reproductive biology and phylogeny of snakes

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  • 8/18/2019 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes


    Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

  • 8/18/2019 Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes


    Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny SeriesSeries Editor: Barrie G. M. Jamieson


      Vol. 1 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela  (Volume Editor: David M. Sever)

      Vol. 2 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Anura  (Volume Editor: Barrie G. M. Jamieson)

      Vol. 3 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Chondrichthyes  (Volume Editor: William C. Hamlett)

      Vol. 4 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Annelida  (Volume Editors: G. Rouse and F. Pleijel)

      Vol. 5 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Gymnophiona(Caecilians)

      (Volume Editor: Jean-Marie Exbrayat)

      Vol. 6 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Birds(A and B) (Volume Editor: Barrie G. M. Jamieson)

      Vol. 7 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Cetacea  (Volume Editor: D. Miller)

      Vol. 8 : Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Fishes(A and B) (Agnathans and Bony Fishes)

      (Volume Editor: Barrie G. M. Jamieson)


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    Reproductive Biology and

    Phylogeny of Snakes

    Volume edited byROBERT D. ALDRIDGE

    Department of BiologySaint Louis University

    St. Louis, MOUSA

    DAVID M. SEVERDepartment of Biological SciencesSoutheastern Louisiana University

    Hammond, LA


    Volume 9 of Series: Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny

    Series edited byBARRIE G.M. JAMIESON

    School of Integrative BiologyUniversity of Queensland

    St. Lucia, Queensland Australia


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    Published by Science Publishers, P.O. Box 699, Enfield, NH 03748, USA

    An imprint of Edenbridge Ltd., British Channel Islands

    E-mail: [email protected]  Website:

     Marketed and distributed by:

    Copyright reserved © 2011

    ISBN (Series) 978-1-57808-271-1ISBN (Vol. 9) 978-1-57808-701-3

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Repr oduct i ve bi ol ogy and phyl ogeny of snakes/ edi t ed by Robert D.Al dr i dge, Davi d M. Sever .  p. cm. - - ( Repr oduct i ve bi ol ogy and phyl ogeny ser i es ; v. 9)  I ncl udes bi bl i ogr aphi cal r ef er ences and i ndex.  I SBN 978- 1- 57808- 701- 3 ( hardcover )1. Snakes- - Repr oduct i on. 2. Snakes- - Phyl ogeny. I . Al dr i dge, Rober t D. I I .Sever , Davi d M.  QL666. O6R42 2011  597. 96- - dc22


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    Printed in the United States of America


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    This series was founded by the present series editor, Barrie Jamieson, inconsultation with Science Publishers, Inc., in 2001. The series bears the title‘Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny’ and this title is followed in each volumewith the name of the taxonomic group which is the subject of the volume.Each publication has one or more invited volume editors (sometimes theseries editor) and a large number of authors of international repute. The levelof the taxonomic group which is the subject of each volume varies according,largely, to the amount of information available on the group, the advice of

    the volume editors, and the interest expressed by the zoological communityin the proposed work. The order of publication of taxonomic groups reflectsthese concerns, and the availability of authors for the various chapters,and does not proceed serially through the animal kingdom in a presumed“ladder of life” sequence. Nevertheless, a second aspect of the series is cover-age of the phylogeny and classification of the group, as a necessary frame-work for an understanding of reproductive biology. It is not claimed that asingle volume can, in fact, cover the entire gamut of reproductive topics for agiven group but it is believed that the series gives an unsurpassed coverage

    of reproduction and provides a general text rather than being a mere collec-tion of research papers on the subject. Coverage in different volumes variesin terms of topics, though it is clear from the first volume that the standard isuniformly high. The stress varies from group to group; for instance, modesof external fertilization or vocalization, important in one group, might beinapplicable in another. This is the ninth volume in the series. Previous vol-umes in the series were devoted to 1. Urodela; 2. Anura; 3. Chondrichthyes:Sharks, Batoids and Chimaeras; 4. Annelida; 5. Gymnophiona (Caecilians); 6A and B. Birds; 7. Cetacea (whales, dolphins and porpoises); 8 A and B. Fishes(Agnathans and Bony Fishes). My thanks are due to the School of Integra-tive Biology, University of Queensland, for facilities. I thank my wife, Sheila Jamieson, who has supported me indirectly in so many ways in this work. I amgrateful to the publishers, and especially Mr. Raju Primlani, for their friendlysupport and high standards in producing this series. Sincere thanks must begiven to the volume editors and the authors who have freely contributed theirchapters in very full schedules. Professors Robert Aldridge and David Severare particularly to be thanked for conceiving the present volume and for the

    Preface to the Series


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    vi  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    diligence and outstanding expertise which they brought to its preparation. Theeditors and publishers are gratified that the enthusiasm and expertise of thesecontributors has been reflected by the reception of the series by our readers.


    Barrie G. M. JamiesonSchool of Integrative Biology

    University of Queensland25 June 2010 Brisbane


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    “To few other animals have been attached so many superstitions and falsebeliefs as to the snakes. Although most of these beliefs are easily abolished bythe scientist, we have to admit, however, that our knowledge of the behaviour ofsnakes leaves much to be desired. This is perhaps especially true of the biologyof reproduction”.

    —Volsøe (1944)

    We dedicate this volume to the wide variety of snakes in the worldand the equally wide variety of dedicated herpetologists who studythem. Herpetologists have made some progress in the study of snakereproduction, but the statement of Volsøe (1944) is still valid.

    In 2007, we discussed the possibility of organizing a symposium on theReproductive Biology of Snakes at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists andHerpetologists scheduled for July, 2009. We asked many of our colleaguesif they would be interested in presenting a paper at the symposium. Nearlyall said they would be honored to participate. We sent our request for thissymposium to the Herpetologists League, and they approved and provided

    substantial financial support. The symposium was a huge success, and wethank the Herpetologists League for their moral and financial support.

    At the symposium several participants suggested that we publish thepapers presented. We contacted Barrie G. M. Jamieson, the editor of theReproductive Biology and Phylogeny series. Barrie liked the idea. Over thecourse of several months, Barrie reviewed all of the chapters for contentand style. We thank Barrie for his advice, patience and skill in helpingproduce this volume. Without his support this book would not have beenpossible. We also wish to thank Science Publishers and CRC Press, and

    particularly Raju Primlani, for the careful production of this volume.We would also like to thank all of the contributors for their cooperation,

    professionalism and timely return of their chapters. This has truly been anenjoyable experience for us. We think the volume presents a comprehensivereview of all aspects of the reproductive biology and phylogeny of thesewonderful and mysterious animals.

    This volume benefited from the expertise of the many reviewers ofthe chapters. We would like to thank the following for their assistance:

    Preface to this Volume


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    viii  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    Kraig Adler (Cornell University), Robin M. Andrews (Virginia Tech), AnnC. Burke (Wesleyan University), Don Bradshaw (The University of WesternAustralia), Gregory P. Brown (University of Sydney), David Cundall(Lehigh University), Thomas Flatt (Veterinärmedizinische Universität

    Wien), Alex Flemming (University of Stellenbosch), Patrick T. Gregory(University of Victoria), Caleb R. Hickman (Washington University in St.Louis), Benjamin C. Jellen (Saint Louis University), Pilar López (MuseoNacional de Ciencias Naturales), Ignacio Moore (Virginia Tech), BrianPeterson (Thad Cochran National Warmwater Aquaculture Center), JuanM. Pleguezuelos (Universidad de Granada), Lígia Pizzatto (InstitutoButantan), Rick Shine (University of Sydney), Gordon W. Schuett (GeorgiaState University), Dustin S. Siegel (Saint Louis University), Louis Somma

    Fig. 1 Robert D. Aldridge (left) and David M. Sever at the symposium on the Reproductive

    Biology of Snakes sponsored by the Herpetologists League at the Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists

    and Herpetologists in Portland, Oregon in July 2009.


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    (Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services), MichaelB. Thompson (University of Sydney), Stanley E. Trauth (Arkansas StateUniversity), Patrick Weatherhead (University of Illinois) and Sarah Woodley

    (Duquesne University).Finally, we wish to thank our wives, Linda Aldridge and Marlis Sever,

    for their constant support and understanding of our infatuation with thereproduction of snakes.

    Volsøe, H. 1944. Structure and seasonal variation of the male reproductive organsof Vipera berus (L.). Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 5: 1-157.

    25 June 2010 Robert D. AldridgeSaint Louis University

    David M. SeverSoutheastern Louisiana University


    Preface to this Volume  ix


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     Preface to the Series – Barrie G. M. Jamieson v

     Preface to this Volume – Robert D. Aldridge and David M. Sever vii

      1. History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 1G. Nilson

      2. Evolution and Taxonomy of Snakes 19  F. T. Burbrink  and B. I. Crother

      3. The Major Clades of Living Snakes: Morphological Evolution,

    Molecular Phylogeny, and Divergence Dates 55   J. D. Scanlon and M. S. Y. Lee

      4. Oogenesis and Early Embryogenesis 97  M. E. White

      5. Viviparity and Placentation in Snakes 119D. G. Blackburn and J. R. Stewart

      6. The Ophidian Testis, Spermatogenesis, andMature Spermatozoa 183

      K. M. Gribbins and J. L. Rheubert

      7. Hormones and Reproduction in Free-ranging Snakes 265  D. F. DeNardo and E. N. Taylor

      8. Environmental and Neuroendorcrine Control ofReproduction in Snakes 289

      R. W. Krohmer and D. I. Lutterschmidt

    9. Female Reproductive Anatomy: Cloaca, Oviduct,

    and Sperm Storage 347  D. S. Siegel, A. Miralles, R. E. Chabarria and R. D. Aldridge

      10. Male Urogenital Ducts and Cloacal Anatomy 411  S. E. Trauth and D. M. Sever

      11. The Sexual Segment of the Kidney 477  R. D. Aldridge, B. C. Jellen, D. S. Siegel, and S. S. Wisniewski

    12. Reproductive Cycles of Tropical Snakes 511  T. Mathies



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    xii  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

      13. Pheromones in Snakes: History, Patterns andFuture Research Directions 551

       M. R. Parker and R. T. Mason

      14. Offspring Size Variation in Snakes 573  N. B. Ford and R. A. Seigel

    15. IGF-1 and Reproduction in Snakes 587   A. M. Sparkman, A. M. Bronikowski, and N. B. Ford

      16. Paternity Patterns 619  B. C. Jellen and R. D. Aldridge

      17. The Evolution of Semelparity 645  X. Bonnet

    18. Parental Care in Snakes 673  Z. R. Stahlschmidt and D. F. DeNardo


    Index 703

     About the Editors 719

    Color Plate Section 721

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    C H A P T E R 1


    Reproductive biology is a central part of many studies of snakes. From ahistorical perspective, studies by earlier scientists who have contributedto our present knowledge are worth examination. At the same timemuch of our understanding of the reproductive biology of snakes comesfrom studies of other reptiles or even other vertebrates. Observations ofreproductive behavior or breeding results have been mentioned in muchof the older literature, although the observer was not always aware ofwhat occurred. For example, reports of snake balls have been occurringin literature for several hundred years, and this phenomenon of matingaggregations has been well known to farmers and other field people

    without actually knowing what was happening. However, it all started much earlier. Among the first publishedinterpretations of snake reproductive biology was that of Herodotus in440 B.C.E. where in his famous ‘History’ he wrote: ‘So it is also with thevipers. . .when they are mating in couples and the male is in the very act ofemitting his seed, the female, as he does so, seizes him by the neck and, hangingon, never lets him go till she has bitten the neck through. This is how the maledies; but the female pays a kind of recompense, too, to the male. For the children,while still in the womb, take vengeance for their male parent by eating through

    their mother’s insides and so make their entry into the world after eating up herwomb. Other snakes, which are not destructive to man, lay eggs and hatch outan infinity of children.’ 

    This could perhaps be seen as an early start on the discussionsabout oviparity versus ovoviviparity in snakes, although the contents aresomewhat imaginative. Sometime afterwards Aristotle (350 B.C.) made a

    History of Reproductive Studieson Snakes

    Göran Nilson

    Göteborg Natural History Museum, Box 7283, SE 402 35 Göteborg, Sweden

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    2  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    short but to some extent generally correct description of the female cloacalanatomy and further discussed oviparity versus ovoviviparity in vipers:‘Serpents as a rule are oviparous, the viper being the only viviparous member of the

     genus. . . . The womb of the serpent is long, in keeping with the body, and startingbelow from a single duct extends continuously on both sides of the spine, so as to give the impression of thus being a separate duct on each side of the spine, untilit reaches the midriff, where the eggs are engendered in a row; and these eggs arelaid not one by one, but all strung together. And all animals that are viviparousboth internally and externally have the womb situated above the stomach, and allthe ovipara underneath, near to the loin. Animals that are viviparous externallyand internally oviparous present an intermediate arrangement; for the underneath portion of the womb, in which the eggs are, is placed near to the loin, but the part

    about the orifice is above the gut.’In comparatively more recent times Nicolò Leoniceno published a

    contribution in 1498, with a reprint in 1518, about whether vipers give birthto live young or hatch them from eggs. This was followed by Marco A.Severino in 1650 where he, among other observations, accurately describedthe anatomy and reproduction of vipers. So, looking back, studies ofanatomical configurations in snakes concerning reproductive actions haveappeared in literature for many centuries. Edward Tyson publish a study

    of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) anatomy as early as 1683, withG.-J. Martin Saint Ange (1854) repeating that focus nearly 200 years lateron vertebrates in general, including snakes. In addition, shortly afterwardsO. Gampert (1866) presented studies of kidney morphology in theGrass Snake (Natrix natrix). Thereby, several of the key mechanisms inreproductive anatomy have long been known to some extent.

    From the early statements by Herodotus that  ‘in Viper females. . . juveniles eat up their mother from inside. . .while other snakes lay eggs thathatch’, knowledge has greatly increased. Today we know much about the

    reproductive biology of snakes and the major patterns and mechanisms thatrun the breeding cycles and reproductive behaviour although informationabout some areas concerning specific traits or species groups still remainsto be obtained. Many biologists are, or have been during recent times,studying reproductive biology of snakes and as can be seen in this volumea lot is known. However, the gathering of more serious scientific knowledgestarted with comparatively few individuals who during the last centurystarted up those lines of research that are still productive in this fascinatingfield of study.

    Many researchers have commented on reproduction in snakes duringtheir studies of other aspects of snake natural history. Important generalpapers on snake biology that contain reproductive and breeding biologysections include papers by DeHaas (1941) on snakes on Java, by Kopstein(1938) on snakes from Malaysia, by Hajime Fukada (1962, 1992) and Koba(1962) on snakes from Japan (mostly Rhabdophis, Amphiesma, Elaphe andGloydius), by Razi Dmi’el (1967) on snakes (especially Spalerosophis) in Israel,and by Charles C. Carpenter (1952), Lawrence M. Klauber (1956) and Donald

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    History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 3

    W. Tinkle (1957, 1962) on North American snakes (Crotalus, Thamnophis).Raymond Rollinat (1934) wrote a major summary of reproduction inEuropean snakes.

    A key person who studied snake reproductive biology in Europe duringthe last century was Hubert Saint Girons (Fig. 1.1A). He published most ofhis articles in French although in later years he also published in English.He had a very broad expertise in herpetology and physiology and increasedour knowledge on a number of different subjects. Much of his reproductivestudies focused on the Asp Viper (Vipera aspis) and the European Adder(Vipera berus), but vipers in general were his  main interest. Other keypersons in earlier research concerning reproductive biology of snakes areHenry S. Fitch (Fig. 1.1B) , Paul Licht, Hermann Rahn and Harold Fox.

    Fig. 1.1  Major historical authorities on the reproductive biology of snakes.  A.  Hubert Saint

    Girons (1926-2000). B. Henry S. Fitch (1909-2009). C. R. Wade Fox Jr. (1920-1964). D. Frank

    N. Blanchard (1888-1937).

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    4  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    1.1.1 Primary Reproductive Studies

    Henry Fitch, who devoted much of his life to studying the natural historyof snakes, contributed enormously to our knowledge of reproductivepatterns and strategies in various taxa. He started in the 1940’s and devotedmore than 50 years (Fitch 1999) to this task. His research covered a greatvariety of snake taxa such as Gartersnakes (Thamnophis)  (1940, 1965) andother colubrids like  the North American Racer  (Coluber constrictor, 1963a),the Texas Ratsnake (Pantherophis obsoletus, 1963b), the Ring-necked Snake,(Diadophis punctatus, 1975) and the Milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum, Fitchand  Fleet 1970). Pitvipers (Crotalinae) were included by his monumentalstudy on the ecology of the Copperhead ( Agkistrodon contortrix, Fitch

    1960). In another important study he comprehensively summarized theknowledge of reproductive cycles up to that time (Fitch 1970). HenryFitch has contributed fundamentally to our understanding of reproductivepatterns and mechanisms in snakes and thereby supported all the importantstudies that lay the foundations of the field from the past to the present.

    Considerable knowledge about reproduction in snakes has beenproduced by reptile breeders and terrarists. Long term captive breedingof snakes in Germany and other countries in central Europe has providedmuch new information, e.g., Wilhelm Klingelhöffer (1959) has added much

    new information on snake reproduction and there is a good review ofcaptive breeding by Hans-Günter Petzold (1982; English edition 2008).


    1.2.1 Female Reproductive Anatomy: Oviducts and Cloaca.

    Male Urogenital Ducts and Cloacal Anatomy

    The first more complete anatomical descriptions of the reproductive organsand the production of eggs and sperm are represented by a few importantworks. Much of this is summarized in the valuable review of the urogenitalsystem of reptiles by Harold Fox (1977) but prior studies described anumber of structures that comprise the reproductive systems in snakes.Helge Volsøe (1944) produced the first complete anatomical description ofthe reproductive organs of a snake in terms of gross and micro-anatomyin his study of Vipera berus. Otherwise, the classical workers with theirlimited techniques focused mainly on gross anatomy. In the light of more

    recent studies with much more sophisticated techniques these earlier resultsare to some extent invalid. Nevertheless they are important in their ownright as a platform for current research. The macroscopic structure of thereproductive organs of snakes was first described in detail by Martin St.Ange in 1854 on Natrix natrix, but in absence of microscopic technique hisstudies have no information on microscopic anatomy and histology. Aspreviously mentioned, the anatomy of urogenital organs for a rattlesnakewas first described by Tyson in 1683. Otherwise Edward Drinker Cope was

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    History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 5

    probably one of the first Americans who actually examined the gonads andoviducts, whereas Hans Friederich Gadow (1887) is still the only papercited on cloacal morphology (see Chapter 10  of this volume).

    In Europe, Hans Beuchelt (1936) investigated the reproductive organs inNatrix natrix and Vipera berus. Without the review in Biology of the Reptilia byRaynaud and Pieau (1985), we would have less insight on the developmentof reproductive organs in squamates.

    Clifford H. Pope (1941) with his study of copulatory adjustment insnakes also contributed to this field of knowledge. Wade Fox’s (1952, 1956)studies of reproductive systems are other important papers in reproductiveanatomy. Wade Fox (Fig. 1.1C) discovered the tubular seminal receptaclesin female snakes in 1956. Opinions about the mechanisms behind the

    expulsion of spermatozoa from these receptacles were proposed by him andlater by Hoffman and Wimsatt (1972). The occurrence of intersexuality wasstudied by Alphonse Hoge and coworkers (1959) on the Golden Lancehead(Bothrops insularis)  on the island Queimada Grande off the coast of Brazilfollowing up on earlier work by Alfranio do Amaral (1921). 

    1.2.2 The Testis and Spermatogenesis, Oogenesis

    The first more complete descriptions of the production of egg and sperm

    in snakes were presented in a few important works. The phenomenonof spermatogenesis had been described several times earlier for snakes(e.g., Thatcher 1922). Volsøe  (1944) in his study of Vipera berus  produced,however, a most detailed picture of the complete cycle of spermatogenesis ina snake. Further, Fox (1952) also made an informative study of the seasonalchanges in the male reproductive organs in Western Terrestrial Gartersnake(Thamnophis elegans) with a detailed description of the cyclic events in thegonads, seminiferous tubules, interstitial cells and spermatogenesis. At thesame time Petter-Rousseaux (1953) studied spermatogenesis in the WestEuropean Grass Snake (Natrix natrix helvetica). Marshall and Woolf   (1957) focused on V. berus in their study of the activities in the seminiferous tubulesin snakes. Somewhat later, Lofts and coworkers (Lofts and Choy 1971, Loftset al.  1966, Tam et al.  1969) produced important information about spermproduction in the Indian Cobra (Naja naja). Brian Lofts (1969, 1977) hascontributed considerably to our understanding of spermatogenesis.

    In addition, oogenesis and morphology of the ovaries of snakes have been studied a number of times. Tom W. Betz (1963) described these for the

    Diamond-Backed Watersnake (Nerodia rhombifer)  during the reproductivecycle. Ballowitz (1901) described gastrulation in the Common Grassnake (Natrix natrix) and later (1903) published a study of the early developmentin the embryogenesis of the adder, Vipera berus  covering the period upto the closure of the amnion. Later studies by Krull (1906) and Viefhaus(1907) on N. natrix provided information on the later stages of embryonicdevelopment, focussing on the stages between the neural fold formationand amnion closure.

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    6  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes


    1.3.1 Male Reproductive Cycles,  Female Reproductive Cycles 

    Presently we know much about how the reproductive cycle runs in tropicaland temperate regions, as well as major differences between snake taxa.A larger number of detailed mechanisms affecting the cycles are wellelucidated even if there are a number of components which need furtherstudy. Much of the knowledge about snakes available to us today has been achieved through research based on the pioneer works that startedsome half a century ago or more with studies by Blanchard and Blanchard(1941a), Blanchard et al.  (1979), Rahn (1942), Saint Girons (1947, 1957,

    1972, 1982), Fox (1952, 1954) and others. Fitch (1970) in his ’ReproductiveCycles in Lizards and Snakes’ put together the knowledge at that time fora considerable portion of the extant snake and lizard families and genera.In addition he reviewed internal and external factors affecting reproductivecycles in squamate reptiles, including snakes, and gathered a considerableamount of information concerning brood size, timing of breeding seasons,and he also discussed ovoviviparity versus oviparity. Saint Girons (1985)summarized the timing of reproductive cycles in snakes and otherlepidosaurian reptiles.

    In this paper Saint Girons (1985) described patterns of spermatogenesis,vitellogenesis and ovulation as well as the timing of egg laying in oviparousspecies, and parturition in viviparous species.

    1.3.2 Mating Periods

    Many studies of reproductive patterns have been performed in temperateregions with an early focus on North America and Europe. The matingperiods for most species in temperate regions are a vernal event although

    the phenomenon of summer and fall mating was discovered early inseveral groups of snakes.  Frank  N. Blanchard (Fig. 1.1D) and Frieda C.Blanchard (1941b, 1942) published reports about such patterns in theEastern Gartersnake (Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis).  Fox (1954) also discussedthis pattern at an early stage. Subsequently, summer and fall mating wasdemonstrated for a number of pit vipers as well. 

    1.3.3 Copulation/Fertilization

    Courtship and behavior during mating were discussed by D. DwightDavis (1936) and Noble (1937), among others, and a variety of differentreproductive and courting behaviors in snakes were summarized andfurther discussed by Charles C. Carpenter (1977). The mating aggregationsthat over time have been observed in many populations of snakes aroundthe world has been thoroughly and intensively studied in North America,primarily in Thamnophis. These studies began with Noble (1937), Blanchardand Blanchard (1941a), Carpenter (1952) and Fox (1955), among others.Reports of aggregations of up to several thousands of individual snakes

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    History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 7

    have appeared and resulted in important series of publications duringmore recent times. The research on gartersnakes has greatly increased ourunderstanding of mating aggregations.

    We now know that the mechanisms behind copulation in snakes aresophisticated, but comparatively little interest has been shown in olderliterature about this act. Hans Beuchelt (1936) and Clifford H. Pope (1941)initiated the investigations that led to our present understanding of thecomplex events that characterize snake copulation. Each hemipenis isequipped with two lobes (bifid), each with a sperm transferring branch (thesulcus spermaticus) which fits exactly into the female cloaca, the spines onthe hemipenis holding it in the correct position for transferring sperm intothe two oviducts in the bilobated cloaca. The first descriptions of snake

    hemipenes were made by Cope in 1893a, b. The use of snake hemipenismorphology in systematics was pioneered by Herndon G. Dowling and Jay Savage (1960).

    1.3.4 Gestation

    The study of gestation and placentation in snakes was initiated byH.J. Clausen (1940). Subsequent studies on gestation and placentation aresummarized by Yaron (1985) (see also Chapter 5  of this volume). Some

    studies, such as Frank Blanchard (1926) on the Northern Ring-neckedSnake  (Diadophis punctatus edwardsii), and the studies by Herman Rahn(1939, 1940a) on Thanmophis  gestation and placentation are notable. Themost comprehensive review of clutch size patterns was produced by Fitch(1970) in his ‘Reproductive Cycles in Lizards and Snakes’.

    1.3.5 Birth and Early Development 

    Parental care of offspring in populations of ovoviviparous viperids in

    temperate regions is an area given much attention in recent times, andevidence of a similar behavior has been documented in tropical oviparousspecies. The first studies on incubation of eggs in Python  was made byLamarre-Picquot (1835, 1842), with detailed follow-up by Valenciennes(1841). Victor H. Hutchison et al.  (1966) subsequently discussed thermo-regulation in brooding female Indian Pythons (Python molurus bivittatus).David Weinland (1857) discovered and described in detail the egg-tooth ofsnakes.  James A. Olivier (1956) described the protection of eggs and nestagainst predators by the King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah).



    1.4.1 Physiological Control of Reproduction

    The physiological control of reproduction for vertebrates in generalhas been studied by several authors and sheds light on the situation

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    8  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    for snakes. Licht (1984) summarized much of the known literature onreptile reproduction. Hoffman (1970) described functional histology ofplacentation, and subsequently Saint Girons (1959) also used histological

    techniques in his studies on physiology of reproduction of vipers.

    1.4.2 Endocrine System. Neuroendocrine Control of Reproduction in

    Snakes. Hormones and Reproduction in Free-ranging Snakes

    The endocrine system and the physiological control of the reproductiveprocesses are other fields in which considerable research has beenconcentrated and where an increasing amount of knowledge has beengathered over the last 50 years or so. In snakes, however, the intensity of

    investigation increased with Edwin Cieslak’s (1945) study on the relation between the pituitary gland and reproductive activities in male PlainsGartersnake (Thamnophis radix). Cieslak (1945) found a pituitary cycle inT. radix  that he felt could be correlated with testicular activity. It includesthe key processes that activate a series of physiological and histochemicalconstraints that are factors in snake reproduction. Much of the informationobtained was summarized by Malcolm R. Miller (1959). Work done by biologists including Saint Girons (1959) and Loren H. Hoffman (1970)illustrated the importance of these mechanisms. Saint Girons, together

    with Gabe (Gabe and Saint Girons, 1962) made a comprehensive study ofhormonal activity in Vipera aspis, which was later on followed by severalother studies by Saint Girons and co-workers (Saint Girons et al., 1993).These endocrine and hormonal activities are induced by pheromones, theway snakes communicate, which in turn have been demonstrated in anumber of studies originating from G. Kingsley Noble’s research of senseorgans involved in the courtship of North American Brownsnakes (Storeria),Thamnophis,  and other species (Noble 1937). Similar pioneer studies were

    also performed by Goslar (1958) on Natrix natrix. A series of papers withinthe field of endocrinology and hormones was also presented by Bragdonduring the same period (1950, 1951, 1952, 1953).


    As mentioned earlier, the characteristic behavior of snakes in combat hasalways fascinated people. The mating aggregations and combats in manyspecies have been well known and described in anecdotal and popularitems in both Europe, North America and elsewhere. In scientific literaturethe year 1936 was a starting point for the studies of mating aggregationsas well as courtship and mating behavior in several species of snakes byDavis (1936) and in Dekay’s Brownsnake (Storeria dekayi) by Noble andClausen (1936). The famous mating aggregations of gartersnakes werefirst observed by Fox (1955). The combat “dances” in vipers and pit vipers (Viperidae) that have been analyzed and studied a number of times and indetail during the last 30 years or so were on the focus of studies by Shaw

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    (1948) on Crotalus  in USA and Thomas (1960) for Vipera berus  in Europe.Charles M. Bogert and Vincent D. Roth (1966) made a study of malecombat in the Pinesnake (Pituophis melanoleucus) and much of the different

    reproductive behaviors in snakes including combat was summarized andfurther discussed by Charles Carpenter (1977).


    The importance of the ecdysis in communication between snakes is wellknown today and has during recent times been more fully clarified. Pioneerresearch in this direction was performed by Goslar (1959) in Natrix natrix 

    and by Saint Girons (1980) on European Vipera.With ecdysis, pheromones are released in the near and distant landscapeinforming other members in the local population about the reproductivestatus of the carrier. Currently, pheromones are studied by a number ofinvestigators, however, it all started with G. Kingsley Noble in 1937. Hewas a pioneer within this field of science through his studies on NorthAmerican natricines. 


    Heinrich Rathke (1839) made the first detailed and illustrated study ofthe urogenital system of a snake (Natrix natrix). The role of the kidneyin reproduction has become better understood over time (see Chapter 11 in this volume), but this was first documented in N. natrix  in Europe byGampert (1866) and Heidenhain (1874), who described the variation in thesexual segments. Regaud and Policard (1903) were first to detect that thiscyclic variation was a sexual phenomenon only occurring in male snakes.

    They found a considerable variation in size and structure and supposedthat these variations were seasonal in males. Others, including Tribondeau(1903), Zarnik (1910), Cordier (1928) and Herlant (1933) confirmed theseresults for snakes. Subsequently, Volsøe (1944) and  Marshall and Woolf(1957) studied seasonal changes of the sexual elements in the male adder,Vipera berus,  kidney, followed by a study by Jane E. Bishop (1959) of thesexual segments in males of   Thamnophis sirtalis. Several of these authorscame to a similar conclusion that the secretory activity of these sexualelements in the kidney are involved in the sexual functions of the males. The

    role of the sexual segments of the kidney in copulatory plug functions has been addressed  a number of times and the papers by Volsøe (1944), Fitch(1965) and Devine (1975) could be mentioned as the starting point of thisinterpretation. In addition, Seshadri (1960) made a study of the structuralmodification of the cloaca of the Indian Wolf Snake (Lycodon aulicus) inrelation to urine excretion and the presence of the sexual segment in males.The situation is not clearly cyclic in a more southern species, for instance theChequered Watersnake (Xenochrophis piscator) in India where the diameter

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    of the renal sex segment and height of its epithelial cells remain constantthroughout the year (Srivastava and Thapliyal 1965). Takewaki and Hatta(1941) also addressed the role of the kidney in reproduction in their study

    of the effects of gonadectomy and hypophysectomy in the Tiger Keelback(Rhabdophis tigrinus).


    Today we know that sperm survive a variable length of time in the oviductsof the female after copulation (Rollinant 1934). Spermatozoa can be viablefor some weeks before ovulation in Vipera berus, which predominantly has

    a spring mating period (female estrus). Spermatozoa can stay alive for atleast six months in North American pit vipers that have a summer-fallmating season, meaning that ovulation and internal fertilization takes placefirst the following year. A number of important papers have contributedto our understanding of these processes although it was not clear howsuch fantastic pattern could have evolved. Rahn (1940b, 1942) was one ofthe first who actually started looking into sperm storage in snakes, whichmakes him a pioneer, even though other people were conducting studiesin this area around the same time. Other important studies were made by

    Blanchard (1942) in Thamnophis  and Marion Ludwig and Hermann Rahn(1943) on Prairie Rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis). These were followed byadditional and informative studies by Fox (1956) and Hubert Saint Girons(1973) on sperm survival in snakes. A summary can be seen in the excellentreview by Harold Fox (1977) in Biology of the Reptilia. Some authors such asHaines (1940) observed prolongation of sperm storage over longer periodslasting up to several years. This is extremely interesting, especially as, atleast in some cases, parthenogenesis might be involved as an alternativeexplanation (personal observation). This phenomenon should be furtheraddressed. 


    Some species of snakes have been studied intensively over time, and thisinformation forms a foundation of knowledge facilitating present andfuture in-depth studies of specific questions. Species such as Vipera berus, V.aspis, Naja naja, Thamnophis sirtalis, Crotalus atrox, C. horridus, C. viridis and

    others have been studied for longer periods of time and provide the basicand original knowledge for many aspects of reproductive biology in snakes.Comprehensive ecological studies often contain considerable informationon reproduction and even general background for the understandingof reproductive biology for a species. The excellent works of Bernström(1943), Viitanen (1967) and Prestt (1971) on Vipera berus  have providedinformation that has led to more detailed questions of the reproductivelife and mechanisms involved. These studies are being referred to in a

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    History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 11

    number of more recent zoological studies for that species. In Sweden alone,eight Ph.D. theses on the biology of V. berus have appeared during the last30 years.

    Similar patterns can be seen for a number of other species of snakesaround the world. By the 1970s at least 30 informative papers on thereproductive biology of North American Gartersnakes (Thamnophis)had appeared in scientific publications. The number of publications onreproductive biology on European vipers (Vipera) are about equal in thesame period of   time. These early studies provided the basis for a morescientific approach to satisfy our curiosity on snake reproductive biology.In turn, this has led to greatly increased research efforts leading to thepresent times.

    The history of knowledge of reproduction in snakes goes back severalthousands of years, to the times of Herodotus and Aristotle, but a morecomplete understanding through research is apparent during the last halfcentury or so. Important contributors during this last period were HubertSaint Girons and Henry Fitch. However, other biologists contributedsubstantially during this period to our understanding, producing animportant source of knowledge for researchers of today including PaulLicht, Lawrence Klauber, Hermann Rahn, Frank and Frida, Blanchard,

    Harold Fox, Wade Fox and  Helge Volsøe. Further important contributorswere G. Kingsley Noble, Giacomini, Hoffman, Gadow, Raynaud, Rahn,Cope and others, but also much of the knowledge has come from smallstudies and as side results while doing herpetological research in otherdirections. Ecological studies of snakes always contribute in some way toour understanding of   reproduction.


    For portraits of F.N. Blanchard, H.S. Fitch and W. Fox, I am grateful toKraig Adler, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. I also thank Kraig Adleras well as Robert D. Aldridge, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri,for their most valuable reviews of the manuscript.


    Amaral, A. do 1921. Contribuição para conhecimento dos ofídios do Brasil—A. Parte II.

    Biologia da nova espécie, Lachesis insularis. Anexos das Memórias do Institutode Butantan 1: 39-44.

    Aristotle. 350 B. C. E. The History of Animals  (Translated by D’Arcy WentworthThompson). Book III, Part 1. Clarendon Press, Oxford, U.K. 2008. In NineWebpage Parts.

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    Ballowitz, E. 1903. Entwicklungsgeschichte der kreutzotter (Pelias berus Merr.). TeilI. Die entwicklung vom auftreten der ersten furche bis zum schlusse des amnios.Fischer, Jena, Germany. 295 pp.

    Bellairs, R., Griffiths, I. and Bellairs, D’A. 1955. Placentation in the adder, Viperaberus. Nature 176: 657-658.

    Bernström, J. 1943. Till kännedom om huggormen Vipera berus berus  (Linné).Meddelande Göteborgs Museum Zoologiska Avdelning 103: 1-34.

    Betz, T. W. 1963. The gross ovarian morphology of the diamond-backed water snakeNatrix rhombifera during the reproductive cycle. Copeia 1963: 692-697.

    Beuchelt, H. 1936. Bau, funktion und entwicklung der begatubngsorgane dermännlichen ringelnatter (Natrix natrix  L.) und kreuzotter (Vipera berus  L.).Morphologisches Jahrbuch 78: 445-516.

    Bishop, J. E. 1959. A histological and histochemical study of the kidney tubule of

    the common garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis, with special reference to the sexualsegment in the male. Journal of Morphology 104: 307-358.Blanchard, F. C. 1942. A test of fecundity of the garter snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis 

    (Linnaeus) in the year following the year of insemination. Papers of the MichiganAcademy of Science, Arts and Letters 28: 313-316.

    Blanchard, F. N. 1926. Eggs and young of the eastern ring-neck snake   Diadophis punctatus edwardsii. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters7: 279-292, pls. 13-19.

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    Blanchard, F. N. and Blanchard, F. C. 1941b. The inheritance of melanism in thegarter snake Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis (Linnaeus), and some evidence of effectiveautumn mating. Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science, Arts and Letters26: 177-193.

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    melanoleucus affinis  (Reptilia, Colubridae). American Museum Novitates (2245):1-27.

    Bragdon, D. E. 1950. Hormonal control of the reproductive cycle of ovoviviparoussnakes as related to the evolution of viviparity. Virginia Journal of Science1: 391-392

    Bragdon, D. E. 1951. The non-essentiality of the corpora lutea for the maintenanceof gestation in certain live bearing snakes. Journal of Experimental Zoology

    118: 419-435.Bragdon, D. E. 1952. Corpus luteum formation and follicular atresia in the common

    garter snake, Thamnophis sirtalis. Journal of Morphology 91: 413-443.Bragdon, D. E. 1953. A contribution to the surgical anatomy of the water snake Natrix

    sipedon sipedon; the location of the visceral endocrine organs with reference toventral scutelation. Anatomical Record 117: 145-161.

    Carpenter, C. C. 1952. Comparative ecology of the common garter snakes (Thamnophiss. sirtalis), the ribbon snake (Thamnophis s. sauritus) and Butler’s garter snakes(Thamnophis butleri) in mixed populations. Ecological Monographs 22: 235-258.


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    Carpenter, C. C.  1977. A survey of stereotyped reptilian behavioural patterns.Pp. 335-403. In C. Gans and D. W. Tinkle (eds), Biology of the Reptilia, Ecology andBehaviour A, Vol. 7. Academic Press, New York.

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    Clausen, H. J. 1940. Studies on the effect of ovariotomy and hypophysectomy ongestation in snakes. Endocrinology 27: 700-704.

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    Rollinant, R. 1934. La Vie de Reptiles de la France Centrale. Delagrave, Paris. Pp. 340.Saint Girons, H. 1947. Ècologie des Vipères. 1. Vipera aspis. Bulletin de la Societe

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    Seshadri, C. 1960. Structural modification of the cloaca of  Lycodon aulicus aulicus Linn.,in relation to urine excretion and the presence of sexual segment in the kidney ofmale. Proceedings of the National Institute of Science, India 25B: 271-278.

    Srivastava, P. C. and Thapliyal, J. P. 1965. The male sexual cycle of the chequeredwater snake, Natrix piscator. Copeia 1965: 410-415.Takewaki, K. and Hatta, K. 1941. Effect of gonadectomy and hypophysectomy on the

    kidney and genital tract of a snake, Natrix tigrina tigrina. Annotationes Zoologicae Japonenses 20: 4-8.

    Tam, W. H., Phillips, J. G. and Lofts, B. 1969. Seasonal changes in the in vitro production of testicular androgens by the cobra (Naja naja  Linn.).  General andComparative Endocrinology 13: 117-125.

    Thatcher, L. E. 1922. Spermatogenesis of the garter snake. Science 56: 372. Thomas, S. E. 1960. Kommentkämpfe bei Vipern. Zoologischer Anzeiger 23: 111-116.

    Tinkle, D. W. 1957. Ecology, maturation and reproduction of Thamnophis sauritus proximus. Ecology 38: 69-77.

    Tinkle, D. W. 1962. Reproductive potential and cycles in female Crotalus atrox fromNorthwestern Texas. Copeia 1962: 306-313.

    Tribondeau, M. 1903. Recherches anatomiques et histologiques sur le rein desophidiens. (4o  serie des communications) Actes de la Société Linnéenne deBordeaux 57: 90-105.

    Tyson, E. 1683. Anatomy of a rattle-snake. Philosophical Transactions of the RoyalSociety of London 13: 281-284.


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    History of Reproductive Studies on Snakes 17

    Valenciennes, M. 1841. Observations faites pendant l’incubation d’une femelle duPython a deux raies (Python bivittatus, Kuhl) pendant les mois de mai et de juin1841. Les Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris. 13: 126-133.

    Viefhaus, T. 1907. Die Entwicklung der Ringelnattere (Tropidonotus natrix  Boie)nach Ausbildung der Falterform bis zur Erhebung des Proamnios. Zeitschriftfür Wissenschaftliche Zoologie 86: 55-99.

    Viitanen, P. 1967. Hibernation and seasonal movements of the viper Vipera berus berus (L.) in southern Finland. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4: 472-546.

    Volsøe, H. 1944. Structure and seasonal variation of the male reproductive organsof  Vipera berus (L.). Spolia Zoologica Musei Hauniensis 5: 1-157.

    Weinland, D. F. 1857. On the egg-tooth of snakes and lizards. Proceedings of theEssex Institute 2: 1-7.

    Wharton, C. H. 1966. Reproduction and growth in the cottonmouths,  Agkistrodon

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    C H A P T E R 2


    This chapter arrives at an interesting and exciting time in the study ofsnake systematics. The last part of the 20th century and the early partof the 21st century might ultimately be highlighted as the intersection between traditional classifications of snakes based on morphology andthose based on molecular data. Classification of organisms has typicallyand traditionally relied on morphological traits to guide the process, either by phylogenetic methods that attempt to be concordant with evolutionaryhistory or by more arbitrary methods that apply the use of authoritativeinterpretation of morphology by experts in the field. Given the realpossibility of evolutionary convergence among morphological characters in

    organisms, such as in snakes and other limbless squamates (see Wienset al

    .2006), it seems that having a credible understanding of relationships amongextant serpents will be through the use of molecular systematics. Anotheradvantage is that molecular systematics can provide thousands to millionsof characters as well produce species tree relationships using independentlyevolving gene estimates free from linkage or convergence. However, therehave been important studies using rigorous phylogenetic methods on alarge suite of morphological characters scored from extant and extinctsnakes (something molecular methods cannot address) that reveal the

    utility of these characters to address phylogeny (Lee and Scanlon 2002; Leeet al. 2007). Therefore, we are not saying that traditional classifications basedon morphology are entirely incorrect; in fact many of them still hold upwell. However, several studies are revealing that certain traditional groups

    Evolution and Taxonomy ofSnakes

    Frank T. Burbrink 1 and Brian I. Crother


    1Biology Department, 6S-143, 2800 Victory Blvd., College of Staten Island/CUNY, Staten Island,New York 10314 USA

    2Department of Biology, College of Science and Technology, Southeastern Louisiana University,Hammond, LA 70402 USA

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    20  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    simply cannot be credible given the agreement among independentlyevolving genes (e.g., the traditional macrostomata, Anilioidea, Colubridaeare all likely paraphyletic). Moreover, molecular methods will be more

    useful at examining relationships at the levels of species, genera, andfamilies. Arriving at a strong consensus with robust trees among studiesusing unlinked genetic markers has already helped illuminate evolutionaryrelationships among snake species. These molecular studies informtaxonomy by naming groups that are concordant (i.e., monophyletic) withthe evolutionary history of the taxon. These phylogenies ultimately helpcomparative biologists attain a better understanding of the independentorigins of various morphological characteristics, ecologies and behavior.

    While we extol the virtues of the current state of molecular systematics

    and realize how the field will aid the “scholarly snake community” to bettercomprehend the origins and relationships of snakes, we also realize that ourunderstanding based on a handful of markers is likely to change as snakephylogeneticists lumber into the world of phylogenomics and coalescent based species tree estimation (Edwards 2009). Currently, the only speciestree estimation paper that also uses the largest number of genes to date(25 independent loci) has been applied using single representatives of only21 major snake groups/families (Pyron and Burbrink, unpublished data;

     but see Wiens et al.  2008). In contrast, the densest sampling of snakes fora single phylogenetic project is only 232 species out of ~3,150 describedtaxa, and using only a single gene (Eckstut et al. 2009). Given the decreasingcosts for next generation DNA sequencing, it is conceivable that snakesystematists will produce phylogenetic trees using thousands of singlecopy, unlinked genes sampled across the genome for hundreds of species,while properly inferring the species tree given the uncertainty in thegene tree. This again may rapidly change our notions of snake taxonomyand evolutionary relationships. On the other hand, it may show that the

    information given in number of substitutions and sorting of lineages maynever be adequate to resolve some situations. That is, some relationshipsmay simply not be knowable.

    This chapter provides a brief overview of the relationships, definingcharacteristics, and geographic area and dates of origin of all major extantsnake groups. Several radical taxonomic changes have been proposed forcertain groups in the last decade, leaving little strong consensus about thetaxonomy of a given group. For example, several researchers have proposedmajor changes to the group Colubroidea, yet no single taxonomic scheme hastaken hold. We therefore discuss the most conservative aspects of modernsnake taxonomy based on published research. This chapter is not meant to be the lexicon of snake taxonomy but rather a fairly detailed introductionto snake systematics primarily based on results from modern studies.

    2.1.1 What are Snakes?

    We know that snakes are squamates and deeply embedded in the lizardphylogeny. In fact, snakes are simply a very specialized group of extremely

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    Evolution and Taxonomy of Snakes  21

    diverse limbless lizards. As such, snakes are members of the second mostspeciose group of living reptile (see Reptile Database: The evolution of limblessness is quite common in lizards

    and, including snakes, has evolved independently at least 25 times (Wienset al.  2006). However, no limbless lizard clade is as successful as snakes,with ~3,150 species occurring in nearly every habitat on every continentexcept Antarctica. Snakes form a monophyletic group and the best availablephylogenetic evidence using molecular data, free from morphologicalconvergence due to reduction in character states, suggest that snakes are notrelated to other limbless lizards like amphisbaenids or dibamids, but rathergroup with iguanians, lacertiforms and anguimorphs (Townsend et al. 2004;Eckstut et al. 2009; see Douglas et al. 2006 for a contrasting molecular view).

    The exact placement of snakes within the lizards has yet to be determined, but using multiple independently evolving loci, both Townsend et al. (2004)and Vidal and Hedges (2005) demonstrated a close relationship betweensnakes and anguimorphs, which has also been suggested by other authors(e.g., McDowell and Bogert 1954; Jamieson 1995; Lee 1998; Reynoso 1998;Lee and Caldwell 2000; Eckstut et al.  2009). Several studies that includemorphological data have claimed a closer relationship between varanidsor mosasaurs and snakes (Lee 1997, 1998, 2000; Caldwell 1999; Lee and

    Caldwell 2000; Lee and Scanlon 2001; Scanlon and Lee 2002; Caldwelland DalSasso 2004) or a group consisting of amphisbaenids, dibamids andsnakes. The most recent large scale morphological study, which includedfossils, suggested snakes are most closely related to scincoids, the sisterto a clade of trogonophids, amphisbaenids, and rhineurids (Conrad 2008).The relationships suggested by these morphological studies have beensoundly rejected by those using multiple independently evolving geneticmarkers, suggesting that convergent evolution or poor character scoringwas responsible for these hypothesized relationships.

    The early evolutionary history of snakes inferred from the fossilrecord portrays a fascinating story about the independent evolution oflimb reduction in serpents. The earliest identified snake, Najash rionegrina, found in Upper Cretaceous deposits in Argentina, was a small terrestrialor burrowing serpent with sacral vertebrae, pelvic elements and hindlimbs(Apesteguia and Zaher 2006). This study conflicts with some theories thatsuggest snakes (along with their adaptive limb reduction) originated inaquatic habitats, as this earliest snake fossil provides solid evidence for a burrowing/terrestrial origin of snakes. Other Cretaceous fossils, Pachyrhachis problematicus,  Haasiophis terrasanctus, and Eupodophis descouensi are allshallow marine species from Northern Gondwana, found along the TethyanCoast. These three taxa have hindlimb bones but lack differentiated sacralvertebrae for anchoring pelvic elements (Caldwell and Lee 1997; Tchernovet al. 2000; Rage and Escuillié 2000). Moreover, Apesteguia and Zaher (2006)using phylogenetic analyses of morphological data demonstrated thatthese three fossil taxa do not represent the earliest snakes but are rathernested within the radiation of macrostomatan snakes (see our discussion

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    22  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    on Alethinophidia for an alternate view of macrostomatan monophyly).Along with some extant groups (e.g., scolecophidians, boids, pythonidsand aniliids), these fossils show that complete limb loss has occurred

    independently throughout the early evolution of snakes.All extant snakes share a series of characters including absence of the

    pectoral girdle and forelimbs. However, remnants of the pelvic girdle arefound in various groups including scolecophidians, pythonids, boids, andaniliids. Cloacal spurs appear in boids, pythonids and aniliids (McDowell1987; Cundall et al.  1993). The elongated features of snakes are due to anincrease in vertebrae ranging from 120 to 500. Like lizards, all snakes arecovered in scutes, with ventral scales extending from the throat to thetail tip, and genitalia are either a single or bilobed organ referred to as

    a hemipenis. Characters (or character states) unique to snakes include: asupraoccipital that is excluded from the border of the foramen magnum bythe exoccipitals, down growths of the parietal bones enclose the ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal nerve which enters the orbit through the opticforamen, the size of the left arterial arch is greater than the right (the reverseis found in most tetrapods), flexible ligamentous connection betweendentaries, and a lack of ciliary muscles in the eyes. Many other characters(e.g., characters responsible for increasing gape) appear only as derived

    conditions in certain groups of snakes (Underwood 1967; McDowell 1987;Pough et al.  2004; Vitt and Caldwell 2009).Although the classification of extant snakes began with Linnaeus in

    1758 and received various rearrangements by herpetological luminarieslike Duméril (1853), Cope (1894, 1895), Boulenger (1896) and Hoffstetter(1946, 1962), most modern treatments of taxonomy can be traced toUnderwood (1967). Since then, numerous studies and lists have beenproduced attempting to classify snakes. Many of these studies chart therise of modern computational and molecular systematics (immunological

    or DNA hybridization). However, our basic treatment of major snaketaxonomy in this chapter will primarily be discussed in the context ofmolecular DNA sequence, character based systematics, while occasionallyreferring to concordant morphological data.

    Among extant snakes, the basal divisions occur between thescolecophidians and the alethinophidians (Rage 1984; Cundall et al.  1993;Dessauer et al. 1987; Vidal and Hedges 2002; White et al. 2005; Burbrink andPyron 2008; Wiens et al. 2008; Eckstut et al. 2009), although other classificationschemes have been presented (Vidal et al. 2009). Outside of the purview ofmost neontologists are the large number of extinct families and genera ofsnakes known because of the dedicated work of a few paleoherpetologists.Many of these taxa cannot be confidently placed within the phylogenyof extant serpents because of the absence of various characters orconvergence in states, not to mention the obvious complete lack of DNAdata. We underscore the importance of these fossils in understanding thearea and dates of origins of snakes, as well as morphological changesthrough time. We also realize that the correct placement of many of these

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    24  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    morphology supports monophyly, Cundall and Irish (2008) state “The jaw elements of scolecophidians provide a strong argument in favor ofparaphyly.” For more information concerning either advanced or primitive

    morphological characters that separate Scolecophidia from Alethinophidia,see McDowell (1967, 1974, 1987), Cundall et al. (1993) and Lee andScanlon (2002). Recent molecular studies are conflicting with regard to amonophyletic Scolecophidia. Macey and Verma (1997), Vidal and Hedges(2002), Lee et al.  (2007), suggested they were monophyletic, but Heise etal. (1995), Forstner et al. (1995), Eckstut et al.  (2009), Vidal et al.  (2009) andWiens et al.  (2008) all inferred the Scolecophidia to not be monophyletic.Pyron and Burbrink (unpublished data) using species tree methodsfrom 25 loci revealed a sister relationship between Typhlopidae and the

    remainder of all snakes, with Leptotyphlopidae appearing sister to thegroup containing Anomalepididae and the Alethinophidia (Fig. 2.1). Thecombined morphological and molecular analysis of snake relationships inWhite et al.  (2005) also inferred a paraphyletic Scolecophidia but Lee et al. (2007) indicated that Scolecophidia are monophyletic. Bowing to historicalinertia and for ease of discussion, we treat Scolecophidia as monophyletichere, but realize there is considerable uncertainty about this assumption.

    The most species rich group of scolecophidians, Typhlopidae, are

    represented by nine genera and 232 taxa (Reptile Database) and mostlyoccur in the tropical regions of the world, although two species arefound in North America and one in Europe (McDiarmid et al. 1999). Thisgroup has a toothless dentary as well as 12 other states listed in Lee andScanlon (2002).

    Leptotyphlopidae are found in the tropics and subtropics of Africaand the Americas as well as southwest Asia and are composed of116 species. They are represented by two genera, although in a rarestudy on the phylogenetics of any scolecophidian groups using

    molecular data, Adalsteinsson et al.  (2009) divided leptotyphlopidsinto 12 genera. Leptotyphlopidae may be the sister family to the otherscolecophidian groups and is distinguished from them by having 11 uniquecharacter states, including a toothless maxilla (McDowell 1987; Lee andScanlon 2002).

    The most range restricted group, Anomalepididae, is found in southernCentral America and South America. Represented by only 17 species andfour genera (Reptile Database; McDowell et al. 1999), anomalepidids can bediagnosed by 18 diagnostic character states, including a toothed a maxillaand dentary as well as absence of all pelvic vestiges (see McDowell 1967;McDowell 1987; Lee and Scanlon 2002; Pough et al. 2004).

    Although the oldest scolecophidian fossils are from the Paleocene (Folie2006), molecular divergence dating has suggested that the group originatedin the early Cretaceous or late Jurassic (Burbrink and Pyron 2008; Vidal et al. 2009), a time frame deduced by White et al. (2005) based on minimal fossilages and constrained by phylogeny. Given that the first appearance of afossil probably underestimates the actual date of origin for the group, it is

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    Evolution and Taxonomy of Snakes  25

    likely that molecular dating might provide a more realistic estimate of theorigin of any group of organisms. The downside to estimating moleculardates of origin is that all of the inferences discussed here assume some

    very realistic and large quantity of error around the mean date. Yet, it isencouraging that the molecular dates and the deduced dates are similar.However, please consult the original articles where estimated of dates ofdivergence are concerned.

    All scolecophidians are oviparous (although delayed egg depositionis known from Typhlops squamosus). The often-introduced typhlopidRamphotyphlops braminus is parthenogenic. Most scolecophidians are fossorial(although some exceptions are known) and consume termites, ants or theeggs and larvae of these prey (Webb et al.  2000; Vitt and Caldwell 2009).


    The remainder of extant snakes belongs to Alethinophidia, and for themost part, these are the serpents with which people are most familiar.They are generally differentiated from the scolecophidians by possessinga well developed squamosal bone that articulates with the quadrate and brain case (absent in Uropeltidae) and lacking or having a small coronoid

     bone and vertebrae possessing a neural spine (lacking in Uropeltidae).McDowell (1987) provides a detailed review of the anatomy of this group.Fossil records for alethinophidians date to the mid-Cretaceous (Rage andWerner 1999), although the origin of this group has been suggested to haveoccurred in the late Jurassic or early Cretaceous (White et al.  2005). Recentstudies using relaxed molecular clocks also indicate they diverged froma common ancestor with scolecophidians around that time (Burbrink andPyron 2008; Vidal et al. 2009).

    Based on various morphological studies and combined morphologicaland molecular phylogenetic analyses (Rieppel 1988; Lee and Scanlon2002; Lee et al.  2007), alethinophidians typically have been divided intoAnilioidea (Aniliidae, Cylindrophiidae, Uropeltidae and Anomochilidae)and Macrostomata (Pythonidae, Boidea, Colubroidea and Acrochordidae).However, several molecular and morphological studies have demonstratedthis to be in error and conditions that increase gape in macrostomatangenera have either evolved numerous times or have been lost severaltimes, resulting in paraphyletic classifications (Cadle et al. 1990; Slowinski

    and Lawson 2002; Wilcox et al. 2002; Lawson et al. 2004; Gower et al. 2005;Wiens et al. 2008; Eckstut et al.  2009; Vidal et al.  2009).Molecular phylogenetic studies have shown support for an initial

    division in Alethinophidia occurring in the later half of the Cretaceous,which sometimes join the Aniliidae and two genera of the Tropidopheidae(Tropidophis and Trachyboa; the other two genera Ungaliophis and Exiliboa arerelated to the Boidea; Wilcox et al. 2002; Vidal and Hedges 2002; Lawson etal. 2004; Burbrink and Pyron 2008; Wiens et al. 2008; Eckstut et al. 2009; Vidalet al. 2009). The remainder of alethinophidians, the second division, includes

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    26  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    Pythonidae (with the closely related Loxocemidae and Xenopeltidae) andBoidae, which also encompass Ungaliopheidae (Exiliboa and  Ungaliophis),erycine boids and Calabaria  (Vidal and Hedges 2002; Burbrink and Pyron

    2008; Wiens et al. 2008; Eckstut et al. 2009; Vidal et al. 2009). Also, within thissecond division are the massively diverse caenophidians (Acrochordidaeand Colubroidea) as well as Bolyeriidae, Xenophidiidae, Uropeltidae,Cylindrophiidae and Anomochilidae. Pyron and Burbrink (unpublisheddata) demonstrated, using species tree methods, that the initial divisionwithin Alethinophidia divided caenophidians and the remainder ofalethinophidians including Aniliidae and Tropidopheidae. This later groupwas commonly referred to as Henophidia (Fig. 2.1).

    In two recent molecular studies using numerous mtDNA and nDNA

    genes, Bolyeriidae and Uropeltidae (including Cylindrophiidae) aresometimes considered to be removed from the clade containing pythonids,loxocemids, xenopeltids and boids (Vidal et al. 2009) or of uncertain positionwithin this second division of alethinophidians, but with a possible sisterrelationship between the boids and bolyeriids (Wiens et al.  2008). Pyronand Burbrink (unpublished data) showed a clade containing pythonids,loxocemids and xenopeltids as the sister group to a clade containing Boidea(and Calabariidae), Bolyeriidae and Uropeltidae (Fig. 2.1). By examination

    of morphological characters, the extremely rare Xenophidiidae, found onlyin peninsular Malaysia and Borneo, has been proposed to be closely relatedto various groups including colubroids, aniliids, tropidopheids or boids(Günther and Manthey 1995; Wallach and Günther 1998). After obtaininga rare, but decayed tissue sample, Lawson et al.  2004, demonstrated fromonly a single gene that xenophidiids are closely related to bolyeriids,which in turn may be related to pythonids or boids. Finally, the remaininggroup, Anomochilidae, may not actually deserve family ranking. In a studyusing 12S and 16S DNA sequences,  Anomochilus, representing the family

    Anomochilidae, was found to be closely related to Cylindrophiidae, whichrendered the genus Cylindrophis paraphyletic (Gower et al. 2005).

    2.3.1 Aniliidae

    The South American pipesnakes are a monotypic family composed of asingle species,  Anilius scytale (McDiarmid et al. 1999). This species is foundthroughout tropical northern South America (Greene 1997). This viviparousspecies superficially resembles the bi-colored coral snakes, however, it lacks

    a distinctly differentiated head and neck region and has only a single scalecovering each eye. Additionally, femurs are present as cloacal spurs andremnants of pelvic elements are found in the musculature of the trunk(McDowell 1987). A large number of morphological characters (~28) appearto diagnose this monotypic family (Underwood 1967; McDowell 1987; Leeand Scanlon 2002; Pough et al., 2004; Vitt and Caldwell 2009). The species isusually smaller than one meter and occurs in tropical forest litter and nearwater. They are viviparous and generally give birth from 4 to 18 young in

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    Evolution and Taxonomy of Snakes  27

    Fig. 2.1  Phylogenetic relationships among snake families and higher level groups using

    species tree methods (Pyron and Burbrink, unpublished data). Posterior probability support

    is greater than 95% for all nodes unless indicated otherwise. While Scolecophidia is

    designated on this tree it was not found to be monophyletic. Taxa illustrated and photo

    credits from top to bottom: Leptotyphlops brasiliensis (Jalapão National Park, Tocantis, Brazil,

    by Donald Shepard); Python reticulatus (Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, by Frank Burbrink);

    Boa constrictor (Tortuguero, Costa Rica, by Frank Burbrink);  Anilius scytale  (Cristalino River

    near Alta Floresta, Mato Grosso, Brazil, by David Shepard); Oxybelis  fulgidus (Tortuguero,

    Costa Rica, by Frank Burbrink);  Agkistrodon piscivorus  (Florida, USA, by Frank Burbrink);

     Aplopeltura boa  (Danum Valley, Sabah, Borneo, by Frank Burbrink).

    Color image of this figure appears in the color plate section at the end of the book.


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    28  Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Snakes

    either the wet or dry season (Martins and Oliveira 1999; Cisneros-Heredia2005; Maschio et al. 2007). Molecular divergence dating indicates that thisfamily likely originated at the K/T boundary (Burbrink and Pyron 2008).

    2.3.2 Tropidopheidae

    Once considered to have been composed of four genera, Tropidopheidae,now only includes Tropidopheinae and contains only two genera,Tropidophis and Trachyboa, totaling 23 species (Zaher 1994; Wilcox et al. 2002;Lawson et al. 2004; Gower et al. 2005; Eckstut et al. 2009; Reptile Database).These moderate to small snakes are found in the West Indies, CentralAmerica and South America. During the late Cretaceous or early Tertiary

    they diverged from a recent common ancestor with the New World aniliids(Schwartz and Henderson 1991; Tolson and Henderson 1993; Wallach andGünther 1998; Burbrink and Pyron 2008; Vitt and Caldwell 2009). Unlikeaniliids, these terrestrial/arboreal snakes share the macrostomatan skullcondition and have edentulous premaxillaries. Tropidopheids still retainsome pelvic elements. Morphological characters discerning tropidopheinesand ungaliopheines (now in Boidae), including parallelization of hyoidhorns, are described in Zaher (1994). Tropidopheids primarily feed onlizards and other small vertebrates, are viviparous and are recorded to

    have two to 12 young (Henderson and Powell 2009). Relationships among~50% of the species were examined in Wilcox et al.  (2002).

    2.3.3 Uropeltidae

    This family, which should also include Cylindrophiidae and the singlespecies of Anomochilidae (Gower 2005), represents a radi