report review4

Fast Detection Replica node attacks 1.Introduction Advances in robotics have made it possible to develop a variety of new architectures for autonomous wireless networks of sensors. Mobile nodes, essentially small robots with sensing, wireless communications, and movement capabilities, are useful for tasks such as static sensor deployment, adaptive sampling, network repair, and event detection[1]. These advanced sensor network architectures could be used for a variety of applications including intruder detection, border monitoring, and military patrols. In these kinds of hostile or potentially hostile environments, the security of unattended mobile nodes is critical. The attacker may be able to capture and compromise mobile nodes, and then he can use them to inject fake data, disrupt network operations, and eavesdrop on network communications. In this scenario, a particularly dangerous attack is the replica attack, in which the adversary takes the secret keying materials from a compromised node, generates a large number of attacker-controlled replicas that share the node’s keying materials and ID, and then spreads these replicas throughout the network. With a single captured node, the adversary can create as many replica nodes as he has the hardware to generate. Note that Dept. of IS&E, SJCE, Mysore Page 1

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks


Advances in robotics have made it possible to develop a variety of new architectures for

autonomous wireless networks of sensors. Mobile nodes, essentially small robots with sensing,

wireless communications, and movement capabilities, are useful for tasks such as static sensor

deployment, adaptive sampling, network repair, and event detection[1]. These advanced sensor

network architectures could be used for a variety of applications including intruder detection,

border monitoring, and military patrols. In these kinds of hostile or potentially hostile

environments, the security of unattended mobile nodes is critical. The attacker may be able to

capture and compromise mobile nodes, and then he can use them to inject fake data, disrupt

network operations, and eavesdrop on network communications.

In this scenario, a particularly dangerous attack is the replica attack, in which the adversary

takes the secret keying materials from a compromised node, generates a large number of

attacker-controlled replicas that share the node’s keying materials and ID, and then spreads these

replicas throughout the network. With a single captured node, the adversary can create as many

replica nodes as he has the hardware to generate. Note that replica nodes need not be identical

robots; a group of static nodes can mimic the movement of a robot and other mobile nodes or

even humans with handheld devices could be used. The only requirement is that they have the

software and keying material to communicate in the network, all of which can be obtained from

the captured node.

The obvious solution for the detection of replicated nodes is to keep track of the location

by keeping track of the location claims[2] that identify their position and attempt to detect

conflicting reports that signal one node in multiple locations. However, since this approach

requires fixed node locations, it cannot be used when nodes are expected to move.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

One of the first solutions for the detection of node replication attacks relies on a

centralized base station is proposed by D.Liu, P.Ning and W.Du [3]. In this solution, each node

sends a list of its neighbors and their claimed locations (i.e., the geographic coordinates of each

node) to a Base Station (BS). The same entry in two lists sent by nodes that are not "close" to

each other will result in clone detection. Then, the BS revokes the clones. This solution has

several drawbacks, such as the presence of a single point of failure (the BS), and high

communication costs due to the large number of messages.

B.Zhu, V.G.K.Addada, S.Setia and S.Jajodia [4] have proposed a clone detection scheme

in which the sensor network was virtually divided into a set of non-overlapping sub-regions. An

exclusive subset is formed in each sub-region. If the intersection of subsets is not empty, it

implies that replicas are included in those subsets. However, this scheme allows an adversary to

bypass the detection by placing replicas in such a way that any two adjacent subsets do not

include them.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

2.Design2.1 System Design

Problem domain and proposed solution.

The above figure represents the overall system design. The goal of the project is to find

out the replica nodes. An algorithm called SPRT is being developed as the solution to the

problem of replica node attacks.

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Mobile Wireless Sensor Network

To Detect and prevent the

Mobile replica node attack.

A replica detection scheme based on the Sequential Probability Ratio Test (SPRT).

Challenging Issues

Solution Strategy

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

2.2 Block Diagram

Claim Generation and Forwarding Modules(Block diagram)

The above figure represents the overall block diagram of the project. Initially Digital

Signatures have to be assigned to all the nodes in the network. We use an identity based public

key scheme[5]. Each GPS node contains the details of all the nodes in its range. It gets the

location information of all the nodes in its range by generating claim requests. All these location

claims will be sent to the base station and the base station applies SPRT to calculate the velocity

and thus the replicated nodes will be detected in mobile wireless sensor network.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

2.3 Sequence Diagram

Sequence Diagram

The above diagram represents the overall Sequence diagram of the project. The sequence

diagram is nothing but the diagram having the rectangular box which denotes the name of the

processor. This diagram tells about the flow and the process taking place between the user and

the SPRT system. The nodes communicate with e GPS and the GPS in turn communicates with

the base station. Base station is the place where the SPRT algorithm runs.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

2.4 System Flow Diagram

System Flow DiagramThe above diagram represents the flow in the system. Initially the nodes have to be

implanted in the network. They have to be placed randomly in the network[7]. Digital signatures

and ID’s have to be allocated to the nodes[5][6]. Now the replica nodes have to be implanted.

Then ID should be allocated to the replica node. Now simulation has to be performed on the

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

mobile sensor network. Then the base station has to run SPRT algorithm to dectect the replica



This project is being simulated using MATLAB. MATLAB is a high level technical

computing language and interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization

and data analysis. Using MATLAB ,we can solve technical computing problems faster than with

traditional programming languages such as C, C++.

With the MATLAB we can program and develop algorithms faster than with traditional

languages because we need not perform low-level administrative tasks such as allocating

memory. The plotting functions in mATLAB create pie charts, histograms, polygons and

surfaces, animations.

Key Features:

High-level language for technical computing.

Development environment for managing code, files and data.

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2-D and 3-D graphics functions for visualizing data.

Tools for building custom graphical user interfaces.

Functions for integrating MATLAB based algorithms with external applications and

languages such as C, C++, Java.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks

3.1The pseudo-code for SPRT is presented as Algorithm .


INPUT: location information L and time information T

OUTPUT: accept the hypothesis H0 or H1

cur loc = L

cur time = T

if n > 0 then

compute T0(n) and T1(n)

compute speed o from cur loc and prev loc, cur time

and prev time

if o > Vmax then

ωn = ωn + 1

end if

if ωn >= T1(n) then

accept the hypothesis H1 and terminate the test

end if

if ωn <= T0(n) then

initialize n and ωn to 0 and accept the hypothesis H0


end if

end if

n = n + 1

prev loc = cur loc

prev time = cur time.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks


1. Create the original node in a network.

2. Identify and place nodes randomly

3. Allocate the node ID to each node

4. Embed the replica node

5. Allocate the ID to replica node

6. Simulate the mobile sensor network

7. Identify the replica node


1. Create the original node

In this module initialize the original nodes in the mobile wireless sensor network.

Because in order to create the wireless sensor network the original nodes should be created.

2. Identify and set the position

In this module identify and place nodes randomly in given network area. After creating

the original nodes, reset the position of the original nodes.

3. Allocate the Node ID to each node

Here in this module, allocate the ID number to each and every individual node.

4. Embed the replica node

In this module, insert the replica node correspondingly to the original node.

5. Allocate the ID to replica node

Already in second module ID is allocated to each and every individual node. Here in this

module allocate the ID to replica node.

6. Simulate the mobile sensor network

Finally, here we’re going to simulate both original node and replica node in the mobile

sensor network.

7. Identify the replica node

In this module, we’re going to separate duplicate node from the original node with the help of SPRT method. This is how we’re going to identify the replica node.

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Fast Detection Replica node attacks


[1] K. Dantu, M. Rahimi, H. Shah, S. Babel, A. Dhariwal, and G. S. Sukhatme. Robomote: enabling mobility in sensor networks In IEEE IPSN, 2005.

[2] H. Choi, S. Zhu, and T.F La Porta. SET: Detecting node clones in Sensor Networks. In IEEE/CreateNet Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging Areas in Communication Networks (SecureComm), 2007.

[3] D. Liu, P. Ning, and W. Du. Attack-Resistant Location Estimation in Sensor Networks. In IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN), April 2005.

[4] B. Zhu, V.G.K. Addada, S. Setia, S. Jajodia, and S. Roy. Efficient Distributed Detection of Node Replication Attacks in Sensor Networks. In ACSAC, December 2007.

[5] D. Boneh and M.K. Franklin. Identity-Based Encryption from the Weil Pairing. In Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO, 2001.

[6] A. Shamir. Identity-Based Cryptosystems and Signature Schemes. In Advances in Cryptology CRYPTO, 1984.

[7] J-Y. L. Boudec and M. Vojnovi´c. Perfect Simulation and Stationary of a Class of Moblity Models. In IEEE INFOCOM, 2005.

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