report on reaching unreached people’s group and the · pdf filein andhra pradesh and...

Report on reaching unreached people’s group and the growth of existing churches in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu At this time, we have the following full time pastors: I. Pastor and Mrs. Jayaraj, Pastor and Mrs Joseph, Pastor and Mrs. Daniel, Pastor Edwin and Mr David, a part time paid evangelist. II. The rest of the following pastors are our own product form Harvesters Theological College. We thank God for the good work of Sam (Principal) and his team for training them to become Evangelists, Church planters and Pastors. 1. Arun Kumar (recently, on the 15th of August he left us) 2. Richard, 3. Samuel, 4. Rajini, 5. Barnabas and 6. Amos. Altogether we have ten pastors and one evangelist. Here is a picture of all of them and Victor the Business Manager:

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Page 1: Report on reaching unreached people’s group and the · PDF filein Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu ... Boyer and Vanniyar – major unreached people’s groups ... (caste village) Kondakuppam

Report on reaching unreached people’s group

and the growth of existing churches

in Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu

At this time, we have the following full time pastors:

I. Pastor and Mrs. Jayaraj, Pastor and Mrs Joseph, Pastor and Mrs. Daniel, Pastor Edwin and Mr

David, a part time paid evangelist.

II. The rest of the following pastors are our own product form Harvesters Theological College.

We thank God for the good work of Sam (Principal) and his team for training them to become

Evangelists, Church planters and Pastors. 1. Arun Kumar (recently, on the 15th of August he left

us) 2. Richard, 3. Samuel, 4. Rajini, 5. Barnabas and 6. Amos. Altogether we have ten pastors

and one evangelist. Here is a picture of all of them and Victor the Business Manager:

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God works mysteriously even today– One of our first converts is now Pastor Edwin

In 2002, Rev. Mack Kearney dedicated the church in Keerasath for the new converts. The

following Sunday, worship service was conducted by me. The service was conducted as though

there were 200 people, though only one person was present. The one in the church was a regular

contact (Tholkappiam Velu, now Pastor Edwin). He was attending all our Evangelistic meetings

(we used to conduct once a month) as a seeker. He used to come with a Hindu ritualistic mark on

his forehead. But we never asked him to wipe that mark. On that 1st Sunday too he came with

Hindu ritualistic mark on his forehead. After the service, I sat with him and explained the

Gospel. God moved his heart and he prayed the sinner’s prayer. He became a Christian. God led

him to go to Bible College in June 2002. He has now completed his B. Th and M. Div. God led

him to join with us from August 15, 2010. What a joy to see our convert become a pastor in our

church! He and Barnabas look after the church in Keerasath. Please hear from him what he does

restof the days in the week.

I go regularly to the following villages Melpadi, Pallari, Nedupullari, Kondakuppan, Keersath,

Meelgaikuppam, Venkatpuram, Kudimaiyur and Pudur Colony. By God’s grace, I preach the

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Gospel to 10-50 in a week and see 30 people respond to the Gospel. I go and visit them the next

day and encourage them to remain in the faith. I also conduct regular discipleship meetings in

Melpadi and Kondakuppam. I also conduct Bible clubs for the children in Venkatapuram,

Venkatapuram colony, Pudur, Meelagaikuppam and Melpadi.

God brought in a pleasant surprise – Another convert’s

son, Rajesh, is now a student at Harvesters Theological College

One of our converts named Malar lives in Kathrikuppam and by god’s grace her eldest son

Rajesh joined Harvesters Theological College this June to do his B.Th. Honestly, I thought it

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would be after my death that one of our convert’s children would come and join us at HTC. But,

God gave me a pleasant surprise by sending Rajesh to us. He is also one of sponsored child

under our Indian Educational sponsorship by GHI, USA.

Here is a brief picture of what our pastors have been doing in their respective villages.


Pastor Richard and Pastor Samuel

God’s church in Ramapuram was started in March, 2007. This church was planted as a result of

GHI outreach ministry in 1999. When God led us to plant churches later, we once again went to

Ramapuram, Chettiwarpalli and Kollthikuppam. God gave us 3 families in Chettiwaripalli-

Babu, Anand and Ramamoorthy and some more from Ramapuram. Then we felt the need for a

church building and God gave us the land and the building in 2007. We had 10 families then.

Then when we had Doctrinal difference with our Pastor Pushapanathan he took our church

converts and started his own church. Ramamoorthy (Samuel) and his Uncle remained faithfull.

By God’s grace Richard and Napolean took charge of the church. Now we have 14 people

attending the church. It is a growing church and sometimes we have 30 people attending the

worship service. Richard and Samuel are serving as pastors now. They live in the church and the

thatched shed you see in the picture is their Kitchen. We are trusting God to provide a parsonage

for Richard and his wife.

Richard and Samuel are in charge of taking care of the church in Ramapuram and do the

outreach among unreached people’s group – the Mala, Madika and Vanniya. They are constantly

preaching the Gospel in 1) Kiollathukuppam 2) Mullipally 3) Krishnakuppam. 4) Pariya

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Chengallam, 5) Chengullam, 6) Venkatapuram 7) Nagakuppam, 8) Myladam Pari 9) Kollari 10)

Manjur 11) V.K. Mootor 12) Kotharikuppam 13) Chengatanoor 14) Reddiyur 15) Bimaneddiyur

16) Chettiwarpalli, 17) Ramapuram 18) Naduvoor, 19) Pudur Colong and 20) Minklary. By

God’s grace, they have preached to 500 people and 200 have taken decision for Christ. But only

in 6 places they have regular discipleship meetings with the goal of starting six worship services

in 6 villages. Their names are Krishnakuppam, Kollathikuppam, PariyaChengalam, Manjur,

Kollari and Pudur.


Pastor Jayaraj and Mrs. Ruth Mary

(The ministry among the Mala, Madika, Boyer and Vanniyar – major unreached people’s groups

in the states of Andra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu)

The Church of God in P.N. Pallayam was planted in the year 2002 with 4 people, though we

preached the Gospel in 2002 and 15 people made decisions. A full time pastor (Jayaraj) was

appointed in Nov 2006. He, his wife Ruth Mary along with their two sons Joshua and Paul

moved to the church premises in July, 2008. Now the total regular strength in the church is 19.

Pastor Joseph and his wife Ruth Mary are preaching the Gospel and ministering in the following

villages: 1) Thappanapalli, 2) Bukkapatnam, 3) Oggeripalli, 4) Arunthathipuram, 5) Reddiyur

and 6) Minakuppam. He conducts discipleship meetings in Thappnapalli, Arunthathipuram,

Reddiyur and Minakuppam with the goal of starting a worship service in these villages. We

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have regular Sunday services in P.N.Pallayam, Bukkapet and Oggeripalli.

In the Bukkapet congregation, we have 12 families, 38 people and out of them 18 people have

been baptized. The total population of the village is 800. It is a potential and receptive village

and we can expect growth in number if we build a church. The size of the church building should

be 600 sq. ft and the cost would be around Rs 600,000 or $12,043. Some land has been given but

the cost to build the church is out of their reach. It would take years and time is very critical.


Pastor Joseph and Mrs. Grace Mary

The ministry among the Vanniyars, an unreached people’s group

By God’s leading we started doing the ministry here from 1999. God had mightily moved and 30

were saved. We started worship service under the tree in 2003 and moved in one of the believer’s

home. By God’s grace, we bought the land and constructed a church building and it was

dedicated for the people of God by Rev. Mack Kearney in 2nd

February, 2007.

Joseph and his wife Grace Mary along with 4 children were given pastor’s quarters and started

ministry in this area since Sept, 2007. He has been regularly ministering in 1) Kokeri 2)

Kuppireddyyur 3) Punniayabumi 4) Mathadakuppam 5) Muthadakuppam Colony, 7) Kattor and

8) Ramapuram. He preached to 150 people and 70 people were led to Christ. There is regular

discipleship meeting in Kuppireddyur and Punniyabummi.

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Church Growth: In 1999, there were only four converts Amulu, Jayanthi, Meena and

Ekkambaram. This numbers have grown to 30 by 2007. Now we have 52 people, but regular

attendance to the church is around 30 people.


Pastor Rajini

We started doing outreach work in Jayanthi in June 2007. God enabled us to baptize 15 people (7

families) and the church was born and started regular worship in 3rd week of June. Our student

Pastor Rajini took charge of the congregation. But by God’s grace after the completion of his

B.Th, now he is the full time pastor.

We rented him a house in the area and he has started living there from May, 2010. Rajini is 29

years old. He is seriously thinking about marriage and we are praying along with him to seek a

suitable life partner. He is a good preacher and a good singer too. He is hardworking young man

and he loves the Lord.

The village Jayathi is surrounded by 15 villages in a radius of 10 km. We have a regular contact

in these villages. On an average Rajini is sharing the Gospel to 15 people a week. There are four

more weekly discipleship meetings in Mogili, Mittor, Lashmipuram and Balijapalli.

He is working with the government official to find a free land for the church. They were meeting

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in a rented building. Since its roof is severely damaged, currently the Church meets in a house.

He and our business manager, Victor, are taking care of the church.


Pastor Amos

Our Harvesters Theological College graduate, Amos looks after the church in Goduwaripalli.

God has added 19 people in the church. This is a growing church and has outreach ministry in 1)

Avalrangapalli, 2) Narsapuram, 3) Motiyur, 4) Chettithengal and 5) G. D. Nellore. Amos

conducts regular discipleship meetings Narasapuram, Mottur, Avalrangapalli and Chettithangal.

We do hope that in days to come we will start worship service in these villages. Amos preaches

the Gospel to 50 people in a week and he sees 30 respond to the Gospel. In the picture below, he

is on the left.


Evangelist and Church Planter Barnabas (above, right)

By God’s grace in 1999, two churches were planted in Ekkambaram and Pallari. I always praise

God for the saints in Pallari because of the way they threw out idols from their houses to worship

the true and living God. Since we did not have a vision for church planting at that time, we

handed over new converts to the Church of South India. But now, we are concentrating in other

areas in the villages adjacent to the Ponnai – Ranipet road. This is what Barnabas, a graduate of

Harvesters Theological College, had to say about his ministry:

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I am happy about the way God is using me to reach unreached people groups in Ponnai area

especially in the villages in between Ponnai and Ranipet main road. Since June, 2010, I started

going to 1) Pallari, 2) Thagarakuppam, 3) Kondakuppam and 4) Kattarikuppam. From June,

2010 to 28th August 2010 I preached the Gospel to 150 and 30 people made decision for Christ.

I started conducting discipleship meeting for them in Pallari (caste village) Kondakuppam and

Kattharikuppam. By God’s grace, within a month or two I am asking the Lord God to start house

churches in Kondakuppam and Pallari.


In brief, by God’s grace, our ten pastors are now taking the Gospel to 66 villages. Over the last

two months time, 1,310 were reached with the Gospel of Christ and 570 have taken decision for

Christ. They conduct discipleship meetings for new converts in 25 villages and have weekly

Bible clubs for children in 6 villages.

May God continue to enable us to be faithful to reach the unreached and may He continue to

reward you for your investment in His kingdom. We are ever grateful to God for this ministry

and are ever grateful and thankful for your prayers and your partnership in the ministry of the


Yours in Him,

James Sundar


Gospel Harvesters of India