representing phenotypes in owl

Representing phenotypes in OWL Chris Mungall Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory NCBO GO

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Short presentation on design patterns for representing phenotypes using PATO and OBO Foundry ontologies in OWL. Includes issues with temporal modeling in OWL


Page 1: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Representing phenotypes in OWL

Chris Mungall

Lawrence Berkeley LaboratoryNCBO


Page 2: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

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curly wing

high blood pressure


thorax lacks wings

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ectopic leg

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Delayed chemotaxis

Page 3: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Describing phenotypes in OWL

• OBO Foundry– OWL translations of all ontologies– Different ontologies for kinds of bearer entities at

different scales and granularities

• Characteristics (qualities)– Inhere in bearer entities– PATO - ontology of qualities

• Composing phenotype descriptions– Pre or post compose– Representing Specified Values in OWL

• value partitions and value sets

Page 4: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

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Class: CurvatureValue EquivalentClass: {flat curved}

Individual: flat TYPE CurvatureValueDifferentFrom: curved

Individual: fly-wing-00001 TYPE (Wing THAT hasCurvature VALUE curved)

Individual: curved TYPE CurvatureValueDifferentFrom: flat

FunctionalProperty: hasCurvatureRange: CurvatureValue

Alan RectorRepresenting specified values in OWL: “value partitions” and “value sets”. W3C note, W3C, May 2005.

Page 5: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Value partitionsClass: CurvatureValue EquivalentClass: Flat OR Curved

Disjoint: Flat Curved

FunctionalProperty: hasCurvature Range: CurvatureValue

Class: CurvedWing EquivalentClass: Wing THAT hasCurvature SOME Curved

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Individual: fly-wing-00001 TYPE CurvedWing

Alan RectorRepresenting specified values in OWL: “value partitions” and “value sets”. W3C note, W3C, May 2005.

Page 6: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

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are needed to see this picture.

Value partitions

Class: CurvedWing EquivalentClass: Wing THAT hasCurvature SOME Curved

Individual: fly-wing-00001 TYPE CurvedWing

ValuePartition: Curvature hasCurvature [Flat Curved]

Alan RectorRepresenting specified values in OWL: “value partitions” and “value sets”. W3C note, W3C, May 2005.

Page 7: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

PATO: An ontology of biological qualities

• 949 textually defined classes

• Limitations– Lacks

disjointness and closure axioms

– Lacks GCIs

FunctionalProperty: inheresIn Domain: Quality

Page 8: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Applications and uses

• Translational medicine: NCBO– Phenote annotation tool

• Genotype-phenotype annotation for disease genes in human and model organisms

– Database• Sesame• OBD-SQL

– Defining classes in pre-coordinated phenotype ontologies

• Evolution: NESCENT– Coding phylogenetic character statements– Relational databases & phylogenetic software

Page 9: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Relational Qualities

• Monadic– Inheres in and

depends on a single individual

• Relational– Inherence takes

additional arguments

– “Adhesivity”– “Sensitivity to


Sensitive that towards some UVLight and inheresIn some Skin


N-ary relation


Page 10: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Temporal durations and non-rigid qualities

OpticPlacode that hasQuality some (Flat that during some Stage11) and hasQuality some (Invaginated that during some Stage12)

OpticPlacode that hasTimeSlice some (Slice that hasQuality some Flat and during Stage11) and hasTimeSlice some (Slice that hasQuality some Invaginated and during Stage12)

??????OpticPlace that (hasQuality some Flat at Stage11) and (hasQuality some Invaginated at Stage12)??????

OrganismPart subClassOf (hasQuality exactly 1 Curvature) Slice subClassOf (hasQuality exactly 1 Curvature)


Page 11: Representing Phenotypes in OWL

Higher level representations

hasQuality some ?Q at ?Int

hasTimeSlice some (Slice that hasQuality some ?Q and during ?Int)

Syntax support: macro expansion

FOL semantics - fluents

(=> (hasQuality ?bearer ?quality ?interval) (and (hasTimeSlice ?bearer ?slice) (during ?slice ?interval) (hasQuality ?slice ?quality)))

not reusable

Tool supportnot fully satisfactory

Intermediate representation / information model