report back session 22 oct 2013

Workability Asia Conference and Annual General Meeting 2013 (1-3 July 2013; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA) REPORT BACK SESSION 22 OCT 2013

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Workability Asia Conference and Annual General Meeting 2013  (1-3 July 2013; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA). Report Back Session 22 Oct 2013. Workability Asia (WAS) Conference and Annual General Meeting 2013 1 st -3 rd July in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Presentation outline. Introduction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Workability Asia Conference and Annual General Meeting 2013  (1-3 July 2013; Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA)


22 OCT 2013

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Workability Asia (WAS)

Conference and Annual

General Meeting 2013

1st-3rd July in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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Presentation outline1. Introduction

Mr. Lam Kar Chun, Ben – HKPHAB2. Hong Kong Projects

Ms. Yao Mei Yan, Emily – MHAHK Mr. Law Wai Cheung – Direction Association for the

Handicapped3. Policy: Impact on employment

Mr. Ting Marin - The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation Mr. Law Wai Cheung – Direction Association for the

Handicapped4. Examples of successful social enterprise

Mr. Leung Kam Tao - The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

5. Vocational training Program Ms. Rawbone Kay - The Nesbitt Centre

6. Comparison of policy/employment service for Pwd Ms. Lai Dik Chee – The Hong Kong Council of Social

Service7. Comments and Recommendations

Ms. Deborah Wan – Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities

Ms. Rawbone Kay - The Nesbitt Centre8. Q&A

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IntroductionMr. Lam Kar Chun, Ben – HKPHAB

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Workability Asia (WAS) is one of Workability Internationals’ geographic regional groups in Asia which consists of 33 organizations in 12 countries and regions.

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Host by :

Dual Blessing Bhd雙福殘障自强發展協會

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The Theme of Conference :

“Beneficial Employment for All”.


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DAY 13 keynote speeches, (i) “The New Decade, New Strategy: Asia pacific Initiative for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (ii) “ Beneficial Employment for All (iii) “Malaysian workability for Persons with Disabilities, where shall we start?”,

Afternoon sessionreports on “Project gainful Employment for all” presented by 5 presenters come from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan and Thailand

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DAY 2The plenary session presenting the best practice on Promoting Employment of Persons with Disabilities and Strategic Plan by 14 speakers all over Pacific Asia.

DAY 31. Annual General

Meeting2. Study Tour

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10 representatives representing 6 NGOs from Hong Kong joined the 3-days Conference.

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Deborah Wan presented :“the Government’s affirmative action in enhancing the employment of persons with disabilities through the marketing consultancy office.”

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1. Willy Law presented the “Joint Hand Cooperation Project” between government and local communities in providing working opportunity to the disables via library services. “

2. Emily Yao presented “Peer Support Worker Project” in Hong Kong.

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Visit Dual Blessing BhdRecycling Unit

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Visit Cheshire Home & Training Centre

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Peer Support Worker Projectin Hong Kong: A local experience and observations

By Emily Yao, MHAHK

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With the belief to strengthen and expand consumer involvement, four mental health agencies ventured to pioneer the Peer Support Worker (PSW) Project in Hong Kong. They are:

Baptist Oi Kwan Social Service

Caritas–Hong Kong

The Mental Health Association

of Hong Kong

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation


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The project gained the sponsorship from a community partner in the business sector – the MINDSET, a philanthropic

initiative on mental health

from the Jardine


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Project Period & Objectives

A three years pilot project: From 5 Oct 2012

The project objectives are: To enhance mental health service delivery

through collaborative involvement with people living with mental illness

To provide vocational benefits for people with mental health problems who perform the unique roles of PSW

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To be qualified as a PSW:

meet the following criteria before training: Aged 18 or above with lived experience as consumers of

mental health services

Self-identify as having a lived experience with mental illness explicitly

Possess good communication skills

Have junior secondary education level or above

Service users of the four collaborating agencies

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Peer Support Worker Training (PSWT)

1) Elementary Level

Session Topic Hours1 Course Overview

Basic Concepts in Recovery3

2 Understanding Mental Health & Mental Illness 3

3 Recovery and Peer Support 3

4,5,6,7 Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) for Self Care and Self Management


8,9 Basic Skills in Rapport Building and Communication 6

10,11 Telling My Unique Recovery Story 6

12 Mobilizing Community Resources for RecoveryVisit to a Self-help GroupConclusion


Total Hours 36

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Peer Support Worker Training (PSWT)2) Advanced Level – Job-related Skills Training & Practicum

Session Topic Hours

1 Practicum OrientationResponsibilities of PSW and Managing Boundary Issues


2 Facilitation Skills for Group / Individual Plan 3

3 Working with Team 3

4 Responding to Emergency 3

Practicum ( to be completed within 8 weeks) 52

Total Hours 64

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Peer Support Worker Training (PSWT)

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52 Practice Hours (completed within 8 weeks)

In three Service Settings: Integrated Community Centre for Mental Wellness (ICCMW), Halfway House (HWH), Vocational Service (VR)

Each trainee at the placement unit was matched with a social worker

The concerned social workers also played the role as an assessor and participated in evaluation of the performance of the trainees

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Job Posts opened for PSW

12 job posts opened for the PSW in the four collaborating agencies

Applicants have to attend the PSWT and pass the examination upon completion of the training course and practicum

PSW have the options to apply for job posts which are suited to their talents and preferences

3 levels of status: work on full-time basis, half-time basis or hourly basis

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Learning Progress


•80% attendance or above

•Pass the examination

•80% attendance or above

•Complete Home-exercise

•Willing to complete the training

Apply for PSW post


Advanced Level (12 hrs Job related Skills Training and

52 hrs Practicum)

Elementary Level (36 Hours)

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Program Evaluation

We invited the academic experts from the Department of Social Work and Social Administration of The University of Hong Kong and Department of Psychology of The Chinese University of Hong Kong to assist in designing and conducting evaluative researches for the project.

Focus on :

To examine the impacts on the Peer Support Workers

The learning outcomes from the training programmes

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Outcomes of 1st year

More than 100 applications 20 selected for PSWT 18 trainees (90%) passed the

examination and practicum

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Written Reflection

“The most impressive of my practicum is relaying the needs and feelings of the service users to the halfway house administration. The co-workers at the house are receptive to my ‘bridging role’. I would say that the ‘bridging role’ of PSW is the most unique and commendable part.”

「最深刻嘅係當我做實習嘅時候,我有機會將服務使用者嘅需要同感受話比宿舍知,而宿舍都樂見我可以成為彼此之間嘅橋樑。橋樑嘅角色係朋輩支援工作員呢個崗位最應該被 like﹝ 讚﹞嘅地方。 ^_^ 」

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Special thanks to …..• Colleagues of the four

collaborating agencies

• Advisory Committee members

• The financial support from MINDSET

• The expert advice from adviser of MINDSET

• The Chinese University of Hong Kong

• University of Hong Kong

• The 20 PSW trainees in the 1st PSW training class

Mrs. Helen Kwok of Social Welfare Department and adviser of MINDSET- Ms. Ophelia Chan (right side).

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馬來西亞殘障工作者津貼Subsidies for Employment PwD in MalaysiaBY WILLY LAW

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殘障工作者津貼計劃 Elaun Pekerja Cacat ( EPC ) 申請者必須是已向福利局註冊的 OKU (殘障人士) 申請者必須是 16 歲或以上 每月收入必須不少過 RM20 令吉但不超過 RM1,200 可得 每月

援助 RM300

2011 年,馬來西亞製造業領域管理 人員平均月薪從3220 馬幣(約合 1006 美元)到 2.12 萬馬幣(約合 6634 美元)不等,普通工人 852 馬幣(約合266 美元)、半熟練工人 1243 馬幣(約合 388 美元)、技術工人和技師 1806 馬幣(約合 564 美元)。


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「就業展才能」計劃 旨在向僱主提供誘因,鼓勵他們聘用殘疾人士

「創業展才能」計劃 計劃協助非政府機構創辦和經營可僱用殘疾人士的小型企業,讓殘疾人士能在一個經細心安排和氣氛融洽的工作環境中真正就業。在計劃下成立的小型企業,每間可獲最高撥款 200 萬元,作為企業成立初期(最長為期三年)的營運資金,之後企業便須在財政上自給自足。此外,為確保殘疾人士有更多就業機會,每項業務所聘請的殘疾人士僱員不得少於該業務受薪僱員總數的 50% 。

殘疾人士在職培訓計劃及「陽光路上」培訓計劃 社計劃的對象分別為年齡 15 歲或以上的殘疾人士,及年齡介乎 15 至 25 歲的殘疾青少年或經精神科醫生診斷為出現精神病早期徵狀的青少年。 該兩項計劃可為參加者安排為期最長三個月的就業見習。見習期內,出勤率符合要求的參加者可獲發每月2000 元的就業見習津貼。服務機構亦可透過在職試用計劃,鼓勵僱主為他們提供職位空缺,在試用期內,僱主可獲發最多三個月的補助金,金額為每位參加者每月實得工資的一半。服務機構在參加者成功就業後,仍會向他們提供不少於六個月的跟進服務。

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香港 馬來西亞


為殘疾人士建立就業誘因,鼓勵他們積極尋找工作,並在 ECP 制度下,提高生活質素




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殘疾人士就業政策 不同國家 /地區的情況

香港復康會 丁遠和

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仁川策略 (Incheon Strategy)

聯合國亞洲及太平洋經濟及社會委員會( ESCAP )於 2012 年 11月發表及通過仁川策略 - 讓亞太地區殘疾人享有切實權利 (“MAKE THE RIGHT REAL” FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC)

會上回顧了 2003-2012 年亞太區殘疾人士的狀況,並研究未來 10年會員國推展殘疾人士人權的策略

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仁川策略 (Incheon Strategy)10 Goals:

1. Reduce poverty and enhance work and employment prospects

2. Promote participation in political processes and in decision-making

3. Enhance access to the physical enviroment, public transportation, knowledge, information and communication

4. Strengthen social protection

5. Expand early intervention and education of children with disabilities

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仁川策略 (Incheon Strategy)6. Ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment

7. Ensure disabilities-inclusive disaster risk reduction and management

8. Improve the reliability and comparability of disability data

9. Accelerate the ratification and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and harmonization of national legislation with the Convention

10. Advance subregional, regional and interregional cooperation

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仁川策略 (Incheon Strategy)

與會者簽署殘疾人士人權公約 , 因此會議是有約束力

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澳洲於 2013 年 7 月推行第一階段的 National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)


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推行 NDIS ,政府在殘疾人士服務的支出,將較以往多一倍,達每年 150億

NDIS 的資金將會來自政府每年向國民收取多 0.5% 薪俸稅

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作為在職培訓工具 提供就業機會

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提供 40-50 個職位

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PhilippinesFoundation of These-Abled Persons Inc.

• 制造學校課室 設備• 政府學校支持

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地震幸存者黃莉創立 聘請一位皮革修復司傅負責培訓培訓殘疾人士維修皮革用品的技術開設店舖為市民提供皮革維修服務及售買相關產品

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DIB (Deaf in Business) in Malaysia

聘用聽障人士 經營咖啡店式商場內小買部 並無與社福機構合作 面對難於挽留員工

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NepalNational Rehabilitation Centre of the Disabled

• 培訓殘疾人士刺繡及玻璃珠制品制作。• 教導他們營運小企業的方法及技巧• 提供所需的工具• 協助他們建立自僱公司,制作及出售刺繡及玻璃珠文化制品。

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SINAMTamil Nadu, India



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Recycling Center by Dual Blessing BHD, Malaysia




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Vocational TrainingKAY RAWBONE


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Keynote spPatrick Maher - quote

‘Workability International’s member organisations believe that people with disabilities should have legal rights to equal opportunities and non-discrimination in all aspects of their lives. Even more than that, we understand the transformative benefits of work. That, through access to work, people with disabilities can achieve full social and economic participation’

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The importance of Voc Ed

Disabled persons have the right to... education, vocational training and rehabilitation which will enable them to develop their capabilities and skills to the maximum and will hasten the process of their social integration or reintegration.

The key rights in these provisions are those of:

appropriate educational provision appropriate provision of resources social integration as an aim of education.

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Who does this: NGOs

Vocational Training Centres

Community Agencies


Best practice

The role of the job coach

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Cheshire Home – Kuala Lumpur

Ability to Work: Economic Empowerment Programme, for Youths with Learning Disabilities

Goals of the programme

The results

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Work Opportunities

With the right training and support for our PWDs we in Asia can make this happen !

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Project Gainful Employment for ALL

黎狄慈 , 香港社會服務聯會

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Project Gainful Employment for ALL 殘疾人士


香港 Marketing Consultancy Office康 復 服 務 市 場 顧 問 辦 事 處

政府 ( 社會福利署 )

日本 殘疾人士就業政策現行模式 : 二分模式 (Dual model )公開就業 ( 能力高 ) vs 社會福利模式的就業服務 ( 能力弱 )理想模式 - 對角線模式:能加強弱的都有不同程度的公開就業支援及社會福利模式的就業服務支緩

政府 + 私人捐助

台灣 •Publicly owned, NPO 營運 , 政府擁有•Welfare industry, NPO 服務e.g. 工場•Social Enterprises (NPO & Enterprises)•Public Enterprises (Government & Enterprises)

NPO / Government / Enterprises

泰國 1984 - Vocational School for the Disabled1991 – 1st Rehab law2009 - Resources for Children with Special Needs (RCSN)2012 – setting up SE

政府 + 私人捐助

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Japan Mandatory employment of disabled employees: new requirements (April 2013)

The Law concerning the Promotion of the Employment of Disabled Employees has been amended to raise the percentage of disabled employees that employers are required to hire from 1.8% to 2.0% as of 1 April 2013. The current definition of "disabled employees" refers to employees who are physically or mentally disabled. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has drafted a bill to widen the scope of this definition by seeking to include employees who are mentally affected (such as those who suffer from depression) subject to public certification. The intention is to enforce this measure starting from April 2018. If the new scope were applied, the percentage may be further increased after a moratorium.Japan Employment Law Update 2013 downloaded from

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台灣障礙者定額進用制度 自 1990 年開始 規定員工超過 100 人以上的公、私營團體必須有

1% 或以上的殘疾員工,由於制度有相當的成效,台灣當局於 2009 年 7 月開始上調殘疾員工的比例,規定政府機關及公營機構,如員工總數達 34人或以上,必須至少有 3% 的殘疾員工,而其他私營機構,如員工達 67 人或以上,須至少有 1%殘疾僱員。根據台灣 2012 年 12 月的數據,獲聘的殘疾人士共有 69,589 人,比法例規定的聘用數字 51,763 人超出 34.4% 。由台灣的經驗,可見配額制度亦可有效提高殘疾人士的就業機會

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Comments and Recommendations

Ms. Deborah Wan – Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities

Ms. Rawbone Kay - The Nesbitt Centre

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Comments and Recommendations

Comments: Limited coverage on PwDs open employment (Deborah)

PwDs participation in promoting their employment rights (Deborah)

Subsidies to PwDs (Deborah) Set up HK Workability Asia (Deborah) Set up volunteer team (Deborah) More collaboration with business


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Q & A