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Post on 11-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Representation

Mariya Ahmed Media Studies Representation

The music magazine I’m going to look at is a Classical

magazine; the models which are represented in the magazine

are different compared to the other genre magazines such as

Pop and R&B. The model in this magazine is wearing bright

colours with a black background which makes it more eye-

catchy to the reader. Also, the colours and mise-son-scene

used are associated with the Classical genre which makes the

calm, classical feel throughout the whole of the magazine. The

model has eye contact towards the reader which makes the

reader feel engaged. They do this by, having a different

pictures and poses of the model on the front page of the

magazine; however they will also have images of other models

too. They also make sure the colours used are associated with

the Classical genre throughout and the way they are dressed is related to Classical such as ball gowns

and pencil skirts.

The target audience for this magazine would be people aged 30 and above because that’s an age

where people would like to listen to calm, classic music and it would be aimed at higher class people

as these magazines tend to be quite expensive which working class people might not be able to buy.

Also, we can notice it’s for 30 and above by the type of font used which is simple and plain and the

language is formal which shows it’s directed to the older generation. Also, the context which is used

such as festivals is aimed at the older generation as younger people wouldn’t really want to read or

go to a festival.

The colours which are used in the magazine are bright, and the colour of the costume is bright which

goes well with the black background as it makes it stand out and makes it more attractive. Also, the

colours which are used in the costume are used as font colours and for puffs which makes the

magazine look more organised and professional as they have clearly considered the colours that

they are going to use and make sure they use these colours constantly throughout the rest of the

magazine. The white masthead goes well with the black background. Overall, the colours which are

used in the magazine are contrasted very well which makes it look professional.

The models which are used on the front covers are the ones who are more popular in the industry.

By having an image of someone popular on the front cover makes the magazine more attractive to

the reader and it would appeal to them. Also, they would like to buy the magazine to find different

images of the person inside.