report on food subsidy for the university of the


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REPORT ON FOOD SUBSIDY FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF THE PHILIPPINES STUDENT-ATHLETES: Ensuring Food Security Among Student-Athletes of University of the Philippines of Diliman

April 14, 2020 Ms. Benita Maria Barros Murrel UPAAA 2019 Project Committee: Food Subsidy of the University of the Philippines Student-Athletes

Dear Ma’am Murell, I would like to respectfully submit my Report on the “Food Subsidy of the University of the Philippines’ Student -Athletes. I sincerely apologize for failure to submit it on the deadline set last March 30, 2020. Since newly appointed Chancellor Fidel Nemenzo of U.P. Diliman enforced a lockdown on the 2 nd week of March due to the Convic19 pandemic, I only went to my office once to sign some important documents that I forgot to get the documents relative to the initial food expenses of our student -athletes. Fortunately, I had the chance to drop by the office couple of days ago and was able to retrieve the documents. In hindsight, the funds remitted to the U.P. College of Human Kinetics Foundation were not fully spent and that the remaining funds are still with the Foundation for safekeeping and wi ll be utilized if the need arises. At this point, let me take this opportunity to thank you and the UPAAA for initiating this project, which have been very helpful to our student -athletes. As mentioned in my recent email, I will be taking my Sabbatical Leave after I terminate my appointment on May 31, 2020 due to health and other personal reasons. Prof. Rolph Andrew Ramos, a faculty of our College of Human Kinetics will be taking my place as the new Chairman of the U.P. Diliman Varsity Sport Office. From then on, he will be the one to coordinate with you and the UPAAA relative to student -athlete concerns on Food Subsidy. Stay safe as we battle this pandemic and hope to see you again in the future. Please see enclosed comprehensive report with supporting documents. Sincerely,

Prof. OSCAR YOSHIHIRO S. SANTELICESChairman, U.P. Diliman Sports Office

I. Name/title of the project: Ensuring Food Security Among Student-Athletes of University of the Philippines of Diliman

II. Name of project committee members:




III. Institution: College of Human Kinetics, University of

the Philippines, Diliman, Quezon City

Executive Summary

The aim of this project proposal is to request for assistance from the U.P. Alumni Association for food subsidy for our U.P. Student-athletes. Specifically, it also aims to:

1. Augment food subsidy for our student -athletes every weekends (Saturda ys and Sundays) and other important occasions. Currently, the food subsidy allocated for them is only during weekdays (Mondays -Fridays), which is provided by the University and also recently from the Office of Senator, Pia Cayetano.

2. Provide the right nut ritional food for our student -athletes in order to enhance their athletic performance.

In order to achieve these objectives, the Project Proposal seeks to solicit resources from UP Alumni based on the different States in the U.S. This Project Proposal will also provide regular information and updates of our student -athletes to our U.P. Alumni with regards to their performance in the UAAP and other significant events where they will be competing. The process in requesting for funding can be coursed through the U.P. College of Human Kinetics Foundation, Inc. The U.P. Diliman Varsity Sport Office, with the approval of the CHK Dean and will be responsible in the management of funds to be 

disbursed and financial statement will be submitted to the UPAAA once the project has commenced. The benefits of this Project is that our student-athletes especially those who are in the lower family income bracket won’t have to worry about feeding them since this has been one of the major concerns that needs to be addressed and the University can only offer so much so this would motivate our student-athletes to enhance their athletic performance in the UAAP and other major event, both national and even international.

Goal and Objectives

The purpose of this Project Proposal is to request financial assistance to ensure

food security among student-athletes of the University of the Philippines, Diliman,

Quezon City. Specifically, it aims to:

1. Augment food subsidy for our student-athletes every weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) and other occasions. Currently, the food subsidy allocated for them is only during weekdays (Mondays-Fridays), which is provided by the University and also recently from the Office of Senator, Pia Cayetano

2. Provide the right nutritional food for our student-athletes in order to enhance their athletic performance.

The benefits of this Project is that our student-athletes especially those who are in the lower family income bracket won’t have to worry about feeding them since this has been one of the major concerns that needs to be addressed and the University can only offer so much so this would motivate our student-athletes to enhance their athletic performance in the UAAP and other major event, both national and even international. The need to request for financial assistance is urgent since the University can only allot a portion for food subsidy, which can only be availed during weekdays, since the food that are served to them comes from the University Food Service, which can only cater food from Mondays to Fridays only and not on weekends. Currently, the University feeds 174 student-athletes this semester but had to be trimmed down to 152 starting this April due to budgetary constraints. The food subsidy for student-athletes started in 2014 with around 50 recipients of this project. So in essence, the need for additional assistance for their food subsidy is of prime importance in order to help our student-athletes perform at their highest level.


The process was implemented through requesting for allocation for funding from the UPAAA can be coursed through the U.P. College of Human Kinetics Foundation, Inc. The U.P. Diliman Varsity Sport Office, with the approval of the CHK Dean will be responsible in the management of funds to be disbursed and financial statement will be

submitted to the UPAAA at the end of each semester. The funds requested can be deposited in this account:

1. Name of the Bank: Philippine National Bank 2. University of the Philippines Branch, Diliman, Quezon City, Philippines 1101 3. Name of the Account: U.P. College of Human Kinetics Foundation 4. Name of the Registered person on the Account: According to the Bank, there is

no registered person but the signatories are: a. Ronualdo Dizer b. Oscar Yoshihiro S. Santelices c. Ariel Primo Juliano and; d. Mynette Aguilar

5. Account Number: 108610078317 6. Swift Code: PNBMPHMM 7. Funds remitted to the UP CHK Foundation ( in 2 tranches): $ 955 ( February,

2018) + $ 1955 (April, 2019)

Evaluation, Assessment and implementation of the Project

The allocation of funds spent was determined through criteria set by the U.P. Diliman Varsity Sport Office. One of the bases for determining this was primarily from the Socialized Tuition System (UP STS), where each student’s bracket was determined based on the annual income of the family. Those whose income brackets are low will be the first to be prioritized for availing the food subsidy. This will also depend on the funds that will be raised by the UPAAA. The initial implementation of the project took effect during the Midyear Term ( June 14 -July 13, 2019). They ate at Lyn’s Lutong Bahay, which is located at UP Area 2, J.P. Laurel St., U.P. Diliman. A Total of twenty-one student-athletes (21) availed the food subsidy; eighteen from Track and Field ( 9 males and 9 females) and three (3) from baseball. They were fed breakfast (at P50/meal/person), lunch (P72/meal/person) and dinner (P72/meal/person). Each student-athlete was made to sign to determine that he/she availed of the food for that specific meal time of the day. These student-athletes from the two sports were chosen since they stayed at the dorms and also continued with their Midyear Training and they fall on low income brackets. Whereas the rest of the student-athletes except those taking Midyear Term classes were taking their Midyear vacation. In addition to this, I also considered one student-athlete from Chess (women), Ms Jallen Agra, to avail of food subsidy, since her name was unintentionally not included in the list submitted by her coach to then Chancellor Michael Tan during the First Semester, 2019-2020 food subsidy. I paid P 4,200 for her food subsidy at the University Food Service, which I took from the funds that UPAAA donated. Unfortunately, I can’t find the Official Receipt but I will try to look for it in my office once the lockdown is lifted.

The money spent during this initial project totaled P 99,176.00, (P 4,200 + P94,976), the latter which was paid in two separate payments (P 33,937 on July 4, 2019) and (P61,039 on July 14, 2019). Attached in this Report are relative documents (to be emailed after submitting this Report) as follows:

1. List of those who availed the food subsidy

2. Daily signatures per meal

3. 2 acknowledgment receipts, one for the initial payment and the other one for total

amount paid.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Since the total amount donated was not fully consummated, the remaining amount (around P 40,000+) is in safekeeping in the account of the UP CHK Foundation. This will be spent when the need arises for our student-athletes. I am endorsing this task to Prof. Ralph Andrew Ramos, who will assume my position starting June 1, when I officially terminate my appointment and start my sabbatical leave. At this point, I would like again to take this opportunity to thank UPAAA for supporting our student-athletes’ food subsidy. It is rewarding in many ways considering the limited resources that the University can allot for our Varsity Program. I hope that your Association would continue to support our student-athletes and realize that one day, UP will end up being the overall UAAP Champions!