report writing-new ppt color.ppt


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Post on 26-Oct-2015




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the presentation is helpful for the students who would like to know how to write a report



What is a report? A report is a major form of


Where is it used? It is used in Govt. private and in

industry as well as in science, medicine and engineering.

What does a report do? A report facilitates decision making.

Formal Communication written for a specific purpose, conveying authentic information to a well defined audience in a completely impartial and objective manner

Used for the study of existing procedures & practices

Acts as instrument for nurturing the health of the Organization

Meets a Demand or Fulfills a Requirement

Periodic Interim Inspection Completion Status Routine Lab.

Terms of Reference: Spells out the purpose and scope of the report

Audience Determination : Shows Proper Direction

Collection of Data : Documents, Books, Journals,Questionnaires,

Interviews etc … Preparation of outline Rough Draft Final Draft

Cover Page Title Page Acknowledgements Table of Contents Abstract & Summary Introduction Discussion or Description

Conclusions Recommendations Appendix List of References Bibliography Glossary Index










We thank…We are grateful to …We are indebted to …We are deeply indebted to…We must express our gratitude…We owe a great deal to…We are deeply grateful to …We are highly obliged to…We are particularly grateful to …We wish to record our appreciation …

Helps the reader locate specific material in the report.

Description Page No.

Acknowledgements I

Abstract ii

1. Introduction 1

2. Acoustics 3

3. System Concept 8

3.1 Sensitivity 8

3.2 Signal Processing 15

Abstract: * Clear, Concise condensation of the

Purpose and the most important results of the Project

* States what the report is all about, What has been accomplished and the Significance of the Achievement.

* It does not include Tables, Figures and Equations.

SummaryIt is the Entire Report in a Nutshell 1. Beginning- states why the project is

carried out and why the report is written 2. Middle – highlights the most important

features of the report 3. Ending – Gives Conclusions and


• Prepares the reader for the Content of the Report

• Good starting point for the one who is not familiar with the subject.

• States the subject & purpose of the Project• Gives historical/technical background• Describes the Basic procedures followed for

Data Collection• Defines Scope –pointing out the Limitations or

Qualifications of the Project• Indicates the Value/ Importance of the Project

It describes the Main Business of the Report

It contains the Data in an organized form

Arrives at - Results and Certain Inferences

Evaluation Formulation of Conclusions

• Conclusion gives a sense of finality and completeness to the discussion/description

1. Aesthetic Conclusion: Merely brings the discussion smoothly to a close (psychological assurance of having come to the End.

2. Real Conclusion: Contains Finding& Results of an investigation arrived at from the discussion .

All conclusions are logically arrived at from what has gone before

Must be correlated with what we promise to do in the Introduction

No new material should be added at this stage

They are of great value – so check carefully before submitting the report

Given ONLY when Required Time will authorize to make

recommendations They are clearly derived from the

Conclusions They indicate future action/ application

of material/need for further investigation/proposed programme etc.

They become BASIS for Decision making

Useful element of the Report. It contains material that needs to be

included in the Report(but not as integral part of the main presentation)

It relieves the main body form being Voluminous

• Derivations• Equations• Detailed calculations• Data sheets• Questionnaires• List of questions• Samples of forms• Tables & Figures• Detailed description of equipment/procedureWhich do not conveniently fit into the body of

the Report

Robins, R.H, 1971, General Linguistics: An Introductory survey, II Edition, London: Longman group Ltd.

E.g. Thus we see that ‘language in all its forms and manifestation constitutes the field of the linguist’(Robins 1972:2)

List of Resources consultedBook: Author,Year,Title,Place of

Publication:PressEssay/Paper/Article: Author.Title.Year.

Place of Publication. Publisher

List of Technical words/terms used in a special sense

Meaning must be given in the footnotes (if the no. of such words is small)

Only given in voluminous reports Entries are arranged in Alphabetical

Order Page numbers are mentioned against

each entry

If language is not correct, then what is said is not what is meant. If what is said is not what is meant, then what ought to be done remains undone.

-- Kong Fu Zi/Confucius

Happy Writing

Happy Reading