repton pupil welcome guide 2020-21 · 2020. 8. 4. · 2 pupil welcome guide 2020-21 repton school...

Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21

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Page 1: REPTON Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 · 2020. 8. 4. · 2 Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 Repton School 3. Your First Days at Repton Your House Girls’ Houses The Abbey Field House The

Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21

Page 2: REPTON Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 · 2020. 8. 4. · 2 Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 Repton School 3. Your First Days at Repton Your House Girls’ Houses The Abbey Field House The

It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to ReptonThis is a very special school, and we are all extraordinarily lucky to be part of this wonderful community. With its origins in the sixteenth century, Repton is a school that is inspired by its long history,

The modern world brings challenge and opportunity in equal measure, and it is my

equip you with the skills of intellect and

succeed in the modern world – whatever path you take when at last you pass

That moment, however, lies some years

focused on more immediate concerns: Where do I go for Geography? What

are the sports halls? I know only too well how it feels to be new, when all

will get to know each other very quickly.

important to me, as it is to every member of our community – whether they teach the lessons, coach the sport, maintain our

wonderful estate, or prepare our meals. Everywhere you look in Repton, there is someone who can help.

We have come a very long way from the days of the early eighteenth century, when an Old Reptonian recalled sadly, “the almost total absence of all those

court...No French, no German, no Music, no Natural Science...No chapel, and no

but Repton todays boasts a wonderful

Make the very most of them, and make the very most also of the talented and

of person you are.

We will be seeing a great deal of each other in the years to come. I look forward

whatever I can to help you to make the very most of the wonderful opportunity that is Repton.

With best wishes,Mr Mark SemmenceHeadmaster



Your First Days at Repton 4

Your Welfare 8

Academic Life 11

Extracurricular Life 17

Sport 23

Code of Conduct 34

Page School Rules 35

IT Acceptable Use Policy 44

Site Map 52

this booklet is intended as a guide only and is subject to change.

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Page 3: REPTON Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 · 2020. 8. 4. · 2 Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 Repton School 3. Your First Days at Repton Your House Girls’ Houses The Abbey Field House The

Your First Days at Repton

Your HouseGirls’ HousesThe AbbeyField HouseThe GardenThe Mitre

Boys’ HousesThe CrossLatham House New HouseThe OrchardThe PriorySchool House

At this stage you are likely to have visited a House and will

will get to know them all. Your House will be your ‘home’ in

you will eat, work, relax, keep all your belongings, begin and end each day, and for boarders where you sleep too. For many Reptonians the House is also where you will develop your most enduring friendships and it is the place where

passionately that their House is the best!

Many newcomers will have visited Repton before on at least one occasion, perhaps staying overnight with us, and you may have had brothers or sisters at the School. But even if this is the case, we know

new environment. Just remember that there are plenty of people around to help you: these include your Housemaster or Housemistress and their family, your Matron (a great source of hot chocolate and TLC!), your Tutor and the House Prefects, as well as lots of fellow pupils who can recall just what it is like to be new to the School.

who has already been at Repton for at least a year and whose job it is to keep a special eye on you and to support you with advice

other out; you will all be asking the same

Will you feel homesick at some point?

natural feeling and those around you will

you deal with it:

Head of House or Matron. It’s much harder to be miserable when you are in good company.

you can go to the Grubber; grab a football and go and see who’s in the House Yard; or join a session in the Art School, the Music School or DT Centre and discover new talents.

community but focus just on what you are doing that day. It’s amazing how

looking at the clock or the calendar. At Repton we pride ourselves on looking

weeks with us and before you know it, twelve months will have passed and you

Making new friends

make friends quickly:

• Take an interest in your fellow pupils and ask them all about themselves. You will discover all sorts of things that you have in common with them and that Repton is

• Be helpful and get involved in the life of your House: Reptonians are passionate about their Houses and are always delighted to welcome those willing to get involved in community life.

your dealings with everyone; the best

respect and trust.

Keeping in touch with home

for the majority of the day and overnight.

the evening and at the weekends. Phones are handed back in to Houseparents before

It is important too to remember that mobile phones must be used in accordance with the House and School Rules and you must register your phone number with you Housemaster or Housemistress.

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It will probably take a couple of weeks

remember that we all follow the same

will expect you to arrive punctually for the start of each lesson and with all the materials that you require. Make sure that you are organised before you leave the

lessons to enable you to move from one

Michaelmas Term (i.e. the autumn term), the School is on Summer Timetable so you

There are no lessons on Tuesday, Thursday

Tea pupils are expected to be in their

the Michaelmas Term and the Summer

music and play rehearsals, and you should obtain permission from your Housemaster/

out of the House.

You will also have your own school email address to keep in touch with your family and friends.

You will have your own lap top and once this has been set up on the school network you will have access to email and internet

and post in return.

In the early weeks of your school career

feel unhappy or lonely, make sure that you

and your fellow pupils to support you. It is best to ring home when you are not too





















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Page 5: REPTON Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 · 2020. 8. 4. · 2 Pupil Welcome Guide 2020-21 Repton School 3. Your First Days at Repton Your House Girls’ Houses The Abbey Field House The

Personal Safety

The safety of pupils is of paramount importance to the School. There are plenty

you should not hesitate to contact an adult if you feel uncomfortable or have concerns about any other person. You should certainly talk to your Housemaster or Housemistress if this happens. During the hours of darkness

around the site with at least one other member of the School; if this is not possible,

House Prefect who will ensure that you

the roads which run through the village.

before stepping out into the road and make sure that you use the correct crossing

boards. Never use a mobile phone or wear headphones while you are walking around the village.

Personal Welfare

Everyone at Repton will wish to help you as much as possible with any problems and you should feel free to talk to your friends, other pupils in the House or any

Housemaster or Housemistress, Matron, House Tutors, the Chaplain, the Deputy Head (Pastoral), Assistant Head (Pastoral), the Senior Tutor, the School Counsellor,

are all available to listen and advise. You are encouraged to talk to any of these people about anything which is making you unhappy or anxious, whether it is a problem which originates at home or is a result of the way that you feel you are being treated within the School.

If you feel that none of these people can help you, the School Doctor might be able to put you in touch with someone to talk to, or there are people you can contact for yourself outside the School. Their telephone numbers will be displayed on

the right in any school to make a formal

whom you trust to see if a problem can be

you may write formally to the Headmaster

Again, outside help is available if you are

together with the procedure for making a complaint.

Overseas Pupils

All those overseas pupils who are sponsored

holiday forms providing details of their travel arrangements and whereabouts prior to

term holiday.

Your Welfare

Morning Surgery

8.30 am - 10.00 am

Saturday 8.30 am - 9.00 am

Winter Timetable


2.00 pm - 4.00 pmWednesday


Summer Timetable


4.00 pm - 6.00 pmWednesday


Health and Wellbeing Centre

If you are unwell or injured, your House

may be sent to the Wellbeing Centre located on the High Street, just past the Spar Shop.

may go straight there.

A doctor and nurse are on duty at the morning surgery, Monday to Friday. On a Saturday morning a nurse is available. In

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The Repton community is wholeheartedly

bullying will not be tolerated.

Bullying is any behaviour carried out by an individual or a group, usually repeated


Bullying takes many direct and indirect

unacceptable to bully somebody because of their race, religion, culture, gender,

as older pupils taking unfair advantage of younger ones.

We view the following as examples of

ceremonies; the exclusion of others from

the knowledge that such exclusion will

using other objects to cause physical pain;

doing something they want to do through

another’s space and privacy, and taking of property in the knowledge that such

behaviour will cause distress; the sending of

We do not view the following as bullying: the occasional dispute between two individuals; senior pupils having responsibility for the supervision of younger years where this is designed to enhance the smooth running of the School, such as

the safe, caring, welcoming, and friendly place which we want it to be. If you

behaviour described above, then you must tell someone about it. Everyone has a responsibility to our school and the people within it.

When seeking help, there are plenty of people you can speak to, including:• Your Housemaster/mistress• A House Tutor or Matron• A friendly teacher

your Head of House or a Prefect• The Deputy Head (Pastoral) or the

Assistant Head (Pastoral)• The School Chaplain or School Doctor• Your friends• Your parents• If you can’t say it, then use the Concerns

Box in every house or look at the

To?’ posters

Be assured that anything you say will be dealt with in a

will be taken to stop the bullying.

Lower School

Academic WorkAcademic work will be at the very heart of

we hope that you will quickly get to know your teachers and the rooms in which they teach. In B Block you will study a

means that you can experience all the

in the School. At the end of B Block you

enjoy and which you wish to take through

subjects. Through A and O Blocks you will

O Block.

Each weekday evening you will have prep (homework) to do in the House. Day pupils may decide to remain in the House, but

lessons that Reptonians learn is that it is

up with academic work and therefore leave

during the day. Lower School pupils receive three preps each day so you should be able to keep on top of your work within Prep,

your GCSEs or when you have coursework

Academic TutorsYour academic progress in all your subjects throughout the year will be monitored by your Tutor. You will meet your Tutor each week to discuss progress, to review your reports and to work out strategies to help you improve your work, alongside the PSHE Programme. In the Lower School he or she will also be a Tutor in your House, which means that you will have plenty



teachers in lessons and on marked work, your progress will be monitored by means

comprise an assessment grade, along with

work both in and outside the classroom.

good reports may receive an Academic Merit. Your report will be sent to your parents or guardians with a comment from your Tutor.

Academic Life

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Sixth Form

Academic Work

studying the subjects which you have chosen based on what you wish to study at university, the careers in which you are interested or simply for sheer interest and enjoyment. This is important because over the next few years you must learn to

You will enjoy more independence in your study and you must learn to use private

and in later life you will need to be able to study by yourself. There is an enormous

Level, and you will not be successful in two

private work lessons (PWs) and you should use these sensibly. Similarly, you should

example to younger pupils in the House, and you will also need to work outside

these periods; for example at weekends

TutorialsAt the beginning of the Lower Sixth year, you will be allocated an academic tutor with whom you will work throughout your Sixth Form career. This is likely to be one of your subject teachers, a Tutor in your House or

have a strong rapport. You will meet your Tutor on a regular basis and he or she will advise you on a wide range of academic issues such as the use of private work

revision programmes. Your Tutor will also play a key role in helping you through the

ReportsAs with Lower School pupils, your progress will be monitored by means of

comprise an assessment grade, along with

work both in and outside the classroom.

good reports may receive an Academic Merit. You will have the chance to discuss these with your Tutor, who can help you to set appropriate targets, and your report will be sent to your parents or guardians with a comment from your Tutor.

It is also important to be aware that at the end of the Lower Sixth year each department will submit a report on your work to your Tutor. Together with a predicted A Level grade, this report will form the basis of the school reference which will be entered on your UCAS form.

Use of Private Work Time

In view of the amount of private work

at least four hours of independent study

subjects. On some occasions you will be able to complete prep work within this

nothing else to do. You should consider

performance, such as:• Learning to use the index of text books

quickly.• Reading through your work, and checking

completed (and ask yourself whether or not .

• Reading several text books to acquire

topic.• Learning some of the factual material


and planning appropriate answers.

useful to annotate your notes. You can also ask teachers for help if you cannot understand what the examiner is looking for.

(e.g. at an interview could you discuss a

rate in the weeks leading up to external

and Prep. As a rough guideline you should be doing at least three hours per day of private

and weekends. The Easter holiday preceding

At A Level it is vital that you keep on top of the subject as you progress throughout the course.

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The vast majority of Reptonians see their A Levels as a stepping stone to Higher

Formers have enjoyed considerable

preparing their Personal Statement and listening to advice from Tutors,

Michaelmas Term in the Upper Sixth with earlier deadlines in place for those applying

and those using the UCAS Conservatoire

related degrees.

As a year group, you will have a series of

providers and you will receive plenty of individual assistance throughout the process. For those interested, support

been a notable increase in pupils exploring

expressions of interest are encouraged, as

admissions tests that form part of the entry

Academic departments provide a great deal of support for pupils who wish to submit

of Oxford or Cambridge. Candidates will be given suggested reading and have extra sessions to discuss this. The School also provides help with admissions test

of several mock interviews. However,

and only the most able pupils should

candidates will already have at least seven or eight A* grades at GCSE and will expect to gain very high UMS scores at A Level.

In order to be successful in an Oxbridge

and will be expected to show something over and above A Level competence in their UCAS personal statement, admission tests

the applicant to convey knowledge of, and genuine interest in, their chosen subject and to demonstrate an eagerness to pursue

candidates should also be able to exercise

Careers Advice

The role of Careers Advice at Repton is to provide a framework that will allow you to think about life beyond school and plan a career path to suit your individual strengths and interests. The aim is to raise your awareness and to encourage you to research.

Progressive careers support is provided throughout the School. In B Block advice

is given about GCSE subject choices

consider possible careers and study routes.

resources for research. Each O Block pupil

to give an insight into the individual’s

by an interview with an independent career adviser. The process encourages pupils to

which to base future decisions.

professions are invited to Repton to give

guidance to those with an interest in joining the Armed Forces.

In the Sixth Form, there is a structured

encouraged to explore and develop your thoughts on careers through your Sixth Form academic studies and talks from Old Reptonians and fellow professionals. You will be able to specify which career areas

these areas as a priority.

The Lent Term of the Lower Sixth provides

degree courses, UCAS and student life. In

professionals talk about their work. You will

will register on ‘UCAS Apply’, the electronic

receive advice on how to write a strong personal statement and guidance on how to

The School Library also has resources on university entrance and careers, although

to be found online.

Work experience is encouraged from O Block onwards and you will be expected to consider at least two spells of work experience before the start of the Upper

environment can greatly assist career decision making. Relevant work experience can also give an invaluable edge in interview for a university place; for entrance to certain university courses relevant

encouraged to take responsibility and organise your own work placements.

To assist, the School has its own database of placements, making use of the Old Reptonian network and parents of current

work experience. Work experience courses

also strongly recommended.

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Make use of…

IT Support

Our IT Team provides a support service for all pupils and are contactable at:

study. You will receive an individual username and your own email account. The network will give you access to the

In order to connect to the school network, you will need to have your devices checked

installed by our IT department. Full details

back of this document. It is a requirement

allowing you to bring your devices to the IT Centre for technical support.

The Library

environment which has inspired scholars for hundreds of years. Under the expert supervision of our Librarian, Mr Stevens, it provides a quiet haven in which Reptonians can work, research, or simply curl up with a novel.

The Main Library contains a wide range of

Audit Room which houses an impressive

comfortable chairs and sofas, it is the ideal place to while away an hour or two in leisurely reading. Above the Main

devoted to books on the classical world.

Mr Stevens is on duty during opening hours and is very happy to assist you

your research.

All pupils have access to JSTOR, a digital library of academic resources,

The Library is open throughout the school day and also on some evenings during the week.

Art DepartmentThe main Art School studios are situated on the High Street next to The Priory and also in New Court Gallery on the Burton Road, where there is a large

department and the studios of

The department is open every day, including Sunday mornings, and pupils are welcome to come to the Art School on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday

curricular courses available. At

will be present in the Art School to help and instruct anyone

and photography.

for extra work on all these occasions except Sunday.

Pupils are also encouraged to visit the Art School to view the work on display and the

Gallery No.1 High Street and New Court Gallery.

Extracurricular Life

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CCF, Duke of Edinburgh Award and Community Service

strong emphasis on outdoor pursuits and service to the community.

School’s CCF programme at some stage. In A

week of the summer holiday.

In O Block pupils either remain in CCF or opt for the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme. Groups work to achieve their Silver Award within the GCSE year before

Gold Award in the Sixth Form. Newcomers to the School in the Sixth Form who wish to

the DofE Scheme are also welcome to join as Direct Entrants.

For those who elect to remain in the

their leadership skills.

programme. Many are based locally and projects include helping elderly residents,

with a physical or learning disability, helping

at a nearby primary school, as well as becoming a part of the volunteer scheme at the Royal Derby Hospital (although places on this scheme are limited).


Many Old Reptonians come back and make

choose to return to be married; indeed

provided an anchor point to their working week at school. It is a rare opportunity to

Chapel will be that for you too.

Every Thursday Chapel is open from

which is voluntary and all are welcome. If


celebrate our joys and the aspects of our

the reassurance of God’s promise to be with us in all we do and go through.

Whatever your faith or views about faith,

home for you now and in your years beyond Repton.

If you are interested in joining a large number of volunteers who help with the microphones or running of the Chapel, do get in touch with the Chaplain.

For those who wish to explore their

journey begins in January and concludes

Bishop in April. Those who have not been

An ear to hearThe Chaplain is available to talk to pupils

mobile or in person; his details can be found on the contact list in every House or by email direct to his phone.

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The Design Centre

The aim of the department is to provide the opportunity for pupils to make use of the

you to undertake design and make a project of your own choice. In the past pupils

perhaps something for themselves such as a light for their bedroom in the House. What about having a go with a 3D printer? The department is open to all pupils, not just those taking it as a GCSE or A Level. We

The availability of the workshop is also an ideal opportunity for GCSE and A Level pupils to make progress in their project


help and provide advice.


and the Charlesworth Studio Theatre, stand at the heart of the campus in the Precinct across the road from the Arch. As new Reptonians, you will have the use of the

regional theatres, and we look forward to welcoming you into the building. There is

Repton, including the following highlights:• In the Michaelmas Term, new pupils can

School Play.• Pupils who prefer to work behind the

and other school events will have the opportunity to join the technical and backstage team and receive training in

Summer Show which is performed in June.




to year, but there is always plenty going on. Pupils can even get together and put on their own shows. The theatres are open throughout the day and members

The Music School

The Music School is situated on Tanners Lane opposite Field House and is open

building has recently been refurbished and

the Beldam Hall, with a new Steinway grand piano. All pupils are encouraged to use its

drum kits, studio and music computer suite are available for pupil use.

All instrumental lessons (except organ) take place in the Music School, as do all ensemble rehearsals. We host a professional

musicians visit Repton and perform. These concerts are free to pupils.

There is a vibrant musical scene at Repton, covering all types of music and all levels

and concert bands, choirs, pop groups and many sorts of ensembles, as well as lots

and in the evenings. If pupils want to be more involved, please talk to a member

usually take instrumental lessons during the teaching day. Pupils must excuse themselves from academic lessons, using a system which will be explained by the music teacher.

er what type of music you enjoy, the Repton Music has something to

and get involved!

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for pupils of all ages to develop broader academic interests. Some are run by academic departments such as the History

local MPs, as well as a visit to Westminster to the House of Lords and House of

academic interests and to develop the kind of skills which are valued at university. Most

occasionally they run as a breakfast club.

The Senior Literary Society seeks to foster and nurture a love of literature in all its

is undertaken each year, literary trips and

may prepare for the English Speaking

School pupils a vehicle for expression outside of the classroom and aims to

and poetry. Frequently the group will

and lively.

members of the Sixth Form. Members meet

debates, and a number of open debates are held, at which members speak, but anyone

member of B, A or O Blocks. Run by

it meets occasionally for workshops, skills

younger pupils’ talents and interest in

Senior Society in one of the open debates, to which the whole School is invited.

The Temple Society’s core membership comprises of Lower School academic award holders, although others may be invited to join. It is designed to encourage free trade in ideas, and recent topics of discussion and debate have included privacy and branding.

Membership of the Ramsey Society is by

essays and to help them to respond to ideas presented to them in university interviews and seminars. Pupils present papers to the Society, which lead to discussion by the group; recent examples

of the nature of literature, and the role of

The School magazine, The Reptonian, published at the end of each academic year, is a chronicle of the year, reviewing sport, music, drama and annual events. More crucially, it serves as an outlet for

original features, photography and artwork. A Sixth Form editorial team commissions, approves and edits content; however, the opportunity to contribute to the magazine

maintain a full programme of school

programme aims to allow all pupils to develop their talents to the full and, above all, to enjoy their sport.

In the Lower School pupils are expected to take part in a minimum of three sports sessions per week; Sixth Form pupils will be required to take part in at least two, although those in school teams will do

selected for the major sport of the term, including badminton, basketball, squash,

In the Lower School all pupils are required to represent the School in the main sport of the term if selected to do so. The School runs at least A, B and C teams in all the focus sports at this age.

In the Sixth Form pupils enjoy freedom of

and other talented performers are also

Programme where specialists in strength

class support daily.

sport and this is keenly contested in all

for many sports, and we also run House Leagues in the main sports which exclude the School’s 1st and A team players to enable all to have the opportunity to represent their House.


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Pupils who are good enough to play

encouraged to do so and, although the

the School, we are aware that a sensible balance need to be achieved for them to develop. If you wish to be considered for such a programme, you should contact the Assistant Head (Sport), who will, in

make the decisions on what we can do to achieve a sensible balance between your school and external commitments. Please note that this is normally only reserved for the most able of pupils.

The pool and Fitness Suite are available for





The main sports are:

Boys Girls

Michaelmas Football Hockey

Lent Hockey Netball

Summer Cricket Tennis

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Weekends and Social Life

One of the very best things about life in a school like Repton is the chance to develop

The Grubber

you can either buy with cash or using your own account (authorised by your parents). It is

and during the evenings at weekends.

Daily Morning Break

Monday Closed

Tuesday & Thursday



Membership of the JCR is open to all members of the Sixth Form, subject

and Housemaster/Housemistress. Membership is a privilege for senior pupils in the School and all members are

and to comply with the Club’s rules

The School Shop

and toiletries, etc. can be purchased from the School Shop and the cost debited to your parents’ bill at the end of term. You will need to obtain a chit (or voucher) from your Housemaster or Housemistress for this and it is always important to check that your parents are aware of your expenditure. The School Shop is open Monday to Saturday.


school and our weekends feature a full

are compulsory: on Saturdays you will have lessons in the morning and then in the

the Sports Centre, Library, Music and Art Schools, and the Design Technology Centres are open for pupils. It can also

especially for senior pupils with essays or coursework to complete or for revision if

From Monday to Saturday you will have a

You can visit other Houses, go to the Grubber or the JCR, or curl up with a

Sunday there is voluntary weekend trip, for example to theme parks, paintballing, the cinema or to shopping centres such as

to see family and friends outside the School. Parents are very welcome to come

a meal, and, with their permission and in accordance with the School Rules, you can

including overnight. It is a good idea to plan these “Privilege Weekends”, especially when

out over the term. We also know that it is important for new pupils to spend the

with us; don’t worry, we will make sure that

keep you fully occupied!

Privilege WeekendsBoarders may spend three Saturday nights outside school in the Lent and Summer Terms. The Michaelmas Term has two exeats and two Privilege Weekends. These

Sunday. It is also possible, by agreement with the Housemaster or Housemistress, to stay at home on Sunday evening too as long as you are able to return to school by 8.15 am on the Monday morning. They can

your parents, but be aware that any school or house commitment takes priority and

Your Housemaster or Housemistress will need to receive permission directly from

in advance but certainly no later than 48 hours beforehand. If you are invited out as the guest of any pupil’s parents, both sets of parents must contact the Housemaster or Housemistress to give permission and the host parents must accept responsibility

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All pupils are expected to take a pride in their own appearance and to be smartly turned out, both in school uniform and casual dress. Uniform is worn for the formal part of the school day which includes academic lessons, lunch and other

expected to adhere to a high standard of

or on school trips. Items of school uniform and casual clothing may not be worn together.


Weekday Dress

Lower School

School blazerof a single, dark colour: black, charcoal or dark navy.

Dark grey trousers of formal cut

dark colour

dark colour: black, charcoal or dark navy

Dark socks Dark socks

Sunday Dress

As for weekday dress dark colour

Smart Casual

Shirt with collar

Sweater or jacket

Trousers or smart jeans

Shoes in good repair

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Important Notes

black, charcoal or dark navy; lighter colours such as light grey or bright blue are not

colour (black, navy or dark grey). They should not show below the blazer or suit jacket.

e. Pupils may wear a plain, dark coat of a single colour without logos and of suitable length for wearing over a jacket or blazer. Leather and casual jackets may not be worn.

f. Lower School pupils are allowed to wear only house scarves. Sixth Formers may

g. Hair must be smart and of an appropriate length, style and colour.h, Items of CCF uniform should only be worn on parade.

in sports kit, the tracksuit must also be worn.


Weekday Dress

Lower School

School blazer Matching suit (jacket and skirt or trousers)

colour: black, dark navy or charcoal. School skirt

Short-sleeved, revere-collared white school blouse Plain white shirt or blouse with a collar

School or house badge colour and of quiet tone

of quiet tone

Sunday Dress

As for weekday dressMatching suit (jacket and skirt) of a

trousers may not be worn.

Smart Casual

Sweater or jacket

Skirt, trousers or smart jeans

Shoes in good repair

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Important Notesa. Lower School skirts should be on the knee or below. Sixth Form skirts should, similarly,

required to have a suit with a skirt, which must be worn for formal occasions (such as

to be worn with trousers.

d. Suits should be of a single, dark colour: black, charcoal or dark navy. Lighter colours such

to be tucked into the skirt waistband.g. Pupils may wear a plain, dark coat of a single colour without logos and of suitable length

for wearing over a jacket or blazer. Leather or casual jackets may not be worn.

i. Shoes should be of a suitable style and heels should be no higher than 3.5cm for Lower

clipped back from the face. Hairbands and other accessories should be of a simple and inconspicuous design.

k. Jewellery must be of silver or gold only and kept to a minimum: a simple chain or pendant, a pair of stud earrings, worn one per lobe; a single ring of simple design. Bracelets may not be worn.

m. Items of CCF uniform should only be worn on parade.

in sports kit, the tracksuit must also be worn.

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Code of ConductAt Repton we encourage pupils to develop the character and skills they will need in

in a kind, decent and trustworthy way and knowing the value of honesty, truth and fairness.

A Reptonian should acknowledge ability and achievement in his/her fellows and in turn seek to set an example for others to follow.

A Reptonian should admire and pursue a love of learning, engage in lessons with enthusiasm and commitment and, by always working purposefully to the best of his/her ability, seek to achieve academic success.

A Reptonian should adhere to the rules of house and school and to the spirit of community which underpins both.

need to behave appropriately in Prep, at meals, in Chapel and on all public occasions.A Reptonian should dress smartly and appropriately for school, be punctual to lessons, and

A Reptonian should understand that he/she is part of a community within a wider community.

acknowledging their politeness in return.

during term and the holidays and beyond Repton.

School Rules

When do the School Rules apply


the holidays.

disrepute, through misconduct, actual or on social media, involving other members of the School or members of the public.

About you

• Take great care when crossing the roads in the village, especially when it is dark. Cross only at the correct places (marked

from your Housemaster/mistress to

that you sign out of and back into the House.

• If you are sent back ill to the House, or

Housemaster/mistress immediately.• If you do miss lessons because of illness,

House for the rest of the day.• When you are walking around the site in

darkness, you must be accompanied by at least one other pupil.

• If you see anyone, or anything, suspicious, you should tell your Housemaster/

immediately.• You should not put yourself or others in

danger by climbing on roofs, buildings,

you need to stay on the routes marked

especially the requirements to run at all


Housemaster/mistress permission.

Drugs• You must not buy, supply, possess or use

illegal drugs, or ‘legal highs’ or solvents, in

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• You must also not be in possession of materials used in taking drugs, such as

shakes are also banned.

Alcohol• You are not allowed to bring alcohol into

school, to purchase it, to supply it to other pupils or to keep it in school.

• You are not allowed to drink alcohol

are for members of the Sixth Form and

event, or if you are over 18, when you are allowed up to two drinks in the JCR on a Saturday evening in compliance with the JCR rules.

• You must not associate with those who are consuming alcohol in clear

• You are not allowed to return to school in an intoxicated state.

a younger pupil, will be considered in a

• You must not engage in sexual

sexual nature in school.• You should not make sexually explicit

• You should not acquire, possess or communicate electronic images of a sexual nature.

allowed around the School or village.

You must not indulge in displays of

house common rooms, which become embarrassing or uncomfortable for any other pupil. You need to show restraint

• All pupils must abide by the rules

Houses).• Unkind or unpleasant behaviour to a

fellow pupil will not be tolerated.• You must not mock, abuse, threaten

through electronic media.

(Appendix A).

Smoking• Smoking is not allowed at Repton.• Smoking in a school boarding house is

tobacco, lighters and matches are all banned.

• You must not associate with those who

School Rules.

• Apart from illegal drugs, ‘legal highs’, alcohol, tobacco, vaping materials,

pornography or other previously

use, acquire or keep any of the following items in school and, for many of them, you may be subject to a search of your property should there be reasonable suspicion that you have:

have gained permission from your Housemaster/mistress and Matron)

knives, laser pens or anything which

supplements such as protein shakes• Chewing gum• Candles• Gaming consoles (other than those

provided by the Housemaster/mistress)• Unnecessary electronic items such as

segways etc.• Pets

• Piercings (other than those for the

• Drones

Privilege weekends• A Saturday Privilege Weekend, or PW,

a Saturday, which includes school or

on Sunday night, unless an extension is granted by the Housemaster/mistress,

Chapel, returning on Monday morning,

• In the Michaelmas Term you will be

the two exeats. In Lent and Summer you are allowed to take three Saturday PWs and three Sunday PWs.

• Unless the circumstances are

commitments will take priority over a PW.

• Housemasters/mistresses must receive formal requests from parents for the PW by email or phone by the preceding

Thursday at the latest.• Subject to a parental/guardian request,

and with appropriate permissions in place, you are allowed to go home, or

• If there is an evening Chapel service on the Sunday, you may go out with your

expected to be back in the house by

• If you are staying with a friend for a PW, your friend’s parents are responsible for you from when you leave the House. Your Housemaster/mistress will require an email of consent from your own parents and from your friend’s parents in order to allow this to happen. Travel arrangements must be known to and approved by your Housemaster/mistress.

• If you are taking a Saturday PW, you

pm on the Sunday, unless you secure your Housemaster/mistress’s permission to return earlier than this.

• You must sign and abide by the Acceptable Use Policy for Computers and Mobile Devices in Repton School.

• You must not use any mobile or electronic device to refer to the School or individuals at the School in an abusive,

illegal manner, nor to bring the School

similarly unacceptable comments with those members of the public outside it.

Mobile phones• You are allowed to use mobile phones

and if you follow these rules:

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• You must register the phone number and serial number of any mobile you have in school with your Housemaster/mistress.

• You must not borrow another pupil’s phone nor lend yours to someone else.

• You must not use your phone in Prep,

genuine emergency.• You must not use your phone when

walking around the village or between lessons.

• Pay phones are available within the School and at the centre of the village.

• You must have a networked computer,

your parents.• You must use the ‘school network’ and

‘the Internet’ sensibly. You are responsible for all material on your machine.

unsuitable material from internet sites

libellous, abusive, or pornographic material. You should not store this same material on any device in school, such as

into school.

computer and keep any password providing access to the school network secure.

be done according to house and school rules. Any material accessed must be

Social media/social networking• You are only allowed limited access to

social networking sites in school and you

• You must not engage online outside of the approved sites and then only through school email and the intranet.

sites.• You are responsible for any comment or

image you post online, so think carefully before you do it.

inappropriate images• You must never use the school network,

via webcams, phones, cameras or video,

• You must not take, store or send images of fellow pupils without their permission.

• You must always remember that taking,

to distribute, or to threaten to distribute,

age of 18 years, where the person in the image has not given their consent) and might not only result in you being removed from the School but could lead

In the Houses

• You should behave sensibly and safely in the Houses.

and be registered.

• Each House will have its own set of rules

board: you need to get to know these well and abide by them.

• You are not allowed into the Private

kitchens without permission.

you should sign out of, and back into,

the Housemaster/mistress’s permission

• You may not visit other Houses during

Housemaster/Housemistress whose House you wish to visit and your own. In the second half of Michaelmas and

House should sign in and out of it.• If you invite a pupil of the opposite sex

into your House, they may only go into public rooms. Under no circumstances may any pupil enter the bedsit of another pupil of the opposite sex.

• Privacy and a respect for other people’s possessions are extremely important in a House. Do not go into another pupil’s room, take or use their belongings, without their permission or in their absence.

Around the SchoolLessons• You should address your teachers

‘Ma’am’, Mr Smith or ‘Mrs Smith’.

• You should also use a formal style in

check for a reply.

• If you need to miss a lesson for any reason (for example, a music lesson or a sports

• If you do miss a lesson, it is up to you to catch up on the work missed, or any prep set.

you should ask another teacher for advice. If this is not possible, you should go to the Library for private work and sign in with the Librarian, rather than returning to the House.

Sport• If you are selected to represent the

School or your House, you are expected to honour this commitment.

sides. There must be no abuse of the

• Do not walk to the pitches in your boots.• If you are playing in the Squash Courts,

Gym, Sports Hall or the Astro, you must not wear your playing shoes to walk to the playing area.

• You are only allowed to play golf on Sale

edge of the area from the mats provided.• You are not allowed to play on any school

Close and if doing so only if the ground

• You must not play any ball games on the Paddock, in the Precinct or the School Yard.

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JCR• The JCR is open to the whole Sixth Form

• The JCR has clear rules that all members need to be familiar with and follow. You need to be 18 to drink alcohol (up to a maximum of 2 drinks) and you need to have money in your JCR account to buy drinks.

may not do so.

Leisure Time

by others.• You may not be in classrooms or school

IT rooms and Music School, without the

• Any food delivery may only be organised with the Housemaster/mistress’ permission.

• You may be asked to open any parcel or delivery made to the School or your House in front of your Housemaster/mistress.

• Be courteous and considerate to members of the village community.

• Step aside on the pavement to allow others to pass.

• Acknowledge drivers who allow you to cross the road in front of them, with a polite wave.

• Do not eat or drink while walking around the school site or the streets of Repton.

the day designated as the end of term.

Bounds• You should stay within the set boundaries

clearer idea, you should refer to the map

• Stay in full view and on the public roads, and do not trespass on private property.

• If you need to see someone in the village, or to go out of bounds for a good reason, you should ask permission from your Housemaster/mistress.

• The following areas are out of bounds

the grass in the Precinct; the Old Trent and its banks; Tanners Lane beyond the steps leading down to the Tanyard; the pavement in front of the Red House; the slope between the Music School and Burton Road; the Maintenance and Grounds Yards and associated sheds;

the path between The Pastures and Well Lane; Brook Farm apart from the Tearoom; the Mitre Field; the path between The Pastures and Chestnut Way; the path from Chestnut Way across

and Pinfold Close); the path between Monsom Lane and Milton Road.

• The following are out of bounds unless

by your Housemaster/mistress: any town; the homes of other Reptonians; all public houses and any licensed premises (except for meals when accompanied by parents);

• During lessons (including private work) and Prep, you must not go into shops in the village, the Grubber and the School Shop.

Transport• You may only travel in a vehicle if you

are with your parents or with a member

any other driver, requires the permission of your Housemaster/mistress.

• You may not get into a car with anyone other than a brother or sister if the driver is under 21.

• You may not drive a car, a motorbike or any motorised vehicle, to and from school unless you have the permission of the Headmaster to do so.

• Boarders should not bring any car, motorcycle or scooter back to Repton. Day pupils can only do so with the Headmaster’s permission and subject to

• You may not be a passenger in any vehicle driven by another pupil, unless you have the Headmaster’s permission.

• You may not keep bicycles, skateboards, segways or hoverboards in school unless

you have your Housemaster/mistresss’s permission.

• You may only use bicycles and skateboards if you are wearing the proper

can use them safely.• If you require a taxi, this can only be

ordered for you by the Housemaster/mistress.

Rules for Day Pupils and

If you are a day pupil:• You are expected to play a full part in

the life of the House and the School.• School Rules apply:

picked up in the evening.ii. On any other transport you use to get

to school, such as the bus.iii. When you are not with your parents

but are with boarders who are subject to the School Rules.

village.• You are not allowed to drive cars to and

from school unless you have been given permission by the Headmaster, following

must never transport other Reptonians in your car. You must never drink alcohol

you are intending to drive your car later that evening.

are late, you should report to the School Lodge (at The Arch) as soon as possible.

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• If you are ill or unable to come into school, your parents or guardians must contact your Housemaster/mistress

him/her know.• Boarders must not leave school on

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

except with the permission of your Housemaster/mistress.

• Day pupils must not leave school on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday

completed all formal school commitments and have secured permission from the Housemaster/mistress. On leaving the

of their day.

or house commitments.

you have completed any school or house commitments.

• You may not go home during the school day without the permission of your Housemaster/mistress.

• You must not allow boarders to go back to your house if you live near to the School, nor may you visit the home of any Reptonian who lives in or near Repton during the school day, without the permission of your Housemaster/mistress.

you must either be in your House, at home in the care of your parents, returning directly to your own home,

engagement.• If you are intending to stay in the House

Housemaster/mistress’s permission.• On a Saturday you are allowed to go to

in the evening, but only if you ask permission of your Housemaster/mistress and then stay in school for the whole day.

House or to the school site over the weekend, you must see permission from

• During your GCSE and A level

school in the normal way, unless you have

• You are expected to dress smartly on your way to and from school.

The School does not allow any form of corporal punishment.

The most serious misbehaviour, such as

breaches of the rules regarding alcohol,

boarding house, will be dealt with through exclusion from school, which may, in serious cases, be permanent. These

decisions will be made by the Headmaster or Principle Deputy Head.

Other forms of misbehaviour, many of

that a pupil might have:












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Please read the following Acceptable Use Policy. This relates to the use of school computers and contains important

personal computers and mobile devices.

IT Acceptable Use Policy Purposea) This policy is designed to protect pupils,

and any subsequent revision, and may

teachers, employees, contractors, volunteers, interns, casual workers, temporary and agency workers and anyone who has access to our IT and

the school campus or via any means of remote access.

and telephones and this policy applies whether or not the device or system in

schools. This policy outlines the rights

that must be observed when using these systems, the circumstances in which we will monitor system use, and

breaches of these standards.

balance between the need for open

f) The School takes compliance with this policy very seriously. Failure to comply

at risk. Failure to comply with any requirement of this policy may result in

criminal proceedings.

Security and Passwordsa) You are directly responsible for the

security of the equipment allocated to or used by you, and must not allow it to be used by anyone other than in accordance with this policy.

any electronic device when not in use, to prevent unauthorised access.

school networks by any means.

If you misplace or have any IT or

e) You will be held personally responsible

not be shared with anyone except the IT department, for the purposes of


any password other than their own. h) The IT Department reserves the right

the Safeguarding team, compliance

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Internet/Network Access

prevent access to content deemed inappropriate.

school network presents a higher risk

allow access to content not normally

c) Special care should be taken to ensure pupil mobile devices (phones, tablets, laptops) with data capability (3G, 4G, 5G) have appropriate controls set by parents/guardians.

d) Classroom devices must only connect to the Internet using the School (Wired/Wireless) networks, and must never be connected/tethered to mobile

e) A separate network is provided for personal devices (mobile phones, tablets, laptops). This is of lower capacity than the main school network,

monitoring rules.

any networking device to the school network (e.g. network hubs/switches/ wireless access points/wireless routers/ wireless extenders/routers etc.).

g) Users will not use the school network to access, distribute or make available inappropriate material. This is any material that may be deemed illegal,

immoral or in breach of copyright, in any format (images, text, audio or video).

h) Users will not access school networks

or any other malicious act.

i) Users will not make use of any type of

(peer to peer/torrent technology for music, video, images, books, games etc.).

j) Users must not add/remove/modify


in the pursuance of your studies/work must be requested from the IT department, who will obtain academic/

l) Social media sites are not deemed appropriate for use in school, and are blocked from the main school network

(email, MS Teams)a) Users will not send abusive, obscene,

discriminatory, racist, harassing, derogatory, defamatory, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate emails or messages via any means of electronic

being or have been harassed or bullied,

received from a peer/colleague, you should inform your Housemaster/mistress or Safeguarding team (pupils)

b) School systems should not be used to

Hotmail, Gmail, Live, Yahoo etc.).c) Users must not use electronic

and must not create or distribute

materials which are designed or likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety.

d) Users must not forward messages to

original sender’s permission. e) Users must remember that any

legally binding.

Legal Requirementsa) Users will accept full responsibility for

their devices.b) Users will observe and adhere to the

Enforcement, Monitoringand Privacya) Users agree to all monitoring and

devices are connected to the school network.

b) Where an alleged breach of this policy has occurred or is reasonably suspected to have occurred, the IT department is

School Data

ensuring any work is always created in, and saved to the systems provided by the School (OneDrive, SharePoint, Outlook), this will provide a backup of work as it is created. Saving any data

locally to a PC/laptop/Surface/USB drive/mobile phone etc is strongly discouraged, as this provides NO backup of your data, and it is unlikely that you will be able to recover any work saved locally in the event of device failure.

outside school systems (DropBox, iCloud, Box etc).

Personal Dataa) Personal data should always be backed

up externally from school systems, to an

iCloud etc). The school does not back

nature. In the event of loss of this type

General Notesa) Boarding pupils may only use electronic

permission from the Housemaster/mistress for working late.

b) Only one laptop (current standard is

pupil is allowed in school at any one

c) Any comments on websites concerning

the School should always be responsible,

to the individual and the School.d) Only those authorised by the Headmaster

e) Internet access via school networks is not available to pupils in boarding houses

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the School. It provides an easy way to keep in touch with friends, gain careers support and mentoring, and be part of a global community of ORs of all age groups in a variety of ways. The Society organises annual social events, operates

The Arch along with more regular digital

tweet, email or telephone call away. They are there to share your stories, put you in contact with each other, and support you on your journey post Repton.

Old Reptonian Society

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Mr P V Goodhead,


Mrs N M Dalton

Miss S A d’Arch Smith

Mr M R Wilson, Housemaster of The Cross

Mr M Goodwin*

Development and Mentoring

Housemistress of Field House

Mr O M Walker*

Head of Popular Music

Head of Keyboards

Mr P Siepmann, Head of Academic Music

*Mr I M Pollock, Houesmaster of The OrchardMrs N M DaltonMr A Suddes

* Chaplain

SCIENCEDr S M Ingleston-Orme,* Head of Science and BiologyMr R G Dexter,* Head of Chemistry

* Head of Physics

Housemistress of The Abbey

Mr M W T Hunt, Housemaster of Latham HouseMiss A Goodman

Mr T M Lewis,

Director of Hockey

Director of CricketMr S T Talbot, Director of Swimming

Librarian and Archivist

IT Director

MEDICAL STAFFMrs N Blunt RCN School NurseHealth and Wellbeing Centre


Newhall Surgery


*Denotes Head of Department

Headmaster:Mr M J Semmence, MA, MBA

Principal Deputy Head: Mr J G Golding, BA

Deputy Head (Academic):Mr T C Owen, MA

Deputy Head (Outreach

Mrs S A B Tennant, MA

Deputy Head (Pastoral):Mr T H Naylor, BSc

Deputy Head (Admissions

Mr J D Wilton, MA Director of Digital Development


Mr T R L Voyce,

CLASSICSMrs S A B Tennant*Mr R G Embery, Housemaster of New House


Miss G L Hill*Ms L E Politowski


Mr D A Exley**

Assistant Head (Sport)

Mr T H Naylor


Houesmistress of The Garden

and CareersMrs O M Sloane

Miss R Z Walker*Mrs H M EarwickerMrs L E Wilbraham


* Housemaster of The PrioryDr M Lakin*


Assistant Head (Pastoral)

Mr W G Odell, Housemaster of School House

Mrs P Parker*Mrs R D Mair

Housemistress of The Mitre

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1 School House 2 The Orchard 3 The Abbey 4 The Cross 5 The Priory 6 New House 7 The Mitre 8 Field House 9 The Garden 10 Latham House 11 The Hall 12 The Old Priory 13 The Garth 14 Chapter Block 15 Pears School 16 The Lodge17 Furneaux School 18 The Grubber 19 Gallery No.1 20 Cattley School 21 Business & Economics 22 Cricket Pavillion 23 Health & Wellbeing Centre 24 Art School 25 Old Mitre 26 JCR 27 New Court Gallery 28 Textiles 29 30 400 Hall 31 Studio Theatre

32 Design Technology 33 Lynam Thomas School 34 Chapel 35 School Observatory 36 Science Priory 37 Music School 38 The Old Gym 39 The Armoury 40 Sports Complex 41 The 1557 Coffee Shop 42 Sports Hall 2 43 Indoor Tennis 44 Astro-turf Pitches 45 Tower 46 Sale Flats47 Hall Close48 San Hall 49 Tennis & Netball Courts 50 Chapel Hall 51 Five Courts 52 The Square





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