
Representation Lesson 1

Upload: jazzyle98

Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Representation

RepresentationLesson 1

Page 2: Representation

Still shot 1

Dominant Reading: I think that the creator wants the audience to know that the male in the scene is the more dominant character. This can be shown by the fact that he is the only male in the shot and he appears to be doing the most work. There is also an equal ethnical representation.

Oppositional Reading: Some people might think that this shows men as the more dominant gender, despite women being larger in numbers.

Page 3: Representation

Still shot 2

Dominant Reading: The creator wants the audience to know that the boy on the left is better off than the girl on the right. His attire shows his social status as upper class: smart shirt and trousers with a jumper over the top.

Oppositional Reading: Some people might say that the girl appears to be more powerful as she is taller and seems to have started the handshake.

Page 4: Representation

Still shot 3

Dominant Reading: I think that the creator wants us to believe that the males are the more dominant characters. This is shown by their attire and body language. The man right at the front appears to be the most dominant of the 3 men as his posture is more laid back yet intimidating. The Females also seem to be the provocative characters, though still high ranking because of their business like attire.

Oppositional Reading: Some viewers might find this shot degrading to women as it sexualises them and shows them as less important.

Page 5: Representation

Still shot 4The positioning of the characters shows the ranks of each person in the ‘pack’. Scott is at the very front because he is the Alpha. His posture also appears to be very dominating and protective of the others. Stiles and Derek are next, because Derek is the Beta and Stiles is Scott’s best friend. Kira and Lydia are next behind. I think this is because they are females. However, they aren’t right at the back, because they have known Scott longer and also have a purpose in the group as Lydia is a Banshee and Kira is a Kitsune. Liam and Malia are at the very back. Both because they are newest to the pack, but Liam also because he is the youngest. Some people may argue that there is no meaning behind the positioning of the characters. The dull colours and mist create a menacing and dangerous atmosphere , indicating that something bad is to happen.