report why

1. Why is she happy? A. She got a new job this morning. B. Yes, I did notice at. C. Yes, it happend

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Post on 10-Nov-2015




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1. Why is she happy? A. She got a new job this morning. B. Yes, I did notice at. C. Yes, it happend

1. Why is she happy?A. She got a new job this morning.B. Yes, I did notice at.C. Yes, it happend2. Why are you sitting next to the door?A. I may have to leave early.B. The doors are closed.C. They live next door. 3. Why wouldnt the printer work?A. You have nice printing.B. It needs a new cartridge.C. It was the cold winter.4. Why cant finish the project on time?A. My watch is broken.B. Ive been sick.C. Its time to go.5. Why wouldnt you late?A. My car wouldnt start.B. I ate lunch already. C. He had to wait.6. Why are you so hungry?A. He really made me angry.B. I didnt have time to eat lunch.C. I ordered hundred envelopes.7. Why did they come by bus?A. They didnt call us.B. The car is broken.C. Hes someone you can trust.8. Why are you wearing that coat?A. Its really cold out side.B. I puted in closet.C. He didnt know where it is.9. Why isnt Ms. here today?A. Her offices near mine.B. She didnt hear you.C. Shes away on vacation.10. Why is it so cold in this room?A. He told me to come here.B. This isnt the right room. C. The heating system doesnt work.11. Why arent they finish copying the reports?A. They copy machine is out of paper.B. They want a nice finish on the .C. They are crossing the finish line. 12. Why are these bills overdue?A. We paid it last month.B. Theres no money on our account.C. Bill is due here any minutes.13. Why is there no water?A. Theyre repairing the water pipe.B. Its always dry in the summer.C. You can buy it anywhere.14. Why could she speak Japanese?A. She studied the language in school. B. She loves Japanese food.C. She speaks Japanese quite well.15. Why arent you wearing a tie?A. I like wearing ties.B. They wear ties to work.C. I never wear ties on the weekend.16. Why did you turn the computer on?A. Its on my desk.B. He turned the report in yesterday.C. Im going to type a letter.17. Why didnt this phone work?A. It needs a new battery. B. You can call me at work.C. He walks alone. 18. Why did you sent Tom a card?A. To wish him a happy birthday.B. Ive been working to hard.C. I bought a new car.19. Why did he move to California?A. It was the very good movie.B. John helped me move it.C. He got a job there.20. Why do you always open the window?A. The window is open.B. I like to breathe fresh air.C. He went downstairs.