reptilian hunter's manual

The Reptilian Hunting Manual Guide to Ousting the Enemy Michael E. Chons

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A How-To Manual for finding and exposing the reptilian infiltrators of western society. Includes a pathology and expose of the reptilian psychology from the first-hand experiences of Michael Chons. This engaging manual also features methods of forcing reptilians to shape-shift into their basal form, and highly detailed diagrams and stunning photographic evidence of their existence.


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The Reptilian Hunting Manual

Guide to Ousting the Enemy

Michael E. Chons

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“You, you're okay. This one: real fuckin' ugly.”-George Nada

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Table Of Contents

Table Of Contents

Introduction..................................... 1Snake Eyes....................................... 2Fresh Air........................................ 6Turn On Your Heart............................... 8Kininigin........................................ 10See Them As They Are............................. 12The Old Guard.................................... 16


Photo 1: Garuda Eating a Serpent - Wikipedia

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Photo 2: Reptoid Caught on Film? - M.CTaken at Window Rock, AZ.

1 The Reptilian Hunter's Manual


Why on earth would I write a book about hunting for rep-tilians? The truth is; we humans are awesome! We don't de-serve any of this global tragedy at the hands of the elite. That being said, publishing this cost a shitload of my personal time, money and energy, so I hope you find it useful. Have a nice day and watch the latest remake of V. That is all!

Mike Chons

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Snake Eyes Identifying the Wild Reptilian

“Watch them. They always approach you from their LEFT side, using their LEFT eye - WILL - to 'see you.' Always. This, for several reasons... the right eye sends out spir-it or love, the left eye, will or matter. Darksiders and reptoids have no hearts, so their right eye is dead, lazy, like that.” -Don Bradley (a.k.a. CbsWork)

Many civilizations of the past have dealt with a mysteri-ous cryptid known colloquially as the reptilian humanoid (rep-tiloid, reptoid, draconian or simply 'toid). Their appearance has graced the art of ancient times, mythical tales, and even modern religious beliefs. Modern researchers believe they have either evolved from dinosaur species, were ancient astronauts that have taken up residence on Earth (Terra), or were created beside humanity in the near universe - possibly on our planet. They have been here on Earth, nearly as long as humans, and are even believed to have ruled some civilizations of the past, even having been worshiped as ancient gods. Modern appearances are rare in their true form, but many abductees, black-project workers, shamans and psychics attest to their existence either physically or on some near-physical dimension. Some conspiracy theorists even believe that they are here in an active effort to take over the human race and use them as slaves to mine the planet of physical and genetic resources.

Overall there are three known kinds of reptilians:

Those that are physical 'wild' animals witnessed in nat-ural settings, often with scales or hair, that appear feral.

Those that are intelligent and extra-terrestrial in nature, often working alongside grey aliens or humans, some with the ability to take on human form at will.

Those that are disembodied and exist only as 'demonic' spirits.

This guide will primarily focus on the hidden, shape-shifting kind that take on human form, how to identify them, and how to expose their true nature.

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The theorized nature of the Nagas reptilian, according to David Icke, is such that they need a specially conditioned ge-netic form to adhere their souls into physical bodies -hence the mitochondrial bloodline obsession found in royal families and cult organizations. They also appear to require a certain amount of human genetic information to portray themselves in human form -this is possibly why there are reported cases of ritual blood drinking in many modern luciferian religions.

Regardless of either of the aforementioned conditions, a psychic ability is used to hold the genetic form of human il-lusory appearance. If their concentration, or psychic adherence is disturbed (by the breathing method mentioned in the next chapter or otherwise), the reptilian body will lose its human form and revert to the original scaly, green geno-type. Besides love blasting, the only other known occurrences of accidental shape-shifting are during great bouts of emotional passion, of-ten as the result of sexual or predatory activity. Many re-searchers are actively documenting and sharing accidental shape-shifts to help identify possible reptilian 'infiltrait-ors.'

Psychological Traits

Among the identified reptilians, it is crucial to note that they possess distinct personalities that separate them from humanity in nature. This is believed to be a result of their philosophy, ingrained attitude toward humans, and physic-al neurological structure. Humans known to possess similar per-sonalities are psychiatrically defined as having an R-complex - which is ironically short for 'Reptilian-Complex.' The thought process is said to be a product of the lower levels of human consciousness, part of the 'reptilian' brain or the basal ganglia.

First and foremost, the reptilian humanoids possess abso-lutely no sense of humor. They are incapable of expressing or experiencing this emotion. Their remarks are only usually in-terpreted as such. They are ambiguous, sarcastic, scathing, and sadistic, but incapable of genuine humor. What a normal person would consider a dark-humor joke is explicitly what a reptilian would take seriously. The priest taking responsibility for the family that moved into the house after the Amityville murders mentioned that evil cannot process humor and that it is essen-tial for freeing oneself form its influences, “Where there is

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humor, evil cannot exist.”

Reptilians are also known for their ritualistic, even ob-sessive behaviors. They will use occult and societal ritual for group power, repeat the same actions, plots, and methods patho-logically, and will voraciously challenge anything that tries to disturb them from their routine, even if there is a more ef-ficient methodology available. Reptilians operate on times, dates, quantities and cycles in a choreographic mentality ac-cording to tradition and planning. They cannot psy-chologically afford any of their planning or control mechanisms to be upset, and will thus encode and enforce laws, rules and regulations to keep things absolutely as such. They will often control both sides of debates, wars or elections to create a predetermined outcome. Reptilian power depends on 'sameness' and predictabil-ity at any expense, and is violently intolerant of creativity or improvisation. This is one trait we can easily take advant-age of in our efforts to derail their plans.

Reptilians are commonly sociopaths. In fact, the word dra-conian comes from their lack of empathy and need for control. They are oftentimes the murderers that slaughter a couple, fam-ily, nation, race, or their own children for no apparent reas-on. The sit coldly on the bench in court, unable to produce compassion and accepting of their demise. They simply end human lives, abuse, pollute, cheat, lie and steal repeatedly and without remorse. Vlad the Impaler was likely one. Destruction, to the reptilian, is both an end and a means.

Reptilians are anti-sexual and anti-creative. They view sexuality as a functional animalistic pleasure mechanism, and concurrently as a violent act. Rape of humans is not uncommon for reptilians, and often attempts at sexuality will dominate, perverse, or defile the human nature of consensual creation. Reptilians are not here to create, they are here to colonize, breed, destroy, and steal. This is reflected in their sexual acts. Homosexuality is not uncommon. Their tendency for hypo-crisy, however, will overrule and they will often speak out against it at gay human expense. Pedophilia is also common, as the reptilian is immune from the drives of common morality and empathy. Reptilians loathe the power human women possess, and try to control and subjugate them at all cost; they also con-sistently attempt to feminize and weaken men when possible. Eu-genics and sterilization are likely being used actively by their power structures against humanity.

Reptilians cannot tolerate human evolution. This is appar-

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ent in how they structure societal law and institutions. Even academia is rife with reptilian influence, particularly the ma-terialist organizations such as CSICOP (Committee for the Sci-entific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal), Quackwatch, Skeptical Inquirer, and the JREF (James Randi Education Founda-tion), or even Michio Kaku's appearances on national televi-sion. Part of this is the plan to dumb down the public and sab-otage curiosity. Historic book burning or destruction of useful information by fascist organizations and societies of the past were likely the result of reptilians hiding information from humanity; Tesla had free energy by the 1890's, Reich was curing cancer by the 1940's, and AIDS was cured by multiple methods in 1996. Likewise, reptilians practice and develop occult and meta-physical power structures to oversee the dissemination of spiritual and occult information. Many will turn out to be deep initiates into mystery religions such as the Masons or heads of other occult organizations - spiritual power is a technology to them. They may also be covertly involved in anti-social cults with a Satanic/Luciferian bent while openly influencing public religious groups. This is part and parcel with the infiltration of society to destroy and defile mankind and God's image. Some believe they are the fallen angels mentioned in the Bible, which is ironic considering how much they have edited into and out of it.

Physiological Attributes

The term blue blood is due to the fact that royalty in the past often had bluish skin. It is believed that this is not a misnomer, that reptilians possess nitrogen-based systems that have an unusual amount of copper in their blood. When copper is oxidized, it turns blue - hence the blood of the rich and powerful would turn blue when spilt. It is likewise suggested that the reptilians would not survive in a room with high con-centrations of atmospheric oxygen, and that copper-binding com-ponents would make excellent poisons.

Reptilians are naturally cold-blooded like their vertic-ally challenged friends - similar to snakes as humans are to apes. Their body temperature is functional at 68 F. It is also believed that they are thus intolerable of drastic temperature changes, avoiding colder areas, and congregating in and under desert regions.

Some think that reptilians are allergic to silver, though this has yet to be proven. Silver is extremely beneficial to humans when properly utilized for healing and regeneration.

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Fresh AirShape-shift Force Breathing Technique

Here is a short excerpt of a report of one of the hunters describing this technique, directly from the source:

It works better if you take your shoes off, but it works anyway. Two or more people doing this method at the same time make it a lot more powerful.

What you do: you just shut your eyes and think of someone you love and charge yourself with infinite love if you know what I AM talking about. Take at least 3 deep breaths and filling your whole heart area with this LOVE and then on the last exhale imagine the energy going to the man/wo-man/reptilian you are aiming at and as you send the energy out say the word YAHWEH. Keep doing over and over and over.

If the man/woman is reptoid she/he will start to act very nervous, strange and clumsy, dropping things, etc almost like they are having a spasm. This means that they are having a real hard time maintaining their human form. And watch for the left eye becoming bigger, and extended out slightly from the skull, huge black circles under the eyes or the eyes rolling like in cartoons and of course, people wearing dark sunglasses inside the stores.

Keep this thing in mind when you go out in public and you will be amazed, but don't forget to have fun- that's a MUST!!! Remember it's important not to have any fear and laugh instead. They can smell fear and they feed off of it. There is really nothing to fear. THEY CANNOT HURT US UNLESS WE ALLOW THEM TO.

And then all you have to do is just sit back and watch the show. Carol said: "don't forget the popcorn."1

I have noticed that with enough practice, this mechanism will embed itself in your aura, or personal energy signature, to the point that the reptilians will lose form slightly simply being in your presence. This is a valuable skill that will allow you to distinguish possessed bodies and individual entities from humans reliably. Humor is essential, as this actually increases

1 Lilly Ochescu, “Lilly Sovereign-Spirit and Carol Croft Fish for Tail in Las Vegas.” 2004.

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Illustration 1: Blasting Technique

7 The Reptilian Hunter's Manual

this effect and psychically protects you from retribution.

For those worried about karma or other moral or religious obligations, remember that the reptilian species was respons-ible for the downfall of humanity and other specie by exposing them to the perverted levels of consciousness. They view human-ity as a predatory parasite would, feeding off of their negat-ive emotions and physical tragedy (the definition of psychic vampirism) while they rape and pillage the planet for minerals and psychic energy. You are committing an act of public service by disturbing the enslavement of humanity via infiltration. You will be rewarded, not punished, by higher forces of conscious-ness. You are also exercising a consciousness-heightening abil-ity built into your mind, and any innocent being would only be enlightened by your actions. You are following the universal rules of engagement; this is defence of the human race. Don't bother shedding alligator tears because the reptilians like to kill via dehydration.

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Turn on Your HeartThymus Plexus Energy

So, now that you know how to expose them, I suppose you want to know the secrets to turning on your heart mojo! There are a number of ways to go about it, and I will teach you every method that I know of. The essential concept to understand about generating heart energy psychically, is that there is a physical nerve cluster located on the thymus gland, surrounding the heart organ that can be directly stimulated by the follow-ing means. Once stimulated, the organ and it's accompanying non-material physiology will become activated, thus boosting your heart-chakra potential. Since the thymus gland is an endo-crine organ, regular practice will effectively increase your resting 'heart power.'

SOUND – A tone of approximately High-F note (340-360Hz) is suf-ficient to 'open' the heart.2 While many viewpoints on fre-quency differ, any sonic representation of 'FA' will work.

MINERAL Rose Quartz is possibly the best stone to hold for this purpose, however other stones are also adequate. Aventurine, Emerald, Garnet, Marble, Tourmaline are just a few.3 Look for stones that are red, green, pink, or any combination thereof.

PHYSICAL Tapping any hard object against the sternum can stimu-late the Thymus gland and relax the neurological pathway into activity.

EXERCISE Push-ups are the best exercise, and I say that with confidence, for strengthening the heart. Running and soccer are also helpful in stimulating the heart positively.

TOUCH Reiki and other forms of therapeutic touch can easily stimulate the heart in a profound way. To 'hold' one's heart, hold your flat palms against your breasts. Hugging oneself has a similar effect.

BREATH Breathe deeply into your sternum. Make it a habit.

PRAYER Jesus, Horus, Garuda, Shiva, Quetzalcoatl(?), Gaia and a number of other divine entities are used in ritual to activate

2 Qtd. In Michael Triggs, “Brainwave Frequency Listing.”3 (p.408; Heart) Michael Gienger, Crystal Power, Crystal Healing.

(translated) 1998

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the love vibe. They all fight the 'toids, and so should you! More research into this venue will be of benefit.

CHEMICAL Plant sterols, and any edible 'greens' are good for the heart. Almond, rose, jasmine, lavender and sandalwood are reputed to be useful when employed as scents.

COLOR Any color that stimulates the heart will do. Red, Green, Pink, and Indigo are the main colors to look for.

EMOTION LOVE! What else? Forgiveness, peace, joy, happiness, beauty can all invoke a heart-chakra response.

Illustration 3: Sternum

Illustration 2: Plexus Map

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Kininigin The Reptilian Anatomy

“Kininigin” is a word rumored to have been used by the Vikings to differentiate humans and reptilians. The reptilians were unable to properly pronounce the word, given their abnor-mal physiology, and were subsequently executed on the spot.

Head The Reptilian head is identified as a scaled, bony, hairless, homonoid structure with knobby, horn-like protrusions along the ridges of the top of the skull. An exposed heat-sensitive organ protrudes from the middle of the forehead. The nose is featureless and conforms to the head, only slits are visible. Some describe the snout as dog-like. There is no external ear visible.

Mouth With a large jaw, the mouth is a flat slit with no lips, almost frog-like. The tongue is more human-like than their small slithering cousins. The teeth are longer and thinner than human teeth, dark brown to yellow, often dirty looking, and sharpened on the ends. Lisp and chirping sounds are natural.

Eyes The eyes of the reptilians are snake-like. The pupils consist of black vertical slits with no iris. The sclerotic is honey-colored and devoid of features. Eyelids are normal and hairless.

Plastic The reptilians that are to present themselves as humans in public will often undergo plastic surgery in which human-like flesh is adhered to the face in an external skin-mask. This mask is meant to prevent their visage from becoming visible during emotional public appearances, and will often be sourced from the individuals they victimize. Faulty masks are ironically bastardized by celebrity journalism.

Contacts A recent trend around unfriendly populations is now to disguise the eye-shifting that is gaining public attention. Colored-iris contact lenses are employed to give the reptilians an infallible, sparkly-eyed appearance. This is not effective againstus.

Body The reptilian body-type is what one would call

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Illustration 4: Reptilian Surface Anatomy

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the ridiculous “L.A. look.” The reptilians are beauty-oriented and strive to out-do humanity, defining beauty as their natural sharp, lanky, athletic, and oftentimes anorexic appearance. Their back is often heat sensitive, and sunning is normal as with any other cold-blooded organism. Sexual appearance is enhanced, often artificially at the expense of natural appearance and functionality. Wings are uncommon, only present in higher castes.

Tail One feature that is often identified when a researcher stumbles upon an underground hive, or when out “busting 'toids” with the breathing technique is the tail. This is not to be confused with an erection or a natural tailbone. The tail will extrude from the base of the spine, often looking like an erection from the back, and making its way down the pants of the individual. It is quite common to see the tail bulging out under the skin from the coccyx of females with low-cut jeans.

Hands Reptilian hands are known to have six fingers naturally (noted by the Native Americans). The pinky finger is often removed and a small wart-like stub is often left in it's place. If the auric field of a reptilian is caught on film, the sixth finger may show up.

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See Them as They AreTurn on Your Pineal Gland

Can you even wrap your mind around the above photograph? Many people cannot. It is time to wake up that inner truth you know so well, and see for yourself, with your own eyes.

The human brain has a tiny little organ that is with one from birth until death. It is located in the center of the brain, and is literally the most important organ in the body, next to the heart. This is the pineal gland, or epiphysis cerebri. I prefer the later and more dated term because it de-scribes exactly what the pineal gland does, it expands con-

Photo 3: Shape-shift Caught on Video Still – White-Moth

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sciousness and generates epiphany! This realization is caused by the synthesis of a psychotropic chemical, DMT, which is the subject of much of Rick Strassman's clinical research.

According to Strassman's trials, this chemical is believed to liberate the spirit from the body into total awareness. Un-fortunately, this required injection directly into the blood-stream, which is not only illegal outside of research, but a bit over-the-top for our purposes. If one needs an example of someone becoming aware of the reptilian influence using DMT, look no further than David Icke himself - he became aware after an Ayahuasca (harmaline and orally active DMT) trip in South America.

Luckily for our purposes, there are other ways to increase the resting DMT, and one of the most important things to do in order to begin this process is to become aware that one has a pineal gland to being with! Unfortunately, this is becoming in-creasingly difficult because some institutions don't even men-tion the organ. That being said and done, the next step is to clean it up.

Chemicals/factors that damage/inhibit the Pineal Gland4:

– Fluorides - most toothpastes and tap water, non- fluor-idated toothpaste does exist!

– Tainted Vaccines - thiomersol, etc.

– Drugs - including some prescriptions

– Artificial Sweeteners - those not found in nature, use honey or stevia instead

– Processed Junk Food Additives - anything that isn't along the outside walls of the standard grocery store

– Red Meats - we are omnivorous for a reason

– Promiscuity - sex can temporarily revert brain function back to the basal ganglia, however orgasm with pineal activity is possible and Tantric yogas were developed to hone this skill

– Cell Phones and Strong EM-Fields - heat brain tissues and interrupt neural activity from a resting theta state into alpha5

– Negative Stress! - what doesn't it inhibit?

4 Stephanie Relfe, “How your Metaphysical Abilities are Being Suppressed.” 2006.

5 R. Douglas Fields, “Mind Control via Cellphone.” 2008.

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While we cannot control all of these factors in every situ-ation, most can still be reduced or eliminated. Take this pro-cess slowly and consult a doctor if necessary.

The final stage is simply practicing use. The pineal gland is a wonderful tool, enhanced by the practice of consciousness-shifting inherent in most psychic arts. Once addictions and chemical inhibitors have been reasonably overcome, one can be-gin practicing the following arts in spare time:


Blasting anyone/thing as mentioned previously! Blasting can be used on fellow humans as well with positive res-ults. Blasting technique can also be used with other types of energies for healing, communication, or fun.


Meditation is nothing more than quieting the mind to re-ceive inspiration. Practice sitting still in a comfort-able position and resting the eyes. Breathe deeply and slowly. One's mental state can be changed by focusing on different emotions or the top of the head. Transcendent-al meditation uses a repeating phrase, sound, or thought to enhance the mental trance state. Repeated meditation has been shown to reduce stress and further solidify the mental state desired.


There are many types of controlled breathing, the most common simply being deep breaths of a given length of time. According to Strassman, The lungs are one of the organs that generate the most DMT in the body, however the MAOs in the blood keep it from being extremely ef-fective. Nevertheless, alternate nostril breathing (in one nostril, out the mouth) is a common Tibetan medita-tion, and belly-breathing (abdomen relaxed) is a regular practice to Quigong. Repeated humming, such as “Om” is also used to change consciousness. Do not dis-include singing or aerobic exercise as a way to alter the mind.


Listening to uplifting music, natural sounds, or silence reduces stress and strengthens intuition.

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Walk in nature and tune into the life around oneself, feeling the energy of the forest, leaves, and living earth. Think to the animals, emotionally and telepathic-ally. Get some sun.


Visualization, daydreaming, doodling and creating visual artwork such as drawing, painting, sculpture, fiber arts, etc. all increase the power of the psychic mind.


Typing, believe it or not, synchronizes both sides of the brain! This is only when both hands are used, how-ever.


Feel energy physically - for example rub both hands to-gether, then with the palms flat against each other, move them away and towards each other6. Feel the energy.


Practice astral projection by one of the following means:

• Concentrating on breathing as one's body falls asleep.

• Concentrating on visual patterns behind closed eye-lids as one sleeps.

• Using a raised arm or music to maintain conscious-ness into the mind-awake, body-asleep state.

• Concentrating on the ringing sound the mind gener-ates in absolute silence.

• Concentrating on the physical sensations of heavi-ness as one falls asleep.

• Waking up early and trying the above from a differ-ent sleeping location.

6 Joshua P. Warren, Put This By Your Toilet & Make Money Being Psychic in 2 Weeks. 2008.

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The Old Guard Mind Control and Psychic Assault Defence

Illustration 5: Rosslyn Chapel Carving – Andrew Hennessey

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Figure 1: What Animals Eat Snakes? - Yahoo Answers

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Metaphysical / Cryptozoology


Its time to take to the streets. This new manual shows youIts time to take to the streets. This new manual shows you the secrets behind exposing the reptilian elite for who theythe secrets behind exposing the reptilian elite for who they really are - in all of their green scaly, glory; for all ofreally are - in all of their green scaly, glory; for all of the world to see. the world to see.

Who is reptiloid in the world around you? How can you tell?Who is reptiloid in the world around you? How can you tell? What exactly is a reptilian humanoid? All questions will beWhat exactly is a reptilian humanoid? All questions will be answered with cutting edge research into the new, yet surprisanswered with cutting edge research into the new, yet surpris--ingly old, reptilian phenomena.ingly old, reptilian phenomena.

This is the how-to manual for any human wishing to hunt andThis is the how-to manual for any human wishing to hunt and capture the original enemy of humanity using the same methodscapture the original enemy of humanity using the same methods ancient civilizations plagued by these parasites did!ancient civilizations plagued by these parasites did!

Included in this manual are:Included in this manual are:

•• Exercises to expand your psychic abilityExercises to expand your psychic ability

•• How to identify the modern reptilian infiltratorHow to identify the modern reptilian infiltrator

•• A secret breathing technique to force shape-shiftingA secret breathing technique to force shape-shifting

•• An explanation of modern reptilian theoryAn explanation of modern reptilian theory

•• The anatomy of a reptilian according to eyewitnessesThe anatomy of a reptilian according to eyewitnesses

ΩΩTotal Resistance PressTotal Resistance Press
