TKAr____ ?m^m-%'^?ym>,-im <-w 5*^ TROPICALCRUISESfcoo MAKE your reservations now for our \4?jWr enchantinij cruises sailing from ^^ ***** New York by palatia! steamers of the Great White Fleet January 29.S. S. "CALAMARES" " March 12.S..S. -ULUA" Cruises embrace CUBA, gem of the Caribbean.respten* dent JAMAICA.wonderful PANAMA and the CANAL ZONE.and picturesque COSTA RICA. Duration 23d«ya Fascinating shore excursions included THOS. COOK &. SON 245 Broadway Opp. Citv Hall, Tel. Barctay 7106 561 Fifth Avenue Cor. 46th Sc. TH. MmrtWf HM *W Jem*/a*T,4sam'Ja*\\\am*<<a9\<iM\-.a*X,<.em v fc STAR LINE * AnntA-ri/. .-... N?:W VORIi.CHKRBOPRG.SOUTHAMPTON ADRIATIC 12 Noon |an. 19 Feb. 16 Apr 6 UL n P1C .Mar. 19 Apr. 20 May 14 v»x~ (^^^Z.^"^"0*!' . > Km\ YORK <__¦ boston.A_y»w_»- Vedic (new? 12 N on lan 26 (3to elaaa only) GIBRALTAR. NAPLES.StONM S??.K.12 Noon Feb. 5 Mar. l2Aor. 16 Canopic.12 Noon Feb. 2* Celtic.12 Noon Feb 26 Apr. 2 May 7 Cretic...... , 3 P M Mar 15 AmfcRiUAN LSN£ and RED STAR LINE **. *.. TOmonth. qherbonrati Antwerp. , NPw Tork. nan.i* via Hamhot*. ..eelar.d.. . .J\oon Jan. 22 Lapi 'nd. .Fe_>. 12 Third CIrm ra«»cnr-*r« Only. Kroonland.Noon fan. 29 Finland . .Feb 19 Gothland .Noon Jan. 20 Feb. 26 Apr. I) AMERICAN UNE.New V'ork-Haintiur_r (Direct Hervice). Mongoiia. Noon jan. il Manchuna, Feb. jA Mongolia, Mar. 10 Ideal Winter cruises West Indies.Panarna Canal.South Ameriet Leavlna- New Vork noon *.Jainiary 22, Tebrnary 21, March 23, 1921. *On January ¦.*» C uise.a, liiniteil numher o. rooms uvuilable from New to Havana, Kingston, etc .«»«»SMJt fchirE STAR LME S. S. MECANTIC 20,740 Tons Disp..Largest Steamer to Tropicf 25-26 Days. Specially Selected Ports of Ca.II mclurtin? BarhaJo!^--Oub: .Jamatra.KlnsBton .Port Antonlo.MartlnltJU..P_*_W«»H Caual (Panarna Clt-->.Poi-to Riro.Trlnia?i<1.V*>ne_ue!<v.Vlrtjin Iilanda. *ta. . Internalional .Mercaiitile Marine Ooiupany OHirrs. 0 Rroadwuy, .New lork. l'ier* 68. t>9, 00, (11, .2 North River. 1.NCHOR Paesenaer and Service* rrom N_w Tork IMPERATOR.Cherbourg and Soutnampton.lan. SAXOMA .., Haiifax, Piymouth, Cherbourg and Hambura. .lan. VLb'*',c '"' ' eb VbblKll).Liverpool . J, CARMANIA .Lncrpoo! .,,.*./, liALlA.Vigo, Patras. Dubrovnilc and Trteate_V...F._ AQU11ANIA.Cherbourg and Southampten..Feb. ALBANIA (aew)-Ch.rbourg and London...Feb'. Bt<-».Lor.dvnJerry ar.d Glasgow. .Feb. ALGERIA.Londonderry and Glasgow.;.. Mar. H'ASSJLIA (from Boston) Glasgow. ' *Mar CARONIA.Liverpool..............Er. ALBANIA (ncw).\. Pivmoulh and Cherbourg. Mar KA VICTORIA....Liverpool . . .j\j. MAURETANIA.CtV-hourg and SouttVmplon. ' Aor' OFFICE 21-24 8TATK 8TRR7/T. NEW YORK. " 20 Mar.10 22 Mar. 5 29 19 Mar. 26 5 Apr. 6 7-ac 16 Apr. 23 19 Apr. 26 22 Aor. 30 7 May 12 Apr. 23 May II June I ]U0#_J Jutti f Weekly SailirKs to The Fast nnd Modern Ail Electric Q Q «Pl]T> Oil Burning U.O. tl/M Lvs. Jacksonvi"e Every Sat'dy at 3 p. n From HAVANA Every Tuesciny at 4 p. m. FIRST CLASS ONLY Luxurlom Accommodations; Excellent Culiln* RATES $35 & $45 sg? A Few Kpeciai Rooms With Private u.i.,i, Rate, J.O For Furtlier Information Address MIAMI STEAMSHIP CO. PASSRNGEM OKPT., I.aK.iAI, OKFICB3 Fl. Cath.rlrie *t .2 Brdfulttaj' N. T Jaeknontllle Fla Tel l'r-e,l 1T9-3283 Two Days From New Vork In Bermuda you may lazily rest or play your favorite Fpons of golf. tennis, rid¬ ing, drlving, motor-boatin_r, siiiling, bath¬ ing and (Ishlng or dance at the gay par- Ues at the many modern Hotels. No Passpons R. quirtd i<ir i.t-rnwda. Iwo uilliiigs wn'kly during Jan., Feb., Mar. nnd April, via fitst De Luxe Tw in Sere w St <;»rnrrs, S. S. "rOitt VICTORIA3' 14,000 Tons Uisplacement Sailii_g from New York S.'S.";^0BTHA^_LT0M" 11.000 Ton3 Dlsplacement Sailin.¦-. from New YoVk .Tnr >n o. ..-.,. ¦> Send for d-pscriptlv* li'erature ts FURNESS HKKMlDA i,lM_ 34 WhUeha.i St., ti. Y. Tol. Bowllna Green 7300 ----¦-¦-.¦__-_M___aw__a_____ «¦_¦_¦_ EVR'JtE ¦Ajt-;! "t-tl Mnv SnUinas SOUTH AMERICA 1 mi' ry '. JAPAN AND CHINA Feb. R * ?H.**fl-r.i ! .Tu-n- 53 INDEPENDENT TRIPS KVKI.V.YHI.KF. Steamship and Pullman Reservations Full fttiierdries and lr.fnrmatlon Bernetfs Travel AMERICA UNE NlW \0t& _0 ROHlRDAM VIA PLYMOUTH, BOULOGNE-SUR-MER ROTTtRi)AM. ...oon ian.2j Mar. 1 Apr. 9 KYNUAM .Nor.n Feb.12 M*r ii) Apr.23 K\A_V>STf Frb.i9Mar.26 Apr.30 N0ORDAM.Noon Apr.2 May 7- Lei_cr___ i-.i8-en er U.:.._<-, 24 St le S'., N. Y. Ifc. / J O i s\/ ___. ^fc» O SERViC. Curran! Proararas include Cniij-i ar, Toura to WEST P.rif'.S * CA1 ." >RNlA FAR FAST * EGYPT * MEDIlERRANEAN » SOUTH AMERICA * BERMUDA . ETC, THOS. COOIC & SON 245 Broadway 561 Fifth Avenut Fall River Line To Boston Stitandli. Bpleftdtd flertlee. I.t Pier 14 N, It. (Kulton Bt.) 5 00 M Datlt, N»W lonilon (Norwlch) Lln-. I.t. \'\rt 4* S R (IloUKton St) 5 HO V. M. (Ki.-opt Bundiur)). I_««n I'lBf 13). B U lUiud Ki.) .»_!'. Al. CANADIAN PACint. RAIIAVAY BoUlij.Trana-C-nnnentiil All-tear Uout*. ». «¦ PKRRY. U. A. P___ _>«!>_. X221 Ut.___. N. I. U.$MAIL STJEAMSHIK' 100$ Amtritmn 100% Ssinlke m-**mmm*memaaa$M NEW YORK . rQUEENSTOWN <****«*« ^BOULOGNE-LON&ON Class Only ZMXUtiovB, New iS-Knot ffMaw PANHANDLE STATE.Feb. $-Mtf. 12 OLD NORTH STATE.Feb. 19.Mftt.28 NEW YORK.NAPLES.GEN(5A PRINCESS MATOIKA Sailing Jan. 20.Cabin atvd 3J Claaa Qtif NEW YHRK.BREMEN and DANZIG Direct S. S. SUSQUEHANNA Cabin and Tlilrd Class Onlj Sailing February 18.April 6 mm<m ; PC3 U-.HIl.: " S; S. Santa Ana. Jan. 26 m I S. S. Santa Elita... .Feb. 9 S. S. Santa Luiaa Feb. 23 S. S. Santa Teresa. Mar. 9 Calling at Cristobal, Callao, Arica, aj Iquique, Antofrigasia and Valparaita. g »>«^K.,,,-rr nn«l l'reialit Pervif-e « CRAC. UN. r) ie C<»., .> 116NT8. ¦ New York.or I.OCal A*t. ¦ . Ha____i . ______. § __ap_jjj 9 Hanover >u.. LIRB rtfcWYOri_t . HAVRE . PARIS ^S8A!SE:: :£_.; 8; £&. ft 4g jl i.A _>AVUIE.lan. 29, F**. W, " LA l.UKIi.\l.VK....Feb. 5, Apr. a. rmCAOO .Feb. IS. Mar. 19, I.KOI'OT.OTNA ... I>1>. Ifi. -_ ROCHAMBEAC ...Mar. 8, Ap*. J2. Maj/t. HAMBURG DIRECT NIAOARA.__.._... Jauvt. I COMPANY'S OFFICK. IS StfATE 8i\. It.T. Swedish American UNE Short Roote (o Sweden, Norway, Daamark, Finiand, Rustia, Germany, Ac. Oiraci to GOTHENBURG-SWEDEN vK<,«. UwOUOM tsTEA.UERH, S.S. StockboLm.Jaa. 22 M*i_ 1* S_S. Drbttninjboira._F«b. 10 Mar. Superior Paaaangar ^.ooommodaltokK Bv vi e and Cultdne. ratynrer OflW, <M w«nte «... Netr V«ni_. £ RICAN ^EN.iARK, NOKttAt .-.WLDtN. GERMANY & BALllC S.AlEf I rederic VII!.Jan. 28 United Statea.Fcb.24 Hellig OUv...M»T.t? Otcar II ...Mar. 3! I or l'a_»enerr Hntea. ete.. I li'n-ar. N". X. "Tha Pubtin Ita Mamaar COLONIAL LINE BOSTON, $5.61 Boat anal JUU PROViDENCE, $3.89. Diract 8"*i lea*__ Ft_» 3». N. R.. rt, W.r __«___«k~-E Wealf Inillen Cralara, Frank Tmwtat Ca., 41* , , f.lh _&?.. bel' *Isl a,ul «-^ .««- Va: derbllt 73»0.

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Page 1: Repojrts of Shippin and News of Fc>reign · 2017-12-19 · Repojr leps Sought 1 jfo Halt Drop laPort'sTrade ^gion of the Export Rail Rates to Meet Terms of jfefchant MarineActMay

Repojrleps Sought 1jfo Halt DroplaPort's Trade^gion of the Export RailRates to Meet Terms ofjfefchant Marine Act Mayprove Aid to Situation

¦." "~

^position From South____ ..

jjrerston of Tonnage by theSWpPinr? Board Bringsj¦fliat Section Advantagesj

pr.te.ts on the part of representa-

_j_j.f the Sodth Atlantic States Asso-,_!__ and the Mississippi Valley As-ciation against any change in theistiag export rail rates again calltention to the effect of the diver-*s of shipping from the port of New}r_ and the eonsequent loss of muchade here.With » committee comprlsing repre-^tatit 3 of the Shipping Board andjt Iaterstate Commerce Commissioniinj up the question of the appli-ation of preferential rail rates on

gtxi. carried in American vessels. as

pfeTided for in the merchant marineHt of 1920, the status of the Portj}l*w¥erk under existing conditionslin important factor in the situation.When the " United States Railroad

Viministration took over the roads ex.urt rates lower than the domestic_tes were in general effect on ship-santa in foreign trade. The adminis¬tration, h»w_ver, canceled these ratesH all instances.

Differentials RestoredToward the close of the war dif-

r'erentials were reestablished for mostti the ports, including those on the__lf, the South Atlantic and the Pa-silic Coast. No special rate, however«s placed on shipments through thcPort of New York. In the case o/)«ton, Portland Me., and some otheri.rth ..tantic port?, a penalizing dif-srential was e.=tab!ished.Ai aafly shipping men vlew the sit-1iti.n, if the pftablishmpnt of prefer-!atisl rail rares on goods carried inaerican bottoms is made on the pres-1lt basis of nirferuntials, tiaa freightusing througn New York tyrui other;tlantie ports will receive the benefit;f the preferential rates and the will be a further diversion ofhipping from these port? and a greatlviccentuated shrinkage in the share o'fiorth Atlantic p.rts in the foreignrade of the country.The prote-sts of t'.ie Southern asso-iitions i9 said to be against efforts*.a they attribute to Eastern raii-«a_ to have changes made in the' export fre.ght rates. This,U associations' r.presentatives con

inj'_W0L:(J e!iminate the advant-.gesijby the majority of American portsad would prevent the development of« foreign trade routes.New York's Trade Rednced

Aj a result of the Shipping Board'joncy of diverting s_.ippjng from the'Mu of New York, with tiieivorable export rates heid 'by other»rts, the vroportion of New York'e?are m tht trade of the country hasR-indled marked y and this develop-ent has been accj-mpanied by a pro-.unced lessening of the percentage ofmencan trade carried in Americaniips.What remedy for the existinz situa-on has been suggested by the Easterninroada has not been announced, noras any official statement been madestothe method hy which the Shippingioard and Interstate Commerce Com-lission representatjves would seek toat the policy of preferential railates into operation. It is assumed,;owever, that a plan will be soughthereby all goods carried in Americanttuit, no matter (rom what port, will'-'cen-e the benefit of the preferentialate.Snipping men are expecting, therc-

irt, that a rate will oe made for Northitartic ports. Apparently, they say.» Southern representatives fear thatre e.tablishm«>nt of these rntcs willeatroy the JitTerentials now favoring»h«r than North Atlantic ports.

Southern Ports GainIhe ehief development of the Ship-

»«_¦ Board's policy of diversion has¦**n a marked expansion in th'.i ex-*rt8 from Southern and Gu f ports,at ne corregponding expansion in thesports handled througn t.iose ports.«e reauit has been that thc railroadsE__j._**8 nau''ng a large vol'ume of«'ght to these ports and carr. ing'wy little in comparison away fromrem. !

Shipping Board officials have declared¦t the port of New York has had monopoly of the handling of« country's trade and that it wasfoposed to break up this monopoly.AceordiBg to the govemment's ownvnea, however, the percentage of im-?rts aftd.exporte through the port ofjt* York during the fiscal year ended'«« 30 last, were on'y about 2 perW greater than for the nre-war fiscal!«ar, deapite the rr«-rked expansion of*Me during the war. Less than h*lf1¦* eoontry't trade pa*sed through.»* York in the last fisca! year anda tne preaent one the proportion hasl.asmiahed.

More Veyela Tied UpWASHINGTON, Jan. 18. . Orders;"Wwawing from service thirtv more

r_« »ggr«gating 1R0.O00 deaclweight"Ww tie-up at Baltimore, New York..Wotk, Philadelphia and at Gulf___.-*^_r ^'en 18>UC<* ^v tl10 Ship-M * argest veaael affected ls the 12,-r1 «.» ateamer James Otis, to bc tied? M Baltimore. Three of the ships,* »8th Rend, Edellyn and Marcla,»_r_;r 12'°°° ^on» &nd will be tied*.* New York.

Beginning To-DayLLOYD

BRASILEIROJ<Ai» thc other ship-t^t that^e Announcing »«il-.»$. verj buftin«a» dayia

^Wribf and TravelGuide

ts of .

Receiver for Shipping LineTroplcnl Steamship Corpora¬tion Said to Owe $55,000Cha*_*>fi H W.> wa«, ,».lf..nte(j"eceiTrr in equity for the Tropica.>teamship Corporation, 41 WhitehallStreet, by Judge Augustus N. Hand, inthe United States District Court vea-tcrday. Bond waa p aced at $5,000.The complainant ia Carroll, Haean &Carroll, who claims $4 500 for watersupphed to the company's vessels andental of Pier 2, North RiverT * fl, mplaint states that the de-ondnnt is n Delaware corporatiom witb.mtstanding oblipations of $55 000 It*tftte« also that the defendant h*s-.oen operating cortain boats for thehrts threatened to take redelivery. Thedefendant con«enta to thc receivership.

Germany PushingSteps to RestoreShipping Services

New Lines Being Inaugtirat-ed and Vessels Secured inBritain; Sale of TeutonShips Cause* Opposition

Indications that Germany is makingevery effort toward the speedy restora-

*t on of her shipping facilities are givenin recent reports from that countryThe German Levunt Line is reportedto be inauguratin-.* a new service fromHamburg to Oraii, Algiers, Fiume,Trieste, Ancona and Bari.A regular direet twice-a-week service

between Brernea and North Spanishports is being established by theBremen Shipping Company Neptune.German papers state that the company!is considering starting sailings shorclyto south Spanish p< ns, ;

A project is on foot for, the creation jof a large Rhine navigati'on company,'with headquarters at Cologne, compns-1ing' oxclus vely German and Dutch i:i-terests. The new company would re-place the group foimed by the Khenr.hCoal Syndicate a.ul the Thyssen Com-pany. lt is estimated that by July lGerman industriaHsts will have a riverflotilla of about 180,000 tons of bargoson the Rhine. A considerable numberof tugs anJ large quantities of mate¬rial also have been ordered. This fleetwould be rcserved for the transport ofcoal and metals. and would replace theRhine tonnage delivered and to be de¬livered to the Allies.The 7,5C0-ton steamer Argentina has

heen completed fo* the Seebeck ship-yard of Ueestemur de for the accountof the Hamburg-Soiith AmericanSteamship Company, which will useher in the South American trade.The Weser Aktiengesellsehaft, of

Rremen, has launched the 9,000-toi.steamship Sturmfels, building for theHansa Steamship Company. lt is statedthat she will n^t have to be turnedove-r to the Allies.The terms of the peace treaty pro-

viding for the taking over by the Alliesof German tonnage and requiring Ger¬many to build ships for the Allies atthe rate of 200,001} gros* tons a yearfor five years are not meeting withgeneral approval in British shippingand shipbuilding circles. Criticism isalso made of the throwing upon themarket in Great Britain of a greatvolume of seized German tonnage. The'English shipping wee.dy Fairplay says:

"We know that in Germany shlp-wners ore very sore with the Aliies

for requiring that the whole of themercantile marine shou.d be forfeited>;o the victors. On the other hand,S)itie Allied shipowners and shrpbuild-L'rs are .rtot altogether pleaeed" withthe decisien to dispose of the boatscn bloc, for the offering of them hasseriously affected the value of all ton¬nage, and the throwing of the vesselson the freight market has so greatlydepressed rates that both these andt nnage values have reached such afigure that many shipowners who hadcontemplated purchasing the ex'-Ger-man vessels have determined to holdback until they have some chance ofknowing where they are."To put it baldly, if German work¬

men work and if sufflcient raw materialis forthcomirg, competition with her,so far, anyhow, as we are concerned,will b_ a losing game, and not the lesslesing through the fact that, with lheexchange as it is to-day, she, in cer¬tain respects, has, aa it were, a run-i ing start "

-1 a

Marine ReportsTHE TIDKK

High water Low water. . ,

A.M PM AM 1>MSandy Hoeh; - 3:01 3:26 U:i8 9-43Oovernor'a Is.anJ. 3:19 3:43 10:17 10 1.Hell Gate . 4:57 5.32 11:43 11:48

Arrived Ytsterdayfi_r Aeolus, Buneos Ayres, Dec 29: Mon¬

tevideo, De-: 29; Santaa, Jnn ¦%: Itfo doJaneiro. .'an 18- »o .'..-«¦ - withpass, malla and mdse; Pler 3, Hoboken.

Sir BlKridge, rtaiiitow. Cai¬cutta, Oct 23; Bombay, NbV 17; Genoa,Dec IS; Barcelona, Deo 29; to Grace S SLlne; with mdse; Pler 33, B'klyn.

Str fctavangerfjord (Nor). Christiania,Jan 7; B-rgen and stavanger, Jan 8; toN'orweglan- American Llne; wiffi paas,rnalla an<l mdse; foot 30th st, li klyn.Ktr Hdltflt- <Sw), Leghorn, Dec 11;

Naples, Dec 14; Catanla, Deo 18; Mes-stna, Dec 22; Palcrmo, Deo 23; Olbraltar,Dec 23; to Moore A McCormlekk; withmdse; foot 33d st, B'klyn.

Str l.ebanon. Rotterdam, Dec 31; Hall¬fax, Jan 15; to the Cosmopolltan S 8 Co,in ballast; tJter .9, N K.Ktr Sutermco, Matanzas. Jan 10; Havana,

Jan 12; to the TransiTiarlne Corporation;with sugar; anchored off Staten Island.

Str City of Montgomery, Savannah, Jan15; to Havonnoh Llne; with pass andrndse; Pler 35, N R.

Str Bn Vaile, Galv« ston. Jan 13; toHouthern Puclfic Co; with mdse; Plerbi, N R.Htr Cornahc'ne, Jackaonvllle and Charies¬

ton. Jan IS; to Clyde Llno; with paas undmdse; Pier 37. N it.

Str Lake FTeeland, Mobile, Jart S, Tatnpa,Jan 12; to Mallory Llne. with mdse; Pier33 N R.

Htr Tomjtira Maru (Jap), Alglers, Dec27; to Nlppon Yusen Kalsha, with md(.e;Pler 19, Clifton, K I.

Btr New Rochelle, Havre, Jan 3: to Bal-tlc J? ft Co, with paa an* rrtdse.; Quarantlne.

Htr HaiWay. Port Lobos, Jan 10; withol!; anchored off Quarantlne.Bebr Duatln O Creaay. Havana, Jan 4; to

Pallittine Commerce Corpn, tn baliaat;anchored off S I.

Berth Chance*Vesiu-l. Trinaferred toAgwlmoon.Pier 0, BayonneAmolCO..Anchored off WeehawkenBdvldera.Teboc'a Vacht Bftsin, Bklyn!Coming.Mo'h.'m l> l>. BklynDurango.^Pler (S, Bayonney..ih.-, .if,.Robln « D D, BklynBllda Clauaen.I'lor 8fi N EtHartfiel-......Robins D D. Bklyn;

Inca.*.Pler 17, BUIyr.l.ake Karber.Crane'a i> I), BklynM'«!< s'u.,.Bustxy's D D, BklynNana rt'uh.Pier 3, Conatablo HookO*.*.-*.Kt )8(h st. K HPanarna.p|i-r «7, N RPexr H Crowell. .Pler D. Krie, WeehawkenProvlncetov/n.Hhooti-rs Islan<l, B IPania Terla.Pler «, D I. A \V. BobokenKtaekholm.,.Plnr »« N nToi<<io Brldiie.Pt Dik.rnan at, B\lynWeat Hamatlta., .rietohvr'a D D. HobokvnWyaooeh..Pler 2., N lt

i ^

tscontso HrKAMHiiipsoim To-day

Vfc&ee). Bort. .Jan IPrederlk VJIl. .... .Christiania .JanMeealll Hallaa. ...Plraeua.Jan IItalla....Napi'-. ,,.jan 4V:r)U;....IJverpool .Jnn ftJtee.mnrt."... f'hTbo'irjf .Jan 7Monitolla., ...Rottardarn .Jan *"

ti' ." oaoi. ...... Roit-rrtai.i .JMn BMeyantla....Llvarpr_»| .Jan aCarritlo,., ...Harca Marta.... .Jan 18%tun*ms.t.Antltla ,...,,.. .Jan 14^ ., P-a T«**mor»awDar,t» Allahlarl-N»ui«« ,..., Jan f«a*/>nl*.Charoourg .,. Jan i.

ShippinJJenle.........Victoria...Dee 17RosaiirQ.St John.Jan 17rort Victoria.Bermuda ........ Jan u

Due FridayCarneaa.Curacao.Jan ltArapahoe.Jacksonvllle _Jan 18LIty of Savannah. ..Savannah.Jmj 18

l)ae SutuidayCohcho.Galveston .Jan 17l>ue sunday .

St Mlhiel.Callais .Jan 8Calamares.Cristobal.Jan 16Wacouta.Havana .Jan 18Lonape.JaokBonville.Jan 31Argentina.........Trieste...Jan 6OL'TGOINU STEAMSIIirS

Sail To-d»yMail Veesel

closes. sails,Adrlatlc, Southampton. 8:80 AM 12:00 MRlpley Caatla, Cape, Town.12:00 M 3:00 PMHuron, Buenos Ayres., 9:00 AM 1-00 1»\1I'orto Ili.o, San J'Uan. 8:30 AM 12:00 M*Maracaibo. Curacao.... 9:30 AM 1:00PMPt Hamllton, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AMApache, Jacksonville.. .- 12:00 M

Saft To-mo-TowImperator, Southamp¬ton...... 8:00 AM 12:00 M

France, Havre. 8:80 AM 12:00 MLa Touraine, Havre... |:30 PM 5:00PMOothinnd, Dandg-,. 5:30 AM 1:00 PM1' Matilka, Genoa. >.. .10:30 AM 2:00 PMRivnrside Brldge, Bur-Sa8--t. 1:30 PM 4:00 PMSanta Loonora, CHsto-

.,,bal..'..'». 8:09 AM 12:00 MW M Tupper, StThomaa. 8:30 AM 12:09 M(uyaba. Rio de Janeiro. 8:00 AM 12:00 MPanarna. Crlstobal.'. ... 12:00 M .:00 PM

. , ,Sail FridayH Luckenbach, Ham¬

burg .12:00 M 3:00 Pi.Sail SaturdayBuenos Ayres, Cadiz.. 8:00 AM 12:00 M

Zeeland, Antwerp. 8:00 AM 12:00 MSaxonia, Hamburg;.... 8:Q0 AM 12:00 MKasterner, Cape Town.. 8:30 A.M 12:00 MBelvedero, Patras.10:00 AM 2:00 PMStoekholm,Goll.enburg.l0:30 AM 2:00 PMHawallati, Hamburg... 13:00 M 3:00 PMft Vlciorla, Bermuda. 7:30 AM 11:00 AMCJullpue, Guayaqull.... 8:00 AM 12:00 MSaiiust, Para-. 8:30 AM 12:00 MHubert, Para. 8:00 AM 1:00 PMGlem.evon, Rio deJaneiro, .12:00M 3:00PM<5acapa, Kingston. 7:30 AM jl:0OAMCoamo, San Juaji. 8:30 AM 12:00 MMomerey, Vera Cruz.. 3:80 AM 12:00 MMnnamar, Antilla..- 12-00 MComus, New Orleans....- 12-00MArapahoe, Jacksonville- 12:00 MMegar.tic, St Thomas.. - 12-00 MToloa, Port Limon. .. ¦ »¦ 12;00 M

TRANSPACIF1C MAU.SThe conneutli g riiails closo at tho Gcn-eiai Postoffice and City Hall FostortieeMatlon, New Yonc. at 6 p. m., as follows:Hawaii, Japan, Corea, China, Siberia,trench Indochlna alid Netherlan.ia EastIndies (except Sumatt'a), via San Fran-cikco, steamship Korea Maru, January ll).Hawaii, Sanioai. Islands, Australia andNew Zealeml, via San Francisco, steam¬ship Sonoma, January 20.

Phillppine Islands, via San Francisco,steamship Creole State, January 21.Hawaii, vlj San Francisco, steamshipMaiaon' ..January 21.Japan, Cor.a China, Siberia, French Indo-chlt a aiid Neuierlands East fcidles (ex¬cept fcumatraj, via Seattle, ateamahlu1'ushlma Maru, January 22Japan, Corea, China, Siberia,'French Indo-oaina, Neu.erianus Easi Indies (excepibuii.atraj and Phlilppin* islands via

uary 23S " Alabama Maru, Jan"

Reports by WirelessFrom the U. S. Naval Coramu-

nication Station(Dlstance is given in miles. Reports areiated at noon unlees otherwise epecifled.]

A^ct?nPi^8,?08 E8B Oa'veston Jan 17.Ancon 6»0 NE Colon Jan 17Annetta 63 NW Cape .Mais4 Jan 17.Aryan 170 oB Sabino Bar Jan 17.uiigas :i«o San Pedro 2 PM Jan 17.Atlantic Sun 154 N Jupiter Jan 17.Auiunmlr lat 38 50 long C9 00 Jan 17.vusable 130 SW flatUras Jan 17tiariholomew .62 N Kingston Jan 17.fc..atric_ lf5 SW Hatteraa Jan 17.Jjeliidge 55 NE Sand Key Jan 17uetsy Heil lat 12 09 long 79 00 jin 17.ividwell lat 37 38 long 37 34 Jan 17...radtord 80 N Talara 8 PM Jan 17Vy,'ay,1, HAbJr N Bloak Island Jan 18.cabrille 76 N Jupiter Jan 17Catonia 393 WSW Tampa Jan 17.oarouhe 800 S Ambtuae Jan 17.Carriiia 63 S Watlings Jan 16.Caronia 1090 Irom Bar Harbor 8 PMJan 17.Cariand 270 S Cape San Antonio Jan 17.Lecll County 305 N by W Colon Jan 17.Charles i_ Harwobd 270 VV Kartd 17. *

Chester Kiwania 694 E Cape Henry Jan 17.Chester Sun 40 S Hatteraa Jan 17uiilcivaaaw .13 B by N Cai«_ w.niy jan o£ Everutt 75 V? San-l Key Jan 18.i.ommunipaw 68 S Ambrese Jan 18.t-imcho 1.109 8 hcotland Jan 18.

Jlatnni?UU BridB0 250 BSB CharlestonCornella 559 S Ambrose Jan 17.Cowan 30 N Cape Hchry Jun 18.Orasterhall 186'irom Honolulu 8 PM Jan 16Cuba 14 S Jacksonville Jan 17.uarden 243 E Tampico Jun 17.Devolento 30. E Loboa Island Jan 17.iMvigo 58 S Hatteraa Jan 17.Eastern Guide 830 from San Francisco 8

i M Jun 1C.Eastern Temrle R Hattere.s Jan 17.Edlth 353 1'E Ambrose Jan 17.eiuward L Boheny III 128 SW South PasaJan 17.El Sud 299 N Juplter Jan 17.Eu;r«>n_ V H Thayer 17 W Port LoboaJan 13.

Forest King 420 8 Seattle 8 PM Jan 16.FrederjCU VIII 130 E Ambroso 2:30 PMJnn 13.

Gedania lat 29 60 Ion 80 60 Jan 17.Cen W C Gorgaa 77 N Cape Haltlen Jan 16.George H Jones 250 SW Hatteras Jan 17.Gladysbe 228 NNE Tampico Jan 17.Gonsiaba 125 SW by 8 South Pasa Jan IT.Gulf of Mexieo 15 N Halten.3 Jari 18.Gulf Oil 234 SE Sabino Jan 17.Gulfcoaat 226 W Sand Key Jan 13.Oulfland 160 SW Hatteras Jan 17.Culfmald 214 8 Hatteras Jan 17.Hadnot 450 SAV Hatteras Jan 17.llahlrn. 14 8 Carysrort Jan 17. lHalo 16 8 American Shoals Jan lt.Hc-ber 613 frorn Colon 8 PM Jan 17.TUpho lat 2fl 14 Ion 68 05 Jan 17.llllton 139 SW by S Hatteras Jan 17.Illslto 65 SW Key West.Tan 17.Houma 164 N Juplter .Tan 17.Hoven 210 BW Nuntucket Jan 18.TTokbar 220 N Juplter Jan 17. ',Hulaco 132 8 Jupiter Jan 17.J A Bostwlck 250 SW Hatteras Jan 17.John t) Rookefeller 108 8 Hatteraa Jan lt.John .Tay 950 E A/nbroae Jan 17.John Worthlngton 481 NE Colon .Tar? IB.Klehacoqulllaa 35 R Hatteras Jan 17.Lake Alvada C16 8 Scotland LV Jan 17.Lake Besha 91 NW Havana Jafi 17.Like Elkwat.r 74 N Juplter Jan 17.Lake Fanbush lat 00 32 Ion 81 00 4 PMJan 16.

Lake Faribrtull pasafd Hnttersa Jan 17.Lake Farlstell 366 SW Hatteras Jan 17.Lake Hfe lat 28 30 Ion 69 56 Jart 17.I.ake Fighting 420 NE Tampico Jan 17.Lake Fisher S13 SW Hatteras Jnn 17.Lake Fondulac 246 S Hatteraa Jan 17.Lake Friilr;hur 230 SW New Orleans Jan 17.Lake Llcoco 138 SW South PaBii Jan 17.Bake Plnkawny 97 8 Oalveston Jan 17.Lehigh 7 SE Hatteras Jan 17.Liberty Mintjuae 135 8 Bolawarc Break-water Jan 18.

Ligonier 110 WNW TortUgaa Jan 17.Malderr Creek 110 B Key Wwt Jan 17,Mangofe 20 SE Cape Henry Jan 18.Marlana lat 27 31 Ion 70 30 Jan 17.Matanzan 340 NE Tampico Jan 17.Matsonla 1,558 from Honolulu 8 I'M Jafl 16.Maul 670 from Honolulu 8 PM Jan 16.MeR&ntlo 922 M Ambrose 11:36 AM Jan 16.Mi rldeti 1,6»6 8 San Pcdro Jan 17.Meslcano 200 S Galveston Jan 17.Mexieo 214 8 Hatteras Jan 17.Miller Cour/.ty 21 KtC Cape Cod Jan 18.Mraeola 103 8 Hatteraa Jan 17.Momua 297 N Juplter Jan 17.Montgomery 70 SSE Hatteraa Jan 17.Mnntroso 75 ESE Tortugas .Tan 17.Moosehauelc 70 frorn Cape Henry Jan lt.Nevada 500 from San Francisco 8 PMJan 16.

New Vork 47 H Tortutcas Jan 18.Newton 42 H Flr<- Inland Jan 18.Norman BrldKe 396 W Sand Key Jan 17.Otssa 177 K Ambrose Jnn 18.Otho lat 38 16 ion 65 38 Jan 17.Overbroolt 12 S Five Fathom Jan 18.T'-agnuy 118 M Trlntty Shoals Jan 17.Pairaaset lat 3fi 13 Ion 64 32 Jan 17.Pastona 347 H Havana Jan 16.fopnan. ?64 SHW Ottlvesto:i Jan 17.P'rmH.vlvarita 226 N Tampico Jan 17.Phomlx 158 W Sand KeV Jan 18.Plr.estonf Comity 453 SW Ilntterah Jan 17.Pmce 492 8 Scotland lv Jan 17.I'o-tola Plurnns 63 8 Wlntent'iarter Jan li.Prlneeton 139 K Tampleo J«n 17.Cuoker City 43 E Cape Henry Jan 18.Hnyo 70 W Tortugfta Jan 13.Renper 164 W Sand Key Jan 18.Repupis 60 E Cape Cnnnvi>ral Jari 17.Renublte 110 8 Cape Mnlsl Jan 17.H M Bpauldlng 100 h Nantuaket Jan 17.S*l'-m Couftty 29l N Juplter Jan 17.San Mateo 465 N Colon Jan 16.Hrnr»H Ellha 841 H Pftlbon Jan 16.KantH Viironlc* rn NE Havana Jan 18.SAr»mA*en 310 8 Ambfone Jan 17.fe'ttilnolo 200 EBE HaltcrdH Jan 17.Sharon 120 frorn Cape Henry Jun 17.Kocon.9 8 Jtatterai Jan 17.«t Anthor.y 286 E Cape Cod 3 PM Jan 17.Standard 102 U Lftboa lutarrd Jan 17.fttandurd Arrow 463 from Han Franclaot .PM Jan 16.

Btff) Voyager 784 from flan Franclaoo 8¥i» Jan If.Sueroaa 284 JO 8at>ln« Jan Sf.Sildbury 8«J from flfcn Pertrn 8 i*K Jan 38.Sun 168 K Sablne Bar Jan 17.krM*i «.gfv.i_. );°»n|ff" *..Tanoarv;!!* 420 NM Tampico Jan 17.

andTrlmountain 90 E by 8 Cape Henry Jaa 18.Turrlalba 3,013 8 Ambrose Jan 17.Vacuum 160 SW Hatteras Jan 17.YPdlc XI8 B Ambrose Jan 17.W B Keene 46 S Cape Herry Jan 17.Wacouta sl W Havana Jan 18.WntertoWn 277 S Ambrose Jan 18.West Annum 2S0 SW Hatteras Jan 17.West Ashawa 345 E Cape Henry Jaa IT.West Camargo 40 from EonoiulJ 8 PMJan 16.West Canon 783 S Cape Henry Jan 17.West Henshaw 2442 fr6tn San Francisco8 I'M Jan 16.West Holbrook 675 from 6an Pedro 8 PMJan 17.West Nlvarla 870 from Portland 8 PMJan 16.West Notus 1,602 N Balboa Jan 17.Weat Togus 80 N Uverfalls LV Jail 18Wlc-o 220 8 Hatteras Jan 17.William Grecn 210 E Tampico Jan 17WHtlam H Doheny 420 W San Key jkn 17Wii.yah 1.0 S Boston LV Jan 18.

A.MKRIC AN rORTSBALTIMORE, Jan 18.Arrived: StreCorrsort, New York; Aldebaran (SwedLH.rnosand via St Thomas. Sitlled- HtrWladlmir Sawin (Dan), Copenhager,- schrB R io»ver (Br), Nusaau.BOSTON, Jan 18.Arrived: Stra Arl-

zcnan, New Vork; Derby line, Port Loboa-Jonancy. Norfolk; Maruba. Norfolk; Waitedp Noyes, Norfolk. ('IJhree latter 17th )Sailed: btrs Verentla (Br), Liverpool; Ku-merlc (Br), New Vork Terre Huute, RioP?_.,J,ane«ri°' Sa,'t08' ^u^nos Ayres and LaFiata; G'ou"''*'''''. f'-folK and Philadel¬phia- City of ,.ugu_..a, Savannah; Newton.t-amben s Foitrt. (.latter 17th.l CYY,-U»<

OHAKLESTON, 8 c, Jan ls.Arrived:Strs Lane uiiKwater, Vaiparaiao- Unm.Faribault, Boston; Continental 'BrlaeeBavie, and saneu ior A-ubue.' Balltd; strAiatloie, texas Clty.GALVESTON Jan 18.Arrived: El Sol,New Yoik, Aiaiianao (lt), xvaples. Sailed1Musrtogee, Pniuue.phla; B.aount, Stampl-co; Paul R. Harwoou, tampieu. New Tex-as ,i>r), Livevpooi; Immacoi-ata (r). Bor-deaux.JACKSONVILLE, Jan 18.Arrived- StraJuniata, Baltimore; Pint-ilas, Havana-

-euu, Faliuouiu, Leua.._, ,.eW lorit'oalied: Str Aiapahoe, New VorkaiOlIljs, jan is.Arrived. btrs Ensley_lty, i.ewpon i\evvs, liaraia iNor), i'ortBarrlos; Vera (Nor), Beiize; AioundrlaNortolk; Chapel Hall (Hi,, New orieai a

«"ue" lampa."PiCO' aailed: str L**«

Nid.vj.-(_._vi. NEWS. Va, Jan 18.Ar-rlveu: Stra Carolina Maru (Jap), Barryluilamore (Br), New Hork. SaTled.- StriJ. A. ivnuuson (Nor), Buenos AyioS; Hi_.leni iBiy, iiauiourg; Muiu.i.o ui), BuenoaAyrea; Luteuan .Br),- Cula*,; Kiacaram"1.1*1), Aiexan ..ria.AO_._ru__._v, .a, Jan 18.Arrived: Str»-uoeisoijiv (ui), &an Francisco; TullanuuoJ'VNlL)V ,VlK; *Jeua' »P'!««".Baiuinure;Aia.oa, ir-ortlanu, Ate; iBr.. Wall-

_fl?..UIl. ,»«*yview, Bosiun, tuvt-, un, Bos-.__,,.,. /Y'8, dc, *jamM«11 <.**»'), Aia,..e._.stei, Ulbria de uairmaga .Br), oal-oH.ieu. Orca air), Havre; lltnnos (iNor),iuaiftellles; Barlera <H_), Hamburg; Mon-vi^o lt), i'____a._elp_.a, yuuiter Clty, j.,v-e.puol, Atonmoutu, _lus_;ow, Colm H Liv-mgstone, Fhiiaueiuiuu., Aiolueiio (it).xJut-nua Ayrea Koaas tror ordura); PortuUu) tbaiK., Uy.uu, Luteliun ti.r;, Ca-lI'iLi. _? lNot'' ruvno Bia.a; Carolinat-wed), Brciutn, Caprera ut), Genua;k-J"eur d'Aiene, Napiea, EilesbuiBii iBr)..iuenos Ayres Roaua uor otuel*,.tr^ilUAuiiiuftiXAi Jan lo.Amved: StrAHSJ.1.0 v ilij. uenoa, etc, via .New York.oailed: btrs Lake Sunupee, New Yoi-kjnowi.ester, 'lexas City; smnoll, Port Loboa;<-ity ot I'alrbury. Huvre. jjeiaware Brt-aK-waier, uni, Jan L>.c.uil___: Sc.m- u K'"pnn-r '*'»t','.th__w ,y"''-L Newport News.PORT ARTHLR, Jan 18.Arnvcu: Jtuiu-uamuc (Bi), Ruit.ruum, Uuimju.o lam-wco, Quif Star, Galveston; Pennsylvania,New York. Sai'leu: betuair, iamnuo; na-Uioit-ne (tr), Aiaistiins, J M buiity, Gal¬veston.PliNSACOLA, Fla, Jan 18.Arrived: StrEuterpe iBr) .Naples. Sailed: Str Iddlea-

leign tBi) t'alenuo.PORTuAND, Me, Jan IS.Arrived: StrCornlshittan .Br), Avonmouth.PORT EADS, La, Jan 18.Arrived: StraEbros vSp), Europe; Edward L DohenyHi, Tampico; Coppenitme, fort Barrlos,jonzaba. vera Cruz; Bane Ormoo, Tant-plco: Magieian iBrj, Culcutia; Panoil,Tampico. Sailed: Stra Bavington, Ham¬burg; Beeci.lcaf .Br), i'ort Aitnur; E.iltnCavel tBr), Marsellles; Frtwik K Lane.uaivi.ston; O T Waring, Jacksonville.SAVANNAH, Jan 18.Arrived. _>Lr Bal-

sam, Aarhuus. Sailed: Strs Clty of Sa¬vannah, New York; Point Judith, Balti-mur. Nantucket, Philadelphia.TAMPA, Fla, Jan 18.Sailed: Str Cltyut Rayville, Savannah.

FOREIGN POIWS.Depurtur a for New York

HAMBURG, Jan 2.S S American,LONl.'ON, Jan 17.S 8 Karroo tBr).GLASGOW, Jan 15.8 S Galahad, Ma-

comet..iiARSHILLBS, Jaa 11.S S Brltannla

(Fr).NAPLES, Jan 11.S S Lycornlng.AVONMOUTH, Jan 17.S S Kast Chi-

cago.BAHIA, Jan 16.8 S Siddons (Br).PORT SAID, Jan 11.S 8 Karlmato

(Dutch) (from Padag).IMM1NGHAM, Jan 1C.S 8 Brookvale

(Br).ROTTERDAM, Jan 14.S S West Corum:10th, B< lltmlna.SHANGHAI, Jan 15.8 S Celtlc Prince(Br).ANTWERP, Jan 1B.8 S Idaho (Br).AMSTERDAM, Jan lt.3 8 Maasland(Dutch).LlbBON. Jan 1C.Str Brltannla (Fr).FREMANTI.E, Jan 16.Str City of Ma-lrld .Br) (from Melboume).BILBAO. Jan 12.Str Prusa; 13th, Fort1'lti Bridge.FAYAL. Jnn 16.Str Wlsla.HALIFAX. N S, Jan 18.8 8 Sa*onia(Br), London.

Arrivals From New YorkBARBADOS, Jan 13.Str Slerra Nevada

(Nor), for Montevideo..nAGASAKI, Jan 13.Str Tatsuno Maru

(Jap).HELSINGBORG, Jan 11.Str Immein

iBwed/.BERGEN, Jan 12.Str Conrad Mohr

iNor).8YDNBY. N 8 W, Jan 17.Str PortLyttleton (Br),LIVERPOOL, Jan 17.Str Vauban (Br).SURABAYA, Jan 0.Str Clan Ranald

(Br).NAPLES. Jan 10.Str» Pollenzo (It);17th. Henry R Mallory.VEN1CE. Jan 11.Str Emllia (It).FLUSH1NO, Jan 15.Str Wheatori..Ui-^AOA, Jnn 12.Str (,'iuseppi Verdi.I'LYMOUTH. Jan 17.Str Ryndam (Dt).for P.ot ii ind p.u...- ..(.u).BREMERHAVEN, Jan 13.Str Susque-

ha_......SOUTHAMPTON, Jan 16.Str Fluor Spa.

via Buenos Ayres for Copenhagen.GIBKALTaR, Jart 17.Str Cretfc (Br),Boston for Genoa; Grcecla (Swed), for Le»ho: n, etc.B. ENOS AYRES, Jan 1C.Str Mollere

(Br).-MONTEVIDEO. Jan 16.Str M U 8can-

lon via Baltimore.RIO DE JANEIRO, Jan 16.Str Meia

sona r ( Bi ).PL'LL. Jan 17.Str Marpngo (Br).LEGHORN, Jan 12.Str Wearbrldge (Br).PIRABU8, Jan 13.Str Lord Gullford tBr)." VLONICA, Jan 14.Str River Orotues(Br)..waRSEILLEB, Jan 14.Str Aala (Fr).

Buyers Arrived(Contlnuacl from page teventaeii)

NEW HAVEN.Thc Edw. Malley Co.; J. O,Mizor pni (ins druga, rlbbons, jewelry:401 Fourth Avenue.NEW B/vv.J.. ..,. Press Co.; J. Prese,woolen pieoe goods; Park Avenue,NEW ORLEANS.Sam Silversleln; MraSllverstein, ludlea' wear; 25 Weat Thtrty-thlrd Street.NBW ORLEANS.Charles Kaufman Ce.;c. M, Kaufman, women's, rrtlssea' andchlldren's ready to wear; Alfred Fantl.116 Weat Thirty-second Street.NEW ORLEANS Marks, Isaaes C6.; MrBernstein, men's furnlshlngs; B. M.Isaaes, millinery; 3150 Broadway.NEW ORLEANS.Sution & Co.; 1. 8u*-

ton, notions: McAlpin.NORWIOH. Conn..Porteous & Mitchell;D. La Poe, men's furnlshlngs; 432 FourthAvenue.OAKLAND, Calif..Taft & Pennoyer; M.Martin, merehnndise nianager; FrankBush. noveitles. rlbbons, leather goodeand jewelry; 220 Fifth. Avenue.OKLAIIUMA CITY, Oklft..Baker-Hannaft Blake; O. 2ebon!e, ijlilss and waahgoods; 395 Broadway.OMahoma City.Baker. Hanna & Blake

NewsCo/ O. Zerboni. dress goods, silks; 395R oaflwa

OMAHA.Gate City Hat Co.; L. Drlshans,hats, caps; Pennsylvania.OMAHA.Burgeaa. Nash Co.; P. Schaye,mlllinery; 200 Flfth Avenue, Room 1.14.PADUCAH, Ky..Uiwenthal & Son.; R. H.Lowenthal. women's garments; Aoer-deen.PEORIA, 111..Peorla Dry Gooda Co.; A.Welntraub, Jobs muslln underwear and

petticoats; 37 West Twenty-slxth Street.PEORIA, III;.M, J. Federman & Sons; A..Welntraub, underwear and petticoats;37 Weat Twenty-aUth 3treet. Smiiii, ellka; Penn¬sylvania.

PHILADELPHIA.Rothuchild & Co.; B.Rothschild, dresses; Woodward.FH1LADELPH1A ivadi.a Ba.:aar; SGreenberK, women's ready to wear;Marlborough.

PHILADELPHIA.Leavltt ft Tress; B. L.Tresa. ladles' and mlssos' spring aulta;1182 Broadway.PHILADELPHIA.Frank & Seder; R.Levenson, boys' clothing and furnishlngs;H. L. Bernbaum, coats. aulta and aklrts;Misa C. Roaendalef children's wear;Oscar Abel. 16 West Thlrty-sixth Street.

PHILADBLPHIA.Sldney Newman. furni¬ture; Br.slln.

PHILADELPHIA . Sacks & Ginsburg;sweaters and hoslery; Annex.PHILADBLPHIA.Strawbrldge ft Clothier;Miss Querner, underwear and aklrts; 230Flfth An nue.PHILADELPHIA.Stewarfsj Miss Gold¬man, muslln underwear; Misa B. Koenig,Jobs difsses, care of Alfred Fantl. 116West Thirtyrsecond Street.PHILADELPHIA.Mendall's; Mr. Kauf-man, Jobs ladles and children's coatannd dresses; Mendel Hirach, jobs mualinunderwear and walstst 37 Wes. Twenty-slxth Street.

PHILADELPHIA . Blauner's: Miss R.Phillips. glngham dresses and springdresses; J. Hfrschl, girls' spring coats;Miss Singer, Jobs small furs and stoles;Alfred Fantl, 110 West Thirty-secondStreet.

PHILADBLPHIA.Young. Smith, FieldCo.; B. Glbbs, underwear; 560 Broadway.PHILADELPHIA.Eureka Cloak & PuitCo., manufacturers cloaka and aulta;Imperlal.

PHILADELPHIA.L. Dannenbaum SonCo.; L. Dannenbaum, mlllinery; 285Fourth Avenue.

PHILADELPHIA.D. Rosenberg, generalmdse.; Gran 1.PHILADELPHIA.The Century Shop; E.

Levy, men's furnlahingB; Imperlal.PHILADELPHIA.Empire Wnlst ft MlddyCo.; B. M. Rothman, niRnufaeturerawalsts and mtddies: Alcazar.PIBDMONT, W. Va..William Rosen-bloom: William Rosenbloom, represent-Ing; Breslln.

PITTSBURGH.Kaufman & Baer; L. Kim,hats and caps; 404 Fourth Avenue.PITTSBURGH.Rosenbaum Co.; Miss CAltman, dresses; Misa F. Lipsich, dresses;Miss M. O'Neil. basement coats, t-ulta,dresses; Alfred Fantl. 118 West Thfrty-peeond Street.

PITTSBURGH.McCreery & Co.; G. M.Price, trunks and bags; Miss M. Wo-Jinake, ribbons; Mrs. G. O'Neil, Jewelry;25 West Twenty-slxth Street.

PITTSBURGH.Roaehbaum Co.; B. Gold-tlnger, furs; Alfred Fantl, 116 WestTliirty-aecond Street.

PITTSBURGH William Rosenbloom;William Rosenbloom, representing; Bres¬lln.PITTSBURGH Arbuthnot, StephensonCo.; R. H. Houston, dry goods, cotton

piece goods; G.!, cotton pieco goods;G. R. Aufderhelde, woolens, silk, laces,cotton piece goods: 43 Leonard st.PITTSBURGH I. Greenberg. women's

wear; Pennsylvania.PITTSBURGH.Rosenbaum Co.; Miss M.

O'Nelll. coats, euits; 116 West Thirty-second Street.PITTSBURGH.Kaufman A Baer Co.; E.

A. Tohey, shoes, trunks, etc; 404 FourthAvenue.

PITiSBURGH.Porter Co.; Miss K. Wells,."llllnery Imperlal.PITTSBURGH.H. Cohen, furnishings,

s I'p;. rmnsylvanla.PITTSBURGH.Kaufman & Baer Co.; W.

L. Kim. furnishings; 404 Fourth^rRUH-J, J. Sapper, clothing;McAlpin.

>tGH.Kotb Bros.; C. A. Kolb,mllllnerv; McAlpin.PITTSBURGH.Kaufmann's Department

Store: H. Mates, Joba of muslln under¬wear, basement; C. Kllne. linen goods;1261 Broadway.

PITTSBU1.GH.Plttsburgh Dry Gooda Co.;Mr. Schroeder, hoslery; 43 LeonardStreet.

PITTSBURGH.Frank & Seder; A. Am-feld, I'arnishings, trunks, -tc; 10 WestThlrty-slxth Street.

PITTSBURGH.Kaufman, Baer ft Co.; L.Ferber, milllnery. 104 Fourth Avenue.

PITTSBURGH.Pittsburgh White GoodaCo.; J. Baker, manufecturera Infants'Wear, children's and misses' wear, ladles'muslln underwear; McAlpin.

PITTSBURGH.D. Hollander ft Sons; A.Hollander, clothing, furnlslilngra goods:Pennsylvania.

PORTLAND, Me..Haskell ft Jones; H. L.Goodrldgo, clothing; Broi-.tell.

PROVIDENCE.P. L; Wllmarth & Co.;F. L. Wllmarth. Jewelry; Breslln.PROVIDENCE.Dlm ind Co.; D. A. Robin¬

son, fu-nlture; Hornld S'luare.RICHMOND, Va. Dreyfus Co.; MissVaughan, cheap Silk underwear; 212Fifth Avenue, 13th floor.

RICHMOND, Va..Richmond Dry GoodsCo.; J. B. Hawcs. notiona; 43 Leonard'Street.

RICHMOND, Va..Richmond Dry Goods.^Co.; H. W. Duane, ailks, woolens; 43!Loonnrd Street.

ROANOKE, Va..S. H. Heironlmus ft Co.;Miss R. Bell, Womcn'o garments; 1150Broadway

ROANOKE, Va..Hancoek Dry Gooda Co.;1 Haneock, dry good.i; Annex.

ROCHESTER, N. V..Slbloy, Llndsay ftCurr Co.; C. D. Ottman fancy leathergoods; W. Barnes. carpets and rugs;wholesale 432 Fourth Avenue.

ROCHESTER . Given'n; H. H. Given,coats. aulta, dresses; 7 West Twenty-Slxth Street.

ROCHESTER.Sibt.ey, Llndsay ft Curr; C.U. Ottman, leather jgoods; 432 FourthAvenue.

SALT i.AKB CITY.Zlon'a Co-operatlveMercantlle Inc; W. A. Needham, wom¬en's ready to wear, dry goods, Miss B.BeWey, milllnery; 60 Worth Street.

SAN ANTONIO, Tex..Wolff ft Marx Co.;W. Bird, shoes; 6 West Thlrty-aecondStreet. ^

SALT LAKE CITY. Utah.Zlona Co-operatlve .Merchandlalng Co.: J. Nlchol-Bon. men'a furnishings; 60 Worth Street.

SAN FRANCISCO.O'Connor ft MoftattCo.; Miss M. J. Burkn, sweaters. corsetsand underwear; M. Murray, rlbbons: Mr.MeKay, art needlework; 432 FourthAvenuo.

SAN FRANCISCO.Hale Bros.; IL B.Shalcs, men's furnishlngs; 60 UnionSquaro.

SAN FRANCISCO.Emporium; Mr. Marx.basement shoes; 252 Fifth Avenue.

SAN FRANCISCO City of Paris DryGoods Co.: C. Wtlls. shoes; 170 FlfthAvehuo.

SAN ANTONIO, Tex..E. Blum Co.; A. M.August, fancy gooda; 48 West Thlrty-flfth Street. <*

SAN FRANCISCO.J. Allen. clothing;Flnndera

SAN FRANCISCO.Morrla Mercantlle Co.;A. Morris, general mdse.; Flanders.

SALEM. Mass..Almy. Bigelow ft Wash-burn: Miss Cortce. dresses: 230 FlfthAvi hue,

SAPULPA, Okla..Katz Department Store,L. J. KatZ; dry goods and ready towear: Pennsvlvanla.

SCHENBCTADY, N. Y..II. S. Barney Co.;V. S. Selgler, ready to wear; 404 FourthAvenue.

3CRANTON, Pa..N. Suravlta & Co.; H.SuravltK, domeatlcs, tlannels, whitegoods, dress goods. blankets, notlons anddry goods; Pennsylvania.

SCRANTON, Pa..Max Karfunkel, drygoods and shoes; Grand.

SEATTLE. Waah..Seattle Dry Ooods Co.;J. B. Gray, shoes: 440 Fourth Avenue.

SIOUX CITY.Hicks-Puller Co.; G. Miller,men's furnishlngs; 329 Broadway.

SOUTH BEND, Ind..Brandon-Durrell Co.;T. TI. Brandon, corsets, knlt goods; Miss13. Ray, waista. Infants' wear; York.

SOUTH BEND, Ind. Brandon-DurrellCo.; Miss E. Relmold. mlllinery; Penn-oylvania; T. H. Brandon, corsets, hosl-ery, furnishlngs goods; Misa E. Ray,waista dnd children's wear; York.

SPRINGFIELD Mo..Keet & Roundtree;H. Roundtree, doineslica; G. L. Camp-bell. furnishlng goods; 72 Leonard Street.

SPRINGFIELD, Mass..Forbea & Wallace;N. Wallace, Miss Foley, Miss Jackson,ready to wear; 230 Fll'th Avenue.

ST. LOUIS.Ferguson & McKinney Co.; J.E. Montague, hoslery; 392 Broadway.

ST. LOUIS carlton Dry GOods Co.; L.Lnndwehr, notiona; J. W. Adams printsand glnghn'ns: 32't Broadway.

ST. LOUIS. B. Nugent ft Bros.: WilliamKrampr. boys1 clothing; 1373 Broadway,third- floor.

ST. LOU1H.Carlcton Dry Goods Co.; R. B.Neal. blankets, oullts, llnens and rib-lions: ?2 Broadway.

JOHN L. MERRILL, Prab.KaiaNCahle Offlce, *» Broad atraa*

Telephone Broad 7479

!«.«> Fifth Av*.. Phone VanderbUt MJ414 Fifth A»«- 2 __.**... ?*». "S.!J * Frankllrt 8t., " Frankiin AU29 Spruo* Bt.. " U.-kmin 1711

CHILEIn 1919 the total exportfrom the United States toChilc amounted to $53,-121,087.ALL AMERICA CABLESis a neeessary link in com¬

mercial development be¬tween the United Statesand the sister Republic* ofSouth America<

of FcST. LOUIS . Rothschild Broa Hat's hats, caps and gloves: G. B. Fl-fleld representing; Pennsylvania.ST. LOUIS.He!l-r & Livingston; 8. LIt-Ingaton, men's clothing, ladles' ready towear; 141 West Thirty-thlrd Street.

ST. LOUIS Rosenthal-Sloan MilllneryCo.; R f. starkey, millinery; M«Alpin.ST. LOUIS.Ely & Walker; W. B. Roney,furnishings; 56 Worth Street.

ST, PAUL.F. Vilendrer, men's furnishlnggoods and handkerchlefs; 3 West Twen-ty-nlnth Street.

ST. PALL, Minn. . Golden Rule.A. S.Kurta. suits; 8 West Twenty-ntnlh Street.

8T. PAUL.Golden Rule; L. Strauas, mdse.manager; ;i West Twenty-nintn Stn et.

ST. PETBRSBURG. Fla..Northrup & Rut-land Co.; J. T. Rutland, women's readyto wear; Milton & Lichensteln. 25 Wes»Thinv-third Street.SYRAC* SE Nea) & Hyde, I? C. 8.Hyde, white goods; D. S. Hyde, muslinunderwear; H. D. Stone, farnlahings;72 L ounrd Street.

SYRACUSE Hunter-Tuppen Co.; A. A.Belanger, men'a furnishlng goods. hos-leiy, knlt underwear And umbrellas;Breslln.

TAMPA, Fla..Fifth Avenue Shop; 8. Had-dad, ready to wear and milllnery; 25West Thirty-third Street, Room 85.

TAMPA. Fla..Tampa Jobblng Houae; M.Kotter, domestlcs, white goods, blankets.notions, men's furnishlng goods; Broad¬way Central,

TBMPLE, Texas.Madden. Jarrell A Co.;A. J. Jarrell, dry goods; Pennsylvania.

TEXARKANA. Texas Schwarz ClothingCo.; Mrs. J. H. Blllngton. clothing. drygoods; 6 West Thlrty-second Stre» t.

TOLEDO Meyer-Jonasaon Co.; Misa B.Weaver, millinery: Fifth Avenue.

TOLEDO.Reynokls-Munro Co.; A. J. Rey¬nolds. coats, suits, waists, skirts; 100West Thlr'v-second Street.

TORON1 . >. Can.--S. F. MeKlnnon & 8on;w Clark, millinery; Grand.

TROY, N. Y..Gay Co., J. P. Qay, mer¬chandise manager; A. Van Leuven, dressgoods. silks velvets, llnlngs; 6 WestThirty-second Street.

TUPPER LAKE. N. Y..J. Tager. ladies'read> to wear; Broa-»way Central.

UNIONTOWN, Pa. WHght-Metxier Co.;C. P. McGibbon, general merchandise;1270 Broadway.

UTJCA, N. Y..Alien Schmidt & Co.; G. A.Ailen, clothing, furnishlng goods andhats; Imperial.

LT1CA. X. V..Rathbun Co.; Mr. Crowner.hoslery and. underwear; 60 Worth Street.

VANCOUVER, B. C.David Spencer, Ltd.;C. A. Aldrich, milllnery; 1164 Broad¬way.

VANCOUVER, B. C.David Spencer, Ltd.;J. T. Plll'n'-s. silks and plece gooda;1164 Broadway. *

WACO, T a. anger Brothers; Miss H.Kemendo, candy; 19 East Twenty-fourthStreet-

WACO. Tex..G. F. Jackson, men's fur-nlshings; 1!> East Twenty-fourth Street.

WASHINGTON, D. C.S. Kann Sons *Co..Mr. Murphy, milllnery; 432 FourthAvfnne.

WASHINGTON, D. C. Woodward *Lothrop; Mrs. C. C. Alien, extra slz?ready to wear; _!34 Fourth Avenue.

WASHINGTON.Hecht Co.; E. E. L lrnan,men's furnishings; Mr. Kadden, ladies'knit goods; 110 West Thlrty-secondStreet, Room 1303.

WA4»MtNOTON.J. Nachman; MIsb J.Nachmah, women's ready to wear anamillinery; Annex.

WHBSTBR CITY, Iowa.Shlpley & Black;C. A. Cotton, dry goods and domestica;Breslln.

WHEELING. W. Va..Stone & Thomas; W.E. Rownd, general merchandise; 1270Broadway.

WlCli.TA Kan..Johnston, Larlmer Co.;J. B. Osborne, women's ready to wear,notions, rlbbons, hoslery; 48 LeonardStreet.

WILKBSrBARRB, Pa..MacWIIllams Co.;Miss E. Wagner, corsets; 404 FourthAvi nue.

WILKES-BARRE.J. Karboski Co.; B. J.Lewis, clothing, furnishlng goods andshoes; Herald Square Hotel.

WILKES-BARRE. Pa..W. P. Mosses &Sons; C. E. Pingree, cotto-n piece goods;Breslln.

WILMINGTON, N. C.G. Dannenbaum; O.Dannenbaum, coats and suits; 1261Broadway.

WILMINGTON, Del..Topkls Bros.; A.Topkis, underwear; 350 Broadway.

WINNII'EG. Can..A. Hurtlg; A. Hurtig,raw furs; Breslln.

WINN1PEG, Can..Hurtlg Fur Mfg. Co..A. Hurtie-. t"ade up furs, especially furcoats; Breslin.

WORCESTER. Mass..Denholm & McKay.Mr. Ten Eyck, ready to wear; MIsbCreeehoh, coats; 230 Fifth Avenue.

WORCESTER, Mass-,..John C. MaclnnesCo.; Miss M, Murphy, waists, underwear;43>__ Fourth Avenue.

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohlo.G. Livingston, wom¬en's rrady to wear; Pennsylvania.

YOUNGSTOWN. Ohlo.Strouss HlrshbergCo.; Miss K. Hutzel, milllnery; 1150Broadway,

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohlo Youngstown DrvGoods Co.; A. C. Smith, notions; 72Leonard Street.

BUYEKS COMINGMASON CITY, Iowa.Louis Kllllatt Co.;Miss A. J. Fish, llnens and silks; Jav& Co., 105 Grand Street; expecte 1January 20.

MASON CITY, Iowa.Louis Kllllan Co.;Rc|lre«_e:.ting, Jay & Co., 105 GrandStreet; expected January 20.

M1SSOULA. Mont..Mlssoula MercantllrCo.; R. G. Ballly, notions, bag:.. hoslery,gloves. dress goods, silks, llnens andrlbbons; 303 Fiith Avenue, room 1808:expected January 25.

PASADENA, falif..H. R. Hertel; L. Bnr-nett, dry goods and ready to wear; 25West Thirty-thlrd Street; expectedJanuary 21.


SALL-EXPENSE CRUISES $180 include mcals and ata.erco.naccommodalicns for entire trip loand around Island and return loNew YoiV Sailing* every Satur¬day tor 16-day cruise and on al-_ern_)te Wednesdays for 20-daycruise.

FORTO RICO LINEjj 11 Broadway, New York

SPANISH PORTSVigo.Conana.-Santander

Gijon.BilbaoVia Havana

S. S. BLACK ARROWSail* from Pier 13. East River

Feb. 5Big, modern steamer. every facility

and convenience. Choice firsl cabinuecommodations.

Also Emigrant Passengers.For Reservations Apply toAuthorized Ticket Agencies or

GKNERAL OFFICESFoot of Wall Street Xew York


Cails at Havana.NEW YORK.GUAYAQU iL

*l*uilpue, .lan. 33' Qulllota. r.B 17.*Calla ,tt Na sau


Iforce-ten *..OT. Provldenee direet. gS.24.Ol'TSini. STATEROOM8, fl.fff.

Dally, Including Sunday, 6:00 P. M.From Pler 1>. E. R. Phone 2700 Beekman.Tieketa at Pler or CooiMtUdalMl Otlleei.

PRNTRAI. HrilMON I.1N1.NewburKli, Poi.ir1_kerp_.te. Kingston. Lv.Mttl., Wed. and Fri.. Fr»nklln Sl. at 3 V. M.

>reign TradeTKAVEL TKAr____

?m^m-%'^?ym>,-im <-w

5*^TROPICALCRUISESfcooMAKE your reservations now for our \4?jWrenchantinij cruises sailing from ^^ *****New York by palatia! steamers of the Great White Fleet

January 29.S. S. "CALAMARES" "

March 12.S..S. -ULUA"Cruises embrace CUBA, gem of the Caribbean.respten*dent JAMAICA.wonderful PANAMA and the CANALZONE.and picturesque COSTA RICA. Duration 23d«ya

Fascinating shore excursions included

THOS. COOK &. SON245 BroadwayOpp. Citv Hall, Tel. Barctay 7106

561 Fifth AvenueCor. 46th Sc. TH. MmrtWf HM *W

Jem*/a*T,4sam'Ja*\\\am*<<a9\<iM\-.a*X,<.em v fc

STAR LINE *AnntA-ri/. .-... N?:W VORIi.CHKRBOPRG.SOUTHAMPTONADRIATIC 12 Noon |an. 19 Feb. 16 Apr 6 UL n P1C .Mar. 19 Apr. 20 May 14v»x~ (^^^Z.^"^"0*!' . > Km\ YORK <__¦ boston.A_y»w_»-Vedic (new? 12 N on lan 26 (3to elaaa only) GIBRALTAR.NAPLES.StONMS??.K.12 Noon Feb. 5 Mar. l2Aor. 16 Canopic.12 Noon Feb. 2*Celtic.12 Noon Feb 26 Apr. 2 May 7 Cretic...... , 3 P M Mar 15

AmfcRiUAN LSN£ and RED STAR LINE**. *.. TOmonth. qherbonrati Antwerp. , NPw Tork. nan.i* via Hamhot*...eelar.d.. . .J\oon Jan. 22 Lapi 'nd. .Fe_>. 12 Third CIrm ra«»cnr-*r« Only.Kroonland.Noon fan. 29 Finland . .Feb 19 Gothland .Noon Jan. 20 Feb. 26 Apr. I)

AMERICAN UNE.New V'ork-Haintiur_r (Direct Hervice).Mongoiia. Noon jan. il Manchuna, Feb. jA Mongolia, Mar. 10

Ideal Winter cruisesWest Indies.Panarna Canal.South Ameriet

Leavlna- New Vork noon *.Jainiary 22, Tebrnary 21, March 23, 1921.*On January ¦.*» C uise.a, liiniteil numher o. rooms uvuilable from Newto Havana, Kingston, etc .«»«»SMJtfchirE STAR LME S. S. MECANTIC20,740 Tons Disp..Largest Steamer to Tropicf

25-26 Days. Specially Selected Ports of Ca.IImclurtin? BarhaJo!^--Oub: .Jamatra.KlnsBton.Port Antonlo.MartlnltJU..P_*_W«»HCaual (Panarna Clt-->.Poi-to Riro.Trlnia?i<1.V*>ne_ue!<v.Vlrtjin Iilanda. *ta.. Internalional .Mercaiitile Marine OoiupanyOHirrs. 0 Rroadwuy, .New lork. l'ier* 68. t>9, 00, (11, .2 North River.

1.NCHORPaesenaer and Service* rrom N_w Tork

IMPERATOR.Cherbourg and Soutnampton.lan.SAXOMA .., Haiifax, Piymouth, Cherbourg and Hambura. .lan.VLb'*',c '"' '


VbblKll).Liverpool . J,CARMANIA .Lncrpoo! .,,.*./,liALlA.Vigo, Patras. Dubrovnilc and Trteate_V...F._AQU11ANIA.Cherbourg and Southampten..Feb.ALBANIA (aew)-Ch.rbourg and London...Feb'.*¦ Bt<-».Lor.dvnJerry ar.d Glasgow. .Feb.ALGERIA.Londonderry and Glasgow.;.. Mar.H'ASSJLIA (from Boston) Glasgow.

' *MarCARONIA.Liverpool..............Er.ALBANIA (ncw).\. Pivmoulh and Cherbourg. MarKA VICTORIA....Liverpool . . .j\j.MAURETANIA.CtV-hourg and SouttVmplon.' Aor'


20 Mar.1022 Mar. 529

19 Mar. 265 Apr. 67-ac16 Apr. 2319 Apr. 2622 Aor. 307 May 12

Apr. 23May II

June I

]U0#_JJutti f

Weekly SailirKs to

The Fast nnd ModernAil Electric Q Q «Pl]T> \»Oil Burning U.O. tl/MLvs. Jacksonvi"e Every Sat'dy at 3 p. nFrom HAVANA Every Tuesciny at 4 p. m.

FIRST CLASS ONLYLuxurlom Accommodations; Excellent Culiln*

RATES $35 & $45 sg?A Few Kpeciai

Rooms With Private u.i.,i, Rate, J.OFor Furtlier Information Address

MIAMI STEAMSHIP CO.PASSRNGEM OKPT., I.aK.iAI, OKFICB3Fl. Cath.rlrie *t .2 Brdfulttaj' N. TJaeknontllle Fla Tel l'r-e,l 1T9-3283

Two Days From New VorkIn Bermuda you may lazily rest or play

your favorite Fpons of golf. tennis, rid¬ing, drlving, motor-boatin_r, siiiling, bath¬ing and (Ishlng or dance at the gay par-Ues at the many modern Hotels.No Passpons R. quirtd i<ir i.t-rnwda.Iwo uilliiigs wn'kly during Jan., Feb.,

Mar. nnd April, via fitst De LuxeTw in Serew St <;»rnrrs,

S. S. "rOitt VICTORIA3'14,000 Tons UisplacementSailii_g from New York

S.'S.";^0BTHA^_LT0M"11.000 Ton3 DlsplacementSailin.¦-. from New YoVk

.Tnr >n o. ..-.,. ¦>

Send for d-pscriptlv* li'erature tsFURNESS HKKMlDA i,lM_

34 WhUeha.i St., ti. Y. Tol. Bowllna Green 7300----¦-¦-.¦__-_M___aw__a_____


¦Ajt-;! "t-tl Mnv SnUinasSOUTH AMERICA

1 mi' ry '.


KVKI.V.YHI.KF.Steamship and Pullman Reservations

Full fttiierdries and lr.fnrmatlon

Bernetfs Travel



ROTTtRi)AM. ...oon ian.2j Mar. 1 Apr. 9KYNUAM .Nor.n Feb.12 M*r ii) Apr.23K\A_V>STf Frb.i9Mar.26 Apr.30N0ORDAM.Noon Apr.2 May 7-Lei_cr___ i-.i8-en er U.:.._<-, 24 St le S'., N. Y.

Ifc. / J O i s\/ ___.

^fc» O SERViC.Curran! Proararas include Cniij-i ar,


THOS. COOIC & SON245 Broadway 561 Fifth Avenut

Fall River LineTo Boston

Stitandli. Bpleftdtd flertlee.I.t Pier 14 N, It. (Kulton Bt.) 5 00 l» M Datlt,N»W lonilon (Norwlch) Lln-. I.t. \'\rt 4* S R(IloUKton St) 5 HO V. M. (Ki.-opt Bundiur)). I_««nI'lBf 13). B U lUiud Ki.) .»_!'. Al.

CANADIAN PACint. RAIIAVAYBoUlij.Trana-C-nnnentiil All-tear Uout*.». «¦ PKRRY. U. A. P___ _>«!>_. X221 Ut.___. N. I.


Amtritmn100% Ssinlkem-**mmm*memaaa$M



ZMXUtiovB, New iS-Knot


PRINCESS MATOIKASailing Jan. 20.Cabin atvd 3J Claaa Qtif


S. S. SUSQUEHANNACabin and Tlilrd Class Onlj

Sailing February 18.April 6

mm<m; PC3U-.HIl.:" S; S. Santa Ana. Jan. 26 m

IS. S. Santa Elita... .Feb. 9S. S. Santa Luiaa Feb. 23S. S. Santa Teresa. Mar. 9

Calling at Cristobal, Callao, Arica, ajIquique, Antofrigasia and Valparaita. g»>«^K.,,,-rr nn«l l'reialit Pervif-e «

CRAC. UN.r) ie C<»., .> 116NT8. ¦

New York.or I.OCal A*t. ¦. Ha____i . ______. § __ap_jjj 9

Hanover >u..

LIRBrtfcWYOri_t . HAVRE. PARIS^S8A!SE:: :£_.; 8; £&. ft 4gjli.A _>AVUIE.lan. 29, F**. W, "LA l.UKIi.\l.VK....Feb. 5, Apr. a.rmCAOO .Feb. IS. Mar. 19,I.KOI'OT.OTNA ... I>1>. Ifi. -_ROCHAMBEAC ...Mar. 8, Ap*. J2. Maj/t.


Swedish AmericanUNE

Short Roote (o Sweden, Norway, Daamark,Finiand, Rustia, Germany, Ac.

Oiraci to

GOTHENBURG-SWEDENvK<,«. UwOUOM tsTEA.UERH,S.S. StockboLm.Jaa. 22 M*i_ 1*

S_S. Drbttninjboira._F«b. 10 Mar. 1«Superior Paaaangar ^.ooommodaltokKBv vi e and Cultdne.ratynrer OflW, <M w«nte «... Netr V«ni_.


I rederic VII!.Jan. 28United Statea.Fcb.24Hellig OUv...M»T.t?Otcar II ...Mar. 3!

I or l'a_»enerr Hntea. ete.. I li'n-ar. N". X.

"Tha Pubtin Ita MamaarCOLONIAL LINE

BOSTON, $5.61 Boat anal JUUPROViDENCE, $3.89. Diract8"*i lea*__ Ft_» 3». N. R.. rt, W.r __«___«k~-E

Wealf Inillen Cralara, Frank Tmwtat Ca., 41*, , f.lh _&?.. bel' *Isl a,ul «-^ .««- Va:derbllt 73»0.