report group 4 constants and variables

3. Avoid using confusing letters or numbers such as zero and the letter O Examples: One_0, Ph0ne_Num 4. Use underscore (_) in replacement of a space Examples: Class_Num, Birth_date 5. Lessen the number of character of your variable. The shorter the better. Examples: Int_Flight, Loc_Flight.Lbl1 6. In most cases, upper and lowercases are read differently. A and a may hold different data Example: B,b

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Report in TLE Group 4


Page 1: Report Group 4 Constants and Variables

3. Avoid using confusing letters or numbers such as zero and the letter O

Examples: One_0, Ph0ne_Num

4. Use underscore (_) in replacement of a spaceExamples: Class_Num, Birth_date

5. Lessen the number of character of your variable. The shorter the better.

Examples: Int_Flight, Loc_Flight.Lbl1

6. In most cases, upper and lowercases are read differently. A and a may hold different data

Example: B,b

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Page 3: Report Group 4 Constants and Variables

LEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter the report the students should be able to:

Define what constants areExplain the meaning and use of operators

Learn and evaluate arithmetic operators properly

Learn and use relational opeartorsDefine and use logical operators

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Page 5: Report Group 4 Constants and Variables

CONSTANTSConstants are values that do

not change during the execution of the program.


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OPERATORSAn operator is a symbol or

a character indicating an operation that acts on one or more elements. These elements are refered to as operands

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OPERANDS An operand is the object of a mathematical

operation or a computer instruction. The number of operands depends on the programming language you use.

For Example:Pascal Programming Language contains

constants, data, variables, and other arithmetic expressions.

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CLASSIFICATION of OPERATORSArithmetic OperatorsLogical OperatorsRelational OperatorsAssignment Operators

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Arithmetic Operators They are operators that perform mathematical operations or calculations

It can involve two or more numeric arguments (operands)

These operators are similar to what the 4 fundamental operations

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Addition + (plus sign)

Subtraction - (minus sign)

Multiplication * (asterisk)

Division / (slash)

Modular Division/ Modulus mod

Integer Division div

Exponentiation ^ (caret sign)

Negation - (minus sign)

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+ and -+ operators are just

the same as addition in real life as well as subtraction

Example:25 + 25 = 5069 + 1 = 7050 +70 = 120

- operators are just the same with the real life subtraction

Example:75-5 = 70100-50=5070-50= 20

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* and /Just like the addition

and subtraction operational principle; multiplication is just the same

Example:3*9 = 279*9 = 81

Just like the addition and subtraction operational principle division is just the same

Example:25/5 = 581/9 = 9

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DivIt computes ONLY

the integral part of the result of dividing its first operand to its second operand

An integral part is defined as an integer or whole number such as 1, 10, or 5

2 72



7 div 2

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Modulus returns the integer remainder of a division.

Examples:7 mod 2Result:16 mod 2Result:0

2 72



7 div 2

7 mod 2

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^ and - Exponentiation is

self explanatory. It only means that a number can be expressed with an exponents


Negation makes a number in its negative form

Example:- (5) = -5- (43) = -43

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It is also called OPERATOR PRECEDENCE. It refers to the priority of the various operators when more than one is used in an expression. Parenthesis are used as the need arises.

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EXPRESSIONExpression in programming, is a combination of symbols, identifiers, values and operators that yield a result upon evaluation

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NEMDASMo Method1st: Negation2nd: Exponentiation3rd:Multiplication and Division4th: Addition and Subtraction5th: Modulus

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LESSON TERMSOperatorArithmetic OperatorOperandDivModIntegerExpression

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Write your answers in a one whole sheet of paper. Copy the given values and variables.

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VALUES and VARIABLESA = 2B = 22C = 3D = 23E = 5F = 10G = 20H = 30

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1. 302. 2003. 384. 685. 346. 10

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Assignment OperatorsIs used to assign values to variables. You can assign any type of data to a variable, real, integer, char and boolean.

The sign for assignment operator is :=

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Assignment StatementsIt always consist of a variable on the left hand

side of an assignment operator, and an expression on a right side

The expression can be a variable, a number, or any complicated expression made up of variables, numbers and arithmetic operators

It instructs the computer to evaluate the expression and assign value of its result to the variable

Form: Variable := Expression

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Illustrative Example



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This statement would assign the product of the expression N1*N2 to the variable PROD. Since the value of a variable can be changed during the program execution, the value of the variable PROD could also change depending on the value stored in any of the two variables N1 and N2

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ExampleNUM1 := 15;FirstLetter := ‘A’;X := 6;Y := X;Z = Y + NUM1

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The number 6 there is assigned to the variable X, then in the fourth statement, the variable X is assigned to the variable Y

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A variable on the right-hand side of an assignment statement must first be given a value before it can be used in an assignment statement. A variable without an assigned value is called an uninitialized variable

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Relational Operators Operators that are used to compare

two values basing on certain conditions.yield a true or false resultForm: value | relational operator |

valueThe operands of a relational operator

must be of the same data type, or one maybe type real and the other type integer

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Greater than >

Less than <

Equal to =

Not equal to <>

Greater than or Equal to >=

Less than or Equal to <=

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8>58>5 True True

8<58<5 FalseFalse What happened in here What happened in here was a was a type mismatchtype mismatch

8=88=8 TrueTrue

8<>58<>5 TrueTrue

8>=108>=10 FalseFalse What happened here What happened here was a was a type mismatchtype mismatch

8<=98<=9 TrueTrue

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Relational operators ALWAYS result to Boolean Values (true or false). There are only two possible values for relational operators and this can only be either the value TRUE, and value FALSE

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LESSON TERMSAssignment OperatorAssignment StatementRelational OperatorsBoolean Values

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In your notebook

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Page 40: Report Group 4 Constants and Variables

Write the correct statement for the following values to the given variables1. Assign the value 250 to DailyRate2. Assign the product of 100 and 200 to the

variable Product3. Assign the value of X to MyValue4. Assign the total of the product of X and Y

and W and Z to Total5. Assign the value of Total (No.4) to the values

of ExtremeTotality

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Determine the Boolean ValueIf A = 100If B = 200If C = 300If D = 400If E = 500

1. (B*C) > (C*B)2. ((A*C)+D) = ((A*D)

+C)3. E < 5004. A + D <= E5. (A + B + C + D + E)

>= 15000

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1. DailyRate := 2502. 100*200 := Product3. MyValue := X4. X*Y*W*Z := Total5. X*Y*W*Z := Total :=

ExtremeTotality or Total := ExtremeTotality

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1. (60,000) > (60, 000) FALSE2. 30,400 = 40,300 FALSE3. 500 < 500 FALSE4. 500 <= 500 TRUE5. 1500 >= 15000


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Logical OperatorsThey are also called as Boolean OperatorsBoolean operators are operators that

evaluate expressions and determine whether the conditions specified by the expressions are either true or false

Requires boolean operators

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The AND OperatorThe OR OperatorThe NOT Operator

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The AND OperatorThe and operator evaluates to true, only if both its operands (or expressions) are true.

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(X > 75) and (Y > 75)

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If both expressions (X > 75) and (Y >75) include in the statement evaluate to true (if both X and Y values are greater than 75), then the above statement will evaluate to true, otherwise, the statement will evaluate to false.

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AND OperatorOperand / Expression


Operand/ Expression



True True TrueTrue False FalseFalse True FalseFalse False False

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(34 <> 23)(12 <> 23)


(97 > 32)(24 <> 24)


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(12 <> 23)(14 <= 23)


(12 <> 23)(23 < 23)


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The OR OperatorThe OR Operator determines whether one or

both of its operands (or expressions) are true or false .

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(X = 1) or (X = 3)

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If one of the expressions in the statement is true, the statement evaluates to true. This means that if X is equal to either 1 or 3, then the statement is true. For example if, X=4 then the statement above returns the value false

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OR OperatorOperand / Expression


Operand/ Expression



True True TrueTrue False TrueFalse True TrueFalse False False

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(E=5)(5 <>5)


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(45>56)(12 <> 23)


(9 >= 32)(24 <> 24)


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The NOT OperatorThe NOT Operator has a single operand which it evaluates to either true or false.

It returns the opposite of the value returned by the variable

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If passed is true, then not passed is false

If passed is false, then not passed is true

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NOT OperatorOperand / Expression 1

Operand / Expression 2

Operand / Expression 1 Decision

Operand / Expression 2 Decision

True True False False

True False False True

False True True False

False False True True

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*, /, div, mod, and

+ , -, or

<, <=, =, <>, >=, >

Highest (evaluated first)

Lowest (evaluated last)

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LESSON TERMSBoolean OperatorAndOrNotOperator Precedence

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In your notebook

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Determine the Boolean values returned by the following operators with the given valuesX: 100Y: 50A: 200B: 75Condition: trueFlag: false

1. (X>105) or (B>50)2. (X=75) and (X>75)3. (A<>B) or (X = Y)4. (not condition) and (not flag)5. Not flag6. ((X*2)=200) and (X=100)7. (X<75) or (Y<75)8. ((A+B)>250) or ((X+Y)>150)9. (not condition)10. (B<50) and (A=200)

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Answers:1. True2. False3. True4. False5. True6. True7. True8. True9. False10.False

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Topic Items

1 Arithmetic Operators 5

2 A Assignment Operators 5

2 B Relational Operators 5

3 Boolean/ Logical Operators



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By Group 4